#Lysandra and Evangeline
shallyne · 9 months
Lysandra as Snow Leopards
Lysandra listening to conversations as she shifted and lowkey judging
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Playful Lysandra
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Lysandra and Evangeline
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Lysandra ready to defend Terrasen
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Baby Lysandra shifting for the first time
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Lysandra after throwing up on Lorcan
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Lysandra during the first snow after the war
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Lysandra chilling in Caraverre
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Lysandra fighting the enemies
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Lysandra and Aelin after eating a cake and drinking a bottle of wine
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acourtofquestions · 3 months
The summer days grew cooler the farther north they rode. Evangeline, to her credit, kept pace with them, never complaining about having to sleep on a bedroll night after night. She seemed perfectly happy to curl up with Fleetfoot, her new protector and loyal friend.
Lysandra used the journey to test out her abilities--sometimes flying with Rowan overhead, sometimes running as a pretty black dog alongside Fleetfoot, sometimes spending days in her ghost leopard form and pouncing on Aedion whenever he least expected it.
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Three weeks of grueling travel- -but also three of the happiest weeks Aelin had ever experienced.
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They crested the hill and halted.
Aelin released the reins and took a staggering step, the emerald grass soft underfoot.
Aedion touched her shoulder. "Welcome home, Aelin."
A land of towering mountains--the Staghorns--spread before them, with valleys and rivers and hills; a land of untamed, wild beauty.
And the smell--of pine and snow... How had she never realized that Rowan's scent was of Terrasen, of home? Rowan came close enough to graze her shoulder and murmured, "I feel as if I've been looking for this place my entire life."
Indeed--with the wicked wind flowing fast and strong between the gray, jagged Staghorns in the distance, with the dense spread of Oakwald to their left, and the rivers and valleys sprawling toward those great northern mountains--it was paradise for a hawk. Paradise for her.
"Right there," Aedion said, pointing to a small, weather-worn granite boulder carved with whorls and swirls. "Once we pass that rock, we're on Terrasen soil."
Not quite daring to believe she wasn't still asleep, Aelin walked toward that rock, whispering the Song of Thanks to Mala Fire-Bringer for leading her to this place, this moment.
Aelin ran a hand over the rough rock, and the sun-warmed stone tingled as if in greeting.
Then she stepped beyond the stone.
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And at long last, Aelin Ashryver Galathynius was home.
images credit: Scribe.Jesinia Artwork
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ayedion · 8 months
aedion 🤝 ruhn
order brother figures turned fathers because their mates have kids
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goddessofwisdom18 · 3 months
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Empire of Storms doodles
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whatisamettafor · 1 year
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ashleyinwondrland · 7 months
Everyone in TOG will be immortal because I say so
We already know for sure Aelin, Rowan, Manon, Fenrys and Lorcan have settled
Aedion can very likely settle, his father being Gavriel
Lysandra is a shape shifter so I’m going to say she can settle as well
Dorian has so much raw magic that he will be able to as well
Elide has witch blood and Lorcan’s life is tied to hers, so loophole will keep her alive
Someday they will find out Evangeline has magic and she will be able to settle as well, because Lysandra won’t survive having to bury her
Chaol is the only mortal and it will be horribly tragic when a still young Dorian and still young Aelin have to bury him, unless somehow Yrene’s magic healing keeps her alive and since their lives are intertwined he stays alive as well
And they can all be happy and alive forever and ever, visiting each other’s kingdoms and eating chocolate cake and being at peace
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tragcdysewn · 7 months
closed starter for evangeline ennar!! ( @mcrcki )
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"i'm going to pretend that's sparkling cider this one time." lysandra comments, though it's very clearly identical to the most definitely alcoholic champagne in her own glass. "just try not to get too drunk, okay?"
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mcrcki · 8 months
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"...lysandra?" evie could barely form the words for a moment, her mouth opening and shutting as reality sank in around her. she'd been in the city for years now, having lived a life that wasn't her own, memories of a family she was never supposed to have, replacing those that she shared with the woman now in front of her. she could feel tears prick at her eyes, moving forward again, hoping there was no hesitation in lys recognizing her. the scars had to be enough, right? even if she was older than she was back home, the woman who raised her would know her, right? "lys, it's you, right?"
@tragcdysewn for lysandra
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acourtofquestions · 3 months
For Evangeline, for her freedom, for her future.
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shallyne · 5 months
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Idk I got some inspiration for a reunion between Evangeline and Lysandra and I wanted to write it for @throneofglassmicrofics
Prompt: warmth
Evangeline straightened the skirts of her dress nervously as she stepped into the opulent of Terrasen, following a beautiful and very chatty servant through the hallways it has been a while since she has been here, and it was as grand as she remembered, not some warped memories of her childish imagination. That's also the reason that she was so nervous, it has been so long that maybe everyone had forgotten her already.
She took a deep breath and nodded politely to the servants chatter, even though she hadn't listened at all. The Queen of Terrasen had restored the castle after the war, nothing looked like it was ever abandoned anymore, and somehow it looked lived in, not like a museum. Warm, the palace was warm. A home.
"Evangeline!" a familiar voice called, shutting the servants chatter off. One look in the direction of the queen, she smiled and scattered away, leaving Evangeline with Aelin Ashryver Galathynius. Evangeline didn't know if she should bow or curtsy, but Aelin took the decision from her when she pulled Evangeline in a crushing hug. "Oh, look at you!" she said when they parted fron the hug, resting her hands on Evangeline's shoulders. "You've grown so much since I last saw you." her eyes were shining, as if genuinely happy to see Evangeline, not mad that she hasn't visited for so long. Aelin’s turquoise eyes wandered over Evangeline, from her red-golden hair to her terrasen green dress. "How is it going with Darrow? I hope you're making everything as it gets with that old man." she said, winking at Evangeline, who smiled and clutched the letter in her hand that she carried for the queen, when two doors opened at different ends of the hallways.
"Aelin, have you heard the news about Lord Darrow–" a golden hairef man with the same eyes as Aelin came bursting in. Aedion. He must have recognized herbat the same time, as his eyes slightly widened.
"Have you just said Evangeline?" a brunette burst into the hallway the same time as Aedion. Lysandra. Evangeline's eyes burned as Lysandra stopped in her tracks gaping at Evangeline, her cheeks warming.
"I'm sorry that I'm visiting so late–" but she didn't get any chance to explain befire Lysandra crossed to distanced and pulled her in, hugging her tightly. Evangeline had forgotten how her hugs felt, how safe she felt. Lysandra had saved her then, the scars she was bearing proved that, and Evangeline knew as she hugged the woman who was more of a mother figure to her than anyone ever, that Lysandra would keep her safe now.
"You're back." Lysandra whispered.
"I am," Evangeline's voice cracked. "But I fear I bring sad news. Lord Darrow has passed away last night."
Lysandra pulled back to look at Evangeline, shocked but mostly looking for a reaction from Evangeline as she felt two pairs of eyes at her back.
So overwhelmed by everything that has happened in the last twenty-four hours, she hugged Lysandra again before she brought any words out to explain. Some familiarity, then she would get to business. She just needed one moment with Lysandra.
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pitterpatterpot · 2 years
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a-library-ghost · 2 years
which ya fantasy bitches are streaming vigilante shit right now !!
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novelbeetle · 2 years
Kingdom of Ash
AHHHH Aedion told Lysandra that he loves her!! This makes me so happy! Now I need them to be a badass fighting couple and then a great family.
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mostardent1y · 2 months
TAGS : new
[ lysandra ennar, throne of glass ]
[ amadeus "day" gray, oc ]
[ diana gray, oc ]
[ vivian clark, oc ]
[ zoya nazyalensky, grishaverse ]
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tragcdysewn · 5 months
@mcrcki asked:📱-lys and evangeline
your muse’s contact name in mine’s phone
angel 💕
my muse’s contact photo for yours
how often our muses text each other
when she's not with evangeline, lysandra is checking in on her pretty often, worried something's going to happen while they're at work
a text my muse never sent
[text: angel 💕] - the amount i wonder if you'll have problems with the scars now that you're older...
the last messages my muse did send
[text: angel 💕] - aelin and i are out of our meeting, come up and we'll all go grab pizza and watch a movie at someone's place for the night, okay?
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acourtofquestions · 2 months
Favorite character from Throne of Glass so far? And try to guess mine 😜
Ooh, a good question! One that I actually have an answer to; despite the fact my answer really is all of them😂 (well all minus the obvious ones your NOT supposed to like; Arobynn, Maeve, Rourke Farran, the Blackbeak Matron, etc.) and while I am going to try & self-edit (something I’m terrible at, as any glance at my blog will show😂) the easiest explanation I have is probably this:
I will always utterly adore Fleetfoot like no other. Same with Abraxos. And Elide (who I seem to be in agreement with the characters; we would die for that cinnamon roll😂)
Fenrys snuck up on me & I’m still figuring it out, but I think he’s funny, and very charismatic/compassionate.
Asterin Blackbeak has really grown to have such a joy-filled place in my heart. & I really enjoy the 13’s dynamic & badassery. So, of course Manon is on there too (from the first introduction when I was like… she’s killing people… but somehow I like her? To now being the child of peace, the hope & heart of the “heartless”).
Aedion (despite our occasional moments of a tiff) I love the way he loves. Dorian (I don’t think we share an opinion on this one, which is totally okay) I just really appreciate his mind! Chaol was for a while then the opposite, right now I think I’m positive neutral-ish? … I can pretty much always find things to love in main/side/random characters.
And don’t get me started on Sam Cortland… that man… always beloved😭
Lysandra Ennar (despite that EoS plotted ending lol😅😅) I love her, I love the way she loves her found family, I love her sisterhood with Evangeline (esp. dear to me in my own life), & I appreciate the way her trauma is NOT her entire story.
Rowan Whitethorn (who funny enough was NOT a favorite for a while; twas a rough start but once I loved him, (& will never) not love him).
And now dwindled down to the answer of all answers, beyond even this series or Maasverse (of all fandoms this & she have become an all-time fav) Aelin Galathynius; I almost can’t explain it & would just say READ 8 BOOKS & you’ll get it😂 she’s such an arc & fleshed out character, a kind I don’t see often (especially in powerful female character personalities when a main character or any role for that matter) she makes sense to me, there’s a lot beyond the surface, she & that have meant a lot to me in my own life/trauma/grief & (much like the MANY characters that fall for her for this same reason) she's just something else; wild, fiery, witty & hilarious, impossibly smart, sharp but king, empathetic/understanding & compassionate, fiery yet controlled, deep-feeling & loving, bold & somehow joyful, brave (even if afraid), & very much the force of life & humanity & falling in love with living. She’s the (fire) heart of the story for a good reason.
Now, as far as your favorite goes THAT'S is a very good question (one that I will also leave in your ask box in case it’s easier; whichever works best for you whether here or there :-) is it cheating to have glanced at your blog previously?😂 … okay, so, I’m going to guess based on that & conversations plus general vibes Manon, Rowan, or Aelin. Less so the latter, esp. as I think it just vibes a little more (idk why… total guess here😂😝)? I definitely think your questions/thoughts are very well-put & intelligently written, plus fun & kind… so I’m leaning towards Rowan more so because of the amount of heart & “a dreamer's heart” he does have? We’ll see, regardless I have no doubt it’s a great one & can’t wait to hear it😆 so, thanks SO much for the double fun ask!!😊🫶
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