#Lymm Forest
wattophotos · 1 year
Breathtaking adventure through the lush and serene Lymm Forest In England. In this video, you can see the peaceful hiking journey through the heart of the forest, where you'll witness stunning views of the surrounding landscape, hear the soothing sounds of nature, and experience the thrill of exploring the great outdoors.
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wankerwatch · 10 days
Lords Vote
On: Social Fund Winter Fuel Payment Regulations 2024
Baroness Stedman-Scott moved that this House regrets (1) that the Social Fund Winter Fuel Payment Regulations 2024 (SI 2024/869), laid before the House on 22 August, will leave pensioners worse off in winter; (2) the decision to prioritise above-inflation pay rises for unionised public sector professionals over the needs of the elderly, including many households that are eligible for Pension Credit but do not claim it; and (3) the lack of transparency on these policy decisions during the election period. The House divided:
Ayes: 164 (87.8% Con, 4.9% XB, 3.0% DUP, 2.4% , 1.2% UUP, 0.6% Green) Noes: 132 (92.4% Lab, 6.1% XB, 0.8% , 0.8% Bshp) Absent: ~535
Individual Votes:
Conservative (144 votes)
Altrincham, L. Ashcombe, L. Attlee, E. Bailey of Paddington, L. Balfe, L. Banner, L. Barran, B. Bellamy, L. Bellingham, L. Berridge, B. Blackwood of North Oxford, B. Blencathra, L. Booth, L. Borwick, L. Brady of Altrincham, L. Brady, B. Browning, B. Brownlow of Shurlock Row, L. Caine, L. Callanan, L. Cameron of Lochiel, L. Camoys, L. Carrington of Fulham, L. Cathcart, E. Choudrey, L. Colgrain, L. Courtown, E. Davidson of Lundin Links, B. Davies of Gower, L. De Mauley, L. Douglas-Miller, L. Eccles, V. Effingham, E. Evans of Rainow, L. Fairfax of Cameron, L. Fookes, B. Foster of Oxton, B. Frost, L. Fuller, L. Garnier, L. Gascoigne, L. Godson, L. Goldie, B. Goldsmith of Richmond Park, L. Goodman of Wycombe, L. Goschen, V. Grayling, L. Harding of Winscombe, B. Harlech, L. Haselhurst, L. Hayward, L. Henley, L. Hodgson of Abinger, B. Holmes of Richmond, L. Hooper, B. Horam, L. Howell of Guildford, L. Hunt of Wirral, L. Jackson of Peterborough, L. James of Blackheath, L. Jenkin of Kennington, B. Johnson of Marylebone, L. Jopling, L. Kempsell, L. Kirkhope of Harrogate, L. Lamont of Lerwick, L. Lansley, L. Lawlor, B. Lea of Lymm, B. Leicester, E. Liverpool, E. Lucas, L. Magan of Castletown, L. Mancroft, L. Manzoor, B. Markham, L. Marland, L. Maude of Horsham, L. McInnes of Kilwinning, L. McIntosh of Pickering, B. McLoughlin, L. Mendoza, L. Minto, E. Mobarik, B. Monckton of Dallington Forest, B. Morgan of Cotes, B. Morris of Bolton, B. Mott, L. Moylan, L. Moynihan, L. Murray of Blidworth, L. Naseby, L. Neville-Jones, B. Neville-Rolfe, B. Newlove, B. Norton of Louth, L. O'Neill of Bexley, B. Offord of Garvel, L. Parkinson of Whitley Bay, L. Patten, L. Penn, B. Pidding, B. Polak, L. Popat, L. Porter of Fulwood, B. Reay, L. Redfern, B. Remnant, L. Risby, L. Robathan, L. Roberts of Belgravia, L. Roborough, L. Rock, B. Sanderson of Welton, B. Sandhurst, L. Sassoon, L. Sater, B. Scott of Bybrook, B. Seccombe, B. Shackleton of Belgravia, B. Sharpe of Epsom, L. Shephard of Northwold, B. Sherbourne of Didsbury, L. Shinkwin, L. Smith of Hindhead, L. Stedman-Scott, B. Stewart of Dirleton, L. Stowell of Beeston, B. Strathcarron, L. Strathclyde, L. Sugg, B. Swire, L. Taylor of Holbeach, L. Trenchard, V. True, L. Tugendhat, L. Vere of Norbiton, B. Verma, B. Waldegrave of North Hill, L. Wei, L. Williams of Trafford, B. Wolfson of Tredegar, L. Wrottesley, L. Young of Cookham, L.
Crossbench (8 votes)
Alton of Liverpool, L. Craig of Radley, L. Freeman of Steventon, B. Greenway, L. O'Loan, B. Pannick, L. Powell of Bayswater, L. Vaux of Harrowden, L.
Democratic Unionist Party (5 votes)
Browne of Belmont, L. Dodds of Duncairn, L. Hay of Ballyore, L. McCrea of Magherafelt and Cookstown, L. Morrow, L.
Non-affiliated (4 votes)
Prior of Brampton, L. Taylor of Warwick, L. Tyrie, L. Verdirame, L.
Ulster Unionist Party (2 votes)
Elliott of Ballinamallard, L. Empey, L.
Green Party (1 vote)
Jones of Moulsecoomb, B.
Labour (122 votes)
Adams of Craigielea, B. Alli, L. Anderson of Stoke-on-Trent, B. Anderson of Swansea, L. Armstrong of Hill Top, B. Ashton of Upholland, B. Bach, L. Bassam of Brighton, L. Beamish, L. Beckett, B. Berkeley, L. Blake of Leeds, B. Boateng, L. Bradley, L. Bragg, L. Browne of Ladyton, L. Campbell-Savours, L. Carter of Coles, L. Chakrabarti, B. Chapman of Darlington, B. Clark of Windermere, L. Collins of Highbury, L. Crawley, B. Cryer, L. Davies of Brixton, L. Donaghy, B. Donoughue, L. Drake, B. Eatwell, L. Evans of Watford, L. Faulkner of Worcester, L. Foulkes of Cumnock, L. Gale, B. Golding, B. Goudie, B. Grantchester, L. Grocott, L. Hacking, L. Hain, L. Hannett of Everton, L. Hanson of Flint, L. Hanworth, V. Harman, B. Harris of Haringey, L. Hayman of Ullock, B. Hayter of Kentish Town, B. Hazarika, B. Healy of Primrose Hill, B. Hendy of Richmond Hill, L. Hodge of Barking, B. Howarth of Newport, L. Hughes of Stretford, B. Hunt of Kings Heath, L. Hutton of Furness, L. Jay of Paddington, B. Jones of Whitchurch, B. Jordan, L. Keeley, B. Kennedy of Cradley, B. Kennedy of Southwark, L. Khan of Burnley, L. Kingsmill, B. Knight of Weymouth, L. Lawrence of Clarendon, B. Layard, L. Lennie, L. Leong, L. Liddell of Coatdyke, B. Liddle, L. Lipsey, L. Livermore, L. Mann, L. Maxton, L. McConnell of Glenscorrodale, L. McIntosh of Hudnall, B. McNicol of West Kilbride, L. Mendelsohn, L. Merron, B. Morgan of Drefelin, B. Morgan of Huyton, B. Morris of Yardley, B. Murphy of Torfaen, L. Nye, B. O'Grady of Upper Holloway, B. Pitkeathley, B. Ponsonby of Shulbrede, L. Prentis of Leeds, L. Ramsay of Cartvale, B. Ramsey of Wall Heath, B. Rebuck, B. Reid of Cardowan, L. Ritchie of Downpatrick, B. Robertson of Port Ellen, L. Rooker, L. Rowlands, L. Royall of Blaisdon, B. Sahota, L. Sherlock, B. Smith of Basildon, B. Smith of Malvern, B. Snape, L. Spellar, L. Stansgate, V. Symons of Vernham Dean, B. Taylor of Bolton, B. Taylor of Stevenage, B. Thornton, B. Timpson, L. Touhig, L. Tunnicliffe, L. Turnberg, L. Twycross, B. Vallance of Balham, L. Warwick of Undercliffe, B. Watson of Invergowrie, L. Watson of Wyre Forest, L. Wheeler, B. Whitaker, B. Wilcox of Newport, B. Winston, L. Winterton of Doncaster, B. Young of Old Scone, B.
Crossbench (8 votes)
Boycott, B. Butler-Sloss, B. Casey of Blackstock, B. Ford, B. Hogan-Howe, L. O'Donnell, L. Walney, L. Watkins of Tavistock, B.
Non-affiliated (1 vote)
Austin of Dudley, L.
Bishops (1 vote)
Sheffield, Bp.
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vvitchkraft · 6 years
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Having a little photoshoot in my aunt’s Cheshire garden
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libidomechanica · 3 years
Untitled # 8651
For ȝe haue of oriental  wrong emprise. There wrath of such  burning the breath; can mimic temple  calle, Ful lufly alle poyntes þat 
noȝt for to dyȝe with  his were forward the coast being  anone: not thy teeth from the Sea  where, when ours, 
where all those mighty Wisdom his spirit  thats to sighing,—weaningless  shore, nor judgments on a pin, when  a livelier emerald 
twinkles into a  forest one came forth in  a Golden age mong sheen of icy pinnacles,  and in sombre whoso 
fall be so? To leaues withdrawn  from my life of tortoise-shells welcome  into mournful place may live  here, saving, yet was 
forth abroad arms. Something central to the  sun should let token; miry watz grayþed  is euentide rainy— tears did euer things  I overlooked, and suffocate 
true Hymen (the sight and gave it  was more betray as you wish  not at my fears The light to bronde  hys packe, Cried—“La bell, what he will 
I be left Juan were dies! my soul  can remember? whose Augury  should soon, yet mutterd ear is by the  mercy more though in all 
heart thou, exists to view  his speak of power, and walt þer  watz wont light The time would put his rare  occurrence.) My loves banner troubled 
at they do not so dere struck, kissed kiss me, woe is  me, woe, I cheue me her, none matron  bring her brydel he lyȝtly met. And Southey  expedient is the 
beachcomber in the second  head; ‘I haf wonnen þis fled!  Sons exceeding  pass Nonez, as þay haue in a  culprit came for soþe, as 
tell it in the foure lymmes, at  midnight word can enclyne: ere belong. before  to meet you forth her spirit  wrong, once a whole, and 
something’ has gone, settles in the  presidents mouth  the crag to go aboute, with  their heire, enaunter I could 
everything off the united  stretched life a mess of the  Weirdlaw Hill, and we close beside  the dwarfs and could everyday 
teeth from the broad. Then, whos that  spot, as I love me my hope dropez of  good does there we must be; for  he is thus, for soþe, 
and we will exhales in very  one, have build together to make  them settez, as hit is thus acquaintance  on who liue in þe grene, ‘
refourme we oure luflych ladies form a sorȝe  and spekez, I wyl no less planet where  you roll down the beautiful—its  very shapes the herde telle 
men had seen my honde hym to see thee could  every set smoothd, lovd, and quykly  of my trawþe þou schal leþe my heart so he  went, as your prysoun of 
þe better haf wonnen hym so fair. Revive,  dear description and heuez þe fole  maddest man that his to embracing,  armed, for some did br
ingen in this feez þerof, þe heuen I þe  teccheles term: Grew, when with  either mat in a tremulous- dazzling comes against 
either stondez deem this  sleeps with his Macedonian  admirals mast? then he devotion  and shiver; and syþen fro 
þo wone where I whilome vsed to blushd  to smutch’ even in the  nodding of the centre, dart though oft  wondrous nightst friend and more could not 
þerwith his weapons under þe mor, malt on  and tears rowd; he wex as wroth  noyse makes me from your leaves but for  listening ether distant 
to busy beyond measure  of my lyf, leue quen þay haue;  and and a foo cragge, he watery journeying  into bedde, Our 
virgins, the wine-cup glistening  sun shoulden shepheards, like Orpheus  for such as their native dishes;  for I wendez hym 
wel þy charms made so all the will luve  thee and Juan evening quiet die. that  pared by sad Vertumnus, wheneer his heart  is whispers near their feet 
to myself, whereer their darkness by his  syde, and made him like a strok,  and sea, so is Gawan grave in sombre  whole, and smile on þe gres þat 
þe court com glydande his javelin  would fix, long something, its  impetuous life: the worlds on with  fyngres, sighing loved you.”
0 notes
herocentral · 5 years
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Desert Oasis matte painting Collection: 4/6/19: By Hero Central:
My most recent matte painting pieces using a combination of cliffs from Wales and from strange rock formations at the Lymm dam during one of my dog walks.
This was a little more difficult much like my forest piece but I managed it.
I welcome feedback and advice
Artwork (c) A.Montgomery,2019
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wankerwatch · 2 months
Lords Vote
On: Post Office (Horizon Systems) Offences Bill
Lord Arbuthnot of Edrom moved amendment 2, clause 1, page 1, line 10, to leave out paragraph (c). The Committee divided:
Ayes: 76 (53.9% LD, 17.1% Con, 17.1% XB, 7.9% Lab, 2.6% , 1.3% Green) Noes: 111 (97.3% Con, 2.7% XB) Absent: ~623
Likely Referenced Bill: Post Office (Horizon System) Offences Act 2024
Description: A Bill to provide for the quashing of convictions in England and Wales and Northern Ireland for certain offences alleged to have been committed while the Horizon system was in use by the Post Office; to make provision about the deletion of cautions given in England and Wales or Northern Ireland for such offences; and for connected purposes.
Originating house: Commons Current house: Unassigned Bill Stage: Royal Assent
Individual Votes:
Liberal Democrat (41 votes)
Addington, L. Allan of Hallam, L. Bakewell of Hardington Mandeville, B. Barker, B. Beith, L. Benjamin, B. Bonham-Carter of Yarnbury, B. Bowles of Berkhamsted, B. Brinton, B. Bruce of Bennachie, L. Clement-Jones, L. Dholakia, L. Featherstone, B. Foster of Bath, L. Fox, L. Garden of Frognal, B. German, L. Goddard of Stockport, L. Hamwee, B. Harris of Richmond, B. Humphreys, B. Hussein-Ece, B. Jolly, B. Marks of Henley-on-Thames, L. McNally, L. Newby, L. Northover, B. Randerson, B. Razzall, L. Rennard, L. Russell, E. Scriven, L. Smith of Newnham, B. Stoneham of Droxford, L. Strasburger, L. Suttie, B. Taylor of Goss Moor, L. Thomas of Gresford, L. Thomas of Winchester, B. Tope, L. Walmsley, B.
Conservative (13 votes)
Altmann, B. Arbuthnot of Edrom, L. Farmer, L. Framlingham, L. Howard of Lympne, L. Lamont of Lerwick, L. McIntosh of Pickering, B. Norton of Louth, L. Polak, L. Sherbourne of Didsbury, L. Shinkwin, L. Sterling of Plaistow, L. Stowell of Beeston, B.
Crossbench (13 votes)
Aberdare, L. Boycott, B. Bull, B. Colville of Culross, V. Craig of Radley, L. Deech, B. Finlay of Llandaff, B. Hall of Birkenhead, L. Meacher, B. Russell of Liverpool, L. Somerset, D. Watkins of Tavistock, B. Wheatcroft, B.
Labour (6 votes)
Browne of Ladyton, L. Campbell-Savours, L. Chakrabarti, B. Faulkner of Worcester, L. Reid of Cardowan, L. West of Spithead, L.
Non-affiliated (2 votes)
Paddick, L. Uddin, B.
Green Party (1 vote)
Bennett of Manor Castle, B.
Conservative (108 votes)
Agnew of Oulton, L. Altrincham, L. Anelay of St Johns, B. Ashcombe, L. Ashton of Hyde, L. Attlee, E. Bailey of Paddington, L. Barran, B. Bellamy, L. Benyon, L. Berridge, B. Bethell, L. Blackwood of North Oxford, B. Borwick, L. Bottomley of Nettlestone, B. Bray of Coln, B. Brownlow of Shurlock Row, L. Callanan, L. Cameron of Lochiel, L. Camrose, V. Colgrain, L. Courtown, E. Davidson of Lundin Links, B. Davies of Gower, L. Douglas-Miller, L. Eaton, B. Effingham, E. Elliott of Mickle Fell, L. Evans of Rainow, L. Finkelstein, L. Fleet, B. Fookes, B. Fraser of Craigmaddie, B. Gascoigne, L. Godson, L. Goldsmith of Richmond Park, L. Hamilton of Epsom, L. Harding of Winscombe, B. Harlech, L. Hayward, L. Helic, B. Hodgson of Abinger, B. Horam, L. Howard of Rising, L. Howe, E. Hunt of Wirral, L. Jackson of Peterborough, L. Jenkin of Kennington, B. Johnson of Lainston, L. King of Bridgwater, L. Lawlor, B. Lea of Lymm, B. Lilley, L. Lingfield, L. Magan of Castletown, L. Manzoor, B. Markham, L. Marlesford, L. Maude of Horsham, L. McColl of Dulwich, L. McInnes of Kilwinning, L. McLoughlin, L. Meyer, B. Minto, E. Mobarik, B. Monckton of Dallington Forest, B. Morgan of Cotes, B. Mott, L. Moylan, L. Moynihan of Chelsea, L. Moynihan, L. Murray of Blidworth, L. Naseby, L. Neville-Rolfe, B. Newlove, B. Nicholson of Winterbourne, B. Offord of Garvel, L. Owen of Alderley Edge, B. Parkinson of Whitley Bay, L. Popat, L. Porter of Fulwood, B. Porter of Spalding, L. Randall of Uxbridge, L. Reay, L. Redfern, B. Robathan, L. Roborough, L. Sanderson of Welton, B. Sandhurst, L. Scott of Bybrook, B. Sewell of Sanderstead, L. Sharpe of Epsom, L. Smith of Hindhead, L. Stedman-Scott, B. Stewart of Dirleton, L. Strathcarron, L. Sugg, B. Swinburne, B. Trefgarne, L. Trenchard, V. True, L. Tugendhat, L. Udny-Lister, L. Vere of Norbiton, B. Wharton of Yarm, L. Williams of Trafford, B. Wyld, B. Young of Cookham, L.
Crossbench (3 votes)
Burnett of Maldon, L. St John of Bletso, L. Thomas of Cwmgiedd, L.
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