#Luo Wei Zhao
notfreetoday · 1 year
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"You can teach a child to be wary of strangers, to be more alert, but you can't let her be afraid of wearing floral dresses. Encountering a murderer is not the fault of the victim. If it was, then what's the point of having us?"
-- Luo Wei Zhao, Captain, Special Investigations Department Justice in the Dark, previously named The Abyss Based off the novel Mo Du/Silent Reading (eng trans), by Priest (jjwxc)
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staydandy · 1 year
Justice in the Dark (2023) - 光·渊 - Whump List
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List by StayDandy Synopsis : The story set in a sci-fi-esque Xinyuan Civilization Year 253 where the rising crime rate and its relation to "zero-degree empathy" have become a hot topic of interest. A murder case leads to the discovery of a criminal organization, and the culprit turns out to be someone with "zero-degree empathy". Police officer Luo Wei Zhao finds that things are not as simple as they seem. And wealthy playboy Pei Su seems to be caught up in the middle of everything. There is someone pulling the strings behind these cases. In the end, the public realizes that genes cannot determine whether a person is good or bad. People can overcome genes; people can choose freely. As long as there is hope in their hearts, even in the dark abyss, there will be a day they'll be back in the sun. (MDL) AKA : Light Abyss | Light the Darkness | The Light in the Night | Silent Reading | Mo Du
Whumpee : Pei Shu played by Zhang Xin Cheng (right) • Luo Wei Zhao played by Fu Xin Bo (left)
Country : 🇨🇳 China Genres : Action, Thriller, Mystery, Psychological, Censored Adaption, BL / Boys Love
Notes : This is a Full Whump List • Adapted from the novel MoDu (Silent Reading) (默读) by Priest • Went on hold after only 8 of 30 episodes aired in February 2023. • Word is it has been Canceled & removed from it's official streaming platform, Youku. Though it's been reported on twitter it's because of legal issues; copyright and unfair competition lawsuits that Youku is wrapped up in. Supposedly they're trying to work on it & hopefully make a comeback.. idk, I wouldn't hold your breath. • If the day ever comes I'll of course update this list - but for now, this is a complete list. • If you want to read the novel that the show is based on you can find it here. (I'm currently on bk 4) • TW : Suicide, Animal Cruelty
Episodes on List : 7 Total Episodes : 8
*Spoilers below*
01 : (near end) Pei Shu is shocked by crime scene photos, blood phobia, dizzy
02 : Nightmare (TW : animal cruelty) … (TW : suicide)
03 : Nightmare, wakes gasping, holding his neck … Luo Wei Zhao is in a fight, back cut with an axe.. jumps out a 3rd story window
04 : … continued from previous ep. ... While driving the getaway car Pei Shu see's blood, ears ringing, nauseous, dizzy, unresponsive.. retches/pukes … checked by paramedics … Wei Zhao passes out
05 : Hospitalized
06 : (near end) Pei Shu's arm is wrenched & forced to sit, pulse checked
07 : Nightmare (apparently it's a form of self-hypnosis) … arm in a sling … [flashback] car crash, passes out, wheeled on gurney
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airjemsfandump · 1 year
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Ah, yes. My favorite genre.
What are your picks? 😊
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kdram-chjh · 10 months
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Cdrama: Till The End of The Moon (2023)
Their behaviors are always in sync! #罗云熙 #白鹿 #TillTheEndOfTheMoon #长月烬明 #cdrama #shorts
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/EWA_rQLFfEE
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mejomonster · 1 year
I want like Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan to be investigating a scene, waiting for Captain Luo and Fei Du to finish questioning a witness before letting them have a turn.
Then Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan hear the witness statement as in the background Fei Du and Luo Wenzhou walk up to the body. Luo Wenzhou has his hand on Fei Du's waist almost steering him around the scene so not to see it, and Shen Wei's super hearing happens to pick up Luo Wenzhou's voice whispering: "there's some blood there, don't look." Then Fei Du shakes his head, seems to hold his breath, and leans down for a quick moment to touch the blood.
Evidence tampering? Some investigation query they have that Shen Wei didn't think of? Then Fei Du is swooning slightly, eyes closed tight to avoid seeing the blood but face tense like something has just come over him. And Zhao Yunlan is just wrapping up the "Thank you for your time, here's my number, please call me if you remember anything else" with the witness, and Luo Wenzhou is pulling Fei Du up to stand and lean against him and supporting him as they walk away, in a practiced way like this has happened before, maybe happened a lot-and Shen Wei wonders exactly what's going on when he notices them begin to whisper off by the corner where the buildings edge is, as if trying to keep it all from Zhao Yunlan and him.
Zhao Yunlan asks him what's wrong.
He listens in, again, knowing they can't guess he's able to. Maybe Captain Luo could, depending on how much he knows about Dragon City's SID, but Shen Wei thinks the man has no clue at all yet Shen Wei could be anything but human. So he tilts his head slightly and gives Zhao Yunlan a look to say he thinks they should wait a moment. And then hears the conversation from afar that no one else was meant to.
"What did you see?" Captain Luo asks, voice rather gentle for a boss talking to a subordinate (didn't he say Fei Du was an intern), but again rather natural, familiar, the kind of easy rhythm indicating he's asked this many times before, that he knows Fei Du responds best to this voice. Is soothed best with that tone and that hand on his forearm stroking a bit fonder than he thinks coworkers usually do (if they're not as close of family as his own SID).
"She asked them why. The victim did. A shadow came at her, but she didn't scream. I think she knew the attacker. She wasn't shocked, she just felt like she'd been betrayed, right before she died."
"A shadow."
"Well now we know why the people from Dragon City came. They think it's one of theirs."
"They only come when they think it's a mutant," Captain Luo replied, nonplussed, evidently having dealt with Zhao Yunlan's SID back when it was his father's department. So Captain Luo knew about Dixing and all of those things, despite commanding in regular jurisdiction.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Fei Du's voice was a bit sharp in responding.
Captain Luo shouldn't have told anyone about Dixing matters, certainly not a civilian, or this intern barely part of his bureau who'd be only passing through from what Shen Wei had heard. But Fei Du was scolding him, body language sharp and aggressive even from the distance, like such classified information was normally provided to him.
Shen Wei had a bad feeling about that, a jolt of premonition traveling down his spine. Some Dixingren could order people around, make them practically into puppets-was it possible Captain Luo had become victim to one such mutant? Could it be-
"I didn't want to worry you," Luo Wenzhou spoke softly, a contrast to the domineering lion of a man they'd been talking to all day.
Why would he worry, unless. Shen Wei shook his head, then stopped himself just in case they looked over. He met Zhao Yunlan's eyes so that if they did suddenly get a peculiar feeling of being watched, they wouldn't notice it was Shen Wei spying. He kept right on listening, wondering why Captain Luo was so in the know about mutants, how many cases might he have worked with Zhao Xinci (since Zhao Yunlan hadn't met him before). Why did he share information no one has the right to, certainly no one outside of SID, with this young man he's stroking the arm of in slow gentle motions.
Shen Wei had a sinking feeling.
As if Fei Du could, in fact, sense someone's attention on them, he didn't respond. He must have given some expression, but Shen Wei was moving closer to Zhao Yunlan now, only seeing him, to confer what he'd found out once the target's conversation ended.
Luo Wenzhou sounded more like the man they'd been dealing with, when he finally spoke again, all business. "We need a list of all the social connections in the victim's life. This was likely done by someone they knew personally. I'll call Lang Qiao, have her pay special attention to new relationships or places the victim may have met someone without others being aware, just in case. If the perpetrator is a mutant like Captain Zhao suspects, they'll probably be new to the city. Still. We should have the team look into old relationships as well."
"In case anyone's missing? Shixiong, I don't think they will be." Fei Du's voice was half some inexplicable warmth that sounded out of place at the scene of this grizzly crime, half snappy practical addition to Captain Luo's own trail of reasoning. "They were a shadow. No one would recognize them in a lineup even if we brought them in, no camera would have their ordinary face. If they want to get caught then sure, they'll be on the run. But if this was planned and they aren't complete idiots, they'll still be in the city acting as shocked as anyone else about this death."
Luo Wenzhou hummed in consideration, then Shen Wei heard him pull out a phone and the quiet distant tapping of him typing on the screen.
A silence came over the crime scene, just the sound of the loud wind billowing between the skyscrapers remaining and swallowing up the remaining sounds of texting, of Fei Du catching his breath and recovering from the effect of the blood, and Zhao Yunlan beside him becoming the only thing left for Shen Wei to focus on.
Shen Wei moved closer. "Their intern knows about mutants."
Zhao Yunlan hummed in consideration too, like Luo Wenzhou had moments before, and Shen Wei almost laughed at this shared habit of Captains considering their partner's contributions.
"Their intern seemed to see something, when he touched the blood."
Zhao Yunlan gave a look, about to ask what evidence he'd missed when he'd checked it out earlier-then he froze, realization dawning at how intense Shen Wei's gaze bore into him.
"He said the victim saw a shadow and asked why, felt betrayed, before she died."
Zhao Yunlan didn't bother with silly questions like 'how could he know that,' instead the wheels were already spinning way past that thought and onto the next several. "Don't mention anything, we'll see if they reveal it themselves and how honest they are about what lead them to draw the conclusion of believing that happened. For now, lets assume it's another theory of what might have, not fact, let them investigate it themselves until they share it with us. We'll look at the other angles in the meantime. But-"
"But it looks like we came here for one case, and found another?" Shen Wei supplied, almost looking helpless for a moment, body stiff. His thoughts also already jumping past the speed of light forward with more concerns and worries.
"I'll look them up when we get back to the hotel," Zhao Yunlan said very quietly, just in case someone else around could hear as well as Shen Wei. Now that they knew their murderer might not be the only potential mutant in town. "But Luo Wenzhou is from a local family. I've seen his dad at the odd social event growing up, I'd guess he's human, he looks decently like the parents I remember, and you don't get to be Captain of a City Bureau without people digging up dirt on you. He wouldn't be able to hide being some runaway suddenly taken in, and his family's been here generations. The kid though?" Zhao Yunlan glanced over, Shen Wei following with him, at Fei Du who was now standing a more professional distance from Luo Wenzhou and looking through notes.
Shen Wei thought the name Fei Du sounded just slightly familiar. He didn't think he'd heard of it in Dixing though. Maybe the young man had been born here, from runaway parents.
"Why does that name, Fei, sound so fucking familiar?" Zhao Yunlan muttered to himself.
Later on the car ride back to their hotel room, with Shen Wei driving (to do something with his hands and tense energy), Zhao Yunlan looked up Fei Du's name. Reading aloud from his phone, voice half incredulous to the point of finding it funny, half deadened with the weight that this was not exactly going to be optimal news: "Fei Du, president of Fei enterprises, son of Fei Chengyu. There's a bunch of companies that work with him. What the fuck is he doing playing baby detective like he's Xiao Guo? This guy could eat us for breakfast."
Shen Wei tilted his head a little at that image, imagining a person he knows who actually could and then promptly suffocating the thought. "Very peculiar choice," he agreed.
"Fei Chengyu. That's the name I remember. I think my dad had some trouble with him," Zhao Yunlan was scrolling through web pages now, putting his internet searching skills to excellent use, Shen Wei would never manage such a feat of finding the old and the new with that uncompromising device and the misleading links to useless deadends littered everywhere like minefields. "And from the looks of it, a lot of people did. Even a post here I just found, some jackass joked Fei Du tried to kill his dad three years ago, that's why the fucker's in a coma, this says."
The car jerked momentarily, then sped up again as normal. Zhao Yunlan stole a quick glance over at his beloved, reaching out one hand to hold over Shen Wei's and squeeze in reassurance. It managed to ground him, the lines of Shen Wei's hard expression gradually softening.
"Now we aren't here to find out if that particularly juicy bit is true-though it'd be wild if local Bureau Captain is harboring a murderer, that'd be-" Zhao Yunlan amended the dark joke he was about to make, because this being ridiculous would be much prefered to the very real possibility of that statement possibly being true. A cold weight sunk in his gut. "Anyway, my dad clashed with Fei Chengyu years back. I do think I remember something of the man knowing about mutants, maybe profiting off illegal immigrants or something, you know how rich people are..." Zhao Yunlan vaguely wondered if maybe Shen Wei didnt, and tried to remain hard-headedly naive about it the same way he did with technology, to make his experience as a person in this human realm as pleasant as possible. Given how shitty some aspects of humanity can be. "I think the issue was deeper than that though. Less usual. My father never said much, and I wasn't around him much to find out more." He scrolled on his phone a bit more, getting lost a while in whatever he was reading or thinking or putting together in his mind. Finally, when they were pulling into the hotel parking lot, Zhao Yunlan spoke again. "You know, Fei Du's mom hardly has any records before university. And only superficial ones, until she's married to Fei Chengyu. Even those are all only press releases, she didn't go out much, not any paparazzi trail of her. She passed away several years ago."
His voice was relaxed and casual, as if none of this was unsettling, and meaning all of it was. A rumor about Fei Du putting his father out of commission, and a mother who died before that...
"In my professional opinion, if there was a Dixingren among them, I'd bet money on the mother. A rich man like Fei Chengyu could easily forge her an identity after taking her in, ensure his child has all the necessary background to not cause trouble for him, if someone dug up thing on the Fei family later."
"So the child is probably a mutant," Shen Wei confirmed quietly.
Zhao Yunlan laughed, the sound breathless and bitter, never a good sign. "I'm more concerned with the trail of death around him. If he wasn't causing any trouble, we could afford to look the other way on this." His eyes met Shen Wei's, and both of their shoulders seemed heavier with the added weight of this development. "Well, we should go in."
Shen Wei got out of the car and went over to open the passenger door for Zhao Yunlan, heart a feather of a touch lighter at least with the returning smile for the gesture. Then he grabbed their bags from the back, Zhao Yunlan insisting on trying to carry just a bit more than Shen Wei in some macho display of chivalry despite being a great deal weaker and them both knowing it, despite Shen Wei utterly refusing to relinquish the bag he'd already picked up so Zhao Yunlan couldn't have the satisfaction of carrying everything like a donkey teetering under unadvisable amounts of weight.
Zhao Yunlan didn't realize he should be lucky, limited enough from carrying too much baggage that he could still walk with a semblance of swagger to the counter and ask for a room with one big bed. Giving a smile so broad it could light up the whole world-and make the counter lady blush-when he turned back at Shen Wei with the room key twirling in one of his hands.
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dual-domination · 1 year
Are you going to open the askbox for fic requests again?
My askbox is ALWAYS open for fic requests. A lot of my fics were Tumblr requests at first (including my first Guardian fic ever).
As long as the request is for fandoms I'm currently active in and doesn't contain any of my NOs (smut/abo/anything bdsm related - and a few other things), I'm always open to requests. Of course, the chances of me writing for characters/ships that I really love beforehand are higher, but any suggestions are welcome and sometimes it makes me think about something I wouldn't consider writing if it wasn't for a request ;D (Only restriction I would really say is about Derivatives. 1 - I don't know enough characters to write with them. 2 - I absolutely don't write pairing Luo Fei with anyone other than Luo Fusheng, keeping 2Luo together is more important to me than to keep actual Weilan together kjskjjkskjsjks)
Thanks for the ask!
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danmeiljie · 10 months
I Collect Gay Cops and their Boyfriends
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Left to right, top to bottom:
Captain Luo Wenzhou and his boyfriend Business President Fei Du (Mo Du)
Chief Zhao Yunlan and his boyfriend Professor Shen Wei (Guardian)
Captain Xie Lanshan and his boyfriend Forensic Sketch Artist and freelance Painter Shen Liufei (In The Dark)
Vice Chief Yan Xie and his boyfriend former Chief Jiang Ting (Poyun)
Officer Xia Yao and his boyfriend Bodyguard and Business Owner Yuan Zong (Advance Bravely)
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Fun Facts behind TTEOTM!
Creative Team
Till the End of the Moon is the second TV drama produced by newcomer Otters Studio (獭獭文化), which was originally set up for dangai/BL drama Immortality (皓衣行), also featuring Luo Yunxi.
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The Hangzhou-based Otters Studio is a subsidiary of Nanpai Entertainment (南派泛娱), the company owned by Kenneth Xu (aka “Third Uncle" 南派三叔). Xu is best known as the novelist and screenwriter behind "Grave Robbers' Chronicles" (盗墓笔记).
A big part of TTEOTM's core creative team also worked on Immortality. And a lot of the Immortality team came from Ashes of Love (2018) with Luo Yunxi. This includes...
He Fang (Screenwriter) - Immortality
Luo Xuan (Screenwriter & Associate Producer) - Immortality
Huang Wei (Costume Designer) - Immortality
Guan Dazhou (Music Director) - Immortality
Wang Yirong (Lead Producer) - Immortality
Wang Haiqi (B Unit Director & Action Director) - Immortality & Ashes of Love
Tsang Mingfai (Makeup Designer) - Immortality & Ashes of Love
Shen Xufei (Special Effects Director) - Immortality & Ashes of Love
Hua Tian World Concept - Immortality & Ashes of Love
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Wang Haiqi was the stunt coordinator who trained Luo Yunxi in Ashes of Love
Part of the creative team came from Huanyu (Bai Lu's management company, aka the production company of Yanxi Palace). This includes award-winning art director Luan Hexin, Huang Xinyao (Yue Fuya) and Liu Min (Nan'an).
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This is the second time Luo Yunxi and Bai Lu have paired up in a drama. They previously played a couple in modern workplace romance Love is Sweet (2020). Bai Lu expressed interest publicly in pairing up with LYX again in a costume drama numerous times.
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In addition, a number of Love is Sweet actors have minor roles or cameos in TTEOTM:
Zhao Yuanyuan (Qiao Na aka Yuan Shuai's colleague who has a crush on him) plays the Moon Goddess
Cheng Chang (Jiang Jun's father) plays Ye Xiwu's father
Deng Jinghong (Jiang Jun and Yuan Shuai's shady client) plays Ye Xiwu's brother Ye Zeyu
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The popularity of TTEOTM has generated renewed interest in Love is Sweet on iQiyi. In the first half of 2023, Love is Sweet is ranked #5 on Yunhe's "old/classic drama" list, receiving 360M views (10M views/episode), equivalent to airing a new medium-budget drama.
Two actors in Ashes of Love also have minor roles in TTEOTM:
Wang Yifei (Shuihe aka peacock princess in Ashes of Love) plays the Devil God's lieutenant Siying
He Zhonghua (Heavenly Emperor aka Runyu's father) plays the King of Sheng, again terrorizing Luo Yunxi's childhood
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In addition, a number of TTEOTM actors play minor roles in the unaired Immortality:
Huang Yunyun (Yue Yingxin) plays Song Qiutong
Zheng Guolin (Qu Xuanzi aka Susu's father) plays Jiangxi
Huang Haibing (Zhaoyou) plays Nangong Zhangying
He Zhonghua (King of Sheng) plays Nangong Liu
Geng Yeting (Ye Qingyu) plays an unknown role
The source novel (黑月光拿稳BE剧本) was optioned by Otter before it was complete due to strong early hype around the IP and interesting characters & premise. It's one of the top 10 most-saved web novels of that genre on the Jinjiang platform. Its title literally translates to "black moonlight is guaranteed a bad ending screenplay".
The screenplay was written for 40 episodes, which was edited into 50 episodes of probably 45 mins each. The original plan (based on governmental records) was to air 34 episodes as part 1 and 16 episodes as part 2. However, the NRTA (Chinese government agency that regulates TV) closed the loophole around airing two seasons back to back early this year, which is why TTEOTM was edited back down to 40 episodes of 55 mins each so that it could air in one go.
TTEOTM changed its Chinese title twice. It was originally named 月照千峰为一人 (The moon shines for one person). It was then renamed to 长月无烬 (long moon without Jin/ember, also a pun for without limit or endless), which is the official publication name proposed by fans of the web novel. Right before the booting ceremony, it was renamed 长月烬明 likely for auspicious reasons (especially after the LYX accident and Immortality not airing)
Some keen netizens have noticed that if you break apart the characters of its Chinese title, 长月烬明, it becomes 长月火尽日月, which literally means....
长月 (long moon) - how people refer to the drama, in its short form
火 (fire) - Chinese internet lingo for explosive or popular
尽日月 (to the end of sun and moon)
(Gotta give one to Chinese people for coming up with auspicious names)
Luo Yunxi was injured right before production began when filming his final scene in Light Chaser Rescue. He got punched in the mouth by a costar which required emergency surgery and left a scar on the top left corner of his mouth. Production was delayed as a result. Bai Lu had to film her solo scenes first starting Oct 19, 2021. The booting ceremony took place on Nov 6, 2021 after Luo Yunxi joined the set.
Luo Yunxi was the first actor to be cast, according to an interview with the producer. It is rumored that he might have even picked which novel to adapt as Otter initially optioned both "Black Moonlight" and "Black Lotus Casebook". Bai Lu is also the "only choice" for Li Susu according to Yu Zheng.
Yin Tao (Who Rules The world, Love & Redemption, and Ancient Love Poetry) was originally considered for director, but he worked on the Blood of Youth instead. In the end they went with Kuk Kok Leung, an award-winning veteran TVB director who has adapted 7 out of 8 Jin Yong novels. One of the Cantonese songs Luo Yunxi kept singing on set is the OST of the 1983 Condor Heroes where Kuk served as Assistant Director.
Sun Zhenni (Pianran) and Zhao Shiyi (Fuyu) won their roles through open casting call. Sun Zhenni was a big fan of Bai Lu, and the two became close friends during the shoot. She is 1/4 German Jewish through her paternal grandmother.
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Chen Duling (Ye Bingchang / Tian Huan) briefly dated Xichao Wang (who plays Jing Mie, the demon god's other lieutenant). They were apparently introduced by Yu Zheng (boss of Bai Lu's studio).
Luo Yunxi and Sun Zhenni are the only actors who dubbed themselves in the drama. Bai Lu is dubbed by Duan Yixuan, who is also the voice behind Linglong in Love & Redemption.
This is the second time Luo Yunxi plays a dragon god (Runyu is the first). This is also the second time Bai Lu plays a character who leaps off the tower to her death in a costume drama.
Post-production was rumored to be delayed and then rushed due to a number of reasons, including covid which hit the special effects team hard and the last minute change of the 40-episode rule.
During the premiere day, celebrities posted on Weibo to promote the drama in support of Luo Yunxi (usually actors only ask for this favor when it's a really important project to their career): Huang Xiaoming, Tan Songyun, Wu Jingyan, Chen Yuqi, Cheng Xiao, Victoria Song, Zhang Ruonan, Huang Xuan, Chen Yao. The most noteworthy ones were Chen Xiao (whose drama was also opening on the same day) and EDG (the esports team that LYX supports)
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fixaidea · 10 months
So here's the thing: I don't usually engage with or care about top/bottom discourse EXCEPT when I think it's funny, sooo...
Let's do some Science and examine Pingxie in a Very Serious Manner.
To do this, first let's take a look at some data gathered from all the danmei novels and shows I know (relevant for calibration you know, since they have actual canon top/bottom dynamics.)
Shen Qingqiu - Since his cause of death wasn't starvation we can assume - well, at least hope - that he can make instant noodles, if nothing else, but he will absolutely avoid having to cook if he can help it.
Luo Binghe - As the Protagonist he of course has to be The Bestest at everything (...except sex, apparently) and it's mentioned that both Bingge and Bingmei use their culinary skills to woo the people they want to sleep with. He's also the top, even though everyone involved would be better off if he wasn't.
Lan Wangji - Becomes a pretty decent cook, as per the extras. Prefers to top.
Wei Wuxian - It's not like he's incompetent, he doesn't burn or undercook the food, it's just that his taste is so extreme that his dishes are basically inedible to anyone else.
Hua Cheng - No special talent for cooking, but at least he's not actively dangerous. There's no on-page sex scene in the novel, but it's made obvious that he tops.
Xie Lian - Biohazard. Weapons-grade culinary anti-talent. Gastronomy's answer to Vogon poetry.
Golden Stage
Ulike in most of the other novels on the list, food doesn't really have much symbolic meaning and not much is said about either Fu Shen's or Yan Xiaohan's cooking skills, exept for a brief mention of Fu Shen pickling eggs to pass the time. This is a rare couple that canonically switches.
Zhao Yunlan - This man considers instant noodles cooked with coffee an okay way to surprise a boyfriend. He really wouldn't mind topping, which he keeps lamenting throughout the book, but he's paired with Shen Wei who might just have the strongest set preference out of everyone on this list.
Shen Wei - Likes to dote on Zhao Yunlan by cooking for him and is genuinely very good at it.
Word of Honor (mind, I have only watched the show here)
Zhou Zishou - Can keep himself alive, but left to his own devices would probably make due with charred-and-yet-undercooked fish or something.
Wen Kexing - A competent cook. While obviously not detailed in the drama I looked it up (or asked someone, I can't remember) and he's the top here.
Chu Wanning - Perfected exactly one (1) dish, is rather... unfortunate otherwise. You could not pay this man to top.
Mo Ran - Excellent cook. Actually worked in a kitchen at one point in his life, giving and receiving food is basically his main love-language.
Now that we have examined these canon couples and have drawn all the relevant conclusions, let's apply what we learned to our non-danmei, might-as-well-be-canon-but-isn't ship.
Wu Xie - Can cook just fine both in the novel and the drama-verse even if it doesn't come up too often. In the first season he cooks up a pretty decent feast for his friends and in the Yucun books he helps come up with the dishes they would serve in their restaurant.
Zhang Qiling - The entire Thing of this poor sod as a character is that he knows how to survive but not how to live. Taking the time to prepare nice meals or cook anything beyond basic sustenance just... doesn't fit that picture.
I rest my case.
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web-novel-polls · 1 year
Popular Danmei Character Tournament
CWs: spoilers, death mention, violence, dead body mention
Shen Wei from Guardian
A mysterious humanities professor and the Male Lead of Guardian
Pined for one man for, like, 1,000 years (simp)
A really good teacher who loves his students
Very devoted but masks his true feelings
Also just terrifying to everyone except Zhao Yunlan bc of his job
Liu Qingge from Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System 
Submission 2: He was saved from death by the guy he hated the most and immediately proceeded to start exchanging fight tactics with him (which involves beating up his own students) and they also exchange gifts. Spent five years fighting the disciple of the same man for possession of his corpse and is a salty ass love rival (he attacked a succubus when she predicted that the disciple and his friend would get together)
Literally so beautiful that Shen Qingqiu had to do a double-take
Head empty, only fighting
"[Liu Qingge] isn't interested in Shen Qingqiu. He isn't interested in anyone. He's only interested in fighting. He wants to be the strongest and the best." – MXTX accidentally(?) convincing the entire SVSSS fandom he was in love with Shen Qingqiu is so fucking funny. Yes, he consistently takes great care to return Shen Qingqiu’s items and fought Luo Binghe for his body for five years. No, he’s not in love; why would you even ask that? What is he, gay? There’s no time for that; he’s got monsters to fight
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danmeigirl · 2 months
Listing Upcoming C-Drama's to watch in 2024 & beyond :-
Fox Spirit Matchmaker : Love in Pavilion (Lead- Liu Shishi & Leon Zhang)
Fox Spirit Matchmaker : Red-Moon Pact (Lead- Yang Mi & Gong Jun) Released
Fox Spirit Matchmaker : Sword and Beloved (Lead- Li Yi Tong & Cheng Yi)
Legend of the Female General (Lead- Zhou Ye & Ryan Cheng)
The Princess Royal (Lead- Zhao Jin Mai & Zhang Ling He)
Love of the Divine Tree ( Lead- Deng Wei & Julia Xiang)
Guardians of the Dafeng (Lead- Dylan Wang & Tian Xi Wei)
Fangs of Fortune (Lead- Neo Hou & Chen Duling) 2024??
Love in the Desert (Lead- Fang Yulin & Hanikezi)
Snowy Night : Timeless Love (Lead- Joseph Zeng & Li Qin)
Reborn for Love (Lead- Jing Tian & Zhang Lingh He)
Shui Long Yin (Lead- Fang Yilun/Xiao Shunyao/Luo Yunxi)
Lady Revenger Returns from the Fire (Lead- Xu Lu & Wei Zheming)
A Dream Within A Dream (Lead- Li Yi Tong & Liu Yu Ning)
Thousand Fragrances (Lead- Song Wei Long & Ju Jing Yi)
Love Game in Eastern Fantasy (Lead- Esther Yu & Ding Yuxi)
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notfreetoday · 1 year
Justice in the Dark BTS Stunt Work Video
Released on the official Weixin Video account of the stunt team, Rainbow Arrow Aerophotography, on the 25th of March 2022, without the name of the show. It appears to have been taken down as of now.
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the-marron · 24 days
10 characters, 10 fandoms, 10 tags
Tagged by @forerussake , thank you 🥰❤️
1. Catwoman/Selina Kyle (DC Comics)
2. Zhao Yunlan (Guardian)
3. Padme Amidala (Star Wars)
4. Bokuto Koutarou (Haikyuu)
5. Riza Hawkeye (Full metal Alchemist)
6. Lee Dongsik (Beyond Evil)
7. Jeanne d'Arc (Fate//Apocrypha)
8. Lin Nansheng (The Rebel)
9. Esmeralda (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
10. Luo Fei (Detective L)
People who ultimately didn't make the list: Starfire and Jason Todd (both from DC and we already have the one and only Catwoman from that), Ino Yamanaka (no longer that much of a Naruto fan, but I do retain lots of fondness for her), Shen Wei (had to give way to his husband, I hope he doesn't mind) and many others - I decided to keep it a) varied (meaning: not only my current blorbos and b) only mention the characters I have successfully ranted about before at least once.
Tagging: @babischlong-six , @baiyubai , @grindy-cog , @kittenwithclaws007 , @elfiepike , @birdbird-blog, @justacoyote , @huzzzah, @lautakwah, @adelaiderowan
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hideyseek · 3 months
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this screenshot is almost unbearably low quality but i am FASCINATED by this napkin behavior. most of it in the lap but one corner anchored under the plate!
this is jing ran from my true friend but zhu yilong totally did this in guardian as shen wei also, in the scene where he and zhao yunlan have dinner with guo changcheng and gcc's uncle. notably, luo fusheng didn't do this in granting you a dreamlike life.
i'm fascinated by this behavior. is this. what is this? is this z1l's interpretation of how fastidious people use napkins?
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kdram-chjh · 2 months
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Cdrama: Till The End of The Moon (2023)
Tantai Jin & Li Su Su / Ye Xi Wu #TillTheEndOfTheMoon #BaiLu #LuoYunXi #fmv #shorts #cdrama
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qYZuQlUoRDA
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episodeoftv · 11 months
Round 1 of 8, Group 1 of 8
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propaganda and summaries are under the cut (May include spoilers)
Code Geass: 2.25 Re;
Lelouch tries to persuade Nunnally into giving him the key of Damocles as the battle concludes.
Word of Honor: 1.34 Ep 34
Ye Bai Yi instructs Lao Wen to close down Ghost Valley forever and the crowd disperses peacefully. The victors have drinks where Lao Wen reveals how he had managed to convince everyone around him to get along with the plan. Zhou Zi Shu is happy for him, but in pain that he only had a few more days left to survive. Scorpion King has a talk with the now disabled Zhao Jing in which he reveals his true intentions and feelings about what he thought about him. A drunk Lao Wen elatedly describes that meeting Ah' Xu had changed him. He asks him to accompany him to his parents' old hometown for a proper burial and Ah' Xu tearfully agrees. At Ghost Valley, preparations for Ah' Xiang's wedding takes place. Aunt Luo tells her plan to stay at the valley forever with Qian Qiao, who had decided to drink the Water of Lethe and forget Yu Qiu Feng. Cao Wei Ning is increasingly nervous and confesses that he had always hoped that his wedding would be attended by his seniors and Masters. The Gentle Wind Sword Sect arrives and Mount Qingya and they are let in. Master Mo Huai Yang openly disrespects Ah' Xiang. (Source: MyDramaList)
(Spoilers) Look the emotional rollercoaster this episode is like Wen Kexing finally got his revenge and Ye Bayi is like just close down the ghost valley and we'll call it even and it's like yes!!!! No more bloodshed!!!! And everyone is having dinner together and Wen Kexing is literally having the best day of his life!!! But then Zhou Zishu is like dealing with all the turmoil and angst that WKX's little stunt put him through and that he's going to die in a few days but nobody knows and he doesn't want to bring down the mood and then there's heartbreaking scene where WKX is drunk and is so happy and cuddling ZZS and is like I'm so happy you're my soulmate and everything is great and we'll travel the world together this is amazing!!! And you can see the pain on ZZS's face because WKX doesn't KNOW!!!! And then there's the confrontation between Scorpion King and Zhao Jing which is !!!!!!!!!!!! And then they're preparing for Gu Xiang and Cao Weining's wedding!!!!! And it's so sweet because everyone is just so happy!!!! And like WKX is in full dad mode which is great. But it's just like an episode where the characters can just all love each other because there's no sign of immediate danger (well besides ZZS' stuff) but like it's so heartwarming and sad and tragic when you know what happens right after like !!!!!!!!!!!! It's also one of the highest rated episodes (on mydramalist) with a 9.3 so there's that too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9zRSFzOfTc&t=1230s
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