#Lunar's trauma expand
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piowasthere · 7 months ago
Rizz. i mean Rez-
Buggy, plz calm down, i already own like 4 of your lives please- (both vers with and without the glitch effect, bc i honestly have no idea which one i like better)
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also, my brain turned off here i forgot they talked smth 'bouta worm, i did not understood what they meant atm
i 100% stand behind the snake hc, but i forgot it for the life of me and realized way too late 😭
i promise i'll fix it next time- it'll be right- 😭😭😭
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makingspiritualityreal · 9 months ago
Sleeping Beauty - Why the Moon and the Feminine Debilitate in Vishakha Nakshatra
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For the best understanding of my writing, I recommend that you watch the movie in question, even if you see it after having read my post I’m sure your experience will leave you enriched and with a greater sense of understanding of Vishakha Nakshatra energies.
Vishakha Nakshatra traditionally debilitates the Moon in the 4th pada of Scorpio if you use traditional Lahiri Ayanamsa. I don’t, as anyone who reads me knows about my endorsement of the Mula Galactic Center Ayanamsa, which places the entirety of Vishakha in Scorpio in our times, and I believe I can show you how this theme carries through the entirety of the Moon in this Nakshatra.
It is important to understand, that the struggle described here concerns women in particular. The reason why it’s so prominent in female charts, is that this Nakshatra's ruler is Jupiter and men are naturally more inclined to carry Jupiterian energy more gracefully, while women are fundamentally at odds with it. Men are designed to withstand pressure to protect the feminine, as it increases their Masculine polarity through giving them "a tough hide" over time. Women's Lunar energies however, react to being subjected to this energy with trauma, that they compensate heavily for to survive.
To an extent, the struggles described here can be relatable if you have any of your big 3 in Vishakha Nakshatra, but even with prominent Vishakha energy in your chart, the experience is not quite the same as having your Moon there, and your Sun there can actually become a positive placement over time. The Sun is born in Vishakha Nakshatra and this combo can turn out auspiciously due to the natural synergy of Solar energies in a female chart.
Let’s begin by describing the feminine qualities of planets - Venus and the Moon. The Moon is nurturing, adaptable, giving, caring, receptive, reciprocal. Venus is receptive but discerning, making her also a natural receiver and refiner, a strategic taker, who lays down and relaxes, while taking in only what’s best, ultimately spending oneself on what is worthy of one’s admiration. It is also a conqueror of the finest things, but it is never defensive, as it represents the sentiment of pride.
These feminine principles in theory should represent the apex of female behavior through those qualities. A woman is supposed to be proud, relaxed, discerning and freely respond to her environment. Her garden is supposed to grow and expand, nurture and be nurtured. And those qualities all fail in Vishakha Nakshatra due to its fundamental giving nature and Jupiter rulership, making it the gardener, not the object of worship.
Jupiter is giving and tolerant, Venus is taking and critical. The Moon adapts and attaches to its environment, Jupiter absorbs negativity from others to provide relief. What do we get as a result of this combo? A woman who can’t function in her basic feminine principle without a massive struggle.
Our Moon Nakshatra is what our earliest environment raised us to adapt to through our nurturing female figures. It is what we fundamentally have burned into our psyche and what we emulate as women. When your Moon as a woman is in Vishakha Nakshatra, you fundamentally have adapted to endlessly giving passes to other people as a result of your upbringing. You can see an example of that in the film, where Sleeping Beauty’s Mother calls her to get money out of her, despite her daughter struggling for basic survival financially. You can also see Sleeping Beauty working several jobs to carry that load and to fulfill everyone’s expectations of her, while they don’t treat her well and are never grateful for any of her sacrifices. Sleeping Beauty is willing to sacrifice all of her basic needs, just to satisfy a mother who drains her. As a result of such a conditioning, she grows into a pathological people pleaser, who can’t say no, even to her own detriment, and ends up putting herself in uncomfortable situations over and over, thinking that making a demand or advocating for her own well being is going to result in a punishment from her environment. We see this in the scene where she needs to rent a new apartment and ends up picking the first building on the flier, just to make things easier for the real estate agent, even though she can’t afford it and doesn’t enjoy it.
What is a Woman? A creature of delight and senses. Comfortable, open, giving, splendorous, cherished and protected. It radiates caring to others, because it feels effortlessly cared for. It expands, because it caries within so much comfort and abundance. But when the Moon is in Vishakha Nakshatra it gets none of those things. Instead, the feminine is neglected, spending itself for everyone else.
You can see that throughout the film as everyone, men and women, treats Sleeping Beauty instrumentally, to the point of subjecting her to a horrifying final experience of laying directly with death for the sake of someone else’s relief, someone avoiding responsibility for their own life and using the Vishakha woman for self gratification.
What is the tale of a Sleeping Beauty? A tale of a selective woman, patiently waiting forever if necessary, until the Prince with enough courage proves himself by rescuing her and showing initiative, and then promising to care for her for the rest of her days. Yet in the movie version, no prince is found and instead men use Sleeping Beauty to feel cared for, objectifying her and erasing her identity, which eventually leads her to snap. There is no Jupiterian Prince coming to save the Moon in Vishakha woman.
The Moon in Vishakha Nakshatra promises such a scenario in a woman’s chart, sentencing her to a very difficult fate.
There is a reason this Nakshatra is of an Out Caste. After suffering so much on the hands of so many people, Vishakha doesn’t really want to be part of them, finally embracing one’s freedom and individuality. And for that it is condemned, discarded and casted out the moment people can’t use it as their desired object. They only had any semblance of acceptance in slave roles to begin with, and that cannot be sustained, for the Moon is a Royal planet, of a "Queenly" nature according to Jyotish classics. A Royal planet will not accept a submissive role, Vishakha Nakshatra doesn’t want to offer natural, effortless splendor, so a Vishakha Moon becomes the queen of the wilderness, the queen of the outcasts and the downtrodden.
We don't see a continuation of this scenario in the movie, but if you follow Emily Browning's career she stars in roles, where a fight for her own freedom and agency leads to her own demise, as her feminine energy is oppressed for all attempts at self expression. This Nakshatra is the only one classified as Rakshasa, Demonic, among others of Jupiter rulership due to the struggles one must endure here just for the sake of their basic life. The sister Nakshatra of Punarvasu is of a Deva, Angelic nature, preoccupied with creativity and higher ideas, attracting a certain amount of divine sovereignty and protection. Purva Bhadrapada is of a Manushya, human temperament making them expert social climbers and using status and collective themes to buffer Jupiterian energies, despite that Nakshatra being such a testing point. But it is the Vishakha Nakshatra that is the rawest point of the Jupiterian soul, enduring the most negativity and hardship.
With the Moon in Vishakha, a woman's inner Queen needs to go through literal Hell to earn the right to live.
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talonabraxas · 7 months ago
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Leo New Moon August 2024
The Leo New Moon on August 4th kicks off a new lunar cycle, giving us fresh new energy to work with and a fresh perspective.
Leo New Moons are a time to encourage playfulness and lighten whatever is feeling heavy on our hearts. They are an opportunity to celebrate the inner light that lives within and remember that we are here to play, experience, and find joy, especially in the simple things.
The lightness of the Leo Moon is amplified this year by Jupiter, which is making a harmonious alignment and reminding us to focus on the brighter side. Jupiter is the great expander, and while the New Moon may also expand or touch on challenges that we are facing, it is likely we will see them with a silver lining or perhaps a new, broadened perspective.
The Leo New Moon Brings the Medicine We Need
Chariklo, the asteroid of Spirit Medicine is also activated under the 2024 Leo New Moon. Chariklo is known as the wife of Chiron, the asteroid of the wounded healer. She carries a very similar energy, but she reminds us to step into our healing gifts through our intuition and mother nature.
She reminds us that our “medicine” can be found not just in nature, but also deep within our hearts. She reminds us that the tonics we are searching for live within us, and can be created and cultivated by us when we dig a little deeper or choose to recognize the healing powers that live within.
Chariklo can guide us to find the perfect medicine, whether it be a drug from our doctor, a walk in nature, or a herbal medicine. Chariklo will guide us to what we need, so stay open to her messaging. If you are walking a healing journey or looking for healing answers, Chariklo will be on your side this New Moon.
Allow yourself to get still and listen to the wisdom she has for you. Know that when it comes to Chariklo, healing is a journey and not a destination. It is a constant process of ebbing and flowing, and listening to our bodies and what they need.
Under the New Moon, pay attention to your body’s signs and clues. Observe any symptoms or anxieties as messengers that need to be heard. Be at peace with yourself, and allow Chariklo to guide you to the medicine you need.
The Leo New Moon asks for Patience
Mercury, the planet of communication and our thought processes, is going to station retrograde shortly after this New Moon on August 5th. Having the New Moon and Mercury Retrograde so close together can heighten its effects.
Under a Mercury Retrograde, we may feel more confused or perhaps find ourselves moving in mental circles. We may be trying to make decisions with only part of the information present to us. The trick with Mercury Retrograde is going within and trusting our inner voice rather than listening to the voices of the world around us.
Even our own voice can be riddled with guilt, past traumas, and shame, and can influence what we truly need to be doing. Our inner voice: our quiet, still, voice of the heart can become stronger under a Mercury Retrograde. If we slow down and silence our inner critic, we can begin to hear a softer truth, and a more powerful way of being can emerge.
There is a power in us all, which is often blocked by insecurities, fears, and our past conditioning. Mercury Retrograde helps us to look past all of this. Yes, it is known for bringing trickery, mishaps, miscommunications, and contract disputes, but its true power lies in guiding us to listen to our inner voice and owning that power. When we do, we can learn to use Mercury Retrograde in a proactive and powerful way, rather than seeing it as a nuisance.
Mercury Retrograde is also a good time to go back over the past and revise, which is interesting as the New Moon encourages us to do the opposite. It wants us to leave the past in the past and look ahead to what new beginnings are opening up for us.
Under the Leo New Moon, there may be a bit of push-and-pull between these two ideas. We may want to launch ahead into the new, but there are perhaps some loose ends we need to tie up first. Maybe we feel like we have one foot in the new, but one still in the old, and that’s okay. Trust in the process, and don’t be afraid to revisit and clear the past before moving ahead.
The Leo New Moon Activates a Spiritual Rebirth
Shortly after the New Moon peaks, we also celebrate the Lion’s Gate Portal, which brings the rising of Sirius. The portal gets its name for it was at this time of year, that Sirius would rise and align over the paws of the Sphinx of Egypt. As Sirius reached this position in the sky, it was said that higher wisdom and light codes could be received and ancient wisdom would arise in the hearts and minds of the people.
It is not clear if Sirius aligns in this position anymore due to the tilt of the Earth, but we celebrate the portal to honor the rising of our spirit and the rebirth of our own soul. Sirius is considered our spiritual sun, so as it rises again, we too can rise along with it.
The New Moon opens us to this gateway, and reminds us of the magic that we have inside. The Universe is a massive, forever expanding place and we are all part of it. We are all part of the magic, and perhaps it is moments like these that we can be reminded that we are stars, we are the moon, and we are connected to all and everything.
Celebrate all that you are. Feel your spirit energy rising. Know everything is connected, and watch as the New Moon brings a new unfolding in your life. - Forever Conscious The Sphinx Enigma by Talon Abraxas
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cyanide-latte · 2 months ago
Hihi!!! Tis the season to ask holiday themed asks!! Assuming the world of TWST celebrates winter holidays, do your OCs celebrate any holidays? If so, what are some things they like to do?
Thank you for including me in this idea, fam!
Admittedly this took a bit of consideration and it's still somewhat haphazard, so I apologize for that, please bear with!
Copper Benoit- While we touched on this very briefly in DMs, I don't mind expanding on it here! Copper doesn't recall celebrating winter holidays in the orphanage prior to Mr. Stone kidnapping him at age 6 or 7; he's sure the caretakers at the orphanage probably did do something for the kids, but it's been so long ago and his trauma so severe he doesn't really remember much about his time at the orphanage, let alone if they celebrated much of anything. And during the slightly-over-a-decade he's kept by Mr. Stone, nothing was celebrated, not really. So Copper's first exposure to winter holiday celebrations really begins when he starts his student career at Night Raven College! He wants to learn and respect as many celebrations of all sorts that he can (and as appropriately as possible,) so he's just happy to be a part of things and learn what these celebrations are and the significance they hold! Difficult to say what exactly that will lead to as he grows older, but he's got time to figure that out!
Wei Renqiao- Ren's family celebrates the Lunar New Year very faithfully, and when he comes to NRC, he makes certain to continue observing those traditions and celebrates in small ways before going back home to Bàoyìng for winter break. He especially loves when Ortho takes a more vested, hands-on interest in learning more about their celebrations, and goes out of his way to include him and anyone else who's curious in his festivities, even if they're much quieter in Ignihyde Dorm than they are back home!
Chrysanthos Shroud- Ahhh, here's where we get to my headcanon that the Shrouds observe a TWST version of Saturnalia; you'll have to forgive me, it's been years since I practiced observing it in high school and I'm still re-learning a lot of what I forgot, but that celebration and feast holds a special place in my heart. Even with working on re-educating myself, I do headcanon the Shrouds observe it, and it wasn't much more than a passing acknowledgement of notations on a calendar until Ilias married Kallisto. Kallisto insists on the Saturnalia season being warm and good-spirited and makes it a point to bring that together for her husband and her in-laws, so of course Chrys grew up with a very positive winter holiday celebration. His aunt and uncle and of course Ortho will also happily observe with him, though Idia has to be coaxed. Chrys loves the energy of Saturnalia and the vibes, and he brings it with him; eventually when he and Wei Xinyi start dating, the two decide to learn each other's celebrations and holiday observations, and eventually celebrate both when they get married!
The Anatoles- I do think they celebrate some sort of Yuletide holiday. The siblings are brought home during the holiday break and spend some time doing a lot of winter activities and holiday shopping and dining out, both with their great-grandmother, and with their stepfather's old jazz buddies. Their staff is offered the holiday off with double pay, but are also invited to meals at the home with them. Marianne especially wants people to eat the desserts she works hard to make, Bertrand will happily play holiday music on the piano, and Toussaint is generally pretty sleepy and calm compared to his usual energy (though still jovial as ever.) The siblings will often do their best to drag Rollo into their celebrations, despite his protests.
And last but most certainly not least, bonus surprise
The Pondicliffs- Felix and Aurelian always come home from Royal Sword Academy for Yuletide during the winter break. It's a little crowded with their sizeable family with so many dalmatian beastfolk kids, but they're pretty happy. The family tends to stay indoors most days for the break, with Felix and Aurelian often building snowmen, making snow forts and having snowball fights, or sledding downhill with their siblings, while the parents do a lot of cooking for several days. They all help with decorating their house, and spend a lot of time playing board games in the evening, having festive treats, watching holiday films, and then over the course of three days, they exchange gifts with one another! Felix loves the holidays, Aurelian's at that grumpy teen stage of hating the holidays just 'cause.
Thanks again for sending this ask! Also, would love to see more peeps and mutuals share their thoughts for their OCs and winter holidays too!
Taglist: @elenauaurs @inmateofthemind @ramshacklerumble @tixdixl @winterweary
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@natsukishinomiyaswife @the-trinket-witch (DM me if you'd like to be added or removed from the taglist for my TWST OCs stuff)
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sagezora · 2 years ago
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*please pick a card that you are attracted.
*take what resonates! leave what doesn’t. Enjoy 🫶🏾
this lunar eclipse is bringing a big focus on your faith and perspective . its time to expand your mind. participate in soul connecting practices like meditation or reiki. something that connects with you deeply. It is time to be fully aware, enlightened and awakened. this is also a time for deep healing to release past trauma and limiting beliefs. Its time to go within and reprogram your thoughts and remove what no longer is serving you. Know that you are worthy of what you desire. It’s all about keeping a positive and open mindset. Accept that you may need some extra to help (going to therapy, talking to friends, etc.) to actually heal and move on. take a chance, don’t let your fears and doubts hold you back. its time to release and let go to move on to make room for what’s next and for most of you its love partnership and new projects. Setting healthy boundaries will help with promoting growth within your relationship with yourself and others. This will help with being giving and compassionate.
thirteen moons.
this lunar eclipse is waking up your creative side. you are an artist at heart. the more you try to avoid your true passions the more miserable you will get. giving yourself the space to be a creative being is important. being able to go after your heart’s desires is important! there may be some burdens that are holding you back from going towards your desires. It’s time to conquer your shadows and blockages. Work towards nurturing and healing yourself. A lot of you need to forgive yourself for your past decisions. Forgive those who have betrayed and hurt you in the past. It is only holding you back from the many possibilities and options that are out there for you. letting go will bring you peace of mind. you deserve to be calm and at peace with yourself and your relationship with others. connect with your intuition and emotions . trust the signs. make the time in your busy day to go within and be reflective to gain clarity. participate in self care as well. Your needs deserve your attention.
fallopian tubes.
this lunar eclipse is bringing a focus to your unique spiritual journey. Embrace your individuality. take time to explore yourself as a creator by connecting through spiritual soul searching/connecting practices that resonate with you. it is time for you to embrace the truth. this eclipse is calling for your awareness and presence to really connect with the truth. This will also help with bringing you awareness to any destructive patterns that may be holding you back. Its time to break the cycles and heal past wounds. Call for help and support from friends throughout this releasing process. don’t let pride get in your way. Take time to slow down and take a moment to yourself to relax so you can thrive. No need to make major decisions during this time. let your mind wonder for healing purposes. Being creative is healing. Connect with your pleasures. Experience the world with new lenses. Connect with your senses. Your ancestors are also helping with guiding you throughout this journey. Look to them during your challenging times. Gratitude and faith will take you far as well.
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tipsycad147 · 1 year ago
Sagittarius : The Astroherbology Profile
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Alexis J. Cunningfolk
It's time to explore the sign of Sagittarius! You're getting a snapshot into the ever expanding astroherbology magick of The Lunar Apothecary - amazing! 
I will be exploring all twelve signs from a medical astrology perspective with an emphasis on herbal healing. To learn more about the series and what all the correspondences mean check out the introduction to The Introduction to Astroherbology Series. Missed the other signs of the Zodiac? Find out about the astroherbology wisdom of Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, and Scorpio!
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Element: Fire Mode: Mutable Guardian Planet: Jupiter Direction: North Season: Winter (NH), Summer (SH) House: 9th House / Cadent Lunar Mansions: 19th Mansion, 20th Mansion, + 21st Mansion Solar Gemstone: Amber Tarot: Temperance, The Wheel of Fortune, 8 of Wands (11/23 - 12/2), 9 of Wands (12/3 - 12/12), 10 of Wands (12/13 - 12/21), King of Wands (learn more about the connection between tarot and herbalism) Tissue State: Dry/Atrophy Tissue State + Hot/Excitation Tissue State (learn more about the energetic system of traditional western herbalism)
Body Systems: Hips and thighs. Buttocks. Sciatic nerve. Lower spine and liver. Autonomic nervous system. Cerebrum, especially the left hemisphere. Powers of reasoning. Systems of growth and preservation. Locomotion. Stimuli response (relationship between the endocrine + nervous system).
Imbalances + Diseases: Diseases caused by accidents and falls as well as sports-related injuries (especially horse-related accidents). Gout, rheumatism, and sciatica. Bruises and inflammation of the muscles. Fevers caused by “hot blood.” Lower back problems including lumbago. Hip injuries including torn or strain hip-flexor, broken hip, and distention. Overconsumption of food, ideas, and experiences. Difficulty focusing the eyes. Pain and injury brought about by recklessness. Brain injuries. Locomotor disorders. Lung diseases including tuberculosis. Appendicitis. Liver disease. Fistulas. Acting self-righteous and condescending. Over-zealous and opinionated. Being irresponsible and tactless. Reckless. Becoming dogmatic, extravagant, and expected favors of others.
Disease Degrees: 1 degree: Pelvic bones, azimene; 2 degrees: pelvic girdle, susceptible to contagious diseases; 3 degrees: ischia, susceptible to contagious diseases, appendicitis; 4 degrees: femur, appendicitis; 5 degrees: right femoral artery, hair; 6 degrees: left femoral artery, morbid fears, pneumonia; 7 degrees: right superficial femoral artery, azimene, pneumonia; 8 degrees: left superficial femoral artery, azimene; 9 degrees: right lymphatic vessels, eye diseases, rheumatic fever; 10 degrees: left lymphatic vessels, enteric fever, typhoid; 11 degrees: adductor muscles, typhoid; 12 degrees: long saphenous veins; 13 degrees: long saphenous veins, rheumatic fever; 14 degrees: cutaneous vessels of the thighs; 15 degrees: right iliac vein; 16 degrees: left iliac vein,, sciatic nerve, AIDS; 17 degrees: sciatic nerve, AIDS; 18 degrees: right femur, azimene; 19 degrees: left femur, azimene; 20 degrees: head of right femur, weak lungs, sensitivity to smoke; 21 degrees: head of left femur, enteric fever, speech impediments; 22 degrees: right trochanter, insanity, speech impediments, appendicitis; 23 degrees: left trochanter, spine, appendicitis; 24 degrees: popliteal fossa; 25 degrees: condyles of right femur, nervous debility, gout, neurasthenia, gout, blindness, impaired sight; 26 degrees: condyles of left femur, neurasthenia, gout, blindness, impaired sight; 27 degrees: right leg muscles, tuberculosis; 28 degrees: right leg muscles, impaired eyesight, tuberculosis; 29 degrees: left leg muscles, impaired eyesight, tuberculosis; 30 degrees: pear-shaped muscle
Remedies for Imbalanced and/or Weakened Sagittarius: Anti-inflammatories and moistening herbs as well as herbs for topical traumas. Liver tonics. Paying attention to liver health and learning moderation in regards to foods, activities, and substances that are less beneficial to our wellbeing is important. Adopting a mindfulness practice will will develop crucial decision-making skills, support brain health, and assist with thinking before acting. Learning tact and non-violent communication skills. Considering actions before taking them. Finding time to be in the wild. Valuing the experiences of others, asking questions before assuming, and communicating appreciation.
Gifts of Sagittarius: Truth-seeking, frankness, adventures, conviviality, philanthropic, athletic, wise, and philosophical explorations.
Rituals of Sagittarius: Social rituals with lots of dancing and music, metaphysical studies, rituals for success in creative, legal, and professional endeavors.
Sagittarius Guardian Herbs: Sage (Salvia officinalis), Dandelion (Taraxacum officinalis), Willow (Salix spp.), Yellow Dock (Rumex crispus), Arnica (Arnica montana), Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria), Calendula (Calendula officinalis)
Sagittarius Remedy Herbs: Peach (Prunus persica) Leaf, Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis), Lavender (Lavandula officinalis), Arnica (Arnica montana), Calendula (Calendula officinalis), Burdock (Arctium lappa), Yellow Dock (Rumex crispus), Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria)
Flower + Gem Essences: Cerato (Ceratostigma willmottiana), Vine (Vitis vinifera), Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria), Vervain (Verbena officinalis), Scleranthus (Scleranthus annuus), Sweet Pea (Lathyrus odoratus), Amber, Red Jasper
The Sun in Sagittarius
There they go! Sagittarius folks are excellent adventurers chasing the fading light at the far end of the horizon. They are highly individualistic taking pride in their understanding of just how unique they are. Since Sagittarian folks can value liberty and personal freedom above all else if they begin to feel even the slightest bit boxed-in or restricted they can become spooked, angered, or some combination thereof, and run off. They can be some of the most socially-oriented of the signs (competing with Gemini) and have a friendly and inquisitive nature which helps them grow a wide and varied social circle. Their fiery mutability can lead them to being very good at burning up the opposition in any argument or discussion which, combined with their hot-headed pride, can sometimes make them difficult to folks to collaborate with. On the flip-side their big vision helps expand what is possible with any project. Learning tolerance and acceptance for the value of different opinions and different standards of living (especially standards of living that they consider narrow-minded) can go a long way in helping Sagittarius folks to recognize that we’re all unique and that doesn’t make their uniqueness any less special.
In regards to health, Sagittarius folks often experience imbalances arises from excess heat. They are a mutable fire sign so when heat gets trapped in their bodies, whether from injury, over-exertion that leads to weakness, and/or unexpressed emotional turmoil, their systems can become dried out and irritated. Sagittarius is also the sign of accidents, especially athletic ones (and traditional texts mention falls from horses specifically), so taking seriously proper training and recovery practices goes a long way to help protect the mighty Centaur. It is important for Sagittarius folk to seek out regular restorative and centering activities that cool an overstimulating body, mind, and spirit. Hydration is a key to any sign’s health, but fire signs like Sagittarius tend towards being dehydrated more than others. Not only water, but healthy oils and fats will help keep everything running smoothly for our Centaur in addition to mellowing out the sugar imbalances this sweet-tooth inclined sign can often experience. Known for their optimism, a sure sign of a out-of-balance Sagittarius folk is that their optimism has been replaced with a angry chronic pessimism that leaves them closing their eyes to their beloved horizon and raging both internally and externally. 
Hanging out with Sagittarius folk can be an adventure in-and-of itself and its well worth the effort! They spark and dance and reach for new ideas and have a whole lot of fun along the way. Details may not be the strong suit of Sagittarius folk, but it is part of the reason they carry the free spirit that they do. Being mindful that others pointing out the importance of the little details can be a very good and helpful thing and is not always a criticism, Sagittarius folk will become even wiser. Their “this is who I am, take it or leave it” attitude can be extraordinarily refreshing. It can also lead to a lot of moments of “foot-in-mouth,” but this can also be tempered with some maturity and self-awareness. Once Sagittarius folks realize that humility goes a long way when it comes to getting folks to listen to what you have to say, they become even more powerful in their ability to inspire creativity and optimism in those around them. 
Sagittarius Guardian Herbs
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Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)
Nicholas Culpeper writes in his Herbal that Dandelion “is under the dominion of Jupiter. It is of an opening and cleansing quality, and therefore very effectual for the obstructions of the liver, gall and spleen, and the diseases that arise from them, as the jaundice, and hypochondriac.” The whole plant can be used in healing and its primary skill lies in its ability to help vitality move freely through the body. One of the primary ways that Dandelion accomplishes this is by clearing the blood of toxins and waste material through strengthening the liver. Dandelion has a tonic effect on the blood, lymph system, and liver, helping to detoxify all three and improve the eliminatory qualities of the liver and gallbladder. Part of it’s blood purifying qualities comes from its high nutritive salt contents which cleans the blood and clears excess acid. The herb stimulates the production of bile in the gallbladder (by causing it to contract) triggering the liver to do the same. Dandelion is especially useful for clearing an overburdened liver of excess hormones. Increasing bile and strengthening the digestive tract, Dandelion helps us to absorb nutrients from what we ingest and then move those nutrients throughout our body.
Additionally, Dandelion cools overheated PMS symptoms, menstrual cramping, and painful menopause, especially when water retention, pelvic congestion, and feelings of extreme frustration are present. Really, Dandelion is good for chronic inflammation of all sorts. Another indication that the movement of Dandelion is needed is that being still, lying down, and resting can worsen conditions, but healing touch, such as massage, brings relief. Use the sap topically for warts, calluses, corns, and general rough skin. The leaf and flower can be used as a wash for skin irritation. The infused oil of the flowers can be used for stiff muscles and muscle pain as well as relieve the discomfort of arthritis.
Learn about Willow (Quercus alba) and other Sagittarius herbs in The Lunar Apothecary.
Sagittarius Remedy Herbs
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Burdock (Arctium lappa)
During the turn of the 19th century, detoxifying Burdock was used a remedy for folks coping with the excess pollution of the Industrial Age. The hard-working herb is well-deserved of its reputation for helping eliminating waste and polluting contents from the body. The plant is wonderfully cooling and moistening which, along with its anti-inflammatory prowess, acts as a wonderful remedy to worn-out and overheated Sagittarian folk. Look for signs of dry and scaly skin, dry-out digestion and stools, and a short temper. Burdock is useful in cooling hot-blooded conditions and helping the body to deliver and use fats and oils wisely. Sagittarian folk have a tendency towards a sweet-tooth (over-stimulating food can be just as much fun as over-stimulating adventure) and Burdock can assist with sugar imbalances and lessening sugar cravings. 
Burdock moistens from the inside out, but can also be used topically as a wash or in compresses to reduce swellings, bruises, sprains, and strains. The herb is excellent for restoring the body to a state of balance through its detoxifying and oil-directing qualities that it can be an excellent choice for recovering after a period of over-exertion, illness or injury.
Sun in Sagittarius Flower Essence
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The strong-willed and adaptable Sagittarius folk can be very difficult to deal with once they have made their mind up that they are right. They are incredible committed to their beliefs and strong-willed in their presentation of them. Sagittarius folk can come off as over-bearing and dogmatic, but there is also something quite incredible about Sagittarius folk when they shift just a little. When they are committed, without persuasion to tolerance, compassion, complexity, and non-judgement they are superb souls who model the power of the will. To help Sagittarius folk develop a pattern of non-dogmatic behavior, Vine (Vitis vinifera) Flower Essence offers its services. Vine is a Flower Essence for over-bearing personalities that can have little regard for others and their feelings as long as they feel they are in the right and doing what they want to be doing. Vine helps Sagittarius folk soften up, respect boundaries, and learn to be in power-with others not power-over them. Becoming more flexible and compassionate, Vine assists Sagittarius folk lose the attitude of greatness and instead just be great.
Ready to learn more?
Check out the rest of my Astroherbology series including Starry-Hearted + Wild-Rooted: An Introduction to Astroherbology which includes additional study resources and the other posts in my Astroherbology series. Need a visual guide? Starmaps: The Astrological Body is for you!
Explore The Lunar Apothecary - a full length course using the tools of moon-centered herbalism and ritual to help you discover who you are as a healer.
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vergess · 3 years ago
Re: your recent post on FFXIV melee daddy issues and Thancred and Fourchenault showing signs of juvenile abuse, you are not the first person I've seen with the "Louisoux was a bad dad" take, but I haven't seen anyone really dig into it yet, would you mind expanding a little on that? Also, in the case of Thancred, do you see what he went through informing his relationship with Ryne later? Idk, I've always wondered about Ryne conflating Thancred and Ranjit *together* into her Eden trauma monster.
Oh, I absolutely think that Thancred's treatment of Ryne is born from his own childhood abuse, yes. I mean, obviously his weird mourning love for Minfilia Prime was a factor, but the way he treated Ryne before her name change was really nasty.
I don't think he ever got directly violent with her, but I do think Thancred's actual understanding of where to draw the line in physical training for her was really skewed. I would not be surprised by some Bro Strider type shit where he's by all accounts doing 'okay' but my god he's nearly killing that child with a sword.
Now, obviously, training Ryne to defend herself when they're on the run from an evil empire is a Good Thing don't get me wrong, but Thancred pushed Ryne ABSURDLY hard in Shadowbringers. I forget her actual age, but she's in the 14-16 range and has Mega Trauma about older men and fighting, and Thancred was at best very cool tempered and distant towards her. There's a reason she thought he only liked her for being Minfilia rather than for being herself, after all.
Now, as for Louisoix.
The estrangement of children from their parents is usually the fault of the parent, that's how having undiluted and absolute control over a person's life for the first 16 years or so works.
So, if we start from that assumption, and ask ourselves why Fourchenault became so viciously anti-Louisoix even though he lived near enough by to be a part of the twins' lives as babies. Even though, as shown in Endwalker, Louisoix's morals and goals were pretty much in alignment with Fourchenault's own (with one glaring lunar exception).
If you live nearby your parents, you let them interact with your children, you agree with them on most major ethical issues... why would you still so violently loathe and distrust them?
Well, abuse is a very common and effectively complete answer.
Looking at the way Fourchenault treats his own children, seeing their safety as paramount over all else including their autonomy, we can conclude that his trauma centered around a similar theme. One potential explanation for that would be Louisoix was ever-present but highly neglectful and dangerous for his children, leading Fourchenault to overcompensate in the opposite direction: absenteeism and safety-obsession. Both of which are "kind hearted" enough to explain a fair bit of how Ameliance speaks about Fourchenault in spite of his everything.
Thancred, much like Fourchenault in this regard, seems to have never actually learned how to interact with other people like human beings until late in Shadowbringers. Both of them fell back on obsessively fitting themselves to particular social roles with relatively limited behaviour sets. Thancred's flirtatious slut and grizzled war veteran, Fourchenault's honour student and conservative politician.
If their home life was not conducive to learning basic emotional control, such as "not being seen as human beings ourselves but rather as little dollies for our father to LARP Mad Scientist at" that makes a lot of sense.
It's very easy to imagine Louisoix taking them on "adventures" at dangerously young ages, never being particularly concerned about the welfare of his decorative sidekicks in his pursuit of, yes helping people but also always learning things.
It would become easy to see only the selfish motivations for every action, and judge yourself and others by those motivations rather than their actions, that way. And this is a problem both Fourchenault and Thancred also struggle with. Fourchenault assuming that even his own children's desire to save the world is base egotism. Thancred assuming his desire to save a child from prison was because he's a deviant pervert who (gasp) loved a woman who looked like her. Both of them take very obviously kind, good, generous behaviours and instantly create the most disturbingly selfish reasons for them, then obsessively act defensively towards those people.
Meanwhile, they attribute kindness and gentleness to their own actions based solely on their intentions, and not what they do.
Honestly, if pre-transformation Ryne was dragged in front of the heads of state by Thancred who then dressed her down and threw her out "to save her life" I would find it eerily plausible. Thancred and Fourchenault have a surprising amount in common, and the things in common are all trauma responses lmao.
Two dudes raised by the same man a decade apart both come away with the same trauma symptoms?
Yeah, Louisoix was an abusive father, absolutely for sure. Whether he intended that harm (I would wager he did not) is rather irrelevant.
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ofcloudsandstars · 4 years ago
June Magical Forecast
This Month has a lot of change up ahead. Usually mutable zodiac seasons bring energetic and physical change (as they are the ends of the seasonal seasons itself), yet with some stressful squares, a few more retrogrades and the Solar Eclipse coming up we are seeing some big changes coming into our lives whether we are ready or not. It’s a good time to really reflect on your inner world as the outer world changes around you and adapt by expanding your perspective and or changing your mindset. 
Week 1
1 - ☾♓ Sun conjunct North Node in Gemini Moon enters Pisces
June begins with a powerful transit to help you get on track. The Sun will conjunct the North Node in Gemini today revolving the themes of the day around aligning ourselves with our collective karmic path. This energy will help us to develop in the right direction and boost our charisma. We may feel a heightened sense of purpose today or additionally some real issues may come to the surface and we will be tasked to address them once and for all. This is a great time for working on our goals and reviewing our dreams and spiritual path, especially with the moon in Pisces. The moon will make the mood pretty spiritual and creative which may influence us to want to approach this transit from a more spiritual perspective.
Today would be a great day for some meditation, reflection, tarot and journaling. We are near the Last Quarter Moon so it would be a good time for us to review if we feel we are on the right path in our lives and how we can plan to re-align ourselves to reach our dreams! We are as well half way between the point of the Lunar Eclipse and Solar Eclipse. This day may help us to break through any barriers and obstacles that were holding us back from our path and help us enter a new chapter in our lives.
2 - ☾♓ Last Quarter Moon Venus enters Cancer Sun in Gemini sextiles Chiron in Aries
As the moon makes it's final quarter mark, we enter a brief period of reflection regarding our inner progress so far. This energy may feel aligned with the Sun's previous conjunction with the North Node in Gemini and the themes of the lunar eclipse. What do we need to shed or break through in order to move on? Do we feel like we are making progress? Are we aligned on the right path? Additionally the Sun will make a positive sextile with Chiron in Aries which will create beneficial energy that will help us to focus on addressing past pains, healing and finding solutions. We will be in a position to want to make progress and heal.
Lastly this day will mark a new Venusian cycle full of tenderness and sensuality as Venus moves into sensitive Cancer. When it comes to our bonds and what we value we will feel more drawn by our emotions and how we feel held by others. Venus in cancer loves tenderness, warmth and emotional dedication. We may feel more emotional in our relationships during this time.
3 - ☾♈ Sun in Gemini trines Saturn rx in Aquarius Moon enters Aries
Today we will feel a positive aspect of this Saturn retrograde as the sun will make a lucky trine with the planet of hard work. This will be a beneficial day to work on anything you have put aside. With the moon in Aries we will feel a burst of energy that will help us to tackle down any challenges, obstacles and tasks still in our way. It's a great day to focus on your responsibilities and work but definitely in the areas of pending tasks that you still have yet to address.
4 - ☾♈ Balsamic Moon | Moon Trine Sun Venus in Cancer trines Jupiter in Pisces
When the moon trines the sun it is a good time to focus on any unfinished business and wrap it up. You will get a boost of energy today with this lucky transit. Additionally with mercury in retrograde it may bring up any unfinished business or projects we let fall off the wayside. The Balsamic Moon phase is a great time for cleansing and shedding especially before the solar eclipse coming up. Usually this is a good time to tidy your space a little and get rid of things you no longer need, however the solar eclipse is a period of shedding, death, transformation and rebirth and along with mercury retrograde in Gemini and Saturn retrograde in Aquarius really think about what is no longer working out for you or social contacts that are not for your best interests to start waning from. This is also a good time to reflect on your inner world and any mentalities that are no longer serving you.
Another positive transit in Venus in Cancer trining Jupiter in Pisces. There is a lot of luck today with positivity, love, relationships and finances. This is an excellent day for socialization or abundance spells.
5 - ☾♈ Mercury rx in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces Mars in Cancer opposite Pluto rx in Capricorn
Today's transits may create some challenges. With Mercury rx in a square with Neptune this could cause confusion and deception with people in our social circles. Beware of scammers and beware of manipulative people sneaking back into your life. There could also be potential conflicts arising with Mars opposite Pluto rx. This opposition can create power struggles that  can illuminate inner insecurities.
It's a good day to be self aware of your feelings but have good boundaries and shielding from others. With Mercury in retrograde and the moon in fiery Aries, be very careful on how you communicate and try to be gentle with others.
Week 2
6 - ☾♉ Moon enters Taurus
Today the moon is in Taurus! It's a great day for rest, earth magic, gardening, kitchen magic and tending to yourself.
7 - ☾♉
There are no other notable transits other than the moon in Taurus today. It's a good time for rest.
8 - ☾♊ Moon enters Gemini
The moon is not quiet yet in it's New Moon transit. However we will feel the energy heighten around today. It's a good day to start any New Moon rituals you enjoy doing from cleansing your space, resetting wards, cleansing yourself and thinking of new personal intentions to set for the lunar cycle. In general when the moon is in Gemini, it's a great day for learning, reading, socializing and air and music based magic.
9 - ☾♊
There are no other notable transits today other than the moon in Gemini. This is a good day to read, socialize, learn and reflect on your inner mental landscape and social circles.
10 - ☾♊ New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini
Today will be a whole new chapter! This New Moon will feel like a super new moon as we will experience a Solar Eclipse. Eclipses are karmic events which helps to align us to our best paths and Solar Eclipses takes this energy within. This event is all about death, transformation and rebirth on an internal scale and with the energy in Gemini we will see our mindsets and mental landscapes shift as old beliefs give away into new ones. This is a new chapter for the collective mental landscape. We may get rid of old beliefs on a societal level and give room for new ideas to take place. With Mercury rx in Gemini we will have had a lot of thought focused on mentalities or social interactions that are not working and how to potentially change. This may be realized on a larger scale due to this astronomical event.
On a personal level this Eclipse is best for meditation, setting intentions for applying personal change and reflecting on your mentality and new ways of self expression.
11 - ☾♋ Sun conjunct Mercury rx in Gemini Mars enters Leo Moon enters Cancer
Though the energies will still feel intense and we may want to bolt off in a certain direction with the new lunar cycle, this day is a good day for more rest and reflection. The Sun will conjunct Mercury rx today amplifying the lessons and themes of this transit. We will definitely pay attention to our mental landscape, our social circles, our mentalities and ideas at this time. With the moon entering Cancer the energy will feel more reclusive and internalized as we add our emotions and personal realms into the mix.
However one ingression that will add a fiery nature to the day and the next 6 weeks is Mars entering Leo. Our drive and passions will be amplified and this may affect our goals as they become more grandiose and our endeavors more dramatic. When Mars is in Leo we feel more proud, egotistical, self-confident and spirited. This energy will definitely bring about Hot Girl Summer as this amplifies the collective sex drive and the passion for life is high!
12 - ☾♋ Venus in Cancer squares Chiron in Aries
If anything this Gemini season forces us to look at our social circle and close relationships, it will be Venus in the roughest square with Chiron in Aries. Everything about this seems so unpleasant. Sensitive Venus in Cancer that just wants to be loved and acknowledged will be in the most tense aspect with the planet of pain, trauma and healing in aggressive Aries making some of us with unhealed wounds feel left out, uncared for and in worst case scenarios abandoned. FOMO can feel like betrayal. If we feel unfulfilled in any relationship it can feel like a stab to the heart. Squares do want us to self reflect so if you are feeling unloved it may be time for some shadow work. See if it is truly the people you are around that aren't good for you or if you are projecting some unhealed trauma. Be gentle with yourself and others today. Do NOT do anything rash or communicate raw feelings without self reflection. As Mercury is still in retrograde it can cause unnecessary conflict and with Mars now in dramatic Leo it can lead to a battle of egos. Shadow work can really help today and remember- this transit only lasts 1 day.
Week 3
13 - ☾♌ Venus in Cancer sextiles Uranus in Taurus Moon enters Leo
Venus here is helping us to get over our broken hearts by bringing in new inspiring energy with it's sextile in Uranus! Venus Sextile Uranus is an aspect when the planet of love, pleasure and relationships wants to work with the planet of progression, evolution, surprises and excitement. It's time to make new acquaintances! It's time to try out new pleasureful experiences! It could even be time to make new friends and lovers! This energy is a bit like speed dating where you can meet a lot of incredible, eccentric and interesting people, but it's up to you to hang on that connection and really make it work for the long term as Uranus is very flighty and noncommittal. However this transit is ideal for experimentation and hook ups. It is also great for new friendly acquaintances that can become long term friends, but in the vibe that you would meet someone compelling at an event; they will completely fade from existence in your reality, and by chance after mercury rx you will find them again completely by surprise to forge a friendship.
With the moon entering Leo we will feel more daring as the moon aligns with Mars. It's a good time for risk taking, tapping into your courage and going out in the world to try something new. Venus Sextile Uranus is great with new experiences that you always wanted to try but put off.
14 - ☾♌ Saturn rx in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus Sun in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces
This day brings squares to mark an era of our history. With Saturn in a square with Uranus we are going to undergo changes in society that can feel restrictive or hard for us to find any form of freedom or progression. It will feel like a tense battle between the old world and repressive mindsets that seek to control us and the new world and the progression we wish to undergo. This pressure cooker of a square will last for a while as both planets are slow moving. Since they are outer planets we will see this affect on a macrocosmic scale. This may cause uprisings and protests to be met with more aggression from the state. It can cause unwanted change on a personal level that can be difficult to get out of and can cause a lot of restriction and pain. The best way to deal with this is just to surrender for the moment. Right now shit is hitting the fan and there is little that we can do but with all squares they just want us to self reflect instead of acting on impulse. This will make us collectively seek freedom from a repressive system and find ways to undo it.
With the Sun in a square with Neptune we may feel easily deceived, paranoid and disillusioned with the state of things. This square can bring deceptive people your way so be careful. The best way to ride out this day is to find healthy escapism through art or spirituality. Aiming to reconnect with your spiritual roots and magical path can give you hope for the future.
15 - ☾♌ Waxing Crescent | Sun Sextile Moon
When the Sun sextiles the moon it's a good time for reflecting on your new moon intentions and applying them in your life. Take this as a first step/attempt or experimentation towards the direction you want. What did you visualize during the New moon in Gemini? How can you work on expressing that in your day to day life? It's a great time for learning and figuring out what you like and what you would like to explore in this field before the lunar phase enters it's first quarter moon.
In general this energy is great for getting any sort of work done. With the Sun in a sextile with the moon we will feel a burst of energy as the inner and outer worlds want to work together. This is an opportunity to just get anything you like done as you will feel a more ease of flow on this day.
16 - ☾♍ Moon enters Virgo
Today the moon enters Virgo. When the moon is in Virgo it's a good day to review any ongoing issues in your life and aim to address and solve them. It's a good day to get organized and prioritize any pending tasks. It's also a good day for healing magic, road opening or barrier breaking, taking care of your health and self care. The moon is not at it's First Quarter transit yet, however we may start to notice the energy shift. The First Quarter moon is all about reflection, strategizing and taking on challenges, and with this energy in Virgo it's time for us to strategize through getting organized.
17 - ☾♍
There are no other notable transits today other than the moon in Virgo. It's a good day to rest and get organized.
18 - ☾♎ First Quarter Moon in Virgo Moon enters Libra
Today the Moon reaches it's First Quarter transit in Virgo before it transits into Libra. When it's the first quarter moon it's a good time to reflect on the New Moon, especially the Solar Eclipse, our internal changes, our current path and how we are taking on any challenges in our way. If we are finding any challenges it's good to use the Moon's analytical nature in Virgo to observe and understand them, then strategize on how to take them on. Today is a great day for magic to break through barriers, eliminate obstacles and or attract new opportunities. It's also a good lunar phase for divination to reflect on our next steps and figure out what we must do in order to make progress.
19 - ☾♎
There are no other notable transits today other than the moon in Libra. When the moon is in Libra it's a good day for attraction magic, peace spells, glamour magic and sending blessings to loved ones.
--------------- 20 - ☾♏ Jupiter enters Retrograde -until October 18th
Jupiter is checking out today on it's Summer Vacation as it enters retrograde. When Jupiter goes into retrograde it asks us to expand within and reconnect with the truth, our truth and our authenticity. It may be rough on our finances and social lives but great for our personal development, spiritual and philosophical beliefs and our independence. With Jupiter retrograding in Pisces our sense of spirituality and the truth around it is being questioned. In only 5 days time, Neptune will join the planets in retrograde so we will have to reflect on our true connection to our spiritual and magical nature. What does spirituality and magic mean for us? What ideologies and spiritual beliefs could potentially be deluding us from the truth? The time to reflect is now!
21 - ☾♏ Summer Solstice (Litha) ☀️ Sun enters Cancer Venus in Cancer trines Neptune in Pisces Waxing Gibbous | Sun trine Moon
One of the dreamiest times of the year begins with The Summer Solstice marking the start of Cancer season! This Summer Solstice celebration will feel extra dreamy with Venus in a beautiful trine with Neptune bringing about more creativity, spirituality, magic, pleasure, whimsy and enchantment to this fiery, bright and energetic day. Additionally the Sun and Moon in mysterious Scorpio will form another lucky beneficial trine which will add a boost of luck and great spirits to the day. Summer Solstice is a great time to cast spells, make wishes, do magic (esp if you are in a safe space for it- then Fire Magic!) for self empowerment and the planets are aligned for a great and incredibly magical time. Whether you have a group of magical friends or not it's a great day for an excursion outdoors whether that be by your local park, a nature reserve or the beach and just cast spells during the high sun. It's a good day to charge any magical items that could benefit from the solar energy and use the solar fiery creativity to channel into art and pleasure.
22 - ☾♐ Mercury stations Direct Moon enters Sagittarius
Mercury is out of retrograde! It may still be in it's shadow period so it's a good time to reflect on the lessons learned and see how to integrate them into your life as we move forward. Do you feel like you have better clarity on some old beliefs? Do you feel you are surrounded by the right people that want to support and uplift you? Especially after the eclipse and squares we might have experienced some major changes by now, but when planets exit retrograde it's a time for clarity and heightened perspectives as we get to integrate the lessons.
23 - ☾♐ Sun in Cancer trines Jupiter rx in Pisces
MARK THIS DAY ON YOUR CALENDARS!! Even with Jupiter in retrograde it will be a very lucky day. With the Sun in a beneficial trine with Jupiter rx we may feel a boost in optimism, luck and abundance coming our way. With the retrograde in affect this can cause us to come across events that can help us to expand within, create life changing epiphanies or bring in opportunities and abundances from old connections that could spring back into our lives at the knick of time.
It's a great day for abundance and wealth magic, meditation to reflect on yourself, magic to break through obstacles or attraction magic of any kind. The Jovial nature of the day will feel amplified by the moon in Sagittarius making us feel generous and positive.
24 - ☾♑ Full Moon in Capricorn  Venus in Cancer opposite Pluto rx in Capricorn Saturn rx in Aquarius trines Chiron in Aries
The energy surrounding this full moon may feel confrontational yet cathartic. The Full Moon in Capricorn within the context of Cancer season is all about addressing our comfort zones vs ambitions, our career vs home life and how we take responsibilities for our emotions. Within the context of the current cycles we are at and being the height of the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini's cycle, it's about the intentions we've set, if we have met them yet and how we can work on transforming ourselves to meet those standards. With Saturn in retrograde trining Chiron we may find ways to reflect upon our sense of self discipline and how we can find solutions to committing to our responsibilities or set tasks. This energy can help us find solutions and come to peace with certain restrictive elements in lives and find balance. With Venus opposite Pluto rx things may get more intense. We may be more aware of the distance from the things we desire and our lack of power over it. In relationships there could be elements of power struggles that come up and in general, obsessions and compulsive attractions can bring out the worst from our subconscious. The Full Moon in Capricorn is going to illuminate these themes and ask that you confront them responsibly. We cannot move forward in the watery emotional cancer season without filtering addressing deeper issues at our core. Other than reflecting on the new moon eclipses energy and releasing spells, today is a great day for shadow work and sorting out your inner world.
25 - ☾♑ Neptune enters Retrograde -Until December 1st
Neptune joins the retrograding planets today until nearly the end of this year. With Neptune in Retrograde we are asked to self reflect on our spirituality, source of creativity, empathy (or lack thereof for some people) and magical practice. If you feel like you've strayed away from your magical path, this is a time to reflect on why. Magic may feel less flourished at this time and more practical and day to day. Those that may only see magic as something ritualistic or performative may become disillusioned with their path. This is also a great time to reflect on your spiritual life and any delusional ideas or beliefs that are not healthy.
When Neptune goes into retrograde the rosy tinted glasses get ripped off and we can realize how some ideas have left us duped the whole time. It's time to face reality. What idealistic ideas have you held on to that you are realizing are simply untrue? How can you process your beliefs in a more practical way without the flourish or any negative ideas attached to it?
After the full moon in Capricorn we may feel like our responsibilities towards managing our emotions and personal worlds carry on with the way we address our own and others feelings and how we hold on to certain beliefs out of idealism and not reality. If you are on the right path you may feel that your spiritual life in this time becomes more practical and Zen. If you do have beliefs that are not serving you, you may come across an awakening or change or path.
26 - ☾♒ Moon enters Aquarius
The moon enters Aquarius today! When the moon is in Aquarius it's a good time for trying new things, expanding your perspective, tech magic, weather magic, community service and honoring your uniqueness. --------------- 27 - ☾♒ Venus enters Leo
Venus joins Mars in passionate Leo today! When Venus is in Leo, love and relationships feels magnificent and grand!! We take pride in love, our friendships and loving connections and we are generous with our money as well. Romance feels alive and well and with both Mars and Venus in the same sign we will feel passions rise. Venus in leo loves to be adored and this cycle may bring about extravagance, dramatic social events and more parties. However beware of FOMO and overspending during this time especially with Jupiter in retrograde.
28 - ☾♓ Moon enters Pisces
The Moon enters Pisces today! When the moon is in Pisces it's a good time for magic, spiritual reflection, practicing art, art based magic, water based magic, divination and dream oracling.
29 - ☾♓ Disseminating Moon | Moon Trine Sun
When the moon trines the sun it's a beneficial transit that gives us another chance to go after what we want. Usually if we were working hard before, this is the transit that brings us rewards for what we have reaped. Otherwise it's a great time to work some more towards wrapping up that task. In general this transit makes us feel more generous, social and harmonious. If you feel that you are on a good path, it's a good time to be grateful and celebrate in little ways.
30 - ☾♓
There are no other notable transits today other than the moon in Pisces. It's a good day for rest.
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elminx · 4 years ago
Energy Update: Taurus new moon 5/11/21
Tomorrow afternoon we are experiencing a new moon at 21° - both our Sun and Moon will be conjunct in Taurus, square to Jupiter in Aquarius, trine to newly retrograded Pluto in Capricorn, and sextile to Neptune in Pisces. As with most of our recent lunar events - there is a lot of potential in this energy but also a great deal of tension.
The Taurus new moon is characterized by planting seeds and tending spring growth - it is always a time of renewal and reconnection with our earth energy after the long winter slumber. It cannot be removed from the context of this past year though or even from the general energy of 2021 as a whole so I suspect this energy may include more weeding the garden - we are still in a time of removal and reevaluation.
Though this new moon in Taurus is not an eclipse - its sister full moon in Scorpio come November will be. This is significant - these six months will be a sneak peek into the coming eclipse cycle that will begin in earnest when the lunar nodes shift to the Taurus-Scorpio axis early in January of next year. We are warned (all year really) to get our affairs in order - to come into alignment with our true selves.
This is echoed in the aspects the new moon is making. Most notably, the Sun and Moon are squaring off with Jupiter in Aquarius. We've been experiencing squares between Taurus and Aquarius all year - Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in Aquarius will make a total of three exact squares this year but come close to squaring each other five total times. We are in a period of expansion and contraction - things need to shift and move - this energy has been unsettled and will remain unsettled likely until the final square clears in December. Taurus is a sign that is slow to change and often most concerned with comfort while Aquarius wants to keep things weird. Aquarius types will often change for change's sake alone (though they are also a fixed sign so they can get hung up in what they won't change every bit as much as Taurus). Expect things early this week to feel uncomfortable and notice what feels out of place. It may be a sign that something needs to get shifted or pruned from your life entirely. This is supported by the trine to retrograded Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto is the grim reaper of the planets - he catalyzes deep transformative change that can often feel akin to death. During the Pluto retrograde cycle, long-standing issues come up for release - things related to childhood traumas, long-standing relationship problems, addictions, and mental illness. During his journey through Capricorn, the energy is focused on broken institutions - governments, business arrangements - even marriage which is a signed contract (Capricorn rules contracts). We are being shown what doesn't work anymore (and often what has never worked). If you are stuck in a situation where you are trying to make something work that really doesn't, it may feel really challenging during this time. You are being asked to reevaluate whether the things you hold in your life work for you and for all other people involved. We're veering away from Aries energy now - the ego stories and selfishness of Aries season has passed - Taurus is all about building something that will last. Taurus is earthy and grounded energy - it has no time for false narratives or passive aggression. Taurus natives tend to tell it like it is and this new moon will be no exception - there are no room left for the lies. That thing that you've been to struggling to make work for years? It's time to put that shit down. If it hasn't worked by now, it was never meant for you. That's the thing about Taurus, from the outside, it can seem like Tauruses hold on to everything. They are slow to forgive. They tend to like possessions. But Taurus, being ruled by Venus, is very concerned with value. You won't find a Taurus keeping a friend around who annoys them, or trying endlessly at a failed marriage - if it doesn't have value, a Taurus is willing to give it up and make space for something that does. This is, I think, one of the reasons that strong Taurus natives often are among the more content signs in the zodiac. As we begin our shift of the nodal axis point from Gemini-Sag to Taurus-Scorpio, this idea of value is going to come more deeply into focus. This new moon will be our first "ping" of this energy that is to come. Things to watch out for during this week are issues around control - Taurus can tend towards control freak tendencies which may be amplified by our great expander (Jupiter) but retrograded Pluto is not having anything to do with it. Lean into Taurus' natural inclination towards having good boundaries and remember that other people (even YOUR others) have the right to make their own decisions. Stay in your own lane. I know - I've been repeating that over and over again. It needs repeating. If you tell somebody else what to do with week, expect them to blow up in your face - don't say that I didn't warn you. The way that you can support yourself through this energy is through some good old-fashioned self-indulgence. Treat yo self to a new outfit or the more expensive takeout. If you feel stuck or too grounded, you can counter this energy by reaching towards Taurus's opposite
sign Scorpio: spend some time around water or deep in mediation, both Scorpio favorite activities. This won't pack the punch of a full moon but we are in eclipse season so what happens today, tomorrow, and Wednesday is likely to be highly significant. If something comes up for you - write it down for later perusal. You may not understand the full import of what is happening right now but it may become more clear as we get closer to our eclipses.
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rurifangirl · 4 years ago
agth, 3 asks per oc💅💅
🙏 Is your OC religious in any way? Why or why not? Do they have other beliefs that govern them in any way?
⚖️ What is the biggest crime your OC has committed? Are they a theif, a cheat, a liar? What is the smallest, most petty crime they’ve committed? Or do they not do crime at all?
🤕 What is the worst injury your OC has ever suffered? Do they have any scars or lasting physical reminders of it? Do they get sick often or have any lasting medical conditions?
💧 What makes your OC lose hope, what makes them give up and feel helpless? Have they ever given up on something really important or let go of a dream? What are some of their biggest regrets? Would they ever try again (if they’re able to)?
✨ If your OC were a deity of some kind, what would they represent? What do they look like? How are they worshipped and what offerings would they expect? What are their places of worship like? Their followers? Their teachings?
⚡ What are your OC’s phobias? Is there any reasoning behind these? How do they calm themselves down after getting scared? What are they like when they’re afraid? Is there any chance of them overcoming their fears?
Hsjlfjf look at me finnaly answerin asks 🤩✌️
🙏- I mean...kind of? It really depends, cuz I've always intended him to not be that fanatic of relegion nor making him fully atheist, cuz of both the dragon thing, but i think that it's safe to say that, even if he'd belive in like God he wouldn't devote himself that much, despite his past w Osho, so yeah, It wouldn't tho make much a difference if there was indeed a god existin, so he's chill bout It tbh.
⚖️- Does bringin in death servitors cuz he wanted to make friends count?😭 Otherwise he wouldn't rly commict crimes, the most he did was buying a plushie before a lil kid n makin em cry, but he was rly sud bout It n apologised😭😭
🤕- hO OH HO HO, now THAT'S somethin. So, I've always intended him to have some kind of scars tbh, i mean understandably, he's physically weak so It wouldn't be so surprising if he came back from a normal mission n have some bruises to take care of, plus I don't think that w the Osho nor the Ruri part he didn't get serious wounds, it's not like it's only for angst, but like realistically, if you're fightin someone who's inteding to hurt ya n Is in a better position if you don't hurt yourself that's like a fucking miracle. But, I think he'd have some scars especially on the back, i could expand on why but I gotta ask other questions rn so imma just skip explainin, tho Imma say hoe has to do w it. I think that he'd have some littles scars here and there over his body too, but nothing too large(also cuz he kinda hides em to not cause anyone worry, cuz I had a lil angsty idea w the back scars, but i ain't gonna delvp in too much).
💧- They did feel helpless doing their backstory, I mean that shit's awful, plus they had to give up on many of their childood dreams, which I'm not expanding on mainly because I'm again, indecise through stuff, but mainly so, they had to let go of someone really important to them, so that definetly did bring shit. There's many things that would make Rui helpless, they've already got much paranoia even of other close to em, and if that feelin of like losin someone again or to be left like the "freak" they were "meant" to be by people in their fam, they're gonna give up. Honestly. Either just give up or regreding to even worse n worse, so really.
✨- shjddjd i don't rly know 🤡 cuz honestly, in my original plan for em i would've said somethin like mystery n shit, but honestly, now I'm really indecise, cuz like, id say somethin like lunar shit, mainly cuz of another meanin of it, but I really wouldn't know how to answer any of It. N honestly, if they were a diety they wouldn't dare for anyone to worshipp em 🧍 they had enough w religious shit let em vibe
⚡- Oh boy, for starters being left alone as it Is, but they also have a lot of trauma for religion, and cults as a whole. If ya read their part below it y'all know what I'm refferring to. Litteraly if ya'd mention somethin bout It you'd trigger their fight or flight response. I don't rly think bout havin a fear for the dark, purely cuz they had to again adjuste to it, so It ain't on the list tbh. Oh, n also touch w/o consent, not because they don't like It or don't know how to respond, but because, fuck It, in less words It reminds them of their time in the cult, so pls ask em first.
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topherofspace · 5 years ago
Chakra Reflections
This quarantine has me going crazy just like everybody else. Quite uncharacteristically, instead of wallowing and feeling sorry for myself about the collective life disruption we’re all experiencing, I’ve turned my eye inward to use this time to reflect on my life, values, and behaviors. 
Listen, when I tell you that the ritual I wrote and performed for the April 22nd new moon was crazy, you still have no idea. It was spring cleaning for my mind and spirit like I have never ever experienced. Cobweb covered detritus that reek of must and dank were tossed into the light with abandon. 
Without getting into the nitty gritty of the trauma I dug up and started sorting through using the MariKon method, I discerned a pattern to the things I’ve been carrying that don’t serve me: there is a breakdown in the alignment between my mind, my body, and my spirit. 
I’ve been dabbling in and exploring yoga and meditation for the past several months, including many other related elements of Eastern wellness/spirituality. I set an intention for the moon cycle to open/focus my energy and attention toward my root chakra. 
With a new moon less than forty-eight hours, I am feeling both blessed and overwhelmed by the enormity of this undertaking. Focusing my attention on my root chakra for an entire lunar cycle has opened so much of my heart and cleared out more emotional baggage than I was even aware that I was carrying around with me. Below, I’ll explain the three interventions I took to focus my energy on the root chakra for a whole month: 
YOGA - So I’ve been dabbling with yoga for probably seven or so years now, but a busy life is a graveyard for healthy habits. My favorite online yoga instructor, Adriene Mishler, provides a curated monthly calendar on her website, so I determined to complete the calendar in its entirety for the entire lunar cycle and beyond. Adriene even has a yoga class specifically for opening the root chakra, and I think I cried for a whole hour after I finished.  
Yoga encourages a mind-body connection that someone with body dysmorphia and a history of eating disorders like me struggle to cultivate. It encourages an appreciation and gratitude for even those parts of the body that we find distasteful. My relationship with those parts of my body have softened like my shoulders in an exhale in sukhasana. I will strive to maintain this practice through this pandemic and beyond. 
MEDITATION - It just so happened that Adriene’s monthly focus for May 2020 is Meditation, which encouraged me to expand my already existing meditation practice. I’ve been practicing daily meditation for about a year now for about five minutes each day. In this lunar cycle, I have expanded that practice to between 30 and 45 minutes each day. I alternate between using popular meditation apps HeadSpace and Balance recently to train that muscle. I have found meditation to reveal the connection between emotion and the body in an active way. It’s difficult to notice in the thick of life the slight physical ramifications of emotion, but meditation really allows one to find that space. This has been a literal life-saver, as my fiance and I navigate our life in a one-room apartment.
JOURNALING/THERAPY - I’m a huge proponent of therapy. I have brought my many reflections and epiphanies to my therapist for more thorough and safe investigation. I supplement this with journaling, both free-form, and focused journaling about root chakra concerns such as safety, boundaries, and realism. 
I feel like I have entered a cocoon on the path to radical self-development with this undertaking, and I can’t wait to focus my energy on each of my chakras in turn through the next few months. I hope we will have returned to life long before I finish, but either way I’m excited to see the person that emerges out the other side of this endeavor. 
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talonabraxas · 9 months ago
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The Gemini New Moon Is Here — Set Your Intentions & Manifest
The Gemini New Moon Is Here — Set Your Intentions & Manifest
Take note: The new moon in Gemini commences on June 6 at 8:37 a.m. ET. New moons mark the beginning of the lunar cycle and offer us a fresh start. Since this lunation falls in the air sign of Gemini, we are aiming to communicate our thoughts — even though some may call them pipe dreams and fantasies — in an effort to be seen, heard, and understood by others. In short: We aren’t holding back. In fact, we are making sure that we are expanding our desires and soaring to new heights.
The new moon links up with Venus in Gemini, Saturn in Pisces, and the nodes of destiny. With the BIG Gemini energy behind the lunation (there is a stellium of planets in the mix: the sun, the moon, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter), we will buzz around, seeking information before diving into our plans. It’s best to ask those we trust for support and pointers on how to start. If we don’t utilize our resources and connections, we’ll figure things out through trial and error. However, we can avoid this step by seeking the opinion of someone with experience to get the feedback and motivation we need.
The centaur Chiron in Aries offers a healing hand, allowing us to communicate our innermost sentiments. Talking matters out will give us the chance to mend wounds and trauma. Beyond that, we’ll be able to empathize with the plight of others and want to offer advice (even though it may be given without solicitation). Additionally, the asteroid Juno, currently in Virgo, squares the lunation, urging us to seek justice and fairness regarding relationships. Staying in our lanes is vital because people may not be ready or willing to hear what we say, so tread lightly when imparting counsel to others. Be sure to listen to people’s words because they’re trying to grant us their wisdom.
Rigel, one of the brightest fixed stars in the sky, which is found in the constellation of Orion, connects with the new moon. The giant blue star aims to provide abundance and luck. We can expect our desires and intentions to come to fruition quickly, opening doors and bringing success.
According to the astrologer Arielle Guttman, two days before the new moon, the yearly alliance between the sun and Venus is known as Venus “cazimi” and Venus Star Point. This is a magical time to embrace our dreams. The energy is taking us back to 2020 since this is the second part of the vision the Venus Star Point began then. We are at the midpoint of the eight-year cycle of Venus, which means the universe is checking in to see if we are following through on the objectives we set out to attain in 2020. There could be changes to the concepts as we’ve grown. Embrace them! Gemini energy is mutable and fluid, always transcending and evolving.
Since Mercury, the planetary ruler of Gemini, becomes enlightened by Jupiter on the 4th, the celestial energy will inspire us to do amazing things — all of which will contribute to the new moon.
The new moon in Gemini is a marvelous time to set intentions and to manifest. Opportunities will feel limitless because we are more willing to experiment and switch paths to embrace a new game plan. Our minds will be open, and we will want to attain our desires. With the cosmos on our side, it’ll be easier to lean into our goals, and they will be more accessible than ever. The only caveat is that Saturn might pause our timeline and urge us to spend more fuel discussing our aspirations with others to ensure that we are on the right track; however, this won’t stand in the way of using our inventiveness and ideas to create greatness. The advice or opinions of others will benefit us since they’ll show us the right ways to move forward.
Demeter, Kore and Hekate, by Eduardo Chicharro Aguera
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lovehaswonangelnumbers · 5 years ago
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/aries-new-moon-march-2020-planet-needs-divine-medicine-the-magic-only-mother-can-bring/
Aries New Moon, March 2020 ~ Planet Needs Divine Medicine, The Magic Only Mother Can Bring
Aries New Moon, March 2020 ~ Planet Needs Divine Medicine, The Magic Only Mother Can Bring
By Marcia SisterStar
Hello, Beautiful,
Aries New Moon downloaded a laser beam of intensity — and wild, cosmic magic – into your energy field. The star codes from the great heart of our solar system, and your life, are already blazing a new trail through your intuitive, emotional lunar intelligence. This wasn’t a brief, passing moment of expanded awareness. What’s unfolding, within and around you, is way bigger than that. 
In fact, the transformational potential that the New Moon is activating within you is challenging for the mind to comprehend, much less to describe. Far more important than “understanding” every detail of the astrology — briefly summarized below — is grasping as deeply as you can the fact that this initiatory time is both a crisis and an invitation. Our Universe — and don’t forget for a minute it’s every bit as much within you as it is around you — is pulling out all the stops to activate all that’s now ready to awaken within you. 
So don’t worry about absorbing every detail of what I’m sharing here. Take what your heart is ready to process, and read on to the guidance I’ve received for maximizing the transformative potential of this never-before Now moment on our planet.
If you aren’t feeling that potential yet, it’s likely a signal that it’s time to venture deeper into the place where all the power of this field is — beneath the surface of your attention, your awareness, and your life. In both the Equinox and New Moon sky charts, all the energy in the sky is concentrated in the most inward arts of every chart, the northern (lower) and eastern (left-hand) hemispheres. Like all metamorphosis, the consciousness transformation underway is an inside-out process.
That’s where “the force which through the green fuse drives the flower,” as a poet from Wales once said, is rising within you — all the way from the space on which your atoms float. It’s bringing something new and powerful into your life, and our world. It’s coming from the Cosmos within you, and there’s never been a more powerful time to encounter it. Because the wildly creative power of the life force within you — and me too, and all of us here on this beautiful blue cosmic jewel — is the only thing that’s bigger than the crisis our planet faces. 
That’s why we’re facing this crisis. This isn’t just a new moon. It’s an initiation. 
The skies tell us that the crisis we face is intense, extreme — and saturated with the potential for deep, reality-changing healing. Here are some of the cosmic indicators, and what they mean:
It’s a whole new beginning for a wisdom that lies beyond the reality paradigms of the status quo. The Aries Sun and Moon are conjoined with a cosmic triad of specialists in tapping breakthrough wisdom: (1) the centaur planet Chiron, “the wounded healer” who activates the sacred gift within the gateways of our wounds; (2) the asteroid Tara, “the female Buddha” in the Vajryana traditions of India and Tibet, and the healer of plagues and epidemics in her final, 20th expression, and (3) Black Moon Lilith, who’s the furthest point from Earth in the Moon’s orbit, where the wild, untamed feminine intelligence — all that the culture of domination cannot accept in the Cosmic Feminine — lives within and around you. 
The fire — the one from whose ashes the phoenix rises — has now been lit. The more we can ignite its flames in our own hearts, the less violently they will need to burn in the bodies of our sisters and mothers, brothers and fathers. Mars, the dynamic ruler of Aries who energizes all he touches, is conjunct both Pluto and Jupiter — igniting an intense, extreme, and ultimately life-renewing crisis that will unfold in several waves over the next 18 months, setting the stage for the US Pluto return in 2022. 
The preparation phase for this global healing crisis is almost over. This is the third of three consecutive new moons unfolding in the intensely focused bundle chart pattern, where all core celestial bodies grouped within 120 degrees. That tells us that a process that began on January 24, at the Aquarius New Moon — the day after Chinese authorities closed off the city of Wuhan from the rest of the world — is now completing. Your real work (and play, for in truth, if they are real and true, they are the same) is about to begin
A powerful stellium of planets in Capricorn, sign of the bones, is still transforming the bones of your body, your life, and our world. It was here that, just 10 weeks ago, Capricorn’s ruler, our reality gatekeeper Saturn, seeded a new and transformative reality structure with our metamorphosis catalyst Pluto. That was only the third time since the 8th century they’ve come together in Capricorn, where things become both real and lasting. 
Our reality gatekeeper is already exploring what it’s going to take to go where we’re all being alled — seriously visionary. Two days ago, Saturn entered Aquarius. For the next three months, he’s scouting for what’s going to be required when he returns in December. This time is precious. Every obstacle you encounter, every gap between what is and what might be is showing you where your greatest opportunity actually lies.
The power that’s now in play invites you to break new emotional  and intuitive ground in transforming trauma and fear into multidimensional grace that is your birthright.  In the New Moon chart for the US, Luna’s own sign of Cancer — the sign of the people, and of our emotions — rules the 6th House of Health. The Moon herself, along with the magical healing triad of Chiron, Tara, and the Black Moon, are in the US New Moon chart’s 1st House, which includes the physical body. Your body like the body of the Earth herself, is full of the magic and power of the cosmic and the wild. It’s time to give that magical power more room in your life. Much more room. 
For it’s not “just” physical bodies being transformed by the coronavirus. It’s consciousness — which is what everything, including your body, is made of. At the Midheaven — the vocation point — of the US Chart is the asteroid Isis, who connects us to the Cosmic Feminine frequencies of magic and regeneration that the Egyptians called Isis. The catalyst of ancient Egypt’s transformation from a superficial, strife-ridden society into one of the greatest wisdom cultures the world has ever seen, Isis’ name reverberates through the Universe. The asteroid of her murdered beloved, Osiris, who presides over the seamless wholeness of life and death, is tightly conjunct a centaur planet named Pholus. While you may never have heard of him, his gift is now your boon — transforming awareness by freeing you from ancestral limitation, often in ways that seem at first traumatic. For the first time in nearly 3,000 years, Pholus has just begun a four decades-long conjunction with the edge-dweller Quaoar, who sings and dances new consciousness into being. It’s time to become the New Earth that’s already waking up within you — and to give her the room she needs to be visionary, not toxic, in you and as you.
An ancient cosmic healing lineage is now fully activated — one that links healing to creativity, beauty, and wisdom. The entire healing lineage of the mighty Apollo, the god of healing, prophecy, music, and art is infused into this sky. Apollo raised the centaur Chiron from an abandoned child to the greatest of all the Deep Time healers, and was himself known to the ancients as a protector from plagues and epidemics. Today, his asteroid is in Venus’ sign of Taurus, where Earth’s sister planet has just reached her highest possible position in the evening sky. Here, shining at her brightest, she takes her throne as Queen of Heaven and Earth — and she is conjunct Apollo, one with both the healing, prophetic power of music and art and the creative power of prophecy and deep healing.
It’s time to break new ground for healing our connection with the great web of being that we’re woven into — the Cosmos. The asteroid Asclepius is conjunct the asteroid Atlantis, in Gemini. Apollo’s son, and the greatest of Chiron’s students, Asclepius is the ancient Greek god of medicine. In this New Moon sky, the asteroid Koronis — wife of Asclepius — is conjunct Neptune. Koronis/Corona is our gateway to the Oneness. 
The daughters of Koronis and Asclepius — Hygeia and Panacea, legendary healers in their own right — are also powerfully activated in this lunar cycle: (1) The asteroid Hygeia, goddess of hygiene (the self-responsible, “wash your hands” medicine) is conjunct the asteroid Sphinx, a mythical creature with a human head and a lion’s body who symbolized strength and wisdom. (In the Greek tradition, the sphinx had the head of a woman, the haunches of a lion, and the wings of a bird.) (2) Hygeia’s sister Panacea — “the universal remedy” that ocnnects us to powers beyond our selves– forms a powerful and auspicious grand trine with the Moon-Chiron-Tara-Black Moon and with Isis and the MIdheaven in the US chart. This lineage at the root of our own Western medical tradition is asking us to re-connect with “the healing power beneath  the healing.”
A six-month process of structural preparation for new realities is now almost complete. This the last of six consecutive new moons in 4 degrees, beginning with the Libra New Moon on September 28. In the wisdom tradition of numerology, as old as astrology, 4 is the number of materiality, structure, and stablity. New reality structures are now able to enter our consciousness. They arent being created from what already is, but rather from what is arising in the space created by all that is collapsing,
  How do we meet this initiatory moment?
Stop. Turn off your phone. Do nothing. Be silent. Pause long enough, and deeply enough, to open the pathway within you for what is not yet here — by embracing what is already here.  Just as the pause in activity has cleared the skies over China and the US, and the water in Venice’s canals, where dolphins now frolic, it can clear weary hearts and exhausted minds — not just your heart and mind, but heart of the world, so that we can remember how to receive.
Welcome everything that arises — for everything that is outworn must now be up-leveled, and who is here to do it but us? Not everyone has awareness of what is happening now. If you’re reading this letter, you’re here to open the way.  Some of us are scouting out the future, with Saturn. Others are transforming wounds into gaeways, with Chiron, Tara, and the Black Moon.  Some are drawing up the toxins and beginning the alchemy of the phoenix. Still others are magnetizing the creative power of color and sound into the world. All of it is necessary. All of it is essential to the sacred work of the Now, which is why we are here. Give yourself the mercy of meeting yourself right where you are, moment to moment, and honoring your part of the great work of Now. Nothing that is coming up for you is wrong.  At this Now moment, there is no other greater service to meet fear, not with denial, shame, and judgment, but with enough compassion that you can transform it. Meeting your own fear is service to a suffering world.  As you meet the moment, in all its fear or confusion, you’re not only allowing the moment to transform itself in you. You’re also transforming whatever arises — and most especially fear — for the world.
Don’t run away from your triggers. They’re the raw material you’re working with, the hiding place of  the power you haven’t yet reclaimed. The ancient Buddhist practice of tonglen — breathing in fear, worry, or anxiety, and bringing it into your heart and allowing it to uplevel into love, or calm, or trust — has been around for millennia for a reason: it works. So is an 800-year old practice of transmuting the demons of fear and panic, transformed by Lama Tulstrim Allione into the “Feeding Your Demons” practice. Use these, or any other practice you know of,  to take my friend Wanda Vitale’s advice and use your triggers to level up — for yourself and for all those who arent quite there yet.
Honor and cherish the wild healing power of what and why and how you love. Venus is on her throne and in full command of her power, which is also yours. It’s the power of your love. The ancients were clear of something we’ve forgotten — the power of your love is reality-changing. 
For love, as thte Jewish mystic Martin Buber wrote a century ago, is far more than a feeling. It’s a cosmic force. And at the 2020 Aries New Moon, that force is surging from the depths of your heart. You’re the place where it can come into the world in a way it never has before. You need it. You can’ tlive without it. And neither can we. The world needs your love,  in the way that only you can bring it. 
So open wide, and open deep. Embrace your life, and follow the trail your love is already blazing, deep within you. 
With all the love, and every blessing to you. As the ages turn, I’m so grateful to be here with you.
Marcia, aka Star Sister
Special offers
Blazing the Trail: From Pandemic to the Good Future 
A Personal Reading with Star Sister
Let’s  take a look, as deep and potent and multifaceted as the pandemic itself, at the central question that Life is asking you now: how can you be a more reality-changing space for Love to enter our world? Comparing 2020 timelines with your natal, progressed, and solar return charts, we’ll examine both your personal health forecast and als the ways the pandemic is waking your incarnational purpose to a new level of expression. 
What does it mean for you to be alive now? I’m finding in many of the people I”m working with that this is the question the Cosmos is wanting us to answer.  The prenatal and post-natal coding that occurred just before and after your birth is being very powerfully activated this year.
2-hour recorded reading for $138
To book your reading, simply respond to this email, or email [email protected] directly
Change Your Game: Your Five Vital Keys
A Personal Reading with Star Sister
You’ve probably heard that Isaac Newton and William Shakespeare did their greatest work during plagues. From the Aries Equinox to the Summer Solstice, the next three months are the most dynamic and creative of 2020.  Whether it’s writing a book or re-writing the script of your life, re-inventing your business or doing absolutely nothing,  the Cosmos is asking you to change your game in a way that’s as unique as you are. This one-hour reading will focus on the five vital keys to tapping the immense energetic support available to you now, so that you can use this time to change your game in ways that will align you more deeply than ever with your life’s purpose, long after pandemic is over. 
One hour: $111
To book your reading, simply respond to this email, or email [email protected] directly
During the cornavirus, I’m discounting all my readings 
to $146 for two hours and $111 for one hour. 
In addition, I’m offering a sliding scale 
for those experiencing financial hardship at this time. 
Just add “Sliding scale” to your email request to book a reading.  That makes this an outstanding time to purchase a solar return, relationship, astrocartography, or business reading — for yourself for someone you love
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Feel Blocked, Drained, Fatigued, Restless, Nausea, Achy, Ready to Give Up? We Can Help! We are preparing everyone for a Full Planetary Ascension, and provide you with the tools and techniques to assist you Home Into The Light. The First Contact Ground Crew Team, Will Help to Get You Ready For Ascension which is Underway. New Spiritual Sessions have now been created for an Entire Family, including the Crystal Children; Group Family Healing & Therapy. We have just began these and they are incredible. Highly recommend for any families struggling together in these times of intense changes. Email: [email protected] for more information or to schedule an emergency spiritual session. We can Assist You into Awakening into 5d Reality, where your experience is one of Constant Joy, Wholeness of Being, Whole Health, Balanced, Happy and Abundant. Lets DO THIS! Schedule Your Session Below by following the Link! Visit:  http://www.lovehaswon.org/awaken-to-5d/
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theonyxpath · 5 years ago
Now available: Book of the Fallen! Now in PDF and print-on-demand from DriveThruRPG.
Are you predator or prey?
For the Nephandi, that’s a simple question: They embody the Abyss, and you are their next meal. You probably won’t see them coming, but they noticed you a long time ago. Now they move in — so sweet, seductive, and friendly, offering whatever it takes to make you love them, trust them, and forget who and what they truly are.
Until the moment when you can’t ignore what you see. By that time, it’s probably too late.
Eaters of the Weak
So easily dismissed as wicked caricatures, the Fallen Ones move among the shadows of our world. Their influence expands with every crime, every falsehood, each time hatred and despair grind hope into the ground.
In the war for reality, they’re winning.
This exploration of the Fallen, their Arts, and the ways in which they prey upon us includes:
Cults and Characters
A glance at real-life evils right next door
Metaplot Options and Roleplay on the Edge
New sects that dominate the new millennium
The Qlippoth and its influence upon the Fallen
Infernal Investments, malignant paradigms, Nephandic Arts, dark heresies, and more.
Content Warning:
This Book Contains Material of a Dark, Mature Nature
This book deals explicitly with abusive people, activities, and cultures. Not to glorify them but to expose them. This book features graphic depictions and discussions involving abuse of children and adults, trauma, war, bigotry, blasphemy, torture, human trafficking, sexual violation, and other forms of human malignancy.
This is your chance to turn back now.
Things only get worse from here, and while we handle such subject matter with maturity and sensitivity, we strongly encourage readers to consider their limits before going forward.
Only a few days remaining in DriveThruRPG’s New Year, New Game sale! We’ve got an amazing Scion 2e Bundle with four Scion PDFs for only $12.99!
Scarred Lands products for Pathfinder (the Scarred Lands Players Guide and The Wise & The Wicked 2nd Edition) are upwards of 90% off from Indie Press Revolution! Both products are an incredible $5 each!
Kickstarter Update
The Kickstarter for Cults of the Blood Gods for Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition finishes in just under 24 hours. After hitting its $25,000 funding goal in just 47 minutes (and doubling it in under 10 hours), we currently at $141,253, or 471%. Thanks to our 2423 backers! We hit the following stretch goals:
Trail of Bone and Ashes: The Ties That Bind, a playable Hecata story; Old Wounds, exploring the enmity between the Cappadocians, Lamiae, Giovanni, Samedi, and Harbingers; Open Your Eyes: an examination of Golconda; The Wellspring: wherein the coterie take over an abandoned cult
Blood Gods Backer T-Shirt
Blood Gods Desktop Wallpaper
Forbidden Paths: Pathways to Power: cults dedicated to power through fear, influence, or devotion, including worshipers of the Nictuku, errant houses within the Tremere, and the ancestral obsession of the Ventrue. Dreams of Golconda: A number of cults who believe they alone know the path to Golconda. Eschatological Thought: About those cultists who want to bring an end to everything. Ruinous Beliefs: Infernalist vampires.
Faithful Undead: Undead Disciples: Storyteller characters.
Art budget increase & creative team reward!
Did you miss one of our previous Kickstarters? The following Kickstarted products are still open for preorders via BackerKit:
Scarred Lands: Creature Collection 5e
They Came from Beneath the Sea!: They Came from Beneath the Sea! rulebook
Trinity Continuum: Trinity Continuum: Aberrant
Dystopia Rising: Evolution: Dystopia Rising: Evolution rulebook
Realms of Pugmire: Pirates of Pugmire
Exalted: Lunars: Fangs at the Gate
Chronicles of Darkness: Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras 2
Chronicles of Darkness: The Contagion Chronicle
Community Spotlight
The following community-created content for Scarred Lands has been added to the Slarecian Vault in the last week:
Your product could be here! Have you considered creating your own to sell?
The following community-created content for Realms of Pugmire has been added to Canis Minor in the last week:
Your product could be here! Have you considered creating your own to sell?
The Storypath Nexus is now open to Trinity Continuum and Aeon products! The following community-created content for Storypath has been added to the Storypath Nexus in the last week:
Trinity Continuum: Trinity Continuum Layout Templates
Trinity Continuum: Trinity Continuum Art Pack 01: Core Rulebook
Trinity Continuum: Player Tools: Cards & the Core Mechanic
TC: Æon: Trinity Continuum: Æon Layout Templates
TC: Æon: Trinity Continuum Art Pack 02: Æon
TC: Æon: Endless Frontiers Vol 1: Humanity
Your product could be here! Have you considered creating your own to sell?
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darin-ism · 2 years ago
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The day before the Lunar New Year, I asked my mom what she prays for whenever we go to temple. She told me she prays for all people to have wisdom so that the world can know peace. I laughed because it seemed so vague and so out of reach. People are capable of such unspeakable violence that peace seems impossible.
And during what should have been a celebration of the lunar new year, two horrific massacres took place in California with the victims consisting of mostly Asian American elders. And in the same week (this past week), we learned about just how violently and senselessly a special unit of the Memphis police department killed a young Black man, Tyre Nichols. And I can’t help that generally the wider public refuses to acknowledge how deeply rooted in systemic violence these events are because the perpetrators looked like their victims.
And now I find myself praying for what my mom prays for. I want people to have wisdom, to practice empathy. And I ask myself what does this look like in practice? Speaking directly to my Asian American community and my Asian American peers, I want you to know that the media and the government will take our hurt, our trauma, our grief and use it to justify expanding policing across the nation. Do not let them. More police is NOT the answer to racism against Asian folks and never has been. Historically, it has meant more harassment of our community by the police. And more than that, more police will only mean the continuation of violence against and trauma for generations of Black people. Simply, it will mean more Black lives lost, and for what? To uphold an oppressive system that will always see us as the Other?
I will always be especially critical of the Asian American community because I love and cherish our community. And part of the wisdom that I’d like my community to understand is that striving for equality to our white counterparts is not freedom and never will be. Our freedom comes when we are all free.
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fabriziofusco80 · 7 years ago
A Love Letter From Your “Inner Pilot Light” on Valentine's Day
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Dear gorgeous, holy, radiant YOU,
Let me just start with the obvious. Darling…I adore you. You are the light of my life. Well…let me reframe that. As your Inner Pilot Light, I suppose I am the light of YOURS. But this is no burden for me! It is my raison d'être, my reason for being, my sacred calling-to love you unconditionally, to guide you on your authentic path, to remind you of your true nature, to love and accept and befriend all of the many parts of you, and to help you remember your wholeness, even when you forget.
I know Valentine's Day can be triggering sometimes. If you've lost someone you love, Valentine's Day can remind you of the hole you feel from their absence, and this remembering can blow your heart open with the pain of your loss. If you have a partner, you may feel disappointed in how your partner expresses love, perhaps in a love language different from yours. If you don't have a partner, any number of insecure, self-critical parts can have a field day, attacking you for not being good enough, beautiful enough, smart enough, wise enough, sexy enough, loving enough, [fill in your blank] enough… These parts can exhaust you on what is meant to be a day of remembering to love.
I am here to embrace and accept and love even those self-attacking parts.
Let me speak the truth of how I truly see you in your deepest, most soulful wholeness.
You are the shooting star, the tulip in bloom, the rainbow after the downpour, and the toothless grin of a happy baby at the breast of a mother who is doing the best she can and still kicking herself for not being the perfect mother. You are a pile of puppies, rolling around, licking and nipping and playing, without a care in the world. You are the first bud of the cherry blossoms, emerging in spring to announce that winter's war is ending and summer's play days are on the horizon.
You are a Rumi poem, a Mozart sonata, a Michelangelo painting, and a children's squeaky orchestra concert. You are an old grove redwood forest, the green flash at sunset, a lunar eclipse, and a meteor shower. You are whales spouting, a leopard on the hunt, and a leafy sea dragon floating the depths of the ocean like God's work of art.
Your radiance stuns me, and your shadows enliven me, giving me a chance to see all of you. Your curiosity about the world touches my heart, as I see how sweet your mind is, wanting to know the unknowable mystery, as minds just love to think. Your heart is a masterpiece, full, as it is, with wonder and awe and a waterfall of affection, as well as the scars of a million disappointing, grief-stricken, illusion-shattering heartbreaks. The courage you've shown to keep your heart open takes my breath away. It's so tempting to shut down when your heart has been hurt. It's a natural defense, a completely understandable reaction to a world full of trauma. But even that slight crack you keep open, the crack of hope that yearns to believe that love is still real, touches me to my the core of my sparkle and lets everyone see what burns through that crack (me!).
On this Valentine's Day, I want to say everything you need to hear in order to heal and feel fully loved. You know better than I do exactly what those words are, the words he or she didn't say, the loving actions you didn't receive, the tender caresses that didn't come, the gentle rocking with your body cradled on the lap of the one whose touch you long for.
Let me give you everything you didn't get. Let me love you so fully inside your own heart, saying to you everything your hurt parts need to hear, giving you whatever you didn't get when you deserved to be treated like the precious gift that you are. Let me shower you with kisses, praise your beauty, your talent, your intelligence, your giving heart. Let me hold you and rock you and whisper sweet nothings in your sweet little ears. Let me reassure you that I will never leave you. I never can. I am with you always, here forever in the sanctuary of your own heart.
I am the one you've been waiting for…
With me by your side, others can come-or go. I can love you so fully from inside your own heart that you are full to the brim with all the love the Universe can shower upon you. Any love you get outside yourself is simply icing-lovely to have, a sweet confection to savor, but not necessary in order for you to feel whole. When you are so full to overflowing with Divine love, human love is still a blessing to be cherished, but you'll feel less needy, less dependent on getting your needs met outside your own heart.
I am here for you, Beloved. It is my joy, my whole purpose, just to remind you what a treasure you are, in all your messy, radiant, not enough, too much, imperfect, over-the-top, insecure, effervescent, expanded, contracted, magnificent glory. I am the One who can love all of your parts, demonizing no part, accepting every part. You are adorable, my love. I absolutely cherish every single part of you-your protector parts, your scared parts, your vulnerable exiled parts, your checked out parts, your rebellious teenager acting out parts, your sabotaging parts-I love them all and I hold you in my Great Arms of Love. I am the part of you that is not a part, and you can always count on me.
If you close your eyes right now, I have a Valentine's Day message for you. If you nuzzle right up to me and listen close, you'll hear it.
Your Inner Pilot Light
  PS. If you loved hearing this love letter from your Inner Pilot Light, sign up here for The Daily Flame, daily love letters from your Inner Pilot Light.
PPS. Great news! Sounds True will be publishing Lissa's next book The Daily Flame: 365 Love Letters From Your Inner Pilot Light, to be released Valentine's Day 2019!
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