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lucialusew · 10 months ago
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londonmusicreview · 2 years ago
The last time I wrote about Alvvays was in the fall of 2017; I was a Junior in College and they had just released their second album. I was working at the student radio station and wrote a piece for their website. I'm a little out of practice on music writing, but I figure it's mostly just for me anyway. A way to remember who I am at this moment and why my favorite band in my twenties is this one.
I first heard them at the radio station, after my show one night, and was immediately captured. I ran back into the studio to turn up the song and write down some of the lyrics so I could look it up later. It was, unsurprisingly, 'Archie, Marry Me'; their debut single and one of the most listened to in their repertoire. Any fan of indie/alt pop is no stranger to this tune but at the time it was new to me, and I had never heard anything like it before. It felt like a moment out of a film and I was right at the center listening with every fiber; soaking it in. So many times I had felt out-of-place and unsure of where I fit but right then, listening to that song, I felt like someone who was right where they were supposed to be. That was Spring of 2016, and I was 18.
The very next year they released their sophomore album, 'Antisocialites', and I wrote about it having "something tangible, something that makes you want to go on living this life as freely and wildly as possible, with as much feeling as one can muster" (from https://kure.stuorg.iastate.edu/antisocialites-by-alvvays/). I was very emotional because for the first time in my life I had a group of friends and I wasn't used to that much love; I remember feeling it pour over me at times and being overwhelmed by it. The night the album came out was one of those moments; "it was midnight, 'Antisocialites' had just dropped, and I was listening to it alone in my room. It so perfectly captured everything I had wanted it to. I felt that I needed to share it" with people who would get it, and as if on cue "some of my friends walked through the front door". They had all been out to the bars and I couldn't go because I wasn't yet 21; I'd been feeling a bit down about it before I remembered Alvvays' new album was coming out. When they arrived, I had just finished listening to it through a second time, and "we jumped up and down in the hallway". The songs off that album were on every party playlist for the rest of the semester and into the next.
I got lucky, discovering my favourite band and them releasing another album just 18 months later. It was perfect for college; linking up with the moments I wanted to celebrate and remember, for the most part anyway. There was a time during the last year and a half of college when I didn't want to remember how I felt; so I stopped listening. I didn't listen to them for years; from 2019, when I graduated, all through grad school and into my living back at home phase at 23. I couldn't listen because it reminded me so viscerally of heartache and at the time I thought that was the worst there was to feel. Soon after my 24th birthday I learned that was not true. Loss is a different kind of heartache; it isn't about not being good enough for someone, it's not about you at all. There is just nothing there, they're just gone, and along with them everything you admired and wanted to say. This is the worst thing a person can feel; the absence of someone. Nothing makes it stop hurting, but time acts as a buffer.
A year passed and another birthday, I'm 25 now and still living at home. I'm ready to leave, now that I'm feeling a little better. I made friends at the office that I get to see every day and I'm getting back to that feeling I had at the radio station; of belonging and fullness. I miss home though, the place I've always felt the most me; I'm moving back up there in February, to be closer to my college friends and settle in the area I've wanted to live in for years. Another big transition and finally a time I do want to remember again, a time when I'm getting back to myself. And just like that…
'Blue Rev' finally dropped in October; I'd been waiting with bated breath ever since 'Pharmacist' came out earlier this year, and it did not disappoint. I can't believe I'm saying this because I never thought they'd actually outdo their first two albums, but this is my favorite Alvvays album yet. It is literal perfection and there isn't a bad track on it. They have put out three perfect albums though and I always get this excited, so maybe I'm just biased in the moment and will feel like they are more even later on. It might just be the newness of it, but I honestly don't think so. I think they have been honing their craft, taking their time on this one, even more than the others, and waiting to put it out until they were ready. It always shows, the care these musicians put into their music, and the truth they write about. Their songs are from the heart and they speak to yours. That is why Alvvays is and will always be the soundtrack to my twenties, and maybe thirties and forties, and so on.
Promise me you will give it a chance and I promise you it won't disappoint: Blue Rev
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nogpawkit · 5 months ago
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The Ten Centuries Opening, Grinning Fellows, and Land of Carelessness are pretty neat 👍👍
posts 1-7 are sketches i did at the end of school, and as for the eighth being at the beginning of june and the ninth being a few days old (im starting to make some au lore 😈)
(btw blue guy in post 8 is named Florence Shaden(oc); he's an ice sculptor and Lumre's husband.) (And the OTHER blue guy that's in post 9 is Weslan Obscurette(oc); he was the prince of the Rose Kingdom and now the king of the Shadow Realm/Kingdom (and he's also the husband of the Shadow Queen, duh-))
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transstarfolk · 2 months ago
hello! can we request a headmate pack for a beauheur (the role)? we'd also like the pack to include any type of maverique/maverine genders! other than that, you can do whatever else you'd like ^^ thank you in advance & no worries if not!
Note — Headmates will most likely not form 100% accurate to the template, and any/all information can be changed to fit your system.
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(Image 1 — Image 2 — Image 3)
Name(/s) — Sunny, Halo, Elena
Species — Demi-human, transspecies angel
Age — Ageless
System — BAHtive, entomate, beauheur
3rdp. Pronouns — they/them, ix/ixs, strell/strells, vi/vim, wing/wings, feath/feather, sun/suns, light/lights, lux/luxs
2ndp. Pronouns (you/your/yours/yourself) — you/your, lu/lux/luxs/luxself, lu/lumr/lumrs/lumself, ray/rayr/rayrs/rayself
1stp. Pronouns (I/me/my/mine/myself) — I/me, Li/ligh/ly/light/lightself, Si/shi/shy/shine/shineself
Gender — Transmaverique, haloxine, mangiverique, goldenhouraesimav
Orientation/Attraction — Pluralian mavrician
Other IDs — Sun eiment, sunshinestelic, sunlightheartic
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(Image 1 — Image 2 — Image 3)
Likes — Helping others, laughter, the color yellow, cute animals, making others laugh/smile, scrapbooking, floristry
Dislikes — Cloudy/rainy/foggy days, seeing others cry, insults, others being rude/disrespectful to anyone else
Aesthetics — Golden Hour, Cloudcore, Smilecore
Proxy Options — ☀️⭐️/🔅🍯/🌼🌻
Extra Notes — Big fan of gold jewelry, wears them pretty much 24/7. One of those people that get up at the same time the sun does just to watch it rise.
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stumblingoverchaos · 2 years ago
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Mayhem, apparently thinking about the horrors.
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diddeoglaurapaatur · 2 years ago
Turen videre tog så også noget tid.
Vi var sat til at skulle ankomme 12.10, hvis alt gik legende let. Realistisk set, kunne jeg se på min gps, at vi nok nærmere var fremme ved en 13-tiden.
Vi var slet ikke i nærheden af nogle af de tidspunkter.
Vi endte med at cirkulere i Melaka, som var den malaysiske by, vi tog til. Vi cirkulerede i næsten 3 timer. Et par af de andre passagerer spurgte, hvordan og hvorledes, men blev ignoreret.
Det var vidst noget med, at chaufførerne var timelønnet, så de ville nok gerne have flere penge. Vi ved det ikke med sikkerhed, men vi kørte i ring 3 gange, og det var den samme runde oven i købet, så det var ikke gennemtænkt, og det var super træls. Vi kom dog frem til sidst, og bussen havde nogle rimeligt utilfredse turister.
For at komme hen på vores hostel, tog vi en taxa til lidt under 40 kr, så det var jo dejlig billigt, og vores frokost (som blev indtaget kl. 16 pga. en nederen bus), kostede omkring 60 kr. De billige priser hjalp på den trælse bustur.
Busturen gik nu fint på nær vores cirkulerende rute.
Vi er derfor nu officielt i Malaysia.
Vi prøver at være åbne for at snakke med mennesker på vores hotel, og Laura fors��ger ikke at lave samme bommert, som hun gjorde, da hun var i Costa Rica med en veninde, hvor de snakkede med to meget søde piger, om at de ikke var i Costa Rica for at feste. Det var bare ikke det, Laura fik sagt. Hun fik sagt "vi er her ikke for at få venner".... hun har siden lært at hendes fejl, og hun er meget åben for at snakke og få venner.
Da vi trådte ud af taxaen og gik de 10 resterende meter hen til hostellet, fik vi da også en varm velkomst af nogle piger, der sad i en bus og vinkede ivrigt til os.
Vi har også fået hilsner fra mænd. Dem er vi mindre begejstret for, da mændene virkede sådan lettere lumre typer. Bvadr, det gider vi ikke.
Men ellers ser det ud til at være en fin start på Malaysia.
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ninagraceginger · 4 years ago
LUMR POD Ep.1 We Are The Trees
My first podcast episode is up now! Have a listen if you like indie/emo rock music, adorable irish accents, and funny stories. The band this week is We Are The Trees from Northern Ireland, and they were such a fun bunch to talk to! 
Follow them here: https://www.instagram.com/werthetrees/
Follow the LUMR page for more content: https://www.instagram.com/londonmusicreview/
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adventuresofcourse · 3 years ago
Seashell just floatin along... . . Evanesco_Rain on PS4 if you wanna join me! looking for some female gamer friends! . . . . . .... #apexlegends #nomansky #gettoknowme #girlswhogame #RainAdventures #twitch #tiktok #chillvibes #ps4 .. #pnwphotographer #chill #chillvibes #chillvibe #relax #pacificnorthwest #pnwadventures #pnwonderland #pnw #sahm #sahmlife #followformore #momlife #originalcontent #washingtonexplored (at Lewis County, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/CROEtE-luMr/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Så, NU synes jeg altså at tiden er inde til at universet giver mig en sød partner i stedet for denne barrage af fuckboys og lumre 30-årige der bare synes at alder er et tal
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daniels-bekendelser · 4 years ago
Hvordan kan man fortælle dig på en måde der ikke er upassende og træls, at man synes du er meget tiltrækkende og man godt gad have sex og lave kinky ting med dig...
Jeg kan ikke udtale mig om specifikke sager og individer, men generelt kan jeg komme med nogle mulige forslag, hvis man står i en lignende situation, hvor man gerne vil skrive til en sød Tumblr-mutual
Hvis du allerede har snakket godt sammen med den pågældende person, så kan det være ret lige frem. Der har muligvis allerede været lumre samtaleemner oppe og vende, og dermed vil en dick appointment invitation ikke komme helt ud af det blå. Det kan virke intimiderende, men hvis modtageren allerede har givet lidt udtryk for, at de godt kunne være interesserede i dig, så er der ingen grund til at holde dig tilbage. Denne taktik kræver dog i overvejende grad, at modtageren allerede kender lidt til dig - hvem du er, hvor du er fra, hvor gammel du er, hvordan du ser ud, etc. - da tilbuddet ellers ikke indeholder fyldestgørende information. Andre vilkår kan sandsynligvis aftales senere
Hvis I ikke allerede har snakket sammen, så kan det være en idé at lægge en lidt blødere billet ind, men stadig med seksuelle undertoner. Da I i denne situation ikke allerede har talt sammen er det umuligt at vide, om følelserne er tilnærmelsesvis gengældt, og derfor kan det hurtigt opleves som vammelt eller akavet, hvis man er offensiv og modtageren ikke gengælder dette. En mulighed er at reagere på et godt post ved at sende en besked til vedkommende med en kommentar tilknyttet, for på den måde at starte samtalen.
Der er også den passive måde, hvis man er for nervøs eller usikker til at skrive. Her kan man blot like personens personlige opslag samt evt. seksuelle opslag, som man finder spændende. Så kan man håbe personen starter samtalen eller alternativt gengælder dine likes. Dette er selvfølgelig ikke foolproof, det kan også være venskabeligt, men det er (yderligere) indicier.
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londonmusicreview · 4 years ago
New Roundtable is up now wherever you listen to your podcasts! 
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emilianatorrini · 4 years ago
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I am thrilled to come back to Germany to play Alinae Lumr with The Colorist Orchestra in Storkow in August 2021!  
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zachrykdouglas · 6 years ago
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An excerpt out of my new book "More Soul Than Human" Link is in my bio for signed copies🌹💀 (at St. George, Utah) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv6_3q-luMR/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1o5kqr8x4eh39
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galinette38 · 6 years ago
#paulwalker #roww #teampw #allforpaul #forpaulwalker #fanpaulwalker #lovepaulwalker #paulwalkerforever #forpaul #paulwalkerfoundation @codybwalker @caleb_walker_77 @paulwalker 👉🏻 Today and Forever In Our Hearts ❤️ 👈🏻 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwdp5l-lUmr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=zj739cbmwwr6
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truttmanden-blog · 6 years ago
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Hej Ellen nu skal du høre om den ferie, der ud af alle de ferier jeg har oplevet i mit ganske korte liv, som man knap nok kan kalde en ferie, jeg var en del af denne sommer og du kan tro det var sommer. Der var så meget sommer at ikke engang shorts og t shirt var tilpas næ nej skulle man bare være nogenlunde tilpas burde man være nudist i de +35 grader der var i Londons lumre gader. nok om jeg ikke måtte svede som et æsel som sov jeg på et vandrerhjem, der stank af billig toastost. og når jeg endelig skulle lægge mig til at sove efter de lange sightseeing gåture, fordi jeg ikke havde råd til metrotransport, så måtte jeg høre på en ulidelig snorken fra min inmate, så at sige, Ferguson. En ældre fed mand jeg måtte dele værelse med. Jeg kunne have en mere interaktiv samtale med hans snorken end ham selv. det eneste jeg hørte ham kunne sige var “Oi”.
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thomasberdal · 3 years ago
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Skøn dag at lumre i et køkken. Eller noget 😅 (her: Østerbro) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYYrVXesWDS/?utm_medium=tumblr
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