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The Star Wars OG trilogy is just everyone either having a crush on Luke Skywalker or wanting to kill him
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skynobi · 1 year ago
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lukeleias brainrot below
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loving-family-poll · 2 months ago
2nd Ultimate Incest Tournament - Round 1
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Propaganda under the cut:
Twin alien brothers whose polar opposite philosophies and approaches to violence against humans do not impede their all-encompassing love for each other. Canon limb amputation and nonconsensual impregnation attempts are merely the tip of the iceberg of their deeply troubled, deeply intimate relationship.
they are twin aliens literally made for one another. they are the only two of their kind. the mangaka wanted to have nai impregnate vash but instead settled for having nai use vash to impregnate a whole bunch of their slightly less evolved sisters. it's incest all the way down with these two
Knives crashed an entire fleet of spaceships, killing millions of people, to prevent them from hurting Vash. He plans to create a “paradise” just for the two of them, so they can be together. He murders anyone and anything who opposes him, except for Vash. He cut off Vash’s arm to save his life. He even kidnaps Vash to pry open his womb-shaped gate to another dimension to “penetrate” Vash’s alien core. Vash can’t bring himself to lift a finger against Knives and cries when he realizes they’ve become too different. When he realizes he won’t persuade Vash to join his paradise, Knives annihilates himself in front of Vash. Failtwins of all time.
two blonde boys doing what blonde boys do best: look alike. theyre twins, which is hot, and they have a complicated love-hate relationship that has risked both of their lives on multiple counts! do you love mpreg? well studio orange has you covered [SPOILERS!] in Trigun Stampede (2023 Anime) with their season finale of Knives impregnating Vash with his plant tendrils! also did we mention theyre aliens who are also plants? the incest is literally out of this world; Plantcest is the best kind of incest because not only can it include Vash and Knives, but ALL of their plant sisters! fun for the whole family for millennia to cum ;))
They're canonical telepathic magic space twins who kiss a bunch in the movies, what more could you ask for?
The best light genuinely romantic incest to ship that can also be super hot. You think you're watching an average boy meets girl romance but then they not only swerve towards an intense and charged friendship where Luke is ready to be whatever Leia could possibly want from him (and she does take him up on that) but when they find out they are siblings they Like the type of closeness it provides them because despite being attracted to each other, they first and foremost can't help feeling like the other's missing half and they get even more in sync and devoted to each other. I find myself more attracted to their constancy than the ups and downs of the more traditional slap slap kiss romance of the alternative
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lskywalkerzx · 2 months ago
────୨ৎ──── intro .ᐟ
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ꨄ side blog. did (a little ) system of 14 luke's blog. ( fictive of luke skywalker ) he / she or any ( main blog @smuggler-hell / han's blog )
tw vaderluke / leialuke shipper .ᐟ.ᐟ
bodily 17 but much younger, no dni i'm ok with anyone. just follow your own dni list .ᐟ.ᐟ
( sorry if i follow you from han's blog @smuggler-hell it the main )
sigh off / tag is 🧸/🍼
( may be updated ) permaboy, permaghost, permadead, permasick, permakinnie,, transautistic, DIDflux, permatired, transbaby, permagay, permadepressed, permablind, transkorean, transbisexual, permachild, transautistic, permabisexual, permatransabled, transjedi permastop, permatransdead, transrebel permakinned with Leia and Han. ) ++ so many more
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jessequinnfirstofhername · 10 months ago
The Rules:
Every twenty-four hours there will be another round. After every round, the ship in last place will be eliminated.
If there are multiple ships tying for last place, there will be a special elimination round. In these rounds, every ship in last place will be eliminated, even if all the ships have tied equally.
When there are only two ships remaining, they will face off against one another in a week-long poll to determine the victor.
If the ship that you consider the best isn't listed here, hit the 'the best polarizing ship is ___' option and reply to this post with the overlooked ship. The ship with the highest 'write-in' votes will be added to the next round. Unless the 'the best polarizing ship is ___' option is the least voted for, in which case it will be eliminated. Welcome to the party, VaderLuke/AniLuke!
Addendum to Rule 4: Only polarizing ships are allowed. Yes, I'm sure your OTP is awesome, but if there's no proof of it being polarizing then it unfortunately cannot be added to the poll.
This is all for fun. Don't take it too seriously ;)
...so. I'm going to cheat.
The least voted for option in Round One was the 'the best polarizing ship is ___' option. However, because I love chaos, I'm going to replace it with the most 'written-in' polarizing ship instead of eliminating it altogether.
...and that ship is...
VaderLuke! (Sometimes also referred to as 'AniLuke').
Please direct all death threats to my inbox, thank-you! :)
A special shout-out to the other 'write-in' options: Rexsoka, Kryzecest, and Kyluxma
Round Two!
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brotherskywalker · 9 months ago
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Official Mark Hamill / Carrie Fisher autograph. I'd really, really like to have this lol
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binniesunderworld · 1 year ago
So much time has passed and the gentleness with which Luke touches Leia has not changed at all.
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edenblavk · 1 year ago
Just Luke and Leia getting married
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lsh-4003 · 10 months ago
i find i‘m very indulgent in almost every (problematic) luke ship. vaderluke is obviously my number one but lukeleia? lovely. luke and kylo? i‘ve drawn it. and, though more of a crackship for me, luke and obi? gilf central. creativity does wonders
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obikinwhore · 1 year ago
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“I never knew my biological father,” she tells Luke. Leia glances at his too-blue eyes and has to look away, his goodness blinds if you look at him too long. "But I know that he wasn't good."
"What makes you say that? If he's your father then he must have been." The laughter in this voice dies swiftly when she doesn't join in as she usually would. She hates that she did that, that she sucked the light out of him with the starving darkness that encompasses her now.
"I know because there's times I feel strange. Hungry and restless and angry. So very angry like there's poison boiling underneath my skin. It feels like a part of me, like I must have been born with it".
Or of it, she doesn’t say.
Luke softly touches her hand where she didn't notice her bloodless knuckles or her nails cutting into her palms. "My real mother and father were never like that you know? They were calm and understanding. My biological mother, what I remember of her, was kind. Sad."
She looks up at Luke through tears and into the beaming blue of his eyes. His handsome features full of sympathy and it's hard to tell if the tears are burning her eyes or if staring at Luke straight on is.
"You're not a bad person Leia. What the empire has done, what they continue to do? They're the ones that are evil. You're not wrong to be angry with them." He pulls her into a hug and it's a relief to close her eyes and sit in the darkness and his embrace. "We will defeat them Leia, don't lose hope. We'll get justice and free everyone."
But she knows that she doesn't just want freedom from the empire, she wants revenge. She wants them to choke, to scream, to beg her for mercy. The truth of it makes her feel her father even more, like the squeeze of a phantom hand on her shoulder. 
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skynobi · 1 year ago
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more lukeleia thinkies
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omf something with my png formatting from csp wouldnt upload publicly on tumblr i was going insane
up next...raised by vader sith au
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waynesmywife · 5 months ago
when ur proship: the incest rap, the incest rap, the incest rap, i like seeing siblings kiss on the mouth *dances epically*
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deaddoveobikin · 2 years ago
Blasphemous Week 2023
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Get on your knees and pray 🙏 for our next Dead Dove Event: Blasphemous Week is coming in October.
#BlasphemousWeek2023 is open to all sinners, from Obikin to Quidala to any Star Wars Ship.
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comshipbracket · 9 months ago
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Antis DNI - Block the tag "comship" if this causes discomfort.
The Tridentariicest fanartist has given permission for the work to be used! Check out Vee's art here!
Remember, you are voting for the ship you prefer, not the ship you find more problematic
Propaganda for both ships under the cut.
Disclaimer: All ships (other than the now-eliminated NozoCoco) on this bracket are FOLLOWER-SUBMITTED ships, the Mods do not always hold necessary knowledge to be aware of any errors or fanonizing what should be canon material that may arise.
Tridentariicest Propaganda (Incest, Toxic Dynamic, Body Modification, Codependant)
"Canonically, Coronabeth and Ianthe did not sleep in separate rooms until their early 20s, when one of them was presumed killed and the other drafted into intergalactic genocide on behalf of God.
Ianthe's necromantic specialties in subcutaneous fat and soft tissue suggest that she sculpted her sister's body with magic. Coronabeth is just about the only person from a thanergetic world who looks particularly healthy.
Ianthe spent 20something years keeping up the lie that Coronabeth is also a necromancer.
When Ianthe then kills and eats her cavalier to ascend to Lyctorhold and the sisters' lifelong companion, Naberius, Coronabeth says nobody cares about him and is outraged that Ianthe didn't eat her.
They kiss when they see each other again.
These two need to be with each other as a matter of quarantine."
ZADR Propaganda (Toxic Dynamic, Species Difference - Dib is human while Zim is an Irken alien, Age Gap, AdultxMinor - Sort Of)
"These two self-serious goofuses are obsessed with each other. Each validates the other's delusions just by existing. They're nemeses who resent others getting between them. Each may be the only one who really understands the other."
LukeLeia Propaganda (Incest)
The original retroactively problematic ship! They had good chemistry!
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jessequinnfirstofhername · 10 months ago
The Rules:
Every twenty-four hours there will be another round. After every round, the ship in last place will be eliminated.
If there are multiple ships tying for last place, there will be a special elimination round. In these rounds, every ship in last place will be eliminated, even if all the ships have tied equally.
When there are only two ships remaining, they will face off against one another in a week-long poll to determine the victor.
If the ship that you consider the best isn't listed here, hit the 'the best polarizing ship is ___' option and reply to this post with the overlooked ship. The ship with the highest 'write-in' votes will be added to the next round. Unless the 'the best polarizing ship is ___' option is the least voted for, in which case it will be eliminated. Welcome to the party, VaderLuke/AniLuke!
Addendum to Rule 4: Only polarizing ships are allowed. Yes, I'm sure your OTP is awesome, but if there's no proof of it being polarizing then it unfortunately cannot be added to the poll.
This is all for fun. Don't take it too seriously ;)
We’ve had our first casualty! After the elimination round, it’s time to say goodbye to Reylux.
One down, eleven to go… feel free to defend your problematic OTP in the notes. I always love to see propaganda 😉
Round Three!
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brotherskywalker · 7 months ago
Regardless of how the relationship ended, or how you personally feel about the pairing, do you feel it is a canon relationship?
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Feel free to put in the tags your reasoning.
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