Probably older than you. He/him/his. Luke/Leia ♥ shipper. If consensual incest between adult fictional characters bothers you, do not interact. Anti-Reylo anything. Always looking for Luke/Leia fans, or at least people who don't mind the pairing. Find my Luke/Leia (and more!) stories on AO3.
Last active 4 hours ago
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Brother/Sister Fanfic Exchange 2025
The first ever brother/sister fanfic exchange is still open for sign ups until March 7th. We've already got 20 participants, but I'd love to see it get to 30! So many excellent brother/sister pairings are available to choose from.
If you're interested, please sign up here.
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A note to say the first ever Brother/Sister Fanfic Exchange will open for sign-ups Friday, February 21st and will be open for sign ups until March 7th. It would be awesome if you could share this post so people can find out and sign up. Rules and information are on the Ao3 link below.
Sign up for BroSisEx 2025!
How exciting!
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My roman empire is watching Luke Skywalker go from a whiny, adventerous farm boy to a wise Jedi with an unforgiving amount of sorrow within him.
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Happy Valentine's Day! Here are a few Luke/Leia(/Han) themed Valentine's I found. Please share any others you might have seen or made! Have a great one!

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So aside from Leia and Luke, do you have any other favorite incest pairings?
Nothing that I'm this rabid fannish over. I do like a lot of original works, but those don't really count. I'm weirdly fond of Percy Weasley/Ginny Weasley (Harry Potter), but it's so unpopular it barely counts. I'm fond of Jon/Sansa (Game of Thrones) but I've never written anything for it. There are other pairings I like a lot but don't really actively follow (Android 17/Android 18 from Dragonball Z, Lucrezia/Cesare from The Borgias, Kyousuke/Kirino from Oreimo, etc.)
How about you?
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Any thoughts on Padme/Luke or Padme/Leia?
It's unfortunate she's dead so fic of her with the kids doesn't really exist. I'm all for it (especially Luke/Leia/Padme), but I don't have any specific ideas for it. Perhaps incest is common on Naboo or tolerated or allowed for royalty?
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Is it coincidental that Leia wears white in eps 4 and 5 but in 6 she doesnt? Hmmm 🤔
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Thoughts on VaderLeia?
Not really my bag, but I have written some Luke/Leia/Vader and I can see it in some angles. I just like my relationships to be a little more romantic/happy and most Vader/Leia isn't that.
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What are your favorite skywalker sib outfits?
I love Luke's black RotJ outfit and Leia'd Bespin Cloud City outfit best.
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Imagining a LukeLeia who have fooled around a few times but not done anything too serious. Then post-rotj Luke wants to end it cause of the whole sibling thing, but Leia's now certain she loves and wants him, incest be damned! So she seduces him into a leg-locked creampie :P
Yes! You get it! And I get it! How do we make everyone else get it?
#luke/leia#luke x leia#lukeleia#han can be there or not#he can be a happy cuck#or into incest#or sir not appearing in this film
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Leia in her slave bikini begging Luke to put a collar on her and fuck her. HARD
Yup. And the intense shame she had about loving(/needing?) it ans how that also is what makes it so good/hot. Add a sprinkle of incest and maybe some body mods (big Hutt dick on Luke?) or strap ons? Kinky role play?
(Chef's kiss)
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OMG now all i can think abt is Leia with a Hutt kInk post-ROTJ. Princess and rebel leader Leia Organa finding out how horny she gets when someone else has power over her....touching herself as she recalls the feeling of Jabbas tongue on her naked body.....moaning for him in spite of her hate as she rides her biggest thickest dildo....
Yupppp this exactly... and Han just Doesn't Get It maybe, but Luke does/will do anything for her...
#luke/leia#luke x leia#lukeleia#you get me!#someone write it so I don't have to!#screaming into the void#yesssss
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The galaxy far far away is a big place with lots of different species. Do you think either Luke or Leia are partularly attracted to a certain species? Llike maybe Leia has a thing for Twi'leks?
That's a great question and not one I've ever really considered. I don't think there is anything in canon to imply they do, but also nothing in particular to say they don't. We know they like other humans, at least. I bet they'd be into twi'leks! Or most humanoid species. What do you think? Maybe Leia's got a Stockholm syndrome thing for Hutts now?
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Hiii can i get an invite to your luke/leia community?
Of course!
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Do you think Luke or Leia made the first move?
Probably Leia because Luke lacks confidence early on and later is too Jedi/incest wary. Whereas I think Leia would be much more forward and maybe even demanding.
I can see Luke making the first move in certain situations, though! What do you think?
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The wicket ring bearer ask got ke thinking of the twins honeymooning on Endor. Doesnt take long before Luke convinces Leia that they should dress like the natives. Before too long theyre both enjoying a completely nude honeymoon and all the fun that that implies
Hahhaa, I am not convinced they'd want to go to Endor for their honeymoon, but I am all for naked resorts!
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Piggybacking off of a different anons questions. If you could comm some nsfw art of the force twins what would you like to see? 😈
I am so easy that literally anything NSFW of them would (and has) totally made my day. So, literally anything. But here are a few more specific ideas:
1.) Leia on her knees giving him a blow job with her eyes like full of love and adoration and worship.
2.) Leia very pregnant and Luke with his hands on her belly, but this time nude and/or having sex.
3.) Luke holding Leia very possessively as they fuck (maybe a hand around her throat and/or waist), with his Jedi Eyes™ focused on the viewer and Leia totally lost in the sauce.
4.) Stereotypical Anime Hentai "x-ray" shot of them having sex with a inset/close up of Leia's egg(s) getting fertilized lol
5.) Leia on top riding with Luke looking adoringly up at her.
6.) Some way to show that when they have sex like it's the best ever. This would probably be them having sex but then light and galaxies and supernova going off around them, exploding orgasms, etc. Maybe fun orgasm faces if the artist can manage it lol
7.) Them being naked or mostly naked and very languid and draped around one another super comfortable with each other and their nudity.
8.) Luke drinking Leia's milk from the source.
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