#Luffy: NOOOOO!
bitchapalooza · 5 months
Zoro offers to pierce some ears or noses or lips, ect since he’s already re-piercing Nami’s ears for her and he knows how to pierce. Usopp hesitates a little but he asks for one of his ears to be pierced. Luffy wonders if Zoro can pierce nipples, he says he can try, shouldn’t be too difficult (tho why he wants his nipples of all things pierced is a mystery). “I’m curious; where did you learn to do this?” Robin asks as Zoro prepares to pierce her ears. “A homeless man I met when I was 12. That’s how I got my first piercing. I did the other two by myself when I was 15.”
They all ended up getting infections 💀
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asweetprologue · 8 months
i'm loving the little garden arc rn bc I think zoro's behavior is a peak example of how luffy changes him as a person. when he and the others were getting turned into statues he was completely serious and was about to cut off his own legs so he could try to go out fighting. dire situation that he was treating with a dramatic sense of urgency. and then he sees luffy for 0.2 seconds and immediately starts doing bits. he's bleeding out and turning to wax and he's ribbing nami about striking a cool pose. the instant luffy is within shouting distance zoro reverts to a silly little guy. which is really just what luffy brings out in him all the time. zoro is fundamentally a goofball but he only drops his serious façade when he knows luffy has his back
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emil1863 · 5 months
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asking the important questions
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eiichiro · 1 year
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one piece » monster trio wano eyecatchers
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bunitivity · 10 months
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Meme redraw time
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qkmlh · 9 months
Still ducking hilarious to me that Zoro & Sanji began their beef because they thought the other was misogynistic and it came to a head of no return when Zoro felt his title of ‘Luffy’s specialest boi’ threatened by Sanji’s comment
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giyuulatte · 7 days
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hauntingblue · 7 months
Oden is winning the bad bitch competition jesus
#so the prophecy was from before oden was killed... so he sacrificed himself for it too...#TURN THAT SONG UPPP!!!!!#WHAT HAPPENED??? also kiku is like 'why am i the only one here serving cunt' and she wojld be right....#luffy got socks and new sandals omg.... and a new sword....#zoro almost killing sanji with enma aldhakdjsksjskqj sanji said put on the armor 😉 and the sword became homophobic#wanda still has namis clothes on... oh its serious....#otsuru omg.... queen.... and she also knows kinemon is there.. the drama the angst#this episode is just edging.... why do i know that something happened at the end of the episode.... enough.....#talking tag#watching one piece#episide 959#NOT THE SUNNY!!! THE PEOPLE FROM OKOBORE BURNT ALIVE???? NOOOOO#me wondering why oden has such a short skirt and then they hide their wives from him when he enters the city ajdjsksk yeah....#omg oden pantyshot.... i keep getting fed this season.....#why the new ad breaks with luffy ace and sabo omg..... dont....#i love this bit about old people with black hair having blonde hair when they were young...#tsuru stripping kinemon of his clothes akdhakdhak#why is oden such a menace lmao jotaro kinda man..... he changed the course of a river 💀💀#hes got a harem???? consensual and everything wow... first poly man in wano lmaooo#oden sama you have to stop... your drip too hard.... your swag too different... your bitches too bad... oden sama they will kill you#making oden on top of someones cremation is too much they should kill him for that i agree also wdym he is 18.... this is a grown man#that was fun but wtf is oden.... what kinda creature#episode 960#kinemon and otsuru hug??? damn why are all the men blushing sndjks i wanna say he is cool but i can't... internalized homophobia...#this is so funny they hugged to fight the gay for oden allegations bc why after all that kinemon is on his hands and knees crying about how#he would die for him????? gay as hell#orochi was a servant for yasuie???? damn...#oden receuiting his band of simps....#episode 961
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nururu · 1 year
I think it's a lot cooler to show you can understand people different than you, rather than shove every character into a small handful of easily digestible tropes that you can understand. I don't think you're a good writer if you can't empathize with the characters you're writing about and instead have to change their entire personality to fit your trope. I think that's boring and lazy. You should be able to understand multitudes of ppl and personalities if you're going to be a writer. Changing core characteristics in characters because "it's more interesting when they're mentally unwell" is bad, self absorbed, narrow sighted writing. If you can't make characters with good mental health practices and positive relationships, interesting? That's a YOU problem. That only attests to how amateur you are. If you can't have conflict without changing everything about a characters personality? You're a bad writer. Someone's gotta tell y'all this.
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gumpistol · 11 months
@king-and-his-consorts sent: [ inspection ] sender holds receiver's face while inspecting an injury they got / from Zoro
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it had been enough to send the resilient captain flying back in battle — a crack to the face so forceful that rubber body was unable to absorb the impact. this was one of many blows taken, but also the most visible, as it left a nasty and misshapen swelling along luffy's cheekbone. other damage was less noticeable, lying in muscles and tendons that burned like hellfire beneath his skin, and especially in his sternum, where a pain made each breath hurt in the aftermath of the fight.
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❝ ow ow, zorooo... ❞ luffy whines, annoyed, with a petulant scowl in place as he attempts to pull his face away from the grasp of his first mate's hands. in any other instance, the joyful straw hat would be smiling and giggling at the touch, but not now. he was hungry and tired, and wanted the misplaced concern to stop. the captain didn't care what his face looked like or that things hurt or that movement would feel slow for the next few days, because he was fine. he was alive. but luffy wanted to know that his crew was safe, wanted to see that they were.
❝ let go. ❞ palms press against the swordsman's chest, giving a tired push, but muscles are spent and unable to do much, so it feels more like straw hat is firmly resting his hands in that spot instead of making any real attempt to shove his friend aside. ❝ we have to find the others. ❞
non-verbal angst prompts // accepting
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dandelion-san · 1 year
I’ve been catching up to One Piece for the past couple of weeks and the biggest shock to me of Wano arc is Luffy…. actually…. trying to follow a plan….
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vulcanette · 2 years
Whitebeard had to watch Ace die I am literally crying so hard I’m going to choke
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asuyaka · 9 months
"How do the monster trio act around (and eventually get with) their crush?"
☆ - Monkey D. Luffy, Vinsmoke Sanji, Roronoa Zoro x M! reader.
♡ - guys m'sososososo insane ab these three m'literally gunna explode | also !! jus cus reqs ar gunna be closed, doesn't mean m'won't be uploadin !! jus not takin reqs f'the time bein (❁´◡`❁)
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He's so clingy around you, more than he is with anyone else.
Always, always, shares his food with you. Especially if you were busy training before dinner.
He's always around you no matter what. Oh? You're trying to help Sanji cook? He's on the floor watching you. Want to go buy supplies for Nami? He's clung onto your back like a Koala. Want to sleep due to a long day? He's right there in your bed with you.
He's so dorky about it too! Wants to spend every waking moment with you but doesn't know that he has a crush on you, just always wants ta be around you!
He's so jealous without even knowing it. What are you doing hanging out with Usopp when he's right here??
"[Name]..." Luffy groaned, clinging to your back with a sad expression on his face. He had his limbs wrapped around your torso and his head between your neck. "You aren't going to talk with Usopp again, are you?"
You stop walking, staring at him through the corner of your eyes. "Yes? I thought you and Usopp were best buddies, what happened?"
Luffy groans louder, causing Nami to yell at him to shut up from her room. "Nooooo, stay here and talk with meeeeeeee!" He wraps his arms around you three times (thanks to his devil fruit) and starts to shake your body around.
"Luffy— I can't even move if you don't let go of me!"
Luffy looks at you with puppy dog eyes. "Why hang out with Usopp when I'm right here?! I should be the only one you have eyes for..." He pouts as he presses his cheek against yours.
Your body flushes. Did... did he realize what he just said?
"Luffy, you can't say things like that if you don't know what they mean..." You huff, trying not to look too deep into what he could've meant by that. Luffy says things he doesn't mean, so you don't want to get your hopes up.
That only seems to coerce Luffy into whining. "I do know what it means! I said it, dummy! Stupid!! You should be mine, not Usopp's! I'm cooler and better and bigger and amazinger and uhm, you're mine because I say so!!"
You can't help the giggle that comes out of you, trying to force yourself to calm down while Luffy shakes you repeatedly. "[Name] c'mon, you'll be mine, right? Not Usopp! Cause, he can't cook and he's a sniper!"
"What does him being a sniper have to do with anything? And besides, you can't cook either Luffy."
Luffy blanks for a split second before going back to what he was doing. "I dunno. Doesn't matter! C'monnnnn, [Name], you're bullying meeeeeeeee!"
You hold onto Luffy's arm with a laugh, pressing your cheeks together as a form of affection. "Yes, Luffy, I'll be yours."
Luffy stares at you with surprise before turning back to his usual happy-go-lucky self. "Yippie!! Now, we can do all the things boyfriends do! Like go on dates, and eat together, and sleep together, and—"
As he continues to list off all the things he thinks boyfriends do, you can't help but chuckle.
Not like you two weren't doing that before his confession.
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(inspired by @/sanjisboyfie 's oneshot ab this tragic little adorable man !! :3)
It took so long for Sanji to realize he liked you because he's not used to being attracted to men.
Thought that every time you complimented his cooking and his heart swelled up, it was just the flu. Nothing interesting or important.
Then, he started noticing how pretty your features were when you were eating, or how embarrassed he gets whenever it's just you and him in the kitchen.
When he realizes he does like you, his mind utterly falters, because... why would you like him back?
Even though there are lingering fears in his heart, he always tries his best to please you. Even if it means blushing like a moron whenever you address him directly.
"[Name]! I uhm, made this for you since you were... hurt, during our last fight." Sanji muttered nervously, averting his eyes as he held out a plate of food. Something small and easy to digest, but a food you like.
You smile warmly as you take the plate from his hands, your fingers brushing slightly as Sanji's face flusters even more. "This looks amazing! Thanks, Sanji. Do you want to sit with me? The seas are calm tonight."
Sanji pauses as he looks at you. His cigarette is inches away from falling out of his mouth and his face dazes.
"Sanij? You okay? You can say no, I won't be mad. It's not even your shift yet and everyone needs sleep." You say with an airy smile as you turn your attention to the food.
Sanji was right (like he was most of the time when it came to you and food), after the 'Big Mom incident' you were quite injured (and hungry). Seeing all the... talking food, didn't do much to raise your appetite.
There's a soft thud right beside you, long black legs resting a safe distance away from yours. A comfortable silence falls between the two of you, even if Sanji's cheeks are flushed and he's nervously playing with his thumbs.
"Wowww, this is really good Sanji!" You say happily, flashing Sanji a warm smile as you return to eating the food so gracefully given to you. Oblivious to the man beside you whose face looks so red it rivals Luffy's signature vest.
Sanji looks at you with nothing sort of affection. It's not the same as when Nami or Robin compliment him, you just saying his name is enough to make him flustered, but being this close to you alone might send him into cardiac arrest.
"[Name]...?" His voice is quiet, staring at you with expectant eyes.
You pause eating, covering your mouth, and cocking your head in confusion.
"This uhm... might be a weird question, but do you um,, l-like anybody?" He becomes more flushed with every word that comes out of his mouth.
The second you take too long to answer he starts to curse himself out for even sitting down. Everything was going so well until he opened his mouth—
"Yes, I do. What, trying to feel out if I'm single?" You tease with a light chuckle, picking up the last bit of food and holding it out expectantly. "You want some?"
Sanji can't say no to you. Even if he tries his hardest, his body will not let him say no, not to an indirect kiss; especially when you're offering. Even if you might not see it in the same light he does.
He opens his mouth and lets you place the spoon in his mouth as your eyes turn into crescents. "See? Does it taste good?"
God— Sanji feels like he's going to explode.
He nods, begging himself to calm down before his mind starts to run.
"Oh," You say suddenly, "—that was an indirect kiss, wasn't it?" You lin hum thoughtfully and place the plate beside you, letting out a soft yawn as you stretch. "You sure you don't need to—"
"I am so in love with you."
Sanji stands up immediately, his face red. "Nothing!! I'm sorry, I'm really sleepy now so I'll—"
"Sanji, what did you say?" You ask carefully, holding onto his hand to try and stop him from running away.
"It's nothing, [Name], please just let me—"
"Sanji." Your voice comes off soft, relaxing your body so you come off as gentle and not hostile. "Just say it, one more time for me, okay?"
Sanji could feel his entire body burning up just from holding hands, more so from him getting caught blurting out his feelings again. He stares at the floor of the Sunny, too ashamed to look you in the eyes. "I... I'm in love with you? I'm sorry if you don't like me back, I didn't mean it I swear!"
"Sanji, what makes you think I don't like you back? Better question, what makes you think I didn't know?" You cock your head playfully, pulling him gently so he's sitting again.
You chuckle. "I've heard all the other embarrassing times you've confessed your feelings, it's just that the crew was around and I didn't want to put you on the spot. I've liked you since we met on the Baratie, silly."
Sanji's eyes widen as his mouth falls agape. You've liked him... for two years?!
"Sanji...?" You move up to straddle him, your hands resting on his cheeks. "Can I... kiss you?"
Sanji nods so fast he thinks his head might fall off.
You smile, leaning forward to press your lips together. Sanji's body physically relaxes as he practically melts into you, his face redder than blood.
It takes all his willpower and the need to breathe for him to finally pull away from you. His face is flushed and his breathing is heavy, staring at you like you're the only man in the world— like you're the prettiest thing in the world.
You giggle, pressing your heart onto his chest. "I love you so much."
Zoning back into reality, he carefully places his arms around your waist. "I love you too, so so much [Name],"
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Zoro isn't good at expressing his emotions, everyone knows that.
So, when he figures out he might have a romantic attraction to you, he's confused about what to do. Considers asking Nami about it, but goes with Robin since Nami is... an interesting woman!
Robin tells him to be upfront with his feelings, or subtly tell the person.
He's a naturally mature person, having a crush on his crewmate doesn't change that by any means.
Even if he is cold to everyone, if you two are alone on the deck of the Sunny, he lets you sleep with him or touch his swords.
Just having you around is enough to calm him down. Seeing as his biggest love language is quality time and you enjoy talking about the randomest things around him, it makes his heart flutter whenever you act like he's the only person in the world who you care about.
"Mhm! And did you know that otters hold hands when they're asleep?" You point to an otter in the marine life book Zoro got you during your last pit stop.
Zoro shakes his head, his arms crossed with a small, barely noticeable amused smile on his face.
"Yeah! It's so they don't drift off when they're asleep. Not sure anyone knows why, but I like to think it's because they don't want to lose each other. After all, they're social animals! Oh! They also like to cuddle a lot—"
"Kind of like me and you, no?" Zoro interrupts with a playful aura, causing your train of thought to stop, face flushing as you stare at his smug expression.
"Um, y-yes! Like... like me, and you..." Your voice progressively gets smaller under Zoro's gaze. He moves closer, causing you to move your arms back, resting on your palms. "Zoro?"
"Keep telling me about the otters, don't worry," He replies coyly, grabbing you by the waist and bringing you into his lap.
Your face flushes, stuttering over your words as you nod. Shakily grabbing the book to bring it closer. Carefully picking your words, you begin speaking again. "They might also, uhm, hold hands because they don't have very thick fur. It could be to share body heat and keep warm, since they get cold easily."
"What if I said we were otters?" Zoro asks from behind you, resting his chin on your head.
"Ah, then we'd have to hold hands when we sleep!" Quickly realizing what you said, you try to reel it back in. "O-of course, only if you want to! I wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable or anything, I know how much you like your personal space so—"
"You're in my personal space and it doesn't look like I mind very much, does it, [Name]?"
Twiddling your thumbs meekly, you shake your head no. Zoro laughs and takes one of your hands, putting it above his. The size difference is obvious, your fingers stop just below his second knuckle. Something about that causes a riot in your brain, especially when Zoro squeezes them together.
"Okay, another question," Zoro starts, moving the intertwined hands to your lap. "What if I asked you to be my boyfriend?"
You turn around immediately, staring at him with wide eyes. He isn't... joking, is he? Zoro doesn't normally joke about things (unless he's with Sanji), so it wouldn't make sense for him to joke about this. Especially when it's something so serious.
"Hm? What's your answer, pretty boy?"
You've liked Zoro ever since he sat down and listened to you talk about the different kinds of fishmen after the ordeal with Arlong. Zoro has never expressed romantic attraction to anybody, not even to the bountiful amounts of women who've expressed attraction to him.
Your mind blanks, and you must've been staring at him for too long because the smallest bit of worry falls on his face. "You okay? I'm not forcing you, you know? Saying no is okay."
Saying... no? To a man that looks like he was crafted by Zeus himself? Hell no! "No! I-I mean, yes, I mean—"
"Take your time pretty boy, I'm not going anywhere."
He's adjusted your position to where you're facing each other, hands still intertwined as he looks at you with a soft (?) expression. Taking a deep breath, you force yourself to make eye contact with him.
You've never looked at his this close before. Sure, you two have cuddled to sleep on countless nights, but then you were always faced away from each other.
He has long eyelashes. Not extremely long, but longer than you thought they were. Even if his eyes are black, you've noticed they soften whenever he looks at you, it makes him pretty.
Meekly, you nod. Holding your head down to try and hide your embarrassment. Before you can, though, Zoro stops you by lifting your chin up with his finger. "You can use words, can't you?"
It should sound condescending, the way he's talking to you, but it sounds more encouraging than anything. Even if there might be light teases mixed with his words.
"Yes, I, I would want to be your uhm... your boyfriend."
Zoro grins at that, pressing a quick kiss on your lips and twisting you around, pulling you closer so the back of your head is between his boobs pecs. "Love you, pretty boy."
"I-I love you too, Zoro," You force out, even if it feels like you're overheating due to the blood rushing to your cheek and... other places, as well as Zoro's added body heat.
You two truly were like otters.
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bitchapalooza · 6 months
How I think ASL would play pretend
Ace: Hello, wife! I’m home!
Luffy: Hi, husband! I didn’t make dinner because I didn’t feel like it.
Ace: Spot! Our son that is our dog!
Sabo: Why am I the dog…
Luffy: Shut up and make dog sounds, Sabo.
Sabo: Why can’t I be like. The annoying neighbor or something?
Ace: OH NO!
Luffy: What is it, husband???
Ace: I want a divorce, wife!
Luffy: Okay, we can get a divorce.
Luffy: Okay cool. I’m having an affair.
Sabo: I pooped on the carpet.
Ace: Okay, bye, wife. I have to go the doctor’s.
Sabo runs over to the far end of the yard and puts on a headband: I’m the doctor. You have cancer in your head.
Ace: Oh no, how long do I have, doctor?????
Sabo checks his wrist like a watch: Hmm…. 3 minutes— NO WAIT 3 SECONDS!
Ace: Oh nooooo! /collapes and dies/
Luffy picking up a toy bear: C’mon, baby, now that my husband is dead I’m single and ready to mingle. Let’s to go the grandline and drink sake together.
Dadan: What the hell did I just watch…
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votaeto · 10 months
I watched stampede yesterday since it’s on Netflix, it’s one of my favorite now. But the thing is, I’m sobbing and crying, over luffy usopp, and then, ACE SABO HIKEN 😭😭😭😭😭😭 HEARING ACE’S HIKEN AGAIN 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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