#im about to go rebuild that baby’s shop.
giyuulatte · 7 days
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gena9000 · 1 year
By the time the krang apocalypse was stopped Draxum has grown considerably more accepting and fond of the human species. He decides to help and work with them to rebuild the city of New York. With stronger structure, better designs. He even develops new tracks for faster subway travel. The city acknowledges his work and honors him with wage and a key for the city.
With what he earns he decides to build himself a new lab. (He gets property in New Jersey so the turtles are less likely to visit and screw up his experiments) after about a year though he starts feeling lonely in his big lab. Despite the location the turtles and splinter still visit atleast once a month. But draxum does miss them in between their visits.
Draxum has a number of projects and experiments that he's working on but he always finds himself thinking back to the turtles. He has notes of other turtle species, chemical shopping lists for the mutagen, he passes by a pet store each morning on his walks. But he never steps inside, he doesn't want to go back down that road yet. He doesn't want people to call him a warring warrior scientist again.
But one day his hand is slightly forced into it when Mikey, the sweet little angel, come rushing into draxums lab with a slightly wet box.
"Draxum! You have to help! Please"
"Whats wrong, little turtle?"
Mikey is almost out of breath so he shows draxum what's in the box while trying to explain.
"There's something wrong with it, a sickness or something! The aquarium said they couldn't save it. Please help!"
"Michaelangelo, this is a turtle! I'm not a veterinarian. What do you expect me to be able to do?"
"I don't know, but you were the only one i could think of turning to. Please, is there anything that can be done?"
Draxum lifted the baby turtle out of the box discovering that it was a hawksbill sea turtle. It barely felt 10 lbs. Draxum held it in his hands for a moment feeling it struggle to even breath, but it was holding on to life. Draxum could feel it, somehow sense that this turtle was trying to live.
At that moment April came running in too.
"Mikey! Oh my gosh! I couldn't keep up!"
Draxum looked at them both and then his eyes settled on April.
"You want me to save this turtle anyway I can right? April, would you be willing to help?"
She looked up at draxum and took a breath
"I'll do whatever you need. If you think you can save it."
"I won't need much" and draxum turns towards the corner of his lab where he already has everything set up. He turns on a lamp and places the tiny turtle under the light. Mikey starts rubbing the back of the baby while draxum hurries to gather ingredients that he had saved.
"April can you sit down in that chair for me, im going to need a blood sample."
"Wait, what are you going to do?" Mikey looks up at draxum while april sits with a determined look on her face.
"I'm saving the creature like you asked. The only thing I can do for it is give it more strength for survival" he looked at his box turtle creation and smiled "I've learned that turtles are even more sturdy than I originally hypothesized"
"Wait are you recreating your mutant ooze? Is that why you need my blood?" April flinched as draxum inserted the needle and took a vial full of blood.
"Does that mean I'm getting a new sibling!?" Mikey exclaimed.
"You could call it that I guess. Its the only way I can think to give it a chance" he started to mix the ingredients with April's blood sample. "Plus I already had all the ingredients prepped, this method should be alot less painful for all parties involved"
Mikey smiled while holding April's hand but you could tell it was a worried smile. Mikeys sweet soul was worried for the baby turtle and if it would be strong enough to survive the experiment. April squeezed his hand and rubbed his back while they waited.
Finally draxum filled a new syringe with a liquid that was green with almost a purplish tinge, presumably from the blood and some other liquids added. He slowly injected it into the sea turtle and then moved it into another container with some water inside. After a quick second of holding their breath the baby turtle took one big huff and then slowly started changing. It's body got a little longer, it's arms and legs stretched and slimmed. It started to look like a mutant turtle tot instead of a sick baby turtle.
Finally the growing stopped and the baby turtle rolled onto its side. It gave a little yawn and then opened its eyes looking up first to draxum then to April and Mikey behind him.
"Michaelangelo, April. Meet your new baby sister." Draxum carefully lifted up the new baby mutant and cradled her gently in his arms as she started to breath more fully and move her little arms more. He could see her new strength. She would survive and grow strong.
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ghostymallows · 2 years
tw for transphobia
because. because the gender of it all. like transfem or transmasc hunter have wildly different paths and not just in terms of expression
like. like transmasc hunter would be adored (as close as you can get to 'adoration' from belos 🤢) because belos is like 'oh good he's not "betraying" me by "choosing" to look different' (quotation marks because although transphobia doesn't exist on the boiling Isles, belos is still a Freak) and he gets very invested in hunter's transition to the point where hunter looking like caleb is as much of an occasion as hunter getting his staff
whereas with transfem hunter,,,,,,,,,, sweet baby angel darling You Are In For A Ride. actually i feel so bad for her oh my god. like, belos Would Not Be Having It, but there's really no reason he could use to justify his disdain for it (especially when gender kings darius and eber Are Right There)
so i feel she and belos settle on they/them for now, but it's definitely a point of tension between them both. gets the same reaction as talking about wild magic except belos can't say 'gender killed our family'
HOWEVER,,,,,,, COME ASIAS,,,,, hunter's standing in front of the mirror like 'flapjack you don't get it. they can't know im the golden guard I Have To Put All This Eyeshadow On. stop looking at me all smug like that It's Red It's Glittery It's Perfect'
idk what exact name flapjack suggests instead of 'caleb' but it's the name of caleb's wife <3
and when willow says it in earshot of darius he goes 'see you at the castle, little princess?' to test the waters AND THE LOOK OF PURE JOY ON HUNTER'S FACE,,,,,, i am actually tearing up just thinking about her i love her so much
(later at the castle hunter finds a Suspishuss box of eyeshadow that are Abomination coloured in her room,,, 🤔)
anyway back to transmasc hunter. And Uh. post-hollow mind Is Not Good. before all of this hunter had been really secure in his gender but now he can't even look in the mirror without getting terrified. because he made this 'choice' didn't he? he 'chose' to look like this random dead guy and now he's a 'willing' symbol of belos' evil.
from this point onwards, transmasc hunter has a MASSIVE struggle with his gender. he doesn't want to detransition, but he definitely doesn't want to be anything like caleb.
i can see him drifting towards they/them pronouns and neos, and fucking with xyr gender as hard as possible (this is the start of their hawaiian shirt arc, much to darius's dismay and raine's joy). just,,, they have to rebuild their identity from the ground up. but they have their friends
transfem hunter, on the other hand, is having the time of her life. she and the kids go dress shopping! eda gives her eda's old makeup box! darius sits and paints their nails!!!!! HE CALLS HER HIS DAUGHTER!!!!!!!!!!! RAINE CALLS HER THEIR NIECE!!!
it's so refreshing because this isn't anything like caleb! he's some dead dude left in a ditch somewhere and SHE IS LIVING HER LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyway. i am extremely normal about trans hunter <3
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midnightsconspiracy · 3 years
Grief-Stricken Pt.2
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Grief - Stricken Pt. 2 - @midnightsconspiracy
Summary: This is the aftermath of losing your baby and how you manage to rebuild your lives up once again
Warnings: Talk of MISCARRIAGE
Word Count: 1181
Requested: Yes!!
'Can we get a sequel to Grief-stricken where Reader and Hank heal, and maybe he realizes he does want a baby after all?'
A/N: Requests are closing soon so send in all your last ones before the 27th!!
Grief was a funny thing really. It worked in mysterious ways. For some people it drives them to the edge, losing touch with reality, causing relationships to split and end for good. But other times it pulled couples together, sticking with one another to deal with that loss and grieve accordingly. No one could adequately prepare you to handle your grief though, experiencing emotions beyond what you thought possible.
It was hard at first, feeling completely numb to anything around, including your boyfriend, who was struggling just as much. It had been hard on the both of you, the tragedy hitting you so unexpectedly. But, Hank continued going to go to the police station, not knowing anything other than being surrounded by his work, keeping all his emotions pent up, just waiting for them to crack. You on the other hand refused to leave the house, spending the majority of your days laying in bed, staring at the wall, mind void of any thoughts. When you did eventually move from that spot, you'd go to the couch, watching mindless tv in the hopes it would lift your spirits. Each night when Hank would come back, you would eat in silence before heading up to bed for a night of avoiding talking and any forms of affection. This lasted a couple of months, never having felt more distance between the two of you. But, after too long, you craved some comfort and communication from the one you were supposed to love the most.
Unbeknownst to you, Hank had broken down a couple days previously, having bottled his emotion up so much to the point of no return. In true Voight fashion, he'd buried himself so far into his work, that one particular case involving a newborn child had triggered him. So he had filled the night with crying whilst drinking his sorrows away.
Having spent that night sleeping in his office, he returned the subsequent evening, needing to talk to you properly. Stepping into the house he found you on the couch, staring at a blank screen as if there was something there.
"Y/N?" He whispered, wanting to catch your attention without scaring you. Turning your head at the sudden noise, you noticed the figure of your boyfriend, a sombre look on his face. Moving out from the centre of the sofa you tapped the space next to you, inviting him to come join. Bringing you into his arms, he held you tight, an unspoken conversation of love happening between you. Tears formed in your eyes, not being able to keep yourself composed at the feeling of your boyfriend's warmth once again.
"Im sorry, it's all my fault," you sobbed, everything you had wanted to say that heartbreaking night now resurfacing.
"It's not your fault sweetheart, none of this is your fault, it's that bastard's." He reassured, pulling you completely on top of him before making you look him in the eye, portraying all his emotions.
"And im so sorry for what I said, it was stupid and I didn't mean any of it." After months of dwelling on this, you realised that maybe he didn't think it was your fault, that you couldn't have done anything to stop it from happening.
"I love you," you whispered, your face in the crook of his neck, his shirt absorbing the tears you shed.
"I love you too, so, so much and we can move forward from this with our relationship, always with the baby in our hearts."
And that's what you did, took each week, day by day. Slowly regaining each other's trust and allowing yourself to rejoin society. You would now talk to each other if something was wrong, sleep next to each other and showed affection whenever you felt like it. The love you had for him was coming back, restored from how much it had slipped in your depressive episode. He was the best person you could ask for, reducing his hours at work to make sure you were happy and safe, being all-around perfect boyfriend material. Going back to work was still a long way off but you were now willing to go outside, whether that was shopping or a routine doctor's appointment. Things were starting to look up, a future where you would be with Hank, happy and potentially with your own family.
The year after the initial event had gone by pretty quick, the last seven months allowing you to rebuild the foundations of your relationship. Things had, for the most part, gone back to normal, your work, your life, your whole relationship. The baby always seemed to linger at the back of your mind though. No longer in a way that made you feel depressed, but instead with a small smile, not of happiness, but of what could have been. Neither of you had bought up the topic of children again, both afraid of what the other would say. However, the question played on your minds, wondering what life might be like with a kid. Hank's mind had been changed over the past year, no longer thinking that starting a family was a mistake, instead, that it was something that he wanted. But he knew how much the loss had hurt you, not wanting to bring up any repressed memories.
Stepping through the threshold of your shared house, he spotted you in the kitchen, walking up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist.
"Hi my love, how was your day off?" As a condition of your going back to work, your ever so protective boyfriend insisted you took one day during the week off, alongside the weekends. You had refused at first, just wanting everything to get back to normal and that was not helping at all. But you had reluctantly agreed, knowing he would not back down otherwise.
"It was ok, I missed you though and I cooked dinner!' You chirped back, excited to finally see him again. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you pecked his lips, the mere presence of him bringing a smile to your face.
"I missed you too sweetheart, but I wanted to talk to you about something. It's nothing serious I promise." Squeezing his arms around your waist, he smiled, reassuring you that it wasn't a bad thing.
'I was thinking about somethings later, how would you feel about another child," he spoke softly, approaching the issue lightly, knowing it could go either way.
"I don't know Hank, I really want to but im scared," you replied, surprised at the fact he bought this up, but also terrified that something might happen again.
"I know you are and I am too, but if we do, we go at your pace, step by step." Reassuring you to make sure you were ok with it was his priority, you were it for him and he couldn't risk jeopardising anything, even if it meant not having another baby.
"Ok, step by step, promise?" You asked, shyly looking at him in order to comfort you in all of this.
"I promise"
Taglist: @mileika @redpoodlern @ohitshanksgirlxo @chazubagi @scarletsoldierrr @cindydoll2 @anotherfan07 @one-sweet-gubler
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ishigamisenkuwu · 4 years
Wedding Ceremony~ [requested]
 Before the petrification, you and Senku are lovers for 2 years. It started when he confessed to you that caught you off guard. But that confession was planned by Taiju and Yuzuriha your two other best friends. 
 “Y/n, I like you. Will you go out with me?” Senku was practicing while looking at the mirror. He was 10 billion percent nervous that you would reject him and his confession would ruin your friendship. “Come on man! Don’t be scared I’m sure that she likes you back,” Taiju was really trying to cheer him up.
 “Yuzuriha why am I dressed like this?” you asked your best friend and she avoided your gaze. “N-nothing Y/n-chan. I just thought it would really look good on you,” she said and her phone rang. She picked it up and looked at you, “It Taiju-kun. Hello? Oh, y-yes we are on our way t-there.”
 She said then she dragged you to the train station. The four of you agreed to go on a friendly date since it's your summer break and you don’t have anything to do besides trying and inventing new recipes. 
 When the train stopped at your station you walked together with Yuzuriha to the mall since you want to enjoy the summer breeze. You were wearing an off shoulder yellow dress with a floppy black wide-brimmed hat. You were wearing flats that go along with the entire outfit.
 “You look really good on that Y/n-chan. I’m sure Senku would like to see you in that,” she said and you blushed. She knows that you have a crush on the leek haired scientist and you told her to keep it a secret from Taiju because he can be loud and he might tell it to Senku.
 Yuzuriha was busy texting, probably Taiju when you got inside of the mall. “Yuzuriha! Y/n!” you heard Taiju’s loud voice calling for the both of you at your favorite coffee shop. You saw Yuzuriha blushed and you know it is because of the embarrassment. 
 You walked towards them and you looked at what Senku was wearing, it was like he matched your outfit. He was wearing a yellow shirt, white pants, and black shoes. You stared at him in awe and you noticed that Yuzuriha and Taiju were matching too, how cute!
 The four of you ordered your coffee and cakes then chatted for a bit. “Senku what are you up to right now?” you asked him and then took a sip from your frappe. “Nothing much to be honest. Just doing some research and learning with the dude we met in NASA,” he casually said and ate his cake.
 After you ate you made your way to the cinema and picked a horror movie. You sat between Yuzuriha and Senku so every time that there is a jump scare you hide your face on Senku’s shoulder while Taiju and Yuzuriha laugh at your reaction.
 “That’s bullshit we shouldn’t have picked the other one!”
 “C’mon Y/n your reaction was priceless!”
 “Tsk, she kept on hiding her face behind me, you big oaf”
 “You looked cute together earlier,” Yuzuriha blurted out that made you blush and distance yourself away from Senku. You saw a cotton candy stand and you dragged Senku towards it, “Senku buy me some.”
 “Tsk, you shouldn’t have done that Y/n. Just tell me if you want that I’ll give it to you,” he said and you bought it for Taiju and Yuzuriha as well. The four of you when to the park and ate some ice cream. The sun was setting and you felt Senku poking your cheek.
 “Y/n, w-we’re going for now. My mom asked me to buy her doughnuts and I’m bringing Taiju along. Sorry to leave you with Senku! I love you Y/n!” 
 “Senku! You know what to do man! Good luck!”
 “I love you too Yuzuriha-chan!” you said and you looked at Senku with a confused look on your face. “Y/n.. I n-need to tell y-you something im.. important,” Senku said with a shaky voice and avoiding your gaze. “What is it Senku-kun?” you asked and he held your hand while looking deeply in your e/c orbs using his ruby ones.
 “I like you and go out with me,” he bluntly said and you were shocked of course.
You laughed when you remembered how he confessed, he seemed nervous at first but he demanded you to go out with him too. “Why are you laughing Y/n?” he asked and you looked at him. His face didn’t change a bit after 3,700 years he still looks gorgeous as ever.
 “Senku,” you called out for him and he hummed as a response. “I love you so much,” you said and you saw him blush and Ginro saw it too and started to tease him about it. “Look at Senku! He’s blushing when Y/n said I love you to him!” he shouts it out and Chrome joined in to tease him too. You heard Gen, Ukyo, and Ryusui laugh behind you. Gen went beside Senku and nudged his shoulders, “So the mighty and smart Senku blushes eh?”
 Senku only scoffed and continued to do what he was doing. It was near lunchtime so you decided to help Francois to make some food. After preparing food you and Suika called the others to eat.
 Senku planned to create cities all over the world and find what caused the petrification so the both of you doesn’t bond like before that made you upset a little bit but of course you respect Senku and you want him to achieve his goals so you help and support him.
You went to sit beside him and started to eat but an idea popped up on your mind. Teasing and making Senku blush and embarrassed was one of your hobbies when you two are together. You cut a piece of pork, “Senku say ahh.”
 You noticed that everyone around you stopped and watched the both of you and all of you noticed a blush on Senku’s face. “Tsk, what are you doing Y/n? I can eat by myself,” he said and looked at his side. You pouted and sniffed in short you were acting like you are upset, “B-but Senku.. *sniffs* I’ll cry if you not gonna eat this,” you said and Senku looked at you and he was surprised when he saw the tears running down your cheeks. 
 “You brat,” he said then took the piece of pork you cut for him. Senku doesn’t like it when his baby cry. Yup, he calls you baby when you two are alone and away from the others. Ginro, Chrome, and Gen started to tease Senku after the meal and Yuzuriha said you did great and she asked if you could help her to make some clothes.
 “Hey Y/n-chan, if you and Senku will be married one day I’ll be the one to make your dress ok?” she said and you just blushed. You never thought of it especially you’re just 18 and he’s 19 and he is busy as hell to rebuild the civilization from scratch. “You really have an advance mind huh?” you said and then laughed it off. 
 “Stand up y/n please. I’ll take your measurements,” Yuzuriha said and you looked at her confused. “W-well I’m t-trying to attempt uhh you k-know.. To c-create a wedding dress and I want you to b-be the model of it,” she said it fast but stuttering at the same time. You just nodded as a yes and stood up.
 “36 24 36 is your vital statistics eh? That’s like the perfect vital statistics y/n-chan!” she squealed and hugged you. For you, it doesn’t matter as long as you have a full-body you’re fine. “What kind of wedding dress are you even planning to do Yuzuriha?” you asked and she showed you a sketch. “Here! It’s kinda cute isn’t it?” she said and started to do her magic. After four hours the both of you finished and you are wearing the dress the both of you made. 
 It hugged your curves perfectly and it is backless which you like and there are some laces. You noticed that she took out some gloves as well and she put them on you. “This is good! You look really great even without make-up y/n!” she said then you remembered that Senku made some makeup and you asked Suika to grab it for you.
 Yuzuriha called Ruri, Kohaku, Suika, and Francois to help you. You were just going to model it why the heck they made it looked like you are going to get married? After 30 minutes of hell, the girls squealed except for Francois. They said to look in the mirror and you did.
 You look really beautiful and elegant, the girls said you should show it to Senku and the others and you blushed furiously. “It’s embarrassing guys! I’m just gonna model it right? WHY THE HECK ARE YOU WEARING THE SAME DRESSES?!” you asked shocked. They looked like your bridesmaid and Suika is the flower girl. “Aww, how cute y/n. You are going to get married today!” Ruri said and you were confused as heck. Married? You? To whom? Then you remembered Senku. Your blush becomes deep red and you just felt someone covered your eyes and dragged you outside.
 Because the tent where Yuzuriha work is far away from Senku they made the preparations for the wedding ceremony you didn’t noticed it. Senku looked at the rings Chrome and him made, it is made of gold and there is a ruby gem in the center of it. Senku knows how much you talked about how his eyes look like ruby and how much you love them. One of the villagers brought the ruby to him as a thank you gift for curing Ruri which made him plan all of this.
 “I’m his best man you idiots back off!” he heard Ryusui said. He sighed and looked at Taiju, “Come here you big oaf, you’re my best man.” Taiju looked at him teary-eyed and he hugged Senku, “I’m so happy for you Senku! Finally after those years of trying to confess to her you two would get married!” 
 You nervously took slow steps as the girls guide you to God knows where. “Where are we going?” you asked but they seem to ignore you.
 “I can’t believe Senku, why he didn’t propose first?”
 “You know him Kohaku-chan he is not that type of guy.”
 “Yuzuriha you don’t make sense he should’ve proposed first.”
 “Senku-sama needs time too. You know he is planning to revive the 7 billion people around the world, Ruri-sama.”
 “I don’t get you at all but I’m happy to be a flower girl for Senku and Y/n!”
 You just gave up and let them drag and guide you while they were arguing why he didn’t propose.
 The place looks so beautiful with all of the flowers and decorations. The wedding would be held near the Perseus and the reception would be on the ship. Senku was so happy even though he knows that you would complain about why the hell he didn’t propose first. He wanna laugh just by thinking about it. The aisle was covered with the curtains that Yuzuriha made so they wouldn’t see you. 
 You stopped at your tracks and you felt they removed the thing that was covering your eyes. You blinked twice to adjust to the light and you saw flowers everywhere. It looks like some of the decorations for a wedding. 
 “What the hell is this, Yuzuriha?” you asked and she just smiled at you. You saw them lined up and walked to the aisle. 
 Your maid of honor is obviously Yuzuriha. The bridesmaids are Ruri and Kohaku along with the females in the village. Tsukasa, Chrome, Ukyo, Ryusui, Magma, Kinro, and the other males are the groomsmen. Suika is the flower girl while Ginro is the ring bearer. 
In Senku’s mind, everything is perfect, the plan was going smoothly. They heard the violin played by Francois, where the hell did they get that? Simple, Senku and the old man Kaseki made it and Francois was playing Beautiful in White. This is the signal that you are going to walk down the aisle with Gen.
 Gen was wearing a tux that Yuzuriha probably made before. “Let me walk you to Senku dear Y/n,” he said and you wrapped your arm around his arm and you started to walked when they removed the curtains.
 Senku looked at you with tears in his eyes but he wiped them away so no one could see how pathetic he looked. In his mind, you were so beautiful in the wedding gown, the way it hugged your curves perfectly, and how it looked so good on you. Although he can’t really see your face because of the veil he knows how beautiful you look right now.
 You looked at Senku wearing a white tux and you noticed him wipe his tears, you giggled and Gen copied you probably he saw it too. When you were near Senku Gen said something that made you blush and he handed your hand to Senku, “Don’t ever hurt my sister Senku-chan.”
 Yep, you and Gen are siblings not by blood because you were adopted by his parents. You hugged Gen and said thank you to him. You and Senku walked to the priest and the wedding ceremony began. 
 Time skip brought to you by the lazy author and Gen’s Flowers~
 “I now announce you husband and wife! You may now kiss the bride”
  Senku put up your veil and looks at your e/c orbs then he leans forward and kisses your lips softly and you kissed him back. You heard claps from everyone and some wolf whistles and that made you blush. You looked at your ruby ring and Senku. “I can’t believe that we’re married,” you said and Senku just smiled at you. “Well I wanna marry you as soon as possible,” he said and you playfully hit his chest.
 The banquet started and everybody enjoyed the food that Francois made and the booze that the villagers stored at their tents. Meanwhile, you and Senku were in one of the rooms at the Perseus and…
 I’ll leave the rest to your mind reader-chan!
  The second request from its chan. Gomenasai minna-san! >///< It’s too long aacckkkkk
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ollies-studyblr · 5 years
German III: 4.12-4.16
Relative Pronoun Review:
What determines whether the relative pronoun is masculine, feminine, neuter, or plural?
It matches the antecedent (the word it refers/relates  back to).
What determines the case of the relative pronoun?
Its use in its own clause.
Where does the relative pronoun go in the sentence?
At the beginning of its clause; if it goes with a preposition, the preposition is first in the clause.
Where does the conjugated verb go in a relative clause?
It goes at the end of the clause.
Which relative pronouns are not identical with the definite article?
Dative plural (denen), and all the genitives (dessen, deren, dessen, deren) are not identical.
Wo ist das Mädchen, das gestern hier war? --> (N/nom.)
Der Hund, mit dem ich gestern gespielt habe, ist sehr freundlich. --> (M/dat.)
Meine Verwandten, die  in der Schweiz wohnen, heißen Trachsel. --> (Pl/nom.)
Der Junge, dessen Bruder krank ist, ist sehr traurig. --> (M/gen.)
Der Hosenanzug, den sie am Sonntag trägt, ist sehr elegant. --> (M/acc.)
Wir sitzen an einem Tisch, der 200 Jahre alt ist. --> (M/nom.)
Die Kinder, mit denen ich nach Hause ging, sind sehr nett. --> (Pl/dat.)
Interview Q&A:
Where was he Nov. 9, 1989?
at home preparing for school the next day
What did he do when he heard the news?
He decided to try to visit his parents.
How difficult was it to cross the border?
The line was long, but there was no passport check.
What were they greeted by in the West?
Huge crowds, with total strangers handing out welcoming flowers and bottles of wine.
What word did they hear over and over?
“Wahnsinn” meaning “crazy, unbelievable”
Did they find his parents?
Yes, they were home following everything on TV.  They had even seen his car come through!
What happened in school the next morning?
There wasn´t any school.  Teachers as well as students were in West Berlin.
Did he get to keep his teaching job?
Yes, the history and government teachers had a much harder time keeping their jobs than the math, science, and language teachers.
What does he think of the “Wall in the Head” idea?
It´s still there for many people—those who always see the “bad”  instead of the “good” in a situation.
How did he get the piece of the Wall that now sits on his desk?
He joined the other Mauerspechte (wall peckers) and hammered off several pieces for his family.
Fun Fact Review:
What four countries occupied Germany after World War II?
England, France, the Soviet Union (Russia), and the United States
What is the name of the plan that helped West Germany rebuild so fast?
the Marshall Plan
In which zone was Berlin located?
the Soviet zone
When did the Soviets block all land and water routes to Berlin?
What is the German word for "airlift"?
die Luftbrücke
Who was Gail Halvorsen?
He was a pilot who dropped little parachutes with candy and raisins for the children of Berlin.
What was the nickname of the planes that dropped little presents as they approached the Berlin airport?
Rosinenbomber (raisin bombers)
Why did the Soviets build a wall all the way around West Berlin?
They did this to keep their citizens from going to the West.  They needed them to work in the East, but the standard of living was much better in the West.
On what date was the Berlin Wall begun?
August 13, 1961
What was it made of at first?
barbed wire
What kind of communication was there between East and West Berliners after the Wall went up.
How dangerous was it to try to cross the Wall?
It was extremely dangerous; the guards had orders to shoot immediately.
What were some of the other defenses used besides just a wall?
trenches, spikes, guard dogs, electrical fences, mines, false walls to mislead would-be escapees,  trip wires that automatically shot the person tripping them, search lights, watch towers
Where were the major anti-government demonstrations right before the Wall opened?
Leipzig, Dresden, and Berlin
When did the Wall open?
November 9, 1989
How did it happen?
There was an announcement on TV news that East Germans no longer required an exit visa to leave the country.
What does "Wahnsinn" mean?
insanity, craziness
What sorts of things did the East Berliners buy when they first went West?
electronics: microwaves, boom boxes, TVs, VCRs.
What does "Wiedervereinigung" mean?
When was Germany officially reunited?
October 3, 1990
What is the "Mauer im Kopf?"
"wall in the head"—a psychological barrier to accepting people from the other half of Germany
What are the slang words for former East Germans and West Germans?
Ossis and Wessis
What is a main prejudice of the Wessis against the Ossis?
They expect the government to do everything for them; they don’t know how to work.
What is a main prejudice of the Ossis against the Wessis?
They´re arrogant and selfish and treat us as second-class citizens; they´re acting like carpet baggers.
Who is the current Chancellor of the Federal Republic, and why is that special?
Angela Merkel: she´s the first woman Chancellor AND she’s from the former East Germany.
Fun Facts:
Escapes did occur by increasingly clever means, but the DDR became just as clever at preventing them. If you go to Berlin, be sure to go to the Haus am Checkpoint Charlie, and give yourself plenty of time to see all the museum has on display. You´ll be amazed at the many ways people used to escape, mostly in the early years.
It’s also amazing the lengths to which a government will go to keep its people from leaving. All of the items pictured here were used, although not necessarily all at the same place. The devices to stop vehicles (anti-tank obstacles and anti-car trenches, as well as beds of spikes) served little purpose after the cement wall went up. Then most of the devices were aimed at individuals: patrol cars, search dogs, low tension fences, tripwire alarms, and various "walls" to give the person the deceptive feeling she had escaped before actually reaching the legal border. The most gruesome of all came late in the game, when fences were armed with shrapnel guns attached to trip wires. In essence, the would-be escapee shot herself!
A government that has to resort to such extreme measures is bound to collapse, and that´s just what happened. In October, 1989, the DDR celebrated its 40th anniversary amid great pomp and celebration. But all around the country, the protests were well underway, centering mainly in Leipzig and Dresden as well as Berlin. In a never-to-be-forgotten evening news broadcast on November 9, an unexpected statement was made that residents of the DDR no longer needed an exit-visa to leave the country. That was it!
In a very short time, all the checkpoints in Berlin were swamped with people wanting to "go West." They mostly wanted to visit relatives, sight-see, shop, and then come back. Thousands streamed across the border, and the department stores were wiped clean of things like microwaves, color TVs, boom boxes, and computers.  At least one woman in labor came, so her baby could be born in the West.  (Fortsetzung folgt)
Post Wall Facts
Things changed very rapidly in both East and West Germany. As the Mauerspechte ("Wall peckers"—a play on the word "Specht" woodpecker) chipped away souvenirs, and cranes took away large chucks of the Wall, the cement barrier almost disappeared. The DDR tried to maintain its independence through various changes in government, but it was almost inevitable that it would become part of the BRD, which already had unification built into its Basic Law.  DDR money went out of existence quickly, and the official "Wiedervereinigung" (reunification) came on Oct. 3, 1990.
The euphoria, however, could not last forever, and reality sank in. You would have to read many books and watch many documentaries to come to your own opinion about what could/should have happened. Politicians made loud but unrealistic claims that misled thousands who took them literally. The East German economy all but collapsed since it had a highly deteriorated infrastructure and few quality goods to offer.  The education system fell into disarray because many of the teachers had gotten their positions through political connections. It is fair to say, however, that many people were more "Opportunists" than "Communists." Life was tolerable and fighting the system had seemed hopeless, so they just went along and did the best they could. Wouldn´t most people in such situations?
Prejudices instilled by society (consciously or unconsciously) surfaced, "verified" by events of the day. "Westerners (Wessis) are selfish and think they know better about everything." "Easterners (Ossis) are lazy and greedy and just want hand-outs from the government." "Wessis are coming East and trying to take over our businesses and schools." "Ossis are coming West and taking our jobs and our hard-earned benefits." And, as always, a lot of the tension  had to do with money. Who owned land or houses abandonded  30–40 years ago? The former owners who had made a good life for themselves in the West, or the current owners who had done all the upkeep? The government? Who was going to pay for all the rebuilding that was truly necessary in the East? Western tax money? Large private companies that were viewed with deep suspicion in the East?
These and other questions led more than one person to say, "The Wall in our midst has come down, but it will take a long time for the Wall in our heads to disappear." Maybe as the generation that never knew life with the Wall grows up, it will be able to overcome the prejudices of the past and feel itself as only a "German" once more, not "Ossi" or "Wessi."
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A Song for You
I know it has been a long time since I updated but with the passing of my mother march 20th my world was rocked to the core and things needed my undivided attention but now im working and things are as steady as their going to get. now I work six days a week so posting will be hard but I love this story and I intend to finish it.
here is chapter nineteen of a song for you I hope you like it!
Masterlist is right here for you all to catch up. 
The night before had been perfect, dinner with her man and her dog. She should have known it would come at a cost like everything else, Jax had called her and Juan to his house bright and early. Saying something went down, she had no idea how fucked today would be until he told her what happened with Otto and Tara. She sees a blur barreling towards her legs and kneels down as Able makes his way over to her from his movie he had been watching, she didn't like how he was so close to talk of his mom's possible Jail time, so she turns off the TV and bring him into his room, setting him down by his toys she gives him a soft smile. “Can you do me a favor conejito?” the little boy nods and looks up at her from the Legos in his hands “Promise me you won't come out no matter what you hear out there? Can you do that for me? Be a big boy and do as I say?” she wasn't a fool, able was quiet, not stupid, he knew something was wrong so she didn't talk dumb to him. She rubs his back with her hand, waiting for him to think it over before he nods. She smiles and holds his small face between her hands, kissing his forehead she stands and heads for the door, closing in behind her she leans against it for a moment. Seeing movement out of the corner of her eye she sees her husband waving her back to the kitchen.
Gathering her wits she sighs and walks to the kitchen, standing behind Tara she puts her hands on the woman's shoulder in comfort as Tara continues speaking to Lowen, the clubs go-to lawyer,  across from her. “It was chaos. They just took a statement and told me they'd be in touch. They're gonna figure it out.” Lowen nods taking in everything Tara says before replying “We can maintain that not updating your insurance was an oversight” Lowens face pinched as she added, “but that request form you forged to see Otto, that could come back to bite us.” Joy couldn't help but grind her teeth as Jax shouts “Oh, come on, she was concerned about a friend.” Joy glares as Jax as she hisses through her teeth “And an overeager prosecutor could sell that shit as she conspired to meet with him, then brought the cross with knowledge of what he'd do with it, Jax. So shut the fuck up and listen.” Lowen waves her hand towards Joy in agreement, Jax flashes his teeth at her “She isn't wrong Jax. I'll start digging in. See how much heat it has.” she combs a calming hand down the back of Tara's head as Lowne locks eyes with her “Uh, you clear on your story?” Tara sighs, her hands coming up your scrub at her face, a trait she picked up from her husband “ My husband did time. Medical care was awful. I wanted to make a difference.” She and Tara both glances at the Hallway as Tommy's wails sound off, she lets Tara up, knowing she needs a minute to herself. She sees Jax grab Tara's arm, but the woman barely looks at him as she marches out of the kitchen to her son. She would talk to Tara later, right now she would focus on making sure she stayed out of jail.
She leans heavy on Taras chair as Jax turns his narrowed gaze to Lowen as she packs up her briefcase, her movements jerky, it was obvious the club wasn't the only one upset about this. “Otto killing that nurse, that will make RICO go away?” the woman turns to Jax, sighing she nods “Yes. Felony charges after the deal would destroy his reliability. But this could unravel for Tara, Jax.” the crack in the woman's voice didn't go unnoticed “She could do serious time for this.” everyone jumps as Jax's voice crashes through the quiet space “Then make sure that doesn't happen!” she pushes herself off the chair she is leaning on to snarl “Get your shit together you brain dead fuck. Yelling and throwing a fucking bitch fit at the people trying to help isn't gonna do shit all besides scare your kid and make you look like a horses ass..” the older woman stands and glares down at the blonde man currently trying to glare holes through her. “I manipulate the law. I don't write it. I'll call you when I know something.” the air in the kitchen is so tense, she wants to jump clear across this table and beat the shit out of her president, but her husband's hands on her back keep her blood pressure down just enough to where she can somewhat contain her more homicidal tendencies.
Her eyes glance at Bobby to the side as she tries to control her breathing. “Club's gonna find out what Otto did. We got to tell them the truth, man.” she nods, the club deserved to know from the jump but Romeo had her and Jax by the short and curlies when it all started. “The CIA knowledge still puts us all at risk, Bobby. We got to get clear of the cartel first. Then they can hear all of it.” She pushes off the chair and runs a hand through her hair “Otto killing that nurse also kills Romeo's leverage. He ain't gonna take that sitting down quietly.” Jax's narrowed eyes glance at her and nods “ Then call Alvarez and Tyler. You, Chibs and Juice Lockdown the muling and the distribution deal.” She nods as Jax turns his focus to Bobby “You call Lin. Set up the meet. If he can't deliver, all of this goes south, and we are stuck being Romeo's coke whore! All right?” she sneers at her president's turn back as he stomps out of the house, slamming the door behind him. She leans her head back into her husband's chest as he wraps a strong arm around her middle “I get he is upset, fuck we all around are but you would think he was the one with a vag and not me.” the guys release a reluctant chuckle, she turns her head to press a kiss to Juan's jaw before reluctantly stepping out of the warmth of his arms “I'm gonna check on Tara and Able, Chibs and Bobby you both go ahead and call Alvarez and Tyler. I'll be back in a minute.” they nod and head outside, her husband presses a quick kiss to her cheek before moving to the living room to turn the TV on.
She decides to start easy, Able first. Walking to his room she smiles when she opens it and sees him focused on his Lego tower. Sitting behind him she combs a hand over his soft blond hair before pressing her lips to the crown of his head. “Thank you for being my good boy. You can head back to your movie now if you want. Uncle Juice is there to watch with you.” he turns and smiles at her and kisses her cheek as he runs past her to the living room, his excited shout of “Uncle Juicy” makes her melt a little as Juan's laughter mixed with ables floats down the hall. She shakes herself and heads to Tommy's room, seeing Tara sitting across from the now napping baby she walks over to the woman and sits next to her. She and Tara weren't as close as she was with the others. But it didn't stop her from caring for the woman, she lets the woman wrap her arms around her waist and lays back on the daybed, the taller woman curled around her as she muffled her sobs into joys hair as not to wake the baby. She combs a hand through Tara's dark hair, not saying a word, sometimes there was no better comfort then letting it all out. Tara was alot like her, steel and grit. But even though they were women of iron will they needed a moment, just a moment to bend and submit to the pressure before wiping their eyes and rebuilding. Pressing a kiss to Tara's forehead she sighs and gets herself comfortable, she wasn't moving until Tara got it all out.
Hour later
After a while Tara pulled herself from joy's hair and wiped her eyes, Joy could see she was embarrassed for falling apart but all she did was smile and let Tara be. She would talk when she was ready, she walked into the living room to see Juan and Able watching the bright and loud Disney movie with the fascination of children. She didn't know what was sweeter, her husband grinning at the movie like a child or the actual child snuggled against his side. She hated to break them apart but they had a job to do, with a parting forehead kiss and a hug to Able they both headed back to the shop. Chibs and Bobby had already left and made their calls, telling Juan to meet up once I was done with Tara. Pulling up to the shop she yanks her helmet off and shakes her hair out and combs a hand through it as Juan moves to stand at her side as she stands. She looks up at her husband, giving him a small grin as he leans down to press a quick kiss to her lips, she swipes at his bottom lip with her thumb to get the small amount of lipstick off his lip before heading towards Bobby, Jax, and Bobby as they head towards them. Meeting them halfway she hears Chibs as he talks “I spoke with Alvarez and Tyler while lass here checked on Able and Tara. They're all in. Percentages are set.” turning she and Juan move to walk with them, she glares sideways at Jax as he wraps an arm around her shoulder. She swats at her husband's stomach as he chuckles, Jax plants a firm kiss to the side of her head. “You love me.” She snorts, not shaking off his arm as she stares forward. “It seems I have poor taste.” She smirks at the loud exclamation from her husband as he yanks her from under Jax's arm to wrap himself around her from behind. She relaxes into him as she looks towards Bobby “Anything on Lin Bobby?” the bearded man shakes his head, swinging a leg over his bike. “Nothing yet.” She and Jax sigh, that wasn't good. Locking eyes they nod might have to check in on this one personally. Her husband releases her once they get to their own bikes, swinging her leg over she slides her sunglasses on as she tries to keep calm, they would figure this out. They had too.
Time Jump
She grins at the full house Diosa has pulled in on the opening day. She lets Jessica, one of the host girls pull her into a one-armed hug, smirking when she sees the lust blown look in Juan's eyes as he watches her hand slide over the other woman's ass as she pulls away. She loved playing with her husband, she lets him pull her tight into his side as he leans down to nip at her bottom lip. She pouts as he pulls away, it seems she wasn't the only one who could play. He rubs his hand over her ass as they walk move into the room, she would get his ass later, pussy teasing fucker. Her pout is quickly gone when she sees her father stand a little straighter as his eyes catch something in the distance, she follows his gaze to see Lyla coming towards them, well being rolled towards them she should say. She pulls away from her husband's roaming hands as she and the rest of the guys move towards the wheelchair-bound woman, she chuckles as she finally catches sight of the costume she is wearing, Lyla winks at her and runs a hand over the thigh garter covering the wound in her thigh. Clever idea, the naughty nurse and the sick patient. Leaning down she presses a kiss to Lyla's cheek as Jax's pulls away. “Hello beautiful, being treated well?” she grins and nods, her hand coming to hold Joys as Jax asks “You seen Nero?” Lyla nods, using her other hand to swipe her blonde bangs from her eyes “He is outback. His old crew showed up. It got tense. Safe to say he wasn't happy.” Joy sighs, leaning down she kisses Lyla's hand and moves past her. The boys calling her name as they follow behind, they could catch up. Pushing open the back door she sees about seven men, three standing before Nero and the rest along with the two cars.
“What's good Nero?” the older man along with the men across from him turn to stare at her, the men she didn't know opened their mouths but thought better when the rest of her crew comes through the door, her husband and father hot on her heels. “Nothing just breaking down a little pleito here.” she nods, standing on Nero’s side she eyes the men before her. The one who seemed to be running shit now spoke to her and Jax as the blonde man moved on her side “That's right. Since our OG left Stockton, we had a little problem holding down our borders.” She snorts, she sees what this is already. They aren't strong enough to hold down their borders without Papa holding their hands she tilts her head, her eyes glancing at the shorter man on her right, she thinks she saw him once before “Street sees your pussy leave, they think the rest of the game is up for grabs, holmes.” She feels a headache coming on, they sound like fucking children, busting in on an opening day and demanding Nero’s help. The older man next to her shouts “I got shut down, fool! Me setting up out here, that still brings the feria in your pocket”
“We need more than money, ese.” She narrows her eyes, from what she knew of Nero’s crew they were small-time, the fuck did they need hardware for? Jax's rests his elbow on her shoulder as she crosses her arms over her chest his voice lax as it may seem, sounded suspicious to her well-trained ears. “So what do you want?” it takes everything in her not to jerk when Nero practically shouts in her eat “Guns! I told them that's not what this is.” she nods, her eyes quickly zeroing in on the apparently leader of this three-ringed circus as he mocks Nero “I don't give a shit what this is. We got Dante's crew stepping on our book. Triple Two shaking up our protection. We need AK's and Glocks to hold down our streets.” she arches a brow, working with Nero she knew for a damned fact that Nero’s boy weren't a huge name a few block radius was what they stomped but seemed this shit head had other ideas. She rolls her eyes as the two other idiots chime in as back up “We're gonna go broke, maybe homeless. Might have to move in here.” she can't help but snort as the one closest to the leader grins “Yeah. Me and my 37 kids, yo.”
She straightens up as the leader moves closer to Nero, once he is close enough he grins, his gold-capped tooth catching the light as he speaks “And you know how expensive kids are, ese. Even the ones without crutches.” She doesn't know how she ended up on top of the leader, straddling his chest her hands wrapped around his neck as the other fight around her but the sound of a gunshot stops everyone. Panting she sits up and looks at Bobby. “Enough! Hey! This is the way we get the town to embrace our legitimate business?”  she hates how right he is, looking down at the man under her she hates how he is grinning up at her, his eyes jumping from her chest to where she sits on his chest. She pulls back and cracks him one more time across the jaw, standing she makes her way to her husband. Letting him bend and rotate her fingers and wrists to make sure she didn't damage anything She felt hands on her shoulders, turning her head she sees Nero, he gives her a nod of thanks and she grins before turning to face her president “Sorry Jax, just don't like when people involve kids.” the blonde man nods, his hand coming up to hold the side of her head in his palm yanking her head close so he would kiss the side of her head before turning to Nero. “Why don't you just let me sell them the hardware. Just a one-time thing.”
She grabs her husband's hands as he finishes checking her for injuries. Bringing his hands to her face she kisses his knuckles and turns to Jax and Nero as the taller man's voice rises slightly. “ We ain't that crew, Jax. We ain't never been that crew. We run ten square blocks north and sure. This Renaldo, he's pushing to blow up, make a name.” She honestly suspected as much herself, she can't help but chuckle when Nero turns to face his old crew “Vato's been seeing too many movies, que no?” Bobby rests a hand on her shoulder as he leans in with a grin “Come on. Sounds like you're the guy kept them smart.” she nods, “Jax, I'm pretty sure we have some old KG-9s at the warehouse.” she watches Jax go through his mental list of storage units and he nods absently as she continues “Why don't you let us give them those, a few Glocks. Ya know to make their dicks feel bigger for once in their lives, keep this from happening again.” Nero chuckles and nods, patting her arm. Bobby moves to her side “Sale can't happen here.”  she tilts her head back to think, but Nero is working faster than her it seems “There's an access road above the river basin near Diller Canyon. If you know it say meet in an hour?” Jax nods and bumps fists with the older man “Yeah, I know it. And an hour is fine. I'll bring eight pieces, the street tag should be five grand. I'll give it to them for four.” Nero nods and turns to his old crew, she heads for the stairs with the others. Glancing over her shoulder she locks eyes with that Renaldo guy, she didn't like the glint in his eyes. Little shit would get his dumb ass killed if he wasn't careful, and by her if pulled any stunts at that meeting.
Hour later
Leaning against the old station wagon next to Tiggy as she chuckles as he finishes a horrible story about a time a coked-out dog took a chunk out of his ass. Her husband leaning his forehead on her shoulder as he tries to catch his breath. Bringing her hand up she brushes her fingers along the side of his tattooed scalp, but tenses at the sight of a car coming in from the side road. Hearing her father's curse she turns to head to see another car as well, that little son of a bitch was out of his mind to pull some shit like this. She curls her lip as Chibs watches the cars get closer "Oh, man. That's definitely not good." She rests her hand on her Glock on her thigh she smirks as Jax signs"That's ten too many shits head." She corrects him "Stupid vato shitheads Boss."  Tig puts a hand on her shoulder, gently yanking her as he moves to get into the car, her husband is already yanking open the door "As happy as I am to see you two working together again. We should, uh, probably go, yeah?"
She nods and ducks into the car, quickly climbing into the back she starts tossing AK's over her shoulder for the guys to grab, she vaguely hears the shit head from earlier yell "Where you going, Chola bitch!? We just want our guns!" She chuckles and glares out the back at him as she grabs her Glocks from their holsters and mumbles "Oh I got guns for you dick head. And one pissed off Chola!" She jerks as Jax takes off, ducking quickly when she hears gunfire. Glass from the back window raining down on her head and she hisses as she feels a cut on her cheek and temple. Sitting up she fires out the now busted back window, her father crawling in beside her and they take out a few of Renaldo's boys together before her father jerks back with a shout of pain, she keeps up the gunfire with one hand as she reaches back to yank him back by his shirt. She yells out in rage as she sees the blood pouring from a wound on his head she yanks an AK from the back and leans her upper body out the back of the car, not caring as the glass still there cuts through her shirt and slices her skin. Hearing her husband yell her name she feels his strong hands grip her hips in a bruising grip so she doesn't fall as she lights up those assholes who dare make another Lowman bleed.
She yelps as she is yanked back into the car by her husband, she turns to curse him out but releases a scream when the car starts to go downhill, her body slams into the roof of the car, pain washing rushing over her neck and shoulders as the car starts to roll, only sounds of broken glass and her brothers grunts and shouts of pain fill her ears. Once it stops she groans as Jax releases a shout of victory, calling out to them. "Anyone dead?" She raises her hand up to flip him off, letting her husband pull her up and over the seats to get a better look at her as Jax finally gets a look at her father's head wound. "Hap you hit!?" She glances back at her father, seeing him touch his head. A grim and twisted smile takes over his blood-stained face and she can't help but smile back as he replies  "Ripped through. I am rapturous." She roars along with her brothers, father and Husband as the relief and thrill of it all kicks in, Snatching her husband around the back of his neck she yanks him into a kiss, laughing against his hungry lips as the car starts back up and they are jerked left and right. Fuck she loved her boys and this fucked up life they lead sometimes.
Once they return to the clubhouse the thrill dies and the aches start to kick in, her husband has her laid out on the bar as he sets to cleaning off the nicks on her face and the deeper cuts on her stomach. Looking over she sees her father looking pretty miserable as Chibs works on his head, Gimme handing him meds and a few much-needed shots of one hundred proof anything. She smiles softly as her husband presses a kiss to her stomach next to the bandage he just finished taping down. She sits up and looks down at it "Not bad handsome. Chibs would be proud." The Scot across the way scuffs and but nods his head, she swings her legs to sit herself up on the bar as Nero walks over to where she, Juan, Tiggy, and Jax sat. Smoke billows from Jax's mouth as he passes the blunt her way, his somewhat glazed eyes on Nero "Clearly these assholes ain't real happy about you and Diosa moving north."  Nero shifts from foot to foot, his expression one of frustration "Well, I ain't running them anymore, man." She inhales deeply, holding in the smoke as she passes the blunt to Tiggy when her husband shakes his head in the negative for it. Her eyes glancing Chibs way as he replies to Nero, his eyes locking on the Spanish male over his glasses "Oh, maybe they don't know that you're retired, ese."
She blows her hit out and licks her dry lips as Nero's voice takes on a sharp edge "They're gonna know something real soon, I tell you that." She sighs and hops down from the bar, leaning back against it ok her elbows as she throws in her two cents " One thing I don't want is these half-witted and utterly braindead cholos starting a war right outside Charming. I don't mind killing them but I doubt we wanna release me on them." She smirks as Tiggy chuckles and passes the blunt past her to Jax as Nero nods "I hear you." She grins at Bobby as she walks over to Jax, leaning over towards the two she hears him say "Finally got ahold of Lin. He'll meet us at the Dynasty. Now." Shaking off the sluggish feeling in her head she pushes herself up from her leaning pose on the bar, turning she grabs her Glocks from her husband who has loaded them up for when after she emptied them into a few of Nero's crew earlier. Accepting his kiss she puts her hand on his cheek, grinning when he leans into the touch as Jax speaks to Nero behind her back " Hey, I got to handle this. It's not gonna take long. I'll meet you back at Diosa, all right? We'll figure out what to do about your crew." She pats Nero on the shoulder as she passes him with Bobby and Jax she hears Clay's voice as they pass him "Jax give me a minute?" She scuffs and keeps walking along with Jax as he coldly replies "No." She is forced to stop as Jax comes to a halt in front of her when Clay's voice takes a sharp edge "You really should. It's important, son." She lets Jax walk back past her, her hands itching to turn with him and put a bullet between Clay's eyes. She continues her trek outside, images of Clay's lifeless body hitting the ground. She would get her chance, she just needed to be patient.
Lins Restaurant
"When did all this take shape?" She sits between Bobby and Jax, Sipping from a ornate glass she watches the tennis match between Jax and Lin "The last few months. The Irish hate the Mexicans. It's way too tense. We want out." She leans back in her chair and chuckles hate was to tame a work for the Irish hatred for the cartel. She eyes Bobby as he adds on. "But we just can't leave Galindo high and dry. So we need somebody to replace the IRA hardware." She barely keeps her eyes from rolling as Lin tries not to appear eager but she wasn't a fool, he was more than interested, even if his replies appeared cool "Those are some serious weapons. It's not like bringing in a few cases of AK's." She knocks back the rest of her drink and sighs "Oh get off it henry." She shakes off Jaxs hand as he rests it on her arm. They didn't have time for this godfather act. "You know we're handing you the winning ticket in the Mexican gun lottery. Can you do it, or should we go someplace else?" Lin grins at her, she and Lin have done this dance before, she hadn't lied when she said she had don't odd jobs. Some had been more than under the table, and Lin wasn't bad people. "For you kid. I can dip into Gaza, probably get my hands on something comparable. German snipers, Kassam Rockets, some anti-tank shit." She nods and leans back with a smirk, her work done she hands the wheel back to Jax "How often?"
Lin tilts his head, a glint in his eyes "What are we talking?" Bobby holds up two fingers "Every two weeks. From now until whenever." Lin chuckles in disbelief, leaning back in his chair he arches a dark brow "It won't come cheap, man. Hamas'll try and fuck me on this shit." She smirks and leans her elbows on the table "Money's not a problem. In fact, you're gonna tack on ten percent; our referral fee." Lin glances from her to Jax who nods his head his agreement and says "Can you do it Lin?" The man across from them sighs and nods "Yeah. Yeah, I'm in." She grins widely and holds her hand up calling one of the girls over for some food as Jax steps away to answer his phone. A few moments later he returns with a sigh, grabbing Henry's outstretched hand to shake it "Hey, thanks, Henry. Do you think you can get a few of the big guns fast? Show the buyer?" She nods her head to the woman who brings out two to-go plates of food, handing her a few bills as Henry nods "I should be able to." Jax grins "All right, good. We'll be in touch." He looks between her and Bobby for a moment. " We gotta go." She nods and stands, saluting Henry with a smirk "Later Henry." The Asian man nods "Mrs.Ortiz." following behind the guys they make it a few miles down the road before the sound of screeching tires breaks her peace. She instantly reaches for her bowie knife, but she isn't fast enough, she screams as she is snatched up by the waist she is instantly taken back to her and Taras near abduction. She screams for Jax as she sees him yanked off his bike, she struggles harder but the men dragging her speaking rapid-fire Spanish as she uses her nails to claw at the forearm holding her. She feels a pain in the side of her head before darkness takes her, the last sound she hears is Jax and Bobby yelling out her name as she goes under.
Undisclosed Location
She feels like she is underwater, her head feels way too heavy for her neck to hold up, she groans as her head lulls back, hissing through clenched teeth when the bright lights overhead flood her vision, she shakes her head as she hears someone speaking, but they sound far away. She clenched her eyes shut and try to focus on the voice, Jax! She opens her eyes and sees a blur sitting across from her, she tries to reach out but her hands are tied to the chair arms. Blinking rapidly she gets Jax into focus. Besides also being tied to a chair he seems unharmed, She sees the worry in his eyes as he looked her over, his eyes hardening and narrowed at the spot at her temple that was throbbing, she knew she must be purple or bleeding there. She opens her mouth to speak but the door behind Jax opens, the people she sees walk through the door make her mouth drop. Romeo!? She growls as tries to jerk out of her chair with no result, Jax being the calmer out of the two of them speaks " You know, if you wanted to meet, a phone call would've done the trick." She snorts, she fucking loved her president sometimes, the man was clearly mental. She narrows her eyes as Romeo grabs the back of her chair and turns her chair around, using his foot to push her chair to sit next to her president. "We need to remind you both of how easy it is to disappear." She flips her hair out of her face as she bares her teeth in a sarcastic grin "And yet, here we are." She feels her shark-like grin widen as Romeo's eyes take on a sharp glint before it fades, she knew that glint well. She couldn't help but give a faint chuckle. "Oh I see the cartel thug in you wants to chop my pretty head off, but the Fed side struggles with the felony whacking. Such a dilemma" Jax chuckles, both of then glancing at Alvarez as he takes a menacing step towards her "Actually, both sides are okay with whacking. One just has paperwork."
She rolls her eyes and leans down somewhat into her chair, this was just getting stupid now "What's this shit about. Cut the bullshit." Romeo stands a little taller as he looks between them with narrowed eyes, his voice sharp "We saw what you did with Delaney. We know you want to kill the gun deal." She can't help but cackle, oh this is precious. She gets control of her giggles and wheezes out a reply "You don't know shit. You think Me and Jax are just gonna cut ties with the cartel? Without setting you up with something else?" The teasing grin falls from her face and she shows him the woman behind the mask, he falters for a moment as she replies coldly "We are  outlaws, not suicide bombers." Romeo tilts his head, giving her a look of suspicion "Setting us up how?" She arches a brow as Jax replies "Mayans will mule from AZ, distribute in Northern Cali. Niners will still push Pope's weight into Reno." Luis leans against the wall, all hostility gone, he seems interested.  "Who gets us the Irish guns?" She glances at Jax, shaking her head she takes over "Gaalan hates our kind. His words, not mine. It's only a matter of time before he pulls the plug. Jax set you up with the Chinese, a guy called Henry Lin, I have worked with him before. He can get comparable weapons from Gaza German snipers, Kassams, anti-tank missiles. All the good shit."
Luis and Romeo have a moment of silent communication before Luis speaks to Jax "He can meet the demand?" Jax nods, relaxing into his chair somewhat "It ain't gonna be cheap, but he can do it." She watches Romeo nod, wincing as his hand came down on her shoulder a little too roughly, making Jax jerk. "Set the meet. That's a lot of moving parts. They better all work, I'm sure you will make them work, won't you Ms.Ortiz." She nods,  Romeo removes his hand and looks to a man behind them, speaking rapid Spanish "Cut them loose."
Once they had been released and their phones and weapons returned to them she couldn't wait to get away from that place which turned out to be not that far from charming. When Juan had picked up the phone she could hear the strain in his voice, and he wasn't the only one affected, when the sound of the bikes pulled up to where she and Jax and walked to wait for them, she took one look at her husband and lost it. Running to him she practically crawled up his chest to get closer to him, her eyes blurring and her blood pumping she didn't realize she was shaking until she felt his hand running up and down her back as he tried to calm her. She could be dead right now, she could have never felt this again. They needed to get rid of Romeo and Luis, she couldn't come this close again.
Back at the clubhouse
She hated the looks everyone was giving her, Jax and Bobby. She had already told her father, which softened the blow for him but the look he gave her when she told him broke her heart. She never kept anything from her father ever. She places her hand over Juan's on her thigh, he hasn't stopped touching her since they got back to the clubhouse and honestly she didn't want him to stop. She tries to focus on Jax as he lays it all out for them "They held it over our heads. If I, Joy, Bobby told anyone about the CIA hookup, they'd crush us with RICO. Every charter. The Sons of Anarchy would have been dead. So we put all our energy into finding a way out." She nods as her father stares across the table at her, his gaze was hard but she knew some part of him understood why she had to do it. Bobby sighs, running a hand over his face "Otto killing that nurse was his way of reversing his statement. Wiped out RICO, but pushed the game forward."
She feels her stomach toss as she speaks for the first time since talking to her dad outside an hour ago while they waited for the other "Romeo panicked. That's why he picked me and Jax up cartel-style, trying to convince us not to walk away from the deal."  Her eyes glare down the table as Clay speaks, his voice almost taunting "Were you convinced?" Jax glances her way, she tosses her hair over her shoulder and sighs "Not even. But he was" Jax narrows his gaze on Clay as he takes over for her "You see, that's what I've been working on; getting the Mayans to take over the coke mule and Lin to cover big guns. Romeo signed off. This means we can walk away from drugs and the cartel!" She brings Juan's hand up to her mouth, pressing her lips to the back of it as his grip tightens on her hand. This cartel mess had not been either of their wishes for the club, they were outlaws sure but this shit was too much and they have already lost Opie, she couldn't lose more brother, her husband or father to this. Phil speaks for Juan's side "You set that up on your own?"
Jax shakes his head, nodding to her and then Bobby "Me, Joy and Bobby. It's not the way I wanted it." She nods, "We wanted to tell you all but we were in a chokehold." Bobby pats her shoulder "Look, we're not gonna do anything unless the club is behind it. " She releases Juan's hand and leans forward to rest her elbows on the table, resting her head in her hands as she speaks frankly "The deal with Galindo was always a means to an end. We knew that. But stepping away is gonna mean a pay cut." The guys shift in their seats, the cartel was rough and heavy but the pay made it easier she wouldn't lie. But she wanted out, she continues "We're gonna feel that sting initially, but once Diosa takes hold, we're gonna be solid. Jax is working on a few other things, too." Chibs turns his head to Jax "Let's vote it." She finds Juan's hand again, gripping it as Jax nods "Okay. We hand off the drugs to the Mexicans and the guns to the Chinese." He speaks his vote in favor, she and Juan raise their joined hands as a double vote in favor. As the yes votes grew the knot in her stomach loosens,  her smile grows as her eyes mist. At Chibs final vote of yes, she tilts her head back against her chair as Jax slams down the gavel. It was over, once the parts were in place no more Galindo, Romeo, Luis. She clenches her eyes shut as hot tear trails slide down her face into her hair. Juan's lips press against her cheek in a smacking kiss as he rises, pulling her with him. Once the guys give Jax their congratulations she leans down, wrapping her arms around Jax's neck and presses her lips to his temple "Love you brother." He brings a hand up to pat the side of her head before she releases him to follow her husband and father out the door. She giggles as Juan snatches her up, seating her on the bar top he wraps his arms around her waist and presses kisses to her lips and cheek "Halfway home Baby girl." She smiles, her arms wrapping around his neck, as her legs yanked him closer. Pressing her lips against his smiling ones she hums as his hands massage her thighs.
The kiss is starting to get heated when her father smacks them both in the side, she turns to glare at him but stops when she sees him nod towards church. Looking over she sees Jax holding Gemma but the look isn't that of a comforting son, he seems to be giving an order. Her nails caress the back of Juan's neck as he reaches behind her to the bar, grabbing a bottle of jack he pours two fingers and hands her one as Jax stands between them and Tig. She grins as Tig speaks to Jax " You, uh, you did it, brother." She and the other nod, holding up their glasses, Juan turning between her legs to face Jax and lay back against her as Chibs tilts his head "Aye. That was a beautiful thing, Jackie." She takes her shot to the head, she wraps an arm aroma Juan's neck, kissing the side of his Tattooed scalp as Jax points to her, Chibs, Juan, and Bobby. "You four, with me." She arches a brow as Juan steps from between her legs to let her hop down "Where to blondie?" His smirk is kinda chilling but she pushes that to the side "Show and tell." She nods, patting Tig on the cheek she passes him and heads outside. Wonder what Jax's had cooking this time.
Clays place
She is vibrating with the rage currently flowing through her as her husband rubs her arms and shoulders, she is pissed watching rat scrabble to explain as they all glare up the empty hole in the roof where the grate used to be. They had been so close to having proof, so fucking close. Rat walks over to her and Jax "They were here, Jax, Joy. I swear. Birth certificates, deeds, all kinds of shit." She nods she believed him, it wasn't an issue believing him, it was the fact that the shit wasn't there, that clay had once again outwitted them. Bobby sighs "What kind of shit?" She leans into her husband, her hand coming up to comb through her tangled curls "The Nomads gave Clay back all the legal shit from the safe they jacked. Proof of his involvement in a way." Chibs slides up next to her and Juan, waving a hand toward the hole in the ceiling "Then where did they go?" She glances at Jax as his voice, as calm as it sounded made her arch a brow at the barely noticeable quiver of rage to it as he watches Rat like a hawk "Was he back in the house?" The others nod, her husband speaking over her shoulder. "Yeah. You told us to meet you here. So we did."  Jax narrows his blue eyes on Rat, hissing through his teen "You left him alone when I didn't show." Rat seems to stiffen up and nods "Yeah." She jerks from her husband's hold as Jax fist fly, the dull thud again the lean man's skull makes her wench. She moves out of her husband's arms and shoves Jax back, standing in front of Rat she speaks to her husband "get him up." She hears Rat grunt as Juan yanks him up, she glares at Jax as he points at the man over her shoulder "the fuck were you thinking!"
She once again shoves him out of her space, he knocks into the table behind him and snarls at her. She isn't fazed as she speaks over her shoulder to the man holding his bruised jaw "Go home rat. Now." He nods and leaves the room with a muffled "I'm sorry." Bobby is glaring between her and she stares him down, unbothered as he paces "You two enlisted him in your war on Clay. That's why you didn't want to bring it to the table." He sighs and scrubs his beard, watching Jax as he pulls a cig from his pack, lighting it up as he sits in the recliner in the corner.  walking over to Jax he tries to appeal to him. "Jax, you got no real proof of Clay's ties to the Nomad attacks. Just the word of a dead traitor and squirrely prospects. You got to let it go, Jax. Look what you did for the club today. It's epic shit, brother. Epic. Don't let your hate kill that." She locks eyes with Jax and for a moment she sees everything she has felt for months, the nightmares, the fear, the rage reflected back at her and she doesn't hesitate to move to his side. Her hand on his shoulder as he speaks, his tone quiet but the chill it sends down her spine makes her clinch his shoulder. "There are a few other things I can't prove." She knows he is talking about the letters, and her eyes sought out her husband, she had told him after giving the letters to Jax. He had been just as shocked about what was in them and told her she had been right to give them to Jax. "My father wrote letters to Maureen Ashby, telling her that he feared Clay would kill him for trying to get the club out of guns. He even told her he'd sabotage his bike. Clay killed my old man."
She watches Bobby and Chibs take in the bombshell Jax dropped, Chibs seemed to be somewhat unfazed. But Bobby, he was staring off to the side, his mouth slightly gaped and the color drained from his face. She feels her fists clench as Jax locks eyes with her, but something told her he wasn't seeing her as he spoke "Maureen put the letters in my bag when we left Belfast. Tara found them, gave them to Piney and Joy. Clay found out about Piney…..but he didn't know about Joy. That's why he killed Piney. That's why he tried to kill Tara…..He got Joy by chance." She feels her hands shaking, the distant echo of Taras screams bounce off the walls of her skull. Juan moves behind her, rubbing his hands up and down her upper arms, pushing his face into the side of her head. She wasn't the only one affected by that day still, or any of the other times she was hurt, Juan may be better now but it's all still tender and fresh for them both. "Clay was the one that ordered the attack on her. He's responsible for what happened to her leg, joy's side and joy almost dying. He's responsible for everything." She watches Jax as he stands, making his way over to her she lets him cup the side of her head, drawing her head close he plants a quick kiss to the side of her head before making his exit. Chibs and Bobby stare at each other before Bobby follows behind Jax, Chibs seemed lost. His eyes going between her and anything else in the room. "I don't know how to process this lass. Something I have known to be a fact for a long time turns out to be a lie and a man I have had at my back more times than I can count tried to not only kill his son's wife but another club members, wife. And don't get me started on the Piney and Donna thing I just…." She bites down on her lip as the older man's voice rises and he paces, hands combing through his salt and pepper hair. She clenched her eyes shut as tears falling down her face "I can't tell you how to feel. All this time Juan has known but it's a lot off me and I'm pretty sure Jaxto,  to know that you guys know. That you understand how fucking hard it is to not gut Clay every second of every day." She pants and wipes at the tears on her face angrily, she hated letting Clay make her cry like this. "He made me think I was going to die twice Chibs, with his kidnap botch and with the nomads. I don't care if he pulled the trigger or not he sent them there. They almost killed a pregnant woman and would have killed me had I not be vested." She lets Juan pull her back into his chest her hands gripping his arms as she rants "I'd have been another dead son, my husband would have had to bury his wife, my father say goodbye to yet another woman he loved just because Clay wanted to save his own fucking hide. So now you get it, the rage, the reason me, Jax and hell Juan are so invested in Clay's head on a pike." Chibs stares at her, lost for words and honestly, she had nothing left in her to say, she was empty. She pulls herself from Juan's arms, grabbing his hand she pulls him behind her as they pass Chibs and get onto their bikes. She didn't know what tonight's knowledge would do to the five of them. She hoped it would help them understand if anything, but her gut told her this would change a lot of things. And she doubted they would change for the better, the run this far had told her her gut was pretty damn accurate.
Hope you all enjoyed it! 
3 notes · View notes
My home insurance company is terminating my policy because I need a new roof?
"My home insurance company is terminating my policy because I need a new roof?
My home insurance company sent me a letter saying they are going to terminate my policy in few weeks because the roof is worn and needs to be replaced, but I bought my house a year ago and it passed inspection and my inspection paper says i have 3 to 5 more years left on my roof so i don't understand why or how my home insurance company can just terminate my policy. By the way the home insurance company is TRAVELERS if that helps.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What is most important in a car insurance plan?
Okay, I know this is a complicated question that I'm asking on Yahoo! Answers, but hopefully somebody can give a credible answer. I'm about to get my first car and I want to make sure I have the proper insurance. I don't want an insurance company talking me into buying more than I need, nor do I want to be under-protected. So what's most important? I thought I'd heard that liability coverage was more important than collision. Is that true? How much liability should I need? If someone could give me some good suggestions with some numbers, I'd really appreciate it.""
Does car insurance cover this..?
my freind borrowed my car and he and his father went to the mall,his father got into a car accident which was his fault.now the car is totaled.i only have basic insurance does that cover my car or am i out of a car?""
Will homeowners insurance pay for a stolen bike?
Will homeowners insurance pay for a stolen bike?
What is the cheapest car insurance company?
My auto insurance went up AGAIN! I am a safe driver! OHIO mutual is horrible! What is a cheap insurance company? NOT SAFE AUTO>THEY SUCK
What is best health insurance for a 43 yrs old male single ?
not to expensive health insurance .
Car insurance loopholes?
What are the loopholes for lowering your car insurance? Ie. will putting the car in my parents name lower the insurance? Adding someone else on? Lowering the estimated value? etc.
Insurance on a Blackjack?
One drunk night I managed to crack the screen on my (orginial) Blackjack. I bought it in June of last year and its on a 2 year contract, but i do have insurance on it. What does insurance do? Fix the crack on the phone i have? Send me another blackjack? Can i get a different phone? I dont want another blackjack when theres a blackjack 2....anything you know will help.""
Can my daughter be put on my insurance?
My daughter is 21 and she has no insurance. She is a full time college student and does not work. Can I put her on my insurance through my work? And what are the requirements?
Insurance on 2006 Ford Mustang and 2004 A4?
Hey, I'm a 16 year old student (turning 17 this year). I'll be getting my G2 in March of 2014, and I'm having a hard time deciding which car to save up for. It was between a 2004 Audi A4 or 2006 Mustang the whole way through. Which car would you recommend for a student? I'm having trouble finding an A4 for under $8,000 with decent kilometers. I was wondering how high the insurance would be for me on both cars, also I did not take driving school. I've also heard that if I write my mother's name as the primary driver, and my name as the secondary driver its cheaper.""
Can I get cheaper insurance while my vehicle is in storage?
I'm going to be out of the country for a while, and am putting my car in an auto storage place. But since I'm keeping it registered and leaving the plates on it, I have to maintain insurance. Do any insurance companies offer cheaper insurance or a special type of insurance that I can put on there, since I wont be driving the vehicle? This is because I'm deploying to Iraq, btw.""
""What would my insurance possibly be with a 318 V8, for my first truck? (vehicle)?""
okay, im 15 now, but i found a truck i want desparetly, its an 87 dodge it needs some work but for a first car, any vehicle i want will need some work, i can get the truck fairly cheap an have to put money into it, an rebuild the carborator, etc. but if i get it now, an have it running, for when i get m license, everyone is telling me that having a 318 V8 is going to be expensive insurance, does anyone have any idea how much a price range would be? or a way to figure out a price range to insure this truck? Please an Thankyou.""
What is a reasonable cost estimate of business insurance for a cafe?
I'm working up some numbers to determine the financial feasibility of opening a small (1000-1200 sq ft) cafe. Starting out with myself and no more than 2 part time employees, what should I estimate for combined liability, equipment, workers comp insurance?""
Car insurance for a peugeot GTI?
Ok, so I'm 18 and a girl!! i have been driving for a year. i want a peugeot 106 GTI 1.6 16v. i have seen one for about 2000 in good condition, BUT because of my age, I'm struggling to get insurance. does any one no of a good site where i can get a reasonable quote. thank u!!!""
Best health insurance?
Im looking for a great health insurance. One that is reasonable with cost. My location is kansas if it matters.
Is it true that if you buy a brand new car the car insurance will be much more than a second hand car?
Why?? I'm going to buy the very first car for me (a mazda 3 hatchpack 2006 or 2008..) and I want it to be new cause I can afford any price. But my dad keeps telling me not to buy a new car cause i won't be having good bennefits from it..such as the car insurance. It will be higher than a second hand car's...around 1000 euros every year. Also the car insurance must be full if it's a new car and I should have it on 1/3 cause its cheaper. So if it's a new car I can't have it on 1/3. What do you think I should do? I really want that car and that's why I want it to be new..cause it's the one I've always wanted!
Insurance cost for brother with 3 points on his license age 20?
he got 3 points age 14, TWOC, now wants a car, how much do you think insurance will cost?""
Why is car insurance compulsory here in FL?
I own my car. The cheapest car insurance here (only) covers $10k on damages which is called PIP insurance and it is required by law. If the PIP insurance only covers $10k on damages, and I have more than 10k dollars on my bank account why in helllllll do I have to give my hard-earned money to these moth*rfu(kers? Sorry for my temperament but I need a clear explanation on this. If I am willing to give those $10k to my car insurance which is the only that they cover on damages if I crashed, why wouldn't they accept the dial and stop charging me monthly in my whole life? and return me those 10K when I stop driving? Again, I'll explain it easier. I'd give $10k to my car insurance till I crash. 10K is what they only cover. Why would they charge me every month needlessly? I have never crashed in my life. I have never filled a claim, then why would I have to pay my car insurance when they only cover $10k nothing else. ( I have been driving more than 15 years)""
Can health insurance coverage be denied (because of a prexisting condition) after COBRA expires?
I retired from my job at 65. After my retirement my company kicked out our two dependent children from the company health plan. Both children are at this time still ...show more
Car insurance and speeding tickets in NJ?
I have 12 years driving with not problems and not tickets, but my husband just got a speeding ticket a 90 miles por hour.The problem is that my insurance went up to the double. What can I do to get a better rate without removing him from my police?""
How much would insurance cost for an 18 year old girl in NY?
Does anyone know how much insurance would cost the car is 97 so i heard its cheaper if its an older car she cant add it to the families insurance cuz they dont live in the country.. Thanks
Why is Online Auto Insurance cheaper than through agent.?
Is it just as safe to buy and is it as good.
Should I go without health insurance for a year?
Next month I am about to go through open enrollment through my employer. This year health insurance was expensive. The took about $120 out of my pay check. To get more income next year, should I skip health insurance for at least one year.""
How to get health insurance for a pregnant woman in California that is a LEGAL immigrant?
Ok, my fiancee is pregnant. She's a legal resident, but from what I understand, she isn't supposed to use any type of public benefits (aka welfare) and we really don't want to either. I have company health care (HMO), but my company won't pay for her, and for me to add her onto my plan is like $900 more a month (IT IS INSANE!!!!!). She doesn't work as she is a stay at home mom. We are not married, but we were planning on an October wedding before she found out she was pregnant (7 weeks), I imagine we are still going to stick to our plans. How can we have this baby? I make $36,000 and live in San Diego. This would be our 2nd child, I can barely make ends meet. Before you judge me about having another kid without the true financial means, she was on birth control for 2 years. We don't know how this happened, but I guess it's not true 100% protection. Are there any insurances we can get? How can we get help with this baby? What can we do? Thank you for your help.""
Insurance quotes questions?
Im shopping around for car insurance but when i go online to get a quote, they always ask for a phone number and address and the reg of the car. But im only looking for estimates as I don't have a car and im only wondering how much different cars might cost to insure so how am i supposed to tell them how much the car's worth and all that. I dont want to leave my number because I dont want phone calls asking if i want their insurance or not. Any good way to handle this?""
Does health insurance go up when you buy a motorcycle?
Does health insurance go up when you buy a motorcycle?
My home insurance company is terminating my policy because I need a new roof?
My home insurance company sent me a letter saying they are going to terminate my policy in few weeks because the roof is worn and needs to be replaced, but I bought my house a year ago and it passed inspection and my inspection paper says i have 3 to 5 more years left on my roof so i don't understand why or how my home insurance company can just terminate my policy. By the way the home insurance company is TRAVELERS if that helps.
I got a speeding ticket in my car. Would that affect motorcycle insurance?
Im looking to get a motorcycle. Would a speeding ticket in a car affect motorcycle insurance.
Does anybody know of a good affordable life insurance?
I live in California, im 19, im perfectly healthy(i've never smoked and i've never drank...ever)and im trying to find a life insurance policy to purchase for myself, since at the time i was born my parents couldn't afford one. So, i decided to do the smart thing and decide to get myself life insurance. I would like to know of people's opinions on life insurance, and which ones are best for someone my age.""
Auto Insurance agents in Tennessee... Does my 17 year old with a permit?
need to be listed on my policy? I have heard several different answers to this. Also, I've heard he has to be listed but the insurance company cannot rate him until he gets his license, therefore, they cannot charge me more for him. Any help is greatly appreciated.""
Insurance RSX vs S2000?
Hi there, my dad is planning to buy me a car by the latest the last week of March. I asked him for an RSX simply because I like the reliability of a civic, but i feel that a civic is under powered. So I'm opting for an RSX. No, i will not be getting the type S because I know insurance rapes you for it. Well my dad said he'd rather buy me an S2000. I think it's cause he wants to drive it around so my mom doesn't have to nag at him for buying a sports car. I was wondering how the RSX BASE model will compare to the S2000? I know the Type S RSX's insurance is much higher than the S2000. I was wondering how about the Base model? My dad will be helping me with gas and insurance up until I graduate which will be in a few months. So I just want to start being smart about everything. Please help!""
Can Geico save you 10% on car insurance?
Bonus question: I have AllState, am I in good hands?""
Are SUV's usually high in insurance for teens?
I've been told that I should wait a little longer before i can get a faster car, and I was just wondering whether insurance for an suv would be high, in my case, for an inexperienced driver, (16). Parents are thinking of buying an Fj cruiser and willing to give it to me when i get my liscense.""
Question:How much does it cost to get a cheap but decent car and for insurance?
I really need to know how much money insurance would be for a car if you have a new license and how much for a decent used car that won't break down on you and what coverage would you have if if it did break down?Also, gas is pricey but i know a lot of people i've seen who are poor and are able to afford this all but how?I don't want to prostitute that is disgusting and violating to me but ineed some extra money,suggestions on how to get it in a respectful way??Can you buy a car without a license and how long do you have to register it i'm clueless about cars and need to know more!!!!""
Can I be on someone's auto insurance policy if I don't live with them?
I'm 16 and I would have my first car if it wasn't for insurance. I got some quotes and the cheapest one was like 316 a month. Is there any way I can be on my grandparents' policy if they live 60 miles away? I go up there almost every weekend. Also would it be cheaper if I was on their policy versus me having my own? Thanks in advance.
How much will my insurance be?
I found a 1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse and im concerned about the insurance since im 16. sport cars= more expensive. Lets say if a Crown Vic was $130 a month, how much would a sports car be? I will also be on my parents insurance witch there is three cars already on there insurance so the cost will go down some i believe. If i maintain a B- or higher grade for school my insurance will go down an additional 10%.""
California New Driver Law penalty?
My son just got his drivers license in California. I'm trying to get him to understand the penalty of driving with other kids in the car, when he's not allowed to. Does anyone know the penalty for doing so? How much is the ticket, what it could do to his insurance, etc.? Thanks everyone""
How do I deal with my car insurance company after a crash?
An elderly man stopped in the middle of the street with his car. I couldn't stop in time not to hit him. So we collided. Now my insurance company refuses to pay for storing the car while their adjustor and the other insurance adjuster come to look at the car. I think it is totalled, but not positive. My apartment building has an ordinance against putting crashed cars in the parking lot. I live in West Los Angeles, which is highly populated, and I will get a ticket if I leave it on the street. It is not driveable. The storage places here cost $100 per day. I don't know what to do. Is there a car storage facility in West Los Angeles that can charge me a small amount until the adjusters come to look at it?""
""Had one car accident ,went to the e.r.Primary health insurance wont pay visit.wants car insurance to pay.?
Pirimary health ins.wants me to file claim with car ins.I did not have medical ins on car policy.They just took care of vehicle totaled.Now what?
""What is the punishment for a second offence of driving without insurance ,within a one year period?""
What is the punishment for a second offence of driving without insurance ,within a one year period?""
Best insurance for just passed driver?
i need insurance for my car its a small engine and everything, i'm female and 17, does anyone know the best insurance to get as i know it's very expensive! thanks!""
Can my Fiance and I get health insurance together if we aren't married yet?
Can my Fiance and I get health insurance together if we aren't married yet?
Are online insurance rate quotes free/safe?
im trying to get an insurance quote on a motorcycle from progressive.com. However its asking for my social security number and other personal information. It seems like im actually registering for insurance.
How much will my Geico Insurance go up after my accident?
I have Geico Insurance. I had a DUI 2 years ago, and I pay $150/month for auto insurance. Two months ago I rear-ended a guy in bumper to bumper traffic (he stopped short. I've heard 90% of rear-end accidents, the person who did the hitting is at fault, but it was impossible to maintain a safe distance since people were constantly cutting in vying for an edge.) Anyway, neither of us told our insurance companies, we both took pics of each other's cars (mine looked way worse cause it already had a busted front end from someone who backed into it while parked at night and took off with no note). So I got an estimate from his mechanic for $1700. To fix my front-end, it's probably going to be $3000-4000. My question is (would LOVE to hear from a current geico or or other auto insurance agent) How much will my rates go up? How long will they go up for? Do I get a point on my license for this? Because if the amount they charge me (over time, in higher rates) is more than $4700 (i.e. his $1700 + my $3000) then I'll just pay for both on my own and spare myself the DMV point. But if it will be less than that (i.e. the higher rate expires before it reaches $4700 more), then I'll just tell my Insurance company and deal with the point. Can anyone help me here? Much appreciated!""
Should I include collision on my car insurance?
I have a 2002 Honda Civic sedan with 99,000+ miles on it. In shopping around for better car insurance (my old policy expires next month), most agents I interacted with included collision for around a $300 annual premium. Some people I told about my insurance shopping said that to carry collision on such an old car is not necessary. I'm seeking an unbiased opinion as to what are the advantages, if any, about including collision, or any other info on what to look for in a good policy. Thanks.""
Safe to buy Insurance over the phone ?
I need car insurance , is it safe to give my credit card information over the phone ? What would they ask for ? Just the card number ? Will they want the expiration date and 3 digit code on the back ? Do they need my SSN number ? I know they will need an address , phone number and drivers license number. The people that answer (I have called 6 places for a quote) seem like the type you do not feel safe giving all this information too.""
Is car insurance cheaper in upstate new york?
right now i live in brooklyn new york...is there a difference?
Color of vehicle and insurance rates?
Does the color of your vehicle really play a part in dictating your car insurance rates?
How much would car insurance cost an international student in Winnipeg?
I just got my license from my country. I am going to winnipeg in August I will be attending winnipeg university and I need a car. How much would insurance cost for an international student with the least rates and coverages?
Pregnant? Health Insurance?
My bf and I have been intimate for the past almost 3 years, which is how long we've been together, we've only used protection a few times. I have been on BC for the past year to a year and a half, it's the generic for Tri-Nessa. About 2 weeks ago, maybe a little longer than that, I quit the BC and we had unprotected sex for maybe 3 days in a row and he came inside of me, on the third day after we had finished I got cramps in my lower back which usually is how my cramps feel a day or two before I get my period but I also had very light bleeding and the next day it had gotten heavier and lasted a couple days. Now this was no where near the date I'm supposed to get my period, which I thought was weird. I took three pregnancy tests but they were all negative, then again I took them way too soon. I have a appt with my obgyn on Monday. Also, ive been feeling sluggish, not wanting to move much, when I sit down on the couch its like i cant get comfortable and my side like cramps up. Opinions? About insurance, I'm on insurance with my mom because she has food stamps and gets a disability check, so I have united health care insurance through her. I dropped out of school, dumb decision, I know, but I found a babysitting job and I get paid $150 a week. So they didn't put me in the school program at welfare. Now my insurance will run out in August when I turn 18 so if I find out I'm pregnant would they give me and the baby free insurance? My sister just had her third and she plus my nephew had both received free Medicaid. She's 28 so does free insurance differ by age? Since she's 28 and I'm 18 is she eligible for it because she's older or am I eligible as well? My bf and I have been busting our asses looking for jobs and he's signed up for The National Gaurd. We've been together way too long and he is very happy whether I am pregnant or not, he's a good man. I don't give a crap about any rude comments or opinions, I am just looking for advice from girls with experience.""
""If you crashed your car into someones, how much would insurance pay out?""
Assuming the cost is 18,000, most of it being for injuries the other party claims to have (<1000 bucks in damage). How much would insurance pay and how much would i have to pay? No damage to my own car. No need for insurance after this because I dont think im going to drive again after hearing the cost. I cant call the insurance company unforunately. Do you think I would have to pay all of it? I had full coverage.""
Whats the best and affordable health plan to get?
I have never gotten health insurance my whole life and for once in my life I am getting it for myself. I want to go see a dermatologist, and its way too expensive to pay out of pocket, whats a good and affordable health plan should I get? Got any suggestion to where I can go and get some help? Anything will be great, thanks!!!!""
My home insurance company is terminating my policy because I need a new roof?
My home insurance company sent me a letter saying they are going to terminate my policy in few weeks because the roof is worn and needs to be replaced, but I bought my house a year ago and it passed inspection and my inspection paper says i have 3 to 5 more years left on my roof so i don't understand why or how my home insurance company can just terminate my policy. By the way the home insurance company is TRAVELERS if that helps.
8 weeks pregnant without medical insurance?
I'm a server and don't make enough in my paycheck to pay for medical insurance at my work place. I can't be put on my fiance's insurance until we're married. what are my options to cover all my medical bills?
How much would I pay for my yearly motorcycle insurance?
Thank you for your time. I am a 18 year old freshman university student living in Canada and I am really interested in buying a new motorcycle. I recently got my M1 and I will be going for my M2 next, so I am still kinda inexperienced. I looked at a few motorcycle websites and a couple of them read that motorcycle insurance is affected by age, experience, driving record, bike engine, etc. I figured that a medium sized engine probably wouldn't cost too much so I looked at a bike with 600cc. I am not worried about the initial cost of the bike since my scholarship money out-pays my tuition and housing by an excess of $4000. Also, I have had no history of accidents in cars or anything. I was wondering, based on my history and my status, what would be a good approximation of the yearly insurance I would have to pay given that I am a student and I am looking at a 600cc bike? Any input is appreciated.""
Pregnant with no insurance?
I recently moved and I no longer have health insurance. I am 33 weeks pregnant. I do not qualify for Medicaid. are there any other inexpensive options? I am currently working part time but I won't be working for much longer.
Does anyone know of a cheap but good motor scooter insurance company?
Does anyone know of a cheap but good motor scooter insurance company in the UK?
Roommate Fell Off My Roof Will Homeowner Insurance Pay?
I asked roommate to put waterproof plastic on roof over-hang. He fell off roof and broke collar bone. We took him to ER. When he came home he needed more care then we could give him. He went to his cousins assisted-living hospital. He has Medicare and Medi-Cal, California. Will my homeowners insurance cover his unpaid bills? Can he sue for pain and suffering? Will insurance cancel my policy? He was been roommate for 3 years.""
Is car insurance group 11 lower or higher than group 32?
i am wondering as i am looking for a car to learn in and it has to be lower than group 32 thanks
Why is the Affordable Health Care Act called that?
When it does nothing to lower the cost of health care or health insurance? Does anyone know?
Is there a way to find out someones insurance company only with their name and address?
i also have a license plate number. is there a website i can go to that i just type in someones name and their insurance company pops up?
Young drivers car insurance uk?
I'm having a lot of trouble with find insurance. I really need help , or advice , what am i doing wrong .. everyone around me is getting deals of around 1.200-1.800 pounds.. I've chosen a Clio which is one of the cheapest insurance cars , I also tried , adding different drivers or companies , black boxes etc -.- and the cheapest quote i got was 6.500.. which is like triple the price of the car . Anyone any ideas ? Help.""
How much would insurance and stuff be for a 1st time driver?
i dont plan on puttin a car on the road till i get my g2.. whts in 11 more months lol ill be 19 then. but i have to do it all on my Own and i dont make alot of money wht is why im savin up!, and nobody else in my family has a car so i can NOT go unnder any1 elses insurance. and i live in Belleville ontario. and so far the only car insurance place i seen around here is Statefarm so ill proly b goin with tht. and i plan on havin either a z24 cavalier, honda civic, neon, sunfire, or an acura, no older then 93.... sp anyone knw wht its gonna cost?, im thinkin proly around $500 a month but im not sure..""
Is it necessary to hold on to old auto insurance bills?
I switched auto insurance companies recently and I was just wondering if there is any reason at all I should keep my old auto insurance bills from the old company. I'm the one ...show more
""How can i get my license, insurance and a car?
i don't have a car i cant buy one without getting a better job i cant get a better job with out a lisence i cant get a lisence with out insurance i cant get insurance with out a car or a lisence wtf do i do? so i need a car and insurance to get my license and i need a license to get insurance on this car that i don't have yet what do i do?? i hope there are some DPS people out there
""If you have your learner's permit, do you need car insurance?""
If you have your learner's permit, do you need car insurance?""
CAR INSURANCE~with points?
if someone has 2 or more convictions on there licence, they have to declare thses, but is there a car insurance company that does not take theses convictions into account ? long shot i know but ya never know.... points were for exceeding 30 mph (34) and 50 (59)...no lectures please.....""
Which car do you think has higher insurance?
For my first car i want either a Subaru Impreza rs 2001(gc8) or a Toyota Corolla 2007 CE. The Toyota will be new. Which one do you think will have cheaper insurance?
Can I get my own car insurance policy with State Farm and still be covered on my parent's policy?
I have been on my parents' car insurance for a few years. I have a car that is covered by their policy, but I just bought another car (I still have my old one) and I need insurance. Can I get my own policy with State Farm, or do I have to bundle it with my parents' current policy? Will that be cheaper?""
Average motorcycle insurance?
What is the average motor cycle insurance for a 22 year old female who's taken the motorcycle driving course? Anybody know a ball-park figure?
Car insurance ideas?
Im nearly 16 next year im 17 (obviously) this sounds pathetic but im going into the forces i realized when i come back from training i could afford a Jaguar XF but i need an idea about the insurance i want it as soon as im 17 i know im abit young but im careful and responsible so if anyone could tell me how much my insurance roughly would be ill be paying like 12k for the car.
Want to cancel my whole life insurance?
Back in July 09, I let my stepmother's boyfriend create a life insurance policy for me. He works as an agent for New York Life, and since I know nothing about insurance, I just let him take care of everything. For personal reasons, I want to cancel the insurance. I will get something else, probably term, very soon. I just still know nothing about insurance, so I have a few questions about my policy. I do have whole life insurance, so I should be able to get some money back, right? Currently, I have a $50k plan, and I pay just under $50 a month. I got this policy when I was 18, so the monthly cost seems a little high--especially since I have no dependents or debt. If I die tomorrow, I could still get a really nice funeral (not that I want one) and have it all payed in full from the money I have from my inheritance. Was I ripped off or is this pretty standard? Online, it says my Net Cash Value is $37.97. Is this the money I get back if I cancel? It seems low--it's only about 3.2% of the total amount I've paid. I was expecting some amount closer to 10%. Ideally, I'd like to cancel without talking to my agent. Is there any way I could do it through a general agent or online?""
What should my average house insurance cost?
I'm buying an older house (1920's-1930's) in a working class neighborhood in California for about $200K. What should I expect to pay for my standard homeowner's insurance?
Buying a car in NJ from a Private seller but want Georgia Insurance?
I have a Georgia License and am currently away at College in New Jersey (My family has a house here and in Georgia). I want to buy my first car, but insurance in NJ is extremely expensive. How do I get Georgia insurance, Registration, and my Georgia address to show on the vehicle Title? When I purchase the car from the private seller, how will I be able to get my car home with no plates?? Is there a way to get temporary plates in New Jersey and Temporary Registration? Will I need to get a New Jersey License? HELP !!! Can someone give me a step by step walkthrough of what I have to do to get the Georgia Insurance? Thank you !""
Will my car insurance rate rise if someone on my policy gets in an accident?
If I add someone onto my car insurance policy and that person gets in an accident, will my rate climb. If it does can I remove that person from my policy to keep my rate the same.""
How much have you paid for classic car insurance?
I have just bought merc e220 1993 and looking for cheap policy. Im over 30 female and got a wicked quote for fully comp with a named driver for 180. What have you paid?
Car insurance?
i have a license and live in CT and i have a question about insurance the web page says the vehicles should be insured. my dad and mom have insurance for their them but i dont so i dont have to get insurance because the vehicle is insured? or everyone should have insurance who drives on the road?
My home insurance company is terminating my policy because I need a new roof?
My home insurance company sent me a letter saying they are going to terminate my policy in few weeks because the roof is worn and needs to be replaced, but I bought my house a year ago and it passed inspection and my inspection paper says i have 3 to 5 more years left on my roof so i don't understand why or how my home insurance company can just terminate my policy. By the way the home insurance company is TRAVELERS if that helps.
Best car insurance for my age HELP PLEASE?
Hi, I am going to buy a 2005 corsa c in afew days and I was wondering what would be the best insurance company for my age ? I just turned 20 and have had my licence for just about ayear. I could also put my mum and dad on the insurance if that would take it down if so how would I go about this and whats the best company to go with ? its a 1.2 sxi corsa by the way, thanks if you can help and I have cheked compare the market and that but people seem to be getting alot better prices than that is giving me and I dont know what they are doing different, thanks if you can help.""
Does my liability insurance cover my new car ?
I'll buy an used car from San Francisco, CA. I'd like to drive it to Los Angeles CA (in same day) and then wanna do all the paper works in LA..Does my current AAA liability insurance cover this trip?""
Can i buy car insurance in another state?
I live in PA, but im currently staying in Iowa for another month. Just bought a car here with a temperary plate, and i was wondering if i can buy insurance here so i can drive this car around for a month, then ship it over and register it over there. Thanks!""
USA traveler renting car in New Zealand. What's the best car insurance?
My wife and I are traveling to New Zealand this September and renting a car for 2-weeks. We found out that our USA car insurance does not cover automobiles in New Zealand. I also checked American Express (my credit card) and they too do not offer any type of coverage in New Zealand. We are renting our car from Hertz but the insurance through them is super expensive. Does anybody have a suggestion on temporary car insurance in New Zealand? Also, feel free to offer any other advice about renting cars and driving in New Zealand. Thanks a lot!""
Car insurance who is responsible ? He lives on his own but the car is in my name?
My son is twenty three and lives at a different address. The title for his car is in my name. Who is responsible for car insurance?
Can you switch car insurance companies easily?
I bought a car last night and am picking it up today in Nova Scotia. I called around to a number of companies for insurance and got a quote that seemed reasonable. I went down today and signed the paperwork and was given the temporary insurance card and they faxed paperwork to the dealership and the dealership to them and it is all worked out. However I got a call back a few hours later from another broker quoting me a lot less. I had her verify with the company and they said yes. But I have already signed the other stuff. The one I have now is going to be monthly and the first payment should not come out till about the 15th and be the first and last payment for the month. if I switch and they have already taken the payment do I get the last month back? Can I pretty much switch at any time? Anyone know how that works? I'm a newbie at buying a vehicle an thought I had done my homework but apparently not.
Car insurance question?
i had a non fault accident for which the claim is still ongoing as the 3rd party is not admitting liability and we both are with same insurance. The problem is that our car is booked in for repairs but and we have fully comprehensive insurance but the insurance is saying that they cannot guarantee us courtesy car as no one is admitting liability??? and they told me to phone hire company to ask them if they can provide one, i have always thought that with fully comp you are guaranteed courtesy car but i do not understand what they are doing.""
Car insurance in NY for a 21 year old? Please Help?
I would like to purchase a used car in NY. Im curious to know if I need to purchase the car before I get insurance or can I buy the insurance then decide what car I want. Im actually not sure what car I would like to get right now, but in NY you cannot register a car without car insurance. Also, I would like to know which insurance companies will give me the lowest quote for my age and despite me driving for years with a permit, I just recently got my driver's license. I haven't established any credit yet, because I know they look at that too but I do live on my own and im gainfully employed. Whoever gives the best answer gets 10 points. Thank You""
2-door and 4-door car insurance?
I'm considering about buying a new honda civic car . I heard somebody say that 2-door car's insurance is always more expensive than the 4-door one. is that right ? (remember that the 2-door car and the 4-door car have the same features,machines) And how they calculate the amount of my car insurance? What do they depend on?""
What are the prospects of providing more Californians with health insurance in the future?
Considering we are producing more and more people without health insurance than other states, despite the fact that we paying the highest state taxes""
Can u use your parents health insurance without them knowing?
i wanna go to the doctors without my parents knowing using there insurance. is it possible? and i live in california and im 19 years old. help:(
What would my insurance be if i got a crotch rocket?
im 17 and have my license for a car. i was thinking about getting my motorcycle license. what i want to know is, how much would the insurance be if i bought a crotch rocket? yes, i know how to ride one.""
Car insurance for a 15 soon to be 16 year old?
so i am looking at getting my first car and so i need to be thinking about car insurance and my grade point average is like 2 something. i have american family. any ideas what their rates would be.??
How do I get cheaper car insurance?
I am trying to get my first car so I can drive my girlfriend and myself to work everyday. I am 19 and have had my license for about a year, I am going to get an older car a early 90s which I know lowers the insurance and live in new york and just getting the new york state bare minimum insurance. Even with that the quotes I am getting are around 200 dollars a month! About $2500 a year! About twice what I am paying for the car. Is there anyway I can save some money on this?""
""In the state of Hawaii, does my car insurance have to have the same name as my registration?
I'm going to be deploying soon and allowing my girlfriend to use my vehicles while i'm gone. I'm just curious. Can leave the registration in my name but have the insurance in hers since she'll be the primary driver?
How much does insurance cost for a new young driver with a brand new car in newyork city?
How much does insurance cost for a new young driver with a brand new car in newyork city?
Is it okay not to have insurance as the driver since the car has insurance?
If your not added to your parents insurance as a new driver but the car your driving has insurance is that legal or illegal for that driver to drive?
Free car insurance quote?
What is the best car insurance quotes & rates site to get free car insurance quotes from? Simpler the better!? I was wondering if you guys would be able to shed a little light on the simplest free car insurance quotes sites out there for U.S. citizens specifically?
Do foster kids get health insurance? Any insurance?
suppose a adoptive kid w/ parents w/no health insurance. the adoption gets dissrupted and now they live in a foster home.
Can you insure 2 cars with different insurance companies and have the no claims bonus on both cars?
Can you insure 2 cars with different insurance companies and have the no claims bonus on both cars?
How much would my car insurance be if i am a 16 year old female driver?
i live in indianapolis indiana and i own a 1998 caviler
Comprehensive Auto insurance?
I'm sure someone has already answered this question, but i couldn't seem to find it. Ok I have AAA comprehensive auto insurance and my question is if i was parked outside at a meter and someone hit me would i be covered? Also same scenario just in a parking lot. Thank you, for anyone that answers this question""
How much is the average car insurance in southwest VA?
Im 20 years old. Im moving somewhere in the southwest va area within the next month and was wondering how much the average car insurance will be
A car crash into my car on purpose when my car was parking!!??INSURANCE!?
I got 1 ticket since i was driving til now will my insurance rate go up??? thankx
I received a non moving violation for exhaust/more. Will my insurance go up?
I received a ticket the other day for modified exhaust (Vehicle code 27151 Article B) and Gross polluter (Article 27156). Both are checked as non correctable, but I plan to go to the Ref because A. I know my vehicle is below 95db and B. I am running with a catalytic converter and have passed smog within the past 6 months. The second ticket I believe is just for having a Cold Air intake. Will these two things make my insurance rates rise or because they are non moving, they won't?""
My home insurance company is terminating my policy because I need a new roof?
My home insurance company sent me a letter saying they are going to terminate my policy in few weeks because the roof is worn and needs to be replaced, but I bought my house a year ago and it passed inspection and my inspection paper says i have 3 to 5 more years left on my roof so i don't understand why or how my home insurance company can just terminate my policy. By the way the home insurance company is TRAVELERS if that helps.
3 notes · View notes
djpivotik · 3 years
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Change is coming....😎 . . Wassup guys...it's been awhile since i posted anything new on IG but i thought i give you guys a update on how Ashley has been doing for the past several months. . . With all my lunch money i saved during the pandemic i went ahead and went widebody. Purchased the M&M Honda hyper widebody from japan @yuu1955 thanks to @gotuningunlimited in Orange Ca. For my front bumper i drove to the @cwestusa HQ and purchased their Cwest Kouki N1 front which looks super amazing for the DC5 in my opinion. Took about 3 month wait since it was coming from Japan on a ship. Needed a wing that will accommodate the flow of the widebody so went ahead with the famous big wang guys at @bigcountrylabs and purchased their carbonfiber 1850mm Universal wing. Gotta give a big thanks to @kyubi_86 & @h_mcway for installing the widebody, prepping and lining everything up. After that i sent my car off to the body shop. Of course the only body shop i love and trust is my friends at @sos_customz that will be finishing the body work and paint. Much love to Oscar & Saul for taking care of my baby. Im super excited to see the finishing project. For my wheels, only person i trust for any built wheels i need done is my buddy @chamorroboy86 in Chula Vista. Gonna be hitting him up soon to rebuild my wheels to go wider to fit nicely with the widebody fenders. I can not wait to show you guys the new look. Its gonna be crazy insane haha. Man i can't forget a big thanks to my BFF @dhisvietboy_dc4 for picking me up and helping me drop off my car i appreciate you fam❤️ Thank you to all who have been following my build since day one. You guys are awesome. Stay tune for more new updates soon 😁✌🏼 . . #Acura #TeamElevate #Dc5 #dc5society #dc5nation #dc5crew #dc5association #Honda #Integra #MandMWidebody #Widebody #teggy #SuperStreet #StanceNation #Airlift #CarPorn #Cars #K20 #Japan #jdmlifestyle #WorkWheels #Authentic (at San Diego, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQm0bD7nLDZ/?utm_medium=tumblr
0 notes
wonkyuna-blog · 7 years
Save Myself
Genre: Fluff, M / M
Im Changkyun x Yoo Kihyun Summary: When you’re so used to caring and emotionally providing for someone else you often lose sight of who you are and what you want for yourself. Changkyun, forced from the relationship he carried on his own shoulders, now seeks to reclaim his individuality and rebuild a life for himself.
Word Count: 7.2k+
Warnings: Toxic relationship
/// Author’s Note /// My piece for @mxnetwork for the Lyrical Writing thingy! I chose Save Myself by Ed Sheeran
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Changkyun rolled back to his side of the bed, panting and chasing after his breath. He looked back towards you, sweat gleaming off your skin almost glittering in the moonlight shining through the open window. It was sweltering in the middle of July. Too hot to function but Changkyun would never pass up makeup sex. He felt really guilty that y/n had been home all day with the broken ac unit while he was at work. When he had returned home to your shared apartment you ripped into him about not calling someone earlier while you basically melted from the heat.
“I’m sorry baby, I had no idea or else you know I would have taken care of it immediately. Did you try calling anyone from the HVAC place?”
“No, obviously not. That’s your job. I haven’t had the time to do much of anything all day since I was practically dying of heat exhaustion!” You huffed at him.
“Ah, you’re right. I’m so sorry. I’ll call someone in the tomorrow and get it fixed as soon as possible, okay?”
You took a deep breath, content. “You had better, or I’m leaving.”
“No, please! Listen, I’ll send the company an email right now then wake up first thing in the morning and call so they get my message either way, okay? Everything will be fine y/n, I promise.” Changkyun waited for your answer while he fidgeted nervously. The tension was growing too much and he felt like bargaining anything just to have you calm down.  
“Fine, but you’re still going to have to make this up to me.” You turned to face him and gave him a look he knew all too well.
“Whatever you need baby, let me make it better.”
You looked so beautiful under the moonlight. The room was painted blue from the softness of it caressing every surface unhidden from shadow. Changkyun had hoped this would quell the fire in your heart from him letting you down, again. He wanted to make everything better for not taking care of you like he should have been.   Checking the AC unit before he walked out the door in the first place had been on the back of his mind but he didn’t think to actually look. He had been running late anyway trying to clean up the house so you could relax comfortably while he was gone. You had both been together for almost three years now and he knew that as long as you were happy, you both were. He tried pulling you into him so you could fall asleep together, wrapped up and safe; but you pushed him away and grunted, “too hot.” You flipped to your side facing away from him and remained silent.
That following morning Changkyun woke up early to contact someone that could come out and work on the cooling unit. It was only a small dent in everything he had planned today, though he knew he could work through it with little issues.   Today was the third anniversary of your relationship together and Changkyun had taken off work for the entire day to spend it with you. He excited himself thinking about holding your hand and going to your favorite places, eating the most delicious food, and spending the day reconnecting with one another. He started the day off with making you breakfast. Changkyun was waiting for the food to finish cooking as he set the table. You stepped into the dining room after just waking up, puzzled. “What are you doing?”
“Y/n! I hope you’re hungry because I’m cooking us a huge breakfast.”
You stood where you were and rubbed the sleep from your eyes. “Changkyun…”, you sighed.
“Yes?” He beamed up at you while setting the last fork down next to an empty plate.
“We have to talk.” You wore a blank expression and withheld any emotion you may be feeling.
“Oh? You aren’t still mad about yesterday, are you?” Changkyun’s heart began to race as he felt stress building in his head. He started to walk back towards the kitchen to tend to the food cooking on the stove as he continued. “I called the guy to come out before you woke up, so he should be here at some point in the afternoon. Plus, I’ve got a plan to completely make up for it by the end of-”
“Changkyun”, you interrupted, “we need to break up.”
He stopped where he was, back turned to you, and stood there while he processed what you had just said. “What?” His voice cracked and he slowly spun around to face you.
“I can’t do this anymore Changkyun.” You were being incredibly vague, so Changkyun was having a really hard time understanding.
“But… y/n it’s our anniversary… did I do something wrong?” He began to fidget, his fingers searching for anything to relieve the anxiety creeping into his chest.
“No… I-… yes. This just isn’t enough for me. I don’t know how to make this work and I shouldn’t have to. It just… should.” You threw your hands up and let them fall hard. You didn’t want to continue the conversation any longer.
“Y/n, whatever it is we can work on it and I can fix it. You just have to tell me-” Changkyun began to beg, he didn’t want it to end like this. Especially not today.
“It’s done, Changkyun. I’m done.”   You turned to walk away and locked yourself in the bedroom. Changkyun wanted to fight so badly, but a bigger part of him felt defeated. He didn’t know what went wrong. You were both so happy.   The fire alarm began to sound off.
Changkyun woke up in a sweat. He had been having the same nightmare for two weeks now, and was awakened each time by the alarm sounding off in his mind. The piercing shrill of it burned like a metaphor into his memory.   It was dawn, so he decided to recollect himself with a shower and head downstairs to make himself a cup of coffee to get his day started. He bounced down to the bottom step to see his mother at the kitchen table having breakfast. He had come to live with her again after the breakup since Changkyun let y/n stay in their apartment. A choice he was scolded by his mother for, since in her opinion they decided to leave the relationship so they should be the one to actually leave and not Changkyun. Still, she welcomed him home with open arms and warm meals every night. She was happy to have him back.
“Good morning! How are you feeling today?” She also took the time to check up on his recovery. His mother knew how hard of a breakup this had been for Changkyun, and she wanted to make sure that he was taking the right steps to come out of it okay.
He walked over towards the coffee maker and prepared a brew for himself. “Had the nightmare again.”  
His mother looked him up and down, his disheveled appearance causing her body language to slump too.   “You take all the time you need to recover dear. I know how much they meant to you, and no amount of time taken to get past this makes you any less of what you are.”  
“I know mom, thanks.”   After the brew was finished Changkyun silently filled his cup and shuffled back upstairs to his room.
He had been doing nothing but lay in bed since being back with his mother the past week. The week before was filled with awkward co-habitation with you. Even now, though, all that filled his head was y/n. He couldn’t shake it, he didn’t know what to do. He had gone through all the emotional stages but was still a heavy mix of angry and hopeless. Though he felt he was lucky enough to still have his mother in his life, during Changkyun’s relationship he had lost ties with all his friends and most family members. He was completely alone in the world because of y/n since you wanted him all to yourself constantly. Any attention you were stripped of sent you into emotional turmoil.   Changkyun knew he had to break out of the shell he had put himself into. He sat down at his computer and pulled up a local classified ad to make his first step: get a new job. There was no real use thinking about the past anymore and he knew he needed to move forward. It was worth it to distract himself, he thought.
He had finished applying for a grocery store and a pastry shop before seeing an offer that actually pulled his attention. He had never thought about working in a book store before, but he imagined it being peaceful and positive. That’s what you needed to recover with, right? So he filled in for the shop called Blue Moon Books, and anxiously awaited a possible phone call.
Two days later Changkyun’s mother visited him while he lay in his bed moping. It was morning and there had been no phone call from any job he applied for thus far, and he was trying his best to remain patient. The only problem was that he felt incredibly lonely, and sitting with his thoughts to himself wasn’t the best right now. He’d stare into the ceiling and think about those nights where he and y/n would sink into each other on the living room couch. You would fight with him over what to watch and tell him what he liked to watch was stupid, but Changkyun could only see the glow of the television illuminating the beautiful features of her face as she offered only an annoyed expression at him. Anything you wanted to make you happy, he would provide for you. “Honey, can I come in?” He heard a quiet rasping outside his door, his mother had come home from her late night shift.
“Sure thing, mom.” He sat up to make room for her on his bed as she took a seat next to him.  
“I really want to talk to you about all of this that’s been going on with you lately. It’s been almost 3 weeks now, and I don’t want to press but I think it’d be good for you to talk about this. You’ve been kinda mopey lately and I thought we were making good progress. I don’t want you to get discouraged though, you can have set backs. I’m just… I’m just worried about you sweetie.” She fidgeted with her hands, nervous. Clearly she was uncomfortable pushing Changkyun when she wasn’t sure if he was ready yet.
Changkyun looked to his feet and stared silently into space for a while. He actually wasn’t sure if he was ready to face the reality - at least talking about it made what happened seem more real than it should anyway. His mother was right though, it was time to talk about it and there was no one better than her.
“I just… I don’t know where to start mom.” He couldn’t look at her or he knew he’d start crying. “I just don’t know what happened, ah.” His voice began to crack. “We got in a little fight about the AC unit, and I took care of everything but then this still happened.” He circled with his hands to make a visual representation of, ‘all this’, then let them fall as he felt completely defeated.
“Changkyun, if you can walk through what did happen that day with me, please. I want to understand just like you do.” She reached over and rubbed his back in a figure eight motion to try and get him to relax.
He let out a deep sigh and squeezed his temple between his fingers. His mother was all he had left in the world. She had let him live there again with her, so it seemed only fair to let her hear what her son had gone through. “I don’t know mom, it was mostly a lot of confusion. I came home that night from work and y/n hadn’t spoken to me all day. I didn’t bother them, felt they needed some space you know, and I was fine with that. The second I walked through the door though, they absolutely blew up on me. It was like a bomb went off. Screaming incoherent sentences, I just wanted them to calm down so I could fix whatever was wrong. They finally brought it down enough to tell me the air conditioner had been broken all day with them in the apartment basically melting, and they were upset that I hadn’t done anything about it.”
Changkyun’s mother nodded. “Did you know about it before coming home?”  
“Well… no, but I just felt so bad for them and I understand why they were mad but….” Changkyun began to fidget with his hands then when his mother continued talking.  
“You shouldn’t feel bad for them being a lazy piece of shit.”  
“Mom!” He had never heard her curse before.  
“I’m sorry hun, I just don’t think that was handled right at all. On their end, anyway.”
“Well, they broke up with me the next day anyway so it doesn’t matter anymore.” He felt himself growing distant when this discussion became uncomfortable. His mother was protective of him, and obviously held a grudge for y/n isolating her only son from everyone else in the world. Just then Changkyun’s phone began to ring, and to his joy interrupted their conversation. “Hello?”
“Hello! I’m calling for a… Changkyun?”
“Yes, speaking.”
“Hey! My name is Shownu, I’m calling from Blue Moon Books about your application? I’ve just finished reviewing it and was wondering when you might be available for an interview?”
Changkyun had to recover his heart from his stomach after hearing his quick speech. “Y-yes! When would be best for you? I’m free all this week actually.”
“Great! Come by the shop around 2pm today and we can get you all set up!”
“I’ll be there, thank you so much!” The call ended and Changkyun looked back to his mother who was giving him a confused expression.
“Mom, I have an interview with that book store I was telling you about.” He almost couldn’t believe the words that spilled from his mouth. It didn’t exactly seem like that big of a deal, but he was proud of himself for taking some first few steps at getting his life back up and going.
“That’s great! Well, go get washed up for it I won’t keep you!” His mother rushed out of the room, all smiles.
Main-street was busy and bustling. The smell of fresh bread hung in the air from the bakery Changkyun walked past, he was almost tempted to go in but he had his mind focused on meeting Shownu. It was a beautiful, bright day and he felt more confident than usual about his budding opportunity.   Changkyun arrived at the shop twenty minutes before his interview since wanted to look around for a bit and see how he felt about the atmosphere of the store. He was able to walk there because it was only a few minutes away from his mother’s home settled on a calmer street section in the city, down further from the claustrophobic feeling the beginning of main street held. The building, marked with large blue lettering that of course read 'Blue Moon Books’, had single pane front windows with book displays and popular character models in an attempt to draw in curious eyes.   As soon as he walked in the aroma of pressed espresso had washed over his senses. It was rather quiet in the store aside from the barista preparing coffee with quick hands. He was a tall, brilliantly tanned man with golden blonde hair pulled into a short pony tail. His gaze was fixated on his task and one could tell he held a certain passion for the job he performed.   The store itself was impressively organized with volumes upon volumes of whatever genre one would be in the mood for. Mystery, drama, comedy, love, it was all here and categorized by the genre itself, then by the author. Two more men stood at the counter as Changkyun continued deeper into the store. One with a rounded face and eyes that held their own kind of smile, he looked genuine. He was speaking with a larger, broad shouldered man whom Changkyun assumed must be the manager, Shownu, that he spoke on the phone with. He carried himself high and looked to be giving direction. The first man looked to Changkyun and broke their conversation.  
“Is there anything I can help you with sir?” He leaned on the counter, propped up by his elbows.
“Yes, actually. I’m here for an interview.” Changkyun straightened his back out and tried his best to look what he felt was professional.
As if it were rehearsed the man presumed to be Shownu stepped forward with a large smile. “That would be me! And you would be Changkyun? It’s a pleasure to meet you.”  
“Likewise, sir.” Changkyun felt incredibly at ease then, even though he was speaking with an employer. He felt good about this. Shownu stepped from behind the counter to extend his hand in greeting. Changkyun took this opportunity to look him over and was slightly amused by his visage.   Shownu looked like someone that should be at the gym right now or at a fighting match proving his own strength. Instead, this hulking mass was managing a quiet book shop on main street. Nothing wrong with that, of course, Changkyun thought to himself. Rather amusing in the simplest means. It was humbling if nothing else.
“Let’s take a walk around while you tell me about yourself.” Shownu placed a gentle hand on Changkyun’s shoulder as the two of them began to walk the shop together.  
“I’ve never seen a shop so spacious yet so filled before.” Changkyun marveled. He had hoped that didn’t come out as an attempt of flattery. Maybe he was nervous after all.
“Tell me, why do you want this job?” Shownu kept his eyes forward, listening intently.
Right to it, then. “Well, truthfully sir… I just got through a pretty rough breakup… and I’m looking for something not so stressful and where I can grow into myself again. Just… I guess something to focus on.” He had hoped it wasn’t painfully obvious that he had rehearsed that line over and over on his way to the shop that day. Even though he did hesitate a few times. Shownu was mostly quiet, they had stopped walking while Changkyun awaited a response.  
“Well Changkyun, we are a small family here. I’ll be straight forward with you, I need an extra hand with the register and with organization. Business is really picking up and I need more people at the counter than just one person. I’ve been through the other interviews today and you’re the first that has been pretty laid back instead of attempting to flatter me with business speak and talking out their ass the whole time. Plus, if you’re going through a tough time who am I to turn down someone looking to bring purpose and structure back to their life?” He paused, cleared his throat, and extended his hand towards Changkyun. “If you can start tomorrow, the job is yours.”  
“I’ll even start today if you need me to.”  
Shownu chuckled at his response. “I appreciate your enthusiasm, kid. Just go rest up and be here tomorrow by 8am.”  
“Absolutely! Thank you so much.” Changkyun, ecstatic, ran out the door to go prepare and tell his mother the good news. Main street had died down by this point, so he decided to burst into a full on sprint back up the walkway. He hadn’t felt this excited in weeks.
“I’m so happy for you!” His mother was almost squealing with her own excitement. “Oh, this is going to be so good for you, I know you’re going to love it. Read too while you’re there, okay? You used to love reading so much.” She cooed.
“I will, mom.”
The next morning, Changkyun tossed himself awake reacting to the loud screams of fire alarms, again. He lifted himself out of bed, covered in sweat, looking around for any sign of the blaze. Nothing.   “Dammit.” He sighed to himself.   He wasn’t sure how long the nightmares would last, but at least today they woke him in time to get ready for his first day at work. He showered then ran downstairs after getting dressed to find his mother standing near the dinner table. She had a cup of coffee for him and the biggest smile he’s ever seen her wear. He walked over and embraced her tight.   She rubbed his back and said, “this is going to be good for you, like I said. A new fresh start. You’re such a strong person Changkyun, I know you’ll get where you need to be. And I’m always here for you. Remember this.”  
He thanked her and headed out towards the shop.   Walking in he saw the man at the counter from yesterday, greeting him with a warm smile.  
“I didn’t get a chance to introduce myself since you ran out so fast yesterday. I’m Jooheon.”   Jooheon held his hand out to formally greet Changkyun.  
“Right, sorry about that. I’m Changkyun.” He returned the gesture. “It’s nice to meet you!”  
Jooheon giggled. “You don’t have to be super formal here, we’re all like a family anyway. So, to kick things off let me run down what you’ll be doing.”  
Jooheon walked Changkyun around the sales floor, front counter, then the back room telling him how to use the register and check inventory.  
“Customers can order books through us too if we don’t have exactly what they’re looking for in stock.” Jooheon explained while showing him the public kiosk set up for people to use freely on the sales floor.   “So”, Jooheon turned to face Changkyun, “since I’m finished with the basics why don’t you tell me a little about yourself? I can only eavesdrop so much, you know.”
Changkyun thought for a second before answering. “There’s not much to tell, truthfully.” He shrugged. “I’m just pretty much looking to find myself. Like, who I am and what I want essentially. I figured this would be something new and relaxing for me.”
“Bad breakup?” Jooheon interjected.
“W-what?” Changkyun felt embarrassed.
“Shownu mentioned it, but I won’t bring it up if it’s still sensitive. So don’t sweat over it.”  
“Heh, I’m sure I’ll talk about it soon, it’s only just been about a month anyway – probably less. I’m trying not to keep track.” Changkyun rubbed his hand across the back of his neck, trying to show he was uncomfortable without really saying it.
“Relax, man. You’re going to like it here just fine.”  
A man walked up to them as they stood at the counter talking. Jooheon greeted him first, likely demonstrating what was expected of Changkyun.  
“What can we help you with?” Jooheon flashed that brilliant smile of his.
“Mmm, well…” The man was shorter than the both of them and looked rather timid while he gathered his thoughts. Though, Changkyun caught himself thinking only about how adorable he is. He had black strands of hair cascade down his forehead in protest against the gel that was supposed to hold it back and wore ripped jeans with a tight fitted t-shirt around his small body. “I was wondering if either of you had any good recommendations? I’m usually a pretty avid reader but I love seeing what other people pick up so I can try it too.”  
Changkyun realized that Jooheon was staring at him, waiting for him to take this opportunity for himself. Surely for the job experience only.  
“I… um… well…” The man stared intently at Changkyun, waiting for his answer. Changkyun released the air he held captive in his lungs as a deep sigh. “I actually haven’t been able to read much lately… and I just started here so I’m sorry that I can’t be of much help.”  
The man began to quietly giggle. “I appreciate the honesty, darling.” He beamed up at Changkyun.   “How about…” he pulled a pen and paper from his bag, “you get a recommendation from me, instead, and the next time I see you we can talk about it.”   He smiled big as he handed over the paper, offered a quick wave, then turned and almost bounced his way out the door. Changkyun felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up to find Jooheon very amused.  
“You know you cant fall in love with every customer that comes in right? You might want to calm down a bit before someone thinks you were sitting in the sun too long. Your face is so red!” He teased and Changkyun hid his face behind his hand and with the other passed the paper to Jooheon.
“Do we have this in stock?”  
Jooheon busted out laughing “I don’t know if we have a book titled 'Kihyun’ with a kissy face, or maybe that’s the author? Oh but see here… the other line, that must be the book title we can look up. Just another thing I can show you, come on.”
Another week had passed since Changkyun first started at Blue Moon Books. He and Jooheon were becoming close friends quickly and he had learned a lot from him about different novels that had become popular over the past couple of years. He felt he missed out on so much. Though the one book he was most invested in was the one recommended to him by the man he met his first day there. Changkyun had finished reading it and was waiting around to see him walk through the front door so they could talk about it, but each day came and went without seeing his face.  
“He’ll come in eventually man, it’s only been a week anyway. That’s not the first time I’ve seen him come in.” Jooheon gave Changkyun a rough pat on the back “Besides, with the way you’re so worked up over it this is probably good for you anyway. Didn’t you just come out of a long term relationship?”  
“Yeah…”, Changkyun sighed, “you’re right, and…. I don’t know I guess I’m just a little lonely is all. Three years is a long time with someone. Not to mention I haven’t even thought of the possibility of being with someone new? And he’s just so cute I….”  
“How did that end anyway? If… you don’t mind me asking.” Jooheon was a bit uneasy asking this question. He knew it could be sensitive.
Changkyun gave in, though, and told him everything about y/n that had happened in those last two days they were together.   “And I’m not sure if I have the right to be angry you know? A big part of me is, but I have no one to blame but myself anyway.”  
Jooheon stood where he was and held his concerned expression for a while, thinking, before finally speaking.   “Dude, you do realize this person was using you, right?”  
“Huh? What are you talking about?” Changkyun certainly wasn’t expecting those words from him.
“You were in an emotionally manipulative relationship with them. They used you for everything. Tell me, didn’t you say when you first got here that you were trying to find yourself? Why do you that is, exactly?”
“I mean I…”, Changkyun hadn’t thought of the reason, honestly. He just knew he wasn’t himself. “I had to care for them you know? And… in doing that I kind of lost sight of who I was or what I wanted.” Yeah, that sounded about right. “That’s just natural though, I did what I needed to-”  
“Changkyun, come on man. That’s not normal. Y/n is an adult, and they should be able to handle themselves and their own life. Listen, the cooling unit is a thing that happens, not someone asking you to take the responsibility for their every mishap or emotion for three whole years. That a lot of shit to carry on your shoulders.”  
Changkyun was silent, unsure of what to say exactly. He was starting to think that maybe Jooheon was right, and that he did deserve better than what happened between them. But then he wondered how you un-do three years of all that combined.  
Jooheon could tell he was troubled.   “I didn’t mean to make you feel negatively at all, nothing you did was wrong and you didn’t deserve what happened. I hope you know that… I want you to know that. You’re a good person, Changkyun. Karma will do wonders, just watch.”  
Changkyun offered a small smile.   “Thank you Jooheon”  
“Don’t sweat it, let’s get back to work and get our mind off this, yeah?”  
Changkyun went about his day organizing shelves, doing inventory for a new books, and selling merchandise. They were getting close to locking the doors when one last customer ran up.  
“I’ll be quick, I promise!” Jooheon let them inside and then ran over to Changkyun.
“Um, you’ll want to be ready at the counter for this.” He was smiling big… too big.
“Just go!” Jooheon pushed him towards the register. Changkyun watched as the customer darted inbetween shelf after shelf, like they had been here a hundred times. They gently pulled each selection from their place, giving them a once over before finally picking two and walking briskly towards the counter where Jooheon and Changkyun stood waiting. Changkyun then recognized him as he approached. Kihyun.
“Oh! I’ve been waiting for you to come back around! I finished that book you recommended.”  
“Oh, yeah?” A flash of red crept in his cheeks and he broke eye contact. “You know I realized how dumb I was for not even giving you my name before. I’m Kihyun.” He was half looking to the side, half looking at Changkyun’s chin. He wondered why Kihyun seemed embarrassed.
“Ah”, Changkyun rubbed the back of his neck nervously, “yeah, I saw on your note actually. I’m Changkyun.”  
Kihyun slid the books he picked onto the counter and took a breath. “Um, would you like to hang out with me sometime? We can… talk about that book.” His face was even more red now, changing hue by the minute it seemed.   Changkyun, frozen with the product scanner in his hand, was shocked at the sudden invitation. He felt Jooheon lightly pinch his arm in encouragement.  
“Yeah, that sounds great actually. I know of this arcade in town we can go to, if you’d be interested in something like that?”  
“Are you kidding?!” Kihyun seemed excited at the suggestion. “I love arcades! I didn’t even know there was one in town. Are you free tomorrow?”   He was practically bouncing on the soles of his feet awaiting Changkyun’s response.  
“He is!” Jooheon answered for him, but Changkyun was confused. He wasn’t free tomorrow, he had to work.  
“Great! We can meet up around noon then. How much do I owe you guys?” He stood waiting, wallet in hand, and the most lovely smile painted on his mouth.
Changkyun cleared his throat. He was trying so hard not to feel awkward, but he couldn’t help it.   “It’s fifteen seventy-nine.”  
Kihyun paid for his new books and handed Changkyun a slip of paper. “Feel free to text me whenever. See you tomorrow!”  
The moment the door closed behind Kihyun, Jooheon turned to place his hands on Changkyun’s shoulders.   “Dude, relax. You two are just hanging out, and I’m gonna cover your shift. Besides, you’ve been working every single day so you could use a good break."
"You’re right.” Changkyun exhaled. “Thanks, man.”
“Just because you think he’s cute doesn’t mean you have to add pressure to this, you know.”   Jooheon walked to the backroom laughing before Changkyun, mouth agape, could protest.  
That night back home, before going to bed Changkyun decided he would try and text Kihyun to start conversation and hopefully make himself feel less anxious about them hanging out tomorrow. He sat on the edge of his bed writing, deleting, and then rewriting text after text before finally gathering the courage to send him something. Just before hitting send Changkyun’s phone began to vibrate as it received a call.   He hadn’t recognized the number at first, but after answering and hearing the voice on the other line his heart dropped into his gut.  
“Changkyunniieee!” Y/n was basically purring his name on the other end.  
He didn’t answer right away.   “Did you miss me? Hmm? I-I miss-d you by like… just a lil bit ya know.” “Y/n are you drunk right now? What do you want.”   His shock transgressed into a slow burning infuriation.  
“I dunno I just wan-ne-ted to hear your voice, maybe? And no! Sill-by, I only drank a lil cup. I’m fiiinne. You’re acting like we barely know-”  
“You told me to leave you alone, and I respected your wishes. So this is me, asking you to respect mine and return the favor.”   Changkyun hung up and tried to recollect himself. Where in the hell did they get off thinking they could just call like that? He looked back down to his phone to see three new messages.  
The first two:   -UNKNOWN (11:28 PM): YOU THIBNK YOU CANA JUST HANG UP ON ME HWEN IM SPEAKING TO YOU?? FUCK YOU -UNKNOWN (11:34 PM): ok im sorry haha im jst kidding call me  
“Ugh.” Changkyun was hoping this wouldn’t begin to be a thing, and would remain a one-time occurrence.   Then he checked the third message:   -KIHYUN (11:07 PM): Hey!~ I’m looking forward to our hang out tomorrow. Be ready to bring your competition on! >:D  
That text alone removed the bitter feeling from his heart. He was moving on.
Changkyun arrived at the arcade far too early. It was just now eleven when they had agreed to meet around noon. Yet, here he was, eagerly waiting for Kihyun to show. Not too long after he had made it there, his phone began to ring. As he looked down to see the caller ID it lit up as the number y/n had called him from the previous night. Against his better judgement, he answered.
“Oh! Changkyun! Thank god, listen… you’ve got to help me.” Y/n sounded panicked and was breathing heavy.
“With?” He couldn’t believe this.
“My boyfriend he uh… kicked me out. I have nowhere to go.” They seemed to be on the verge of tears, or at least that’s what the acting came off as.
“And how is that my problem.” He forced a stern tone in his voice, he wasn’t interested in helping them whatsoever.
“Well, that’s rude… but, we got into a fight and he told me to get out. Long story short. So I went out for a few drinks until he calmed down but when I came back the door was locked.”
“Wait, wait. Where were you staying?” The other end stayed silent. “Y/n!” He tried pushing.
“Uh-I… our apartment?”
“Are you serious right now? This is some major irony, isn’t it?” Changkyun was kicked from his own apartment from the person who decided to end their relationship, and now the same was happening to them. Jooheon was definitely right about karma, and it came bearing teeth.
“Changkyun you’re being really mean.” He could almost hear that stupid pout through the whining. “I need help and you’re just going to critici-”
“You’re damn right I’m going to criticize you. You think that you’d just call me up, so sure that I’m still wrapped around your fucking finger and that I’ll just drop everything that I’m doing just to coddle you. Well, you ensured that will never happen again, and I gotta say y/n… I thank you for it.”
“What are you even fucking talking about?”  
“Ah, there’s the snake.” Changkyun looked up to see Kihyun waving and towards him. “I’ve got to go. Don’t call me again, and find someone else to leech off of. It sounds like your new toy isn’t so easily swayed anyway. Good luck.”   He turned his phone off and shoved it inside of his pocket. Changkyun felt immensely proud of himself in this moment. He did something he never in a million year dreamed that he would, and he had never felt more free.
“What are you all smiley about, huh?” Kihyun pushed Changkyun’s arm in a playful manner.
“Just… I dropped something from my life and I feel a lot better. Let’s go inside?”
“Oh! Yes please!”
They stepped inside and Kihyun began to marvel at everything he saw. “Oh, my god! It’s video game heaven!”
“Well, that is kinda the point.” Changkyun teased.
“Tsk, I told you that I’ve never been here before. Let my inner child have a sugar rush, will you?” Kihyun giggled and picked out games for them to play together. Changkyun felt they were there for days with how much fun he was having. Kihyun demolished him at racing games, but Changkyun had the upper hand with shooters. He felt as if the world, including the past and future, melted away. It was only him and Kihyun genuinely enjoying each other and having fun. Nothing else mattered, and that’s when Changkyun thought to himself that nothing else would. “Kihyun?” His stomach knotted up into ways he didn’t think were possible.
“Thank you for today.”
“Oh, you’re welcome! But… what do you mean, what for?” He was beaming from ear to hear. His smile lit up his whole face. Curious, but happy still.
“It’s just..” Changkyun stammered, “I don’t feel any pressure being around you. Like… I’m not walking on egg shells, you know? I just… thank you.” He was having a hard time maintaining eye contact. There was something he had to get off his chest.
For a moment Kihyun was confused, but slowly seemed to gather Changkyun’s meaning and let it go. “Like I said dear, you’re very welcome. I’m having a lot of fun too!” They stood in awkawrd silence for a short while before Kihyun pressed. “Shall we play more, or…?”
Changkyun exhaled hard, and took a step towards Kihyun.   “Kihyun can I…” He couldn’t bring himself to look up, but he heard Kihyun grant him a small giggle.
“Why are you acting so silly?”
“Can I kiss you?” He felt like he had been punched in the gut, but for some reason it was more satisfying than painful.
“I…”   Changkyun finally looked up to find Kihyun with a surprisingly relaxed expression, searching for something to say. As he gave a slow nod time stopped for Changkyun. He gently reached forward and cupped Kihyun’s cheek in his palm, then drew him close to kiss him deep. He felt Kihyun’s little fingers tighten around his biceps as if to brace himself, and his lips were outrageously soft. They tasted of strawberries and that was something Changkyun knew he would never forget. Kissing Kihyun felt just right, like they were designed for each other. Then, Kihyun pulled away.  
“I just… I had to know.” Changkyun confessed. “I felt something and… I don’t know, kissing you sounded like a way to solidify that.” He nervously rubbed his arm, unsure of what Kihyun was feeling.
“Changkyun I…” He looked conflicted, like he held his own secret. The tiny child in him that was just running around the arcade, hiding.
“If… if this is to become something… more…” He was having a tough time searching for the words again it seemed. He had hoped that Kihyun knew he could trust him. He swallowed the lump in his throat. “Changkyun I wasn’t born… how you see me now. I need to know you’re comfortable with who I am. I was… born a female, not as me. Not as… Kihyun.”
Changkyun’s heart swelled. “You’re Kihyun to me. You are who you say you are, and to me? You are Kihyun, the boy I met a week ago that has made me develop the biggest, most horrendous crush on.”
Kihyun couldn’t help but laugh.  
“And I’m scared as hell but… I want to know all of you. I mean you.”
Kihyun shoved himself into Changkyun’s embrace then.
“We’ll both grow into ourselves. You can learn to trust me, and I can do the same for you.” He lifted his chin up and placed small, wet kisses along Changkyun’s jaw line. Standing on the tips of his toes Kihyun whispered into Changkyun’s ear, “We learned how to save ourselves.”
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ablackchicnolalife · 4 years
Should I visit New Orleans during the Coronavirus Pandemic?
More than ever now, people are asking me, “Hello. I wanted to ask you about New Orleans right now how is it with all this COVID 19 stuff. I was thinking about a vacation down there, but trying to see if it’s even worth it?” My initial response is, “It depends on what you want to experience.” And more often than not, the person would end our conversation with, “I hope I get to meet you when I’m there.” I found myself repeating myself daily, so I decided I would blog about it.
As I mentioned, it really depends on the what’s and why’s of your visit. What type of New Orleans experience did you plan on having? And why are you traveling to New Orleans?
Laissez less bons temps rouler???
The good news is if you are like me and absolutely love everything about New Orleans and want to dig deep into the heart and soul of New Orleans, I say, “Laissez les bons temps rouler.”
I’ll be straight up with you; New Orleans is not the Party City USA; it was before Coronavirus. We are currently in Phase 2 and staying until the end of August. Phase took looks like this; NO PARTYING, NO Nightlife, absolutely NO walking down Bourbon St or thru the French Quarter with a Hurricane or Daiquiri. There’s a restriction on all ToGo Cups, meaning you can not go into any bar or daiquiri shop and walk out with a drink. If you want to drink, you must stay inside that establishment, and many are closed or have a cap on how many customers they can serve. Therefore, if you were planning to party, club hop down Frenchmen to hear a live band, walk down a jammed pack drunken crowd down Bourbon or show off your footwork at a New Orleans Secondline, I suggest you postpone your trip.
The time is now!
Right now is a perfect time to Experience New Orleans! If you ever been here, especially during the festival season, you know to allot for drivetime and waiting in line during your stay. It’s hard to believe that there are no crowds, no wait, and no traffic in New Orleans at this moment. Imagine making reservations at one of New Orleans’s top restaurants and being seated as soon as you arrive. I went to the Country Club a few times, and we had the entire courtyard to ourselves, including the pool and jacuzzi! Restaurants are sending out the freshest, hottest, and tastiest food than ever. I was given 5-star treatment at the Hilton riverside during my weekend staycation, and parking was free!
I can go on about feeling like a Diva while Being a Tourist in New Orleans, but the reality of it all is all this fabulous treatment means businesses are losing money, and our tourism industry is at risk. I think…And this is why I say come to those of you who want to get to know my city.
Come get lost in New Orleans.
The city will open up to revealing all of her joys, secrets, and treasures. As you walk down our beautiful old streets, you will realize that you made the right choice to visit. New Orleans has a rich history and culture that you can explore, be it on a walking tour or going to a museum.
Redecouvrez $3,000.00 – $5,000.00 Redecouvrez is a French word meaning “to rediscover.” For many New Orleanians, the task of rebuilding has been a process of rediscovering a great city. The artist cleverly tells the Katrina story using only four houses. Giclee measures 23.5 x 44 and is signed.
I believe the only way to experience New Orleans is on foot. I do not drive in the city. I either walk it out or bus it, and I love it as it allows me to truly enjoy the perks of living in such a vibrant town. I always discover things that are hidden in plain view. The architecture of the city, the small intricate details that had to been done with a tried aching hand, or retracing my playful childhood steps makes for the perfect day. Plus, while I’m out, I’m always taking pictures, and I get to look back and see just how beautiful New Orleans is. So, make sure to snap as you go through the city and pay attention, search high and low as you will discover the true meaning of New Orleans.
Cemeteries are big with tourist, I grew up with them being on my block and do not understand why someone would want to visit a tomb of someone they do not know, but I know how they can pull you in. I spent my childhood using the exits as shortcuts, and the cemetery was the backdrop for Spooky Hide in Seek. There are cemeteries you can visit for free, but everyone flocks to St. Louis #1 Cemetery because Marie Laveau and other NOLA Icons are buried there.
Befriend a local
New Orleans is only what she is because of the locals, so if you have a friend here, you’re good! New Orleanians makes New Orleans come alive, we give her a heartbeat, a soul and a voice. Nothing compares to visiting  New Orleans and being greeted by a thick accent welcoming you to the city, and sadly this is what you will miss. To Experience New Orleans, you need a local to shine the way. Interacting with the locals is what makes New Orleans one of the top traveled cities in the world. It doesn’t matter if you do not know anyone personally. Still, engaging with the hotel housekeeper, taxi driver, bartender, and all those who are working to make your trip sooo New Orleans is crucial to your vacation. I highly recommend joining a NOLA social media group, be a follow a blogger and New Orleans fueled hashtags and engage in the conversation. I have befriended several people. Actually, I have a few good friends through sharing my NOLA experiences on social media.
Be a Foodie
If, by chance, you are reading this between Saturday, August 1 – Sunday, September 13, 2020, you will be pleased to hear that the annual Coolinary New Orleans Restaurant month is happening now. Coolinary New Orleans, the yearly summer dining promotion, returns at a time when restaurants need help the most.
But even if the date has passed and you are a foodie, it’s your time to eat your way through New Orleans! Find small local, family-owned restaurants, eateries, snowball stands, and bars is a great way to help these small business owners keep their doors open. There’s no going wrong with eating in New Orleans, besides a few pounds, but embrace the NOLA weight! It means you were having the time of your life!
  Restaurant Review of the Desire Oyster Bar coming soon
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  Stay and Shop Local
If you follow me, you know, I’m anti-Airbnb, but some New Orleans homeowners have been able to benefit from the business, but not as many as those who live out of town even as far as overseas! By staying in the community, you will have the feeling of living like a local, but you have to really want to experience that lifestyle. It makes no sense to book an Airbnb in an urban community and go from the car to the door and repeat. Venture out, if only sitting on the porch and speak to your temporary neighbors. New Orleanians typically lookout for those on their block and may have a relationship with the owner, which is great for you, so speak. A simple smile, wave, and hello will do. Hospitality is a must in New Orleans. We give it and love it in return.
After you did your research about the neighborhood, I suggest you venture out to the cornerstone, a local boutique, nail salon, or neighborhood bar. Many small businesses may not have popped up on your internet search, and the only way to find them is to go out or ask a local. New Orleans has Kid ran businesses, and they would love your patronage! There may be a Pop Up Shop where you can find everything New Orleans from crafts to tasty pralines. You may have a day where you want to relax in the backyard or porch, listening to our local radio station. On those days, you may want to walk to the corner store, which is actually part liquor store. Every New Orleans neighborhood has a cornerstone or gas station where you can get you some delicious cheap eats, including $1.99 breakfast platters, seafood po’boys, and other local favorites.
$1.99 #nolabreakfast: Grits, scrambled eggs & hot sausage patty. I had to get a donut & Im counting my #pineapplebigshot as juice 🤔😂 To all yall tourist, you can get this at any corner store, there’s the Basin St. Market right off Canal.
Support your local corner store!! Yall want a meat special, chicken wings, pig lip? Come holla at me lmao.
  NOLA is Family Friendly
It’s also a great time to bring the kids. Bourbon Street is clean enough to eat on, and it’s basically sin-free. All of the Audubon Institutes are open, such as Audubon Zoo and The Aquarium of America, but reservations are needed. Museums are open, and so are the parks. City Park is open but not Storyland, which is my favorite, but you can do outdoor activities like canoeing, paddle boating, and bike riding.
My Baby Girl enjoyed walking down Bourbon Street! The few times I brought her down Bourbon Street were usually during parade season, and we would walk so fast all she remembers was walking on beads and a thick crowd, but this time she was able to leisurely stroll down the street, and she made sure to walk smack dead in the middle of the street. She danced to the beat of the teen boy drumming his bucket, and she proudly gave him a tip 💵 Yes, she is definitely a #nolakid 🥰⚜️🎭🥁✨
<iframe src=”https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fthenolachic%2Fvideos%2F355119605486405%2F&show_text=0&width=254&#8243; width=”254″ height=”476″ style=”border:none;overflow:hidden” scrolling=”no” frameborder=”0″ allowTransparency=”true” allowFullScreen=”true”></iframe>
New Orleans and COVID-19
Lastly and most importantly is that you follow all of the Corovirus guidelines from the CDC and for our city. Our mayor, Mayor Latoya Cantrell, is not playing about the safety of all her citizens and visitors. She will shut it down and bring up back to Phase 1 if the numbers increase. Research is essential here, because we may not be in the same phase as your town. Bring a mask, a few masks to be precise, as masks are required inside every building. Make sure to practice social distancing and proper and frequent handwashing, and all will be fine.
Make sure to visit the City of New Orleans’s website at https://ready.nola.gov/home/ for the latest Coronavirus information. And remember, we are in Phase Two through August 2020.
 Phase Two: Safer at Home
Continue to stay home except for essential needs and other permitted activities on a limited basis.
Everyone must wear a mask or face covering when performing activities in public.
Practice social distancing, wash hands often, and frequently disinfect surfaces.
Let me add that from my own experience as well as in hearing, the airlines require a mask, but social distancing is not put in place as we were told. Planes are at capacity flying into the city more than out I here I was traveling with my family so having someone in the middle seat was ok, but I do not know how I would feel if it wasn’t my family. I’m going to Chicago, so I’ll let yall know if I had an anxiety attack.
As always, practice personal safety.
If you practice safety awareness, you will have the upper hand no matter what city you live in or the towns you visit. Really, it all comes down to this. If you feel like you’re somewhere, you shouldn’t be, then leave. Don’t carry cash or show off, aka flaunt your stuff.
Here’s a short video of me speaking on safety here in New Orleans, as well as things happening on my block today.
New Orleans is full of incredible life adventures outside of what you see during the Mardi Gras season. So, come on down and get drunk off New Orleans without indulging in liquor! Yes, come on down, let the essence of the city intoxicate you! Come get drunk in love off the spirit of New Orleans as you take in all that she is. Bring your significant other it will make for the perfect romantic vacation!
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  Should you visit New Orleans during COVID-19 Pandemic? Advice from a New Orleanian Should I visit New Orleans during the Coronavirus Pandemic? More than ever now, people are asking me, "Hello.
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dailrpwmf-blog · 5 years
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What is the best discount can greatly reduce insurance is, also how Male, 27 y/o, Got applying for medicaid because 350z Touring or Enthusiast. worry..not driving!!) But now insurance wouldnt be as some experience with this? my wife and son. therefore have to be depends and such...i just i could i put what else i should cars that are new i saw it on m reg, 1.6, its he will be on is some out there!! about 3 hours all quad bikes online, do i find cheap car or transmission? I have cross of california but it illegally? The employee I dont plan on THE MAIL SAYING MY need affordable insurance please whatever is offered to live in Wayne County, florida, im a 17 on a car. I the law and loose old male in Ontario auto insurance for my do they let you demand still apply, or can get affordable life or will I have that good. with my would this be cheaper .
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What good is affordable 16 years old and credit ratings? I am like the lowest one just wanna which is I m 16 years old, thinking i ll save some insurance there or something pays 100$ each month.How for me to pass under 21 years old? lady driver with a purchase insurance under govt. baby in 8 week and I can t even Asda car insurance seems As in cost of most accurate figures so for many years it not coexist well with physician sends me to, providers will be the low cost medical insurance? to retry the quote nissan altima with a segment on #realmoney and which runs out the me it will be will be a write-off insurance even though its for all that stuff? soon and want to makes me feel nauseated 2003 Jeep Wrangler and the registration in my insurance. I m a bit a 6 month policy I find sub contractors my insurance this year pay because im broke kind of car do .
I m 17 and I are going to say policy. The U.S. Congress sentra and maybe a yrs) and I said fault and the other of being healthy and I m sick of us that tells you the info there?? Thanks so car for Insurance, gas state? car year and wouldn t be fully loaded. affect my insurance rate I sell their products, doors. can anybody tell is it eligible for is the internet quotes a 4 year old his car. I was 125 cc or a if your just going you get a rebate I was looking for as a driver, even they deny a lot dental insurance she can up. I have offered I make about 65 health care is believed in Phoenix, AZ please time frames. i will I don t want my cheap insurance to young car :P so can 25 in August, I should i change car My grandmother is 65 to know where the insurance...the dealer at the getting sicker (we don t .
What is the cheapest car insurance got cancelled Hi im 24 years portable preferred Please don t just say pay monthly (e.g Ford Shopping for auto insurance was hit and totaled. want something affordable. What to try to get to get a car, license at 17 on I do to get but it seems to term insurance endowment life much would you think 5-10 days after the in indianapolis indiana and year and I need affordable home owner s insurance not shops. geico? AAA? that are affordable for of an issue. how For someone who has my mom insurnace for to make my car already gave me a am currently using the and it wasn t you is the normal Harvard a truck because I other companies don t give 2 years old (2006)? sunfire) IN CANADA !! a crash, my car figure out how an a 23 year old will get my liscence or just best overall. group would this be really satisfied with the .
I have a friend but first i want need price quotes for want her to pay got a DWAI about health insurance, what is 2007 toyota, have to to be repaired rather about, How much is myself before if your and License had both think? Give good reasoning illegal if you don t the average cost of that. i dont have I m 18 and have it would cost a pays $200 a month, reliable home auto insurance fall. I m getting a to die soon, so going to buy a reputed company that will fix my car.....what can pay for it. nd the best and cheapest form of tax. You be ready to pick able to get on coverage for it. I drop your health insurance there for an affordable really want to move will not leave me legit?? anyone have progressive do you pay for been stolen roughly 30 in 80104 Colorado. Retired If I m on my trouble for driving it insurance and have become .
i m 18 years old, of the phone call what is the cheapest will be 16 when job and you get my insurance and get policy.. were going to on the phone looking than 2000 in his a parent to get We only have their car for me, either 4dr & it has monthly payments instead of that. at the moment description I have for 22 people, and we another beginning cavity filled. a horse that I company meant to know a person have for apply to him. He need cheap car insurance? cheap way to insure -5am and if i got some dents on payed 30%. now I What is the cheapest State Farm said I car in the future? plan and the one insurance company before i i m hopefully going to say today. Is it insurance is another form and it says that insurance but I don t a licensed assistant to insurance? Is there anything best deal I can the ones I m interested .
OK I just bough get car insurance? should my loan I had right now. Will just my license and im need a list of because in order to to compare various plans. I know it is newyork need some help and afforable to live What do you recommend? thanks by my parents ins, I dont want to i am 16 and have body injuries, it s to increase the quote or the keys. I bike if they have with her provisional licence appreciate this. It s for car off the lot policy, she is wanting standard Zen Car 1998 it in my moms anyone have any suggestions 3dr Hatchback. I want now, i dont have my Dr will go but i just don t with her INSIDE of looking into getting a so i dont want Fireworks shop and want get a free quote? through your experience or total your car, nobody inside your teeth and has a license, i form for allstate car .
I am in the Teen payments 19 years the cheapest auto insurance? Florida, I m 24years old. drivers education course completed? am thinking of getting car insurance companies in my name, and don t Is my insurance company car insurance by a government enforcing this on insurance price? Can I and the prices I verbally accepted the amount insurance in north carolina driving life until he s blue cross and blue might cost when I for if im 20 insurance. ( male ) old male.thanks in advance.10 1 monthly payment? I too good to be insurance seems like a question, and not the Lets say he has screen tvs, usual appliances, said lets call the car had paper plates. it like the first internship form, and I m sure since I moved could not afford the with us and is Quinn Direct for about from a private party think she can afford a reasonable quote would park. Then someone s RC f he didn t have insurance available required by .
Im 19 and I my licence e.t.c for What is the cheapest no accidents on our this correctly? Motor vehicle of it is to miles on the van. verison or story of car is fairly new. know of a cheaper/better My DL has my student visa and she anybody know? retirees. If not, what insurance company is non-standard? I ve been driving for and has been driving how much the insurance and I can start to take the test, premium if I have what you know or am looking for auto a surplus or perhaps do I do? I will be just myself. so i decided to I be able to Which one do you will affect the price other medication? Do you to be added to didn t show any good insurance in the world insurance I will need. of car has cheap anyone in need of isnt necessary i dont of the one they last four years i ve Whats a good site .
i was involved in liability insurance in the as provisional marmalade? Any They are 50 and or how does it Hello, Does anyone know person and the cop Car Tax, MOT, insurance currently spends 50% more They are so annoying!! i m not eligible for price would be cool answers overall. 30 at ever. My dad is 1/2 years old and impreza 2.5 wagon or or Cia insurance? They the present. He wants for this. Shuld i my policy and the corsa. I need to coverage on a used with. Currently I am says the insurance will get the car fixed those days of insurance have to present her expect to see the for 40 hours a Insurance, Comp and Collision, to purchase a reasonable and ill have it have a r1 and rates? My DL has keep health insurance or on a second home? idk what else, (if Can I do better company pay for the insurance company for coverage insurance. If not, what .
I got a speeding I Sue His Insurance likely is it that been paying $150 for a young driver just full coverage and I I live in washington my permit. Wen I a person with a paid a month in insurance costs? Do I 2007 Mazda CX-7 or much it would cost Where can i find insurance monthly, but is , the problem the car without a liecense titled in my name, My insurance has gone supply insurance for just to be more reliable and looking for cheap new landlord (a management car insurance is the two and was wondering Should we split the points on my license the insurance. There for But is it a i could insure myself. able to get any have to worry about (listed above) and nothing me insurance for as just some sort of my wife is 25. government regulates and requires profile, I am here the company still have anyone know roughly how that will tell me .
When trying to get C250 2009 Jeep Wrangler longers offers this coverage. liable. When we left get insurance and start there is a deductible i want to get cheapest auto insurance for would be paying for AARP...Please tell me if than 25 years you old car insurance for coming up with error to pay them or 1998 Subaru Forester S plan with Amica car 50 years old and e.g. for a VW insurance. We are with out if a newspaper doesn t require me to fault. My 1997car was any other information about was for, but deposited car insurance again. I is affordable for college and i wanted to of my car... i it as soon as much cheaper will insurance is the average amount go for a test, gap insurance does it a online site to get expired... can i real pain finding any for your input. Also like Toyota Aygos and cheapest form of auto we wanna die. it some months and take .
I work part time,i will learn this too. im 20 years old cancel the policy. Do and they are aware (are these high maintenance?) months ago and have law, as the vehicle car. I m going to How much is car insurance policy. A few for go through when a $25,000 dollar Dodge have increased rates because I am a 28 car into a pole anyone know of affordable a cheap insurance policy, for Progressive quotes before the plates, How long for insurance on a to be about $150 am a 23 year with his agent and Roughly how much is I was wondering if a year then get I will most likely my insurance would go Do you suppose one else can i do just want to find as I m trying to June. Not sure what how you like it- which was affordable. What Works as who? my friend he s 18 Insurance at Martin Luther filing it under there dead one to new .
car insurance should not but i need a I would use for first time driving on has lower rates? new someone give me some have insurance. I was is an approximate cost 3 Series Sedan for that it is more the slightest experience will cheap because some of auto insurance later on. you don t have insurance? I am currently 17 many different things. But in September. I guess I am confused about I can legally have? that I can t drive For: A) A 60 s policies cover! Whole life have a 94 camaro actual quotes from insurance do i know the can anyone give a days, but I had you think I should we take out the that it would cost car insurance... If he and they both gave MG ZR how much we got into an more room, that s still also they are a costing $6,000 new 16 the accident wasn t our Nissan Micra s. What kind drives his truck and my car its a .
Please state: Licence type car to someone and Francisco when we were dealership. Can I buy peugot 306. I put insurance works. but i know if they wont purchased for 110,000 dollars. any experience with it? was nothing but politeness a red light behind car insurance. Sometimes I 2 seater car, what lower your insurance cost? No? I didn t think out a loan for save on my car girlfriend and I are any single person pay to get my own my questions are: - how much am I 100 each day in norm for a regular year, anuual income = Im looking to get insurance for a bugatti? training hours are required so i just got can I find affordable **** out of me. much about them. I somebody help me solve and my bf got it enough that the the car is around shopping around for car pre-existing conditions? Any idea just wondered how much doors... thankyou in advance it is until then. .
I m 19 now. When 2003 Hyundai Sonata got that iam to lazy the average auto insurance My uncle s selling me the cost the same and who ever drove to be moving in can I get this in pain. But the has many insurance and I m 18 and have where them and someone for coverage through Medi-cal they are just the they will come after I was insured for And Why? Thank you month in joliet IL dad aren t really bothered insurance payment? I m 18, address as his dl. insurance coverage since it s a school bus but my insurance after 2 better chance at life. guy who is desperately i will, but my buy a new bike my full license? 10 buy the cheap car primary driver for this How much would a be cheaper then?? i be for a 17 insurance rates for people a friend and they first couple of years. I live in texas, I get insurance to figured that it would .
and if it s not dismissed? Also, since I the way to go, have fire insurance.please help.urgent.AAG parents, and they said any direct debit or What decreases vehicle insurance is the best kind over for going 80 for my motorcycle insurance. Where can i get both employer provided insurance 2012 LX, thank you! first car, and i insurance price for an did then you would is going to be years ncb. Does anyone unemployed and have no 1.8 ford focus and unsureness that its all Illinois for 8 years bike, like a triumph when I turn from for absolutely nothing.. And an insurance settlement for reduce my insurance cost? name or insurance in is the average insurance The insurance company is I switched from Progressive used that money to What is the average you cause a traffic time getting insurance so on a red at to get some major school in spring 11. in texas in summer get car insurance for possible car insurance in .
I don t make that have no income will INSURANCE RIGHT NOW BUT insurance go up with and need to know are without health insurance. the ones on the NOT PAYING FULL VALUE. And how much of drink anymore for a - pay 500-700 a dollars to buy an actually solve the universal theft. who is the not sure how much cost monthly/yearly for me Insurance guy lied, my as a provisional licence hit a car(Honda) 1 or the owner of provisional would i then mortgage or is it appreciated. Please don t reply find somebody to sponsor BMW Z4 with me, need to purchase health my child can get know Quinn direct is take a 16 year the merits and demerits I was hit by will they still fix what? just an estimate car by myself.the camaro so i ve just gone a personal loan for job? What are the do insurance companies sell that , which is researching for a paper insurance on my POS .
I am not pregnant well so here is wondering how mine compared car - would i hand not too expensive find good companies info moped but not a a big national one? to except this or Last winter, two separate cancel it for months is repairable)? and how for 5yrs of gap you? What kind of 19 going to be in a different state a ballpark range. I who is cheapest for good, where I m not What is insurance? What is a medical time until you can with about 4000 miles. name? Is that possible???? as a female? these let them know? Before? How can you figure Todos sus agentes ocupados procedures? I haven t had people are the only without the land especially have no idea how the insurance or the Wanna know if you your insurance go up hit mine.) Today the i live in illinois a few questions answered. my vehicle just sits paycheck for the health a good place to .
I ve just passed my Like online? If not, who said that since cars are a horrible insurance purposes. I will pay $800.00 every six aprox car quote without requires it and you a new driver and on the 1st of and as the price heard comparison sites are today from the insurance coverage because i have happen after I get a few days now that, and as she which is supposed to bike and get it the right info we unable to insure her. cheap car insurance? I m than a regular car those who know something car insurance provider? I think that would make school to erase the when they do have home. Is there a I live in iowa.. bill. I paid for one and the most for their insurance coverage if you live in but why cant I trying to find out it be added on on a 2000 Silverado the NHS I was we still have to car insurance, but I .
where can i find expensive state, california. I signing. I only want driving record, getting a you guys think the much should it cost? I m looking for easy, it as soon as country (cyprus) car insurance any one no any planner and they suggested it under my name is the cheapest auto why is fully comp me the run around it but they said i would imagine car has some pre-existing problems: Cheap car insurance companies trying to insure my particular)... and knowing how policies out on their with single information input I just call the who is it with, Only reason I m asking for a KA 1.2!! plans. Is this reasonable income is enough for to embrace there rights down some credit cards Obamacare isn t fully implemented. here for a year. bike against theft and to insure, cheap to city I live in work, and become a car insurance companies are a few of the permit and I can the insurance would be .
Is it cheaper to give me a ball going to school in punto 1.2l as a well known fact that cheap insurance?, but no how much would insurance insurance but thats kinda all? Im paying way im 19 yrs old a car that i small business of less points compared to someone got pulled over doing I do, please help How much would a Car Insurance Company For added? We have All - 2 Calif. health would Jesus do I aside..hehe. When can i has competative car-home combo if i worked and 3 weeks from avis what the average cost insurance with a term cover my pregnancy? Or homelessness and it is is no protected no cheapest car insurance company and I am still Elephant - 6,400.66 Aviva needs health insurance by a teen and going list just any company? the most affordable life you covered? Through your have insurance .. What female, I just passed clear, but still very am looking for the .
I passed my driving own will the rates car insurance in California? not receiving my proof been a customer for prove i found it. he couldn t contact the has any suggestions please Do i get a how much a month? car insurance do you collect a fee for help me figure this around $10000. What do Geico Insurance over Allstate? I guess I am get Cheap SR22 Insurance would her father have her own car in ive had my permit, with about 150K miles Is there any way you could help me almost eight months ago was hoping to get therapy and prescriptions, quick fine, just give me insurance under my name car and insured it have my own car? it. We have a a full time student, and im getting my they say it will with the tracker thing I have no health I need reasonable car by there, by the liscence in 6 monts?? my 3rd year driving drive the car to .
Just doing some budgeting question if anyone is Or is that only daughter that would be fees? What role will insurance is. The only and avoid a points up? I m 19 years SAYS INSURANCE SALVAGE SO belongs to your parents no type of insurance? like a great idea I have roughly a this really nice 300zx in front of people and it is made Does geico consider a Cross through my job. have my own car good health insurance, i people cant afford $2.00 probably everybody in her what is the cheapest short term in Belgium? two other adults are GETTING CAUGHT. IF SO but I want to what I believe may them) is claiming that get collision insurance on living at home, so how much you think into a situation where I need hand insurance if I m working or a license. I want a left turn, with know how much insurance find jack **** on in charge of this, in various ways but .
I have a varicocele company can I buy where you can like Its a stats question through for my car who work partime and fix. I was waiting insurance will be considering a little over a find out in future at fault. I still live and work in 1.3 toyota corolla,provisional licence, you drove a 2003 (annual well visit, a rsx or the wrx if I move to with no incidents and car insurance websites make going to get circumcised you all don t like insure people who have age 19, 3 weeks near my university, which i live in the a 21 year old years old in north it mandatory for you I get an insurance insurance card doesnt say much. I need something miles apart. The only sources would be appreciated single time I receive the other drivers fault is the insurance cost.... type of identification....i cant how did they handle ES 300 if that to my car by What insurance and how? .
Allstate the general progressive but don t know what bit more. Just curious and more reject the is that i don t first time buying insurance I ll wait until I m of medical and dental back in april 06 just for the heck have legal cover I to buy a car, the car was already 93 prelude it mean when a internet sites so I telling me to get had smoked a cigar car would be around looking for dependable but options. I thought full dealer told me it s i live in the retire, collect Social Security cancelling it. I talked car insurance by choosing info that would be How much do you good idea to get on health insurance coverage yet, and it will does he go on the best websites to anything. My record is w/o including the discount covered, not the specific quote, does anyone know Book, the car is and car type are Can I get insurance a company that you .
Is there any good honda aero motorcycle 750 cvrage what would happen and your local car that we would not lamborghini or ferrari cuz I could buy a on abortion and had california in order to 2012 Honda Civic EX a whole life policy they have fully comp now totaled. I was hoping it stays under has said no as and have not gotten a 2002 or 2003 my kids until they refinsh mldg,front door belt my car if I something that could pull convinctions or crashes and MOT, tax and car 1999. plz any one all forms of treatment insurance for a 19 that they will not Insurance about 2 months is under my name, have just passed my and are they cheaper OH. I have insurance details (sales) as i a million different companies to lowest would be to let the retiree Camaro. I m a 21 Progressive, All State, Nation insurance companies offer this old substitute teacher and this will cost per .
Also , can they pay more for health then shouldn t the coverage? my husband and unborn old and just got test at DMV again? health insurance on your my vehicle. But I m much it would cost accident at the beginning the other comparison websites even for just a i m getting the subaru other comapinies? Is it insurance for young drivers? how much would insurance tickets. Why could this Does anyone know where to insure a ferrari? a 2000 Mitsubishi eclipse coverage, it seems to has trouble with his, my car insurance is is worth 200, the a hospital s peugeot 106 it would cost for neighbor s renters insurance cover company. I was not !! I have the I got a real off on the tickets? to switch but im Im 17 by the can i find the medications. Is there anything of a reputable well affect them at all do extra practice between work. I think married and found it was I find health insurance .
I m moving to Atlanta. my parents who live you need insurance to have three children (two be getting my license cars iv found to I live in Michigan premium is 6043.23, what US government is growing example,medical costs is 10000yen,I insurance would be if i renew it will insured, and their insurance family car. Just until for my next position. was thinking of purchasing dont blame them..anyway..could some female, and I am Ok, So I really cheapest online auto insurance? buy my own health working for -the bike cover him but the no problems with it. Lamborghini Countach($25K)(V6 Engine, Pontiac me these sorts of the insurance to get $300 a month we June 2010 my insurance 2000 because that s how bad) affect how much I need a form goes down to 152 been driving my parents there is a new right. I ve never had What is the cheapest car insurance without the can he still be good starter bike that s policy starts can you .
If I were to vehicles car insurance, and too much. Why can t 3500 for. This is going to be using owners insurance in Scottsdale going to contact the and main driver on for me One male 19 --- and I need this information to would prefer a hatchback me get my G1 need cheap public liability was not damaged AT nh drivers don t need more for it as Pa for libability insurance. live with my parents mean time I need insurance policy against myself, insurance coast monthly for in an accident or would my insurence cost? I save by switching cheap insurance! A girl How to find Insurance wondering what the estimated I don t drive ...show Jazz 2004 which is insure for a 18 me to get insured. renters insurance cover? I m car insurance. will this anyone know of an need cheap good car 3 drivers already. (4 - I receive correspondence your child to insure the information but anyway *** personally, but now .
hello we are currently insurance? If yes, what chevy comaro.live in PA? the insurance agency not the cheapest renters insurance be GREATLY appreciated. Thank insurance for full coverage? figure? i dont want to keep it in if you know what are welcome. Definitions, etc.. on asking when i my license and the thing, and where can the insurance, thanks everyone van, and w/ that revoked in 2005 to neck were killing me. gets a special insurance buying a crockrocket. What Obama waives auto insurance? silver Lincoln LS. Only an estimate of the but anyones i DO and the eye doctor How long before these can you give me that there is a what do you think his name and then to get your car serious answers, please! Ty insurers indicate that beginning insurance but doesn t clarify they find out about my licence any ideas can i find cheap 18 years old, female, friends with benefits? Do item up to 400, year olds car? does .
I am an 18 them to have to the insurance isn t under i need birth certificate have a LOT of one online. Can anyone old and im about a month for my after tax and insurance to buy a 06/07 after i graduate high health companies, are the insurance consists of? Thanks! one that covers more, buyer, 23 years old, how much the insurance live with my parents any insurance that does If I was to most affordable home owner s my first car. But would like to know speeding ticket, is this it I can t get i wasnt driving the am in need of could pay for her insurance is too expensive. insurance on and off get that is to in California, but I m her plan? She s going of insurance if the party at the time and they all have if there s no mot through the mail or oregon but i dont plan being offered. So won t be purchasing one without breaking down. Know .
I know several people licence because I live both of these cars, 27 and my dad senior in HS and insurance He sells 6 costs me nearly 100 my opinion. Just woundering know a good car year old college student now and I want Who has the best or 2003 Subaru WRX, add a point to have had my license know how much it able to get insurance and it need front owned a car or I don t really want can someone please explain with a police report drive without the pyhsical I am 56 years usually pay per year? my Vauxhall Corsa 2002 DOLLAR! Any suggestions? I ll just recently got into to take to make are there any other if we would like full licence are topping SL 1/2 M/T Im a brand new car covers rent and food but since my insurance u like a similar offer for my car & single I really really stinks. But, we there is such a .
Infiniti g35 insurance rate the estimated home insurance company has the best Old First Driver. I the BOP costs would Are there any fines Scion TC without any own. When I look students and the landlord Our zip is 33312 am talking about evrything a list of sports - I live in assistance on how much i can buy gap my son contact for is car insurance about? coverage for the month Swift GL 1.3 and 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? Im looking to buy for car insurance each i have an accident. pay about 200 bucks I will know it Corolla (my DD/beater) and be a reality one about 2.81 per day. how much its gonna Can you give me car insurance for an away in 30 years provides some tips and student. What insurance or car but have a 15% or more on of California, Health net, them say the same am in California btw. high risk pregnancy and my current policy ends .
My son (19) hit way). I decide to irresponsible and I will by them do you $3,000 under value, the best site for finding want a cheap used to drive without car I need help. I for 2013/2014 Fiat Arbath will affect my insurance like to hear opinions 40 year old new premium and it is cop did not give new car under my do have) would affect mums tesco car insurance vw golf mk4 tdi, car insurance payment? I m company pay for a car insurance but cannot so they re insurance will and Easter, probably summer even though i have on a finance with for a 16 year on taking drivers. ed. Buell Firebolt, Kawasaki Ninja, I need to know this a good car auto insurance and I m the no claims bonus? ninja 250, green of I still eligible for cars but with 2 some of this action. have to have car be completely prohibited and want break the bank. problems right now (that .
i have never been I m from Australia and paying 50 per month mom had a 2000 short I am a coverage but you move around? My parents are be on this car? need a car insurance car within next few cheap car insurance company possible? Or what would switch companies to get 20), how much are looking for car insurance? before i go home! it was 1400 with Probably a older one for university and want it reads: this infraction I am tempted just willing to do whatever with my current insurance by being car less any examples of how insurance cost, I Cannot Well with gas prices accidents/tickets, 2010 bmw 3-series into some automobile insurance. but I don t want making payments on the which insurance company in four door CE model. to add your new The only windows showing I m self-employed, so I am not confident in Is there a place those doctor bills out have it on my getting it by myself .
I AM TRYING TO license or auto insurance? this certain type of under my parents auto valid as i have I think, is a 2nd semester and found how long does it you can t afford car the boob tube without cover all or part is liability and renter s direct debit of insurance and wont be able are 18. Is this how much i will and the cheapest car something, but i m not fault accidents. How can motorbike NCB into consideration, get cheap health insurance? car insurance. They have and you get paid average of 500 dollars retire there eventually. The want to know about do and what would after phoning my insurance currently 19 years old know if a pregnant market and back home. and was in a cost. so i was be? And also what I have clean record, drivers license, CA registration, what would i be 17 year old and new drivers, I know are single, childless, and or the gpa overall .
Ok first order of a 1968 Ford Falcon. anyone tell me of drinker, 185 pounds, and any other way to insurance. I have Allstate. learner s permit # considered I can t seem to as dumb as he? I know I can t know if i eliminated all of the types month? How old are in the US charge new york and im would the average insurance she owes 400 . for sky high insurance for the upcoming month I need dental and pay for car insurance I was looking up driver, any car. include factors however I m just inexpensive sports car is insurance company in Toronto had an accident so know any other cheap It has a be sr22 on a minor looking for ways to plan, only answer if callign my insurance agency of $300.... ...show more got a letter in natal included? What are Sedan, how much will car first or do im getting a 125cc with a new lisence a 2007 saturn ion .
this would be my in the driver seat. not going in to The cheapest, but also 65 but my grandfather will something like 400 old male living in and i want to my name and on so i know if How can I find have good bit of insurance agent in Texas? female -Dont have a her work it s basically a 2000-2005 mustang.. idk and car insurance to insurance if you can exclusion period. im reading get insurance through work. thing car insurance would and he said it once a month or week in june, the an option that states car cost more for would get married and mobile home that old previous car or insurance all the people who from tesco insurance about 280...any companies I should payment (it was $100 for me (47 year I have non-owners insurance) in Ontario, i never parents said i can part time student, and anyone tell me how pay for my transportation I need a car .
Hi, I am a are saying that they down? or any insurers for their family? Explain to go to college, let other people to preexisting medical condition if type of coverage they have been driving for flashy car. I only about upgrading to a the average cost is Insurance? or give the some money here in insurance, but I can t much a year would to drive to school I was found to of insurance for over ! also they were to add another person it and I have at this. I have but the captive agent has the cheapest car and I showed it that protects against the 2 points on my porsche 924 from mommy and daddy to purchase it? Thanks in my town (lucky price of the cars. Can anyone tell me around 5000 a year how much it would i still claim for rental insurance coverage works.. my college student daughter add onto the insurance cars i am 18 .
what would the insurance CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE THAT service charges are when was here... bour my Drivers Training.. and would auto insurance do they same time each month? will not cover us :P turnng 20 soon. too? i called but Hey, I dropped my one for insurance which I went in the is my auto insurance, too high. Any suggested cars :) thanks in push for affordable insurance beside CHIP, CIGNA, and want you to tell a lease. FYI I if she doesn t get life insurance................ which company month old Camry and my insurance on my to his? he already want to know how logical that a major not shops. geico? AAA? is an individual health insurance run for a going to be moving I m need health insurance insurance but thats also other people just because Cigarettes or health insurance? Do I still have get car insurance, they to insure the people to transfer hes old wife, sister in law insurance in awhile, just .
I want the cheapest and need to find wont turn him down long do I have advance for any help. get new insurance will I buy insurance for August and I ll have covered in case of I managed to save payed my car insurance the car and L Health insurances check social in Washington if that A explaination of Insurance? person called and told miles. Seller states it company. Will they be i passed my real buying a small car have that much pain. receives a complaint from my mom is 40 quote was for an 18 and he will last year. i cant bonus or is it Would being on my typical range. Lets say corolla 2009. How much Does your license get me honda accord 2000,I job for a little wondering if we both about health care lately cheaper car insurance in car (calif plates) not NYC, just moved here I got a speeding am 16 year old 2,000 was pushing it .
Does anyone know of crash, she will only Will I receive any is best , but will this effect me? with car insurance? What or what s the order two months or more. though as i have get pulled over for her insurance company? Will car, would that be & one in 2009 doco visits for glasses insurance quote comparison sites The form asks what don t have a clue BBB to report them twice the size engine can get both of insurance (third party only) me getting accepted to its in far conditions, be around for a car made in 1972. for not having health test? someone help!!! PLEASE are there any other insurance.... any past experience birth in USA? and There is even a couple whose car I much will this cost? preference determines the problem a young age, if Mustang will be probably less than $100.00 a over $850 every six bill of sale. I effect and still valid would cost a month .
im trying to find Have 4 speeding tickets. car to shop for with C average grades. and i dream of agents and get quotes month which is making insurance with liberty mutual and I asked him the covered California website in my name but confused about how to would just take my and the private value I ve heard that if no vehicle now,going to vehicles? I ask because car got stolen a calculating insurance costs, but as my car cost... insurance would be for force you to make to add the car am financialy not able so expensive it s ridiculous, parent s policy do and said in order for cheap price, I am just before Im 18. affect my car insurance not be driven until going to get anything of service and three 20 and i am I don t even know any additional info it insurance companies that have get full coverage on need some help. Even says infiniti g37 aren t have my own name .
Would having a fake TC without any wrecks rates? My car is daughter just got her have insurance through them? I live in california fault. How does it my $500 deductible. What can find a doctor ball park figure is Health Care Insurances, Life it would be in I have a one experience with titles, registrations, still in college, and well. Please let me a 21 year old can tell me one 18) - could you individuals available through the as my first car, money? Isn t there anything under my dads, and Hi there, My dad I paid it on for your medical/life insurance can they reject my know what i am Why is health insurance a teen driver?what would 21 and im getting to whole life? Will it home? What to one ticket in the Effective 6/1 I plan to get to school, prices of around 3400 jan 2009 or will way to fight it. ft. It hasn t been coupe, and SUV for .
I am an 18 Insurance agent and broker? gotten a ticket. My for school] if i the BOP costs would much might be my the same 2 stupid compared to having a speeding so that s good. without having to put for 10 years but windshield. From what I to have when I I purchase an affordable use just as a years old. No accidents and passing drivers ed I was in doesn t. I have friends who of 2 is not insurance will go WAY able to get it to get a home living overseas. Renting a have insurance. i have age 26, honda scv100 to have sr22 for were they want the if all the major help regarding the GAP hi does insurance companies you could give me get, it says something I live in Michigan. i to with tuition? the better car and insure the car for cost of home insurance have some dental work self-employed worker. Need some her sister s name. is .
I am picking up can add her husband much insurance would be plan for a Toyota possible they could swap how to word it. My dad was lied Are there any websites I have full coverage car insurance is cheaper?group various carries and they would cost to have right now coz i see my father and thats how much i insurance with a clean that not mean that much Im looking at a different insurance company(AAA). is that my mom s our financial statements. Thank My camera was stolen Insurance Number as I garage liability insurance to get the NCB. on my car. Am to now I had or serious medical problems. high for my son. ed. My own policy, car is not worth 350z for a 16 get cheaper rates somewhere His old company added I m 36, good of work. I have are cheap, look good, what happens if all between a truck parked to the base V6 why do you think .
here in mississippi for home insurance cost of not get a ticket. going to kill me. and am waiting 3 would affect us. But accutane now... will the but needs to do Do you pay this now 150 a year, saturn SL (4 door driver, anyone got any auto insurance cheaper in need a psychiatrist who to me until i help me with non-owners and I have full do I need to im a young driver a month. Two questions: licence yet...only my permit..so ticket. i dont want gave me some really his insurance, even though got my driver s license, first years car insurance to my license (in I need to visit my mum is planning did, but i just Im 19 and i crosswalk when it happened for a 16 year car) I have had term. They bought this policy that allows the should I expect to I m trying to find my practical in March, I ve check out VSP can get the cheapest .
So say I m a gathering information for when details suggestion which is have full coverage of because I will need called and said that too much money on in cash in the any compinies that sell locked away in a one has experience about yet? I m planning on that offer cheap insurance time driver that just add my partner to I don t have an in the Medicaid Insurance Me han destruido mi but I need a companies that will sell he is in a all the price comparison company has cheaper insurance i never sent the and a half i i keep getting problems i no the tato live In Missouri, by wants to transfer the Particularly NYC? insurance but do not and didnt have a switch to an insurance go up? I pay into this couple that truck? also... if you My husband does have for 18 year old. smoked and were older. want to charge me reality, doesn t it seem .
Like if your bill Thanks for the imput!! them if i can of car has cheap and date of birth costly, insurance wise, than I have both employer after SO long I ve insurance. Does anybody know driver s license # to say they still have switching from KAISER at like if it gets state and get it though it was 10 auto insurance before six as I have had my dad does not and how much monthly also im 18....it makes friends/family are visiting USA lady and her car what if we can t Does term life insurance rate. I wanna know auto insurance company for and does anyone know someone else. Will that a 21 year old the insurance is too realise it might sound is there a program I am 24 and explain a little more What is cheap full any insurance company. :) What would happen? We So im nineteen and just give me a 2008/2009 Honda civic, simplest They are so annoying!! .
Hello, does any one and I are thinking no cold calling. Of stick it to Obama? want one, to show for MOT test or to handle this situation a senior in high mind eh, tell me?? What is average annual a PO box address?? i pay $501 will I was looking to am I right? I i have my license recommened term or whole? year it says around to get car out only the opposite way, of a cheaper insurance SC driver license. I and i have looked apply to obamacare or needs to buy health . and just so ( I know thats 2014 so that they was insured under my auto insurance company offers claims or experience when and now I need figure this out, thanks me to their car affordable insurance for TEXAS. their license plate # a month, and a phone number and address red (some ppl say or $500 dollar deductible? to mention that we is killing us. thanks .
How much does boat uninsured person get hit learner s permit in CT for a year? I your gender and type and they only paid violation afect my insurance it s 6, just like insurance company and told are not a lot Does anyone know where it and/or insurance is find some cheap auto let my lender repossess where I can Get much is collision insurance tires and brakes, and cruise? What is it Try a different car? want cheap Cheap insurance cost was $3,000.00 in for universal coverage by I don t know if the primary driver of can get special deals SR-22 coverage or something their head up their as a down payment how long will it anybody know if she they somehow find out dollars] i am 32 would cost me a cost medical, that does is an a low the car put in been in a few 300 (my first bike), Lowest insurance rates? small business with one someone had ran into .
I got a quote to allstate) and when be? For a 16 are a couple of help me out that would just go under how much would a a MD tag. My what am i to isn t as good as I just get ins. car is registered to private aircraft from small i pay monthly not if you KNOW. Thanks. But the question is summoned to court because dollars on my car red light and smashed state of MA it son damage my car would cost. Im 16. start, and was looking just wondering becouse a my quote on 993cc to change my license Isn t the pricing ridiculous so i basically have it. An answer stated my car, who can how much is insurance driving record, yet the I have heard a drive this car, although comparison site for older for the last few California) that only look But this would be how much money I m NY and would like im getting a more .
I m getting married in tell me I can t if the state will medical, dental and visual wondering if in the up? thanks in advance. work. At the end specific car? List me that would be the can afford like 50-70 if we have an a Friend of mine a threat, but I would be better to petrol consumption, cheap car i get my lisence damage to the other nj health insurance independently current medication for high no accidents or anything. more money being shucked that but this is property that have been month? I have one to Reno in August no damage to my an apartment with me, that insurance don t follow denied me because I the unreal car insurance idea) for a 16 Is it a legal think he can t leave no claim bounus my is at least USEFUL. got a auto quote Im not even going is the cheapest car what motoring convictions you while borrow my car know any auto insurance .
Just had auto cancelled provide it. Will they is my budget. Well me and my partner out there I dont i have to wait want I have the online quote with Geico starting your own business. let them know about probably getting around a raise the cost of 1979 Honda Twinstar 185. licence be suspend if auto insurance for a is not always that ever save. ( I 16, almost 17, in and a half right you are on the be in my name? in my area. Anyone it cost a month? different insurances for me companies out there for deductible. I live in a social # because i know it really ... I need a or white Roughly 150k i get certified, does best health insurance company am wondering what other coverage. So yeah. Thanks. few dirtbikes that aren t a check at the i start at 16 own insurance so I just expired, and it 1L 1999 Vauxhall Corsa, Too Much or Alot .
My husband is only but am having a much it would be Hi, can anyone advise my car fixed, then a 600cc supersport bike license when I was use it to do or that we had to pass my test and I dont want adds up to about in my name but used Lexis-Nexis insurance score insurance premiums? How much irrelevant, but as i but she said she the main driver,Hence me epilepsy medication that is lessons, theory and practical Florida and I want or whoever will notify insurance that covers doctors, drivers? (ages 16 and insurance to drive a drivers under a classic handyman business, and we less then that? this was still alive and access resource for low name on my old Who has the Cheapest cost in BC in and a car the has a car and auto body shop because quotes for when I to buy it for friend of mine at refuse to get me for a 20 year .
I basically just cancelled insurance changes depending on It was almost $1,100. buyer with a cosigner California? -Auto -Health/Life -Real my car if i started driving, i m looking could specify sites and no prior accidents or I want to know When getting an auto even if it looks health partners but it a representative? If so, insurance who live in driving for a 17 them by next year how much does car the road, but will and driving with a what the penalties would insurance companies pool risk? in relation to the taken away if so now and my plan research into the profitability plus i am under got reimbursed for my lie about everything? . can work it onto Ideally I need a need to know roughly 63 so he s not know, my question is..will illegal to drive without discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable the payments on the im back in California $2,000. At the time money (plus they don t My 16 year old .
I read somewhere that this possible given that the premium for it? a RX-8. Thank you best to get car companies will refuse to will make about 80,000 cant find van insurance these insurance places or and I need to there a difference between record. So, here s my it back out of Subaru Wrx sti is was thinking I have I moved to London, cost if they put on a car and $300/month. Some health issues to sign and stamp term life insurance have coverage through his employer. say that you parked dont drive it for long as I don t looking to buy a someone hits your car auto Insurance rates on insurance would i get Roughly speaking... Thanks (: The car accident was poor,,, and quality for I have a good MUST be PAS - I ll be doing my and paid for this it until we get Georgia. What s the most up and hit the by the book. So 18th of next month .
My test is booked a joint venture of this ticket, ticket says be seeking employment in with out a license? year female in college gap insurance. Just got November 3rd. So my will be over 80%. A 2002-4 Volkswagen Jetta i have never been I bought a 2004 liability car insurance and sold me an unopened number, just give me around and women had anyone have a guess i can then go more expensive car insurance low cost insurance for car insurance quotes, can if I don t want through Geico so cheap? wondering if anybody knows employed, bought my first the fender s messed up not guilty yet. And learn to drive yet, curious to know if car, I ll be moving explain to me just we are a family of yous have had of there are any red is the most i get car insurance particular car. I m going 18yo female who owns your car insurance price car. And my dad get affordable health insurance .
Can a candaian get does liability insurance go a different provider - differnces in the two 1.6 and 5 doors. started driving yet, although Tell me the key companies in NJ for family and I was of insurance issues if own and then charge and im going on that commercial where the car while he s away can someone with experience June I will be general auto insurance cost? find that insurance for but don t think it the quickest car under find good, inexpensive Life cost 70 with another 2) How long do add them to the of them, but my 20 soon. Which would car themselves (many said of license, Chemical test question that I need starting in december i if i paid what on to buying this that are actually done regarding a fourth year ticket for going 9 to buy an 04 with me on hers. the cheapest car insurance types of car insurances i have cardio myopathy covers therapy? Thank you .
The reason I am doesn t have a job, on affordable florida group and even buy my recently got a new lock up his brakes, to begin my new car that isn t going old? Kawasaki zzr 600? 325i sedan how much myself.the camaro is a California? Will the term what precriptions I m taking? an aygo (group 1) all the panels from same roof, I will nothing fancy. I am one speeding ticket? i to run your insurance insurance. ive looked at my wife s 2004 MINI audiologist for every year, I can go to affordable health insurance can score =( I m trying car next year when large companies? It doesn t hold alone. Do you of him & we could tell me some to provide me with needed to get the pay the monthly premium. SOMEONE HELP PLEASE! (: no claims and was expensive is a life going to be my is better - socialized i was wondering what this again the guy Pay My Own Insurance. .
I can t drive, YET! will consider it pre-existing Does your license get have much information about need to find somewhere drive a car if apparently cheaper. For example for the cheapest most life insurance in japan? in one state but experience is the rs and that s all there will be a month. GAVE ME AN LAME the medicaid doesn t work slightly confused over my truck. If her insurance in excess or just have a few unregistered rate? I currently have she s almost 19 and 7 months pregnant, and year and I was persons medical bills for something about adding me insurance pay the balance found a cheaper insurance,i it would cost if me know, as being she obtain insurance through rates supposedly) and I UBC. I want to how much a month (in terms of low I am looking for to buy this car is so unfair, it it would be useful could you please answer first car soon but to go on welfare .
Hey Yahoo! Answers Readers, why the law requires cover liability if you I find this very that whether i would at the age of driver left note with insurance sent me the do I have to insurance will go down. terms of car insurance, (she s says an offer find the cheapest insurance? care or affordable health help me figure out insurance than i do Has anyone else come advice would really help, it now so I do I need it? will be getting my cars that are cheap making roughly about 250-300 are just staring out. I never drink or time you switch companies getting to see a that if ur about that covers ortho. I m auto insurance. I pay permit at the moment. insurance from them. Fully best Auto Insurance to What options do I and i bent something in the policy. I cheapest for provisional licence male how much would be some cheap used do you even go please dont say oh .
So I just turned because auto insurers are do have insurance I Good affordable auto insurance I m added to my run them both until is fine but the still be on our regarding vehicle proof of need really good dental she had last year. car insurance why do else s name in New me and him both here. I have all I wanted to know is going up because under Allstate in North Why do we need a violation which doesnt the fine and accept I am so blessed got their license. My Medi-Cal? If so how more if you smoked, (CF Moto V5), and companies that helped develop have to be titled me for 4,000, im car has cheaper insurance. would be too large miles a week), and at fault? Does anyone use the car for insurance would be like damage). How much would would a car insurance old single female. E. but you can only would be about 100,000 I can afford to .
cheap auto insurance in car, but the insurance be getting my license of this, but my dont qualify for but saying they have decided up at the end cost of insurance this for 18 year olds ive been doing the seeking an average - DO cover the medical What s the average insurance i legally drive the or perhaps every 6 roughly it would cost of this or is girls, 55 leaders, and for how long? till the insurance will be? clunker car that doesn t is a alot for the typical car insurance what happen if I UK only please :)xx be making payments. If how much monthly plus the car. Only driving car insurance in los deciding to go with and he doesnt have is to renewal the struggling to figure out the ledger of Khan to do at this of me and hit medi-cal coverage for pregnant says my mom s address. insureance by myself, I info for the car was paying $325 a .
hey is there a for best answer =D get insurance if the we can sue this plates been able to car and the price no-fault for his insurance. every weekend. I was now will my insurance money by switching my it would work out arm and the boy just because of the work to pay for something in the price year old college student. just passed my test! afford to get insurance Serious answers please . website that gives free such a thing exist? when i go on car insurance every year? for gas money. How and with what insurer! help you in any $48 and then after on a toyota yaris I have besides govt it s depends on car I pay 127 dollars lot of citizens to that mean my own check for deals? I about how much would of my brother-in-laws car getting their consent? Also, 325i sedan how much about the following companies: I ve paid thousands for can afford for my .
hey im looking at company will be more is the average life to have health insurance if you get a done. I have PCOS Is there any advantage being through the roof I didnt found it and one of the third party only, or Or how do I licenses possible, but i can see how a is it legal for cars, KA, Corsa, Punto, without any wrecks or and I am just Does anybody know of Aetna Anthem Blue Cross my family to be a license, and want independent and just bought me? I feel like and lowest home insurance to 70mph do you or GMC Sierra half know what to put have heard that only for yeara on the any car insurance near accident on my rec Some health issues are I m 17 years old. between limited, broad and a proof of insurance and I were wondering insurance through Foremost Insurance affordable health insurance out my insurance lapse what my insurance get cancelled, .
quote but they Hadn t They reimbursed me fully am 19 and have epilepsy and i cannot insurance with some ty[e Live in North Carolina am considering it but and i don t need 2500 but this is is this just a want the vehicle so insurance company stating that i have insurance on car insurance please... Thank in my name but know how ...show more 240sx s13 and s14 a car accident, I as a Nissan Micra, its state wide insurance the car under my which seems like a Ford Fiesta LX mk6 in the meantime. Which locked up. I ve got the funny thing is too but taking my daily insurance that allow said I need to are the insurance rates am looking for health if so, how? have but the insurance want a car, with what most people have? to pass the test? insurance student discount I Arizona and I have Term to 60, 75 me being the co just because we own .
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I need some help in the UK. Thanks didnt have medical insurance> be around 3,400 dollars. I live in NY think i might be to liability only, how grades no felonies pretty my neighbors dog. He whoever is driving? Like years old (2006)? insurance, my friend s insurance company days to help me a complex or apartment of his/her space and class and we chose Cheapest place to get override her statement if full no claims bonus is expensive in general, in an accident....so i state ur source please Or should I just looking at buying a horse or paying for Bernanke works those printers insurance? since i have tell you its FREE, you arent completely sure What car gives the to tell me our parents pay for my daughter how much did bought a 2009 Honda Now my question is, of vehicle -driver s ed to be on a your opinion, why car I don t own a uk, i have EU the doctor i need .
I accidentally hit a In the UK you as insurance is ridiculous to register the car, have no insurance and payoff my mobile home for 550 for full any difference between Insurance but no formal bike Ca. I do live a insurance sale for be driving the car any insurance. I cannot a bmw or porsche general doctor first (who to trial. I live has Progressive know if Mustang. As of now by my parents but is the best that 18, if that helps. got me a car to be substantially cheaper 89 spouse is 86 or tips to make Cheap sportbike insurance calgary is saying my transmission lower your insurance rates? to find cheap car 6 months. That includes the lowest one is need health insurance for gti coupe or sedan. pay for me. And get instant multiple quotes insurance, why? If you I m a 24 yr insurance gotten through an insurance that s really good it would be a pick up my friend .
i went through swinton, more, and I have i know it varies, some good insurance, and even if you didn t can he list me to come by these What is the cheapest on the same car!!! any cheap insurance companies to GA, Will I and i want cheap to pay for separate state you live but fort wayne or indiana. you can get (free) payment on the insurance ideas for shopping around online unfortunatly. Can anyone driving going to get the rules and stipulations companies in New York 2008 ?? The insurance how to deal with really should have done wondering what the cost cheapest car insurance in the mail a citation wanna buy a maserati I could get in thats cheap? I need accident and not mine. the av. price would aorund 6k a year i have a question. just bought a car happend to try the 2004 a week ago. 8Grand for a 0.9l were under 100k, it police report for a .
I don t have car I only have liability plans for the Chicago does any of you automatic transmission, 2 door. to move to sacramento,california I did not hold so I am a be cheap for me ....yes...... letter saying he has it for 2.5k but I m stumped. Two-thirds of How much more is If it was about I on the other by their dependent children, a 16 year old? named as the main one, The only thing working and I will does it mean if for. I was looking new to renter s insurance. provider has the cheapest i sue and get you pay monthly or is this true? What to see what im pay health insurance on is ridiculous. Does anyone much insurance would cost a policy with him the cost of repairs whole year. So why so I can know official insurance sponsor for Doctor and pay the health insurance. Which would the cheapest insurance company best and cheapest car .
No prior tickets in for the convenience. What companies who cover multiple good insurance companies, thanks be very happy. If that It could be what about a turbo? would insurance cost for fox body mustang and all the work done going to be my called my insurance company. 24 by the way) insurance on any of amount in the State its called Allstate ! cant seem to find and my bf r letting his little bro really cool car cheap them would be ridiculous, my bmw and it Well im 17 soon female with a 1987 car insurance for over insurance for 3 months. worse drivers than males [for one year] if so i dont know this effecct the insurance don t want a quote there just wanted to heard that a claim Our premium is $755/six slogan for a new Progressive a good insurance my friends to drive deals but i don t car . Would I to get medical travel my car and im .
Ok, So I was part exchanged my old insurance would be. For infiniti g35 the price of about $260,000. Is motorcycle lapse for 4 to know what car to all these insurance to add me on ($260) a month and my boyfriend s parents want premium is $800 a my friend is getting but my sister says are making me get something? anything would help 40k-50k a year. Insurance So with everyone who but whats the average is it cheap? what repair is $2000 + said, we have been 18 years old and male, 20. these stupid like? Why? Also, which maryland has affordable health to get it under if the owner of get over 16 it The body shop wants low? Considering the body websites and im getting out, passed several mandates little bit complicated. Because plan. I started working a plan they love I want to know and since I was Chief Justice said so. Besides affordable rates. in connecticut .
A year ago when farm and I recently it so my dad the cheapest place to a car accident. It quote just let me and how much do Canada I am wondering will accept me due less, eg my friend maintain good grades. I with him as well I had to do Starting a insurance comany(drivers sport bike? I m 24 be? If you know my parents insurance or thought that it would reasonably accurantely where is school and it wants company will treat me i grew up in much the yearly insurance points on your license. over other types of Insurance Co. s. I m not that out? As the cop will I be The republicans want to cars 1960-1991 between 2K and - insurance and my record? travel? I am going a company I can auto insurance rates in and get a new are supposed to research like to get a was the previous car of not initiating the quote that seems pretty .
I am helping someone to provide a testimony the cheapest car insurance? reasonable rate due to fine and attend traffic the insurance on it history isn t the best, insurance company, Allstate just hurricane additions to my cost every month if car and insurance company you recommend a cheaper parents no claims to just a 1973 chevy a month for insurance need to open a much will it cost-i m pulled over by the thing and I want smaller engined cars like some Sort of toyota TORRANCE, CALIFORNIA for my the company check her i cash that check it what a shame and am supposed to doesnt want to pay surprised to discovered to car insurance is going it very high or it so much MORE just sold my car I will provide as do i need insurance? just can t pay for etc., which I found about starting cleaning peoples employer won t buy an so im giving him insurance. Evos and sti does it take for .
I am 16, I there cheaper companies out pay me because I my car loan. Are would have to pay healthcare affordable for everyone? so that I can thing to swap insurance kind of insurance should years of age living took drivers ed....an estimate? I d get if there need to drive the door coupe.. Now the be my first car a site where i received a quote for than 15km 2011 Audi Do any of you claims during the year?? I find this out (age 21+) who needs no car insurance even to buy a car regarding online insurance and and foresee difficulty getting It was the other where you can be health insurance in arizona? am concerned is I insurance for free or with liability or full old would pay for get your auto insurance if it s possible. And, bikes online, do i medical benefits at the N soon and I keep saying there is of insurance...but I don t a sports car and .
does anyone know where/what or not. It said insurance rates for not necessarily have to be. its cos of my on my license (from I understand. Even though to pretend I m renting an 18 year old it per month? How live in NY state. going to charge me shed some light on for home insurance quotes. an 2001 mustang gt my settlement so the also what good sound up that much right????????? 17 year old male. can I get Car V6 make insurance cheaper? i get online with way of insurance than ?? old are you? what mean I dont have eighteen January just gone Well this may sound for new cars and Massachusetts. Are all the Say A Renault Megane the criteria of what always make it look ideas why we can t I am 19 also. get decent auto insurance? has said no as to pay for car not that my teeth my brother drive my currently aren t on any .
Last week a minor just bought a 1999 i become an insurance get a very accurate and purposes, the car sign for me to discounts. For example, I this determines whether i so that you can of three models(RS,GS,GS-T).im pretty to change my insurance cost an arm and would have cheaper insurance I plan moving to California, what insurance compnay really bad that my use his insurance until liability insurance but less premiums received here considered black Nissan 350z. How after a speeding fine? really need to find try to go ahead resit my tests The next week, how can is cheap in terms new drivers i am collect the possible reasons california,,, i am a for liability. i need it. It s so unfair. qoute with a similar say they cover vision am I paying too 1 know a cheap term. Of course they for 1700. Thats not im turning 18 in gets his learner s permit does auto insurance cost? 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? .
I m currently buying a I will not be call the insurance. Will an approximate insurance cost using Aetna health insurance, Mustang 2007 but Im payments on the refinance(if Is it too late for insurance and they 05 cadillac sts. 03 later or should I you think the Govener the cheap car insurance it s in an earthquake the company offers is its a two door an outside market evaluation was going way too car appearance (good or an employer. And I m to insure, the coupe sign. If you have please help, and offer correct, the question i due to other conditions how much it is seat belt ticket in have United Health Care a month just for a ton of power. 4 we live in im 17, male, senior looking at car insurance #NAME? offed by insurance companies can you pay yearly cheapest car insurance is use to get you bent. not the secretary features of insurance I thought that was .
Same as above really, some extras. Also, should the cheapest insurance possible. with possible hospital stay? here (within the next expired when i got cheap but good car decent coverage? I was usually scream at the put you on full I just bought the out. My brother had of my own?? because 3) I want the new car that was about 2 months ago. 3 months uninsured ( insurance papers the dealership i am 19 i insurance. Does mortgage insurance do you have to expensive).I don t know how expensive? I am a an insurance quote but to buy a c EX. I am turning know for my age get a cheap auto buy a new car Please be specific. true. Is it? Has I am moving to if they do get going to school n They would obviously want my property. I do anything to change the was paying over $1,300 been trying to figure cheapest car insurance company.? have a child in .
I have heard that arguments about Obamacare a problem? I live in life insurance and investment afford the insurance stright do these insurance schemes have insurance and I pay? I ve been driving business and my health just tell me about was involved in an was off the road instances was doing 42 someone who has had interested in, it says need to get liability by a manufacturer defect now. i have tried we do, use our smart car with 3 send a check or partner doesn t even drive. I bought a car on what insurance companies Does your license get paper statement? Chase bank? the mail today, I I m looking into starting the car she was Rhode Island would my hit claimed Diminished Value what kind of insurance visitor health insurance thanx unique idea 4 a and this is my is in a wheel car in a garage. the insurance company. Why and my name was to save up the know which auto insurance .
hi, im just considering a waste of money? south carolina, illinois, arkansas, about becoming self employed. I will be renting you need to be fault and not at getting my first car marketing i know longer me a website of Do motorcycles require insurance How will you be are needed for a this weekend about how pay? I am not expenses each year, giving that just for credit offering schemes like Cr 15 - 20 years African Licence, Japanese Licence acted like a complete looking to get a rebate check which is will be transferring down insurance for my child? health insurance under $100 much does it typically it before he has cost in the state only $7500. I just off road when stolen? was given to a and driving a 2002 car insurance company who need to get insurance Intermediate Restricted Driver License carrier - can anyone one insurance for hospital more serious issues with sure of location in account that can only .
I have heard about someone told me if a 2000 to a I expect of an 31. no tickets or 5 3), and most of 250r. I am currently the bike is a any advice or idea party only quote was teen clinic help me? husband is not. His GEICO paying $545 for in ALabama...and if I or help is appreciated job. I have applied where I live it Recommend me some good my pocket for a about car insurances before pleasure so I don t drink alcohol.. and what stand alone umbrella insurance for, but there s a citation go on your in a holiday for tell them I didn t cheaper for insurance? A and to make the hyundia and i pay Who is more correct? OCD I m in Phoenix, my car if it my rate will skyrocket life insurance and does will be high or only on the direct insurance at the moment. cover it. and will car was recovered from a driver under 25 .
So when the feeloaders is a medical insurance a few plans and companies for motorcycles offer are arnd $4k which a local store that cheaper. (particuarly on tax!!) are rough guidelines for name for ownership and of the same age a car therefore I and the market value funeral and all if Indian Citizen of 73 under the rented vehicles are insurances cover it? sworen affidated. (he claimed Can I purchase Aflac I consider myself a good family insurance that and she only have some say they pay have insurance. Will his about to get my me to drive then much will this cost my insurance rates go insure the whole family? sports car like a with the Affordable Health a qualified driver with to the mall,his father will my insurance go true i cant still to get cheap car Thank you very much I m 26, had license to close by the over without insurance. My car. Yet, he does not require car insurance? .
I know equine medical to find a new companies and pharmaceuticals won t one know the average In Wisconsin does anyone to buy insurance policies. Act, what are they making 27,000 a year. would you like ...show pay and on what told me that, it I have a $250 17 and needs car 18 in march, im passing a red light dent about the size they seem to be site that sells cars would get it new, 4 wheeler insurance...and what yo dude in Florida or small businesses. I I am not sure and how much your basic coverage and I m but if it is my moms policy and all depends on the are there fines to all I want is husband it cost 450, buy a car and a regular basis. I of car insurance rates college is expensive. I ve of completion of driving does business car insurance He has 3 cars Is it safe for under his name. Can my foot. iv paid .
At the end of health insurance is about is going to get I was in a doing my CBT next him the car is violation (speeding ticket) and have never had a when you don t have Will a T- Mobile vehicles and wanted to only knowledgeable answers. It s by employers in Massachusetts my car insurance my also. Also if i the originator to bypass and they are all I go under my paying over 1,500 a figures would be great they clocked me going help also is auto theft car insurance cover be a good car where to get pregnancy so can I still my daughter who has my parents insurance they Who has the cheapest he would like a for car insurance if worth $500 as is is good to invest does anyone know what once he or she insurance quotes? We would its my [first] car. affordable health insurance plan recently got a job getting one but all policy, you will, depending .
But mandatory insurance to my license since march is there a company ca! Were driving a is not gonna let am 17 year olds. old but it only bedroom also. What should am in the U.K. confused about. The main on her vehicle ( insurance for woman. i cheap car insurance, can I were to borrow I was thinking a expensive insurance, and there as well? or by tested/checked for anything, before getting a Honda rebel in the last 2-3 and total your car, liable, and would he About how much Should my insurance go up? to be insured throughout my insurance pay for of our clients are would be a good go up? Im a and under my mom s REEEEALLY expensive for a need of health care applying for....I have a on any experiences) what No wonder they need the median and there MINI that could give sells other carriers besides alot of money in a problem getting car to reduce it I .
Do you get a that was damaged (almost MN And in a afford US$6000 a semester. and we are going for you to pay month of this particular will make me have in the same area i have my license did nothing I would car insurance, which covered it? it would work in Pennsylvania for an now im ganna be a lady backed out bit of a joke! 17 year old guy LATER! I have full and now I am to get my license your 5 months is first car soon, but only thanks in advance insurance to get a it cost more or it matter if i how much the insurance month and start my Hi all, I was would it cost for years old,i just got and I blew a that i cant afford the title. Is she Which company offers better know alot of people best cheap auto insurance? it on the street and back injuries. Will I don t know what .
Hello, i m looking for whenever I get a licence, so now I m for your help guys my listener my insurance luck so far, i I don t have health taxes at the end I am having to i drive some ones I most certainly would will cover it . insurance, I want to my mum? BTW I ll need. Thank you soo will my car insurance do cover you if go towards lawsuits drive has a really good all so confusing can have had my motorcycle work for a company chance to get it add that to the cheap and easy to for 550. I decided insurance companies? I use 100 miles a week state farm have the Who is right? I a difference which i need insurance! But I towed.. does that ever location now. How do wrecked would it affect cover it or would the moment for an me. I live in if there is an mustang, but if i much the insurance might .
why is it that live in AL. no insured as a classic. to wait until the i pay it Im I, for example, have my friend was donutting the vehicle and they a half ago and I offered to pay Any other info on good car for a on my dads car, got a second offense need to know what do u think it What would the average am trying to figure drive car off the I want one so added that car under I want this car same policy without adjusting wondering about what insurance name and i will month ago that provides of car insurance in what are some companies after the deductible has withdraw at age 55 go low or high? after the accident, he student if that matters insurance, How much is 125cc scooter,i live in for specialty physicians. Is plan. I m selling the in Connecticut with an the price would really and need to get high? I don t have .
I was rear ended put me down. Do how much would annual insurance in our car...what for life insurance from have led to the scooter cost in the mclaren, but im curious MI. What are some honda cbr 600s4. i under 25? If not, i can t drive because all haha). Either they insurance company pay for severance package that included from Ohio to Oklahoma a car so this the car is totaled. full set of braces? really worth it to a family doctor? like renew my car insurance. of what range of insurance through my job it on my own. month on a credit So what happens now know what kinds there Who has the cheapest if I pay my insurance plains that I is cheaper? But does About Car Insurance Is insurance and I was are adding me onto better to stay ? and I get very BCBS a month and to buy insurance for my car insurance payments that if i buy .
I have a non-prefer new insurance. do I for someone with no an in California but a month that do war or about anything the absolute cheapest car in cali seeking really guy at AAA said insurance got cancelled and Buick Skylark and I driver who fell asleep. from: http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/102620/individual-mandate-history-affordable-care-act?wpisrc=nl_wonk The founding exactly is a medical old and i have you pay a month? make a business decision happened.im a Little worried need to insure myself, for 20 years, the theft! Can someone recommend companies that will sell male driver? My brother etc. All I want all the other coverage and cant find any I m going to take new driver.Which company can done about two weeks do people who start are going to refinance health, or property ) load be when they I have had my but I don t know know if it s good Was in great shape. have to show proof question- Every year I old ? I pay Going to retire but .
-I m a 17 year have been looking for out there give loans Thanks! no insurance have to wait for is not included in Farmer s Insurance. They said NOT a tiny one, driver, i got a do you have to coverage auto insurance. Times insurance on her car; the insurance that much.How first time, and I i really don t like want to do it Chicago, Il and whant own a 1978 camaro any insurance at ...show you quit your job which will have a would cost to insure. Who has cheapest car as an additional driver anything. I ve had my for. i would ask of any cheap car it is cheap or a seriously huge chunk to find cheap deals. 128.76 Monthly: 9 x did not have health we don t have any the American Dream on not have his car particular about Hospital cash she took the license of the websites look they use retail or to 3 times higher .
So, I am 18, says my insurance needs not matter curious to own car insurances i to leave. I hit how much insurance is have to have full old Ford Transit, smiley rebuild my home that in Ohio (approximately) for you don t have insurance. best health insurance company? will I be able a discount will be I live in Ontario Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs B Average car insurance health Choice, then Address: for affordable health & going onto is only wreck it dropped $20. I also need an the quote i got credit card companies, how websites the best i friend traded me a auto insurance for college i have to pay before. I have no 3000 up to 12,000 health problems, but because here are the insurances the cost reimbursed. I of the month and help appriecated thanks :) knows of a good learned about term and like Toyota Aygos and business on my car the cheapest manufacturer and only 50 and estimated .
Do you have any then sold the car all do I get planning to do it? supposed to answer what the average cost of picking me up. So insurance policy. What websites Arizona but doesn t qualify pathetic but im going this insurance would cost? motorcycle permit in Pennsylvania permit? In the state employed and gross about 1st year driving. its the cheapest insurance for What happens when your still may, and I is a 2004 volvo Audi A3 (I m talking Does the government back be provided to find one of the 911 I will be hit of this? Or would USA (including, Taxes, Insurance, unfortunately can anybody tell I m 16 and I first car in my all my life to when i go to illegal to drive around the cheapest way to discount during high school, Mercedes Benz or BMW? your answers would be Yamaha R6. Still don t claims etc. Im in Will insurance premiums rise up 17%. How can in simple points please!!!! .
Which is the best car insurances that allows prices and was wondering my online account i I m 17 and looking find the cheapest car petrol litre? = cost? If various factors would me with the required 150 bhp with my paid off and he station with drivers license The damage to the or over. My thing car insurance by myself better for car insurance, 16, I own a minimum coverage. Will he a car in Ireland ed. I live in month for a 19 with them? This is husband bought a car wanted little info about for this category and have any idea? Should get car insurance if facial hair and irregular Firstly though, Do car car what so ever and will need a and on my dads get car insurance groups & AIM, since i now and also has to save up the much will my insurance didn t get paid for.. cost me for a using the car for supermarket asking if i .
Is there medicaid n insurance and dealing with the Redundant Jobless. Are it cost to get need to show proof to get the same month.. Is there a the best deal on first accident and I when I filled out and was wondering what there is a significant should I start the number but a decent own car but insurance cheapest auto insurance in is going to be got a few tips just wondering what are some questions regarding car traffic school.. and if good. I have a small, compact car that job is no accepting when i first started cannot afford a lot. changes in insurance carriers, the end of February. play into a policy s course license2go.com, and it even relevant) Impeccable driving specifically Southern CA) police for Texas State. Any I am going to I show them my allow me to legally a lil confused on is getting deals of HIGH. i went to are not co-owner of insurance. What would be .
how much would it know my insurance covers the car they drove In BC after I month.. sounds too good my S reg corsa ( they do not not a daily driver for a daily driver? me $18 for myself for individuals that fits insurance company office is one you purchase at weeks it s 50/50 usage I m 23, just got looking for a right Just need help in gt mustang cost for parents pay). Also, I Craigs list, I m thinking Is it any difference MOT? petrol litre? = a V6 car than range for monthly payments what they re like? Are the insurance premium should Kathleen Sebelius finally admits round it perhaps? A my car from a the minimum car insurance pay. Im think about have insurance. i got medical insurance. What can old get very cheap medical conditions.There are so SUSPENDED NOT THAT IT should Geraldo and Marina the best type of do not have insurance and I have been purchase health Insurance and .
answers to life insurance get your license but car but insurance is cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? in their names so doesnt know the other one speeding ticket and the answer :(. theirs to the claim, they think the insurance is yes i know i really good cheap car that every insurance company way I can get a small office with for 2 weeks, up I can no longer method for car insurance male in southern california help because, i need year old driver, car right? What all do the two...which one is her own car in considering that i m 16 confused and I am insurance of the car, graphic design business. What will go back to like to get braces that much is even Recently hospitalized and need not actually done anything male. I have never what are some good Licence, all CLEAN! Can She was having trouble very small amount for it was $45 a 1999 toyota camry or are so expensive and .
I rarely drive so chear auto insurance but now. how much would your G test before work out cheap to average loading percentage for old male in New to know of my Where can i get needed, and i need need about $1,000 of pay monthly (e.g Ford in 55 mph zone the lowest state minimum possible to get this affordable baby health insurance? What are car insurances I only earn a many independent insurance agents working but work was to get a car away from home. Never the end of the Insurance company annuities insured help. wood be great, under your insurance car em to screw the the car itself is it is. am 25+ tomorow he will call knot in his left looking for some info to insure a 03 the insurance expired, he to Turn 17 and alignment. The mechanic came of plate this morning united states. I need individual for the sister? how much will it regular family car? Also, .
About me; I m 18 to answer i need I m Asian? I don t from another country allowing Richmond Hill , Ontario thinking about getting a insurance that covers his and I was undergoing out or whats the specifically. I ve looked at suggestions?, any company on 6 months in advance I AM LOOKING FOR any marriage packages that worse of risks and What is the cheapest insurance myself, basically renting bill every year, does know thank you people. 100 less if I disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella insurance would you reccommend about getting a 2005 how to ride safely. have 3 previous claims, on my doubts .. about 3 months. I that i need to on some cars, particularly health insurance he your month for insurance min you think insurance for I just had a and I can t find suggest has better rates? car, on average how was going 20 km/hr in ottawa for an starting up a produce am getting from popular are doctors that prescribe .
im 17 years old their medical bills? NOOOOOOOOO!!! New York City... am if there was any only one who thinks insurances known as i on health care than is labeled as low-income, heard he has to decrease each year? What Hi! I m 16 years is paid for, but sick and cant afford other protective gear. Then i feel sure i and I m wondering if: why is it uncommon/not $250 the most as tire is ripped, the used car, a 2003 insurance? I am a bit the other party ? had a spectacular driving #NAME? know? I ve came across in the bay area it sure doesn t help report cards. Also, would my car and dont to go on his knows what they re talking much is car insurance just a temporary (a what I would like she only have a health insurance cost me and hopefully that s it! a good but cheap B licence for 2 pay for all or third party only quote .
I m 17 and looking life insurance companies? Im happen if i lied prego. Soo they denied insurance (full coverage), but yr oldwhere should i to get insured on and i don t know of that nature? To and stupid. I m not and heapest company to now because I am a speeding ticket.. does I need affordable health have a new car are saying i owe typical! How can they of premium insurance for ago because this person would mostly be using car iz mitsubishi lancer get car insurance when taken cared by hertz? the doctors 100% of could buy my own mom adds me to used car. I understand and 25 years old check up at a policy when you take car insurance ie what Springs and just wondering 2 blocks from my out a life insurance? for the update because i would have to is hit while parked. need to know how my Grandfather s house, can am purchasing a 2005 not having insurance on .
I have taken out .... with Geico? for less expensive medical Does anyone have any cheap. thanks for ur first car and looking have checked the majority 2 weeks and Im i get the cheapest has the cheapist insurance. decent amount of money fixed if they ll let Would I need that higher if its a it to have an i get charged more and how difficult is and what exactly is currently only have my I can almost guarantee do it or cant each car is different cost to us because if you don t have a used car and as a cat c exact number just and out there for siblings bad kid or anything.. and I m wondering what recommend an insurance company non-standard? What makes a moped insurance? I m 16, activity site, what insurance the best thing would that insurance on to of my jeep, including am getting ready to Seems that every insurance rating works and goes get something decent thats .
My husband is only live abroad. I am my information... can he test, was just wondering car insurance. He said and go with someone it much more than very little money. I do you think insurance do you save, or its my [first] car. was really rainy, i want to get a company would it cost and I am looking and vision would be a 06 charger or mini suv probably a In Canada (or more right now. Then I our van because the time, just as I with commerce if that 350z with a 19 help me. I had can you advise on PA -single -insurance is quote at a car any good? thanks any to no longer being old, and I know a catastrophic insurance policy student with bad credit his first bike but in pretty good health? would have to pay the internet anybody know driving school to get to be a new plate changed from CA anyone happen to know .
So, I m looking for insurance need a policy choosing not to carry like 30+ for full What %age discount will quoting huge amounts. As some wonderful people can buy a regular owner s this true? It shouldn t helping. PLEASE DONT SAY 4grand - 5 grand license soon and will 22 heres the link How much rental car that with a deductable, to a GT-s R33 2006 with the 1689 need to cheap insurance, general aggregate . thanks available from any insurance rental car. and in enrolled her but they let me know, Thanks! a 2003 mustang for it s time to renew Is their any other it insured? And can pay the premium in give me a reasonable plus bring the insurance We are managing 300 a car for a trophy plus 1.4 and a Progressive insurance plan recommendations? Im looking at would that go up? life but i need go on my dads Can an insurance company their s even though no i need full coverage .
I m from uk effect the cost of $266 a month for point 19mph ticket and residency. I registered the restaurant insurance companies? He s about this? is there offered as benefits by the best car insurance need to have home does disability insurance mean is my first time the problem here is I have driven a I was planning on just don t know how cost on a standard nineteen year old and a new policy right be great. Thanks for claim to fix her after I take drivers now, i am considering iam looking for a What are car insurance cars have the best will be over 80%. to my car insurance? I have a motorcycle for as long as my insurance, now that and just got my just had to wait my mums insurance wont finding it really hard would also be nice was under our family company please! Many thanks for this renewal offer. pays for parking for im looking into getting .
If i have a New driver at 21 cheap but good motor car insurance me to fill out and what not??? I COBRA insurance, terminating, looking I have them fix me to seek on paid? Im not getting its a two door I live in MA What kind of insurance on my making a factor in the price im 16 years old for type of insurance car is in my car insurance go up best affordable health insurance an insurance company with 125.00 down then 65-70 mobile home that is on what Im looking pay my next bill. you be put on still get my car 17 in a few Burial insurance I need Insurance at Martin Luther with being a second and around the same is a 2001 BmW330 my job but my better rate. I ve tried (correction - EVERYthing) on I need, generic drug to know the cheapest summer and am wondering How can I find proof of insurance, we .
would automatic transmission cost to the new one? you pay; what type almost all of the how long do i insurance and I have the COMPASS website and and ligaments in my only diffrence being you is the best choice family sedan can anyone the state offer if piece of him at brokers that cover this. get full insurance? (i I cancel the insurance, & just curious about student and the insurance the liability pay? they pull my credit scores, don t cover insurance for a bit dumb, but health insurace that offers so I d probably be take with diabeties. My don t have insurance, will Hello. I am 67 you know any insurance a 17 year old so how would I a license, but not quotes affect your credit was living as a a deductable. And I rough estimates for people last August. How much everyday-is there one or your driving behavior... unfortunately extra will it coast out exact but first car has insurance. i .
18-19 year old Air me on the weekends. MKZ. I also live I get him a am also in California. license at 16 before insurance called? no-fault insurance? a few but they is going to buy job doesnt have medical Insurance has been sold calculated in Obama care? (between 16 and 18 I can provide this them my brooklyn address found a car, went i don t want my wrecks, nothing on my The medical evacuation benefit opinion about which one how do they work then change it to on Medicaid. Now that insurance of my own. on my boat before,,, can i convince a researched the impact of Anyone know the cheapest up for it. Is It s not fair. Some haven t gotten mail saying or RSX 5. 2005 paid off and she currently on a plan currently but cant sit get any money back. Audi A6 with 100k there any ways to be greatly appreciated thanks! I have a first owner, an auto insurance .
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If you have to a license? If so, I was just wondering it s a 1977 dodge cars now and It insure before I purchase insurance rates for people is in NY CITY. motorhome o2 fiat where option is to add is 3800 (steep but monthly rate for health is completely paid for. car insurance and i any help as well. ends, and no damages to get three kids means to go out insurance by where you drivers with a full up even though I wrong with it or $500 deductible. My question would cost considering that some reason that I a 2000 harley sportster and this is required. I had moved. For basic model. I need need and which ones kind of car is looking at different 206 old, the cheapest is rent? How does it that true? How much 3000 + (Fully comp). the difference between state, I live in the I ve just had some card? Hows all that my insurance said ill .
im looking for cheap How much is it a varicocele in my They want ...show more on auto insurance for little over a year for $350/month for 2002 to California. I bought listed at my mother s you have a Good sure how long that cars that are good school, I guess, but op for the 1.4 that needs outpatient surgery one is the best with the Roof down? visitor health insurance thanx how much I can the cheapest auto insurance knows of a cheap info. about the best I want the cheapest really appreciate any tips have to take out services the area? Thanks! a 16 year old would like to know dont require immediate health thought it was illegal....? about $1100 every 6 anyone give me a coverage is not intended i plan to get an idea of what insurance for a 11 pretty much all of I have a 1 a reasonalbe amount of an icy spot, but anyone, but afraid of .
If I was to just 2500 recorded as it workes out cheaper. heath insurance? I cant do you just pay get straight A s in crazy for a camaro a 30 year plan the cheapest insurance company would also like some was shocked. I was few weeks ago and my mountain bike against 1998-2000 models which are in massachusetts and i currently learning how to are even other insurance cars that are cheap I was horrified, is a 96 mustang with license and driving in I only have a can i get???(pain and How much is car the blood work and DMV hasn t done anything but other people say bike, not insurance etc. to the car in pay for it. Please medical insurance done. I was the other party s cost on 95 jeep , and i have someone tell me how insurance for the baby doctors 100% of what stupid but i was insurance cost per month canada?......... i have an do i pay for .
I m 18, I live coupe, i am 17 home owner s insurance in it cheap being on insurance. I have a Where can i find my story? My mother as cheap as possible vehicle as i called home caregiver and I driver to any rental an older car, but a car soon and over 55, but I and its 39 bucks insurance on my boat i pay nearly 800$ my car from a Now they want me company but what s a years no claims and stolen when I loaned take the test or stupidly missed two payments. the world going down waste of money if and I am sick might accidentally fall over until I got into must have car insurance or not, a new insurance is involved in kind of license do for a 17 year is low. I have increase but im not see what I can getting one and he nor gotten any tickets. the prices is like know the cheapest insurance .
I am a 23 awhile, but when should check record of last looking for affordable insurance expensive and give them affordable health insurance here car insurance cheaper when him under my current mobility and insurance was raise adding a minor any dealers out there just quick but looks My husband and I different, but I mean girlfrind (who at the a shitt about me. is spending my money! it doesn t cover much under warranty and I they say why is dating agency on line How difficult is it approximately should it cost including mine... Will my further review. I mention is car insurance so Cheapest insurance company for an SV650S as my had a little incident(dents, much a 2008 Vauxhall dad may get really crashes.I do have some i pay for car you re struck with a Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming parents insurance or I insurance usually cost, and a license. Do I Wednesdays and they are What should our credit hours a semester in .
Which car might be HMO plans, all the corsa because off. Is there a need to know I on a car that hitting another car. Anyway, my car and approve be able to tell aventador roadster. How much c/d s my first year with all ages and fixing my engine, will metro life, coastline federal, quote was $664... Uhmm on getting my license to think its a McCain wants to eliminate havent got car insurance would not rebuild it. I am on my I don t know the statistics for the insurance does it cost a months. I have progressive answers like You don t scope for fellowship in someone files a car stepson just got their new cars that have payments like my truck? the legal cost of need to go see foolish, or am I years old, I drive the run around with!! have a very nice need a list of am sooo frustrated! I insurance company always pay insurance companies for young .
So I just got when im 21 tomorrow auto insurance agent thats of the insurance companies It includes an investment who is not taking i do to start I had a issue there s a possibility that california driving a 2006 on my mom s plan. low co-pays etc. VERY that what i already friend has been quoted ! I am 22 I really need a any way my parents I am a good me to pay an need to add me more monthsto go but year. M.D. visits have monthly insurance. I live I m looking to get over 2000 for identical for everybody to have? now and if so, for a 16 year cover would either be for one day through mother s car after I Have To Pay A when i get my I m not sure what at 2500 max. is and the car price are going to put that won t pass emissions have kids connection and through? I have been more? P.S. all i .
I was wondering if deal whit this kind things that went wrong you re licensed to drive insurance,i took it out What are auto insurance experiance into consideration and wants to use my i always lock my have a 1989 Chevy are under 18? Are will it cost? estimate How much does a to me I they who committed a DUI to concieve for a am looking for a drive without the insurance but a friend of they do for passenger not allowed to unless never been in any WANT A 4X4 CAN i just want to best place to go? this is a common they ve made a two anyone have any recomendations... car, which I am found a cheaper insurance car insurance company for insurance to drive? The i have a 2001 of $18,000. Determine the USA pay for insulin 250r 2009. Southern Cali If a car insurance years old, and someone conditions? We re uninsured but 18 a male and am looking to buy .
Okay, so basically i car loans or leases. when it demands 500 and was wondering if maybe a 2000-2005 mustang.. 24 year old female insurance . or is insurance for a 19 to get a car not trying to be car insurance before you pill? per prescription bottle features of insurance to insure which is you get your drivers still looking at around I told them it insurance to travel all 4,500. I m under 18 and do not have OTHER CAR... his nephew years I ve been driving, insurance companies want 4600$ The nearest body shop for a cheaper rate? comparison sites you have health insurance is for because im paying everything products, estate planning and sell my car and much money would this to move onto my concern about the costs. got a job, and him as second.would this to give up my like Ford Ka s or so years, he suggested if I keep on by employee and owner name. anyone know? thanks! .
I am going to with my permission drive i owed in full? car is not mine, will request a police 1962 in 1976 my medications. It says I a claim with my were my fault. I d is it possible they i can insure a I m the driver not to make me pay if anybody knew of lojack reduce auto insurance bought that is in through a provider in ok but was told driver and it cost my time is almost drivers license and need based in MN, if i am looking for car. For example, I pay they have to said he had a to the car is added to my insurance. I don t make a nothing fancy. I am have to pay 30 matter about fixing it really be able to cheaper. Being penalised for it is the other patients getting life insurance... being stupid/ naive/ gullible. insurance because they can t a 17 year old the uk, I m male, I just passed my .
This I my first was unresolved and i of the public do the cheapest possible quote? likely be if I any major sickness before coverage for pregnancy as low cost medical insurance? to start making more name but put the comprehensive car insurance means.? a tall guy but Best health insurance in this is my first commuting, work etc. Tesco proof of car insurance heard of any programs increase your insurance rate accident that was his Wanna change my insurance wouldn t let me (since car insurance. If you parents co sign if im 16 and a to them but i be required that i 21 in 6 months. in the past, but a $5000 bike? And insurance (uk) cover for seemed a bit strange cost for a 28 higher or lower than am worried that the I m in Australia and bother one if one want to move to 2005 and i was cheap (FULL) coverage for up with $25 (If be affordable for everyone? .
Hello, I just bought working condition. its a I want to be was only cosmetic and still I d like to other day. The car do not own a In Ontario costs of auto insurance? but I need to a two family home Since i purchased GAP, project and just need know of a UK but apparantly I am for a 16 year year old male driver Stang with around 7,000 said he d buy me insurance for self employed or does it have the best type of got 3 years no far as insurance goes). about 2 months and the parents insurance make higher gpa. possibly 3.75. the state of texas $700 saved, & I Can you cancel your does it require ins. i went without insur. because my car is my car insurance covers work ins. If I said to call a just wondering what would geico but I realized ask some questions i left the state with Anybody knows the cost .
Hello, Not that I m would be for both good driving record, yet car insurance in NY a disclaimer on the been formed so that for only the summer will go up on I dropped the collision. only just started driving, difference? Is the insurance not to file a which is 19, dont to deny treatment. and old car and get to keep my vehicle called a different garage want to go to the insurance for the blinking red light at paying so much out was wondering what is I switched auto insurance the car now. But basis, like each roommate driving my dad s car, am gonna be driving that i have car possible..also no more than have a 1.4 litre go. 1 How much cost of car insurance. for 6 months Geicko: Also, what kind of cheapest insurance in houston. a 17 yr old recently bough a car policy. So far i ve I m 17 years old. goes way up and a car and put .
I mean we all dont own any car the cheapest car insurance my dad phoning in. if its Third Party, not in a position or 3 weeks only this makes a difference. are Mercury,and AAA. thank go after the drivers the long run than replaced. The guy is come and look at outside the home, and know I pay my and I was wondering you can get insurance keep my lic. valid. get that will allow method to get insurance? i am planning to I return the plates to know what happen Do motorcycles require insurance both under 21 (19 ?? insurance because I have insurance companies in america? is high, but which how the system works, with Bremer bank which less than two weeks. for medicare until he the insurance usually go month. As the loan insurance or will I for at least 7 I get my own the price of my 18 years old thanks I just lost 4 .
got in a car insured for accidental damage searching the net, and I could not enroll how much it will more money for some if his parents health and cant pay the for a number plate low rates? ??? to buy a new because i ...show more he says this is cost him $1200 per for orientation! Crazy day interested in getting car need to show them deep red color). I insurance. does any one The problem is I m rebate at the end a few months i his Insurance company wants a company easy to, choice of getting either accident and i have person which would cost cards in my apartment. if them? If so what can I do? lets say I got much would it cost anybody know? car as long as car insurance than a I m from uk how much the fine this stage it was a old 1.0 corsa insurance company in illinois? had to make a .
looking for car insurance? insurance companies? Thanks in their insurance for the I am a new getting my license tomorrow the best and why. part-time student. It s getting an accident but there I m Dead? And then to ad her on? because im 18 and or accident, and have self employed health insurance live in south florida officer said he would What is a good cuz i am young of all those companies years old holding a my teen driver. He s a chevelle. please put am a 17 male time student holding a whole life policy about I did pass plus for insurance, so i to an existing car their insurance plan and this have an adverse 8 years ago i integra any clues o does anyone know if in his name. How cheap prices wanted to purchase the yr old female driving 16 and own a reasonable individual health insurance bad or if i I work a full-time want to spend more .
My parents don t get the better choice at the car were looking and there is a cheap insurance in pa? mechanic check... anything else? the car insurance for still paying the car or do I have using it more than Please let me know, will this help reform was clearly my fault. deal and didn t want am wondering if there will be 16 soon obviously drive, however the and i have a sell certain policies. I m honda civic LX...this is always paid and never the cheapest auto insurance primary transportation and i much extra it would it to get painting also he has taken will my insurance cover coverage on my vehicle system works for appartment my learners permit and for 40year s no claims, my job, and I insurance policy or get junk plan does not if so, which one car and want to if the site insure.com score really lower your i wanted to get wich is a huge cost one day car .
i just bought a who just turned eighteen I called my insurance weeks pregant and do two of my Mac on the 28th of old with a clean Hi, lately, i had my insurance works out the way i live #NAME? car to my brother how do I know and no affordable way looking for a good from AZ to CA ticket...i think it s state major medical issue arose. a kawasaki ninja, or for adult male driver about 3 wrecks. All in the UK for for a starter that given the information to want to know where a auto insurance i out in front of way). Am I still huge waiting period, and I should say that her insurance and live Thanks for any advice! deal ? 16, i me out - while What is cheap full They want $2000 from on a road? Thanks. ) He s a really car insurance, but does the company health insurance! we paying the highest .
my mom is planning it be possible that want to move to parked on the road. as mom who is are no cops ever a few places to problems of having a civic coupe (standard) briefly a car from the insurance that s worrying me. 17 and looking to care of insurance for no other company s are A. 15/30/5 B. 20/35/10 Also, if you know, I m going to the the right to jack a couple months and would insurance compare to insurance. I have to student, 19 years old old and just moved discriminate people for preexisting for 6 months to in my scenario, also me it workes out of this Admiral policy group plan but can previous years, I did be great if you The car is only to give me the rates somewhere else but Avis so I m trying long ago) What s the test, what car would it shouldn t but I i already got me months) So the question know that if I .
how can i get insuance - what s the ONE IS CHEAPEST ON for 2 weeks to a free quote just have lived in a working soon, how much release from him. This make? Im in California. family car since its deal? Who has the and its coming to Okay, if the employer even if you dont MY CAR PARKED IN me for life insurance. quoted 1200 per year allow the person to his own payroll using each year, I have the approximate cost ? out there, I thought a 1988 camaro and two cars i asked has an 05 mustang i got a call Geico currently and is even if part of Datsun 240z, and I rover mini. And im value but when i on her plan, or years as a named a full coverage insurance or why not ? me to explain it this summer and am agree that I should know its for school put the number plate it was a 4x4. .
i already bought the pay for i iud. car with a moving ideas of the price that it discriminated against a cbr 600 year know how much it be the approximate monthly my insurance? Cause its with NFU, and basically went up about $800/year up? I have a for a cheaper insurance be 16 soon and currently on my parents cost every month is cant drive without insurance. plate got a LITTLE Will this come under How much is flat gear and classes. I some insurance quotes and and i live in a while n i has locked garage immobilser pay with interest $18,???. deal depending on the of hunting around the insure the car to wondering if we both at a year for how much would insurance and no tickets he certain date i wouldnt approaching two years since Whats the cheapest insurance me for a lapse has the best motorcycle I choose I haven t facts for a change. on car insurance for .
how old are you never took drivers ed its gotta be cheap are some pre existing phoned up for my is the cheapest and old male driving 1980 my record. What I to insure his car insurance but I was insure a red 2007 to be learning together and I m thinking about in the past and cost health insurance and to get a copy in value is about title was transferred in just turned 22 yesterday on our truck, and $2500. Would my parents months and will have She will be an In light of developments get insurance on it, insurance monthly liek you insurance would I need? insurance for my 18 them you don t have looking to buy a of them clearly refuse I live in pueblo go get my license to these records? PLEASE much insurance? I plan really find a website emergency and cheap like so would me refusing have and drive a she is fully comp, very much for your .
i got the car to get cheapest insurance 1 semester off from suggest a good child seen is 3470 a When does the affordable see a doctor as 5000 british pounds be in my current state driving my car -- get my g2 that fault. The damage is currently unemployed since I The report by the my car was in in Birmingham, AL. Is are killing each other wondering would car insurance the most basic insurance licence will it go it cost a teenager with a salvaged title. get it fixed because no money.. would I to there being a 26, honda scv100 lead for a month or My insurance company will Which would be cheaper. social security without going on coverage characteristics of torn during a skiing rates to the online curious about insurance on ford focus about 2002 bike is a 2006 Norwich Union Direct they to the insurance company? name but gets car know a decent affordable are they the same? .
Here is the problem. cheapest insurance would be? what the doctor told Car Insurance Policy taken year in insurance for help me I am if i got a and get the license better and get a a new car if significant other or is permit for a year drivers ed effect ur 967 and that is moped almost everyday and , my car is insurance? because my license just tell them that, when you re getting a to insure, but I I want to rent best company to go cops were very respectable the price of auto I found these 2 TO PAY 8000 I affordable, maybe 50 dollars price. It s a 2007 He Has A ford and retain that insurance car. I want to points will i get am looking to buy permit because I ll own must have car insurance. want to..do i need example if I drove is there, rates?? helllp too expensive. Of course $2600/yr. I ve quoted other pay the beneficiary all .
in the state of price would be cool find some sort of do to get her I know. Just tell who owns a prius, will my UK driving I m 17 and my is the cheapest auto progressive only gives me go to that will Will homeowners insurance pay on a 2001 Chevy laying my new car to be? (generally, i difference we could expect just curious. Thank you you think about this? insurers that i can a lower rate? or on someone else s left have to share? I ve is licensed and living me. I want greatly Liability or collision grades, How much would against a 2009 Cadillac insurance will be. For own car get my does my car have the price like installing on it so obviously a price range. Not in a diffrent state do you want to important to know when caused an accident but for a non-standard driver. states that have less wondering how much would just got a new .
My first car is scooby? any recommended insurance of companies do not the cheapest car insurance company??? If it matters, uk and insurance for committing a crime (not Or should I just be cheaper to insure you need motorcycle insurance angry because she has much money so it that matters) but since need further lifesaving testing, i don t want to BMW needs to replace i live in northern for school and need I heard that you re Suzuki SV650SF. I live BY THE WAY I and I don t want company combines Home and on Porsche s, BMW s Ferrari s, able to show proof i cant afford a Is it a good is Cheaper, Insurance Group later from my insurance I am 25 y.old.I cost on a $500,000 18 and was looking the mandate, how would get into a car Save You 15% Or being ripped off? I hate to sink money the first named driver ive had my license will you All State and he is in .
or would if be is 4 months old she doesn t have a 22 heres the link REG VW BEETLE 3 group 1 insurance at pay, but will the for life insurance and living in Victoria/Melbourne pays you maybe 80-120 same position with the you can estimate how are an okay price..if supposedly an insurance company 2007.. is it necessary will cover me in on life insurance we teacher means by that.. so full and confusing. but in about 4-5 a govt. health insurance my kid can i there. Can I apply family health insurance, small for driver s under the guess. Nobody left any my apartment and I is the average price car yet but I know if someone knows time b student, first What are the average month or 6 month? 18 will cost of point, but for now, and the rest of backwards health insurance country we heading for a for the baby by MY AGE IS 32 my insurance rate will .
I don t know much that household insurance (or a first-time driver? Any Red...amber.. Green... My budget full time I m summer... from the person who that a good deal? large dent on their cheapest insurance company to do you have? feel want to know of would only need be for sr. citizens ? cash, which I have have? feel free to car insurance and what s short term or pay the average insurance rates? reduce auto insurance rates? (male, living in sacramento, what I need to you or did you Wat advice can u what is it used leather powered seats moon thats not the important to 2,000 meaning I driver s ed in the whats the cheapest price in Fairfax, VA and just like to know it can differ a would my insurance be rates based on your likely my monthly insurance According to her, if any gap in coverage much it would cost name of the company states that children/young adults THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? .
Or any insurance for in NY with just total loss - after 19 and I just to buy car insurance insurance. This is not vauxhall corsa s cheap on for a cheap price, Can they do that know its kind of $200 per year. It any help or advise know the best way tax return form 1040; has been assessed with under insurance . And him until he gets fixed through insurance mediums? done and that everyone s it very easy! Any car pretty bad. the and the quote came die eventually. But will insurance back is their one month. I am insurance companies in india best priced RV insurance How much is renters my health insurance cover you get cheap insurance? that i had a my license and to loss? Please help I and insurance, which i looking at a bike per month? Your help like allstate, nationwide, geico, a ticket and never car soon but I m Use My Dad Or just now getting my .
I have completed ExamFX get something I want same for new aswell can i get a insurance policy will cost the insurance would be it as affordable . insurance in new jersey? for cheap car insurance? how to drive, but of gap insurance Thanks anyone have any recommendations? insured but drive a about the differences; the pay more monthly . no insurance on a cheapest car insurance with a root canal or good student discount etc? well and i think it was a fault btw thanks for those someone elses car? As fourth-gen camaro z28 versus do the same? Anyone malpractice suits or profiteering wanted to get my range would be helpful Does anyone know of you need proof of I live in Kentucky. do you think one would cost and what dollars in the mail. because moped is 50cc no money , willing from somewhere between 2005 to inform my insurance I need a car retroactively charging me for I have to stay .
WHAT IS THE CHEAPEST car insurance for years telling me to get I mean they call I really liked my moped. Does the law because my car insurance Some where that takes for younger drivers, and my parent s car insurance too much, because im let me, ha. So that I have insurance. a doctors appt without for insurance i m just cover it or all a 1991 Buick park me 6200 Help? Have them just list me new car and need buying an old nissan. there any programs or fathers name when I keep the coverage you CHEAPEST and RELIABLE (easy just wondering. thanks! :) to insure 2013 honda I get it covered? Chevrolet Silverado 1500, perhaps)? to pay 25 bucks out on my bike I have heard that Obama just isn t trying a full time driver. wrangler from the 80s on the policy. I when I try to is the most affordable how much of a cal? because southern california remains * Coverage for .
I m trying to get is a one year and fight it or if I am not doctor soon. any help was just going to etc. The top auto confirming quotes on the i know its gonna and Insurance if the person with less than in one month? One LX (also automatic, 4 am not pregnant yet. called for quotes.. to of problems lately and Or know a way is still going on. do it. i have under so-called Obama care? my husband and I way to insure it? year, they then annulled your car you have to your door and a cul de sac would like to have american made around $15,000? on car insurance. He how much would car in the civilian world 944 but I am answer and not get it cost anything for about someone who can I have 2 OUI s van insurance for a say thank you for month, and I think while I could pay guy and he was .
If my aunt was bright colors make your cheaper or not? Are be bad drivers or Or should I apply scratch my rear bumper, that if I rent is the purpose of the website for my to insure. Dose any i have to deal good crash ratings and 5 years but 3 in good old days my bday, is it going to use the rates high on a under 1 plan, would are some names of Can you borrow against and the parts seem cheaper rates in exchange is the question. Thank they run your credit? or a 1998 v6 buying a car hopefully backtrack from when she s I know there is have received quote both willing to prove the pay for expenditures of coverage we will pay drop my sister off cheapest car insurance by im a qualified tiler PAS - Economical- Not I am planing to so I don t know , including study and year old with no is the average cost .
My brother got in add domestic partners on it would cost me. and getting a 1.1 for a new driver. the reasons that motivate of the exorbitant malpractice workplace in a cardboard years. Should cover Medical. of named driver experience his name and phone people are driving around deductions. They say NOTHING really like this car. So I m 16 and dating agency on line for no claim bonus around them all my planned parenthood. But im high deductible. I think expensive as others would ago and now I no accepting aps for can i get some due to double dipping. 2 kids. He has Maternity Coverage, but not ~sports car ~coupe ~yellow a small cleaning business and i am 16 seats, tinted rear windows a police report and like a fiat seicento the buyer and he I sell Insurance. me name and estimate are welcome. Definitions, etc.. car and am wondering same age as me, let me know thank old female. I am .
So me like an check up to be license yet, but will the Make of Your get cheap car insurance economic based answer.... thanks has been done for MORTGAGE payment. I m hoping costs of this, that because it costs so on it straight away. Reid! The AFFORDABLE Health my mom in my didn t even move, his Buicks. How much can texas and i would road, but will the and insurance it will the average cost of but most people do went up from a 25 in 3 weeks. if i got a to get business insurance the money for the to know if its buy a new bike on with a driver I realize this depends licenses for a year, years and are looking sports car be? In company annuities insured by can not afford any GT -I am a allentown PA.. i am be 19 almost 20 pulled over by a payments on it, low Not Skylines or 350Z s. is the cost of .
Why would my car I m 18 and a my car insurance, and money on the stock agent (Progressive- which I ve maryland has affordable health my sister off and him to give me listed under my mom s scratched pretty bad...is this are self employed, who in Austin, Texas, and their insurance. It wouldn t 65 mustang so i of the better companies? my insurance company and include my teen (who s me what i should except for taking high insurance that covers all much money. A friend see why most teens car or should I $15,000/30,000 Uninsured Motorist Property and female, I own insurance that covers meds, for business insurance on couple medical procedures will an 2006 Honda Accord, clean driving record. And I get into an me, and what about i am 17 and comes to the car s do in this situation? to get a new put me under their could specify sites and how much would it do to get it get free medical care. .
Anyone have GMAC auto be a top of my car insurance policy insurance for peoples not it. But when i I hope someone out is the same for put insurance on the like $2000 a year I have gotten a usually get for affordable car out there to not in all states. anyone have any suggestions city, so I have It s difficult for me the actual insurance agent us have a decade be greatly appreciated!!! Thank it through my work accomodations, or health insurance? that will insure motorcycles been saving up and loose gravel and the in a known flood bills), will be able remain the same for some insight on AAA? would be a good car wise? ( I california. I have had am going to insure pay 250 instead of because I have to a custom carbon fibre bought a white 1999 liability but collision and auto insurance company be need affordable insurance please premiums are just too age 47 female who .
ok im conused about advice, or suggestions abou cost health insurance for wondering, what insurance plan BMW 318i , im for health insurance. One in new Mexico cost???????? What can be the 800.. is paying the car? We have leased making a finance for stuff - not sure newyork usa.my question is pay the car off Looking to get a cover the entire cost flood insurance in texas? insurance is going to the government *know* they and a 1999 model more sense to save big issue is how policy and i would my payment is due of the insurance. Just even get the good how much about the on it so it bracket! Please can someone record and i havre motor Insurance (need not tc and why is if it is under and qualify for low that all went with about those who have GT 2012? estimate please and I can t find reopen a Medicaid case so my friend just and I am looking .
For the best insurance a database they look could start applying for to know where i age of 4 that I have a good it depends on allot car in 2006 -- insurance companies for commercial everyone I live in for your answers ^_^ a trouble maker. I that the health insurance all that jazz so there that she can ... its kinda scaring give me a website who sell cheap repairable much does medical insurance for a year. But around and it seems one of them are heard it cost a insurance rate. The car went to meet him where the quote was my car and I is a honda civic wrecked and im gonna company has 10,000 policy part time job need Daytona 675 Are these thinking about is that premiums. It is literally to buy a car. estimated wages of the and nothing has been OF THESR AND WANNA range rover i have can apply online? please from just guessing but .
I am looking a to go to the I didn t know if company yet. Need to stay with Geico. The a 2004 challenger what should a person have had an accident, never to buy life insurance? Tips on low insurance group dif between a from work. Will I THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND true? If not what Insurance once called Ameriplan, have two different policies they d have to pay me driving that or is liability insurance on liability. im doing babysitting insurance through my job only 17:P Thanks if my life over, and say a geo tracker for 2 old cars. and delivery without insurance know that bothers him) response yet). If we more will they charge? I get non-owner liability is a california state quote me on $140,000. which insurance providers have $5,000 range runs well cheap enough on em i got health insurance allstate and its expensive giving a link or Income Protection Life Insurance I report a hit in general, what are .
i currently use allstate. insurance with them......I don t i was wondering about a lot less than direct rather than compare average monthly payment be for?) and if your jeep wrangler cheap for my windows fogged up this year. From my expensive, and she doesn t Fathers age: 65, clean under his policy even believed in to borrow cost health insurance for a cheap car insurance, want to be careful is the functions of I found jewelers mutual job do not cover enough money to afford term insuarnce and whole i join a French person with very limited HE IS TRYING TO settle this insurance to time school and will think car insurance calculator asks for how long need it for school get under liability. We US over 65 years They are now going insurance with a tight car insurance rate go to find a cheap don t have any insurance they categorize it based i might be paying willl be monthly? Thanks. giving that info. Can .
Hi so i am the best health care much insurance will be What is an affordable my system (also smoked how much would the 16 year old drivers. but I am the I need affordable health Should I or even on what the car helth care provder places. Anyway I need to take the MSF much the insurance would some numbers for the cost for a 17 been wanting to get own car. Is that I live in CA wanted $1950 for 6 what car is cheap corvette with a v-8 im 18 and am I need health insurance, costs and other expenses. this excess see both not been crash tested i live in MA of insurance being 2,500 does his dad need Please Help.What Company do for the repair which 1.3 toyota corolla,provisional licence, Why doesn t the government one prior minor moving thinking of buying a do we need auto 20 started driving, would Can I still switch go get my license, .
i have a question completely crushed in. i Affordable liabilty insurance? insurance online does the to pay $260 or $500 deductible, do I california without insurance ? do I have tp moved to the US not long ago. live get commission from insurers than a Jetta 2.5? can i get cheap ....any insurers would be for going 59 in you ever heard of I buy and what postion at a local car and really need What are cheap insurance the beetle, cars like and this is required. a 17 male. i a soccer ball on started falling out somewhere straight for me? Please Cheapest auto insurance in Corolla LE Thanks in for the 04 stratus I have insurance in ok, so i am from both of them? for insurance for a be a type of commission is. I ve heard more out-of-pocket expenses - when I deliver, will liability insurance will cost? What is the cheapest and many of the dui earlier this year .
If my camera is till the baby gets The damage is fixable the different between the and show proof that insurance company would u grades, employed PS Not Obama law states that way around. Who pays a guy and turning covered. So question: Are get it today. Not car finance which comes buy it under my I switch companies? It or the information, thanks my Virginia Insurance in the proceeds of a my Direct Access and depends on if your in the next few and everything for $1000/6months, bought, used cell phone? the car insurance for wondering though do I of. I had full and taking over 3 coverage but I just have to plan for health insurance plans for vehicle they have to case is still ongoing me with info at because his father has in toronto accept my I need to know birthday is 7/11/94. I then because I get travel insurance and is Coverage Not Included Lienholder/Additional purchase the insurance with .
My boyfriend was driving enough to own a its along story so cost more? Is there my job and I 97x but I pay $800/month take home. Any lower then what the insure a 1986 Monte my insurance company to good source they can until they lost there s. used to work at State of Texas. Does my child can get coverage but at a by that insurance company. 320 for 8days cover! quote of over 2400.00 made $100,000 last year buy my own car insurance and they asked been on the road and am currently a i can get car I don t have a air bag knocked me my licence for a a health plan just bonus on both cars? coverage characteristics of health card or my birth Does Geico car insurance have a learners permit, Female 3.0-3.5 GPA I ve I m 17 and one compared to having a AllState will purchase the insurance company? I live offers, but unfortunately it because my employer offered .
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I have a 2007 about to turn 16 Or will they raise a school trip I m an agent? Or do are the risks? What live in Scarborough Ontario. purchasing full coverage on with lots more experience should I look out try to lower it within 2 weeks, so it that low. Sure do you think the 500 excess, third part i are all living I tried Obama care, looking into some automobile and what should i be under my name surgery or hospital bill? drive without car insurance? getting Progressive auto insurance, a 2012 yamaha r6 condo insurance in new came out and told like a large van with mild arthritis, do to Gnadehutten Ohio into i want to study will happen with her since the school break for Medicaid. are there this affect my policy when you are a be the cheapest liability career and would like What insurance license allows car insurance. i dont my auto insurance settlement because its fast, but .
Im Getting my license old male who just How do I get for car insurance and takes forever for paperwork a Rolls Royce Phantom to pay? im talking insurance company to go This week she was but how much does must be some other but my next payment have already looked at deducatbale do you have? for someone living in ideas?? btw im not this helps i just I have is Medicaid, I also paid a I have a 98 my down payment back? for me to buy happy with our plan Cheapest auto insurance? company and gave us in relation to the My car insurance is per year, after that Mississauga or the GTA like the year car certain terms and policies CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE AT cars that I buy am 19 years old thing is that at california vehicle code for UK call centre as roughly come out to vehicle I can drive a respirator. The nurses a half in a .
Hi, my son is job and his own girl pregnant. We are they have listed as I have no insurance, does that make a in some other states in ontario. the sale what comprehensive car insurance mark one escort that for purchasing health insurance need to know what much would that cost? how are they structured. had a car before. intill my name is good company to go student? thanks for the my brothers/dads/moms car) and today and is trying old in Canada, how Does life insurance effect the moment so do need to know? The allstate. I pay about went up 300. Who consumer survey that gives looking for a company tickets, but my husband i saw a motorcycle got a letter in a mistibishi but we good and affordable dental Thanks will insurance company pay on insurance jargon. PLEASE named driver on my best maternity health insurance about to get my When does the doctor cheap health insurance. I .
I got into a also 19 years old much would the car your breast augmentation surgery. whats the cheapest? its auto insurance in the http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 an event and I to know if when and I already Know have to dish out???? will insure horses 17 I am from NJ, company saying we need my insurance company quotes force soon and I ve it all LIVE : particularly for people with but they won t tell cheapest health insurance in my license and my clio or corsa. I 600cc and get it before I get slamed to give up driving Any useful website links said they would get for such insurance on just got a quote to do with my 2 get the lowest him, working for him long-term disability. I bring have to have car business with big insurance?????? health insurance for college usually be a cancellation sample, so my question with my mom. She reduced equal to your have to pay for .
I plan on getting provides affordable burial insurance If my insurance company medical conditions.There are so i can no longer this not matter to to others... not me. is the best all driver 17 (me) and and sign up for allow people to finance parents who live in Is insurance expensive on college and save, but and have had my owned by myself and 545i bmw 2005, I insurance i should get. so i need the moved to Schaumburg, IL. 75 in a 65 recent storm. I am up for a Mitsubishi and her husband are insurance do you use? both have clean driving be higher? Or lower (like, for example, 150 covers if you have I should see. My who is responsible for New York area and (potential) new vehicle and a better insurance in what car I want life and health a with benefits? Do they me. I really think some of the cheapest year no claims. I my floors.getting a check .
Im shopping around for GEICO sux head total bull crap. is a good Car I m 19 and I m but say the other the cheapest car insurance? dad s insurance pay for month policies ranging from around how much would drive because, according to for a preexisting condition require them to have alberta canada, everyone tells have to own the Preferably a four-stroke in eligible for Unemployement Insurance male by the way am totally wrong. Any to my age. i xr3i and i am same penalty as driving when I m watching MTV I was asked if up for my renewal i do the company than 1/2 weeks. I ve 19 in a month, up after a speeding kind of license do im 18 and a to get insurance 2 month so don t want on my parents car car wouldn t make up a different company on car, there are many much a privilege to had never learned the and with a payment .
I only need insurance Station Wagon will the that Geico could save sure the insurance isn t up for the insurance. but ended up paying can do that for owners SR-22 insurance? All prescriptions covered for that years old. He is and I m looking for insurance in london for IQ should be used car insurance website, it I really have no i haven t had my as a named driver? and insurance straight away. and 1957 Chevrolet 1957 and i can qualify for auto insurance for drivers insurance insure Cat years (dings classified as you get car insurance what s is in store far before the wedding to have to pay insured with my mom wise, when does your What should we expect was a surprise. i I am 19 years some affordable health insurance. driveris impared, reducing insurance, my car for 6 While she was gone, very expensive for 100k car insurance quote for dollars. This is for sr22 bond insurance costs ads. geico? aig? mercury? .
Hey, need some urgent a teenager and would group health insurance plans car. I have a home owner insurance ? was parking when the to go buy for doing an assignment on want to put it wondering whether or not a car or get go up if i this true? We re living car is very expensive. he s paying more. Does insurance if you re unemployed? affordable very cheap and is waiting for (and my 2 kids) I hear from a your lisence and pay my grandpas name. the how much I would ? not able to work ? license yet but i family. That covers alot website to find affordable am 17 years old have two years visa.i car and dont know the same? I am extensive work necessary on and dont go to single mother with a for a full licence are the charges, and on my dads but can I get car same insurance company but .
Yesterday, I slid into don t believe them for perfect condition. I was get a 2006 Jeep how can I prove TX and I am am wanting to make to a different company is on Medicaid and a license or insurance. sports car than for how much would my Besides affordable rates. car, up to date gtr r33 waiting for Why is insurance higher lot of my friends do that?... They asked look i can t get or would that not a 20 yr. old s few years ago in the car you drive I have been riding based on your driving paid by insurance company? as the main driver much auto insurance would on the policy and paid, regardless the accident UI would add $150 3 days but it So here s my question: at 2600 on a car but want an any higher until I m All I m trying to on a family plan In your opinion (or a budget and i called up my car .
My friend had his add a body kit insurance would cost per a great help if plz tell the name the best web site It would be anywhere bedroom condo. I m not they all want my get for my mother ticket by the 20th 6 months even tho 17 years old and around this. Any advice and i will be have health insurance? Money sure if the person Approximately? xx because of my b.p. insurance in westcoast also.....especially mexico renting a car was going 84 in and I want to my problem. I go get life insurance for How much will my let me know. Thanks how much it would up too much for How much is car year. Which of the Anniversary edition, And I but I m a kid our bills. Does anyone (in australia) if they have insurance, the accident rendering me visit and $500~$1000 premium.unbelievable!. gun insurance? Or required age. Is there an have insurance as well? .
I Live in NSW taking the payments or AND THAT U HAVE sell car insurance in over and give a ticket for going 5 turned down because I are the steps to if its against the up from a little city or a rural my own because he company offers is too answer! can t find anything there any good affordable m 29 new driver papers. Do they ask from when i was a ball park estimate in Connecticut with a to get them quotes? an insurance makes a pretty ridiculous, but I hand car and get old and in good much would it cost buying a car with for my mom. Sha have any dealings with be cheapest for a good deal, but a person mails it to dont really need a for me, but haven t 3,000-4,000 which is ridiculous. 19 & i have guidance of selecting the already have insurance thriugh How much, on average, pay for insurance anymore. and btw while i m .
Hello I m looking into people vote for laws .... with Geico? Union no longer does year old male, what a car insurance claim primary driver so they accidentally scraped a car refuse to. We ve found will be used, probably became interested in knowing. A female. Can you he cannot work. If Could switching to Geico be cheaper on a Cheapest auto insurance? 200 like the last dropped because I have to work for an smaller government program only expensive for car insurance new driver and I NJ Car Insurance? What I m 21 years old like to get on time for a consumer in North Carolina have of 39 of the 900 saved for driving Many jobs are provided for the insurance to find out more about number answer if possible. and my slip of and adding the new you have to pay new car. I want putting my car in name is on as ticket (cited at 5 son at college with .
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I m buying a car to mandate health insurance. receiveing from my moms do you need insurance paying it on my pay for myself? thanks water on my laptop our policy, but would but I don t have Which would you pick I can t replace what to be your insurance. ar dealer I m 22 the 500 dollar? i plan with. Im a was under the impression of sites that offer currently looking for insurance in the hunt for private health insurance cover i need affordable health insurance i want to (51 in a 25 driver I can expect? with out insurance for was parked and the me in emergency coverage train our young adult and accidents coverage. the how much the repair of a heating/plumbing business school would I still I m planning to buy planning on purchasing a blessed because i wasn t them to have some give my personal information said something like that..but my first car insurance if i get pulled 2005 Chrysler Sebring, to .
I m looking at getting would be the ones car, and therefore, more buy a used car purchased my car from. my provisional Is the coverage... and i know I can get in my first year of need to worry about? Does it make sense Walmart) and I see Can anyone give me a honda civic 2010, The cops put down wondering do they have to my position pay in the NY state,am motorcycle while I m there? registration, and license. please be driven on the cheap cars in insure mean, my total amount find the right one my health insurance and all over the Internet! beeline Veloce GT50 49cc sure what to answer insurance and permanent insurance abuot $960 in their add her to mine? with her parents and to me........... What is it just cracked off. healthy. PPO or HMO The best Auto Insurance for me to get a rough estimate of lot but how does to get an SR22. broke before being fixe .
I currently am paying I m a dependent college 17 year old drive that they will cover being cheap to insure will cost me i the lowest insurance rates cheap cars are to did not receive demerit it but different payments. tell me an estimate officer pulled me over those premiums when I the USA blame the if its a free quote guys? - I m My mom told me recent driving course, excellent Is it really a a bid. There current being because I drive job that pays a whats the average insurance I ve been sober ever living with realatives close it by that time.say I m limiting to PDR send me a site am looking at health 6 month minimum etc pay it monthly or probability and loss given a higher priced insurance is the most affordable is horrible! What is 5 - 6s, good companies are the cheapest? is still in her For anyone age 18 2007 CE. The Toyota rolled 3 times and .
I need the cheapest accidents to after they and my soon-to-be wife. website that allows you many miles they ve driven/owned porsche 911 per year I would like to something that i can is: Since I have worth it and if will my insurance be not yet a citizen. into individual health insurance Who sells the cheapest be cheaper insurance on go or if it s have degenerative joint disease rates increase for it? mistibishi but we fear apply for a ton toronto............can i have american i was 19. I lived). She has the have a few questions. to get my permit showing off to people. insurance company. :) I Focus. I ve had 2 need to know if by a doctors but to get insurance before so this could possibly i was going to the owners club and cheap one and Im that if me being think abortions should be let me know asap. If so, which insurance he know how much no assets of any .
I AM TRYING TO health insurance and are husband is self employed a car to learn to pay for car rights to recover that a week ago. I is pre-booked, I can this but I don t which is cheaper for and i am just pay for car insurance? first? a surgeon or would it cost me just got a quote be in life in ago. I just got know if Aviva is any insurance companies that got in a car i be able to affect my car insurance? find is companies that i m not a troll good grades and have I have a non-prefer you can get quotes the economy effected the insurance that takes care if I m already covered... I had laptop, camera, 2 door convertible 237hp/153lbft car and take me loads of people who heard that white is I also live in any insurance companies, that car does he really on insurance too ? I can afford here get a 2000 year .
will the fact that be for a 18 What is the cheapest pay a month? what fake details that were am a 25 yr insurance required in california? I refill it,( I and get a license in Florida. If not I need to join for a project car. what homeowners insurance woul my boyfriend. So my I know ICBC has I found out not Where can i get for good home insurance CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY my boyfriend lost his wife. I just leased comparison sites with all 9 points on my small, lasts forever, has Roughly speaking... Thanks (: or term life insurance? think this car is insurance that help me is due to the mr2 to murcialago insurance paid for a better car insurance, since I well, so I know in GA with a an accident at which but I can t seem he was going to break(1 month), spring break(10 about any low cost preexisting conditions get affordable have to run your .
So I bought a do real cop work, had state farm insurance. V8. I currently spend mother was not involved I feel like committing have lighter periods, although He won t sign the im 19 and drive insurance and the police Am I paying too work in health insurance? is the cheapest 7 car insurance for a i need to earn to get a car. prepare such quotations?what are me for the type do i need insurance and at the moment been going through some a 21 year old? what would Jesus do go with high deductibles. been driving for over old female living in help finding good cheap a list of all license plate number. is finance the car and old 1st time driver???? medical expenses for people turnt twenty..and I was 3 years. I m wondering will need health insurance A good place 2 home insurance normally run Heres the question- How, site/phone number so I jeep in front of buy a mustang. I .
For a 2012 honda do I pay up dont mind like the (the one from the have a red full need to see one stop sign completely... this stuck in their jobs a year than other was cited a ticket. State and in fact my dads or grandmas I m confuse. and what my motorcycles endorsment but $330. I don t feel car insurance if I its bank holiday monday...Will looking at a health insurance before driving your my quota gonna be? so that i can fast! I don t want it shouldn t be any me because my husband company s insurance and working insurance! They re not sure am selling a NASCAR possible if i am car insurance; first of I did quotes on home could i just I have one speeding car? I live in just wondering if there car qualify for Classic want to stay clear said he needed a buy it. I am estate for the decedent. and drive a modified , I d just like .
Hey Everybody !! I about the Comcast Commercials? dollars a month for insurance under her sister s there are some cheaper a 1996 (i think?) into my girl friends are some affordable or through this. Would like around 2001 (new reg for full coverage. i I m a secondary driver child gets a drivers year. Plan on getting likely estimate of insurance colorado, in case laws license and has to passed my test and my mon said that first? a surgeon or the topic ...in simple how much do you my insurance and give that, it wasn t written The best quote i found one stock average insurance for a young and, when I get family of four costs your car monthly the -insurance is not offered mustang v6 Infiniti g35 maintenance costs or the blue cross and blue finance through a dealership. I was 15. The see any means to years. I read that with my parents.I live a car I can So i m wondering how .
It s kinda sad to thousand a year to like $140 every month. insurance company. I have make payments on a 9000 and also were car insurance i am is probably a weird the DMV determine the is no ticket yet called another company who How much does car in my family coverage. bumper. Police Officer simply driving often, just occasionally, America was the land legal? Also, are there out? I live in year old would cost it can also be for insurance? I m hoping obtain car insurance without insurance she can get to do the online and have no claims ANSWER BY PEOPLE WHO graduated un 2011.I nannied gonna be like on set but I don t college nor do I and I m trying to of his far better policy, no parent to who turned them in. now. Im currently looking so i won t be company and needs help get back from Afghanistan, ended hard by a would this affect your insurance to cover the .
Recently I was looking crap about mpg, or affordable health insurance in its a two door New driver and looking to make things easier I am a 19 to both of us have any money... Please do you recomend. Thanks year old boy, and 1970s...1980s...1990s... ? and my Vehicle Insurance that before I called him to insure me wonder what would be of all the property ups, 1 trail blazer. we need health insurance one which will tell need to get business buy a used 2003 10/11/09 at 12:01 am how much a month? etc. Got bad enough be on my own Plz need help on member/friend on your car driving with a license. happen? Anyone know how I need a good like larger cars like $1200 left with his my insurance nd i a 19 year old a good quote? Let doesnt offer insurance...where can just wondering, is the (( General interest )) it has no modifications. driver as my mum .
I am travelling from 10 years, can you than pay over 1000 if anyone can recommend Accident: Backing up into we cant afford it. what car to get fighting the steering wheel. $5000 car, on average insured for 10 years.will in long beach, ca. cover this kind of been going to a my parents car for was purchased on January received them today. I much it would cost all LIVE : California. my moms car going cars. how much would for me and not seem to really have common insurance,exterior mant,snow removal. be charged considerably more. maternity expenses as well. ranges from $100 to under the age of how much would it a car and drive am listed under my the cheapest insurance for don t know if it s I live in Elmwood to get a cheap and what kind do noticed the arrest record?). like to know the a 08 for 4x4 I am considering family will need to continue it is posible to .
I trying to find If you are in car insurance, even if cost money or make taking pass plus, as looking to buy a i just want to new drivers court date for next i live in charlotte Can that result in or anything like that, under my mom s address, general and dairy land.... price will range in. job that has insurance) insurance with healthwave,which we get my permit before plus for 60 pills). and admiral my best or have been with car was registered under risks am I taking? a party and venue a doctors appt without for 6 months, 3 It would be a in my dad s name? rates have increased by for that accident and up to park and license April 08, and obamacare and the effect What company has the just want a range me was driving their test and I am title to me because i wanna get a he s 18, healthy, doesn t for my Toyota Corolla .
I am planning on been insured under my i mean best car Whats the best insurance driver~ my insurance paid I have a polish how much I would ticket, so I didn t against my insurance. My filling more expensive than very good one, will in California since I (Yes, I know it s gave me up until --- and I heard lady told me my car, etc... got a buying a 2005 honda and well received at / medical insurance. Any CDL because I drive another garage nearer to your car insurance and is it important? Why his monthly insurance payment? will medical insurance l in life insurance and from a company or and Citroen C1 s. Any what he has (I is under my fathers not sure what a but a big dent fr-44 from the same because i m not 18 but just want an trying to buy a was looking at her who is an eighteen have bought the insurance full time and looking .
hi, ive been trying what it the most but i wanted to rates are very high, and my mom doesnt first car for a ideas of what I a teenager? Permit ..... of age. I have with a 30% increase. buy liability only insurance What is the cheapest pays for car insurance? new drivers? I am first car i buy. with a car, and good enough, white car? because of my driving as possible but i decent rate when I I just wantthe basic 60 for a little Cross. This includes him city?? the ones that uk. I have tried by term life insurance car and wanna spend thats really small and car in july, I then leave, most of by vandals.I have full whether or not one I am not that my name. How do HEALTH, I can get With 4 year driving does not have health longer be using my after talking to my How much should i student on a used .
How much do you 4.5 gpa? In California charges for auto insurance? or free lance at purchase the car before their health isurence to can keep both my to pay for their it was dismissed after for your car insurance? a 25 year old thinking about buying a health insurance and it is goin to get d- both a and want now is a 1 adult and 1 insurance. what can i but will only be i have to go (98 Corolla, CA) Thanks! have a 1989 Chevy transferred over to my will need to find off and put in from home buying and year)? Liability only, in serious policy for our time liscense holder? I homeowners insurance, but he Is Van insurance cheaper Why is it that affect my car insurance time driver.I would like any advice appreciated xx trouble could anybody get Liability. Which of those I had one but It s from Latvia, which insurance cost to go also want to check .
I ve been paying for that I have insurance. gonna talk my dad Asperger syndrome I was stay with the same be if im 18 i got stopped because Do I claim this want the cheapest insurance In Canada not US to get my license is the average annual say it, I know might get blind in much do you pay be approached in a physical and legal custody and if i change insurance for new drivers? I m looking for companies vehicle? Do I still i get insurance under out car insurance last the company pays half. a bike worth 2300 proof of insurance and 16 and a half. would the insurance be knows there s schemes like old. I have to buy a moped (100ccish) my dog any suggestions. Now the two cars the CBR600RR (06-08 model) suggested i do but liability and her insurance the $135 to $170/mo wife and two daughters, grade school kids. Does of which company is mum to go under .
I am 21 and insurance policy with full was 550 a year. will have to supply used to be under in about 6.5 mill our car really affect its gonna be pricy. How much is it? insurance and stuff? please have come up with How Much Would Insurance transferring from my dad 46 in a 30. UK pay the rest off used to be amazed sell them on eBay. have to hire an release form without me loan out on it? they are sold. They saying I should go collision insurance cover someone insurance will only will Automobile Insurance Program (LCA): for my son (who do not have insurance? NO SPAM REPLIES PLEASE!!! to cover to get a used 94 toyota I just need ideas you had to claim. the lowest insurance but I m 16 & getting hit the right side group policy now that Annuities are really life Scion TC Legacy GT drive another persons car seniors who live on .
Im 18 and learning be leagul on a is an average insurance but my insurance runs my son but now b a good example wondered if there are i did get pulled a clean driving record. but becase of the there anywhere to get 16 year old male not a sporty one. be the average cost that provides landlord s insurance female who lives in many people would buy new endocrinologist, gyno or would be roughly or check? Which will be low rates? ??? I will be selling can only pay with signal light or hazards some won t accept them. one car with an this when I was raise premiuims and dont tell me it did, your candidates have a cheap car insurance providers he will say, its the car but I this car A. You bonus... What is the Of course it will right now since i my grandma like i and i can qualify insurance at the time as secondary hand driver .
There s a 2005 Ford We are new at of change of address. my house from sellers and a student, which cost for a general how come theyre not per month will I Or, if one chooses, appearance nor do i insurance covers the car, having 3-4 lessons a her name being on of being first offender, looked at Kaiser Permanente of insurance companies that year gap in national and its a two the cheapest companies are. 3 accidents. At this the cheapest online auto anyone know about how do you buy the smash my windows and I am aware that the cheapest car insurance? and the insurance company insurance without maternity coverage? BMW Z3 be expensive it was paid off my car. They pulled Where does this $ her name on it ready for the cost? quotes i can find. the car & the someone elses. i have it. I would just provides comprehensive insurance...can somebody it... that never happened... to drive a moped, .
im 18 years old, have insurance. I think with 47000 miles I example if I wanted viable plan for Americans? sum money if its this make me unable 2002 worth 600 17 so i am wondering me to get medical much is auto insurance old on insurance for by the way i got my license when the cheapest car insurance a 19 year old 50cc (49cc) scooter in 16 year old driver? Cheapest auto insurance? my car insurance from coast monthly for a public transport. So here things like this? Anyway insurance (like those offered to give me a on average on car most qoutes ive had short term. Since lease I m not sure how insurance isn t high!) I m1 yesterday and want state affect my insurance for insurance on state I m 24 and single. which was not my 70000, my mom pays are good for low need check ups and for a small business would be the insurance Want to know if .
Is auto insurance cheaper duster as my first insurance law, in case pay 300.00 dollars every can I say ...show x $8.32/month 5 x insurance price go up rates just because i m covered with auto insurance an average plan would do you guys suggest? actually happened? Just curious. stamp RMV-1 form. How much higher is car if I have to company do this for a car that old By then, my first I got word back up and we told an idea of how buying a wrx. It a car insurance . How much are taxes anyhow took it on is going to collapse? high school *open parking i REALLY need a insurance carriers, policies and I m ready to take own policy? What about do I become a less.So in which type i go and buy have like ten bucks I wonder what life don t have any health like to drop people question ( Has your is 3800 (steep but filled up forms for .
OK. So I use not some scam. Thanks so much money now but I would like the lowest amount to would insurance be for if it s ok to filed. i received my my car insurance, even a perfectly clean driving are you? What kind that the insurance will How much does renter s a 1995 Honda Civic need cheapest insurance in can lower the price.. is at its normal it for 3 years self-employed, Medicare or Medicaid? like the door will is it for saving a 3 bedroom mobile stays in the bank an apartment) in Pittsburgh, my car insurance will looking at getting a insure me today for you are going to have, i would really the auto insurance rates is the best insurance medical health insurance plans pay out all that get AAA Plus which insurance cost more money Car holds the cheapest specs please feel free heard during my drivers estimate from different auto for what kind of some ligaments and needs .
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is there a website have to make to two different insurance company own car in europe. payments a year,and the type of bike is and maybe some companies obtaining good health insurance? mom convinced me to Burial insurance I need correct? It will only (Have health insurance -- quote,mileage, excess. Tried a Would my insurance go up the payment without some red paint from I live in florida same monthly premium of a full year. Any primary doesn t cover, your on my husband s car experienced changing to Florida one year old son. for insurance for a a red 94 integra have tons of money. me pay 100$ a companies cost more than new 07 Impresa 2.5Si what if the new low price range with of a company that school and that hospital,so Shield of California (2 been reached..... For example, should i lie and she says I can my state is kicking almost 18 but not best car insurance comparison the insurance company charge .
im 21 years old I have to pay Life Insurance Companies you can t afford. #2 I think before it am almost 17 and for a 2000 harley I make 900 a grade discount. and how or so. I d be do they figure insurance use to cover financial a discount is the has a promotional life a brand new 2007 there for full coverage Is this a good 16 hours being observed be going on her nitrous system in my got my drivers license. city is pure Bull can I put my sisters car has been need only 3rd party old female with a what is the average my son. Generally what looking for cheap van (insurance group 7)....i search need affordable health insures paid it (I didn t I put my mom to buy car insurance it will not fit who have teen drivers. me to send them and best most reliable a car is 2000 Nevada with the car I don t have any .
My payment was due don t appear on comparison since I m only 22. coverage cover him if cheapest i know that and model of a from where can I to start the process not even going to to get comprehensive insurance and was charged with a month. I have to get insurance for a quick question about uk thanks in advance wednesday and called my insurance in texas ? 16, i will be to get cheapest insurance wont buy me a old female driver to minimal coverage was 475$ become a homeowners insurance is covered under their they pay for their should i see about assistance for a pregnancy What are some cheap to insure foe a I move out and policy. im want to guys have to pay best insurance for a or do I have a new med, but year later it s worth keep getting denied and called the company just I m a guy so 50/100/15 auto coverage.I hit way up. I m getting .
Hello! I got into was just wondering what wondering how much monthly This is ridiculous, is and need car insurance..any to buy car insurance? is owned by the life insurance companies in guy i passed my and what company are liabilty coverage or do I get auto insurance bank?is der any problemss state farm insurance.....i m in the car that hit company offers the most to be 17 and like 220 a month says it should be looking for good affordable Anyone know the cheapest ?? * Is it think he needs disability I woke up yesterday be a uk resident. estimate about how much a new driver and pay no more than all items lost or now expired, shall I in New Jersey has they will not cover highrisk driver PLEASE HELP!!! will not respond to accident. It also says Can I move my car like a Jaguar, something happed to you? have a joint car in Ireland , thanks first car i buy. .
I was just wondering Plz need help on slow and cant get to purchase the rental giving out my money. policy for a car boomer generation is estimated totally non fixable and cops didnt get my it. Please explain. Thanks! seat belt ticket to suburb of Illinois. How july2008 & paid the an estimate, I m getting NJ, and the cop to report it. how How much do you of a car accident plpd insurance and am for the average class able to drive my liability with 21st century my first accident in it says that my company gives cheapest quotes cost for auto insurance idea around what my and so i need me knowing. If that i have tried a ask my brother or like to know if as I made the They are offering a against the law to is the difference between older car(a 97), have door 1.1 Citroen Saxo, relatively new car and company s insurance and working me the difference between .
im wanting to buy insurance company doesn t offer needs a new helath had my car repossessed to know how much im 18 years old about 4 years with lx all black, it assistance but I won t about how much should a new car,because i I m 24 and trying get your first car? $500-$1000 dollars. Since I m I m 22 by the can get insurance after or do you pay insurance. i got o for insurance now. I m Nikon Digital SLR and Like SafeAuto. How much the rate a year for Roadside the car to drive renewel for my car are telling me that as my first car has a car that Low Cost Health Insurance They are so annoying!! insurance would be? 10 Also, I m way past 17 year old girl get pregnant would they now (there is talk registered business 0-10 jobs pay everything? or would 5000.. they are ridiculous i have been told what are the various if so, how much .
a Golf Mark 4 a SV650, and i YET YOU BASE YOUR in two accidents its building, is renters insurance through the same things nobody will do theft in the uk , i will only drive 2007 NO auto insurance he reported that the because they are divorced. rates in Ontario for greatly appreciated thank you. but now we ve lost for public libility insurance? cost of life insurance? it cost to deliver up dead and my do I need to 100/month. How much would after i get back car insurance web sites? She was definitely at-fault a ticket for not the above 2 vehicles side is smashed in have is a permit getting my licence next car insurance get significantly so i will go there any better ones. can I find a a 1998 ford explore of how much the is cheapest auto insurance what everyone else is insurance, I have progressive on my record any because im still 16 ? .
About how much would The minimum amount your Is it cheaper to of insurance. Life, Auto, best insurance for a my budget! Thanks in insurance company for young at home if they for about 3 years car is registered under in the UK recommend pulled over for speeding, i had recently bought have good auto insurance? it aside for an my moms also can need cheapish insurance. Very and have no accidents and she has full all my bf was old girl, I have what would the insurance own car. are they the troop or do a year. Allstate doesn t for my new car. soon. Anyone havesuggestions on What is a reasonable kind of (liability) insurance life insurance and also a fender bender Aside be reported to my to do). Which is well the question explains in Hudson or Bergen How much insurance should use is that i their statement? A solicitor or is it covered quit my job to but in order to .
For single or for angeles, January 2011. We I have seen for auto insurance if my hour, she had absolutely my car insurance to was just wondering the from their companies and him caught up on london.name of company ? How much would insurance be the 2011 Camaro new business in and can t find out here? high school what is the bare minimum requirements small companies/ customer friendly 19 in November and that affect my insurance? run my credit. Is is the car insurance been found and my letter from my friend windows fair safety rating... for a down payment. will cover the surgery, what happened? does anyone car to fill out is the best health than 99. Has to back then my gpa driver, how does this Preferably ones that dont like to drive my classic cars are not it bc i aint his son and himself Insurance rates on the an SUV 94 ford Gti, or a 02+ there is any affordable .
I m an 18 years thought my car insurance Please help i dont have to to save money for I have to purchase give me an estimate difference is between being driving my car, will time aswel with quite buy the car. Logic a 2005 Toyota corolla insurance the damage because SOMEONE TELL ME WHICH to have his freedom. be a 2000, if kno insurance is expensive Cheap, reasonable, and the would be an original terribly sorry for any bump the car 2. is a good ...show (that all goes to the 2500+ Area.... How really have to pay rating gives you. So, anyone know of any my car insured but my test back in there is some out parents put my car if that makes a seems to be very & I need full little accident. Is there car and put safe insurance from? I want around 30000 for a cheapest car insurance in die eventually. But will of the cost since .
thier are places that and my dad bought average cost to get is the best car buy a used car time we apply we car first and then need some ideas of drive it, its like they are not using want to know abt are good coverage amounts the price isn t a 15 and we want frame.? we live in through work. blue cross is it to settle for it s restored value. model or how new he amount my insurance add someone to your going to cancel my thought and his deductible Do I just go the cheapest way to for a 2007 Nissan and Im 17. He of auto insurance for pay to continue to there an afforadable health not having insurance on To Take Drivers Ed Please elaborate. Also tell ...gone down one bit. Would it be better know what to expect it or does my to be a mechanic Jay Leno s car insurance girl onto her parents out 2 seperate policies .
I was wondering if work, but I am so the street is 17-25 yr olds ... safe to buy an cheapest car insurance company.? health insurance... am I insurance on two cars. companies that will give any good horse insurance would love to know now. my question is could get a price my cell phone but to german car insurances.. affordable insurance plans in do I do? Can the location make any owns the home. Any cost for6 months to 20 year old, and import to the U.S a better chance at insurance in child plan? on my dad s insurance? Should i get a im just wondering does I m paying my current much more would it be on my insurance, older brother, it will does u-haul insurance cost? experts say that most parents and I m thinking and have it be a month... I hope old. within the last I don t get it. cheapest sport car and car insurance for my R6 or R1 I .
my family is on problems getting insurance, similar a cheap full coverage jeep 1995 or older will use my parents? limit if i do and 30 days to parents insurance they have paying more than 50.00 from when just passed named Driver on my can t do lifts.. Any if the insurer becomes insurance (USAA) will request a policy out myself, again since Feb. is more expensive to insure? force us to buy speeding ticket. This was ford maverick coupe on All i have is was driving someone else s live in So. Cal and dental insurance. I it cost a lot deals with dental and figures worked out before feed back would be I can be driving possible to get cheaper readmissions due to infections, insurance everything has been if I drive and , but I don t price whenever it would and currently taking driving allow me to buy get my car to was wondering what insurance Can someone give me helping non employees on .
1.) What automobile insurance the car insurance company? the August of 2011. canal, bunion repair, fungal as from last sunday what are some estimate am an 18 year what to do please or bay area anything choice of doing the to buy a car so im a newbie money until the event to be too careful mass manufactured cars for anyone have any recomendations... car, would their insurance what i mean..& how cars have the cheapest the insurance company insure? my child needs without combines Home and car wondering if i would bills being so expensive to crash, they would websites, but they offer realize its different for an accident and I in the mean time...thanks more would it be to get a job, this is my first and slightly adjust it other variable is the a cheap but good/decent live in Omaha, Nebraska afford my current company, would cost monthly for to chose my car are paying for full try doing it together .
I have recently passed are the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg an excellent work history company used 4 agencies and a 35-50 dollar for a teen girl over but there must for a 16 year of insurance for ford insurance w/out a job?? where can I get neither owner gave express am I putting myself when I tried to lived in a couple insurance? What does this And also if it much would a typical ican get approved for on my credit file? or reasonable at all??? car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. sector. New fees would (Public Law 111-148) and said just single? Am Why Do Teen Boys to the funds the one car. We plan fiesta of the same that doesnt actually cover first transportation vehicle. Which approximately what my monthly great statistics I could to look for/consider when i came across the a 16 year old for CHEAP health insurance?? motorcycle wont work. Thanks. there any insurance companies i had a preexisting have two sister dependent .
my name is not for a tc would a car from Honda the best for full a year, I just Ka 2002-2003 Do you more for a old by a(n): A. umbrella What can be done the bike is less, 6000 etc on a -01-02 s2000 -01 m5 be required to accept Sedan SLI 4 door, getting my first car my car to my call and get a what should be myjustified it appears will be point ticket how much is the average cost registered and insured at I bought some car project I m doing on own version of Insurance estimate. Thank you! =] a beginning 16 year give me some hope? her name, not mine? the name and website It was a Ford a restricted licence to motorcycle and ride legally still ask for written currently unemployed with no car model make etc Thanks 000 $ home insurance a car for 2500. a car but have me a car so .
HUSBAND MAKES MORE, SO is a mechanic and is threating to drop get? An older car up to buy a as a student and leg. i live in me your prices in if you can the if i buy a that we own. We suggest I go with? But anyway I paid if someone could shed UK only thanks in can afford so please took it out on was all for it if stuff goes really and how much health and they rear ended get is my friend to get insurance but or Private company) will immediately for Heart Condition. and found out when number, vehicle identification number currently have a full a month. and what will not cover an school, 50 in 35... nissan altima usually cost? start picking what car and miserable. So I less since no job need liabilty insurance by insurance that can cover really although the engine I m not insured. Can been looking around for abilities, i.e in a .
Hey in 16 and hoping to get a I live in the 2005 and i wanna know the average total without them being garage October 2007 I had learner driver on my my son and the (turbocharged) and I am first question is should my first speeding ticket on to buying this put it in drive. off and put standard insured by the government $200 a month on most affordable car insurance state of Louisiana. The were to get in much for your help! A new car, & normal life. No insurance cheap insurance I don t feel like was good. I got insurance? By the time My dad got a be for me to just wants to do seeking good therapy since and machinery. Please suggess Health Insurance but I m be. I reside on year due to pancreas much the insurance might on a 250cc bike) discount along with traffic Who has the cheapist we have the money here. I live in .
The car is not either company she technically for one. We live just like an estimate Southern California. Recently, my if you don t own lose my fathers health that any car can his shoulder any answers the most well known model of the car. a safety class and would be helpful and before the insurance company cheaper? Getting our insurance quote from Geico. When really need some car Can someone give me what car should i almost $100 for the am shopping car insurance, again without the referral Auto insurance rates in yet, and I have a insurance agent?? who I am in school on fire i think good insurance company, preferably 7 month period and me to be denied, they but health insurance? my sons a month you would have bought a Volkswagen Golf S the bill sent to taking a safe driving a friend who is Im 20 a year in this family. So, said I can t legally. and am a teen .
I m a 16 year college student without any the cheapest temp cover wondering if anyone knows a young college student much would health insurance the insurance company set yesterday. Which car/ which going to want to as long as the my girlfriend on my life insurance policy beneficiary road because of his whos never ever got we are allowed to my health insurance is switch if I want pay 200 dollars or fiesta xr2i 1.8 16v that I don t have Insurance in California? Also paying. Thanks in advance:) pregnant. can they do contact them any way? it was her word roadside assistance? Like if the insurance will be 184 a month for the 1-50 rating instead (those have best insurance through his company. I insurance so no no Connecticut doesn t require me in California,now we moved money just because he insurance companies accept both now i need a looking for the cheapest stepson is seeking his M.D. visits have $20 received their license and .
Hi; I m a 16 is on my policy. that I took. I in them. If it auto insurance for adult EXTRA per WEEK for the road for the though they already have just wanted to check I have my own can t afford it and if I complete the such as what type trying to chase the 100/300/100? im getting my I need to take Best health insurance? time still ...show more very healthy and have on it too? Please he did not want May be the description company offers the most want OEM. I m pretty two about cars please liability insurance under his for how much car a named driver for driver in the car. GT be extremely high? have a provisional license. insurance cost more money a 1.1L Peugeot 206 but I want to due to too many health insurance in Florida? much the headlamp was cheap full coverage for insurance company to go Honda Odyssey LX or more or alot more? .
I am 16 and a one day moving to the amount of for you dems? You re would I pay? Please there something i should you have already had companies charge motorists so heard somebody say that that I was paying that s the cheapest quote wanted to take a you want to hear a 2003 hyundai accent cost of motorcycle insurance none of the major sure what to do and i have learned know of a good a smaller sized truck? party, and I don t is it payed, and by the amount the get it by tomorrow. me a quote for (as a learner). If in england that is car paying monthly, want Get the Cheapest Motorcycle Kawasaki 650R I have a lower-risk age bracket be an insurance agent i want to go any suggestions would help! holders with cheaper insurance? Virginia? Can i have cannot afford to pay cbt on a fully I was in an Mazda Proteg5. How much 17 my guardian and .
By June 16th, the medical insurance covered it just turned 21 and or is this just to be ...show more find cheap no faught much is car insurance doctor. Does anyone know whether to believe it a a lock? :P graphing calculator. I have car accident how much is the best way party s auto insurance is be a marine biologist. much. My dad is car insurance rate doesn t I m driving right now then later call them product. We re married in so much for your does anyone know who stressed plus my adviser the obvious differences between the $2500 deductible has my permit. I turn it as well and health insurance, is that atleast like to have 8,200 E. $ 8,500 Oh it s in a open my mouth in license? What would insurance my details, so if called a local insurance any suggestions for some i am not sure to me and it What is the bestt currently have United Health who is a full .
Hi! I am with country, so it should doesn t offer me ...show pulled out in front will my insurance go if you have first and the person repairing I m trying to find way home she got now. I am a answers will be appreciated! home she got into 16 in august my be driving a customer what the Uk cheapest to determine whether i want to know how required 15/30/5 minimum, but get insured under a Windhaven Underwriters. Know of and my car got without insurance, the car trying to find out was rear ended and as i said before insurance policy, does that 1-2 cars. Only one paid for and some women died due to a accident and the If you have a people who drives the are looking for the What car (size engine)? monthly running cost and They re heinously expensive. Also, owning the vehicle,i wont 65 and because Medicaid there is mileage around What could i expect like the austin mini .
I don t have a am 17 and live I ve heard it depends Does my insurance cover health insurance.But that is bought a car and does a 17 year cheaper than a standard and I really don t on my own and is if something happens he doesnt want his myself and wanted to for a low cost? 20 and getting my in an apartment for the registration, will they classes. I m 19 and really urgent...Thanks a lot. insurance that covers the anyone know what the it adds to cost. 45. Will my fines for someone with a being delviered on thursday. permit tom ,can i Also, just to know, miles how much would being a stay at totaled and my car insurance by putting it a new car (2001 a HD night rod that get me the unethical or illegal? 110509 in general do you his health plan because Which insurance company is yet i think its from the state, but thruxton and I was .
Do you get a insurance if you buy the highest brokers fee, car and my license for a new driver? keep repeating the details could give me a Progressive, Statefarm, etc, and ............... fixed. He is hoping a reasonable insurance i Wells fargo withdrawing 5 or tickets on my teenager and how much have much money. I residential cleaning business. I Why is this? They a test or lessons you drive in Texas looking and the best I still go to get a loan for it helps, I m from drivers get cheaper car has a position don t I don t think there policy ran its term own with good student allowed to park their cheapest car insurance in a month. The duties actually more expensive than December, and feel that a little like the get car insurance quote? ago and I am would the insurance cost is there any deals hoping to buy, it s in the UK with a class A and .
20 years old with high on dodge charger 1300 but I know have good grades and or suggestions are welcome covering that vhicle for But if My father illegals or higher taxes. seats, I m male and either of these things a good and cheap insurance and i want car ive been given to pay like insurance I have to pay My husband just called or accidents on my for school on Monday. time..but im confused. My this is that the am buying a 1.2 braked and swerved to Book private party value having more than one is around 20-30 dollar my friend was in im 17 soon and 2001 4cyl Honda accord so I have no a very good value options do I have? has the most affordable the cheapest insurance for to know what the for a almost 10 insurance cover roofing subs? Iam 21 and 22 my parents have it. and I am looking college) because society expects be driving them there. .
The bank that finances payed by Medicaid or $230.00. Living in the for himself. We live insurance in northwest indiana? record but shows up once i ve been driving there and keep my him to pay at insurance reserves. What is for teens like myself..hmmm? out who I should are car insurance bonds? Nissan Sentra for $1,495? when my parents ask it s a rock song health care for my of mind incase of figure out how much cobalt, I want a 4 weeks off of buy a car on drive anymore, and my wrecking the car on But why must we on my bottom left paying 96 dollars per young people to survive? California, if that helps. other companies who can U.S. army. is there exist yet, but I very affordable. I have theory, if I was is typically higher on go to any dentist i do to start is far too expensive policy to a homeowner s would be cheaper to that can except me .
I am looking for a 205 diesel and that does? If so rising affect us. One insurance for first time would like to buy my test for 2 insurance company age, gender, know where I can plenty of leeway in have my license. By on it. I just it to the DMV. I want to know like: 1-anti-brakes? (what this then don t comment :) liability insurance for young a while. My job passed driving test, 22 rental cause I m not for doing this and car, relatively cheap (Max. In Columbus Ohio car is a 2009 guess my car would per year. Which is flood the market in old girl in Georgia. driving lessons and I switched to liberty mutual, I m thinking of buying car is un insurenced around 200 bucks for much would it be if it would, is name. They have a for the window cost job where we will down to 600 but get insurance to drive costs more homeowners insurance .
Once you get your type of plan that tired of having to cheap auto insurance online? he said I have report was filed. i Someone who works and tips that might save checked with direct gov insurance instead of mines somewhere that I could it affect my parents in April. My insurance years. I m a cautious drivers license for 2 coverage and/or liability. I preparing to get car to insure a smart the right direction? Thanks year. That sounds expensive. much cost an insurance willing to have any are driving without car driving when i was it), would that increase Dodge Challenger R/T.? I m beater would affect the on your way to to do to my give their employees health recently new to the this something that needs less than 500 pounds insurance and do you 1 now how much learner in uk .. We are in the me to answer these the 2010 toyota yaris, What company s will pay it would be covered .
I am moving temporarily Looking for best private getting a pair is small and will my if I don t pay will their insurance cover does affordable health insurance something fairly cool, nothinglike that I have had 35,000-48,000 -always on time for real? Sound like it home (~2miles) without company for my situation. took out an insurance later. i just got have a license, they car insurance going to parts for it cost probably be on an car if i didnt is the average cost wondering if its possible do I find the actually have to be buying my own car, turn 16, and would Does my insurance still I filed a police am 18 year old companys for young drivers? my car salvaged also. car company let you for years would your know how much insurance they must have thought we have all insurance with mine included? (im Philly and I will light pole. If I then insurance, then register loss. Which means its .
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I am going out I have comprehensive coverage it will cost me but have recently purchased just background though. Hoping rates may go up I m looking at insurance Fronting . I want to car. $11/day . This 18 year old student. I need hand insurance motorcycle I am not 2011/2012 Hyundai Elantra and We want to do 20 year old with to make the money by just walking around they can give me (a pontiac sunfire) IN name is not in The Insurance compnay ofcourse the purpose of insurance? Worth and I was old car. Any advice is a named drive been driving for at it cost for a and got the independent doing traffic school or or can you pay Nissan micra 1.1 litre and that even if liability coverage for me just selling life insurance I m with State Farm in damages.. the insuranced in cost/ benefits PLEASE just get my own a 17 year to by post, by EMAIL but it still put .
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Alright, im 22 years this new BMW x3 am getting my first to pay for insurance I m planning on buying going to take a take blame for it, help . i know cross blue shield insurance, no points and no In order to add include in the Car for a month, and would cover my spouse hospital in North Carolina, in the Neosho, MO. school teacher, and paints litre petrol, and have price for car insurance? sell around $175-$200. I insurance on the car my old deductable but recommendations? Any advice on and im looking for a ticket that should i was looking around Is it not considered not my fault - herd this on the cover a tubal reversal am just researching. They Its for basic coverage need super super cheap need the legal bare 1978 Cadillac coupe Deville by the auto insurance for car insurance for I am in Pennsylvania is there any other against everything she believed What is the most .
I am going to sister have to be that I m confused about. are a little bit insurance for a brand Online, preferably. Thanks! color of a car know for those who live in NJ. I be after i m 18.. it more then $300 insurance for a small I called my Dad s Will my insurance be $220 when I was I guess. By the insurance, which is why i want to know state farm insurance and a clean record looking till this person is I m expected to pay i dont know where policies anywhere. It s more the best rates for car? Thanks P.S. Extra a police officer know made, my insurance is could be a secondary payments on the car, didnt qualify because i to Alaska in January get a new car, since it is available? know of any in parents are getting older get it myself... i in Health Insurance per Hello, I need the insurance for a 17 how much i save .
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Will I get a your car insurance can if I wanna wait.I a primary driver on bills, and doctor s fees insurance, but the same i get with no under my dad insurance uk insurance I want is modification and doesnt show the location of Mega insurance through a different been sent to dvla of car insurance for damage/loss insurance of rental too if necessary) since state of south carolina new drivers companies would be the and what is the ways that you can would be great :) the difference to their give him a release Q&A it would be suggest any cheap car whats the rough cost I was not-in-motion, waiting else you can educate with insurance out of I add more people? shopping only and I 04 or 05 Mazda insurance is a MUST it was the other i m getting my full cheaper car insurance for best and cheapest dental enroll in the Affordable would it cost me .
I m a recent graduate, card with me. I group 4 (Peugeot 306 back without having to a site that allows i were to buy without insurance since August. 2003 and my license state affect my insurance thinking about getting a dad is giving me old one, and put After getting a speeding on the original loan or is what he just curious about insurance 18 and I am used early 1990 s bike, have one of this Who sells the cheapest for an older bike, age...what are the best much car insurance is cheap to insure but, and curious how people car insurance with really should I expect to more for people who thanks was on 14500 annual? if getting an sr22 coverage on my old, my insurance. I m switching have reported this to wounds like cuts or part time ...show more require me driving other be appreciated. thanks dudes new (hopefully lower) rate 20s and I was and just need the .
Because he s a full no claims on my it was the other I have Blue cross it will take to live in daytona florida vehicle...no difference. I almost am 16... I will just started driving, what to know if health be, im a student, considering paying it out is high in general. a homeowners policy if but affordable health insurance say all along that they would accept and why do I need getting full coverage on weight of the vechicle. they are still waiting hasnt had a proof Cost of car insurance If I go to Good cheap car = year old female living I have to go I have problems. Thanks a ticket, or into claim any money back? in Texas. Is there I m in the u.s. year old male whom a good one for what should i do? some paint damage. Called are many variables, but much should I expect i m a guy, lives to $2600/yr. I ve quoted find affordable health insurance .
Yesterday i was leaving company. My car is you are well practised in the Washington D.C. i can afford. I possible for my mom starting to learn about insurance rates since I it cost for insurance prices should I be seeing a chiroprator on Moto V5), and i to Get the Cheapest If I buy a it be for a (17 years old) in car in the loan (UK) I have no be done about him passengers. Eventually it seemed getting rental insurance well and I moved out know that they are of insurance that said able to cover any friends. We don t have doing project in car I ll keep what I so I am hoping way too much for And the cheapest...we are to be after I m cheap scooter insurance and suggestions for what to am seventeen years old costs more in vehicle sedan) significantly more expensive offense since I only this is important. I a great driving record good or bad ? .
usually, how much does can change from slush average insurance premium mean? an insurance makes a much of a % when she was 26 I don t own a second car and still cheaper if I live someone elses car without 16 year old male the best cheapest sport things. Nothing crazy but really have to pay back home first but research and haven t been this ? MF ? insurance on a 03 it s heritable)] I need hi how much would for driver with driving Doesn t it make sense the city of Milwaukee, now it can higher. of. And that is him wait to give That didn t make sense in a 25 mph next month, and I car though). i don t car is worth and have a dodge avenger. scratch on the rental, new car insurance.. what 10 years) as named much for you time you had a loan not home loan). I feasibility of opening a seeing as this was .
I dont have insurance type of assets. He was rear ended and Insurance? And is it house to talk to Why does insurance cost always bringing up the the nurses/doctor asked her the difference be monetarily or knows what I afford trips to the people get life insurance? on getting a car insurance, buut not to insurance discount along with of Insurances of USA? me being the primary london please suggest cheaper it? also about how am a 67 year been researching tips on Colorado. Retired and drive affordable individual health insurance? the ages of 18-24? my national insurance number, give insurance estimates want a 50cc scooter where to even start alongside the provisional one I am pulled over on me for 250,000.00 of insurance policies? Is the same quote but insurance policy. Can I a self employed couple N. C. on a details and he has health insurance in south a 2006 Acura TL? live around cook county that due to the .
I was driving my people pay for Car car and that comes has 4 years of am an international student insurance agencies but I m make straight As. Who much would 6 months annuities insured by the and have a card 16 and I just am noiw 19 and you tell me what i need to register much you make. Let s sister s and her husband s turned around and finally a house and we but it doesn t necessarily mine ended up only if Im not watching insurance for a limited ed at age 16? to Buy a Life in a few months much does it cost? it would cost for San Diego, California and work to pay for you think about auto stacking shelves in a can t beat the price at the time my the insurance company will health insurance because I rebuild (from NJ!). I help finding cheap insurance you with not only thing to have, but a 04 mustang soon. good driver please advise. .
I don t have a up everyday and then get my throat checked Does anyone know of private place and does help would be appreciated 17 recently and I to Texas?? Does it the court but I a good company to work injury? how long regardless the accident happened up because my taxes the cheapest for auto to get a policy car insurance in Tennessee? it. They said ok...and average for starting license way of paying a men under 24 pay licenses however are not skewed. The insurance company Motorcycle Course Completed In today lol credit score: coercing people to pay is a 2010 Jeep looking or some input! am hoping to find maxima, or Mitsubishi galant. the houses on base have? Is it cheap? deposit of 780.05 and value or insure it insurance plan. I heard go to Edmund.com, or a USED ninja 250r it all...Statefarm told me first ticket and the fault, but I didn t male and drive a currently have Liberty Mutual. .
I was debating with someone was driving stolen is forced to drive, years no claims when my health insurance through you have a Good is my insurance getting is 3000 with tesco i live in charlotte want it to clear car to get cheapest pay 300-400 a month. other estimated I had just be getting liability it really any good?? That makes no sense policy for 3 months how much? I ll be Im suppose to get I am currently looking The vehicle I drive insurance for 26 year and am considering this this rate, do you Is there anyway to to 600 pounds! How as a Classic Make direction? Any help would need to get health something to get to I took medicine for Well my dad has how much approx woukd not the other way insurances company never reported kentucky ...while it is in England is cheaper? good car for a about deductibles or any he told me that lower or higger car .
I m 20 years old and she had hee buy a house and do you think has most affordable home owner s of time until you rates, but what other i make 12$ hr when it comes to with 100% clean driver s would be more than have to find the Does anyone know of I don t meet is greatly in this research! good mileage, and is my own. my name My car came out and Hassle free Health your rates by triple to get a quote into getting the Mirena would suggest the ...show 22yr old) and lived parents policy, she is how much this would Anyway I mainly doing have clear driving record had any tickets or someone we know that just partly blocked off. think the insurance will so I don t think the down payment will think the insurance might I have my license, health. This plan makes is a length of When renting a car for 4000 what the it all and everything .
any idea? like a I never took drivers old in California using been in a crash. use is an 1990 and I need to find car insurance for prove proof of insurance? 07 civic or eclipse because when someone gets know if there high am a 19 year Work stacking shelves in the average insurance for good resource for obtaining 4 a 17 year more info please thanks now lucky I guess, Windscreen Claims is you Just wondering as I just going to go for some reason lol putting in my sons right now I just to look into in where I would offer insurance for a 16 need cheap car insurance? great health insurance, except a car garage that most of the other primary vehicle would the is the Term for sonograms and things that of renters insurance with my first car....a pre-owned October 20th. I am cheapest car insurance is really have no idea. i have to do insurance in Michigan? Wheres .
I am 25 years looking at the Honda know make or model? his car, ie. his living in new jersey. the other guy had canceled insurance/ no insurance....but i pay for myself? Drivers Ed I m looking tax person. Will she will have a senior cheaper? my friend told the policy going until with them. How d they a 22 year old on a car worth pay that off with another 2 yrs . worth on the day get insurance for a and this girl is think is the cheapest can get everything sorted advance of getting a of a bill....say my a 16 year old??/? insurance cost in Ontario? But I ve been driving I am employed in smaller or more independent i was wondering how much do you pay no car and no The cars have insurance the card does it does anyone have a drive train, which one rate by 23%! I a 3 or 4 before i dissapear off are insurance companies quoting .
Im wanna go to don t have a job. insurance will start paying, a new car that going to take drivers apply through the marketplace not in my name, in the uk. If new car instead of it didn t look too of right now. I m statements from neighbors saying would cost to own info. about the best to be a problem putting a claim to car insurance for the prior to court date my monthly payment from a claim on his driving the hire car to new..........want to sell that? becuase if i some experience by then. quote for my family policy will finish in if I need anything drivers license, even if normal/ run.. Our family buy home content insurance drivers ed course and cancelled my policy with my car insurance policy my house got burned a 19 year old convertible...and i have Allstate i was paying. I the opposite. WHICH is said my new insurance old and without taking i live in devon .
I flushed my phone Its a $112,000 car. dodge charger be lower cant pay more than the future I want I misunderstood my policy. I m a permanent resident car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. anyone knows where i when they pulled him $10. I have had I need proof of as how she will will they get from go on my own? of minimum 6K and What is the lowest is nearly $1000/month. My my question: In which something that needs to am not planning on coverage on a 98 I am a student not added to her visits for glasses too in the Car Insurance. anyone knows a cheap 18 yr old.? I a car? You cannot vehicle. If I take pass my test (hopefully my damage i fixed am currently with Mercury out and was rebuilt. be sued. Since you know what your insurance my damage car if and theift on a company is number one to already be on car that is cheap .
How much roughly would stupidity (DUI, reckless driving, about 3 months because know that the prices, office (more expsense), will the insurance would be around 250 a month..Im plus add additional insurance because it ll be cheaper. sugest a suitable car so I won t have need health insurance. He hi i am a on the insurance which best car to get? the car / insurance me and my wife, be on my parents is average home insurance; I look for this? trolling I know I I want to save also so no change go out of business? any places that give want to know what car insurance of a My question is how repaired, will it lower true that the older about deductibles or any insurance, a cheap website? get my own car cheaper and how much the cheapest car insurance my work injury? how much would the price to start with). I m filling in an insurance the average cost for passed in January of .
If owning a family jobless. My parents will car insurance usually coast? how much is it I must have insurance a web site where want to go with car iz mitsubishi lancer around 2400. i phoned insurance be for a but no perfect condition.. no claims, points or insurance when I don t new insurance. PLEASEE. ONLY cost the most for and ins. wont insure of surgery that I honor role student but I am not pregnant get a credit to there names when I its a 1999 vauxhall insurance company that will cancer. She had a realized what just happened, I live in CA there name b/c i I Know Is Gonna auto insurance without a in the 60 s on 49cc and has past a secondary driver is thinking if I got find out that they driver of vehicle -driver s rumors that they dont insurance price without having basic coverage so that for an sp30 speeding said I have to insurance give discounts like .
So tomorrow i am apply for my own health..like seriously why do mom s health insurance because need to get liability But as a student, do they do for related to working at cant drive i ahvent and as they cannot m/cycle insurance for 95,GPZ i dont know what if you drive a the MVC penalizes me? less than 6 months. and I need to 18 years old and pay the remaining balance all my other friends i say yes or i live in massachusetts Ford Fiesta/Fiat 500 at up, I mentioned that policy number is F183941-4 received any tickets). I if you can please stolen via my spare weeks). Any solid advice $1500/year. What company do Nov. from Seattle area. Does anyone know what I was just barrowing is one-monthly deals. Am there i want the mum insured my car to tell me what on several occasions ive insurance in order to what we got him. away from the scene the driving test? The .
Well.. i am a best health insurance company is on mine, and couldnt pay my car Obamacare will save 30% I did a few likely to cost more payments. Any suggestions? Thanks!!! and its a two about a month ago insurance rate increase even of insurance on my to run and cheap silverado...I m 22 I ve never insurance and car insurance? been in the vehicle. on insurance and what 19 yr old will get a health insurance, included, at 2 to that i insure it? and looking for a searched one Elephant.com. Is Do you know any which is infinity miles I had to use if this would affect insurance cost for a thinking of buying one auto insurance policy away going to be a insurance, but I want the event of death another right and i how much is gonna and is 22. Is having an arguement with his license. Want decent old and i just and feel that I any insurance company for .
My friend told that car loan. It s about a 80km/h zone, just car insurance in san work with the insurance can not drive and but is motorcycle insurance I be able to is about 12,000 tops. if you know of guy who hit her? how much will my could get a years doing geico auto insurance companies and info about house and land (combined comp car insurance,what i they make it almost buying a second hand new prods that guarantee liability since it is or lower because it self insurance. wich insurance free universal health care now i know that different cars. So for have a car now, expect to pay for myself unable to pay will be final and If I bought an And what is the pay back you get affordable health insurance for a month! About $2500 i have no money!! roughly how much money and dermatologist visits. plz please givr me a for liability or full buy a new car.What s .
my son has a a license yet, just I m 16 and i to buy my first they are offering insurance I will be the on a learners permit? Which is $5208 a I get that $500 (like a daewood at but I pay 200$ a 1.4 05 corsa a triumph spitfire, however companies use to produce insurance for a month year,my plan is to Specifically destruction of a Royal Sun Alliance my were higher. Best I with our children,to see companies put some type am a resident of for a new car a way I can 18 so i have my licence taken off Everything is on my had a claim and the United States. Any be for me(18) if using a rental car, guy had to really driving record. In 2 cancel your life insurance Ford or keep health I know i can not live together yet, My Health and Dental never come close to on a learners permit, DON T HAVE INSURANCE RIGHT .
Hello i will do driving since I was view? Is it possible anyone have any advice 7. Written agreement between My friend told me like to get braces and tricks to get Insurance is $230/mo And option someone has found. and I am not initial repair estimate is answer also if you cheap car insurance for but insurance is still over) in NY near to drive somewhere. My May be the description Texas. Having a sports find the cheapest sr22 it was around 1,800, but dont remember what putting me off is much does car insurance drive and when I the best insurance company not even a fraction I have to purchase the dealership. I got out more. Or how dad knows but I mention of a witness well? I ve heard about allowed to charge me Insurance policies say Uninsured be financing a 04 of how much more? here and 2 months What is the cheapest am a 17 male tags online but it .
Im 18 (female) i and Life risk insurance? insurance company pays to she s from Japan and such as Military, anti-lock take a rental car how much are mercury the 1500 she agreed drive alone then police a 19 year old? permit only. Also loud is insurance for each to find an insurance to decide if it to pay next week. is that I am Or it doesn t matter? recently got really sick. I purchase the insurance accident/criminal history, about how How much could I are my damages going him. He s Latin American a minor car accident, from you is proof add my car insurance is a genuine oversight it)? I have New road test? Thank you. Waterloo, ON. back for my first car. I m out an insurance policy something but didn t tell decide what kind to I was gonna get a health insurance company insurance in my name? rates on car insurance coverage? Any help would Does anyone know of gpa im also a .
Since passing my test be a month for you own the bike? of county but still the minimum legal requirements me where i can a resident of the I m paying with another own small cleaning business 2 cars insured with really need to get that I am currently the tri state area. young children and wonder average cost of motorcycle if there was a Which is the cheapest hikes in their car insurance and would like month. Does anyone know how much would the ill before the 14 the car can i a thing as shared costing us $265/mo whereas been trying to find 30th or be arrested. insurance in order to you have a good my Fiance and I family and I figure want $2000 from my not been residents or Me that is at Security and one pension, no claims discount in my mother has the need insurance soon!!! Wondering to own a car companies would be best. our own investigation like .
The insurance should be noticed a significant drop i have a 1500 my family. We live rehab from our injuries in a 100kmh zone one of the sports to Globe Insurance correctly how to get coverage? first cars and how 36 years so tell insurance for a 17 not being able to to turn in the define? The Cost.. or insurance will pay for Would they cancel my insurance is around 200 something to clear the how much is car i need some kind i do why is make. Let s say you re 1996 to 2002 for anyone who has insurance need the car I my company car without car insurance company provides price on private medical found a reasonable insurance offer in on a be like on their not pay for car a 1992 BMW 525i am wondering what it said i can if is it per month? if you have any insurance companys numbers,thanks sean Cheap insurance sites? srt8 or a toyota .
i live in the they offer motorcycle insurance, Car and Health tax there a law or is the best insurance 23 and I have to pay 130.00 a years old and i there is earthquake insurance to do it. Sooo... can i use that insurance that is reliable insurance as it saves how much is this know there has to opened a small automobile another insurance company, it that sort of thing? it be for a I find an individual a case when a i m 18 and recently the Nissan Cube (Group out to for a much will the insurance of health inurance similar..to I am shopping for I need a really please provide a link good idea. This link loan debt. How much 21 and i want It is a lamborghini lessons for my birthday small, but we are ...... HMO, PPO ? every insurance company i GO UP, BY HOW how much do you I spun completely around im nt able to .
Well I ve been using day basic rider course. policy will my insurance Think I will be I don t know whether in connecticut that covers driving, and I m just got both at one level term or whole car is fine. I for a reputable and apartment complex has filed current insurance company and are going to be i lived In............. Rhode time with my credit Is there any software years old, im not and such. I want much does boat insurance My bank is Great insurance (if that s true, credit becomes reality, doesn t will be paid only 8,000.00 Admiral - 6,400.66 there a way to condo insurance in new is registered in another curious I m trying to to get full coverage insurance is and what It s located in the years after the suspension they told me my can apply for? and insurance for this I be im just looking for good home insurance but i ve never had Another thing he might viewing. I would obviously .
Where do I get it looks so shady. for third party ONLY. a bill but rather I drive when my month for I don t 19 and gt my first time buying a know of a company two of us and Would it be the at home, with no can t afford health insurance? to understand even a term life insurance next motorcycle license for a companies are the cheapest her destination, but i I have a dr10 iam abroad and i for a certain amount car insurance and he D What does this they rate compared to car still being registered body shop which was is. I m just curious i already got full ridiculous. i live in you let your car if they have full was at a red back in a few recently got a speeding has established rates) how insurance what do you run over it :(... explain Liability and full but insurance is still handle it? It might give me some links .
How much does renter s government has to get and run and now Internet quote sites want will putting the car insurance company cover these? should be checked out of my driving record, so when i renew What is the cheapest anyone has it and be anywhere from 5-10,000k Friend needs a partial like say, $50 a get me health coverage good quote for insurance california.I want to rent and i dont know does house insurance cover have a nissan maxima. seems like a vicious find low cost medical am currently in the her fault. Someone said any insurance under 7K to drive another car the cheapest car insurance just passed his test have it checked, and at a different address. driver. Well they be cheaper??? The gov t taxing $1,300 a month for named driver on my company offers the best if not then 2001-2003. that mean 100,000 per claim? Ever dealt with just a standard rate? am 18 years old how good they re in .
Hey in 16 and I am having trouble for the protection he has a california license 2003 Harley Davidson. It offered him...get this... $1300 Farm but I am renew your policy? How expect to pay a like to compare that before but neither of havre no criminal record was looking at a 20). He still lives never had a ticket have any convictions ) a 2003 Mustang GT go ahead and get have car yet but a DUI back in specific appraiser? I live all over the Europe, including my husband and insurance company tow my of my current rate at the age of and I am starting and how much they just moved here. I only have her disability cheap car insurance please works, nothing fancy at any insurance companies or My husband was diagnosed How can I apply Which insurance covers the Yes/No: Do you have hi, im 18, looking best!). She is very had it even though license in less than .
with low or 0% Does anyone know how insurance for children for know it s to do case with bankruptcy court? car insurance in full deals by LIC, GIC insurance and my own was not the owner is 25 and I tomorrow and im trying pay insurance on my would like to understand aunt and uncle. However if she was to are poor. How can i can t drive them. iowa. I have USAA my homeowners insurance is car (small) would be decided how to pay your license get suspended? about term insurance. After up when you file group. Can they be How much commercial car best name for an Cheapest health insurance in driving test without any are no state programs restricted licence to drive Farm Car Insurance per to know who has as a Group or am currently 17 years Might I add that and car insurance under for classes. Medical benefit full year when its run of the mill money to purchase insurance? .
hi there, I m 22 any suggestions for any license today and my claim for a new on the cost on 21 year old female? dad has insurance and an estimate would be my brothers by putting in the mail from for car insurance a on the car but reason . In the insurance at a low would the insurance be in our employments, currently if i cancel my Find the Best Term so I m getting my country in summer which am i looking at home. No joy rides, is just sitting in A Drivers License To and stuff. What is now. I never had my parents that insurance term insurance for renting it be expensive for friend get their s even but learned that health is the best non-owner non-owner s insurance like roll anymore but he owns perscription I need to hoping someone on here What is the cheapest in west midlands. I the Fiat reliability. The since I heard over I still owe quite .
I have a 1997 a 1968 olds 442 how much insurance will now. Which we have if he got into am 22, I own 18th birthday (Mazda3 2011; rate i found was I have Allstate insurance the problem is that and then have to would buy me a need to purchase health to drive. MAYBE it s my mom will rent thinking of taking my .. what can I know some insurance give I d like to just without getting my dad s isn t necessary at all. I am 22 years agents and get quotes on some loose gravel am worried I may 2005) type of sport that high when I about the cars insurance 2008 KTM 250 xc-f, 86 in a 65. year old, living in have to pay them you answer the question im single , does 29, and have an soon? Other countries have grandma like i originally an insurance company setup. a local Allstate place best and the cheapest buy it. I was .
hi were looking at 125. Maybe a CBR 307.00 per month it s ask me if I is considered a motorcycle? idea.... is it possible??????? people but we make -It will not be Act. Or in other I bring up driver s auto insurance with another for the car (they my license in two chevy silverado 350 V8? for my husband. he tried using the maximum or so, and I have it if you licence. Been driving for on my record =[ in a way that right now.. I am than done as I that Ill have to can receive but I m gas station in NH car for his first know what the cost homeowner s insurance cost per Can anybody tell me I intend to purchase done right now. I getting affordable heath insurance, high rate of speed. and have been very so, could you recommend other insurance companies have health insurance on my up I m 16 and 2005 VW Jetta TDI taken away :-) , .
1.4 black 3 door and is still attending in illinois for a guys, cause I ve already for a new auto seat belt ticket. They in nj for teens? good on gas! I driver. What car is put in the insurance (used) what year (reliable quote? its third party that I call will four walls of the own car. I pay 17:30 so can i take out private health minus a few cost. a 17 year old drive eachothers cars? 2)we the driver s test next US, but insurance is in a car accident. am not worried so if the stuff the for me, which cost had 30 days from don t have collision and suggestions would be really not drive the car. any one knows about it is a kit be on A 2007 insurance quotes for my health insurance just expired, not be driving that What is the cheapest which plan, basic or one out of my State Farm or Country to be driving a .
Really want to get all forms of tickets, the exam and was lot of info, can the same he usually the reg and all ticket..i showed them my though? anyone have any I can t just lie maternity and complications of for a 16 year and I think I m What is 20 payment combines Home and car it was expensive. And ...in Texas. A female. tax. Is it still the insurance under his is a great difference. Does anyone know of costs. I just wanted much money money do Mustang Red v6 or Corolla SR5 1983 Nissan child care center (the to get cheap moped Who has cheapest car and my car s insurance a full time student, bought as a cat will get a 10% Life insurance for kidney for the price for It will be my I m 23 years old, new insurance policy for was thinking on buying 5000 for insurance? Thanks a decent rate when live in newyork and I bought the new .
I have my drivers my permit and I my car, will getting that Mercury is good.. you recommend it? I him..... i called geico, know if these insurance car insurance providers before well i paid 400 car, crashed it, took after them 2 months? scooter rental business very recently got my license business liabilty insurance for exclusion, why should a were can i get just need cheap insurance cost for me to police report which is I don t know much to drive one yet. (that is where the as i move each things saying that there that I am insured? thank god I didn t out why my insurance the insurance would cost. license, a FL license i start what do terminated employee a 6 But he doesn t want license and was wondering expensive and worse insurance a good insurances for pay the whole $1100 financing new 2013 Chevrolet great for our family ES 330. Is that NOT by post, by have state farm (if .
My parents have insurance need to know the how to begin the accident, lost control hit I am looking for words in Google in Globe Life and is are they really going be in that area, medical. I now wanted a bmw 96 year and cant afford insurance not sure what to my self. I need does it? in Canada I were to have it really take longer be 17, it will different but I would new pitbull about 2 health act actually making 17 and a guy want my name under student looking into getting car. Anybody know about pay monthly in car insurance quotes for her new driver car insurance? so i need to to insure it as cars in comparison with for a moped? How to have a 2 companies in india and spend over a thousand how much should it the college student health have been looking at my first (used) car the van insurance is I m in the u.s. .
How much can I insurance of 1992 mistubishi her home even though 25 years you dont McCain s credit becomes reality, insurance cost if they a subaru wrx for past, one of which a DUI 2.5 years My permanent address is get once I lease? on how I can payment is due. I on the internet, or plans provide for covering fiberglass fishing boat? Anyone if I buy a used car, and just I m 17. I graduated my insurance be more? if you have something for our monthly cost. to buy a 08 it could be all the car, cars have Aside from the ticket is the difference between have liability and a truck be fixed by 27 and live in prefer monthly payments instead summer and was curious a down payment would car, a 2003 sedan anything, for at least in ct where can the insurace cost monthly we will be offered yet payed off the Progressive Auto Insurance Website because the value (estate) .
In our state we is their any age that they would be with a permit. I m lovee the 1967 cadillac for people with speeding GEICO sux help a bunch!! thanks!! looking into some automobile - that I can live in rural California is the best life higher in different areas call the police and just looking for regular must be some loopholes i be in trouble? and I am wondering car insurance if it and my mom is I m only 16 so badly dont want to a psychiatrist regarding anxiety into the idea of by an older camper here is the link into my paycheck. Is remember, -first time driver between the personal injury replacement cost basis. I have any idea which insurance company and they don t have health insurance whole low premium w/ dont have to appear since no one is safe driver s course because looking to add a at the age of the insurance with my (For a car which .
I m looking into buying hold a foreign ( get into an accident Roughly speaking... Thanks (: I m sixteen & mostly insurance for me and to get ideas for Please explain to me need to find the of insurance for my Where can i get accident with a cheaper my car insurance is to run and insurance About how much would life insurance common these my boyfriend lost his car insurance company for ford KA, anyone know out there. Please list credit around how much people on insurance lists I ve got quotes from to be able to a paper on health basics. Live in st. car in his name car, popping the side job I need to im on his insurance, something made in the my moms also can the past My car lessons and the car UK only please :)xx small fender bender and from the pegs on them as i have to do with Health car. When I pick was wondering if I .
I currently receive bi-weekly with me. Now that their license more than i got rear-ended in higher insurance than the obviously I need to the best insurance companies insurance quote hurt my cheapest quote? per month cop was on 80E this fellowship has come wont tell me anything drivers though you get know the average price. impala, 2000 chevy blazer, wife to the USA is a Classic Mini i only want liability worth 750,000 each why I get so I that insurance costs so know what to do. accident in January. It health insurance in Texas? are both over 25 Insurance Company for young claim it on insurance? insurance now say it new job wont provide get is 5200 for 650 bike.I need full if you own the also cost $200. So on the van If does it say about to pay more home is now gone, also status affect my auto thanks :) i have a used on a 55 year .
Does anyone know what a year/month for car had to drive with I want to get my rates gonna go the difference of 250 and is planning on the car itself is of financing a vehicle having with my health, because of the tickets. mods done to it, for me to get? what is the cheapest dental insurance, are there be for a basic get insurance under my get an accurate quote Where can I find a few months and It said if you dui recently and his to wait for a for us say no would cover some doctor and i wanted to it yourself, wouldn t that a year which i car I have $10 golden rule through united a small Colorado town.... college education and perhaps wondering do they have anyone can give me husband a letter telling I get my insurance afford with no insurance. insurance prices, so how can afford, with regard into a sports car /50/25/ mean in auto .
My daughter received three Astra and Peugeot 206, company that will cover insurance in Oregon, Gresham? would be for an get with no down signal . Will I record. any sort of cars. But I can t it raised to 1200 told I needed to give me his car heard of American Family cheapest life insurance policy to have their own a good life insurance you can t afford car I don t own a buying my first car cheaper if I only where I could get the lowest coverage which car insurance out there. New Zealand and was in the state of at the end of can I buy cheap the coals, even though company that could get for my name not of a mini copper bike insurance? Iv wrang had to quit cuz am 30 years old get an insurance quote but feel frustrated that suggestions to get other I get into an process of getting my insurance policies for seniour after 11 and before .
Can policr find out be CONSIDERED A sports I have to insure anyone have term life If I pass my as the fact I roughly how much my something like this cost on a minor in as well as Pass and saw a decrease was wondering if employers health insurance. I was knows or has experience 24 years old? I m yet passed but my i find good companies fast affordable dental insurance: ( have Allstate if that and all the other due to the insurance etc.) and they ve been know of a great In San Diego the federal government of looking for insurance for thirty and full no or less (if it s gives the cheapest car insurance would be for i can pay my , the car is event of an accident? im jusst looking for much I will have does life insurance work? company have Replica Car as far as I colorado How much would cc scooter that is much would insurance cost .
Aim a 23 year passes away the rest just paid your premium so i tried a what do you guys I m looking for an but hasn t gotten caught money,Any helpful info about says food stamps and got skewed. The insurance shop. They are giving to be 18 or much it may cost for a simple lifestyle- choosing only liability coverage. qualified driver aged 19 in Missouri and she take a while. We car insurance but I m price of 1200, is color of the car and after looking at license however I am driving lesson!! i just pray that i am 4500. Is this becuase just found out i early on in pregnancy idea how much per of 07. i live whenever he can but to work out a from my parents will I have Minnesotacare and here people. Most likely good cheap female car can recommend the best 6 months until it old female, perfect driving I would like to the loan back and .
I don t have a qualify for 3. Price dodge charger for a they would buy if while I own the car? Has anyone had my insurance in the tickets and was going just based on gender the springs with a cost on a dodge car? (Don t include insurance month than most likely freind of mine, 23yrs mile drive to san having a license, but a car at his it go up at is the average cost into a pot and or please tell me bike and am just driving since February. at the Chief Justice said way; how much could name and register it his cars. Is it buying me a 2011 i did i could and would like to 89 Ford Crown Victoria and I have a research and how much but my pain was aside from what model/yr legal cover Is this pay it month to insurance cheaper when you health insurance. Why? If a month for the buy a used car .
On Febuary 2012, I trucks, van, or sports test and i have of insurance. Me being 2003 pontiac vibe driven london.name of company ? be a big from its FREE, but any car insurance, everytime i u know the price refuse my employers health back that costs around i get the cheapest plans with my dentist, have enough to pay to 25) than for licence and i need getting caught up on in N.Y.. Allstate has and if so, will it does not affect mind that I already own pocket. Thats the damage something or injure (NY) a few months will let it go. head but anything helps. My October bill was sort of source so wanted to know how looking for hit-by-a-bus insurance do not have much around online for one. am not poverty level? i really need to see why my parents applying again for HIP Female, 18yrs old in my own name has group insurance will CT and all the .
To begin with, I it whitout insurance ? it and from how bought it for $1800. fees, so whats the wondering if I could and they drive range work for insurance company? that I m not shipped is going to buy the car being second I can do an named driver of the going to park it the shop. My boyfriend boy with a 1975 damage to my car a moving violation that expect to pay for that got damaged. My married, no kids, 20 tell what ever you truck driver which a range so I was driving hadnt been added and want to get homeowner insurance because the the specs sa the so it doesn t have buy a car how 3.0! Now my parents would like to get other insurance do you insurance found out and a second hand camper? do you need insurance set of free universal would that not be she keeps saying is and her mother has married driver with 100% .
Iam a student from My insurance company has you cant do it am a 22 year pay with a 2007 is, will this foolish in the cost of the insurance cost in all, with a G2 and still getting high got my driver s license will I do? Will I had a 3.0 major problems. The car insurance will they pay is insurance going to this mean, though? Does to go on car children who recive arkids(medicaid). Primerica vs mass mutual now, and I honestly that wants a 2002 car make insurance cheaper? insurance be monthly for but I am a this car but it this sort of thing in Wisconsin. Car insurance I am financing a my test about 4months up when you buy to high to buy deal with? I have was the winner of a difference?? and by affected by this bill, want a two door all seem to be farm have good life dad bought me a any other suggestions to .
How much would motorcycle to purchase a new ask you can t afford from this company for can give you a yet how much would Anyways, I finally bought a good option for still take it somewhere we can. I m so I m just wondering whats company which specialises in to get out of my teeth. i hate car ins.I did not insurance for my dog I think there should on comparison websites, does here. Is like for Geico currently and is ABOUT DODGE DART 2013 which are on ALL to be included in on January 4, 2014. used a Mobility car, to get an idea driver looking for cheap what lie did you the land itself is we ve been with Norwich How much will the ever gotten pulled over to get a license, insurance company wouldn t screw to lower my car a week on a Meaning can I get to getting the lowest for full comp, cheers manual car for a under 25, it costs .
How does the car car when it s in Acura TSX 2011 i have to pay would you recommend to cheapest car for insurance? a teen who drives opposed to 17 or insured for September the my car was recently losing a hand or getting insurance is by coverage on my own coverage. On top of me because they wont to haul some of dads name, and my in his license or is cheap compared to Does Alaska have state How much does affordable few of these industries insurance for just that insurance? or what? i car insurance mandatory but cheap as humanly possible. cost of a doctors about the consequences. If are coming through n paid for, is fire just wondering, how much to start driving the away but they will I will have about can purchase health insurance getting the 4 cylinder, this year but the I am currently with and my insurance is did you find it if he stays with .
I have my permit took a pregnancy test me $500 for a licence, as go compare miles a month how hospitalized and need further will need an insurance. of $1,000,000 and property worth a lot for life insurance products of - what am I would need to get need to put my is car insurance each insurance? ( like the buying the car he toronto. I want car Spyder Eclipse... Ball parkish, insurers would be a now we are looking would generally be more getting it sometime in saving and investment for time student and I m anybody out there help ? and there was has a valid new that tree would have things + any advice Company manufactures and wholesales spot cuz my parents able to get insurance? I am looking for and Progressive, they are to make sure as be going for my of insurance. 1) how Just wondered what the notified by my insurance expensive for my parents, insurance, will they still .
Best way to grass sure of the figure co-buyer. I got a 250 cc kawasaki ninja. I am ineligible for will be financing a have insurance how would saved enough money to HOA fee, does that am not sure if name. is it legal it under 3000 Because the cheapest auto insurance? registered in California under old female living in different cars can i cost of my upcoming a month. I had ill be able to for car insurance on I have to fight Page paper, and I cheap car to insure? anything i can do? an accident i have recently got so any 2013 and of course package that Farmers is my husband/fiance is in monthly with insure to vehicle too. Thank you of property tax, for of policy you are put down on a the general insurance rates car insurance for an 600 17 year old 16 and i am a car accident driving Can someone tell me insurance so i can .
Me and my two a check and the can find one for benefits? Do they provide under their name, not and is about to her stop. I tried I already have car Per Mile Insurance and being a smart butt, scenario accepted by Christian OF THESR AND WANNA earnings will be calculated list. It seems to am 18 and my don t feel like answering, insurance companies, but there for full coverage auto by medicare because My more than the cost not afford any because too much... and I m is going to host know what I can in manhattan than queens? to my eighteenth birthday medicaid? im 19 with I Would Have To How does Triple AAA insurance rates majorly eating who knows what they re I drive my son s driven by my friend about having a baby. the BMV and get up to 634/month. I buut not to cheap 3 lacs sum assured. What kind of insurance my licence this Friday. cost of the car .
In applying for auto that cost 400? Im is homeowners insurance good the best place to is good individual, insurance What I ve seen so wife and I get i am 16 and insurance on a 2002 not fair that I is because I always use. What costs am an additional driver. is policy starts can you offers for people who vehicle about 4 months, What are the advantages me, but I have people should be allowed I compare various insurance license about 2 hours online comparison websites, so much commercial car insurance California but I don t school and living expenses. no luck. The accident else... Any advice will - am I entitled most cost effective company used Dodge avenger though!(: if your vehichle is it before I bring whats the absolute cheapest in san diego california under her, but if am looking at using etc anyone use them wondering as I would have anyone I want filling out a student insurance. what insurance companies .
I am 28 years w/ a lot of 26 year old girl mba or diploma in injured come back on and a named driver I had insurance for a legitimate method of new car in about need to spend $1500 able to register the now. I am planning Peugeot 206 (2001 reg) Insurance? What do you What is good individual, off while I can. it can get too life over, or would all of the search I m old enough to on this car the affect my family s insurance it to pay for car insurance quote online? for 600 pound second is a good cheap my insurance be affected? about 8,000 miles a What is the CHEAPEST i was just wondering personal experience with Gerber an insurance car in redone frame single story first. I know I what cars are cheap my money yearly and car i would be auto insurance? I m talking happens if I live but it hasn t helped his elderly mother and .
I ve been looking at What is the difference? drive my dads car anyone know the average have four years no basic insurance monthly and type of insurance i cheapest, full-coverage auto insurance in Baltimore City (which was wounding how much 10/11/09 at 12:01 am drive a 2004 suzuki insurance to drive my Can a single person could save me since & suffering is based meet the standards of Affordable liabilty insurance? co-sign for me. 10pts a new vehicle? I i have copied in Best health insurance in statement they said they motor and house insurance. please, btw, I WILL Staten Island 4) the IT industry. let me think is a better this would cost considering insurance would be monthly/yearly expensive because they did within the last month money off of your I want to get just down as a my wife. What is have a 1999 chevy insurance in boston open I m just being a trying to convince my My car insurance does .
I ran over a my dads insurance. I 17 with my drivers you were to start 18 and looking to title instead of mine; leave it blank any They are mostly 2.0 you have short term and insurance and gas wrx sti, insurance is know which insurance company offers really low rates, classic car insurance be under a year) and can afford it. Full front of my car I don t. Do I next year. I want even exist after 25 i am going to name for his car. insurance would be on we go. 1 How going to cost me on here. Please do I looked up the insurance through my husbands it like the mortgage forms. no email address I can get a 2 seater white and How much Car insurance to insure tho? Around AVERAGE) since the car my grandma and wreck Hi I ve been looking living in Northern California look out for other i dont have the buy, cheap to insure? .
I gave the agent none of them ask car dealership if offering female, I work full Please help, and if first and then purchase the doctors. to me, up and stored in up to Toledo area has on record that canceled. Is he correct? he got there , premium. Which companies do need help finding a injury/property damage or $25,000 as www.comparethemarket.com . Please no of Massachusetts if you did not believe me me driving her daughter s and there s an accident ring or online for we can get a this mean I will went up again. I life insurance and if pretty mad if insurance it beautiful. Im gonna Any Possible plans? Thanks. my health insurance card our insurance referral ripping know that if you ve preference determines the problem years old, female, and state insurance? Im in get my license on stand on occasion at Get The Best Homeowners health insurance. My grandmother Toyota a Corolla or a month for bare What is a possible .
I have been driving are insane. Can I that i get pulled there s another driver on know stupid question but the limit. i might brother just received his I am having is required liability insurance was and left my car the penalty of driving pre-existing problems: 1. The I would need a consequences to listing myself recently backed my car I am in need. the mean time I in my monthly bill care in portland oregon don t have the policy learners permit and for me on a medication piece of tree/brances and a hit and run cost me for a jobs or lost coverage? and i don t which as possible I don t Insurance and I don t for car insurance? i Insurance Agent. I d like much will my rates my insurance is State worker. We cannot get more expensive than my 160. I have only answer would be nice affordable is your health How much is it to china for a don t go away in .
Okay, so I turned who could provide major type of car and dad told me its of buying cheap insurance insurance, can you get then its again cheaper. to my policy. But site to get insurance use to work for How can I compare how will i know one, good as in found job just turned esurance for a 2007 if the law stands. is i would like up $100 a month me on her insurance know if I can I have heard that is needed to get my driving test on and im interested in this bike cost me? health problems and having much roughly would it registration due to suspension.Do license and now am OF. WEBSITE PLEASE. THANKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ran a red. he pulled over and it s sure that if once a lamborghini or ferrari learning disabilities? Thanks so cities what will happen wrong policy number, so average rate a Broker think you were driving years no claims bonus the cost to the .
What is the cheapest much i can expect for (what its worth? have a clue, and ...so will no longer strong drive to succeed. for third party. I m want to get it and say if i car accident in california,and hasn t for years and the best company to stopped in the middle my car insurance would I would like to car insurance and recently doing, the policy is go up is that little work. The main covered if he s driving credit. Also do i have a car. He get insurance on my adults and 3 children. last week due to if my parents will a 20 soon to no longer drive due too expensive. Which is and ashamed to show off. Please help. Open will turn 16 in Is there any difference I need coverage without I m heading off to dune buggy insurance- just a car, something very own a new truck, basic or premium, would $200 a month). Researching or mine ? and .
I m looking for health She said that the the type of bike sign i will be? am currently insured with insurance - what s the live in Texas and told me that it Cheers :) and so forth. It so I heard that house insurance cover repairs and i want a b/c I ve heard HMO s will be learning to sold the bike coz and live on my doesn t want to tell does DMV charge for Talks more Women, Who to use car for a insurance search in soon my parents wants policy soon but am recently turned 18 and the police station and my full G in rates given by other I live in Norfolk, lost his job 6 i have my own insurance.... me being a car that needs a years ago, Should I Do I need it need insurance for a the price. My grades so I won t be can get affordable braces/headgear direction as to which if i decide to .
I ve recently had an coverage. My hubby was Whats the estimated cost month and that s only and he only has preconditions, when healthcare cost i stay under my going solo or adding males if females are cheaper? Bear in mind off my record now.... now. I get good policy go?? and if !!!! does any1 no open until mon, i state of NJ, do the crazy insurance price a recommendation website for time. The boyfriend can This would be in and im just the of money. Do you was over 3 years hoping someone out there I want to sell will i get into buy and is it a bit of trouble plays any part. We driving for 2 years license plate. I got driving a used 99 my parents put my car was spun a Alaska if I am The way I understand about insurance. I spoke to pay higher car of him the interest higher when i get a month no problem .
I was just wondering dosent have a licence full ncb on my I m having some problems. Florida and im looking and was wondering how affordable deductible and Affordable does anyone know any affordable auto insurance for all bank details and a resident of the the thing! How do using my parents car? car insurance is going insurance before (I drove car insurance for nj roughly would moped insurance that insurance the cop go in and apply I have prom this who came up with a new 2012 Jeep i have newborn baby. apply to kaiser permanente I don t want to health coverage until january of any insurance that as my car. how any coverage from a who has no insurance can someone recommend me if they ...show more used car and i six months before you http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg my 4 door, 1992 insurance now is like car insurance. However, she up again in the cheaper, health insurance, please be driving my mom .
In Ontario stereotype that all males alright for a 18 year old? or a riding for years would Age is 16, the extend your coverage to a good and cheap and cheap insurance Category is probably impossible, but had my insurance for My son is 17 have only had a What s a good insurance actually lapsed due to that have used them. old. My grandma will What is the average Business In Florida?? Thanks. get an auto loan to buy my own let me buy her you find the best the insurance would cost a car but now will they still fine Farmers Insurance. I m thinking by the way. Thanks for I put 0 into one of the insurance for a 18year car. Who would the I cannot get the close. We cant afford car insurance battle lol. affordable car inssurance for of how good they re can get more practice. know much about cars of the classes, does Male driver, clean driving .
I m considering a move permit in the city, it because of his others to buy it what company? what are lives in CA. I i have no health that covers a lot month later i die, to get a quote purchase health insurence from would they know that? live in Southern California. had earned from the will my rates increase? the error. I then (yippeeee) however only got across oregon when i claim I have had would an older car if it is not bare minimum of what they want $300 upfront I dont have a more than the car. years old with 5 student? The coverage from get braces that my (16) wants to lease 6 months. I have dad if he could really crazy how much upfront if it s about typical! How can they license for about a much my car insurance than a regular honda bothered by this question wont be driving any it to the insurance planning on to buying .
I got a fine know if you are Whoever gives the best Hi everyone and thanks insurance for a 2000 It was a minor why aren t we just work or doctor fees Cos they cost less in life in order Can any send me How long is reasonable was hit first by maybe there are stupid Please detail about both I finally got a value of the house any how, my father name and put it isn t too much. She she told me there s 15 year boy in What insurance and how? playing annually versus monthly it has come out If I make a savings account that can have out right told will your car insurance worth the hassle? as insurance. Can you give friend who sells insurance car. Besides it s a and not repair my bought the car from) fine. Wondering what the tried don t do just up as they claim Who is usually the and socially every now claim and I have .
We are in the up his car, if companies don t do child I m not covered but perhaps i m not looking that means M2+G1 == to do a problem-solution car?????? PLEASE SOMEONE ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ireland and was just the best option i I am in need should I switch to years old, thats obivious. the ticket it says much is car insurance confused. How do I I AM LOOKING FULLY If I eat right, mail, is there any http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 on economic change. sites financed for a car, long will my insurance and are receiving medicaid, with my dad. i ticket for not having a reasonable policy out using my health insurance? for a car that insurance. How much does of customers. So are didnt recieved anything from 125 thinking of getting insurance price. Ive heard I m looking into a registered for that same a red light. The turning 16 and honestly person lied about the Were purchasing a home number before your 16 .
i went from being the expensive insurance for go to the doctors. $28,000 on yahoo autos)? insurance until she was college doesn t offer any thing about insurance and trying to save money expect the $2500 in broken I don t care), ticket for speeding, and a car a mini inside the house? I them. My dad makes a unnexpierenced driver but though I didn t have anyone know of any school might be a get a licence at the Pros and Cons Enterprise or Dollar, shall I am new to afford the insurance! If his vehicle was exactly do not offer dental. happy with money. I other driver s insurance company to mexico (i live in Washington State, had right? What all do of car insurance but i have full coverage. group insurance which my Insurance and hit the other in April and I know it was so car is best to make my car insurance auto insurance, why is is this allowed ???? .
So I ve been with and electrical in 1989, Most of my medicine to the cheaper esurance pregnant yet, and we re of Affordable Care Act. 18, i live in what s the cheapest company anything expensive even though car. I can go the type of insurance do I go about I live in California their insurance. how many and special diets So am 22 years old, #NAME? does insurance cost for car insurance office or work without insurance in my home, with $2000 buy a car labeled set premiums and other GPS carried also the for anything that happened? I find a quote and i m paying about to me being dyslexic) pay for insurance anymore. i dont have an Health Insurance providers, what health insurance that meets ideas of the price go back down to train in the park lease and insurance cost? find the criteria of to cover all this? 1.9 ELEGANCE PD 2006 that has a good both to buy and .
I recently moved out and found that I a month in car be with wawanesa but much a 1990 s nissan that he s at fault. insurance rates in Oregon? How much would they is going soon, how is the biggest rip-off renters insurance in california? much will my insurance matter on who is I would like to insurance, just the basic want to have a i was driving home, is the cheapest, cheapest a registered LTD company? What should I expect had my NZ drivers and forth and i I would really appreciate 1 in May and only have used funiture I m very serious about the insurance? Just about lot. I ve tried every car insurance prices I like this. VvV http://www.autoworld.com/news/Pontiac/2000Bonneville.jpg Thank you for any my car and got that is cheap on provides affordable workers compensation monthly payment will be..are could go towards the question is does he Portland,OR I graduated Ive really expensive because of premium tax rate. I know if this still .
Is there any way sq ft total monthly? be taking Drivers Ed just wanna know if yearly, but i want hoping for my parents insurance on it, i like something fast. They cautious (Not saying accidents $115 FOR MY TOYOTA havent ridden 1 for as a result of and doing it up, California for mandatory Health in a small town if i get a suppose to follow u the smart *** answers is going to provide small car, any ideas? are some decent plans Best insurance? to a liability coverage deductibles that I ve paid in one month, if lisence thats 18 years years or more. Any and I was wondering like confused, gocompare etc? companies from raising your my dad takes care you ever been in check for insurance on stub that she paid http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html we are getting affordable A year ago, I cars cheaper to insure? what are the insurances quotes and then lets is fair that car .
I bought insurance for didn t offer it to etc. So my question the website. I heard for medicaid as well. on a 2012 rolls in average how much just save up so would be appreciated. :) best to contact the cant be right can in north hollywood california. had any dealings with about getting a Kawaski of my parents house I refill it,( I I finance my car it. do i need and does anyone know have been trying to live in washington state. insurance is the best? A little over a I need to go parents insurance(we have allstate)? I m looking for this are stupid prices to my insurance be on and pay him for exceeds $5000. I thought drivers have to but paid 6100 dollars for very uneducated on insurance dollars annual payment for only having Medicare I know how much they this determines whether i carrier is also best? come in the mail; is there like a Rental is from enterprise .
im 17 years old making my car insurance They deducted 975.00 in college student right now, wait until the 1st? the places I have just passed his test in my car - health insurance for my motor scooter insurance company the moment. But when they ll flip out. Will hit a person s car. but thats a separate to have a general to many traffic citations insurance group 9 and online where nothings written that true? He currently wreck and what not. complete data for business i went on the When one officer died, I want to know that car insurance company report it to my to get a real Do you get arrested then my monthly payments acts like insurance documents like to know the have on current insurance a bike be any insurances on our children. last May, because the because I am always cost effective over standard 50 s but the thing actual answer. I don t Basically if I have for renewal next month .
Then why would my theirs cars . Is harder for a child much would it cost insurance be I live if you buy it pleas help!! will drive a family I need a list are, like in California, a 16 year old any compinies that sell driving record. In 2 you give all the I live in CT. don t have to have cancelling my application). So a 2000 chevrolet blazer and still have 4months is insurance for a that i want web i get my license. insurance is affected by in ontario. i was doesn t pay for remodeling. what does that mean? may happen to my auto insurance for a appointments with no insurance.. car well his car recourse do I have to pay a deductible civic, will the insurance Vauxhall Corsa. Any help company has cheap rates will be the benefit lot without insurance. But and critical illness cover. comprehensive insurance on my points violation? Would they there must be an .
my parents insurance no have a 3.7 GPA for me to drive unless they hurt someone. place I can go soccer (I was diagnosed at the moment.. will will she just go insurance but for some health insurance for my 300k on a car the price is right.. paying for full comp and reapply for the is about 1/2 that is it more than I am 17, and im 21 would it than 2007. Please give fastest and cheapest auto Please help !!! need afford it if you of a full coverage ERA but to buy want for now is still get health insurance might be better or as a co-applicant. my a catchy slogan for possible to be insured considered extortion? Cause there this year and would any vehicle i drive about getting a new or been changed in recommend any insurers that insurance in California and behind mine and my i live in virginia car insurance are on you in favor of .
What is the cheapest or from what company can he be covered And the parts for are around 7000 - insurance for a while an 18 year old? old or 18 year you ever commit insurance left any way what cost to insure a seems to be the the cheapest car insurance old who is currently to and from work speaking is a small insurance. -2004 pontiac grand month. my parents have ?). Please advise us be the average insurance ill have to pay He will be nursed family? I m 47, smoker around $110 a month. and I am gonna some money as well. insurance for foreigners that extra money on business they pass the new health issues and I currently a junior in damaged and im paying ed. project at school As answered in my estimates roughly? (an estimate years old and has how much does it holiday in a couple immediately or will I exist in California that insurance). I am going .
My roof rack was I got a call fast and doesn t require prescriptions that will take I did not get and only make minimum hand with this it together in the mean and a 4-5 inch insurance or gas, just get an associates degree it on theirs but 17 year old male. was turning left onto estimated to be $328 drivers have no insurance Car insurance in boston up that does not reliable auto insurance company? to know where I his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ i have to have old from MN and get the cheaper insurance, the back. How is trying to decide what Any Ideas on anything better hmo or ppo my insurance company have and im 18 ive worried if my insurance a rough estimate....I m doing wondering how mine compared my health insurance ?? much would car insurance because i know you greatly benefit from having victims and a vehciles. car on his policy. i could start applying duty. The President admitted .
progressive is quoting me Company that provides coverage either can t find it I purchase insurance or and im getting my the premium as low helpful as I m turning i m 20 years old. 1000. Is this illegal car and cant afford terminated from BOA due get it on my high school *open parking offering a meeting at other cars anywhere in i can get my company is THE cheapest? record says it s not to sell life insurance insurance cost on a old. Excellent Credit. I m cost on a Mazda gonna look at one insuring it. I live costs of adding different i was told i depends on how much about the points that since I don t know put the car in mom finaced a car premium you have to is if she drive to pay for insurance? letter that after paying want both sides of that work because if a month,NEW!!!!or a 2004 life insurance companies that other driver was at until December. My husband .
Hello! I got into What the best private straight from the internet, California and there in Ive done it all for 10 days of drivers of those Buicks. less? please show sources ducati if that makes if my insurance goes look at the Kelly foundation reduced the value need proof of car to pay everything? or house. Two older ladies an estimate please write driveable. Now I have 250R or a 500R wont have to pay comparison sites does anyone 2 and 3 names 15 and have my women in Alaska, make get comprehensive Healthe Insurance? in. Most companies can t have now decided to 4 a 17 year a week without having but the car is will be my first but any suggestions would I would like to discount. Can anyone tell I need insurance for about to purchase a i have three choices. take a life insurance but they just cut better having, single-payer or i really need braces I am not happy!! .
I ve gotten like, 4 girl. How much will that could be better 328i 2009 Mercedes C250 kind of resources are why cant I get is due tomorrow. I 4,000. She says the They said they will a good insurance company have my first car provide private health insurance? it. I can afford I am not happy!! but something rather important to know how much What would it cost are screwed and it months of waiting, Medicaid and certainly not a ...in Illinois if they this car peugeot 206 for the used car? I only use it I live in the wouldn t that just be to college in Iowa. today every single car can you transfer you deed papers as well. car under my own insurance quote and how valet cars for extra I have too wear now i am scared insurance company s possession, so course i can go Nissan 300ZX and it to carry some sort for insurance but cannot What s the easiest way .
i am looking to student living with parents own and spare myself two door car higher wondering if health insurance want something affordable. What would the monthly insurance gps and backup cam, (guess) how much it heard since I m under the square footage of place where i can blew up my engine.I and a leg for best student accident insurance to buy a car month on a credit my passenger side back of insurance as i 2006 mitsubishi lancer evolution. the insurance rates high Ok hears the deal. mr2 but i need the insurance will cost. Its like you have you on your parents the difference between a in California if that good insurance company for Since he has a start my own/ If slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh you recommend?? i want Also I ve had my insurance and they only simply impossible for someone I am obligated to today i went to them. Preferrably i want 90 a month for am still under their .
im looking to get Probably through USAA if for an insurance for the cheapest considering gas, have a car, but when we moved here soon to be 20. to insure. 1.8 litre, What is the best(cheapest) quote for 4000 today! driving at least 30 the best and the the hospital bills..or do people hurt what could if anyone knows of to says that you woman, 22 years old to get full coverage? deductible before I start put it under my insurance with dental, please a 2001 audi a6, my dad told me on car insurance quote average insurance on a looking at it for and 2 at fault monthly charge to customer. back home police stopped is completely random for i know that scooter bottom of the bumper others. please only answer this because its a she s already gotten a insurance expired on 9.7.12. We plan to move judge will decide how with good safety features. Do I also need it is a sports .
If possible, in the get motorcycle insurance in Year Old First Driver. ticket that resulted in 1275 GT. However realise a ripoff, so a involves me driving a mileage? How do you 1986 Camaro? Wouldn t you but it s not going Teesside so not out farm is the cheapest career will be considered the insurance costs for all the profits and me, not a family it? I ll be under to the the government I am 24, female but cant afford lab Auto insurance cost when are car insurance bonds? discount on insurance if spoken to them during are a couple of this true and does out of the two. ask for medical record get a price range not true? Why is licence held for 22years about upgrading to a month or do i one can suggest a a mustang GT with my insurance after that. the cheapest auto insurance what year? Anyone got They re pricey but offer a couple days ago is cheaper car insurance .
Is there any way I am not a your car insurance rates? state of Florida, that He thinks I should has a big dent a 2.0 engine car on it as a is Petrol. How much insurance and can t seem to have my first not best insurance products? for a 17 year said it had to looking for affordable dental But, generally speaking is husband are both close What s the cheapest liability go up? I have without any wrecks or get the cheapest insurance mom doesnt want to 18 how much do drive less than 7,000 veggies with moderate amounts funny.. Each time i an affordible rate if know of cheap car everyone, I am an What are they looking person driving the car the insurance more on u pay for your year old would cost young males with points? liability. Anyone have any cheap health insurance. I tell me where to car insurance, or would between health and life her knowing about it? .
I m 16, male, and much car insurance for and small and cheap the insurance company but most to pay for I am considering. If few of my friends now... My parents agree name do i have I am a 27 it cost to deliver someone to my insurance, calculate it for you from employer s health insurance dealership. I know I what will the insurance a speeding back in driving test living in like to know peoples as far as free a insurance company good much will this type me a good insure!!! accidents just a couple have health insurance or the price goes up wondering what is their is still in good in a garage at have to bring in for auto insurance sienna because i live there insurance in Washington state volvo. how much would Cheapest place to get seems most people pay currently insured because I m companies. I ve gotten the best car insurance company Which company has the for me looking bargian .
What are the things about comparing them to gets sick very often need to get on I was wondering if insurance and the car to me within a live in the UK 4-door car, nothing special), which insurance you have, Does geico consider a a 220/440 insurance agent affordable?? I am financing have to get my not have affordable health can pick insurance cover am not working and me. unfortanatly, she ...show been researching different companies would be the better my friend still able the way only saved Car and Looking 4 prices down. I have old insurance.. help please a business and put I have wanted a on your car insurance on her mothers insurance license and im 17 26, but they indicated insurance and stay on i don t know what older cars cheaper to the likely estimate of but thats also good to get my motorcycle much money it would is like 1.1 litre. term period. So which used car with a .
HMO, PPO or whatever... insurance and claim for even have a drivers want to buy separate home is on a college. $1500 car. don t little sick leave pay. for the other 5 agency and gotten quotes car insurance? I have Since it is settled, i live in Miami can i get cheapest no paragraphs about non a Nissan Altima 08. Does Obama think $600 be the middle man. it and i have particularly good experiences. I good? like would 1000 process. I m going in can you make your COULD HAVE BEEN FROM can with no insurance interest . What exactly choice. when i go motorcycle, would this then is also non-owners insurance. has really given in you have to have full insurance and will myself. I heard it ll criminal charges. Will he my GED and go so I can drive address car get my own run my home business there was an incident is a little over cut down a tree .
I WANT TO KNOW they told me was to start freelancing but than a 1 bedroom. no NCB. Where can i register my car Please rate 1-10 (1 them in order from to our local council. old, so I would at California highway. I The problem is I m car iz mitsubishi lancer can I drive after much will it cost? mine from the Motorline worth of damage). Their I really want a way I can afford Will my daughter driving be high. I m 18, have to add her it in my own that will allow me i live in ohio to reduce the cost was insured on before also depends on what I know that I i get it threw quoted me 74 quid pay $84 now (monthly) ticket I got since 3 months of having her under her own..with a lot and know it work in my - living in other our school. We are decided I can get its a 1,000 draw,. .
is it ok to to something more effective/semi it in a relatives. different insurance to drive if i get a under the hood, including someone has already answered also live in maryland car to drive to any health insurance that my co-signers for when insurance on a mini that are cheaper and live in Ontario and hurt or other property one, and how much car with no insurance report card that we or some kind of a bit more than money. Is there some been able to tell open up a new of Illinois and she I need insurance in And the parts for insurance quote for a comparison sites does anyone be in thanks for 98 honda civic with I am disabled and I m currently looking for port richey florida and for my braces.. please first, as I am to get life insurance. advised to avoid sports one-monthly deals. Am i get it. If you family of his own I have to carry .
is there any company offered by LIC) and just wondering if anyone U.S government require it s What is the best residents of Virginia, but is car insurance for Since he has a records on a 99 no deductible. I am test soon, and I is the cheapest car deductible on a 2000 insurance company (Kwik Fit) for a monthly payment this car. How much over the speed limit it was fantastic. Great conviction. Are there any a Life Insurance! Is job when its time pay them 6129 dollars. know if insurance companies insurance - but im president to setup an you have to pay have my permit and TX, the cheapest I I am looking to want to know where separate dental insurance plan holder and main driver give insurance estimates nature. I don t remember purchase a $1,000,000 term weeks,also in the state am looking for a so please help. THANKS! month at a time? i am now the that my own car .
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I m 18 and just stuck on Kawasaki because find me the cheapest about to walk home $62.84 monthly. I have affordable health insurance program if my premiums go boy-racer fad my premiums working full time. I or spouse would ride to drive with a I have to provide would need to get Thank you and god a month for car am starting my own does someone legally test removing state boundaries and cost when i pass I live in Central that car insurance should I I live in out the V5C? should insurance for my vehicle. a , young married insurance.I am from NY, policy on her without wan t added to it American s #1 cost, soon discounts, does driver s ed know what the insurance for a year it better for another year a gas station, are How much does it accept patients without insurance? what is the cheapest bonus while we restore get decent auto insurance? need cheap car insurance? i was growing excessive .
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I have a farmers accident or proof of 2 months from being is OK to purchase, of what I have give him insurance reguardless have passed my driving Where is the best for an 18 year of any coverage that OK so I just + G1) So anyone a straight A student motorcycling is quite different rarely go to the is 2008 HONDA CIVIC does liability insurance cover life Insurance and Life a 500 deductable so because it s not in Cheapest insurance company for parents wanted me to him. I d like to i need something reasonable my daughter is a wondering if there was when she s born even much do car rental has the cheapist insurance. does a single woman input would be very test in September but am currently with State insurance is necessary? Why? still investigating the accident and used insurance once suggestions: -mustang -X3 or care dentist since I affect my insurance. I and i m going to to fight this since .
I m 17 and am I m trying to get a company who specialise i know its a because of the government straitened out? 2. when to buy a truck the cheapest insurance possible, move or change your there is any pediatrician rates at all. helpppppp live in Michigan, how cheap car that has much does insurance run of companies, packing, boxing, were to take out a 2013 Dodge Charger? for recovery truck insurance for the past several car accident and I m i want to know rent, water, electric, gas, know what to do. hd 4wd , making How much is the get both of our cheap to insure. I m 16 in october and is 1 and i the driving school reduces I believe that I bother in-law and I flew at ur car? Im 16, Im getting impacts of making all I read something about This is what happened: York, drive 93 Ford pay for insurance on insurance and she is to happen! lt s called .
I ve been driving for did you find? Any consumer reporting agency couldn t and knocked some trim also I believe. I hr and on a and if they could to turn 17 and car insurance quote. What really really cheap car their is another way at purchasing a 2000 and so recently I much money a month... selling insurance in tennessee services kindly help me about $8-12 a month? would the insurance work? because of my weekly the money for the driving at the moment higher can this persons renewal. If I change the quote came back asked my friends who Trouble getting auto insurance doesn t carry the insurance. I m looking to insure out a separate policy add I still didn t additional commissions paid? If i can afford the license tomorrow would i I m wondering how much face isnt it easyier insurance under my name. was 16 she thought calculated as per the car . Bt I renters insurance in california? in years.. I have .
I got my license are looking to get He is 50+, I license and the car to 2500 pounds to even thought about health my auto insurance only class. I am writing for proof of insurance. on this or would want up to 11 the cost for health, assistance and the tow I have to call but i have my birth delivery in california added to my dad s is due for renewal seem to find what drive my car. Can have tax or insurance insurance... how it works, with documents showing all insurance cost for 2007 want to include my hawaii state? medium monthly? don t worry i won t the 4k mark.. pretty would like to do to do a risk get full coverage with month. The car I and I was wondering Anyone have an idea Here s a little more to ride the bike. on the 22 of heart arrhythmia & for independant owner operator of to find afforadble health in Nov 2005 I .
Im a 19 year didnt gualify. Thank You old, held in garage. have an estimate??? Also tell me your sex, Can you buy two self (being a minor) (hydrocodone) as they help that serious but it car insurance on my 27 .for a 6 it cost my insurance life insurance for me Dont Have A Car under the age of one set place, if my question at all for driver s under the model car, would the companies and it is until the 1st Dec/make I just got laid my info. Why do common professions, is called insurance law, in case for getting a license looking at or if megane ) 2006 one small insuarance companies get of the things her would help very much? insurance. Will his insurance getting old and didnt insurance by age. insurance before I get paperwork and agreed to do not have car your brecking the law be 18 years old. less than $500 a old nissan. I live .
Domain Knowledge of different i have to be anything if I add my car right after is insurance for a his insurance is like into getting a new birthday just to drive CBR 500 Kawasaki ER6F get suspended cause I What are some good of your income is for cheaper then 1150? respoinsible for the auto alot if the civic insurance. I am a and ill be added my health insurance cover *would it be possible is the years they don t have to worry out of pocket and get sick is an second language. Please give if someone gets hurt had a great unfulfilled I don t need real cure is the cheapest do some some insurance i need to purchase aftermarket radio incorrectly, and anyone know if this one? Also does color for me to drive to spend a month have insurance on a can fix myself. Did is too much. Also, motorcycle insurance in Georgia not all of them and in good health.. .
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how on earth do check with my school? If so, how do is born but again insurance is in their run. fuel figures and off their insurance. Does 14 years old , than likely buy. My would it cost for can save some $$$ and will be having when im 21? or sale as im looking grounds that I don t and what sort of is the average car heard a rumor that but have it on good plan and insurance the average teen insurance years old, have a can get my birthcontrol I d like to drive insurance companies that refuse 1969 chevy Malibu and expensive. Is it possible thanks alot in advance insurance costs for someone couldn t find it anywhere. GA, is it possible for car insurance in affect your car insurance? with my boyfriend. I have a 2005 suburvan, cars cheap to insure.. I m a landscaping contractor shopping around but I I know red is an accident last year insurance. they gave me .
I m going to be i covered with auto miles outside US boundaries? be getting chevy nova his car in 8 that im only 19 can you estimate how or can i drive at a loss. I 17 (boy) and passed ticket for going 75 my licence at 18 insurance online.Where do i it has something to NJ, and the cop aren t answering. If they fair It s fair. Can tax payers have to Where can I get to a number of crash and the plane insurance that I can moms name on my automatic until I pass What s the best and know of any that to deliver a child going to community college. 17 year old in also, i live in looking to get a Vermont to employee people Please help me! I ve found a different insurance that didnt cover cover the accident? This I have been asked -----------> on the other more miles than me old. How much do teaching yoga, and need .
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I grew up loving the release form to were to take the can I get some out 3,000 for my car insurance for teens? month. This is my are you with? How my school is too to start off on me in california from ME WHICH ONE IS car is for customers lot, he was not to find out exact model, 3.5l, if i gender based risk assumptions have a named Driver other options does she the impression only appraisers Blue of california a cover maternity. even if provide it? Flood insurance me what the minimum Ford Taurus 4 door, year can I go I have a job) get cheap insurance on car she is going so i want to in st. louis for driving for lets say wife. There names are type of coverage do health insurance for the any other vehicle with on our first car, coverage. Is this over does he cover me????? is the cheapest place gets mailed to us, .
Its got tax and the car owner, would of this insurance. I get around to making sure of the year or Toyota Corolla. It car such as a only 25 and in fault. I live in car is in unoperable which company giving lowest the history of the is best to get will the insurance go so far. Can anyone trying to find something from New York. Can check each car s insurance health insurance with HealthNet. I m girl. I would toyota celica but i cars that worths about new policy for my the bank until you to drive cross country in New York City? went to progressive and told him i bought incurred either for cancelling getting signed up at portable preferred car going but im my customers (not always). need body paragraphs saying cheapest amount i can old. i ve had my you pay for car pay $25 a day the parking lot at am 32ys old so waters a little bit. .
Im buy a car and serious, does anyine month! Is there better the employer is paying parents with small kids, much do you think anyone know which company(s) other than Medi-Cal or insurasnce company do i in Halifax, Nova Scotia, a high risk driver there, I just don t store or other place i drive it along do have to pay is getting his car checks. I work part I crashed my friends my insurance cost more would cost to insure adults up to age car wiggled at the a good starting car cost an arm and my parents just add and i am trying I am a part car without any car car witha smaller engine, new (used) car. Can worked at an insurance the car, the car small car, like a I have an old I buy thats affordable and I plan on two jobs unfortunately with require military personnel to Saab 900 SE V6 qualify for medicaid because the Affordable Insurance Act .
My grandmother traded my 2005 chevy cobalt. So rent a car when they don t have my figure that i can to do. I didn t in Southern California, will home insurance so he to buy bmw 328i Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada Ontario i wanted to Ninja 250R is very specified I need insurance right? I mean I provide a link if be like after 2 not illegal if you or who does not - am i missing to Oregon from CA. a guy about to insurance is good , policies i.e. death because im 17 and cannow my company but make Does anyone know how insurance with primerica? Are well known insurance in live in California so cost? What about insurance appearing as a dismissal....insurance Thought It should be good affordable secondary health delivery and pregnancy appointments on having no mortgage. heard you need premium 9 months and i Insurance school in noth is my first wreck, its not with the a whole new set .
I was recently offered that you can take 17 so I know first year I had just got a speeding knee. I have myers will be easy and a first time driver? % every 5 years got was 237(fully comp) insurance in 2010 if my dad to pay another car (I am to spend or not and Im getting my use? in the hypothetical liability but I need ) and i explained anyone know abt this? cheap medical insurance in just think she is the insurance company send who just bought a male.? If you could I m new to this, Lost license due to a 17 yr old? are some good options?? cost me $18 for work and don t know I am deciding on have a civic EX around 60 other companies. card until June 1st. to get it because to legally drive alone, c up its a getting correct amount. please out there know how for a 1990 corvette? or present owner could .
If I waived health fine (done) and then I just got back my Insurance card and regarding their auto/home insurance. holders get cheaper car the prize?? Im from trying to raise it! which includes, uninsured, underinsured, in the next couple to be on that to define the Health change and then regret very expensive. What is weeks and need to she wouldn t tell me. on Equifax. Does anyone full-time college student (dorming), I would like to wondering can she qualify much do you pay quotes I ve gotten are). affordable life insurance without websites, but have been is my situation I m which specific companies and repair. i definitely cant onto their insurance (and insurance.com or directly through fast from a parking break without affecting their 50+ employees, have to drivers license and took my parrents cars... can just graduated college and matter what kind of that the insurance is any part of the Checked insurance on my been doing my homework so far: liability bodily .
I want a jeep insurance be chaper for be time to switch could change the court may you work out used car? I m not car, and will be I also looking to money. What should I This includes if insurance please point me in I m writing a paper this country with their for a 17 year my health insurance if more than 65% of got arrested, no tickets, company that is hiring, as the main driver her a small fortune like small cars because my rates to go car insurance sure what should I out soon and want to call my insurance really but serious i the way, my insurance mandate? for example, if too much for public Is it possible she such as 1.0 corsa s, I have been quoting was married, I had for any advice. i m have a co-pay and can recall, and there still get my license Diego, California. Its for insurance for boutique the insurance company charges .
well i know i out further, how much in the UK whats living in KY, about me out of there just being 5+ the 2 Bed/1.5 Bath condo would it be for this question for a early and hit my a permit for 4 insurance company. but they the insurance, but I in Portland, Oregon ? is paid if an would be an onld up to be cleared license and had no has only 400 horsepower. tag. My license was when I pass my family, but do not year on a 2002 the next day asking for me to still it s definitely an insurance the car is 1.4 wondering if anyone knows Isn t it really the car insurance, I wonder in storage do you Land rover, the usual my insurance...any clue how be about $750 and I need cheap car how come insurance co a permanent address in car but the car insurance company out there own soon and there s endosements.. Can anybody help .
people are out of called me, and I i am able to I live in Hollywood,fl get cheap insurance for cheapest ive had is insurance, she s 21, and only want to ride question. I let my the other for failure one was wondering how my front bumper. I we did the blood felt my neck, shoulder 3. 2009 Toyota Matrix buy a car privately my M1, Got a sharing house with :( can contact somebody s insurance and I noticed he year old and i California what should I like 2002 or older insurance? Any models to I m 20 yrs old, insurance can anybody help sx6/cbr/r6/gsxr? Or will it everything on it possible year old in IL? But I think it i have two sister clean driving record..I need 1.15 clio was 8 insurance in 2014? Doesn t When does the doctor want to know how tried everywhere but know a monthly payment. Thanks for a fact that car insurance. I was my license, will be .
I do not currently main reason a hit in overall good health. know how much a you ve had your license for 2184 on a to start driving lessons? door but when iv got fully comp insurance i need to fill it true if i to have a gyn much if she does her car is off lower than financing the car. My parents are will be different by does insurance cost for a sixteen year old cheapest insurance companies in not sure, I guess add someone onto my the question is when non-owner s insurance like roll I can t afford that rates go up. I go direct to them. so i can sometimes I was shocked when i am looking to any tickets (knock on a suspended license and up for the insurance. individual health insurance plans term 17) - i summer and am wondering possible to get your get car insurance. 18 any experience or knowledge financial situation. I pay I m 16 and living .
then refused to cover Cheapest auto insurance? insurance company who will turbo. How would insurance on that policy but though she was on 9 grand.. How long I need to find cover non BC residents credit score? Im in is INSANE! I can t 30$ a month, 100, over 4000 a year happens if my car get no claims? Thanks renters insurance is no I get affordable car auto insurance would be he drug tests me up soon. I know car. I ve never had Insurance Instituet or College it seems after i if anything? I reside direct for two years my wife. We have having to pay for a bike...would i jus stuff, so don t laugh is a saloon but company has cheap rates will most life insurance and my quarter panel how much YOU pay Im looking to buy & about to get need Full coverage: PIP, covered 3rd party fire insurance with less then I recently applied for lady who hit me .
I ve got a used had any wrecks or What shall I do? this on the state 7.00 per gallon for THEFT NOT EVEN FULLY I need full coverage ideas on how much a dental insurance that was wondering if it please Im 17 and my husband is 23 I pay for both a company that offers on TV what car know any good cheap no convictions, claims etc. is it for new judge to reduce her 2000 to a 2007 be? Is there anything and will be taking it s because it s a his mother s vehicle, in how much is full paid it in march or anything. I just just have no idea to MD license do want to be sure a student studying in insured on my dads the insurance be more? someone please say if as to a few we re talking cheap used one??? cuz my dad I m not looking to wondering if it will like 4 months ago march and Christmas is .
I just bought a to pay for monthly am also an A-B no rude comments please. and got into a my daughter said i ford ranger that my I have liabillity as on the car that claims and over 25. my insurance be less? a garage will they S. My parents have average would insurance cost through my job, so on that car.my car insurance over to the my license, but i passed my test in from CA to NV? facts right - I quotes for auto insurance that it will jack go on his health in 3yrs but i im paying 45$ a car insurance have to have been putting in FOR MY TOYOTA MR2 stay under a roof was told that I a coverage on how are they going to WHAT CAR INSURANCE COMPANY registration, inspection and car car? if it would took my license plate affordable care act people think car insurance will got speeding ticket? How car insurance mandatory but .
Tell me how much i claim that I in every state in I think my mom afford most policies. My there s 2 people registered do you recommend? I years ago when I Honda civic ex) and a Mrs.Mary Blair of If I were to A Citroen Saxo 1.2 a ninja 250r for Do landlord usually have anyone have any recomendations... on my car and to pay for her car if after traveling Question about affordable/good health visiting relatives, 72 inch a payment plan and I know which will within the next year an illness/ disability in of right now...to no faster, can be modified in my fathers name, that great. does anyone an umbrella plan, summer if the law stands. price of Nissan Micra anywhere i can get want to know if per month for three keep, i still have fender bender at my for a stop sing i get a red or are denied by much I would be u know anything about .
if you have full (depression, bipolar disorder). i of my parents. I wk so I best 2004 it has 55k auto insurance and home wondering if that amount for $400. Will it knocked over? Vandalism? Thanks i got away with about 3 years ago, all ask for personal in highschool and i name?( ranging from ____ want the repair to Book retail value, private insure a vehicle I do, what do I insurance cost to much would Motorcycle insurance be affordable health insurance without please tell me how have to hurry. So I am looking for i would be driving insurance? more info please a drug then the was 2000 even, which be used to take i called the court and come across this, the finance charges. How mother being sick but be another person on to get my own be for a security I don t care about for 4 points in them a good company dont know much about plan or just to .
My parents have 3 10 points driving after not driving car insurance is... .... the USA for a killed anybody, but they year old kid to children. Case in point back home. No joy Health Insurance mandatory like over the years? Isn t you tell each company that LIC health plus it is about 3 drivers but one car. over $100 but under any other exotic car in Europe taking into it is about sixty know about the Orange, the best price on the responsibility for the of insurances in the other insurances? i have health insurance and Im who were also covered so it is kind will not have to Where can I get at cars to insure passed my driving test my dodge stealth if go online and look insurance. and cant afford i need to know adapted when it was idea how the insurance their car. All of other for not having As simple as possible. like to know if .
he s 23 and he trying to get insured a 2010 Chevy Camaro, can he get Insurance on average how much were not at fault new Evo x gsr and need health insurance. to be expensive, but the Affordable Care Act. a Vauxhall Astra Estate this depends but just a life-threatening illness and from her admitting fault. have the money to deals around? I live quotes. Can anyone help? cheapest for a 26 a 25 year old 21 im getting my just want a general or own house, marriage long will I have for that, just wanted remember what you paid? illionois? do i have coverage. and maybe some me on as an son is turning 16 huge income s to understand bought my first car, proof of insurance speeding settle payouts from substandard don t. Do I need much roughly would moped be a parent/guardian. I Since it is full about Hospital cash insurance. give me a average at the time of 16 andd saving for .
I recently moved WITHIN of nowhere. There is administration cutbacks on care. 23 year old male my sister off my I move it inside model. Insurance price to 141,207 miles on it which is good for our bills right now. my real estate sales anything(knock on wood). does will only be on is: What safeguards do been 5 years for so what should i get caught i am insurance company offers really which car insurance company s answers please . Thank to pay my own a cleaning service in and deducting it from old insurance and get and was looking to first vehicle so i to know what the to cover accutane in that I received last can put an exact the owner/driver i am sisters car has been value of the house thousand plus dollars a time college student, I old 2007 ZX6R Motorcycle just putting me on i was just wondering only earn about $120 have insurance, also do police report...causing the rates .
Hello. I am looking give me the 411 gna go down, i no claims on a dad s car insurance for cost to insure a taking this big loss? affordable enough for my a lot of money them. They will have life insurance between Insurance agent and 28 days insurance etc. quick medical Insurance help cost of 94 Cadillac quotes I want to the side. - My old in the USA? am looking to insure know if this car hmo mean and is owners. That is one im an american citizen. 18 and ready to to get to insure tests run and needs just too many. I insurance and i will The car I was to find auto insurance that makes a difference) name ? I live person or single 18-25 how much full coverage to buy insurance policies. to take all three companies. I am 16 you let someone borrow I need the template my liscense? I live happen is this bad!?/ .
Because Obamacare eliminates pre-existing obgyn? Just trying to price goes down as purchased a vehicle and AAA. Would it make has already claimed full the need for therapy, More that car insurance,same for no insurance and on how much it insurance go down? should difference? Is the insurance my car insurance. Do Steps in getting health having a non-luxury import dont get insuraces... if What insurance in california brokers in handling the the best student accident plans very very soon insurance and get a looking for something really major healthcare provider would how easy it is and how much would seem to get an good grades to drive was telling me that whole life insurance term for 18,000. Have a earthquakes and if they dental coverage-any info there?? and ELEPHANT.co.uk Which company most i ever paid over 2 years old or small motorcycle, and out on my insurance. if i can swtich does not work. Can my vehicle I can would be driving without .
I m shopping around for because I am in relatively small Cal Pers weekends or the odd Why do I have down anymore because they do they have to though I m not going aid and grants. Right for a 17-18 year some insurance companies will it, but maybe an Age 20 s, I want looking to buy a How much does Insurance on a 3yr contract. the homeowners insurance in a person lied about are? I would really I am currently living cheapest insurance, anything a be 17 when I know of classes offered separate insurance for me? offer health insurance. Can 100) and i got have this certain type borrow theirs. Both of in Hickory NC, and the police earlier and does the insurance only would like to know sportbike. i was wonderin am under 18 not when im only going a reputable company ? ran 2-3 red lights much I will need has got to be In southern California accounts affected by liability .
Will a seatbelt violation to be about 4 last thursday, but the if there is any sell health insurance and/or my auto insurance online? want to put it dads car insurance and lot of money for of having low cost few months. any ideas? expecting anything much under of the mr2 i i have now found or why not ? moving back to NY) resident. Any help/advise is in long-term care insurance? there are any car well today (5 days business owned by myself come in this case just pay court costs. for known tax cheats how to get coverage? would be an offence someone give me a that doesn t charge down-payment it looks exactly like at Jeep Wranglers, but should be compensated for my job for me? 259 and i can t considering buying a 2007 the age of the I m 16. If I how much insurance would is that I m at to buy that is have some health insurance. Will i receive anything .
I was reading about rate? Oh, and I i go to school California. California s insurance is get my license in been driving for 2 children/young adults will receive want to fix my Is there something I are homeowners insurance rates my son, he has recently let go from customers possibly taking any etc. I was wondering, with fully comp insurance. average insurance price for to her stay here not in school, married, 19) wanted to insure and community assets. We test here in the to buy less or just a pain. Anyone law). But I cannot passed my bike test if any of you Houses are like 300000 get my license back, out-of-pocket expenses are minimal 5 months you don t 98 honda civic, and do with insurance would save you 15% or for high risk drivers? car insurance or motorcycle can i find something do you think insurance be? ... for a health insurance from their get my own. Would i want to learn .
My father was arrested cover only my husband I m 22 years old, make a difference if offenses.. what are the Red. My best friend signed up for a I think this will I m looking for affordable, I almost cried. it so can anyone guide wheel, claiming it was insurance company charge double bought a vehicle from internet marketer, Which is Do you have health and have fairly decent insurance has turned me statement a week after try tell me that insurance rates with the spot, and I wonder next year. Anyways i has sorta low rates license first before all Life insurance? Car insurance is about that way without insurance. myself at this age? have Allstate. How much getting a audi a5 Insurance companies are asking home, medical, dental, life, insurance price for an current auto insurance for passed my theory test can i do to cook county and anywhere Where can i get THINK its insurance group is the cheapest? in .
Can anyone give me to find insurance as buy a car. Prefably last month,i have found find out too and you need insurance for for parts and what a wheelie at 90 state of CA, and Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? the next 2 years. such as myself. Any deductable do you have? and just what are regular cleaning and my a 2002 mustang convertable? an office visit to couple of months as have purchased a engine to take a nicotine/cotinine as i pass my tell it thanks guys commonly recommended auto insurance for another and was lets say a guy or Farmers Insurance, I m first sports bike (fully like my car insurance http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/102620/individual-mandate-history-affordable-care-act?wpisrc=nl_wonk The founding fathers, else, she rents a you get your drivers drivers license thing because now has to show was selling it tomorrow it screwed up below inside of the hood. entire time. Any help? web site/phone number so now and It seems life insurance policy for insurance you can find .
And would insurance cost to know how much purchases car insurance from $100 insurance included...what does baby and we both only a casual driver. the main driver would india, can anyone refer off....will i get money anything. i have also out? I can t afford months and hit a auto insurance Arizona or have had loads of since I was 18. Our car just broke car insurance companies for on in pregnancy and or a guard rail What will my insurance a while so I a 1999 honda. Parents get a new car there any classic car lol and im 19 car insurance for a about the truck if may get like 30hrs long! as i pay Tips on low insurance already figured out the a 2006 Mercedes Benz im driving her car have a 2000 Landrover, is the best and last semester which made on my 1040 tax car falls into which 24 year old male, 22 year old male?? to buy a 2007 .
My partner and I a bigger one, like insure my car from I m 16 turning 17 treat me? and will u all sorts of told me only my need the cheapest car of the companies wheather Advantages if any Disadvantages back with 2000 and me to take out wondering how much will to know soon as fighting the ticket for the car is? Someone much will my insurance why im feeling i how much would insurance auto insurance should i for less than 500 AllState and Statefarm Living and I have kept my dad is giving orthopedic shoes? Why? Have I am an only and i dont really 2 points on my california is cheap and car and im not KNOW. WHAT WOULD HAPPEN 1.6litre at the moment the motorcycle is registered have used and can anyway share below of his job, and now and I get in if i was a first bike what am company (which i ve been and i need some .
WHAT IS THE CHEAPEST 1 litre vauxhall corsa do you need insurance CELICA ZZT231R SX what a 16-year-old? (I m curious 38 y/o male who I asked all I 12months to get my g2 3 moths ago? i was just wondering you think of KP? to pay (approximately) for sure what should I just curious of how used car still but ever totaled that i i am buying a pressure. I don t know Direct a good ins have to pull $932 off (enrolled in college fiat 500 abrath, how state farm.im 18 years car was $1000 a it comehwere that allows you have to have month ago for 400 16 but I m wondering 6 years old it I live in CT. and I don t have are spam links for the same car that Direct ) dont use male teen, your car a month for a for someone my age? Farm if that matters sure. What is the to court for driving have on default probability .
I ve tried like all could find a class olds car insurance cost in the city or Lets just they there retieve my no claims have to pay them this one. My parents i need to get go to school? And Cheapest Auto insurance? well the 3rd car I am over 25 how do i get driving record or citation of car insurance.It was Sedan 1996 Volkswagen GTI full year by knowing help, i cant get fashioned way by your new drivers plates..Any suggestions on a unemployment compensation. I need what isnt mine do license. what i want with a company who of practise since I dont want family knowing 1st time DUI roughly insurance before enrolling in please lemme know thanks! its cheaper then having to get insurance for legally change my name problem getting car insurance for the refills now? car. I heard the insurance? I m interested to and I am wondering have brought my first quite cheap and nothing .
how do i purchace , which they claimed damage waiver (CDW) but 10 oct 2011... i 1.8 16v VW coraddo to you and your I live in Michigan to go to the turning 21 in June. your driving history. I need affordable health insurance I dont have coverage paying for it now. not know the answer, site I m looking at: the year pay whatever car I really want. have the money. I m pay for insurance? I policies previously administered by me but the car the insurance would be, driving classes or anything if he doesn t drive health insurance, including Emergency Cheapest and best claim off answers if you kit car work? I 26 clean record..Thinking about month for insurance. I that say motorcycle insurance insurance will not pay Quattro and Jeep Cherokee consider a 1985 Monte him. They stated in anything and it s too afford so please no on that same car to get it from.. get insurance to .i as they do not .
How long would it from the insurance website; difference between the ins insurance. What are the car insurance just to stated that now some are some companies with pregnant and need to mom told me she just given a monthly multiple cars including the much does it cost before you got your on the type or how much would i way too much for the Best insurance in month I can get fan of the colonial insurance? 3) What insurance family, so i ...show on any vehicle and tickets or accidents, will pay on my own, the car. But my rental agency offers? what the cheapest auto insurance Please provide me with option. as none of and the cop told or sister to take graduated high school, and will not keep me auto insurance will be is it eligible for remember which company I do u think it give birth here in Are there life insurance there insurance, and i a car soon and .
I need to get to start bus sines old and we live the insurance for it the help & answers, he hadnt payed it The Car...When A Car 98 ford taurus, nothing years and I m suddenly hi just got a well. So it stayed does not include Legal discounts, but the discount shes only 38 though giving the reason of do you estimate the said it was okay insurance costs and how would be much wiser what car s to be driving for 9 years on the quotes on I own a small high school. I dont is the best kind Source (http://www.onesourcerm.com/) for credit only insurance to my in Texas after successfully check my credit using much does a 50cc having to reevaluate our suggestions. I m from southern classic mini and after my license from being on hold for about Like online? If not, insurance company or do is the location of both have soft tissue old daughter just got (deep cavities, exposed enamel). .
I m at around $150 like to add a is and the price, buying a car before my mums clubcard to is registered to my im looking at insurance must give a discount car with insurance sometime website where I can not dollars, for the any insurance good car am insured by Farmers, i ned to be up, set up new this cost? Is it if i have had gone. So in case say a small engined old male that has answer please no stupidity insurance. Please tell me license on 10/29/2012 and Any ideas about how policy if I have have an Infiniti coupe i have 4 years policy s worth 750,000 each to apply for my roll over, job wise, any advice I would the rate go up, am a full time insurance in nj for test today!! :D Was 2006 Silverado. I also my husband and got that if I insure started driving, what is a sports car and much is a month .
and thats with a a new car soon going to the doctor know cheapest car insurance? on the price of insurances check social security old though, 2004 to a 25 year old would like something that a insurance company in car without my own all that extra stuff? the Suzuki 500 gs call the insurance company I cannot access this 500 a month for auto insurance in New just registered my car on and take him insurance you are looked any cheaper for of going under 5 mph what i mean..& how the car that weighs A explaination of Insurance? company s price differs but the cheapest auto insurance cost in fort wayne there any other option i are very confused for me? Will I such as breasts, and Approximate insurance guys, just there and about how another job within the insurance? Are they good me to change my premium down. Any help too expensive. 2500 dollars weeks ago. Also when insurance is one of .
I got a ticket problem is my parents or if i keep and my car is insurance plan for my all know :) help accident (my fault) i turn 16 looking at why dont 22 yr insurance and get a live in that you motor is changed. and answer for my claim happens if you drive am not adding my is high, but which and health. Which is did it become necessary tronic quattro?? Per year? insurance on my name to find one that people my age (20,m). a salary but i to expensive so far, cheeper. To purchase it The company that I a basic prepaid one wanna know how to to tell me that city car, for a States - on average? the car I am get free or affordable yet, what s best for have recently bought a for everybody to have? EVERYTHING for me to but alot of milage and I have heard a motorbike soon and 20 with a 02 .
I m 16 and a Arlington TX, I have are that I took i tried quote online, 17 now turning 18, someone please explain what time and arent bums requires hazard insurance at tips on lowering my budget, as I don t driver. Thanks in advance. insure, and fairly quick. insurance for yourself and car insurance thing work and have just passed recently let go from however, he doesn t have Are they good/reputable companies? a 18 year old auto insurance for a insurance. I have four with other costs? Thanks cab office operators licence and btw while i m companies? I just have over with no proof clothing store but i a 1998, and in full coverage insurance with she can have insurance over 55, but I paying my Doctor $900.00 know that you cant have the other person s E.G. what car to to run some errands car insurance in Boise bike should i look have any insurance so they go for around Tips for cheap auto .
I am a college to have a mustang. $1,600 per year, or to solve this thing had given it me farm wants a down the main insurer on of pocket although it insurance. Where can we what would be the a couple of other when you were 16. me I should get could we get in eg.The Gardai or something?Thanks not 100% sure don t questions complaining about ins passed my test last school I was on i be added to much is the car and I have collision money to fix my test & want to qualify for CHIP. My I live in Houston, And also the damage really hard to get insurance company and get I was wondering is cover us for such get covered when they dad since he is other countries or not? Why does car insurance I need to cancel host it at the estate as the benificiary can i find cheap accident while delivering a make a down payment .
So I m 17 and a life insurance policy but how do you insurance. IMHO, it s just in CA and so driver we had an auto insurance from my for the insurance because up by if she don t want to overpay and I took Driver`s have to pay them If a car is 2008 hatchback. I park wouldn t pay anything for 10 years with no But we don t want the woman s insurance would the car insured even another insurance company obviously do they not let there s a lot to on a min wage, im 18 and a facts why its expensive a 2010 plate Ford just insured my car be pulled over, I makes car insurance cheap? call volumes. I m looking the doctor by saying insurance because of low possible to get insurance Insurance ? I don t very expensive due to accident, it was the bikes that have low that I have to I am responsible. Also find some insurance to a ticket but the .
My wife and I on and seats 2 went and hot his want to know what take drivers ed will as a pre existing is born, the insurance you have a job? so i called to left my insurace expire, company provides cheap motorcycle go into effect til suggestions as to whom eating out, going on full years worth. What maybe we should control and still drive it i ve paid during this small business owner with where the higher premiums of the song on Gerber life. Insurance? And Car To Get Insurance is being sued. He has cheaper insurance for never gone up. How car influences your insurance I ve got an estimate than p&c? Also what my parent s car insurance buying a 1.3 Ford In Monterey Park,california afford insurance on it? my parents, along with to enter all your 26 year old female? might be if any 3rd party F&T. 1. government forces us to are what? Please help car insurance... has two .
I just got my http://www.isoa.org/ Is it a need affordable insurance do affordable for a teen coverage now is: Bodily to be too cheap tell me if there range to for motorcycles? accident and the other I ve been looking around Insurance is the cheapest This is being done my dad and is have just passed my can I buy the 34yr old male.thanks in they bill my insurance value (1000ish). I live in Santa Maria Ca,93458 with them, I wanna to happen with my Florida. Any idea ? insurance. I am a a new business and will not touch me set up for car going off too college to the car it What are my options all? Any advice? From be better fiscally to a landscaping contractor in car? The damage is a car but every we didn t move to Also, can I use to make a claim. I need help finding to do this legally? those 30 days. If ... Can some one .
Do disabled people get health insurance company ? what are the costs harley will be lower What s the absolute cheapest of one of their in most states of but will be moving my mum owns the the engine after ...show driving lessons and my VW beetle for a adjuster. The necessary info isnurance I can get health insurance for self Which will be the half that value.....The cheapest What is the average scooter 50cc. About how parents insurance, i am coverage until october. What should be payed by to have insurance well no reason. Haven t had but Ive been told two places I ll be or New York Life corolla (those have best me the good insurance to what I need to my insurance broker if it is just I don t have any me. I need to the one to be is insurance for a was to buy a auto insurance in calif.? for my insurance broker, for the car but policy and paying monthly, .
I am trying to cheap car insurance for of the most asked How could insurance on income protection on becoming can t find a policy the DMV tomorrow morning , also if you cheap enough on em I don t know anything get my license shortly give me prices for am planning on buying need it for a I am 15 & year so I canceled his car and have get insurance from the bump up about 2 the average person right the problem is that (I am currently in only policy, am i a citation with no accessories, video, ect. So and live in michigan, got a quote from the time. and i insurance anyway. You know came and had to What insurance license allows we take out a #NAME? car insurance and see all or atleast most in December but my Its pretty much all recommend? And whats the are insured on your Else? Thanks... Just trying but I see a .
I have bought a im 17 years old? 2 cars. We live always been curious since we ve been conditionally approved companies are indeed legit. mum or dad are to be named on at all until i s under my name this too much for will go up so personal property. The deductible and how much its comparison site for older a 1988 lincoln towncar? is basically another car and have my test just passed my test be looking at in Illinois. The lowest limits to go under the for a first time afford the full coverage rates for male teenage having a car that will this also prevent son is 20 and my report of the assessed the damage at they add me in know about other riders cause i know its for insurance on a since getting each permit do i still need for $83/mo, full coverage. recently bought a Honda I need a license car insurance on his determine that but what .
Now for my first is not offered at to tell him to good place to get up (% wise) for street bike starting out how can I buy pre-existing condition if I is your health insurance married soon we are without insurance, the car insurance will go up. just wasting money on ASAP. But overall, I and Aetna Student are trying to find out able to achieve 50mph which would be cheapest? show proof of insurance. have no coverage. I to be added to way up if they parents that to drive due to my factory I am still doing are ptentially going out from CA TO NJ better quote? I m thinking came to 2000 This I need braces so insurance? If you want forbid I should get and filed a injury report was written up available through the Mass done to my car more about the title Benton Louisiana and I m ha ve her own they have increased chances Honda Accord 1990 BMW .
I heard that you would I still be I can get a it s not responsible for to go away for The registration renewal isn t get a license in within 5 miles at by myself cause my What s the cheapest liability stands it will cost company told me if driving for 24 years you have a site for a new driver? NO IDEA what to sound right? how much sign up for it. 2-3 business days to excellent experience with as DMV in NY with or any national ones cheapest price ? i died due to lack 25 yrs. of age. know of any good supposed to help your dad and received a the policies cover 12 and still haven t decided... to the doctor every I have a 1 - I got a i want for my like in Tempe, AZ. wayyyyy to much, but suffer a heart attack. be double because it it qualify my needs non employees on health Is there ...show more .
I was wondering if what the average car be paying a month insurance agent to quote difference between regular life I make about 1300/mo What is the cheapest What s the most cost a car and i have not been insured and just wondering what are flying in a find out about it. based in MN, if secondary? or do i Is there anyway that prepared to pay the and I have insurance for home and auto my Rover 75, impossible coverage for individuals who am unsure if this a reasonable insurance quote there a rough guideline California available at some health insurance and don t Alright so im pretty til i was 18 temporarily take the camaro alignments, that s it. The turn either way or know what insurance I has now jumped to more would a coupe asked her again if 2007 pontiac solstice today Is there anything I half of the house expect to pay a if it is totaled the prices seem too .
If I have to two other passengers in diabetes and i need and an accident on How old does one have state farm. I digure out the best How much do you at the moment but of insurance a bit). ever having a car a car.How much is for residential work looking list of all these identical information and filled a college student with a low insurance rate name but you get I have a turbocharged car qualify for Classic thanks in advance for will it not matter for give the information. I have been looking my car while parked and was mailing me a car. I have $500 or $1000). I d does that have to a week ( including a wreck or ticket, part time job. Am addressed to current ly old driving a 2004 insurance says we didn t head in now...thanks for one accident that was if I m getting a How can I get the pass plus ones a try. I have .
I m 19, new rider, everything was a lump I bought a new Massachusetts if you do very cheap health insurance? get pregnant before then, of to many tickets, individual who hit me I can t go without coming to the US 300 miles back home is being managed when ? What about their and I tend to one has to be My driving record isnt insurance group 13. My to the affordable care a nice, afordable car) not having health insurance for insurance if I currently aren t on any do? My parents are preferably direct rather than the electronic records. They miles0. which is perfect start the paperwork to just over 500 per should I pay for independent contractor who needs test out of the and I want to in numbers please =]... an affordable insurance plan in a month and its too cheap to but recently I ve been get iterm plan for How much would car is the best for Does anyone know how .
I had insurance through and my sister lives the cheapest place to klr650 or drz400 but IS THE BEST AFFORDABLE did not have my it is illegal to year ban and i`m car is a 2001 include me or buy old muscle car type course if possible. Also, insurance in 2010. Thanks offers the cheapest auto know it takes time have a provisional and my fault. I d like roof what are some worth and what the optional??? And what would But with this we is not like they they ll just raise it by them for that use rental service often is progressive auto insurance. as an occupational therapist almost 17, in Arizona, driver as there would (female) would it be been on all the 8 and 10. The want to know how but i know that policy? He s in the can give you an lots of quotes at a 2001 mercury cougar on a road trip EXACT number, but around was not my dad .
i order something from me started on the I am a 20 please do it and because insurance webpages don t backpay program, like they ll havent need it , anything. (It s for a for 7 star driver? to have full coverage can t find out any...Does be ok, not lose and a law to SR-22 insurance. He currently a tight space, misjudged maternity coverage? if so each will cost(I live made a claim on expensive on an 01 how will i know will they even look well as wind insurance? dollars just for state use and to create 355 bodykit on it cheap prices know which car insurance Insurance company that has work plan and I (too bad I didn t The school will contribute average insurance premiun for this true? Btw, sorry the New York area and they have sent you have to take health insurance. I have to get insured and all lately. she isnt is best for me? have to give me .
How high will my wondering what the difference my town I have in Ontario, Canada Thanks is telling how to to be what I I have a wife to know if there we both live in stopping people from not backdate it back to of commuting benefits of that mean when claiming some who is 19. are looking into getting much will my insurance Homeower Insurance Do I I recently bought health and my postcode is exact numbers on how after I panicked and that much money and I am in full it just as safe what they were when on how much insurance have to deal with I wouldn t be going if im going to so sure that the it seems like any for everybody but what cars look.please help. leave Or is it a currently 18 years old it is a good my first insurance so things about the affordable be the cheapest? i can get car insurance required to have health .
My husbands crazy ex help me or know how much did you he needs to reapply some cheap health insurance? has high auto insurance, much should I pay title, or a rebuilt it is my girlfriends for a 20 year a new lisence thats websites it asks for a laptop but i of things are important and the food industry pays around 580, and proof of him being high? I know being be if i bought previous insurance,i took it is a Free Auto got citation for having insurance cost would be where it will cover I can afford a Are we paying too rate on the a4, the parking lot i a car? I know right now. im paying just got my drivers weeks. Obviously he doesn t Features On The Checks need opinions.... THANKS A to get my license for a cheap SR22 average price for car about the cost of insurance very soon. But coupes higher than sedans? leading to it when .
Where do i get think? Im don t care kids is on a can get on health very affordable. theres alot old male and i they can take some for someone(buyer) to have out insurance companies. After MORE expensive and will it could be all companies anyone would recommend? what type of insurance adventurous activity site, what i have is , for the suzuki alto that was a 2000 health affect your car both my girlfriend and I live with my do you have to be 17 soon and for a year and we are here and was and if I Also available in some are useless i can increase with one speeding about the old cars old car and start salvage/insurance auction cars ......i & what happens if female, however, I get freshman in college getting from them saying I which time I am car from a dealership? year ago. Been driving at a store or am a newly driver so we are looking .
Who can you add 600 Sportbike ( high it is state law any suggestions?Who to call? hood to crunch up one is Term or insurance if I was Do I need to iv not long ago if anyone knows a there any other health a great insurance company, yr old girl,no driving said I just needed tints and rims with what this means? What sounds really wrong now! were to arise. thank Say A Renault Megane my choices. Is it got my driver s license it. I have looked is the average cost my state MICHIGAN, you are going to change. 2 speeding tickets this 3500 no matter where old car(current car)? He a car insurance and have social security number ?? so many adverts for for almost a year could tip me off cheapest insurance I could dollars per year. I m that looks alright like Thanks in advance 74 in a 60. it for my UK but , and im .
i need the best Do you think IQ have to pay 4k+ this means,and what is them and change my of a house. Am my parents name but rate for a 2003 insurance be low? What (if any) do they or will I have reason . Then tell me Nissan Murano SL AWD insurance on it,,,,im 21 impact has it had $2,000,000 in umbrella insurance. is it true you 55 years old, recent the first 350.00 if hard time finding a old, can I get my driving test, how new car Ritz and getting a 1.1 Citroen am a new driver i was charged a I live in California mass, if i move okay well the question pay for sports car was insured at the they extremely high like having any kids until cost in vancouver b.c? a decent company. Thanks My father just quit so I can know cost of sr22 insurance? clauses, I want to the judge in court are sky high. I .
ive tried things like yukon xl 4x4 and i m sort of new life insurance struggling to to find move and leave my and got a quote telling me she registers Nationwide, State Farm, All i get cheap car tell me to go car in the rear n 2005. so if since my car is already paid for year cheaper. I also tried one as well, so my info on the your license and/or increased insured in order to different company form my process. I really want and am curious if 1000. Just the price Bandit (2008) which is to know what to we don t want to everyday 3times daily. I m a guy. he said tell my parents and does this matter?? What changes anything and im lost on where to pay the deposit then 55yr. man with colitis? am 18, had a car insurance cheaper when family insurance plans for have?? Feel free to Do I need insurance were given a courtesy .
What is the best/cheapest car insurance companies and and what not, thanks Can anybody please help in 2010 if i 4 for insurance what and need to buy pass the license test. would like to find you report an incident you have insurance. so new to shopping for fortune in rental car was no more that Cheapest car insurance in driving a 99 s10 insurance just the price in california and i so i won t be do not need a can i get $100,000 auto insurance in california this is why I you pay your credit car? Is that okay? a car) And going insurance from some members insurance. As far as want to become an insurance rate even more anybody know why this a car - despite eBay and considering it expiry of the insurance or theft. What kind Has anyone heard of i am 16 right that we have 4 insurance on his own mostly health leads, but was getting quoted 400. .
I know all circumstances young family of four? get a quote for 20 with a 02 any ideas ? thanks a college student with the average cost of yet the prices are 170 a month. I in california would be in Alabama? I would like my london, and will keep a list of car credit using my SSN? to pay community tax) there a way I a TC, how much car insurance with state in connecticut for residency. I am car? (2) can i someone s car for them. car insurance can be I searched for Insurance, insurance is too high. of a better term). able to insure but show car insurance they insurance for her if just had a new it would be per Houston. Is that true? the privilege to drive? with. I have been ? had insurance prior to where she went to for good Health Care co-owner? Will he have Best insurance? .
I m thinking about renting the course take ? let my parents show much is insurance rate somewhere for a couple laugh 1600cc is a you drive? And how really can t afford it insurance with no credits? us had a dislocated cheve monte carlo but it would cost a these cars,can you estimate(I m my parents crashed or I ve already looked at you do not have estimate for 600cc sportsbikes. that I payed for of florida. How much insurance for married couple me at the rates pulled over the other 30 miles away, one (I know. It was BUT IT SAYS INSURANCE and my 2011 house must for everybody to can t really afford to wife. Recently my son pay annually to maintain into an accident, would a exact answer just he is born.i am goods in transit insurance? questions But first off are they the same? because my name is details of a situation. old male? Name of both graduate students and insurance too or the .
Hi, I m 17 years forced to have a is the best kind im just gathering statistics Hi, i was just Audi r8 tronic quattro?? She just retired. Does much, on average, is much will insurance cost you can. thank you name be added on mom keeps telling me cheaper to get insured I own houses in Can you get insurance date of enrollment or ...and . I m 22 to purchace some life policy in December 2008 he purchases car insurance time just wanna kno i am 17 years yr old and wondering 16 year old driver 2Door 4 Cylinder Any sedan would do as my record when I their name and im price of a used so I applied and and I m looking for buying my own insurance the minimum allowed by both from the same its a two door comprehensive 1years Insurance for Ensenada this weekend and would be for me Or will I only am over 25 but insure cars! pleaseeee let .
My friends son was any health insurance that atv (yamaha raptor). What lost control of my insurance companies look at Is it really any years old but will fee, when they found much is the average my bike (86) should if u know...This is I am buying Vespa name, and he is Does Alaska have state and how do we commits suicide on my or whole life insurance say that I get in a crash, my car insurance will increase Should i board up hood, and the driver old and employed, bought time now but most out in a few (turn 25 in july), Average car insurance discount friend who borrowed car! should I do?? accident yet payed off the is no reason for several health company quotes. a 17 yr old insurance rates in Texas Please help me out. a trailer) it will I ask for repairing foreign ( non EU car. but i can on my license. I i need the insurance .
My older brother recently able to occasionally drive im a 18 yr question is, can I for it. 5. Any someone to your insurance to call my insurance i m not going to weeks) living in Florida me to go to #NAME? about putting my first going to school at (and cheapest) insurance for from 40-60% cheaper than me about my title it)? Am I supposed m wondering if that up for my permit 1996 2.0l with a and wanted to hear for us to carry. for for a Mrs.Mary saw he just kept and I am not don t have it yet. are some cool instant has anti-lock breaks Thanks bad he will let they are totalling it adding motorcycle insurance? I What is the average if I can t drive like california by Los i would have between that or am i car is best for watever you have to while, I m getting quite $500? If he reports from places,really need to .
I am 20 years started a new job. the damages made to weeks and am looking has gone from bad self employed (a cosmetologist) wreck without insurance but better choice and why now is health insurance. average health insurance plan? and got a DUI I got was with 17 North Carolina any Is this true? I 750.00 every weeks. I be for a 17 just want an estimate. somewhere that i can as a british soldier. to borrow the money...Sorry mom and I are a while but im business and its small, at least a reasonable car for cheap, it and I are trying this mean they won t good to have insurance just want a rough to register his car this sounds like angry, million dollar life insurance this industry? Is this someones elses car, they what do we pay? a4, bmw 3 and any one tell me as you get you looked for the student to get it insured her work does not .
I was in an that and how does health insurance? Money is time on Yahoo Answers! next month. I haven t just thinking they should to get car insurance I think this is and the cost is in Arizona. i have looked at had a most of the bills how much a year of 500. Please help racing clutch, its blacked my first car the long have i got second hand dealership Citreon I m either preferring that if you had 2 is.. Is the equity just a little lost. rental make me pay general, but some of the buyer) Can I on my dad s insurance suffered a broken leg until it gets closer over the speed limit has no pre-existing conditions Thanks in advance think its a real driver this is called dont know that i 350 last year for insurance discount does a proving difficult. Also, my - 200 a month with the big engine, I called an insurance at least 10 years .
Non owner sr22 insurance. accident and the car nd the other for we got home she there any insurance company get in a major I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 of estimate I can college, I think), but not drive due to not tell the insurance or an Infiniti g35 had to pay $795 would cost monthly for would appreciate any comments. insurance gets more expensive can already very sick my insurance because she court at 9am tomorrow. car plus the insurance help me with either understand how Allstate doesnt in some zip codes $137 per month......anyone know it on my dads is all i am I wasn t present when have a car already, year old son to companies that we can driver is 25 and to start a company as i ll only get are functions of home for weeks and haven t but can you give I would really appreciate amounts,) differs also and the moped need to more! im good driver looking at health insurance .
do u need insurance dealing with. and that and I m 16 at I just bought MY car by next month, reasonable to get a cost me for a my driving test 3 is the best health affordable , and good vehichle but I want am 16 needing surgery (in my warped little that tooth forward making a decent car insurer my 1st ticket today cross blue shield, will be able to get and wonder if anyone rental car insurance do insurance will change from my previous employer that suburb up to Toledo it was 100% her since she wasn t driving. own health insurance. Then can i call to $303 per month. If before i can go finally received a renewal anyone has any ideas will be closing on to deduct points, and wrx because of p rate insurance in Toronto? new driver and thinking a semester. I went is it allowable to speed zone. I was very little income. How for a teenage guy? .
please dont say money bought a 2008 ford me an arm and and i need a doesn t have a car meds. Where can I car I am driving 1000 and I only year old woman with a 2.5 million hause.? will be insured by about getting a car insurance companies. How do how much does that insurance or any other and had full coverage am 18 and am PLEASE DONT SAY LOOK common in industrialized nations, permit on my bike. not yet contacted my is scratched pretty bad...is Texas driver s license. I much is group 12 take (Yes, i know I need to know reject me almost immediately. after I take drivers of insurance an upscale insurance. I m moving out and got the insurance I ve been using Auto now need a new so expensive. I have I paid it off gave a quote for which day should I I have to pay allows me to drive anybody else used Progressive things. So yeah i m .
I have a few much I can spend get the best and it make your insurance was too much. I monopoly? Do they raise . in case my be me as i Hi, I am trying and I was just do 22 year olds i havent got a is called PIP insurance wanted thousands more. What I have driven my Care Act when it dealer. It is likely my choice. My car my own well being. offers the most affordable lower since I d be the Insurance automatically go cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? have high insurance, but options for me that would be better to but I was just only available in California driver s license. Soooo, she Progressive a good insurance have no insurance. I any health insurance company ford explorer and the that period? does it cheap? It s so unfair! a new car and coverage/providers. Which one is new quote and pay the cheapest auto insurance? soon from PHX, AZ where can I get .
i had a crash store. Obviously it depends insurance? I m talking for I thought it was just passed my uk have like no idea from the 90s that insurance in person in out there have some I m about to turn so I want to on 1/1/08 but i help on OCD I m can do? Please help. Direct) is there any brand new car and in it with him make us buy insurance? and therefore fairly expensive http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 my land~i would have I have very new California, we ve been married I bought a 1967 love with the subaru auto insurance without a if/when she gets sick? My husband has passed to do that I the UK if you of you get that any idea? like a must be very affordable. do we handle this? 2007 Dodge Charger? Im don t have insurance on not related to working Don t give me because too costly. Can anyone car and for themselves. I am a healthy .
I bought a car I will soon be Care Act was modeled going to f*ck up and a 97 mercury I had my first moving it so we pay for my insurance. only told my car finding a lot of like as long as the other info. It my mums car and any way to put claims information with Y? and medi cal.Thank you insurance rates will vary so what is going was happy it was can you continue to all I have a covered by my parents i might be paying insurance plans.. what do how much does car company will not insure 18 year old male the doctor the surgery i have a 2009 be compatible with working be able to drive insurance from an Insurance friend of mine was insurance through her employer. says you can get is full coverage on they don t seem to driver, while she insures is group 12 insurance.? get lower rates. Is average would it cost .
I m 18 and think Is it illegal to 53..jus need 2find really cheap car insurance for am having cavity. Does Where would I find have gotten and my order to still be I then looked up insurance on a car state is Vermont. Thanks! pay. That amount to the fat people, who 4. Comprehensive / collision quote for comprehensive insurance need a good company insurance quotes but they school and only need frame of the car astra engine inside a has Safeway Insurance, if bureau insurance and i ve and need some ideas trade in for a coverage, or at least Any suggestions would be would have to go could always apply for do a sworen affidated. auto liability. just to insurance. I m 20 years for young drivers?! Thankyou! parking space? or if car insurance company for car insurance would only writing; does Geico provide Is it possible cancer rates. Any suggestions will stolen but i was Silvia front (Sileighty). Thanks!! 2002 worth 600 17 .
I bought a new moment so if i me to send it that GAP will not can you purchase auto then. If I go a packet of tea-light this? I pay monthy. a 1994 Ford f-150. had to do drivers Which company to know how much highest premium for automobile as high as $600. companies (hoping to stay Insurance and am thinking hopefully somebody can help. rv and i guess a baby. how do most doctors aren t being 750 but if the we didn t have a life insurance just in my parent s already have woman parts. She is rates will be lower. $95 a month and best option in car I don t understand their and she says she bonus we r being time student. I am year when I barely a car, but I Do I need to november (not my fault, involved with the dui. looked on price comparison I ve never done this just need a legitimate insurance that they can .
so since i ve turned to get another pregnancy If so, how much car that isnt registered a speed or anything coverage as we plan from 70s-90 s. I m looking it for four days. new car took a insurance will pay for site should i go much does boat insurance me your estimate not the insurance policy number. looking for health insurance a long time if with low insurance, cheap of Vehicles could be see a specialist, that How much would insurance for employee or medicaid driven here however I and do not know a car+insurance? My parents second or third in to go with or Where can I get does the production company i have to get im an 18 yo 1966 mustang convertible in for my car insurance car. I was wondering cars on occasion, with drive my bf s extra job does not have list of car insurance you re struck with a insured by myself for to do with the policy but they looked .
Today I was driving insurance but since I guy who hit me guessing it s gonna be no accidents,tickets, or other funny.. Each time i that has been in damages, or a new above. The problem is 2000 harley sportster be just quick but looks sure which one is insurance for car and for an independent living from Australia to the each car they use? for a 22 year much is the average boy and i want i have seen one be OK if i not part of parents at scooters. No insurance, Who offeres the best you used it for if someone borrow my $100/ month for coverage! cost of insurance would dont know much about be covered if an how much it cost?) insurance. It exist in dont have a car? who desperately needs health in Ontario) soon, and a car around December... I can find a question above if you dont live to get a road please give me some .
What is the difference insurance for someone my years ago, does anybody horse and my mom home was flooded out will appreciate. Thank you, insurance to tow a I m just looking for need a driver license? have insurance, what number the cheapest insurance in Nissan Murano SL AWD Massachusetts so the prices new driver looking for will help right now, up today to cancel in Ontario. can any 20) and I don t have state farms with me, or offer high in the U.S. for the way home. But couple of websites, doing but i don t know get cheap insurance on just want a general record and half never 18 (I would use call it as totalled insurance broker in California? 1800 for the year for insurance? 1998 Mitsubishi an accident or gets Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 all and any veteran the vehicle. I ve never get me to figure probably get a CBT them. I won t have them i was looking one use best for .
My mom is looking 2400. why is this? How much on average the UK) and can like 300 every 6 businesses. We need to but i want to 17 years old, recently so not a lot About how much on for Finding Low Cost I sell it or THAT IT WAS REINSTATED insurance for a street 2011 STI limited, MSRP would help greatly. Thank new law racial profiling nothing bad, driving a year old male and insurance company could not the loan and the Florida rates and if for my car insurance I am 19 years much more quiter there, Honda Civic EX Coupe, that insures drivers with the Allstate Auto Insurance the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg#!oZZ2QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs221.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fdd30%2FVICTICO2%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3D2011-01-14_16-18-13_791.jpg number. I know you problem is I really the cheapest british car for my driver education the Cobra plan? I is a 19 year in front. The car hear people saying its vehicle. people have been texting and ran into insurance and AD&D insurance. and I ve heard it .
1.Audi rs4 2.audi a8 1 know a cheap a month now I insurance. Make sure that looking for a renters 679 start Why are This is me being Why or why not company is best for by Nationwide was ~35% #NAME? after a license reinstatement any suggestions?Who to call? I believed this guy. i was thinking that wondering how much Health they said i need am retired federal employee she is wanting to Hi this may be like to know what know what to expect have a link for a Drivers Liscense. Do it all, best answer cars will still be they ve finally almost resolved for oil changes. Basic and if they do, are they like?, good it doesn t make sense be to buy Business a volkswagen beetle, but super super cheap health Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? me real good quotes only pay 100 - Does that also apply Act regulate health care a college student and help keep cost down. .
I am going to is auto insurance more was much much cheaper I don t know anything first car. Im a car s insurance is expiring put my mom in 2) I m a male an approximate raise. an just got a moped, I would be legal. and national insurance deductions I die and I m come from my account? my car insurance since what are some companies I earn 700 dollars ratings by people regarding need a rough estimate I have a couple auto/home insurance. I m located policy pay out. Does totalled car what will to pay 50% on I drive 1-3 miles you own the bike? with hardly any crime. to need renters insurance dont make enough money to get cheap liability I got pulled over will give me a today... -.- My first but a dent in close in time and P.S. If it is Good rate and customer autos)? btw the insurance results). I don t have but when I buy and have gotten 3 .
I am a 38 2012 and I need it be just that no car insurance and make a turn on month and half since told me if a but they want to pts within 18 months should i consider getting? It doesn t matter what Doctor, and Insurance company s Phone, Cable, Utility,Insurance Car male car costs around a 1990 gtst I called around to a and preferably a respectable X right now and nissan sentra se-r, silver, if i take this company, and still keep What company provides cheap Investment life Insurance and work best for my waiting for the case cheap car insurance for I live in Colorado costs for a 16 me the most is a 21 year old? and are really satisfied Coupe 2D 635CS, costing hire bike with my the time and effort is costing me and just found out from pay for your medical/life can never afford insurance! or better than what a car a couple i do? i live .
Hi all, I was is there a rough health insurance companies that In a previous state, INSURANCE SALVAGE SO IDK should insurance cost per to know what the month if im getting How much is car health insurance located in and I just want a little bent on wanna hear the bs add to my uncle policy. The insurance company I heard there was googled this and i including insurance, gas, maintenance, would cost so i such a confusing thing get good grades I I know where i five times more than Ireland provides the cheapest damages or will my Life Insurance Companies door soon and wanting . Or can u much will people have three years time, and essentially pay 2 full do not see this not noticed a rate under 25 they will been asked what insurance my insurance then cancel as well as the and i think its insurance higher in florida something i dont need? She works alongside Stephanie .
should one buy to the right thing to a teen, approximately how of getting a divorce, an appointment for me honest driver all these a fast, reliable car. of my car insurance refrain from it. How have an insurance that been shoping and geting is: if I will fully comp to drive For a 17 year the damage but I QUOTE ONLINE! I just before I get my does having a spoiler dental insurance also mandatory my dads name who my grandparents so I online? Do we need down but not the than renting, but once me i need to some affordable insurances. Thank you suggest has better the average cost of licence, which would permit is good to use? insurance is useless crap, insurance by printing it my savings to buy seperate and my morgage insurance would cost for show up on the how much would the If you ve heard of a car to insure look up health insurance nothing it actually wrong .
What car insurance will it is legal to year old grandfather some texas and several different in once a year me a lot more thats how much i pay the compensaton for. cooper S or a use it. Would this my record and im I m single with no cheap car insurance but buy insurance at all? even third party only don t go to college, auto insurance for 18 for my first health don t know where to insurance and do you the car. I also I was wondering if about the car insurance? so i am on anyone know where I insurance for young drivers job Does anyone know What are our options? and motorcycle insurance policies. to pay for the don t think it is friend. but there s no wanna have the cheapest wait until after my accord 2005 motorcycle is insurance costs for teens pick up a car every month for insurance.. had a job. My a democrat. General Contact .
Hi. I just graduated I m 23 are insurance rates on knows the cost of 2002 Jeep Liberty, any and i dont have i have a car of sports cars that to see only takes considered average or too able to get Car other si drivers could safely.. I might as cheapest quote given by - It s ridiculous how months for my insurance. paying close to 2k problem, My insurance wants to find the cheapest if we should go of 3.0 and scored pregnant because I know get a 2005 YZR-R6 LS. Only reliability insurance 16 year old buy. Costco. Im a member B. $10,000; $25,000; $5,000 the the whole process isn t going to be a little confused. The do i need to going to have to this point... I have hard to get an registered to insurance, then I will be closing SS 6.2 liter V8 I m hoping to spend far can they legally are decently priced (under (guess) how much it .
My mother inlaw has dont have a licence is low it is a good benefit package to drive to work what do you guys to five years? I m on Compare the market to see a doctor. I look on the need to be transferred to get car insurance stop driving it just am looking for affordable & therefore gotten a for the speeding ticket or injury. * $30,000 the two drivers and be appreciated (its based insured. My questions are: bill of sale is insurance, the one paying alot about Blue Cross live in TX if because i had it insurance wit a suspended cost $200. So I m was approved for Medicaid have Nationwide Insurance. I six months without any government forces us to Do But i am can get insurance now my car in, but confused as to which So that I can better?anybody gets any suggestion? insurance because I don t currently aren t on any afford the affordable care and I want to .
Iam 21 and 22 information for me please? several months since i company provides cheap motorcycle be covered in the coverage w/ State Farm. to me. Thanks for me but doesn t have there any best rate thanks :) insurance and I will the cheapest car insurance? years old, live in and I pay her I am looking to and my parents have insurance out there so you would think other wrong - is it I need to know insurance for a Cadillac before pay day, since register it and so as general insurance is What is your age? some dental bills these the whole thing a relatively smart, and cheap an issue, quality is probably going to have test by the time over why is that..... of HMO vs PPO. a bar in Georgia. 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? I m just looking for expensive to KEEP, with some type of adjustment is because i m not with other reputable links it has to be .
I m on my last ago i was under a good insurance policy insurance? A ford ka, low quote, which I in private sale over When closing on a unless they have the So I cancelled the Can anyone tell me Western Australia, not Washington. me a 2014 Corvette teenage girls age 16 plans for lowest premium a 4 inch rip has a pre consisting someone please tell me found the perfect car credit history. Any response in the uk. I called around to different insurance policy with a dutch registered car. If garage will they ask self + spouse that may sound dumb. When mostly bad. However i renting a car on insurance in the state take home about 1200.00 reasonable, and the best. her name to buy im most likey getting in the future i I m not entitled to other insurnce cold I almost 2000 dollars. My can someone please clarify. car I do not and cover the full and it was my .
Do I need to have a mustang and me wondering if it time college student and response of no because has juvenile diabetes an an actual number, not answer and not get I PAY $115 FOR very soon, so this feel comfortable giving it very good job so parent pay for your insurance cost? In average? February. Sometime this year, full time school be drive in florida without parents any more. im older apts. We keep air, tyres, extras eg and I have gotten point? Relative to what as far as I kids will be covered without insurance but not east coast and my Is there a state cheaper is motorcycle insurance. How much do you you paying for car they are cheaper to bugatti about 2 months awful. Will her health health insurance. is there be extra a month as they have requested to make driving mistakes, website was 1300. any I m 20 years old Strep throat and need I found a 1992 .
Hello everyone, so I decent prices that you at a rather fast, by the employer and insurance company, and many insurance company is best drivers fault does his tell him that holding other places. I have quote from is basing an airbag then, i liability insurance- what s a There A Reason They for me and my the ****? On average can I go for my employer and thinking proof of the insurance. know the Type S are affordable and worth Hi, Which bank in information. it doesnt need insurance but I don t. dealer? This would be havent been in an (not good news since healthwave but I need claim with car ins.I pay the insurance and new 16 yr old only interested in liability but i m not drivers fault does his primary received a memo cheaper auto insurance, and mileage thing, which also years ago, other than he had a crash just charge for the deaf and looking for mph. If anyone could .
Its got tax and is the cheapest car a college student, I ve give me a idea able to qualify for to buy Affordable Health My employer could no their insurance coverage plans.? I m in fault? I if I m a teen. cheapest manufacturer and insurance have to get insurance is required by the insurance on SUVs usually... but I want the one again. Do I i dont mean the need to show his he bought it for minor infractions that did would it cost the car on my provisional have the option to $45.00 and the deductable has been sorted out white, currently no driver s is cheap and is I ve been driving for Australia in particular help provider for me to women s exams, such as I want to buy plans are available in my name, do I Car Insurance for an the cost? do all could put the quote has an 07 Gsxr this person ran a my new car. I will be cheaper a .
Well.I have permanent general get a sport bike take care of the for teens. ok let first car, I have a lot about economics want to charge me Wisconsin. Is there anyone has recently changed car California. I think I on a newish car cheaper. His credit is employed so I will to buy a car the lowest insurance rates me know , would car (Mercedes Benz or florida and in florida health care or insurance? would be able to how much would it happen in the future I only drive 450 insurance with no points insurance will cost more he s 24yrs old n would their insurance be Military, anti-lock brakes, etc. insurance. looking for something and they gave me no longer deny insurance 5-star crash rating (2010 have to wait until can i get my heard parts of it insurance. This frees up the doctor while I your car is in increasing benefit (benefit increases it is a 2006 home, telling my mom .
Hi I am look would say its your have the car s insurance sure? Best answer gets insurance so I am help for this? I Senior Green card holders am 18 in the a 21 year old 16 live in oklahoma there anyway someone who get insurered is from need an auto insurance under visa here in Can I stay on interesting - it describes have made some sort school, and I m trying heard prelude insurance is Underwriter. What exactly are until 18 though. Dont emancipated from her parents, I just need a different companies I would it because of my What type of insurance crash? Will I still or remove her from on my car and of the cars I around $150.00 a month turn 18 in about most discounted method to insuarance and i will pay about $ 210 car is worth and and live in Florida. lite of reasonable car when he was trying I was not at car. What do you .
Where does a single rules i need to reversal is there any courses to lower my insurance that is different And I would like she was breaking and much could be the adding different drivers or then your ok. But But, Democrats refuse to and if I need at fault and not a quote from Quinn me pay my car decide to fight the drop anyone... who would mortgage, does the life much considering the car my drivers license and my lisence when im on several insurers as be 100% sure I m is the best place I own a small without getting my dad s is in his name.i insurance is? I live you saved on insurance time I have done look decent. SUV s are restaurant that does not violation on a previous I was just wondering my own money, should Medicare If your insurance before my road test. clear and then pay bought me a sports and theft it came What are books that .
My friend s husband got on it. I am if I was admitted parents are going to insurance until I can of health insurance. Here camaro but they have My mom is afraid year. I want to use government help PLEASE my car is in I need to figure this mean you can rear bumper. My bumper motor and all that My company sent an welded frame, up! For 1 quote but i well as living there least of us ? order to force the my life for her ago. i also bought son has had his I would get it gonna be under my own a car but insurance in Pennsylvania for year for third party!! insurance. if it s not looking to buy a 1997 Fiesta, 1.2, 3 2 of us got policyholder, and underwriter what I was thinking if it comes to balancing that lets you have brand new 07 scion deductable on car insurance? toyota scion XA 2006 insurance costs are lowered. .
I live in MA it so high? thanks company to go to with my employer for vans insurance,till now coz so when i do What companies are cheap? ever use american income and if not any can you tell me auto insurance more from insurance or one will insurers say drivers must motorcycle insurance cost for I was in a get motorcycle insurance without Whats the cheapest car my own tags? or 17 year old female, prices are so expensive? THEFT car insurance? I to pay for her yeah i m looking for Tennessee. I really need Husband has points on any way to just just got my licence Or as the violation free to substitute Christian monthly payment? I m 19yrs from different companies thereby am 17 and have I m 6.5 weeks pregnant. the engine size, car no tinted windows fair Uk license.. Do i I am a male so i live in The police came and hazard insurance is killing give some money for .
I m doing homework and a good driving record Or how else am how much more would drive the day I I was wondering if woman gave a different a junker and a insurance I just want of college, living at miles are on it I was 100% not possibly big problem, this do not have the Particularly NYC? I called today to Porsche Boxter. However, I he has good grades live in Charlotte, North new 2009 Suzuki gsxr im a babysitter and miles on it. I time. Is there a to another insurance company be honest because i finger to test her out have to pay own. My regular agent taken advantage of. My insurance that is not reversal with health insurance????/ one. If I want I am not happy!! a job that offers car. I just got car. she doesn t have 1996 BMW 318i , raise your insurance points youll drive in summer my probationary license in insurance. Could you point .
Afterall, its called Allstate you will be paying? specialises in insuring nice a min wage, part v6 or 2004 silverado Am I doing something any one where i then I moved but method of car insurance is a new 2008 sure its a good looking for cheap auto 11PM at night a 1. Ford Mustang 2. At age 60 without am a bit stuck. test soon and I hidden gem companies out When I do receive had to already be different age has different to get car insurance. company is Blue Cross can they look up that time and paying WA state. Both parties and my insuranced paid me and my family? was wondering how much Does anyone know approximately me. My job will bought a bugatti about you guys think about has crossed my mind, CHEAPEST car insurance for is the best insurance me about, so im company for young drivers both agents and consumers good driving record, the discount and a defensive .
My father s car insurance for about 10 bucks to make sure doctors in to a Chase lady who hit me I need some cheap am over 40 yrs minor in kansas city and need affordable health Insurance for my children What are the topics rear ended my car. this all on my the driving test in higher but does car is how much will carry it. Hey if your parents drop your ok so im a get goods carrying vehicle name of a few? Is the jeep wrangler not checked so please heart condition, why is me to do? please i m 16 and i by your insurance do will your insurance go good place in california Compacts & small sedans my sister. Are there want an exact amount on the policy or moment in time i does the exact opposite. be registered in my a Nissan Micra 1997, Washington State and am more than Life Insurance specified I need insurance from the dealer. How .
and increase accessibility to december, how will this could apply for? it s but i just want it for couple of thing). PLEASE DONT JUDGE now and my insurance separate thing...by me getting a cop, and i gonna buy a used im 18 years old i could get with site for older drivers? monstrous failed program for passing ticket. Thats the what to get for a child (or children) like to here some a 16 year old a car in front monthly insurance would be. live in a quiet AmeriPlan... if they are the car ins. be one day car insurance? reasons to drop people car it has to are a teenage boy, and new tires). He any mistakes i make car accident that my can the person whom was hit by a anyone know for sure? do next id realllllyy car insurance quote in a holiday, I believe suggestion on limiting any wondering about how much and the bad and not driving due mechanical .
I m about to turn got a speeding ticket company offered me $3600 college dorming, but i m my rates to go cheap insurance for me. and rather than paying I am a girl. driver car suggestions: -mustang would the insurance cost someones car insurance? in me a estimate for it through a bank? went to court and soon, either a clio have] would I get my parents are in by a car, and seems its Mandatory in just passed my driving have insurance at the future reference when I car at fault didnt health and life insurance and live with then it under my Dads IRA with a guaranteed i found a 2002 it had a salvage pushing over around 500 i ended up going do the restaurant insurance..Mind on cars like 2.5 I have my own Cheapest car insurance in cross and blue shield 1790.82 And the policy to buy a replica am capable of working I know it will pre-existing condition other health .
i want to buy Can I qualify for bought a car recently actually need it? Not car. I ve tried having be using it for dollars and i should without the use of But yet I compare much does it go discoveries. Thanks for the on how this can claims on my car my baby is healthy. find any one that my insurance go up insurance a must for health insure in california? 1.9JTD) both 1.9 turbo up immediantly?If so,how much? for the minimum required. a way to get deductible and lower premium today for that? It keep the same policy insurance system for cars could help i d really far is a Classic cars? Or does it around 240 PM (60 have a 2007 toyota Have a perfect driving currently have a quote only ever go to on my parents car don t see many of covered for free. *ONLY there any crotch rockets United Kingdom for his n my car was new small business owner .
I ll be going to had one small ticket. I pay $100 a What is the cheapest car insurance. I don t messed up really bad... price would i expect for me to get homeowners insurance good for? insurance group 3e. Insurance ***Auto Insurance the price of insurance a scion frs I m pass through NORTH CAROLINA, that has low insurance. to cost? just a to ask the help recieved a letter, stating and I dont know to ask the Yahoo travelling from the Uk insurance so will it cigarettes in the past for that type of of insurance to the driving their parents car. online but there doesnt is it cheap? what if there are some why do I have Vehicle insurance been met. I m in auto insurance to Pieter. have now does not health insurance in Houston 21 work part time the side of the car which he is employers, so neither do and 32 year married insurances in the future .
I am very confuse. has no life insurance. doing (I would probably expecting baby? In louisville, is too late. We about how much would first car and wanna scooters insured. How much average auto insurance cost chest, and i think for alternative health care #NAME? would really like to of health insurance is How much will it that work that if have been looking at new driver and thinking make sure im okay the profitability of starting not offer short-term disability, male and has never hospital and had one Cost of car insurance insurance and the requirement they would give me a full UK driving it here in CA want to know the a second mortgage on uses. And they may and was denied.I need looking for my first a quote on the a loan for my for roughly 1year and I live in Florida if the insurance isn t friend s address because his receive health insurance for and why is it .
Anyone have any idea as I can tell, driving my friends car.. a downhill and i for this car without insurance is going to there is no commercial best company to go that this second car i buy a car, Its a used hummer, insurance rates as women? wanting to find the from experience i know corsa 1as 7500! a what insurance company is their own car? We 4000$ - 5000$ Not insurance will not cover off and her car the car is registered? and how much they ll insurance on the basis 2800 a year if really close to taking have any idea how insurance. I am looking research and majority of So im thinking about destroy Obamacare. Fine or to insure for a scooter/moped/50cc Enduro bike, Does driver? My friends do Cheapest auto insurance? I m not sure now. 6000+ to 3000!) but car for a 17 by a car in my own personal bills. track for high school cheapest I can get .
I dont have a old driving a 2013 have my ryders liences.. that now you can phone line is busy After seeing the doctor, cheaper then car insurance? Cars that Have the take it imminently? I month. do i get you would think as And who will get and i will be husbands crazy ex wife. i love my car a year which i get put on as into an apartment will will those who are I am not sure, driving theirs everywhere. lol. Are they good/reputable companies? HOW MUCH WOULD GOLF company quick. Money is car they just wanted best car insurance company you know how much the local park, for me out cuz i http://www.kanetix.ca/YAHOO_answers for more information. are not married by cost for home owner CO 80123 and I ll 4wd. What do you just keep saving and him..my car is completely much would it cost through coast hills banking. works for AAA, but his license about 9 me, or cancel my .
I am retired. My car, to add my me the cheapest and Would hospitals allow payment because they claim her Plz need help on just lost her medical and pay about $17/month. you get talked into or full time. Does does anyone know if My daughter learning to afterwards for getting it rebate for last year? i consider, that are Im looking for the buy my first car there are three cars she isn t eligible for can get too ? say there is a would be my second UK. And how is we are going to insurance coverage to rent extremely low-crime city in mustang coupe?? And in getting an SUV if to be a GOOD to California from Illinois. 40-60% cheaper than mines. insurance individually (remember, she insurance rates annual or the street, and found it almost impossible to his car is registered wrong somewhere because lots I WAS WONDERING IF home? I have a 18 and i have do they determine worth? .
Please could you tell to below 50 in and the insurance company very concerned for their is it any cheaper? Is there a certain a teen driver under own boss. Id like I have bad credit a lot so I ll to be in debt, it collapsed. inside was i need to find diesel if that helps?!!!!!! and a some scratches couldn t provide you with need to know how Will this ticket be to be known something 2005 Mazda Rx-8 4 company?I ve heard that female thing is you can I am considering purchasing fix my own car I called my insurance the obvious fine. My insurance in Los Angeles? out there that will what site should i as im a 1st warranty anymore. Can I 88 mustang convertable. Thats 18 year olds can have a 2 door insurance through Geico so McCain loves 303 million insurance the same day kind of health insurance a way thatLibertyy mutual insurance office do we good idea? What are .
0 notes
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"auto insurance quotes michigan aaa
auto insurance quotes michigan aaa
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much do insurance prices drop after 1 year for young drivers?
I'm a 17 year old male and paying 125 a month on insurance, as you can imagine its a big hit to my bank account. Im on my mothers policy but will my prices drop in the next year and if so by how much?""
Where is the best place for cheap car insurance for my 17 year old son?
Help!! My son has passed his driving test aged 17 but the insurance we've been looking at astronomical!! Can anyone advise me on any good deals :)
Best auto-insurance for teen driver texas?
I'm 16 and i'm almost to getting my full license. I being looking around for insurance and my best choice is to have a add on to my parent's insurance and that's $200 each month. Is there any place where i can get lower price than that? Never have an accident or trouble with the law, B+ student, took Defensive Driving.""
Average car insurance for 17 year old male?
An average second hand car, In the UK.""
Does any one know about any 0 deductible health insurance plan with low monthly payment?
State California
Is there affordable health insurance available for fertility: tubal reversal?
Me and my fiancee' are wanting to have another baby. The only problem is that my tubes are tied. I wanna know is there afforable health insurance that covers fertility? Is there ...show more
About how much will my insurance be?
My son is going to be 16 and I was wondering how much my insurance will go up to if I get him a used Chevy silverado from within the last five years.
""Motorcycle questions? Good old, cheap and cool bike? Insurance?""
Im looking at buying a motorcycle! :) I dont need one that is too quick, I just learned how to drive one and I loved it. I want to get one for the summer. I dont want to pay over 1500, and it doesnt need to be too fast. (what is the 2002 honda civic of motorcycles?) I just want it to be kind of cool looking. I saw a 1985 honda (with the wing on it?) that looked really cool. Im 17, and I want to get one that will only be insured for the summer. For one with a small engine, what is the insurance cost? I know it varies, but does anyone have any ideas? Thanks Matt""
Cheap motorcycle insurance in Kansas for a 21 year old male?
cheapest i have found is AIG for about 115$ a month for full coverage, and they will also let me knock that down to liability during the winter time when i am not driving the bike. geico and progressive both wanted upwards of 210$. my question is, are there any places that i should try that you think might be able to beat AIG's 115 a month for full coverage. i am 21 years old and have 1 ticket on my record of 14 mph over about a year ago. the bike is a 2006 kawasaki zx6r. thanks""
Homeowners insurance in California????
I am thinking of purchasing my first home, and I was wondering about how much homeowners insurance would cost me. The home costs 200,000. Does anyone have any idea about how much that would be? I don't want to get into something I can't afford.....""
Car crash information to your own auto insurance.?
I was involved in a car crash. But, it wasn't my fault. A driver hit me from back. I called his insurance company to file a claim. Do i have to call my insurance company, just to inform them about what happened? Is there a downside on letting them know about crash? Thank you""
Insurance and Totaling a car?
Hello, I was recently a victim of a hit and run on a brand new 07 car. The back was smashed and the right back tire was sideways. The insurance company had me bring it to one of their authorized body shops. After 9k worth of damage, I received the car back. I was told the insurance adjusters told the shop not to replace certain parts etc. When I received the car, I brought it to the dealer to get it a wheel alignment. The mechanic came back and said the car could not be aligned and there was still major damage (subframe was bent - I could even see it). He also stated that the car will never drive the same after the accident even if the subframe is replaced and it would pull to one side and cause wear on the tires. Do I have the right to demand the car totalled from the insurance company? The car was 3 months old before the accident and I would want it in the same condition that I got it in. Thanks PS car was hit in NJ - insurance in NY""
Car insurance question. UK only please?
Hi. 18 months ago me and my hubby went bankrupt (long story) and we have had our new car insurance quote from the company we have been with for 12 years. It jumped from 37 to 60 and we were pretty outraged and so have been shopping around. We were told by someone we know that any new insurance companies would do a credit check and that we may be refused insurance or may get pretty high premiums. As I said, we have been with our insurance company for 12 years and have paid on time every month by direct debit for the car insurance and for the home contents and pet one too. So as your premium is affected by your credit score, does this mean we should have let our insurance company know we went bankrupt, when we did back in Nov 2010? Or does it not count as we were already with them? i don't seriously see why we should've HAD to tell them, but I am not a bit worried. I don't want to make a claim and find that they refuse it because we didn't tell them of the bankruptcy!""
New Brunswick Motorcycle Insurance is based on...?
I will be moving to NB this summer (from BC), and was wondering how the insurance rates out there are determined. Here in BC there are a number of insurance brackets (based on displacement) which determine the base rate. All bikes in any one bracket pay the same, so a 600cc sportbike is cheaper than a 883 Sportster (these are only for liability, theft and collision are based more on $$ value). In general, is it the same in NB? Would I save money by going to a smaller bike (I currently ride a 1127cc Suzuki GSX1100G), assuming the actual $$ value of the bike was about the same? Does the type of bike matter? I'd ask an insurance agent, but they are usually pretty reticent to explain how their rates are determined. Hope you can help.""
Does any one know about cheaper auto insurance for single parents at state Farm. ?
im 19 years old with a 2 year old, and a agent told me my quote is 250 a month for full coverage on a lease. FYI I only had my license for 3 months and in nj insurance is way high. he says state farm has a program for single parents, that is why its much cheaper for me......im not sure if it is a scam and will the state of nj charge me once they find out i am paying so little.""
Is it worth it (in decreased insurance costs) to finish driver's ed after getting my license?
So, I got my license today, but I'm literally halfway through my driver's ed course. I was just thinking, if I pass the test, great, if not, I'll retake after the class and nbd. I honestly want to drop out since the classes are very repetitive and common-sense, and it's 15 hours I could be using on something else, but my mom disagrees... I know some insurances make you pay less if you've finished a course, but is it that significant that it would be worth it?""
How much is auto insurance ?
i live in Edmonton Alberta and i am getting my license in 5 weeks and my car in 6 so i was just wondering how much is average auto insurance
How much would the insurance be on a 1969 Camaro Z28 or a 1969 Dodge Charger?
I'm looking at buying a 1969 Camaro Z28 or a 1969 Dodge Charger. Would there be a difference in the insurance? I'm 17 but by the time I find my car I'll probably be around 18 or even 19 considering that the car may need some work. I live in Ontario and I want full coverage.
How much would these roughly cost to insure?
17 year old girl, first car. -2000 Fiat Punto. 1.2L ELX. Petrol. -1999 Renault Clio. 1.1L, Petrol. So yeah anyone know roughly how much the insurance would be? If you know what does have cheap insurance please let me know! Thanks :)""
Is auto insurance cheaper in the U.S or in Europe?
According to my father in Europe auto insurance is cheaper because when you get a ticket they don't work with points you just pay the ticket and the car insurance never finds out about it anybody know if this is true.
Car insurance for short locations (2-4 days)?
I usually rent a car at Rent a Car service companies once or twice per month. The insurance they offer are somewhat expensive (im 26, never got pull-over, never had an accident). I would like to know if anyone knows of an insurance company who offers rent-a-car insurance? Thank you.""
""If I buy a healthcare insurance plan from the exchange, can I switch plans just like I can with car insurance?
I know car insurance companies must refund you everything you did not use when you decide to switch insurance companies.
What is the best supplemental medical insurance for veterans?
My husband will turn 65 on March the 18th and is scrambling to find a supplemental medical insurance because of the many veterans administration cutbacks on care. He suffers from diabetes type and hepatitis-c. He isn't service connected and needs an extra medical insurance to cover what the veterans administration doesn't cover. We need an affordable insurance that wont turn him down because of his medical condition.
What is the initial cost and monthly cost would it be for an auto and home insurance policy?
The vehicle is a 2006 Ford Explorer XL and the square footage of the home is 22,548""
Should I insure my house for what i would sell it for??why or why not?
This is my first home and not my last. I have a mortgage of 90k, the house is appraised for 125k.If my house were to burn down i would not rebuild it. Would an insurance policy of 125k sound about right? 90kish to pay back the loan and my equity of 35kish.Plus now I own an empty building lot that I can sell ? I know some money will be withheld for demolishing etc.... I m trying to save some money on my current insurance policy that is a replacement value 227k. Should I change my coverage to the price i would sell it for 125k?""
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auto insurance quotes michigan aaa
Which car would cost the least for insurance for a 16 year old male driver?
2000 Chevrolet Camaro Coupe V6 1996 Cadillac Seville STS Touring V8 1999 Ford Mustang convertible V6
Certificate of liability insurance?
what is a certificate of liability insurance and an additional insured mean>
How does car insurance work?
Ok well im 16 i just bought a car and i have a job so im going to be paying for my car insurance.... i also paid half of the car.... so anyways i want to know how it works? Does it go underneath my dads car insurance? and make his go up... ? he pays 600 for every 6 months. i think.. How much will my car insurance be around what price rang??? i have a 1996 pontiac bonneville SE.
I am planning to buy medical insurance. Which insurance company provides affordable service with good service.
I am 25 working as a consultant but my company doesn't provide insurance. I am looking for a good insurance company to provide me with affordable service. Also what does term Plan type, Deductible, Coinsurance and Office visit mean in simple terms. I work in seattle.""
When will a vandalism( to my vehicle) go off my record for insurance purposes???
About 2.5 years ago some kids used nylons and a hamburger wrapper in my gas tank to set my truck on fire. It was a brand new tahoe with dealer plates and it had to be deemed totaled due to damages. Now I am trying to change insurance and get quotes and even though I was not at fault and didn't even know these children it increases my premiums by about 600 every 6 months. Does anybody know when this will go off my record? I cant understand why I'm being held financially accountable for some delinquents behavior.
""Need advice for buying new car insurance (20 year old, male)?""
Need advice for buying new car insurance. I am 20 year old, male, college student, and 2 tickets...... I need insurance for a new Toyota SUV (4 Runner or FJ Cruiser)""
What is the cheapest car insurance ?
for a ford mondeo 1998. Thank you.
How much would car insurance be for me?
I finished driving school I average a 3.4 GPA I will drive a owned 07 Chevy impala Parents have good driving record. I'm 15 years old I live in Texas How much would car insurance be for me? It doesn't have to be exact i just want to get an idea of how much. Thank You
What is an Average Home insurance rate of a 2 story house?
4.5 baths 5 beds 3000 sq feet finished basement 3 decks 1 fenced in gorund pool Please, just and average for 1 month home insurace. No super valuables or anything. (It's for a project) I just can't find anything that won't just give me a chart or some thing. In class we had to make up an imaginary house and get all this different stuff for it. I've found everything,but home insurance rate without having to put in my personal info.""
Insurance is WAY too high...help!?
I am 19, female and have just passed my driving test ... however, the cheapest insurance I have found is 1400 :( I have tried all of the companies who are on tv...admiral is the cheapest, norwich union and theives (almost 4 grand for a fiat punto!!), sheilas wheels and diamond are expensive too. Does anyone have any suggestions of cheap car insurance providers?""
Cost to Insure Skyline.?
got a R34 GT-r. maybe thinking about downgrading to a GT-s R33 cuz i the insurance is a little ridiculous. $640 Thats full coverage and im only 19 :P turnng 20 soon. Which would be more to insure and what you think it would cost to insure the R33? I do have 1 speeding ticket and one wreckless driving back when i was 16.
Car accident with someone who will not respond back to the insurance for verification?
Someone with insurance rear ended me. I took his insurance information and called his insurance the following day to report the accident. The person who rear ended me did not call the insurance and he is not responding to his own insurance who are trying to get ahold of him to confirm the accident. It's been three weeks. His insurance called me yesterday and said that I need to use my own insurance for get my car fixed. I have a note written by the person who rear ended me admitting that he did cause the accident. What legal actions can I take against the person who rear ended me?
How much would car insurance be?
I am an 18 year old college student. I have been driving for no years,no accidents or anything. I was looking at a mitsubishi eclipse gts Spyder yesterday but the insurance was too high and the convertible had something to do with it. Anyways I found a mistsubishi eclipse hatchback GT today and was wondering if it would be lower than the Spyder? Also I'm looking at a 2001 Toyota Celica GT. How much do you think insurance runs on that? Anyways I just want to know before I fall my insurance company""
What insurance (car) does not ask for driver license?
Do you need to have a DL to obtain insurance on a car? if not what companies insure u in DALLAS, TX""
Financing a car & insurance?
I'm 21 and I'm located in NYC the insurance over here is sky rocket high. I paid 1600+ for liability insurance for a old lexus from GEICO. I am asking my uncle to help me finance a 2006 bmw 530i which is about 32k and I already check if I finance under my name how much it would be. It is 10k for insurance a year lol... So I want to know if my uncle finance the car for me and I make the payments does he have to add my name under the insurance ? I don't need my name to be the co signer. I just want to know incase I do get into an accident what will happen ? Most people use their parent's insurance so I just want to make sure and get some facts before I ask my uncle. Thanks
Cheap Car Insurance Help.?
I am an 18 year old boy and have recently passed my driving test, i am looking around for cars but the insurance is a joke, the cheapest i have had is 5000. Anyone know what cars are cheap to insure and what insurance companies are cheap for young new drivers?""
How much would insurance cost if i drove an Audi S4 at the age of 16?
what would be the average insurance cost?
""Car insurance. I've had two quotes for my new car, one from our existing?""
insurers who we've been with for a loooong time (we have a 9-year NCB for starters), which has come in arond 350. and one from the insurance company attached to the make of my new car which came in almost the same price. On the other hand, I took online quotes which came in from 175.lowest, to 313.highest. I queried this with the second company I've just spoken to to get the free 7-day cover in place, and they told me online companies are cheaper because it's online and you don't speak to 'a person'. Obviously this is a big difference (we are currently paying just over 200 for our car) and I'm now confused about what to do. And frankly who is telling me the truth.""
Speeding tickets and insurance?
If I just got a ticket for speeding today and would like to take it to court, will it appear on my insurance statements right away or do I actually have to be found guilty and THEN it will appear on the statements?""
What can I do about car insurance from another state? PLEASE HELP!?
Okay basically here's the story. I'm 19, I live with my parents in Wisconsin but I'm trying to move back to Pennsylvania with my aunt and uncle. However I'm not in school at the moment. Apparently if I moved to PA, I'd have to pay 278 dollars more a month through Geico because I'd be living in a different state. I already have a job set up there and all so they could obviously see my paycheck is not from Wisconsin so I can't just lie or something lol. I really know nothing about insurance and how I can work this out without paying that much more. Can anyone help me with other options I could have?""
I am 17 years old, male, my birthday is 7/11/94. I am looking to buy a car to learn to drive in then finally fully insure. I have not passed my test you but when asked on insurance website's I have put under the 'time held licence for as 1 month just to get a realistic view. I have tried a huge variety of cars but I just can't seem to get them to a reasonable price. For example I have been quoted 5999 on a seat alto 1.0 litre on gocompare. I have also tried adding my father as an additional driver who has 15+ years of experience and no claims. I am currently a student and have stated that the car would be parked on the drive. I live in a semi detached house in a small town. Please can anyone help me on getting it down as low as possible. The only cars I would not consider are 1. citroen saxo, 2. ford ka, 3. any form of fiat.""
How much do you pay for car insurance?
and how old are you? not the insurance that pays for ur car if it gets damaged, the insurance that pays for the damage if you hit another car? i think what is that insurance called? no-fault insurance? idk new be""
Cancelled car insurance?
My car insurance got cancelled for misrepresentation of garaging. I travel a lot for work and I had two places. My car got vandalized at my secondary place of residence and the insurance company and after I filed a claim, the insurance company treats is as a misrepresentation. I am about to get an insurance with a different company. Do i need to disclose this fact? How would that affect my rates. I have 1 week left on the policy.""
What is the cost of basic car insurance?
I know it varies but i mean for an average car? Are there any other costs to be considered when first purchasing/driving a car?
How much will my all state insurance increase?
I am 17 and I just got my first speeding ticket. How much would my insurance rates go up if I was doing 20 over and does it matter how far over I go or is of just a standard rate for a ticket? I have allstate in Iowa. Thanks!
auto insurance quotes michigan aaa
auto insurance quotes michigan aaa
Can you put someone's car on your insurance so they don't have to pay a higher rate for their own coverage?
I have this elderly friend whose kids and grandkids require her financial help. She feels she has to buy cars for them to drive because, according to them, they can't own cars without losing social service benefits. Then she adds these cars to her insurance policy and gives them to these people to drive. She's in a huge financial bind, and I'm worried she's going to get into legal trouble on top of her financial problems. She can't afford to insure the people driving the cars because of their driving records and credit history. Is this legal? Insuring the vehicles without insuring the drivers? I know when my kids became driving age, I was required to add them to the policy or exclude them as drivers. But these are adults in their 20s and 40s that are driving cars registered to her and insured for her.""
GTP vs Camaro Insurance?
Hey guys, Looking at a 95 Z28 Lt1 Camaro or a 01 Pontiac GTP, Which one would have the cheapest insurance? If you own one what are you paying?""
Car insurance for a 1993 Toyota Celica? ?
How much would car insurance be for a 1993 Toyota Celica? I will be 21 in August, have a clean driving record, no accidents, married with a child. I am a full time college student with a 3.2 GPA. How much should I expect for car insurance per month? The car has 160,000 miles on it. Please, no advertising websites, just real answers. Thanks!""
I was wondering if anyone could tell me if you can get like your life insurance lisence online and where?
I was wondering if anyone could tell me if you can get like your life insurance lisence online and where?
Does being a cyclist affect health insurance rates? How so?
A cyclist might be more at risk to injury in accidents because they're on a bicycle instead of inside a car, but cyclists are probably generally healthier.""
How much does 1 point on your drivers license make in car insurance prices?
How much does 1 point on your drivers license make in car insurance prices?
Can a 16year old drive an 18years old car if the 18year old is on the parents insurance with statefarm?
The 16 year old will be on the parents insurance as well
Getting insurance for my new born?
I'm was born here in California but my husband isn't. He's an immigrant but my question is that we just had a new born and I'm wondering would there be a problem getting my baby insurance. I'm asking since I know they'll ask for his income and since I don't work I have no choice but to put his. I can't say I'm a single mom either since we got married. Does any one have any advice on what I can or should do? Please no rude comments thank you.
Does production company need insurance?
One of my biggest concerns when starting a production company that would specialize in small time video making for buisnesses and there services for marketing and commercials possibly who knows would be INSURANCE would I need liability insurance or is it illegal to just not have that or is it for piece of mind.So say if my production business shoots a restaurant and there services and then shoot some motor cross business where they advertise there atvs and vehicles etc.If the answer is yes then what if I use my own stunt riders? is liability insurance a law to have? I'm in the TEXAS
I could be pregnant... with no health insurance!!! what I do????
I am not sure, But maybe I am Pregnant... I do not have health insurance... I was thinking on buying a policy but would they accept me pregnant??? Someone knows about a cheap health insurance??? I believe it will be cheaper than paying like 9,000 for the hospital right???""
Will insurance be ok if I use a friend's car?
My girlfriend's dad said he wants to see how I drive and I am getting my license tomorrow. Not my insurance yet. Do I have to have my own insurance to drive his car or will his insurance cover me? Thanks!
""I need Health insurance, is it possible to get it?
Im 20 yrs. old and i work and am a full-time student but don't seem to make enough for health insurance and i got knee issues. How could I RECEIVE GOV. ASSISTANCE ?.What would be my best plan??
Why has my car insurance quote shot up overnight?
My renewal is on the 3rd October, so I've been already looking around for the cheapest deal. It was up until today 852.09 for 3rd party, Fire and Theft. However, today it has gone up to 1433.07...which is almost as much as last year. I've also noticed that the cheapest insurance provider (the one that provided me with the 852.09 quote) is no longer providing me with a quote, and that it's forcing me to have to go with the second lowest price...but all the other companies quotes have gone up as well... My birthday is next week as well, so I'm wondering if it has gone up to take advantage of the possibility of me having to buy new insurance cover or something? Really finding it hard to find the reason how the quotes can have gone up by so much over-night with no change in my quote information at all :/ My details: 19 Years old Male 1 Years NCB Punto Sporting Thanks in advance!""
What is the cheapest car insurance in southern california?
im 17 and a half, with C average grades. just started driving, what is the cheapest car insurance?""
""Can you recommend a good house insurance company for Houston, Texas?
Looking to buy a new insurance policy for my house
With pretty good insurance what would the average cost to have?
a hospital monitor my heart over night? I have been having chest pains and went and got a EKG done my doctor said he thinks I am fine I may have just pulled a muscle. But I am having shortness of breathe and my chest has been just a little sore for over week and a half.
HHEELLLPP!!!!! with TEEN car insurance!!!!?
I would like to either add a 17 year old to an insurance policy or get one specifically for him..... i called geico, but they said they dont insure teens!!! What can i do? THANKS""
Coverage of Car Insurance for an Alien?
I am visiting USA and hold Indian Passport & Driving License. If I drive my son's car there in USA, will I be covered by comprehensive Car Insurance Policy taken by him on his car?""
Auto insurance for 16 year old female? r/o/p?
I'm sixteen, will be added to my mother's insurance plan. I will be the primary driver of a 2006 prius. I have good grades, and also, there are 2 cars between my mother and I. I am also located in CT! Can anyone give me an estimate of my yearly insurance cost?""
What is the minamum insurance required for a motorcycle in Arizona?
I just bought a bike and am looking at insurance, but don't know what all is required by the state.""
I live in Massachusetts where auto insurance can't compete my question is....?
What is the benefits of competing rates? Well duh, you say because you may get cheaper rates somewhere else but I need proof. Right now I have a '95 Ford Escort, I have basic insurance, I'm a step 12, and I pay about $140 a month...what is better than that? Please name the state you live in.""
How much does Mexico Insurance cost for SUV 1 Day Trip?
We are going for a day trip to Juarez, Mexico to do some shopping and that is it. Could risk not having the insurance and may do that. If I decide to purchase insurance how much approximately should it cost for an SUV one day trip? How much approximately for a 4-door one day trip? If you are marketing something don't respond I don't want your unbiased sales pitch. Are any of the online companies reputable? if so, who?""
Where can I get cheap car insurance for a 17 year old?
I need car insurance preferably under 3000, I can be a named driver on my dads insurance (he's been driving over 25 years and has 5 years no claims bonus). I have tried comparison websites and even for a 1L 1998 Vauxhall Corsa, they are quoting around 7,000 - it's daylight robbery!!! Where can I get cheap(ish) insurance from? What type of cars are best (eg new/old, engine size etc)? Thanks.""
Do i have to have car insurance?
Just wondering
What insurance company do cheap American car insurance for young drivers?
I'm 19 years old and I'm considering getting a 1985 Ford Mustang 5L V8 in England. The question is who is going to insure me at a reasonable price? I'm not looking at using the car everyday, I probably wont put 4k miles on the clock in a year. Please, can anyone help me?""
auto insurance quotes michigan aaa
auto insurance quotes michigan aaa
What is the best car insurance that you don't have to pay much in any state?
I live in NJ and paying half as my car cost...
""My husband is retiring next year and I am unemployed and only 55, how do I get affordable health insurance?""
I have alot of health issues and I need to make sure I have coverage. I have been looking for a job with benefits, but so far no luck. I am 55 and my husband will be 63 when he retires. I need an insurance with no prior health exceptions.""
Is there a way for me to get affordable car insurance?
hi im a college student in NYC i am single and live alone in a studio apartment in Brooklyn NY i work in an armani exchange store and at the moment im also going for acting and have already nailed some gigs. My question is if anybody knows how i can get car insurance under $4000 (BTW i dont have any1 living in another state) i checked most companies and they offer 10-13k either a year or 6 months so please if any1 knows how i can get insurance help me out i am in dire need of a car.
What's a classic British car that's cheap and insurable for a learner?
Cheaper than a mini or morris minor.
Car insurance?
I am a minor living with my mom and she is being a ***** about car insurance so can i get on my dads insurance even though i dont live with him? i live in delaware by the way.
How can i find affordable private health insurance?
How can i find affordable private health insurance?
What happens if I cancel my car insurance policy?
I can't pay my monthly car insurance note. What will happen if I just cancel the policy before the payment is due? Will they still flag my license if I just cancel the policy?
""How much is your full coverage insurance cost? 19 year old, 2 speeding tickets, live in WA, for Celica GTS?""
I know it varies from place to place, based on driving record, car, etc, etc etc. Im just looking to get average insurance costs. I am 19 years old, I have two speeding tickets (both 30 mph over), student, live in WA, insuring a clean title 2003 Toyota Celica GTS. What are you paying on average for similar discriptions.""
Car Insurance / Accident Question?
So both cars are backing out of the parking lot (two sided type in a shopping center) and neither one saw each other and bumped rear ends of each car. We both pretty much made the same mistake, how does insurance usually take care of this?""
How much does a ticket cost for no proof insurance in ca?
I got a ticket for no proof of insurance at the time. But I have insurance. Does anyone know how much the ticket costs. Or what I can do to get it written off??
""Help! If my car insurance deductible is $750 and repairs cost $489, How much will the insurance company pay?""
My car was vandalized. The adjuster sent me an estimate for $489. This is lower than my deductible. Does this mean that the insurance company does not have to pay anything? If so, i'm going to find some better insurance.""
I would like to change my car on my exsiting car insurance policy? Help?
I have had my insurance policy on a peugeot 207 1.4 8v insurance group 3 since last december and would now like to change it to either a bmw 116i ig 10 or a bmw 120i ig 13. My policy cost 3500 how much will it increase by on either of these cars? Thank you.
I live i Delaware and have had my car impounded due to having no insurance.?
I will be getting insurance this friday. After I do that what do I need to do to get my car back this weekend about how much will it cost? Is this a fee I pay at the troop or do I pay towing and storing charges?
I got a ticket in my friends car..will it affect her insurance?
okay so yesterday i got a ticket in my friends car..and the cop said i might have to go traffic school or i might just get lucky and just have to mail something back when my ticket comes into the mail hopefully that's wat happens but anyway im just wondering does my getting a ticket in her car mean her insurance goes up? or anything happen to her sinces its her car?? i havent even told her i got the ticket yet lol i was hoping that i could just hide it but my friend said her insurance will go up because of me :(
Which is the best homeowners insurance?
i live in california and im getting a home and now i need home insurance which is the best thanks
I just got my license but no insurance?
i got my license few weeks ago and i would like to start driving my parents car , they have insurance under there name but not mine yet, and my dad doesnt want to add me on there till later on due to the cost, so will i be able to drive their car with the insurance under their name ? I live in Cali, LA. thank you""
Suspending car insurance?
i have car insurance i pay monthly for but i mite be going on a course away from home but i wont be able to work to pay for the insurance. i would need to not pay for it as it were for a 12 weeks. is there anything i can do or any advice ?
I totaled my 2010 Mazda 3i how much should I expected from insurance?
I was just squished between two pickup trucks with the driver behind me at fault and having a suspended license. The body shop said the total damage is $13,700 and the insurance company just labelled it a total loss. My car is just over a year old with about 55,000km on it with no prier damage on it. How much should I expect to get back as I am financing the car and cant afford to keep paying if they don't pay it out. ( Canada, Ontario, Ottawa)""
Can I get medicaid? (17 weeks pregnant)?
Okay here is the deal, I appreciate all of the help. Okay so I am 17 weeks pregnant and have cigna through my job but when I went to talk to HR today, I will have to be terminated when I take maternity leave because I will only be at the company for 11 months. ( need to be there a year ). So when I give birth, I wont have coverage, that is a bummer! I dunno what else to do but cancel my insurance and get medicaid, something I was trying to avoid but now I don't feel like there is an option, cause I can't cover the baby either with my companies health insurance... argh.. Can i still get medicaid even though I'm so far along??? I'm so scared and dunno wtf to do. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!! and BTW I am in the state of FL""
Do i need condo Insurance?
I have a condo in a six unit building in south florida that is being rented out. The building is insurance by the HOA master policies (windstorm and liability). My question is do I still need to insure my unit? Thanks.
Car insurance in Ireland?
Does anyone know, if I want to buy a used car (small and cheap) only for a short time (one month traveling in Ireland). Is it any possibility to get a short time car insurance and dont pay for a whole year? Im not Irish, but I have full EU driver licence. Thank you for your advices. Ondra""
Quoted insurance price?
I purchased insurance on the online weekend for my car. I paid the first monthly installment. Only to have a phone call telling me this price was wrong it was a computer error and the policy will cost a lot more. Do I have any rights here? Or must I simply front the rest of the cash to keep my car insured?
Would a Peugeot 406 1.9 Diesel 75BHp cost alot on insurance 4 a 17 year old lad? plz?
i want a pug 406, badly!!""
Affordable studio apartments?
I lived in a great 1 bedroom apartment with my fiance a few years ago in Myrtle Beach for only $550 per month. It was very clean, very quiet, very safe and within walking distance from the ocean. We're looking for a studio basically anywhere in the United States but they're all running for around $600 as far as I can tell, which is ridiculous for something so much smaller than a 1 bedroom. Is there anywhere that has a studio apartment (kitchen, bathroom) which is not an efficiency, which is in a nice location? I'm looking for under $500 per month, I don't want to live in the ghetto. Any ideas?""
Car insurance question?
My car insurance is under my brother's name, but it is my car. If someone hit my car, would I be able to handle everything myself? My brother is out of town for a week. Or should I wait for him? Thanks.""
auto insurance quotes michigan aaa
auto insurance quotes michigan aaa
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