#Lucio x Reader
luciosfanpage · 2 days
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What does the arcana do when they’re caught making out with you?
The arcana x GN!Reader   
Synopsis: This won my most recent poll, so how do the main 6 in the arcana react to someone walking in on them kissing their partner?
Asra Alnazar:
He kisses you more passionately as to prove how much he loves you in front of people. He doesn’t even notice the other person for a solid minute.
If you’re conscious or embarrassed about it, he’ll happily stop. He might stop physically - but while he’s waiting for you guys to find a more private spot, he’s fantasizing about you. 
He’s completely guiltless about it as well. Doesn’t feel a tad of embarrassment or shame. Although he does blush a bit, but that’s because of his attraction to you. Not because of the situation.
The thing he might do however is politely excuse you both from the person who walked in on you. 
“O great magicians, the countess has requested an audience with you!” The chamberlain shouted, from outside your room. Displeased at your lack of response, the chamberlain shouts once more. “O great magicians, COME AT ONCE!” They sighed, shaking their head before shoving the door open. 
“ … Magicians?” 
You’re sat on Asra’s lap, facing him. The two of you are kissing passionately and there are several lipstick stains of your shade of lipstick going down his neck and around his face. He seems to be happy as ever, not even noticing the shouting from the chamberlain. 
Asra rolls his eyes and looks over, breaking away from the kiss. Staring at the chamberlain, he says casually, “ .. oh, it’s you. Hello.” You slowly get off of Asra and wave awkwardly. He smiles, “ tell Nadi we’ll be there in five minutes.” Before the chamberlain can respond, Asra pulls you in again. Not caring at all for the poor chamberlain who’s stood in the doorway stunned and weirded out.
Nadia Satrinava:
Depending on who it is, she’s either only a little embarrassed or super embarrassed. There is no in-between.
If it’s a palace servant, she’ll simply blush a bit but quickly recollect herself and help with whatever task is in need of her attention. 
If it’s a friend or family member, she stutters awkwardly and is more or less unable to reply normally. She just stands there in silence but in her head she’s screaming. 
She’s not ashamed of you at all - she just wants to keep her private time private when it comes to servants, and with her family - she doesn’t tell them much and most likely didn’t tell them about your relationship yet if she wasn’t 100% sure you were the one.
Nasmira is watering the garden, one of her favorite parts of the vesuvian castle. She adores the little grass labyrinth behind the palace, and always tends to it when visiting her dear sister. She snipped off stray branches and leaves, and then crossed the corner to move ahead. 
She paused as she you and Nadia together, kissing. You have your hands running through Nadia’s long hair, and she’s rubbing circles onto your back while you both are immersed in each other. 
“DiDi?” Nasmira says, surprised to see you and Nadia.. Like that.
Nadia turns, and shrieks before covering her mouth. “Oh my! Mira, I– I–..” She immediately lets go off you and steps a foot or so away from you. “Why, I wasn’t expecting your company today..” She says, her face covered in a pinkish blush. 
“ .. Now I know why you talked so fondly of your magician friend.” Nasmira teases, smiling warmly at the both of you.
Julian Devorak:
He blushes slightly, but doesn’t really care. He’s happy when he’s around you, and not much could possibly sour his mood whenever you’re around. 
Is very polite about it. He’ll stop kissing you and focus his energy on the other person, but will still want to be showing you appreciation by having an arm wrapped around your waist, or holding your hand.
He doesn’t feel the need to keep going as soon as the person leaves, but he will if that’s what you want. He’ll do whatever you want <3
Julian peppered your face in kisses, sat in the living room of Mazelinka’s house. He moved over to your lips, kissing you passionately and planting his hands on your torso and waist. He felt as if he were on cloud 9, so infatuated with you and all of your quirks and kinks.
A figure came back through from the kitchen, carrying a large bowl of soup and staring impatiently back at the two of you.
“ oh ho ho, Am I interrupting something?” Mazelinka said with a smirk. Shaking her head at the display of love you two were undergoing in her living room. 
Julian moves his head back, stopping the kiss. His hands still lingered on your body, but he turned over to look at the older woman. “No, not at all. We were..” He cleared his throat. “ .. just being in each others’ presence.” 
“ Oh no, continue. I could use more grandchildren, it’s been a while since I’ve had some children to look after. But just not here – I’m trying to eat.” She sipped at her soup, staring at the two of you and then at the door. “ GO! I’ll only be alive for so many more years, you two could stand to speed up the process a bit..” 
He just laughed and smiled, interlocking his fingers with yours. 
Muriel the outsider:
Is the most embarrassed out of everyone else on the list. He’s blushing furiously and goes extremely quiet and timid.
He’s already nervous in front of people - he definitely doesn’t need this extra attention! Poor guy covers his mouth with his hands, as if to conceal the fact that you’ve just been kissing. 
He lets you smooth it over - he couldn’t handle talking to anyone else but you after that embarrassing incident! He’s completely and utterly horrified to say the least.
Just sort of stares at the person. To any normal person, it’d look like he was glaring to high hell but to him he’s just afraid of having to deal with it.
After a long day, Muriel  couldn’t have thought of anything better than to go home with you and have a ‘loving’ session. You two were on top of the rug in front of the fire at his hut, he was kissing your neck and shoulder. He felt so loved and appreciated.
The keylock jingled, and Asra walked through. 
“Muriellll~!” He said in a sing-song voice. “I can’t find [Name], have you seen the–... oh.”
Muriel stares at him blankly. A mix of shock and shame washing over him at once. You smile, and stand up to go hug and greet Asra. He covers his face with his left hand, his eyes never leave the floor as he can feel himself go beetroot red. He can’t help it, he’s just so confused on why he didn’t hear Asra come in and why he didn’t spare himself this situation.
Lucio Morgasson: 
Isn’t embarrassed at all. If anything, he’s angry. He thinks the person has a lot of nerve bothering him while he’s trying to enjoy his private time with his lover, how foolish of them. 
He probably either insults them or shouts at them, to which you have to tell him not to and that it’s totally fine.
If the other person is grossed out, you’re probably the one smoothing the  situation over entirely. 
His logic is ‘ I’m count and I say the shit I want.’ So he feels no remorse for shotuing at the other person either.
Lucio’s eyes traced the outline of your body with a feverish grin. He couldn’t stop himself from grabbing you by the arms and going in for a deep and long kiss. Neither one of you breaks until you’re both almost out of breath, in which you give it a minute before going back to it. 
A servant whips past the two of you, accidentally splitting you apart. The poor servant doesn’t even notice as they hurry past you and start scrubbing a spill from earlier. Lucio looks down at them in silent outrage. 
“ Do you know who I am? It is I, your very count! How dare you interrupt my private time!” He yells, the servant looks up nervously. 
“ oh, my lord! I’m so sorry my lord, please I didn’t mean it!”  they beg. 
Lucio spits at them, “ – leave my sight, please.” He shakes his head as they scamper off in fear. “ Get lost! You’re fortunate I don’t fire you!” All you can do is give them an empathetic look before tangling yourself once more with your lover.
Hello! So sorry I've been gone, my account got hacked and I had to make a new one entirely. How annoying is that? Very annoying! Don't worry though, I'll be reposting my old content as well as coming back with all of my new work.
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ya-zz · 5 months
Hello, if you're taking requests currently could I request the overwatch guys: Ramatra, Genji, Hanzo, Magua, Life Weaver, Cassidy and Lúcio taking care of a fem reader on her time of the month if you write for any of them?
-sincerely a reader suffering cramps <3
Sorry this took awhile to get to, but hopefully this will suffice 💜 I’m also doing this from my phone so apologies if formatting is off
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Like most arrogant omnics, he didn’t care at first.
It was just another weak, human thing that didn’t concern him.
But when it came down to you, he softened up and offered to help when he could.
He knows your cycle and everything that comes with it.
He’s done his research, wanting to make the days go by quickly and comfortable for you.
The few days before when your mood is low and you feel lethargic, Ramattra would bundle you up in a blanket and put your favourite movie on.
Everything was prepared afterwards. Hot water bottle for the cramps, your favourite snacks and drink on standby for when you needed them.
If you needed space, he’d oblige… sort of. He’d be in the same room, but distance himself from you.
If you needed more products, he’d get them for you, already knowing which were your preferred coverage.
Ramattra would snuggle up to you at night and warm himself up so you were comfortable.
Should you happen to leak, he’d clean up, no questions asked.
He’d help you through it all, despite the mood swings putting him on edge sometimes.
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He’s had his fair share of mood swings with the females he had dated, but he was more than happy to make sure you were okay during your time of the month.
Genji didn’t rely on dates, he relied on your mood.
He was quick with making sure you were comfortable before moving away from you to give you space.
When your arms would open up to him, he would scurry over and hold you until you told him to let go.
You were, in theory, in charge.
If you needed something, food, water, products, he’d get them in a heart beat.
Movie nights were a must, Genji swore by them and while they did help you forget about the pain, it was nice to be close to him.
Your favourite takeout would be ordered for the perfect night in.
He would also, somehow, get you out of the house for a little while. A small walk for some fresh air helped immensely on the bad days.
The ninja stayed with you as much as you would allow him to, and yes, he did tease you about your mood swings when it was all over.
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Calendars were made for a reason, and alongside birthdates and events, a small dot to signify the start of your period was on there.
He’d put it in his phone too, just in case he was away.
If it happened to be irregular, he’d rely on your mood, just like his brother would.
Hanzo would grow softer, hands massaging your shoulders when you sat with him.
The bathroom would always be fully stocked too, never seeming to run out of your products.
The archer had reserved a cupboard in the kitchen for your favourite snacks for this exact moment, bringing you what you needed whenever you asked.
Hot water bottles were filled when required, and when they eventually grow warm, Hanzo would gently rub his own hands over the pain.
Hanzo would do anything you asked of him, even if it was as simple as turning the light off because you were in the perfect position in bed.
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First time writing anything Mauga so shhh
He’s staying with you throughout it all.
Protest as much as you want, he ain’t leaving.
Hot water bottle?? Not needed, his hands are hot enough.
He’d let you lay on him at all hours of the day if you wanted.
His hand would soothe over your head when you’re in pain and teary eyed from how bad it is.
He’d tease you over your mood swings, wanting to get a rise out of you because you look “so damn cute.”
Mauga would do anything to take your mind off of it all.
You name it, he’d do it.
He loves you that much he’d kill for you.
He’s one for overbuying snacks and drinks like this would last longer than a month so there’s always extra food laying around for later.
He’s not one to shy away from buying products should you need them, either.
So long as you’re comfortable with him, he’s happy to be there with you through it all.
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He’s always prepared.
Doesn’t matter if it’s on time or irregular, he’s there with everything you need.
Extra blankets and pillows were pulled out so you were comfy in bed or on the sofa.
Products were always fully stocked in the bathroom and he’d even carry some whenever you went out just in case.
He’d always stay composed when your mood changed quickly, instantly bringing you back to a calm state of mind.
He was careful and gentle, not wanting to make it worse for you.
Niran would ask to cuddle with you and wouldn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around you the moment you let him.
Soft hands would rub against the sore and aching parts of your body, easing the tension that had built up.
When he couldn’t be around, he’d leave small notes around the apartment that’d make you smile.
Coming home, he always had a little bag of snacks he bought on the walk back for you.
Just a little something to bring your mood up.
He’d spoil you too, small gifts and flowers that’d take up the table.
Niran would be soft and supportive, giving you exactly what you want whenever you needed it.
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Don’t expect this cowboy to let go of you anytime soon.
If you push him away, he’ll be the one pouting.
He’ll respect your wishes, of course, but he’d mope.
He'd forget occasionally, but would always make it up to you as quick as he could.
Cassidy would hold you close, hand soothing over your stomach in an attempt to calm the pain.
He'd be affectionate, more so than ever, it makes you question him each time, but he'd shut you up with kisses.
The cowboy would wrap you up in his cowl, his scent easing all worries for you.
No matter how snarky you would get, he always found it fun to verbally battle you.
Cassidy would let you lay in bed for as long as it happened, bringing you everything you requested.
He was happy to be your little servant for a few days, always laughing and joking about the circumstances, but never belittling you over something you couldn't control.
He would always reassure you about how much he loves you when you're teary eyed and doubtful.
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He'd be the type to carry products in his bag just in case it started whilst you were out with him.
Always has spares on hand, each depending on the flow for that month.
If it became painful, he'd give you his homemade hot chocolate and a hot water bottle to put on your abdomen.
Lucio would put on your favourite playlist and let it loop until you got sick of it.
He'd make sure your favourite drink was prepared for you, chilled or hot, whatever you needed, he'd get it ready for you.
Snacks? He'd go shopping right then and there and pick up everything on the list you had given him.
He's a softie, pulling you close in bed and cuddling up close to you.
Blankets upon blankets would cover you both as he'd hum a tune to help you sleep.
If your mood plummets, he would sit with you until you calmed down, not wanting to leave you.
His hand would hold yours until contact would break, but he'd come back the moment he could.
Anything for his brest friend and partner.
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froggibus · 1 year
Hey can I request headcanons for overwatch characters and if their gf was drunk and asked them "would you still love me if I was a worm" with the overwatch men please (you don't have to do all of them but PLEASE include McCree and Reaper)
“Would You Still Love Me If I Was A Worm?” - Overwatch Boys
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Includes: Cassidy, Reaper, Genji, Zenyatta, Ramattra, Hanzo, Lucio + Baptiste (w gn! reader)
Genre: fluff/kinda crack?
CW: general crack, kinda dumb tbh, suggestive in Genji and Baps, Ram is Ram (lmk if I missed anything)
been in a little bit of a writing slump but this was too good to pass up lol. I want to get a bit more writing done this week so who knows how that will go. anyway, enjoy <3 hope you like it anon!
“what kinda question is that??”
looks at you in flabbergastation 
you pout and bat your eyes at him and of course, he breaks 
“you’re really not gonna let this go, huh? alright—of course I’d still love you, darlin’. I’d keep you in a lil jar and you could accompany me on my missions”
a jar????
now you’re the flabbergasted one 
jars don’t have air—he’s gonna let you suffocate?? 
what are you?? rainbow dash (sorry)??
somehow leads to him going out into the yard despite it being the middle of the night to try and find a worm
somehow finds one?? 
keeps it in a jar as a pet just to prove he would love you as a worm
even names it after you and pets it’s head and calls it “my wriggly little y/n”
weirdly wholesome experience would try again
“of all the stupid shit you could have asked me…”
he says that but he’s already considering it after the question leaves your mouth 
would he love you as a worm? 
“what kind of worm”
what do you mean what kind of worm?? does it matter?? 
obviously the pink wriggly kind 
he has to ponder this 
sits in his chair stroking his chin trying to think of how you would be as a worm
“would you still be able to talk and think or would you be an actual worm”
“it would be me if I was a worm, Gabe”
more pondering 
“I’d love you platonically but you would probably have a short life span. I’d throw you a worm funeral.”
better than any response you could have expected but would not try again
“would we still have sex”
please hit this man
he’s joking of course—he’s not that weird 
“why would you be a worm tho”
just answer the question, Genji
green cyborg ninja dude has no idea what to answer 
will you be mad if he loves your worm self more than your current self?? would you be weird if he said he would love a wormy version of you??
“I would get myself turned into a worm too and then we could have a wormy life together and a wormy wedding and little wormy kids”
“you just want to have wormy sex” >~>
“that too”
at least he’s honest?
exactly as you expected, would not try again
“a worm? like the insect?”
“yes? what other worms are there”
considers this
“is everything okay?”
poor omnic boy is so confused. are you planning on turning into a worm??? 
please reassure him it’s just a hypothetical and you’re not turning into a worm
goes on a ten minute tangent about how we are all the same in the Iris, and that he will love you no matter what form you take
honestly so wholesome + cute 
“i will care for you in this life, and the next, and all of the ones after that. even the ones where you are a worm.”
good enough would try again
way to sugarcoat it, babe
it’s only when you get upset that he sighs and pulls you into his lap
“why would you ever become a worm? is someone trying to harm you? you know I would never let anyone bring harm to you.”
you try to explain that it’s just a hypothetical but he’s already going on a tangent on what he would do if you got turned into a worm
talks for five minutes alone on how he would defeat your enemies and defend your honour 
says he would “put you out of your misery”????
“you would KILL ME?!”
“as an act of honour”
0/10 would not try again
idk bro just answer the question 
lots of sighing and pinching the bridge of his nose
“would I also be a worm or am i still human” 
only gets more confused when you say he’d be a human and you’d be a worm
probably looks up worm life expectancy and if worms are capable of love 
“would you even know who I am if you were a worm”
has to ask a million questions before he can give his final verdict 
lets out a long sigh before looking you dead in the eyes 
cute in the end but would not try again 
“would you still love me if I turned into a frog?”
that’s not the question 
somehow it turns into a discussion on if he would eat your worm self if he was his frog self? 
he insists he wouldn’t and would let you ride on his back but you insist his frog instincts would be too strong 
“babe I’ve once seen you almost eat your own finger while eating chips”
“ok and??”
says you guys could live in a swamp together and he would protect you from evil
“I could be like your own frog superhero. I could even sing you little froggy songs”
makes up this entire life of you guys living together as a frog and a worm and him serenading you by croaking songs at night 
honestly it’s the best reaction you could have gotten, would try again
“i would find you a cure and turn you back into a human”
honestly he’s very amused by this whole situation 
“but what if I want to be a worm”
“if I cure you and you want to turn back into a worm, that’s on you”
fair enough
insists he needs to ‘examine’ you so he knows you’re not turning into a worm 
makes a lot of jokes at your expense too
finally sighs and admits he would keep you in a little terrarium with all the food and nutrients you need 
“ha, so you would love me if I was a worm”
“love is a strong word”
good enough, would not try again
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kiwi-on-ice · 1 month
can u do 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 lifeweaver x gn!reader ? i found u on tiktok and i loved ur lifeweaver slides!
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Favourite positions headcannons with Lifeweaver, Cole Cassidy, Ramattra, Lucio, Genji and Reinhardt with gn!reader
Word count: 1.6k
Warnings: 18+ smut, reader is implied to have a pussy (or at least be a bottom lmao), dom/sub dynamics and degradation present in Ramattra’s.
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Notes: just wanted to do a quick post to say thank you all so much for nearly 300 followers! I’m grateful for you all xx
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Oh this is a certified lover boy right here. Best believe he wants a position where he can see your face, where most of your body is exposed to his gaze.
That’s why missionary is always his go to, he’s able to thrust into you while keeping a hand on your cheek to ensure your pretty eyes are on him. So he can gaze down at you lovingly and watch your facial expression as you react to every movement.
It also gives him the ability to pinch and play with your nipples, smiling at the sounds that escape your throat as he lavishes you in praise.
But his absolute favourite thing to do in this position is fold you over yourself, knees pressed to your chin so he can slam into you in a mating press, letting you feel him all the way in your guts.
Because he’s so big, he dwarfs you and ensures all you can think about is him, all you can focus on is his cock thrusting in and out of you rapidly. Loves to kiss you in that position, mumbling against your hips how good you take him, how much he wants to fill you up with his cum for being so so good for him. But before he does that you’ll have to cum first.
Apart from that, any position where he has you in front of a mirror is perfect for him. He’ll set you on his lap so he can play and toy with your body, telling you intricate praises and compliments. If you’re a self conscious person, he’ll make you repeat them back to him while keeping your eyes on the mirror as he brings you over the edge again and again.
Alternatively, he might not even fuck you at all, perfectly content with you sitting on his face as he gives you the pleasure he knows you deserve.
Cole Cassidy:
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. Save a horse, ride a cowboy.
He loves it if you ride him, the sight of you moving up and down on his lap. The sight of every angle of your body being on show for him to watch. The sight of his cock disappearing into your hole with every bounce.
Doesn’t care if it makes him look lazy, he’ll just lay back into the pillows, one hand stroking your hip while the other puffs the cigar in his mouth, occasionally offering it to you.
Now if you really want him to go feral, take his cowboy hat off and put it on yourself. You’ll feel him throb inside you as she growls, teasing you about it as he starts to thrust up inside you.
Now he’s an ass man, so when he isn’t gripping your ass while you ride him, he’s gripping and slapping your ass while he takes you from behind, another favourite of his.
Just loves to see it ripple with every thrust, and how you squeak or moan when he spanks you. Depending on the day he’s had, he’ll pump into you in methodical strokes while teasing you, or he’ll fuck into you hard and fast, chasing his pleasure.
Don’t be surprised if he’s puffing his cigar in that position too, the scent filling your nostrils before you even realised he’d lit it, too preoccupied by how deep he reaches as he forces your back to arch.
Yeah he also likes doggy style, for more…dominating reasons.
Will love to push your head into the mattress, pounding into you while he mocks you for being so pathetic, so desperate to be filled that you’d let a dangerous omnic fuck you and toy with you just so you could find release.
He’d pull your hair, making your back arch for him as he railed you. Just loves to see how pliable your body is when he has you like this, and the noises that fall from your throat. Will also spank you to elicit similar noises, and best believe you’ll have a handprint on your ass to prove it.
And he could even pick you up in that position, moving you into a full nelson as your body jolts with each punishing thrust upwards.
Alternatively, he likes fucking you against the wall. Displays his sheer strength as he can just manhandle you to a position of his liking, you legs dangling pathetically as he has his way with you.
Although he loves fucking you while you’re facing him in that position, your legs wrapped around his waist as he holds you steady against the wall with his hands on your hips and ass. He won’t want to admit it, but it makes his internal fans whirl louder when he sees you face in ecstasy as you gaze up at him longingly.
However if you’ve been a brat, then you clearly don’t deserve the cock he graciously had fitted just to please you, so he’ll love to watch you hump his leg instead as he sits proud in his chair, legs spread. If you please him enough he might let you sit on his lap and hump his thigh instead. And if you please him just right, if your begs and grovelling are to his satisfaction, he may even let you sink down on him and ride him till he short circuits.
My sweet baby, he’s such a romantic!!! His favourite would definitely be missionary, you guys are just so close like that.
He’ll be holding your hand like a lifeline, gentle and measured strokes inside you as he rests his forehead against yours. Would love to feel all your little gasps against his lips, feeling your chests so close, his thumb soothingly running over the back of your hand. He’s always got you <3
However every man has needs, and Lucio is no different. So if you ask to ride him, he definitely isn’t gonna say no. It’ll be the positon he’s the most vocal in for sure, whines and grunts tumbling out his lips as you use his dick to get off.
He’ll be grabbing everywhere and anywhere, needing to feel useful as you make his eyes roll back with pleasure. Grabbing handfuls of your ass or hips or chest or thighs. Anywhere.
If you hold his hands in this position his hips will twitch, breath shaky as he pleads with you to let him fuck up into you. The whines will just tumble from his mouth, the grip on your hands tight, as if he’s afraid you’ll disappear if he lets go.
Alternatively, if you’re wearing shorts…please let him hit it from the back. His favourite if you’re having a quickie before his show, pushing into you fast as you bend over his dressing table and present yourself for him. Or even against the door if you’re brave enough, both of you struggling to be quiet as his manager knocks on the wood and tells your boyfriend he’s due on stage in 5 minutes.
Another man who loves you riding him. After becoming mostly cybernetic, he’s hyper aware of his own strength, as well as the way he looks now. You being on top allows him to peace of mind that he isn’t gonna accidentally hurt you, or crush you.
But also my god he loves watching the show. The way your hips move and circle to get the most pleasure, your hand gripping at his metal chest to steady yourself, the look on your face as the sensations build and build inside of you. He’ll instinctively go to hold your hips, perhaps accidentally holding that bit too tight so it leaves bruises.
But that position is perfect for praising him, telling him how good he feels, how beautiful you think he is. That’ll really make him whimper, audible over the soft plap of your thighs against him. Instinctively he’ll buck up at the praise, driving his cock deep inside you as he whines in embarrassment and pleasure at your complimentary words.
Hold his hands too, regardless of position he’d like for you to hold on to his hand or arms, makes him feel like you trust him, that you look to him for a source of comfort and security. He might even place something cozy and fuzzy on so you have a gentle fabric to hold.
Missionary, a classic position for a classic man. Loves how small you look under him, how his big arms practically dwarf your head as he braces himself above you. Sure he’s no spring chicken anymore, but he can still fuck you the way a pretty thing like you deserve.
And if you teasingly imply he can’t fuck you for too long, or suggest you can get on top instead? Well, that’s pretty much the only time his gentlemanly facade will crack, as he drives into you at a pace most young men wouldn’t dream of; his big cock filling you up so completely that your eyes will be rolling.
But most times he’s the epitome of a gentle giant, gently kissing you as he rocks slowly in and out of your smaller body, his beard gently tickling your neck and shoulder as he leaves small love bites on your skin.
But listen, if you’re with him you’re gonna most likely have a thing for his size and strength. So he will definitely pick you up while you guys are fucking if that’s what his sweetheart wants. With a firm grip on your hips he’ll encourage you to wrap your thighs around him so he can fuck you against the wall, your head against his scarred chest.
In that position, you’ll hear the rumbling in his chest as he moans, telling you how good you are, how stunning you are in his arms; it’s like you belong there. And if you’re fucking him after a mission, he’ll ramble about how he’s always gonna protect you, that it’s his duty to keep you safe and content as you cum around his big cock.
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marixrose · 10 months
The Arcana when they walk in on you changing:
(They haven’t seen you without clothes yet)
Asra: When he walks in and sees you, he quickly looks away and asks if he can grab something real quick. If you say yes he will grab whatever he went in there for and quickly leave. If you say no, he will immediately leave and respect your privacy. He will apologize later on for just walking in there without knocking.
Julian: He will smirk but then become aware that you might be uncomfortable. So he leaves and closes the door and speaks with you from behind the door. “Sorry about that Darling, I don’t know what came over me. Please forgive me.” He waits until you're done getting dressed to do whatever he needs to do.
Muriel: He walks in not even noticing you at first, you're frozen staring at him in horror. Once he meets your eyes, he too freezes and blushes. He quickly looks away and mutters out a “Sorry” before rushing out of the hut. When he returns he apologizes about a hundred times before he accepts that you have forgiven him.
Lucio: Has no shame at all. He walks in, compliments you, stares, then leaves. You yell at him later on about how that wasn’t very polite, but all he does is shrugs. If it really bothers you, you will have him sit down and have a long conversation with him for him to not be doing these things when you are not comfortable yet.
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wisteriaiswriting · 8 months
𝕊𝕦𝕡𝕡𝕠𝕣𝕥 𝔻𝕒𝕥𝕖 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤
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Type of date | Location | Are they romantic? | How much money will they spend | What happens after | Blurb
Words: 1692
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She would prefer simple and calmer dates, especially if it’s something physical. Including paintings, baking or even just being together.
Her favourite location are cafes, likely a regular at a smaller and cozy one tucked away. So she’ll bring you along.
If you ranked her out of 10, she would be a 9. She’s memorized your drink order, so she’ll order ahead, paying before you could think about it. If you’re in range she’ll quickly lean over to leave a kiss.
She will spend a lot of money, (more than a normal cafe date) but there will be a limit. Unlikely you’ll hit it though because she saves more than enough money.
Whether you go home or to hers, she’ll be with you the whole way. If you go home she’ll leave you with a final kiss before walking away. The other way around has her occupied, (willingly for you) grabbing you a drink and some snacks.
The cafe was closed off from the main road, leaving it popular enough to survive but never be uncomfortably crowded. Making her a lot easier to spot, in her normal seat near the back. Two drinks sat on the table, one was a simple tea while the other was a [favourite drink].
“Y/N, sit!" While you did she rummaged around in, what you could assume was her bag. Soon plastic was heard, getting louder as she pulled it out.
Placing it onto the table, slightly muffled as some cloth was wrapped around it.
“I’ve been perfecting my recipe for you, though there wasn’t much change.”
Grabbing the knot on top to pick it up. Leaning over to lay her hand palm up, letting you place your own in hers. She flipped it over before pulling it closer, acting like she’ll drop the bag, instead leaving a kiss on it. Placing the bag in it after.
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He likes a relaxing date. Using that time to either get to know you, or to have fun and enjoy each other's company.
His favourite places are vacation like, whether its pools, resorts or even beaches. Willing to fly you both anywhere that offers the best.
Real romantic man, but tends to be a lot more suave instead. Any attempt of romance can and has been ruined by this, not so ruined either.
From working at Talon as a mercenary and now Overwatch, money isn’t a problem and should never be. He will encourage you to spend as much as possible, giving you the card to run off with.
Once you return you’ll need a relaxing night at home, it's a lot more relaxing but both were well. He’ll let you choose the movie and get comfortable while he grabs the snacks.
You had awoken to an empty bed, Jean had left a note in his place. In short he was at the beach, wanting to watch the sunrise, likely having lost track of time. And you were right, his chair stuck out like a sore thumb, while he laid on it. When you got closer you saw how relaxed he was, finding out why.
Pulling his glasses off to see he was asleep. Another sign was the drink that split across his chest, dripping onto the chair and surrounding sand, staining it red.
“Jean, Baptiste…” Letting your voice wake him, while your hands landed on his shoulders, fully waking him. Sitting up just to feel off, looking down to see the mess.
“Wha… Come on!” Slowly he packed up before following you back to the resort, ready to clean up and sleep in bed. Out of the sun.
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She really enjoys being more hands on in her life, so it’s no surprise when she pulls you to group pottery or painting.
Likes workshops, could be her own or for dates. Also the arcade, with something to do constantly she’s happy.
She tries, really. But she’s just not romantic material, although she makes up for it in attention and gift. Slowly getting better.
She has saved a decent amount but the moment you mention wanting something she is draining the account for you.
Afterwards you’ll sit together with some snacks and watch movies / shows.
While looking for places for your first date with Brigitte she came across one you’d both enjoy, pottery. It’s hands on and something to keep.
“You’ll love it, c’mon!” She was pulling you along, your date had rolled around quicker than you realized. The walk wasn’t far, especially when she was practically running.
The outside didn’t seem like much but when you entered it changed, it was a small art studio. One you’ve been looking at, turns out she’s booked you both for their pottery class.
“C’mon then, let's start!”
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With her newfound powers she heats up a lot more, so ice-skating is a way to cool down. Enjoying the sensation and spending time with you.
Also enjoys spending time at home or base, able to stay comfortable and away from others.
She tries, she really does but the fact you’re her first relationship. She has no clue what she’s doing.
Due to just starting at Overwatch she doesn’t have a lot, she’ll try to save but accidentally spends it all.
Just wants to spend more, uninterrupted time with you. One way to do that is too cuddle.
“I’m… not sure about this.” Even if she didn’t show it her voice betrayed her, full of hesitation. To be far she’s never gone ice skating, nothing even close.
“You’ll be fine, just hold onto me.” Holding your arms out for her to hold, which she gratefully took. Shaking heavily once she was on the rink, unstable on the thin blades.
She let you pull her around slowly. Slowly gaining her confidence by pushing forwards on her own, although never leaving your arms. After this continued you finally let her go and skated just out of reach.
This allowed her to try on her own. Except that only ended with her falling on the rink, staying down until you pulled her up. Luckily no one else was around.
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Already enjoys taking nature trails so if you join her she’ll be over the moon.
Just anywhere out in nature, whether it’s hidden and more wild or simple like a park.
Even with no past relationships and minimal flirting here and there she is oddly romantic, obviously with a hint of awkwardness.
Due to being outdoors there’s no need to spend any or much money, but will pay for most of your items.
Likely you’ll both be tired after that, so she’ll want the rest of the night spent on the couch cuddling until you wake the next day.
The bag sounded heavy, which was weird since it was almost empty when you left. But neither of you cared after the day you just did. Spending hours in the nearest forest covering their trails.
Having just returned, Kiriko was tired, dropping onto the couch without a second thought. You intended to go past her but she had a different idea, dragging you down onto the couch with her.
“Kiri, we gotta go clean up…”
“Nah.” With that she pulled you closer before shoving her face into your neck and tightening her grip.
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This guy has the biggest sweet tooth to exist, so it’s not surprising when he takes you to a bakery or cafe.
Is also an enjoyer of picnics in kinda cute areas, parks or even flower meadows.
He’s real romantic without even trying, but that doesn’t stop him from becoming flustered.
Due to his time at Viskar and now overwatch he has a lot just sitting around, and is willing to spend it all on you.
Enjoys a nice, simple walk at night before taking you home.
As you walked your hands became cold, but never became too uncomfortable. This time he reached for yours to encase them in his own. While his other was busy carrying the now empty basket.
“Don’t stray too far now,” Using his grip on you to pull you closer. And before you knew it your house came into view, he had taken you back home.
“I hope we can do this again, yes?” Turning your hand over to place a gentle kiss onto the back of it. “Don’t want you to forget about this night.”
Letting go of your hand and turning it out just to reveal a flower, one of your favorites made out of bio-light. He pushed it into your hands before stepping back.
“Call me will you?”
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He’ll drag you along to a skating rink whether or not you’ve done it before.
Willing to spend hours at the rink, skating, grabbing food and enjoying the games.
He’s a giggly romantic type. No matter how romantic he is (which is plenty) it’ll always be interrupted by him giggling.
This one has money to burn, and is willing to let you use it all or as much as you can/ Will even give you some more after.
He reveals after about a playlist he made during the date. It was about and for you, he seems like a little kid in a candy store letting you see it.
“C’mon,” Lucio had a tight grip on your hands, letting you do that same to his own. He was currently trying to get you onto the rink. “You’ll love it!” He almost whined.
“As much as you? I’m good.”
“I’m not that bad!” You only looked at him, this guy wore skates into battle. And somehow isn’t that bad? No way.
“But I’m here to help you!” This time he tugged you closer, which had you step into the rink, almost hitting him. “See, you’re not too bad.”
His face was covered in a grin, seemingly happy you’re finally on the rink with him.
“Now, let me teach you!”
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Her first thought is to bring you to a semi-fancy restaurant, with a buffet style.
It's one she visits the most, being close and easy but one she also really enjoys.
She really tries but is only successful due to the fact you like her. She’s had no time for any type of romance due to work, but she’s trying.
For being a medic at Overwatch she has gained a lot of money that doesn’t get used, although she does place a limit on a few hundred.
After she likes to make sure you’re safe by walking you home / your room, not leaving until you’re inside.
“I hope you enjoyed tonight, I know I did.” As she spoke her hand grasped yours, in turn pulling you closer. The streets were almost empty, which was no surprise considering how late it was.
“I did,” The conversation was cut short as you reached home. Stepping closer before unlocking the door, but not entering yet. “And I wait for our next time Angela~”
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Moira is a busy woman, so it’s likely you’ll be staying in her lab or at least around the Talon base.
Her go to are pubs or restaurants, always in a private area though. Sometimes heading into a cafe for something small and sweet.
Is surprising… romantic? If you can say that, it’s borderline flirting. You’re not sure where she learned this but it’s working all right.
She has plenty of money that she doesn’t use, so to make up for lack of time together she’ll let you have a day or so out on the town.
Sadly nothing much happens afterwards, she’ll continue working but gives you the privilege of staying in her lab.
The day was long, but luckily for you it was over. For Moira it wasn’t even close to finished, even though she’s been in here since sunrise.
“Moiraaa~” Your whining caught her attention once again, she wanted to scold you but knew she couldn’t. You were spending your free time with her instead of leaving at the first chance you had.
And now the sun had set, you made yourself comfortable, finding a blanket somehow in her lab. Settling on a chair as you watched her continue. The warmth and her repetitive movements slowly lulled you to sleep.
Quickly she noticed a lack of shuffling and whining, turning around to see why. You had fallen asleep, here, in her lab. Something in her felt weird, something she’s never felt before.
Trying to ignore it, she stepped away from the bench and towards your now sleeping body, watching you for a few more seconds before leaning over. Leaving a quick kiss before stepping back and away.
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jaycee05 · 26 days
I'd like to think that MC would maybe have an identity crisis.. they're questioning who they are and what are they like before
Even looking at themselves through a mirror or by the streams of the river, their reflection looks so familiar yet so not. Having broken a mirror once by just looking at their reflection for too long.
What do you guys think?
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theshipden · 11 months
How would the main 6 react to finding out Mc has ptsd?
Cracks knuckles oh baby as someone with C-PTSD this is my JAM
He listens to your explanation, never breaking eye contact. He understands, he’s a doctor, he talks you through it
When you’re having an attack, he’s quick to ground you and help you seek a good therapist
Protective asf, he will not let you do anything alone since it makes you nervous.
Learns every one of your triggers so he can prevent them, whether that’s stopping himself from doing it or someone else
Holds you and cries about what you’ve been through, promises to never let it happen again
Post-traumatic- down-syndrome? (Tiktok reference)
Nah but she isn’t certain what that is or what it means, but she DOES read about it and teaches herself what it all entails
Asks julien for further knowledge and how to help
Asks if you need space, to talk, advice, or just her company
In the middle of your attacks, she rubs you. Whether it’s your hand, your back, carding her fingers through your hair, she’s anchoring you back to the ground again
Asks what you need from her when you’re anxious
“Reassurance? Quality time? A listening ear—a shoulder? I have two of those!”
He understands you more then anyone. And funny enough, your anxiety seems to go hand in hand with his own
You’re damn right people are scary!! And loud noises are overwhelming!! And you’re angry and scared and just want to feel safe!! Him too!!
He isn’t the best at staying grounded, honestly he’s still learning healthy coping mechanisms
But when he sees you struggling, he finds himself in the clearest state of mind. He listens, he’s nurturing, and very intuitive.
Smiles so soft and so warm when you calm down from an episode, never pushes you to talk
Sometimes, you panic together about the same thing. Something about seeing someone you love feel the same way as you do….feels like home. You’re not dramatic, you’re more in control then you originally thought, and you’re cared for. Just as you care for him, he cares for you
She’s very good at rationalizing your racing thoughts, using logic to soothe your panic when it seems to be becoming too much
Uses her hands to massage the tension out of your muscles and help you process and work through the feelings you’re having
Aromatherapy, 100%
Reserved a spa day for you, just you and her, no one else. She knows the company of the servants would make you mask
Probably offers to buy you an exotic animal just so you have someone at your side if she’s away when you spiral
This man probably tells you to calm down, not realizing that’s making it worse.
Blubbers an apology immediately after, stuttering wildly as he waves his arms frantically
“No! Don’t cry—-! Hey, darling, it’s alright! What’s happened? My love, can you look at me? Show me those gorgeous eyes, there you go, wonderful. Now, what’s gotten you so upset?”
Thinks someone’s responsible, fully plans on lynching them as soon as he’s figured out the culprit
If your trigger is an inanimate object, he WILL destroy it. And yell at the servants not to trigger you
Drapes his cape over you so you feel sheltered and calm, so you can hide if you don’t want to be seen but don’t want to be alone
Definitely glares at anyone who attempts to call you emotional or puts you down for a natural reaction to trauma
Showers you in compliments, covers the mirrors in little affirmations with lipstick
He knew. He’s always known. Even before you did.
He’s very patient, extremely passive and cautious
He educates others on your behalf so you’re never in an unwanted situation or triggered on accident
Reminds you to take medicine, eat, drink water, etc
Asks the arcana to guide you and offer you wisdom and clarity
Constantly ensures you’re never in a night terror/flashback
Can immediately tell when your anxiety spikes, doesn’t even ask before he brings you into the shop in a controlled and familiar environment and asks to talk
Admires you and your courage, he tells you everyday how strong you are and how proud of you he is
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shiroisotto64 · 8 months
I have a quick question if you don't mind me asking. Can you please do one where a gender neutral reader is a secret singer? Like they walk on stage and their partner recognizes them even with a costume and makeup. Can I please request Hanzo, Genji, Moira, Lucio, Ramattra, Zenyatta Junker Queen, Junkrat, and Roadhog to be the ones who are the partner who figures out that they're dating a popular singer.
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He’s a bit taken aback but he could tell you were hiding something from him. He is a ninja after all. He’s a little hurt that you’d keep something from him.
But after seeing you preform and and all he has calmed down. After meeting back up with you, he’d asked why you hadn’t told him. And after hearing your reason he’d nod and go back to normal. As long as you’re happy he doesn’t mind.
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He’d been scrolling through his phone when all of a sudden he scrolled past a video of an idol that strangely resembles you…wait a minute..that is you!
He’s shocked and the next time he sees you he brings it up. Genji teases you a bit but would also compliment you on your voice and performance.
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She’d found out and was indifferent. Once again Moria isn’t dumb..she knew you were hiding something, but she thought I’d be more juicy or interesting..
But whatever, she did complement you on your voice. She finds it quite soothing actually. And whenever she’s feeling a bit overwhelmed or tired she’ll asked you to sing something.
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Good luck hiding this from Lucio, but once he’d found out? Oh he was ecstatic! So many compliments. He loved the performance and your voice. He’s just so in love.
Expect him to ask to collab with you, I mean imagine how legendary it would be!? But if you turn him down he’s still super supportive, if you’ll let him he’ll repost some clips of your performances on his pages.
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He’s another indifferent one. He likes your voice but he doesn’t really care for the crowd and such. Don’t let this fool you though he’s still very supportive and if you need anything from him, he’s there.
Junker Queen
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She’s cool with it. Doesn’t know why you wanted to hide your talent but she digs it. From time to time you’ll hear her playfully singing along to your songs when she’s bored or just trying to get your attention.
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He lovessss it! He’ll try to convince you to let him join you on stage! He said he could really help you spice up your performance! Don’t…cause he’ll blow up the stage.
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Head pats after he sees your performance. He’s supportive of it in his own way. But he urges you to take breaks and remember to prioritize your health.
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The M6 proposing to you!
The arcana x GN!Reader 
Julian Devorak:
Julian is an excellent actor. In all different ways, if something is bothering him - only those who know him very best can understand that something is wrong. And right now especially, he was thanking the arcana that he was such an excellent actor. Because that way he could conceal his plan from you. 
You walk into the study. “ You needed me, honey? Is something wrong?” you ask.
“ I was just curious about something, dear.” He says, extra sweetly. He has his tie on, and his eyepatch off. Whatever he’s thinking about is something serious. “ .. Have you ever thought about officiating a certain thing?” 
“ .. what ‘thing’ are you talking about, Jules?”
He sighs, and smiles.  He sweeps all of his desk’s contents to the floor, they make a loud clatter sound against the hardwood floor.  He knew that this was not the time to put on a false face and act, this was the time to speak straight from the heart.
Julian can feel his worries about this fall away. The endless and long nights of staying up to rehearse and plan for this now felt.. silly. So incredibly silly, what good is pretending to be someone else in the moment he should most definitely just be himself? He was going to do this his own way. To say the things he truly feels, and not some silly pre - written words. 
There’s only one thing left on his desk, a pearl ring. It’s not even in a box, it’s just sitting there, only accompanied by a second ring. He stares into your eyes, a cheeky smirk on his face. 
“ Officiating our relationship, of course. Would you do the honor of marrying me, dear?” 
Asra Alnazar:
Asra sighed, thinking of you. The truth was ever since he’d known that you loved him just as much as he loved you, he had been thinking of you. You were so unbelievably perfect in so many ways to him. Everything about you, your looks, your thoughts, your feelings.. He cherished it. It had been taken away from him - and he never fully recovered. 
Asra worried that something else would split the two of you apart again. He really did, but then an idea crossed his mind. Marriage. You two had been talking about it before you caught the plague, and he started to think that it was a way to truly solidify your connection. 
He waited for you at the fountain garden. A place that was special to the two of you. It was the early summer, a june evening. His favorite time of day during his favorite season. What better place? 
As the noise of the castle slowly drifted off behind you, you came into Asra’s view. He had said to you that he wanted to tell you something important. He stood up from the edge of the fountain, his soft smile widening. 
“ Hello, my love.” 
“ Hi, Asra.” You say. He takes you hand and squeezes it gently. His eyes stared into yours. A breeze passed through the garden, the purple sky in the background made your lover look simply stunning.
“ .. I told you this morning that I wanted to tell you something. I’ve been waiting, ___. I’ve been waiting a long time.” 
You listen, you could never know how carefully he’s considered every word and rehearsed it before now. He wants nothing more than for this to be as special as possible for you.
“ … but now the wait is finally over, my love.” He kneeled, taking out a small pouch, and taking one silver ring with both of your initials inscribed into the inside of it. 
“ Will you marry me, ____ ?”
Lucio Morgasson:
Lucio sat up in bed, covered in cold sweat. He had a dream about you, and it could only mean one thing - he was being stupid. He was stupid not to marry you, you’re the most perfect person to him. You’re beautiful, perfect, and kind. He couldn��t think why he hadn’t yet put a ring on you. 
He ran over to his own jewelry box, ransacking it for rings. Anything would do. All he knew is that he wanted you, and he wanted you now. He found one that looked like it might be your size - and before he knew it, he was running down the hall. 
You’d said to him earlier that you’d be working on a project with Portia in the library tonight. He ran as fast as he could down the hall. Once he got there, he banged on the library door until Portia opened it. 
“ .. Sir Lucio? What are you doing here?” She said, surprised. He was out of breath, and looked over Portia’s shoulder and saw you reading. 
“ out of my way, Portia–” He said, shoving and squeezing past her. She let him get by, standing there confused. 
He ran up behind you, tapping your shoulder. He was a man on a mission, nothing could’ve stopped him from getting what he wanted at that moment. You turned and looked at him,
“ Lucio? What is it?”
“ .. “ He stared at you for another second before acknowledging himself. Still a bit out of breath, and grabbed your shoulders before waving the ring near your face like a mad man.
“ .. marry me, here. Now.” 
Nadia Satrinava:
She wanted to extravagant, she really wanted it to be a story you talked about for the rest of your life together. She had several servants, wedding planners, event planners, and even some family members invited to the palace to help her come up with the best plan she could. She only allows the best for you. 
She thought long and hard about what to do, but eventually she decided on something she thought you’d like. She made a reservation for a small pizza restaurant. It was old fashioned brick-oven pizza, something she thought you’d like. 
Nadia sat at the restaurant, waiting patiently for you. She had sent a carriage to the magic shop a little over 20 minutes ago. She shifted in her seat, she’d really dressed up for the event. She had painted her nails a deep red, the perfect manicure to show your rings off with. 
“ .. Oh, Nadia, sweetie, I’m so sorry I’m late!” You say apologetically, rushing over to the table from the front. “ A customer knocked over the buckwheat frogskin and then I had to spent an extra half hour helping her clean herself up, and then cleaning the group.” 
She pulled out your chair for you and give you a kiss on the cheek. “ It’s quite alright, darling.” 
She sat back down and across from people, smiling at you. She’d planned to do it towards the end of the meal, but as soon as the bread came - she just looked at how beautiful you were. You were so beautiful and kind all the time.. Something came over her, and she stood up out of her chair. 
She nearly knocked into a waiter, but she got down on a knee, and put her hand on your knee. 
Nadia stares, she’d never been so confident in a decision. Ever. 
“ Darling, Would you marry me?”
Muriel the outsider:
He was nervous about asking you. It was a large step in life, but you had helped grow into a better and more confident person, and he couldn’t imagine asking this of anyone else. 
You’re sat near the fire with Inanna, journaling while Inanna’s asleep on your lap. The only thing that can be heard is your occasional laughter and Inanna’s soft snoring. Muriel smiled at you. He knew you were the one. The person, HIS person. 
He walked up behind you, and sat down next to the two of you. He loved the way you looked at him, so full of love - and never full of fear. He tries to speak, but the words die in his throat. How is he supposed to do this? 
Muriel takes a deep breath and stares at you. From your perspective, it looks a bit like he’s glaring as hard as he can. It makes you a bit nervous.
“ Hey, Muri. Is something wrong?” You ask, concerned about him. 
“ I.. you.. Please, maybe– if you think you want.. W-we could.. I think that..”
He stumbles on his words, blushing. He puts a ahand over his face, you’ve been together so long and yet you still fluster him so very much. 
He decides it’s best to just get it over and done with, the words come out bluntly but they’re still endearing and sweet. 
“ I want to marry you!” He says loudly, but then he realizes how awkward he looks and his gaze softens. “ .. Please say yes.” he whispers.
Portia Devorak:
Portia knew she wanted to take advantage of her charm when it came to you. If there’s two things she loved, it was life at sea - and you, OF COURSE. One time while you were re-stocking the ship at one of the towns, she brought you off away from the crowd and onto a much smaller sailing boat.
It was perfect. The late afternoon sun on the harbor and coastline, it was just the two of you. With the exception of a sailor who was manning the boat while Portia romanced you. She was incredibly patient and listened a lot more than talked - you could sense something was different about this date, she almost always did most of the talking. 
She had been very patient that day. She knew what she wanted, and she was ready to make that happen. She waited until the very best moment to ask, when the sun was setting and you were least expecting it. 
She scooted a little closer to you, putting her hand on top of yours. She smiled, taking something out of her pocket. 
It’s a pearl ring, perfectly your size. It’s beautiful, and you gape at it.. Too happy to realize that Portia’s started talking, finally you look over and she smiles at you. She loves you so very much. 
“ Could you make me the happiest woman ever and marry me?”
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ya-zz · 6 months
I have a quick question if you don't mind me asking. Can you please do one where a gender neutral reader is a secret singer? Like they walk on stage and their partner recognizes them even with a costume and makeup. Can I please request Hanzo, Genji, Moira, Lucio, Ramattra, Zenyatta Junker Queen, Junkrat, and Roadhog to be the ones who are the partner who figures out that they're dating a popular singer.
There was a lot to this, but I hope it's okay! (I also haven't slept when I upload this, so I apologise for any mistakes or errors.)
I'll add everything under the cut, but here is a main scenario you can use or make your own up;;;
You had been dating your partner for a few months now and things were healthy. Everything was as it should be, though, you had a secret you couldn’t exactly tell them. Fear was holding you back - you did not know how they would act, whether they would use you or leave you.
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He was three drinks into the night when the act started.
At first, he didn’t care until the voice resonated within his ears. 
Looking up, his eyes adjusted to the spotlights shining down amongst the crowd before they dimmed and the main stage lit up. 
Their voice was something ethereal. Something that Hanzo recognised instantly. 
Despite the outfit they were wearing, behind all of that make-up, Hanzo recognised the person instantly. 
Shock was present on the archers face, but that was quickly overcome with astonishment.
He couldn’t believe it. His partner was the most popular singer in Hanamura. 
Hanzo couldn’t stop staring, watching the way they performed so effortlessly.
Their hips swaying in time with the song, lips wet and shining in the spotlight, voice angelic as the day he first hear them. 
His heart flutters, flush appearing on his cheeks and not from the alcohol he had already consumed. 
When his eyes met theirs, a smile forms on their face, a wink directed to the man seated within the booth. 
Hanzo could feel the heat rise in his body as he smiled back, tipping his glass towards his partner. 
There were several emotions running through him, from love to lust, Hanzo couldn’t quite wrap his head around why you kept it a secret. 
Nevermind though, he was already planning on making you sing for him privately.
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Genji had made plans that night with a few friends he had made during his playtime in Hanamura all those years ago. Some form of a “catch up over drinks” he called it. 
Sitting in a circular booth close to the stage, the ninja looks up at the presenter talking about the opening act, a name he recognizes but had no face to put it to. 
When you come out on stage in all that make-up and wearing an outfit that catches everyone's eyes, Genji can’t help but stare either.
It took him a moment between blinks for it to register that the person on stage was his partner he had been dating. 
His jaw practically drops, hand clasp tightly around his drink.
Eyes were blown wide, either from lust or from pure adoration at your singing ability. 
Genji felt his entire body flare up in heat, something so secretive only turned him on more. 
His friends that surrounded him made their remarks but he didn’t pay them no mind.
His entire focus was on you. 
Genji could only sit there and stare. 
The moment you lock eyes with him and give a playful wink accompanied with a smirk, the dragon inside stirs. 
Oh you don’t get to play this game.
The night was still young and the ninja had so many ideas in mind.
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The Irishwoman would have rather been anywhere else tonight, but after a week of failed experiments, what other choice did she have?
The bar sat across from the stage was where she was situated, and her phone lay on the countertop in silence. 
You hadn’t even bothered to check in on her today which only fueled her rage more.
She needed time to herself, however. Perhaps the night will go in her favour of some peace. 
Just when she finished her second drink, the ice rattling in her glass, she turns to face the stage. 
The act had already started, singer atop the stage in sparkles and glitter. 
Moira felt something familiar but couldn’t quite place her fingers on it. 
Then there was that turn you did, one that the scientist recognised instantly. 
It was you singing your heart out. Not only that, but in such an establishment? She couldn’t quite believe it. 
No wonder you had been distant today, you were here preparing for this. 
He anger at you dies out instantly as she watches on, admiring the way your voice sounded along with the music. 
She knew you could sing but this was an entire new level. 
Moira clapped when the song was over, smile as wide as her face met yours to which you bashfully hid away.
Questions have answers and she was going to get them, one way or another.
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It wasn’t his first time in the venue and it sure wasn’t going to be his last.
He always had a seat at the VIP table just in front of the main stage, and tonight you were suppose to join him.
When his calls went unanswered, a sinking feeling grew in his stomach. There were many faces already staring at him on his own.
He tried to drown his sorrows with a few drinks, hopelessly texting you, wondering where you are. 
Then the announcer calls out a famous singers name and Lucio can’t help but feel somewhat hurt that you’re leaving him like this. 
He stands to leave and when a voice starts singing, a perfect harmony that his ears twitch and listen to, he spins around. 
Immediately he recognises you, he knows the frequency of your voice, they perfect, sweet noises that come from your throat. 
It was you. 
You hadn’t stood the artist up, no, you were here with him. 
He takes his seat and watches you sway in time with the music. 
Eyes meet and he can’t help but grin. No wonder you were so secretive. 
When the song was finally over, you didn’t waste anytime in jumping from the stage and sitting beside Lucio. 
His hand holds yours as he compliments you, placing a kiss to your temple. 
He didn’t mind, it’ll be all over the papers tomorrow regardless.
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What was an omnic like him doing in such a place like this?
The only time he had a need to being here was to strike deals that suited his arrangements. 
A questioning invite made him wander into the place, suit hugging his body as he unbuttoned the blazer to sit down. 
He crossed his arms, leaning back in the chair as he watched the stage, an opening act that did not pique his interest at all. 
When a familiar voice rang through several minutes later, his receptors picked up the frequencies, instantly looking up to the figure on stage. 
His optics adjusted to the light, a smirk coursing through his wires as he watches his partner, their hips moving to the rhythm. 
He couldn’t help but stare, system flaring up as he records the show for later.
When his partner finally stops singing, their vocals now a slow murmur against the next act, Ramattra watches them make their way to his booth. 
“You finally came through.” He spoke, matter of factly.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“I knew.” 
Of course he knew. He had everything about you saved within his systems. 
“Plus your secret wasn’t exactly secret with me.” He muses. 
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The omnic had planned this little date with you months prior, an exquisite date fit for someone like you.
Little did he know, that the place you were currently seated in had regulars there that recognise you instantly. 
At first you passed them off, Zenyatta staying beside you throughout it all. 
He was confused until some older looking person came and pulled you away from your partner.
You laughed, brushing him off before eventually being pulled onto the stage, microphone in your hand. 
It all came naturally and the tilt of Zenyatta’s head made you smirk. 
Your voice hit his receptors just right and the monk could feel his wires warm up as he watches you perform for everyone else. 
When the show was over, applause ringing loud throughout the venue, you make your way back to him. 
“You put on quite a show.” He admits with a chuckle. 
His optics met your eyes, looking at how they glistened under the warm light. 
“How long have you kept this secret?” 
“Too long.”
Zenyatta brushed his thumb over your knuckles as he held your hand before bringing it up to his faceplate, planting a makeshift kiss against it. 
“Perhaps you could tell me more as the night goes on.”
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It was a normal night for the queen.
Junkertown bars held karaoke nights each weekend, the establishments packed with drunks and Aussies alike. 
Some nights, upon the queens request, does she have private shows before her on her throne. 
Several acts lay before her, the music was loud but when her eyes set upon an almost familiar figure, everything heightened. 
Their voice was angelic, something she recognised instantly as they sang their hearts out. 
Odessa thought hard about where she recognised their voice, it was just there…
The moment their eyes lock, it hit her, the one singer she had adored for years, the one partner she had loved for months. 
It was the same person. 
Her smile became something feral as she stood, practically marching her way over there.
Upon reaching her partner, hands laced together as her lips brushed against your ear. 
“Who knew you had such a voice.” 
She felt your cheeks flush against hers, a devilish smile caressing her face. 
Odessa now had several ideas whirling inside of her head.
“Your queen would enjoy a more… private ensemble.”
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The Aussie was head over heels for you, that much was plainly obvious by the way he would talk about you and show you off. 
There was something about you though that rose suspicions.
The way you would sneak off and come back late at night. While he knew you weren’t screwing around, something unfamiliar settled in his stomach. 
One night, he followed you, the nighttime heat on the back of his neck. 
Upon entering a small, unmonitored establishment, Jamison could feel the hairs on his arms stand up. 
He peered around the back, eyes searching for you and when your voice echoed through the dimly lit room, tones changing quickly as you sang, did the junker find his heart fluttering. 
His partner, the love of his life, the one he trusted everything with… 
You were singing for others, but never for him. 
He wondered why, but when he realised that you were the most sought singer in the entirety of Junkertown, he understood. 
Time passed before you eventually came home, seeing Jamison sleeping on the bed. 
Lazily, he cuddled up with you, hand stroking your stomach as he mumbles out sleepily; 
“You have the voice of an angel.” 
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Nothing could’ve prepared him for such a relationship between him and you. 
Never had he thought someone would love him the way you do, so when you invited him out on a date several weeks into the relationship, he was almost startled. 
For once, the man dressed up nice, smart suit and tie and he made his way over to one of the more prestigious places in Junkertown. 
By almost begging the queen, you managed to get him in unharmed, guards escorting him into the building and standing around to keep a watchful eye on you. 
At first he was confused as to where you were, but when a familiar voice sang out, stage lit up beautifully despite half of the bulbs flickering, his ears perk up. 
He looked up, eyes widening as he witnessed his partner, the one singer he had on repeat for the last few months, was there on the stage. 
He couldn’t believe it at first, but the subtle smiles and winks you passed to him was all the confirmation he needed that it was indeed you. 
He was dating one of the well known and renowned singers in all of Junkertown. 
It makes his head spin, the excitement taking over as he can’t help but stand and applaud when the act is over. 
Mako grasps you firmly, pulling your body flush to his as he wipes the bead of sweat from your cheek. 
“You have kept this from me?” His voice was low, gruff as he watched you. 
“I had no choice.” 
He huffs, shaking his head. 
“You sound wonderful.” He admits. 
His hand squeezes your side. 
“I’d like to hear you again.”
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froggibus · 2 years
Valentine's Day HCs - Baptiste, Cassidy, Genji, Hanzo, Junkrat, Lucio, Zenyatta
Includes: Baptiste, Cassidy, Genji, Hanzo, Junkrat, Lucio and Zenyatta
Summary: what they would do for you on Valentine's day
CW: gn! reader, our boys being dorky, some allusion to the lore, pure fluff!!
happy valentine's day guys! i decided i wanted to do something fun and write HCS for ALL of my fandoms which is actually taking forever (and im not even halfway done at like 12:33am) but im having fun with it and i hope you guys enjoy! <3
OW Women Ver. + Valentine's 2023 Masterlist
with his life of being on the run, it’s rare that the two of you ever go on dates in public
but for your first Valentine’s Day together, he really wants to make it special 
he takes extra caution planning everything out—casing places, making sure they’re secure 
decides on taking you to a movie in the park and packs you guys a picnic 
has all your favourite snacks and drinks too!!
picks you up (also random but he totally drives a Vespa/electric scooter) mostly on time 
definitely seats you at a more secure place in the park where there’s not a lot of people
unpacks the picnic basket and spreads out a blanket and some pillows and a delicious spread of food 
tries to be all cute and feed you food but he’s so nervous he accidentally smashes it in your face 
he’s smooth with it tho and he’ll wipe your face off and kiss the spot better 
“are you cold? come closer.”
cuddles you while you watch the movie to keep you warm 
also off topic but he smells amazing 
you guys stay in the park long after the movie ends just stargazing 
he knows his constellations and points them out to you 
“i like to look at the stars when I’m on the road,” he says. “because they remind me that no matter how far away you are, i still get the pleasure of living in the same world you are.”
he probably didn’t realize Valentine’s was coming up until like two days before 
but this man goes all out
you’re just so special to him, he has to show you how much he loves you (even tho he literally treats you like royalty every day of the year)
plans a lowkey night for the two of you
also makes it a surprise (mostly because he forgot lmfao)
picks you up on his motorbike and takes you to his favorite diner 
he’s always wanted to take you there and have you try their apple pie 
all of the staff there know him and they’re in awe of the two of you together 
they definitely give you guys food in the shape of a heart and turn on some romantic music 
he’s weirdly nervous considering it’s him 
“so uh, after this I was thinkin we could go have a drink or two?”
he’s so flustered it’s adorable 
and obviously you agree, and he takes you to his favourite bar 
even if it is a lowkey night, you’re still happy you get to spend time with him
plus, he’s a private man, and him showing you his favorite places is his way of showing you his heart
“yknow something, darlin? I think we ought to turn this into a tradition.”
as a proud supporter of Fuck Boy Genji™️, he definitely didn’t celebrate Valentine’s Day in his youth
doesn’t know exactly how to celebrate with you, just knows he wants to do something 
asks everyone for advice, but everyone is telling him something different and it just makes him all confused
he decides to trust his instincts on what to do
picks you up in a button down and cute jeans, holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers 
he doesn’t tell you where he’s taking you, but he’s so excited he’s practically vibrating the whole way
you actually have to squeeze his hand to calm him down a little bit
he takes you to this unassuming, kind of dark building on the edge of town
knocks on the door and someone opens a little slot, he says a random word and suddenly the door swings open to reveal a little staircase 
takes you down and into a totally chill speakeasy
it’s warm inside and there’s jazz music filling the air 
Genji looks absolutely stunning in the amber lighting too
you guys get a table with a great view of the stage and order yummy food and drinks
“Do you like it? I thought big crowds might be overwhelming and—“
Shut him up by kissing his cheek and telling him you love it
“I’ve never really…had a Valentine before, but I’m really glad you’re my first, y/n.”
unlike his brother, he probably had had a Valentine before, but he’s never been one to share his life with others 
however, he really wants to show you a good time and treat you to a good night
big crowds and people are not really his thing, so he sets out to make a special night at home for the two of you
invites you over for food and movies
cooks you one of his signature meals, and the two of you eat together at the table under candlelight 
definitely has warm saké ready for the both of you to drink too
has one of his favorite movies and one of your favorite movies ready to go on his tv 
cuddles up to you on the couch under a super soft throw blanket 
honestly one of the only times he really allows himself to be super clingy and attached to you 
always has his hands on you, probably kissing your neck and shoulders and head
makes sure to pay special attention to your favorite movie because he knows it means a lot to you 
“I know this isn’t much but…I really wanted to share something special with you away from prying eyes.”
you guys end up falling asleep on the couch together, and even though Hanzo wakes up at some point, he doesn’t move 
he’s just content to be with you
the concept of a Valentine is kinda lost to him since he didn’t really have time for that growing up in Junkertown 
but he notices a bunch of heart shaped decorations when him and Roadhog are robbing a bank
which of course prompts him to ask his partner what they’re for 
the way Hog explains it is a little…different, but Junkrat literally has heart eyes the whole time 
he decides he wants to celebrate it with you so he spends hours making you a Valentine
makes you this cute little card (and he swears up and down that it won’t blow up when you open it)
and tried to make you cookies but ends up burning them :((
so he recruits Roadhog’s help and together they bake and decorate cute little sugar cookies for you
he gives them to you on Valentine’s and he’s super nervous the whole time
you honestly tear up a little at how cute it is 
the two of you end up eating them together and hanging out for the rest of the night 
“I think I like Valentine’s Day!” He announces. “Do you think…do you think we’ll spend the next one together, too?”
between being a wanted criminal for stealing from Vishkar and being a world renowned DJ, going out on Valentine’s Day is not the best idea
but that’s not going to stop him
he spreads out flower petals and lights candles across the apartment and waits for you to come home
settles in on the couch with his guitar, practising quietly in case you’re outside 
when you come home, you’re greeted by the smell of gourmet candles and flowers leading you down the hallway
you can hear the soft sounds of a guitar strumming and you follow the sounds 
you make it to your living room to see Lucio strumming his guitar, and when he sees you, his eyes light up
he starts singing a song he wrote for you, looking at you with his little heart eyes the whole time
you’re left on the verge of tears the whole time and when he’s done playing, you pull him in for a kiss 
“so, did you like it?”
you’re speechless tbh 
like he loves you enough to write an entire song just for you 
and that’s not the end, either, because he surprises you with a dinner reservation to your favorite restaurant 
and to make sure you’re not being swarmed by fans, he’s bought out the entire restaurant 
the two of you get to eat in peace and have a great Valentine’s Day 
“so I, uh, I wanted to know if you’d be okay with me putting that song on my album? I just—I love you so much, I want the whole world to know.”
partly because he’s a monk but also because he’s an omnic, I don’t think he’d really celebrate Valentine’s 
however if it’s important to you, he’ll definitely put the effort in to make you happy
plus he’s so lowkey, he’s open to trying anything 
when he hears you talking about Valentine’s Day to one of your friends, it gives him the idea to surprise you and celebrate it
he spends days coming up with ideas and pays extra close attention to your likes/dislikes 
would probably ask Genji for some advice before giving up when he realizes the boy is clueless 
settles on getting you a very personal, intimate gift and letting you decide where to take it from there
he gets you a new pair of headphones and makes you a mixtape/playlist to listen to to calm you down 
since he knows sometimes you get stressed out or anxious 
it’s so unexpected that you cry and the poor omnic is stuck figuring out if they’re tears of joy or not
“y/n…are you sad?”
you explain how touched you are
“you’re my partner, y/n. I would do anything to make you happy.”
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kiwi-on-ice · 2 months
Saw your most recent tiktok🤭
Could you do something for Lucio when you get the chance? Please and thank you
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First date headcannons with Lucio, Cole Cassidy, Mauga, Lifeweaver, and Genji with gn!reader
Word count: 1.7k
Warnings: Fluff, a little suggestive but not too much.
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Notes: The ask probably meant NSFW but wanted to write something light while i work on an anon request for Cole Cassidy. Prefer girls? check here
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I always think of his valentines day voiceline bless him, he'd be quite nervous to ask you out. If you don't do it for him, he'll most likely want to be traditional and get you flowers before stuttering out an invitation.
Once you've actually said yes, he'll relax a little bit.
Most likely your first date is going to be music related. He won't take you to his own concert, but if there's a concert playing music he knows you'll like he'll take you there.
Alternatively, might take you dancing to show off a little. When he's around music, he feels much more confident so he'll be able to be himself and even be a little flirty.
You might have to put up with people coming up to him for his autograph though. But it'll give him a rush when everyone realises he's on a date with you.
After dancing the night away, he'll probably take you to try some street food. He'll insist on paying, he's a celebrity after all! But he ends up not needing to when the vendors recognise him as the hero who stood up to Vishkar and insist on giving you both what you want free of charge.
Given that the weather is nice, he'll do his best to be respectful and not look at your body too much. However if you're wearing shorts...lord have mercy, they're his weakness.
When you guys part ways, he might cheekily ask for a goodnight kiss but he's happy with anything. Considering how much fun you both had, he's confident you two will go out again sometime.
Feeling the beat of the music, Lucio moves like it's second nature to him. You both laughing and joking as he starts to dance with you, his hands respectful in their placement before he spins you around, making you both laugh again.
"Not bad babe, maybe you should be a backing dancer at my shows." he teases playfully, trying not to let his eyes look down at how your legs look in your shorts. Although with the way you start to move, he isn't sure he can resist the temptation.
Cole Cassidy:
Will ask you out pretty smoothly in conversation, hardly giving you time to process that you've been asked on a date before the cowboy starts to think about his ideas.
Invites you on a hiking trail, giving you both plenty of time to talk and get to know each-other.
He'll do the stereotypical action of taking his hat off when he sees you and gives you a small bow, flustering you a little.
As you walk, he won't initiate physical contact for a while, waiting until you guys cross some sort of stream or rough terrain; he use the opportunity to hold out his hand to help you over, before interlocking his fingers with yours.
Quite easy to talk to, and flirtatious comments seem to roll off his tongue without him meaning to. He'll compliment your outfit and hairstyle, before making comments about how the sun reflects so lovely off your eyes.
Prefers asking you questions and listening to you, he's working on being more emotionally vulnerable and open especially about his past, but it's still difficult for him.
Afterwards, you both will have worked up an appetite, so he'll take you to a diner for a bite to eat. Sitting in a booth, he might teasingly play footsie with you under the table to watch you laugh.
He'll have to get coffee, since he hasn't had his cigar for hours. He didn't want to smoke while on the date, a little concerned you'll find it rude. But towards the end he'll get a little twitchy.
Will offer to pay, southern values and all that.
Will also offer to walk you home, and will definitely come in if you invite him.
Approaching a stream, the running water providing a soothing ambiance as Cole steps forward. He hops over the stream before holding out his hand for you, causing you to giggle.
"What? A cowboy can't be a gentleman?" he teases, as you take his hand and he helps you across, "There you go pumpkin."
Smoothly, he interlocks your fingers, holding your hand tight and gently rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand as you both resume the walk. Looking to his left, he makes some remark about the surroundings to distract himself from the warm feeling in his chest as he feels the heat of your palm against his.
This man is CONFIDENT, he asks you out with his cocky grin almost like he knows you'll say yes.
Wants a relaxing date, so will ask you for drinks at one of his favourite bars.
Once you meet him there, he's nothing if not charming. He lays the compliments on pretty thick, with a cheeky smile that gets wider the more you feel flustered.
He's also hilarious, finding it so rewarding to make you laugh and giggle at his jokes. Isn't afraid to play the part of the fool if it means you'll be entertained.
Is hyper aware of his large size, and while he loves feeling bigger and stronger in the bedroom, in this context don't be surprised if he hunches himself over a bit to make you feel more at ease.
Also don't be surprised if he grips his glass too tight to make it smash, pretending to be hurt worse so you'll dote on him, he likes the attention more than he should.
He has to really restrain himself from getting too handsy with you, he doesn't want to scare you off. But he'll brush his hand against your hair or arm as he speaks.
Most likely will just get up and leave without paying lmao.
And will most certainly invite you to go home with him.
"And someone as pretty as you with a guy like me? People will think i'm payin' ya." he says with a laugh, causing your cheeks to burn as you giggle alongside him. Taking a sip of his drink, his eyes won't leave yours. "Someone as small as you as well, though it ain't hard for someone to be smaller than me."
You can't help but agree with his statement as he hunches over the bar with you, his thigh brushing against yours. He notices, and subtly presses his thigh more into yours, almost manspreading on the bar-stool.
oh my god, the ROMANCE.
Listen I've said before he's the type of nerd to read romance novels and take notes, best believe he's planning the most romantic date he can, especially if he's caught feelings for you.
He'll show up, dressed to the nines with a bouquet of red roses with gold string attaching a little love note and hand them to you. He'll kiss your hand and open the car door for you and drive you to a lovely restaurant.
Most likely booked ahead to score the best table, and told the waiters to make it as romantic as they could.
But despite everything, he's secretly nervous. He planned it all so meticulously in his head, what if it goes wrong?
Not that you'd know his internal panicked monologue with how he treats you, he'd be so complimentary without overdoing it. Charming you with speech about your clothes, hair, everything. Will also start to drop in petnames like 'darling' and 'petal' to see how you react.
Is a little scared to hold your hand cause his hand is a little sweaty from the nerves, so he'll gently trace your fingers with his metal hand instead.
He's paying for the meal, you''ll have probably have guessed that already.
Will take you home and kiss your cheek, but will most likely leave it there. He doesn't want you to think he only wants you physically, so he'll be as respectful as possible.
"Well i assure you, you're the most radiant person in here." Niran says with a soft smile, his eyes tracing up and down your body and face as you sit down. His hair half up, he places his metal hand on the table, gently nudging your hand as if to ask permission.
"But please, order anything you'd like. My treat." he says, almost stuttering when you hold his hand, the cool metal refreshing against your touch. When you thank him and look down at the menu, he releases a breath he didn't realise he was holding. It's going well so far, he thinks, even if he's blown away by how you look all dressed up.
bless him, he's also kinda nervous. He used to be a playboy, he never once used to be bothered with asking people out. But after his accident, now that his body is mostly metal, a lot of his confidence has been knocked.
But he'll try to hide it as he suggests an aquarium date. He finds the colours and the marine life quite therapeutic and calming, and hopes you'll feel that way too.
Prefers to stay away from the crowds, standing by the less popular exhibits to talk to you.
Will love to ask about your job, especially if it's more 'mundane' than his. He'll want almost a taste of the normality, something he's never really had in his life.
Will offer to take your picture against the backdrop of the fish tanks, his chest feeling fuzzy as he sees how gorgeous you look.
As you two explore, he'll gently go to hold your hand. When you reciprocate, he won't let go, clinging to your hand like a lifeline.
When you go into the gift shop, he'll surprise you by buying a soft plush toy of a fish or shark behind your back.
Most likely will ask if you want to go back to his, not realising how it sounds until after he's said it, to which he'll quickly reassure you he doesn't expect anything to happen.
"Oh look at those." you say excitedly, tugging him over to the jellyfish exhibit. He of course follows wherever you lead him, his hand firmly gripping yours.
"Here, let me take a picture." he offers, taking your phone and stepping back to get a good angle. You pose, and he swears he stops breathing when he sees your through the phone camera. He has to look at you above the device, mesmerised by how the blue hues reflect on your face.
"Genji? Have you taken the picture?"
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marixrose · 10 months
The Arcana when you shout their full name
Asra: He calmly walks over to you bracing himself for what's coming. If you're angry you will explain to him why you're upset. If it was just to get his attention or to see his reaction he will give you his undivided attention for the rest of the day to avoid it happening again.
Julian: He’s probably rethinking every life decision when he says “Yes?” from another room. He prays you don't say ‘come here (now)’. If you do, welp goodluck to him. If it was just for attention or you needed his help with something, he will gladly give you what you want. It will take a few minutes of his heart rate to go back to normal after that scare.
Muriel: He knows you can’t hurt him (physically) and he isn't scared of you so he simply asks you “What's the matter?”. If you're angry he tries to calm you down, if you need help he will try his best to help. Whatever the case may be this man is calm the entire time making sure not to escalate things.
Lucio: His heart stops. He will most likely hide from you in one of the castle's hidden passages until you calm down. He doesn’t know if you are angry or not but he is not taking any chances.
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wisteriaiswriting · 8 months
I have a quick question if you don't mind me asking. Can you please do one where a gender neutral reader is a secret singer? Like they walk on stage and their partner recognizes them even with a costume and makeup. Can I please request Hanzo, Genji, Moira, Lucio, Ramattra, Zenyatta Junker Queen, Junkrat, and Roadhog to be the ones who are the partner who figures out that they're dating a popular singer.
𝕄𝕒𝕤𝕜𝕖𝕕 ℂ𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕓𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕪
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Words: 476
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It’s likely he found one of your costumes while searching for something, so he looks up who wears it.
Lets you confess when you’re ready, not wanting to push you.
When he finds out one of the first things he does is search for your music and start listening to it.
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He was already a big fan before he found out who was under the mask.
Will use his ‘connections’ for some free merch. Repaying you in kisses and cuddles, anything you want really.
Please let him try on one of your costumes. It has been a lifelong dream of his ever since he found out about your songs.
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She has never been one to care about music or singers, so Sombra will be the one to tell her about it.
While she won’t actively confront you about it she’ll drop hints, quoting lyrics, costumes. Letting you tell her at your own pace.
She’s honestly choosy about her music taste, so if she enjoys it that will be that only thing she’ll listen to
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Lúcio is unnaturally quick to notice, finding some quirks and habits that match exactly.
No matter the type of music you sing he will want to collab.
Please let him help you come up with songs and future costumes! He is surprisingly good at fashion sense, he’ll make matching ones.
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He’s never been a fan of music, normally complaining about it as he sees no use of it.
Looks into you when other omnics talk about your music. But that doesn’t last long as he notices quickly.
He will confront you about it, but he won’t stop you. Just makes sure you’re safe by sending omnic guards, filling most roles with them.
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She will brag, there's no way around it. How the queen of junkertown is dating the most famous singer. (Don’t tell her otherwise please.)
But it’s highly likely another junker will have to tell her as she’s busy with running the town.
She’ll want to make you a costume. Just… don't let her make it, she can help but never let her make one.
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When he notices he won’t be able to shut up about it. Everyone will know soon enough.
As much as he wants to help you with show lights please don’t let him, something will happen and go wrong.
He’ll raid many places just to find a radio or something similar, when he does your songs will be played constantly.
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 At first he’ll be quiet about it, unsure if you want people to know. If you do, he'll start mentioning it in conversations.
If you need help he’s one of the few people that can help, although some tasks might be difficult to impossible with his hands.
If you have merch he will want some, especially if it’s on the cuter side.
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