#Lucifer fan fic
queen-of-deans-booty · 6 months
A Big Misunderstanding
Pairing: Lucifer x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.9k
Warnings: relationship angst, giving the silent treatment, fluff at the end
Request by anon: I wanted to ask for spn lucifer x reader…they are married she would have been a hunter in the past, but she left the business with him, "giving up" on being the devil, and they actually like live normal life…once she gives him the silent treatment because he was "mean" to sam and dean (they are like brothers), and he just He does little things to kind of get her off her chest so she can talk to him (even if it's shouting), and when she tries to do or fix the little things he did/ or broken but without talking to him yet he just goes to the guys (the brothers, cass and jack) for help and apologizes just to make it up to her!!! (the boys make fun of him but he accepts defeat because not talking to her is worse than having people irritate him
Summary: Your passion is sewing and you love to make clothes and blankets for people, especially the Winchesters whom you consider to be family. When you overhear a conversation you shouldn't have heard, you get pissed enough at Lucifer to give him the silent treatment. Best thing? He has no idea what he's done but he'll try hard to make it right.
Square Filled: never go to bed on an argument for @as-the-saying-goes-bingo (deleted bingo)
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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Three down only ten more to go. You have a lot of people who want to buy dresses from you so you’re slowly making your way through the list of orders from people. You’re only on the first order but you’ve gotten done three of the thirteen items they wanted. Sewing and making clothes and blankets is your dream. You love making things people can wear or snuggle with, and you’ve always had this passion ever since you could write.
You’d draw your designs and show your mom who was also a seamstress for a clothing store. She entertained your ideas and gave you a small sewing kit that you’d use to make your Barbie’s clothes. She was so impressed that she got you into sewing classes as soon as possible. You started off making small things like gloves, oven mitts, baby clothes, and other easy projects before working your way up to the harder items.
Now, you have your own business that is run by you and only you, and you work out of your home. You don’t have the money to buy a big store or hire employees. Plus, you kind of like doing it all by yourself. At least you can look at someone wearing your clothes and say, “Yes, I made that all on my own.” or “They’re wearing an original Y/N.”. You pour love and pride into every piece you make and it shows.
The door opens and your husband walks in with a look of confusion.
“Have you been here all day?”
You look at him like you were just caught with your hand in the cookie jar.
“I have orders to make.”
“Being in your room all day isn’t going to help you. You need to get out and move around.” You know he’s right, and your ass is hurting from sitting all day. You nod in agreement and get up, setting your project aside for now. “Come on, let’s go on a walk.”
Never did you think you’d ever go on a brisk walk with the actual devil. The neighborhood you live in is very mellow so you go a few laps around it.
“Want to hear what I’m working on?”
“So, Janice across the street asked for baby clothes for her daughter’s kid, Bruce and David want some slacks for David’s new job next month, and Ruby from the diner wants a blanket. Ooh! What if I make us another blanket?”
“Darling, we have eighty blankets in the house already.”
“We have enough,” Lucifer laughs and kisses the top of your head.
Who is he and what has he done with your husband? He is so not the man you met years ago. He was so much harder and meaner than he is now. After Sam killed Lilith and brought the devil out of the cage, he was one of the meanest men you’ve ever met. His behavior and attitude were atrocious.
It didn’t get any better even after Sam let him in so he could trap him in the cage with Adam and Michael. The cage stayed closed for five years until Amara was released because Dean got his Mark removed from his arm by the Book of the Damned. Lucifer convinced Castiel that he could possess him so that he could leave the cage, and he wreaked havoc on the world because of it. After Amara expelled him from Castiel’s body, he disappeared for a while. He decided that he was going to be done with all this shit.
That’s when you came back into his life. He met you again after he had come to terms with living a simple life. Sam and Dean had pissed you off enough that you wanted to be solo for a while, and you and Lucifer formed a relationship. The Winchesters weren't thrilled to hear you had a thing for the devil, but they trusted you enough to know what you were doing.
You had scammed your way into a very nice resort where he was staying and hit it off. Eventually, you got married to him. You’re not a hunter anymore, he’s not the devil anymore, it’s just you and him until death parts you. Lucifer’s changed behavior is all because of you. Before you, he was angry at the world for what his dad did to him but after you, he wanted to live for you and for you only.
Only after you’ve finished with all of your commissions, you start working on some stuff for the Winchesters. Winter is coming up, and the Bunker has a terrible heating system. You figured they could use a few extra jackets, shirts, and blankets.
They gave you a key to the Bunker should you ever need to use it, so you let yourself in carrying the clothes. Sam and Dean are talking to someone in the library so they don’t notice you coming down the metal staircase in the war room. Suddenly, Lucifer’s voice is heard, and you look at the entryway in confusion. Why is he here? What does he want from the brothers?
“I can’t trust you to do anything! You two are brainless, hairless apes who have no idea what the fuck you’re doing!”
“Maybe next time give us better instruction,” Dean argues.
“God, you had one job and you managed to fuck that up. Typical,” he scoffs.
Why is he being so mean to Sam and Dean? You’re hurt he’d say such vile and mean things to the two men you consider family. You leave the clothes on one of the control panels before leaving the Bunker quickly. You don’t let them know you were ever here. If Lucifer wants to resort to who he was before, then he can but you’re not going to stand by him.
Lucifer comes home hours later in a good mood. You’re in the kitchen cooking food for yourself when he enters. He frowns when he sees enough food for one person in the pan.
“Is that food for both of us?” he asks. You don’t answer him and continue to cook in silence. “Y/N?” Still, no answer. “Darling, are you okay?” No answer. “Are you ignoring me? What did I do?” Again, no answer. “Y/N?”
You don’t go to bed that night because you and Lucifer have a thing where you never go to bed on an argument. Instead, you make more clothes. Lucifer didn’t go to bed either mostly because he kept thinking about why you’re ignoring him. What did he do to piss you off? In the morning, he goes to the room where you make your clothes to try and talk to you but finds the door is locked.
“Y/N, open the door.” No answer. He can hear your sewing machine so he knows you’re in there. “Come on, darling, open the door.”
He is at a loss for words because he doesn’t understand what he did to make you like this. He gives you the space you need for the morning, but you need food eventually so you leave the room in search of some. Lucifer is in the kitchen when you get there but you make no move to acknowledge him.
Lucifer is drinking some water and reading a newspaper. He finishes the water before dropping the glass on the ground. The glass shatters and he watches your reaction to it. He doesn’t care if all you’re going to do is yell at him. He just wants you to do something. You pause and look at the glass on the ground before grabbing the broom. You don’t say a word as you clean it up and throw it away.
“I just broke a glass! You should be pissed at me. Yell at me! Something!” Lucifer gasps. Again, you don’t respond to him. “Fuck!” He walks over to you and points his finger in your face but doesn’t actually touch you. He knows you fucking hate this which is why he’s doing it. He’s such a fucking child. “I’m not touching you. You can’t get mad at me because I’m not touching you.”
You stand still and wait for him to be done before moving around him and heading back to your room to sew. Lucifer doesn't know what to do so he visits the Winchesters in search of answers. Castiel and Jack are in the room, too. Great, more people to witness this humiliation.
“Here to berate us some more?” Dean asks.
“I need your help,” he sighs.
“I said I need your help.”
Before Sam can answer, Dean cuts in.
“Sorry, let me just take in this moment. You need us. Isn’t that something?”
“Don’t be an ass.”
“No, I definitely will.”
“What do you need?” Sam asks.
“Y/N isn’t talking to me. She’s ignoring me and I have no idea what I did to piss her off. What do I do? I don’t care if she yells at me. I need her to do something.”
“Sorry, can’t help you there, buddy,” Dean shrugs.
“Does she know you’re an ass?” Castiel asks seriously.
“Yeah, let’s make fun of me. Seriously, you’re so funny.” Lucifer mocks laughs in their faces, ready to punch the shit out of them. “What do I do?”
“Have you tried apologizing?” Jack asks.
“I don’t know what I should be apologizing for.”
“It doesn’t matter. All women want to hear is that you’re sorry. Try that. It might get her talking,” Dean sighs.
Lucifer goes home with more questions than answers. Still, he thinks about their words the whole way home. When he gets there, you’re in the living room watching one of your shows. As soon as you know he’s there, you tense and turn the volume up on the TV. He walks around to face you but you don’t look at him.
“Darling, I am so sorry.”
“For what?” you ask and look at him.
Lucifer opens his mouth to answer but nothing comes out. You scoff as you get up from the couch. You go to leave the room but Lucifer is hot on your heels.
“I am sorry, but you can’t expect me to read your mind to figure out why you’re so pissed at me. You have to communicate, darling. What did I do?”
“You berated Sam and Dean and put them down for what? ‘You two are brainless, hairless apes who have no idea what the fuck you’re doing!’ Does that ring a bell? You treat them like shit.”
“I’ve said worse things to them.” You cross your arms angrily. “Look, I am sorry. I have a really bad temper, and I was trying to surprise you with something. I needed their help getting it but they did it wrong. It pissed me off because I wanted it to be perfect for you.”
“What is it?”
Lucifer takes you to one of the unfinished rooms in the house. You never got around to actually finishing it, but Lucifer has been working on it without you knowing. You walk in and gasp at what you see. Machines are lined up on the back wall, rolls and rolls of fabric hang off tubes, mannequins are in the other corner, and everything else you need to have a successful sewing business.
“I wanted it to be perfect and I took it out on them. I’m sorry you had to hear that.”
You rush into the room and admire everything he’s done for you. He’s trying to apologize but you’re too busy being excited.
“Is this all for me?!”
“Yeah, everything,” he smiles. “Do you like it?”
“Like it? I love it!!”
“Am I forgiven?”
“Good. Not talking to you was killing me.”
Lucifer pulls you into him and kisses you, glad to have overcome this with you.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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calia-lynn · 10 months
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Watercolor, mixed-media painting for the "Lucifer Maui Fund". @notonelineff's beautiful vision of Chloe Decker in a red silk dress dancing with Lucifer. Inspired by a Day of the Dead figurine & her wonderful fic:
#luciferfanart #deckerstar #lucifanart #Luciferfanfic #lucifermorningstar #deckerstarfanart #watercolor #watercolorfanart #fanartwatercolor #mixedmedia #mixedmediaart
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sauce-cat · 4 months
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2K notes · View notes
honeyblackberries · 6 months
sifting through the lucifer tags like a desperate miner looking for a crumb of gold because i want my beautiful workaholic husband from obey me not the bug eyed looking thing from hazbin
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liveontelevision · 4 months
Suffer Pt. 6 | Lucifer x Reader
(This series is complete! All parts are listed on my master list and are linked below!)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6
A single anon request and a 56-page Google doc later, this is the last part, my friends. Thanks to everyone who's been so invested in this, this turned into a bigger project than I thought it would lol But! I'm so glad everyone's been enjoying it, and I hope y'all like the ending! I'm sorry for all the cliffhangers along the way haha (not really)
An extra thank you to the anon who requested a simple babysitter fic and ended up inspiring this whole deal!
It’s almost been a year since you arrived to the hotel. You arrived when the building was in less than pristine condition, and just a few new guests had arrived. It was a few days after you saw Charlie’s interview on the news, that being what brought you in, despite it’s failure. You were just happy to see her face after all that time. Yet, above the cluttered space and the holes in the walls, there was a more malevolent scheme being hatched.
Any soul who might pass the princess’s room would be bombarded by curses, screams, and growls that sounded less than human. So, most the hotel residents decide it best to avoid that corridor. But not our trusty hotelier. His hand reached for the handle, after deciding that making a bold entrance might not be the best idea. His motion was put to a quick halt by a flurry of curses coming from the other side of the door. Alastor didn’t realize Charlie held such a..colorful vocabulary. Despite that, he went on.
He was greeted with a sight that, unfortunately, wasn’t new to him. An intricate web of red thread connected to pins, all scattered across a once pristine wall. It all connects a collage of images, some that he recognized, some that looked like nonsensical scribbles. The view is obstructed by a furiously pacing princess of Hell. Mumbling completely incoherent complaints, she doesn't notice the opening and closing of her bedroom door.
Alastor, being the sadist he is, props his stance with his microphone, his forced smile unmoving. He enjoys the view for a moment before finally clearing his throat to bring her attention to him. She nearly stumbles over her own feet, ready to scold him for materializing into her room, despite the fact that she was just too out of it to see him walk straight in.
“Al! Good! I need another pair of eyes, come here, come here, look!” She approaches him faster than he expects, and he’s ready to reel away, but is unfortunately hooked around the neck with Charlie’s disturbing strength. With an arm around his shoulders, she drags him forward to examine the wall, as if it made sense to anyone other than her. She starts talking nonsense, again. Something about friendship and Heaven, things he never really cared about. Things he usually tuned out whenever they came up. He only seems to partake in the conversation once he heard your name.
“Alastor.. She’s one of our first guests. I honestly can’t believe anyone showed up after that terrible interview I had earlier, I’m worried i’ll mess things up, again! I mean, all of Hell already thinks i’m a joke.. I just- really need this to go well.” Her mood seems to calm, but to a state of despair. Alastor let’s out a symphahetic awe, patting the top of her head.
“Aw, our poor princess. I understand your concern, my dear, this hotel must mean quite a lot to you.” He faines a sympathy that only convinces Charlie because of her state of disarray.
“Of course it does! And she’s already so kind, I’m sure she’s close to redemption! Maybe this will be a quick one! A-and we don’t even know it, right? That has to be it!” She seems to be reassuring herself, only to be met with an unresponsive radio demon. She groans. Dragging her feet as she walks to the edge of bed, She sits down and lets her head fall into her hands. 
“I really need this to work. I’ll do anything for this to work..” It was a quiet mumble, muffled into her palms, but Alastor heard exactly what he wanted to hear. His grin twisted, something Charlie didn’t see, as he sits at her side. He gives her a quick pat to her back, in some form of comfort.
“Charlie, dear, I understand how much this little project means to you.. I do. And I want nothing more than to witness you trying as hard as you can to keep it up.” Even if it fails. Charlie looks up to him, the bags under her eyes suddenly very apparent. “How would you feel about a little deal? Just a small one, no souls on the line, I guarantee.” 
She’s been warned by Vaggie in the past. Actually, his entire reputation is enough to make her uneasy by the idea. but… 
“I-I don’t know. What did you have in mind..?” She asks reluctantly. He let’s out a chuckle that almost sounds sinister.
“Believe it or not, our little guest and I have a bit of a history.” You can barely call it a history. You served him and Rosie on occasion when you were working in cannibal town. “I’d be delighted to oversee her safety and process to redemption! It’s just as you said, she’s already a gem, Heaven is waiting for her, I can feel it. This will be a breeze for the both of us.” His offer comes off as sincere and touching to Charlie. It wasn’t like him to openly mention his relationships with other demons yet, the idea of you having a close friend throughout this process might just be what you’re missing.
“That’s so sweet of you, Alastor, but.. What do you want from me?” She has to ponder a moment before even considering letting this go on any further.
“Well, you’ve given me a roof over my head and.. A tower for my broadcasts.. Hmm..” He taps his chin, as if he’s in thought. “I’m not quite sure I’ll need from you at the moment, since you’ve just been so hospitable already.” He places a hand to her shoulder, the kind words causing her eyes to well with tears a bit in her weakened state.
“There has to be something.. Well, maybe we can both think this over, once I have a clear head.” She sighs her words, standing from the bedside. Alastor takes her hand and brings her to a halt.
“Oh, but I’d love to get to work as soon as possible, if I may be so bold.. I’m not quite sure what you could offer me in this moment… How about we work out the details, later?” He speaks as if he’s coming up with these words on the spot. He’s had this planned since day one, though. Any chance to get a favor from the princess, he’ll take. Charlie turns to him and sees the strange green glow surrounding their hands. She attempts to pull away, but his grasp is tight.
“Well.. I mean…” She’s still hesitant. He watches her rub her eyes. The still relevant exhaustion gives him a bit of hope.
“It’s simple. I’ll do everything in my power to keep our little guest comfortable and on the path to redemption, no acception. In return, I’ll ask of you one single favor when the time comes.” The glow only continues to swell with his words, and it's clearly making her reconsider. “It’s not as serious as you may think, Charlie. Just a favor between friends, really.” Friendship seemed to strike the right tone.
“I guess.. If it’s for the hotel… Okay, Alastor. It’s a deal.”
Back to the dreaded fight just a few months later. You're seeing red.
“Charlie! You made a deal with Alastor?? What were you thinking?” You’re scolding her at this point. The situation barely had time to cool down before your worries began to kick in. Her horns and ruby eyes are still present, she hasn’t even had time to calm herself from the previous display. Lucifer is essentially holding you back, a hand across your front as you try to approach her. It hurts you a bit. Does he think you’re some kind of danger to her?
..Are you putting her in danger?
Alastor is still propped on the ground. He holds a hand around his neck, in hopes of soothing the aggressive collar that had materialized around it just moments ago. You’re all keeping your distance from eachother.
“I-I wasn’t! I wasn’t thinking! It was after the interview! You saw it, you know didn’t go well! I-I had all of Hell laughing at me, laughing at the hotel- He was offering help, I have no idea why he’s acting this way, I swear..! I.. I-” Charlie’s demonic features start to recede when she feels a hand on her back. With heavy breaths, she looks over to Lucifer, who was standing by her side now, ready to comfort her. With a small hiccup, she falls into his arms, gripping his shirt tightly as she did. Her head fell to his shoulder, thoroughly staining his vest with her tears.
The room is uncomfortably filled with her silent sobs. Your heart aches too much looking at the touching display between father and daughter, and your guilt from snapping at her is making you fidget. That’s when you got to thinking.
The deal was for Alastor watch over you until you got to Heaven. For him to do anything in his power to keep you on the path to redemption. To prevent any behavior that might stunt that process..
“Oh.. oh, my god. You’ve been buttering me up this whole time.” You turn to face a still recovering Alastor. The realization grabs the attention of both Morningstars, they raise their heads to look towards the commotion. “The gifts, all the time we spent together.. Was because of this deal? Did.. did you ever actually care about me?” You grip at your heart, ready to rip it straight from your chest. He stands, brushing debris from his entirety.
“I doubt you’ll believe me after such a display of violence, but.. Yes. I did enjoy our time together, despite the requisite of being under my protection. It was quite entertaining before it was… tainted.” His hisses out his final words, contrasting the sweetness of it all. Tainted?
He was kind to you as soon as you arrived in the hotel. Despite the drama, you’ve been inseparable since. Things only got convoluted after.. 
“Under your protection..? Is that why you’ve been turning me away from Lucifer?! Fuck- it is! You’ve been playing games with me for months! Getting in my head..! H-How could you..” He hasn’t just been physically keeping the two of you apart. From day one, your mind was manipulated into thinking Lucifer never wanted you.
“Well.. not to defend myself, dear, but I was merely considering your redemption. I believe there’s some sort of sin in worshipping the Devil.” Oh, now he’s just trying to make more trouble.
“Oh, fuck you Al, I don’t worship him, I love him!” Your comical response seems to drive a shocked expression or two towards you. But you’re too upset to elaborate. You want to tear him apart. You want to see him experience as much pain as you’re feeling now. Luckily, you weren’t the only one. In a blur of a movement, Alastor was brought back to the ground with a thud.
A foot to his chest, Charlie has him pinned to the ground. Her fists are clenched, the aura surrounding her creates a suffocating heat.
“You took advantage of me, Alastor. You betrayed my friends, my family.. My trust.” Despite the demonic tones underlying her voice, it still sounds pained. You didn’t know she could do this, but her clenched fists become encased in fire. Just like her fathers’.
You’re surprised to see him lurking behind, but not attacking. After all you’ve seen, you were sure he’d have ripped Alastor’s head off at this point. His eyes widen, a display of fear you werent expecting. You follow his gaze to see Charlie holding a familiar angelic spear to his neck.
You hear an unearthly growl come from her chest, and before you can think, your arm is wrapped around hers. You can feel the resistance, realizing you had stopped her right as she was about to put an end to it all. Put an end to him.
“Charlie! Stop!” You yell out. You have to do it once or twice more, your words not quite reaching her yet. Once she turns to you, her eyes are still dripping with tears. “Charlie, don’t. This isn’t you. You’ll regret it, I know you will.. I know you.” You’re begging her to stop. As you feel the muscles in her arm start to relax, you reach for the spear and pull it gently from her hands. She releases her grasp without a fight.
You usher her off, glancing back to Alastor for a moment to see his wound had reopened from that. He had an obvious slash across his neck. You gulped, realizing how close she was to actually killing him. She places her hand over yours, where your arms are still linked.
Charlie let’s out a sigh, looking to her shaking hands, then clenching her fists. She looks to you, then back to Alastor.
“But.. everything he’s done to you… It’s not right, I’m not sure I can forgive him..” She’s speaking quietly to you.
“Well.. You don’t have to forgive him. But he doesn't deserve to die, Charlie.” You state the obvious and it makes her flinch. “And.. you should let him stay.” You hear a collective What? from the room.
“I know I know.. but… this whole place is about second chances. I.. think he can change. And even though, he is being such a dick right now-” Your voice is cracking, as if you can hardly believe your own words. “-I still believe it. You taught me that.” You smile up to Charlie. After a moment you turn your head to Lucifer, meeting his eyes. He looks more in shock than anyone, almost hurt by your act of mercy. You’re surprised by his expression, not realizing Charlie had slipped from your side to approach Alastor.
“She’s right, you know. I can’t forgive you, Alastor. Not yet, at least.. But you’re welcome to stay here, considering all the help you’ve done for the hotel.” She sounds stern, still not entirely convinced this is the right call.
“Yeah, some help you’ve been, you prick..” Those are the first words Lucifer has muttered in awhile. You approach his side to jab him with your elbow and shush him. Despite your scolding action, your presence only reminds him of your previous confession. He crosses his arms and continues to curse quietly, despite his flushed cheeks. Charlie steps closer to Alastor.
“You’re still here, because of her.” Charlie’s voice goes dark as she gestures to you. “That favor I owe you? Is letting you live. This deal is done, Alastor.” She hisses her words out. The intensity and anger radiating from two of the most powerful creatures in Hell is enough to leave even Alastor a bit weary. He nods, still gripping his wound that has been repeatedly opened these past few days. Other than that, he slinks away with barely a scratch. Lucky him. 
Once he’s out of sight, Charlie let’s out a groan and falls to her knees. With a unison call of her name both you and Lucifer rush to her side. You place a hand on her back, attempting to keep any displaced hair from her face. She leans into Lucifer’s chest, a heartaching sight of sniffles and apologies.
Before long, she seemed to exhaust herself. Curled up to his chest, Lucifer smiles, despite the circumstances of their closeness. He lifts his eyes just slightly to see yours. You look embarrassed. Before he has a chance to question you, you rise from the ground.
“You should take her to bed.” You say in a hushed tone, gripping your arms and making some distance. “She needs some rest after.. all that.”
“Sure, but.. are you-” He speaks just as softly, opening a portal behind him silently.
“I’m fine. I’m-” You let out a sigh, beginning to move towards the stairs. “She needs to rest, Lucifer.” You remind him.
“Oh- Oh.. Right, yeah.” He rises to his feet, effortlessly lifting Charlie into his arms and stepping through the portal. You try to keep moving. You try to not meet his eyes as the portal shuts, but you find yourself unable to go on. Once they’re gone, you cover your mouth, only making your labored breaths worse, but you’re desperate to muffle any cries. You feel yourself wobble in place, before seeing a portal open to your side. It leads to your room.
After stepping through, you silently approach your bed. Your legs suddenly turn led, and you're hitting your bed with a gasp. Your exhaustion is enough to keep your sobs to a minimum at least.
The feeling you have when you wake up is worse than any hangover you’ve had. With alcohol you can at least forget your troubles. But on this morning, you can vividly remember the previous night. You sit up, your body aching. You only wonder why for a moment, before realizing you had fallen asleep sideways across your bed, your legs still dangling off the side. You still need sleep.
You remove any uncomfortable clothing or accessories that had pressed marks into your body and return to bed. The right way, this time. Your pillows feel like heaven after all that’s happened. Heaven..
You try your best to sleep, you really do. Your body is essentially begging you to empty your thoughts just for a few more minutes. But your mind is sending you tossing and turning, any times you close your eyes, all you can imagine is everything you've done wrong. Your eyes drift open after trying to force them shut, and your eyes spot the radio on your nightstand. You sit silently for a moment, maybe try to close your eyes again..
Before you have a chance to process every movement, you’re opening your door and thoughtlessly throwing the radio outside. You don’t care where it ends up, clearly. You were waiting to hear it break, into multiple pieces hopefully, before shutting your door. You’re met with a startled groan instead. Taking a moment to process that you had thrown an old-timey radio at someone, you stand at your door with a yawn.
The panic hits you. It could’ve been Alastor, assuming he stayed. It could’ve been Charlie, who doesn’t need any more conflict. You could’ve taken out Niffty as far as you know. Swinging the door open, your eyes see the radio first. They’re wrapped in your victim’s arms.
“Good catch.” You let out hoarsly, rubbing the sleep from your eyes to clearly see Lucifer.. It could've been worse. He let��s out a breathless thanks, clearly having the air knocked out of him. You definitely didn’t hold back with that throw. And it wasn’t exactly a lightweight radio.
“Er.. Sorry. I meant to say sorry.” You try to recover, your words are followed by another yawn. You watch him drop the radio into a small portal he conjured below his grip.
“Good morning to you, too. I was, uh.. about to check on charlie, but-” He’s ready for a conversation that you aren’t. You quickly shake your head, pulling your door in.
“Nono, I need some time.. To wake up. I’ll see you around, though.” You didn’t expect him to perk up from his words, but he does. His smile is infectious. You watch him give you a little wave before shutting your door. You lean against it, your smile that you had been presenting to him, leaves you almost immediately.
There’s so much on your mind. You scan your room, memories of Alastor popping up no matter where you looked. Every chat you’ve had in here, every moment you’d call him in for advice for clothes or accessories, all the nights you’d fall asleep listening to his voice. Your eyes stopped at your vanity seat. Draped across the back is a bittersweet sight, your gifted red sweater. You finally rise to your feet, quickly reaching for it and holding it tightly in your hands. You hesitate before bringing it to your nose. You’re not sure why. Why would you want to remind yourself of anything involving him? Did you think that same scent that’s brought you comfort so many times would have the same affect? You give it a shot.
Hesitantly breathing in, you’re immediately reeling back, throwing the sweater down to your ground. Your hand covers your nose, that sickenlingly sweet honey scent now smells like rotten flesh. Like road kill. You need some air. Digging out a different sweater, one you haven’t had to use in months, you decide you just need to walk around for a bit. The hotel was big enough that you could safely avoid any unwanted attention. Plus, you were sure Alastor’s pride was too wounded to freely roam the hotel. And his other wound.. You hope he’s okay.
You groan out loud, mentally cursing yourself for your sympathetic thoughts. You make your way down to the lobby, and are met with a surprisingly clean lounge. You scan the walls that were previously cracked, the carpets that should be stained with blood, then wonder where Vaggie’s suddenly conjured spear might have gone. What would have possessed Charlie to choose such a weapon.. an angelic spear? She didnt really want him dead, did she? She's emotional. And extreme. Like her father. You decide not to question it any further. It’s not like you were upset by the erasure of the previous night's events.
A day or two passed. Your mind seemed unwilling to accept the reality you're currently in. You're anxious, and paranoid to any sentence thrown your way. You're constantly looking around corners, checking all parts if your room before locking it for the night. Yet, if someone were to ask what was making you so nervous, you wouldn’t have an answer.
You found yourself taking those little strolls often, though. Keeping your body in motion, with only the sounds of your breathing keeping you company, seemed to clear your mind. It never helped come to terms with any seething pain you felt, but it cleared your mind at the least.
You'd pieced together a few things in the meantime. After passing the bar, where Angel and Husk were chatting, they would smile and wave, ask you join them form a drink, but you’d decline. Neither of them seemed to know about anything. Maybe Niffty cleaned the mess. Maybe Alastor asked her to. Before anyone could see the outcome of his mistakes.
You passed Vaggie in a hall, and she immediately looked concerned. She opened her mouth, an Are you okay? sits on the tip of her tongue. But then she looked at you. Your body only mirrored the fog of your mind, baggy eyed and wrapped in some blanket as you roamed the halls like a damned ghost.
“Hey, um- it's.. it's gonna be-" you held your hand up to her.
“I know. Thank you.” You smile, the action stiff, considering you hadn't used those muscles in awhile. Vaggie knew. That was fair, though. You were glad Charlie had someone to confide with. You walked on after she gave a hesitant goodbye wave.
One night, when your body had taken over and you were wandering aimlessly, you realized where you ended up. Not only were you standing in front of Lucifer's workshop, he had already spotted you through the window on the door. He opened it before you could fully take in your surroundings.
“Hey..” You let out softly. What else are you supposed to say? You didn’t come prepared. You feel embarrassed standing in front of him, realizing how much of a mess you must look. You're not even sure what part of your mind made you end up here.
He doesn't respond at first, another speechless moment letting your mind wander. He opens the door more, offering his space to you. You look at him and he smiles before you shuffle inside. You take in the sight. You haven't actually seen it, considering your circumstances after the hotel was renovated.
“It looks nice in here.” You say quietly, your voice cracking just a bit. You walk through, tracing your fingers along desks and tables, stopping and looking at family photos on occasion. You looked to Lucifer’s smiling face in a picture where he was lovingly holding his wife and daughter. How did you end up like this?
“Oh- um.. thank you, it's more than enough space for me, but, uh.. it's nice.” His voice sounds unfamiliar as it snaps you from your mindset. He moves to his main bench, which is slightly elevated by a platform that connects to the windowed wall. You eventually make your way around, standing near him.
“Are.. you… How are you..?” You listen to him struggle to form such a simple question, and yet you have an equally hard time trying to respond. Obviously, you were crushed. devastated by the betrayal and overwhelmed by everything else.
“I'm okay.” You reply thoughtlessly. It was your go-to answer. You hear a muffled chuckle and look over to him. He's blocking the laughter with his fist in front of his lips. Is he laughing at you?
“Sorry sorry, I just.. know that you're lying. You've done this before, don't forget how much time I've actually spent with you.” You want to scold him for acting so bold, for saying he knows you better than yourself, but..
You're leaning against the table in one moment, and before you know it, you're hoisted to sit on its top. You felt like a relief you didn't realize. Your feet were aching. How long were you walking the in the halls today? The sensation of his hands planted on your waist. to steadily bring you to the counter, lingered after he had removed them.
“I used to see you wandering around back home- at the mansion, I mean. usually after a tough day. But it's been a few days, so I just thought you might be-”
“Why are you so calm?” Your sudden question made him visibly finch. "You were tricked, too, you know. He tore us apart. How can you be handling this so well?” Your voice starts to turn agitated. You weren't sure why you were taking it out on himm, but you both knew in the moment that this was the first time you’ve let any emotion out since the fight.
“It's like some.. malevolent force is constantly tearing us apart. One moment I'm happy, I'm in love, I'm smiling- then the next, you're just gone. and everything else that keeps me sane goes with it.” You feel a flood of tears beginning to well. Tears that you should've been letting out days ago. “Is this some kind of fucking curse? Why can’t things just be easy..? A-Are we just doomed?” You're wiping your face clear, your words becoming sloppy and hoarse.
“Maybe.” Your head lifts to see him, still calm as before, but with a solemn look on his face. “But, we keep finding eachother, right? And all the good times.. they'll stay good, won’t they?” You nod your head reluctantly.
He approaches you, with a hand on your shoulder, he's wiping away tears with the other.
“Honestly? I'm not handling this well at all. You're right, the universe has done nothing but tear us apart and hurt both of us. And I’m just about ready to tear Alastor limb by limb. I want Charlie to be okay.. I want to keep you by my side and never let you out of my sight this time.” You see his emotions range throughout his words, his eyes flashing red for a moment. He calms himself down, running his hand down your arm to hold your hand. You don't resist.
“But, you made some good points back there. And I just thought.. if you're strong enough to let that prick live, after everything, then.. Maybe I-I.. I'm trying to be strong.” He sounds almost embarrassed to admit it, and the comment on your strength leaves you a bit red in the cheeks. “You've always been so strong, darling. I just wish you'd tell me how you're really feeling.. I miss talking to you. Not this.. empty shell.” His words stung and he knew it as soon as they slipped from his lips.
“W-wait, no, I mean..”
“It’s fine, you're not wrong.. Jerk.” You share a little laugh with him, the mood lightening for just a moment. “Lucifer, I'm.. I'm so tired.” You let out weakly. That barely scratches the surface of everything. It's as if your mind was boiling over, with all the thoughts of Alastor turning sour, and the thoughts of redemption suddenly in question, not to mention all those feelings of Lucifer that were repressed until just recently. You want Charlie to be okay. You want things to be normal, but.. you're not quite sure what normal looks like. You wish you could say all this to him.. it’s hard to put it to words. But you're trying. He makes you want to try harder.
You feel a gentle hand holding your cheek, bringing your blurred thoughts to clarity and meeting eyes that left you breathless. When was the last time you've looked in his eyes? A blush forms across his cheeks, your gaze seems to fluster him. He clears his throat, getting his mind back.
“You're not okay. But.. You will be. I promise.” With a wry smile, you let the weight of your head fall into his palm.
Your eyes meet. He leans in and you feel his arms snake around yout waist. Looking back, you're almost embarrassed by the way you leaned towards him, eyes shut, head tilted, your lips just slightly parted. You were startled by the feeling of his head resting on your shoulder. He only pulls you closer after he feels your breath start to deepen, his hands gentle across your back. You finally return his touch, digging your nose into the crook of his neck and gripping tightly at his shirt.
It used to feel like, if you let go, you'll never hold him again. God, how the possibility scares you. But.. it feels a little different this time. You weren’t worried about him disappearing, this time.
You’re so comforted by his presence, you let yourself fully relax to him. You open your eyes just slightly, blinking out some tears that still remained, thoroughly ruining his top. You pull away, meeting his eyes again.
You feel as if you were close to forgetting this side of him, but you recognize this face. You saw it the night you first kissed him. You saw it after seeing him at the hotel for the first time, then when he decided to sweep you off your feet for a little date. You saw it after every little date that followed. You realize he's never stopped looking at you this way.
“I love you, too.”
I had to put that worship the devil in there it just made me laugh so sorry if that seemed out of place lol
And not to fear my friends,
I plan on making a little epilogue about how everyone's recovering, and some sweet, yummy, fluffy goodness to top it off.
Again, Thank you all so much for your support! :)
I'll be working on some requests next, and some more vamp Luci! Kind of in love with that guy ngl
Taglist! (good lord I hope I got everybody )
( @vififofum / @thornwolfy235 / @tinywolfiegirl / @chipper-chip / @bat-boness
@misfitgirlwrites / @nayomi247 / @lonelynmisunderstood / @escapistoftherealworld / @b4ts1e / @hamthepan / @kyo-kyo1 / @looking1016 / @polytheatrix / @littledolly2345 / @lillianastuff / @yourlocalcryptidbee /@0strawberrysorbet0 / @themageofblood / @jayyyayaysblog / @floralsightings / @azmosposts / @8har0ley8 / @actuallyspiderwoman / @sirenetheblogger / @christineblood / @kaytemchugh / @cimadreamer / @simpdevil66 / @azmosposts / @m3ow1 / @acrazyartist / @redfoxwritesstuff / @4k1to / @meesachan / @corvusskid / @alientee /@xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx / @alon3lylov3r /@sapphireravensworld / @mjmdragons / @catticora / @the-maladaptivedaydreamer / @carrie0-1 / @shamblezzz / @cassandras-nest / @wendigonamecaller / @chirimeimei / @sapphireravensworld / @sillywormtrixareforkids
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pearlofamphitrite · 5 months
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Crying, screaming, throwing up. The last two sentences are so beautiful
(The fiction is Chokehold by keelywolfe on AO3)
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contumacious-arcadia · 18 hours
Check out this AMAZING art from Chapter 42 of What A Soul Can Accomplish by @paintedaster!!
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Check out this AMAZING art from Chapter 42 of What A Soul Can Accomplish by @paintedaster!!
EXCERPT: It takes him nearly half an hour to find Alastor.  The bayou is massive .  Trudging through the thick underbrush, Lucifer couldn’t help the sense of wonder washing over him.  Alastor’s creation is beautiful , and as he moves deeper and deeper into the lush environment, he can’t help but think it somehow seems endless.  Like he has stepped into a whole different world.  He could have spent weeks just wandering around and seeing everything, touching everything, smelling everything- but today he was on a mission.  He had a stray Overlord to wrangle.
Finally, Lucifer feels the tell-tale static prickle along his aura begin to gradually intensify.  
He’s close.
His heart speeds up in his chest.  He’s suddenly shaky and uncoordinated, legs wobbling like a newborn fawn.  A nervous chuckle slips out of him at the thought.  
Stumbling through the treeline, he comes upon Alastor laying on his back next to an absolutely enchanting bubbling brook; arms up and crossed beneath his head, staring up at the faux-sunset.  The Overlord doesn’t acknowledge his presence, though there is no way he isn’t aware of the King.  
Lucifer waits.  Long minutes pass, but still, Alastor doesn’t move.
Shit.  I have to say something.
“Hey, Red.”
“You’re upset with me.”
Come on Luci, you can fix this.
Change tactics!
Laying down beside the Overlord, Lucifer stares up at the stars just beginning to peek through the fading light.  The sky is a mix of pinks, purples, oranges, and reds all swirling together around the distant horizon.  This.  This is true art.  Alastor… holy hell.  He hasn’t seen anything like this since Eden, and for a moment, everything around him fades and he is transfixed.
I can not believe he created this.   
Actually, I can believe it.  He surprises me every single damn day.  Sometimes I honestly think he can do, well… anything .
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dolls-self-ships · 7 months
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based off of the Date Night fic by @ohbother2 ! This one particular line made me giggle and so I just had to draw it. Thank you for letting me visualize your fantastic writing!
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pseudonymphomania · 17 days
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My all-time favourite DiaLuci fanfic updated and I am extremely paled by how amazing it is. It's everything I want and it feels so targeted, like it was written from a recipe written on the walls in my mind in a place I can't even reach myself.
Lascia ch'io pianga by TroglodyteMonologue
Rating and Genre: E, Dark Academia, Classical Lit, Allusions to Religious Texts (Heaven's Rebellion, Mild Gore, Hurt/Comfort, Fencing [Dueling], Sadism, Masochism, "demons falling in love in their own way"), Smut in 3rd Chapter
“Tell me, Lucifer. Do you think you could recite all ten without your mouth bursting into flame? Or are you one of the damned, just like me?”
Lucifer’s blade pierces Diavolo’s chest, just left of his heart, and runs him through.
Red blooms across Diavolo’s front. He can feel the blood, warm and thick, trickling down his side and staining his thin shirt. He touches a hand to his chest on instinct and blood oozes through his fingers. The pain is mild. For a demon as powerful as himself it’s more like a slap to the face. He won’t die from it and the wound will heal the moment Lucifer withdraws his blade. But he hasn’t felt a pain that sweet in hundreds of years. His body relaxes, his mouth cools, and a sigh of satisfaction escapes his lips.
Lucifer is frozen with a white-knuckled grip on the handle as he stares at the place where his weapon met its mark. Diavolo catches a dark flicker in Lucifer’s gaze. He sees the way the tip of the demon’s tongue rests against the cut of his teeth in anticipation. He feels the heavy, impressive desire radiating from his body when shock fades.“How did that feel?” Diavolo asks.
Lucifer answers like a man who’s finally emerged from the depths of an ocean and gasped his first, relieving breath. “Good.”
A game of cat and mouse between two of the most equal beings in the universe and how they unwrap the layers between them.
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mossdoesartshit · 29 days
ITS THE SINNER ADAM BIT. GOD HELP. this will be long fair warning
Adam had woken up to another relatively normal day in hell. Weird as shit birds chirping, screaming, and explosions rattled into his ears as he blinked away sleep. It had been a while now since he'd come to the hotel, and he still didn't quite know how to feel about it, but things felt... safe, for once. Not as safe as back in heaven, mind you, but safe enough he was feeling comfortable. He still had a lot of shit to sort out (most frustratingly, emotions about this entire ordeal), but anything to get back to the comfort of heaven, he mused to himself as he futzed his hair into a good enough shape, and the minimal requirement of clothes on.
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He walked down the stairs to the main area of the hotel, trying to remember if he had to hang around the hotel the entire day, or if he could go try and find that milkshake place again-
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"YOU. YOU FUCKING KNEW!" Lucifers finger pointed at Adam, snapping any sleep still remaining in his body
"huh???" came out of Adam involuntarily
"YOU KNEW LILITH WAS STILL AROUND, AND DIDN'T TELL US?!" Lucifer continued, Charlie quickly closing the gap between her and her now very angry father "Dad, come on-" "NO." charlie flinched
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"HE knew your mother was around somewhere, HE knew of her whereabouts, and DID NOT TELL US. Still the spiteful prick, aren't you Adam!" it came out more an accusation than a question, anger in every possible core within him. Adam brought his hands up defensively as Lucifer continued. "YOU knew and didn't think to tell us? To tell CHARLIE, to tell ME?!" it was true that Adam knew about Lilith, very much unclear as to how Lucifer, charlie, and whoever else of the hotel staff were still around, but... "I thought you guys knew!" Adam tried "BULLSHIT" Lucifer continued even further "I can't even begin to believe you! You waltz in here, pretend all this happy good stuff about how you're TOTALLY getting better, and HERE THE FUCK WE ARE!" The corner of Adam's mouth twitched. As much as he could believe that everyone in the room knew what all he'd known, and as much as he could believe that asking who even told them would be a bad idea, he was getting irritated about the method in which lucifer was bringing this up. He HAD been trying his best and the accusation he wasn't brought further ire to it all
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"Hey, dude, chill out a bit-" "CHILL OUT?" ah. "How can you even THINK to say that right now, ARE you even thinking?" well ouch. if it wouldn't've made the situation worse Adam would've been hurt by such a statement, all he really did nowadays WAS to think-
"I SWEAR to.... SOMEONE, SOMETHING, ANYTHING, you probably have been lying this whole time!! About everything!!"
something snapped in Adam.
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without much thought, he grabbed a hold of Lucifer tightly and harshly, flaring his wings out as he snarled right into the former angel's face, only slightly registering the sounds of the others in the room either from shock or horror. Lucifer's hat fell, the little snake letting out a small squeak in surprise.
"Listen here, you Mother Fucker. You can call me a helluva lot of things, but fucking Liar. is NOT one of them. You have no idea the shit that happened after Eden, oh boohoo, you fell out of heaven, cool, whatever, do not pretend to know me enough though that id do such a fucking bullshit act as to lie. All my life, through Eden, through Earth, through Heaven, even now, I have been doing nothing but the fucking truth."
Lucifer stared up at Adam, confusion, vague horror, as he stared into Adam's glowing eyes. Not for fear of injury or pain, but... something else. Something that felt familiar. From all the way back in...
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Adam shifted his gaze, up from lucifer, up from the floor, to... Charlie. She was clearly nervous, never having had to break up a fight between others. "Hey, Adam, I..." she tried, taking a breath, as she tried a confident smile, her hands trembling and her brows furrowing giving her even more away. "I know that probably hurt, but let's not hurt anyone ok? Take a deep breath, and we can talk this out ok? I-... I needed an activity for today anyway!" she chuckled nervously.
Adam hated this. Fuck's sake, he was just undoing progress. He bit his lip as Lucifer turned to Charlie a little bit, ever the faintest confused
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"Whatever" Adam snarled, shoving Lucifer to the side, which Lucifer had not anticipated, and promptly kind of fell on his ass about it. "Do whatever, I need some fucking air"
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He shoved his hands into his pockets in frustration, moving to walk away past everyone fast, as Charlie rushed to Lucifer's side nervously. From the corner of his eye, Adam could even spot Vaggie being a little conflicted. Funny, who knows how long ago at this point she'd've looked smug.
"Dad are you ok?" Charlie asked a little hurried, picking up his hat softly, as the little snake curled up. "I'll talk to him, don't worry, I..." she noticed Lucifer wasn't really listening to her, staring after adam, still in his head from earlier. Fuck. Right. Of course that felt familiar from Eden. He was a little shocked it took him so long to remember it. The shade of the tree as he'd stared up at Adam. Fuck. That was going to be a mess to talk about. And he knew, that the two needed to talk. He just hoped Adam knew it too
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Pairing: Lucifer x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1k
Warnings: none
Request by anon: Hola Jordan, so i have request where the Rowena younger daughter and is a in secret relationship with Michael or Lucifer. Something like her with Gabriel based i the audio (Stormy you look like mommy baby)?
Summary: You leave your seven-year-old in the hands of her uncle, and her dad isn’t too happy about that
Square Filled: “I think you have something you want to tell me.” (2022) for @spnquotebingo​
Author’s Note: i appreciate any and all comments! <3
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You can’t help who you love, and if Sam and Dean knew who you were with, they would kick you out of their lives for sure. Everything inside your body told you not to love a man like him, but you took one look in his eyes and knew he was the one you wanted to spend the rest of your life with.
He’s murdered countless people, he’s hurt Sam and Dean to the point of psychological abuse, everyone shutters when they hear his name, and he was kicked out of Heaven.
You’re madly in love with Lucifer. You shouldn’t, but he stole your heart amongst other things.
Everyone has noticed a change in him since meeting you. He murders less, he doesn’t bother a lot of people, and he seems to have an angel on his shoulder. You give yourself full credit for his new behavior because you bring out the best in him even if he tries to bring out the worst in you.
He’s more docile these days, but he’ll have his moments where the devil in him shows.
Luckily, Sam and Dean are out on a hunt, so you don’t have to worry about Lucifer coming over. They, too, have noticed a change but they still hate him with every fiber of their being.
The only other person at the Bunker besides you and your seven-year-old daughter is Gabriel. He’s hiding out from important people, but you enjoy his company. He’s tame whenever you’re around, but you hate leaving your kid with him even if it’s just to take a shower.
You don’t trust him at all because the last time he babysat, he took her to the moon to collect “moon cheese”. You don’t think you’ve ever been more furious at him. He backed down since then, but you still don’t trust him.
However, you’re in desperate need of food, and if you were to bring your daughter, you’d never leave the store.
“Go, everything will be fine. I promise, I will not leave this Earth with her,” Gabriel swears.
“Not the Bunker, Gabriel. I’m serious. Stay here.”
“I promise. No mischief.”
Yeah, okay Gabriel. You have no choice but to believe him, so you tried to keep the grocery shopping as short as you could. It still took 2 hours because you not only have to feed yourself and your daughter, but Sam, Dean, Jack, and any other visitor they may or may not bring.
It’s a damn good thing the Men of Letters seem to have infinite money.
You make it back to the Bunker in record time (usually, you’re out a few hours, not one), and you opt to leave the food in the car so you can check on your daughter.
“Mason!” you call out for her.
Instead of her running to greet you, Gabriel comes into the library with a cheeky smile on his face.
“I think you have something you want to tell me. Where’s Mason?” you ask and cross your arms.
“Don’t be mad--”
“You can’t say shit like that and not expect me to get mad! Where is she?” you demand.
Just then, your bubbly seven-year-old comes around the corner decked out in all of your clothes and with your makeup on her face.
“Mason! Baby, you look just like mommy,” you grin.
All worries fly out the window when you see her unharmed.
“I wanted to play dress up,” she giggles.
How can you be mad at her or Gabriel for that?
“Everything went fine with her,” Gabriel assures you. “I know you don’t trust me, but she’s my niece. I’d do anything to keep her safe.”
“I know,” you sigh. “I will always worry about her.”
“I understand.”
“I forgot something! Mommy, don’t move.”
“I won’t,” you chuckle.
She runs off to grab whatever she forgot, and that’s when the love of your life shows up. He’s been off planet for a while to take care of some business, and now that he’s back, all he wants is to see his daughter and be with you.
“Where is my princess?” Lucifer asks the second he shows up.
Sam and Dean think you’re a single mom. They don’t know Mason’s real dad or that you’re in a relationship with him.
“Mason can’t come. She’s not here--”
Before Gabriel can finish what he’s saying, Lucifer blows up in anger.
“Where the fuck is she? I swear to Dad, Gabriel, if you have hurt her--”
You jump into action before he can hurt Gabriel. The younger angel backs up in fear as Lucifer ascends toward him. You jump in the middle of them to calm your boyfriend. You reach up and grab his face so you can force him to look at you.
“Hey, look at me. Baby, look at me.” Lucifer looks at you five seconds later. “You need to calm down. Mason is fine. She’s playing dress up.”
“But Gabriel said--”
“If you had let me finish, big bro, I would have said Mason isn’t here, but his newly transformed teenager. It’s a joke. She looks more mature. God, I can’t have any fun with you.”
Mason comes running back with your shoes on and your purse. It’s actually kind of cute the way she wants to look like you. She smiles when she sees her father, and she runs over to him with open arms.
“You look so grown up,” he says and picks her up.
Lucifer looks between you and Gabriel before leaving with her. Once he’s had his fill with her, you know he’ll come crawling for some alone time with you.
“I’m sorry about him,” you say to Gabriel.
“He’s always been like that,” Gabriel waves you off. “Though, I do think it’s time you come clean to Sam and Dean. If they truly loved you, then they’d understand.”
“I know,” you sigh.
You’re terrified you’ll lose two very good friends, but if you’re going to continue living with them, then you need to have no secrets.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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allastoredeer · 1 month
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grailfishdraws · 3 months
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consensual cannibalism fic coming soon to an ao3 near you <3
(username walkingcatfish if ur interested)
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cryptictales · 7 months
𝑰 𝑫𝒐𝒖𝒃𝒍𝒆 𝑫𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒍 𝑫𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒀𝒂..
(𝑳𝒖𝒄𝒊𝒇𝒆𝒓 𝒙 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓)
| ・゜゜・.request received, here you go babes, hope you enjoy. All mistakes are my fault, my breaker box has been humming and lights flickering so it's been freaking me out, apologies in advance if there are any mistakes love.
| pairings; Lucifer x reader
| warnings; aggression, pet names, sexual affection, foreplay, smut smutty smut.
                            ੭ ׅׅׅׅׅׅׅׅ ✿ ׄ ͡꒱ . .
               𝒇𝗈r eternity I 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 be by 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 side.
                         ♡ @/ cred: chaemingly]
“Truth or Dare.”
“What are we twelve?”
“Just play the damn game.”
Lucifer scoffs, “My Dad, fine, ... truth.”
“Seriously? Truth?”
“WHAT! You wanted me to play, so I’m playing, aren’t I?”
“Fair enough, Is it true you’re a virgin?”
Lucifer gives her the side eye of annoyance “I’m not playing this anymore.”
“NO! Answer it, I’m curious.”
“No... I’m not a damn virgin...”
(Y/N) chuckles, taking a swig from the beer bottle.
“Truth or Dare”
She straightens up in her seat this time. “Dare.”
“Mhm, I dare you to finish that beer and give me a lap dance.” He wasn’t serious, but he didn’t think she do it either. Giving Lucifer the side eye this time. She would bring the rim of her beer to her lips, chugging the rest of the liquid swiftly down. Her dark hues would slither over to him as her body did the same, moving her hips in motion as she turned to face her back against him. She grinded herself in the man’s lap, showing off her confidence. Lucifer kept an amazed expression, his tongue sliding across his bottom lip. His hands reached out to rest on her waist before feeling (Y/N) pop them slightly. “No touching, unless I allow you to.”
She would stand up again, turning around to face him this time, straddling his lap. “Truth or Dare,” she spoke in a soft tone of voice.
“I dare you to kiss me...” she knew she was being bold. But it was obvious that she had a thing for him. Lucifer didn’t have any protest, he moved his hand just below her chin, pulling her in as he brushed his lips against her own. Soft, gentle, not what she was expecting. But then she felt pressure around her throat. His other hand had slithered up and grasped right around without her noticing. Must have been so lost in the fact that he was kissing her, she was deepening the kiss. Feeling his tongue force its way inside of her mouth. Allowing him access as she exchanged her own taste with his. Pressing her hand against his chest to part slightly, as she turned her face away. “I—that was uh nice.”
“Pft, nice? Really? Could be a lot better...” he would lean up against her. His eyes were hungry as he looked over her body. His hand moving slightly up her thigh.” Lucifer, we shouldn’t.”
“Your mind says something else,” he smirked. Damn, she totally forgot he was an archangel. He was capable of anything, chewing on her bottom lip. Here she was supposed to be ‘babysitting’ him but ended up on his lap. The squeeze against her thigh didn’t go unnoticed. “Truth or Dare.”
“Lucifer, I think we are past playing this game.”
“Oh, come on, truth or dare.”
“Fuck...fine. Dare...” she spoke softly.
“I dare you to let me fuck you, however I want to.”
Her eyes would go wide without realizing it, choking slightly. She felt his hand creep further up her thigh, moving up and under her blouse slowly. ‘You only live once or twice’ she thought to herself. Her hands fell just slowly to her sides as she reached underneath the seam of her blouse, slithering it up and over her head. She leaned in slightly past his face and whispered against his ear. “Why are you just sitting there then, have me.” her tongue flicking his earlobe. Within seconds she felt the force of his hands grip her waist pulling her around him as he stood to his feet, her ass hitting against the wooden table harshly.
“I have one rule, you don’t cum for me unless I allow you to,” he spoke in a demanding tone of voice. It sent chills up her spine. Hearing his fingers snapping, her jeans were gone. She took a slight gulp, as she felt him wrap his large hands around her legs, spreading them. His lips ventured up her legs, to her inner thighs. She couldn’t help but let a breathy moan escape her lips. Lucifer was attentive to what he wanted; she was just what he ate for dinner. His tongue swirls against her flesh, leaving his mark along the way. By the next day, she was certain she would have battle scars left from that night.
When he got closer and closer to her more sensitive area, she would feel her toes crinkle. His lips moved to kiss against the barrier that kept him from his target. Kissing harshly against the soaked lace, he would send shutters of vibrations, a stimulation she felt in every nerve of her body. It caused her to slightly arch her back in reaction. His tongue pushed aside the barrier, wrapping his arms comfortably around her legs and pulling her close against his face. His tongue took a deep dive into the ocean as if he was trying to get lost at sea inside of HER.
(Y/N) would reach up, her fingers grabbing ahold of those dirty blonde strands. It caused him to growl, as he moved to slide two fingers inside of her. Pumping them as his tongue delved deeper, moving in and out, swirling it over her bean, (Y/N) would jump slightly, her whimpering moans would grow as she tried so hard to hold back from exploding, when he felt she was about to, his nails digging into her thighs. His goal was to get her on edge and make her feel out of control because he enjoyed being in control.
“Fuck, Luci—I’m gonna... oh fuck.” she cried out. “You better fucking not.” He growled, his tongue moving faster over her clit, as his fingers drove deeper inside of her. Of course, he had to torture her. Lucifer would unlatch his lips. Standing to a point he was now hovering over her. He reached down to grip her by the throat as he smashed his lips against her own. Giving her a taste of herself. “Now be a good girl and take off your clothes.”
She was left in a sprawl, trying to regroup herself from almost giving in to her orgasm. Reaching slightly behind herself she unlatched her bra, one of her hands moving to brace her breasts, as she slowly slid off the table to slide her other hand and remove her now drenched underwear off. Lucifer would be eyeing her, as she blinked a few times nervously before watching him slowly approach her again. His hand moved to curl back under her chin, lifting it up. “Don’t hide away from me now.” He spoke before leaning down to capture the taste of her lips.
Moving to turn her around so her back was facing him, he would lean his head into the crook of her neck, gliding his tongue up and against her ear. His hand moved down and between her legs again, he would then move his hand up and against her bean as he slowly started to rub against it. His member aching behind his jeans, craving to be inside of her. His hand would move to undo the button of his jeans, sliding them off along with his boxers. Grasping his long-hardened member and slapping it across her ass. “Do you feel how hard you make me baby?” He whispered against her ear as he sped up the pace against her sensitive numb. “Please Lucifer...” she whimpered out in a breathy tone of voice. She was slowly coming undone as she pressed her back against his chest.
He would finally bend her over, his hand taking in a full grasp of her ass. He would stride one single finger down her spine, sending more electric vibrations throughout her body. He glided his tongue over his bottom lip as he moved his member inside of her entrance. Her wetness submerged him fully, biting down on his bottom lip as a grunt escaped his lips. Pushing himself inside of her, gripping her waist as he begins to bounce her ass off his member, her moans starting to perfectly leave her lips like music to his ears.
She was no angel; she would take this chance to show him. She would grind her ass against him, moving to bounce it faster. This didn’t go unnoticed; his hand would reach up to grab a fist full of her hair—gripping it up as he pulled her against his chest again. His skin clapping against her own, he slid his hand back over to rub at a fast pace against her numb. “That it’s baby, bounce that ass against daddy,” he demanded. After a few more deep hard thrusts, he would turn her around. Snapping them both into the bedroom as he fell against the sheets pulling her on top of him. He wanted to watch her pretty face contort, as he fucked her. Gripping her thighs as he watched her slide his member back inside of her entrance. She would dip her head back, moaning more as she worked her hips against him. Grinding them and moving in a comfortable position so she could clap her ass against him. Lucifer would press his head further into the sheets as he moaned slightly, his fingertips digging into her flesh, sending electric shocks throughout her body. This made her jolt slightly, leaving her in a whimpering mess.
“Please Luci—I can’t ...” she cried out. “Cum on daddy.” He finally spoke, giving her permission, as she rode him further. Her core tightened as she felt the gush of her orgasm explode over him. He took this as an advantage grabbing her waist and slamming her down against the bed. He raised her leg to wrap around his waist. He wasn’t done with her, he wanted to drain her for being a brat. His hips bucked into her faster and deeper. Her nails dragged up his back, shedding a bit of his blood. He would let out another growl of appreciation, leaning down to bite along her neckline. Hearing her heavy breathing, he was enjoying the feedback. “Oh, fuck Luci!” she cried out, he knew she was about to cave for him again. He was hitting all the right spots and got her eyes rolling back. Her legs shook as she released her second orgasm.
He would move to pin her arms above her head, his lips smashing against her own as he slowed down the pace. She was confused for a moment, why he wasn’t releasing himself only to see those bright blue hues turn into his dark red ambers. He interlocked their fingers as he bucked his hips into her again, deep, and hard. Picking up the pace again as he felt his member throbbing inside of her Atlantic Ocean, she purred out his name again before feeling his member explode his seed deep inside of her. Turning her face as she cried out her final pleasure, he would lean down into her neck, kissing against her flesh softly before removing himself and falling beside her.
“Oh, my dad, you are something unnatural.”
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚𝐹𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑇𝑎𝑔𝑠; @lucishellhound @isabellacugliari-blog ☽︎ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
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forbiddentaako · 4 months
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fuck it radioapple week day 1:late night/early morning
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#AppleHuskerDustWeek from Sept. 8th - 14th
You can post here on Tumblr and/or on Twitter/X
Prompts Include:
Date Night for 3
Cosplay or Outfit swap
Thirsty Thursday 😉
Whump (sick, injuries)
Breeding Kink/Mpreg
Free Day (whatever you want!)
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