#Lucifer Magne x Ozzie
writteninsunshine · 2 years
Title: I Live For The Aplle-Lause
Author: Keith
Fandom: Helluva Boss
Setting: Ozzie’s 
Pairing: Lucifer Magne/Asmodeus | Ozzie, Fizzarolli/Asmodeus | Ozzie, Lucifer Magne/Lilith Magne
Characters: Asmodeus | Ozzie, Lucifer Magne, Fizzarolli
Genre: Humor/Romance
Rating: T
Chapters: 1/1
Word Count: 1996
Type Of Work: One-Shot, FicWip 60-Minute Sprint Fic
Status: Complete
Warnings: Gay, Slash, Yaoi, MLM, M/M, M/F, Minor Omegaverse Dynamics, Minor A/B/O Dynamics, Lilith Mention, Sex Mention, Massage With A Happy Ending Mention, Strippers & Stripclubs, *Slaps Fic* You Wouldn’t Believe How Many Apple Puns This Bad Boy Can Hold
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything!
Summary: There was never a better time to appreciate Ozzie and his accomplishments than after a show.
AN: Hey guys, it’s me again! Just thought I ought to say, if you want vague updates and to talk to me more, I have a Helluva Boss Tumblr, too! It’s Gimme-A-Thrust! I also have a writing Discord that is currently pretty dead. xD
Regardless, I wrote the rough draft of this in an hour during a FicWip server event! The ending word count before editing was 1,460 words! I ended up adding 538 words in editing… Oops. With the prompt and the ship randomly chosen through the Wheelofnames, I was given quite an unexpected twist. I hope y’all like it, I’ve really been loving writing these two. I talk about them more than I write about them, and that needs to be stopped.
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hunnipear · 3 months
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They'll get there eventually.
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passionateseadruid · 4 months
Snake king's bride 6
The Date(s) part 2 House of Asmodeus
Lemme know what you think is going on with Darlings One day away from Lucifer. Like I’m sure you guys have the gist of it but I want to hear your theories. Also Shout out to Nikki (from the comments section) for recommending to me to watch the greatest and the worst thing I’ve ever seen.
You get out of bed and get ready for the day ahead. A few days ago you'd heard about a celebrity bashing an imp. She said he was running a shitty failure of a freelance business that was going to go bankrupt in a year.
You looked up the place and found out where they were. You and Nina drove out of Pentagram City in a nice white convertible. 
"Thank you for doing this Nina."
"...I can tell you don't like me. Would you mind telling me why?"
"Oh look we're here!" She changed the subject.
You two walked into the building and looked at the directory. You both rode up to the fifth floor, briefcase full of money.
"Hello? Hello…"
"Who the fuck are you?" A Hell hound asked.
You were cut off from the memory of that day when Lucifer squeezed your hand. He pulled a cloak over you and used his Illusions to make it seem like you were a succubus. "Don’t worry, darling. Nobody's gonna know." He handed you a key-ring. 
"They're gonna know."
"How would they know?" He transformed into a snake and slithered up and around your neck.
You made your way through the Elevator Lobby and toward the giant elevator. "Departing of Lust, in five minutes~" You winced at the tone of the announcer.
"Do they always announce it like that?" You looked down at Lucifer and he nodded.
You guys made your way to the back alleyways of the Lust Ring and stopped behind a circus tent shaped building. Like Lucifer had instructed you only hours before you pulled out the key-ring and looked for the key with a big O on it. You opened the door and Lucifer slithered down you and snuck his way down the halls all the way up to a balcony. 
You followed behind silently until you came to the balcony and hid behind the door leading out there, just barely poking your head in.
A taller figure, maybe 8 feet tall with a top hat adding an extra foot and a half, looked back at you. He had lots of fluff around his head and a pinstripe suit. "Who the fuck are you?" He demanded as his fluff turned to flames.
Lucifer transformed back into his regular form. "Woah, woah, woah. Ozzie it's me and my wife."
"...Lucifer? What are you doing here? And what do you mean wife?" This 'Ozzie' guy asked.  
"Oh right." Lucifer pulled the illusion off of you. "Ozzie and his fling, meet my bride. Wifey, this is Asmodeus. Prince of the lust ring, the embodiment of lust, and the creator and founder of the Ars Goetia. He's also a king in the Ars Goetia."
"Oh... really, um... how- how interesting." You stutter. 
"Heh. I know it's a lot, the hair, the bod." The man in the jester outfit chuckled. "Oz?" He looked at the taller man.
The taller man in question closed the doors that lead out to the balcony and the door to the hallway. "Lucifer... what have you done?" Asmodeus asked nervously. 
"Oz it's gonna be fine." Lucifer assured with a smile. The two of them went off to the left side of the room.
You looked around the small lounge balcony. The big window doors lead to an actual balcony with gold rails that looked out over a nightclub. The curtains in the room were velvety violet fabric with rose gold trim. On the left side of the lounge there was a glass fireplace with blue flames and two indigo chairs with gold trim around them sat in front of the fireplace. On the right side was a matching couch.
You went over to the couch and before you could sit. "Wait! I wouldn't sit there if I were you." The jester stopped you "Oz and I get kinda frisky in here we haven't had the couch cleaned yet."
"...okay." You grimaced. "Wait... I know you."
"Yeah I get that a lot."
"No like I've met you before, you're the imp from the Halloween party. You went as beetlejuice."
"Yeah..." He smiled strained. "Oz had the idea. He went as Lydia. According to him I sound exactly like the guy. I personally don't hear it."
"Really? You totally sound like the Broadway actor to me." 
"Him I hear even less of." He rolled his eyes and you giggle. "Can I ask you a question?" He asked.
"Shoot." You smiled. 
"What the fuck are you wearing?" He asked gesturing to your outfit. A simple black romper with an off the shoulder sweetheart neckline. 
"It's better than what that jackass wanted me to wear. It was basically just lingerie. Like it was a burgundy sleeveless dress that had a night knit mesh turtleneck, with a boob window, mesh slits on the waist and what was basically just a loincloth for the skirt."
"Wait, wait, wait. The head honcho gave that dress.. to you..?" The jester looked baffled.
"Uh, yes? Why?" You asked confused.
"We gave him that dress seven years ago to try and help him reconcile with Lilith." He looked at Lucifer.
"And once again he's comparing me to Lilith. Why even take me if he's still in love with her?" You rolled your eyes.
"You don't seem to like him all that much." He looked back at you confused.
"I don't. How can I? He kidnapped me."
"WHAT?!" The jester's outburst caught the attention of the two sins. "Uh Ozzie, we're gonna go get some fresh air she's feeling unwell."
"Okay. be careful fro- Fizz." Asmodeus said.
You and Fizz exited the lounge and you put your hood back up. You two walked down the halls of backstage. Indigo, violet, bright pinks, and gold lines the walls in beautiful Victorian-esque wallpaper
"Okay what do you mean he kidnapped you? And why is Ozzie so scared about you being here?"
"Wow, I guess I was wrong. The people in his inner circle don't even know. Okay don't go spreading this around like it's an STD. Long story short I was sacrificed in this exchange for my old coworkers little sister. I have no idea why but he's mentioned this ring."
"I think Ozzie's told me something about that ring." Fizz rubbed his chin in though.
"Really? What's he told you?" You asked.
"He said that Lucifer asked him for a favor a few centuries ago and he obliged. I don't exactly know what it was but I'm sure we can infer it had something to do with lust right? What I don't get is why the ring? And why does he want to marry you? When he made that deal he was happily in love with Lilith." He looked away getting lost in thought. 
"He still is." You rolled your eyes. 
"Jealous?" He teased.
"No. I hate him, remember. He threatened my entire family." You said nonchalantly.
"HE DID WHAT?!" Fizz exclaimed. "And you still want to marry him."
"No." You said defensively. "I never did. Honestly I'm surprised I'm still alive, after all the shit I've said to him."
"Oh really like what?" He taunted. 
"Well. We went shopping together and there were these Bitches that were being so rude to a girl who's now my friend and he's like, "Oh that's just how things are." and I said "Dude that's racist." -" You were cut off by his shocked noises.
"You actually said that to him?" 
"Uh yeah? It's true. Oh also there was this time he made me pancakes and he's like "I made them with something special." and I replied deadass with "Semen or period blood.""
He crouched over holding his stomach in laughter. "You did not!"
"Yeah I did." You smiled.
"I've never met someone who's either that bold or that stupid. Someone who's a bit of a mix and almost as cocky I guess but wow." 
"You should get out more. Pretty much everyone is like this where I come from."
"you say anything else to him?"
"I asked if he used a love potion and he said, "The bird brain four floors down would kill me."" 
"Yep that's Ozzie for you." Fizz smiled.
"He's a bird?"
"Mhm, a rooster." Fizz explained
"That's so funny! He's just one big cock." You giggled.
"Fitting isn't it." He looked away with a dreamy look on his face
"Absolutely!" Before you knew it you two had mad a circle and ended up back at the lounge. 
"Hey do you have a hellphone?" Fizz stopped you. 
"Yeah why?"
"I wanna ask Oz about the ring when him and I have a private moment. Could I get your number to text you what I find out?"
"Sure! But you should probably use a nickname. If Lucifer find's a guys name in my phone he'd probably go on a jealous rampage."
"Right. What to put."
"Something so i'll remember that it's you. Probably not BJ because that also stands for Blow Job."
"Hehe, yeah. ...hm what else... could Beetlejuice work."
"I-... I guess so... I don't see why it couldn't other than it being a bit long, I hope it fits."
"That's two things she said." He stuck his little tongue out and you giggled.
"Two things Lilith's never said." You giggled. Fizz joined. 
"Darling! I'm glad you're feeling better!" Lucifer said as you two opened the door to the lounge. "Great news! Asmodeus has agreed to be my best man for the wedding!"
"Great..." you forced a smile for the rest of the night; except during the interludes between shows where you and fizz sat on the floor playing card games and him showing you tricks. Those times your smile was the biggest and realest it's been since falling into this situation.
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felice-jaganshi · 6 months
My Fallen Apple
Lucifer X Reader
Chapter 9
“Oh… I- I forgot to tell them you're- wah!” He was suddenly yanked away by Mammon!
“She's a fucking angel!” He screamed. Tex hid Bee behind him and even Ozzie was trying to keep Fizz from you. Satan growled and came forward.
“Were you sent by heaven to fuck with him further?! Wasn't banishing him punishment enough, now you fuckers have to break his heart too?!”
You're shaking like a leaf, crawling away from the demon you consider a friend literally minutes ago. “I'll fucking kill all of-” this time he's the one cut off, as Lucifer sucker punches him in the jaw. You can see mammon behind him holding his gut in pain. Next thing you know, you're in Lucifer's arms and his wings are wrapped around you. His horns are out, as is his tail and his eyes are reversed in color. 
“Not today Satan. Or ever. Calm the fuck down .” He roared the last word, and you felt the power of it in your whole body. This was the king of hell heaven told you to fear.
Bee spoke next, “But Luci, She's…”
“An angel? Yeah, I've known that since day one when she fell. She's like me okay?! Adam himself pushed her out, and she lives here in hell now. With me. I just… I didn't tell any of you because I knew you'd judge her and freak out before you got the chance to know her like I do.”  They all still look at you nervously, and it's heartbreaking. These are your friends, and they're afraid of you. You're about to cry, when Fizzarolli makes his way out of Ozzie's arms and runs to your side. Lucifer eyes him and Fizz holds up his hands, approaching slowly, before smiling at you and pulling out a handkerchief, and another, and another, and- yes it's a string of infinite handkerchiefs coming from the pocket of his swim trunks. It makes you chuckle a bit from the absurdity of it, and he smiles.
“Hey hey, there's that laugh. So you're not my favorite sinner anymore. You're just my favorite angel now!” He smiled fondly at you, making sure you know, that you really know he's not afraid of you. Your tears fall anyway and he's quick to dry them with one of the handkerchiefs. Lucifer smiled, glad to see at least one of your friends has some sense in them. Slowly, the others start to come around, realizing they fucked up.
Bee and Ozzie are both the first to hug you and Lucifer both and start apologizing over each other. Satan and Mammon are next to offer nervous embarrassed apologies, and Levi just quietly says his sorry without much fanfare. 
You accept all the apologies and finally everyone relaxes and the energy is back to what it was before. But there's a slight tiredness to it all now. Everyone is ready to go home back to their ring and process everything that's happened.
“Hey, how about we make these meetings a yearly thing, rather than every 100 years?” Lucifer suggests, and everyone seems to immediately perk up at the idea.
You're back in the castle now, back in warm comfy clothes, just hanging out in Lucifer's workshop on the couch he'd put in there recently for you two to just chill sometimes. There's a slightly awkward tension in the space between you… He places a hand in that space, waiting to see if you'd reach out to him. And you do. You take his hand, and you put it around your shoulders as you snuggle into his side like you used to “as friends” just yesterday. 
You feel the relief wash over him as he pulls you in close and kisses the top of your head.
“So, that was fun.”
“Yeah, it was. I like the idea of making that a yearly trip too.”
“Yeah… I um… So Charlie is really okay with this? You talked with her already from the sound of the others?” He sounds so nervous, but his hand is rubbing your arm, and playing with the hem of your short shirt sleeve. It's soothing.
“Yeah, she and I spoke about it a while ago. She just wanted me to promise I'd never hurt you. And I won't. I'm making the same promise to you, I'll never hurt you. Not on purpose.” You amend the last part in because, well, everyone makes mistakes. You know you're not perfect, but who in hell is?! Or heaven for that matter!?
“I meant it when I said I love you too.” He said suddenly, breaking you from your thoughts. “I know I'm not the easiest person to love… I have a lot of issues. Depression, social anxiety, adhd, just to name a few.” He sighed, “It won't be easy to be my girlfriend. That's probably why Lilith got sick of me. My issues just got worse over time.”
You kiss his cheek, “Those aren't deal-breakers for me Luci, you've got so many amazing traits too. You're creative, a loving father, you're witty and charming, you put 120% into the things you care about! Your passion and care is beautiful, and speaking of beautiful, I haven't even touched on how handsome you are. And you're so affectionate and gentle and-” You're cut off by a kiss.
It's warm and passionate and he pushes you back on the couch, his hands on your waist.
After a moment he pulls away, his voice low and warm, “Sorry, but if you keep praising me like that, I'm gonna have to show you why I'm the Lord of the Pride ring.” He then slides his thumb over your lower lip, “Heh, look at that, a kiss and a few words and you're redder than my wings. It's a nice color on you. Hey, how about we make out in the duck pile?”
And with that you can't help but groan, “That… is the least sexy place we could make out.”
He throws his head back and laughs! “Yeah, but it'd be fun! Come on, trust me, I'll even let you sit on my lap.” He got up and offered you a hand, “Come on~ my little apple, I won't bite.” He flashed a grin of his sharp teeth. “Unless you ask very nicely. ”
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rhmis-user-2020 · 3 months
HH/HB collage
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drama-glob · 9 months
A Present for Charlie
Ozzie and Fizz go to Pride to give Charlie her birthday present early.
Lucifer let a tired smile cross his face and told her, “Aside from the unexpected visitors dropping in, it’s been business as usual with Overlord territories being redrawn and looking into expansions on LuLu World. I’ve been mulling over the idea of adding another roller coaster with corkscrews in the tracks.”
His daughter smiled kindly at hearing about her father’s passion project and replied, “It sounds like a good idea and a lot of fun dad. I can’t wait to see how it turns out.”
A short laugh was soon heard from Fizz as he nudged Ozzie and jokingly remarked, “Guess we’ll have to sneak in and ride it ourselves once it’s done to see how wild it feels compared to our regular Saturday nights.”
The King of Hell rolled his eyes and let out an exhaustive sigh, unlike the royal chimera who chuckled softly but sincerely at his boyfriend’s comment. “It may be unfair to place such high standards on an amusement park ride that isn’t meant for that purpose babe,” Asmodeus cheekily said as Fizz now snickered, making Charlie have to fight not to laugh or go aww at their banter.
“Weren’t you here to give my daughter her birthday present early and not flirt shamelessly in front of her?” Lucifer huffed as he narrowed his eyes on the couple.
Here's the link on AO3:
@charsawdeath @enbydemirainbowbigfoot @pastaprincess @my-dark-lord @meandtheyeehaws @eldritch-horror-wannabe Uncle Ozzie and Uncle Fizz time! ^_^<3<3<3
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jayswritings13 · 1 year
Hazbin/Helluva Masterlist Two
Link to Part one of Masterlist: Click me!
Stolas Intimacy Headcanons
Verosika with undiagnosed ADHD
Striker Relationship Headcanons
Vox proposing to s/o
Millie NSFW Alphabet
Big Breasted!Reader with IMP (Blitzo, Loona, Moxxie, & Millie)
Modern Platonic Reader (Husk, Rosie, Alastor, Valentino, & Vox)
Blitzo x Moxxie x Millie
Holiday songfic: Winter (Blitzo)
Protective s/o (Cherri Bomb & Angel Dust)
Holiday songfic: All I want for Christmas is You (Angel Dust)
Lucifer x Reader x Lilith
Cool dad Stolas impressing Octavia's friend
Plus Sized!Reader x Verosika Mayday
Verosika & Blitzo becoming close again
Valentino as a dad
Hazbin crew saves Cherub!Reader
Writer!Reader with Alastor, Vox, & Valentino
Dialogue Prompt: Sequin Kisses - Angel Dust
Dialogue Prompt: Not-so-scary Demons - Octavia
Loona Relationship headcanons
Stella Goetia Relationship Headcanons
Sallie Mae Relationship Headcanons
Dialogue Prompt: No Labels, please - Blitzo
Charlie Magne/Morningstar Relationship Headcanons
Multifandom: Hello Nurse - Moxxie & Millie
Locked out of Heaven - Lucifer
Asking to go to the Eras tour/Barbie movie - Charlie, Vaggie, Alastor, Husk, Angel Dust, Sir Pentious, Lucifer, Vox, Velvette, Lute, Adam, Blitzo, Stolas, Moxxie, Millie, Loona, Verosika, Striker, Ozzie, Fizzeroli
Congrats, Grad! - Angel Dust & Stolas
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dluebirb · 6 months
Vivzieverse Demon Types
I'm making another AU, and I'm doing some research involving the demons and their subsequent rings with the Vivzieverse!
I'll go into all seven rings, themes, and attributes of their residents, as well as notable features and demons who reside there.
1. Pride Ring
This is the ring we are most frequently shown, due to it being the base of operations in Helluva Boss, and all sinners being confined to the pride ring, leading it to be the main setting, with very few members of the main cast able to venture to other rings.
Main occupants: Sinners, Imps, Succubi.
Noteable occupants: Lucifer Morningstar, Lilith Magne/Morningstar (formerly) Charlie Morningstar, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Alastor, Husker, Niffty, Cherri Bomb, Blitzo Buckzo, Moxxie Knolastname, Millie, Loona, etc.
Ruler: Lucifer Morningstar
Design Tips: Sinners are largely based on animals with a specific attachment to how they lived/died, though not all are. Sinners also retain marks of their death [ex. The 'x' on Alastor's forehead, presumably from where he was shot as a human, mistaken for a dear. Hence his dear-like form.]
See bottom for Imp design notes.
See The Lust Ring desc. for Succubi design notes.
Color: Red
2. Wrath Ring
This ring has been shown in the season one episode of Helluva Boss, "Harvest Moon Festival." Due to the sheer amounts of Imps here, with very, very few other species of demons, it is probable that Imps are native to the Wrath Ring.
Main occupants: Imps
Noteable Occupants: Millie (formerly), Millie's family, Striker
Ruler: Currently unknown. [I am aware that it is listed as Samael or Satan in most lists, but I'm going off of strictly Vivzieverse lore + characters]
Design Tips: See bottom for Imp design notes.
Color: Reddish-orange, Orange
3. Gluttony
The gluttony ring is home to most hellhounds as shown in part two of the season one of Helluva Boss, "Queen Bee." Hellhounds are most likely native to the Gluttony Ring.
Main occupants: Hellhounds, Imps
Noteable Occupants: Beezelbub, Vortex, Vikki, Vikki's friends, Esme, etc.
Ruler: Beezelbub
Design Tips: Hellhounds are largely based on, as the name suggests, dogs, wolves, and other hounds. They are among the very few demons to have visible ears, and almost always have fur in some capacity.
See bottom for Imp design tips.
Color: Yellow
4. Greed
The Gluttony Ring was first shown in the episode "Loo-Loo Land" during season one of Helluva Boss. It seems to be home to Hell's entertainment industry, barring the demon overlord, Vox, who is confined to the Pride Ring on the grounds of being a sinner. This ring seems to specialize, from what we've seen, in engineering and animatronics, as well as jesters/clown shows.
Main Occupants: Imps (?)
Noteable Occupants: Mammon, Moxxie Knolastname (formerly) Moxxie's mother (deceased) Crimson Knolastname, Crimson's Mafia, Chazwick Thurman (deceased)
Ruler: Mammon (?)
Design Tips: See bottom for Imp designs.
Color: Green
5. Lust
The Lust Ring was first shown in the season one episode of Helluva Boss, "Ozzie's". It houses the adult entertainment industry (though in a more tactful and consensual manner than the Pride Ring overlord, Valentino)
Main Occupants: Imps, Succubi
Noteable Residents: Asmodeous, Fizzarolli, Jesse
Ruler: Asmodeous
Design tips: Imps and Succubi are similar in design -- the horms of succubi tend to lean on the smaller side, and most have wings. Succubi seem to lack the malformed heart often on the upper center of some Imp's foreheads.
6. Envy
Very little is known about the Envy Ring, as it has not been shown yet in either Helluva Boss or Hazbin Hotel. It can be inferred that it is where the water from Lust runs down to, as most of it's assumed occupants are aquatic. It is possible that the Loan Sharks are from this ring. A social media app on Blitz's phone is supposedly from Envy.
Main Occupants: None known
Noteable Residents: Glitz and Glam (note the water imagery during their song in "Mammon’s Magnificent Musical Mid-Season Special ft. Fizzarolli" and one of the longer color changes is reminiscent of the purple of envy.)
Ruler: Currently Unknown
Design Tips: wavy characteristics would be most fitting, as well as undersea animal attributes such as fins.
Color: A color palette of blues, greens, or purples is typical.
7. Sloth
Sloth was first seen in the season two episode of Helluva Boss, "Western Energy" and seems to run the medical industry. As mentioned by Beelzebub in "Queen Bee," Sloth also has a vast supply of "party drugs," and most likely several intoxicants in general, some for medical use, others for recreational use. Water from the upper Rings flows down in waterfalls.
Main Occupants: Baphoments
Notable Residents: Dr. Somna, Muffy, unnamed nurses
Ruler: Belphegor
Design Tips: The Baphoments have goat-like attributes, down to the hooves and horns. Many, if not all, have a candle and flame sticking from their heads. Some have wings.
Color: Purplish pinks
Imps have traditionally red skin due to their roots in the Wrath ring, though others have a variety. All have large horns, and most have a malformed heart on the upper center of their foreheads. Burns and other spots appear white.
It is also worth noting that the imps reside in all seven rings, I just listed the rings where I noticed a very large number of them in the backgrounds.
I hope this was helpful! I watched several Helluva Boss episodes while typing this, so I hope it's accurate!
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passionateseadruid · 3 months
Snake King’s Bride 8
Holiday havoc part 2
Warning! This chapter has talk of sensitive topics such as very dubious consent! Read at your own risk!
You felt… numb.
Why did it have to happen this way. Here you were laying in the aftermath of last night, laying in a pool of your own tears. Claw marks littered the headboard. His scent engulfed you. And after everything he’d left you to deal with the aftermath on your own.
"What's the point of any of this? Why don't we just go down to Vegas and fucking elope? He's already ruined my life. He's taken my best friend and family away from me. And now… now he's taken the one thing I had left."
"Ma'am?" A voice came from the open door. It was Styx, they looked concerned, and very very nervous.
"Styx!" You pulled the cover up to your neck. They sighed and walked into the closet and after a few seconds they walked out with a huge robe. They gently sit next to you and pulled the robe around you. "You don't have to." You insisted.
"Please don't make this difficult ma'am."
"You really shouldn't. I'm sure Lucifer doesn't pay you nearly enough to deal with his bullshit." You smiled half joking, at least trying to make yourself feel better.
"He doesn't pay me at all." They mumbled turning towards the door, avoiding eye contact at all costs.
"It's... complicated. I can't work anywhere else. So in exchange for eternal service he gifts me the comfiest clothes and feeds me the finest foods and keeps a very expensive roof over my head." They explained.
"More like an unpayable debt over your head." You mumbled and scoffed it off.
"His highness has asked that I accompany you to the shopping center today to pick out presents for his party next week. The gift from Mr. Fizzarolli came in last night. I'm a bit confused why it was already wrapped inside but I'll not push it." Styx bowed and lead you into the closet.
"Thanks. Hey do you know who I have to get gifts for? I assume I have to get one for Charlie. Should I get one for Renesme and Nina? Do I get one for you?"
"You have one for Lucifer. You'll need one for Princess Charlie, each of the other 6 deadly sins, you'll probably want one for Mr. Fizzarolli, Miss Bee's boyfriend will not be joining us this year, and the rest of the sins do not have dates for the evening. It should just be you and Mr. Fizzarolli."
"Alright! Let's get going!" You walked out of the closet. You dressed in a black jumper and a dark gray and light gray striped shirt underneath.
Styx took your hand and they grabbed their necklace. A portal opened before you and you two stepped through and into a desolate corner of the mall.
"Wow." You smiled at them excitedly. 
"Yeah um, His- his majesty gave me a magic crystal to teleport around Hell."
"Speaking of Lucifer how long have you been working for him."
"Oh goodness. Since Princess Charlie was young. I was practically the one who raised her. Lilith was to busy singing and flirting and fighting with His Highness. She'd insist that the princess shouldn't be around him because he's self destructive but she wouldn't put in the work to raise her daughter."
"So... speaking of Lilith. She is or was human right?"
"So Charlie is half human. Did she..."
Styx seemed to pick up on what you were trying to ask. "Princess Charlie was a menace during her adolescent years. She threw a box of feminine products at her father. Then she started going out with the son of her fathers former closest friend to spite him. She also went through the emo phase after the two of them broke up." They laughed.
You smiled at them. "It's nice to see you so emotional for once instead of so stoic."
You two walked around the mall trying to find things for your friends (and the other people you were obligated to buy gifts for). First you went to a jewelry store and bought pink and purple ‘hers and hers’ flower necklaces for Renesme and Nina. You may not know them all that well but you do know that the two of them love each other. You ended up getting some rose gold designer sunglasses for Fizz. Nina walked around getting gifts for the other sins for you. You didn't care what Styx got for the Sins. You were more focused on what to get for Pluto and Styx. You decided to play it safe and Pluto a paper $100 gift card to any store in hell. If it’s not clear you’re just giving her a 100 bucks.
"Hey Styx since we're here what would you like."
"Oh! Ma'am, you don't have to get me anything."
"Please? I really want to get you something as a way to thank you for all the nice work you do."
"Ma'am that's… really not necessary." They stared at you as you gave them the puppy dog eyes. "Fine, if you don't mind I'd really like some knitting needles and yarn. I could make you something in return." They smiled.
"Styx…" you put your hands on their shoulders. "I'm not Lucifer. This isn't a transactional thing. Do whatever you want with them but please remember that this is your gift not mine." You gently smiled and took their hand.
As the party started and guests started to poor in you smoothed out your dress. It was mainly white but it cinched up in places around the skirt to show of the red petticoat underneath. The bodice was a Queen Anne neckline and there was some red accents on the sleeves.
First to show was unsurprisingly Satan as he was the closest Sin to the pride ring and to the King of Hell in general. Then surprisingly Ozzie and Fizz showed up next. After that Bee dragged Belphy through the door, her legs under Bee’s arms, kinda like sadness and Joy from Inside Out. And then Mammon showed up. And finally Levi made a grand entrance.
"Okay everyone is here, I'm going to go get some food." Before you could listen to Lucifer’s protests you had rushed to the living room where the reception was being held. As you looked through the snack bar you felt someone bump into you someone tall.
"Sorry." Your eyes went wide. There is only one person who'd apologize in hell. You turned around and say Charlie smiling at you. "Hey! I didn't see you in the Foyer. Dad said you ran off to get a snack. Merry Sinsmas." She walked away.
You weren't expecting Charlie to be at the party.
"This is bad." You froze.
"Hm? what do you mean?" Fizz asked. You could hardly understand him with the fudge he was stuffing into his mouth though.
You pulled him away from the living and into the butlers pantry. You let him go and slammed the door to get some privacy and started to rub the anxiety out of your temples.
"Woah! Hey! Look you're cute but I don't swing that way."
"Please for one second could we not joke about this. I'm less than 30 minutes away from dying at the hands of my Naughter." You whisper yelled. Moving from your temples to the crick in your neck. You could feel your pulse beating irregularly.
"My Naughter. Because she's Not my Daughter."
"Yet." He shoved the last bit of fudge from his plate into his mouth. "While I'm in here you don't mind if I raid your guys chip stash do you?"
"Go ahead. It's his anyway. I don't care what you do with it." You leaned forward onto one of the bottom cabinets. He stretched his robotic arms up and sifted through the upper cabinets.
"They might not be yours yet but after tonight they probably will be. Tonight is the night that Charlie will finally come to see you as a new parental figure. Either that or she'll straight up kill you for disrespecting her dad." You felt your pulse pick up as sweat dripped down your neck. You wanted to run, wanted to scream, wanted to cry. "Mmh mmh! These are delicious! Sorry, Mammon doesn't let me snack even when I'm off his dime. Ozzie on the other hand practically mother birds food down my throat."
"Have your fill. At least one of the last things I'll see is my friend being truly happy. Doing what he wants to do."
Fizz stopped munching down the chips and looked you in the eyes. "Listen. The little princess might be upset but she's known for being the sweetest most forgiving being in Hell. I'm sure if you just explained to her that he kidnapped you-."
"And kinda forced himself on me." You admitted, cutting Fizz off.
"He did what?" His eyes were like saucers.
"Well… kinda? I mean… it's complicated. We were at a party with my family and then I got mad at him because he was traumatizing my niece and nephews and then I wanted to break off this engagement and I thought maybe I could get away while I was on earth. Then he appeared through my fireplace and was absolutely ready to murder my family so I made a deal with him that if he didn't hurt my family he could do whatever he wanted to me."x
"Firstly, that explains what Ozzie meant when he said something off handedly about you and the king getting frisky. Secondly, Red that's blackmail. There is no black and white to this situation. There is a clear and present danger in your life." He squeezed your shoulders and used his contact name for you.
"Yeah and right now it's name is Charlie Morningstar. She's going to kill me."
"Look everything’s going to be fine. I'll talk to Ozzie after the party about seeing if you can stay with us for a while. I'm here for you, everything is going to be okay." Fizz hugged you. You found yourself falling into his warm embrace, and for the first time in hell… you cried. You wrapped your arms around his skinny body so tight it felt like he was going to pop. You were safe. If only for a moment.
"Froggy! Where are you?" A voice called.
"Shit!" Fizz whispered in a sacred tone. "It's Ozzie. Dry your tears and stay in here okay?" Fizz opened the door right as Asmodeus was opening it from the other side. "Hi Oz."
"I thought you already came out of the closet?" Oz teased. "Hey lil hen!" He looked over to you, and took Fizz's hand.
"That's new." You remarked and followed behind them.
"Well female ducks are called Hens." Oz smiled at you.
"Oo! Looks like we're just in time for the end of the presents." Oz informed you both. They must've started early because you know that you and Fizz weren't in the pantry for half an hour.
"Aw. A wreath for the hotel! How thoughtful." Charlie smiled at your gift.
"Honey come here I want to hug you once I see what you got me."
"I'm good where I am." You said with a slight tremble in your voice. Charlie frowned and Furrowed her brow.
Lucifer opened the box and his face fell when he saw what it was. "You got me a white dildo, bedazzled with the words go fuck yourself written on it." And Go Fuck Yourself is in all capital letters too.
"Yep." You felt like you were going to pass out.
"That's disgusting." Charlie glared at you.
"To be fair I was going to get him a single sock instead but I couldn’t find anywhere that sold one sock and I didn't want to throw away money and throw away a sock."
"Can you please have a little more class than that? You're going to be the queen of Hell soon."
"Oh yes because if Hell's known for anything it's there upstanding citizens."
"Those are my people!"
"No, they're not! Your people are currently being treated like chew toys for the amusement of the rich. Your people are being abused and unfairly paid, sometimes not even being paid, while you and your father are profiting from their pain. Your people are the Imps and the Hellhound, and all the other Hellborn. Why is it that everyone in this room out ranks me in terms or raw power and/or social status and yet, I'm the only one who has actually done something for the Imps. So I restate what's on this dildo here. Both of you can go FUCK yourselves! After all the pain I’ve been through for the past 4 months, I’ve had enough! Good night and I hope you have a Merry Fucking Sinsmas!"
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felice-jaganshi · 6 months
My Fallen Apple
Lucifer X Reader
Chapter 8
Your back is pressed to someone's chest. It takes them speaking to realize who.
“You can't have her, Oz.” It was Lucifer!
“Oh? And why not big brother? She doesn't belong to anyone else, so why can't I offer her a night of fun and pleasure?” Asmodeus smiles sweetly, and Lucifer actually growled.
“Ozzie. You know why.” He sounded hurt and angry.
“Hm, but you still got that old ring round your finger. You're still waiting for Lily, aren't you? So why don't I take away your distraction?”
You feel Lucifer's arms tremble, before he lets go, and you feel your heart plummet. He's choosing her over you, isn't he?
He walks towards the water and you look over, just in time to see him take off the wedding ring slowly and hurl it off into the ocean full force! You gasp in shock! Hands covering your mouth, and your eyes go watery as he turns around and gives you a sad smile.
“You're right. She is a distraction, a distraction from all the pain I've been in waiting for someone who DOESNT EVEN LOVE ME ANYMORE!” He yelled the last part as tears fell from his eyes like a river. The wall he had built up had finally collapsed. Bee ran to comfort him, only to be kept at bay when he held up a hand to stop her. He had more to say. “It's time I let go. Let go of the ghost of her love that's been haunting me, and move on into the future.” He walked towards you, and you held your breath. He stopped just a foot away from you, and took your hands, before kneeling before you, and kissing your palm before pressing it to his own cheek. He then looked up at you with a warm smile.
“Hey you… I think you're really cool, and I like you alot. Maybe we could go on a date sometime?” You mutely nod your head, before kneeling down to his level.
“Luci, I love you.” His face flushes from your sincere tone and he places a hand on your cheek.
“Jesus… I was trying to be cool so I wouldn't scare you off. Can… I kiss you? Please.” You lean forward and kiss him first. It starts soft and sweet, but next thing you know he's kissing you in a way that leaves you breathless and seeing stars!
You're broken apart by the Sins all cheering and catcalling you two, making you both flustered. You'd forgotten you weren't alone!
“Ahem..” Lucifer cleared his throat, looking away for a moment, before looking back with a sheepish smile and stars in his eyes, “I love you too, Becca.” 
“Alright, should we just leave you two alone to fuck on the beach?!” Mammon yelled obnoxiously. 
Ozzie groaned, “Nuh uh baby! I ain't letting that happen on my watch! Sure it sounds romantic but the sand gets fuckin’ everywhere you don't want it! You do Not want That for the memory of your first time!” 
Lucifer began laughing and you couldn't help but join in, it was contagious! He pulled you in for a hug, then laid back to stare at the sky.
“I'll give ya that one Ozzie! Besides, I'd rather whenever we do it, that she and I be the only ones who know when it happens.” Lucifer looked at your face and brushed your hair out of it. “Right, my little apple?”
“Little Apple?” You smile at the nickname. “I like that.”
“Good, because that's what you are now. My apple that fell just for me, right into my heart.” He then kissed your forehead. 
Fizz was back in Ozzie's arms, “Fuh-yew!” He dramatically wiped at his forehead, “I am sooo glad ours and Princess Charlie's plan worked! Hah! She really does know her father as well as you do, Ozzie!” Ozzie chuckled and laid down in the sand next to the two of you.
You and Lucifer both looked over in shock, Charlie helped with this?!
Bee and Tex laid down together too, and the others laid alone, everyone forming a circle with their heads all toward the center, all staring up at the stary hell sky together. 
“I love you guys…” Lucifer said next, “I mean it, you all… you're my family too, and I love all of you so much. I'm sorry I let myself get distant from you all, you didn't deserve that.”
Satan huffed, “Oh shut up, we know you love us. It was that dumb bitch you married that pushed us away from you, and you from us.” Lucifer frowned, readying a defense for Lilith, when Bee spoke next.
“Yeah, seriously! She was manipulating you, and the more we tried to get you away to see it, the more she separated us from you! It hurt so much being torn from our big brother…” She hugged Tex tighter, and he rubbed her back in soothing circles.
“Wait, really?!” He was shocked to hear this. “I… didn't notice. She made me think you all were annoyed with me.” He held you closer, seeking comfort. You nuzzle his chest and bring a hand up to play with his hair, soothing him. He sighed, “Well, she's gone. And Becca here actually likes me spending time with everyone.”
You all end up sleeping together under the stars.
In the morning, you all make breakfast together and just enjoy each other's company. Everything seems like it's going to be a good day.
Until you get cut by a shard of glass on the beach and cut your foot open. “Ow! Fucking bitch!” You fall on your ass and look at you foot, Lucifer and the others rush over to your side. “Ah, it's not that bad…” You pull the piece out of your foot and look over at Luci, “Hey, can you use some of that healing magic on me?” He smiles and gets right on it.
Then you notice the Sins are all looking at you in shock and horror. “Wh-whats wrong guys?” 
Lucifer freezes as you speak, “Oh… I… I forgot to tell them you're-”  
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felice-jaganshi · 6 months
My Fallen Apple
Lucifer X Reader
Chapter 3
It's been a week, and you've been texting Lucifer every day since you left. You sometimes send him selfies with your friends or new places around heaven, and he does the same, sort of introducing you to the seven sins and the other rings through the pictures. It's a great time, really!
But now comes the hard part. You told your friends you had a “secret date” with someone and refused to say who. You also told them not to worry if you didn't answer anything till the next morning, as that just meant the date went really good.  
You made your way to where Adam had shoved you off before. You thankfully had managed to avoid him for the week. He was apparently “very busy” with higher angel stuff, not that you cared.
You took a deep breath, making sure your phone and backpack were secure before taking the leap!
You were free falling for a majority of the fall, pulling out your wings only when the castle was in sight. But before you could get too close something like a white missile came zooming up to meet you!
“You came! You really came back!” It was Lucifer, he'd come up to meet you halfway. He looked stunning, his wings out and on display. You can't help staring.
“wow… I've never seen someone with six wings before! Everyone I know has two or four.” He chuckled and danced around you in the air, showing off.
“Well, I am the strongest angel ever created by the OG big man himself.” You giggle at his antics, he was such a charmer. Suddenly you find yourself scooped into his arms, “come on, I got something really cool to show you!” 
You tuck in your wings and let him carry you around. He opened a portal and flew through. “Now, normally human souls can't go to the other rings, but since I'm literally the king , I can get you special exceptions to go anywhere at all, as long as you're with me.” 
He smiled, it had a smugness to it. Pride. But it was different from when Adam was being prideful and showing off, this time it was endearing and charming. Rather than obnoxious and irritating.
Next thing you knew, he was landing in front of a fancy restaurant. “A good friend of mine runs the place. I booked us a reservation.” As you entered there was sensual music playing and demons everywhere. But really, they didn't look that much different from angels. Other than a darker color palette on average.
As you were seated, almost immediately a giant demon made mostly of blue fire rushed over to your table! 
“Luci, baby! Oh it's been so long since you dined at my place!” He scooped the king up in his arms and squished him to his chest, rocking back and forth and looking so happy!
“Oh come on Ozzy! Has it really been that long?!” He laughed, and hugged back. Ozzy frowned and set him back down.
“Yes. Ever since you and She had a fight here, you haven't been back. That was 30 years ago, luci.” You hide behind the menu while this back and forth occurs. Another demon suddenly comes up behind you and grabs your chair, leaning over you and looking upside down! You drop the menu and try not to scream from surprise.
“And who's this little cutie? Is she the one who finally got you to leave pride and visit all of us?” His voice was raspy and he looked like a clown. 
“Hi… I'm-” before you can say your name, he turns your chair, making you spin round in circles for a bit. 
Lucifer smiled, “yeah she is, my new best friend.”
Ozzy gasped, “new best friend? Am I being replaced?!”
“Hey hey, no! Buddy! You're my brother, all, well, 5 of you are my family! I love you guys! She's just the newest addition to that family. That's all.” He then smiled at you. You were so dizzy you could hardly hold his gaze. “Yo Fizz, I think you overdid it.”
Fizzarolli looked you over, “oops. Sorry babe, you alright? No hurling on me now.” He made his way back to Ozzy's shoulders.
“I'll… be fine. Just gimme a second.” You take a few seconds to reorient yourself and take a sip of water before smiling at him. “All good.” He smiled back at you.
“Good, I hope this isn't too much for you. This is only your second time hanging out with me.”
“Hm, only second time and you brought her to my place? Luci, you certainly do move fast! And I thought I was the master of lust~.” He teased Lucifer, then went to your side. “Thanks for getting him out of the house sweetheart, we owe you a big one.” His voice was really sweet and he placed a warm hand in the middle of your shoulders. 
“It's been a pleasure to know him. Did you say you're the master of lust? Would that make you…”
“Asmodeus, the sin of lust, at your service baby girl.” He winked. “Would you like any recommendations for dinner? I can tell you all of Luci's favorites.”
“Oh, sure.” You were a little nervous now. “I'm not used to being anywhere this fancy. I feel like I'm underdressed for this kind of place…” 
“Oh honey, don't worry about that. You're literally here with a king. You can get away with anything when you're with him .” 
After dinner, Lucifer took you back to his castle and you looked at more duckies together.
When he turned his back, an impulse came to mind. Hide in the pile of ducks. And well, why the hell not?
“Oh and this one- Becca? Hello?” He looked around and didn't see you. He then heard a squeak from your pile as you accidentally squish a duck. He grins, his voice going low, “oh my, looks like i got a rogue angel to hunt down.” He then chuckled and you felt butterflies in your gut. Oh no, why was that hot?!
The next thing you know, he's diving into the pile of ducks! He quickly finds you and you're now pinned beneath him, “So, what was the plan from here? Wait for me to leave so you can run around my palace unsupervised?” He smiled like the cat that caught the canary and tilted his head to the side.
“Um… there wasn't really a plan. Just sounded like a fun thing to do.” You were blushing and nervous, you placed your hands on his shoulders, not sure if he'd try to make a move or not. Would you even be upset if he did? He seems to suddenly become aware of your positions as you touch him. He pulls back quickly!
“Oh, whoops! Sorry Becca, didn't mean to make you uncomfortable.” He adjusted his tie nervously, standing up. You get up as well.
“I'm not uncomfortable Luci. But, if you wanted today to be a date, you should have said so. I would have dressed nicer.” He looks shocked by your words, a blush forming on his cheeks.
“No no no no!” He waves his hands dramatically before pointing to his ring. “I- I just wanted you to meet my friends! I'm totally married!” He was panicking now.
“But your wife has been missing for seven years?” You have to ask, “Did she take your daughter with her?” He sighed and shook his head.
“No, Charlie is an adult doing her own thing, that's all. And lilith… She and I… I don't know anymore. She promised me forever, and I want to believe this is just a rough patch and we'll get through it but… she hasn't even spoken to Charlie all this time either…” He looked more upset by that than her leaving him.” 
You give him another hug, “mind if I stayed the night? I brought a change of clothes and a toothbrush. I wanna spend more time with you.” He hugs back.
“Yeah, I have a guest room you can stay in.”
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felice-jaganshi · 5 months
My Fallen Apple
Chapter 13 (finale!)
It was a few more months before the wedding planning was done, and during that time, you got to know Alastor better. He wasn't really that bad except for when he felt the need to antagonize your fiancé. You and Zariah worked together to try and get the boys to act civil, with mild success. It seemed “teasing” was just one of Alastor's love languages. 
Finally though, it was the wedding day. Angel Dust, the spider demon you'd gotten to know recently, was doing your makeup.
“So, ready to become a queen?” He asked. 
“I don't know about ‘queen’… but I'm definitely ready to be his wife.” You look at yourself in the mirror and already the tears start to come.
“Hey! Hey! Nooo, nu uh! Hold off the waterworks till after the I Dos! At least let him see my hard work first!” He was grinning as he teased you.
Fizzarolli was holding your bouquet at the moment, making sure none of the flowers were wilted. He'd agreed to walk you down the aisle since your father wasn't an option. 
Zariah was going over some last minute things on the phone with Vaggie, who was with Charlie, who was with Him . Your soon-to-be husband. “Do you need me to come over there?... How do you usually get her to stop crying?... Just put Charlie on the phone then!” She was laughing, it seemed Charlie couldn't stop from crying over how happy she was to get to see her father get married.
You took a deep breath to steady yourself. Your dress was an off the shoulder a-line with tulle sleeves. Your veil hangs behind as you stand from your chair. It has star and sun patterns with feathers on the edges in silver and gold. You look like a radiant goddess.
You were in front of the door leading out of the hotel. Nifty and Razzle were behind you ready to go as flower girls, and Alastor poked his head in, “You sure you want to marry the fool? You know Lilith isn't going to like this when she eventually comes home.” He was trying to stir shit up for fun, since he'd already taken care of the paparazzi and all the other “trouble makers”. 
“I'm sure. And if she does show up, I'll kick her ass for hurting him! I'm ready.” You smile, “Thanks Al, I needed that.” 
He hummed, “Good, you better keep your word on kicking her ass. He's counting on you.” He then popped back out and got the wedding march started. It was a slow piano version of “stand by you”. The song you sang to him just before he proposed.
Fizzarolli took your arm. “Here we go, try not to cry until the vows, okay?” You nod, buzzing in excitement. The doors opened, and you began to walk.
You see him at the end of the makeshift aisle. He looks stunning and stunned. 
He's wearing a new white suit, one with what almost looks like a three tier skirt in the back. Like a combination wedding gown and suit. It's elegant and the back is open in a diamond pattern, showing the markings where his wings rest in his back. His hat is gone, replaced with a proper crown in its place. He doesn't look like himself really, far more serious than you've ever seen him… but the love in his eyes is the same as ever.
You begin to walk, Fizz keeping a hold on you to keep you from just running to him. When you get closer you can see tears in his eyes, and a tremble in his smile. Charlie stood beside him as his best man, and Asmodeus stood at the altar to act as your officiate. 
“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to unite two souls in the firey, passionate bonds of Love and Marriage. And if anyone knows anything about love, it's the lord of Lust! Because while lust is fun for a while, love is the fuel that keeps that fire burning.” He looked at Fizz, sitting on your side of the aisle with a blush and a grin.
“Now, I'll stop my blubbering, and let you love birds say your vows, as I've been told our king has something special prepared.” Now everyone's attention was on Lucifer, as he took your hands.
“Becca, my sweet apple pie… before you literally fell into my life, I was a depressed wreck of a man. I couldn't bear to look at myself in the mirror. It was bad, real bad. Like, days without eating bad. I never thought I'd love again, or that I'd ever be able to face my daughter in such a state. And there you were, in my garden. Then you treated me so gently and with such kindness, I thought at first maybe I was finally being forgiven for my sins… then I realized you were too good for me, but you kept coming back and bringing out the best in me. Because to you, Charlie and I have reconnected. Because to you, the Sins and I are back to being family again. Because of you, my life is better than it has been in over one thousand years. And I promise, for as long as I exist, I will give you all the love I have in my heart. I'll cherish and adore you for all of eternity. I give you my heart, as bruised and battered as it is… please be gentle with it.” He smiled fondly at you.
The tears fall without your consent. “Luci… babe…” He reaches out to dry your tears. 
Ozzie smiled fondly, “Those were some beautiful words Luci. Now it's Becca's turn, you need a minute baby girl?”
You take Lucifer's hands that are holding your cheeks, and kiss the palm of each of them once. Then smile, “I'm good.”
“Lucifer… I know I wasn't meant to be in hell, but this has felt more like home than anywhere else in my life and afterlife. When we were alive, Zariah and I would joke about if we ended up in hell, I called dibs on marrying you. But now it's not a joke, but my greatest dream come true. I love you, more than any man I've ever loved. You've made me feel seen and appreciated and adored. You make me feel wanted and needed. And it's just as much what you don't do that makes me love you. You don't make me feel like your mother figure, and you don't make me feel exhausted from caring for you. I feel like your equal, and I feel energized lifting you up when you need it. Because you lift me up too. You'll never walk through hell alone, because I'm gonna stand by you every step of the way. I'll never leave you.”
Now it was his turn to cry, his eyes sparkling as rivers cascade down his cheeks.
“Alright baby! Now that's what I'm talking about!” Ozzie chuckled excitedly, “Becca, do you take Lucifer, the king of hell, to be your lawfully wedded husband?”
“I do.” Your voice is full of certainty and confidence. 
“Lucifer, king of hell, lord of Pride. Do you take Becca to be your lawfully wedded wife and queen?”
“I do!” He's still sobbing as he says it, too excited to contain himself anymore.
“Then I pronounce you, Girlboss and Malewife! Haha, nah I'm playin’! I pronounce you Husband and Wife, now go on and kiss each other!” He smiled and Lucifer practically pounced at the opportunity to press his lips to yours.
The crowd was a combination of laughter and cheers, but you didn't care. You had a husband to smooch.
And to have and hold.
For the rest of eternity.
The End
During the reception, the two of you sneak away while everyone's partying for some one on one time. Once alone on the hotel roof, Lucifer can't stop fidgeting…. 
“What's on your mind? Got something exciting planned for our wedding night you can't wait for?” You tease, sitting next to him.
“Hm? Oh, well, yeah, but… I also have something I wanted to run by you… so… you know normally once a human soul is dead, they can't have kids anymore? Well… I have the power to completely negate that rule. If I choose to. So… if you wanted… someday… maybe we could…” He looked at his hands as he fidgeted with his new ring. This one had your name engraved on the outside and inside.
“You… we could make Charlie a little sibling!” You realized what he was trying to say and tackled him! “Yes! Absolutely Luci! I'd love to! Let's… let's have a baby!”
The End (for real now)
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rhmis-user-2020 · 4 months
Incorrect Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss quotes - Part 1
Lucifer: My biggest gripe is the fact that you got hurt in the process from a circus fire occurring...I just wonder who hurt you, but also wonder who saved you and took you to the hell's hospital. Either Asmodeus or Blitz. Not sure, but either way your boyfriend, who was once more Asmodeus is the one to be there for you as well as I too being around you. You poor thing got severely burned in the process, hopefully, I just wanna tell you that deserve to get the love, joy, help as well and support of those who loved you which was your boyfriend. Fizarolli: That's kind of you. Lucifer: I won't thank you enough, Fizzarolli. As your friend, you shouldn't off been hurt in the process and I just hoped that your boyfriend would be there if you ever needed him the most. But promise me, friend. That I maybe the sin of pride but I am not here to just make people suffer all the time. Asmodeus, slightly smiles:
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