#Low code
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mobiosolutions · 10 months ago
Imagine a future where every business operates at its peak, empowered by software crafted just for them. This isn't a distant dream – it's happening right now! Custom software development is not just optimizing operations; it's redefining the very essence of how businesses function. It's a journey towards excellence, where technology meets creativity to unlock unprecedented potential. Join the conversation on how custom software sets new standards in the business world.
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techniktagebuch · 2 years ago
Anfang bis Mitte März 2023, vielleicht auch noch länger
Wie viele Arbeitsstunden lassen sich aufwenden, um mit 7 unterschiedlichen kostenlosen Diensten ein paar Euro pro Monat zu sparen – was aber nur wenige Wochen gutgehen wird, weil anschließend irgendeiner der Dienste sein Geschäftsmodell ändert oder eingestellt wird
Seit Anfang Februar mag unser Twitter-Mastodon-Crossposter keine Benachrichtigungen über neue Techniktagebuch-Beiträge mehr auf unserem Mastodon-Account posten. Anfang März fällt mir dann auf, dass der neue Tumblr-Editor auch gar nicht mehr die Option mitbringt, zu jedem neuen Blogbeitrag automatisch einen Tweet abzusetzen. Das hat vielleicht damit zu tun, dass Twitter im Februar die Abschaltung der kostenlosen Programmierschnittstelle angekündigt hat. Es sieht so aus, als würde nicht mal der alte Tumblr-Editor noch zu Twitter posten. Im Moment erfährt man also weder bei Twitter noch bei Mastodon vom Erscheinen neuer Techniktagebuchbeiträge. Es muss irgendeine neue Lösung her, die unabhängig vom Tumblr-Editor ist.
Ich könnte die selber schreiben, aber zum einen weiß ich nicht, ob das überhaupt noch gehen wird nach dem Ende der Twitter-API, und zum anderen soll das Techniktagebuch möglichst unabhängig von einzelnen Personen sein. Wenn ich vom Bus überfahren werde, soll niemand in meinem Privatserver herumstochern müssen, um herauszufinden, wie das jetzt gelöst war mit Twitter und Mastodon. Ich habe in den letzten Jahren oft gesehen, dass andere solche Dinge mit "If This Then That” (IFTTT) lösen, aber selbst bisher nichts damit gemacht. Das scheint mir jetzt der richtige Anlass dafür zu sein.
Bei IFTTT trägt man einen Auslöser ein, das “If This”, in unserem Fall das Erscheinen eines neuen Techniktagebuchbeitrags. Und dann das, was daraufhin passieren soll, das “Then That”, hier also das Absetzen des Tweets und des Mastodonposts. Es muss ganz einfach gehen, sonst wäre der Dienst nicht so beliebt. Denke ich.
Für Tumblr→Twitter scheint es bei IFTTT eine fertige Lösung zu geben. Für Tumblr→Mastodon noch nicht, deshalb beschließe ich, erst mal zu sehen, ob sich das lösen lässt. Ich folge dabei dieser Anleitung: hyperborea.org/journal/2017/12/mastodon-ifttt/ Es ist alles überraschend unintuitiv und vertrackt. Damit ich es testen kann, muss immer erst jemand einen neuen Techniktagebuchbeitrag schreiben, und so zieht sich das Testen über mehrere Tage hin.
In dieser Zeit kommt unabhängig von mir auch Clemens auf die Idee, dass das Techniktagebuch so eine neue Lösung braucht. Er baut eine Mastodon-Anbindung mit dem Dienst dlvr.it und hat dann dasselbe Problem wie ich: Das Testen zieht sich hin. Vor allem die Titel der Beiträge machen Schwierigkeiten.
Nachdem wir ein paar Tage gebastelt haben, beginnen natürlich beide Lösungen genau gleichzeitig zu funktionieren. Clemens traut aber der Zuverlässigkeit beider Lösungen noch nicht und möchte gern erst mal beides eine Weile beobachten, bevor wir uns für dlvr.it oder IFTTT entscheiden.
Wir merken schnell, dass beide Versionen nicht so richtig funktionieren. Das Hauptproblem besteht darin, dass jeder Techniktagebuchbeitrag einen Datumstitel und eine Überschrift hat, die in so einem Ankündigungstweet oder -toot beide enthalten sein sollten. Der Datumstitel ist ein eigener, über die Tumblr-API erhältlicher Teil, aber der Überschriftentitel ist technisch gesehen ein Teil des Beitragstexts und müsste erst aus ihm extrahiert werden. Das geht mit dlvr.it und IFTTT nur in der kostenpflichtigen Version.
Die Lösung darf aber nichts kosten, weil wir sonst wieder einen Weg finden müssten, als Gemeinschaftsblog das Geld dafür einzusammeln und zu verwalten. Das ginge schon irgendwie, aber jede solche Konstruktion hat potenziell Zwietracht und Zerfall auslösende Nebenwirkungen. (Aus demselben Grund werden auch die Einnahmen aus dem Verkauf der Techniktagebuch-Buchversionen ans Internet Archive gespendet.) Außerdem stehen die Kosten in keinem Verhältnis zu dem, was wir brauchen. Clemens fasst es so zusammen:
Zapier: 19 Euro / Monat, für die paar TT-Tweets, wow. Ich schätze, für 20 Euro pro Monat twittern und tooten meine Söhne das TT auch von Hand.
In den nächsten Tagen probiere ich verschiedene Dienste durch, die ähnliche Leistungen wie IFTTT und dlvr.it versprechen:
Zapier wirkt auf den ersten Blick super, es funktioniert viel intuitiver als IFTTT und ich mache schon begeistert im Redaktionschat Werbung dafür. Dann fällt Clemens auf, dass Zapier nur innerhalb der ersten 30 Tage bereit ist, mit Hilfe von “Webhooks” kostenlos mit Mastodon zu kommunizieren. Danach wird es Geld kosten, ein Trick, auf den ich gleich zweimal reingefallen bin, denn auch bei IFTTT gibt es das mehrschrittige Verfahren, das ich einsetze, nach einer ersten Testphase nur noch im Bezahltarif. Ich suche weiter.
Als Nächstes versuche ich es mit Pipedream. Das sieht nach einem im Prinzip guten und vielseitigen Werkzeug aus, aber ich bin zu blöd bzw. ist es zu schlecht (nämlich gar nicht) dokumentiert. IFTTT war die reine Erholung im Vergleich, und da ist es schon nicht so einfach.
Bei make.com (das vormals den schönen DDR-igen Namen “Integromat” trug) ist eine Twitter-Anbindung gleich nur im Premiumtarif vorgesehen und ich muss nicht lange rumprobieren.
Ich fasse einen neuen Plan: Ich werde ein Gratistool finden, das den RSS-Feed des Techniktagebuchs so umbaut, dass er als Beitragsinhalt nur den Untertitel enthält. Danach müsste es dann auch mit IFTTT in einem einzigen kostenlosen Schritt gehen.
Jetzt muss ich nur noch drei, vier verschiedene RSS-Umbau-Tools ausprobieren, bis ich schließlich zu politepol.com finde. Das kann den RSS-Feed aus den Beiträgen im Techniktagebuch so erzeugen, wie wir ihn brauchen. Und danach dauert es noch ein paar Tage, in denen Clemens und ich einige Beiträge hauptsächlich schreiben, um damit unsere jeweiligen Tools testen zu können.
Typische Chatbeiträge aus diesen Tagen:
Clemens: Argh, das sieht ja sehr unerfreulich auf Mastodon aus, das dlvr.it macht unerwartete Dinge mit dem Politepol-RSS, grrr. Nicht nur, dass alle alten Nachrichten erneut vermastodont wurden, sondern es wurde dabei auch noch der Titel (den du in das RSS doch eigentlich so schön reingebaut hast!) weggelassen.
Kathrin: andererseits, so gründlich wie jetzt gerade wurden die Leute noch nie auf neue Beiträge aufmerksam gemacht, vielleicht sollten wir dabei bleiben!
Clemens: Auf neue und auf alte Beiträge!
Kathrin: Redundanz! Wichtiges Ding in der Informatik, höre ich.
Clemens: Genau, einen Techniktagebuch-Bot einrichten, der jeden Tag alle alten Beiträge noch mal postet.
Clemens: Es ist sehr irritierend: zu dem letzten Beitrag gibt es nun also zwei Tweets (einen von IFTTT und doch wieder einen von Tumblr direkt?). Und einen Mastodon-Toot, der ist von dlvr.it, aber keinen IFTTT – hat IFTTT doch wieder Kummer mit Mastodon?
Aber nach ein paar Tagen und einigen Korrekturen setzen IFTTT und dlvr.it – leicht zeitverzögert, aber einigermaßen zuverlässig – zu jedem Techniktagebuchbeitrag einen Tweet und einen Mastodon-Post ab. Da die Link-Vorschau der Toots je nach Wetterlage und verwendetem Endgerät mal bei dlvr.it, mal bei IFTTT besser aussieht, gelegentlich einer der Dienste einen Toot unterschlägt und ein bisschen Redundanz vielleicht dazu beiträgt, dass die Beiträge mehr gelesen werden, beschließen wir einige Wochen später, beide Lösungen zunächst beizubehalten. (Sollte das nerven und sich Leser:innen beschweren, können wir natürlich jederzeit einen der Dienste abschalten.) 
Diese Art der Problemlösung wird in den letzten Jahren oft als“No-Code” oder “Low-Code”-Technik beworben, benutzungsfreundlich und hürdenlos! Teilweise stimmt das, Clemens und ich mussten nicht eine einzige Zeile Code schreiben. So richtig einfach war es andererseits nicht. Aber die Probleme haben sich hauptsächlich daraus ergeben, dass die Lösung nichts kosten durfte, und diese Einschränkung gibt es in vielen anderen Projekten nicht. Vielleicht ist No-Code oder Low-Code doch die Zukunft. Oder jedenfalls eine mögliche Zukunft.
Update, 22. Mai & 9. Juni 2023: Heute (bzw morgen) bewahrheitet sich die Überschrift des Beitrages, in der wir bereits unken, dass die Anfang bis Mitte März gefundene Lösung vermutlich nicht lange gut gehen wird. IFTTT schaltet am 22. Mai die Twitter API ab: 
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Noch bleibt uns uns die dlvr.it-Nahtstelle, die sogar ohne den Umweg über Politepol direkt mit dem Tumblr-RSS arbeiten kann. Die tut sich vom 22. Mai bis zum 9. Juni zwar leider wieder schwer mit den Beitragstiteln, seit ein paar neuen Einstellungen am 9. Juni sieht es aber auf Twitter und auf Mastodon wieder gut aus: Jetzt lassen wir von dlvr.it nicht mehr nur das Datum und die Überschrift neuer Beiträge an Twitter und Mastodon durchreichen, sondern sogar den ganzen Anfang neuer Beiträge. Das ist ja sowieso viel besser so, wir tun einfach mal so, als wäre das Absicht.
Update, 26. Juli bis 1. August 2023: Tumblr stellt inzwischen für neue Beiträge einen neuen Editor bereit, und die Tags, die in Beiträgen die Überschriften markieren sollen, gehen auf dem Weg vom neuen Editor ins Tumbr-RSS irgendwie kaputt. Es scheint ein Bug auf der Seite von Tumblr zu sein. Dieser führt dazu, dass einige Beiträge des Techniktagebuchs auf Twitter und auf Mastodon statt mit dem Datum mit dem Autorennamen in der Titelzeile angekündigt werden. Wir informieren den Support von Tumblr, wollen aber nicht auf eine Lösung des Problems durch Tumblr warten und bauen deshalb wieder einen Umweg von Tumblr ➡️ Politepol ➡️ Dlvrit ➡️ Twitter & Mastodon, um Datum, Beitragstitel und Anfang des Beitrags korrekt an Twitter und Mastodon reichen zu lassen.
Update, Anfang Dezember 2023: Außer den Techniktagebuch-Accounts auf X (ehem. Twitter) und auf Mastodon versuchen wir nun, als alternatives Angebot für die, die nicht auf X und nicht auf Mastodon sein wollen, auch zwei Accounts auf Bluesky regelmäßig mit Updates zu befüllen. Damit gibt es nun also Updates zum Techniktagebuch auf Mastodon, auf X/Twitter und auf Bluesky, und ebenfalls den Techniktagebot auf Mastodon, auf X/Twitter und auf Bluesky. Wir hoffen, dass das einigermaßen stabil läuft und versuchen, diese Vielfalt im Auge zu behalten.
Update, 26. Juni 2024: Wir haben wieder gebastelt, und seit heute scheinen die Ankündigungen über neue Techniktagebuchbeiträge auch auf Threads einigermaßen stabil zu laufen:  https://www.threads.net/@techniktagebuch .
Update, 12. September 2024: Es war ja eine schöne Zeit, mit den Techniktagebuchbeitragsankündigungen auf Xitter, auf Mastodon, auf Bluesky und zuletzt auch auf Threads, und ebenfalls mit dem Techniktagebot überall dort (und über ein LinkedIn-Profil hatte ich auch bereits nachgedacht). Aber leider scheint das so nicht weiter zu gehen: dlvrit hat den kostenlosen Basic-Account eingestellt.
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Und eine (bisher allerdings nur oberflächliche) Suche hat uns keinen anderen geeigneten Anbieter zum weiteren Befüllen der Profile gezeigt. Wir sind zuversichtlich, dass wir mindestens für Mastodon demnächst wieder einen Weg finden werden, aber wenn Beitragsankündigungen pausieren müssen oder hakeln: Bitte nicht wundern.
Update, 29.September 2024: Für die Beitragsankündigungen auf Mastodon (https://mastodon.online/@techniktagebuch) gibt’s jetzt wieder ne Lösung.
(Kathrin Passig / Clemens Möller)
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fromkenari · 8 months ago
It's not just Gen Z and Gen Alpha who I'm worried about as a Software Engineer though. They're trying to take away our tools to build anything and replace them with drag-and-drop GUIs, and I've already been tasked with trying to make the BS they're calling "Anyone Can Make An App" work. Microsoft's entire Power Platform is built on this. They want to avoid individuality or actual features (not bugs!). They want to "eliminate bugs" by forcing you to work in a tiny, infinitesimal space of what you're allowed to do in these new "app builders" instead of having a free range of the app from code to end product. And they claim it's "easier." One example of this was me being the younger programmer (with almost 2 decades under my belt) who was forced to spend four months working in and trying to create something as simple as a Time Off Request App (which is one of their app bases!) in Power Apps to have proof of concept, except all I did was prove that it was a steamy pile of nothing that couldn't work for my high yield company. And it's not just Microsoft that is doing this. iOS and Android have banged out similar "low code" and "no code" options. And don't get me started on using LLMs to do your coding. People are doing it! And releasing apps with it! And they're a freaking nightmare to look at as an engineer who was brought up working in C, C++, Java (plain Java, all these JS Frameworks are gonna collapse and be useless as soon as we figure out what the next big thing is), Python, and even Assembly. I was the last class of Computer Engineering students that was taught Assembly. The lowest-level language they teach at my university now is Java, and it's not even a useful class. It's the kiddie pool like it's always been. I didn't understand anything I was doing until I dropped out after my Junior year, took a community college course, and actually made something from code to finish. it worked, and I could use it. Then, I understood it. This new stuff? They do not want you to know how it works and that is terrifying.
another thought about "gen z and gen alpha don't know how to use computers, just phone apps" is that this is intentionally the direction tech companies have pushed things in, they don't want users to understand anything about the underlying system, they want you to just buy a subscription to a thing and if it doesn't do what you need it to, you just upgrade to the more expensive one. users who look at configuration files are their worst nightmare
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coderower · 26 days ago
Best Software Development Trends to Follow in 2024
Explore the best software development trends for 2024, including AI, low-code solutions, and cybersecurity, to elevate your business and stay competitive.
As we step into 2024, the software improvement panorama continues to conform swiftly, shaped by using technological improvements, changing person expectations, and rising enterprise needs. Staying ahead of these traits is critical for organizations aiming to remain aggressive and progressive. In this blog, we’ll explore the fine software development tendencies to comply with in 2024, specializing…
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kovaionconsulting · 1 month ago
How Web Developers Can Leverage No-Code Platforms for Better Results
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In the ever-evolving world of web development, staying ahead means adopting tools and technologies that streamline workflows and boost productivity. One such game-changing solution is the use of no-code platforms, which have transformed the way web developers work by allowing them to focus more on innovation. Let’s explore how no-code platforms significantly enhance web developers’ efficiency, highlighting Kovaion’s solutions and integrating insights from our own low-code platforms.
The Rise of No-Code Platforms
No-code platforms empower users to build web applications without traditional coding by using visual interfaces and drag-and-drop functionality. This democratizes app development, enabling individuals with varying technical skills to create and manage applications. Our blog post on building an enterprise app without coding delves deeper into this transformative shift.
Streamlining Development Processes
Rapid Prototyping and Deployment
One of the standout advantages of no-code platforms is rapid prototyping. Developers can create functional prototypes swiftly, enabling them to test concepts and gather feedback without spending weeks on coding. With Kovaion’s intuitive no-code environment, developers can deploy applications faster. Learn more about this in our blog on the best low-code platforms for native app development.
2. Reduced Time on Repetitive Tasks
No-code platforms automate repetitive tasks such as setting up databases, creating forms, and managing workflows, allowing developers to focus on more complex and creative aspects of projects. Our article, ‘How AI Adds Value to Low-Code Platforms,’ explains how Kovaion’s tools help reduce manual efforts and accelerate development cycles.
3. Enhanced Collaboration
No-code platforms come with collaborative features that facilitate teamwork among developers, designers, and stakeholders. Real-time updates and shared access allow seamless teamwork. To understand how collaboration is enhanced through no-code solutions.
4. Minimized Coding Errors
By using pre-built components and templates, no-code platforms reduce coding errors and enhance application stability. Discover more about how low-code platforms can minimize errors in our article, ‘5 Mistakes to Avoid While Building Low-Code MVP.’
Empowering Developers with No-Code
Focus on Innovation
No-code platforms handle routine tasks, allowing developers to prioritize innovation and enhance user experience.
2. Scalability and Flexibility
No-code platforms offer scalability, allowing developers to adjust applications as needed. Kovaion’s solutions are designed to grow with your business needs, providing adaptability in a fast-paced environment.
3. Cost Efficiency
Developing applications using traditional methods can be costly. No-code platforms significantly reduce costs and speed up development.
4. Empowerment of Non-Technical Users
No-code platforms also empower non-technical users, allowing them to contribute to the development process. This democratization enables a wider range of stakeholders to create and modify applications.
No-code platforms are transforming how web developers work by simplifying processes, reducing manual tasks, and enhancing collaboration. Kovaion’s no-code platform not only boosts efficiency but also enables developers to focus on innovation and deliver high-quality applications swiftly. To further explore the potential of no-code and low-code solutions, visit our comprehensive guide on making smart decisions with low-code.
Embracing no-code technology with Kovaion’s low-code solutions paves the way for teams to explore new possibilities and achieve success in the digital landscape, as discussed in our low-code innovation.
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christyrdiaz · 2 months ago
Redefining App Development Through Low-Code Technology
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In today’s fast-paced digital world, businesses must adapt to rapidly changing technological demands. Low-code development is a revolutionary approach that enables both developers and non-developers to build applications with minimal manual coding. It uses visual tools like drag-and-drop interfaces and pre-built components, simplifying the development process. This method accelerates application creation, reduces time-to-market, and lowers development costs, making it accessible to a wider range of users.
What is Low-Code Development?
Low-code development offers a visual approach to building applications by utilizing pre-built components and templates. It reduces the amount of hand-coding required, allowing developers to focus on business problems rather than coding intricacies. This speeds up the entire development cycle, providing businesses with a cost-effective solution for their mobile app development services.
Low-Code vs No-Code
Low-code and no-code are two approaches to simplifying software creation. Low-code still allows some custom coding, making it ideal for more complex applications. No-code, on the other hand, eliminates coding entirely and is designed for non-technical users, offering fewer customization options but rapid prototyping capabilities.
Benefits of Low-Code Development
Low-code development offers several advantages, such as:
Rapid Development: By using visual tools, developers can quickly build applications and bring them to market faster. This rapid development cycle allows businesses to stay competitive.
Reduced Development Costs: Since low-code platforms reduce the need for specialized developers and extensive hand-coding, businesses can save on development costs.
Ease of Use: Intuitive interfaces make it easy for non-technical users to contribute, fostering collaboration within teams.
Flexibility: Low-code platforms are adaptable, enabling businesses to modify applications quickly as requirements change.
Empowerment of Citizen Developers: It allows non-technical team members to create and customize applications, helping in digital transformation efforts.
Key Features of Low-Code Platforms
Low-code platforms offer several essential features for businesses looking to streamline their custom software development services:
Visual Interface: Drag-and-drop tools make application development easier for non-technical users.
Pre-Built Components: Libraries of forms, templates, and UI elements speed up the development process.
Integration: Connectors for third-party services ensure seamless integration with existing systems.
Workflow Automation: Automate repetitive business processes to enhance operational efficiency.
Popular Low-Code Platforms
Some leading platforms in low-code development include:
OutSystems: Known for its enterprise-grade capabilities.
Mendix: Popular for its ease of use and collaboration tools.
Appian: Focuses on simplifying business process automation.
Caspio: Specializes in database-driven applications.
Future Trends in Low-Code Development
Low-code platforms will continue to evolve, incorporating artificial intelligence, machine learning, and enhanced integration capabilities. These platforms will also support multi-experience development, ensuring seamless applications across different devices. The rise of citizen developers will further fuel innovation and faster digital transformation.
Low-code development is transforming the software development landscape by providing businesses with tools to accelerate innovation and streamline operations. As demand for agile, cost-effective solutions grows, low-code will play a vital role in shaping the future of mobile app and custom software development services. Embracing low-code can help businesses respond faster to market changes and optimize workflows for success.
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rubengrey · 2 months ago
10x Faster App Development - Rapid Prototyping with Low-Code
Achieve 10x faster app development with low-code platforms. Streamline rapid prototyping, reduce complexity, and bring your product to market more efficiently.
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sagorika · 2 months ago
How can no-code or low-code technologies be special for a special child?
No Code Technologies for Special Children #Technology #specialchildren #NoCodeTech #digitaltechnologies #electornics
No Code Technologies for Special Children Technology is rising and shaping the way we interact with the tech world. The children are also groomed in the direction of technology for a better career and future and hence to take them towards a better life with better-equipped jobs. Well, the scenario is perfect, even though the recession or bankruptcy of the company does hit like an unwanted…
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newgen-software · 2 months ago
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wuedk · 3 months ago
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𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨 𝐂𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬! 👋💻
𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐔 𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐞 is partnering with Cosmocloud to organize the 𝐂𝐨𝐬𝐦𝐨𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐝 𝐋𝐨𝐰-𝐂𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐧 along with 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐨𝐃𝐁 and 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐠𝐥𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬🚀🔧
🔗 𝐀𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐲 𝐍𝐨𝐰: https://whereuelevate.com/drills/cosmocloud-hackathon?w_ref=CWWXX9
𝐊𝐞𝐲 𝐃𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐬: 🌎 Location: Virtual participation from anywhere in the world 💰 Total Prize Pool: INR 12 Lakhs 🌟 Beginner Friendly: Cosmocloud Low-Code Hackathon is open to all participants, students, working professionals, or anyone.
ℹ 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐔𝐩𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬: https://chat.whatsapp.com/Ga1Lc94BXFrD2WrJNWpqIa
In addition to the prize pool, we have some cool swags for everyone who builds in this hackathon. 🎁🏆
𝐉𝐨𝐢𝐧 𝐮𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 #𝐋𝐨𝐰𝐂𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧!💡🔥
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ruhiiarora · 3 months ago
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Amoga - Low-code Work Platform
Amoga is a cutting-edge low-code work platform designed to streamline business processes and enhance productivity. By enabling users to build custom applications with minimal coding, Amoga empowers organizations to automate workflows, manage data efficiently, and facilitate seamless collaboration across teams.
For More Info -
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darren111 · 5 months ago
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ethora-app · 5 months ago
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kovaionconsulting · 1 month ago
Boosting Start-Up Growth with No-Code Platforms and SaaS Integration
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In today’s dynamic start-up environment, speed and adaptability are critical factors for success. As emerging businesses aim to quickly establish themselves in competitive markets, effectively leveraging technology becomes crucial. No-code platforms have become a transformative tool, especially for start-ups utilizing Software as a Service (SaaS). These platforms offer an efficient approach to application development, enabling start-ups to concentrate on growth and innovation instead of getting tangled in complex coding.
The Rise of No-Code Platforms
No-code platforms empower users to create applications without traditional coding, using visual development interfaces and pre-built components. This simplified development process is a boon for start-ups with limited technical resources or those aiming for rapid market entry. For a deeper understanding of how these platforms impact innovation, check out How AI-Powered Low-Code Platforms Are Transforming Innovation.
Benefits of No-Code Platforms for Start-Ups
Speed to Market
No-code platforms provide rapid development capabilities, allowing start-ups to build and launch SaaS products swiftly. This quick turnaround enables testing and iteration based on user feedback, which is crucial in gaining a competitive edge. Discover more about fast app development in our blog low-code mobile app development platforms in 2024.
2. Cost Efficiency
Traditional software development can be costly, involving hiring skilled developers and extensive coding efforts. With no-code platforms, start-ups can significantly reduce expenses and direct resources to other essential areas. For insights on how low-code platforms are transforming cost structures, read How Low-Code Platforms Are Transforming Manufacturing Processes.
3. Ease of Use
No-code platforms are user-friendly, enabling non-technical entrepreneurs to develop and manage applications themselves. This democratization of technology allows start-ups to retain control over their projects. Learn more about how this ease of use benefits developers in our blog How No-Code Platforms Can Enhance Web Developers’ Efficiency.
4. Flexibility and Scalability
No-code platforms offer functionalities and integrations that allow start-ups to customize and scale their applications as needed. They adapt to changing requirements, making them an ideal choice for growing businesses. To explore more on this, read the best angular low-code platform for developers In 2024.
How No-Code Platforms Enhance SaaS Solutions
Rapid Prototyping
No-code platforms facilitate swift prototyping, enabling start-ups to test and refine their ideas. This approach is invaluable for validating concepts with real users, ensuring a product-market fit before full-scale launch.
2. Integration Capabilities
With built-in integrations, no-code platforms allow seamless connections with other tools, essential for SaaS start-ups. This ensures comprehensive service delivery to users.
3. Empowering Non-Technical Founders
No-code platforms empower founders with limited technical skills to bring their visions to life, fostering innovation without the complexity of coding.
Kovaion’s Role in Accelerating Start-Up Growth
At Kovaion, we recognize the challenges start-ups face and are dedicated to supporting their growth through our cutting-edge low-code platform. Our platform streamlines the development process, enabling start-ups to build scalable SaaS applications efficiently. To understand more about how Kovaion’s low-code solution stands out, read Best Angular Low-Code Platform For Developers In 2024.
Our low-code platform accelerates development and offers seamless integration, scalability, and a user-friendly design. By leveraging Kovaion, start-ups can focus on their core business strategies and achieve rapid growth.
No-code platforms are reshaping software development for start-ups, offering speed, cost-efficiency, and simplicity that are vital for thriving in today’s competitive landscape. By integrating these platforms into SaaS solutions, start-ups can quickly launch their ideas, adapt to market needs, and scale efficiently. With Kovaion’s support, start-ups can unlock their full potential and accelerate growth, turning innovative concepts into successful ventures.
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rubengrey · 2 months ago
Rapid Prototyping and Launch with Low-Code Development [Case Study]
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There is arguably hardly any one factor, in an era of rapid technological change, that can make a product the center of buzz as much as the need for speed.
Those firms work under the constant pressure of fast innovation and making up for the market need in ideas that have to be actualized at very fast speeds. This is where rapid prototyping fits in; it allows teams to churn out early prototypes of actual products quickly, allowing rapid iterations, tests, and improvements made against real user insight.
However, traditional development methods often require a lifeline to keep pace with the demands for speed and rapid turnaround, especially when considering custom app development. That's where low-code development becomes a game-changer: designed to enable a team to build and deliver an application at speed, a low-code platform gives pre-designed components and visual interfaces that curb the need to write long lines of code.
For businesses that offer custom app development services, the use of Low Code in their process leads to much more rapid prototyping and launching, which goes a long way in how they can remain competitive and deliver effectively for their clients.
Case Study
HipMeal is an innovative app developed for a Swiss nonprofit organization with a mission to connect individuals who have surplus food with those in need. It provides features for building a community over shared meals towards waste reduction and ensuring that good food does not go to waste. Some of the basics within this app were user-friendly multi-language and secured, which are of course extremely essential, with user profiles, geolocation, and extended food listings.
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Problems Associated with Traditional Development Approaches
The development approach also mainly involves extensive coding and complex infrastructure setup that would seriously impede the process of implementing the project in relatively short timelines.
Delivering a complex, feature-rich, cross-platform HipMeal would have been a highly problematic task with the traditional development approach. Since the deadlines were extremely tight and with a limited resource capability, it was a concern to meet the purposes of the client quickly and cost-effectively.
Rapid Prototyping and Low-Code Development
These challenges were tackled by embracing rapid prototyping through low-code development. With Flutter, a high-performing cross-platform app development framework, the team built a working prototype in a fraction of the time investment of other approaches to development. 
The developed prototype included basic functionalities like user profiles, geolocation, and food listing, enabling stakeholders to visualize and experience the application early in the development process.
They have gone ahead to choose a serverless architecture for even more speed in development and, at the same time, can completely dispense with a lot of backend infrastructure. This not only reduced the initial costs of hosting but also facilitated quick iterations in light of user demands.
The low-code approach got the team quickly refining the application, with fear assured of meeting their client's needs on a very tight project timeline. The above mixture of rapid prototyping and low-code development helped to complete application development in time with high quality.
Why Low-Code Development?
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Introduction to Low-Code Development
Low-code development is a visual approach to software creation that enables users to create applications with minimum coding effort. The traditional way of mastering coding meant that one had to have extensive programming skills. Low-code platforms have intuitive user interfaces with drag-and-drop components that reduce the time of app development and, at the same time, dramatically cut complexity.
There are many benefits to be derived from using low-code platforms for rapid prototyping and launching: Apart from shortening the development cycle, facilities are provided for the time being so that a great many ideas can be cycled and built out according to user feedback, which low-code platforms can make very easy. They make all contributions to the project easy for all stakeholders—technical and nontechnical—so that businesses speed their way to the market, gaining an edge over competition in industries where agility is key.
Decision Process
Low-code development was decided upon as the most practical solution for the HipMeal project. It was guided by some of the following principal variables:
Ease of Use: The low-code platforms are designed in a user-friendly manner, and therefore both the developer and designer collaborate effectively. In HipMeal's case, this ease of use was very paramount because it had to collaborate with several stakeholders for the community-driven app.
Speed: With a tight project timeline, low-code development got the doors open to quickly prototype and launch the application. Using Flutter for cross-platform development gave the assurance that the app could be used across many devices, without the need for intensive reworking, fitting perfectly within the client's requirements.
Cost-effectiveness: This was a reduction in intensive resources for coding on the project because coding is usually a very expensive part of the custom app development services. It saved not only money on development but also reduced the initial hosting expenses through a serverless architecture.
The development strategy of today's top mobile app development firms is to deliver quality products in minimal time with the best resource utilization in a highly competitive technological landscape. 
The Rapid Prototyping Stage
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Step 1: Requirements Gathering
The first proper step in the development process is understanding the needs and setting clear goals for the client. At this step, top mobile app development firms that provide custom app development services need to better understand the client's requirements. 
In the planning stage of the HipMeal project, there was close cooperation with the client so that such fundamental features as user profiles, geolocation, and food listings could be identified. This was to ensure that the end product developed was to be a friendly, multilingual, and secure digital space.
Low-code tooling meant that these concepts might quickly be visualized to turn the abstract requirements into touchable, interactive models. This immediate visualization helped to align the vision of the project between developers and stakeholders, thus ensuring that everyone was on board from the very start.
Step 2: Building the Prototype
With the crystallization of requirements, the team carried on to quickly develop the prototype. The team speedily assembled key features needed in the app using a low-code platform like OutSystems. The visual, drag-and-drop interface of low-code allowed quicker development, which enabled the team to build a working prototype in just weeks—versus what would have been months with the traditional methods of development.
It allowed the team to concentrate on user experience and design elements more so than getting bogged down in the backend complexities, which is the usual way things go. This hyperactive timeline bore fruit regarding HipMeal, whereby the team was able to test and evolve the application much earlier than they had planned.
Step 3: Iterations
With a prototype, the next thing was to do feedback on stakeholders and probable users. The low-code platform facilitated ease of effecting changes in redesigning the prototype iteratively based on the feedback obtained. Improvements in the user interface, upgrades of features, and bug fixes were all performed quickly, evolving in the way a user would expect the app.
The product was subject to continuous improvement since it was easy to make updates in a low-code environment. Each cycle drive could provide better functionality and user satisfaction.
Launch of the Product
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Product Finalization
The process then switched to the working prototype when the prototype had been defined into converted into an end product. Most projects face difficulty with this transition from the prototype to a live product, but with the assistance of the low-code platform, this was dramatically reduced. The issues the team encountered were underperformance and scaling issues of the app, but these were defeated by the optimization of the serverless architecture and robust making of the data handling.
Launch Process
Fast development due to low code took place for the HipMeal app, hence well through the projected timescale. The phased deployment strategy the team adopted involved an initial launch in selected locations before rolling out nationwide, thus presenting control over the rollout and reducing risk in the event of the launch.
Personalization was assured with strategic deployment and deadlines for app development and completion through the low-code development approach. This has in turn availed a timely and effective solution to the client.
The contribution of rapid prototyping and low-code development was quite time- and cost-effective: compared with similar projects that followed the traditional development method, the HipMeal app was developed almost half the time, and the development cost was reduced to a significant extent. The metrics in terms of user satisfaction also showed a considerable rate of engagement, proving the efficiency of the user-centered design process.
Comparative Analysis
It becomes evident in terms of the benefits of HipMeal if compared with projects that are not developed using low code. Traditional coded projects are most often spread across periods and expenses as it takes to develop effectively. As of the study, it has been concluded that the platforms developed using low code are not just necessary but the imprimatur of top mobile app development firms seen to deliver custom application development services at a time and expense savings.
Best Practices
Here are some of the main lessons from this project—involve the stakeholder early and often, use the feedback loops that are enabled by the low-code platform, and make sure that the chosen low-code platform can carry the final scale and complexity of the product to be delivered to ensure this rollout is successful.
Summary of the Case Study
One example by which this low-code development capability enables the leading custom mobile application development firms to quickly and cost-effectively introduce advanced services to the market is the HipMeal project.
The low code allowed the team to rapidly prototype and iterate countless times and ultimately deliver a scalable, user-friendly app according to the requirements and much more, if not more. This case study we are sharing highlights the growing importance of low-code platforms in a modern development landscape.
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blogremote72 · 5 months ago
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Microsoft Power Platform makes it easy for businesses to collect, store, organize, analysis, and automate the data analysis process. With the easy integration of data sources like Azure or SQL server, you can set up the data stream with ease. Being a no-code platform, even non-technical people can use the platform to build applications and automate a data stream.
You can also Hire PowerApps developers to build a no-code application or set up the automated data stream using Microsoft Power Platform.
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