#Lovely pelicanpig
silvrash-797 · 1 day
To draw: your favorite Link doing your favorite activity ❤️
(p.s. congrats on your new baby! Don't ever forget you're the best mom your kids have ever known, even when it's hard!)
I couldn't decide between reading and sleeping, so you get Four and Wind doing both!
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And thank you! 🥰 That means a lot 😊
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 month
Okay, I'm way late on the prompt thing, but if you happen to still take them - or as something to hold onto for later - I'd love to see a little snippet from the ill-fated cruise ship HC Legend worked on!
Hadn’t there… been a storm? What…?
Link squinted against the bright sunlight, feeling sore and overheated, strangely stationary but still somehow dizzy. He heard seagulls, and—
Groaning, Link opened his eyes, the sun seeming to shine directly into his eyeballs. What had happened??
“Link? Oh, you’re finally awake!”
He knew that voice. “Marin?”
The familiar face appeared in his vision next, red hair nearly radiant in the sunlight. She looked haggard, clothes a little torn, face flushed, hair a mess. “Oh, Link, I’m so glad you’re okay!”
“We’re on a beach,” Link slurred, completely disoriented. “Did we…? Weren’t we in a storm?”
“We were,” Marin answered, shadows covering her face all of a sudden. “We were.”
The heaviness of her tone made him nervous. Sitting up, Link looked around, seeing several life rafts strewn along the beach, alongside a handful of other people in various states of disarray. He felt the bottom drop out of his stomach.
They were… they were stranded, weren’t they?
“The ship…?” He looked at her, asking for confirmation.
She shook her head. “It’s gone.”
He already knew, really. He could put the pieces together. But hearing her say it made him feel his entire world flip. What were they supposed to do? Who had survived? How had he even gotten here, anyway? He just remembered the storm.
“I’m glad you’re okay,” Marin repeated. “When you got thrown I was so worried.”
When he got thrown? He remembered huddling in the medical bay with Marin; they’d both known it was too dangerous to be anywhere on the deck, exposed to the weather. He must have hit something.
“How did I get here, though?” He asked.
“Well, you were awake for a bit, just kind of groggy,” Marin explained. “The captain said the ship was sinking, we all got on life rafts, but the storm flipped some and… we managed to make it here with the rest.”
“And the other medical crew?”
“They’re… they’re gone, Link. They’re all gone.”
Gone?? How could they--he knew those people, had worked with them, they were--
Link grimaced as he moved his arm, staring at a large gash slicing along it. Marin helpfully grabbed a first aid kit, noting, “This is all we have left for medical supplies. This and one other, that is. But… it isn’t much.”
It… he… they…
This was insane. This couldn't be happening.
Shaking his head, Link tried to orient himself to the situation, slowly straightening his posture as he reached shakily for the first aid kit. “How many others are injured?”
“A few,” Marin answered, hastily adding, “I’m okay, though, don’t worry.”
Link looked her over. She was certainly run down, but he didn’t see any immediate signs of injury. Based on her story, they… hadn’t been thrown around too much, right?
But how had he gotten this wound, then?
Shaking his head, Link tried to focus. “Can you help me triage the others?”
Marin nodded, determined, reaching to help him stand. Link refused to let everything sink in all at once.
They had work to do.
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skyward-floored · 5 months
For your ask game: bite 😁
“Ouch, is that where that wolfos bit you?” Wind asked as Twilight unwound the bandages around his leg, revealing a series of angry red bite marks all along his shin.
“Yeah, but it’s not as bad as it looks,” Twilight assured as he began tending to it, earning a smack from Four as he walked by.
“Twilight you could barely walk after we killed the thing, you would’ve bled out if you hadn’t had that potion,” the smithy said with a huff, and Twilight awkwardly scratched the back of his neck as Wind snorted.
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mistresslrigtar · 2 months
10 First Lines Challenge
Rules: Share the first line of your last ten published works or as many as you are able to and see if there are any patterns!
Thanks to @hurricane105 for the tag!
1. Propping her elbow on the deck railing outside Impa’s home, Zelda rests her chin on her hand and gazes at the bustling village below. Playtime With Zelda
2. When Sophie’s son was born he didn’t cry and his skin was the dusty hue of blue nightshade after it’s been hung up to dry. of recipes and courage
3. “Link!” Marin whispers, shaking him fiercely when he doesn’t react. “Captain Link Araki! For Hylia’s sake, get up. Now!” Captain Link Araki and the Harbinger of Destiny
4. The savory aroma of buttery mushroom risotto lingered in the air and blended with the fresh floral scent from the vase of flowers sitting in the center of the dining table. Just Our Luck
5. Link almost misses the folded note that has been slipped beneath his door when he rolls out of bed. Practice for Keeps
6. Zelda burst from the dining hall and pressed her back against the wall of the deserted corridor. Moonlit Interlude
7. Late afternoon sunlight streams through the room’s one window, casting an elongated golden rectangle across the smooth wooden floor. Third Time’s a Charm
8. With each step she took, a pouch slung over Zelda’s shoulders bounced against her hip as she walked through Hateno village. Sowing Seeds of Love (I found a glaring grammatical error with this first line, so good thing I did this! 🤣)
9. “Zelda! We’re leaving in an hour!” Sonia’s voice, calling from the marbled foyer of their mansion in Salari Hills, echoed up the stairs to Zelda’s room. Can’t Take My Eyes Off You
10. Link hefted the axe in his left hand, testing the weight, before lifting it and gripping the handle with his right. All I Want is You
Seems like I have two ways I like to begin my stories - either with an action or dialogue. That tracks.
This was fun!! I tag @bahbahhh @pelicanpig @summonerluna @wouldyoustilllovemeifiwasawyrm @linktheacehero @mailrebel @aurathian and @linksthoughtbrambles
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skyloftian-nutcase · 4 months
Recently consumed basically all your LU in healthcare content, and the fact Legend has helped deliver two babies is sticking with me. In my head, he panics those first two times, but when he and Wars end up helping with a delivery in the ER and Wars has a freak out, he plays it totally cool like "what? You've never delivered a baby before?"
Anyway, thanks for the brain rot. I will cherish it always ❤️😂 happy Sabbath!
Hahaha yes, Warriors would absolutely freak out, childbirth is not at all in his comfort zone. Legend would take charge, be comforting to mom and handle the situation well, and Wars would have to admit defeat. For the next month, at least, anytime Wars tries to tease Legend he’d come back with some quip about the incident. “Oh, yes, at least I’m a competent ED nurse and don’t have a meltdown just because a woman’s giving birth,” and things akin to that 😂
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