#Loveley people being lovely
chessalein · 9 months
It's Wednesday may dudes. AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH
Joke aside.. Thank goodness it's Wednesday. Only two times hearing the alarm left. Only two days of "nooooo I Don't wanna get up". Only two times sitting there and asking if this job is worth it.
Yesterday was so exhausting, I think no amount of sleep could make this up.
I can't wait for today to be over and I can't wait for Friday. Lovely loveley Friday.
Let's go people! Let's go through these last three days.
Remember: you don't have to always give 100% it's okay to have slower days as well. You are not a robot that can give all the time 100%.
They can do that because they don't get tired. They don't get exhausted by people or other stuff. They don't have problems that make them mentaly tired. No body parts that hurt.
You are a human being with complex emotions, lines that can get crossed, with a body that can hurt and get tired for no visible reason.
Give yourself a break. Allow yourself to be what you are: human :)
So how about we give today... 50%? It's halftime of the work week, so let's do half energy day.
Let's go!
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bewitchingbaker · 3 months
15. Does your muse have any birthmarks, stretch marks, freckles, or moles? Where are they?
A 16 year old Chris stares at his reflection in the hotel mirror.
Those soft brown hues look over his features for a moment. A large curly afro, no doubt still inspired by his favorite Philadelphia drummer. His eyes are huge, 'puppy dog' eyes as his aunt often called them. Usually giving everyone a clear indication of any emotion he felt at the moment. He's begun to fill out thanks to everyones favorite friend, puberty. Those once sticks he called arms have gained quite amount of mass, thanks to a combination of 5 squares a day and lifting everything in the bakery.
Andy often joked about him joining the team, though he knows Chris is way too invested in a potential career in arts.
But Chris doesn't exactly possess the abs that the older teen often flexed. Though his chest rivaled Andy's, his tummy was much more soft compared to the washboard muscles of the football team captain. His eyes wander to the small star shaped shaped mole that rests on those chubby cheeks of his.
The proof of his growing mass could be seen on the inner parts of his arm and on certain parts of his thighs. He can only sigh at his broad frame.
There's a hint of regret in his eyes, unsure of his decision to join his sister, Andy and Beth on a trip Oasis Waterpark. Why not? It's a weekend trip with people he considered close friends. He gets to be away from the hellish heat of Luna's kitchen.
But then he remembers he has to be shirtless to go to the pool. In front of Beth no less. He looks at the 2 xl Pearl Jam tee with a roll of his eyes. While a small gift from his close friend, he still can't shake that teenage jealousy of Eddie Vedder as Beth never misses an opportunity to sing his praises.
Then he hears a familiar series of three knocks against the door. Looks like he thought her up.
Chris quickly slips on his shirt to open the door to see the light of his teenage heart, Beth Riley. Much like him, her Janis Joplin tshirt is a 2 sizes too big though it maybe because it's a shirt that belonged to him and he left it at their place. Like an open book, she can sense something is wrong with her friend. One of the perks of being fluent in 'quiet kid' as Jess often puts it.
Her hand reaches out to his shoulder, inquiring whats wrong in that loveley voice of hers. Chris does that thing he always does when he can't find the words and rubs the back of his neck as if the right saying is there. His eyes wander to the phone in her other hand with an inquisitive tilt of his head. He follows her to her to his bed, taking a seat next to her.
Then he remembers her trip back home for the Monarch Festival. Once he looks over the videos of the various dancers, the baker notices a small radiant smile spread across her face.
'They're beautiful, ya know? They almost remind me of you. Ya both are big, huggable honestly. Very beautiful.'
Now here he is, 30 years old.
Much had changed over the years. He's grown to appreciate the small stretch marks that decorated those huge arms. An equally matching pair of hands squeeshed his cheeks with a small smile. Though he still works for a much more solid tummy, he loves its softness a little more. Plus, with the addition of a moon shaped piercing that hung from his belly button, he grew to appreciate his softness.
'You look like a hero, Killika but you're still lovely to hug.'
Her words upon seeing him after so many years still played like a lovely song in his head whenever he looked at his physique. Beth often said she could never find the right words for things and Chris would always disagree. If it's one thing Beth had, it was great timing. His mind would always wander to her kind and encouraging words throughout the years.
[ @brooklynislandgirl ]
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dewitty1 · 5 years
I'm feeling curious and random, so! What is your ideal Drarry fanfic? What are your favourite tropes? How do you head cannon Harry and Draco Post-War? I gots to know!! 😂❤️
。;+*(★`∪´☆)*+;。Ahhh, duuude, @april-thelightfury115​, those are excellentquestions!
Let’s see, I love so many fics that it’s hard to decide whatthe perfect Drarry fic would be. I really like when they meet again, after thewar, maybe about 3 or so years after Hogwarts. (They can have completed Eighthyear together and called a truce, but not actually have become friends then.)  Enough time for the  to have grown up a bit. Maybe seen some ofthe world, explored themselves, gotten mind healing maybe (but it’s ok if they’restill a little messed up because aren’t we all? And let’s face it, that warwould fuck with anyone’s head, right?) .
I like a bit of aslow burn, but not too much, because I get damn antsy (I’m like “ COME ON KISSalready!!!!! Let’s get to the good stuff, you know you wanna shag boys!”).  I like when they must work together towardssomething and become friends in the process. And there’s GOT to be BANTER!!!!ALL THE BANTER!!! Draco is a SNARKY GIT, and Harry SNAPS BACK and I must seethat. But of course, it’s got to be flirty banter, you know, lol.
And always I need a happy ending. I can’t do MCD. I likeseeing them with kids together, and things like that too. It’s nice.
Tropes that I love are basically all of them, really. I’m down for reading anything, pretty much. (•‾⌣‾•)و ̑̑♡
Enemies to friends to lovers
Professors Drarry
Work Partners
Living in the Muggle world
Randommeeting/Getting Reacquainted/Dating
Fake Dating
Harry “saves” Draco
Draco “saves” Harry
Hogwarts Eighth year
Hmmm, Head cannons Post-War… Those are tough (you know I’mnot a writer, right?) LOL
Many fics have Harry going the Auror route, which is OK. Ilike seeing him doing something else, though. When he goes the Auror, thenProfessor at Hogwarts route, that I like. Especially when Draco Is also aProfessor.
I love Harry doing things with kids. I think he’d be veryactive in Teddy’s life, if not actively raising him.
I like to think Harry retained his ability to speak parseltongue.I think he have a pet snake. Or have friendly snakes in his garden. (This of coursedrives Draco crazy when he finds out! Whoot parseltongue kink, heehee!)
I love Harry with tattoos! I think he’d get a few memorialtattoos for his family. Lilies, a stag, the Sirius constellation or a blackdog, a wolf, probably a phoenix, a sock for Dobby… and later the Dracoconstellation, or a dragon…
Harry would have a dog, lol and probably other pets…
I also HC that Grimmauld Place is magic, too, and eventuallywith Draco’s help, comes to accept Harry, and not be so, well, grim…
Draco…Gosh… I have a lot of thoughts but not enough time,lol
Draco could do or be so many things…but like I said above, Ilike Professor Draco. Teaching Potions, or even Transfiguration…
He got some mind healing, but in France after school. I likea Draco that is at least on his way to healing . (But if somebody wrote me afic, Hey, I’m open to ALL THE TROPES,LOL)
He does his best to not be seen like his Father was. Thoughhe still retains his snark.
He keeps in touch with Pansy, and Blaise, no matter wherethey end up in the world.
He didn’t have to go far to convince his mother that he wasnever going to be “the Perfect Malfoy Heir” that his father wanted.
He completely refurbished the Manor.
He uses Arithmancy to control his family’s investments, sothat even though the Ministry took reparations, their vaults came back quickly.And he invests in Muggle businesses as well as Wizarding. One of his first investmentswas in Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes. After apologizing to the entire Weasleyfamily, obviously. Some were a hard sell, but he got through, eventually ( withHarry’s help).
Draco covers his dark mark with a full sleeve of flowers,that include narcissus, and lilies.
I see Draco and Harry eventually becoming the Wizardingworld’s power couple. They help make a lot of changes in the wizarding laws, aswell as Wizarding fashion (thanks to Draco & Pansy).
Wow, this got longer than I intended… IDK if it answeredeverything, and these certainly aren’t all my HC’s, but just a few.
Thank you so  much forthis, darling! xoxo (◍•ᴗ•◍)♡ ✧*。❤🧡💛💚💙💜
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anne-white-star · 4 years
Jon pertwee x blind!reader
Notes : (Jon isnt maried) this played in 1975 a year after jon left doctor who. y/n lost her sight at a young age and enjoys to lissen to the navy lark and doctor who her father takes her to a convention to meet jon and both fall in love, reader is above 20 i try to make it as acurate as i can.
Words : 1119
Warnings: non
Also i try to make this the best i can im doing expiriments with wrighting so please excuse me if anything is wrong or not corect.
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Y/n was sitting in her room just haning around, there wasn't mutch for her to do, you see y/n is blind and can't do mutch. But she enjoys listening to stuff especaly the navy lark and doctor who.
Y/n grabed one of the records she got from her dad on her birthday they were his first but hadend been used mutch. Y/n realy enjoyed the navy lark especaly petty oficer pertwee he was quite funny in her opinion. One day she asked her dad if mr pertwee played in anything ells
"Wel i know for a fact that he plays the doctor now i can put it on if you like" he had said
"Realy? Oh that would be wonderfull" and ever sinds that moment she Also became a doctor who fan.
And everytime y/n got some money from her grandparents or her birthday she would save it to be able to buy some figureens.
She had jo, the master, liz, sarah, benton yates, the brigadier, some aliens a TARDIS and bessie the only one missing was the doctor. But today was her birthday and her dad had a present for her.
"Happy 29th birthday y/n " her parents huged her
"Thank you" she hugged them back
"We have two presents for you one is here bur for the other one we have to travel"
"Alright" she waited
"Here we know how mutch you like and enjoy doctor who" her mom handed her a box that could open at the top
Y/n opend the box and felt around in it and grabed the said thing out of it "this doesn't feel like any of the figureens i already have" she rubbed her fingers over it to visuelise it "no wait is this a doctor figureen of mr pertwee" she gasped.
"It indeed is y/n We knew it was the only one missing from your colection" her dad said
"My goodness he's handsome" y/n blushed
Her dad laught "do you want to know your second present?"
"Yes please"
"Alright your second present is that we get to talk and meet jon pertwee in real life we made an arangement to meet him in private at the convention tomorow"
"No way really!? Thank you thank you" she jumped up And down and then huged her parents.
The next day y/n her dad and y/n herself were on their way to the convention "oh i can't wait im so nervous" she was smiling so brightly it could lit up a room
"We are almost there 15 more minuts" her dad said.15 minuts later they finaly arived at the destination
"Do i look a bit oke?"
"You always look good my dear don't worry" her dad took her arm and leaded her inside "excuse me sir but where is the room we wil meet jon pertwee? "
"Follow me" said a security guard. They followed him to a room "please wait here he will come in about 10 minuts"
"Alright thank you" they both dat down and waited, just like the guard said 10 minuts later jon walked in
"Ah so these are the people im suposed to meet " jon grabed y/n's dad his hand and shook it and did the same to y/n "please do sit down again" he smiled
"Its really a honor to meet you mr pertwee"
"Please call me jon but do tell me whats your name?"
"Sutch a lovely name, do tell me y/n are you a big fan?"
"Wel as big as i can be with my disebilety"
"What do you mean?"
"Wel you see im blind, i lost my sight at a young age"
"Im so sorry to hear that"
"Its fine it was an acident no one could have done anything to stop it from happening"
"But if you can't see how do you Enjoy the show?"
"Wel you see i saved my money to be able to buy all the doctor figureens and i label them with a brail lable to be able to see wich character is wich"
"Thats extremly clever of you y/n"
"I like to use my imagination, i always try my best to find a way to be able to have fun even without my sight"
"I will be leaving you two alone" y/n her dad stood up "i'll be back in a hour"
"I understood that you also Enjoy the navy lark"
"Oh yes i really do i really need to use my imagination also because its a radio show but that really doesn't matter its fun to lissen to it makes me laugh everytime" y/n gigled
Jon laughed "Ah yes i also Enjoyed making the recordings it was quite fun to do with the cast"
"Jon i have a question and i hope its not strange but i was wondering if i may toutch your face just to see what you look like in real life, i don't know how acurate the figureen is that i got"
"Im fine with that y/n" he smiled softly at her, he grabed her hand and helpt her up then he put the chair before his and then he guided her to sit back down, he placed her hands on his face.
Y/n started to softly feel his face "I...i" y/n started to cry
"Oh whats wrong? "
"I never imagend i would get to meet you im just so Lucky" she softly cried
"Hey its alright don't cry now" jon huged her
"Jon i have fallen in love with your character and you i hope we will meet again after this"
"Im almost sure we wil" he huged her again
"Thank you for everything" y/n brought his hand to her face and placed it on her cheek.
"You are More than welcome"
"This quote always will stay with me jon Courage isn't just a matter of not being frightened, you know. It's being afraid and doing what you have to do, anyway.
I was really afraid to meet you but my point was proven that i could meet you and not be afraid i thank you from the bottom of my heart"
"Your welcome oh i was wondering if you would like to stay for a little longer mabey meet Patrick troughton the person who played the doctor before me and some companions of mine"
"That would be loveley"
"You get to wear my cloak at the pannel" he laught
"Realy? Oh thank you i always wanted to do that"
Jon grabed y/n her hand and helpt her up, he placed the cloak on her shoulders "come along my lady"
"Of course my dear sir"
And this would be the begining of a wonderfull relationship
The end
I hope you enjoyed reading 😊
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Lost in the fire
Summary: Being together with Loki for a while now he asks you what your fantasies are, surprised when you tell him about always wanting to have a threesome he is completely against first. Until he finds a way to make it work for both of you...
Pairing: Loki x F!Reader x F!Reader Clone
Wordcount: 2.677
Warnings: smut (all of it)
A/N: I was listening to The Weeknd’s “Lost in the fire” while writing, so for everybody who is confused about the title, listen to the song, you will get it. This is based on a request from a loveley anon that i had way to much fun writing: Could you write a fic where fem!Reader has been dating Loki for quite some time and has always fantasized about having a threesome, but Loki protests because it feels like cheating… So Reader asks him to use illusions/magic to create a double of herself, giving Loki an unforgettable Reader/Loki/Reader threeway.  
@ladyreapermc​ / @theolsdalova​ / @greenmanalishi​ / @itsmydreamlifethings​ / @palaiasaurus64 / @celestial-vomit / @penwieldingdreamer/ @its-jb86 / @notyourtypicalrose / @babypink224221 / @the-thighs-of-betrayal / @imupintheclouds/ @rjohnson1280​ / @mishaandthebrits​
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“No.” Loki shook his head.
“What? Just No? You ask me what fantasies I have and all I get is a no?” You crossed your arms in front of your chest. You were sitting on your bed across from Loki show was leaning with his back on the headboard.
“I don't want to share you with anyone, Love. I don't want to see another Man or Woman pleasing you like only I should be able to.”
“That's kinda cute. But imagine... Me and another woman, on our knees in front of you...” You slowly crawled towards him on the bed.
“Me kissing another woman before we both focus just on you...” You straddles his lap, his hands coming down on your hips, his eyes becoming dark.
“I can feel that you like the idea.” You rolled your hips, your arms crossing behind his neck, you made sure to press your chest against his so he could feel your hard nipples through the thin fabric of your shirt. He groaned before his lips crashed down on yours.
“Think about it. Maybe cast one of your illusions if you don't want to share me with anyone else...” You whispered as he parted from your lips, his hands pulling your shirt off.
“I will think about it...” He whispered before he pushed you down on your back.
3 weeks later
Loki had taken you out in town today, buying you your favourite dinner and shooting glares at everyone who only dared to look at you longer than what he think was normal. He treated you like his queen and you enjoyed every single second of it. It wasn't often that the two of you had the chance to go out with him being.. well Loki. You were never sure if people looked at you or at him but then again you didn't care. You loved him with all his flaws, if there were any. Sighing you made your way back home, already reaching for the keys of your apartment when Loki stopped you in front of the door.
“Remember the conversations about fantasies we had a couple weeks ago, my Love?” He asked, putting a stray of your hair behind your ear as you looked up at him. Nodding you narrowed your eyes.
“Well... Why don't you go and look who is waiting in our bedroom for us?” He asked smirking. Biting your lip, feeling yourself get aroused at only the thought of what was going to happen, you nodded and opened the door.
Walking slowly towards the bedroom you could hear moaning and whimpering.
“Seems like someone started without us already...” Loki grinned as you looked up at him. Breathing in deep you opened the door and had to take a moment as to what you were seeing. It was yourself, sitting in the middle of the bed, naked, with your favourite vibrator between your legs, working it in and out of your? Her? Pussy, her hand pinching on her nipples. You felt Loki on your back.
“My, my... Look at yourself, so desperate for release...” He hummed, kissing your neck. You tilted your head while you watched your other self reach her orgasm moaning loudly.
“So beautiful...” Loki whispered, working on the zipper of your dress, letting the fabric fall to the ground, leaving you in only your underwear and high heels.
“Now off you go.” Loki slapped your ass, making you jump. Looking over your shoulder at him you slowly walked towards your bed. You never had the chance to look at yourself like that, sprawled out naked in front of you so you just looked.
“This is...” You began.
“Weird.” Your other self interrupted, making both of you chuckle.
“But this also might be the best idea Loki ever had... Well actually it was your idea but still...” She said, getting up kneeling at the edge of the bed right in front of you.
“And why is that?” You asked, looking back into her eyes, that seemed to be bluer than your own.
“Because I know exactly how to make you cum.” She whispered, before she kissed you. Moaning as her lips worked against yours, you put your arms on her back, letting them run down until both of your hands were on her ass, making her moan as you kneaded her cheeks. You felt hands on your back, opening your bra, the straps falling from your shoulders before she pulled the fabric off completely, letting it fall to the ground.
Her hands came up to cup your breasts, pinching your nipple harshly, making you moan against her lips.
You felt Loki step to your back, his hands landing on your hips. Parting from her lips you looked over your shoulder just when he leaned in and kissed her, making you whimper.
“I bet she's drenched...” Loki groaned looking at her.
“We both are...” She grinned, her hand wandering down your chest, diving right into your panties. Her fingers parted your lips before she flicked her thump over your nub, making you moan.
“She's soaked.” She smiled, looking at Loki.
“Do something about it then.” He smirked at her, before he leaned down and kissed from your shoulder up to your neck. You felt her lips closing around your nipple, sucking on it as her hands slowly pulled your panties down. Loki sucked on your neck while you felt her hand between your legs, spreading your wetness before she dipped two of her fingers inside of you making you moan, your body leaning against Loki's, whose hands wandered up from your hips to cup your breasts. You could feel him hard on your lower back, seemingly enjoying you making out with yourself in front of him.
“Gods...” You moaned as her thump came up to circle your clit while her fingers inside of you gone straight for your G-Spot. She kept circling the spot, making you hold on to her shoulders as she kissed your stomach.
“How often do you think can we make her cum, pet?” Loki asked.
“Mhhh... I don't know.... Twice was her limit till now.” She said. You closed your eyes and let your head fall back against Loki's chest, rolling your hips against her fingers and Loki's cock behind you.
“Let's go for four tonight.” Loki grinned, pinching your nipple, your orgasm surprising all of you as you held on to your other self, trying to remain on your own two feet.
“That was one.” She grinned as you opened your eyes.
“Okay guys. I need to lay down if you don't want to hold be pinned between your bodies the whole time...” You sighed. Feeling Loki chuckle behind you, you looked down at your other self who took your hand and made space so you could turn around and sit down. Sitting down next to you, you looked at her, your hands on her thigh, slowly running up between her legs, finding her soaked, her breath hitching as you massaged her folds. Turning your head to look up at Loki, you could see him slowly peel off his clothes.
“Hmmm... What should we do about that?” You asked, your other hand reaching out to stroke him above his pants.
“We could suck his cock.” Your other self suggested. You looked at her as she bit her lip, looking up at Loki.
“We could do that.” You agreed, pulling your fingers through one of the loops of his pants, pulling him closer to you. You opened the fly of his pants, her hands coming down on his bulge, making him hiss. When you finally opened his pants you pulled them down until Loki stepped out of them. You reached for his cock, your hands closing around it as it twitched in your hand, stroking him while you thought of what to do next. He tilted your head up, leaning down to kiss you, before he stepped around the bed and lay down in the middle.
“All yours Ladies.” He grinned, his hands crossed beneath his head.
You looked at your other self who had the same smirk on her face. Slowly you crawled up the bed, both of you letting your fingertips run up his legs. You felt him shiver, propping his weight up on his elbows as you lowered your head, your lips parting as you took his cock in your mouth. Your other self was kneeling opposite of you. You looked at her and nodded making her crawl down in between his legs, kissing up his inner thighs her tongue darting out to lick his balls making Loki groan, his back falling down in the mattress. You felt his hand on the top of you head as you bobbed your head up and down his length, taking him deeper and deeper while your other self massaged his balls.
“Fuck...” He cursed, stopping your movements. Releasing him with a plop you looked up at him.
“We should have done that sooner...” He hummed, sitting up.
“Lay down, Love.” He whispered, kissing you hard as he pushed you down so you were laying on your back.
“Ever been eaten out by yourself?” Loki asked smirking.
“Have you?” You dead panned, making him chuckle.
“What if I say I have?” He grinned, making you frown before he changed his form to become a woman for only a couple of seconds before he changed back. Shaking your head you let yourself fall down on the mattress. He pushed himself up, sitting in the armchair next to the window, raising an eyebrow at you. Looking away from him you looked at your other self laying down in between your legs.
“Well if this isn't some narcissistic shit then I don't know.” You joked, moaning in the next moment as you felt her tongue diving in between your folds. Biting your lip you breathed in deep as you felt her tongue working through your folds, circling your entrance, her tongue dipping into you, while her teeth brushed over your clit. She moved her tongue inside of you, making your toes curl.
“Just like that...” You whimpered, rolling your hips. She hummed against you, her hands trying to keep you down, slapping hard against your thigh when you didn't stop, making you moan. Her tongue wandered up, focusing on your clit, when three of her fingers entered you, making you orgasm right away, moaning loudly your arousal running down your thighs. You looked down at her as you came back from your peak, seeing and feeling her lick off all of it, making you groan.
“That was number two.” She grinned up at you, making you laugh exhausted. You turned your head towards Loki who had his cock in his hand.
“I practically made myself cum twice. Anything to add?” You asked, raising your eyebrow at him.
“You seem to forget that it is me who made your clone, Love.” Loki said, getting up from his seat. You lay on your side, your head on your hand as he slowly walked over to you. He leaned down to kiss you deeply as he got to the bed, his hands coming down on either side of your head as he got into bed, making you lay on your back as he hovered over your body, his lips everywhere. You put your arms behind his back, pulling him down on top of you, needing to feel his weight on you.
“Loki...” You sighed.
“Yes, Love?” He hummed, his lips wandering down your neck.
“I need...” You closed your eyes, your hands wandering to his hair as his lips got to the top of your breasts.
“You need what, Love?” He asked, his tongue darting out, flickering over your hard nipple.
“I need you inside of me....” You whimpered. His arms coming around you he flipped you so you were straddling him. Looking down at him you almost jumped as you felt other hands on your body, having completely forgotten over your other self.
Loki chuckled, his hands laying on your hip.
“What a lucky god I am. Not only one of you, but two.” He grinned, one of his hand reaching for your other self who was now kneeling next to both of you. Biting your lip your hands reached for Loki's cock, you hand closing around it, running it up and down, seeing his eyes snap towards you.
“Kneel over my head, pet.” Loki groaned at your other self who grinned at you before she  crawled on top of him, face towards you. You saw her eyes roll back, a moan escaping her mouth. You looked down, one of Loki's arms holding her leg next to him his other hand back on your hip. You were so fascinated by the look on your other self's face that you nearly forgot what you wanted to do intentionally. When Loki moved his hips beneath you, you shook your head, lining up on top of him and slowly sinking down on him. Moaning in pleasure you stilled, enjoying the way he filled you when you slowly began to move.
You could hear Loki moan but you still looked up in your other self's face. Her eyes half closed, biting her lip. She was kneading her breasts. Was it weird to think you looked hot while you were getting fucked? You felt Loki thrust up into you making you moan, his hand coming in between your legs, his fingers circling your clit as you rolled your hips.
Moaning you let yourself fall back, holding your weight with your hands on his legs as you began to chase your orgasm. You could already feel the heat inside of you, only needing just a little bit more.
“I'm gonna cum....” Your other self moaned, holding on to the headboard behind her.  Loki began to thrust up into you, making you moan, his fingers flickering your clit harshly, getting yourself wetter.
“Loki...” You moaned. Crying out his name your other self came, which send you over the edge, coming hard on his cock. Both trying to steady your breath you leaned up again surprised when your own lips crashed down on you, making you moan as Loki thrusted up into you, spilling his seed deep inside of you, making you whimper.
Out of breath you parted from her lips as she got down from Loki. Leaning down you lay down on top of Loki who kissed you hard. He put his arms around you, slowly turning you so you were laying in his arms on your side, your other self pressed against your back.
“So... How was that for fulfilling your fantasy?” Loki grinned, his fingers running up your side.
“Mindblowing.” You whispered giggling kissing him again. Your legs entwined with his you sighed as his tongue dove into your mouth.
“So what about your fantasies, God of mischief?” You asked, raising your eyebrows at him.
“I think it's best if I show you.” You heard a voice behind you. Turning your head you saw that your other self was gone and another Loki had appeared, his chest pressing against your back, his hand wandering in between your legs, making you moan. Turning your head around you looked into the wicked eyes of the love of your life.
“I still need to make you cum at least once more.” He grinned, before he kissed you again.
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flower-zombie-rob · 4 years
Tumblr followers
(and why they mean so much to me compared to other websites)
So I'm coming close to 300 followers on tumblr, which is legittimateley mad, and i started my account about 2 years ago.
My friend started tumblr a few months ago and hasnt got more than 10 followers (which was my experience for the first year until it suddenly shot up) and then started an Instagram for her art a week ago. She already has 20 followers on instagram and i cannot even fathom how insane that is. it really got me thinking about tumblr following and the way it compares to other sites.
She started an instagram and in like 5 days shes already got 20 followers, whereas my first year on tumblr i really had to work my way up to having even the minimal 10. What took me a year of being thankful for 20 real living people to look at my blog and decide that this is the content they love, she achieved in two weeks... how empty must that feel?
Take this with a grain of salt because i dont have anything other than tumblr because of personal reasons, and dont intend to in the future because of a lot of toxicity in body image and blah blah blah, but tumblr is really special in that way. It makes you work hard for those followers and you can interract with those followers one on one, no matter how big or small the audience.
With tumblr it really made me realise that you have to work and improve and in general just find the content you enjoy and how you can bring it to others. You actually have to try so hard to get people to actually like you and swaying the minds of the people on tumblr is probably a lot harder than those on other social medias. I feel so conected with my followers and a big part of that is that they can send me asks or dm me or give me feedback in a way that makes me feel really included. Evey time i get a single notification telling me someone new follows me, my mind goes so mad with love because i went through that starting phase of 0 followers and them slowly, but surely, finding my blog and following for my content. I see every one of my followers as a real living person that looked at their screen and thought "this. this person is one i enjoy following. this content makes me happy and this person does too" and its a feeling i just cant imagine you can properly get on a website where the usual is 20+ followers in less than halve a month of posting seven pictures. It just doesnt feel like that would be as satisfying, y'know? Especially since on tumblr there's no way to even tell the amount of followers someone has. So to a beginner, someone with 12000 followers has no more worth than someone who started posting yesturday. Its so much more about the content and personality of the creator and ill never get over how special that makes the bond between followers and bloggers.
So now i just want to take a moment to say how important you all are to me. Every single person that presses that follow button makes me so unbelievably happy and interacting with you makes my day. Even just a regular leaving a like on my posts makes my heart go apeshit. The fact that a single one of you saw my blog and decided you wanted to make the choice to follow me is so damn wholesome and makes me feel so amazing. when i follow a person i always feel a certain sweetness knowing that theres a possibility that im making that person as happy as i am when someone follows me, and i want you to know how much i adore every single one of you. Even ghost followers, even followers that arent as in love with my content as before, even those who feel like they et annoying by spam liking, commenting, and messaging all the time(youre not annoying youre saints) i love every single one of you and im so thankful to have you in this loveley world. Youre important, reguardless of how many of you there are or ever will be.
If any of my followers ever need someone to listen to, i will. And if you guys are going through bad times, it will get better. You all mean so much to me. Thank you for following me, hope you keeo enjoying my content like i enjoy your interaction with it. 💜
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OK this may be a strange request. But me and my friend both feel like Nagito and Hajime are us if they were girls. can you perhaps do a head cannon of Nagito and Hajime with a fem s/o that is that exactly like them??? Please and Thank you. bonus if you could include a similar style with a Shuichi, Rantaro, Kokichi, Kaito and Makoto. If you cant tell they are our favorites :)
This is not strange request at all!
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Hajime Nagito Shuichi Rantaro Kokichi Kaito and Makoto with s/o who is a lot like (if not the same as) them
Hajime Hinata
Hajime is so happy to have someone who is like-him. 
You agree on almost everything and are “power copule”. 
Hajime and you are mostly serious but you love times where you can just goof around and be idiots together.
You are like “parents” of the group.
You are a bit selfless and allways think about Hajime first. He does the same thing thinking about you first before he whould do anything. 
Nagito Komaeda
He is worried when you talk about yourself like this but hey you are hella worried too that your loveley boyfriend thinks that he belongs in trash can.
You both give each other hope and are overprotective. You.dont.want.anything.happening.to.your.marshmallow.hope.
You are basically the outsiders of class while your class are doing some crazy shit you two just sit back in eachothers embrance and watch how big their hope can grow.
Yet again you are tiny bit insane and no one ever knows what you two are up to.
Shuichi Saihara
Ah there is no word to express how social akward you two are.
You mostly hang out at Shuichis place but of course from time to time you go to your place too!
You are rather pessimistic but Shuichis presence allways makes your day. He feels the same way too.
They way you two get each other to get flustrated is adorable. Since for both of you its easy but you can bearly be flirty with your partner without braking the act. 
Rantaro Amami
You are overprotective of each other.
You often travel together seeking for adventure.
Rantaro and You won’t ever let anyone feel bad about themselves. You are the “support squad”.
Whenever anyone assumes that Rantaro is a womanizer you get annoyed really fast and that calm smile changes into deathstare. How dare anyone say such things about your avocado. 
Kokichi Ouma
You are a nightmere for your class. Two tricksters is just too much.
You love to prank everyone and the look on everyones face is just priceless.
Kokichi just loves when you think about some devilish prank and thinks that he loves you even more with each second.
He says that you are vice-leader of D.IC.E no one knows if hes lying or not.
You hate liars just like your boyfriend and tend to tease whenever you catch someone lying this doesnt exclude Kokichi of course. Buuuuuut its hard to tell when he is lying or not.
Kaito Momota
Watch out Shuichi (and basically everyone who feels down) the powercouple is comming with love and support oh no he (or they) cant hear us he has airpods on oh god oh no.
You love to goof around with Kaito. 
And when you two stargaze you just feel ascended.
You wont let anyone call Kaito an idiot. Becouse hes your idiot and not just some any idiot. But they call you an idiot sometimes too- and Kaito wont let this happen.
Makoto Naegi 
You two are just ordinary people who are precious beans.
Your unusual optimism is something that makes you two so adorable.
You spend together a lot of time with your classmates without being too affectionate towards each other.
~Mod Chiaki
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Victoria, Princess Royal praying on her wedding day by Queen Victoria, 25th January 1858
“The 2nd most eventful day in my life, as regarded feelings, for I felt almost as if it were I that was being married over again, only much more nervous, — A thick fog, & a sharp frost early. — Whilst dressing dear Vicky came in to see me, looking, composed, & in a fine, quiet disposition. This relieved me greatly. We went down to breakfast with dear Alexandrine. Of course Fritz, whom I tenderly embraced, & who was much moved, was there too. The dear Princess also came in for the moment. — My Dressing room was arranged for Vicky & she began dressing at about 1/2 p. 10. Our hair was done by Nestor, one after the other. When she was ready she came through in her bridal attire, looking very pretty & nice. Her dress was of white moire antique, trimmed with 3 flounces of Honiton lace & wreaths & spray of orange flowers & myrtle. The wreath & veil were to match & the train was the same as the dress. My dress was of mauve moire antique & silver, trimmed with Honiton lace. I wore my Regal Diadem & the crown diamonds. My train was of velvet also trimmed with lace. Vicky was daguerreotyped in my room, & she & her dear father & I, together, but I trembled so that it has come out indistinct. Then, it was time to go. 
The sun shining brightly, 1000s out, since very early, — shouting, — ringing of bells, &c. — Albert, Uncle & the 2 Boys went 1st, then the 3 girls in pink satin trimmed with Newport lace, Alice with a wreath of cornflowers & marguerites, the 2 others only with sprays of them, in their hair. The 4 Boys wore Highland dress. The Hall was full of people. The flourish of trumpets & cheering of thousands, made my heart sink within me, & I could hardly command myself. Vicky drove in the carriage with me, sitting opposite. At St. James's Palace we want into a prettily arranged retiring room, where Uncle, my dear Albert & the 8 Bridesmaids were waiting. They looked so nice, in white tulle dresses with wreaths & bouquets of pink roses & white heather. 
Then went into the Closet where Mama (looking so handsome, in violet velvet, trimmed with ermine), & the Cambridges were. All the foreign Princes & Princesses excepting Uncle, the Prince, & Pce Albert had already taken up their places in the Chapel. A Procession was formed, just as at my wedding, only how small the older Royal Family had become! Mama came last, just before me, then Ld Palmerston, with the Sword Of State, Bertie & Affie, — I, with the 2 little Boys (on either side of me), which they say had a most touching effect, & the 3 girls following. The Chapel, though too small, looked very imposing & well, filled with so many Clergy, Officers, in bright uniforms, & elegantly dressed Ladies. 
The drums & trumpets played Marches, the organ playing others, as the Processions approached & entered. There was of course a slight pause between each, & the effect was thrilling & striking as one heard the music coming nearer & nearer. Fritz behaved with the greatest self possession, as he came in, bowing to us, & then kneeling down before the altar, in a most truly devotional manner. Last came the Bride's Procession, our darling ‘Flower’ looking very touching & lovely, with such an innocent, confident & serious expression, on her dear face. She walked between her beloved Father & dear Uncle Leopold, who had been present at both her Christening & Confirmation. 
My last fear of being overcome, vanished, when I saw Vicky's calm & composed manner. It looked beautiful seeing her kneeling beside Fritz, their hands joined, her long train born by the 8 young ladies, who looked like a cloud of young girls hovering round her, as they knelt near her. How it reminded me of my having similarly, proudly, tenderly, confidently knelt beside my beloved Albert, in the very same spot. The Children, (the 3 girls) were a good deal ‘énnu’ & Alice cried dreadfully. The Archbishop was very nervous. Both Vicky & Fritz spoke very plainly. 
When the service was over we tenderly embraced the young couple, & then Vicky went to her new Parents & we crossed over to the dear Prince & Princess, who were much moved. After this the Bride & Bridegroom left the Chapel hand, in hand, followed by their supporters, Mendelssohn's Wedding march being played, & we all went up to the Throne Room, where the Register was signed. Here there were general congratulations & shaking of hands, with all the relations. After all the Royalties had signed their names, the Clergy, Ministers &c. followed, & the young couple returned to Buckingham Palace together. I drove with Uncle & the Princess, whom I asked to call me ‘Du’. 
Tremendous crowds, & cheering & we went with the young couple to the celebrated window, from which they stepped out on to the balcony to show themselves, we, Uncle, & the Pce & Pss also coming out. We all went to the White Drawing room, where we were met by Hélène Orléans, her 2 sons, the Aumales & Princess de Salerno, then, came the wedding breakfast 'en famille’, in which were included Pce John of Holstein & our 6 other Children! The young couple sat together, opposite us, but hid by a splendid wedding cake. I, sat between Uncle & the Pce of Prussia, Ld St. Germans, who sat at the bottom of the table, was the only other person there. The Band played. At dessert, Leopold & the darling Baby, dressed in pink, like her sisters, with a little bunch of cornflowers & marguerites in her cap, came in. 
After luncheon we separated almost immediately, for the young couple to change their clothes. I also changed my dress, & at 20 m. p. 4, Vicky came to my room, to bid me goodbye, much ‘en larmes', poor dear child. She was dressed in white velour épinglé, mantle of the same, trimmed with grèbe & a white bonnet with orange flowers, & a fine lace veil, which she put down. Embraced & gave her my blessing, & she became calmer. In the Audience Room all the family & royal guests were assembled.
In embracing Fritz, I gave him my blessing & told him that I gave our child with perfect confidence into his hands. We accompanied the young couple to the door, being joined here by Uncle. The whole Court were there, having come to see them leave. After one more embrace saw them drive off with an Escort, & amidst much cheering. We ran up to look out of the window, but they had already disappeared! Jane Churchill, Sir F. Stovin, Col. Seymour & Herr von Schweinitz went with them. — My dear kind friend, the Princess came to see me, & we had a most pleasant, & satisfactory confidential talk about our dear Children. She is a great comfort & support to me. — We dined ‘en famille', & felt so lost without Vicky. Received a dear kind little letter from our beloved Child, full of peaceful happiness. 
There had been enormous crowds, such enthusiasm, flowers & illuminations everywhere. The Eton Boys had dragged the carriage up to the Castle & made an immense noise. — At near 10 we went into the White Drawingroom, where all were assembled, Alice & Affie also appearing, & the Maharajah. I wore white & gold moire antique, trimmed with red velvet bows, a diamond diadem & ornaments, including the Koh i Noor. 
A State Concert took place in the Ball Room. The following pieces were performed: Part of Handel's Coronation Anthem, — Quartette 'Placido e il Mar’ by Mozart; (Mlle Cl. Novello, Guiglini, Weiss, &c. —) — Chorus, ‘The Heavens are Telling' from Haydn's 'Creation'; — 'Della sua Pace' from Don Giovanni; Mozart; (sung by Guiglini) — Choral Fantasia by Beethoven (all, singing, & Mrs Anderson at the piano.) Bridal Procession & March from Wagner's, 'Lohengrin'; — Air from Meyerbeer's Robert le Diable, 'Toi que j'aime (sung by Clara Novello); — Finale from the 'Loveley' (solo, sung by Miss Pyne); — Serenata 'The Dream', composed specially for the wedding by Costa, & led by him (Tolos, Clara Novello, Sims Reeves, Weiss, &c — singing).
Everyone I spoke to, was most kind & feeling & all the Prussians & Princes so pleased & impressed with the ceremony. Only got to our rooms at 1/2. So thankful all had gone off so well. We thought much, on retiring to rest of our young couple, praying God to bless them & bring them much happiness.”
- Queen Victoria’s diary, 25th January 1858 (161 years ago today)
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crazyspookies · 6 years
Ok i left this one out last time cos it got really long so here we go! :)
1) I have never cared for valmont i don’t give a shit what he always seems to be helping us. He’s creepy and i don’t like him. if Amelia, of all people, keeps giving hints that he’s actually terrible then i’m very much inclined to believe he is. Also, the way he made amelia have to say “i love you” as a password to get control of annie is especially creepy considering she left him and is now with someone else.
And honestly thre’s a couple theories here. Either he’ll give some of that info to amelia as a creepy come back to me present and we’ll have to deal with both of them doing shit to us or my main theories: When amelia left him, it’s been said that she took a couple things from him. We don’t know what those things were and i don’t want to believe they were nothing important because if you’re Amelia and you’re going to fuck off then might as well grab something valuable with you. And he’s saying he’s all god with it’s like “hah haha im good with it but i’m actually not really and i’m going to destroy you when i see the perfect oportunity to do so. And that’s what i think he’s doing, being all nice and shit until he finally snaps. The only reason he gave to help us was because of amelia’s involvement. So whether he is already pissed or he finally gets it in his head that she’s not coming back to him, we’re gonna have a problem eventually.
And on that note, Amelia helping Abel was 1) we tricked sigrid into thinking amelia was on our side 2) This alliance going on cos she wanted to get the babies back. Well, we got the babies back. I don’t think she’s going to stay nice to us any longer than she wants to  
2) “Collected Alejandro de chinchilla” lmao i laughed so much i didn’t expect that
3) “But what’s the point of getting cure side effects when we can get some fresh air instead?” Sooooo what...side effects does the cure have?cosss i don’t remember anything about side effects and there is no comment on this line at all 🔍 🔍 👀 👀
4) “Lots of theories about how societies break down, and more importantly, rebuild. “ I would love tho hear those theories it sounds really interesting. do you think this guy used to be a sociologist ir something?
I really love seeing what other communities within london and what their uhh “personalities” and general ideas they have adopted to represent as such.
Little venice sounds super loveley and also rally worring (blood in a primary classroom?!?), what people habitated it so that they were fans of runner five? Obviously they wound¡t be all that cool with sigrid in that case. Children even making drawing of them, it might e such a strange thing to walk into i feel? Did five ever interact with them, are there stories going around about what they did and what they’re like?
The people living in trains is so picturesque but also, they have a People Alarm! Like, having a zombie alarm? normal, but having a people alarm shows how distrustful they might be of strangers. Either by general concensus or by experience, these people have chosen to keep together and isolate themselves from others.
The Welsh separatist colony with their like of order and rules believe everything sigrid say and to be fair?? why wouldn’t they? England is big and its full of people and borders and if you like the way someone organizes things and makes your community generally better then i guess you just go and believe them, especially if you don’t really have all that many information about what might be going on underwraps. And i’m sure her downfall doesn’t really help their opinion of us, given that things have gone a bit chaotic since then by what valmont tells us.
5) BRENT VALMONT: Entirely understandable, but… there’s a power vacuum at the heart of this country. If you don’t fill it, there are plenty of other undesirables more than willing to do so. You didn’t get rid of Sigrid just to replace her with another Sigrid either, did you?
Again, i have 0 trust in valmont not using this to his own advantage but if he isn’t an actual asshole and doesn’t betray us, can’t we just ask around for a floppy disk reader?? because im sure that there has to be someone in england that had an old ass pc with one, there’s no need to give valmont blackmail information when we could just.....keep it. It’s safest with us!. If we use it, we’ll probably use it well, and if we don’t want to use it, we can just keep it and let it rot somewhere secret
1) We’re talking about sam’s sister also i don’t think sigrid was lying, and maybe nicky is somewhere she doesn’t get much wind of whats going on or something esle is going on with her?....You know what would be absolutley horrible and heartbreaking? If sigrid told her sam killed their mom for nothing and she’s not dealing well with that. But yeah probably something esle is going on, but i bet she’s alive.
2) Peter is such a fucking dork lmao the conversation about nicky that h started ended up making him feel akward and he ttly said the thing about the spiderweb to distract sam and himself. The first time i played the mission i didn’t think of this cos....you know, it’s peter, of course something weird is going to happen around him, but today i played the voice clips on the trin cos i was bored and i was like wait that dumdum id doing the thing he did about regrowing his hand in s3 to shift the attention to something else in the weirdest way possible
3) Whatever good ever came from being around lots of mannequins in an horror setting
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5) “the hardiest” yeah u tell him janine.He’s still on the self hate train but then again it’s a hard ride to get off from. Baby steps.
6) “Oh, but you, on the other hand… sometimes I think the others forget you’re still human, Five. You’ve survived so much, they think you’re immortal. You’re not that unlucky.“
one thing i really love is how a few days before running this mission i was talking on discord about...how much it would sting for my five when simon and amelia are like “we’re here because you’re an symbol to people” and five knows that’s not simon’s only reason but...it’s still shitty to hear and its not like they’re on the best of terms at the moment. And on this mission peter says this and i had the same reaction i had then. First i was like omg he remembers im a person too that’s so thoughtful of him :’) and then i took me...some time to read this over and let it sink in and im like...you little shit you’re doing that self-centered pity thing again you ttly got me. Like, he’s doing both, being thoughtful and being a self flagelating salty bitch in just a couple sentences. Like when he started talking about his hand in s3. He did it both because he wanted to distract five from listening to moonchild’s minions, but also because he really wanted to get his self pity monologue and needed someone else to indulge him that was not amelia (who probably threatened to kick him out of the running van if he complained to her again) bottom line is i love this boy and i want to tell him that he needs to cut that shit out and try to be vicious about himself
7) The thing about the growing his head back is very valid and i remember when i read Ajin that they tackled this as the only way to kill an Ajin. When you cut their limbs the old limb disappears to be replaced with a new one; so the only way to “kill” an ajin is to be decapitated, because the conciousness of the old head, still alive, will disappear at the same time the new head grows (with its own conciousness attached to it (like, scientifically speaking conciousness is created by the brain, so if you destroy the brain your conciousness dies. if you believe in souls and all that then i guess you can argue about more possibilities when it comes of ‘’what makes a person, a person’’ But then again we’r talking about people growing new heads, and people transmitting their conciousness to machines, soo....). Although whether a new body would grow from the head or a new head would gow from his body (or both) is actually pretty interesting.
8) I have been thinking about his whole thing with immortality too. Like, either he’s try to make maxine find a way to make him go back to normal or eventually he’ll ask her to make another serum like we did with van ark to be able to euthanise himself when the time is right?
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culturati-club · 8 years
Riding on Faith and Culture
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We all feel we need a bit of feng-shui in our life. The act of rearranging areas of our life to feel new again. A fresh chop of hair is often a nice way to feel a slice of freedom in our lives. While the Chinese feng shui focuses on harmonizing your surroundings, the Japanese style is a bit different. Wabi-sabi, as they call it, is a style that focuses on imperfection and styling your life in a variety of ways. Wabi-sabi is a form of expression in homes and design with the celebration of being flawed by the way of mismatch and contrast in design.
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Having had lived in both cultures, I find these methods quite ironic to the ways of life here. Chinese are typically not so harmonized when it comes to daily life; Japanese are quite consistent in style and organization.
The youth of both countries, however, are mixing things up.
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We all, different people around the world, make up one big wabi-sabi style of the world. Each of us bringing something different to the course of life. It is so important to be that special difference in the world of wabi-sabi. That uniqueness each of us brings is the universes’ way of harmonizing itself. Wabi-sabi is the way of harmonizing the differences of things and bringing them together to compliment one space. I was feeling the need to harmonize my life with a new hair style, which compared to other Japanese in my field of work would be a bit of wabi-sabi.
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I tried out a new hair salon in town (located in Ikebukuro). Walking into the salon I felt inspired by the aesthetic. It was quite unique compared to usual Japanese design. It was hip and youthful in the spirit of fashion. It had a rustic American vibe but still felt fresh and harmonized.
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The ambiance made me feel cool and reserved. It is funny how a place can make you feel inspired. That is what a hair salon should do, too, isn’t it? It should inspire you to be a better version of you; it should inspire to take care of yourself and help bring out the beauty God had already created within you. Shine a light on the unique features that make of your outershell. Harmonize the wabi-sabi you create by being in this world. And so I did when I walked in to this cool hair salon, LOVELEY, in Ikebukero.
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I was greeted by my stylist who took my belongings and hung them in the back. He brought me to his chair and consulted the new look he had in store for me. It is spring time in Japan, and a part of the fresh blooming of spring is the new fiscal year; the new school year. I talked about myself and my soul as an artist. My stylist fixed me right up with a cut, color and treatment. While waiting for the hair dye to set in, he brought me fresh orange juice and cookies on a tray. That is just Japanese etiquette at a salon. You should be made to feel relaxed; harmonized. You should feel love and comfort in every step because your precious hair is at stake! (HAHA)
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It took about 1.30 hours to finish my look: two coloring processes, a nice massaging shampoo, treatment, cut and styling. I felt like me; a real me. My hair made me feel a confidence I knew I already had but just needed to be awakened.
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A country like Japan has that affect on you. Learning about culture and being brave enough to dive in, despite language barriers, really tests your faith. Traveling to any place outside of our comfort zones requires trust and faith in the unknown. Fengshui and wabi-sabi your life, and enjoy that thrill. Trust in what God has always had planned for you. Even if it’s something small like a new hair style.
Peace and Love
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dewitty1 · 5 years
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you if you want. Get to know your mutuals and followers 💙❤
Friends, online and real life, all y'all. Love you! ( ´͈ ॢꇴ `͈ॢ)・*♡💖❤️💛💚💙💜
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My dude - who is not the same as this dude, lol....
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flower-zombie-rob · 4 years
🥀 Has your OC ever been hurt by someone they love? Ever been betrayed? Abused? Attacked? Give me the angst! (if you’d like, write a short drabble about it!) Walter 🌟When your OC loses all hope, who do they turn to first? What helps make them feel better? What calms them down and reassures them? Why? You can pick an OC :)
🥀Walter: (I think I concepts a little too hard ._.)
When Walter was really little there came an explanation ad to why hes so... well psychotic. When he was young he used to have loads of friends and he used to be someone really sweet. Stanlee came along and obviously beung a sweet perfect boi he is, he snatched basically everything that Walter was good at. He started getting really obsessed with doing anything to steal his attention. This lead yo him doing some pretty risky things, which also lead into him going around with the wrong kind of people. He was hanging with the sort of people that had no regard for his feelings, but the tended to be the only type hat hated sweet cute people like stanlee as much as he did. They pushed Walter to do risky things like try for learn how to throw knives so he could be "cool" but they really just liked laughing at his failure to do so. Then one day he wouldn't want to play around with them because he was tired from staying up too late and they peer pressured him into trying the knife game (the finger one). In this game he actuslly did really well then got really competitive and started stressing out that someone was better than him at it. He did it iver and over then suddenly boom, knife to the hand. After getting fixed up stanlee and phara made him explain how he'd been spending time with these people and they were hella shocked. He stopped being associated with them and their peer pressure, but still sometimes looks up to people like that after spending so much time with them. Luckily now hes usually under phrase close watch with who he's around, but his phsycotic competitive nature and obsession with knives have left a scar on who he is.
Shit that got sad I'm sorry!!! wholesome time!!!!!
⭐When honeydew loses hope (which happened a lot when Walter would go on and on about devon) he always turns to pixat. Any problem can be fixed in a few minutes with a loveley onsie, a hot chocolate and another rewatch of UP! He eat hes it with Walter now hut for some reason he much prefers watching pixar films with stanlee because Walter tends to pick apart the mistakes if it isn't a horror or action films
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