#Love Of Christ
dmckinney79 · 30 days
So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. Galatians 5:16-18
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valerierosaldo · 11 days
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Whenever I seek challenges in life—to learn more, to gain more, to save more, to become more—I have learned to look for what God has in store for me. I seek Jesus.
I have faith that in Him, I will be forever blessed beyond measure. Even though I have many things to learn, they are already known to Him. And even if this life does not bring me satisfaction, the Lord provides everything I need and knows my future, for He holds it all.
He holds me in His mighty and magnificent hands, full of truth, mercy, and love.
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theinwardlight · 2 years
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From William Penn, No Cross, No Crown (1669)
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kpg-3cclesia-center · 3 months
Apostle Simba is back for our Bible Study this Saturday at 1 p.m. PST / 4 p.m. EST. He continues the enlightening series, "Jesus the Maker of Heaven and Earth, Part 3." Apostle Simba will share profound revelations from the Bible about Jesus, not only as God but also as the Angel of the Lord in the Old Testament.
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bc-maq24 · 1 year
I believe the Holy Spirit is calling me to be a liaison between the church of Jesus Christ, and the LGBTQ++ community that has felt scorned by the church as an institution.
The church as an institution has not and will not always represent the Love of God, Christ, and the Spirit accurately. I am of the belief that I was fearfully and wonderfully made, including my orientations, and I am not struggling with my orientations and the way I love. I am struggling with the notion that I am struggling because I am not heteronormative—that my brain does not operate on only heteronormative. But I have been saved since I was 6 and started the catechism , since I was 12 and started going to church on a regular basis, since several other specific, pivotal points in my life. Being queer does not make me any less saved or any less savable. I am queer, and I am Christian. These are two significant parts of me. And I accept both of them.
… so stop convicting me.
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heninovalisa · 2 years
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Woman in Love
Cinta dan Ketulusan
Semua manusia ingin hidup dalam kasih dan ketulusan yang nantinya menimbulkan rasa aman dalam ketidaknyamannya seseorang. 1 Korintus 13:1 sekalipun aku dapat berkata-kata dengan bahasa atau segala hal yang kumiliki tetapi jika aku tidak mempunyai kasih, aku sama dengan gong yang berkumandang dan canang yang gemerinci. Kasih adalah pusat transaksi, transformasi, ketidakpastian yang menjadi pasti. Kasih Bapa kepada kita merupakan suatu transformasi kehidupan yang kekal. Keselamatan yang kekal yaitu Kasih yang sempurna yang Bapa miliki buat anaknya.
Renungkanlah kasih seperti apa yang ada dalam pikiran kita, hati kita. Sebab Bapa terlebih dahulu mengasihi kita.
He sent His son, a new-born Babe, with peace and holiness.
How could the Father show the world the pathway we should go?
He sent His Son to walk with men on earth, that we may know about Love. Abba Father Love you so much.
Ketulusan seperti apa yang kita inginkan? Bukankah yang terbaik adalah apa yang Bapa sudah berikan untuk kita? Dia baik sangat Baik buat anak-anak Nya. Saat Bangsa Israel keras kepala dan memberontak Firman Tuhan datang kepada Bangsa tersebut melalui Nabi Yesaya; 7:10-25. Imanuel akan datang melalui kehamilan dari seorang peremuan muda lalu melahirkan seorang anak laki-laki dan akan menamaiNya Imanuel. Dilanjutkan pada ayat Pasal 11; Roh Tuhan ada padaNya, Roh Hikmat ada padaNya Roh Pengertian, Roh Keperkasaan,Roh pengenalan dan takut akan Tuhan. Ia tidak akan menyimpang dari kebenaran, seperti ikat pinggang jadi tidak akan lepas.
Raja damai datang bukan hanya menyelamatkan kita supaya menjadi Kristen lalu hanya berutinitas bagaimana jika kita kesulitan karena tidak ada yang mengasihi kita di dunia ini dengan ketulusan yang ajaib? Kita harus lari kemana? Siapa yang dapat menolong kita?
Bapa.... Ada Bapa.. Bapa yang setia yang berikan anakNya yang tunggal untuk menyelamatkan kita semua. Bapa setia, He is Love. Bapa tidak dapat menahan kesetiaanNya untuk kita. Dia tidak melepaskan kita. Siapa yang mau mengorbankan nyawa untuk kita? Siapa yang bisa? Siapa yang berani?
Doa: Bapa terimakasi untuk penebusanmu kepada saya, saya bersyukur bisa menjadi anakmu,bisa menangis, senang dengan Bapa dalam kepercayaan kehidupan yang Bapa berikan. Amin.
Lebih dalam sedikit, Firman adalah Allah sendiri. Beberapa hal yang penting untuk membangun diri seorang perempuan, hanya bersumber pada firman.
Bapa begitu senang dengan wanita yang menyembah, dalam perjalan Tuhan Yesus terdapat beberapa cerita wanita yang bertemu dengan Tuhan Yesus dan memiliki kedekatan yang dikenang hingga saat ini, bahkan menjadi pelajaran dalam firman Tuhan kepada manusia. Tuhan Yesus bertemu dengan Maria dan Marta. Respon yang membuat Tuhan Yesus senang, hanya duduk di kaki Tuhan, artinya tidak ada ada lagi keinginan dunia ini: tidak sibuk sendiri, tidak memikirkan perkara yang diluar kemampuan kita.
Maria duduk dan tenang serta tinggal diam. Cerita ini dilanjutkan dengan Tuhan membangkitkan Lazarus, saat ini terjadi Marta dan Maria juga menjadi cerita sejarah hingga hari ini. Maria yang hanya datang dengan hati yang berkorban karena Maria mengenal hati BAPA. Hati BAPA lebih lembut dari sutera, hati BAPA mentransformasi respon Maria disaat keadaan sangat tidak baik. (Lukas 10:38 & Yohanes 11:1)
Tuhan Yesus juga bertemu dengan Perempuan Samaria, waktu bisa berkomunikasi dengan Bapa menjadi hal yang dinanti oleh setiap perempuan. Bapa tidak datang untuk orang benar tapi orang yag berdosa. Perempuan yang apa adanya mencerikan keseluruhan hidupnya kepada pribadi yang penuh kasih. Perempuan yang percaya karena firman yang keluar dari mulut Allah. Air hidup yang dimaksudkan Tuhan yaitu kekekalan atas perolehan keselamatan bagi perempuan ini dan bagi kita. Artinya air hidup tersebut masih ada dan masih ada untuk kita juga, air hidup berarti memenuhi segala hal yang kita pikir kita mati, kita tidak sanggup lagi, kita tidak mungkin bisa, kita gagal, kita takut, kita sudah menyerah. Pada kenyataannya air hidup yang akan memenuhi kita agar kita hidup kembali, kita bangkit kita menang.
Doa: Bapa berikan saya air hidup, ajari saya untuk menyembah Engkau seperti yang Bapa kehendaki, hanya kepadaMu aku berharap dan bersyukur serta kepadaMu kuberikan kasihku dan ketuluusan hati ku. Jadikan hidupku persembahan yang hidup bagi kemuliaanMu Bapa. Datanglah kerajaanMu dan Jadilah KehendakMu atas Hidup saya (ganti kata saya dengan nama saudara).
Sampai disini duu yaa.... Semoga jadi berkat.. Selamat Bertumbuh. God bless you.
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proud-spaniard · 2 years
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Nadie nos ama como lo hace Cristo
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marias-assumption · 18 days
Before I converted, I used to think there were silly words just as the word is the bread of God as merely symbolic and maybe dramatically romantic. But now that I've studied, me, with my rational mind, even cold sometimes... I know now, the truth behind it. I understand it.
If I study once the Bible it forgets, if I study twice the Bible, it might stay, if I read it from time to time I might understand... but every problem I've ever had... are written there, in the Bible. When you go to holy mass, you are evangelized, you hear the word of God and a lot of the times it gets to you... but when you read the Bible willingly, when you are the one finding which psalm to read, you are hearing God. You are communicating with him, and that becomes more clear the more you read it. How comforting would be if we communicate with him daily?. How gracious would it be to hear him everyday?
Now I understand why He would tell us, my word is the daily bread. Because if we want to be happy and resilient to all of our problems, that c can be easily achieved the more we internalize His word. But there's a part of this that is not rational, even more, is pure faith that comes with love, and that is... the more you read it, the more you fall in love. The more you feel loved, accompanied, the more you know Him. That is transformative. Communicating with someone that loves you so much, that you are so in love with now, not just someone, but your creator and the one who gave his life for you.
How to not feel deeply loved?
How not to endure any obstacles?
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ophanim-vesper · 1 year
obsessed with how the entire movie is just this
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mindfulldsliving · 2 months
Defending Liberty: Insights from the Book of Mormon War Chapters
In a world filled with adversities and challenges, defending our liberty necessitates an unwavering commitment to truth, justice, and our Christian faith. It is essential to recognize that liberty is not simply a political concept
The war chapters in the Book of Mormon (Alma 43-62) provide profound insights into the enduring faith of individuals and communities who stand firm in their beliefs while defending liberty. These sections of scripture illustrate that faith is not merely a passive state but an active force driving individuals to sacrifice for their principles. In these chapters, we see characters embodying the…
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dmckinney79 · 5 months
Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. - Ephesians 4:29
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valerierosaldo · 22 days
Finding Strength in Struggle: Embracing God's Grace in Spiritual Warfare
Tonight, as I spend time with the Lord, I start by asking for His strength. These past few weeks have been really tough for me, and I’m feeling alone, ashamed, and starved for love. I know I shouldn’t let these feelings take over, but I also know I can be honest with God. Because of Jesus’s sacrifice, I have a relationship with God, even though I’m not perfect.
I want to be honest with you and share that this inner conflict doesn’t happen often for me, but when it does, it’s really intense. I feel so ashamed that I even struggle to reach out to the Holy Spirit within me. Maybe what I’m experiencing is what people call a "spiritual struggle" or "spiritual warfare."
Because of these, I recognize and want to accept that I’m struggling, and I need the Lord to understand my struggle and I am asking for His help to overcome these darker parts of myself and to find healing.
Have you ever felt this too?
If yes, please remember you’re not alone and as I reflect on the Lord’s promises, earlier, I’ve learned a few things that might encourage you as well.
In Ephesians 6:10-12, the Apostle Paul tells the Christians in Ephesus, “Finally, my brothers and sisters, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, the authorities, the powers of this dark world, and the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
Know that God provides His own strength and armor and Paul instructs us to rely on God’s power to overcome spiritual attacks, assuring us that we are equipped to handle the devil’s schemes.
I know things can be incredibly difficult, and you might feel like you're not deserving of God's strength and power. But please remember, the Lord reminds us that His grace is sufficient and more than enough, even when we feel weak and unworthy. In those times, His strength and grace become even more evident. It’s not about our own capabilities but about His power working through us. Soli Deo Gloria! To be Continued :)
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drypacific · 4 months
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kpg-3cclesia-center · 3 months
What is a God? Do you know? Do you understand that Jesus is not only the Son of God but also God the Son? Apostle Simba provides a clear and detailed explanation of what it means to be a God, exploring the nature of divinity and the significance of Jesus as God in the flesh.
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dmckinney79 · 1 month
I am the Lord your God. I say to you, do not be afraid. I will help you. - Isaiah 41:13
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dmckinney79 · 4 months
And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind Me, Satan: For it is written, Thou shalt worship the LORD thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve. - Luke 4:8
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