bc-maq24 · 1 month
And today’s sermon totally squashed this. Needs to be reexamined.
But still, ps139:14 (I don’t need to be afraid of who I am because He made me and knows me, “good & bad”).
“Lead me to the cross…” 🎶
God, I do want to be led to the cross, and I do belong to You, but You made me, all my flaws and faults made in Your glory, and I don’t want to be rid of myself. I’m finally finding myself, and starting to genuinely love me, and grow. I do belong to you, but you made my individuality to shine bright in this world and be a beacon to others for your love. So guide me, please, guide my steps and words and works, but let me keep some individuality. Like Chad said last week, there’s no reconciliation for “Thy will be done” and the gift of free will. I still think You wrote every word on every page of my story, including the missteps, which you work with me to get past.
I still believe there’s a cooperation of sorts between God and His son Lucifer and Lucifer may have some influence in our stories but God will always prevail (more so for believers).
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bc-maq24 · 1 month
“Lead me to the cross…” 🎶
God, I do want to be led to the cross, and I do belong to You, but You made me, all my flaws and faults made in Your glory, and I don’t want to be rid of myself. I’m finally finding myself, and starting to genuinely love me, and grow. I do belong to you, but you made my individuality to shine bright in this world and be a beacon to others for your love. So guide me, please, guide my steps and words and works, but let me keep some individuality. Like Chad said last week, there’s no reconciliation for “Thy will be done” and the gift of free will. I still think You wrote every word on every page of my story, including the missteps, which you work with me to get past.
I still believe there’s a cooperation of sorts between God and His son Lucifer and Lucifer may have some influence in our stories but God will always prevail (more so for believers).
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bc-maq24 · 11 months
fall in love with someone who will never stop choosing you
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bc-maq24 · 11 months
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bc-maq24 · 11 months
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bc-maq24 · 11 months
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Happy 1 Year Of Midnights! Tonight we celebrate an album written by the one who could make us stay. After all the sleepless nights and friendship bracelets we’ve shared, we hope you know you’re never really on your own, kid. 🕰️💙
📸: John Shearer and Kevin Mazur / TAS23 Getty Images for TAS Rights Management
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bc-maq24 · 11 months
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bc-maq24 · 11 months
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What a truly mind blowing thing you’ve turned The Eras Tour Concert Film into. I’ve been watching videos of you guys in the theaters dancing and prancing and recreating choreography, creating inside jokes, casting spells, getting engaged, and just generally creating the exact type of joyful chaos we’re known for 😇 One of my favorite things you’ve done was when you supported Cruel Summer SO much, I ended up starting The Eras Tour show with it. For old times sake, I’m releasing the live audio from the tour so we can all shriek it in the comfort of our homes and cars PLUS a brand new remix by LP Giobbi 😜 Thank you, so much, forever, wow, just thank you!!! https://taylor.lnk.to/thecruelestsummer
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bc-maq24 · 11 months
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Oh look. Past self preaching.
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bc-maq24 · 1 year
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bc-maq24 · 1 year
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bc-maq24 · 1 year
As I literally move into having “illegitimate” step-kid/s…
*illegitimate because I am not married to their dad nor will I be doing any paperwork to take legal responsibility for them.
They have been raised up to this point the way they have been, and there’s not much I can do about it, especially for the older one, but I absolutely will not permit the house to get back to the state it’s currently in. They can do whatever tf they want with the state of their own rooms/spaces, but when it comes to the common areas of the house that we are all supposed to have access to (and I will have access to those spaces and not be limited to my bedroom), they will be kept reasonably tidy or you can keep to yourself. I am already uncomfortable with moving into the house in general (for the same reason I was about going there before), and the way it currently is without any responsible supervision is an absolute abomination. I will NOT tolerate it.
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bc-maq24 · 1 year
PSA: to whom this may concern~
Remember, when considering my Facebook likes, that I have been engaged thrice, AND I’m an aspiring professional photographer with an avid interest in engagements/weddings. I’ve been liking any/all random wedding resources since 2014, and whether I’ve used them or not, I haven’t gone back and managed them.
Anything that comes up on *your* feed is a direct result of *your * browsing, speech (and thought 🫨🧿) patterns. SO. Instead of butting into my life, where you have no business and where there’s nothing actually happening, check your own perspective. 🙃
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bc-maq24 · 1 year
Gifts of the Spirit
(A work in progress)
1. Hospitality- I do my best to be a good hostess to anyone and everyone, but if someone I dislike for valid reasons shows up, I’m not sure if I would be able to serve them in a compassionate way, or for any extended amount of time.
2. Service
3. Wisdom/knowledge
4. Exhortation
5. Teaching
6. Evangelism
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bc-maq24 · 1 year
No one:
Not a soul:
Me, on my period:
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bc-maq24 · 1 year
Lol this makes me think way too much about my old job.
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bc-maq24 · 1 year
just saw a post by a notorious low support needs autistic on insta that said “autism doesn’t make people violent!” (referring to a problematic show) and a bunch of level 1s agreeing with her. and let me just say -
i frequently have meltdowns where i will scream, hit, and throw fucking chairs at people i love because of sensory overload. it’s absolutely not okay and not an excuse for my behavior, however, while being autistic doesn’t make you inherently violent, autism can cause someone to exhibit violent behavior to themselves/others during meltdowns.
we are constantly forgetting those with higher support needs in this community and it really needs to fucking stop. you can’t just say a blanket statement like “autism doesn’t make you do (blank) because i don’t do it/it’s a problematic behavior/it’s a stereotype.” you don’t support autistics if you don’t recognize that some of us get violent meltdowns, period.
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