#Louis Laguerre
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mary-maud · 2 months ago
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Chatsworth House, August 2023 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
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artthatgivesmefeelings · 1 year ago
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Louis Laguerre (French, 1663-1721) The Rape of Proserpine, ca.1704 Yale Center for British Art
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dailyrothko · 1 year ago
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Dispatches from the huge Fondation Louis Vuitton Rothko show in Paris this week.
Mark Rothko Untitled Black and Gray paintings from 1969 set against the sculptures of Alberto Giacometti
Pictures contributed by Stephan Laguerre @steaphanlaguerre on instagram (please don't remove his credit)
© Kate Rothko Prizel & Christopher Rothko Artists Rights Society, New York
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hildegardavon · 4 months ago
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Louis Laguerre, 1663-1721
The Rape of Proserpine (design for the staircase of Devonshire House, London), 1704, oil on canvas, 107x76.2 cm
Yale Center for British Art Inv. B1976.7.50
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Britain’s Stately Homes at Christmas: Chatsworth House, Derbyshire
Great Painted Hall. Visited many times!
The Painted Hall occupies the same space as the hall in the original Elizabethan house. The magnificent swirling ceiling murals by Louis Laguerre (1663–1721), which have an almost three-dimensional quality, depict scenes from the life of Julius Caesar. Combined with its black-and-white marble floors and gilt ironwork, it is a spectacular room.
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camisoledadparis · 3 months ago
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Britain’s Stately Homes at Christmas:
Chatsworth Manor, Derbyshire
The Painted Hall occupies the same space as the hall in the original Elizabethan house. The magnificent swirling ceiling murals by Louis Laguerre (1663–1721), which have an almost three-dimensional quality, depict scenes from the life of Julius Caesar. Combined with its black-and-white marble floors and gilt ironwork, it is a spectacular room!
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the-girl-who-didnt-smile · 5 months ago
In the historical record, there appear to be two prominent sects of colonial Voodoo: (1) snake worshippers (2) followers of Don Pedro. The snake worship sect appears to be the precursor to the Rada rite, while the Don Pedro sect appears to be the precursor to the Petwo rite.
Key historical documents pertaining to the snake worshippers include:
Moreau de Saint-Méry, Médéric Louis Elie. Description topographique, physique, civile, politique et historique de la partie française de l'isle Saint Domingue (etc.). Vol. 1. Moreau de Saint-Méry, 1797. p. 45-51 https://archive.org/details/descriptiontopog00more/page/44/mode/2up 
Malenfant, Colonel (1814) Des Colonies et Particulierement de Celle de Saint-Domingue: Memoire Historique et Politique. Paris: Audibert., p. 217-220 https://archive.org/details/descoloniesetpar00male/page/215/mode/1up?q=vaudou 
Key historical documents pertaining to the Don Pedro sect include: 
Archives Nationales d’Outre-Mer, Aix-en-Provence, E 182, Ferrand de Beaudière to the Naval and Colonial Minister, translated in “Prophet or Cook? The Real Don Pedro” in Geggus, David. The Haitian Revolution: a documentary history. Hackett Publishing, 2014. 
Moreau de Saint-Méry, Médéric Louis Elie. Description topographique, physique, civile, politique et historique de la partie française de l'isle Saint Domingue (etc.). Vol. 1. Moreau de Saint-Méry, 1797. p. 51 https://archive.org/details/descriptiontopog00more/page/44/mode/2up 
Descourtilz, Michel Etienne, and LECLERC, Charles Emmanuel. Voyages d'un naturaliste France, Dufart, pere, 1809. https://archive.org/details/voyagesdunnatura03desc/page/180/mode/2up https://www.google.com/books/edition/Voyages_d_un_naturaliste/wOzA6FsbqJAC?hl=en&gbpv=0 
Drouin de Bercy, Léon. De Saint-Domingue: de ses guerres, de ses révolutions, de ses resources, et de moyens a prendre pour y rétabilir la paix et l'industrie. France, Chez Hocquet, 1814. p. 176 https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=FxYWAAAAYAAJ&oi=fnd&pg=176#v=onepage&q&f=false 
These documents are described in:
Chapter 2 “The Evolution of Colonial Voodoo” in Laguerre, Michel S. Voodoo and politics in Haiti. Springer, 2016. pp. 22-38
Hebblethwaite, Benjamin. A Transatlantic History of Haitian Vodou: Rasin Figuier, Rasin Bwa Kayiman, and the Rada and Gede Rites. United States, University Press of Mississippi, 2021.
Excerpts from these documents are included below, with commentary:
In  Description topographique, (1797) Moreau de Saint-Méry described two variants of Vodou (“Vaudoux”), which seem to be the precursors of the Rada and Petwo rites respectively. 
The first variant of Vodou is described between pages 45 and 51, introduced like so:
“Selon les nègres Aradas, qui sont les véritables sectateurs du Vaudoux dans la Colonie, & qui en mantiennent les principes & les règles, Vaudoux signifie un être tout-puissant & surnaturel, dont dépendent tous les événemens qui se passent sur ce globe. Or, cet être, c'est le serpent non venimeux ou une espèce de couleuvre, et c'est sous ses auspices que se rassemblent tous ceux qui professent la même doctrine. Connaissance du passé, science du présent, prescience de l'avenir, tout appartient à cette couleuvre, qui ne consent néanmoins à communiquer son pouvoir, & à prescrire ses volontés, que par l'organe d'un grand-prêtre que les sectateurs choisissent, & plus encore par celui de la négresse que l'amour de ce dernier a élevée aurang de grande-prêtresse.”
“According to the Aradas, who are the true devotees of Voodoo in the colony, and who maintain the principles and the rules, Voodoo signifies an all-powerful & supernatural being, on whom depends all events that happen in the world. Now, this being is the non-venomous serpent or a kind of grass snake, and it is under its auspices that all those who profess the same doctrine gather. Knowledge of the past, science of the present, prescience of the future, all belong to this grass snake, which nevertheless does not consent to communicate its power, and to prescribe its wishes, except through the organ of a high priest whom the sectarians choose, and even more through that of the negress whom the love of the latter has raised to the rank of high priestess.”
SOURCE: Moreau de Saint-Méry, Médéric Louis Elie. Description topographique, physique, civile, politique et historique de la partie française de l'isle Saint Domingue (etc.). Vol. 1. Moreau de Saint-Méry, 1797. p. 45-51 https://archive.org/details/descriptiontopog00more/page/44/mode/2up 
The ceremony resembles snake worship of Ouidah, where it centers around a snake god (couleuvre). It was presided over by two ministers, who were called “King” (Roi) & “Queen” (Reine), “master” (maître) & “Mistress” (maîtresse), or “Papa” (papa) & “Mama” (maman). With the snake secured inside a box, the ceremony begins with an adoration of the snake and an oath of secrecy. The congregation was then allowed to make appeals to the snake. Many of those present were slaves: “La plûpart lui demandent le talent de diriger l'esprit de leurs maîtres;” (p. 47)
This is followed by spirit possession by the snake god: 
“A chacune de ses invocations, le roi Vaudoux se recueille; l'Esprit agit en lui. Tout-à-coup il  prend la boîte où est la couleuvre, la place à terre et fait monter sur elle la Reine Vaudoux. Dès que l'asile sacré est sous ses pieds, nouvelle pythonisse, elle est pénétrée du dieu, elle s'agite, tout son corps est dans un état convulsif, & l'oracle parle par sa bouche.”
“At each of his invocations, the Voodoo king collects himself; the Spirit acts on him. Suddenly he takes the bok where the snake is, places it on the ground and makes the Voodoo Queen climb on it. As soon as the sacred asylum is under her feet, a new pythoness, she is is penetrated by the god, she becomes agitated, her whole body is in a convulsive state, & the oracle speaks through her mouth.”
SOURCE: Moreau de Saint-Méry, Médéric Louis Elie. Description topographique, physique, civile, politique et historique de la partie française de l'isle Saint Domingue (etc.). Vol. 1. Moreau de Saint-Méry, 1797. p. 48
Offerings are then made to the snake god, and a second oath of secrecy is taken. This is followed by a sacred dance, where the song “Eh! eh! Bomba, hen! hen!” is sung, and the “mounting” of an initiate is described: “alors le récipiendaire se met à trembler et à danser; ce qui s'appelle monter Vaudoux” (p. 49)
This key historical document is worth reading in full. It pertains to the history of New Orleans Vooodo, as it was copied by the author of Souvenirs d’Amerique et de France par une créole (1883) in her description of Nouvelle-Orléans. 
SEE: [Hélène d’Aquin Allain], Souvenirs d’Amérique et de France par une créole (Paris: Bourguet-Calas, 1883), 144. https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k1314161/f158.item.r=vaudoux 
Malenfant’s account is similar to Moreau de Saint-Méry’s (1797) Description topographique. Malenfant likened Vodou to Freemasonry, and there is no mention of “Don Pedro”.
Below is an excerpt:
Les voyageurs qui veulent parcourir l'Afrique devraient se faire initier à une secte connue sous le nom de Vaudou , secte très-sévèrement punie par les blancs, et aussi cruellement que les francs - maçons par les Espagnols et les Portugais.
Il y avait à Gouraud une grande prêtresse du Vaudou, et un noir, grand chef; je n'ai jamais voulu les dénoncer; ils eussent été pendus ou brûlés de suite. J'ai su ce fait par une négresse qui était initiée. Il y a un mot depasse, mais elle n'a jamais voulu me l'indiquer : elle disait que les femmes ne le connaissent pas. Elle m'a donné les signes pour la reconnaissance avec la main: c'est , �� quelque chose près , celui des maçons. Très-peu de créoles sont initiés; il n'y a que les enfants des chefs du Vaudou. Elle me le dit sous le secret, en m’assurant que, malgré que les nègres m'aimassent beaucoup , je serais tué ou empoisonné si je cherchais à découvrir le grand mystère de la secte.
Il existe chez les prêtres du Vaudou, une grosse couleuvre privée, cachée sous terre, dans une grande caisse de bois, qu'on lève dans les cérémonies en forme d'autel. On fait des serments entre les mains de la grande prêtresse. Les danses conduisent à des convulsions, qui cessent lorsqu'on boit une espèce d'huile , qu'elle m'a dit être de serpent ; on en frotte aussi les tempes , les jarrets et les aisselles.
Le chef du Vaudou mourut lorsque j'étais à Gouraud. Il avait un grand ascendant sur tous les noirs ; ils lui ont fait des funérailles magnifiques ; on y a dansé le Vaudou. Je n'ai point voulu troubler leur fête : je lui ai donné au contraire vingt bouteilles de vin.
Cette secte me paraît tenir aux illuminés. Il n'y a que des fanatiques , des sots , ou des imbécilles, qui puissent s'inquiéter d'une secte, qui me paraît à peu près celle de la maçonnerie.
Il faut espérer que les philantropes qui ont établi sur la Sierra Léona une colonie libre , parviendront à trouver l'origine de cette institution, qui remonte peut-être aux temps les plus reculés. Les Arradas sont ceux qui m'ont paru y être le plus attachés…
Travelers who want to travel through Africa should be initiated into a sect known as Voodoo, a sect very severely punished by the whites, and as cruelly as the Freemasons by the Spaniards and the Portuguese. 
There was in Gouraud a high priestess of Voodoo, and a black, a great chief; I never wanted to denounce them; they would have been hanged or burned immediately. I learned this fact from a negress who was initiated. There is a password, but she never wanted to tell me: she said that women do not know it. She gave me the signs for recognition with the hand: it is, more or less, that of the Masons. Very few Creoles are initiated; there are only the children of the Voodoo chiefs. She told me this in secret, assuring me that, although the Negroes loved me very much, I would be killed or poisoned if I tried to discover the great mystery of the sect.
Among the Voodoo priests, there is a large private snake, hidden underground, in a large wooden box, which is raised in ceremonies in the form of an altar. Oaths are taken in the hands of the high priestess. The dances lead to convulsions, which stop when one drinks a kind of oil, which she told me was made of snake oil; one also rubs the temples, hamstrings and armpits with it.
The Voodoo chief died when I was in Gouraud. He had great influence over all the blacks; they gave him a magnificent funeral; they danced Voodoo there. I did not want to disturb their celebration: on the contrary, I gave him twenty bottles of wine.
This sect seems to me to be related to the enlightened. There are only fanatics, fools, or imbeciles, who can worry about a sect, which seems to me to be more or less that of Masonry.
It is to be hoped that the philanthropists who have established a free colony on Sierra Leone, will succeed in finding the origin of this institution, which perhaps goes back to the most remote times. The Arradas are those who seemed to me to be most attached to it…
SOURCE: MALENFANT, COLONEL (1814) Des Colonies et Particulierement de Cellede Saint-Domingue: Memoire Historique et Politique. Paris: Audibert., p. 217-220 https://archive.org/details/descoloniesetpar00male/page/215/mode/1up?q=vaudou 
13) Prophet or Cook? The Real Don Pedro
These letters by the judge of Petit Goâve parish reveal that the original Don Pedro was not a freedman but probably a maroon slave, and that Moreau de Saint-Méry (doc. 11) was mistaken in thinking he was Spanish rather than African. Due to Portuguese influence in Africa, Pedro was quite a common name among Kongolese, both for African kings and Caribbean slaves. Significantly, the author uses the Portuguese “Dom” not the Spanish “Don.” Petit Goâve lies west of Port-au-Prince on Haiti’s southern peninsula.
(1 May 1769.) In June/July 1768 and on into 1769, [I] carried out the very extensive investigation for the criminal case against the infamous black slave Pierre, of the Congo nation, who called himself Dom Pedro, and his adherents and accomplices to the number of forty-two imprisoned Negroes, mulattoes, and Negresses. The Negro Dom Pedro was extremely dangerous. He went from plantation to plantation dominating the minds of the blacks by means of performing crude tricks. He informed them that they would soon be free, and he had the slave drivers of each plantation whipped, telling them that they could no longer flog the slaves in their charge and, moreover, that they would not be punished by their masters. He demanded tribute in either money or animals from initiated or compliant slaves, and he imposed it on those who did not remain loyal to him. This investigation involved some 300 documents, and it was brought to an end in February by order of the Council, because the Negro Dom Pedro had been killed in a hunt. 
(15 October 1773.) [The jails of Petit Goâve were full of] the accomplices of a black slave calling himself Dompèdre who stirred up the workforces of the north and south coasts [of the southern peninsula] inciting them to rebellion and to be independent of their masters. 
(Archives Nationales d’Outre-Mer, Aix-en-Provence, E 182, Ferrand de Beaudière to the Naval and Colonial Minister)
SOURCE: Geggus, David. The Haitian Revolution: a documentary history. Hackett Publishing, 2014. 
In  Description topographique, (1797) Moreau de Saint-Méry described two variants of Vodou (“Vaudoux”), which seem to be the precursors of the Rada and Petwo rites respectively. 
Moreau de Saint-Méry describes the second variant of Vodou on page 51:
“...Qui croirait que le Vaudoux le cède encore à quelque chose, qu'on a aussi appelé du nom de danse ! En 1768 , un nègre du Petit-Goave , espagnol d'origine, abusant de la crédulité des nègres, par des pratiques superstitieuses , leur avait donné l'idée d'une danse analogue à celle du Vaudoux , mais où les mouvemens sont plus précipités. Pour lui faire produire encore plus d'effet, les nègres mettent dans le tafia qu'ils boivent en dansant , de la poudre à canon bien écrasée. On a vu cette danse appellée Danse à Dom Pèdre, ou simplement Don Pèdre, donner la mort à des nègres ; & les spectateurs euxmêmes, électrifés par le spectacle de cet exercice convulsis, partagent l'ivresse des acteurs, & accélèrent par leur chant & une mesure pressée , une crife qui leur est , en quelque sorte , commune. Il a sallu défendre de danser Don Pedre sous des peines graves , & quelquefois inefficaces.”
TRANSLATION (borrowed from Laguerre):
“Who will believe that Voodoo gives place to something further which also goes by the name of dance? In 1768, a slave of Petit-Goave, of Spanish origin, abusing the credulity of the blacks, by superstitious practices gave them an idea of a dance, analogous to that of the Voodoo, but where the movements are more hurried. To make it even more effective the slaves place in the rum, which they drink while dancing, weIl crushed gun-powder. One has seen this dance, called Dance to Don Pedro, or simply Don Pedro, induce death in the slaves; and the spectators themselves, electrified by the spectacle of this convulsive exercise, share the drunkenness of the actors, and hasten by their chant and a quickened measure, a crisis which is in some way common to them. It has been necessary to forbid them from dancing Don Pedro under grave penalty, but sometimes ineffectually.”
SOURCE: Moreau de Saint-Méry, Médéric Louis Elie. Description topographique, physique, civile, politique et historique de la partie française de l'isle Saint Domingue (etc.). Vol. 1. Moreau de Saint-Méry, 1797. p. 45-51 https://archive.org/details/descriptiontopog00more/page/44/mode/2up 
This second, more “fiery” variant of Vodou (“Don Pedro”) seems to be the precursor to the Petwo rite.
Descourtilz mentions the precursor to the Petwo rite in Chapter 4, “Idée des Vaudoux”:
 « Les vaudoux , me dit la véridique Finette (1) , sont de nations différentes ; ils tombent en crise par suite d’une sympathie imconcevable. Réunis sur le terrain qui doit être le théâtre de leurs grimaces convulsives, ils sourient en se rencontrant, se heurtent avec rudesse, et les voilà tous deux en crise ; les pieds en l'air, hurlant comme des bêtes féroces , et écumant comme elles.
» Je passois un jour , poursuivit-elle, auprès de deux de ces espèces de convulsionnaires, et soit que leurs prosélytes aient eu l’intenuon d’accréditer leur système, soit que par ces preuves irrécusables , ils aient voulu profiter de mon jeune àge pour m'initier dans leurs mystères , on m’introduisit dans le cercle, et il fut ordonné à l’un d’eux, par le chef de la horde, de prendre dans ses mains du charbon allumé qui lui fut présenté, et sembla ne point le brûler; à l’autre de se laisser enlever des lanières de chair avec des ongles de fer, ce qui fut ponctuellement exécuté, sans que je remarquasse le moindre signe de sensibilité.
» Dompète ( c’est le nom du chef tout-puissant de la horde fanatique ) a, disent-ils, le pouvoir de découvrir de ses yeux , et malgré tout obstacle matériel, tout ce qui se passe , n’importe à quelle distance ; propriété ficuve bien faite pour en imposer aux crédules, et tyranniser les incertains dont le défaut de confiance est puni par le poison qui leur est familier , et, dans les mains du Dompète, d'un usage journalier et impuni.
» Les acolytes de cette secte ont aussi entre eux des moyens magiques d’exercer leur vengeance. Un homme a-t-il essuyé les rigueurs d’une amante, ou l’infidélité d’une maîtresse habituée ? un piquant de raie jeté dans l’urine de la coupable, le venge de son outrage, en frappant soudain l’infidelle d’unemaladie de langueur, que le vaudoux fait cesser à volonté par une préparauon différente.
"The voodooists," the truthful Finette (1) told me, "are of different nations; they fall into crisis as a result of an inconceivable sympathy. Gathered on the ground which must be the scene of their convulsive grimaces, they smile when they meet, collide roughly, and there they are both in crisis; feet in the air, howling like wild beasts, and foaming like them.
"I was passing one day," she continued, "with two of these kinds of convulsionaries, and whether their proselytes had the intention of accrediting their system, or whether by these irrefutable proofs they wanted to take advantage of my young age to initiate me into their mysteries, I was introduced into the circle, and one of them was ordered by the leader of the horde to take in his hands some lighted coal which was presented to him, and seemed not to burn it; the other to let strips of flesh be removed from him with iron nails, which was punctually carried out, without my noticing the slightest sign of sensitivity.
"Dompète (this is the name of the all-powerful leader of the fanatic horde) has, they say, the power to discover with his eyes, and despite all material obstacles, everything that happens, no matter how far away; a fictive property well made to impose itself on the credulous, and to tyrannize the uncertain whose lack of confidence is punished by the poison which is familiar to them, and, in the hands of the Dompète, of daily and unpunished use.
"The acolytes of this sect also have among themselves magical means of exercising their vengeance. Has a man endured the rigors of a lover, or the infidelity of a regular mistress? A stingray prickle thrown into the urine of the guilty one, avenges his outrage, by suddenly striking the unfaithful woman with a disease of languor, which voodoo can stop at will by a different preparation.
SOURCE: Descourtilz, Michel Etienne, and LECLERC, Charles Emmanuel. Voyages d'un naturaliste: et ses observations ; faites sur les trois regnes de la nature, dans plusieurs ports de mer francʹais, en Espagne, au continent de l'Amerique septentrionale, a Saint-Yago de Cuba, et a St.-Domingue, ou l'Auteur devenu le prisonnier de 40,000 Noirs revoltes, et par suite mis en liberte par une colonne de l'armee francʹaise, donne des details circonstancies sur l'expedition du general Leclerc. France, Dufart, pere, 1809. https://archive.org/details/voyagesdunnatura03desc/page/180/mode/2up 
Drouin de Bercy describes the threat “Don Pedro” posed to the white colonists:
Le Don Pedro et le Vaudou sont une association d'autant plus terrible qu'elle a pour but la ruine et la destruction des blancs, et de persuader aux negres qu'ils ne seront jamais heureux, s'ils n'y sont pass associes. Pour etre Don Pedro, il faut etre bon filou, effronte, entet, endurci aux coups, et ne jamais reveler de ce qui s'est passe dans leurs rendez-vous.
Don Pedro and Voodoo are an association all the more terrible because their aim is the ruin and destruction of the whites, and to persuade the Negroes that they will never be happy if they are not associated with it. To be Don Pedro, one must be a good rogue, brazen, stubborn, hardened to blows, and never reveal what happened in their meetings.
SOURCE: Drouin de Bercy, Léon. De Saint-Domingue: de ses guerres, de ses révolutions, de ses resources, et de moyens a prendre pour y rétabilir la paix et l'industrie. France, Chez Hocquet, 1814. p. 176 https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=FxYWAAAAYAAJ&oi=fnd&pg=176#v=onepage&q&f=false 
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france-cinema · 1 year ago
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Du mou dans la gâchette - Film de Louis Gropsierre avec Bernard Blier et Jean Lefebvre, 1967.
Synopsis : Nicolas Pappas et Léon Dubois, deux tueurs particulièrement calamiteux, arrivent à Paris, où un chef de gang en mal de « personnel », Jo Laguerre, les a engagés pour couvrir la fuite des auteurs d'un hold-up. Ils s'en tirent tant bien que mal et se voient ensuite chargés de liquider un certain Magnum.
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chatsworthbyrubes · 1 year ago
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Painted hall.
Painted Hall was the largest and grandest room built in the first dukes lifetime and it was used to welcome and impress guests. Built between 1689 and 1694, the windows, arches and the decoration on the walls and ceiling are all original features. The 1st Duke was part of a group of nobles who invited King William and Queen Mary to take the throne. He was rewarded with the elevation from Earl to Duke. The paintings on the upper half of the walls were created by Louis Laguerre, they show scenes from the life of Julius Caesar and ancient Rome. These paintings and the magnificent ceiling connected the monarchy of the time to Caesar. They were made with the hope that King William and Queen Mary would visit Chatsworth and be flattered by this tribute to them.
Harvard referencing:
(No date) Chatsworth House. Available at: https://www.chatsworth.org/media/aesl1pkz/chatsworth-house-room-cards-2023.pdf (Accessed: 18 September 2023).
Chatsworth: The painted hall (no date a) Chatsworth: The Painted Hall. Available at: http://georgianaduchessofdevonshire.blogspot.com/2008/08/chatsworth-painted-hall.html?m=1 (Accessed: 18 September 2023).
Chatsworth: The painted hall (no date b) Chatsworth: The Painted Hall. Available at: http://georgianaduchessofdevonshire.blogspot.com/2008/08/chatsworth-painted-hall.html?m=1 (Accessed: 18 September 2023).
The Painted Hall Chatsworth House (2020) Rod Edwards Photography. Available at: https://rodedwards.com/360-interactive/chatsworth-house-the-painted-hall/ (Accessed: 18 September 2023).
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waterlilyunit4 · 1 year ago
Staircase drawing
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For this drawing I decided to do a half and half style by cutting the original image in half, and continuing the image with my own drawing in a simple outline style.
It was difficult to interpret how wide the stairs were, as well as the depth of them and the thickness of the carpet placed over the top of the staircase.
I don't think this drawing would be a god idea as a print or any inspiration towards one, but not was fun to try and still a nice addition to my sketches. I could however, consider the colour pallet of the staircase and include it into one of my designs.
Fact: This staircase is one of the grandest located in the house and can be found in The Painted Hall. The staircase was installed in 1830 when the 6th duke used to replace an old horseshoe staircase from the 1680s. The collections of paintings and photographs around the hall show how much the collection has grown and changed over the last 150 years, as it was original designed for the 1st Duke as a simple design with original features. On the ceiling of The Painted Hall, painter Louis Laguerre painted a huge painting that can be seen, as well as the upper half of the walls which included paintings of Julius Caesar and his life. Another figure is hidden on the ceiling; Mercury the messenger of the Gods is found many timers around the house, and people today see how many they can find.  
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mary-maud · 1 month ago
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Chatsworth House, August 2023 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
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jessrose-unit4 · 1 year ago
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This is another one of my pages, I focused mainly on the ceilings of Chatsworth. The famous ceiling at Chatsworth House was painted by Louis Laguerre, the ceilings was painted in 1694 and is decorated by murals from scenes of Julius Caesar. It was stunning to see in real life was a true work of art. I really wanted to showcase it in my book and really create a full page focused around it due to it being one of the main centre pieces of Chatsworth House. I also wanted to focus on the gold pieces on the ceilings, I loved the hexagon style of the ceiling and the flowers engraved into it.
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scarletunit4 · 2 years ago
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The Painted Hall was the largest and grandest room built in his lifetime and it was used to welcome and impress guests. Built between 1689 and 1694, the windows, arches and the decoration on the walls and ceiling are original features.
The 1st Duke was part of a group of nobles who invited King William and Queen Mary to take the throne.
He was rewarded with the elevation from Earl to Duke.
The paintings on the upper half of the walls, by Louis Laguerre, show scenes from the life of Julius Caesar and ancient Rome. These paintings and the magnificent ceiling connected the monarchy of the time to Caesar. They were made with the hope that King William and Queen Mary would visit Chatsworth and be flattered by this tribute to them.
PAINTED HALL. (n.d.). Available at: https://www.chatsworth.org/media/aesl1pkz/chatsworth-house-room-cards-2023.pdf [Accessed 13 Aug. 2023]. ‌
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hildegardavon · 4 months ago
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Louis Laguerre, 1663-1721
The Creation of Pandora (Hesiod, Works and Days, 59-105), ca.1720
Victoria and Albert Museum, London Inv. P.9-1956
This painting is an oil sketch which has long been considered as a preparatory study for the decoration of the ceiling of the staircase in Kiveton House, Yorkshire.
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withsomejam · 3 years ago
Chatsworth House | The Grotto, Painted Hall & Great Stairs
Chatsworth House | The Grotto, Painted Hall & Great Stairs
Having been blown away by the magnificence of the Chapel and Oak room, we then went through a corridor and onto the next areas of the house. The Chapel Corridor we went through is where a collection of the Cavendish’s art and historical collection is held. It ranges from Old Master paintings by the likes of Domenico Tintoretto (1560-1635) and Salvator Rosa (1615-1673) alongside antiquities from…
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castelnou · 5 years ago
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artwork by louis laguerre
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