#Lottery Revenue
thunkdeep · 10 months
Unpacking Oklahoma's Education Funding: A Look Beyond Marijuana and Lottery Revenue
Dive into the complexities of Oklahoma's education funding, where marijuana sales and lottery tickets play pivotal roles. This post unravels the intricacies of state budgets, revealing the challenges and impacts of these unconventional revenue streams...
Introduction: Welcome to ThinkTank Theorium, where we don’t just scratch the surface – we dig deep. Today, we’re zeroing in on Oklahoma’s education funding. It’s more than just textbooks and chalkboards; we’re talking green – and not just the kind in textbooks. Marijuana sales and lottery tickets have entered the chat, but do they really make the grade in funding our schools? The Green Rush:…
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roach-works · 2 months
That purge poll you liked got me thinking. Let’s say you commit a huge heist on the day of the purge, like you walk away with millions of dollars. How is that money declared? You technically did not acquire that money illegally on THAT SPECIFIC DAY, but does the possession of the money BECOME illegal after the purge is over?? If I lived in poverty one day and then two days later I am miraculously a millionaire, people are obviously going to know what happened.
it's probably just taxed like lottery money. you 'won' it by participating in a state-sanctioned activity (day of no crimes) but now that you have it the state still gets a cut. on a cynical level this would give the state a lot of incentive to keep having the purge days: all of a sudden a LOT of millionaire and billionaire's highly-protected assets have been transferred out to thousands of blue-collar citizens whose income levels can be easily and accurately compared from year to year. and now all the assets like boats, cars, briefcases full of gold, works of art, etc, can get taxed at the end of that year at much stiffer rates than when they were getting sat on by professional tax evaders. hooray!
on a practical level, this kind of tax revenue probably offsets the expense of the spike in post-purge search and rescue, fire fighting, emergency room operations, and other disaster management necessary after each purge from all the arson and murder attempts. i genuinely don't know if it would come out even! but it's fun to consider.
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a-typical · 1 month
Profits earned by the state, after paying winners and ticket merchants, serve as a major source of revenue that often funnels into social programs, especially kindergarten through high school education, creating a moral dilemma to vote against this form of legalized gambling in your state.
That got me thinking. Is probability and statistics even taught in US public schools? Recent surveys show that the answer is mostly not. In the few places that do teach it, classes are taught as a novel elective or as part of an advanced placement college course.
If instead, probability and statistics were a fundamental part of the K-12 curriculum, taught to every student, across multiple grades, and if state lottery revenue were allocated to make that happen, then the lottery might just put itself out of business by inoculating its own citizens against the lottery itself.
— Starry Messenger: Cosmic Perspectives on Civilization - Neil deGrasse Tyson (2022)
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communist-ojou-sama · 4 months
I can't wrap my head around the impulse to send you apologia about this so called "anti-gacha" stuff when you've made a clear and reasonable stance.
Particularly given these folks are likely in the US where sports gambling apps have absolutely blitzed most of the country, and forced major broadcasters including controversy-averse Disney to lend the ESPN branding to a gambling platform and every major sports league to rewrite their old blanket bans on player sports betting after they hopped in bed with Draft Kings and Fan Duel.
Gacha-games aren't free of sin I suppose, and maybe I'm wrong about where these anons live, but to single gachas out in the current environment as a key driver or even a major concern as opposed to state-run lotteries or the fact most problem gambling orgs are funded by a share of gambling revenues really indicates a preoccupation with something other than gambling as a whole.
Thank u! Yeah it seems to me that gambling is becoming more ubiquitous everywhere with traditional schemes for cash circulation throughout the economy failing but the only time people feel comfortable mobilizing shame, specifically, is when it comes to popular east Asian mobile games. It certainly doesn't feel like an attitude motivated by genuine concern to me...
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nico-robin-official · 2 months
Okay so. I just checked and a presidential candidate CAN actually have their name on the ballot be a nickname/pseudonym (for example, Dick Cheney and Al Gore were both listed as such on the ballot).
So here's the plan
Win the lottery
Quit my job and become a moderately successful vtuber
Join one of the major companies (hololive, vshojo, etc) to increase my following and revenue
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younggayanddoingokay · 4 months
My new obsessive conspiracy theory is whatever the fuck is going on for the ads in mobile games. Like I play a lot of puzzle games and in the ads for different mobile games, all these celebrities are showing up and at first the only way I knew they were “famous” was because they were like “I’m so and so from such and such” and I was like “oof, selling out on cameo for royal match, that’s gotta hurt.” And then I saw Tom Felton, a YouTuber I like, whatever. Then the other day I saw fucking DAVID BECKHAM on an ad for some mobile game and I’m like “wtf?!”
How are all these mobile games affording these people to advertise for them, WHY are they paying that kind of money for a free mobile game?! Like, in-app purchases from the modern version latchkey kids whose parents give them too many electronics to shut them up and don’t bother to parent-lock purchases are like, drunk people, and old people who get bored cannot POSSIBLY be generating that much revenue. So like,
Is it money laundering? Is the government sponsoring these ads to gateway-drug people into gambling so that they can drive them into some sort of new “in app purchase on mobile game to state-sponsored lottery gambling app” pipeline? WTF is going on? Something is suuuuuper fishy here and I’m so stuck on why.
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horce-divorce · 6 months
everything is such a gamble in this fucking economy... spend all your time and energy at the first job that'll have you, and it might be just enough to get your benefits cut and still not be able to afford all your bills. sure you MIGHT get pithy raises if you stay, you MIGHT get promoted and work your way up to a reasonable salary, but the "raises" might amount to .25 cents each. maybe you do it right, maybe you pick the right job that respects you, pays you well, and is set to promote you, and you make a living wage-- until you get covid or swine flu or get into an accident, and become disabled, and you can't keep up the pace anymore, and its suddenly not even enough to cover your medical costs. teach yourself how to work from home, train yourself in multiple jobs that promise to pay decent salaries once you set a good pace, only to find out that you're being replaced by AI. you put all your time and energy into getting a degree, you MIGHT be able to pay that off later, if the industry you chose is still functional, lucrative and hiring at all by the time you get there. you can spend every waking hour on running your own small business, you can do everything right, you can post to social media multiple times daily and get plenty of "engagement" and still not end up making ends meet. you could post a one-off video, one time, and become a meme that lives in infamy. you could post pictures of your chickens all the time and get thousands of dollars in ad revenue per month. you could spend your time making thoughtful, well-sourced, educational videos that put your degree to work and get just a handful of $1 patreon subscribers and almost no clicks. you could pick a lottery ticket up off the ground and win something. you could spend 80 years buying lottery tickets and never win anything.
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beardedmrbean · 2 months
Finland's infamous online message board Ylilauta has removed advertising on its website over the summer as the site transitioned to a user paying model last year.
"Yes, all our financing is now independent of others," the site's administrators wrote in a reply to Yle.
Ylilauta reported last year that it had 2.5 million monthly users. It has not publicly disclosed the number of paying users.
The decision to remove ads was voluntary, according to the site's management. However, there have been a number of problems with the site's advertising model in the past given some of the controversial content posted on Ylilauta.
Police found casino advertisements illegal
Yle MOT reported last year how Ylilauta paid millions of euros in dividends to its owners in tax havens. The proceeds were obtained, among other ways, by selling advertising space to online casinos.
The advertising of foreign online casinos is prohibited in Finland. The police could have imposed a fine on the gambling promoter.
Finnish police first intervened in Ylilauda's gambling advertising in 2021. Lauta Media, the Maltese company that owns Ylilauta, has denied violating the Lotteries Act.
However, in June it said it would remove the gambling ads to please the police.
"As a gesture of goodwill, Lauta Media will take steps to remove banner ads from foreign gambling companies," CEO John Farrugia wrote in a response to the police department.
Google removed its own ads from Ylilauta
In July, Tivi reported that Google had removed its own Adsense ads from Ylilauta because the forum violated its rules on hate speech and harassment.
Tivi cited the discussion threads exposed by Svenska Yle in June as an example. Ylilauta users had posted pictures of women without their consent.
According to the site's administrators, there are no longer any ads on the site, which also improves the user experience.
Ownership transferred to Estonia
Ylilauta is owned by Lauta Media, registered in Malta. The largest owner is Aleksi Kinnunen, the founder of the forum also known by the username Sopsy.
Kinnunen has owned around 32 percent of Lauta Media through Goldhill Holdings, a company registered in Gibraltar. In May, however, he transferred the shares to Pulju OÜ, registered in Estonia.
The rest of Lauta Media is owned by Halonen Holding, registered in Gibraltar, and Sissonen Capital, Stelbur Capital and Huhtikuu, registered in Finland.
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kakiastro · 2 years
The houses is the next important part of astrology. The houses represents the area of life the planets and signs affect.
1 house - Aries house
You are the main character of your life
How you look
First impressions that people make lf you when the first meet you
Head/ skin complexion
Worldly outlook
Public conscious
Early Childhood
One indication of life purpose
2 house -Taurus house
Your finances and wealth
Your family values/ your values
Comfort foods/foods
Food resources
Your voice
Taxes/ revenue
Friends of partners
Secrets pleasures and desires
Skills and resources
Fashion aesthetics
Music taste
3 house- Gemini house
Journals/ books about specific topics
Transportation (cars, trucks, trains and boats)
Fingers/finger nails
Short trips
Education (k-12)
Critics/ criticism
Video games / board games/arena games
4 house- Cancer house
Parents in general
Showers/ baths/ ponds/rain
Home life
Family life/ ancestors
Hidden thoughts and feelings
Digestive system
Private life
Realtors/real estate/ renters/ home owners
Father in law
Old people
Hotels/ motels
5 house- Leo house
How we have fun
Directors/filmmakers/ motion pictures/
Movie theaters
Games/Arcade games/arena games
Theater/ dance/ acting
Dates/date night
First born child
2nd sibling
King/ Prince/ Queen/ Princess/ other novels
Your Heart organ
6 house- Virgo house
Health professionals (doctors, nurses)
Healers/ outer healing
Animals(small and domestic)
Artistic abilities
Body health
Physical examination
Medical drugs
Brother/sister in law’s reputation
Writing in details
Co workers
First responders
Butler, maids, busboys
Grandchildren reputation
7 house- Libra house
Relationships (platonic & romantic )
Business/ business partners
First Marriage
Grandparents in general
Husband & Wife
2nd Child
3rd sibling
Lawyers/law suites/laws
Court of law
Lower back
Dealings with the public
Open public enemies
Art, artist
Serious lovers
Close fan base
8 house- Scorpio house
Giving birth
Joint finances with partner
Wealth through marriage
Other people finances
Deepest fears
Sex/sex work
Occult/occult studies
Underground crime
Inner power
Psychic abilities
Psychology/ psychology therapy
9 house- Sagittarius house
Spirituality/ religion (church, clergy, prophet, spiritual gifts)
Philosophy and ideals on life
Long range travel
Long range communication
Dreams and faith
Higher learning(college, grad school)
Astral travel
Books/journals about broad topics
3rd child
Ships/shipping/shipping docks
Pets end of life
Hips and thighs
Upper legs
Supreme Court
10 house-Capricorn house
Public status in society
Public image
Skeletal system
Famous family/family name
CEO/ supervisor/managers
Authority figure in your life
Government(president, senates, house, prime minister) all officials
11 house- Aquarius house
Friend groups
Social groups
Friends appearance
Stans (loyal fans)
Support system
Aspiration and dreams
4th child
Step children
Daughter/ Son in laws
Community projects
Wealth within social groups
Lower calves/ankles
Social media
Memberships and clubs
12 house- Pisces house
Deep dreams
Mythical/mystical/ ethereal
The unknown
Hidden talents
True talents
Pass life
Hidden society
Hidden cults
Misinformation meditation
Inner Healing
Spiritual gifts
Partners career
Inner pain
Big cats
Bigger animals such as elephants ect
Thank you for reading and I hoped you enjoyed this post
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eqt-95 · 11 months
For the WiP Title Game, one of your original works? Author’s choice. Please and thank you!
oh! honestly i didn't expect anyone to throw their hat over the 'original works' wall, so i'm a bit tickled to see this. i picked 'preferential citizens' because it's a bit 'out there' but i dig it (and would love to one day have focused time to work on).
but (also) tuck in because this is the first time i've 'written' what this story is about. normally i just mumble a few incoherent words until the glazed-over look of people feigning interest allows me a stuttering exit back into silence.
the concept is simple: it's a world where poll-taxes were explicitly given permission to exist in the Sixteenth Amendment (ratified in 1913). Call it a historical rewrite i guess? At it's core, it's a satire about the government implementing a federal poll tax in a desperate attempt to get people to vote.
But you may be thinking 'a poll tax would dissuade people, no?' And that is totes correct, except in this world, 50% of the revenue from poll taxes are put into a lottery, and anyone who votes is entered into that lottery.
Escapades ensue, hijinks happen, hilarity becomes somber moments of clarity, but for added complexity (and what really inspired this in the first place) i lean into the format of legal papers and their bonkers use of footnotes (upon footnotes upon footnotes: literal footnotes within footnotes; papers that are 85% footnotes). I also just truly enjoyed the chaotic (claustrophobic) reading experience of 'House of Leaves' which has levels upon levels of footnotes and narration and intertwining storylines. I loved the idea of poking fun at the legal papers while playing with different types of narration. So there are things like pamphlets and legal notices, anecdotes of 'Preferential Citizens' (the citizens who 'win' the lotteries), and a single (wildly unreliable) character in present day trying to take down the organization from the inside and crack the conspiracy nut that makes the 'lobby' of Preferential Citizens, government, and society as a whole all interconnected, corrupt, and morally bankrupt.
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wumblr · 2 years
let's have a hard talk. these insufferable takes on AI are not advancing the discussion. the discussion was miles beyond this "takes work from artist" "consumer boycott must be the answer" dead on arrival poor substitute for an analysis, years ago, when timnit gebru got fired from google, for making what is now, because of her, the trivially obvious observation that large datasets may be too large to manually analyse for bias.
like congratulations. you have hit upon the point of capek's RUR, origin of the word robot, from a hundred years ago. were you going to take another point from back before the dust bowl or was that it? it's not just automation that takes surplus value from labor, it's any increase in efficiency. this is the first textbook feature of the economic model we're living under. luddites genuinely had more sense for nuance when the loom threatened to extract value from their labor at a pace never before seen. this is not that. luddites were producing textiles that people actually bought. you aren't.
aside from that, the implication that this is on par with like, a museum heist, or art forgery (both of which are, by the way, through a lens that includes class analysis, badass) is laughable. you are not selected for exhibition by making posts online, you are participating in a social medium where your continued pageviews are the source of advertising revenue. you are not bourgeoise, you are proletarian. your deviantart was search engine optimized to the point that it was trivial to pull five billion carbon copies of you off google images with like a two-line API call. you are not unique, you are one drop in a lost generation's renaissance. maybe if you don't want your work "stolen" you shouldn't be posting an endlessly reproducible digital copy to the world wide web? it's been seven years since twitter killed vine for trying to set the precedent that collective action can produce wage, can we bring back that level of foresight yet? or are you happy settling for tiktok because they deign to curate a ""creators fund"" for white heterosexuals? go buy a lottery ticket
i've said it before but this is a structured argument, presented to you with two neatly-collimated "sides," one that says every possible piece of data should be available for free for capitalist class to build automation out of it, and one that says pirating endlessly reproducible goods belonging the capitalist class should have harsher punishment. this is intentional, not unique, not new. it's the perverse dialectic of capital. you can only argue a side that benefits it.
the absence of nuanced intersectional perspective here is embarrassing. beyond that it's painfully obvious people are taking it personally, as if you had any chance to make rent as an artist, regardless of what procedural generation or neural networks might do. it's a selfish, blindly individualistic, mass manufactured wholesale bargain basement opinion, one that does not serve to advance any collective good, because it's based in the pipe dream of suddenly jumping three tax brackets to become bourgeoise. beyond that, doesn't it cheapen your art to only ever make saleable products? beyond that, it's painfully obvious none of you have ever tried using a neural network. from computer science or statistical perspectives, these constructs are novel and fascinating (or, the advent of cheap processing power sufficient to allow decades-old theory to flourish, which let's be honest, this power relies on an exploitative global network of rare mineral resource extraction and high precision manufacturing, which is yet one more topic i haven't once seen broached in the months this stultifyingly dull conversation has been ongoing.)
blaming a novelty for the ills of capitalism is nonsense, and it's not why luddites opposed the loom.
and let me just tell you, working with a code construct also does not improve your chances as an artist, which is the main point i wish i could get across. aside from the absence of intersectionality there's also an absence of class analysis, in which context it's, again, painfully obvious that no capitalist has ever cared one whit about art. even when they deign to take on a patronage it's as a backhanded PR stunt, like the unpaid notre dame roof pledges, to offset the ill repute they've accrued from extracting value for personal gain, while contributing nothing except the directive power their birthright of wealth gave them. this is the main critique i had about age of surveillance capitalism -- zuboff seems to think a return to ford-era capitalism, where the rich bothered to endow museums (to curate what they exclude) or pay a livable wage (in order to recapture it as sales), would solve the fundamental problem of value extraction from labor and natural resources for the barefaced sake of the profit motive. unremarkable and unsurprising for tenured faculty of harvard, how else would she sell books? but for some foolhardy reason i expected better from my peers.
your aspirations of small business aren't going to flourish if you suddenly got everything you claim to want and they banned every code construct from competing with you. you are not in competition with capital. you are nothing to it, it will kill you in total indifference without blinking, surely you ought to know this by now, it will bus in scab slave labor from prison to ramp up production despite a boycott in solidarity with a strike, and it's going to remain this way as long as capital survives. whether or not an algorithm or a network or an artifice is involved is irrelevant to the fundamental problem that it's a winner-takes-all game that ended before you were born. unless and until you want to start challenging the police that uphold the state or the insurance trust that pays to replace its points of failure, you're doing surface level armchair analysis on a problem that only the extremely online care about. arguing over what color of icing is on the cake you're never going to be eating while you starve for lack of bread.
and like... i get it. after the pandemic that we're still going through, you want to refocus on the things that really make you happy. but i've got to say, refocusing on art until you starve because you didn't manage to figure out self-sufficience during a recession is a sad way to die. perhaps you should consider the necessity of survival as a precursor to contentment. and to be clear i am saying this specifically because i care whether you survive and because i am interested in the artworks you are making or in your future potential. but you can't focus on that to the exclusion of all else, dog eat dog world and that means every day i have to see someone get ate. now for the last time, for god's sake can you stop yelling "this is because of code constructs" every time a dog eats your purported art commission revenue because it's really hurting MY purported small business revenue, selling products of code constructs,
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neuroticpantomime · 1 year
I know this is like leftism 101 but god lotteries are fucked up methods of tax revenue lmao
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fruitymarcy · 2 years
I think it’s very interesting that the Sonic Frontiers dlc is free. Now, updates 1 and 2, sure, any game would have stuff like that for free. But update 3 is an expansion with 3 new playable characters (Tails, Knuckles, and Amy) and new story content. You’d think that’d be 20 bucks or so, but it’s going to be entirely free as well! I think the reason Sega chose this route is to convince more people to buy the base game, rather than trying to make more off of the install base the game already has. Let me explain my theory on this:
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If you think about it, if Sega made the dlc 20 dollars that would mean they’d make money off of those who already own the game, but no one would really buy the game for the dlc alone considering that would total 80 dollars, or 90 dollars if you buy the digital deluxe edition. But to advertise to those who don’t yet own the game that there’s now even more content and 4 whole playable characters? Now THAT would convince those who were on the fence about buying the game to take a look
Instead of making 20 more dollars in revenue off of those who bought the game in the last year, they instead make 60 or 70 dollars off of people who never bought the game in the prior year. Not only that, but existing fans who do already own the game will be thrilled to get free content and it will help to keep us happy while we wait for the Sonic Frontiers sequel/successor
And lastly, because of this strategy, Sega could release a definitive edition for Sonic Frontiers. It’d be like Sonic Adventure 2: Battle where it combines the base game and all dlc to create the best version of the game all on one disc/cartridge. Then all they have to do is throw in extra goodies like maybe the Sonic and Koco plushies and other goodies they made for the Japanese Sonic Frontiers lottery as well as the Frontiers DX and Limited Edition sets. Seeing as we never got a physical Sonic Frontiers Deluxe Edition in America, it’d make sense for this to be their way of giving us one: giving us collectible goodies AND the best version of the game physically. Collectors would go nuts, and Sega likely knows that. I mean, I own Sonic Frontiers Digital Deluxe Edition on Steam. However, I’m also planning on getting a ps5 copy so I own it physically and can play in bed, and a Switch copy so I can play on the go. Not only that, I want to buy an Xbox copy for my little brother. A massive Sonic fan like me would absolutely also buy the Sonic Frontiers Physical Deluxe Edition as well, and I imagine Sega knows that
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rainbowsky · 2 years
Hey rainbowsky, idk if you could answer this for me or maybe somebody else but why is there a bad connotation with being called idol? I see this mostly in China compared Korea or Japan but idols in China will try very hard to distance themselves from the word idol and see it as bad, I just wanted to know your thoughts on this. From what I’ve seen idols in Korea and Japan don’t care. Again as far as I’ve seen.
Hi Anon!
Idols tend to be looked down upon everywhere, not just in China.
Yes, it's true that they're massively popular and admired by millions of adoring fans, but only within a narrow group of very young girls. From a mainstream perspective the majority of people would have no clue who these 'massively popular' idols are because they aren't part of daily life in the media they consume.
As entertainers they're usually not taken seriously in the industry when compared with serious actors who went to acting school and perform in serious works, or when compared to other popular figures such as top athletes, musicians, comedians, etc.. They are seen as manufactured marketing products, not serious entertainers.
And this isn't just an 'Asian idol' thing - this is a reality across the globe. Look at how top 40 pop stars are viewed in society vs how well-known actors, comedians, TV hosts, athletes, politicians and other public figures are viewed.
Justin Beiber - as popular and as talented as he is - will never be taken as seriously as film stars like Meryl Streep, Morgan Freeman or Michelle Yeoh, or even TV actors like Bob Odenkirk or Peter Dinklage.
There are good reasons to not want to be seen as an idol in the entertainment business or by the public at large:
Idols are broadly viewed as being popular because of their looks and because of the fashion/fad they represent, not because of any special talent, experience or ability.
Idols are viewed as having won some sort of a lottery rather than as having worked hard to earn their notoriety.
Idols will tend to be cast in projects where acting ability isn't a huge factor - projects intended to highlight the idol's looks and appeal to the type of young women who follow idols. The point is to get as much traffic, attention and revenue as possible rather than to create an enduring cinematic masterpiece. Serious opportunities aren't typically given to them.
There is a real shelf life to idols. They tend to be a flash in the pan - people whose careers only last as long as their style is in vogue and as long as their looks are in peak form. They often fly high and fall hard, never to be heard of again. Whereas other popular figures have a longer trajectory to their careers, and often their work spans decades.
Idol fan culture means there is a lot of BS associated with being an idol that most other popular figures don't have to deal with nearly as much - in part because the fan base is so young and less mature, less able to see the seriousness of (or care about the consequences of) their behavior. Stalker fans, toxic fan activity, shipping with everyone they interact with, trying to hack into their private info, installing tracking devices on their cars, harassing family members, wasteful and outrageous consumer behavior, vote-manipulation, fan wars - all of which has serious negative impacts on stars. Especially in China, where stars are held directly accountable for the behavior of their fans.
Idols face bigger career risks than other public figures do. Being seen to be in a relationship, for example, can kill an idol's career moreso than that of a serious actor or musician. They have to maintain a much more 'perfect' image than other public figures do. They come under an incredible amount of scrutiny for people who aren't considered 'serious' entertainers.
Idols are usually very tightly managed and don't tend to have as much control over their careers as other popular figures do, especially if they come out of 'idol search' competition shows. Their contracts are notoriously exploitative and restrictive, and cover every aspect of their public and private lives. Often most of the money they earn goes to their management company.
Idols are restricted not just by their management companies, but also by their fans. Often they are victims of their own success, because their fan bases often have a lot of influence over what they are able to do. For example, DD lost solo fans when he took on The Untamed as a project, because many of them didn't want him appearing in a BL project. GG's popularity means he's had to reel in his often friendly, affectionate behavior around costars because his fans ship him or go to war over it.
There are likely a lot of idols who are perfectly happy in a career as an idol, but most seem to see it as a stepping stone to more serious opportunities. They use the attention they have to get roles that will enable them to transition into a longer, more stable career.
It's true that these extremes are even bigger in China, especially lately, due to the way the government and media have been framing fan culture as corrupting, immoral, wasteful, disruptive, misleading and a massively negative influence on youth.
They've enacted policies that attempt to intentionally place idols at a disadvantage in the entertainment industry there (limitations on which roles idols can play, for example, and limitations on the number of dramas featuring idols that can be made, limitations on behavior and dress in the media that appear to directly target idol fashion/culture, etc.).
The more someone is seen as a 'traffic star' in China, the more restrictions and scrutiny they are put under.
GG and DD both came out of idol groups, and are seen by many as being famous only because of (and only good for) their looks. They have a lot of hard work ahead of them to prove themselves, and to be taken seriously and given more serious opportunities. They appear to be handling that quite well and making great progress, but they still have a ways to go before they'll be accepted broadly as serious public figures with respectable careers that will stand the test of time.
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Jamie Lee Curtis: So there’s a redemption. And a reconciliation. And a healing.
Colin Farrell: It’s so beautiful. Because the only two things I know as certainties are, we’re going to die and we’re going to make serious mistakes. Whether we atone for our mistakes.
Throw back - Variety interview with Jamie Lee Curtis and Colin Farrell discussing, acting, sobriety and their Oscar nominated movies - Everything Everywhere All At Once and The Banshees of Inisherin.
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Deirdre Beaubeirdre is one of the best characters ever!
Trivia - The appearance of Jamie Lee Curtis's character Deirdre Beaubeirdre is based on a stock photo of an IRS worker. The photo by Mike Simons, captioned, "Kathleen Malone works on tax returns at the Cincinnati Internal Revenue Service Center April 8, 2005 in Covington, Kentucky" shows an IRS worker with an identical hairstyle, yellow turtleneck, light yellow knit vest, glasses and necklaces (IMDB).
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Colin Farrell summed up the story as "the disintegration of joy". Padraic starts the movie, "Like he's just won the lottery; he's so happy and content and connected". But by the end, he has turned into "someone who believes there is a place for violence in the world, and that it doesn't even need to be justified... and he can't find any of the joy that he once had in his life".
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They were the best two movies from this year’s awards season (2023).
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intobarbarians · 1 year
While Montage of Heck is being developed, they test out some other pretty big moves. The one that Adam Lowenberg was most proud to tell me about was this campaign they devised in 2009 around Aerosmith’s “Dream On” which is, you know, the proto power ballad. It’s the first lighter-waver song arguably in rock history, up there with “Stairway to Heaven.” Iconic. Everyone knows it. Everyone knows it within 10 seconds. They surmised in their sort of pitch meeting that there’s something dreamy about thinking you win the lottery, and they want to stoke that. So they approach lottery vendors. 
I can’t imagine in the history of music publishing that any pop music catalog owner had ever approached the lottery vendor before for a meeting ever. But they basically approach a lottery vendor and say, “Hey, we have this idea for Massachusetts, which is Aerosmith’s home state, we want to run an Aerosmith-themed lottery campaign. And so what we’re going to do is we’re going to brand it with our logo. And when you scratch off, the lyrics to this song that we own is going to be on the card.” And then when you promote this campaign on radio stations to get people to buy tickets, guess what? You can play “Dream On” on it. 
This was a genius move from a marketing standpoint because it meant they collected revenue streams on the two different ways that you can own rights to a song. The minute those words appear on the lottery ticket, a check — ka-ching — goes to Primary Wave and then they get paid again when the song appears in the campaign. It’s a massive success and it ends up spreading to 10 different states. This is when I think the big money green light bulb went on over all of their heads.
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