#Lost Woods AU
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amanitacurses · 10 months ago
How dare you draw such an interesting design for NESLink, and not have more?
Seriously, I'm curious to see more their outfit and how you see their personality. Your art is just so pleasing and so clean and gorgeous! ♥︎
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I know this wasn't technically a request, but I'm quite proud of the various designs I've made for NESLink, so I felt like showing them off 😊
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proxycrit · 1 year ago
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(Takes your kneecaps)
Au’s Salvaging the Ship of Theseus! Gotta figure out how to draw these guys. Inconsistency my beloathed!
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I have a soft spot for the Ares and Aphrodite one, sucker for mixing in mythology! I was wondering if at some point you'll write about one of them being summoned or something? I'd imagine Phantom wouldn't be thrilled if Danny just gets yoinked out of nowhere-
~{ I’m so glad that people like the things I make ☺️! And I hope you like this }~
•That One Time The Cult summoning Worked•
Danny was in one of his gardens, one of Danny favorites (besides the Teal, Purple, Orange garden) This garden has many tress and rose bushes all around with a somewhat large stream going through it.
Danny was siting underneath one of the larger tress on top of blankets on the ground with Phantom’s head on his lap sleeping or well the best a ghost can get to sleep, he had a flower crown beside them head (Given to him by Eros and Harmonia) with the phantom always wears helmet was next to it
The sound of children playing tag or a similar game running through a mostly clear area in the garden that is easily seen from where Danny and phantom are and well the sound of Deimos and Phobos playing tag and Eros and Harmonia picking flowers to make more flower crowns for whatever they do with them
So Danny was pretty content at the moment as he just sits under the tree with his husband and the sound of his children play
That is until Danny felt a tug, a tug he was told about by Papa it’s when a cult actually made a working portal which are very rare when it comes to Ancients instead of demons which are much easier to summon and than Danny was pulled through the portal to the human realm but he told phantom about summonings so it will be fine
He told phantom…..right
In a old warehouse on the outskirts of a large city is a group wearing black hooded robes in a circle with a person a child really tied up on a chair in the circle with the people around the circle chanting something in a old tongue and it gos quite for a few minutes that feel like hours.
And suddenly a large wind comes from the circle pushing a few of the cultists down to the cold hard floor of the warehouse and knocking back the others and knocking the child out ~{I repeat the child is out for the count}~
And in the circle is a flouting figure with long black hair that acts like it is in water, they wear a white dress like outfit with pearls and jewelry with some roses in their hair and a very uninterested look at the cultists
And the cultists who didn’t get the wind knocked out of them bows down and starts on their…whatever they were trying to do
“Your Greatness! We have called you to unleash war and chaos on this world and give us the power to make us the new leaders of this mortal plain and for this power we offer you this child for a new world to allow us to mold this world to our wishes!!” The probably head cultist as they were wearing a red robe and as they say this they move their arms in a way to bring the child to his attention
And now Danny understands what happens and it just makes him laughs after a few minutes Danny says in the way to make it sound more echoey “Oh you mortal who do you think I am?”
But before the cultists can answer a portal is ripped through the air and his husband comes through in his full war armor on and phantom immediately starts to cut down the cultists and with them out Danny flouts down to him and phantom immediately wraps his arms around Danny body holds him close for a few minutes
“My Love, Never do that again” phantom says out of breath “Darling” Danny says as he runs a hand through phantoms hair to calm him down and it works after a minute and as he calms down phantom starts to pull Danny to the portal but that’s when Danny remembers the child
Danny pulls himself off of phantom (who makes a very unhappy noise at the action) as floats over to the child and holds his face in his hands and it gives Danny a good view of the cuts and bruises on the child and with the way his arm is positioned it most definitely is dislocated and Danny gives the child a kiss on the fore head and waits until the most pronounced cut heals and let’s go of the child and back to his husband and lets himself be pulled into the portal with his husband
And they leave just in time to miss a man wearing a yellow bat on his chest
~{ That was a long one! How dare you give me the brain cell and I hope you gremlins like this! And remember I love it when you guys ask me questions or anything really! Byeeee }~
And for what the characters are wearing in this!
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•Phobos & Deimos•
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mochiwei · 2 years ago
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What if Link ate all the bubbulgems 😔🍬
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mother-lee · 8 months ago
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the black dog
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strawberrymothteeth · 1 year ago
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Lost in the woods AU Once a upon a time when you was younger. They got lost in the woods at girl scout camp. Being the loner of the girl scout group no one quite noticed that you have disappeared. Crying on one of the many dirt paths you meet young cryptid sun and moon. With their help you return safely back to your girl scout group but curious about the cryptids you would continously seek them out. Over that month you and the cryptid boys forge a friendship. But as all good things it must come to an end. But you promised you would come back soon but soon they fade into just a long forgotten memory.
Fast forward you are celebrating that Vanessa has graduated Park Ranger training and is now a Park Ranger at Fazbear's nature park; that used to be the girl scout camp you went to as a young child. (can't say national because they are a for profit.) But Vanessa has been acting strangely ever since she started the training but Vanessa would never do anything shady....right? Unfortunately your naivety your good friend Vanessa is planning to sacrifice you to her good lord and savior Springtrap. close ups and tidbits
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Cryptid Sun: 🎇The more "nicer" of the two. 🎇He hides toys in his chest cavity to help try to calm down children. He tried it with Y/N but it just made Y/N more confused and panicked. 🎇Can summon fire sprites from his chest cavity. Often times this would be how he guides lost hikers/children back to their camps versus showing himself. 🎇When angry his face will be engulfed in flames. but do not fret he will be fine once he cools down his temper. This rarely happens but moon is very good at pushing his buttons. 🎇is the less upset one out of the two of them of Y/N not remembering them. 🎇 Him and moon learned how to speak and write through reading the horse books left at the girl scout camp. So they have an unusual amount of knowledge about horses. 🎇Can sense what is happening through the forest through the roots and can travel through the roots to whatever location he pleases at the National Park.
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Cryptid Moon: 🌙The more "aggressive" one of the two. (he just thinks he is just blunt and to the point.) 🌙He is currently trying to fly under the radar ever since a hiker stumbled upon him feasting on his meal. (whether it was human or not is up for debate. Ask him and he will just chuckle.) 🌙His wings got singed back when Sun couldn't control his fire sprites. He got back on him by putting a bunch of termites in his bed. 🌙Is the more upset one out of the two that Y/N forgot them. Especially when they grabbed Y/N to play with them in the sky for Y/N to panic and get dropped in the lake by accident. 🌙Moon was the first cryptid for Y/N to stumble upon when they were young as well as adults. 🌙Moon is a huge sucker for anything sweet whether they would like to admit it or not is up for debate. 🌙If Moon is the one guiding hikers back he would usually scare them in the direction they need to go. but with children he tries his best to make himself not as threatening(doesn't work half the time) and guide them while holding hands. (big softie)
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Y/N: 🐈‍⬛ remember sun and moon a bit but more of just chalking it up to imaginary friends. They do have a birthmark on their neck which he showed to sun and moon as kids. but in general very secretive about it. 🐈‍⬛is in transitioning and uses he/they pronouns. 🐈‍⬛very prideful of their pitiful t-stache. but a stache is a stache. 🐈‍⬛has a HUGE fear of heights which is why they panicked when Moon picked them up like they were besties. 🐈‍⬛gets easily lost so it constantly keeps getting lost in the woods. and Vanessa's cryptic directions aren't helping him at all. 🐈‍⬛is training as well to be a park ranger like Vanessa. He has known Vanessa for a few years before she started acting very secretive and a bit unstable. 🐈‍⬛is a lot more chill with Sun but that might change after he stumbles upon Sun enjoying a meal. they are slightly terrified of both but Sun and moon just want to hang out with their bestie(?).
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shakooo · 1 year ago
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I FINALLY COULD DO SOMETHING DECENT than publish sjldjaks ToT It's not the comic (god i forgot how difficult it was to clean them up haha)
BUT buuuuut it's something else, you know IIII LOOVVE truffula flu sooo i have a small project (smaaaaalll) in mind I DON'T PROMISE ANYTHING because it's difficult JASJJAJ but well whatever, HELLOUU GUYS again, how is everything here??!?!
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lulublack90 · 22 days ago
Prompt 2 - Spill
Wolfstar, March 2, word count 228
Previous part First part
“Remus!” Lily yelled out the open window at him in panic as he walked over to her car. “Remus, we lost Sirius!” Remus felt cold flood his system.
“What do you mean you lost Sirius?” He quickly jumped in the car and buckled up as Lily sped away. 
“I mean, somehow he managed to wander off and James can’t find him.” Remus unlocked his phone and tried to phone him. It went straight to voicemail. 
“We’ve been trying that,” Lily sighed. “He’s either run out of battery or, more likely, he’s not got any signal. Those trees are weird, they block all technology. I once took a compass in there, and it just kept spinning around, unable to find north.” Remus just nodded along. He was so worried something had happened to him. There wasn’t anything that could probably hurt him. The nastiest thing in that forest was the deer, and they usually ran away at the sight of humans. Sirius’s most imminent danger was the dropping sun. Soon the temperature would dip and Sirius would begin to lose body heat. Tears began to spill from his eyes, but he quickly scrubbed them away. Tears were no good now, he needed to find Sirius. 
Lily pulled up outside the house and Remus got out before the engine was even off and stalked into the trees lining the house.  
Next part
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green-character · 1 year ago
One Piece Au where everything is the same but Tv and Disney exist
Perona perform Lost in the wood at least once a week to Zoro
Bonus sometimes she change the lyrics to make it match with the crew, sometimes it's about Luffy, pretty often it's about Sanji
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mwolf0epsilon · 25 days ago
With Spencer's design finally (partially) revealed, I can finally address the oddity that is both his and Hiro's situation.
I've mentioned before that no one really understands the process of feralization. It was assumed for a long time that mimics become feral if they return to the wild as a means to better their survival odds. However, when Hiro was rediscovered he was only "partially feral" despite him living in that siding in the woods for years.
Add to that the fact most mimics come from the wild, and things really just don't seem to line up with that particular theory. Why would a mimic returning to the wild seem to become something lesser than what they used to be?
Well, Hiro and Spencer might hold a key to figuring it out.
When Thomas first discovered Hiro, he was somewhat frightened because on first glance the Japanese mimic looked feral. His behavior, however, proved otherwise. Not only is Hiro fully cognizant, he also retained his original personality and ability to size-shift. Something which a feral mimic would no longer possess.
Of course, seeing as no one had ever encountered a "half-feral" mimic, Thomas didn't immediately alert any humans to Hiro's presence. After all, the typical procedure with dealing with ferals is to euthanize them. Something which Thomas didn't want to risk, and neither did the other mimics once he informed them.
They all hoped that, so long as they got him back into good health and looking a little less wild, they'd be able to introduce him to the fat controller with less chances of sparking immediate panic among the humans.
Enter Spencer...
All the tiptoeing around the Summer House's construction zone, Thomas showing him up and the other mimics banding together to help Hiro, his overall paranoia, and Spencer not only catching the scent of a strange mimic but also succumbing to his territorial tendencies... And you end up with a rather unstable A4 mimic who's at the verge of snapping.
And snap he does... In front of both Hiro and Thomas with rather terrifying results.
At the end of the day, Sodor ends up with two half-feral mimics.
For the Steamworks, it's a whole new beast they're dealing with and a rather unpredictable one at that. So the best course of actions that are called for is to keep Hiro and Spencer confined, just so they can gauge how safe it is for humans to be around them (which, fair enough, Spencer was lashing out violently and took time to subdue).
Since the railway owns him, Hiro being locked up in the Steamworks was fairly easy to do (and ideal, since he could be monitored closely by both the works crew, but also Victor). But Spencer's confinement fell on the Duke and Duchess of Boxford who had to be brought in to calm their now partially feral mimic. They of course follow along, locking him up as asked, but Spencer's distressed cries eventually get to the Duchess who can't bring herself to leave her and her husband's mimic alone and afraid in this new strange state. She gets him to shrink down and brings him indoors where both she and her husband can keep an eye on him and comfort him (which ends up being the best thing they could have done).
It's... An adjustment. But one that does give Sodor specifically a good idea that feralization might be tied with a mimic's mental health more than it is with their environment.
They're not the first people to discover this of course... But that's a story for another day.
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decentsoupperson · 6 months ago
Lost in the Woods au
That Bastard is Back in Town
Adam was a simple man. He liked to think he was, at least, a decent guy trying to get by with his life in the forest. Lately, however, his old women of a cat, Lady, had wandered off. . .Again. She didn't come back within 1 day like she normally does, so Adam began to get worried about what could've happened to his saint of a cat. He knew she was strong and could survive almost anything, but he also knew that she was old. He had her since he was 18, and now he was nearing 40 years old. So, he went to put up missing posters around town to hopefully find her soon.
As Adam walked down the street, putting up posters, he came across a toy store that was part of one of the biggest toy companies in the country. Adam walked inside and slowly walked up to the cashier that was there that day. "Uhm, excuse me," Adam quietly asked.
"What is it, sir?" The cashier responded.
"Could I tape up some posters in the window for my lost cat?"
"Oh, of course you can. Do you have tape?"
Adam pulled out a roll of double-sided tape and walked over to the window to put up the poster. He turned and thanked the cashier before walking out to his bike.
Later that day, the CEO of the toy company came to see how his new store had been doing lately. He was short, pale, and had blond slicked back hair.
"Good afternoon, Dave. How's the store?"
Dave responded, "It's a little slow, sir. Not much business in this small town."
"That's a shame. What's with the poster in the window?"
"Oh, some guy came here around noon to hang that up cause his cat is missing."
"Hmm, we'll, let's take a look at the cat, shall we?"
The CEO walked over to the poster and turned it around to find the fluffy white and brown cat named "Lady". The CEO jumped back in surprise. Could it be?
"LIisten here, Dan."
"You email me those reports tomorrow, I have to go, IMMEDIATELY."
"Uhhh, sure. Have a good day, sir."
"You too!"
The CEO ran down the street and into the neighborhood as fast as he could to find a house. Any house that had a resemblance of what he hoped the cat's owner would look like. He finally got to the house that had a poster on one of the pillars and a bowl of water and food laid out on the porch. He walked up the stairs and rang the doorbell.
Adam was just watching TV and planning to out into the woods tomorrow to look for her when his doorbell rang. Be jumped off of the couch and ran to the door, hoping that the person who was ringing was or had his cat. He opened the door and. . . Oh.
"Oh, it's you."
"Hello, Adam. How have you been?"
"I would be better if you had my cat or got off of my porch, Lucifer Morningstar."
Mentions: @fanofstuff01 @lilacwriter07 @things-arent-what-they-seem66
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amanitacurses · 7 months ago
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Faerie Dance
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comically-blu · 3 months ago
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oh wow!! what is this gravity falls?!!
(jk it’s fake screen caps of portal pinecone au based on gf style done outta practice & fun lolol)
Edit: extra fake screencap for context :( (changed the lighting, thought I was missing something oof)
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inumbrapugnabimus-maybe · 8 months ago
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Making decisions after 2 am is a great idea *posts all of my oc art with no context*
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piersthesniper · 8 months ago
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Y’all want a post? Well here is one as such… I’m currently working on a character sheet of my own because @emkini’s reminded me to do as such (go check her blog RIGHT NEOWWWWW)
Sighhhh I love them. I love these two sm
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gomzdrawfr · 6 months ago
[oc rambles - civillian au]
Cooking when you don’t know the ingredients (aka pre-research on a topic you have zero clue on)
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Idk what kind of job Price will be, but Im thinking something more niche, like idk a tour guide(for some reason), or forest ranger(mmm), journalist? Maybe he’s travelling around documenting? Office jobs???? An editor??? A bar owner???
Much to think, but im very excited to draw non-traumatized Raven, she’s a lot more soft, less intimidating…she’s happy…URGH SHE’S SMILING….
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