#Longstar au
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adr-n-sketchy · 1 year ago
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Hi hello. Vet school is destroying my sleep schedule but not my ability to hyperfixate on Giingersnaps’ new warriors au map. It’s absolutely gorgeous and I am so obsessed. So here’s my silly little contribution as compensation for being so late to the game on the hype of these AUs.
More of my obsessive gushing thoughts below the cut
The little scream I screampt when I saw Swiftpaw’s first run cycle as two halves was absolutely unmatched. Even in the storyboards, the movement is so fluid and incredible with the implied stretching of his ghost spine was just so good!! All the little remedies he tried to get Brightpaw to heal were so sweet!! Like curling up in their nests like normal days. And then him always having to be mindful of Brightpaw’s head just going thunk when he forgets to paw attention. And the way he saw Brightpaw dying at the end and he immediately goes up to Bluestar and then just as quickly turns away to transfer his new life to her is just… AAASHDJSKDK so good!!
New paragraph for how absolutely godtier the animation on Brightpaw's resurrection at the Moonstone was!! Like all of elmira's little details in how Brightpaw's legs and bushy tail moved were absolutely insane!! And then @fadedkat's lighting and expressions as Brightpaw goes from realizing shes alright to seeing Swiftpaw to going "okay go time" and charging back out of the cave. AAHHHHHDJSKSJDK
Watermark placement is a little different here than on insta bc still figuring out how to properly size my procreate canvases (bc I’m a dingus)
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sophswritingthings · 3 months ago
— Chapter One
— Chapter Two
— Chapter Three
— Chapter Four
— Chapter Five
— Chapter Six
— Chapter Seven
— Chapter Eight
— Chapter Nine
— Chapter Ten
— Chapter Eleven
— Chapter Twelve
— Chapter Thirteen
— Chapter Fourteen
— Chapter Fifteen
— Chapter Sixteen
— Chapter Seventeen
— Chapter Eighteen
— Chapter Nineteen
— Chapter Twenty
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grungetooths-curse · 6 months ago
Holy shit, Arceus! I need to eat this shit up!
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doritopaw101 · 11 months ago
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My other half of the art trade with @theanoninyourinbox
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longstarau · 3 months ago
Longstar AU — Chapter Twenty-One
   “Cats of ThunderClan and WindClan. These three kits are ready to be apprenticed,” Firestar began, gazing at the three kits sitting below the Wind Rock. Sandkit and Silverkit were practically bouncing up and down, meanwhile Dustkit sat completely still, his ears even flattened a bit. “Sandkit, Silverkit and Dustkit, until you have earned your warrior names, you will be known as Sandpaw, Silverpaw and Dustpaw.”
   “Sandpaw! Silverpaw! Dustpaw!”
   “I and my deputy have chosen wonderful mentors for the each of you. Sandpaw, you will be mentored by Sorreltail. Though you are a newer warrior, Sorreltail, I trust you with an apprentice. You went through so much just to get where you are, and I’m sure you'll teach Sandpaw the importance of perseverance and patience.” Firestar smiled, the mentor and apprentice duo padded into the crowd, “Silverpaw, you'll be mentored by Swiftflame. You also have gone through so much trial and error to become a warrior, and yet here you are—strong as ever.” Swiftflame dipped his head to the ginger-tabby tom, touching noses with his apprentice and padded into the crowd. “And last but not least, Dustpaw.”
   Dustpaw lowered his muzzle to the ground, taking a few small paw-steps forward. The small brown tom gently bumped into the Wind Rock, slowly backing up.
   With a gentle twitch of his whiskers, Firestar continued, “Though you may have a disability, Dustpaw, your clan has no doubt in you. Your own father is able to make it on his own, despite being partially blind. And though it’s a bit different, I have no doubt,” He paused for a moment. “Your mentor will be Brightheart. I trust that you will teach him everything you know.���
   “I promise I will, Firestar,” Brightheart dipped her head, curling her tail around the small brown tom. She slowly bent down, murmuring something to Dustpaw before touching her nose to his. The apprentices whiskers twitched, padding back into the group of cats.
   “May StarClan guide us all.” Firestar dipped his head, slipping off the Wind Rock, Deadstar in toe.
   “You seriously think he’s going to be a warrior?” 
   A voice growled from behind Longtail, making his ears perk up. He slow,y turned over his shoulder, a enraged expression across his face as he saw where the voice was coming from.  Mudclaw, talking to a apprentice like that! Let alone his very own son. And he dare talk to one of ThunderClan's warriors that way!
   “Of course he will.” Brightheart growled back, her teeth bared at the older WindClan warrior. “There is no reason he shouldn’t be, Mudclaw. He is the same as you and I.”
   Longtail backed off for a second. Brightheart was Dustpaw's mentor, and a warrior who could hold her own. She didn’t need his help. But that was his son—and Mudclaw.
   “You aren’t a warrior like myself, though,” Mudclaw flicked his tail, an air of.. self-imposed importance, flowing off the WindClan tom. “I am a deputy of my clan. A leader, one day. You are simply a young warrior who can barley see.”
   “Don’t you talk to my warriors that way.” Longtail snarled, “Brightheart is a better and more compassionate warrior than you'll ever be. And just because your deputy now,” He looked him up and down. “Doesn’t mean you'll be in the near future.”
   “Is that a threat, Longtail?” Mudclaw hissed.
   “If that’s how you're taking it,” Longtail took a few pawsteps backward. “Leave my warriors and my son, alone.”
   Mudclaw let out a low growl, turning away from the three ThunderClan cats.
   “Why don’t you two go out for a little,” Longtail suggested, nudging Dustpaw toward Brightheart.
   “I agree,” Brightheart mewed softly, licking Dustpaw’s ear, “Just follow my scent, okay?”
   Longtail watched as Dustpaw slowly followed after Brightheart. She’d be a good teacher for him; and a good friend, too. He knew it.
  “He really is a foxheart,” Blizzardspots growled, “Talking to our son like that!”
  Longtail snarled, “He’s insane, is what he is,” He sighed, flicking his tail over his mates back. “But Brightheart will care for Dustpaw. He will never be thought of as different, as long as he has her. And us.”
   She pressed into his side, “I know she will. She’ll be good for him.”
   “She will,” He purred softly, nuzzling his muzzle against Blizzardspots’ head.
   “Brightheart?” Dustpaw flattened his ears.
   “I’m still here,” She murmured. “Is something wrong?”
   “Sort of,” He shrugged. “Was Mudclaw right?”
   Brightheart seemed a bit stunned; though she looked like she half-expected that question. 
   “No,” She tapped her tail on the ground, signaling for him to sit. He slowly sat down, her tail curling around him. Brightheart sighed, gazing up at the stars twinkling in the night sky, “If he was right, Dustpaw, then why did Firestar make you a warriors apprentice?”
   Dustpaw shrugged, again. “Because my dad is the deputy. He’s taking pity on me.”
   Brightheart shook her head, “No. Because he knows you can do everything a warrior with two eyes can do,” She hissed, her tone firmer than before. “Just because your father is the deputy of our clan doesn’t mean anything. Everything is left up to Firestar, in the end. And Firestar believes you can do it. I do. Your parents do.. even your siblings do.”
   Dustpaw sighed, “But what if I screw it up, Brightheart?”
   “We all make our mistakes, Dustpaw.” She nudged him gently, “I’ve made my fair share, and so has your father. You can’t compare yourself to your father. You are.. similar, yet not the same. You were born without your sight, your father lost it. You face different issues than he does.”
   Dustpaw took in a sharp breath, “Then how do we know I can be any good? He was a warrior for moons before he lost his eyesight.”
   “You will be good,” Brightheart rose to her paws, nudging him to do the same, “You have the backing of your clan behind you. You will be a warrior, if that’s what you want. And you will be strong warrior. Is that understood, Dustpaw?”
   Dustpaw slowly nodded, “I understand,” He murmured. “Thank you, Brightheart.”
   “Of course,” She lent down, licking the top of his head. “Let’s head back to camp.”
   As they reentered camp, Longtail’s fixed his eyes on them. He could only make out Dustpaw’s dark fur and Brightheart’s soft expression, but he knew it was them. He sighed, heaving himself to his paws.
   “I’m sorry he said all that, Dustpaw,” Longtail nudged Dustpaw, licking the young tom’s cheek.
   “It’s okay,” Dustpaw let’s a smile cross his muzzle, “Brightheart helped.”
   Longtail lifted his head and fixed his gaze on Brightheart, giving the younger she-cat a dip of his head. A sign of deep respect, especially coming from her deputy.
   “Oh, it was nothing, Longtail…” Brightheart laughs, nudging Dustpaw with her tail, “He’s my apprentice.“
   “That he is,” Longtail hums, “You’ll take could care him, I know you will.”
   “I’ll do everything in my power.” Brightheart mewed confidently, her head held high.
   “I would expect nothing less,” He chuckles, “Now get to bed, you two. Go meet the other apprentices, Dustpaw.”
   “Okay, papa,” Dustpaw reached up to lick his fathers cheek, before heading toward the apprentice den. Brightheart dipped her head to Longtail, heading to the warriors den.
   His son was going to be okay. 
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snini9s-warrior-cats · 9 months ago
More Longstar AU shenanigans!
Bluestar is saved by Fireheart, naming him as her deputy. Fireheart fights to hold the clan together, but he was still quite new to the clans when he was named deputy.
(He was only in the clan for a year (ish) and Bluestar's mental health was declining rapidly during the series. It takes another year until Bluestar dies, but during that time:
Graystripe leaves for Riverclan
Bluestar's mental health declines
Fire hits the forest
Tigerclaw becomes Tigerstar and later makes Tigerclan
The dog pack kills Swiftpaw and maims Brightheart
Brindleface is murdered, the dogpack attacks the camp, and Bluestar dies)
Fireheart is overwhelmed with the decisions he has to make, with the death of Bluestar and the rebuilding that needs to be done from the dog attack, despite having the clan's trust, so impulsively decides to name Longtail as his replacement and subsequent leader instead of himself.
Fireheart and Sandstorm leave, with permission because we use communication in this house LIKE ADULTS, but Longstar holds the clan together, no problem at all as GRAYSTRIPE WAS NOT NAMED DEPUTY I hate him too much to give him the honor
Who was deputy instead of Graystripe? Mousefur! She wasn't too pleased with Fireheart giving his position up, as it broke the tradition of deputies becoming leaders, but was named as deputy after Whitestorm was killed, as Whitestorm was Longtail's first deputy. Longstar, Mousefur, and Fireheart agree, however, that instead of either Longstar or Fireheart being deputies, that Whitestorm should have been Bluestar's deputy and their current leader.
It's at this point, when Fireheart and Sandstorm are away, that Longstar gets blinded, leaving Mousefur to step up and take over temporarily. His blindness is viewed as a bad omen, but Mousefur quells dissent as she acts as his "eyes". Brightheart helps Longstar learn to navigate and manage his lack of sight (he has light perception, but nothing in good detail. His blindness was likely caused by traumatic injury (ie the rabbit), but his progressed to a severe level within a moon or two)
She still gets sick from bad water during TNP, which ends up weakening her in the long term. Immune systems are tough, but her long struggle with overcoming the sickness means she voluntarily steps down in The Sight (Po3), after getting sick multiple times, despite Longstar's requests that she stay. He names Brightheart as her replacement
Longstar ends up training Jaypaw, after he has his whole snarky thing towards Brightheart. Jaypaw is a JOY as always, though is less prickly since Longstar is a leader (rather than an elder like in canon). Brightheart eventually becomes leader and names Squirrelflight as her deputy.
Squirrelflight is leader during canon times (ASC). Brightheart and Squirrelflight's sides will be elaborated on later. I think I'm going to be sticking with this AU. I'm liking it. I'll do a whole book-by-book breakdown at some point too
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justicek-9bunny · 1 year ago
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Longstar AU
Long tail become deputy after the blood clan battle in this au
Silver stream never died giving birth because I never like that if they didn’t want Gray strip to go to river he has a good reason Silver Stream Father crook star . Crook star has always spoiled Silver Stream so it makes sense to let gray stripe join. When Raven Paw and Fire Star try to rescue Gray Stripe , Silver stream Stonefur Misty Foot and Featherpaw and Storm Paw Silver Stream tell them to keep running and sacrifice her self for her friends and family. So my guy gray stripe on the journey see that Storm fur and Brooke have fallen in love tell him he should stay with her Gray Stipe stay in river clan even tho he has more kin in thunder clan because he has friends in river clan he doesn’t feel right leaving river clan just yet
So that why Long tail is deputy
When Longtail get injured and blind he has to step down till he able to perform his duty again at the time Gray stripe was acting as a mediator for Thunder clan and River clan since the clan are at peace and plenty of food no has no mind it just a excuse to see his family and friends in thunder clan when fire star and sand storm leave to restore Sky clan I see two out comes Raven Paw and barley and Graystipe go with or Graysripe go to stay in thunder to help his friend long tail lead since at the time it was unknown if longtial would even survive Gray stripe help long tail but Long goes to gathering as acting leader with help of Bright Heart and gray stripe and Cloudtail and his fomer app and app
At the time of the new proverb he doing well and back to being deputy
Instead of Graystripe being taken by twoleg it Longtail since warriors cat is obsessed with bloodlines instead of Graystripe and millie will become mates and You know since it will completely Longstar arc getting over his prejudice
After Firestar dies Longstar will chose Sandstorm to become his deputy
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theanoninyourinbox · 1 year ago
Before Fire Prophecy
Talltail seeks to kill the Loner that he believes killed his father.  With the help of a kittypet named Jake, he finds the strength to forgive, and instead saves Sparrow from the Monster, and returns to Windclan with new determination in his heart and a dear…friend…that he leaves behind.  It is with this new spirit that he protests the renaming of Hopkit, and he stays Hoppaw.  The two remain close friends throughout their lives.
In Riverclan, Stormkit is renamed Crookedkit, but Rainflower is also renamed – Rottenflower.  Crookedkit’s name is given as a sign of survival, and Rottenflower’s as a sign of her true heart.  Crookedkit still leaves for a time, still is haunted by the Geist Mapleshade, but with his head a little higher and heart a little clearer.
Tiny is playing on an old stump when the Thunderclan Patrol finds him, and Thistleclaw orders Tigerpaw to attack.  Bluefur intercedes, and the heavily injured kitten is brought back to camp to be treated.  Sunstar decides to keep the poor little thing, and Frostkit is semi-adopted by Bluefur. 
Yellowfang is about to bury Hopekit and Wishkit when the sounds and smells of Twolegs alert her.  She knows they will try to take her and her remaining kit, so she grabs Brokenkit and runs.  The twoleg, stretching their legs after a long car ride, finds the two kittens and sees signs of life in the little tortie.  They rush the cold kitten to a vet, and with time and effort, little Nutmeg thrives. 
As Frostkit heals, a moons-long process, he makes friends with Spottedpaw and Whitepaw.  Eventually he notices that Thistleclaw keeps trying to get Spottedpaw alone, and with the help of Thrushpelt, discovers the horrible truth.  Thistleclaw is dragged before the clan, and with Spottedpaw’s testimony, the Traitor is banished from the clans permanently.  Spottedpaw becomes a Healer apprentice, and Thrushpelt begins to mentor Frostpaw.
Nutmeg eventually is introduced to a handsome orange tabby named Jake, and falls in love.  He breaks her heart by leaving when she’s due to give birth, and swears to take care of her beloved bundles of joy by herself.
Raggedstar lies dying, with his daughter Brokentail laughing as she cleans the blood from her paws, and realizes the enormous mistake he made with the way he raised her.  He dies, and watches as Brokentail receives her lives from the Dark Forest. Watches her kill kits.  Watches her banish her own mother.  What has he done?
Longpaw is mentored by Frostfoot, making an unusual pair.  Longpaw is eventually named Longtail, and wonders what his future holds for him.  He does not see the starry crown behind his head, ethereal and light as a dream.
Bluestar and Spottedleaf sit together on a hillside, Leader and Oracle Healer, and a pair of stars fall burning from the sky.  Fire Will Save The Clans.
The Long Ballad of Fire and Flames
Rusty the kittypet has yet another strange dream, of a red-tailed bird falling from a rainy sky.  He and his friend Smudge discuss the happenings around the neighborhood.  Princess, Rusty’s sister, forbids Rusty from going to the forest by himself.  Later that night, Rusty tries to catch a mouse on the border and gets tackled by a gray tabby, who is impressed when Rusty flings him off.  After meeting his mentor Lionheart, Rusty agrees to meet them the next morning, to see the Clan.  Rusty tells Princess about this.
The next morning, Rusty sneaks past a still sleeping Princess and a worried Smudge, and meets Bluestar, Graypaw, and Lionheart. The Thunderclanners refuse to wait for his sister. They head off to camp, with Rusty leaving a subtle scent trail so Princess can find him.  Princess wakes up, and follows the trail with stealth and careful steps.
At camp, Bluestar introduces Rusty as a potential clanmate, and some cats take offense to that.  Darkstripe demands he be tested, but Frostfoot tells him to calm down, what, are you threatened by him? Really?  Lionheart gets inbetween them to break it up, but cocky Longtail challenges the kittypet before anyone can stop him.  Frostfoot is mortified.  Rusty accepts, and the two square off.  Longtail gets the upper paw almost immediately, and gets a hold of Rusty’s collar.  As he pulls, he hears a yowl of outrage.  And suddenly he is FLUNG bodily, his ear burning, the collar still in his mouth.
He gets up, and there is an ENORMOUS molly standing over the fallen kittypet, the warriors and camp guards at the ready to fight.  As Spottedleaf helps him to his feet, Longtail hears the Tortie scolding Rusty for leaving without her, I TOLD you there would be trouble but noooOOOooo you don’t listen to your sister!  You just listen to your silly dreams!! Bluestar interrupts, impressed with the boldness of the kittypet and interested with the dreams comment.  Princess introduces herself, and after Rusty says he agreed to the fight, apologizes to a still stunned Longtail.  Rusty explains he has dreams that come true sometimes, and tells Bluestar and Spottedleaf about the red-tailed hawk dream.  Spottedleaf asks to mentor Rusty in the arts of healing and Starseeing, and Bluestar agrees, asking is Princess would like to join as well. Frostfoot mildly scolds Longtail for leaping without looking, and Princess and Rusty become Flamepaw and Firepaw, with Bluestar herself mentoring Flamepaw.
And then Ravenpaw rushes into camp.  Redtail is dead, he screams, and collapses.  And pandemonium rises.
After Tigerclaw brings Redtail’s lifeless body back to camp, and the apprentices and kits are shielded from the sight by Whitestorm and Lionheart, the pair of siblings settle in.  Firepaw makes fast friends with Ravenpaw and Graypaw, and Flamepaw befriends Dustpaw and Sandpaw.  The pair drag Longtail into being their friend as well, which brings Frostfoot and eventually Swiftpaw into the equation as well.
Longtail begins to mentor Swiftpaw, and finds that he loves teaching.  With the help of Frostfoot and the other Mentor cats, he begins to become more humble and less cocky.  Longtail begins to appreciate his friendship with Firepaw and Flamepaw, and takes more time to live, not just be a Hunter and Mentor.
One day, while gathering herbs for the Healer’s Den, Firepaw is knocked off his feet by an old gray and yellow molly.  He springs to his feet, ready to fight, but the attacker is just…staring at him.  Like she’s seen a Geist.  He cautiously asks if she’s alright, do you need help ma’am?  And she moans something unintelligible, falling to the ground in a dead faint.  Firepaw panics, and drags her back to camp.  There, she is identified as Yellowfang by Spottedleaf, who tells Firepaw of her alleged crimes, and how she believes that Yellowfang was framed.  Said Healer wakes up, takes one look at Flamepaw coming in to drop off a mouse, and promptly wails in grief and pain.  The three of the get her to calm down, and she quietly apologizes, the siblings look like…patients she lost long ago.  Bluestar listens to her tale of Brokenstar being a False Star, and while still weighing the information, relegates Yellowfang to being a War-Bound for the time being.
Bluestar does not hear the story Yellowfang tells to the Healers and the Apprentice Brawler.  She does not see the siblings take the old molly to meet their mother.  She does not know a family has been made as whole as it will ever be.
At the Gathering, Brokenstar tells everyone how she ran out Windclan, and Bluestar realizes that Yellowfang was probably telling the truth.  As she had just revealed Thunderclan had Yellowfang as a War Bound, she begins to prepare for an attack, and she is correct – Shadowclan tries to kill Yellowfang, and succeeds at killing Lionheart and her dear friend Rosetail. Her heart grows a crack. She names the brave Tigerclaw, names Yellowfang part of Thunderclan, and tries to go on.
Then Ravenpaw leaves, begging shelter at The Barn with Bluestar’s old friend Barley, for reasons the apprentice refuses to communicate.  All his friends Graypaw, Firepaw, and Flamepaw will say is that he needed to be something that the Clans couldn’t let him be.  And the crack grows.
And then Shadowclan steals Frostfur’s kits, Lionheart’s kits. They kill Spottedleaf, Firepaw wailing over her body. She goes with her Warriors, Brawlers, and their apprentices to rescue the innocent.  They are met by Senior Warriors and other banished cats from Shadowclan, aided by Yellowfang in secret. Brokenstar is run out of the clans. Yellowfang takes over Firepaw’s training, and Flamepaw and Graypaw are named Flamewish (per her request) and Graystripe. Why is the crack still growing?
Flamewish, Graystripe, Longtail, and Swiftpaw are sent to retrieve Windclan.  It goes well, until a Riverclan patrol tries to fight them, and Whiteclaw falls off a cliff while fighting Graystripe.
When the group returns, Flamewish and Graystripe receive their first apprentices – Cinderpaw and Brackenpaw.  Flamewish finds Mentoring difficult, and asks Longtail for advice.  The pair become close friends.  Firepaw and Sandstorm make bets as to when they’ll become mates.  Unfortunately, Cinderpaw is lured away from camp and gets hit by a Monster. (It’s a car, just – just call it a car!! -Firepaw) Firepaw saves her life, and Yellowfang bestows the name Fireheart upon him at the next half-moon.
Also unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately), at seeing her apprentice so badly injured, Flamewish has an unusual reaction.  She goes into labor.  Seeing as Flamewish had no idea she was even a little pregnant (as she put it), things get a little crazy.  Longtail is flabbergasted, Bluestar is confused, Yellowfang is baffled, and Fireheart is delighted but also flabbergasted.  Flamewish does some calculating, then privately asks Fireheart to go bite Smudge in the face for her.
(This means Flamewish misses Graystripe meeting the gorgeously muscled Riverclan molly)
But it DOES mean she spends time in the Nursery with Brindleface, her kits Fernkit and Ashkit and Frostfoot and his kits Flykit and Coldkit.  Frostfoot who had just gone out one day and brought back the pair, claiming them as his.  Bluestar was frustrated and elated at the same time. 
The three become even closer when Brokenstar attacks, as they defend the Nursery together.  Longtail and Swiftpaw help drive off the Rogues together, and after Yellowfang blinds Brokenstar and leaves her Brokentail the War Bound, Swiftpaw is rewarded with his Adult Name – Swiftspirit. (Later, Longtail will see this as an omen, unknowingly given by Starclan through Bluestar…) Graystripe is later caught giving prey to Riverclan, and punished by having his apprentice taken away – Longtail is suddenly a Mentor again!  And Brackenpaw has so many things to learn!
Cinderpaw makes a nearly full recovery, but her time in the Healer’s Den had made her rethink her life – she wants to heal others.  Flamewish cracks a joke about her brother poaching her apprentice, but wishes her well.
And then Brokentail’s War Bound status becomes known.  And Thunderclan is attacked.  And Tigerclaw is at her throat, keen claws at her throat.  But as her heart shatters, a yowl of outrage rings through the air, and Longtail and Flamewish HAUL the Traitor off of her.  Bluestar banishes Him, and she holds the pieces of her heart and weeps – there are no stars in her tonight.  She waits too long, then names the astonished Longtail as Deputy.
Then Graystripe begs for the Healers to help him – they find the laboring Silverstream and do what they can, but Featherkit and Stormkit outlive their mother.  Graystripe leaves for Riverclan, refusing to abandon his kits.  Fireheart and Flamewish can’t blame him, but it still hurts.  And Brokentail is dead.  Yellowfang tells her leader that he dies of natural causes, but Bluestar does not see the look on Fireheart’s face.  (She will eventually learn that he just watched his grandmother kill his uncle) Then the fire. Oh the fire.  Patchpelt and Halftail, coughing and then forever breathless.  Fireheart and Flamewish race to find Yellowfang – to find their family.  She lies in a hollow tree, and blesses the Stars that she has enough time to say goodbye.  To say how proud she is of them – both her life paths.  I’ll always watch over you. (and Yellowfang keeps this promise)
Bluestar feels her mind failing, rain through the treetops instead of thoughts. So when she sees the Traitor leading Shadowclan as a False Star, she just…lets go. She watches Leopardstar rise and her clan move around her like a fever dream.  She watches the hawk impassively as it goes for Snowkit, and barely reacts when it takes Speckletail instead.  She doesn’t react when Longtail promotes Snowpaw to train under Brackenfur, or when Flamewish brings the elderly deaf kittypet Brahm to teach Snowpaw and Mistlepaw and others Pawspeak. She doesn’t react to the death of Swiftspirit or the maiming of Brightpaw, save to curse the Stars that left her broken by naming the poor thing Lostface.
(Longtail MOURNS.  He refuses to eat, has to be pried from his nest, and it takes a teary Flamewish admitting she misses the tom she loves for him to snap out of it.  The pair find solace in each other.  Fireheart and Sandstorm are too busy and too worried to exchange the mouse that they bet.  Neither ever says who won that bet)
Rabbits lead a bloody trail to poor Brindleface, and Longtail makes a plan to lead the dogs away from their den and over the river-cliffs.  Bluestar nods absently, but there’s a shining spark in her eyes that hasn’t been there in ages.  The runners lead the killer hounds up to the cliffs and away, but one grabs Longtail, pinning him and scratching his face.  But a blur of blue streaks onto the dog’s back, and overbalances them both into the river.  A pair of Riverclan warriors leap into action, and Bluestar says goodbye to her family, Frostfoot and Whitestorm having raced to the scene.
Longtail is escorted to the Moonstone by Fireheart, and finds himself in Starclan.  He receives his lives from Nightstar, Runningwind, Speckletail, Lionheart, Redtail, Silverstream, Yellowfang, Bluestar, and finally Swiftspirit.  Longstar vows to stop Tigerstar and his cronies.  He names Whitestorm as Deputy, and begins planning.
Tigerstar goes after Windclan, pinning and seemingly killing Gorsepaw, but as soon as the Shadowclan Battle Patrol leaves, he brings his head up and smiles weakly at his frantic mother. He will be scarred for life, but he will have his chance to live.
At Riverclan, Stonefur defends the apprentices to his last breath, and Graystripe rescues his kits from Tigerstar and Leopardstar.  Some Riverclan cats escape in the chaos, unwilling to follow their leader on this path.
Finally, with Windclan and Thunderclan united against the forces of Riverclan and Shadowclan, Tigerstar plays his deadliest card yet, as hordes of strange city Rogues appear.  Led by a figure some Thunderclanners recognize.  Thistleclaw.  But the rogues, no, the Bloodclanners, call him Tyrant.  Tigerstar boasts to the assembled clans how he killed Bluestar using the dogs and
Tyrant kills Tigerstar with a slash to the underbelly
Nine lives gone, in a single blow
The battle comes the next day, all four clans together – Longstar and Tallstar, Leopardstar and Blackstar.
Bone holds down Whitestorm, and is ripped of by a squad of apprentices, including his own, Brightheart.
Darkstripe goes after the Healers, and Graystripe strikes him down. His body is never found, and a gray tabby wanders desolate, his mistakes weighing on his soul.
Longstar strikes the final blow against Tyrant
And life goes on
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sophswritingthings · 2 years ago
Longstar AU - Chapter One
Longtail padded around camp, grabbing a piece of fresh kill in his jaws. Turning around, Darkears came into his eyeline. Following instinct, he padded over to the dark tabby tom. He'd done the same as him, denying Tigerclaw's request to leave with him. And, Darkears had mentored him.
    “Longtail,” Darkears greeted, flicking his dark tabby tail.
    “Darkears,” He greeted back, lying beside him. “.. How’s Fernpaw's training going?”
    “Well,” He murmured. “She’s a good apprentice. Focused, loyal. She'll make a good warrior.”
    “That’s good,” Longtail mumbled back.
    “.. I have a question,” Darkears turned his amber gaze on Longtail, who cocked his head.
    “What is it?” He questioned.
    He sighed, “It’s been a week since Tigerclaw was exiled,” Darkears flattened his ears. “And I can’t.. help but think.. not going with him was the wrong decision.”
    “What?” Longtail hissed, flattening his ears tight to his skull, “He’s a traitor to ThunderClan! He betrayed the loyalty that we shared; Bluestar chose him as deputy, trusted him to help and maybe run the clan, and he turned his back on her!” He growled, “How could you ever think it was the wrong choice..?”
    “The clan is run by a weak leader and a kittypet deputy,” Darkears narrowed his eyes, hissing his words with venom. “And plus, they'll never trust us the same way they did. We were friends with Tigerclaw, trusted him the same way they did, but somehow we’re the bad cats. Do you see the way that Fireheart looks at you? Like you're going to pounce on him the minute he turns his back.”
    “I—“ Longtail was lost for words. Because Darkears was right. But trust and loyalty could be earned back, couldn’t it..? “I still think we made the right choice, Darkears.”
    “If that’s what you think, Longtail,” Darkears rose to his paws, flicking his tail irritability. “Have fun with your loyal, trusting clanmate's.” He padded away, leaving the feathers of his prey behind. Longtail watched as he went, mind racing.
    Darkears was right. The clan may never trust him the same again; but that didn’t mean he couldn’t try to earn it. He had a loyal apprentice, and a few friends in Runningwind and Mousefur.
    “Hey! Longtail!”
    He whipped his head to see Swiftpaw lying beside Brightpaw and Cloudpaw, a bright smile across his face. With a soft smile, he padded over to his apprentice and friends.
    “I heard Fireheart saying he was gonna have you lead the moon high patrol,” Swiftpaw mewed, glancing at Brightpaw and Cloudpaw, who nodded. “.. Can we come with?”
    “Well, you can,” Longtail flicked Swiftpaw's ear. “But Brightpaw and Cloudpaw have to ask their mentors.”
    “I’m sure Fireheart will be okay with it,” Cloudpaw shrugged, “I think he was gonna go, anyway.”
    “.. Is he?” Longtail's fur pricked up a bit. What, did he not even trust him to lead a patrol? “Okay.. than, uh, Brightpaw can ask Whitestorm. If he says it’s okay than you can come.”
    “Thanks, Longtail!" Brightpaw gave the tan tabby tom a smile, brushing past him with a purr. She bounded over to Whitestorm.
    At least she trusts me. And so does Swiftpaw, Longtail took in a sharp breath. I’m not sure about Cloudpaw. He looks at me kinda sideways. He glanced at the apprentice, across the clearing, speaking to Fireheart.
    “.. Longtail?”
    At Swiftpaw's rather raspy, he snapped out of his thoughts.
    “Yes, Swiftpaw?” Longtail settled down beside his apprentice, “Something wrong?”
    “Not really,” He shrugged. “But.. I’m almost over twelve moons old.. shouldn’t I have become a warrior already? I’ve had my assessment. And so has Brightpaw and Cloudpaw. Thornpaw, too..”
    “.. You should have,” Longtail murmured, gazing at Fireheart across the clearing. “I'll speak to Fireheart about it, okay? Maybe he can get that message to Bluestar, since she doesn’t seem to even wanna see her own clan.”
    Swiftpaw leaned on his side, “Thanks.”
    With a content purr, Longtail rasped his tongue over the top of Swiftpaw's head. Than, he noticed Fireheart and Cloudpaw bounding toward him.
    “I'd like you to lead the moon high patrol,” He mewed softly. “I’m going to come along, along with Cloudpaw. Whitestorm and Brightpaw are coming, too.”
    “Alright,” Longtail said with a hiss to his words. “Swiftpaw's coming, too.”
    “.. Of course,” Fireheart flattened his ears, adverting eye-contact.
    “And I’d like to speak with you, Fireheart,” Longtail narrowed his eyes.
    “You don’t need to be all serious about it, Longtail.” Whitestorm padded up behind him, nudging his shoulder. “You can talk to your deputy without making a scene, you know.”
    “Well, yes, I—“
    “I’m kidding with you, Longtail,” Whitestorm let out a purr of laughter. “Now, come on. Let’s patrol and get to bed. I’m an older cat, I need my rest.”
    Fireheart twitched his whiskers. “Yes,” He smiled. “Let’s go.” He flicked his bushy tail, signaling for Longtail to take the lead. As he did, Fireheart joined up at the front with him, and the three apprentices fell in the back with Whitestorm.
    “What’d you need to talk to me about, Longtail?” Fireheart flicked his bushy tail. “It seemed important.”
    “I'd say,” Longtail hissed. “Swiftpaw, Brightpaw, Cloudpaw and Thornpaw should become warriors. They’ve passed their assessments, and are more than ready. Especially Swiftpaw.”
    “You do understand that’s not my job, Longtail—“
    “Yes, but your her deputy!” Longtail yelped, “And why isn’t she talking to the clan anymore? No meetings, no patrols. She doesn’t visit kits. No ceremonies. We don’t even see her! What in StarClan is going on?”
    “Longtail, I—“ Fireheart sighed, “I understand your concerns. I will talk to her about it.. but she’s very.. shaken, from Tigerclaw. Sick, at that. You have to understand.”
    “We all were,” Longtail flattened his ears. “She’s our leader. And she needs to start acting like it.”
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longstarau · 2 years ago
Longstar AU — Chapter Twenty
   “You have bees in your brain, Firestar!” Leopardstar growled, “And so do your warriors. I knew that ThunderClan warriors were always bee brained,” She gazed at Stormfur, nestled in between Graystripe and Brambleclaw. “And now my own warriors seem to be catching it.”
   “Don’t say mouse-dung about my son!” Graystripe growled.
   “Graystripe.” Firestar hissed, narrowing his eyes. “I understand your anger. Trust me, I feel the same,” He cast a glare at Leopardstar. “You're saying you don’t believe this message from StarClan because it goes against what'd you'd like to hear? Sounds as if you're the one with bees in your brain.”
   “There is no reason for RiverClan to leave the forest.” Leopardstar narrowed her eyes. “I have no qualms with the rest of you leaving. RiverClan has the river—we have our fish, we have our protection. We'll be fine here.”
   “If that’s what you wish, Leopardstar.” Deadstar dipped his head, flicking his tail. “It’s not safe for the rest of us. ThunderClan's camp has been destroyed. They're having to stay in our camp.. and who knows how long that will be safe for. ShadowClan has already spotted them in their territory, mowing down trees. And if you think that RiverClan will fare fine.. than okay. Stay. But we'll be leaving for our families and friends safeties.”
   “Than go.” She growled, “Now, is that all? Can we leave and go home to rest, you three?”
   “Yes.” Blackstar grumbled, “You can go, Leopardstar.” 
   And with those last few words, the spotted leader jumped from the rock, leading her clan out of the hollow.
   “So,” Firestar flicked his tail. “When will we be leaving?”
   “Two nights from now.” Deadstar meowed, “If that’s okay with ThunderClan and ShadowClan.”
   “Perfectly fine, I suppose.” Blackstar replied.
   “Yes, great.” Firestar smiled, “ThunderClan.” The tom rose his voice to the rest of his clan, leaping off the rock. Deadstar followed quickly behind, Longtail padding after the pair beside Mudclaw.
   “So you have kits, hm?” Mudclaw glanced at him, “I’ve seen them running around camp.”
   “Yeah. Why?” Longtail flattened his ears, “Don’t go anywhere near them—“
   “Do you think I would hurt kits, Longtail? You think that highly of me, huh?” Mudclaw rolled his eyes, “I wouldn’t hurt them. Or your mate, for that matter. I was only asking me.”
   “I don’t think very highly of you, you're correct.” Longtail hissed, “You have a disdain for kittypets, or anyone who is simply different. I did once, but I’ve gotten over that and grown up. You can’t seem to, can you?”
   “Mm.” Mudclaw flattened his ears, narrowing his eyes, “I'd keep your ears pricked, Longtail.” He growled, striding away. Longtail sighed, skipping over to his mate.
   “Oh, hi.” Blizzardspots smiled, pressing against his side, “Everything okay?” She mewed softly, a gentle purr rumbling from her chest.
   “Yes.” He cast a glare at Mudclaw across the way, “Mudclaw is just ticking me off. How Deadstar could pick him as deputy confuses me.”
   “Oh,” Blizzardspots shrugged. “He’s been nothing but sweet to me and the kits. And he’s a great warrior ready to protect his clan at any turn,” She took a deep breath. “I don’t see the problem.”
   “We’ve always had issues, ever since we were apprentices.” Longtail meowed, “I didn’t like the way he treated a lot of my friends at the time, and me, honestly. All his bullying pushed me toward Tigerstar. One of the worst decisions of my life.”
   “Don’t let that get to you, Longtail,” Blizzardspots mewed, pressing her head against his shoulder. “No matter what happened with Tigerstar.. your a good cat now. Your the cat I love.” She purred, “Now, c'mon, the kits are going to want to see you.”
   “Papa!” Sandkit rushed up to him, brushing against his legs. Her tail was beating against his paws, “Can you believe we’re gonna be apprentices tomorrow?!”
   “I really can’t.” Longtail purred, rasping his tongue over her head. “You're going to be one of the best apprentices I’ve ever seen.”
   Her tail thrashed back and forth, “Really?” 
   “Really. And your brothers, too.” Longtail dragged his paw over his ear.
   “Sandkit!” Silverkit rushed up to his sister, “C'mon, Dustkit and I are gonna play mossball!” His tail thrashed back and forth.
   “Go on.” Longtail gently nudged the she-cat toward her brother.
   “You'll visit us before bed, right?” Sandkit questioned.
   “Like always,” Longtail flicked his tail. Sandkit smiled, brushing up against his legs before pelting off after her brother. His ears flattened, watching as the three kits tenderly played mossball. He really didn’t know if he was ready for them to grow up.
   “They're sweet, y'know,” Deadstar's tail flicked across his back. “Just like their wonderful mother. And they'll make great warriors, just like their father.”
   “I know, I just..” Longtail murmured.
   “You're worried about Dustkit, I get it.” Deadstar sighed, “He’s blind. He has a disability. But that doesn’t matter. I have one, as well, so do you—so does Cinderpath, so does Brightheart, so does Swiftflame. We are all still strong. We are all still warriors at heart.” He meowed, resting his tail comfortingly on Longtail's shoulder, “You have no need to worry about him. Or any of them.”
   “In my head I know that. And I’m really, really not—I just—don’t want any of them to get hurt. They're my kits, they're my kin.” Longtail sighed heavily.
   “Every father wants their kits to be safe. Every cat wants their kin to be safe. But they must fall down to learn. They must fall down to become warriors—because they must learn to get back up. They're get hurt, they'll—they'll leave—but they'll always come back to where they call home. They'll always get back up.” Deadstar took in a sharp breath, “I'll leave you be. Make sure you rest, Longtail. You need to calm your mind. See our medicine cat if you need.” He flicked his tail again, slipping off to his den.
   Longtail let out a heavy sigh, padding off toward the nursery, his slow tired paws carrying him there. He peeked inside, Blizzardspots lying with Sandkit and Silverkit nestled in the crook of her stomach. Though, there was Dustkit, sitting up straight, his blind blue eyes wide.
   “Papa?” Dustkit slowly trotted toward him, “Is that you?”
   “It’s me, Dustkit.” Longtail murmured softly. “Why aren’t you asleep?”
   “I’m worried, papa,” Dustkit coiled his tail around his paws. “I’m not going to be a normal apprentice like my siblings, a-are I?”
   “Of course you are.” Longtail flattened his ears, gazing at the kit with sadness in his green eyes. “Why wouldn’t you be?”
   “Because I’m blind.” Dustkit mumbled, “They're all going to coddle me like I’m a kit still, even when I’m a warrior. Or a medicine cat, that might be better—“
   “No.” Longtail hissed, “If you want to be a medicine cat, Dustkit, than you'll be a medicine cat. But if you want to be a warrior, you're going to be a warrior. No-one is going to stop you. I'll make sure if it.”
   “A-are you sure?“ Dustkit stammered, “How can you know I’ll even be any good at it?”
   “It’s in your blood, Dustkit,” Longtail leaned down to nuzzle his son. “Now, come on, let’s get you to bed. It’s late and you have an apprentice ceremony to get to tomorrow.”
   Longtail settled down in the empty nest across from Blizzardspots, patting the ground with his paw, signaling for Dustkit to follow. With a gentle purr, the brown tom trotted over, curling himself up in between Longtail's paws.
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snini9s-warrior-cats · 9 months ago
New AU??
I was falling asleep last night and had an AU idea
Sandstorm and Longtail are siblings, offspring of the unnamed boldly marked female in Into the Wild and Redtail.
Longtail still dislikes Rusty/Firepaw and attacks him, resulting in his nicked ear.
Longtail eventually is named as Bluestar's deputy after Tigerclawstar's betrayal. Fireheart doesn't feel prepared enough yet.
Longtail becomes Longstar and names Fireheart as his deputy after he becomes blind (because that still happens)
Fireheart and he have a mutual trust and respect, Longtailstar having gained respect for Fireheart during the turmoil.
More to come maybe
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boonauwarriorcats · 5 months ago
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Longtail, warrior of ThunderClan, later Longstar leader of ShadowClan.
In the Boon AU, Longtail never fully believed the story about Tigerclaw's attempted murder, and thought his old friend and idol had been treated unfairly. He listened to Darkstripe's rants about it, and distrusted Redtail and Tinyfrost. When Darkstripe wanted to leave ThunderClan after Redstar became leader, Longtail agreed.
They tracked down Tigerclaw, who was living as a kittypet with Sasha. For a time the four were happy there, forming a found family in Sasha's garden. Sasha and Longtail became good friends.
Longtail went with the group to ShadowClan when Sasha needed a medicine cat to help with her kitting. Nightstar took pity on the group, and allowed them to stay. Longtail was grateful for this.
When Tigerclaw started gunning to take over ShadowClan, however, Longtail couldn't support it. He realized that Tigerclaw was everything he had denied - an ambitious murderer willing to do anything for power. When Tigerstar declared himself leader of ShadowClan and had Nightstar imprisoned, Longtail alone stood up to him, begging him to not do this. Tigerclaw proceeded to tear Longtail's ear off and have him imprisoned too.
He and Nightstar were not released until TigerClan was defeated, Tigerstar driven out of the forest, and Darkstripe was dead. Nightstar resumed his leadership of ShadowClan, and named Longtail his deputy, much to Longtail's surprise. He did this as he was the only warrior who stood up to Tigerclaw, even though it cost him greatly.
Tigerstar's betrayal and Darkstripe's death hit Sasha and Longtail both very hard, and they comforted each other through their complicated grieving. Longtail stepped up as a pseudo-father-figure for Hawkkit, Mothkit and Tadpolekit. Over time he fell in love with Sasha, but she didn't feel comfortable in ShadowClan after everything that happened with Tigerstar. When her kits were apprenticed, she left ShadowClan to roam, and Longtail loved her from afar while supporting her need for a new start.
Later in life he would succeed Nightstar and become Longstar, and lead ShadowClan to the lake territories. Hawksight, Mothfeather and Tadpolefang would go on the journey to Sun-Drown-Place - on their return journey they found their mother. They convinced Sasha to come back with them, and she ended up rejoining ShadowClan and reconnecting with Longstar. In their twilight years they fell in love properly.
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naiadic · 2 years ago
foaming at the mouth waiting for lovers brothers killers to come out
already shed real tears over the animatic and completed parts
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theanoninyourinbox · 2 years ago
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The Golden/Tigerheart from my Longstar/Brightstar au joins the fray!
Okay guys, I'm in a Tigerheart mood, give me your Tigerheart designs I'll draw a whole page of them, little guys
Here's an example of how they would look like:
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wc-confessions · 1 year ago
Desperately need someone who can write to write a Longstar AU where he becomes deputy instead of Gray 'I don't know where I live' Stripe and still gets blinded and retires for a bit and gets so bored of retirement he goes back to being deputy and mentors Jayfeather and becomes leader
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theanoninyourinbox · 1 year ago
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Wow it's a meme AND a Vine reference
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