#Long branch beach condos
simulamortem · 1 year
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The queen's ship arrived on a MISTY MORNING.
The weather made the island look all the more lush, almost mysterious, as from overhead, it looked to be covered in dense jungle but for the curves of white sand beaches stretching out into the sea. The island was small, just eight miles of coastline, but the condos nestled on it - all of them buried somewhere in its forest - were scattered far enough apart that walking the island's trails and shores would feel as if one had the whole thing to themselves.
The landing pad was only sized for a small ship, something just big enough to ferry a couple of people and their luggage. Revenant waited in his native shell outside the front of the home, where something of a small stone plaza with a modest little fountain and generous greenery greeted new arrivals.
And the place looked like just that: a HOME or COTTAGE. It was no mansion, all one floor, in something of a long U-shape with what seemed just as much outdoor space on its grounds as indoor space. Its architecture was not unlike something that might be seen on Naboo, with warm, weathered hues, natural materials, traditional doors. Exotic plantlife and wooded trails branched out in all different directions around the structure, leading away into the jungle - at least one such trail surely led out to the BEACH.
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exposedfm · 1 month
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It's hard to believe another summer has come and gone already. Let your celebrities soak up the last remaining bits of summer with our End of Summer Bash! From August 11th-15th your celebrities will be staying in luxurious condos that are waterfront to a private beach in Malibu, California.
August 11th: Get settled into your rooms and explore the area a bit before the beach bonfire kicks off at 9pm. Ingredients for s'mores will be provided, as well as snacks and drinks (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic) at the outdoor bar.
August: 12th: Enjoy a free day to yourself. Take advantage of some of the available beach activities such as surfing, jet skiing, snorkeling, kayaking, paddleboarding, etc.
August 13th: Exposed FM presents the End of Summer Bash: Concert Series. Enjoy an afternoon of music by all of your favorite performers. Your celebrities are absolutely welcome to sign up as a performer for this event, if that's something you're interested in. Each set will be approximately 5-7 songs long and on the day of the event, we ask that you post their setlist.
August 14th: Y2K Flashback Bash. Re-live the nostalgia of the early 2000s by dressing up in your favorite vintage looks. We're talking butterfly clips, "bling", low rise jeans, or whatever else comes to your mind when you think Y2K. Feel free to post your outfits using the tag #exposedfmwardrobe and the gossip blog will repost it as a part of their fashion column. A community center nearby has been rented out for the evening for this event. There will be a DJ playing all of your favorite nostalgic hits and even a karaoke machine if you wanted to put on a little performance. A special menu of Y2K inspired drinks and snacks will be available at the bar as well.
August 15th: This is your last chance to do any activities you may have missed out on earlier. You can leave first thing in the morning if you're eager to get back home, or you can choose to hang out for a while and enjoy the beach for a little bit longer. All guests must be gone by 7pm so a cleaning crew can come in.
Here's a few more details for you guys:
Each condo has four bedrooms ( all with Queen sized beds ), three bathrooms, and a fully stocked fridge with any necessities you may need.
There will be four people assigned to each condo, so everyone has the option of having a room to themselves or sharing with one of their roommates. Roommates will be chosen at random, so there is a chance that couples may not be roomed together. This is just to ensure everyone is branching out a little bit more with their interactions. The roommates list will be posted a couple days before the start of the event, so everyone can have some time to chat and plot with each other before everything kicks off.
Children are allowed on this trip and there will be plenty of family-friendly activities for them to participate in.
Your celebrities are not limited to staying on the private beach or their condo. Feel free to have them explore other nearby places in Malibu whether it's shops, restaurants, or excursions.
We hope this event is so much fun for everyone and we can't wait to kick it off! If there are any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!
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alias-sam · 6 months
Pierced by a Golden Soul
Chapter 40. (Don't Fear) the Reaper Part 2
Platonic Jojo's x Reader
Summary: Fate is a bizarre concept with countless more bizarre implications. In life sometimes such extraordinary events happen that the only reasoning left must be fate. The tragedies that constantly befall the Joestar bloodline for example may be the unluckiest series of cards drawn in human history, or perhaps the work of a greater power. There is no way to tell for sure. Had Dio Brando or Jonathan Joestar moved slightly on a divergent path the world itself would be left very different. The fate or luck of the noble Joestar bloodline has led to destruction of evil likes of the Pillar Men and DIO. This story is of a similar caliber to that of the other Joestars (as I am sure you are familiar with them). This is a story of lost souls, compassion, hope, and above all fate.
Word Count: 2,967
(Crosspost from Wattpad, full fic is already posted there.)
Even in the light misty sprinkle of rain nothing moved, nothing breathed, nothing lived. You made your solitary way past condos and large mansion-like houses minding the barren neighborhood. When a car came rumbling into the driveway in front of you it was the only thing of interest for you to focus on. It was a cop car, the man that stepped out of the driver's seat was still in uniform. You were content to just walking by, but the officer looked at you oddly as you passed by.
"Do you live around here?" He called after you. This was a nicer neighborhood, if this officer lived here, he was probably just checking in on an unfamiliar face. Unfortunately you were a teenager, adults often just assumed you were up to no good. You weren't the most conspicuous looking of high schoolers, but a high schooler none the less.
"No." You answered, turning around. "But I'm headed home from visiting a friend."
"Better hurry." The officer paced towards you. "Strange things have been happening in this area around sunset. Missing pets, strange noises, things like that." As the man spoke you couldn't help but feel you had seen him before. "The neighborhood watch thinks it a bear or something, but I'm not so convinced." Part of you really wanted to tell this man that there were super-powered killer maggots prowling the nearby woods, but the sane sector of your brain decided against it. "Be careful." The man said sternly.
"Will do Mister..." You trailed off to glance at the shiny metal name-tag next to his badge. The name-tag read 'Joe Greenmin'. "Will do." You repeated with a stiff nod. What a small world.
Just like that, you were back on your lonesome way. Typically, you wouldn't mind walking in the rain, but after the altercation with Vita's father, you just wanted to be home and warm up. Not to mention, the complete lack of life or movement was unnerving. The waves at the beach weren't even loud enough for you to hear.
The street was quiet. Too quiet.
Usually when things got quiet a stand would appear. The thought alone made you walk just the slightest bit faster. With luck, you could walk home without consequence.
Before long a familiar woodland cut off came into view. You hadn't recognized it when Vita led you into the neighborhood. Curious, you stopped in your tracks to look into the dark forest, contemplating the dangers unknown within. Just as you were about to continue on your way the sound of tousled tree branches brought your attention upwards. The soft cooing of a dove reached your ears. Your eyes were met with a bird perched on the trees, looking down at you. Stark white feathers standing out amongst the greens and browns of the forest. As you were admiring the creature a flash of gold passed your vision.
In an instant the dove was replaced by a red mist.
Blood and gore splattered across the pavement in front of you with a audible squelch. This was followed slowly by pristine white feathers that landed calmly on top of the disgusting mess. It took a moment for your body and mind to catch up with what had just happened.
"Holy shit-!" You yelled, stepping away from the pile of sticky red mush. It was that bug stand again, it had to be. As the thought crossed your mind little white specs started emerging from the tree line. Sometimes you hated being right.
Instead of standing out in the open, dumbfounded, you bolted past the maggots and into the woods. You had to quickly take this fight somewhere normal people wouldn't get hurt. That was your first priority. The second was to avoid dying. Thanks to your adventure through the woods the other day, you had an idea. Using the dense trees and foliage as cover, you ran following a couple natural landmarks you remembered from the other day. You ran until you came upon a freshwater pond.
Before you could put your plan into action, you felt the dirt underfoot shift unnaturally. You panicked, thinking you stepped on a snake or something until you looked down. Worms. Crawling up your left leg, were what seemed to be hundreds of slimy, wriggling, living worms. They moved much like the maggots, supernaturally fast, and coordinated.
Just as they were about to try running, you tripped. You awkwardly tumbled towards the water's edge. At this point you were more willing to take a chance at facing an alligator than the so-called super bugs, so you embraced the stumble, half crawling, half clambering into the pond.
The water was murky and dark, but you still managed to keep yourself below the surface. With Golden Soul you could still sense the bugs, and not just the ones from before. More were coming, and your lungs were burning already. For a moment you panicked. You were stuck between a rock and a hard place with the choices of facing the creepy crawlies, or running out of air. The pond was freshwater, so it wouldn't kill off the maggots as easily as the ocean. Black dots were appearing in your vision, managing to make you panic more. As your lungs were starting to burn, you sensed something odd with your stand. The stand auras from the bugs were passing right by you. When you finally couldn't hold your breath any more, you surfaced, coughing and gasping. When you managed to stop hacking, you watched in mild amazement and pure disgust at the spectacle happening around you.
There were water striders skating around you. All with bright orange stand auras surrounding them. It would have been an otherworldly sight if it weren't for the numerous fish floating lifelessly up to the surface of the pond. They didn't even look like they had been cut or killed in any specific way, they were all just dead. The water striders were skating from fish carcass to fish carcass, occasionally stopping or pivoting to direct themselves towards their next target. What was odd was they were completely avoiding you, however you weren't complaining. You felt like hell, you had been on the verge of inadvertently drowning yourself. The sudden plunge in the pond left you even chillier than before, it was to the point you were shivering. Due to the dirty water, your clothes and skin were covered in a muddy sheen that only managed to make you feel even colder.
When you gained the energy you brandished your umbrella, using it to clear the dead fish out of your way. The worms and maggots were nowhere to be seen, but just to be safe you re-summoned your stand to survey the area.
Your vision lit up with a sea of orange light. Under you, around you, it was everywhere. The bugs were lying in wait amongst the forest. Like predators. The ground was alive with the synchronous movement of what could be a million worms.
You felt pure fear, true cold fear. Like a piece of ice was being wedged violently through your chest, stopping your heart.
You were prey, you were alone, and you were surrounded.
Its moments like this that humans are pre-programmed for. What many know as the fight or flight instinct. You knew you couldn't fight; you survived your last encounter with these creatures because you had help. So, without further planning, you took off with only two important things on repeat throughout your mind:
Fear. Run.
As you dashed and dodged exposed roots you could hear the bugs following. You could hear the worms slithering together across the forest floor, hot on your heels. It was difficult, but you had to think. You went back to your original plan. The beach.  The sand to dry out the worms, salt water to kill the maggots. The stand had immense speed and precision, but it's strength relief in numbers. The individual strength of each insect was normal.
You eventually broke past the tree line and found yourself straight on the beach. As your sneakers made contact with the sand you looked back. The worms were slowed down by the sand, but not stopped. On the other hand the maggots were still trucking on behind you.
This stand was tracking you somehow, but not just by sight. At first you were tempted to say it was through heat after they stopped chasing you at the pond. But that couldn't be. If the stand was killing fish, tracking by body heat didn't make sense. Fish were cold blooded, meaning their temperature depended on the temperature of the water. If they were just going after the hottest thing in the vicinity, that would mean they'd go after things like asphalt due to it absorbing heat throughout the day. But that still left the fact the stand stopped chasing you after you went in the water.
Before you knew it, you were waist deep in the ocean. The maggots shot into the water, quickly dying off. The worms made it a yard before stopping and shriveling up. You closed your eyes releasing a breath you didn't notice you had been holding, relief washing over you. The light mist of rain from before was turning into more of a downpour. There wasn't much use for even attempting to use your umbrella, you were already sopping wet and covered in mud. You tiredly trudged through the waves and collapsed on the sand.
It took a moment for you to register the buzzing sound reverberating through the rain. You shot upright, going straight back on high alert. The sound was coming from all sides. Almost like it was orbiting around you. It became even more difficult to see as the rain grew heavier. Untrusting of your own senses, you summoned your stand again. Through the mist and rain, you could see one stand aura flying in a perfect circle around you, there was another crawling steadily towards you.
It felt useless to run again. As long as you were alive this stand would continue hunting you.
"Wait..." You whispered to yourself, looking down at your hand. Without much time to reconsider, you balled your hand into a first, having Golden Soul mirror the action. "I'm going to regret this." You didn't have the time to think it through, you were punched in the face by your own stand.
You were overwhelmed by the lack of feeling. You no longer felt the dampness of your clothes, or the rain on your face, or the soreness of your muscles. Just a pure feeling of nothingness, weightlessness, and oblivion. A golden light surrounded your vision, and when you looked at your hands, they were transparent.
On the sand below laid your body. Motionless. It was eerie to be looking down at your own body, sobering even. Golden Soul remained at your side, awaiting your next command.
After shaking off the shock that came with using your stand on yourself, you returned your attention to the enemy stand.
They were beetles, now exploring around your unconscious body, looking hopelessly lost. The orange glow around them was still there, but significantly dimmer than before after losing track of their target. "Wait-" Your eyes widened. It took you a moment to recognize them.
A golden colored Rosenbergi stag beetle, and a large black Dorcus Titanus Palawanicus.
"Harvey." You mumbled looking over at the gold beetle. "...and Rodger." You sighed when you looked at the other beetle. Slowly you turned to the large mansion like house, just a few yards down the beach from where you were standing. "Sommar Vita."
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joinremax · 4 months
5 Reasons to Invest in Harbourwalk Condos at Lakeview Village Community
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In the heart of Mississauga's revitalized waterfront, an extraordinary new mixed-use community is taking shape that offers an unbeatable urban lakeside lifestyle. Harbourwalk Condos, located within the innovative Lakeview Village development, provides an enviable list of reasons for GTA homebuyers and investors to take notice.
1. Stunning Waterfront Living
Let's start with the obvious wow-factor - this prime location puts you mere steps from the beautiful shores of Lake Ontario. Residents will enjoy a newly revitalized 600-meter boardwalk and pier, the longest on the Canadian Great Lakes, providing endless opportunities to admire breathtaking waterfront vistas.
You'll be living that coveted lake lifestyle with beaches and aquatic activities at your doorstep. Yet you're still just a half-hour away from downtown Toronto's urban core when you need it.
2. An Interconnected Pedestrian Village
One of the biggest draws of Lakeview Village is its walkable community design centered around green spaces, parks, trails, and pedestrian-friendly promenades connecting all corners of the development.
45+ acres of parks & natural spaces on-site
Nearby 64-acre Jim Tovey Lakeview Conservation Area  
450 acres of surrounding parklands to explore
Bike paths will seamlessly blend into the village's pedestrian-centric streets. This interconnected layout means you can truly embrace outdoor living while having key amenities within strolling distance.
3. Sustainable Living for a Greener Future
In a highly sustainable and eco-friendly community, the residences at Harbourwalk Condos will incorporate world-leading green building standards and technologies. This provides a healthier living environment while reducing your environmental impact.
The development's focus on sustainability ensures you'll be part of a future-focused neighborhood. In fact, Lakeview Village will even have its 20-acre innovation district fostering research, learning, and cutting-edge employment opportunities.
4. Vibrant Urban Amenities at Your Doorstep
While embracing outdoor living, you'll still have the conveniences and amenities of an urban village right outside your door at Harbourwalk Condos:
Boutique retail & dining 
Local cafes & craft breweries
Rooftop patios with stunning lake views
Easy access to major big box shopping nearby
Lakeview Village is planned to offer an exciting mix of retail, office space, entertainment, arts, and cultural events providing 9,000 new employment opportunities in the future. You can live, work, and play all in one vibrant neighbourhood.
5. Stellar Transit Connectivity
With its prime Mississauga location along Lakeshore Road, Harbourwalk Condos provides seamless transit connectivity in the GTA:
Regional bus routes at your doorstep
Quick access to Port Credit & Long Branch GO stations 
Easy connections to TTC streetcar routes in Toronto
This allows for a comfortable commute whether you're heading into downtown Toronto's core, throughout Mississauga, or across the GTA and 905 regions.
An Unrivaled Opportunity on Mississauga's Waterfront
The groundbreaking Lakeview Village community represents a rare opportunity to embrace lakefront living. It is still having all the amenities of an urban village right at your doorstep. With its future-focused design principles, integrated greenspaces, and stellar amenities, Harbourwalk Condos checks every box.
For GTA buyers seeking that perfect balance of waterfront tranquility and urban convenience in a sustainable environment, this jewel along Mississauga's revitalized shoreline is truly tough to top.
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cloudbusiness1 · 2 years
acai bow
Los Angeles has long been a favorite place for juice, but there has never been a time in history when Angelenos has been able to discover such a creative combination of market-driven, medicinal, and purposeful ingredients. Kreation Organic Juicery and Presed Juicery are everywhere, acai bow and brands like Clover, Moon Juice, and Naturewell have their fans. Read on and discover a new generation of LA juice brands.
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Vardan Sargsyan opened this ongoing cafe under the Westlake condo complex in February 2017. Tables are seated under red umbrellas where seating, and wooden bench chairs enclose the walls with a line of art inside the house. The blackboard menu touches on vegetarian foods and beverages, including nutritious juices that are compiled for ordering. Each Juice Houz (juice) has a stated purpose. To Get Rid of Toxins, simply combine legumes, kale, spinach, red apple, cucumber, parsley, lemon, lime, apple cider vinegar, and ginger. Prefer to Humility? Green apple, aloe vera, cucumber, spinach, lime, and cilantro answers the call. Shot Houz (health photos) preaches Recovery with grass grass of wheatgrass, orange, and blood orange. Do you prefer to increase your Lust? Turn to maca berry powder, hemp milk, acai bow cocoa powder, and cinnamon? Dial to Immunity with camu berry powder, watermelon, and mint. Nina Merced and husband James "kept the juice since 2005" in Venice Beach, and recently expanded to Culver City. Their new cafe includes colorful green, red, and green walls fitted with decorative dreamcatchers and hula-hoops. Organic juices are mixed to order. The Taste of Heaven Taste of Heaven may not pass through the pearly gates, but this frothy orange juice is truly satisfying, made with sweet potatoes, apples, carrots, and ginger, an ingredient that “helps to strengthen the immune system.” Other juices include V-7, riff to V-8, made of tomatoes, succulent vegetable, lemon, bell pepper, carrot, and spinach that would no doubt help to grow any Bloody Mary. Why get a face when you can just drink Skin Cleanser, a mixture of garlic, tomatoes, bell pepper, and an edible vegetable with juicy branches? This is designed for drinking, not a topical solution. “Shorts !!!” available for one ounce or two ounces. Blue algae promises ``strong, anti-aging, high protein." Wheatgrass may be a juice bar cliché, but it has shown resilience "as a detoxifier, high in enzymes." They also crack the coconut to quickly taste the tropics. Claudia Wit opened this Echo Park juice bar that suits hippie and vegan markets with her husband Bartek in 2016. This space includes brown and brick walls, aqua accents, wood veneer shelves, colorful blackboard menus, and striped bench seats. Each juice is made to order and is accompanied by a different chakra, the seven spiritual centers of the human body found in the Hindu culture of India. 3rd Eye (intuition, wisdom, concentration) needs Brain Juice: green apple, tomato, strawberry, chard, kale, chia seeds, and gingko. The Sacral Chakra (lust, art, flow) reminds Buddha Belly: grapefruit, pineapple, lemon, ginger, mint, and longan. Throat Chakra (truth, harmony, choice) inspired Immune Boost: an edible vegetable with succulent branches, watermelon, kale, lemon, ginger, wheatgrass, and chaga mushroom. Organic tonics reach only eight ounces, but it is very strong. Think of Heroine: grapefruit, watermelon, seedling, parsley, turmeric, and rose hips. "Life is a treasure" at Howling Juice, a stylish store that sisters Olivia, acai bow Noemi and Elisabeth Avila have used among car and tire repair shops since April 2017. They offer "natural, handmade juices, freshly made shots, a tonic, nutritious smoothie made from world-class food, nutritious food and snacks. ” Elisabeth Avila emphasized that organic, fruits and vegetables work well together" after 15 years of juice, and juices are "well-designed, like art projects, well thought out." The space has a white counter over the tonic bar and smoothie, a fridge of purely colored juice, a picnic table and protective party chairs, and a fashionable metal wolf that always watches over the bar. Blu may look like Windex, but it tastes good because of the balanced combination of blue spirulina, jicama, pineapple and jalapeño that promote “brain health + and cognitive skills, improved immune function, increased blood circulation, improved + blood cell growth red + white.
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The Advantages Of A Beachfront Condo
As time passes the climate is getting colder, driving us into winter. It just advises us that as flawless as wintertime seems to be, we truly wish we were in a warm, radiant spot, with a sea shore where we feel a loosening up sea breeze and drinking some sort of island-style mixed drink.
On the off chance that you possessed one of the numerous sea side apartment suites in the Southern United States, this would not be some unrealistic fantasy; this would be your world. Probably the best motivation to put resources into this sort of property is the capacity to go there however you see fit. It offers a difference in condition. It offers some quietness away from the burdens that hose our mind-sets. On the off chance that you investigate extravagance living on the coast, you get all the great comforts of a hotel, with a pool, bar, stimulation, and night life. In some cases you can even get a games relax, wellness focus, and spa! Also, when you're worn out you head back to your living arrangement and you get a fabulous perspective not too far off. Every morning you can watch the dawn show over the water. What number of individuals can say that? It's a get-away while at home rather than while away from home.
Beachfront condominiums are the ideal good ways from significant urban areas. They are close enough that it just takes a brief time to venture out to the focal point of the activity, yet they are not actually what you would call "downtown area" so they dodge the groups and the clamor and turmoil that joins that sort of life. You gain admittance to wharfs, bicycle ways, and conduits for sailing. There is additionally a lot of feasting and shopping in the nearby spots. It's actually a perpetual rundown of activities close to the coast.
Owning such property is additionally awesome for families. You can have guests at whatever point you like! Request that family remain and invest some energy taking in the outside air. Why not welcome them for summer get-away? The water is totally wonderful when the temperature goes up. Next time you go searching for spots to live , consider Beachfront condos for sale in nj by the sea shore. They have such a great amount to offer and there is no explanation not to have such delight. It sure beats remaining in a virus place each winter, trusting that you can evade day off wind and whatever else lies in front of you on out the entryway.
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fbwzoo · 5 years
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My hermit crab mansion (for my 18 hermit crabs) is completed! This is a 125g base tank with two 36x18x18 Exo Terra tanks on top - the ETs had the top screen removed and were turned upside down and velcroed to the base tank with industrial strength velcro. Right side is forest/jungle, and left side is beach. Took a pic of lights off & lights on. The beach side has UVB light, though I need to change the bulb out still. That’s why I moved that light strip up to the top, so they can choose to climb up for exposure if they want it. 
(Note: the crabs haven’t been moved into the tank yet, as I’ll have to wait for the humidity to build up to a high enough level to be safe for them.)
Close up pics and tour of the tank below the cut! This is very long, tumblr apparently changed the photo limit for posts, so they’re all on this post. I hope you enjoy! :)
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Corner shower basket on the left front of forest tank has a mix of leaves, dried moss, lichens, and bark.
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Background is the fake background that came with the Exo Terra, covered in coconut fiber. Cork bark rounds and pieces were siliconed in for hides & climbing on. The corner basket on the right front has damp sphagnum moss in it. There’s a bridge connecting the two shower baskets across the front of the tank. And a strand of fake pothos around the top edges of the background - this is attached to plastic wall corner guards that had holes drilled in them & were siliconed to the walls. Great for hanging things!
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Here’s a close up of the hanging climber that I made - it’s a poseable fake jungle vine, wrapped in sisal rope (secured with zipties). I made it into a corkscrew shape and tied another fake pothos vine to it, then hung this from a wall corner guard that’s attached to the ceiling of the topper tank. It hangs down almost to the substrate & is secured to another corner guard at the front of the base tank, to hep support the shape. It can be access from the foraging dish, the second story of pot condos, and up top, from the bridge and one of the cork rounds.
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This “shelf” is a pane of glass that’s part of the base aquarium - there’s thick panes on either side of the center support strut. I covered the glass with coconut mat (siliconed to stay) to help protect it from falling crabbies. Fake rock planter has moss in it, soaked to help raise the humidity level right now. You can also see the chunk of driftwood that leads from the top of the pot condos to the shelf, as the other way for the crabs to access the topper.
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8″ Comfort Wheel hanging at the front left, I siliconed coconut mat to both the inside and outside of the wheel for better grip. Hanging coconut hide behind that, with moss in it.
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You can see most of the pot condos here. I used spray foam to secure the pots for each level together - three for the lower level, two for upper. The two levels are secured to each other with industrial velcro, so they can be separated if needed. I covered the exposed foam with coconut mat siliconed on. I also siliconed pieces of cholla wood in between each of the pots on both levels for easier climbing (you can see one strip in pic below). The pots have a strip of bark leaning against both sides & across the top.
You can also see the foraging dish here, discussed below.
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Straight on view of the base tank on the left forest side. The thing with yellow flowers on the right of this picture is their foraging dish - a flower pot stand that has a clay flower pot base in it. I ziptied fake flower and leaf vines to the stand & they like to hide under it. I put a mix of leaves, flowers, bark, mushrooms, seeds, and other things in the dish. This thing has been a favorite of both mine & the crabs’ for a few years now.
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Full view of the forest side!
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Front view of the middle of the tank. You can just see another coconut hide behind the blue flowers, with moss in it. The big wood piece is a hollow grape wood log.
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Beach side now! There’s the other pane of glass “shelf”, covered with coconut mat. Above that is the cholla wall - I put spray foam on a plastic cross stitch mat, then stuck the pieces of cholla wood into it. Siliconed some additional pieces to cover open spots of foam. 
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First picture of the rock wall - spray foam on a piece of pink insulation foam board. I used pieces of foam board to make the caves & ledges, so I wouldn’t use as much spray foam. Then trimmed down as needed and siliconed black lava rocks to it. This cave turned out the most cave-like, I’m rather pleased with it!
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The other cave didn’t turn out quite like I wanted because I ran out of spray foam & called it quits (that stuff is hard as hell to find in store). So the walls are a bit short to really be a cave, but oh well! There’s also a corner shelf to make a nice resting platform.
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Hung a sea grass corner mat in the front right, it overlaps a bit with the rock corner shelf, above it. My thought was to try & make it a little harder for the crabs to fall all the way from the top of the topper, with the pools below - if they crack the pools, it’ll be a HUGE problem for them and me, so let’s not, okay crabs!!
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Two bridges connected to each other to connect the sea grass mat to the cholla wall, and another bridge from the mat to the back of the tank above the rock wall. And one more bridge that goes from the front bridges down to the climbing branches that lead from the base tank up to this topper. The branch here is a Zilla forest branch, it’s ziptied to the fake branch climber below.
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Pools! They’re 5g glass aquariums. The back one is fresh water, and the front is salt water. I have small air-powered filters for each, underneath the ramps. The ramps are made of egg crate light diffuser. The water is very murky for both pools right now because I’d just added the water & there’s sand in both pools (live ocean sand for the salt water pool). The ramps are ziptied to each other in one spot to help keep them in place. I’d like to make the area between the pools & rock wall look nicer at some point, but I was just out of energy & supplies (& money) at this point.
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This is a resin/plastic wood branch reptile decoration which is their access point to climb up to the beach topper. The forest branch is ziptied to it, which you can just see on the right side.
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And front view of the base tank beach side. I’ll be getting a wider container to put shells in next to the pools, as I’d like to have a little more space for shells, and something that will do better at catching water when swimming crabs come out of the pools. But this works for now. These are the larger shells, and I have another container at the back of the base tank in the middle (not visible in any of the pics) with smaller shells. I don’t have a ton of shells in because at this point most of my crabs are pretty comfortable with what they have on & don’t do much shell shopping/swapping, and I plan to switch shells out more often (every week or every other) to save space, help keep them cleaner & so the crabs get to see “different” shells more often instead of all the shells all the time. And the yellow thing in front of the shell dish is a big piece of natural sea sponge. You don’t want sea sponges in the water pools because they’ll collect bacteria. But they’re fine to put in dry & the crabs love to eat them. I haven’t given them sponge before, so I hope they like it. 
This concludes the tour of the new crab tank! Please feel free to ask questions if you’re wondering about how I made anything or where I got things from. :) Most things came from Chewy, hardware stores, and New England Herpetoculture, but I got some things from people on my main FB crab group, and some stuff I already had on hand. I’m so relieved this thing is finally done, and I really hope the crabs like it (and don’t destroy it too fast)!
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gravity-rainbow · 4 years
Robert S. Mueller III, of course, is a prosecutor. His job as special counsel, now complete, was to decide whether to indict. But what if some of the most egregious and corrupt offenses are not illegal? Russian President Vladimir Putin has long insisted that American democracy itself is corrupt. Under his aegis, the Russians have methodically studied various components of the American body politic — campaign finance, our legal system, social media and perhaps especially the real estate industry — and exploited every loophole they could find.
As Oleg Kalugin, a former head of counterintelligence for the KGB, told me in an interview for my book “House of Trump, House of Putin: The Untold Story of Donald Trump and the Russian Mafia,” the Mafia amounts to “one of the branches of the Russian government today.” Where Americans cracked down on the Italian American Mafia, Putin dealt with the Russian mob very differently. He co-opted it. He made it an integral part of his Mafia state. Russian gangsters became, in effect, Putin’s enforcers. They had long and deep relationships. According to a tape recording made by former Russian agent Alexander Litvinenko a year before he was fatally poisoned in London, Putin had close ties to Semion Mogilevich, a top mobster, that dated to the early 1990s.
That criminals with ties to Russia bought Trump condos, partnered with Trump and were based at Trump Tower — his home, his place of work, the crown jewel of his empire — should be deeply concerning. It’s not hard to conclude that, as a result, the president, wittingly or not, has long been compromised by a hostile foreign power, even if Mueller did not conclude that Trump colluded or conspired with the Russians.
Let’s go back to 1984, when David Bogatin, an alleged Russian gangster who arrived in the United States a few years earlier with $3 in his pocket, sat down with Trump and bought not one but five condos, for a total of $6 million — about $15 million in today’s dollars. What was most striking about the transaction was that at the time, according to David Cay Johnston’s “The Making of Donald Trump,” Trump Tower was one of only two major buildings in New York City that sold condos to buyers who used shell companies that allowed them to purchase real estate while concealing their identities. Thus, according to the New York state attorney general’s office, when Trump closed the deal with Bogatin, whether he knew it or not, he had just helped launder money for the Russian Mafia.
And so began a 35-year relationship between Trump and Russian organized crime. Mind you, this was a period during which the disintegration of the Soviet Union had opened a fire-hose-like torrent of hundreds of billions of dollars in flight capital from oligarchs, wealthy apparatchiks and mobsters in Russia and its satellites. And who better to launder so much money for the Russians than Trump — selling them multimillion-dollar condos at top dollar, with little or no apparent scrutiny of who was buying them.
Over the next three decades, dozens of lawyers, accountants, real estate agents, mortgage brokers and other white-collar professionals came together to facilitate such transactions on a massive scale. According to a BuzzFeed investigation, more than 1,300 condos, one-fifth of all Trump-branded condos sold in the United States since the 1980s, were shifted “in secretive, all-cash transactions that enable buyers to avoid legal scrutiny by shielding their finances and identities.”
The Trump Organization has dismissed money laundering charges as unsubstantiated, and because it is so difficult to penetrate the shell companies that purchased these condos, it is almost impossible for reporters — or, for that matter, anyone without subpoena power — to determine how much money laundering by Russians went through Trump-branded properties. But Anders Aslund, a Swedish economist, put it this way to me: “Early on, Trump came to the conclusion that it is better to do business with crooks than with honest people. Crooks have two big advantages. First, they’re prepared to pay more money than honest people. And second, they will always lose if you sue them because they are known to be crooks.”
After Trump World Tower opened in 2001, Trump began looking for buyers in Russia through Sotheby’s International Realty, which teamed up with a Russian real estate outfit. “I had contacts in Moscow looking to invest in the United States,” real estate broker Dolly Lenz told USA Today. “They all wanted to meet Donald.” In the end, she said, she sold 65 units to Russians in Trump World Tower alone.
The condo sales were just a part of it. In 2002, after Trump had racked up $4 billion in debt from his disastrous ventures in Atlantic City, the Russians again came to his rescue, by way of the Bayrock Group. At a time when Trump found it almost impossible to get loans from Western banks, Bayrock offered him enormous fees — 18 to 25 percent of the profits — simply to use his name on its developments.
So how did all this go unchallenged? According to Jonathan Winer, who served as deputy assistant secretary of state for international law enforcement in the Clinton administration, one answer may be lax regulations. “If you are doing a transaction with no mortgage, there is no financial institution that needs to know where the money came from, particularly if it’s a wire transfer from overseas,” Winer told me in an interview for my book. “The customer obligations that are imposed on all kinds of financial institutions are not imposed on people selling real estate. They should have been, but they weren’t.”
And without such regulations, prosecutors’ hands are tied.
All of which made it easier for the Russian Mafia to expand throughout the United States. As it did so, it grew closer to Trump. Even though Mogilevich had no known direct contacts with Trump, several of his associates did. Among them was Bogatin, who took part in a massive gasoline tax scam, and whose brother, Jacob (Yacov) Bogatin, was indicted with Mogilevich in 2003 on 45 felony counts of stock fraud. (Because there is no extradition treaty between the United States and Russia, they were never brought to trial in the United States.)
Another Mogilevich associate in Trump’s orbit was the late Vyacheslav Ivankov, a ruthless extortionist who became renowned as one of the most brutal killers in the annals of Russian crime. Mogilevich had sent him to New York in 1992 with a mandate to consolidate the Russian Mafia in the United States and to form alliances with the Cosa Nostra and other Mafias. Once he arrived, Ivankov became a regular at the Trump Taj Mahal in Atlantic City, and was widely thought to be based in the Brighton Beach area of Brooklyn, where many Russian mobsters lived. But when the FBI came looking for him, it discovered that the head of the Russian Mafia in New York owned a luxury condo in the glitziest part of Manhattan — at 721 Fifth Avenue, in fact — Trump Tower. There is no evidence of personal interaction between Trump and Ivankov.
Yet another Mogilevich associate with ties to Trump was Alimzhan Tokhtakhounov, better known as Taiwanchik, whose relationship with Mogilevich dates back more than three decades. Indicted in 2002 for bribing Olympic figure skating judges, Tokhtakhounov was awarded the No. 5 position on the FBI’s Most Wanted List, two slots behind Mogilevich. In April 2013, two gambling rings that he allegedly ran were busted by the FBI on the 63rd floor of Trump Tower, resulting in the indictments of 34 members and associates of Russian organized crime. Among them was Tokhtakhounov, who fled the country to avoid prosecution, and appeared later that year at Trump’s 2013 Miss Universe pageant in Moscow.
These were just some of the Russian mobsters who gravitated toward Trump as they laundered money and cultivated politicians. Over time, they learned how to work the system. They paid large sums for the most powerful legal talent in the land — enough, at times, to woo the very men who had once been charged with pursuing them. In 1997, former FBI director William Sessions traveled to Moscow and alerted the world to the horrifying dangers of the brutal Russian Mafia. But 10 years later, he took on as a client the Ukrainian-born Mogilevich. At the time, the U.S. Department of Justice was investigating racketeering charges against Mogilevich over questionable energy deals between Russia and Ukraine. Sessions’s successor as FBI director, Louis Freeh, also later represented Russian clients. All perfectly legal. In Freeh’s case, the client was Denis Katsyv’s Cyprus-based Prevezon Holdings. Freeh helped Prevezon settle a money laundering probe by the U.S. government after the company was accused of laundering more than $200 million in a Russian tax fraud scheme in which an American hedge fund manager and his firm, Hermitage Capital, were said to have been framed by the Russians. The ensuing scandal culminated in the death of Sergei Magnitsky, Hermitage’s accountant, and led to the passage of the Magnitsky Act, which sanctioned high-level Russian officials. Natalia Veselnitskaya, Prevezon’s defense lawyer, attended the much-discussed June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower with Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr.; Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner; and Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.
Manafort has been convicted of bank fraud, tax fraud and failure to comply with the Foreign Agents Registration Act by not reporting foreign income.
The special counsel’s report has not yet been released, only Attorney General William P. Barr’s summary with its finding of no collusion. But it’s clear that it was profoundly naive to think that a prosecutor would save the day and cure our diseased democracy of all that ails it. That’s because the problem behind this assault on the nation’s sovereignty far transcends the criminal arena. I’m no fan of Putin’s, but he was right about one thing: Swaths of American society are corrupt. If we want to protect our most precious institutions, we should examine new regulations in a wide range of sectors. The House Intelligence Committee, the House Oversight Committee and the House Judiciary Committee have geared up for hearings and investigations. They had better move fast. We have a president who has a long, tangled history with figures connected to Russian organized crime — all of it, apparently, perfectly legal.
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Auld Lang Syne-A New Shandy Fic
This is a little later than planned. Due to some winter winds, I was without power for almost the whole day. But, the power is finally back on and here is the latest in a year of FUSRIA stories that I began last Christmas.
I hope you all have a great 2019!
It's New Year's Eve and Sharon and Andy celebrate with friends at a Gatsby-style party on the Queen Mary, then enjoy a relaxing New Year's Day together. Just a quick little fluff, finishing up the first year of the Shandy marriage.
You can read this here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13166086/1/Auld-Lang-Syne or here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17266316
or right here:
“Sharon, you almost ready? Don’t forget, we have to pick up Provenza and Patrice.” It was New Year's Eve and Andy by default was the designated driver.
“I’m coming.” Sharon spritzed a little Black Opium on her wrists, her neck, and, what the hell, her cleavage for good measure. After one last look in the floor length mirror on the door of her walk-in closet, she slipped on elbow length gloves, grabbed her purse, and stepped out into the bedroom.
“Andy.” His name came out rather breathless. Her sexy as sin husband was leaning against the fireplace in a pose meant to allure. And it did. His light brown suit, plaid check vest, and dark brown bow tie were stylish and dapper, and as she approached him, her insides did a little butterfly dance at the twinkle in the rich depths of his velvet brown eyes. “You look like you just stepped out of ‘The Great Gatsby’.”
“Well, uh, that was plan…right.” He could barely speak, his tongue felt thick and he could not stop staring. If he looked like something out of the pages of  ‘Gatsby’ than Sharon, in her vintage 1930’s gold lame gown, a liquid satin that clung to every curve before spilling sensuously about her long legs, was the glamorous epitome of a Golden Era movie star. She smiled at the jaw-dropping look he was giving her and twirled around, giving him a view of the plunging back.
“You like?” She asked.
“You really have to ask?” He stepped forward sliding an arm around her waist and pulling her in tight. “You sure we have to go to this party?”
Sharon shivered as he began nuzzling along her neck. The man did know her weak spots. But, she pulled back with a throaty little giggle before he got too carried away. “We paid an arm and a leg for these tickets, we’re going.”
“Okay. Okay.”
Provenza’s response when he saw the two of them in shades of gold and brown was to roll his eyes. “Eh Gods, do you two always match?”
Patrice shook her head. “Don’t listen to him, you both look stunning.”
“You too, Patrice,” Andy kissed her cheek. “You, on the other hand.” He gave a glance at Provenza, who had done nothing but grumble about having to a New Years Eve party. “You look like Edward G. Robinson.”
“A mighty fine actor. I’ll take that as a compliment,” Provenza huffed.
The party was on The Queen Mary, docked in Long Beach. Each deck and ballroom had a differently themed celebration. They planned to attend the Art Deco era festivities. Stepping onto the huge ocean liner, now a hotel/tourist attraction really was like a journey back in time. And, when they walked into the Grand Salon, decorated in rich black and shimmering gold, the centerpieces dripping with feathers and pearls, and a jazz band playing in the corner, they were transported back to the 1920s and 30’s when speakeasies and jazz were all the rage and Hollywood was in its heyday.  Also joining them for the evening were Gavin and his partner Elliott, it was Gavin who had convinced Sharon to get tickets for the event, and Sharon’s good friend Rachel and her husband Jim.
They enjoyed a tasty, elegant dinner, and then spent the night dancing to big band swing music. Well, some of them of them anyway. Andy could really cut a rug and Sharon loved to dance, so they were out on the dance floor all night. Provenza refused to get near the floor unless it was a “slow one“ but, thanks to Andy, Gavin, Elliott, and Jim, Patrice was not short on dance partners.
At the countdown to midnight, cheers filled the air and balloons dropped from the ceiling. Sharon wrapped her arms around Andy’s neck, pulling his face closer to hers.
“Happy New Year, baby,” he said.
“Happy New Year.” They grinned at each other like the sappy newlyweds they still were, then kissed in 2019.
Afterward, while the band played ’Auld Lang Syne’, everyone sang along, then moved out onto the deck to watch a dazzling fireworks display over the water, with the glittering lights of LA off in the distance.
Sharon snuggled back against Andy with a little shiver. The wind was cool off the water. Feeling her chill, Andy slipped off his suit coat and wrapped it around her bare shoulders. She gave him a smile of gratitude and then gazed off at the bright bursts of color in the sky. For many years, New Year's Eve had been bittersweet for her. She was happy enough in her life, even happier once she had gotten the job in Major Crimes. But, after her children had left home, there had always been a feeling that maybe her best years were behind her. Not anymore. She could look back nostalgically on the previous year, but she had nothing but excitement for the new year ahead and the things she and her husband had planned.
With the fireworks display over, they returned inside and made their way to the Promenade Café where a midnight breakfast buffet had been laid out to help them refuel after all that dancing.  Sharon chose a mimosa with a couple slices of French toast, while Andy had straight orange juice and a veggie omelet. They both had bowls of vanilla yogurt with the house-made granola.
“All that food and you choose yogurt and granola.” Provenza grimaced and shuddered as he sat down.
Andy eyed his friend‘s plate. “Better than that heart attack on a plate.”
“He’s right, Louis.” Patrice shook her head at the pile of biscuits and sausage gravy, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage and potatoes that filled her husband’s plate. “You’re never going to be able to sleep tonight after eating all that.”
“Well, it will be worth it.” Provenza dug into his biscuit and chewed with gusto.
By the time they finished eating, dropped Patrice and Provenza off at home, and then continued up the coast, Sharon and Andy did not get home until well after 2:00 am. Exhausted, they slept in late New Years Day, enjoyed some lazy cuddle time, and then had a simple breakfast of buttery croissants, fruit, and coffee out on the sun porch. Feeling a little more refreshed after their coffee and showers, they changed into jeans and sweatshirts and made the quarter-mile walk down the hill to the beach. It was low tide and they walked along the hard-packed sand, hand in hand, seagulls diving and cawing overhead.  After about a mile, they stopped near an outcropping of rocks and sat in the soft sand, watching the waves crash into the rocks and enjoying the feel of the January sun on their faces. Sharon laid her head against Andy’s shoulder, enjoying the peace and tranquility. She loved their walks on the beach. They stayed that way for quite a while until dark clouds started to move in and it looked like they might be in for a shower.
Back at the house, they took down the Christmas tree that had been up since the weekend after Thanksgiving. Christmas was Sharon’s favorite holiday and she always tried to hang on to it for as long as possible. For her, Christmas started the day after Thanksgiving and didn‘t end until New Years Day. When the kids had left for college and she’d moved into the condo, it had been easier to have a fake tree--though she always sprayed it with that pine scent because what was a tree without its scent. This year, in their big new house, they had bought a giant live fir, and even though they had had the guy at the tree farm make a fresh cut, and Sharon had faithfully kept the tree watered, it was still clearly time to take it down. While Andy dragged the tree out to the backyard, he left behind a trail of pine needles and broken branches. Sharon followed behind him picking up the dead branches and by the time he returned she was vacuuming up the needles. With that task completed, they sprawled out lazily on the big leather couch in their family room to binge watch college football bowl games on their 65-inch TV, Andy’s first purchase when they bought the house. With Rusty up in San Francisco enjoying the New Year festivities with Ricky and Tess, they didn’t bother with supper, simply munched on cheesy nachos with guacamole while they watched the games.
Overall, 2018 had been a great year and with a new baby on the way, Ricky moving closer to home and a trip to Russia to watch Emily on tour at the Kirov and Bolshoi ballets looming ahead, 2019 looked like it might be even better.
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Why Beach Rentals Are The 2011 Way Stay
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jennygoeseastbay · 6 years
2018 in Review
So I used to do one of these every year on my Livejournal, and I completely blew it off in 2017 because I kind of abandoned that medium, and because the last month of that year was complete consumed with packing and moving. I’m not entirely certain I want to get more active on here, but for now this is a good place for me to post this, simply to have the written record of my existence that I need in order to process all that has happened and reflect on how it has helped me to grow and improve as a person. If I’m feeling really ambitious, I might even backtrack and do one for 2017 next week, because I like to be complete in my self-documentation. ;)
01. What did you do in 2018 that you'd never done before? Visited Washington DC for the first time.
Visited the Los Cabos region of Mexico for the first time.
Closed a major gift from someone who had not already had decades of cultivation from their University.
Visited even more areas of California that were new to me, including Anaheim, Santa Barbara, Santa Maria, Pismo Beach, Paso Robles, and Lake Tahoe (I guess that also includes Nevada since we stayed in Carson City)
Visited Ashland Oregon for the first time.
Sold a piece of real estate. Phew!
Practiced Yin Yoga. (And walking meditation!)
Engaged in a yoga hike!
Also tried yoga with goats!
Attended WonderCon
Attended a county fair.
Road a bicycle somewhere other than a residential street
Tried kayaking
Ran a trail run race
02. Did you keep your New Years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I never really make concrete resolutions, just some general proclamations about eating better, and putting more time into fitness and writing. Of these three things, the one I was most successful at this year, surprisingly enough, was eating better. In September I realized that it was time for a physical tune-up, and so I rejoined WW after a long time away, and though I still have a few pounds to go, I’ve been happy to have gotten a bit sleeker after dialing back the bread and cheese. I also attended a writing group called Shut Up and Write a couple times, and I’d like to become more of a regular at their cafe sessions in 2019, because I’ve found that their method (literally a concentrated hour of shutting up and writing) has been helpful the two times I’ve gone.
03. Did anyone close to you give birth? My dear friends Drew and Kelly had their first child in September. And my friend Lynn had her second child, a little girl, just a couple weeks ago. 04. Did anyone close to you die? Not super close, but a professor at UC Davis who I had worked with closely, passed very unexpectedly right before Halloween. 05. What countries did you visit? Mexico! Finally broke in my current passport with a new stamp! 06. What would you like to have in 2019 that you lacked in 2018? Good novel progress. Or more discipline on some other fiction and an essay that I just started tinkering with. A legit boyfriend. 07. What date(s) from 2018 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
January 2 was my first day on the job at UC Davis.
January 7 was a super fun evening at the Museum of Ice Cream in SF
January 13-15 was a wonderful weekend in Seattle where I got to meet my nephew Apollo for the first time and photograph his first swimming lesson for his parents.
January 20 was my second Women’s March outing in Sac with my friend Jade and her little ones.
January 27 was a day when I got to play tour guide for my friend Gricel and her husband when they were in SF visiting for the first time.
Feb. 10 and 11 was a fun weekend in Berkeley and SF, being silly and singing loudly with my former Cal colleagues who had become dear friends.
March 23-25 Was my whirlwind Anaheim weekend at Wondercon, and I got to catch up with my friend Mike, whom I’d not seen in a couple years.
March 30-April 1 was an epic road trip weekend, the first of what my friend Maya and I now call our Girls Gone Sensibly Wild excursions. We drove to Santa Barbara and visited the deserted UC campus there (it was closed for spring break) and also enjoyed an amazing live show featuring Dave Hause, Dan Andriano, and Cory Branan, among others at the Cold Spring Tavern. And then got a joint membership at Peachy Canyon Winery on our way back, because it was one of the few establishments open on Easter Sunday.
April 22 was Earth Day, and prompted me to venture out to Marin for an impromptu yoga hike at Rodeo Beach.
May 14 was my first appointment with a new hair stylist who would also unexpectedly become a trusted friend.
May 24 was my first time seeing Depeche Mode live, and it was incredible.
June 8-10 was my second of two hit it and quit it Chicago trips (although really, the first one wasn’t so much Chicago as it was Joliet) this year, and allowed me to reconnect with my dear friends Drew and Kelly (Drew finished his PhD at UChicago and I attended his commencement and hooding), have a day at the zoo with my friend Dawn, and also road trip to WI with my friend Mary for a beautiful and moving Lights Festival experience together.
June 30 was the day I attended my first ever CalShakes performance with Maya and our mutual friend Paola (Girls Gone Sensibly Wild continued!), and Maya also got me on a bike for the first time in ages, thanks to LimeBikes being available at the Pleasant Hill BART station. We took a short, wobbly, but fun ride down the Iron Horse Trail.
July 1 was the day I learned to kayak and surprisingly got myself through 5 miles of the Russian River without tipping over or running out of steam.
July 26 saw me reuniting with my dear pals Shannon and Glenn, when they were visiting the Sac area for a wedding.
July 27-29 was the weekend I drove up to Ashland to enjoy some time with my friend Debbie and to experience the Oregon Shakespeare Festival for the first time.
August 3-6 was when I somewhat unexpectedly had the delight of hosting my friend Clarise for a weekend visit. We drove down to Pacifica for the International Dog Surfing competition and I schooled her in the ways of California wine as much as I could with my limited knowledge.
The following weekend, August 9-13, I had a lovely time hosting and touring around with my 16 year old niece, and got to introduce her to the joy that is Santa Cruz. And yoga with goats!
August 30-Sept. 4 was when I hosted (this is a recurring theme in August, isn’t it?) my Aunt Sherrie for local sightseeing and a road trip up to Lake Tahoe.
Sept. 22-24 saw me heading down to L.A. for my cousin Katie’s wedding and some work meetings. It was the first time in ages that I got to connect with that specific branch of my family, and get to know them a bit better.
Sept. 29 was my first AFSP walk in Sac. And i was joined by Jade, her visiting mom, and her three little ones.
Sept. 30 was the really long hair session with Mason that helped solidify that we were legit friends (and included a shared sunset from the window of his hair studio!) and a quick follow up appointment on Oct. 3 allowed us to enjoy a rainbow and storm together.
Oct. 19-21 saw Maya and I doing another Girls Gone Sensibly Wild road trip. Back to Peachy Canyon to pick up some wine, and also Pismo Beach and Santa Maria for our first visit to a really lovely winery called Foxen.
Oct. 26 was quite possibly my all-time favorite Brian Fallon performance. It was just him alternating between his acoustic guitar and an electric piano, and he was joined by Craig Finn from The Hold Steady, who also did his own acoustic set.
Oct. 27 I got to introduce my new friend Torrey to the Old Sugar Mill in Clarksburg, and we did a fun wine and Halloween candy pairing and some epic day drinking.
Nov. 3 saw me reuniting with my Cal crew and a sprinkling of East Bay friends at Fillmore Karaoke, for an epic night of loud singing as an early celebration of my 40th bday. So much wine. Actually too much, but for a birthday, that’s acceptable!
Nov. 4-6 I was in Indianapolis for work, and though the work part wasn’t particularly memorable, I was super honored and thrilled that my BFF Dawn drove all the way down from Joliet IL with her two boys to have dinner with me on my first night there.
Nov. 9 was an epic Local H show in Sac. Also a welcome break in the midst of a period of forced solitude, after the Camp Fire residual smoke prompted my whole office to work from home for about a week to protect us from the terrible air quality.
Nov. 18 was the day we had the beautiful service honoring the life of a beloved professor who passed.
Nov. 24-29 was my trip to Cabo with my Aunt Sherrie, and was also my official bday celebration.
Dec. 9-12 was my DC trip, which also allowed me to catch up with my friend Max, who lives in Baltimore, and my friend Stacey, who also happened to be there for her own work purposes.
Dec. 15 was my full day of yoga retreating at Green Gulch Ranch in Marin, and then I drove to the East Bay to catch up with Maya at Calicraft, which is one of our favorite craft distilleries in the area.
Dec. 16 was a white elephant celebration in Pleasant Hill that allowed me to unexpectedly meet a new, interesting friend.
08. What was your biggest achievement of the year? So far, meeting all expectations at my new job and closing a major gift earlier than is required. Also not losing my shit during the condo selling process, even though there were a lot of reasons to do so.
09. What was your biggest failure? I wrote VERY little fiction. But I did dip my toe back into writing in general, so I guess there’s that. 10. Did you suffer illness or injury? I took a tumble at home that left my tailbone a bit tender about a month ago. But otherwise, no, pretty healthy, even after getting rear-ended in my car! 11. What was the best thing you bought? Various travel tickets, both air and rail. A beautiful new necklace that I found at the holiday market in D.C. All the concert tickets that provided soul-fueling live music.
12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
Mine! I adjusted to a new job and an unfamiliar setting and managed to acquire a few new friends while also maintaining the East Bay friendships that meant the most to me. 13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? Who else but certain immediate family members? 14. Where did most of your money go? Rent. Travel. Wine, and to a lesser extent, craft beer, now that I’ve picked up a taste for stouts and sours. 15. What song will always remind you of 2018?
Anything off of Sleepwalkers by Brian Fallon
Anything off of  Be More Kind by Frank Turner
Chariot by Gavin DeGraw
Tall Green Grass by Cory Branan
16. Compared to this time last year, you are: Thinner and sleeker, weight-wise
More willing to make room for others and open my life and space to them (friend and lover both) Still as sleep-deprived as ever 17. What do you wish you'd done more of? Novel writing, as always. Flirting. And kissing. 18. What do you wish you'd done less of? Angsting over adulting-related things that were either beyond my control or that ended up working out just as they should.
19. How will you be spending/did you spend Christmas?
I’m driving to Santa Cruz on Xmas Eve and treating myself to an overnight stay so that I can indulge in my happy place and a sunset hike. Also get to celebrate Boxing Day for the first time with my friend Jade and her brood back in Sac.
20. How will you be spending/did you spend New Year’s Eve? Original plan was to hang at my friend Jade’s place with her kids, movies and snacks. But just learned the wee ones are ill, so now I’m not sure what I’m doing. That was how I spent last year (the original plan, that is), with the main difference being that last year I also went to a two-hour yin workshop beforehand, which was how I discovered my current yoga studio, and discovered how much I enjoy yin practice in general. 21. Did you fall in love in 2018?
No. But I made more effort to pursue it, and had more options than I think I’ve ever had in a single year. Which was kind of encouraging even if each one was relatively short-lived.
22. How many one-night stands? I always laugh when I read this question. How about I just wink knowingly and say a lady never tells? 23. What was your favorite TV program? Supernatural. iZombie. To a lesser extent, Riverdale, even though I’m still pretty behind on that one. Sons of Anarchy (which I know is old but I’m playing catchup via Netflix and Hulu) And as a guilty pleasure, Total Divas. And of course, I'm still casually following WWE on the WWE network, though the only thing I’m finding compelling aside from the women’s matches are the Brits featured on the UK specific programming. 24. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year? No, I don't think so. 25. What was the best book you read? I finally got into the Harry Potter series and I’m really enjoying it. I just finished the Order of the Phoenix, and have the next installment requested from the library. 26. What was your greatest musical discovery? Not entirely new, but my appreciation for Cory Branan was reinforced and amplified after seeing him in Santa Barbara. And I’m also on a rediscovery tear with the Yeah Yeah Yeahs and the Cold War Kids.
27. What did you want and get? Reassurance that this move to Sac was the right next step, after I settled in to my new role relatively easily. 28. What did you want and not get? Romantic love for an extended period. More down time. 29. What was your favorite film(s) of this year? Bohemian Rhapsody, even though I know it had some historical inaccuracies.
A Quiet Place was hard because of the ending, but decent as well.
And the latest Halloween was hella satisfying, especially since I caught it after needing an escape after learning about the passing of the professor I mentioned earlier.
30. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? I prepped for my Cabo departure, went exploring at the Cosumnes River Trail, which is also a bird sanctuary, and caught the movie Widows with my work friend Christine. Then she took me to Panera for dinner. Couldnt’ do much more than that since I had a 5 am flight the following morning. I turned 40.
31. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? Love, as always. 32. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2018? Activewear as much as possible. But never enough. 33. What kept you sane? My friends. The various trips I took and rock shows I attended. Junk food. Wandering in nature.
34. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? Jensen Ackles. Tom Hiddleston. Charlie Hunnan. Idris Elba. My taste doesn't change much. 35. Who did you miss? Dawn. Becca. Kelly and Drew. Stephanie and Scott. Rob. Elspeth. Mike K. Jason. 36. Who was the best new person you met?
37. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2018 Never underestimate my own ability to adapt to new situations, and to handle my own shit like a boss. I had a few challenging things thrown at me, namely the condo selling process, and the logistical gymnastics that followed after having to bring my car in for a bumper repair following a recent rear-ending, and though I felt tested by both of those situations, I ultimately succeeded at navigating both of them to a positive end.
38. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
I’m always starting over....
I don’t wanna waste the nights in my life
But I never fit in, or felt home in my skin.
I’m waiting on a big love, baby.
--Brian Fallon, “Her Majesty’s Service”
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messysuitcaseblog · 3 years
Kayaking the Sabana River: Ecotourism in Puerto Rico
I adore kayaking, so I booked a Kayak Tour of the Sabana River, which is at the other end of the playa from our condo in Luquillo. We got so much more than we bargained for! For just $30 apiece, Bob and I found ourselves on a fascinating eco and historical tour offered by Ramon of Sun Capital Paddlesports. Ramon introduced us to the Sabana River Estuary of the Northeast Ecological Corridor, a breathlessly beautiful a protected natural area. https://www.facebook.com/suncapitalpaddlesports/
After a short but very thorough lesson on how to kayak, Ramon led us and just three other people, he on a stand-up paddleboard and us in two-person kayaks, as we navigated several branches of the river. He pulled out a map before we started and explained the history of the area, what used to be here, what had happened to it.
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We learned that Luquillo was the spot where Christopher Columbus first set foot on the island of Puerto Rice in the 1400s. The Taino Indians were living here at the time, and he has discovered their petroglyphs upriver, toward El Yunque peak and the rain forest, evidence that they traveled in that direction to avoid the invading Spaniards.
Roman told us about a past sugar cane plantation, a cow farm, and then how this area because a protected corridor in 2013, after the community rose up against developers who wanted to build more resorts on Puerto Rico.
Northeast Ecological Corridor
The Northeast Ecological Corridor consists of almost 3,000 lush acres of land along the Atlantic Coast in the northeast corner of Puerto Rico. It is home to native red bats, which we saw flying around over our heads as we passed under a bridge.
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I did a little digging into this protected area, and found this from Sierra Club Puerto Rico: https://puertorico.sierraclub.org
The Northeast Ecological Corridor is an incredibly biodiverse tract of land covering nearly 3,000 acres of lowland tropical forest, mangroves, wetlands, sandy beaches, seagrass beds, and coral reefs. The Corridor stretches over five miles of undeveloped beach, from Luquillo to Fajardo, and not only serves as a beloved “backyard” for thousands of locals, but also is one of only two sites in the Caribbean where endangered leatherback sea turtles come on land to nest. The largest of all turtles, leatherbacks lay their eggs on the Corridor’s beaches from March until July. A few months later, the babies hatch and crawl back to the sea.
Only a few years ago, the Northeast Ecological Corridor’s status as one of the last remaining tracts of undeveloped coastline in Puerto Rico was under threat. Resort developers wanted to buy up the land and build hotels, a plan that would have both social and environmental consequences.
Endangered Leatherback Turtles
Perhaps its most important function is to host the nesting grounds of endangered leatherback turtles (tinglars, in Spanish), which grow to be up to seven feet long.
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Ramon explained why the street lights along the coast in Luquillo are red – not just to reduce ambient light, as we had suspected, but to keep the turtles from going in the wrong direction after they lay their eggs. They look for the light of the moon reflected in the ocean, and white streetlights can confuse them. Isn’t that interesting?
The Sierra Club puts on a Leatherback Turtle Festival every spring to promote awareness of the gentle giants, attracting 25,000 people to Luquillo Beach with music, food trucks, activities, and turtle-themed crafts.
There’s also a local nonprofit called Tortugas del Sur that dedicates itself to helping these endangered creatures breed successfully during nesting season. ttps://www.facebook.com/tortuguerosdelsur/
Other Creatures Along the River
We also passed this humongous iguana on the eco-tour.
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This was the largest termite nest I have ever seen.
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We also saw an osprey and a great blue heron, two majestic sea birds that I love, Unfortunately, they were in flight and my hands were occupied with paddles, so I couldn’t get their pictures.
Ramon made sure to take plenty of pictures of participants in the tour, the best souvenir imaginable.
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Hats off to Ramon, who dedicates his life to taking care of this delicate region, taking groups on these tours to give them a fascinating experience and cultivate carrying about the Corridor and the turtles! Five Stars!
(Leatherback turtle image provided by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Southeast Region - Leatherback sea turtle/ Tinglar, USVIUploaded by AlbertHerring, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=29814022)
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maximosorrentino · 6 years
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noordinarytravel · 4 years
Cemetery Travel: More Than Just Looking at Gravestones
(Updated October 18, 2020 from the original posted December 24, 2019.)
Hello there…….welcome! A funny thing happened recently. I was talking to a friend of mine and mentioned the term “necro-tourism.” He recoiled just a bit when I said it and gave me a quizzical look. I know it probably sounded like I was into something really bad, something to do with dead people.
I chuckled when he said that and then I said YES! That is exactly what it is about but there is more to it than that. Maybe you’ve heard of it before? You might have also heard it referred to as cemetery travel or tombstone travel.
Necro-tourism is a type of tourism that oriented towards cemeteries. More than that, it is about the lives and stories behind the deceased, the artwork and sculptures found in cemeteries, and an appreciation of the beauty that lies within its stillness. I have long been a fan of necro-tourism, even before it was a thing, and I try to visit cemeteries in all of the states and countries I visit.
Before I go on a trip, I do a lot of research. I like learning about my intended destination but more than just weather, points of interest, and that kind of thing. I can grab a guide book for that. What I really want to know is what makes that destination unique, who the prominent people were that shaped the history and development of the area, and how life changed for residents moving forward.
I like to read about the good, bad, and the ugly. The present day is a culmination of historical events so I want to leave no stone unturned. If key figures are buried nearby I go see their graves, those of their family members, as well as other notables in the cemetery. It helps me connect with the community and the destination overall.
I don’t recall exactly when cemeteries came into focus for my travel plans but somewhere along the line they did. When I tell my Dad about it, he just shakes his head. I know for certain that my affinity for cemeteries did NOT come from him.
Most Tragic Cemetery
One of the most tragic cemeteries I have visited is here in Texas. The event that precipitated this cemetery happened in 1993 and is known to the public as The Waco Siege. In case you don’t know what that was, it was an event that occurred in April 1993 in which the FBI and ATF raided the Branch Davidian compound (also known as Mount Carmel). The raid occurred because the religious cult known as the Branch Davidians, led by David Koresh, were suspected of stockpiling illegal weapons.
The Siege lasted 51 days and included a gun battle, tanks, tear gas, and a fire that and resulted in the deaths of 4 FBI agents and almost 80 Branch Davidians including 28 children. There is great debate over who shot first and who is at fault but it really doesn’t matter all these years later. I am fairly certain when I say we will never know the entire truth.
Many if not most of the Branch Davidians are now buried in Waco in what appears to be a pauper’s field. There is nothing that alerts you to the events that got them there, and there was nothing at the time of my visit that tells you to who they were and how they played a part in Texas history. No memorial, no markers beyond the individual gravestones. Nothing.
For some, there is no name. Only “Unknown” and the date 1993. For others, you become painfully aware of their youth and the life that was stolen from them. I felt great sadness for those who had no active part in how things played out (the kids) when I visited the cemetery and I can only hope that the innocent did not suffer. I get angry when I think about it but so many are at fault (on both sides) and nothing can be done now…….so I just let it go.
Most Scenic Cemetery
This one is tough because some of the truly old cemeteries in Ireland, especially the ones in priories and abbeys, are absolutely stunning. I think it has to do with the contrast between the emerald beauty of the island and the crumbling headstones and ruins that strikes me the most. Such a stark difference yet it all fits together like the perfect cultural mosaic.
A few years ago I was in Ireland on a paranormal trip with friends and we were able to see Bridgetown Abbey. Located just a mile or two from Blackwater Castle (where my friends and I stayed), it was built in the early 1200’s as a Augustinian priory including cloister, refectory, and kitchen.
The abbey also served as the burial place of the Roche family, an important family in the history of Castletownroche. The abbey ceased to function when it was dissolved by Henry VIII in 1540. The nave has a dozen or two grave stones showing the expected wear and tear from hundreds of years of the elements, and there were a few graves that were somewhat broken and caved in. If you happen to be in the area, it is worth a stop!
My other favorite scenic cemetery is very different because of the tropical location in which you will find it. A few years ago we went to Puerto Rico for the first time. Peanut was at camp that week so we took the opportunity for a little getaway and adult time.
Santa Maria Magdalena de Pazzis Cemetery in San Juan took my breath away. We were actually visiting the Castillo San Felipe Del Morro when it came into view: there it was atop a cliff overlooking the ocean. Many notables are buried there including politicians, businessmen, actors, journalists, and musicians among others. I was walking hurriedly to the gate when I realized the cemetery was already closed. Disappointment came over me like the waves hitting the cliffside.
For me, the ocean backdrop to this stunning historic cemetery plus the rich culture of Puerto Rico made for a great week. There was a small cemetery right next door to the condo we had rented that kept me busy for a few hours. It was completely without organization with graves facing different directions.
Some graves were a mere headstone while others looked like little casitas with benches inside. They had been gated, presumably to prevent the unwanted from entering and vandalizing them. I spoke to an employee there who explained that not all graves are maintained. He was maintaining and repairing graves for which he was paid. If family members didn’t pay for maintenance they would be allowed to fall apart. Many of them already had.
Some of the graves were completely eye-catching…..so much so that I got distracted and fell into a grave scraping up my right leg. Imagine the look on Hubby’s face when I walked it bleeding and limping. He didn’t even have to ask.
If you don’t know what catacombs are, they are human-made subterranean passageways used for burial. Five years ago Peanut and I were in Paris and we climbed approximately 20 meters down to this maze of bones and human remains. The ossuary was built in the 18th century as a result of cemeteries that were operating above capacity. There was understandable public health and safety concerns resulting from that overcrowding and overuse. Once the catacombs were ready, the contents of the cemeteries’ were moved underground. 
The portion of the Paris Catacombs accessible for tours is just a small part of the entire subterranean structure. Openings have been found in other locations around the city but it is not advisable to enter anywhere other than where the official tour begins and ends due to safety concerns. It has been reported that people have entered illegally, become lost in the catacombs, and presumed dead.
Rome has its own catacombs but there are no longer human remains there. Catacombe di San Callisto was utilized from the 3rd to 5th centuries. Part of the larger Complesso Callistiano, the entire catacomb system is said to occupy nearly thirty-hectare area (approximately 75 acres by my calculations) bordered by the Via Appia Antica, Via Ardeatina and Vicolo delle Sette Chiese.
Since there are no human remains, it appears as tunnels with empty cells in the walls. While not as intriguing as the Paris Catacombs, it was still fascinating and worth the price of a tour. It seemed easier to access for some reason than the Paris Catacombs but, in retrospect, but it was probably about the same distance underground.
Necro-tourism isn’t at all as ominous as it sounds but it is definitely fascinating. Next time you are sipping margaritas on the beach, search for local cemeteries and research their history. Chances are you will get a broader, more complete, and probably more colorful history of the area. If you need help in this regard, shoot me an email and I will be happy to help you find something. Better yet, if you have visited an interesting cemetery, feel free to share it on Facebook and tag me @NoOrdinaryTravels. I would love to read about it!
Merry Christmas my friends! NYE is coming up and it is time to give some purposeful thought to what you want your 2020 to be!
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Condos in Long Branch NJ
Have you ever lived during Condos in Long Branch NJ? If like me you grew up in a house with a garden then chances are high that you have got no plan what factors and options to contemplate once staring at condos purchasable. Not being responsive to key aspects that would have an effect on your quality of life, still because the unit’s marketing worth may leave you with a condominium you can’t sleep in or sell.
What to organize before testing condos purchasable
When someone decides to undertake shopping for a condominium unit the primary issue they are doing is browse adds, this is often one amongst the foremost common mistakes consumers build. Before staring at units, preparations must be created which may build searching for a condominium easier and within the finish a lot of advantageous for you.
Down through the ages folks have continually same info is that the key and searching at condos purchasable is not any completely different. He or she is going to be able to provide you with valuable recommendation and his or her services are free since the vendor pays the commission. Another person you would like on your aspect may be a professional person. “Legalize” may be a language not everyone seems to be at home with and it’s continually a decent concept we have a tendency to perceive everything we sign, trust me on this my siblings are lawyers. Next, crunch the numbers and appearance through mortgage necessities. Being prepared on the monetary front can provide you with a practical read of what you’ll be able to and can’t afford.
What to avoid whereas staring at condos purchasable
unfortunately, not everyone seems to be able to understand that little details will build an enormous distinction in ones quality of life. The subsequent are some belongings you might not have thought to require into consideration:
• Steer away from units that overlook the doorway to the garage or wherever vehicular traffic is that if you worth peace and quiet. • Once more for peace Associate in quiet don’t opt for a unit across from or beside an elevator. • confirm your suite doesn’t look over the realm wherever garbage is picked up; this is often obvious however may be a detail the general public can miss. • confirm most of the condo’s occupants are homeowners, not tenants. • Avoid condominium buildings that aren’t simply accessible by any variety of conveyance services. Trust me you’ll want the service one amongst nowadays whether or not you are doing have an automobile. • Avoid condominium buildings wherever the neighborhood isn’t as pleasant as you’d like. The building itself could also be prime notch however if the placement isn’t at par then turn over. • Avoid creating a call before visiting the condominium many times and at completely different times of the day and night. • keep in mind to talk with the neighbors. You’ll want details regarding the realm and if you’ll be able to stand living beside them. • don’t commit before you have got mentioned all the monthly fees, maintenance prices, association dues, closing fees, and every one monetary matters. You would like to understand you’ll be able to afford it all while not breaking a sweat. • don’t purchase a collection with a read you can’t suffer, irrespective of what the building’s amenities are. When you decide to move during a low-maintenance home, you may need to contemplate testing condos purchasable. Singles or tiny families will notice convenience once they sleep in a condominium. As compared to box-styled colonial homes or construction homes, a condominium is affordable and sensible. There’s no want for you to mow a large field, and you are doing not must shut down the yard pool. Most condominium units purchasable include appealing amenities like an edifice, kiddies and adult pools, gym, and lawn tennis courts. The value varies for every condominium unit could vary, and you’ll be able to notice the correct quantity that matches your budget. Before you begin searching for condominium units purchasable, take into account the following tips once getting this kind of home.
Determine the number of house you would like
Do you have lots of appliances and items of article of furniture that you simply may transfer to your new home? Confirm that you check condos purchasable with the perfect floor space for you and therefore the different occupants. You’ll be able to additionally notice a loft sort unit that may be a fashionable alternative of the many consumers. It comes with a stairs that ends up in the chamber. If you wish a spacious space, you must a condominium unit that has over a hundred sq. meters for the ground space. You’ll fancy the comfort of getting lots of rooms for your appliances, and a locality to entertain your guests.
Check the parking lot and Security
most condominium units; you would like to buy a parking lot or slots for your vehicles. The parking fee is exclusive of payment for your condominium unit. Different condos permit owners to rent a parking zone for an inexpensive value, therefore you may need to contemplate rental as Associate in nursing choice. Moreover, confirm that you simply check the look of the parking zone. Inquire regarding the safety of the complete space; therefore you’ll be able to make sure that your vehicles are during a safe location. You must additionally take into account checking condos purchasable with security measures for all owners. Security staffs ought to have strict policies before they permit non-homeowners to enter and visit relatives or friends United Nations agency reside within the condominium units.
Compare Rates and Amenities In numerous Condos purchasable
you should have many choices once you search for condos purchasable. Consult property agents, and inquire regarding different condos that they’ll provide. Search for a condominium with a decent location that’s close to your work. Then, get a computation of the overall unit value as well as the monthly fees, parking zone rental value, and several other others. If you choose to travel to the gymnasium or swim frequently, visit condominium units with amenities that you simply want.
Inquire regarding many; tangled Details
you can check the history of assessments in hot water the condominium units. Once you have learned that there are few assessments, it may mean that the buildings are well-managed. Additionally, inquire regarding different policies that involve having pets within the units, procedure for repair requests, and different considerations. Before you get condos purchasable, confirm that you simply have settled all of your inquiries and uncertainties. This way, you’ll be able to build a prudent call once you enter your new Condos in Long Branch NJ.
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samaasse · 4 years
Avenue south residences condo
Jamaica has a distinctive identity in the minds of many tourists. Say Jamaica holidays to someone and they'll immediately come up with a few things to say about it and usually the first things that pop into people's minds are stereotypical icons and music. But beyond the cliché of reggae, Rasta, rum and sunshine there is an island brimming with stunning natural landscapes and a vibrant authentic culture. One area which offers you a proper insight into Jamaica is St Elizabeth, in the South. Below are our top 5 recommendations of what to do here.
The Black River
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The longest river in Jamaica, the Black River's name derives from a thick layer of decomposing vegetation sitting on its bed. It's home to a few salt water crocodiles in the swamp areas and has a huge variety of different birds nesting on it's banks including herons, ospreys and egrets. Most notable are the huge Mungrove trees which line the bank and flare out in spider web branches, sometimes dropping down into Avenue south residences condo  the river from 40ft in the air. Tours run frequently along this one-of-a-kind river.
Lover's Leap
Lover's Leap is the stunning point where the Santa Cruz mountain range drops down into the crystalline sea. As you can imagine the views from here are absolutely out of this world. Look out for the turkey vulture, a bizarre bald headed bird affectionately nicknamed 'John Crow', who nests in the ledges of the cliff. On your way back from the top, look out for a few small 19th century churches, and pop in to take a closer look.
Bamboo Avenue
The two-and-a-half mile bamboo avenue is a wonderful walk. Long sprouts of bamboo create a tunnel effect as you walk down the wide path, with the sun glinting through small gaps in the vegetation. It's a very picturesque, romantic place to take a stroll with a loved fun or a beloved family member.
Treasure Beach
Four beautiful bays make up this fishing area, where a tight-nit, down to earth and friendly community will make you feel like one of the locals. The fishermen used to use brightly coloured, hollowed out cotton trees for canoes, and you'll still be able to spot a few today. This is the place to go for that perfectly secluded long walk along the beach. If you have this blissful idea of the idyllic Caribbean getaway beach, without the tourists, then this is the place to go during your Jamaica holidays.
Pelican Bar
To refuel go to the quirky and distinctive Pelican Bar. It's set on stilts out in the water, so you'll either have to take a boat or go for a long swim to reach it. A great place to spend a day relaxing with good company, in a really interesting setting, it's one of the most distinctive bars in Jamaica.
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