#Long Thermal Solutions
taevisionceo · 1 year
TAEVision 3D Mechanical Design Parts Aftermarket Dana Holding Corp. - Long Thermal Solutions TRU-COOL ThermalSolutions TruCool TransmissionOilCooler ▸ TAEVision Engineering on Pinterest ▸ TAEVision Engineering on Google Photos
Data 144 - May 01, 2023
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foone · 1 year
why are printers so hated? it's simple:
computers are good at computering. they are not good at the real world.
the biggest problems in computers, the ones that have had to change the most over the time they've existed, are the parts that deal with the real world. The keyboard, the mouse, the screen. every computer needs these, but they involve interacting with the real world. that's a problem. that's why they get replaced so much.
now, printers: printers have some of the most complex real-world interaction. they need to deposit ink on paper in 2 dimensions, and that results in at least three ways it can go on right from the start. (this is why 3D printers are just 2D printers that can go wrong in another whole dimension)
scanners fall into many of the same problems printers have, but fewer people have scanners, and they're not as cost-optimized. But they are nearly as annoying.
This is also why you can make a printer better by cutting down on the number of moving elements: laser printers are better than inkjets, because they only need to move in one dimension, and their ink is a powder, not a liquid. and the best-behaved printers of all are thermal printers: no ink and the head doesn't move. That's why every receipt printer is a thermal printer, because they need that shit to work all the time so they can sell shit. And thermal is the most reliable way to do that.
But yeah, cost-optimization is also a big part of why printers are such finicky unreliable bastards: you don't want to pay much for them. Who is excited for all the printing they're gonna be doing? basically nobody. But people get forced to have a printer because they gotta print something, for school or work or the government or whatever. So they want the cheapest thing that'll work. They're not shopping on features and functionality and design, they want something that costs barely anything, and can fucking PRINT. anything else is an optional bonus.
And here's the thing: there's a fundamental limit of how much you can optimize an inkjet printer, and we got near to it in like the late 90s. Every printer since then has just been a tad smaller, a tad faster, and added some gimmicks like printing from WIFI or bluetooth instead of needing to plug in a cable.
And that's the worst place to be in, for a computer component. The "I don't care how fancy it is, just give me one that works" zone. This is why you can buy a keyboard for 20$ and a mouse for 10$ and they both work plenty fine for 90% of users. They're objectively shit compared to the ones in the 60-150$ range, but do they work? yep. So that's what people get.
Printers fell into that zone long, long ago, when people stopped getting excited about "desktop publishing". So with printers shoved into the "make them as cheap as possible" zone, they have gotten exponentially shittier. Can you cut costs by 5$ a printer by making them jam more often? good. make them only last a couple years to save a buck or two per unit? absolutely. Can you make the printer cost 10$ less and make that back on the proprietary ink cartridges? oh, they've been doing that since Billy Clinton was in office.
It's the same place floppy disks were in in about 2000. CD-burners were not yet cheap enough, USB flash drives didn't exist yet (but were coming), modems weren't fast enough yet to copy stuff over the internet, superfloppies hadn't taken over like some hoped, and memory cards were too expensive and not everyone had a drive for them. So we still needed floppy disks, but at the same time this was a technology that hadn't changed in nearly 20 years. So people were tired of paying out the nose for them... the only solution? cut corners. I have floppy disks from 1984 that read perfectly, but a shrinkwrapped box of disks from 1999 will have over half the disks failed. They cut corners on the material quality, the QA process, the cleaning cloth inside the disk, everything they could. And the disks were shit as a result.
So, printers are in that particular note of the death-spiral where they've reached the point of "no one likes or cares about this technology, but it's still required so it's gone to shit". That's why they are so annoying, so unreliable, so fucking crap.
So, here's the good news:
You can still buy a better printer, and it will work far better. Laser printers still exist, and LED printers work the same way but even cheaper. They're still more expensive than inkjets (especially if you need color), but if you have to print stuff, they're a godsend. Way more reliable.
This is not a stable equilibrium. Printers cannot limp along in this terrible state forever. You know why I brought up floppy disk there? (besides the fact I'm a giant floppy disk nerd) because floppy disks GOT REPLACED. Have you used one this decade? CD-Rs and USB drives and internet sharing came along and ate the lunch of floppy disks, so much so that it's been over a decade since any more have been made. The same will happen to (inkjet) printers, eventually. This kind of clearly-broken situation cannot hold. It'll push people to go paperless, for companies to build cheaper alternatives to take over from the inkjets, or someone will come up with a new, more reliable printer based on some new technology that's now cheap enough to use in printers. Yeah, it sucks right now, but it can't last.
So, in conclusion: Printers suck, but this is both an innate problem caused by them having to deal with so much fucking Real World, and a local minimum of reliability that we're currently stuck in. Eventually we'll get out of this valley on the graph and printers will bother people a lot less.
Random fun facts about printing of the past and their local minimums:
in the hot metal type era, not only would the whole printing process expose you to lead, the most common method of printing text was the linotype, which could go wrong in a very fun way: if the next for a line wasn't properly justified (filling out the whole row), it could "squirt", and lead would escape through gaps in the type matrix. This would result in molten lead squirting out of the machine, possibly onto the operator. Anecdotally, linotype operators would sometimes recognize each other on the street because of the telltale spots on their forearms where they had white splotches where no hair grew, because they got bad lead burns. This type of printing remained in use until the 80s.
Another fun type of now-retired printers are drum printers, a type of line printer. These work something like a typewriter or dot-matrix printer, except the elements extend across the entire width of the paper. So instead of printing a character at time by smacking it into the paper, the whole line got smacked nearly at once. The problem is that if the paper jammed and the printer continued to try to print, that line of the paper would be repeatedly struck at high speed, creating a lot of heat. This worry created the now-infamous Linux error: "lp0 on fire". This was displayed when the error signals from a parallel printer didn't make sense... and it was a real worry. A high speed printer could definitely set the paper on fire, though this was rare.
So... one thing to be grateful about current shitty inkjet printers: they are very unlikely to burn anything, especially you.
(because before they could do that they'd have to work, at least a little, first, and that's very unlikely)
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kritischetheologie · 5 months
for the trope mashup - dystopia x coffeeshop
Since you didn't request a ship I'm trying my hand at galex for you! Worldbuilding cribbed from that one movie I haven't seen where years of your life are literally money or whatever.
1. George doesn't have time to stop for coffee on his way to work. He really, really, doesn't have time for it. Going to Eton cost him forty years, which was nothing to his classmates, born with lifespans into the four-hundreds, but. But George was born with eighty years to burn, into a family that believed he could beat the clock. Imperial college cost him another twenty, and four actual years of his life, to boot. He'd have died if he hadn't worked those summer finance internships. Half the time, he has to take a payday loan to make rent on his Mayfair apartment, or when he picks up the tab for a work dinner, to keep from zeroing out before his next deposit hits. All the time, he keeps his cufflinks carefully buttoned, watches the number on his arm tick toward zero, and counts the days to his next paycheck. Plus, his first meeting of the day is at 7. He doesn't have time to stop for coffee.
2. Alex's mom was given the choice between five years in prison and a twenty-year deduction. Alex can't blame her for choosing prison, except-- except he had to drop out of school to take care of his siblings, since she couldn't. Except he couldn't get a scholarship, without A-Levels, so he never went to Uni. He'd wanted to study mechanical engineering. Maybe he still can, someday. Life is long. His dad left him a hundred years when he died, and the rent in his shithole apartment is cheap, a couple days a month. He doesn't mind the coffee shop for now, though. The people working there are nice, a lot nicer than the asshole kids he grew up with.
3. George stops in for coffee every day, anyway, even though he doesn't have the time. What's a couple more minutes when you might as well be bleeding out? Alex makes the best latte in town, not that George knows that. He just likes his soft brown eyes, his perpetually bleach-fried blonde hair, the little jokes he makes when George is ordering. Alex wears frayed t-shirts for punk bands George hasn't heard of over long-sleeved thermals, or else under his beat-up denim jacket, and keeps the AC in the shop cranked to near freezing temperatures. Of course George wonders what's on his arm, but it would be impolite of Alex to show it off, a cheap way of guilting people into tipping more. The waiters in the fancy restaurants George takes Carmen to, for birthdays and anniversaries and to celebrate promotions, are told to roll their sleeves at the elbow, so you can see how well-paid they are. The first time someone with five more years than George took his order, George ended up throwing up in the bathroom.
4. When Alex writes his phone number on the paper cup he hands George, it takes George two whole weeks to call him. He shows up every day, and Alex takes his order with the same cheer, makes the same jokes, like it's all the same to him. It makes George not want to call him at all, but then Carmen's best friend gets engaged, and George gets dragged out for celebratory drinks, for her and her fiance, and of course neither of them are going to pick up the check, and of course he can't ask Carmen to do it, and suddenly there's three bottles of champagne on his tab, like six fucking days worth of champagne, and George is getting paid on Wednesday but it's Monday, and he's got three left days on his arm and half an hour before the waiter comes to their table with the check it's past midnight, none of the payday lenders will open until morning and George has to find a solution, fuck, so he goes out for a cigarette-- "babe, you've gotta quit, those thinks will kill you someday," Carmen chides, and everyone giggles, and maybe George should just let this night be the thing that kills him, fuck-- and calls the only person he knows who has any chance of having any connection to the criminal underworld.
5. "Georgie!!" Alex says, sounding surprised and delighted and maybe a little drunk, or high, or-- George doesn't have time to think about what else could make his vowels so smooth, his voice so calm. George doesn't have time. "Fuck, Alex, I'm so glad you picked up, I've got a friend in a bit of a scrap, you know, and I'm wondering if you might know of anyone who could get him some off-market time. Exchange rate's not an issue, and he doesn't need very much, it's not for anything illegal, I swear, but--" "shit, George, this isn't the type of thing you can just call a guy about. Do you have any idea how illegal this is? Fuck, are you a cop? Is this about my mom? Who even told you? What the hell kind of s sick joke is--" "--OK, I lied," George interrupts, because he has to, fuck, he'll die if he doesn't. "It's not for a friend. It's for me. And I only need a week or two, but I need it now, like, now now, or you're going to be short a regular tomorrow. If you. If you know what I mean." He hears a deep inhale on the other end of the line. "I'll transfer you two weeks, right now, if you promise not to ask questions," Alex says, and George is too relieved not to cry as he accepts.
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Fellow Travelers Fic Recs | Featured WIPs: May/June
Active WIPs with an updated chapter posted in the past two months. Most recent works posted on top. Featuring a Jackson and Tim reunion, not one but two afterlife AU's, a pizza delivery driver AU, some more of everyone's favorite fake dating Disaster, Fire Island, another hospital conversation and even more time travel. Take your pick... There's something for everyone!
Happy reading!
✨ Be sure to show the authors some love and appreciation with kudos and comments on the fics you enjoyed!
right or wrong i can't get along without you by @promise-you-wont-write | masterwords [NR, 3K] Jackson Fuller disappears and everyone fears the worst - until he turns up in San Francisco asking Tim for help.
Almost Paradise by @likerealpeopledo-on-ao3 | Likerealpeopledo [T, 8K] In 1992, Hawk dies and goes...somewhere.
Equal parts apology tour, long-awaited reunions, and reluctant spiritual exploration, Hawk takes a journey through the afterlife and back to Tim.
A Disaster, Beyond Measure by drabbleswabbles💠 [NR, 50K] Hawkins Fuller is a campaign manager with a PR disaster on his hands. The solution involves pretending to date none other than Timothy Laughlin.
Featuring: unrealistic portrayals of the life and job of a campaign manager for the sake of the fake dating trope.
Added Delivery Fees by spiffyyy💠 [E, 12K] Hawk stared at him. Thick black glasses that he adjusted as he turned with a serviced half grin. A goofy red ball cap hat that covered straight brown hair cut in a neat trim. He was cute: in an endearing, somewhat dorky way.
The man laughed. “I was a little worried I was at the wrong place.” He turned back and shuffled over as he unzipped the thermal bag. “This is like some government office, right?” “Senate affairs,” Hawk evenly supplied. Or, Hawk falls hard for a pizza delivery worker despite his best attempts not to.
Within The Heart of Me by drabbleswabbles💠 [NR, 14K] Lucy goes to the hospital to talk to Tim. When she arrives, Hawk is already there.
Otherwise known as a prompt fill that wanders a bit off the mark, but is close enough in spirit to give credit where credit is due as far as inspiration goes.
I Have You by @beyondxmeasure | Cyantific [NR, 3K] After receiving a cryptic postcard, and hearing from Lucy that Hawk's in trouble, Tim takes a trip back east to find out for himself.
A different version of the events that unfold in Fire Island, told from Tim's perspective.
Part 3 of FT Talk Hub Sunday Drabbles & Snippets
just like romantic verses, just like a joyous end by @startagainbuttercup | startagainbuttercup [T, 1K] One day Hawk spots a new handsome teacher. It's a bad idea to lust after your colleague, but Hawk is only a man.
Sands of Time (Turn Backwards) by @brouill3r | brouiller [NR, 30K] 1987 Hawkins Fuller is full of regrets for the life he's lived, though Tim once told him he regrets nothing. Hawk so wishes he could say the same.
In the still night air of a hotel room, clutching a cracked paperweight to his chest like it's carved of the finest gold, Hawk gets his wish.
Or, a time-travel fix-it fic that nobody asked for.
look homeward, angel by @earth-3490s | earth3490s [NR, 1K] Hawkins Fuller died on a rainy Sunday in 2001, at a DC hospital with his daughter holding his hand.
AU based on The Five People You Meet in Heaven.
💠Authors: if your tumblr (or other socials) isn’t linked, and you'd like it to be, let me know and I'll be happy to add it! Or, if you’re linked already and would prefer not to be, please contact me to remove it.
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crystalt3a · 19 days
୧ ‧₊˚ VAUGHN 'V' LILLIS⋅ ❀
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୧ ‧₊˚ BASICS⋅ ❀
Name - Vaughn 'V' Lillis
Age/Birthday - 25 (24/03/2052)
Star Sign - Aries
Pronouns/Gender/Sexuality - She/They, Demigirl, Pansexual
Nationality/Ethnicity - Irish
Height/Weight - 5'5, 122lbs
Disabilities - Monocular Vision (Blindness in her left eye)
Medication - Omega Blockers (Due to the relic)
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Mental Disorders - Religious Trauma Syndrome, Depersonalisation
Negative Traits -
Vaughn can come across as rather cynical when first meeting due to a lot of walls she has built to not be seen as vulnerable, however behind this façade she is rather soft.
She can also be quite subservient to a person once she gets attached, she is someone who gets rather attached to people very quickly and is deeply afraid of being alone.
She also can tend to get rather defensive of herself especially when her childhood is mentioned or her relationship with her parents, she is very paranoid and scared of being perceived.
Positive Traits -
Vaughn despite being a mercenary can be very gentle to those who she learns to trust and deeply cares for, however it does take a while for her to get to that point.
She is also a very creative individual and is able to think outside the box and apply unique solutions to tough situations, she also has a very strong sense of self expression when it comes to her appearance.
She's very organised when it comes to making plans and almost always follows through unless there is an emergency, she also tends to get to places earlier because of this.
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Father -Desmond Lillis (Scarce Contact) Mother - Sheila Lillis (Deceased)
Partner - Goro Takemura Friends - Misty Olszewski, Viktor Vektor (Father Figure), Jackie Welles (Deceased)
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Skills - Net-running, very stealthy, reflexes and close ranged combat
Weaknesses - Longed ranged combat is due to monocular vision, relies a-lot on cyberware and isn’t very muscular
Notable Cyberware - Thermal monowire, fortified ankles, arasaka mk5
Weaponry - Katana, knives and machetes
Preferred vehicle - Yaiba Kusanagi CT-3X
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Mother’s final words
Vaughn x Goro ship chart
Similarity between Vaughn and Saburo
“I love you”
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୧ ‧₊˚ CREDITS⋅ ❀
Database entry and caller id template - @cybervesna's KO-FI
Dividers credit - @cafekitsune
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Im... um.. the ambassador? 3
AO3 Prev Next Story
The last bit for this storyline. 
After taking evasive action to ensure he lost the GIW it was a smooth flight. The sun had been shining. The weather was nice and clear. Not even a wind current fighting them.
  Traveling by interstate to ensure they were going in the right direction. The signage was very helpful. With the detours, they had been flying longer than planned. Danny had to take no chances. Even invisible they had thermal cameras. They could track them with that. Ellie had a solution to that hiccup, changing his internal temperature. Which is a very smart use of the core type. He’d figure out how to do that later.
 They had to have lost anyone by now. The sun had long since set. Flying farther ahead a sign became visible. The one that had been waiting for.  Welcome to New Jersey. But they had no idea where to go from here. Danny knows she’s in Gotham. He knows how to get the New Jersey. Not so much Gotham.
 If Danny recalled, it was towards the water. He could be off. Danny couldn’t even read a map let alone remember where a town was.
 Ellie traveled a lot.
 “Don’t look at me. I explore countries not New Jersey”
 “Point made”
 Danny had failed to reach Sam's house. Meaning no phone. Couldn’t look up directions. They only had the $20 he found in his pocket.
 A pit stop was required. Get some food and a map. The guys in white had to be long gone. Even if they had tracked via thermal, he would have lost them by now. It would be as safe a time as any. Up ahead was a TruckStop. That should have everything they need.
 Upon arriving in a stroke of luck it wasn’t that busy. Not many semis in the back. Very few cars are parked outside the shop. Not many people see them. Finding a place to hide he transformed back to human becoming visible again. With Ellie now visible, Danny grabbed her hood and shoved it over her head, and pulled the strings tight. Only to receive a huff and a comment of, rude.
 She loosened up the strings but didn’t pull down the hood. She did look up at him to stick her tongue out at him. Danny just responded by wrapping his arm around her shoulder.
 Together they went in and got what they needed. A map that she knew how to read, and Ellie got herself a snack. Thankfully Gotham was close, it would only take a 10-minute flight to get there. They would leave soon.
 It seemed the two had an audience. He wasn’t happy with the attention. A guy with black hair and blue eyes had been subtly looking at them. His eyes went back and forth between them and his phone. Typing away.
 Danny wouldn’t have noticed, Ellie didn’t, the guy felt like death. Not like Ellie and him. No core. But one was touched by death and brought back. It drew Danny’s attention to him. He was always aware of those who were liminal, or death-touched. Benefit of the job.
 Whoever the black-haired dude was he’d make a good stalker.
 Heading out as urgently yet carefully as he could he stopped before the door to exit. Right in front of the glass. Danny heard it. Hushed voices. People overlapping. He could only catch bits and pieces from inside the building.  The walls unfortunately cushioned the sound.
 They weren’t by the doors. Likely in an attempt to show themselves. He recognizes agent O's voice anywhere. It stood out amongst the others. His words were the concerning ones.
 “She’s here… ecto signature” “surround... building” “posses... Fenton boy.”
 Were they tracking the ecto signature? She and he both had the same one. His core was still the base of her powers. Not enough time had settled to form her own. Did they track them through his use of powers?
 That could be solved. A duplicate could lure the agents away. They’d have to walk the rest of the way to Gotham. Which could take up to four hours at a slower pace. It would be too easy for them to be found out. Stealing a vehicle would be risky. Who knows how many trackers they had on those?
 Add in the fact Ellie looked exhausted. He didn’t know if she’d last a walk. Being held prisoner would have that effect on anyone.
 Well… Danny could probably hold two clones until right before Gotham. It wouldn’t be too taxing. The trails would extend two opposite ways. Forcing the GIW to split. That could get them closer to Gotham.
 The duplicates would have to stay invisible to keep up the act. Phantom's signature had been erased from all their devices long ago. They didn’t know Phantom and Ellie shared the same signature.
 Looking around the truck stop he hatched a plan. There were three exits out of her. The car side, the fuel line, and one from the fast-food joint. Going out of the fuel side would be their plan. Fewer agents could swarm from that side.
 The way Ellie grabbed his arm, he knew she heard the agents as well.
 “Ready for some chaos”
 Her face shifted into a grin that said everything.
 They positioned themselves just out of view of the door. In the aisles hidden from the glass doors. The large rotating display rack in front of them. Full of knickknacks plastered with New Jersey all over them. A very tippable display case.
 The guy with stalker vibes seemed to tense and became more focused on the main entrance. Danny couldn’t focus on him to see what he was going to do. He didn’t think he was at threat.
 Suddenly the glass doors shattered. The GIW yelling about capturing them. They just had to play up their theatrics, didn’t they? And something about a kidnapping? What was that about? With a push of the display, it smacked Agent O to the ground. The other agents tripping along the way. They weren’t the most agile. The two rushed to the fuel line exit. The other side. One agent did manage to get through the Knickknacks Ellie grabbed a cane on the way and smacked him down.  
 The two left with a plan. Get closer to Gotham then send clones in opposite directions then walk the last mile or two. They never stopped and thought about the escape.
 Why didn’t more of the GIW follow? They had only knocked out two agents after all. The rest should have gotten up and followed in pursuit.  
 Walking on foot was never fun. It was necessary to hide their presence. Ellie was too depleted, and Danny could hide his. It just meant longer for his sister to recover from the draining of her ectoplasm reserves. He wouldn’t be able to feed her reserves.
 After an hour of walking. Their pace much slower than expected. At one point Ellie was getting a piggyback ride. They had no interruptions. No GIW, nothing. they saw a sign. A rundown sign in need of maintenance.
 Entering Gotham.
 Gotham was creepy. Abandoned buildings, boarded up windows. The death lingering here. Once here it was here it didn’t want to leave.
 Did Jazz really have to come here of all places? There had to have been better choices. Ones that wouldn’t add to her liminal problem. Staying in an area such as this. High death does cause more ectoplasm to settle in the air. Danny’s surprised this place isn’t swarming with ecto entities.
 Jazz did not need a Vlad situation going on. No early core forming for her. Danny would need to have Frostbite check Jazz over as well. Make sure nothing is forming and if it is to be ready. Then monitor and make sure no powers form without a core to manage them.
 Hopefully, she wasn’t in this area of Gotham. This would be an awful place to be at. Everything here had to be a safety violation. Trust him he knows he died in one. Gotham seemed large. The map only showed cities, rivers, lakes, and a warning about Gotham. Another check as to why they need to find Jazz. Danny didn’t want Ellie out in a place that comes with a warning.
 Those are often true. Take Amity for example. Most haunted town in America.
 There was no plan on how to get to Gotham U. They hadn’t anticipated getting there at night. Not an ideal situation. He only has about 90 cents left after the map and food. With the potential of being tracked by the GIW, he didn’t want to risk any powers.
 Learning to hide your presence is not fun. It's concealing a whole portion of yourself. Danny wasn’t Pariah, he wasn’t going to use his presence as a scare tactic. That’s the whole reason the ghosts were always so terrified of him. He was constantly pushing his energy out. Most ghosts do this as a default. The more power you have the more that gets released. The king’s core was meant to be a terrifying force, one to keep the ghost in line. Danny just keeps it in as much as he can. No need to scare them into complying. He’d much rather avoid a whole tyrant situation. No naps for him.
 So, no powers and it was the middle of the night.
 They could deal with this... somehow. He didn’t know how.
While Danny was busy thinking of a solution, Ellie seemed to know what to do. She grabbed Danny by the wrist and began to drag him. Leading him to an even sketchier area. There were several buildings boarded up on the bottom and top floors. Others in the area had been pried open once or twice. Tipped over dumpsters. The whole place was a disaster. Ellie had a destination in mind.
 Danny didn’t know where.
 Ellie was the one who went traveling. Always denying money or help, until the incident. She didn’t get much of a choice after destabilizing. Still, she only took the phone, refusing anything else. Insisting she would be fine without it. They still had put a cash app on her phone, she only used it once or twice. If anyone was going to know how to find a place to crash, she would.
 While he was being dragged into an alley. He could feel an entity. Another dead yet alive. Very similar to the guy at the truck stop. Nearly identical. Maybe identical. It wasn’t close enough to tell. He couldn’t pinpoint where it was coming from.
 It didn’t feel negative. It wasn’t threatening him in a challenge. For now, he’d leave it be.
 The deeper he got dragged in the more concerned he got. It was one of those back alleys that only had one way in.
 Both Ellie and Danny froze. Hearing the steps approaching.
 He pushed Ellie behind him ready to fight or flee.
 It happened too quickly.
 GIW agents suddenly blocked the entrance. Men in white face them. They had been found yet again. He didn’t leave a trail behind. How they kept finding them.
 Jazz had cut ties to the Fenton's when she left for college. New phone numbers, new emails, and everything in between. The only exception was Danny and Ellie. There should be no reason to expect them in New Jersey. Let alone, Gotham. How were they finding them?
 Danny was not against using his powers to get them out. So what if he revealed himself? He may have already. He didn’t exactly cover his face when he turned them invisible. They already knew who he was. When he saw what they had he knew it wouldn’t help.
 Agent K wasn’t armed with just guns and weapons. Not the typical anti ecto rays. No. Something far worse. Something that couldn’t be ignored.
 Blood Blossoms.
 One of the hardest flowers to find. Thought to be extinct. The natural weakness of ghosts.
 Natural Halfas had a distinct advantage in this field. Their human half was immune. The flowers only impacted those of ectoplasm. Not those who have ectoplasm. Danny learned his lesson in Salem. Transforming would cause him to fall to the ground unable to move.
 Using his powers would let out enough ectoplasm to affect him. Making his attacks weak and worthless. They wouldn’t get through. The attacks would likely be stopped before getting anywhere. It wasn’t the time to figure it out. He’d be more of a use as a human. Danny’s not the strongest or quickest while human. But enough that they should be able to get out.
 Then he saw it.
 One glaring problem.
 The blossoms affected Ellie.
 It must be due to how she was a clone. Never having a true form without ectoplasm. Both her halves relied on ectoplasm.
 This was bad.
 “Give it up Fenton. You don’t stand a chance” K stated. He said more but Danny was busy trying to figure out a plan. Only tuning in when he started thanking him “... should be thanking you. Thanks to you, one of the ghosts conducting a kidnapping and blowing up a lab. Was just what we needed to get the acts pushed through.”
 “You blamed a child for crimes she didn’t do.”
 “Don’t cover for it” Danny’s vision went green.
 Not letting Agent K continue, he lunged at him. No care that there were other agents around. No one called his sister an It.
 Only to be grabbed from behind.
 Being held his back pressed into another. Dark tight around him holding him in place. In front unable to see Ellie.  Before he could get a word out. There was a jab and a hand covering his mouth. Orange sleeves and black gloves hands.
 One of his donors.
 “I just knew it, our Dann-o would never work with a ghost.”
 Maddie appearing from behind him walked towards the GIW a device in hand. “He has an ecto signature, not a unique one but that ghost. She must be controlling him. We’ve had enough of them to know all signatures are unique.”
 “You get your specimen; we can decontaminate our son. It works out perfectly” Maddie spoke walking back behind him and bringing Ellie out from behind him towards the agents.
 She was being handed off.
 Blood blossoms are ever-present. Caged tight in his donor’s arms.
 The farther she got from the blossoms the better off she was, then he saw a collar. One glowing green, the same green as the cuffs.
 That would not happen.
 Danny bit down on the hand. Biting through the glove, the taste of iron entered his mouth. The hold around his waist tightened yet the hand was removed. Neither party present in front of him had ever listened before. He’d have to try another means.
 In the end, it wasn’t just the two parties he’d be addressing. Death was lingering. He could feel it.
 The next words he said had to be impactful and had to draw attention to the situation at hand. The hand would be back over his mouth. He knew it.
 “She’s their princess” stressing the word princess “It won’t be a war or a massacre. It is far worse. You’re messing with the afterlife, not just some ghost. They’ll just cut off access. A world without death. It’s the Infinite R” he was cut off before he could finish. Hopefully, it was enough.
 It was Agent K who spoke up. “Enough of the lies. They are unfeeling non-sentient beings. They have no hierarchy.” It was only the beginning of some long-winded rant. He would much rather be at Ellie's side. For now, Danny just had to focus his glare on Agent K not on his surroundings. There had been movements on a roof ahead of them.
 “You’re very lucky we are willing to let your parents handle your de-contamination. By all accounts, you are in violation of the acts. We have every right to hold you as an ecto-entity yourself. Be”
 Danny took extreme pleasure in seeing some red cosplayer on a grappling hook knock him down. Then a shed of hope when a female in a black outfit with a yellow bat knocked the agent who had Ellie down and grabbed her. Hardly a care of why Jack released him.
 He didn’t care about the fighting. It was easy enough to get past the remaining agents. He only cared about getting Ellie back. There wasn’t even a struggle against the girl in black. All but having Ellie shoved back in his hands as she joined the other two. The second one must have been the one to deal with Jack and Maddie.
 Older than the other two. A black suit with a bat hood... Probably some form of vigilante. Masks and all. If he was one back in Amity, he was sure others existed.
 Regardless of who they were, he had business to attend to.  Putting his hands on Ellie the temperature in the alley started, just a tad. Just enough for him to infuse more of his ectoplasm with her. The blood blossoms didn’t act as a leech. Just a painful suppressant.  Their effects have already gone away. The blossoms away from the siblings.
 Looking around, all the agents were down. No white suits standing, just the two black and red figures. The three may have gotten rid of the GIW, but that doesn’t mean they were immediately friendly. It could be some plow. Just because they handed Ellie to him doesn’t mean squat. The three could have immediately assumed the two wouldn’t be a threat. Especially with the fact Ellie still wasn’t at full strength. Danny does not look like a threat to most.  He couldn’t help the glare when the girl came around to the front.
 Pointing at each of them and herself as she spoke “Batman, Red Robin, Black Bat.”
 The voice Batman had was not what he expected. It wasn’t some deep burly voice, much softer than that. “The members of the justice league all oppose those acts; we were releasing opinions in opposition to the acts. They were rushed through before we had the chance.”
 Red Robin seemed to notice his confusion on the whole justice league thing. Explaining there is a group of heroes who serve to protect others.
 “I don’t really care. All I know is my sister. The princess of the infinite realms was strapped down in a basement. Having had blood taken from her then sold off like an animal” spitting out “to the US government. Why shouldn’t I summon Lady Pandora or the master of time himself?  Even summoning Frostbite to my side.” Anger was more prevalent the longer he spoke.
 They didn’t know he really couldn’t. He was only able to summon frostbite. He needed something to draw the circle.
 They were for sure tracking his movements. He didn’t care he needed a summoning circle. He needed frostbite to check her over. Danny had none of his medical supplies, abandoned when they fled the speedster. He didn’t know what she needed. Even if it meant freezing the three. Maybe if he kept talking, they’d focus on that more so than him trying to rub the ground into a visible circle. Any size would do.  
 “I’ve seen what the realm does. Souls of doomed universe serving under the previous tyrant. Turned to skeletons as death was cut off from them. Death is mercy. One they can easily strip away without calling anyone to arms. Every universe in existence is connected to the realms. It’s the passage for all afterlives. If a person in any universe messes with the realm they have every right to cut it off. What’s one universe in the name of all the other infinite ones.”
 That was the original purpose of the king. One meant to maintain balance. Ghosts have their own territories that are ruled induvial. They never needed a king for that. The title was to ensure their safety. To scare them into listening, to prevent them from destroying the universe as they please. Pariah only lusted for power. Rather than just let the universe peacefully end he’d let them suffer until they were begging to be released.
 That’s how he got the Skelton army during the siege of Amity.
 Danny wouldn’t make that call. Not like Pariah. He also couldn’t keep ignoring what was happening here. The constant attacks on the realm.
 “I’ve done what I could. Convincing them against acting. After Pariah was dethroned and a new king took the throne” he’s not telling them it's him. Who knows what they would do with that knowledge. “I can’t just keep the peace any longer. I’ve been playing peacekeeper for the last year. It’s gone too far. This was a direct attack. With those acts now passed there isn’t much I can do”
 He’d make a call if he had to. Not everyone can be saved.
 That was when Maddie decided to speak up, apparently not unconscious.  “Don’t listen to him, that thing is controlling him. He’s a Fenton we don’t associate with ghosts, we hunt them” Of course her confidence and how proud she was of that were visible.
 Danny couldn’t help the scoff that came out. “You’re delusional. I’ve been the one actively sabotaging your weapons for over a year, not to mention the so-called specimen that has escaped, your data disappearing, and I can guarantee you Ellie did now know what would happen if the ecto-filter was removed”. The only reason he wasn’t in her face screaming was the fact Ellie was still in his arms. Unconscious.
 The shock and anger started to form in Maddie. Before anything else could be said the girl was behind her and the nutjob was unconscious. She had a piece of chalk in her hand. Where she got it from, he didn’t know. Not getting too close to him she rolled it towards him. “Summon your friend, we mean no harm.”
 “The flowers have been contained. They shouldn’t be a problem for them.”
 He was going to shoot his shot.
 Drawing the sigil, putting one hand on it. Starting as a green glow shifting to a bright blue. The air temperature dropped even farther a portal opened and frostbite appeared from within. Upon his appearance, frostbite looked around. Seemingly taking in the scene around him.
 Only then focusing on Danny and Ellie with a flick of his wrist an ice wall separated the groups.
 No words necessary he began to look her over.
 “Jack and Maddie, I presume”
 “You guys were right; action should have been taken sooner. Just wanted to last another year” It was a whole plan. He was going to nope off to Jazz. Tucker was going to forge enough documents that he could apply to be emancipated.
 Frostbite had grabbed Ellie to fully look her over. A flash of anger in his eyes as he felt the back of her neck. Hand coming forward with a little black tracker Frostbite just crushed it before speaking. “Some form of consequences for this.”
 “They don’t have to be drastic, use it to your advantage” Frostbite handed him the infimap “Break the circle to return me to the realm. I trust you’ll return as soon as it’s safe for Ellie. Don’t stray from the path you’re being led on.”
 He lowered the wall of ice surrounding them.
 “Your sister will be fine. The constant change in her ectoplasm reserves has just exhausted her. Time will heal the core. It’s far too risky for her in the realm. While she may have been forged through ectoplasm, she is still human even if only half. Recovery would be best suited for this realm.” Frostbite reassured Danny then looked at the other three in the alley “Should the problems for them continue, expect it tenfold on this realm. The sun does not shine brightly on those against us. Listen to the boy”
 Frostbite gave him a nod and Danny broke the circle with an additional mark.
 “Is there any way to remedy the situation with the infinite realm? I have the resources available to start to improve relations.”
 “Three things”
 “Which are”
 “GIw punished for these attacks of the citizens of the infinite realm. They started even before today. The anti-ecto acts are to be abolished   Then Jack and Maddie Fenton are to be handed over to the realm. Those two are the ones who held the princess. They are to be tried for all the laws broken in the infinite realm” Frostbite did say to make it work in his favor.
 “Four things. The fourth given my donors are to be tried, for my sister Jazz to get custody of Ellie and me. That or a year early emancipation. I’m legally too young.”
 “That’s it”
 “At least enough to not get cut off from the afterlife. The council would have to meet. Should be good enough.”
 Black bat seemed to nod at Batman. As if she was confirming something.
 “Can I ask how you know what the conditions would be?” Red Robin asked. Curiously evident behind the mask.
 One thought went through Danny’s head.
 Don’t say, king. They didn’t need to know.
 Here’s hoping they believed him.
 “Umm… I’m.. an Ambassador?”
 “Yea I’m an ambassador”
This is all I have planned for this story line. When I have time and re-read a few comics I plan to do the justice leagues reaction to the whole shibang. There is also a plan for Danny and Ellie being a problem in Gotham. Chaos siblings for a win. Probably nothing for a while tho.
@serasvictoria02 @ivymala07
@perfectwastelandcreation @imgonnaeatthatglitter
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frostgears · 1 year
From the bridge of the Shadowsea, Ada watched the monitors and gritted her teeth. The camera drone was barely keeping up with Cinquain's flight armor, and on top of that, throttling down its bandwidth to the relay to stay beneath the station's detection threshold as they approached, so the picture was getting steadily worse. She keyed the mic.
"Cinq. How are you holding up?"
"Green across the board, boss. Thermals where they should be. Deflek geometry solid, aerodynamics smooth like butter."
"Not the armor, Cinq. You."
"Green across the board, boss," her pilot repeated. "You nervous? You sound nervous."
No point in hiding it. "Always."
"Don't be. You trained me for this. Tell the mission jitters to fuck off."
"Wish I could. I don't have your triggers."
"Hard life you live, boss." Her pilot paused. "Coming up on the go/no-go line. We doin' this or what?"
She released the mic switch for the duration of one long intake of breath, held it again. "We're doing it."
"And here's me," she told her pilot, and flicked a quartet of hardswitches across the width of the console. The Shadowsea's automatics took it from there.
For a quiet minute, nothing happened.
Then, when the moment was right, the firing solution perfect, the ship shuddered as its twin railguns hurled cobalt slugs in perfect over-the-horizon arcs. Elsewhere on the planet's surface, Cinquain had entrenched weapons where Ada commanded; now buried hypersonic missile launchers ripped their way to the surface to launch a a follow-up barrage of smarter, heavier ordnance.
The camera feed lit up white and then went to SIGNAL LOST. On the voice link, Cinquain whooped and then her signal was gone too.
Ada bit her lip. Nothing to do but wait. And oh, how she hated waiting.
The signals came back, eventually.
The camera drone had survived, and in its feed, defense drones fell burning from the sky. Pillars of ash spread from where railguns and missiles had blasted the station's air defenses to dust. The black wings of Cinquain's armor in approach configuration showed briefly against the steel and glass of the station itself, and then, nothing.
She put the drone into signal relay mode and switched to Cinquain's armor's camera just as Cinquain smashed through the station's walls. The video feed was chaotic, patchy, contrast blown by weapon flash. Most, not all, from Cinq's own weapon.
It was over quickly. She watched every second, room by room, unflinching, reminding herself what this all cost in the end, what was gained, what was lost.
"—day— … —ender—"
"Say again, Cinq."
"I said, that's something you don't see every day, boss. Finally got one of the bastards to surrender."
The armor's camera showed a room full of metal shelves, and a young woman, wearing the usual black and gold but cringing, arms crossed in front of her face as if to ward off Cinquain's cannon.
That didn't happen. Their indoctrination ran deeper than she'd ever been able to figure out a way around — at least, in the field. "You're kidding."
"Nah. Somebody's lucky day, I guess."
"Is the station secure?"
"Other'n this chick, yeah. Everything matched up with our blueprints and personnel records."
"Good. Hold for pickup. I'm bringing the ship in."
"Urgh." She could hear the grimace in her pilot's voice. "Be careful, will ya?"
Despite the chain of command being obvious, short, and to push the metaphor, tightly wrapped around a certain pilot's neck, Cinquain still considered the Shadowsea hers.
"Funny of you to tell me that."
"I'm the one who has to fix the paint job. And last time, two layers of armor underneath—"
Ada spoke a phrase into the mic.
In a voice entirely drained of its irritation, as well as its accent, Cinquain replied: "I hear and obey, Miss."
"Good girl," Ada purred. "Continue to hold. I'll be there shortly."
She reached up to pull the flight controls into position…
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witchofthesouls · 1 year
More thoughts about I will not speak of your sins AU 'cause why not?
Pharma is into forms of painplay. He really enjoys sinking his teeth into a partner: a neck, a shoulder, a form of kibble, a thigh, it doesn't matter as long as he can bruise protoform and scrape to the bare metal.
It surprises the hell out of a lot of mechs since Pharma doesn't have a preference for being a driver or a rider, nor does he care for damage, only that his occupied mouth leaves tall-telling marks.
He leaves bleeding scrapes on Revelation's neck and bite marks on their wingspan. And enjoys it when they do the same to him.
Pharma won't admit it, but he does get a little thrill down his spinal strut when Revelation uses their strength to pin him to place.
Of course, he fixes all the damage. The dents popped and buffed, the grooves filled and sanded, and the paint is retouched because medics have an image to maintain.
To say things are awkward in the medbay is the understatement of the millennia. Not only there’s heavy tension between Ratchet and Pharma (understandable) but with Ratchet and Revelation as well.
Ratchet doesn’t trust Pharma in the medbay, but he definitely doesn’t trust the mech anywhere else and away from his purview. Because he’s the CMO, he can assign shifts and duties and has Pharma on more of the grunt work and mixing more needed compounds and solutions. Time-consuming tasks where he can keep watch and immediately know if anything goes missing or recorded wrong. He knows his own medbay down to the last gram and thinnest roll.
Revelation doesn't want to switch providers. They are quite content with Pharma's care and will definitely wait for the flyer, waving off the other medics, and will directly hail his comms if the spark palpations get too much or other complications arise.
The first time that happened when Revelation finally commed after waiting through two shifts, Pharma and Ratchet had a Scene in the office.
Tyrest may have controlled all the information Revelation had access, but he ensured that his Conjunx did have a solid education, including in legalities. It would have been a shame if his darling couldn’t follow along with him.
Revelation will shove every bit of case and code to remain with Pharma, who’s been with them through everything. They even moved into Pharma’s room with little care to anyone else’s thoughts on the matter.
Pharma and Revelation will have their own issues to sort out, especially when Rev starts to get an inkling just how much Tyrest stole away from them…
Menace/Mercy is having the time of its life on the ship. Outside the medbay, there's a growing belief that there's a ghost haunting the Lost Light.
Fast and nimble on their little paws, Menace ensures that it isn’t seen by others outside of the med bay and Pharma’s habsuite.
The medics think that the rest of the crew is freaking out over nothing, and it’s just the thing of the week. The crew is being extra paranoid on where they sit since Mercy isn’t afraid to sink claws on that expose seam of thigh when mechs aren’t paying attention.
Menace is a Tarnian Mine minx. That particular breed are well-known for their thick armor and thicker floof. That dense silicon fur helps convert the thermal energy of their native mineshaft environment and protects them from extreme temperature damage. More energy means more fluffiness.
Revelation and Remedy become a fixed sight in the medbay. Where Revelation goes, Remedy is in their arms, and with the second carriage taking a faster toll on them, especially when it’s found that they have two sparklets in their belly, they need the extra help.
Pharma is already on top of it, synthesizing more supplemental infusions. He and Ratchet constantly argue over the ratios. Ratchet doesn’t have the full history, but he knows something isn’t right. He monitors passively because he doesn’t want Revelation to crash from stressed, overwhelmed systems or get compound toxicity.
Pharma’s also on top of Revelation. Medics have a duty to perform for health safety, including ‘facing. They have particular buffers and programs that not only allow them to exude a calm, neutral EM field that won’t clash with others, they hook into other frames without triggering certain reproductive-related quirks and coding. They can sense but won’t be overwhelmed.
Medics typically stay in the med bay or hospitals, so no surprise there’s already rooms or at least cots for them, so-
Cue Rev sleeping in a nearby cot as he works. Just like old times.
Eventually, the medbay absorbs Revelation into their crew since they start handling their servo maintenance and recalibration. They did it for Pharma in the Atrium, so they start doing it for the other medics due to the high volume of work they oversee.
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seat-safety-switch · 2 years
Believe me, nobody is more sick of the rattling interior in my car than me. Sure, it helps drown out the road noise from the missing floorboards, and the roof that peels back a little from the windshield frame at highway speeds. Those things are nice, to be sure. There’s just something about the specific way it rattles that is completely infuriating.
Right behind that driver’s side heater vent, that’s where it is. If I put my finger on it while I’m driving in just the right spot, it will stop completely. Of course, I can’t keep holding onto there the entire time, because I’ll look like a dork. And also I need both hands on the wheel in case that dicky ball joint coordinates with that spotty tie-rod to throw me into oncoming traffic again.
Naturally, I’ve tried to tear the dashboard apart to get at the rattles. That’s how I got this rattle. Much like operating on a 90-year-old person, chances are that you are going to cause more damage than you’re going to fix. I assume that I didn’t do up some clip, or some screw is slightly stripped now, or I pulled a little too hard in that corner and peeled apart two layers of thermally-bonded plastic that haven’t seen daylight since the Carter administration.
Don’t worry, though. I’ve got a solution. It’s called turning the stereo up. And once that stops working (probably because I blew the speakers out a few months ago) I can just start drilling holes in the exhaust to drown it out with some bellowing low-rpm Mopar goodness. As long as I work the throttle exactly right, I should be able to keep from blowing up that super-loud differential, too.
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taevisionceo · 2 years
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halfbakedspuds · 3 months
Thanks so much to @honeybewrites for the tag!
Find the word tag
My words are: Bold, Fire, Survivor, Chase
TW: burning alive, stabbing
Bold: (From The Tempest Prince book 3)
"Statement: That was a bold move, Haliday" the Archmagos turned to me with her signature clockwork stutteriness, two hollow pits staring through me out of her porcelain face, "Standing up to the Inquisitor-General like that,"
I grunted, not bothering to look up from the glyph I was drawing, "Are you really going to stand there and tell me that you wouldn't have done the same thing if not for politics? You of all people?"
A whirr emanated from her voicebox, the closest she could manage to a laugh with her body. I caught her picking up a page from the pile, scanning over my work, "Amused: I said that it was bold, not that I disapprove. Annoyed, indirect: Where I stand on the matter is that that bigoted einhusfilfr has been in power for far too long. It's about time someone stood up to him,"
She was silent for another moment, a few soft clicks whirred inside her body as its life support did its job. For a moment as the greatest Magos in Allyrian history turned my work about to look at it from different angles. Finally, giving up, she slid it over to me.
"Confused, Concerned: Child, what the hell were you doing here?"
I only spared a moment's glance at the page she held before redirecting my attention to the glyph I was seeing into the page beneath my hands, "Redirecting the output from AH-11 through a Gaussian cycler and into the arcana null with a resistance path to the arcana-thermal cross-converter," I shrugged at the somehow blanker than usual look she gave me, "Remember your old buddy Nikola Tesla? This is effectively the arcane version of his coils. I'm using it to build up some backing-power before firing. Might be a hell of a lot slower but contextually I feel like trading speed for force is worth more to this design,"
"Impressed: That is... genius, actually," The Archmagos said in a warm monotone, "A bold solution by a bold individual,"
Fire: (From Echoes of Shadows)
TW: Burning alive, stabbing.
"Johan!" Sasha cried out, her voice fraught with panic.
Hold on! Spirits, just hold on for a few more seconds!
"Nyet! Get the fuck off of me! Idi nahui, ty suka!" She called out again.
Johan was practically dancing around the things now, ignoring them just to get to Sasha and help her.
A sudden sharp pain in his side tore a cry of anguish from him. Through hazy, swimming vision, he looked down to spot a dagger in his side, gauntleted fingers still wrapped around its pommel. He fought to look up into the crow's mask of the cultist before him...
...and watched their lenses crack as the ambient temperature suddenly fell to that of the Rostovan heartlands.
He heard an uncharacteristically feral growl come from Sasha, and quickly whipped his head around, just in time to watch her put her hands to the face of the cultist who had been harassing her.
"You want me so badly? Fine then, I'll drag you down to the hells with me!" She screamed into their face.
A moment passed, then they began to spasm and thrash, clawing at her hands and drawing long, crimson streaks of crimson from her skin as they fought her grip. The only other indicator of their struggle were muffled cries for help and of unknowable pain, and a steady red glow beginning to shine through their leather mask.
She slowly turned towards the rest, who had all gone still with fear. Johan was fairly certain he could smell urine from the one closest to him, but that could've also been the sewer water. Not that he would've blamed them, though, and besides, he had a knife in him.
There was a sudden, horrible crack as the glass of her assailant-turned-victim's lenses burst outwards, and two plumes of white-hot fire spewed forth like geysers from their eyes. After a moment, it subsided, and the cultist's limp form splashed into the sewer, leaving billowing steam where they lay among the filth.
"You hear me, fuckers?!" She cried with a crazed laugh behind her words, her hands out to her sides and engulfed in blue-hot flames, "I'll kill every last one of you!"
Survivor: (From Children of the Stars)
"Perhaps that's why the two of you seem drawn to each other," another one of the machines answered, this one working a console of some kind. Lyanni was starting to lose track of all the places that Apollyon's voice emitted from.
"How so...Admiral?" She rushed to correct herself.
A chorus of barking laughter erupted from the androids around her, and when the new machine spoke, it was the one in the navigator's chair, "My girl, I've wandered the universe for two centuries, you don't have to play the fool with me. You're both survivors, you both carry unknowable pains and have committed unspeakable acts all in the name of one more day," Lyanni started as an Android put its hand on her shoulder, coming around to stand before her, "You who survived a genocide, and Adam alone knows what he's been through,"
The Android gave Lyanni's shoulder a reassuring squeeze, "If you'll permit me to share some insight from one non-human to another?"
Lyanni felt her hearts in her throat. Why was this... inorganic thing so gods-damned terrifying.
She swallowed, "If you'd do me the honour, Admiral,"
The interlocking plates of the android's face, a facsimile of a human's, shifted into a tooth-baring smile, "The Callistoans aren't an easy group of humans to read- believe me, I know what it's like- but they respect skill and grit, and purely from how much he relies on you (don't give me that look, surely you've noticed)- I'd say you've earned his respect. Hell, if I didn't know better I would've said you've gotten the great Adrian Castellan to like you, little miss Sverik,"
Chase: (surprisingly, throughout three active WIP's, I haven't used this word even once)
No pressure tags for @illarian-rambling, @pb-dot and anyone else who wants in
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tanyaadsad · 5 days
Top Quality FEP Cables for Reliable Performance
Tanya Enterprises' Understanding FEP Cables: Tough, Flexible, Thermally Resistant Solutions FEP cables, also known as Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene cables, are one of the most in-demand wiring products for industries that need durable high-performance wiring. Tanya Enterprises is proud to provide the best FEP cables on the market that meet a range of applications.
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FEP cables are made from a unique form of plastic called Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene. This material has gained wide acclamation for its excellent properties in insulation, pliability, and resistance to extreme temperature conditions. FEP cables can be used between -200°C to 200°C. Thus FEP cables are manufactured for heat-resistant applications.
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Why Choose FEP Cables?
Furthermore, FEP cables are highly resistant to chemicals, moisture, and wear-and-teer. This makes them perfect for demanding applications in industries like electronics, automotive, aerospace, and even medical equipment. The cables are also extremely flexible, easy to install, especially in small spaces.
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Applications of FEP Cable FEP cables are widely used in applications requiring reliable and safe wiring, like in electronics, telecommunications, aerospace, automotive, and industrial machinery, which demand extremely high performance and durability. Tanya Enterprises ensures that its FEP cables are of the highest quality, safe, and reliable for use in all wiring. Use Tanya Enterprises for your FEP cables and get top-level performance anywhere.
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arjun70 · 16 days
The Gilbird in Noida Sector 18: Hub for Console Repairs and Gaming Accessories
he Gilbird in Noida Sector 18: A One-Stop Solution for Gamers
As a long-time customer of The Gilbird, I can confidently say that this shop is the ultimate destination for any gamer in need of console repairs or gaming accessories. Located conveniently in Noida's Sector 18, they have been my go-to for everything from serious hardware malfunctions to routine maintenance of my gaming consoles.
With their team of skilled technicians, they’ve repaired my PS4 and PS5 multiple times, ensuring they always run like new. The service is fast, efficient, and, most importantly, reliable. On several occasions, I’ve had my console fixed the same day – a lifesaver for anyone who can't bear to be without their gaming system for long!
What sets The Gilbird apart is their attention to preventative maintenance, like routine cleaning and thermal paste replacement, which has undoubtedly extended the lifespan of my consoles. They’ve also got a fantastic range of gaming accessories to enhance any gaming setup.
For over two decades, The Gilbird has been the trusted name in console repairs and accessories in Noida. If you’re a gamer in need of quick, dependable service, I highly recommend giving them a call at +91–9891738786 or 0120–4214922.
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sablegear0 · 10 months
Barbarian Bumwarmer/Thermal Tassets
I told y'all about my tassets, right? This post made me realize I may not have posted this here. And if I have, well, it's cold season again so you get to see them again.
I have noticed that even when wearing long coats while out walking, in the very coldest parts of winter, my butt and thighs still get really cold with prolonged hiking. I had also, at time of their creation, recently come into possession of a coat that was quite warm but kind of short in the body. I wanted a solution to my cold butt problem, so I made one!
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This badboy is made of polar fleece, outdoor upholstery fabric, and faux fur. The pockets sandwiched between the inner and outer layer are also made of fleece, so they're nice and warm and cozy and big enough to hold my phone. Belt loops made from the outer fabric keep it in place, and the faux fur pulls double duty looking of sick as hell and also keeping my belly/butt/lower back warm when belted on.
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The mirror photos don't make it clear but I literally just run a belt through the loops and wear the whole thing secured over my clothes, but under my coat. I chose the plaid pattern because it's fairly neutral and looks neat poking out from under a black coat, but you can make the outer fabric anything so long as it's stiff enough to support the fleece layer and/or relatively weatherproof (ie. I chose outdoor upholstery because of the stiff weave and slight water resistance. Cotton with heavy interfacing would probably do as well.)
Final dimensions on this guy ended up about 38" x 28" (97 x 71cm), I'm 5'3" with moderately wide hips for my height, so this one was made-to-measure for me by me. The goal was to cover from the small of my back down to my knees, so if you want to make one with about the same coverage, your measurements should be from about just below your bust, down to your knees (this adds some extra length for the folded-over bit at the top, the "effective"/folded length is from about your belly button down to your knees).
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hindonheater · 3 months
The Benefits of Micro Coil Heaters - Hindon Electricals
In the world of industrial heating, precision and efficiency are paramount. Micro coil heaters, often referred to as small but mighty, are innovative heating elements designed to provide localized heating with exceptional control and reliability. Here are some of the key benefits of using micro coil heaters, proudly offered by Hindon Electricals, your trusted micro coil heater manufacturers:
1. Precision Heating
Micro coil heaters excel in providing precise temperature control. Their compact size allows for targeted heating, which is ideal for applications requiring exact thermal management. This precision reduces the risk of overheating and ensures consistent product quality, making them indispensable in industries like plastic welding, packaging, and medical device manufacturing.
2. Energy Efficiency
These heaters are designed to deliver high thermal conductivity while minimizing energy consumption. The efficiency stems from their ability to generate heat quickly and maintain the desired temperature with minimal fluctuation. This results in lower energy costs and a more sustainable operation, aligning with modern energy-saving initiatives.
3. Compact Design
The small footprint of micro coil heaters makes them perfect for applications where space is limited. Their compact design does not compromise performance, allowing for easy integration into machinery and equipment without requiring significant modifications. This flexibility is particularly beneficial in high-density manufacturing environments.
4. Rapid Response Time
One of the standout features of micro coil heaters is their rapid response time. They can quickly reach the desired temperature, which is crucial in processes that require fast thermal cycling. This capability enhances productivity and reduces downtime, leading to more efficient manufacturing cycles.
5. Versatility
Micro coil heaters are highly versatile, suitable for a wide range of applications. They can be customized in terms of shape, size, and wattage to meet specific requirements. This adaptability makes them an excellent choice for industries such as aerospace, automotive, and electronics, where diverse heating needs are common.
6. Durability and Longevity
Constructed with high-quality materials, micro coil heaters offer excellent durability and longevity. They are designed to withstand harsh operating conditions, including high temperatures and corrosive environments. This reliability reduces maintenance costs and ensures long-term performance.
Micro coil heaters provide numerous benefits, including precision heating, energy efficiency, and versatility. Their compact design and rapid response time make them ideal for various industrial applications, ensuring efficient and reliable performance. As industries continue to seek innovative solutions for their heating needs, Hindon Electricals stands out as a premier micro coil heater manufacturer, committed to delivering superior heating solutions for modern manufacturing processes.
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diliwriter · 4 months
What are the sustainable building materials?
In the quest for eco-conscious construction, the choice of sustainable building materials plays a pivotal role in minimizing environmental impact and promoting long-term sustainability. From renewable resources to recycled materials, the selection of sustainable building materials encompasses a diverse array of options that prioritize ecological stewardship and resource efficiency.
One of the most widely recognized sustainable building materials is wood sourced from responsibly managed forests. Timber offers inherent sustainability benefits, as it is renewable, biodegradable, and has a lower carbon footprint compared to traditional building materials. Engineered wood products such as cross-laminated timber (CLT) and laminated veneer lumber (LVL) further enhance the sustainability credentials of wood by maximizing resource efficiency and structural performance.
Bamboo emerges as another eco-friendly alternative to conventional building materials, prized for its rapid growth rate and renewability. As a versatile and resilient material, bamboo finds applications in structural elements, flooring, and interior finishes, offering strength, durability, and aesthetic appeal while promoting biodiversity and carbon sequestration.
Recycled materials play a crucial role in sustainable construction, diverting waste from landfills and conserving natural resources. Recycled steel and aluminum, for example, retain the same structural properties as virgin materials but require significantly less energy and resources for production. Similarly, recycled glass, concrete, and plastic contribute to circular economy principles by closing the loop on material lifecycle and reducing environmental degradation.
Innovative materials such as hempcrete, made from hemp fibers and lime-based binders, offer sustainable alternatives to traditional concrete for insulation and building envelope applications. Hempcrete boasts excellent thermal performance, moisture regulation, and carbon sequestration capabilities, making it an attractive choice for energy-efficient and environmentally friendly construction projects.
Sustainable building materials represent a fundamental shift towards greener, more responsible construction practices that prioritize environmental preservation and long-term resilience. By embracing renewable resources, recycled materials, and innovative solutions, builders and developers can create healthier, more sustainable built environments that minimize carbon emissions and ecological footprint. For access to a comprehensive range of sustainable building materials that meet the highest standards of quality and performance, consider Alugrow Trading as your trusted partner in sustainable construction initiatives.
Alugrow Trading
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