#Loki did not disappoint
lokiusly · 7 months
I love soft Lokius but sexual tension masked as sarcastic banter Lokius was iconic…
Mobius: *says something outta pocket and walks away*
Loki: I beg your pardon—
Mobius: *smirking and turns around slowly* I thought gods didn’t beg?
Loki: *face drops immediately*
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minhyongi · 4 months
A headcanon i really like is that Odin started despising Loki more and more because he displayed a lot of the qualities he wished Thor would have had. Thor was supposed to be the wise king while Loki was supposed to be the naive puppet sitting on another realms throne, but Loki's intelligence was too great to let himself be controlled like that, thus destroying Odins plan without even knowing it.
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glouris · 2 years
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runes representative of deities + meaning
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frankierotwinkdeath · 1 month
Me rebloging the “getting queerbaited by the mcu is like loosing chess to a dog” post even though I was convinced that Loki and Owen Wilson were going to kiss on my screen like a year ago
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jester-junk · 11 months
I was so excited to watch the TV series Loki, he's my favourite character, Tom Hiddleston delivers a godlike (hue) performance portraying him, and now I've watched Season 1, am about to watch the second episode of Season 2 and... why does Sylvie SUCK so much?! How can her writing be this bad? (Did men try to write her? Would explain a lot...)
I was honestly looking forward to seeing a female Loki, I would've honestly been fine with our Loki finding love and acceptance, and I wouldn't care if it was another Variant or someone else entirely, but their whole interaction/relationship is both a cornucopia of red flags (which could be enjoyable, morally grey and all that, but it's not even well executed) and also incredibly bland and out of character. Loki doesn't feel like Loki. He just became this wet blanket, simping for Sylvie (who's always better, faster, smarter, and more popular) for no reason. And it's also way too fucking fast. Loki, the god of mischief, the one who can't trust and can't be trusted, does not fall for someone within two days. This feels like the self-insert fanfic of a 14-year-old.
And they always jump between how they're Loki but also how they're not and were the writers drunk or something?
The overall premise is interesting and I love the plot of exposing corrupt leadership as much as the next person, but the way they went about it feels so hollow and fake.
Honestly, a Mobius and Loki romance would've felt more authentic than whatever the fuck the writers did.
I still follow the premise of "ship and let ship". You enjoy the ship? More power to you, I won't stand in your way, but I just had to get out how disappointed I am. My expectations weren't high to begin with, but I certainly didn't expect... this.
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dragonfire546 · 2 years
did kaeya really just show up for five minutes and then just. leave. like I’m glad he’s living his best life but bestie I expected lore
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worstloki · 2 years
Thor: what are you up to
Loki: doing important work. Why?
Thor: me too me too
Loki: no way... you're actually...?!
Thor: do me too
Loki: oh
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ammy246 · 10 months
I want Thor and Loki to reunite again so bad. Imagine Thor's reaction to not only his brother being alive, but to him being the God of Stories who saved the multiverse. Thor would be relieved his brother is alive, and happy to see Loki redeeming himself and being a hero fighting by his side.
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brainrotstation · 11 months
after watching the loki s2 finale, it really feels like marvel tells their writers to write the absolute worst plots they can think of just for funsies
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justsomeoneunordinary · 11 months
welp. can't say i was much impressed by ep4 of loki in general... but that ending? hot fucking damn, that ending SLAYED
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"Huh, the new Loki season dropped? Maybe I'll check it out. I'm sure they must have deemphasized Kang's role, or recast him, or-"
[Season opens on a giant statue of his face]
"-or maybe not"
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vbecker10 · 3 months
Trust Me
Pairing: Loki x female reader (Y/N) - established relationship
Summary: You and Loki have been dating for a year and a half and you moved into his apartment in the Tower last month when your apartment's lease was up. Since you've moved in, Loki has been coming home late more and more often. You fear he is cheating on you like your exes did, you finally break down and confront him. He admits has been keeping a secret from you but it's not what you expected.
Warning: Angst of course, being cheated on in previous relationships (briefly mentioned), fear of being cheated on again, lack of trust, arguing, negative thoughts, Loki being a little stupid
A/N: Ok... tiny spoiler but there is a super fluffy ending 💚 I know it's kinda long but I just didn't feel like making this a two-parter
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You have just finished cooking dinner and begin to set the table when you catch a glimpse of the clock on the stove. You feel a growing sense of disappointment, Loki should be home already. Sitting alone at the table, you look at the food for a few minutes until your phone vibrates causing your heart to sink. Without even checking, you know what the text will say.
<Darling, I'm so sorry I need to finish something for Stark. I'll be home late, don't wait up.>
You frown and scroll back up to the previous messages in the chat. Loki had sent you similar texts twice and you've only lived with him for six days.
<Okay. I made you dinner, it'll be in the fridge. Love you>
He replies quickly.
<I love you too>
You instantly lose your appetite and decide to put all of the food away. It is hard not to feel as if Loki is avoiding you. In the year and a half you've been dating, he only worked late a handful of times and it was never several days in a row.
What are the odds that his work load has suddenly increased now that I am living with him? you think as you fill with anxiety. No, Loki loves me, you try to reassure yourself. He would never lie to me, if he says he is working, he is working.
You get another text from Loki as you close the fridge.
<I forgot to tell you, I picked up all of the very specific snacks you requested. I am looking forward to spending the weekend with my arms wrapped around you while we watch that absolutely absurd show you love so much>
You smile, your worries fading quickly as you text him back.
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You change the channel again but you are barely watching the TV. You've had an unusually long and stressful day and you really need to cuddle with Loki but something tells you he is not coming home just yet. Almost as soon as you think it, your phone vibrates and you sigh.
<I'm sorry love, I'll be home late again. Don't wait up>
You text back the single letter, unsure if Loki can tell the subtle difference between 'okay' and 'k' but you just don't have the energy to fake being fine at the moment.
Two minutes later Loki responds.
<I love you>
You swipe the message away without replying, putting your phone in your pocket. You turn off the TV and decide you're done for the night, you can't bare the thought of eating alone for the third time this week. Without eating, you take a shower to try and wash off the day then crawl into the large, empty bed.
Once you are under the covers in the dark, your thoughts begin to race. Why does Loki never seem to want to come home to me? Does he really have that much work to do or is it an excuse? What if he is tired of being around me? We only just started living together but it feels like he is just trying to avoid spending time with me. What could he possibly be doing until midnight three or four nights a week?
No, not what... who is he doing, the little voice in the back of your mind pushes through. He's cheating on me, I've just been too blind to see it.
But Loki said he would never betray my trust like that, he promised, you counter but your negative thoughts quickly return. My previous boyfriends all seemed honest too, until they hurt me.
There are other signs I've been ignoring, you allow yourself to think. The calls, the texts, you wipe away your tears and cling to his pillow. You had gone into your bedroom two weeks ago and Loki was sitting on the bed, scrolling through your phone. He told you he was checking the weather app before you left for the park but the answer didn't feel right. You had nothing to hide and would often let him use your phone without question but you couldn't shake the feeling that he was looking for something. One thing you learned from your first boyfriend was that if someone started snooping around, it was because they were hiding something of their own.
Soon after that, Loki began getting texts that he didn't respond to or he would leave the room to answer a phone call. He always insisted it was Steve, Tony or Thor and that it had to do with work but you found it harder and harder to believe him.
He probably didn't even really want me to move in with him, your mind switches tracks suddenly. Sometimes I feel like the only reason he asked me to move in was because I had complained that my lease was running out and he was tired of hearing about it.
That's not true, you try to correct your thoughts. Of course Loki wants me here. You remember what he told you when he was helping you pack.
Your memory of Loki is quickly pushed aside by your memory of crappy ex number two. You had moved in with him just after college when you both realized you couldn't afford to live in NYC on your own. You had only been together a few months before you signed the lease on a one bedroom and it was just two weeks later when he began working later and later. It turns out, what he really wanted was a roommate with benefits and to still see other woman.
"That's everything," you said, looking around your empty bedroom. You had a gnawing feeling, even then, that Loki would grow tired of you and cheat. You wondered if you were setting yourself up for another heartbreak and Loki seemed to sense your anxiousness.
He took your hand in his and kissed it lightly, making you smile. Then he said, "Darling, I know the timing seems convenient but I have been wanting to ask you to live with me for some time. I know you prefer to take things slowly but I would have asked you to move in with me a year ago if I thought you would have agreed."
I can't keep denying this, you roll onto your back and look up at the ceiling, tears streaming down your cheeks. Loki is cheating on me. The only question is did this start after I moved in or has he been doing it the whole time?
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A few hours later Loki walks into the apartment completely exhausted, all he can think about is crawling into bed with you. He hates how late his project is keeping him, he misses you tremendously and needs to feel you in his arms. Loki is overwhelmingly concerned by your response, or lack there of, to his texts tonight. You had never not told him you loved him and it made him nervous.
He pauses in the dark when he is just outside your bedroom and realized he can hear you crying. His heart aches at the sound and he turns on the light when he enters the room. You roll over away from him, clutching his pillow tightly.
"Y/N, are you okay?" he asks. You are silent, unable to answer his question. He crawls onto the bed next to you over the covers. You squeeze your eyes shut, hating how safe his actions make you feel, his chest flush to your back and his strong arms around you. "Darling, please tell me what's wrong," he urges gently.
"You're cheating on me," you state through your tears.
"No," he pulls back in surprise, "No, Y/N, you know I would never do that to you."
You shake your head, "You never come home."
"I'm sorry, I'm working on something-" he tries to explain but you cut him off.
"Who is she?" you ask sitting up. He moves to sit up and face you.
"Love please, I'm not-," he again tries to deny he is cheating but you don't let him speak.
"I know you aren't working this late, you never worked long hours before I moved in," you tell him as you wipe away your tears angrily. "Just tell me who she is unless... unless there's not just one other woman." Memories of your third ex-boyfriend flash through your mind, he had cheated on you with five women that you knew of but you were sure there had been others.
"There is no one else. I swear on everything in the nine realms I have been nothing but faithful to you," he promises quickly.
Your heart desperately wants to believe him. You love him so fiercely, more than you ever thought possible especially after you had been hurt so horribly in the past. Your mind, however, is convinced that you can't trust him and you shouldn't have let yourself fall for him. You know it will destroy you to leave him but you can't remain with him if the trust is gone.
"Look at me," he says, touching your cheek lightly. "I have never and would never cheat on you. I know you don't believe me right now and I understand you have been hurt in the past but I love you and I respect you too much to ever treat you the way those pathetic excuses for men ever did."
You sniffle and he says, "It's late, come with me tomorrow morning. I will show you what I have been working on. I will show you that you can trust me."
You nod in agreement although you are unsure how he can prove to you he has been faithful. He wipes your tears gently. "Don't," you whisper, pulling away from him when he moves to kiss your cheek.
"Would you prefer if I sleep in the living room tonight?" he asks. His chest hurts even as the words leave his mouth but he knows if he pushes too hard, you will retreat further away from him.
You nod again, unable to trust yourself to speak. You want to tell him to stay, to comfort you but how can he if he's the one who caused you this pain.
"Okay," he says quietly. He hates knowing he hurt through his actions. He tucks you back under the covers and runs his fingers through your hair slowly in the hopes that you will relax even the slightest bit.
"I'm so sorry I've made you feel this way, this was not what I wanted," he says softly. "I was planning something for you and I didn't have time to work on it during the day. I should have thought about how you would feel when I didn't come home but I need you to know that coming home to you has always been the best part of my day."
"I love you," he kisses the top of your head and you feel him get out of the bed. He turns off the light but waits a few seconds before leaving, hoping you will change your mind and allow him to stay with you. As soon as he closes the bedroom door you begin sobbing again.
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Loki paces angrily back and forth in the living room. How could I have been so stupid, how could I have missed how upset you were? he thinks as he runs his fingers through his hair. He never intended to hurt you, he had become so distracted trying to make sure everything went perfectly to plan that he let the most important person in his life slip through his fingers. He sits heavily on the couch, wishing morning would come quickly.
He lays down after a few minutes, his hand over his eyes and remembers the day he first asked you on a date.
"No, Loki, I'm sorry," you told him while you were sitting together in the park. You slowly removed your hand from his and shifted away on the bench.
A few days later, the two of you were cooking dinner in his apartment and you asked him if you could explain why you had told him no.
Loki was almost too shocked and hurt by your rejection to respond. You had been doing date-like activities for almost a month and he had finally decided to ask you out officially. After a long moment he said, "I understand. I'm sorry, I must have misread things between us. I thought..." he shook his head, his words dying off. "Friends then," he looked up at you and smiled.
"Of course," he answered, a part of him hoping there was still a chance, however small, that you would change your mind.
You sat with him at the dining table and said, "There are two types of people when it comes to trust. You're the first type, you trust with your whole heart unconditionally. Once someone breaks your trust, however, it is gone forever."
He nodded in agreement knowing he had trusted his father without question but once he found out the truth, it was gone and could never be restored.
You continue, "I'm the second type, I don't trust anyone when I first meet them. I can't help but assume everyone is lying or unfaithful or willing to hurt me until they prove otherwise. I wasn't always like this but all three of my previous boyfriends cheated on me so now I almost feel like I've lost the ability to trust anyone. It was why I have so few friends."
After another hour of telling Loki what they had done, he promised to find your exes and make them suffer for how they treated you. You laughed in response, telling him that they weren't worth him getting in trouble but you secretly loved how protective he was of you.
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You roll over again, unable to get comfortable without Loki next to you. You close your eyes tight and try to force yourself to sleep but it seems impossible. I don't understand why he would do this, you think. He had tried for so long to earn my trust and convince me to be with him. Why would he throw it all away?
Three months later you were sitting on Loki's couch together, the same one he is trying to sleep on now. His arm was around your shoulder and you were leaning comfortably against him. Your mind wandered since you had seen the movie before and after replaying the last few weeks in your mind you realized something.
From the day you told Loki no, he had been nothing but patient with you, being the friend you needed. You continued to go to museums, parks, movies, from the outside it appeared as if it were dating but Loki never pushed you. He would hold your hand as often as he could and you discovered he gave fantastic hugs but he never went in for a kiss or asked you out again although you could sometimes tell he wanted to.
"Loki, ask me again," you said out of seemingly nowhere.
"Ask you what darling?" he laughed as he paused the movie.
"Ask me on a date," you smiled nervously. "That is, if you still want to date me."
His eyes lit up and a smile spread across his lips. "Y/N, would you go on a date with me tomorrow?" he asked, holding your hand.
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"Yes," you answered and he kissed your cheek causing you to blush. He promised you that he would never make you regret giving him this chance.
There is a light knock on the door and Loki opens it slowly. "Good morning darling," he forces a smile and you can tell by the redness in his eyes he slept probably as well as you did. "I know it is early, but I need you to come with me. I can't bear the thought of you thinking I've cheated on you for a moment longer."
He stops in front of the last door in the hall and he clears his throat. "It isn't finished yet," he says before he opens the door. "I was hoping to have it ready for your birthday next month."
You both get ready in silence and leave the apartment. He walks next to you and you can tell he wants to reach for your hand but you keep your arms crossed against your chest. You step into the elevator first and Loki pushes the button for one of the highest floors in the Tower. You have never been to that floor and are honestly not sure what is up there. When you arrive, he leads you down the empty hallway without a word.
"My birthday?" you ask confused.
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He nods, "You were right, I have been lying to you and hiding something but I never meant to make you feel as if I was trying to hurt you. I was a fool for not realizing this was a horrible idea."
Loki opens the door and the lights turn on as you follow him inside. You freeze, your hand covering your mouth.
"It's almost an exact replica of the Great Hall in the palace," he says looking at the high ceiling. He looks back at you, "You told me you wanted to see Asgard and this is as close as I could get to making that happen for you."
"Loki-" you can barely speak as your eyes try to take in the room.
Your heart fills with love but also pain and guilt that you hadn't been able to trust Loki the way he deserved. You slowly move through the space and you are blown away by the tall marble columns, stained glass windows and gold accents all around you.
"The calls and texts were to your friends and family," he explains. "I needed to go through your phone for their numbers. When we were at Scott's party last year, you said you had never had a surprise party so..." he shrugs. "I tried."
"I'm so sorry," you tell him, putting your arms around him but he shakes his head.
"I'm sorry, I thought you would like it," he says utterly defeated.
"I do," you tell him earnestly. "Loki this is amazing, you are amazing. I can't believe you did all of this for me. I don't deserve this."
"You deserve the world Y/N," he tells you, his fingers wiping away the tears you didn't realize had fallen.
"I gave you plenty of reasons," he corrects you gently. "I can see how... sketchy my behavior was. I just wish you told me your fears sooner, before they consumed you so completely. I would never be able to forgive myself if you left me because I did something stupid. "
You hug Loki tighter, resting your cheek on his chest while he runs his fingers through your hair. "No I don't," you tell him. "I didn't even try to believe you. I compared you to all of my exes and I assumed you were just like them even though you have never given me a reason to mistrust you."
"A lot of magic, that's why it is taking so long. It is draining to build the type of illusion that can withstand being touched and will remain even when I am not here," he explains.
"This isn't stupid, this really is amazing. I love it," you look up at the painted ceiling again. "I love you."
He smiles, "I love you too."
"How did you even do all of this?" you ask, looking around again in awe.
"It's why your always tired when you do finally come home?" you ask.
"Yes," he tilts your chin up. "But you are worth it." He leans down and kisses you.
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The night of your 'surprise' party Loki walks into your bedroom with a beautiful deep emerald green dress. He smiles at your reaction and says, "This is my first gift of the night for my queen."
You finish getting ready and meet him in the living room. He stands from the couch, his eyes fixed on you. "You truly are a goddess," he says as he walks over to you. He puts his hands on your waist and you put your arms over his shoulders.
You blush at the compliment and joke, "You look half decent I guess." He laughs, both of you knowing full well how much you love when he wears a suit. Tonight he chose his black suit with a green dress shirt to match you and black tie. He leans down to kiss you and you find it impossible to let him go but he eventually breaks the kiss.
"Loki, you've done too much already," you can barely contain how happy and loved he makes you feel.
"You can only be so late to your own party," he smirks and you agree. Taking his hand, you walk towards the door but he stops you. "Wait, I think you are missing something," he says as he conjures a long, thin velvet box. "A second gift for my love."
"You deserve every bit of it," he says as he opens the box to reveal a gold necklace with a small resin pendant. You notice a tiny flower in the center when he places it around your neck from behind. "It's a freesia, the flower. They are often thought of as a symbol of trust and I want you to have this, to know you can trust me completely as I trust you."
He puts his arms around you and pulls you close. "You didn't ruin anything, please stop apologizing. And for the record, according to every single person on the team, I am the annoying one in this relationship, not you."
You fight to hold back tears and say, "I'm sorry I almost ruined everything. I can't imagine how annoying I must have been, constantly reminding you that I didn't trust you and comparing you to my exes."
You laugh and look up at him, "That's just cause they don't like you as much as they like me."
He smiles, "At least you like me."
You shake your head no and giggle. "I love you," you tell him then you reach up and kiss him.
He strokes your cheek softly, "That is all that matters to me."
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Loki smiles at you before opening the door and the lights turn on. Everyone yells surprise as you step into the space and there is no need for you to fake being completely amazed. Loki has added so much detail work, flowers, candles and even some balloons since you had last seen the room. The Avengers, your friends, your family and some of your closest coworkers are here, ready to celebrate you. You turn to thank Loki and he lets go of your hand.
You look down in shock, covering your mouth with one hand as he reaches for your other hand. He kneels on one knee in front of you, a small ring box in his hand.
"Y/N," he starts but he is unable to get another word out
He smirks, "At least I was able to keep this a surprise."
"Loki..." you can barely believe what is happening.
"Yes," you answer quickly.
He laughs, "Darling, I didn't ask yet."
"I don't care, yes," you tell him and he stands up, putting the ring on your finger. You don't even look at it but you know it is perfect. You throw your arms around Loki and he picks you up, kissing you fiercely.
"I love you," you tell him over the sound of everyone clapping in the background.
"I love you too," he says before kissing you again.
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I hope you liked this!! Please like, share and comment if you did 💚💚 Please let me know if you want to be added to my taglist!
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nicoline1998enilocin · 2 months
Hi, bestie! I have a little request for Loki 🥰
"Are you daring me to kiss you?"
“I kind of love you.”
“no underwear? did you plan this?”
Thanks ❤️
Truth or Dare
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PAIRING || Best Friend!Loki Laufeyson x Best Friend!Avenger!Fem!Reader
WORDCOUNT || ~ 950 words
SUMMARY || When you and Loki play a game of truth or dare, the resulting truths and dares are something you could have only dreamt of, and you're enjoying every second as your dreams of being with your best friend in every way comes true.
RATING || Explicit (E)
TAGS || Avenger!Reader. Best friends to lovers. Implied smut.
A/N || This is written for my Summer of Drabbles. Bestie, I cannot thank you enough for requesting Loki during this writing challenge! It was a fun one to write, and you have picked the perfect prompts for this. Eu te amo 🤍
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Photo: Source || Other graphics are made by @nicoline1998enilocin
Main Masterlist || Loki Laufeyson || Summer of Drabbles
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"Truth or dare?"
"Hmm, I'm going with... dare, Princess," Loki says, his deep voice making the nickname even sweeter as it slips from the tongue. You feel goosebumps rise on your skin as you look at your best friend, a playful smirk on his lips.
"I dare you to... kiss me," you say softly, almost hoping he didn't hear you asking him for a kiss. Ever since Thor introduced you two, you've wanted to know what it would be like to kiss him, but you didn't want to jeopardize your friendship. Now, you decide to go for it. The worst he can say is no, right?
"Are you daring me to kiss you?" he asks with a raised brow, and the heat on your cheeks only intensifies when you nod. For someone who gets through the most challenging situations without a second thought and saves lives for a living, you're doing an awful job of hiding your anxiety about the situation you've found yourself in.
"C'mere, Princess, I can't kiss you when you're over there," he says as he stretches his hand. You look up at him with a surprised look on your features. He- he wants to kiss you, too?
Before you can think about it for too long, you grab his hand, and he pulls you into his lap, a soft squeal leaving your lips as he does. Loki captures your lips in a gentle, loving way that has your heart beating out of your chest. Your hands rest on his chest, bunching the fabric of his shirt as you get lost in him and his taste.
A soft moan slips out as you open your mouth to give him the entrance he's asking for, and he can feel himself chubbing up in his sweatpants right beneath your undoubtedly soaked core. However, all too soon for your liking, he pulls away, though he keeps you seated on his lap with his hands on your hips.
There's a glimmer in his eyes that heats your cheeks and swirls your stomach with excitement, and then he asks you the same question. Before he asked, you already had your answer ready, hoping he would take the route you had in mind, and you're not in the least disappointed.
"What's a secret you've never told anyone - even me - before, Princess?"
"I—I kind of love you. Not just as a friend, but as... more than a friend, too." Admitting this to the man you're in love with feels like baring your entire soul to the world, but it also feels good. His grip on your hips tightens slightly as he processes what you just said, and once he does, a smirk lightens up his pale skin in a way that makes it look like he's glowing.
"I love you too, Princess. I have never known a love quite like the one I feel for you before, and I know it is true love. Whenever I think about you, my heart wants to leap out of my chest of excitement. My eyes search for you in every room I'm in. And you're the one who is on my mind every time someone asks what I think about," he tells you, his voice angelic as he confesses his love to you, too.
He leans in, but instead of kissing your lips, he places a featherlight one on your left cheek, followed by your right cheek and then your nose. Your eyes slip shut as his softness caresses your skin, and his hands pull you even closer to his body.
"Loki," you whisper, the sound so soft that a smile tugs at the corners of his mouth. The way his name falls off your tongue so effortlessly and beautifully has him wishing he could hear it every day for the rest of his life.
"I want you, Princess. I want you in every way, but only if you want me to," he says, and you nod. You want him more than you've ever wanted anything in your life. But most of all, you want to be his.
"I want you, Loki. Make me yours," you whisper against his ear, and he moans softly at your words. He gently lays you on your back, the softness of the sheets beneath something that barely gets through to you as Loki is undressing you.
Layer by layer of clothes disappear, and when he's at your shorts, he pulls them down only to reveal you didn't wear panties today; his cock immediately reacts to the sight in front of him. The way your shorts were practically ruined by your arousal when you were on his lap, and the way you're gushing now that you're this close to being his in every single way.
"No underwear, Princess? Did you plan this?" he asks in a playful tone, and your cheeks heat up at the question as you shake your head. You didn't feel like wearing panties when you came out of the shower, and you didn't even think twice about it when Loki came to visit.
"Hmm, I'm gonna have fun with you tonight, my perfect Princess," Loki says between kisses on your inner thighs, and he makes true to his promise, as he's not letting you go until the following day, once you're both thoroughly fucked out in the best way possible.
Last night has been the best game of truth or dare you have played, and you're looking forward to spending the rest of your life by Loki's side. But now, you're very content in his arms, his lips placing soft kisses on the crown of your head between whispered sweet love confessions.
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f0ofishies · 23 days
You were the little sister of Julian Loki. And you were also deaf, not that it mattered anyway. You've been using a hearing aid to help with that. Being Loki's sibling, you've also grown to love football. He'd teach you how to kick, pass, and even score against him. Notably, you also look similar to him– some may think you're twins.
Being a part of PXG, too, just like your brother came as a surprise. You were the only woman there who could actually keep up with more teenage boys. So, when fans found your interactions with other players, they couldn't help but fantasize if you were at least into some of them.
So when your big brother, Loki, was scrolling through his phone. He sat, watching a ship edit between you and the other guys, others have fantasized. Immediately springing up to action, yelling out your name. "Tell me what's the meaning of this..?!"
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Itoshi Rin
You were lazily chatting up with Rin in a call. Occasionally, you two have been decent friends, even with how awkward this man is. Your eyes finally widened, the way your brother was yelling must've been important. Feeling atleast a groan coming up, you've quickly signed to him like you do in sign language.
Loki was immediately a bit fired up, the usual calm brother you know was a bit annoyed. "You're talking with Rin again?" The way he said it felt like it was something personal, and spoken in french too. "Yeah? is that alright?–"
"Not really, I just needed a talk with you." A talk? Now, this was serious, none of you were going to have a siblings quarrel even.. You were just so confused until he pulled out his phone.
"Look at this..!" The phone illuminated to show some tiktok edit going viral– even Rin from the camera could see it if he squinted. As you watched in anticipation– you realized it was an edit with both you and Rin. Then, let out a small gasp, Rin was even more alarmed now.
"Oh my God, bro..??" You let out a small voice after the edit ended, and it started replaying. "So, are you two keeping something from me?" He finally let out the question in English.
"Absolutely not!"
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Charles Chevalier
He usually visited you and your brother quite often, considering how him and Loki had been training him to be his own passer. It's a bit weird, but you didn't mind not being at the field much anyway. Charles was a weird guy to, he's lounging on the sofa like a kid.
Loki didn't understand why he was even here, hanging out with them on an off day. But he decided to just scroll his phone. When you finally reached the living room, Loki was already scolding Charles for God knows how long. Charles just hummed closing his ears with his palms.
"Big bro?" His mouth immediately shut up at the sound of your voice. "Oi..! Your brother has been scolding me..!" Charles quickly whipped to your direction as Loki let out a small sigh. Straying past your brother quickly, over to your side.
Loki looked absolutely disappointed at Charles. "Did you know that these people like the edits of you two?" Now that made you confused. You were just grabbing a cup of tea, and now your brother was talking nonsense. "These people are thinking you both are dating!"
Then the phone's brightness casted onto your eyes, even glaring the light on you. Eyes widening infact– as the video played. It's a really lovey dovey song on that too, "Brother what are you on about!"
"Are you sure he's getting too close–" "I'm sure!"
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Isagi Yoichi
Now you've only met him through the match between PXG and Bastard Munchen. Exchanging phone numbers, and you've grown to actually appreciate him. So, in a day off, you eventually met up with Isagi. No, what you both didn't know is that some fans recognized you, and it's gone viral.
Loki was just scrolling through his feed for the day, and his thumb stopped on a certain post. It was pictures of you and Isagi displayed on a thread. Investigating further, he found an edit of you two. Even the PXG boys asked Loki on the matter–
Let's just say you came home, with an investigating Loki. Your brother had never usually been this invasive in your space. Not when he's literally right by your shoulder as you had a call session with Isagi.
"Uhm, big bro..?" Your voice low, his head finally tilted downwards to meet your level. You heard his loud voice booming across the house already. "You and that Isagi.. are you guys together?" Certainly, you could hear Isagi coughing.
Even the other voices perked up in Isagi's end. Looks like the Bastard Munchen's dorm was alive and up to hear onto Isagi. "No?–" You were immediately questioned and even showed the evidence on Loki's phone. "Brother, we're just friends?" Loki's mouth pressed to a flat line.
"I swear– we have nothing like that."
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radiance1 · 10 months
"You know what happened to Odin?"
"No, what happened to Odin?"
"Exactly, you cannot step foot in the mortal realm like you are now. Follow in Odin's footsteps."
"No, I don't want to follow in the Allfather's footsteps."
"Stop whining like a child and take a mortal form love."
"No, I will not."
[Deep inhale] "Do you know what happened to Loki?"
"Loki? The trickster? What happened to that one?"
"Well, he's currently still trapped inside of a cave, chained by his son's own entrails as a snake eternally drips poison onto him, but that is beside the point."
"No that is exactly the point."
"No, it is not. His fate has no relation to the main subject of our conversation."
"Yes, it does."
"No, it does not- No. Stop making that face. I am not doing this again."
"What face?"
"You know what you're doing. Stop it."
"I don't think I will."
[Exasperated exhale.]
"You should follow in the god of mischief's footsteps, even he- no especially he knew the point of a convincing disguise."
"Dearly beloved if you do not take on a mortal form while living out your farmer fantasy then so help me, I will place you back inside the coffin from which you came."
"That would be beautiful really, but no thank you I'll take that mortal form now."
"Good." Clockwork smiled
An hour later....
"Is this convincing enough for you, my love?" Pariah Dark adjusted the straw hat sitting upon his head, trying to shift it into a position better suited for his hair.
Clockwork hummed, floating around Pariah to take in his new form from every angle. "Well, it is certainly better than your first try."
"Then can I leave now?"
Pariah sighed. Feeling as hands were gently placed on his shoulders and slowly guided him down to rest on his own legs as he felt hands run through his hair and his straw hat gently taken from his head. He sighed with small indignation as crossed his arms. "I spent a while trying to fit that over my hair properly, you were the one who told me to fit in, so why take it off?" Pariah grumbled.
"Yes, yes. I know love." Clockwork's fingers gently worked themselves through his king's hair, a deep and long sigh leaving the man's body as he fully relaxed, causing Clockwork to smile.
As he worked, Clockwork hummed a small tune lost to the seas of time, causing Pariah to perk up slightly, before, a few minutes later, also joining his lover's humming.
"There we are." Clockwork removed his hands from the other's hair, and Pariah took that as a single to stand up. He turned his head, carefully pulling the braid over his shoulder, he then quirked a brow. "Where did you get the flowers from?"
"From here and there." Clockwork smirked, one that Pariah knew meant he was receiving no answer to his question from, so he shrugged, moving the braid off his shoulder. "So, where exactly are you going to send me?"
"Right, yes." Clockwork waved him over, pulling up a small mirror of time as he shifted through locations. "So, you'll be going to this world and..."
Pariah Dark stared down at the door, in one hand holding a basket as he brought the other up in preparation to knock before freezing.
How does one interact with a human outside of violence and threats again?
He shifted, not for the first time realizing that he had to crouch down to even fit to get to his new neighbors door.
Humans are intimated by height, right?
Should he shrink?
His beloved never walked him through how to talk with humans what does he do????
Should he leave?
But then his beloved would be disappointed...
Okay, first things first.
He gently brought his fist forward, and tapped his knuckles against the door frame, small thunks sounding out with each and every knock.
He tapped a bit harder, each series good louder than the last.
Okay, he thinks he's getting good at this! He's practically a natural!
Oh, the door opened.
The door opened.
"Hello?" An old mortal woman peered up at him, or tried to, at the very least, for his head was well above the door.
Pariah Cleared his throat, moving his hand back in a small wave. "Greetings, mortal-" Shoot. Normal mortals don't talk like that. "I am Pariah Dar- I mean Ark."
He coughed, moving his other hand forwards to present her with the basket. "I bring you an offering in hopes of creating an alliance-" Alliance, really Pariah? Really? "Between the two of us that will foster until the end of time!"
The human woman below hesitantly took the basket, probably shocked, and then just. Stood, there.
Ancients, did he accidentally kill her? He didn't even do anything! Were humans always so fragile?!
The woman cleared her throat, and stepped out of the doorway. "Thank you very much dearie, that's very kind of you!"
Why is she smiling.
Ancients she's smiling he wasn't prepared for this. His beloved never told him his neighbors would smile he wasn't ready-
Annnnd he already teleported away.
Pariah groaned, reaching up his hands to his hair before suddenly remembering who it was braided by, before lowering down to cover his face as he crouched besides his own house.
A nearby horse wandered over and nipped at his hair.
"I was supposed to get a name, Elizabeth." Pariah despaired. "A name!"
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holdmytesseract · 1 year
°☆• Dream or Nightmare? (Part 2) •☆°
Loki Laufeyson x fem!Reader
Summary: When the TVA throws Loki on a journey through his past and future, it turns out to be a cruel rollercoaster ride for the god...
Warnings: angst & sadness, tiny bit fluff, a smol suggestive scene, angst, bit of pregnancy stuff, oh and did I mention angst?
Let me know if I forgot something!
Word Count: 4,1k
a/n: Well... I listened to music - those two songs to be exactly...
... and they inspired me to write this. I am already apologising, because... It's quite sad and angsty. 👀 Or to say it in Mika's words: 'This is the hardest story that I've ever told' - perhaps.
I hope y'all like it! 💚
Tagging: @lady-rose-moon @muddyorbsblr @huntress-artemiss @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @smolvenger @chennqingg @jennyggggrrr @theaudacitytowrite @alexakeyloveloki @stupidthoughtsinwriting @eleniblue @evelyn-kingsley @vanilla-daydreaming @valencia-rou @loz-3 @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @fictive-sl0th @bunny24sstuff @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @lovingchoices14 @linaax @mochie85 @glitchquake @goblingirlsarah @lokidbadguy @icytrickster17 @gruftiela @lulubelle814 @mandywholock1980 @november-rayne @chantsdemarins (Continuing in the comments!)
Masterlist °☆• Loki Masterlist
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The grip of the Minutemen tightened painfully around Loki's arms, as the god tried to break free from their grasp - in vain. He didn't stand a chance against four of them; dragging him down one of the seemingly endless corridors of the TVA.
"Where are they taking me?!" Loki screamed over his shoulder, trying to reach the man in the brown suit with grey-blonde hair and moustache. "Mobius, where are you taking me!" The god received no answer. Not even as the Minutemen hauled him into a big room. It looked familiar, yet different.
While Loki still struggled against the men's harsh grip, he saw Mobius tapping away on his TemPad - until a well known orange 'door' opened. The TVA agent nodded at the Minutemen, who started to move once more - straight towards the portal. "Mobius! Please!" Again, no answer; causing Loki's patience to wear thin. "I demand to know what this is!"
Shortly before the god's body could touch the orange barrier, they stopped - and Mobius appeared in Loki's field of view. "That happens when you break a friend's trust, Loki," he said; stepping closer. His face was stern, but his eyes were filled with a mixture of disappointment and hurt. "I don't want to do this, but you leave me no other choice."
With those words and a last gaze at the 'variant', Mobius turned around and walked away. Loki's jaw dropped. "Mobius! Mobius! Wait! You know the truth! Nothing here is real! You are a mere puppet on a string and you know it! Please!" Loki's plead fell on deaf ears. Again. And before he could say another word, the Minutemen pushed him through the portal.
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Loki stumbled; the force of the unmerciful shove took him down. He landed on his knees - already waiting for the incoming pain of the impact; but there was none. At least no strong pain. He had landed rather softly. Nevertheless, slipped a soft groan past the god's lips as he straightened his back; raven curls whipping through the air. Loki looked around; scanning his surroundings - eyes widened instantly.
Underneath his knees was green grass. The air smelt deliciously of a trillion different flowers. A soft breeze rustled the trees nearby, and the moon stood high in the night sky; shining down on him and illuminating the world around him - just like the countless fireflies. He didn't even have to look further to know where he was...
He was in Asgard, and that was clearly his mother's garden. Why would Mobius send me here? Loki frowned; was confused. Slowly, he got up; brought himself back on his feet. His rather ragged and worn out TVA suit was looking even dirtier now; the green stains of the grass on his knees adding to the demolition.
Everything was quiet. Perhaps too quiet. But that was the last thing Loki cared about, honestly... "Mobius!" He called out once again. "What is this foolery?! Why did you take me home?! Is this real?! What-" The god cut off his own sentence as he suddenly heard something. Laughter... Child's laughter. It was getting closer and closer - until... A young boy with green robes and short black hair ran past him, followed by a young girl in a beautifully bright blue dress; her hair billowing in the wind. They were clearly chasing each other; running light-hearted through Frigga's garden.
Loki watched for a few seconds, before it hit him; eyes widening to the size of plates. His breath hitched in his throat as the two children came running straight towards him; his eyes settling on the little girl's face.
Loki breathed out your name; eyes still stuck on your youthful self. It send a jolt through his whole body - and especially through his heart. He remembered. This very night. Your parents and Loki's parents had to speak to the high council - and since your father was Odin's advisor, he needed to join. Frigga had sent you up to Loki's room in order to play, but the two of you chose to go outside instead. He remembered... Every second.
The laughter echoed in his ears as you and his younger self ran straight through him as if he was nothing but a mere projection. "What-" But before Loki could think further about it, the world suddenly started to spin around him. Faster and faster and faster. It took the god to the ground with a loud scream.
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Like a few minutes ago, Loki landed soft. This time, though, it wasn't grass... He looked beneath himself. It was straw. Still a bit dizzy from whatever just had happened to him, he shook his head gently and brushed a few loose raven curls out of his face. Chest heaving with the deep breaths he took, he looked up - and immediately recognised this place as well... The royal stables.
"What... What is happening here? What is this?" Loki asked, but of course nobody answered his question.
Then he heard steps. Quick steps - and only a few seconds later, you appeared in the huge door frame of the stable. Now though, you weren't a child anymore. You had grown into a young woman. His heart skipped another beat at the sight of you.
Loki witnessed how you quickly ran barefoot into the stable and hid yourself behind against the wall beside the door; giggling. The next thing he noticed was a voice. His voice.
"Y/N? Y/N! Where did you go?!"
You giggled again; rolling your eyes with a smile. "Come find me, Lokes!" You called out - and Loki remembered. It was again something he had experienced. Years and years ago, of course; in his youth - but nevertheless...
Steps were heard again as a younger Loki, dressed in his armour ran around the corner. Before he could pass you by, you jumped out of your hiding place; straight into the god's arms. He was caught by surprise of course, but then a joyful laugh left his lips, before his palms found your hips and he pulled you into a passionate kiss.
Loki was still standing in the middle of the straw like frozen; watching the scene unfold in front of his eyes. His nerve ends tingled; butterflies running wild inside his belly and by the Norns, he could swear that he still felt your lips on his. How soft and kissable they were. You had been his best friend, but on that very day, you had become his lover. His princess.
Loki wanted to relive this wonderful moment in his life longer, but then he felt again that pull and the stable started to spin around him - just as he witnessed how you and him stumbled backwards into the pile of straw; lips still entangled.
"No, no, no, not agaiiiiin!"
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Loki felt like falling, before he landed with a thud on a soft but also not soft underground. The smell of pine, moss and earth hit him the second Loki reopened his eyes. Different trees and plants were everywhere around him - but they were painted black. It was dark outside. Again. Looks like the Asgardian forest, the god thought; running a hand through his hair. I must be in the woods.
Loki looked around; eyes searching for you, and after taking a few steps, he found you - and himself. This time, he dared to step closer, giving the fact that he couldn’t be seen anyway. Twigs snapped underneath his feet as he approached you.
You and Loki were on a small glade; a picnic blanket keeping your clothes from getting dirty. You had an arm underneath your neck to support your head - just like Loki, while your free hand was intertwined with his. Both of you were gazing into the night sky; pointing at different stars.
Loki came to stand directly beside you and himself; watching. He swallowed hard; knew exactly where the TVA had taken him. The god had figured out quickly that he was obviously 'travelling' through his memories. And that 'journey' or by Odin's sake whatever this was seemed to have one thing in common... You. No wonder, though. You had always been the key element in Loki's life. You were the one who kept him grounded. His anchor in the raging storms he had to face. Be it his father, brother, Warriors Three or heritage. You had been always there for him, until... Well, until Thanos and New York happened. He always wanted to find his way back to you, but then the TVA ripped him out of his timeline.
Loki swallowed hard in order to suppress the upcoming tears in his eyes; the full force of the realisation hitting him, that he was probably never ever going to see you again. Feel you again. Taste you again. His heart yearned for you - more than ever now, and all he wanted was to go back.
The god got ripped out of his thoughts, as he watched it happen before him. He had been so nervous back then. Afraid of rejection.
"Y/N, I... I know that this might come out of the blue and way too soon, but... I-I can't wait any longer. I-I want to finally make you entirely mine. I can't imagine a life without you anymore. I need you. My heart needs you. It belongs to you already anyway, so..." Loki reached in the pocket of his trousers. With a shaky hand he presented a silvery ring, which was literally shining in the pale blue moonlight. You gasped; hands flying up to cover your mouth, "Would you do me the honour and become my wife?" and then tears started to fall quickly. "N-Norns, L-Loki, I-" You had to take a deep breath to calm your racing heart - something Loki misinterpreted slightly. Fear struck him. "I-I know I can't afford you what my brother could. No title of being Asgard's queen. No throne. No-" You immediately interrupted him with your lips on his.
"Loki, stop that nonsense right now. I don't want Thor. I never did. And I definitely don't need or want the throne or being called the queen. All I need..." You cupped his chiselled cheek; gazing deeply into his blue eyes. "... is you, my prince. Always have been. Always will be. I love you. So, yes. Yes. I want to marry you."
A relieved, light-hearted laugh escaped his lips, before he smiled brightly and slipped the ring on your finger.
Loki, who still stood on the sideline, watching, found himself smiling. He loved that memory; held it close to his heart. It was such a special day for him - and you.
Before he could reminisce for too long, he got pulled out again. This time, though, the world faded entirely to black around him...
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Once Loki woke up and slowly came to his senses, he felt pain shoot through his whole body. Perhaps because he had landed full force on a stony underground - unlike before. Nevertheless, he quickly felt a change. Something was different. It was not like the last three times.
Groaning, the god lifted himself off the ground - and immediately recognised what exactly had changed. He was still on Asgard; on the balcony of his chambers, to be exactly, but... He frowned, as he saw you standing underneath the sinking sun; gazing aimlessly into distance with the engagement ring he had given you twinkling in the red-orange rays. He couldn't remember. This time, he couldn't remember. Even though he tried hard to. This was not one of his memories...
Loki stepped closer towards you; eyes never leaving your frame. You were sad. He could tell. Not just because at the look on your face. He could feel it.
Silent tears were running down your cheeks, causing Loki's heart to cry out in pain. He had always hated to see you cry. That hadn't changed. It never would. "Y/N..." Loki whispered. "What is wrong, my love?" You didn't answer; just kept on crying quietly. He wanted to speak up again - but you spoke first.
"Oh Loki..." You cried softly; wiping away some stray tears. "Where are you?" You asked; gaze still directed up into the sky. "I hope you find your way back to me, my beloved... Someday..." His eyes widened; and he immediately started to run the last few meters separating you from him. Loki wanted to comfort you; wrap you up in his arms and wipe away your tears - but he never reached you. His feet stuck suddenly to the ground, as the world slowly started to spin around him. "No, no, no..." Loki mumbled in slight panic; desperately trying to free himself - but his feet wouldn't budge. It was almost like they suddenly acted on their own will.
He decided to use his voice instead. "Y/N! I'm here! I'm right here, darling!" Loki reached out his hand - but it was too late. Darkness overcame him as got sucked in the next dark hole, before he got spit out somewhere else.
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The ground beneath him was familiar. As if he had been here before - and he was. Loki felt the soft grass of the royal gardens underneath his fingertips, as he heaved his tired body off the grassy ground.
Yes, he was right back to where he was in the beginning - but this time, his mother's garden looked different. Everything was beautifully decorated. Countless white chairs were lined up in front of him; each of them looking neat and elegantly - just like the people sitting on them. White rose petals were everywhere. It was beautiful. The god swallowed hard. He wasn't stupid. He knew exactly that he must've landed at a wedding. His gaze drifted to the archway at the end of the passageway; formed by the chairs. It was as well beautifully decorated with white curtains and roses. And underneath the archway... Loki's heart stopped to beat for a moment.
It was you.
You were standing there, wearing the most beautiful wedding dress he had ever seen. Your hair was braided into a stunning plait; speckled with daisies. His heart skipped another beat; pumping pure love through his veins.
But the problem was the same. He couldn’t remember. This never happened. He never had the chance to finally marry-
Loki couldn't believe his eyes. All the people on the chairs, his family standing beside the archway, you... Suddenly everybody turned to face him. Suddenly, every pair of eyes was on him; leaving the god even more confused. Can they see me? Can she see me? Is this real?
Loki felt how the emotions got stuck in his throat. This moment... He had waited for this to happen such a long time. And all of a sudden, it was within reach.
Tears clouded his eyes, as he found himself running again towards you - towards his future; towards everything he ever desired and wanted.
This time, he actually managed to reach you - and for a moment, Loki believed that this was truly happening. That he was going to finally marry you right here, right now. You stretched out your arm towards him. Loki breathed out a teary laugh; reaching for you. He wanted to take your smaller hand into his bigger one; feeling your warm, soft skin finally against his - but he couldn't. His hand just slipped through yours, as if you were a ghost. He tried again - with the same result.
"Take my hand. Come on, Lokes..." You suddenly spoke up; smiling brightly. Your bright Y/E/C eyes were literally shining. "What are you waiting for?"
Loki felt like crying. His happiness washed away like sand on a beach - within a few seconds.
Frantically, he tried to reach for you again. "I-I want to, my love! I want to, b-but... I can't... I-" Loki's body froze once more; signalling him exactly what was about to happen. "No! Please!" He was powerless. He couldn't do anything against it as he got pulled away from you - again.
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Another familiar setting, but no familiar memory. It felt like everything happened faster and faster; draining his physical and emotional energy. Whatever this was... Whatever Mobius had thrown him into... It was cruel. Torture.
Loki's body hit the very soft ground with a thud. It was softer than ever before. His palms glided over the surface; realising that he had landed undoubtedly on his bed - and the furniture around him belonged to his chambers.
He would've loved to just stay there and close his eyes to make it all stop, but when he heard the sound of bare feet touching the floor, he got up. Loki's head turned to follow the steps and when his eyes found you, did they widen immediately.
You were standing in the doorway; leading towards his bathing chambers. Nothing but a flimsy satin robe covered your body - which glided off your shoulders and fell to the floor, just in the moment when Loki's eyes settled on you.
The god swallowed hard; jaw slacking. You wore nothing underneath. He just stared. Stared at the holy temple which was your body. Memories flooded his head of endless nights (and days) he spent with you beneath the sheets; worshipping this temple - like you deserved. Like the goddess you were. It shot a warm feeling throughout his whole body; nerve ends tingling with desire - but it also left another gaping hole in his already bruised and battered heart.
He'd be never able to touch you again. To feel your beautiful curves underneath his fingertips; to touch your warm skin with his lips and kiss every square inch of your body.
"Are you finally joining me, my prince?" The sound of your angelic voice grabbed his attention; eyes focusing on your face - which was directed at him now. You were looking over your shoulder; hands working on freeing your hair from the plait.
"Time to consummate our marriage, husband."
It was the last thing you said, before you vanished inside the god's bathing chambers. Loki's feet and hands twitched. He desperately wanted to rip his clothes off his body and follow you, but he wasn't even able to finish that thought.
Darkness swallowed him whole once more.
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Loki found himself kneeling on the stony surface of his balcony once again; exhausted. He couldn't take this anymore. His heart couldn't take this anymore. He just wanted it to stop. Unless he was going to break - and little did he know that what was coming now really did break him. The straw that broke the camel's back.
Sure, Loki could've just kept his eyes glued to the ground and not look up, in order to spare himself some pain - but being the fool in love he was, he couldn't. No matter how much it hurt... Seeing you was just too tempting. So, he somehow managed to stand on both feet again and looked up.
You were leaning against the beautifully crafted railing. You hair was flying in the warm summer breeze. You were clearly enjoying the warm rays of sunshine on your face and the naked skin which wasn't wrapped in the beautiful emerald green dress you were wearing.
A goddess. You looked like a goddess.
Loki's eyes wandered over your body - but suddenly froze in place. He felt his heart drop for the millionth time; but this time it shattered into a trillion pieces. The god's knees buckled; legs almost giving in. Pregnant. You were visibly pregnant. There was no doubt - and with the next blink of his eyes, the tears started to mercilessly fall; wetting his ragged shirt.
"N-No, please... Please..." He didn't even know what he was begging for. For his eyes to betray him? For this to end? For you to finally be able to notice him? For the illusion to fall?
The smile on your face was brighter than the sun itself, as you ran your palms absent-mindedly over your swollen stomach - until it dropped and your eyes widened for a moment; looking shocked. Loki's heart was jumping over the cliff alongside your smile - but then you breathed out a laugh.
"Loki, I... I can feel her!" Her? "She's kicking! Come, feel!"
Your words caused even more tears to roll down the god's cheeks, as he began to shake his head. "I-I can't, Y/N, I-I can't..." Loki whispered; voice filled with despair and sadness.
But you couldn't hear him - and perhaps didn't even see him. That hadn't changed. But it didn't stop you from doing something you hadn't done the last three times the TVA had tortured him with your presence. You walked over to Loki; stopping mere inches in front of him. To feel you so close almost caused his heart to explode. He inhaled a shaky breath; swearing that he was able to smell you.
"Feel, my love," you repeated - and without blinking grabbed his hand to press it against the side of your stomach. Loki gasped; his whole body shivering. Your warm, clothed skin suddenly on his; the soft fabric of the dress underneath his fingertips; the clearly noticeable kicks against his palm. It was overwhelming. So overwhelming, he didn't even question why you were able to actually touch him.
It was a small moment of bliss, before he broke entirely...
In this moment of bliss and blinding love, he wanted to reach for your hand and bury his head against your baby bump to feel more - but like before, he couldn't. His hand slipped through yours, as if he was trying to capture air. This realisation dragged him back down to earth, reminding him that this was nothing but a cruel game the TVA played. It wasn't real.
Loki broke. His legs gave in as he sunk to his knees; palm slipping from your body. His vision went blurry.
"Mobius, please... D-Don't do this to me, please... I can't anymore. I can't. I-I know this isn't real. I know it isn't. Please stop it. I can't have that w-with her - I-I never will. She is n-not truly here. Please. Have mercy. I can't take this any longer." He wanted to scream. He wanted to cry. It was all too much.
All of a sudden, everything got quiet around him. All Loki could hear were his own muffled cries and sobs. The god had curled himself up into a ball - nothing more than a picture of misery.
He didn't know how long he was half kneeling, half laying on the cold ground. Perhaps only a few seconds; perhaps a few hours - but at some point he could hear quiet steps approaching. Brown dress shoes came into his field of few. Definitely not you.
"Loki, I... I didn't know, I... I am sorry." A soft, familiar voice urged to Loki's ears. "I didn't know that Ravonna would send you through this..." Mobius.
The god lifted his head; looked straight into the sorrowful, compassionate face of his 'friend'. The agent offered him his hand, which Loki took to lift his exhausted body off the ground. "W-What... What was that? Torture, I assume." The man opposite him swallowed visibly. "It... It was a glimpse into the future, but also an illusion." Loki's eyebrows slanted into a frown, causing Mobius to explain further.
"What you saw was everything that happened... and could've happened."
Now he understood; a bitter laugh escaping his lips. "You showed me something I'd die for to have but never could. She's out of reach - and she'll forever be. Just like what you showed me. Am I right?" Mobius swallowed again; didn't dare to say something. So, he just nodded carefully.
Loki's heart broke all over again; another bitter laugh finding its way past his lips. It truly hurt Mobius to see him this way.
"I am sorry. I didn't know that Y/N-" The god shook his head, interrupting him immediately. "Don't. Just stop, please."
Defeated, the TVA agent nodded.
A few beats of silence passed, before a small whirring sound announced the opening of a portal. "Come on. Let's get you out of here and talk, huh?" Loki nodded; wordlessly following Mobius.
There was no point in arguing or stepping up against him. Loki's glorious purpose was gone. He had lost - everything which ever meant something to him. His brother. His mother. His life. But especially, he had lost you - and the life he could've had with you. Love. A happy marriage. A child. Everything was gone within the blink of an eye; and only now did he realise, that he already had lost all of it the second he made that one wrong step which got him here.
There was no point in fighting anymore. He had nothing left to fight for. All that was left, was a gaping hole in his broken heart.
No hope. No love. No happy ending.
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