#Lofi bumps
Is there nsfw in The Lofi fic ?
But there might be scenes that can be interpreted as sexual later. But it's very mild. Just human nudity and no explicit physical touches. As in, touching of private parts directly is no. But there are intimate scenes without being explicit.
And there is gratuitous gore scenes sometimes. As in, I get carried away describing gore sometimes cause I like explicit gore and I don't know what is appropriate sometimes.
So uhhh... Come what may? Use your own judgement I guess?
Long story short... Humans get smashed to the walls and crushed like tissue paper...
and Naked people exist.
that's about it.
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taxi-davis · 1 month
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midnight-wav · 7 months
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galacticslugs · 11 months
lofi girl lore 🥲
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hiddenticket · 2 years
she in her mood. happy international women's day. Instrumental OUT NOW Uploaded by e.clips3 https://ift.tt/HlLBquY via SoundCloud https://ift.tt/Y2guMtf March 08, 2023 at 01:57PM
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sleepingxawake · 11 months
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thedegenhours · 1 year
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unknownsources · 2 years
Song sampled is Led Zeppelin stairway to Heaven
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solarpunkani · 9 months
Solarpunk Community Playlists
So we've got the community playlist for Solarpunk Aesthetic Week, right? It's nice and big, but I wanted to make more community playlists with specific vibes in mind! I've already added a bunch of songs to each, but the goal is to let everyone contribute to them and enjoy them!
Solarpunk and Chill is for lofi/chill beats! The aim is to have it be mostly lofi, or generally just good music to chill to while studying or working on projects!
Solarpunk Sunny Beats is for songs that are pretty upbeat and just feel solarpunk to us--whether its the subject matter of the song, or just the way the instruments sound! It's meant to be the middle ground between the lofi playlist and the next.
Solarpunks Fight for Our Future! is for songs that are punk/punky/rebellious-feeling! The kind of playlist you would bump to on the way to a protest, or do some action--what's the soundtrack that plays in your head if you were to guerrilla garden or do other rebellious acts? Add it here!
I hope you enjoy! I can't wait to listen to everyone's contributions!
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1v31182m5 · 2 months
Can you give me a quick explanation of what exactly happened in Bill's life... Because I didn't understand it clearly myself, and I see a hell of a lot of Angst and I would like to understand it 😩
I am gonna split everything under titles for you to skip whichever part you want or whichever part you're interested in!!!
If I make a mistake in any of these please inform me in the comments!
-Bill's home dimension is heavily inspired by the book called Flatland by Edwin Abbott Abbott
-Bill is from a 2 dimensional universe where everything is kind of like a straight line but not exactly at the same time, don't think too hard about it it's hard for us to understand, as both said the same way in TBOB and in the book of Flatland, our 3D minds can't fully understand what it's like to be 2 dimensional
-Bill's Dimension is probably called Euclydia in this universe (the codes from the offical gravity falls lofi music video gives out a code that says "REMEMBER EUCLYDİA." İn Mabel's playlist (this gonna make sense in a bit because Bill's situation is very highly about denial and refusing to accept what actually happened) and in TBOB where we see a mugshot of Bill describing him it says "The only survivor of the Euclydian massacre"
-Just like in the Book Flatland talking about the 3D world is illegal (I mean some guys can in the book of Flatland but it's unnecessary to talk about it right now since that's not the case here, Bill shouldn't talk about the third dimension. İt's illegal.)
-females are straight lines and males are shapes
-System in Bill's dimension is very dystopian and fascists. Women aren't allowed to learn or go outside without a man or they need to constantly keep humming to let everyone around them know they're present. Because they're straight lines it is hard for people to know they're in the room since they're more "invisible" with their shape being so thin, if you accidentally poked into a woman you might get heavily hurt. Males can bump into eachother too, it's just that bumping into a thin line is more dangerous.
The same way how bumping into a triangle's pointy angle would be dangerous. Now I'm gonna talk about the class system.
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-The more sides you have the upper your class gets
-Being symmetric is veryyy important(one time in Journal 3 a dimension like Bill's attacked Ford because he wasn't symmetrical enough)
-if you're not symmetrical but rather an "irregular" you're the lowest class, everybody has every right to do whatever they wanna do to you
-having a child is very important for that class system
-circles are aristocrats because they have like thousands of sides
-your son will have 1 more side than you ( if a square has a son it'd be a pentagon)
-this doesn't really works for irregular shapes afterall, unless they give birth to an equivalent triangle! Just like Bill!
-as much as triangles are despised by the upper classes equalivent triangles are a little bit more respected and bearable even for the circles themselves! Because this shape not only is perfectly symmetrical but is the symbol of a new "good" generation's start since each of their kid will upgrade their sides and be a more worthy to be respected person (shitty I know)
-When an equalivent triangle is born they take the kid from his irregular parents and give it to a regular family. This lore is told in the book Flatland but of course we can't know if Alex wanted to keep that part, either way you know the title of this part
-yeah that's it I suppose um quick info dump here +since women are all lines and you can't know which shape their father was there's a very STRİCT system for them to not to mate with someone not their shape +there are jobs you can only get if you're a specific shape, a square can be a lawyer but could never be a mayor +there's no color in the book of Flatland, although Bill showed an image of his childhood in color I still don't know if we should %100 be sure if his dimension had color or not since just like he wrote there he "beamed the image into our head" why would he send a colorless one when he can just create this image lmao, not to mention if it was the actual thing we'd see like a straight line not something normal looking like that so idk
BİLLY İS BORN (you can ask for a source/code in any of these if you wanna see hehe!)
- Billy was born ( a drunk call he made in tbob he says "hey mom this is Billy" implying they probably called him Billy when he was bebe)
-Bill was born with a mutation where he could see the 3rd dimension but no one else could and nobody understood him
-Talking about the 3D world is of course, illegal so his parents took him to an eye doctor for this situation
-we've been knowing that Bill likes silly straws as he mentioned in an other book years ago before any of this and it's been like his thing. In TBOB we learned the story behind it
-they've been making him drink a medicine that he didn't liked
-they'd put silly straws on it as a appetizer so he'd drink it, imagine it like putting whipped cream or sprinkles to make a toddler eat something
-turns out the medicine they're giving to him isn't to stop him seeing the third dimension but rather literally just to BLİND HİM
-he learned about this we don't know how though
-so silly straws is a trauma and he clearly is coping about it, he keeps mentioning how much he likes them and finds them hilarious
-Billy couldn't take it anymore and just wanted to show everyone what real freedom looked like
-He didn't know wanting to show them the third dimension would kill them all. That day is so horrific for him to remember he zones out anytime he tries to remember it and glitches y'know
- he denies what happened. Still says everybody made it out safe and sound, "it's like how real life sociopaths can't tell which was the truth and which was the lie" Alex says in an interview (in the drunk call in TBOB with his "mom" he literally asks where did all of them go, he's that confused)
-Bill gets out of the second dimension after burning it down to the ground leaving nothing but a speck of atoms which he keeps in his hat till today now. That's why the hat important
-Now we're in the show's timeline!
-Bill called out for Axolotl's name in reverse when he was burning to get saved. Axolotl answered.
-Axolotl accepted to help and sent Bill to a major therapy for literally the most dangerous people in the multiverse for him to heal.
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His ass is not fine😭
İf you have any questions about any of these ask me!
Orr if you don't understand an angst post you can send me for an explanation I'd explain hehe
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arvensimp · 2 years
Hello! Can I make a fluffy request where the reader calls arven’s name when they are sleeping/dreaming? And arven heard it? I just want arven to feel that he is loved by the reader!
Hello! I hope this is nice and fluffy enough!
A Wish Your Heart Makes
Arven x reader, pure fluff, no gendered pronouns are used to describe the reader
So... Arven is a little jealous. Not in like a mean way, or in a way where he gets mad about it, but he's definitely jealous.
You fall asleep so easily!
It's not that he has sleep problems, per say, but he's absolutely spent a good amount of time in the evenings counting mareep before sleep eventually takes him. He'll lay there on his phone for ages, scrolling through blogs and social media, willing his mind to calm down and be tired, and you're already passed out and softly snoring beside him.
It's infuriating! Not the snoring. Just the falling asleep. Besides, your snores aren't loud, and he'd never tell you about it because it's not like it's something you can help anyway.
So he usually just puts on some headphones to block out the soft, even sound from you, and he goes from there. Sometimes he listens to lofi, sometimes it's ASMR sounds, really just anything chill and calming.
Tonight though, he's quietly seething to himself. He'd forgotten his portable charger back at his place, and his headphones are dead.
So he's laying next to you in your campsite berating himself and trying to concentrate on anything but you next to him.
It'd help if more pokemon were around even! Just a flock of murkrow softly chirping or some yungoos scurrying around the cave, but they're too far away from you both.
He tosses and turns in his sleeping bag, getting more frustrated with himself. Maybe it's just him being tired (it probably is) but he can't help but think about all the stupid shit he did today.
Like, he fell over during a battle again. Why does he do that?! It's not like he gets hit by the moves himself. He just falls over!
Ugh, you must think he's so lame.
Then he dropped a whole tupperware of deli meats! Now, in fairness, that was 'Raidon's fault for purposefully bumping him to get at the food, but still. He should know better.
He's just been fucking up lately, and it's stupid. He's stupid. Why are you traveling with him anyway? You're a stupid Champion rank trainer. You'd be better off hanging out with Nemona or...or like Geeta even.
Your voice pulls him from his negative thoughts.
"Shit. Sorry." He whispers, turning to you. "Did I wake you?"
But your eyes are peacefully closed with no furrow in your brow to indicate you'd been woken. You're just softly smiling, still breathing slowly and evenly.
He whispers your name.
You just sigh happily.
Are you...still asleep? For real?
"Arvennnnn..." You sleepily say again, drawing out the 'n' in a little giggle.
He raises an eyebrow. "Y...you're sleeping, right?"
"Mmm...." You respond, still smiling.
He doesn't know why he does this, but...well he does. It just feels right.
Arven reaches out a hand from his sleeping bag. It trembles just the tiniest bit before he's resting his palm on your sleep-warmed cheek.
"Mmm.... Ar...ven..." You respond, nuzzling into his touch.
He lays there with you like that for just a moment, heart melting, then silently dares his thumb to rub gentle circles into the smooth skin of your cheek.
You hum a tiny little laugh. "Mmm..."
Then your soft snoring starts back up again, but Arven can't bring himself to move his hand from you.
He ends up falling asleep just like that, and when you wake up, he doesn't say anything about the red palm mark that he unintentionally left behind by leaving his skin on yours for so long.
It'll fade before anyone else sees it anyway.
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Ghost Of Men: Call Of Duty Fanfic Prequel Part 1
Simon 'Ghost' Riley XOCWife
Trigger Warning: War, Violence, PTSD, Mention Child Abuse, Anxiety.
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Okay is the prequels for my DadGhost Story. Want to give a big thank you the love that I got from my first story, and made me want to work more this since I love writing for Ghost.
So Thank taking the time to read this and enjoy.
8 months ago... The morning winter rain was coming down very hard this as Simon was getting ready to go to the base, he hand on a black shirt, and green army pasts, he was putting his Ghost mask, and walked out the master bedroom. He walked the stairs, turn a right, and walked down a longer hallway where the living was. It was larger room, with wooden flooring and dark green wallpaper. It had a large glass sliding door that looked out the back yard, the black curtains were covering the door. In the middle of the floor was a large dark green rug, and pretty old cozy black couch, with red pillows on the side and large Tv that was on the wall, the tv was on playing some calming lofi music, and there was dark oak coffee table. On the couch at Ellie, wearing light blue flea PJ's with Pokemon characters on them, and oversize long black sleeve shirt that was to big for her. Ghost stood there in the door way, watching as Ellie was reading a book about baby care and motherhood. He leans against the door frame watching her. It had been about a few months since the two both found they both were going parents, how they found wasn't the best way to find out. That mission nearly went south, Ellie was only shot in the right shoulder and she and the rest the rest the squad made out alive, however Ghost couldn't help but think about how could have been worse. So much worse. The idea of something worse happening made his heart stop, since that day Ellie had been honorably discharge Ghost and Simon made their mission too keep her safe. More than ever. Right now all that mattered to him was the family he was about to have. Ellie noticed that Ghost was standing in the door and she looked up from her book. "Morning, Simon." "Mornin, Ellie." Ghost said, giving a sweet soft expression. "How ya feelin'? Still feelin' ill?" "N-No... I'm feeling a lot better." she said, putting the book and onto the coffee table, and getting to her feet. Ghost took a few steps closer to her looking down at with a soft warmth, then looking down at Ellie's baby bump showing from under the oversize shirt. It was amazing sight to behold. Ghost gently places both his hands on Ellie's belly and rubbing his thumps. "And how is our lit' dove doin'?" "She's good." said Ellie placing a hand on her belly. "She's making mommy eat things that I think is pretty much humanly impossible." Ghost laughs a little. "Haha. I know." He kneels own eye with the baby bump. "Ya makin' mummy eat all kinds of odd foods?" He rested his forehead against Ellie's belly. "Such a funny lit' thing you are, eh?" He said, sweetly. "Alrigh', darlin'. Daddy's gotta to work today. But don't you worry, I'll be home later in the evenin'. So ya be a good girl for mummy, yeah?" He gives the baby bump a kiss. His smile slowly fades a little then looked up at Ellie. "I-I'm gonna be gone all day." "Yeah. I know." Ellie said. Ghost lets out a deep sigh has to he stood up. Ellie could tell by his eyes he didn't want to leave her alone. She moved closer to him and wraps her arms around his his middle, giving him that smile that he adored to death. "Don't worry, Simon. I'll be fine." 'Ya sure? You've been having bad morning sickness and headaches for the past few days. I'm sure Price and the rest the lads would understand if I don't show today." Ellie nod. "Yes. Besides you really can't take off that. Captain said he needs you. Along Gaz and Soap." said Ellie. There was long pause and in annoyed tone. "Fuckin' hell." He paused again and groans. “Anyway…I know Price needs me there, Luv. B-But... I'm not keen on living you here on your own." "It's fine." said Ellie, with reassuring smile. "I'm not going away, I got all the foods and snakes I need right here, and you'll be back this evening. And baby and me be waiting right here. So don't worry." Her light gray eyes looked in dark brown eyes. Ghost lets out small chuckles and lifts up his mask, and he smiles down at her. "Alright." And the two shared a sweet kiss.
After a few moments Ghost had on all things that he needed for the meeting and for the rest the door. He was in the kitchen with the electric kettle on, and was waiting for the water boil. As he stood there he slowly reached into his uniform breast packet and pulled out an ultrasound picture of the baby. He stared it for a moment lost in his in own thoughts. He smile as he looked at, but all can feel some anxiety.
He took a deep breath as he tried placed pucture back into his breast packet, just as the door bell started to to ringing. As as he heard it, Ghost then reach for his phone that was in packet and checked the ring door camera, and there standing there was Johnny Soap MacTavish, wearing a dark green rain couch with the hood up. Then Ellie's voice could heard call out. "Be right there, Soap." Ellie rushed over to the front door and open it and smile. "Hey there. Come in." Johnny smiled back as he walked into the parlor closed the front door behind. "Ahh, thank ya, lass." Johnny ask. "Unsgeachadh mar ifrnn." Ellie blinks and said: "... What?" "I said it was rainin' like 'ell." said Johnny, with laugh. "Anyway good to see ya, Ellie." said Johnny holding out his arms and he and Ellie shared hugged. "How ya feelin'? Any better?" "Much better." she said, hugging him back then pulling away a bit. "It's been rough few days. Had an awful headache the last days and morning sickness didn't help at all." "Oh. Sounds like rough." said Johnny, with a sympathetic look. "I remember meh old sister went through same thing when she was pregnan' with meh nephew. Poor lass had the worse 'eadaches she ever 'ad, said it was the one the worse part being pregnan'." Ellie blinks her face went a little pale, and Johnny changes the subjects when he say the look on her face. "B-But she's healthy and so is my nephew. Heh. Anyway, where's L.T.?" "He's in the kitchen making his tea." said Ellie. Johnny rolls his eyes. "Fuckin' Brits..." "Language, Sergeant." said Ghost's voice from the hallway. "There's a child in the room with ya. SO WATCH IT." Both Johnny and Ellie look down at the hallway and each other. "Um... Would you like a coffee, Soap?" Ellie asked. "No thanks, we gotta get wee a bit of a move on." said Johnny. The two chatted for a few minutes as Ghost from the hallway with a black coffee thermos in his right hand. "Sorry, Johnny, if I kept ya waitin'." "No problem, Pa." said Johnny, with grin on his face. Ghost gave him a look, and Ellie was puts both her hands over her month as she was shaking with laughter. Ghost moves his gaze too her, and saw her cheeks puffy and was still giggling. "... Fuckin' hell..."said Ghost. "Ahah. Simon, language." said Johnny, with grin, making Ellie laugh harder. Ghost then lets out a small, too. After that Ghost put on his boots he grabs his backpack and his thermos of tea. Ghost stood up and saw Johnny and Ellie hugging each other goodbye. "It's always great to see, Soap." she said.
"Aye." said Johnny, with smile taking her hands into his. "Miss havin' yea 'round the base, Ellie. And if ya need anthin' ol' uncle Johnny and Kyle will be there." "Aww, that's sooo... sweet..." Ellie said, in shaking voice and began sobbing slightly. "You have no idea how much that mean to me...! Y-You guys so sweeeet~!" Johnny stood there blinking awkwardly looking over Ghost who came walking over and pat Ellie on the back. "There, there, Luv." She turn to him and hugs, sobbing into his chest. "... I-I.. Um... Is she gon--." Johnny began. "Yeah. Don't worry. Meet you in the car. "Sure... See ya later." "B-Bye... Soap." said Ellie, with sweet smile eyes puffy. Johnny nods gives Ellie one last smile before pulling up his hood over head and walking out the door, closing being him. Ghost stared at the door, then at Ellie, who was calm and said: "S-Sorry..." "S'right." He amused, the two gave each a goodbye kiss, the picked up his bag and placing it over his bag. "R-Righ'... Should get going then, eh?" Ellie nods. "Have a good day, babe." He hums. "... I'll try to get home as soon as I can.” "Take your time." He hums again stood there looking at her for a few moments. "... Remember, if ya need anything jus'---." "Let you know though phone or texts. And I will. Don't worry." He hums again paused and then said: “O-Okay...Love ya, Dove." he said. "I know, Simon. And love you, too." Ghost looks at her then began slowly walking over to the door and opening it and looks back at Ellie. "Ya sure you'll be grand without for a while?" "Yes. Simon, don't worry about me. I'm going fine. I promise." Ellie gave a smile. "Now don't keep Soap waiting." "Ghost nods and then walks out the door looks at Ellie one last time before slowly shutting tightly and locking it behind him. Ellie stood there letting a sigh and her smiled fading a little. "Well, he's gone for the day." She thought to herself. "I really do feel bad for making him fussing over me for the past fews. But hopefully spending time with the guys will help relax a little." She then pats her belly and said: "... Well, kiddo how about we get something to eat and watch some hunterxhunter the day?" She rubs her baby bump and began making her to the kitchen. Then her phone started vibrating in her pj's packet and Ellie reach for and pulled it out. (Text From CoolSkullMan) just in case you need too reach me, here's Price, Luka, Kyle Johnny and Becca's numbers* And it was all the contacts that they both new. (Sends Text To Coolskullman) *Okay* *have a good day.* Ellie shakes her head. "Poor guy really worries too..." And she walked too the kitchen.
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chou-de-chambers · 2 years
Change of Heart
Content rating: Explicit (NSFW) Tags: Yoru x Reader, Yoru x You, fem!reader, reader is a Valorant agent, ex-lovers, slight angst, alcohol consumption, mention of smoking, smut with feelings, unprotected sex (consensual), happy ending, no beta we die like cinematic Cypher Next entry for Kinktober 2022! This one is a gift for my friend slash Valorant duo (best duelist in APAC for me btw) who simps for hair-down Yoru ♡ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!
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Colorful lights seeped through the thin gaps of the cabinet's door, painting beams on both you and Yoru's tense bodies. It was already late at night; everyone in the party was tipsy from drinking beer (outside of Brimstone's knowledge) and celebrating Phoenix's birthday. Lofi beats hummed through the speakers of the basement garage, enough to set the ambience without bothering the older agents upstairs from their slumber or whatever work they were still busy with. Everyone felt brave enough to dare each other to a game of Seven Minutes in Heaven, its players decided through a round of Spin the Bottle. However, you knew yours was rigged, judging from the subtle puff of air you had observed from Jett's fingers as the bottle pointed over Yoru then you.
As much as you loved your best friend, you couldn't help but feel betrayed by how she intentionally partnered you with your ex out of all the people in the room. Jett knew you were trying your best to move on from your recent breakup, your constant worrying and Yoru's stubborn behavior not blending well, yet she still challenged your will by subjecting your bodies this close to each other. You sighed out of nervousness as you and Yoru waited for any signs of life outside, like they're intentionally giving you more than seven minutes of torture inside the dingy garage cabinet. Not like any of them knew history between the two of you- only Neon and Jett had knowledge about your secret of having dated the riftwalker.
There wasn't enough room for personal space. Your hands were pressed onto Yoru's chest, clad in a black leather jacket, its decorative spikes digging into your palms. His hands were pinned on your sides, enclosing you in him. You could feel the heat from both your breaths gathering, causing both of you to sweat profusely. Yoru gulped as your hands slightly moved, him getting threatened by the idea of you noticing his heartbeat pacing.
"Sorry," you whispered, "I just wish we had more room."
"Yeah," Yoru mumbled back, wanting to scratch the back of his neck.
"What's taking them so long, though?"
He shrugged his shoulders, "No idea."
Then silence. Your head remained shifted away as you tried to pick up any activity outside. But in truth, you're just trying to avoid meeting Yoru's gaze. You could feel how his eyes were glued onto you ever since you entered the room. In Yoru's defense, he was longing to take another chance on you. Longing for you. He knew it was his fault your relationship ended, what with him constantly putting you on the edge for every dumb thing he did and refusing to introduce you to his vulnerability. He didn't even want to come to this party until Phoenix begged, just to avoid bumping into you. To avoid the guilt from hurting you. To avoid the pitting hole from not having you.
His efforts to catch your attention though were easy to tell, starting from the way he dressed tonight. Yoru donned your favorite apparel for him, the leather jacket he used to wrap around you during evening bike rides. His hair was even fluffed down, knowing full well that you preferred him that way compared to his usual spiky hairdo. He even wore the necklace with the little hamster pendant you crafted in clay for him. Everything about the way he presented himself tonight screamed for you.
"Uh," Yoru cleared his throat in an attempt to fill the void, "You look cute."
Well that's awkward. "Um. Thanks," you muttered as you eyed the graphic crop top and dark denim shorts you're wearing. You changed the topic though, "I swear they're just messing with us at this point. I'm coming out-"
"Don't," Yoru huffed as he pushed his body even closer to you, "Stay here. With me."
You gulped as his face inched closer until your foreheads were touching. Your fists balled in an attempt to force him away, but he remained as sturdy as a tree. The only thing you managed to do was turn your head to the side, avoiding the possibility of your lips meeting each other. You knew it was bound to happen, Yoru appearing to be more confident given the compromised situation. You didn't sign up for this shit, regret flooding your thoughts from attending this stupid party. How is this gonna help you in any way? You swore Jett was out of her mind. And you made sure she'll pay for this.
You toughened up, your face still away from his, "I don't see the point in staying here with you any longer."
"You hate me that much?" he snickered, playing the role of a tough guy.
"I guess you could say that."
"Give me another chance."
Your eyes narrowed, now crossing with his, "What are you talking about?"
"You know damn well what I mean."
"Ugh," you groaned in spite, "Your audacity, I swear. You haven't even apologized yet."
Your tone and volume amped higher, high enough for anyone outside to hear. Yoru didn't mean to start a fight from how he had trouble expressing himself. So he followed your advice, "I'm sorry, then."
"See?" you rolled your eyes in disbelief, completely dodging his attempt, "Like always. You had to wait for me to say it before you mean it."
"I'm shitty with social cues," he muttered with a crack in his voice, "You knew I had always been by myself until you came. You were my first."
"Doesn't excuse you from not listening."
"Please just-"
"Enough, Ryo," you answered firmly, the mention of his actual name hinting you're upset, "You're not helping me."
"Sorry." Yoru's sight fled down in shame. He took a few seconds to arrange his thoughts, giving you a moment for yourself, before pouring his feelings out, "But I'm serious: I really want to try again." His right hand fled to hold yours, squeezing it to where the beating of his heart was. Your ears perked from the emphasis in his tone. The riftwalker's voice was soft and enticing, "Just tell me what to do. I'll make it up to you."
Another cricket of silence. This time though, both of you were staring at each other, Yoru taking in this precious moment of being alone with you while you weighed how sincere he sounded. Before you had the chance to respond, the cabinet door swung open, putting you into flight mode and abruptly taking your hands off of him. Yoru did the same. Everyone cheered and teased from how both your faces were as red as a tomato, most of the girls giggling, including Jett who plastered a smirk while eyeing you. Engulfed by embarassment, you shot your best friend an irritated look and walked away.
"Ooh," everyone reacted, pressuring the left alone Yoru as he stepped out of the cabinet. Phoenix nudged him, wrapping an arm around his shoulder, the smell of liquor radiating from his slurry speech, "So how'd it go, fam?"
"Screw you to shards, idiot," Yoru spat back, sinking on the couch as he reached for his bottle and swiftly downed what's left of his beer.
Yoru's heel dug onto the spent cigarette butt, distinguishing its flame. He took a few seconds to stare into the starry night sky before coming back inside, hands inside the pockets of his jacket. He knew how much you liked the stars, so he often snuck you out of HQ to a special spot beyond the city with his motorcycle. The way your eyes glimmered were brighter than the twinkling of the stars. He couldn't get the grin out of his face from how your fingers pointed to the sky, pretending to touch each speck. And most of all, your wholehearted laughter that echoed throughout the woods. He tried. Maybe he's just not cut out for you. Maybe he's that unbearable to handle. Like a teenage son, he remembered you call him before you told him it's over. A disappointed sigh escaped his lips as he reminisced the little time he spent with you earlier. Defeated, his foot kicked the dust off the concrete floor.
To his surprise though, he found you outside his apartment door, wearing nothing but his oversized shirt you forgot to return. Your arms were hugging yourself, face flushed as you averted your gaze away from him. For a moment, he froze, itching to rub his eyes just to check if he was already wasted somewhere in HQ and dreaming, but the rapid beating of his heart confirmed that this right here is reality. Without warning, you were dragged inside his room as his lips crashed yours, your body pinned onto the other side of his locked door. His hands were quick to grab onto your ass, sliding down to your thighs, lifting you up so he could walk both of you to his dim bedroom. Yoru didn't stop wallowing in the passion of your kissing as he tossed both of you on the matress, sheets rustling from your hands hungrily exploring each other. Your tongues danced, tasting the same beer both of you had from earlier's party. Yoru was the first to pull away, peering over the silhouette the moonlight could draw from your pretty face.
"Are you drunk?"
You shook your head to deny it, your hands pulling his face onto yours. He gently brushed them off, "I still need an answer, you know."
You were too shy to admit it- even to yourself- that you still like him. That you still looked out for him despite promising yourself not to. You weren't drunk, but the beer somehow helped you become more honest with yourself. All you did was stare at his lips with your lidded eyes. He noticed, giving you a soft peck to satisfy your need, asking again, "Is this you giving me a second chance?"
You nodded. He gently smiled, something he rarely did, "Kawaii sugiru," and kissed you fiercely this time. This turn of events made it seem like a miracle. Yoru thought about finally thanking the gods for this. No questions asked; he'd grab this opportunity freely handed to him.
His lips remained on yours as he shook his jacket off of him, throwing it on the edge of his bed. You could feel his rough hands sliding up your body, his wrists lifting up your shirt to your chest, revealing your waist down. You bit your lip from how he grinded his bulge onto you, the friction from his denim pants rubbing between your legs. He whispered onto your ear, "Stop pretending like it's our first time doing this. You know you can let it out. Our rooms are soundproof, baka, " then his lips traced down the area underneath your jaw, one of your most sensitive spots, rewarding him with moans from you. His grinding onto your core sharpened, driving you crazier than you already are.
"Oh, Ryo-" you breathed out, gripping onto the back of his shirt.
"Fuck," he groaned through the curve of your neck before kneeling up. His beady eyes admired the tangled mess you became, his hands doing quick work on taking off his clothes. Yoru let out an exhale from the way your hands traced each one of his scars that adorned his torso- scars he earned from Shibuya gang fights in the past and some that developed from his riftwalking. He noticed the worry on your face once again, an expression he wouldn't want to gain at this kind of occasion, and attempted to distract you by pulling down your panties. He cursed in Japanese, thrilled from the sight of your wet sex and the image of his hard cock diving into it.
"And here I thought you weren't happy to see me," he smugly commented as the tips of his fingers grazed onto your wet folds.
You covered your face in embarassment with his pillow as you whined, "Ryo, stop..."
He chuckled, obviously winning from how you fed his ego with your reaction. The pillow on your face got quickly discarded and thrown on the floor. His other hand grasped your chin, averting your face towards his conquering figure and gifting you with a passionate kiss again. He loves the feeling of your soft lips on his. It's one thing he missed the most from you. You felt a calloused finger enter your craving hole, making you beg for a pause to moan. Yoru denied your plea by shoving his tongue into your open mouth and adding another finger pumping inside you. You whimpered from each thrust he did, your walls getting more slippery. Release felt so close. "Ryo, I'm close-"
Then Yoru pulled out, momentarily licking the sweetness of your juices on his fingers, then lifted you onto his lap. He smirked from seeing your brows knit together.
"You're cruel," you pouted as you squeezed on his bare shoulders. His hand held onto yours, guiding it towards his erection. Your fingertip caressed its head, feeling the warmth of his precum, drawing out a lustful gasp from him. Yoru's wish was clear and you complied by wrapping your hand around his thick shaft, stroking it up and down. He pulled you in for a hot kiss as you gradually paced your hand's movement. The low groans that vibrated from his throat were satisfying for you to hear, like he's under your mercy. This was enough to make it even.
When his lips parted from yours, his hands held your cheeks, and the tender look from his eyes relayed a familiar message: Yoru was begging you to go down on him. You kissed the corner of his mouth before descending onto his twitching cock, peppering it with kisses before flicking your tongue over the wetness of its head like a treat. He hissed at the pleasure, his hand gripping onto your loose locks. Slowly, you took his entirety in your mouth until its tip reached the back of your throat. You felt his hold on your hair tighten, urging you to move. You did so by bobbing your head up and down until it was Yoru controlling you. Your tongue ran underneath his shaft with every movement of your head, leaving him euphoric to the point that his hips began rocking. Yoru's head snapped back from the overwhelming bliss as he cried curses in his native language, and the sight of him all sweaty and lewd like this motivated you to pleasure him even more. He'd often act tough outside, but you've always wished that he'd share his weaknesseses to you.
You felt your hair being pulled. You willingly obliged, releasing his cock from your mouth then gently pushing him to lay down on the bed. You knew Yoru loves it when you're on top, so you straddled his hips and slowly sank onto his girth, eyes focused on his. Both of you missed this feeling of being connected to each other as you moaned in unison. His hands met yours, fingers intertwined before pulling you closer to him. While you were still relishing on the feeling of him inside you, he whispered in a husky voice, "Go on, move. Show me you deserve to feel good."
His sudden retrieval of power from you turned you on, coaxing you to rock your hips, eliciting deep grunts from him. Yoru's hands fled to your hips, sliding down to your ass, squeezing it as you lowered yourself again on him. His eyes lingered on yours, his senses swallowing every bit of you- from your beautiful body to your melodious moans and fragrant scent of sex that blessed his territory with your presence once again. Everything was at its place. You were with him, and he's glad that he was right where he belonged: by your side. Yoru did his best to intensify your pleasure by fondling your breast with one hand and thumbing your clit with his other hand. You swore your mind was going blank from the way his hands occupied you, especially with him rubbing your core. It kind of made your movement sloppy. A deep chuckle escaped Yoru's lips as he adored your heated expression devoid of any thoughts except for your lovemaking. This urged him to seize your hips and move his instead. The yelp you let out was sultry, and it further motivated him to thrust harder.
Your back arched and your fingers clawed onto the bed sheet, "Ryo, please harder, I'm almost there."
"Me too," he mouthed breathlessly, his thrusts going faster and harder. His release was triggered by the way your walls clenched onto his dick, his warm cum pouring into you as you climaxed along with him. Yoru's hips continued thrusting onto yours, ensuring that every bit of his semen was inside you as a way of marking you as his. He sighed in relief as you pulled yourself away of him, a sight of his seed dripping from your swollen hole. You smiled at him before laying on his chest, his arms enclosing you into a loving embrace.
"So we're back together, yeah?"
You huffed in playful annoyance, "Of course, dummy."
"Just making sure," he said, brushing your hair then planting a kiss on your temples, " Suki desu."
"Love you too, Ryo."
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ─ ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ─ ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
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midautumngame · 1 year
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For Robin Lam, crashing at Grandma's was meant to be a break from their responsibilities. But relaxing might prove hard when the Spirit World is real, its entrance is in their basement, and they're its newest guardian. Blast evil spirits and save your hometown from gentrification in this rogue-like dungeon crawler about Asian diaspora culture – Midautumn!
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✧ Fight through the Spirit World! ✧
Experience roguelike dungeon crawling gameplay with engaging and unique combat mechanics! Fight a range of different enemies and boss battles! Plus, accessibility options to ensure you can play how you'd like!
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✧ Explore the town of Nambo Quay! ✧
Enjoy multiple story arcs and narrative branches and uncover the mysteries of this fictional Californian coastal town! Shop for boba power-ups, clothes, music and more! Visit locales and events, such as the anime con, SakuraFest!
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✧ Meet the Characters ✧
Meet and chat with a whole cast of diverse characters complete with beautiful art and voice acting! Get to know townsfolk and Ancestral Spirits, who offer you their Gifts to help you along the way!
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✧ Engage with Asian cultures ✧
Explore diverse Asian diaspora cultural experiences and perspectives created by an all-Asian diaspora team! Featuring a distinct lofi pixel art style, a bumping soundtrack, compelling dialogue and story and previously funded on KIckstarter!
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doberbutts · 11 months
Ask game: 9 and 17?
A story from my childhood:
Hmm I've told quite a few good ones on here. I think I've never talked about this one on tumblr before.
When I was in 2nd grade, I had a truly evil teacher. She hit us, scratched us with her nails, came up with cruel games and crueler punishments. She mostly targeted myself, a Korean girl, and the boys (the girl and I were the only poc in the class). When I say truly evil I mean it- she would grab us by the back of the neck with her deliberately sharpened nails and squeeze hard enough to leave marks. One day she did that to a boy with short enough hair that his parents noticed- they called the other parents of the class who checked their kids' necks and found similar marks. She'd always told us that our parents knew about what she was doing and told her it was okay, and that we'd be punished worse for telling anyone because then everyone would know we'd been bad. Surprise: our parents did not know.
ANYWAY that's not the story but rest assured she did get fired for this after all the parents raised a huge stink about this woman.
In 3rd grade my school was aware that they now had a bunch of incredibly traumatized 7-9 year olds who needed some extra help because they'd been terroized for several months, and devised a buddy system with the school's nicest teachers. Mine was my actual 3rd grade teacher and she was such a beautiful and lovely soul.
I spent many weekends working on homework sprawled out on her kitchen floor, eating fruits and sweet treats she made herself, chasing her very fat orange cat around, helping in her garden. She- I feel- embodied what an elementary school teacher should be. Genuinely, I don't think a nicer person exists. I have one particular memory of sitting with her on her patio, me covered in dirt due to whatever garden activities I'd been up to, eating cool watermelon and drinking iced water, asking her a million questions about all the different things I'd learned in class and seen in the garden and heard on the news etc. And her ever-present patient smile as she answered my questions in her own gentle way.
The year after, she went on extended leave due to "a health problem". She never came back during my time at that school. Later, in high school, I was at a Christian camp thing and bumped into her there. She looked like she'd aged about 25 years. I called out to her, and she heard me say her name and told me in a very wobbley and halting voice "I know you were one of mine, but I'm sorry, I can't remember your name. It's the cancer, you see."
She died a few months later. She had brain cancer. I cried when my mom handed me her obituary. I was just talking to my mom about her the other day, how I remembered chasing her cat around during that summer.
The moral of the story is, I guess, that you never know the impact you'll have on someone's life. I don't know if Ms Metzler ever thought that I'd be sitting here thinking of her more than a decade after she passed. Or if she knew just how much she helped me recover from the woman before her. Or if she knew that her garden, her patio, her bright orange cat, and the cool tile of her kitchen floor would make such an impression on me that I still remember them vividly even after a brain injury. She didn't remember me at the end. But I'll remember her forever.
3 things that make me happy:
Vanilla or cinnamon scented candles
Lofi playing softly in the background
The warm pressure of a dog laying on me
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unknownsources · 2 years
Made In Nebraska - Keep My Soul Guitar by izzyunbroken (Night’s In Nebraska Official Single Audio)
[unknown source] presents Made In Nebraska’s official single from his next project titled “Night’s In Nebraska”
Recorded, Written, & Mixed @ “End of the rainbow creations studios”
Mixed & Mastered by Keyhole Vision Studios
Cover art by *graphic content*
Produced by Mirrored Spirit
Genre: Midwest Hip-Hop, Indie rock, Future Punk, Soul, Blues, R&B Rock, Midwest emo, shoegaze, punk rock, lofi hip hop, & spiritual music
Izzy unbroken guitar sample from TikTok
Uploaded on the behalf of Lightheaded publication’s
im trynuh keep my soul i know the devil wants my soul
and so for god imma keep my...
makes me wanna cry
makes me wanna die
i be gettin high, thats all the fuckin
im about to go, go an blow my dome
see my blood all on the ceilings, all over the floors
Imma make it count
Like momma watch me count
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