#Locomotive Works
trainmaniac · 3 months
J17 BR 65567 at Doncaster Works being cosmetically restored for preservation in the National Collection 04-06-1963 by Paul Kearley Via Flickr: The photographer is unknown. A digitally restored image from an original negative in my collection.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 10 months
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"TURNING OUT ONE COMPLETE TRAIN A DAY," Winnipeg Tribune. December 4, 1913. Page 13. ---- Shops at Angus Largest of Their Kind in the Dominion-C.P.R. Building Cars of Steel ---- The Canadian Pacific railway's shops at Angus, in the extreme northeast of Montreal, are the largest of their kind in the Dominion. Here pig iron is turned into monster locomotives with shiny fittings, and when roughhewn logs are not employed made into palace parlor cars. Angus shopmen boast that the plant is capable of turning out a complete train a day. When the entire force is working an army of 6.000 men are employed at the works.
From the boy who deftly catches bucket of red-hot bolts tossed to him from a forge twenty feet away, to the expert engaged in tuning and testing the bells and sirens which are to clangs and whistle in Saskatchewan or Austria, every person at Angus fits into his niche of the intricate organization and there is no confusion and no de-ay.
When the Pennsylvania railroad system completed its tunnel into New York, it made a regulation that no wooden cars were to make use of its lines. This led the railway companies of Canada to construct steel cars, for which the public had been agitating for some time, as they constituted less risk to the tray.... So that now wooden cars are gradually disappearing and will soon be 3 thing of the past.
The decision on the part of the Canadian Pacific to build its cars of steel instead of using wooden bodies, while not exactly a new step in Industrial activity, will probably be taken up on a larger scale than ever before on this continent. The capacity of the new steel shops which have just been completed is ten cars a day, and this department of the works is now running full blast.
Assembling a Steel Car. When the trucks are delivered from the trucks shop, steel girders, punched for bolts and rivets, are hoisted on cranes and held in position while a workman with a hydraulic drill drives the fasteners into place. The assembling of a steel car is much more speedy than the old method of building wooden coaches, using the trucks as foundation. A large amount of the old equipment which was used in the construction of the wooden cars 14 being reconverted and adapted for the making of the new carriers.
This department of the Angus shops is now in the course of transposition and will be much condensed, as wooden parts required will be much less numerous. The wooden box which forms the exterior of the freight car is fastened outside of the girders and can be replaced on the same car when it wears out.
Comfort and Luxury. Although the project of making all cars, passenger and freight alike, with steel frames, has been proposed, and is now under serious consideration by the C. P. R., no move has been made at Angus towards installing a steel plant for passenger coaches. The general plan of assembling a passenger car is that used in other train work, the component parts being added to the trucks, which are set in the erecting pits to be built upon.
The finished parlor car is in itself an achievement, for here not only safety and utility are to be considered but comfort and luxury for the passengers.
Coaling Up Real Test of Engine. Coaling up is the real test of an engine's worth. Parts may have been perfect and preliminary inspection may have found no defect in the whole, but engines are made to run, and if this one will not, back it goes through a long series of tests and examinations to discover where is its weak point. As with ships at their first launching, the constructing engineer who has planned the whole is never certain that his locomotive will run without mishap.
To the east of the Angus shop is a side track where the monster engines are first tried with coal in the bunkers and steam in the boiler.
A little group always gathers around the new engine. Fires have been laid, the smoke pours through the exhaust pipe and the fireman gives a preliminary tug at the bell rope Then the grisled engineer, who is the only one who does not appear excited. throws open a throttle, opens the siren into hideous shriek, and the leviathan chugs along the track, as if this were no new feat and it had been chugging along tracks for years.
The little group of foremen and inspectors give a weak hurrah, as they have done for hundreds of new locomotives since the first was turned out In a few minutes the big engine has steamed backwards into its place at the end of the erecting pits, and stands all ready to go on the "main line."
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rouxipanda · 2 months
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Skaloey ? More like Skarlo-King!
Commission work for @traintrainingmontage ! I had so much fun and I'm really happy with how it came out !
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ohjeeztrains · 11 months
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I'd like to imagine if Edward accidentally scares someone too much he would do anything he can to help calm them, he'd probably even brew some calming tea
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dieselfutures · 1 year
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LMS Sentinel No.7192
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dampfloks · 7 months
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Disney World Railroad – Orlando (Thema Park Magic Kingdom) Dampflokomotive - No.2 - Lilly Belle
Die hier fahrenden echten Schmalspur-Dampflokomotiven (Spurbreite 914 mm) wurden gebraucht in Mexiko auf einem Boneyard gekauft und in Florida überholt bzw. umgebaut. Dabei wurden sie von Kohle auf Heizöl umgerüstet, mit neuen Kesseln und neuen Führerhäusern versehen. Auf den originalen Fahrwerken wurden bei den Schlepptendern ebenfalls neue Aufbauten errichtet.  Alle vier in Betrieb befindlichen Lokomotiven wurden Lokomotiven von Baldwin Locomotive Works gebaut.
Zu meinem Besuch im Februar 2024 waren nur zwei Maschinen 
No.1, “Walter E. Disney”, Achsfolge 4-6-0, Baujahr 1925, Fabriknummer 58444
No.2, “Lilly Belle”, Achsfolge 2-6-0, Baujahr 1928, Fabriknummer 60589 
im Parallelbetrieb. Die anderen beiden Lokomotiven 
No.3, „Roger E. Broggie“, Achsfolge 4-6-0, Baujahr 1925, Fabriknummer 58445 
No.4, „Roy O. Disney“, Achsfolge 4-4-0, Baujahr 1916, Fabriknummer 42915 
waren gerade in Wartung.
Disney World Railroad - Orlando (Magic Kingdom theme park) Steam locomotive - No.2 - Lilly Belle
The real narrow-gauge steam locomotives running here (gauge 914 mm) were bought second-hand in Mexico at a boneyard and overhauled or rebuilt in Florida. They were converted from coal to fuel oil, fitted with new boilers and new driver's cabs. New bodies were also built on the original bogies of the locomotive tenders. All four locomotives in operation were built by Baldwin Locomotive Works.
At the time of my visit in February 2024, only two machines
No.1, "Walter E. Disney", axle arrangement 4-6-0, year of construction 1925, serial number 58444
No.2, "Lilly Belle", axle arrangement 2-6-0, year of construction 1928, serial number 60589
in parallel operation. The other two locomotives
No.3, "Roger E. Broggie", wheel arrangement 4-6-0, year of construction 1925, serial number 58445
No.4, "Roy O. Disney", axle arrangement 4-4-0, year of construction 1916, serial number 42915
were currently undergoing maintenance.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
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klein-sodor-bahn · 2 months
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Heinrich “Jimmo” Henschel
I tried a fully rendered piece again.
And after some struggles I painted my giant puppy train boy. (Some struggles…yeah I had to totally revamp his face)
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theflyingkipper · 2 years
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"Runaway on the LMS", 2022, graphite
Close ups:
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Please do not repost without permission!
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bolters-and-rivets · 1 year
Built by Sharp Stewart of Manchester in 1873 for India's Tirhoot State Railway, metre gauge D class locomotive "Tweed" was in its 106th year of service when photographed working at the Saraya Sugar Mills in the state of Uttar Pradesh during February 1979.
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railway-roundhouse · 5 months
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Me, my father, and my brother all went out to Dollywood today and I nearly cried seeing Cindy pull up to the station. Her fellow engine, Klondike Katie, is currently not working (I believe she broke a part not very long ago) but I'm sure they're taking good care of her as I write this post!
Cinderella and Klondike Katie are both genuine coal burners, and I can attest to this because lovely Cindy got some coal bits on my pants lol. Cindy's got a gorgeous whistle and I am thrilled to have gotten to meet her. The girls are 36" gauge 2-8-2 locomotives originally built by Baldwin, Cinderella is #70 whilst Klondike Katie is #192. Cindy was built in 1938, Katie in 1943, and the conductor who spoke to us on the ride called Cindy a war vet...but Katie is too, because she was built for the US Army Transportation Corp!
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(I also got these >:3)
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4449fandom · 11 months
The Return of the Brooklyn Turntable by Jeremiah Lietke Via Flickr: This past Friday, the SP 4449 was rotated on the former Brooklyn Roundhouse Turntable for contributors and volunteers alike. Both entities had a common goal: to refurbish and reinstall the 99 year old turntable at the Oregon Rail Heritage Center. Eleven years after being removed from Brooklyn Yards, their dream became reality. The turntable was later re-dedicated in a public event the next day.
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toast-dude · 2 months
Working on this slowly
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I've never played but how can you not love that little train. This interpretation is inspired by the likes of Ivor the Engine and Furness Railway #20.
I've been chipping away at this on and off over the last two months. No idea when I'll finish.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 9 months
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"REFEREE WILL BE CALLED IN," Kingston Daily Standard. December 20, 1913. Page 6. --- Paving Dispute Goes to Montreal Expert. ---- Board of Works so Recommends - Repair of Breakwater - A. Pettigrew is New Clerk. ---- The much mooted question of suitable paving material for Princess and King streets was discussed again last evening at the final meeting for the year of the Board of Works. The reports of Mr. T. M. Mather, Syracuse, the city's consulting engineer in the matter of pavements and of Prof. Kirkpatrick, the Street Railway Co.'s adviser, who were in conference here recently, were read to the meeting by the City Clerk.
Mr. Mather strongly recommended the vitrified brick pavement which he pointed out was more serviceable in connection with the car tracks than was the wood block pavement.
Prof. Kirkpatrick took the opposite stand, in advocating the wood block, and cited numerous instances where this material had been successfully used.
After a brief discussion of the reports it was pointed out that the Board could take no action in the case as an agreement existing between the city and the Street Railway Co. stated that in case of a dispute arising between the city and the company the matter must be referred to the superintendent of the Montreal Tramway Co. for settlement. A motion was passed, recommending to the City Council that this matter he settled according to agreement. This will mean that the question of the more suitable pavement will be decided definitely by the Superintendent of the Montreal Tramways.
REPAIR OF BREAKWATER. The attention of the Board was called by the City Engineer to the damage caused by the severe storm of last month to the breakwater on King street, and the suggestion made that a beach be formed by dumping stone along the shore to protect the bank from further injury, unless it was deemed advisable to construct a concrete pier instead of the present wooden one.
Ald. White was of the opinion that the help of the government might be enlisted to erect such a pier.
The motion of Ald. Couper to have the Mayor and the City Engineer consult with Mr. W. F. Nickle, M.P.. in the matter, was carried. As the buildings which Major Leonard will donate to Queen's University will face this breakwater it was thought that the city should help to make this vicinity as attractive as possible.
ACCOUNT HELD UP. The various accounts were passed with the exception of that of Mr. Mather whose bill for $121, the balance due him for services in connection with the street paving question, was held up by the auditor, Mr. Muir, on the ground that Mr. Mather's work was not completed. The matter was referred to the City Solicitor.
A communication from the City Solicitor advising the obtaining of a bond from the Dietrich Co., which at the present has charge of laying the conduits, guaranteeing the paying for any damages caused to the pavements while conducting this work was read. A motion to have such a bond obtained by the City Engineer under manager of the Utilities was carried by the meeting.
CLERK APPOINTED. A number of applications for the position of clerk in the City Engineer's office were considered and Mr. A. Pettigrew of the Treasurer's Department was appointed to the position at a salary of $800. The question of the erection of a dock at the foot of Clarence street was discussed and a letter from the City Solicitor was read in which he recommended the construction of the dock north of Clarence street. The City Engineer was requested to furnish estimates of this work for future meeting.
REQUESTS MADE. A petition from the Canadian Locomotive Works for a sewer on Ontario street, between Earl and Gore streets was granted.
A request from G. Ledford for a sower on Rideau street was referred to the Board of Health.
A letter from H. F. Norman, asking for a sewer and gas main on Paglan Road, from Patrick to Sydenham streets, was referred to the Engineer.
A communication was read from a man named Bird asking remuneration for the saving of timbers torn lose from the breakwater during the storm last month. The Engineer was requested to report on the value of the timbers salvaged.
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rouxipanda · 10 months
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Commission work for @sodorsteam!
The lovely Rook resting in a place he like!
I had fun drawing him and the building heheh :]
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electricfied-wolf · 7 months
I think what has always bugged me deep down abt Electra and Greaseball as a ship is that when people put them together romantically they more often than not play up GB's masculinity and then play up Electra’s femininity. Now ofc Electra can be feminine and should be portrayed so at times seeing as he is genderfluid, but when ppl pair him with Greaseball who is already a very stereotypically masculine character, they tend to usually play more into Electra’s feminine traits in a way that it doesn't feel like genuine portrayal.
Now I'm going to say this loud and clear b4 i continue.
Anyway, it just gets me mainly bc Greaseball is so often portrayed in fanworks with an even more watered down personality than he has in canon, and it's already a basic enough personality in canon. And Electra 100% can and should be able to be a women, like I said that's not the problem. The problem is that it feels at times like they're being watered down to a basic m/f enemies to lovers when they realistically have a lot more depth to them. They fucking hate each other in the show but you can DO something with that. You can draw so much angsty slow burn from that.
Basically ig my point is greased lightning has so much potential I just feel like it hasn't really been channeled correctly. And once again THIS ISN'T AN ATTACK ON ANYONE. This is just my personal thoughts and feelings.
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johnmausson · 1 year
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🚂 Art for Mazaradie
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