#Liver Function Test cost
hopkinrx · 11 months
Liver Function Test: The Basics for a Healthy Liver
Liver Function Test: The Basics for a Healthy Liver1. Introduction2. What is a Liver Function Test?3. The Role of the Liver in the Body4. Indications for Liver Function Test Monitoring Liver Diseases Routine Health Check-ups Evaluating Medication Effects5. Understanding LFT Parameters Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) and Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST) Bilirubin Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) Albumin…
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aaditiganguli · 2 years
Have you heard of LFT? Generally speaking, no. Liver Function Test, or LFT, is what it stands for. How well your liver is functioning is determined by a blood test. Elevated liver enzymes are frequently an indication that your liver is unhealthy and that you should get an LFT.
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cncpathlabs · 2 years
A blood test called a liver panel, sometimes referred to as a liver function test, evaluates the overall health of the liver. This type of test looks for several proteins, enzymes, and other substances made by the liver. One blood sample is used to evaluate them all at once, and albumin may be present.
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masmedi · 2 years
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If you have symptoms like weariness, poor energy, an elevated heart rate, chest pain, or vertigo, your doctor may have advised you to undergo an anaemia profile test. This blood test evaluates the levels of folate, serum vitamin B12, and iron as well as vital blood markers that can detect anaemia and reveal details about its possible causes. You can schedule an appointment online at Masmedi and find local laboratories near you where you can perform the test.
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vympr · 2 years
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Hello, I am Shailesh (Chosen name will be Shalini after surgery) My pronouns are She/They. I am a trans person living in male body and I want to transition to fit into my right female body.
When I was young, I used to ask my father if I can become a girl, and foolishly he would tell me, by morning I will change into a girl. Time and again I have waited for that moment to come, but it never arrived.
The process is not an easy one. My body, my lifestyle, my very day is going to change, and for that, I need your help.
I wish to undergo the transition process (I hope you have watched Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui?)
For that I need to first go through HRT treatment. Which will allow my body to change, get into shape of a body as female.
I am required to visit psychiatrist and do my MMPI and RDR test done for my GID (Gender Identity Dsyphoria certificate)
Once that is done, I will require to visit an endocrinologist to run my blood test and check the level of testosterones present in my body. Accordingly, as my result will come out, I will be prescribed Estrogen meds, preferably I choose to go with Estrogen cream.
My journey doesn't end here, rather it starts here, In every three months I will be required to do my kidney and liver functionality test.
My therapy will go on as it goes now, except that, I will be required to visit my psychiatrist and endo every month, or once in a while for my improvement.
With this, I need to get LASER HAIR REMOVLE treatment. I have scars on my face, hence, the money will go there to go through laser treatment to get rids of those scars.
I know if may feels I am talking too much things here, but please understand that to become something that I wish to be, comes with cost, and I am not someone who can afford it. Hence, I also want to bring your attention to my teeth structure. I want to go undergo braces treatment too. And I hope you all know what it costs are?!
Last, but not the least, the main thing- MY SURGERY. Once I complete my HRT treatment for at least a year, I will have to go through GENDER AFFIRMING SURGERY. There are different type of VAGINO PLASTY SURGERY and from them I wish to go through SIGMOID COLON VAGINO PLASTY surgery. It is costly and a invasive surgery.
It costs around between 4 to 5 lacs. And the best doctors are in Delhi I am told.
I stay in Mumbai, to visit Delhi, to go through the surgery process, to stay there and wait there to recover will cost money.
I hope you understand my feelings and I hope you come forward and help me with what you can afford. I hope you contribute what is possible for you, I hope you share my fundraiser.
Please can you be there for your another trans fellow?
Link to donate- https://milaap.org/fundraisers/support-shailesh-139/deeplink?deeplink_type=upi&utm_medium=whatsapp_status&utm_source=app
You do not have to be based in India to donate, and more than likely your donation will have a larger impact due to the conversion rate. Please donate if you can, and share the fundraiser if you cannot! @shareyourdollar @donations-mutualaid
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itty-bitty-sunshine · 8 months
Hello. I am back. I am stressed, but under significantly less stress. Immortality on my brain, words are foggy rn. Buckle in.
They hadn't noticed how bad it's gotten. It spread over their flesh now. Immortality comes with a cost of living indefinitely, at losing everything. Yet no one dares to think about how it does not necessarily mean immunity.
It had been a long time for Perkeo. Not even they knew when they first came to be. Time stretched and blended together when you have no use for counting it. Counting was for those who didn't have enough time after all.
But now Perkeo sits at home. Unable to do much else. Their skin had darkened significantly, changing dulling into a slightly greyish colour. The flesh sat heavily on their frame. It had gotten oh so bad. How could they have not realized?
They could feel it writhing under their skin. The sensation shooting shivers up their spine, only with the few nerves that were left undamaged. They groaned as they felt their abdominal muscles and organ walls give way, shifting out of place. It started from the inside out.
They couldn't even muster the strength to call in sick today. Well, they probably wouldn't have this position for much longer anyway. Oh, the boys will be so disappointed. You were really glad to have spent at least this much time with them. Heh, you were worried about finding someone who you wouldn't have to worry about 'having enough time'. The joy un finally discovering them must have distracted you.
You felt it years ago, but now? Now, there is no turning back. As your stomach acid pools in your gut, shredding the rest of your organs. Muscle tear with every slight movement you make. It hurts, so badly. No blade or arrow ever left you feeling like this. No other 'death' had ever left you trembling like this. But you knew death was waiting for you.
Bones snap and cartilage disintegrates, tendons ripping, blood pooling. You struggle to keep your eyes open now. It's all too much. Your vocal chords are torn from the pained whimpering you wanted to scream. Perkeos organs started failing one by one. None leading to their death, unfortunately. Liver, intestines, stomach, lungs, heart. They continued laying, with barely holding onto consciousness. Their brain had not become dysfunctional, yet. Without the incessant beating of their heart, they were left in silence. Their thoughts were a quiet buzz filling their brain. Slow, but still there nonetheless.
They need you.
You should try to get up.
Hhhnngggg owwww.
Maybe you shouldn't even bother, they'll move on!
It hurts so much.
Atleast I got to spend a bit of time with them.
You never got to say goodbye.
Your thoughts dissipate as the rot takes over. Oh? Yeah, the rot. Your body, although resilient, couldn't deal with repairing itself constantly. Especially after extreme deaths. Ones where it would have to pull together your disfigured and scattered remains. So it did a makeshift job. Just for the time being. You ignored it. Eventually, it would take over, decomposing your body from the inside out. You had essentially been a living corpse lately, worrying Sun and Moon to no end. Well, now they wouldn't need to worry, Perkeo thinks to themselves. Their body had been put through so much, this weakend state was only necessary. It would be impossible to remain in perfect condition, despite its distaste for staying dead. It would eat itself apart, until it collapsed and could rebuild from scratch. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Flesh and bone crumbled away, only to reunite, forming a "new body". A refurbished one, one that will have longer till it inevitably collapses. Before it rebuilds itself again. Thought this process takes a tremendous amount of time, as well as trial and error. Struggling to recuperate itself, Perkeos life being a test of viability. They could die hundreds, if not thousands of times before it is completely functional. This could take up to a millenium to fix. Surely, going to be terminated from their current position before the process is complete.
Their brain agonizingly started shutting down, consciousness leaving them for what will never be the last time. Their flesh begins corroding.
If only they could have found their boys sooner.
Basically Perkeos immortality doesn't mean immunity. They will pay the price with not only pain, death, and resurrection. But their body cannot physically take the strain of healing itself. So it found a way to cope. Rotting. Decomposition doesn't mean death, it's a cycle of life. They will make it back... unfortunately the dca may never see them again.
Imagine rotting from the inside out. Feeling your body collapse and corrode around you, as your mind screams for release. Your brain can't take it. But you can never submit to death. Feeling your flesh, thick with festering bacteria, sliding on your bones, feeling trapped in the skin falling off your body. Your insides dissolving into an acidic burning concoction, sloshing around with every slight shift. Your bones, ligaments, tendons, and muscles shredding. Loosing the pretty voice so many of your friends throught the ages held dear :)
(What's bolded is my main idea, the rest is filler. I dont think it was written very well though.)
Hope you like it sunsun, I'm tired and my words don't sound right. I can't express my thoughts, but I hope atleast some of my thoughts came across.
Take a study break honey. Drink something warm, eat something healthy, go to bed, ily.🧡
Wait did I just write gore???
God imagine if they came to find you somehow
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tallymali · 11 months
Don’t know if anon or messages is the better place to ask this. I have friend that’s had uti for 2 months and you came to mind. Would you mind telling your Dr/clinic and the new and previous meds you’re taking? Did both meds work & the new is just cheaper or does new work better also? Thank You Tally!
Oh my god, I'm so glad you've sent me this because I wish more than anything that I'd known about this illness so early on in experiencing it. I have soooo much to say about this so you're absolutely welcome to DM me and relay any questions your friend has.
Okay first off I definitely recommend your friend joins the facebook support group: www.facebook.com/groups/ChronicUTISupportGroup/
Even if they dont use facebook, they should totally just make an account to join. I didn't use it either so I just made a blank profile with a fake name. As long as you answer the questions they send, the mods should let you in with no problem. I said something like "apologies for the blank account, I don't use social media but I was told this is the best place for support" and I was accepted super fast.
So, the clinic I go to is the Harley Street chronic UTI clinic. They don't have their own website but all their info is here: www.chronicutiinfo.com/treatment/conventional-medicine/uk-treatment/prof-malone-lee/
(That website is also an incredible source of info on chronic UTIs)
You have to go there in person for the initial appointment, which costs £250. First thing they do is take your pee and analyse it under a microscope to get a count for white blood cells and epithelial cells. Then you go to the doctor's office (there's a team of doctors that all follow the same protocol) and they discuss your symptoms, any previous medications you've tried, and any other health issues you have. They will almost always prescribe Hiprex and a long term high dose antibiotic. Hiprex is a urinary antiseptic, and it essentially reacts with the acid in your urine to create formaldehyde. Most of us take high dose vitamin C pills with the Hiprex to keep our urine as acidic as possible (high bacteria in the bladder can raise urine pH so we often need help in that department).
At this point they will give you the prescriptions and say you can take them to your NHS GP and see if they're willing to fill them on the NHS. My GP didn't want to get involved with prescribing long term antibiotics, but was happy to fill the Hiprex prescription. I now get my antibiotics from Pharmacierge. Their prices are cheaper than regular pharmacies and they work closely with the Harley Street team. My doctor now just sends my prescriptions straight over to them which cuts out a little admin for me.
After that initial appointment you have to have a follow up appointment every 3 months, which can be done in person or over teams. Either way, they cost £200. If you go in person they will do the pee analysis again, but it's not super necessary to do that to monitor your progress. Patient symptoms are the number one thing they use to decide your treatment. Basically as long as you're in pain, they will keep treating you (the NHS would NEVER). Not a huge amount happens at these check ups, but being on long term antibiotics is risky so they will ask you a million questions about any possible side effects, and switch your meds immediately if you're not tolerating them well. They also ask that you contact your GP and request a blood test 3 times a year to monitor your kidney and liver function. They might also ask for other tests depending on your symptoms and the specific antibiotics you're prescribed.
So yeah, the treatment kind of just boils down to: find the right meds. Take them until you feel completely normal again.
As for the specific meds, here's a list of their most prescribed antibiotics:
For me, before starting treatment under Harley Street, I'd been treated by the Urology Partnership. They prescribed me 3 months of full dose Nitrofurantoin (brand name Macrobid, super common UTI treatment) and I was almost symptomless during that 3 months, but when I finished the course the symptoms returned instantly at full throttle. From that point they would only prescribe me the half dose of Nitrofurantoin which was NOT cutting it. That was when I decided to move to Harley Street. Definitely would not recommend Urology Partnership to people dealing with a chronic UTI.
SO. I emailed the Harley Street clinic with an appointment request and they booked me in for the next week. At my appointment the doctor prescibed Trimethoprim, which is usually the first one they try with new patients. I took it for a little while, (around 2 weeks to a month, I don't remember exactly) but I was still getting symptoms that weren't letting up, so I emailed their clinical enquiries address to let them know. I'd mentioned at my inital appointment that Nitrofurantoin had worked in the past, so they took me off the Trimethoprim and prescribed the Nitro instead, with the note that I'd have to discuss it at my next appointment.
Basically, Nitro is a really good antibiotic but has some of the nastiest side effects and is also the most expensive. So at my follow up appointment my doctor said he was happy for me to stay on it to get my symptoms back under control but he'd like to switch to a less risky antibiotic in time.
So a few months later (June this year) I was switched to Cefalexin, which has some of the least side effects and is one of the cheapest. I've been doing really well on it and I'm really feeling optimistic.
This is all to say that treatment is easy in theory but requires a little trial and error to find the right meds, and then takes a metric fucktonne of patience. There's no set length of time for the treatment, but in general, the longer you've had the cUTI the longer it takes to cure. So if your friend does have cUTI and can get treatment quickly, it shouldn't take too long to cure.
I had mine for two years before starting with Harley Street, which is actually much shorter than the average patient. They frequently treat older patients who have been suffering for over 20 years. I've read a depressing number of posts in the facebook group from people in their 50s+ who have been able to live normally for the first time in their adult life thanks to this treatment.
Knowledge of this condition with the general public AND with doctors (even urologists?????) is basically nonexistent. The NHS and most healthcare systems will slap you with a wastebasket diagnosis (PBS/BPS/IC) and tell you to piss off and live in pain forever. I genuinely don't think I will ever be able to trust a doctor right off the bat to actually prioritise my health ever again in my life. The NHS is full of people who really do care and really do everything they can for their patients but as an institution it does not give one iota of a fuck about the wellbeing of the people it's supposed to care about. It's a big complicated systemic issue but there will never be a good excuse for turning away patients who need medical care to live normally.
If your friend or literally anyone reading this is interested in the more academic/scientific side of this whole thing, I'd definitely read Cystitis Unmasked by Professor Malone Lee. It's written for doctors so it's not an easy read for a layperson but GOD it's so eye opening and infuriating. Professor Malone Lee is the guy who created the Harley Street UTI clinic and I think he spent his entire life raging at all the pillars of incompetance that modern UTI testing and treatment is built upon.
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yellowgnomeboots · 10 months
Health stuff, feeling sad and despondent.
Over the years a couple of doctors have suggested I have chronic fatigue syndrome. None of them have done more that the standard blood tests - like iron, B12, liver function, white blood cells, you know all the fairly normal stuff.
Technically we don't know if I have chronic fatigue syndrome, but if I do then I need to avoid PEM at all costs to avoid getting worse, and therefore need to quit my job, stop going out, stop my hobbies.
This is a big ask when they haven't even tested for at least a dozen other problems I might have. But they're not going to test for them because they say it's unlikely I have them. They're happy for me to just have this fatigue and other problems my whole life so long as they don't have to do those tests.
At this point though I'd say I don't have CFS simply because I haven't managed to trigger a worsening of my condition which I would have expected by now given all the opportunities it's had to happen.
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sayeedaqsa · 1 year
Seven Best Pancreas Transplant Surgery Hospitals in India
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We might not have heard the name of ‘pancreas transplant’ as often as we have heard ‘liver transplant’ during our lives. The reason being that pancreas is an extremely sturdy organ and usually helps with the maintenance of a lot of essential processes in the body. Pancreas transplant surgery is carried out in many hospitals, and some of the best ones where you can attempt to get the process done are discussed below.
Diabetes Type 1 is also known to be an autoimmune condition where your body’s immune cells destroy the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. It begins mainly in childhood. Juvenile diabetes or diabetes Type 1 can destroy most of the body’s functions if not controlled appropriately.
When this disease stops responding to insulin replacement, pancreas transplant is the only option by which the patient can be gifted a new lease of life. It is still one of the costliest transplant processes in the country and can cost you somewhere from two to twenty lakhs. The patient with diabetes Type 1 condition can survive healthily only when the pancreas begins to function again.
Do you have someone who needs to know more about pancreatic transplants. Or, is it that you are trying to search for some information yourself, for your kid or your loved ones? Let us then get into knowing which can be the best hospitals for pancreas transplant in India.
Foremost pancreatic transplant hospitals in India
Some of the most advanced centres for undertaking the pancreas transplant surgery for your child or your loved ones are listed below.
1. Apollo Hospitals, Chennai
It is one of the best pancreatic transplant hospitals in India. The hospital is completely equipped to carry out pancreatic transplantation. The patient’s pancreas is not removed, but the donor’s pancreas is added in the process. Simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation, pancreas after kidney transplant and pancreas transplant alone are a few types of pancreatic transplantation processes.
The centre facilitates all three forms of pancreatic transplantation processes. If a transplant is carried out in a ten year old patient, there is 80% chance that the patient would be alive till 25 years of age after a simultaneous kidney, pancreas transplant.
2. IKD, Ahmedabad
Institute of Kidney Disease & Research Centre (IKDRC) is one such organization in the country which is capable of performing the pancreatic transplant process in young diabetic patients.
The surgery requires some of the best hands and some of the best procedural arrangements which are entirely standardized with the hospital. Even post-procedural complication handling is one area which is tackled efficiently here.
The cost of doing the surgery here can cost you somewhere around 10-20 lakh INR.
Address: Civil Hospital Campus, Asarwa, Ahmedabad 380016, Gujarat India.
3. PGIMER Chandigarh
PGIMER Chandigarh is also renowned for being capable of handling pancreatic transplantation surgery. The modern diagnostic equipment, the surgery-related facilities, good medical expertise are few of the specialities which help in reviving patients from pancreatic ailments.
PGIMER can effectively handle the complicated process of review, regulation, pre & post-surgery care.
Address: Madhya Marg, Sector 12, Chandigarh, 160012.
4. Fortis, Mulund, Mumbai
Fortis Group is also effectively helping patients undergo pancreatic transplantations. Modern amenities required to perform this kind of complex transplant process is now available with the hospital. The patients are suitably triaged, and appropriate diagnostic tests are run. For those patients who have a no response curve to insulin often can live if their pancreas is transplanted.
Sometimes the whole pancreas is transplanted from a dead body, and on other times, a part of the pancreas is grafted from a living donor. It is critical to regulate and frequently monitor the patient’s condition, and they need to be on regular drugs to prevent pancreatic transplant rejection.
5. Gleneagles Global HospitalsChennai
This hospital is capable of handling appropriate pancreatic transplant procedure which is still in its nascent stage in India. Not many have undergone this procedure yet, and not many are opting for it due to economic and social constraints.
However, this is an excellent organization to go with if you are planning a pancreatic transplant for someone in your family.
6. Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Kerala
This hospital is known to be an expert in handling pancreatic transplantation with ease. They have been into pancreatic transplantation and are now one of the big names in the health industry. They possess not only the expertise but also the required skills and appropriate procedural requirements for conducting the transplantations.
The organization has done successful pancreatic transplants in the recent past already.
So here is a list of all the best pancreatic transplantation hospitals where standard medical care is possible before and after the process.
Proper care is taken for the patients who undergo the pancreatic transplantation process, and it should only be targeted for those patients in whom the routine medical therapies cease to work.
If you have any further queries, you can drop in your enquiries in the shared drop box.
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mymedtrips · 2 days
Best Hip Replacement Surgery Hospitals in India
India is well known for its advanced medical facilities and skilled doctors, making it a popular destination for medical tourism. However, with so many hospitals offering hip replacement surgery, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. In this blog, we will explore and find the best hospital for hip replacement surgery in India based on research. We hope to provide valuable insights to help individuals make informed decisions about their healthcare.
Hip replacement surgery, also known as total hip arthroplasty, is a transformative medical procedure that offers relief to individuals suffering from severe hip pain and impaired mobility due to various conditions, such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, fractures, or other degenerative hip diseases. This surgical intervention involves replacing the damaged hip joint with an artificial prosthesis, effectively restoring function and improving the individual's overall quality of life.
Before the surgery, the patient undergoes a thorough evaluation to assess their overall health, including blood tests, imaging scans, and a discussion about medical history and medications.
During the procedure, the surgeon removes the damaged portions of the hip joint, including the ball (femoral head) and the socket (acetabulum). These are then replaced with prosthetic components made from materials like metal, plastic, or ceramic, mimicking the natural hip joint's structure and function.
Hip Replacement Surgery Cost in India
The hip replacement surgery cost is between 2 lakhs to 4 lakhs for single hip replacement surgery. However, we suggest that you should consult a reputable medical facility to obtain more information on the cost of hip replacement surgery in India. The actual hip replacement surgery price in India depends on multiple factors-
Type of hospital
Surgeon fees
Duration of hospital stay
Medical Insurance claim
Single or both hip replacement
Best Hip Replacement Surgery Hospitals in India
There are many best orthopaedic hospitals in India including hip replacement hospitals. Some of the best hip replacement surgery hospitals in India are-
Apollo Hospital, Chennai
Fortis hospital, Mumbai
Medanta, The Medicity, Delhi
Best Hip Replacement Surgery Doctors in India
Based on the research, best doctors for hip replacement surgery in India are skilled and experienced. India is known for having a pool of highly skilled and experienced orthopedic surgeons who specialize in hip replacement surgeries.
The best hip replacement surgery doctors in India are- 
Dr. Kaushal Malhan, Fortis Hospital, Mumbai
Dr. Ashoka Rajgopal, Medanta. The Medicity, Delhi
Dr. Vijay C.Bose, Apollo Hospital, Chennai
My Med Trip is one of the best medical tourism companies. We provide complete medical and healthcare services with consulting in India for patients from all over the world including South African countries like Kenya, Ethiopia, South Africa, etc. We help you in finding the best hospitals, doctors, and good accommodations at affordable costs in India. We offer Kidney, liver, lung, heart, and bone marrow transplants and treatment; shoulder replacement surgery cost, knee replacement surgeries, breast cancer surgery cost, skin cancer treatment, kidney transplant cost, heart transplant, bone marrow transplant cost, heart replacement, top heart hospital in India, knee replacement, best Kidney transplant hospital in India and so on.
Source: https://mymedtrips.blogspot.com/2023/09/best-hip-replacement-surgery-hospitals.html
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nathuropathy · 4 days
PCOD Treatment in Chennai: Comprehensive Care at Beyond Birth India
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Diagnosing PCOD involves a thorough evaluation of symptoms, blood tests to measure hormone levels, and ultrasounds to detect ovarian cysts. Symptoms of PCOD include:
A comprehensive diagnostic approach is crucial to differentiate PCOD from other conditions with similar symptoms, such as thyroid disorders or adrenal gland abnormalities.
PCOD Management at Beyond Birth India
At Beyond Birth India, located in Chennai, we offer a holistic and personalized approach to managing PCOD. Our goal is to alleviate symptoms, improve quality of life, and reduce long-term health risks like diabetes and heart disease.
Holistic Approach to Treatment
1. Healthy Diet and Exercise: Lifestyle modifications are the cornerstone of PCOD management. Regular exercise and a balanced diet can help manage insulin levels, reduce symptoms, and promote overall well-being. Our nutritionists at Beyond Birth India provide tailored dietary plans to meet individual needs.
2. Herbal Medicine: Naturopathy incorporates the use of herbs and supplements such as chaste berry (Vitex agnus-castus), saw palmetto, and spearmint. These natural remedies can help regulate menstrual cycles, reduce androgen levels, and alleviate symptoms like acne and hirsutism.
3. Stress Management: Techniques such as yoga, meditation, and deep breathing exercises are integral to our treatment plans. Stress can exacerbate PCOD symptoms, and managing stress effectively can significantly improve outcomes.
4. Detoxification: Our naturopaths may recommend detox protocols to support liver function and eliminate toxins that could disrupt hormonal balance.
5. Individualized Treatment: Each patient at Beyond Birth India receives a personalized treatment plan based on their specific symptoms, health goals, and overall constitution.
Advanced Medical Care
Beyond Birth India is equipped with state-of-the-art diagnostic facilities and offers advanced medical care under the guidance of experienced healthcare professionals, including gynecologists, endocrinologists, and nutritionists.
1. Medication: Depending on individual needs, medications may be prescribed to regulate menstrual cycles, reduce androgen levels, and improve fertility.
2. Diagnostic Services: We provide comprehensive diagnostic services, including blood tests and ultrasounds, to ensure accurate diagnosis and effective management of PCOD.
3. Supportive Care: Our holistic approach includes emotional and psychological support, recognizing the impact of PCOD on mental health. We offer counseling, support groups, and educational workshops to empower our patients.
Our Expert: Dr. Rishi Vardhini
Dr. Rishi Vardhini is a highly esteemed specialist in PCOD treatment at Beyond Birth India. With extensive experience and specialized training in gynecology and reproductive health, she is dedicated to providing comprehensive care for women with PCOD. Dr. Rishi Vardhini adopts a holistic approach, integrating conventional medical treatments with complementary therapies like nutrition counseling, yoga, and stress management techniques.
Known for her compassionate and patient-centric care, Dr. Rishi Vardhini emphasizes personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient's unique needs and preferences. She fosters open communication and actively involves patients in decision-making regarding their healthcare journey.
Cost of PCOD Treatment
The cost of PCOD treatment at Beyond Birth India in Chennai is competitive and affordable. Initial consultations range from ₹500 to ₹2000, while ongoing treatment costs, including medications and follow-up visits, vary from ₹2000 to ₹5000 monthly. We strive to provide high-quality care at an accessible price, ensuring that all women have the opportunity to manage their PCOD effectively.
Beyond Birth India in Chennai is committed to offering the best PCOD treatment in chennai through a combination of holistic and conventional medical approaches. With a focus on personalized care, advanced diagnostics, and a supportive environment, we aim to improve the quality of life for women with PCOD.
If you are seeking effective and compassionate care for PCOD, Beyond Birth India is the trusted choice in Chennai. Book your free pre-consultation now and take the first step towards managing your PCOD with confidence and support.
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aaditiganguli · 2 years
Have you heard of LFT? Generally speaking, no. Liver Function Test, or LFT, is what it stands for. How well your liver is functioning is determined by a blood test. Elevated liver enzymes are frequently an indication that your liver is unhealthy and that you should get an LFT.
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palak-shah-21 · 5 days
Proactive Wellness for Families: Annual Checkups at Quantum CorpHealth
Maintaining good health is essential for leading a happy and fulfilling life. For families, this means adopting a proactive approach to wellness. One of the most effective ways to ensure the well-being of every family member is through Annual Health Checkups. 
At Quantum CorpHealth, we prioritize your health by offering comprehensive Annual Health Checks designed to detect potential issues early and promote overall wellness.
Annual Health Checkups are crucial because they provide a structured approach to monitoring and maintaining health. These checkups include a range of tests and screenings tailored to the needs of each family member, from children to seniors. 
Regular checkups help in the early detection of potential health problems, allowing for timely intervention and treatment. This proactive approach can prevent minor health issues from developing into serious conditions, ultimately saving lives and reducing healthcare costs.
At Quantum CorpHealth, we understand that every individual is unique, and so are their health needs. Our Annual Health Checks are designed to cater to the specific requirements of each family member, ensuring a thorough assessment of their health status. Our team of experienced healthcare professionals uses the latest technology and techniques to provide accurate and reliable results.
What to Expect During Your Annual Health Checkup
When you schedule an Annual Health Checkup at Quantum CorpHealth, you can expect a comprehensive evaluation that includes:
Physical Examination: A thorough physical examination to assess overall health and identify any physical abnormalities.
Blood Tests: These tests help in assessing various health parameters, including cholesterol levels, blood sugar levels, and kidney and liver function.
Imaging Tests: Depending on the individual's age and medical history, imaging tests such as X-rays, ultrasounds, or MRIs may be conducted to get a detailed view of internal organs.
Specialized Screenings: Screenings for specific conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer based on risk factors and family history.
Immunizations and Vaccinations: Ensuring that all family members are up to date with their immunizations to prevent infectious diseases.
Consultations with Specialists: If any issues are detected, referrals to specialists for further evaluation and treatment.
Benefits of Annual Health Checks at Quantum CorpHealth
Choosing Quantum CorpHealth for your Annual Health Checks offers several benefits:
Personalized Care: We provide individualized care plans tailored to each family member's unique health needs.
Advanced Technology: Our state-of-the-art facilities and advanced diagnostic tools ensure accurate and reliable results.
Holistic Approach: We believe in a holistic approach to health, addressing physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
Convenient Scheduling: We offer flexible scheduling options to accommodate busy family lifestyles.
Family-Centric Services: Our family-centric approach ensures that all members, from children to seniors, receive the care they need.
Proactive wellness is the key to a healthy and fulfilling life. By scheduling Annual Health Checkups at Quantum Corp Health, you are taking a significant step towards safeguarding the health and well-being of your family. Our comprehensive Annual Health Checks are designed to detect potential health issues early, allowing for timely intervention and treatment. 
Invest in your family's health today by choosing Quantum Corp Health for your annual checkups and experience the peace of mind that comes with knowing your loved ones are in good hands.
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medcarediagnostics · 5 days
PET CT Scan Vs. MRI: Which Is Better For You ?
When it comes to diagnosing and monitoring various medical conditions, imaging technologies like PET CT scans and MRI play crucial roles. Each has its strengths and specific applications. Understanding the differences between these two imaging modalities can help patients make informed decisions in consultation with their healthcare providers.
In Mumbai, PET-CT scans are a vital diagnostic tool used to detect and evaluate various medical conditions such as cancer, heart disease, and neurological disorders. This advanced imaging technique combines positron emission tomography (PET) and computed tomography (CT) to provide detailed images of internal organs and tissues. PET-CT scans in Mumbai are performed at specialized medical centers equipped with state-of-the-art technology, allowing for precise detection of abnormalities at the molecular level. These scans play a crucial role in guiding treatment decisions and monitoring response to therapy, ensuring comprehensive and personalized patient care in the bustling metropolis of Mumbai.
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PET CT Scan: A Powerful Diagnostic Tool
What is a PET CT Scan?
A PET (Positron Emission Tomography) CT (Computed Tomography) scan combines two imaging techniques into one. The PET scan detects metabolic signals from cancer cells or other diseased tissue, while the CT scan provides detailed anatomical information. This combination allows for a comprehensive assessment of both function and structure.
Uses of PET CT Scans
Cancer Detection and Monitoring: PET CT scans are widely used in oncology to detect cancer, determine its spread (staging), and monitor the effectiveness of treatment.
Heart Disease: They help in assessing blood flow and identifying areas of reduced blood flow in the heart.
Brain Disorders: PET CT scans can evaluate brain abnormalities, such as tumors, memory disorders, seizures, and other central nervous system disorders.
Advantages of PET CT Scans
Functional and Structural Information: PET CT scans provide both functional and anatomical details, making them highly effective in diagnosing and monitoring complex diseases.
Early Detection: They can detect disease at a very early stage, sometimes before it becomes apparent on other imaging tests.
Whole-Body Imaging: PET CT scans can image the entire body, which is particularly useful for cancer staging.
Limitations of PET CT Scans
Radiation Exposure: PET CT scans expose patients to a higher dose of radiation compared to other imaging techniques.
Cost: They are generally more expensive than other imaging tests.
Availability: PET CT scanners are not as widely available as MRI machines, particularly in rural or less-developed areas.
MRI: A Versatile Imaging Modality
What is an MRI?
MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) uses powerful magnets and radio waves to generate detailed images of organs and tissues in the body. Unlike PET CT scans, MRI does not involve radiation exposure.
Uses of MRI
Neurological Imaging: MRI is the gold standard for imaging the brain and spinal cord, providing detailed images of soft tissues.
Musculoskeletal Imaging: It is highly effective in visualizing joints, muscles, and ligaments, making it ideal for diagnosing sports injuries.
Cardiac Imaging: MRI can provide detailed images of the heart and blood vessels, aiding in the diagnosis of various cardiac conditions.
Abdominal and Pelvic Imaging: It is used to evaluate organs like the liver, kidneys, and reproductive organs.
Advantages of MRI
No Radiation: MRI does not use ionizing radiation, making it safer for repeated use and for pregnant women.
Superior Soft Tissue Contrast: MRI provides excellent contrast between different types of soft tissues, making it ideal for imaging the brain, muscles, and joints.
Detailed Images: It can produce highly detailed images, which are crucial for diagnosing complex conditions.
Limitations of MRI
Cost: MRI is generally more expensive than standard CT scans but comparable to PET CT scans.
Time-Consuming: MRI scans take longer to perform, often requiring patients to remain still for extended periods.
Availability: While more widely available than PET CT, access can still be limited in certain areas.
Contraindications: Patients with metal implants, pacemakers, or claustrophobia may not be suitable candidates for MRI.
Choosing the Right Imaging Modality
Factors to Consider
Medical Condition: The choice between PET CT and MRI depends largely on the specific medical condition being diagnosed or monitored. For example, PET CT is often preferred for cancer staging, while MRI is the go-to for neurological conditions.
Patient's Health: Factors such as the patient's overall health, pregnancy status, and ability to tolerate the procedure play a significant role.
Availability and Cost: The availability of the imaging technology and the associated costs may influence the decision.
Doctor’s Recommendation: Ultimately, the choice of imaging modality should be guided by the healthcare provider based on the clinical scenario and the diagnostic information needed.
Both PET CT scans and MRI have their unique advantages and limitations. PET CT scans are exceptional for detecting and monitoring cancer and providing comprehensive whole-body imaging. MRI excels in producing detailed images of soft tissues without radiation exposure, making it ideal for neurological and musculoskeletal conditions. The choice between the two depends on the specific medical situation, patient health, availability, and cost considerations. Consulting with a healthcare provider Pet Ct Scan Specialist In Mumbai is essential to determine the most appropriate imaging modality for each individual case.
By understanding the differences and applications of PET CT scans and MRI, patients can be better prepared for discussions with their healthcare providers and make informed decisions about their diagnostic and monitoring needs.
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1qrishealth · 6 days
Comprehensive Liver and Kidney Function Tests at Qris Health in Delhi
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Get affordable liver and kidney function tests at Qris Health in Delhi. Our modern labs and skilled doctors ensure thorough checks of your liver and kidney health. Regular tests are important for keeping track of your overall health. Choose Qris Health for reliable and cost-effective checkups.
Website Url: https://qrishealth.com/risk/kidney/delhi
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How Much Does A Full Body Checkup Cost In Singapore, And What Tests Are Typically Included?
Many people place a high value on maintaining their health, and a complete physical examination is a thorough approach to make sure everything is operating as it should. Depending on the provider, the package chosen, and the particular tests covered, the price of a complete body examination in Singapore might vary significantly. This blog post will explore the typical costs and what you can expect to be included in a full body checkup in Singapore.
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Cost of a Full Body Checkup
In Singapore, a complete medical check up might cost as little as SGD 300 or more than SGD 2000. The reputation of the healthcare professional, the scope of the examination, and the technology employed are some of the elements that affect this cost. Here’s a breakdown of the typical price ranges of health screening packages:
Basic Packages (SGD 300 - SGD 600):
Ideal for young and healthy individuals.
Covers essential health screenings and basic blood tests.
Standard Packages (SGD 600 - SGD 1200):
Suitable for middle-aged adults or those with a family history of medical conditions.
Includes more comprehensive tests, such as imaging and advanced blood work.
Premium Packages (SGD 1200 - SGD 2000+):
Designed for older adults or individuals seeking an extensive health evaluation.
Offers an exhaustive range of tests and often includes specialist consultations.
Tests Typically Included
A full body checkup typically involves a series of tests and screenings to assess the overall health of various organs and systems. Here’s a list of commonly included tests:
1. Blood Tests:
Complete Blood Count (CBC): Measures various components of the blood, including red and white blood cells and platelets.
Lipid Profile: Checks cholesterol levels, including HDL, LDL, and triglycerides.
Liver Function Test: Assesses the health of the liver by measuring enzymes, proteins, and bilirubin.
Kidney Function Test: Evaluates how well the kidneys are working by measuring substances like creatinine and urea.
Blood Glucose Test: Checks for diabetes or prediabetes by measuring blood sugar levels. Choose the best blood test clinic in Singapore
2. Urine Analysis:
Detects infections, kidney disease, and other conditions by analyzing the composition of urine.
3. Imaging Tests:
Chest X-ray: Helps detect lung conditions, heart problems, and other thoracic issues.
Ultrasound: Commonly used to examine abdominal organs, thyroid, and sometimes reproductive organs.
4. Cardiovascular Assessments:
Electrocardiogram (ECG): Measures electrical activity of the heart to detect heart conditions.
Treadmill Stress Test: Assesses how well the heart performs under physical stress.
5. Cancer Screenings:
Mammogram (for women): Screens for breast cancer.
Pap Smear (for women): Checks for cervical cancer.
Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Test (for men): Screens for prostate cancer.
6. Bone Health:
Bone Mineral Density Test: Evaluates bone strength and the risk of osteoporosis.
7. Other Specialized Tests:
Thyroid Function Test: Checks how well the thyroid is working.
Vitamin D Test: Measures vitamin D levels, which are crucial for bone health and immune function.
Choosing the Right Package
When deciding on a full body checkup, consider your age, medical history, and specific health concerns. Younger individuals without significant health issues might opt for a basic package, while older adults or those with a family history of medical conditions may benefit from a more comprehensive package.
Additionally, it's important to choose a reputable healthcare provider. Many hospitals and clinics in Singapore offer full body checkup packages, including Raffles Medical, Parkway Shenton, and Fullerton Health. Researching and reading reviews can help you select the best option for your needs.
A full body checkup is a valuable investment in your health. By understanding the costs and what tests are typically included, you can make an informed decision that suits your health needs and budget. Regular medical screening in Singapore can help detect potential health issues early, allowing for timely intervention and better health outcomes. Whether you opt for a basic or premium package, prioritizing your health through regular screenings is always a wise choice.
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