#Little tipsy and wrote this on the train but- I had a thought
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chronicallyill-nephilim · 3 months ago
Moment of softness in Spideypool
Peters exhausted. Finals weeks and holiday hours at work, on top of a health scare with May and being Spider-Man- he’s worked himself to the bone.
He lands, tells himself for only a minute to sit down, on the ledge.
Next thing he knows, in a blink (slow as those have gotten) Deadpool appears on the roof with him and he thinks ‘great just another thing to add to the pile of reasons he’s not going to make it to Friday’
In another energy killing blink, Deadpool’s sitting next to him, but he’s not- he’s not ranting, or singing, or trying to tell jokes/references an awake Peter only half understood. His voice rumbles low and slow as he greets the half asleep spider.
So close and so much warmer than the frigid early winter air.
His view of the city collapsed on itself as his eyes droop closed again, this time- as his masked cheek meet feather soft leather and he didn’t bother fighting to open his eyes again.
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hard-core-super-star · 1 month ago
you could love me if i knew how to lie [K.Bishop]
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pairing: kate bishop x stark!reader
summary: after spending all your teenage years engaged in a somewhat unserious rivalry, kate bishop makes her way back into your life as the last thing you need: a security guard. maybe it'll be the push you need to admit your feelings for her...or maybe just an excuse to bicker with her.
warnings: none, i think?; brief mentions of past hookups; slight angst? [idk if it counts]; lots of bickering; a sprinke of exposition; tipsy confession; kate is totally NOT jealous; did not proofread this enough :/
wordcount: 2.9k
a/n: HI! so, a long while ago i wrote a mini-fic about kate and stark!reader. my plan was to turn that mini-fic into a full fic because i never liked how it turned out BUT instead...i wrote a sequel, set way further into the future [or i guess, the canon timeline?]. anyway, tony is dead, kate is hawkeye 'cause clint is fully retired, and she's the sole CEO/owner of bishop security while R is the CEO of stark industries. i'm planning to mess around more with this AU so let me know what you think! hope you enjoy, see you next time <3
* * * * * * *
Kate Bishop was a pain in your ass.
There was no other way to put it. No way to sugarcoat the place the brunette occupied in your life.
Sure, maybe you were being petty. Maybe there was no real reason for both of you to be at each other's throats besides your own competitive nature and your dad's penchant for snarky comments about his business rivals.
Then again, the young CEO wasn't exactly a rival. At least, not ever since she took over for her mom...and since Tony Stark died. A fact you try not to think about most days.
Needless to say, things haven't been the same since the snap. Since those five years came and went, leaving behind nothing but pain, confusion, and regret. Enough regret to fill up the entirety of Stark Tower with it.
Maybe losing your dad should have made you more grateful to be alive. To have the opportunity to help the world rebuild after Thanos. Maybe it would have had you not ended up just as cynical as Tony.
All you could think about was what you lost. The people and things you'd never be able to get back.
Maybe it was that train of thought that led you to take over Stark Industries. Sure, Pepper wanting nothing to do with the place had a lot to do with it too, but you could have let it go. Could have allowed her to sell it to Eleanor Bishop or whoever else she wanted to.
But you were just as stubborn as your dad. Maybe even more, considering how much you loved hanging out with Natasha and Steve.
So, instead of walking away like you should have, you took over the company. While you weren't exactly sure what running a company of this level entailed, you were your father's daughter and you had more than enough of his smarts to figure out what to do.
At least, you thought you did until some wannabe super villain threatened you.
You didn't think much of it when it happened, you were used to stupid threats made by even stupider people. It never amounted to anything in your experience so you didn't think twice when you decided to "respond" to the threats.
The response in question being a very unserious, sarcastic remark that earned you the front page of the New York Times. Naturally.
Unbeknownst to you, your little stunt also earned you the attention of your old "rival" turned superhero. Everything you'd heard about Kate had come from Yelena and your attempts at hacking her computer.
The years that had gone by didn't seem to matter to the brunette, though, at least considering the ease with which she broke into your apartment. You'd be surprised if you didn't know she was just as good at hacking as you. (Maybe Yelena had a point when she told you that you needed a security update, but you'd never admit that outloud.)
You let out the loudest sigh of your life when you walk into your living room only to find Kate Bishop herself standing in the middle of it, dorky superhero suit and all.
"Dang, don't look so excited," she says, the corners of her lips quirking up into a small smirk. Despite her efforts, you know her nervous tells too well to be fooled by her fake nonchalance.
"Don't sound so hurt," you reply. "You can't tell me you were expecting me to be happy to see you after everything."
The shrug your words receive looks so natural you almost believe her act. You know better than that, though. "I thought that's exactly why you wouldn't mind seeing me. It's been a long time."
She's not exactly wrong. As annoying as she can be, you have missed her. Going to boring, fancy events isn't the same when she's not there to bicker with you. Maybe it's childish, but it's the only thing you've known when it comes to the brunette.
Just long arguments over ridiculously expensive appetizers and loaded glances across ballrooms. That's all your relationship with her will ever be.
"Yeah, five years to be exact," you say, not even trying to hold in your bitterness. "Not that you ever showed any concern about what happened."
Her eyebrows furrow slightly, her mouth opening and closing a few times as she stumbles over her response. "I...didn't think you needed me to-"
"I didn't need you," you correct her, already feeling your blood boil. "I just thought you had a shred of decency. Guess I was wrong, hooking up with anything with a pulse seemed much more important to you."
Her jaw clenches, and you hate the rush of satisfaction you get from the sight. After what the two of you have been through, the last thing you should be doing is pushing her buttons, and yet here you are. As stupid as it may be, some things never change.
"You're the one that turned me away the last time I tried caring," she says, her voice far more serious than usual.
The reminder she sends your way is the last thing you need right now. Even though you know she's not doing it to hurt you, it still stings. Mainly because she's the one who never returned your calls. She's the one who continued hooking up with other people after spending the night wrapped up in your arms.
"A drunken hookup isn't exactly "caring", Katherine."
The brunette groans in response, throwing her head back in frustration and allowing you to see the long column of her throat. For a split second, you come up with a different idea to work through your frustrations. As appealing as it sounds, you know it'll just make things worse.
"How are you still so insufferable?" Kate asks, her voice straddling the line between annoyed and amused.
You shrug. "It's a skill."
Her annoyance seems to clear for a second, like clouds parting to make way for the shining sun. "Yeah, right. You're something else, that's for sure."
Her words are technically a tease, but they soften you up all the same. They shouldn't, they should infuriate you, make you want to throw her out of your apartment and never talk to her again. They don't, though.
But instead of showing it, you decide to change the topic. The sooner you figure out what the hell she wants, the quicker she'll leave you and your bitter past with her alone.
"What do you want, Kate?" You ask with a sigh.
Her eyes linger on your face for a second too long before she answers. "Nothing. I'm just here to keep an eye on you before you do something else stupid."
"I don't need a guard dog," you reply.
She rolls her eyes, matching your energy far too quickly for your liking. "I'm not a dog, but you do need a guard. Running your mouth like that is only going to get you hurt."
You scoff. "I can handle myself just fine."
"Sorry, princess, I have direct orders from Yelena to keep you safe until this all blows over."
Of course, Yelena sent the archer to you. You're not sure if it's truly an "Avengers" thing, or if it's simply the Russian being an overprotective friend. Either way, there's no way for you to get rid of Kate which means...you're stuck with her, whether you like it or not.
"Fine," you huff, sounding far too much like your teenage self. "But don't think this means you're forgiven or anything. We're still not friends."
Even though a smile tugs at her lips, there's no mistaking the flicker of disappointment in her eyes. The longing you know all too well. "Yeah, I know."
As weird (and slightly uncomfortable) as it is, you move toward your kitchen with the archer following right on your tail. You're not a fan of the idea, or of having her breathing down your neck all the time, but complaining will just make things more difficult. And even though you're particularly known for being difficult, you're actually trying to not make things worse.
It's much easier said than done and yet...you and Kate actually start working toward some sort of normal. Well, there's nothing normal about having her following behind you like a puppy all the time but you can't say you don't like it.
You vow to not admit it, to not let her know just how nice it is to be around her. Just how much you've missed seeing her.
You're pretty sure it's your worst kept secret but thankfully, Kate can be quite oblivious most of the time. It's probably something to do with how much attention her constant rambling requires.
However, after weeks of keeping your act together, of pretending like you don't notice the looks she sends your way or the constant brushing of her hand against yours, you break. Or well, she breaks.
Despite her attempts at trying to keep you inside, you go out to bar with a few people from Stark Industries, using the excuse of some stupid business meetings to convince her. She knows it's a stupid excuse. That despite your insistance that you're there to talk business, you're really just looking for a way to put some distance between you.
It's not the worst plan in the world, and, at first, it works perfectly. Kate escorts you into the bar and then leaves you alone with your friends, giving you space to go back to some sort of normality even while the threat of someone attacking you lingers as a possibility.
Ultimately, it's not an attacker who approaches you during your night out. It's simply a decently dressed guy that tries far too hard to charm you.
He ignores your attempts at kindly declining the drink he offers to buy you and when his hand wraps a bit too tightly around your arm, Kate appears at your side.
"We should go," she says, her tone leaving no room for arguments.
The insistent guy opens his mouth to try but before he even knows what's happening, the brunette peels his hand off of you and leads you away.
You're not necessarily mad about it, the guy was being way too annoying and slightly creepy. That being said...you're also not about to let Kate think she can step in like that when she's not told to.
You try to escape from her grip but she simply holds on tighter, looking back to glare at you as she continues leading you through the throng of people.
"Kate," you warn, easily meeting her glare with one of your own. "What are you doing?"
The way her grip on you tightens is telling enough but you need to hear the words from her lips. "That guy was flirting with you."
You barely hold back the urge to roll your eyes, her habit of being far too blunt in moments of stress growing less endearing every time. "Yeah, I noticed. What's the problem with that?"
For once, Kate's actually speechless.
She opens and closes her mouth at least five times, making disgruntled noises that don't even border on words. You're equal parts annoyed, amused, and endeared (even if you'd rather not admit it).
"He's clearly a creep!" She finally says as if that will clear things up.
And maybe it does. Maybe it clears everything up and makes perfect sense. Maybe it means you should stop fighting against the truth that's been chasing you since you were a teenager. 
You're just as stubborn as Kate when you want to be, though. It doesn't matter how obvious it is that telling her how you feel is what you need, you'll ignore it forever if you have to. Even when it proves less than optimal for your mental health.
After a moment, you settle on an answer. "How can you possibly know that?"
"You can always tell, their eyes give them away."
You can't stop yourself from laughing in response. "As if you don't spend half the time you're with me ogling my chest."
"That's different!" She exclaims, clearly both embarrased and annoyed.
She groans, although you're not sure if she's annoyed with you or with herself. "That's not the point! The point is he was being weird and it's my job to protect you."
In any other situation, her words would be sweet. Even now, there's no denying the way your heart skips a beat at the sound of them. Despite this, though, you still decide to hold onto your bitterness.
"You know, I'm more than just a stupid Avengers mission. Just because you've been jealous of me your whole life-"
"Jealous? Who says I was jealous?"
Her response genuinely surprises you. You can't tell if she's serious or not so you decide to bite despite your better judgement.
"Um...everyone? Even your mom. Everyone said you were jealous because your dream was to be an Avenger. You didn't understand how much pain it brought, how difficult it was to be involved with that kind of life. How little I wanted to do with it."
It's your last sentence that seems to strike a chord with her.
She stops in her tracks, using her grip on you to maneuver you until you're in front of her. Until you can't hide from her knowing gaze.
"Wait, is that why you've always hated me?" She asks, her head tilting to the side in a far too adorable show of confusion. "Because I asked you about the Avengers, once?"
It doesn't matter how badly you want to stay mad, she has a way of scrambling all your thoughts before you even know what's happening. Although, the few drinks in your system might have a lot more to do with that than her stupid puppy dog eyes.
"It was more than once!" You exclaim. "All you cared about was talking about Iron Man."
The second the words leave your lips, you feel ridiculously silly. It's like all the stupid things you did as a petulant teenager come back to haunt you in an instant. You wouldn't say you regret them (Kate can be a real pain in the ass when she wants to be) but you are embarrased by them.
"y/n..." Kate trails off, looking equal parts amused and confused. "You're actually serious?"
It would be easily to lie again. To make a joke, shrug it off, and pretend like nothing happened. Like you weren't so close to admitting how you feel.
For some reason...you can't bring yourself to do it. It makes no sense to you and yet, the answer rushes out of your mouth before you can even try to stop it.
"Well...yeah." You shrug. "I had a crush back then, y'know?"
You know where her surprise is coming from but all it does is make you want to shrink into yourself again. To ignore her once more until you go back to way things have always been. To the annoyance and the snarky comments and the comfortable distance you've always managed to keep.
"Whatever," you huff, shrugging her off of you. "It doesn't matter anymore."
You try to walk away, to put some distance between you before you continue revealing truths you've successfully kept hidden all your life. Kate's too stubborn for that, of course, so her hands grip your waist before you can get too far, easily moving you backward until you hit a wall.
"Say it again." Her voice is so low it almost startles you.
"What?" It's impossible to stop yourself from sounding breathless...or from allowing your eyes to dip down to her lips.
"The truth, y/n," she says. "Tell me the truth."
It's almost hilarious how quickly you melt for her. All it takes is a low tone to her voice and a sharp gaze from this close proximity for your legs to shake underneath you.
Deep down, you know where it's really coming from. Whether you want to admit it or not, you've spent the last five years aching to tell her the truth. That despite the way you've always acted, you feel so much for her. And hatred is the last thing on that list.
"You're insuferable," you reply. "Almost as insuferable as my crush on you."
As soon as the words leave your mouth, the tension in Kate's frame dissapears. Her grip on you loosens somewhat but she doesn't step away form you. If anything, she moves closer.
"I thought you hated me."
"Well, maybe a little at first. You were really annoying back then." She laughs, the sound so warm it makes you blush. "I think I still am. And an idiot apparently." 
"We already knew that, though."
For the first time in a long time, there's no bite to your words. No real fire to feed Kate's competitive streak. Just...the smallest amount of real affection. The kind that comes from knowing someone for almost all your life.
"Wish I knew you liked me sooner," the archer says, leaning in the slightest bit. "I would have kissed you and saved us all this trouble."
You roll your eyes, even though a part of you appreciates her cheesy flirting. "You did kiss me, actually. And it only made everything worse."
She's silent for a moment before a smirk forms on her lips. "Maybe we can try it again. Let me fix what went wrong last time."
Just because she's clearly being a flirt doesn't mean she isn't being genuine. It's easier said than done, but maybe...maybe you two have a chance of working things out. Of finally putting your pride aside and accepting how you feel.
"Stop being an awful flirt and kiss me, Bishop."
It's surprising, but she actually listens to you for once, and before you know it, her lips are on yours and nothing else matters.
Including the danger that lurks in the shadows of your periphery.
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heartfullofleeches · 3 months ago
Shout out to you and the anon who wrote this:
[Please elaborate about consensual intox play with Sammy, I miss my masochistic guard dog of a boy <3]
For enabling me-
[ (consensual) Drugging, Submissive Yan, mentions of alcohol and weed]
He plays it off as a passing thought- A reoccurring fantasy he knows will haunt him until he hears your opinion on the idea.
"I don't really drink... Everyone I've drank with says I'm a lightweight which some think is funny due to how tall I am.. One beer is enough to get me tipsy.."
Sammy bites his lip hard enough to make them bleed- It's so embarrassing, almost humiliating to speak about his desires aloud. You're the only person he'd ever want to play them put with, so it's better out than in.
"Would you ever be interested in... using me while I'm under the influence?"
There's nothing Sammy yearns for more than being under your complete control. Eyelids drooping as you inch closer, encouraging him to take just one more sip. His fingers unable to properly suction to the glass as his weight slumps against the couch, motor skills lose to a battle he had no hope of winning as whatever you gave him hits his system.
"Having a little trouble, Sam? It's okay, I'll take good care of you. Why don't I help you get out of that stuffy sweater? You're burning up, sweet boy-"
Teasing him more, strip him bare and ravage him to your heart's content. Call him useless, useless without you there to pick up the pieces. He can't do a thing without you in this state - so hopelessly dependant as his lips struggle to form the sentences needed to beg you for all you can give.
All this, but with a Stoner Darling instead-
Sammy writhing in anticipation waiting for the edibles Darling gave him to kick in. Watching them take a puff from their smoking method of choice, wishing they'd force it down his throat in the next breath. Poking fun at him for being so out of his mind from one heavy hit when it takes a trained professional like them several to be as totaled as Sam is. They'd never do that to him, but a man can dream-
"Out like a light, already? We're gonna have to build up that tolerance of yours a bit, Sam. Think you can take another kiss?.... Haha, what am I even asking for? I know you can, Sammy..."
Sammy and Darling having a cute date together with consent established prior- Sam's hanging onto their every word, wondering when they'll make their move when he suddenly begins to feel the effects of whatever they slipped into his drink without him noticing. Darling smiles and laughs like nothings out of the ordinary as they drag their flustered, slurring boyfriend back to the car-
I'm feral for this man.
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tac-the-unseen · 4 months ago
COD characters accidentally hurt you
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He shot you in the shoulder during a mission.
You made it through the mission out of spite alone. Once you got to the evac you were prepared to yell at him but as soon as you saw him the anger left. This big murderous monster of a man was in shambles. As soon as he saw you he was checking you over and spitting out apologizes. He was very upset with himself but stayed next to you until you healed and then some.
He dislocated your shoulder in training.
He didn't mean too...He just got a little rough....after yelling at him for a few minutes you picked yourself up walked to a wall and slammed your shoulder back in place. He wimpered out apologizes as he followed you around like a kicked puppy for the rest of the day.
He accidentally burned you with his cigar.
As soon as you said 'ow' he was up and trying to help you. " I'm so so so sorry (Y/N)! Your hand looked like my ash try!" It hurt and ended up blistering but you couldn't help but laugh. He made sure the mistake never happened again.
He spilled whiskey into your stab wound.
You had been stabbed in the arm on a mission. Al was being Al and living it up with a drink. He bumped in to you and spilled in all over you including your arm. Burned like hell. He was tipsy but help you the best he could......meaning ran your arm under the sink for a few minutes. The foreheadkisses were nice though.
He slammed your hand into a locker.
He was frantic trying to sign and click out an apology. Grabbed your hand and gave it a mask on kiss. You told him it was OK but he still felt bad. Gave you some of his dinner as compensation.
Man's punched you thinking you were an enemy after he had a nightmare.
He sobbed as he apologized. Full on break down, ugly crying. You told him you were okay and tried to move pass it... The black eye you sported didn't help....
He tripped on you and fell on you.
You were definitely hurt but not hurt hurt. He apologized, picked you up, ran away form you. He cried in his room. He thought you hated him now. After some convincing he gave you some of the best cuddles.
Thanks for reading!
This is an old reupload from my AO3 account (I wrote this 2 years ago 😭). I noticed that I haven't posted any MW2 fic for a long while now.
Luckily I have a few COD request, so that will change soon!
Sorry loves!
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br7ght · 1 year ago
Top Material Lucy Bronze
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summary: You're convinced you're the only person that can make Lucy Bronze squirm, and while no one believes you, you're determined to prove it
warnings: dom!lucy, dom!reader, slight alcohol consumption but no one is actually drunk I promise (I know because I wrote it), fight for dominance.
pairing: lucy bronze x reader
word count: 2000 (part 1)
Build up to part 2 coming soon!
Lucy was flirting with everyone, apart from you. At first you presumed that you just weren’t her type, but now it was growing unusually suspicious. The entire team had started out drinking, but now it was only the strongest drinkers left, everyone else leaving to go back to their hotel, stumbling back together knowing they wouldn’t make it up for training tomorrow. You were sat silently at the table, legs crossed, sheer black tights rubbing against each other as you took the straw into your mouth, sucking up your mojito like it wasn’t filled with alcohol.
You were looking around the table, observing at how everyone was all over each other from laughing too hard, the alcohol controlling their movements, clearly beginning to get to their heads. This was everyone apart from Lucy, you’d barely see her drink, she liked to keep a clear head, always being the one to look after everyone else.
Mary was definitely the next to go, you thought to yourself. You were watching her sway against her drink, barely able to keep herself up, slumping against Millie, her eyes fluttering, and you could tell she was trying desperately to not fall asleep in mid conversation. Millie was barely paying any attention, throwing her head back laughing with Rachel who had said something stupid as she was caught up in their own tipsiness.
“Maz you alright babe?” You ask, nudging her with your shoulder. Her head immediately falls against your neck, and you wrap your arm around her, supporting her against your body. “Come on I think it’s time I take you to bed.”
“Woah, bit full on young’un, she’s wifed up remember.” Beth giggled, your cheeks flushing red as the rest of the girls instantly stopped their own conversations and turned to look at you. You were the youngest of the group which meant you usually found yourself at the centre of their jokes, which you didn’t mind of course, the girls liking to take their age as a reason to tease you.
“Oh, shut up Beth, she obviously didn’t mean it like that.” Leah said and the group fell silent and you were instantly tricked into believing that one of them was actually standing up for you. She was smiling at you and you felt yourself smile back and that was your first mistake. “We all know she couldn’t take anyone to bed, it’s gotta be the other way around, ain’t that right?” With that, they were all set off again, giggling at your presumed innocence.
“Ha ha, really funny you guys.” You rolled your eyes, your arm wrapping tighter around Mary as she joined in with the giggles inbetween her head dipping when her eyes fell shut and it looked like she was falling asleep between laughs.
“Come on, you know we’re only joking.” Rachel teased, giving you a light shove as you sat with your back against the booth, still supporting Mary’s weight against your body, giving up on holding herself up now. “But it is true babe, you’re don’t exactly give ‘I’m going to take you to bed’ energy.” She smirked at you, and you were convinced that your eyes were stuck in the back of your head from how much they were rolling tonight. You looked around at the table and noticed Lucy’s hand on Leah’s thigh, gripping lightly as they were sat back against their seats. You felt an instant rush of jealousy, a similar one to how you’d been feeling the rest of the night at watching Lucy flirt with every woman she came into contact with, but somehow her making advances on your teammate hurt a little bit more than the other strangers.
“What? And you lot do?” You teased back but failing and their assumptions were seemingly correct. It didn’t help that you were faced with the laughing faces of Leah, Beth, Millie and Lucy, the members of the team with the most top energy and you, sat in your tight black dress and silk tights were not exactly fitting the dominating vibe. You could feel your cheeks getting redder, your face burning up.
“Don’t kid yourself baby, it’s okay that you’re not quite top material just yet.” Lucy smirked, her eyebrow raised as she gripped harder on Leah’s thigh, the younger woman’s lips clasping around her drink at the movement. That’s the first thing she’d said to you and her patronising tone had made you determined to prove her wrong, but with Mary lulling against your side you knew that now wasn’t the right time.
“Come on, I think she’s right, I think it’s Mary’s bedtime now.” Millie said, lifting herself up off the seat and helping the drunken body off of your side, wrapping her arm around her shoulder and lifting her up onto her feet.
“I’ll help you, Mils.” Rachel chimed in, taking her other arm, and saying their goodbyes. Lucy and Leah were awfully close to each other now, whispering into each other’s faces as you just watched in silence. The jealously that seethed through your veins was confusing you, it wasn’t difficult to admit that Lucy was attractive, everybody knew and thought the same even if they didn’t admit it. God, even the straight members of the team could be turned by one seducing look from the older woman.
“Come on let’s dance before we follow suit,” Beth suggested, and the three of them all stood up, taking their drinks with them, Lucy’s hand around Leah’s waist and you felt that was your final straw. You got up with them but once they reached the dancefloor you couldn’t bear to watch the two of them dancing up against each other and while you knew you and Beth got along just fine, you didn’t fancy third wheeling with her as you watched Leah suggestively swaying her hips in front of Lucy.
You followed your feet, letting your body take control as you walked past the dancefloor and straight into the women’s bathroom. As soon as the breeze of the restroom hit your face you felt yourself able to breathe again, looking at your appearance in the mirror, frustrated both in how you’d reacted to the team's endless teasing, but also how you were feeling about watching Lucy with Leah. You knew you’d made an effort tonight, pinning up your hair in a messy bun, rubbing off your eyeliner over and over again until it was actually straight, and dressing in the hottest outfit you owned, but for what. It wasn’t until now that you understood why.
You wanted Lucy Bronze to notice you.
“You stupid idiot.” You say to yourself in the mirror, blinking your eyes hard to stop the tears from flowing against your make-up, if anything could go worse tonight it would be walking out of the bathroom with blotchy cheeks from where the tears had rubbed splotches of your face from your skin.
You heard footsteps from behind you, your head hung but immediately shaking your head and looking in the mirror to see who it was. The tall brunette was stood behind you, her eyes fixed on your ass before she noticed that you were looking right at her. Her eyes instantly met yours and you wiped your cheeks with your hands, turning your back against the mirror, leaning against the sink.
“You okay newbie?” Lucy asked, looking at your bloodshot eyes and stepping another foot closer in an attempt to comfort you. She’d been calling you newbie since you joined last year, your innocent look constantly reminding everyone that you were the newest recruit.
“What did you mean by what you said Luce?” You asked, the tears that were running down your face had stopped, and you felt the confidence that you needed around the table coming to you now when you were backed against the bathroom sink. “Not quite top material?”
She was smirking at you, not feeling an ounce of remorse for the humiliating comment that she’d made to you around the others, the same comment that had forced you into the bathroom in an attempt to escape the embarrassment of them talking openly about your seemingly submissive look. “I just mean that you look like you need to be taken cared of, not the other way around, nothing serious, nothing to get upset about.” It was genuine comfort now, but as the warmth of her body got closer to yours, her finger tucking the stray curl of hair behind your ear and your breath hitched. “See, you’re just easy to make nervous.”
She was right, you weren’t exactly showing off your best moves right now, but who would be, not when Lucy was right up against you, finally showing you the attention that you’d been craving all night. You knew that she must be used to making pretty girls weak at the knees, her mysterious, confident persona usually having this effect on people.
“What and you’re not?” You question, responding to her advances by gaining inches closer to her, while you were shorter you knew you could sway your hips in a way that she wouldn’t be able to focus properly on your face. You were instantly proven right, her eyes losing contact with your face, not even trying to hide the way she was following the curves of your body with her gaze.
“It’s not usually one of my biggest weaknesses.” She leered, trying to match your response, your bodies awfully close now but you knew that you could make sure she regretted everything she had said to embarrass you purposefully in front of everyone.
“I bet I can change that.” This tone of voice wasn’t exactly new to you but the fact that it was directed to the woman who you were desperate for changed the stakes of the bet you’d just made. She let out a uneasy laugh, you didn’t think it was supposed to come out that way, but it was attractive nonetheless. You found yourself looking up at her, but not in the way she was used to. You were looking at her like you were ready to pounce against her body rather than the other way around. She was failing to make you a nervous mess, failing to twirl you around her finger, this was all new to her.
“Don’t pretend to be something you’re not, you know you want me to take you here, right now.” This was all she had, you weren’t even thinking about the number of girls she’d used that on before, but you were more than determined to make her know that you were different than what she was expecting.
“I’m not pretending.” This was the first time your words had come across as you meant, taking your chance, and pressing your lips against hers. Your wave of confidence taking over your sentence, your lips breaking for a moment, your eyes both filled with lust as you took another glance at each other before you took the reins again, your lips slotting together perfectly. You swiped your tongue against her bottom lip and to your surprise she gave in, allowing access into her mouth. You took the opportunity, your tongue exploring hers, your hand finding its way to the back of her neck. You drew her face closer to yours and she gasped in response, not used to taking the passenger seat during a first move.
You harshly stroked your finger against the back of her neck, tangling your fingers in her hair and pulling slightly, maintaining your dominance but not without a fight. Her hands were gripping your waist, trying to move down to your ass that was tightly clothed within the black dress. You slapped her hand, batting it away from your curves. “Not so fast.” You whispered in her ear, your tongue trailing from her ear lobe all the way down to her collar bone, gently sucking against her skin before taking her face within your hands, forcing her to look down at you. She had your red lipstick smudged across her mouth and nothing was going to change that, not now you’d made it this far.
“Fuck you’re going to be difficult to pin down hm?” She questioned, her usual dominant and confident tone disappearing as it was your turn to smirk at her now, your hands being given full freedom to grip her back, not letting her inches away from yourself.
“You won’t be pinning me down, that’s not how this is going to go.” With that you collided your lips together again, taking her hand off of your back and dragging her into one of the available stalls.
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strawhatsoraya · 2 years ago
Hiii! So, we've been talking about Shuuhei… what about a little scenario with a female soul reaper who's from another division but has had her eyes on him for a while because, well, he's HOT. Maybe she even already realized that his bad boy look isn't really true because in some small interaction he was super nice and polite? Or perhaps she's still convinced he's a total womanizer/bad boy based of his looks and kept her distance? Either way, one evening, she gets nice and tipsy (with Rangiku?? Or somebody else?) and goes all "You know what? Look at him. LOOK AT HIM. He's so underappreciated! Fuck it, I'll go for it." So she tries her very best to seduce Shuuhei and is a) surprised he's so gentle and soft-spoken and b) flusters him completely? :D Or something along those lines.
Random scenario-thought, in case it strikes a cord, I'd love to read your version of it :D Have a great day!
how long has it been??? don't answer, this question is rhetorical I don't even wanna know. i wrote some shuhei uh fluff? yes...fluff with some suggestive content but nothing explicit. you get drunk y/n making a fool of herself and shuhei being cute.
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SHUHEI HISAGI X FEM READER / SFW WC: 2.7k CW: alcohol consumption, horrible attempts at humor and seduction, second hand embarrassment, badly timed boners, and equally badly timed confessions
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You didn't know what it was about him that made you so crazy. 
Rather, the truth was, you couldn't decide on a single thing. Maybe it was that dark bold stripe across his face. The same that made you stare at his profile, that squinted intense gaze that rooted you to your spot wherever you were. Maybe it was the numbered tattoo on the angular bone of his cheek. Maybe it was the mystery of not knowing what any of it meant.
Or maybe, just maybe, you liked that you couldn't figure him out. You liked the danger that came with the unknown, the quiet variables that leave your formula incomplete day after day.
Although you had yet to see him entangled in somebody else's arms you were convinced he was as emotionally unavailable as the rest of the men clad in black. Tomorrow was a flimsy promise that nobody dared to even touch but you tacked it on the front of your shinigami robes, like a stupid participation ribbon.
Tomorrow you'd take the first step. Tomorrow you'd confess. Tomorrow, always tomorrow.
Those days came and went, and you were nowhere closer to unraveling the secrets Shuhei Hisagi kept. Tired of your cowardice, and tired from that day's training, you find yourself commiserating over drinks with Rangiku. Her tolerance for alcohol was beyond measure. It was a terrible idea to pair up with her, but she was always willing to lend an ear or two.
Right now, you didn’t want logic or common sense. Right now, you need someone to make you feel a tiny bit better about your cowardice. 
Rangiku does it well. She makes sympathetic noises, as she fills your sake cup repeatedly. It is quite a skill,  you think to yourself amongst the clouds, the way she never lets your cup be dry. Not even for a minute. You’re gathered with members of different squads for one of Rangiku’s badly coordinated mixers. The numbers between female and male guests was never even–assuming people even showed up in the first place.
“Is it really my fault?” you start feeling indignant. In the back of your mind you know you have no right. You were not the victim of the cruelty of the Fates, or unchangeable circumstances. The truth was, you were merely scared of rejection. “Is IT my fault?” You ask again, as Rangiku sways slightly next to you, a tiny smile on her lips.
She looks content with her lot in life at the moment, and your indignation is slowly replaced by green envy.
“You just don’t understand do you?” you ask her as your head bobs. The movement is mostly involuntary but you find yourself too tired to control it. The alcohol has steeped itself in your veins, and you know now would be the time to cut yourself off. Instead, you bring the cup of sake that Rangiku just refilled to your lips once more.
“I do understand, actually,” Rangiku insists, gathering your shoulders in an one armed embrace. “I do. Men are so DENSE. In fact, like that one,” she slurs as she points her chin towards the familiar pallid appearance of one Izuru Kira. “Look at him!”
Her voice is loud, and the scent of sake is sweet coming from her moistened lips. You look away to watch Kira perk up in his seat. His cheeks are pink, a bright contrast against his pallid skin. The stupefied expression on his face is slightly endearing. Perhaps you had too much sake after all.
“You see him?!” Rangiku prattles on, steamrolling over the din of stranger’s conversations. You sway in tandem with her, still trapped in her arm. Her strength was not completely unknown to you but there was something about drunk Rangiku that made her at least three times stronger. “Look at him! So dense. So stupid. So cute.”
You smile apologetically at Kira. It almost feels like the sudden verbal attack was incited by your poor inability to be honest with your feelings. There’s an attempt to free yourself from Rangiku as you press a hand on her chest and push. Rangiku squeals in your ear and lets you go, only to bring her hands to her chest. Her smile is crooked, and she flutters her eyelashes at you.
You swallow a groan.
“Have you moved on to me already?” she asks you in a shouted whisper. You glance sideways at Kira waiting to be saved but he avoids your gaze and instead greets the new arrival to the table.
The last person you expected  joins your table. At the sight of the stripe across one of his cheeks you feel your blood turn to ice. A  chill passes over you, making you shiver where you sat. You almost wished Rangiku would twist herself around you once more. Anything to return the heat back to your body and away from your sweltering face. You can’t see it, but you feel it–the flush that ridicules you; burning your shame on your cheeks until you fear it’ll become a permanent tattoo. 
Shuhei Hisagi, as usual, seems ignorant to your struggle. Aside from a casual glance and nod of acknowledgement he gives no indication of knowing your discomfort. The sake threatens to come back up, and you swallow. The acid burns your throat on the way back down.
“Well,” Rangiku’s voice comes in like artificial sweetener–it overcompensates and leaves a terrible aftertaste in the back of your mouth. “Look at what the dog dragged in.”
“It’s cat,” you interject with a quick sideways glance. Rangiku places her arm on your shoulder.
“Whatever.” The blond woman is unfazed. She smiles at Shuhei. “The point is, the man of the hour is here.”
You feel your heart drop to the bottom of your stomach. If possible, you could have feared it slipping right out of your body. You wouldn’t doubt for a second that if it could preserve itself by abandoning the vessel of your pathetic body that it would. Instead, you feel it speed up again, at an alarming rate. It pounds frantically against your ribcage as Shuhei turns his slanted gaze at you. 
“You were waiting for me?” he asks. He is looking at you. You know this because you’re staring right back at him, slack-jawed and in a daze. Yet, it feels as if his question was aimed at Rangiku instead.
“Of course!” she chirps, leaning forward. You glance down and see her breasts threatening to spill out of her uniform. Clumsily, and quickly, you try to gather the fabric and bring it to a close across her cleavage. Rangiku glances down at you, perturbed, at your clenched hands keeping the opening together. Gently, she pats your whitening knuckles. “Now, now…” You don’t let go so she pries your fingers off before continuing the conversation. “I was waiting for you because I need you to take Y/N to her room for me.”
You blink, and sway on the spot, suddenly lightheaded. You have no idea what Rangiku is planning and you consider losing yourself in a temporary moment of dread. That is, until you realize the wonderful opportunity that is being presented to you. Here was Shuhei Hisagi in all his hardened edges, cool demeanor glory. If you could have a moment alone, with your cowardice drowned in alcohol, perhaps you’d find the courage to make a move.
You stand up suddenly, slamming your hands on the table. Kira jumps startled but Shuhei remains calm. He follows suit, and you watch him stand up, taking in his height, his broad shoulders, his imposing gaze. He nods his head at you and gestures quickly.
“Come on then,” he mumbles as he turns his head quickly. You try to find the strength in your jelly legs to walk around the table. So focused in your efforts to remain upright, you almost miss the pink on the top of his ears. His hand is covering half his face when you reach him. The way he chose to wear his uniform was unique. Some might say he barely had it on. As you walk besides him, you notice a rosy flush on the top of his cheeks.
“Are you cold?” you ask him, placing light fingers on his bicep. Before you can register the difference in your body temperatures he’s jerking away, startling you. You never thought you could be criticized for lack of coordination, but inebriated you became a person you didn’t quite know. 
“No, I’m fine,” he mumbles as he turns his face away from you.
The sake must be really doing its toll on you, because if you didn’t know any better, you’d start to believe that Shuhei was being shy. It didn’t suit him. There was such a large gap in his appearance that it just couldn’t possibly make sense but still his ears grew redder and redder, especially when you decide to tuck your hand in the crook of his arm.
You feel him jump even as he tries to keep walking, your fingertips gently brushing the inside of his elbow. He starts to say something, stuttering over his words.
“C-c-careful,” he says, his eyes on the ground. There’s a furious flush on his face, threatening to obfuscate the tattoos on his face. “The ground is lumpy.”
You can’t help it. Even as you bite down on your lower lip, there’s a giggle that bubbles out of you–free and weightless. 
“I’m holding on to you,” you tell him, leaning into him playfully. He sways as you bump him. “I think I’ll be fine.”
It becomes quickly apparent to you that your miracle opportunity could very well lead to nowhere if you don’t take it further. You’ve managed to press your breasts against his arm, in hopes of stirring something wild and untamed inside of him. Instead, he starts to walk stiffly as if he had a metal rod placed in his back. Although you begin to feel more sober, you decide to amp up the theatrics a little, stumbling here and there in your walk.
“Shuhei~” you chirp coyly, syrupy and addictive. “Why don’t you come inside?” you tug him along, struggling with his big frame. If Shuhei is surprised at your strength he doesn’t show it much, except for a careful raise of his eyebrows.
“I really shouldn’t be going into a woman’s room like this,” he mumbles as you finally shove the rest of his big body inside. Shuhei looks around the small room quietly. There’s a futon on the floor in a corner, books littered here and there and wrappers of snacks you promised you’d get rid of weeks ago. 
“Nonsense. That’s way too old fashioned thinking,” you tell him, lowering yourself to the futon. You wave a hand at him repeatedly. Shuhei stares at it apprehensively—like the fluttering wings of a death butterfly, but still heeds its call. He lowers himself awkwardly onto the futon and sits cross legged next to you. His skin feels as if it was tinling, your presence making it worse every time you pressed yourself against him.
You slither one hand over his knee, and Shuhei feels the back of his neck heat up. Your breath tickles his ear when you speak next: “Shall I help you relax? You seem tense. I’m very good at massages.”
He stiffens at your touch. Shuhei knows your touch means more than it implies. He knows that your soft smile is promising him more than just a massage. He also knows that the rouge on your cheeks and the glassy look in your eyes is due to alcohol; that which you consumed a little too much. He knows that to let you keep skimming your hand upwards his leg, as you are doing now, is very ungentlemanly of him.
He presses his shaky hand over yours.
“I’m fine,” he says sternly, lips drawn thinly on his face. “I don’t need a massage right now.” What he needed, perhaps, was to swan dive into a cold lake. His nether regions weren’t getting the picture. He felt himself stiffen, and Shuhei adjusted his legs as discreetly as possible. He didn’t count on your keen observational skills, and your lack of decorum all at once.
“Then what’s that!” you whisper shout, pointing at the sudden rise of cloth between his legs. Shuhei stutters as he feels heat swallow his head whole.
“Never mind that,” he shakes his head, feeling embarrassed and angry to be in this situation with you. “Just go to sleep. That’s what you should do.” He holds you by the shoulders, as you try to peek around his arms. He pushes you back on the bed, as you hold on to his wrists, dragging him down with you. Shuhei, holds his weight up by slamming his hands on either side of your head against the bed. You look up at him, startled, heart racing in your chest.
“Are you going to sleep with me?” you ask him, your fingers still curled around his wrist. “Is this what this is?”
“No!” he shouts, turning bright red. He pushes off of you. “That was an accident because you pulled me down with you.”
“I was hoping to seduce you,” you tell him plainly. Now that you were on your back, you rethink your entire plan. You thought you had sobered up but as the room started to spin slowly, you realized quickly that it had been some kind of delusion. 
“I’m not someone that will just sleep with a drunk woman,” he mumbles, gathering the blankets and pulling them over your body. He tucks you into them, pushing the blankets deep under your body with his fingers, until you become a human burrito. “So please stop.”
“So, you’d sleep with any woman if she wasn’t drunk?”
“No,” he pats your hands which he trapped under the blanket. “I didn’t say that either.”
“I like you,” you confess. You meant to look and feel braver than you did, but being wrapped in blankets unable to move as the room spun slightly, seemed to have stolen all your earlier bravado. Shuhei stares at you silently, before he looks away abruptly. You can see his ears reddened again as he loosens up the blankets slightly.
“I tucked you in too tight,” he mumbles, ignoring your confession.
“I said I like you!” you state a little louder, and bite your lower lip. “Shouldn’t you say something back? Anything?”
Shuhei sighs, and finds your hand under the blankets. He lightly traces the shapes of your fingers, sending goosebumps up your arm. 
“You should say that when you’re sober,” he mumbles softly, finally looking back at you. “Do that, and I’ll give you a proper answer.”
There’s a pout that sticks your bottom lip out. Shuhei stares at it for a bit too long, and feels the back of his neck catch fire. He sighs heavily as he pushes himself up.
“Go to sleep,” he says gently, even as your eyes start to flutter closer. 
He looked shy and awkward as he stood there undecided. His feet shuffled, as he wanted to leave but was torn. You stifle a giggle. He was nothing like you had imagined. Not very cool, and not very smooth. You’d be lying; however, if you didn’t like this gentle part of him.
“What if I don’t remember?” You ask him quietly.
“I’m sorry?”
“What if I don’t remember,” you repeat yourself. “What if I forget I’m supposed to tell you I like you?”
Shuhei rubs the back of his neck, and you see his cheeks color. Your fingers twitch under the blankets. You want to trace the splotches on his cheeks, feel their heat under your fingertips. 
“Then I’ll remind you,” he mumbles shyly, eyes downcast and fluttering from corner to corner of the room; anywhere and everywhere but on your face. “I’ll just have to remind you until you do.”
There’s a heavy silence that falls between you; thick and flammable. A simple spark could cause it to ignite. You hold your breath in anticipation 
“Now, seriously, go to sleep!” he nags, stomping towards the exit. “And drink water when you wake up. Goodnight, Y/N.”
He leaves you there, tucked warmly under the blankets. The room spins slowly, so you shut your eyes to stave off the dizziness. A groan floods your mouth, and you swallow saliva that pools on your tongue. When you’d wake in the morning, you know you’d be full of regrets. You’d regret drinking so much, and regret making a fool of yourself. 
That is, if you even remembered that last part.
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coryothesub · 9 months ago
Sweet Relief
I was in a kinky mood again so I wrote another piss kink drabble, this time it’s peacekeeper Coryo, hope you’ll enjoy!
nsfw / mdni / pk!sub!coryo / district!dom!reader / piss kink
You were walking home from the Hob feeling the amount of beer you had consumed pressing on your bladder. The distance to your shack was just a few minutes, still you somehow felt you weren't able to hold it any longer.
You veered off the road finding a grassy patch that looked like a tiny meadow and looked around. There were some houses in the distance, but all of the windows were dark. At this hour everyone was probably sleeping. No one would notice, right?
Wrong. Private Coriolanus Snow had decided to pay another unannounced visit to your home and he’d been following you pretty closely, using the skills he had learned at the peacekeeper training not to get noticed.
He silently watched you wandering off the road, taking a lazy look around and then squatting down in the grass.
You pulled up your dress and pushed your panties to the side, finally starting to relieve yourself with a happy sigh.
Moonlight shone through the clear stream that soaked up the grass with a soft swooshing. You closed your eyes and your features radiated a peaceful satisfaction finally freeing yourself from the uncomfortable pressure.
Coryo found this view quite salacious. In his mind it only confirmed that district people weren't much above animals, always unable to contain their natural urges no matter the circumstances. Still he couldn't turn his eyes away from the golden stream gushing from your pretty cunt. It felt so mesmerizing that the boy started blushing at the realization of his own arousal. It felt primal and wrong.
“So good,” you muttered to yourself and wiped off the last drops with a fallen leaf before adjusting your panties.
“You know, I could get you fined for public indecency,” you heard Coryo's voice loud and clear right beside you and lost your balance at the surprise falling back on the grass.
“For fucks sake, Coriolanus, don't sneak up on me like that, I thought it was an actual peacekeeper,” you looked up at him sitting at his feet.
“I am an actual peacekeeper!” Coryo looked adorably offended at your remark.
“Okay, okay, Private Snow,” you teased him, still tipsy from the beer you had drank earlier.
“What you were just doing there is not appropriate for a lady,” he tried to maintain a stern tone. “That is if you even aspire to act like a lady at all.”
“Relax, Coryo,” you brushed off his concerns with a careless laughter. 
“I just wanted to pee. Haven't you ever had the need? So strong you can hold it any longer and you just have to do it no matter when and where?”
You gave him a cheeky look and cocked your eyebrow.
“How about now? Don't you think you could use a little relief?”
Coryo's suddenly realized he had been in need to pee ever since he’d left the base. And now that you mentioned it, it seemed to be almost insufferable.
“Well…” he paused. “Maybe I had a bit too much water after the physical training today.”
“Go ahead then. Do it!”
“Y-you mean now?” The boy stuttered, scandalized about the savage nature of your suggestion.
“Mhm,” you nodded, then started casually unbuttoning your dress, revealing your titties. You gave him a needy look and pointed just between your naked breasts.
Coryo's eyes widened realizing what you were doing.
“Wait, you want me to…?”
You winked at him smiling suggestively.
“C’mon baby boy, just let it go. Soak me up…”
Coryo wasn't sure of what he was doing, but it seemed like his hands were operating on their own. He unzipped his pants and pulled out his long handsome cock making you bite your lip at the sight. 
After a short moment of hesitation the boy aimed right between your tits and the first drops of clear white piss trickled from his tip.
You let out an audible gasp when the clear stream hit your naked skin, soaking your breasts and your stomach and streaming further down between your thighs teasing your pussy through the wet fabric of your panties.
“Oh Coryo,” you moaned, feeling your nipples hardening as Coryo’s cooling piss mixed with the crispy night air. Almost unknowingly you brought your hand down between your thighs starting to rub your clit at a frantic pace.
Coryo watched you in awe, his clear blue eyes wide and lips slightly parted at the gorgeous sight before him. He almost couldn't believe getting soaked in his piss could turn you on so much. The boy felt an amazing relief mixed with the undeniable arousal building in his lower abdomen.
You kept rubbing yourself with one hand and playing with your hard nipples with the other enjoying every second up until the last drop of the warm liquid touched your skin.
“Such a good boy for me huh,” you praised him tugging at his pants and pulling him closer just to wrap your hand around his hardening dick.
You started stroking him at a rapid pace watching his pretty face as he was taking in the sight before him.
You sat on the ground marveling at your piss soaked frame, a little drop still hanging from your nipple and shining in the dim moonlight. Your panties were pushed aside as your fingers kept dancing around your swollen clit.
Coryo felt like an utter pervert, still he couldn't help but marvel at your depraved beauty.
You kept pumping him with even more passion, causing a stifled moan to escape his lips. The thought of possibly getting caught terrified him more than anything still he couldn't pull away. He had no choice but to surrender to his own dirty pleasure.
“Fuck, Coryo, I’m so close,” you moaned, rubbing your pussy at an intense pace. You pressed Coryo's tip to your hardened nipple and the boy whimpered softly at the feeling. 
His cock twitched in your hand and after mere seconds he came, covering your breasts and hand in a thick layer of pearly cum.
The warm sensation of his release brought you over the edge and you threw your head back feeling yourself cumming all over your fingers.
“So good for me, darling,” you cooed as Coryo helped you back up on your feet and covered you up with his jacket dreading that someone would see you all soaked up in his piss and cum during the short walk back to your shack.
“I liked it,” he confessed quietly, walking beside you. You chuckled softly, noticing the red blush filling his cheeks.
“I know Coriolanus. You're a little pervert after all.”
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iceman-kazansky · 9 days ago
The Code
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Requested by: nobody
Request: n/a
Pairings: Luke Skywalker x reader
Warnings: Kissing!! Pinning, mentions of alcohol consumption, I wouldn't call this a happy ending. I'm pretty sure there is no specified pronouns here so it could be interpreted as gender neutral if you'd like
Word count: 636
A/n: Guess what I watched!! How To Lose A Guy in 10 Days!! Matthew McConaughey is a DILF (no cause he's actually so incredibly hot?? Like DAMN) and I loosely based this off that one scene in the movie, so if ykyk. I wrote this in like an hour tops because idk everything just aligned, and my ideas were flowinggggg.
Taglist: @anamiad00msday
The drink in your hand was making you giddy as you ambled down the long halls of a rebel base.
Luke, your best friend, led you. The pair of you were a little tipsy after a night out, but Luke, being the more sober of you two and always the gentleman, was making sure you got back to your room safely.
“Careful,” Luke murmured, stopping outside your room while you wobbled on unsteady legs. He helped you open your door, his fingers pressing into the keypad to enter the code he had engraved into his memory. After all, he'd been here more times than he could ever keep count of– this place was basically a second room to him.
He guided you inside, his hand on the small of your back. The contact, which usually you wouldn't have paid any mind to, made you shiver instead. An effect of the alcohol currently running through your system, probably.
The alcohol made it hard to hide your attraction to him. You were semi-certain you'd said something to him about how handsome he was in the bar, but everything was hazy.
You angled your head to look over your shoulder at him. A low beam from the lights in the hall cast a soft glow on him, creating what looked like a halo around his golden head of hair. It was majestic, to say the least. Your gaze shamelessly wandered his face further before catching the glint of his eyes in the illuminated doorway to your room. Swallowing nervously, you realized he knew you had been staring and subsequently averted your gaze, trying desperately to shut off your brain the best you could.
But as it turns out, it's pretty hard to get an alcohol-driven mind to just simply.. shut off. No, you had only one thought, or rather person in mind. And it wouldn't go away.
Luke barely had you through the door when you turned to face him. The tension between you two seemed to peak at that moment– your body felt like a nervous wreck about to happen. But then, like a crack of lightning, something in you snapped. You had to relieve this pressure, one way or another– foolish or not. Filled with liquid courage, you leaned forth to capture his lips with your own.
Luke seemed caught off guard. His body tensed up at the feeling of you. However, it was quick to dissipate as you felt him relax, his body fully welcoming you.
“The code,” Luke suddenly whispered, his mouth detaching from yours. It felt apologetic, in a way.
You nodded to him, eyes peeling open as you pulled away. When you searched his eyes, it only confirmed that he felt sorry. You sighed, turning your head away from his pitying gaze. Shame washed over you– It was a stupid, foolish mistake to try kissing Luke like that. He had the code, of course. You just made a move on your best friend and were rejec–
A soft hand came up to grasp your jaw. Luke turned your head and in an instant his lips were back on yours, cutting off your train of thought.
You groaned at the feeling, your hands coming up to cup his cheeks. The feeling overwhelmed you. Perhaps in a poor moment of desire and want, you let it consume you for what felt like an eternity but truly was only a few moments. Eventually, you pulled away softly, withdrawing from the situation, “Luke, the code,” you mumbled, panting, “You can't.. we can't..”
Trailing off, you could see the reluctant agreement in his eyes. Neither of you wanted to risk it..
But that didn't really matter, as it turned out.
Before you knew it you were back kissing him. You don't know who initiated it, but it was heated and full of longing. Neither of you paid heed to the previous worries. It seemed as if caution had been thrown to the wind.
Luke placed his hands on your waist, walking you backwards until the back of your knees knocked against the mattress. His hands came down to your thighs, wrapping around them and lifting you up effortlessly. He moved you back gently and laid you down, his body settling over yours.
The blond haired boy pulled away again, hovering over you. “You're beautiful,” he murmured. Slowly, he lowered his head to rest in the crook of your neck. He sighed deeply. “I'm sorry. I can't.. The jedi code forbids attachments..”
You don't respond, not sure how or what to say. You know full well what the jedi code allows and doesn't allow. It pains you every day– every time you look at Luke you can't help but feel a tug in your heart knowing he can't with you. He won't.
Eventually, you find your voice to respond, “I know.”
It's a simple two word answer that may not seem like much but it is. It's a solemn acceptance yet a thank you all in one.
It's a disguise. Begging for maybe, just maybe, one day you two would work. However, things would have to stay as they were– they wouldn't change now. It was possible they never would, either. Not for you or anyone else. Luke valued the code too much. Even if it tore him apart.
𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤? 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠! 𝐈𝐭'𝐬 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝!
ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ || ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ || ɴᴀᴠɪɢᴀᴛɪᴏɴ
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kihyuni3 · 2 years ago
Beautiful Brown Eyes (Heeseung x Reader)
Enhypen Heeseung x genterl neutral!reader *FLUFF*
(There are some mentions of possibly having a kid, but not seriously and there are no gendered pronouns mentioned for the reader)
Summary: Spending a quiet night together with your long-term boyfriend Heeseung, a simple joke between him and some friends starts to get you thinking about a possible future.
Warnings: mention of children (ew)
Word Count: 1,369
This is my first fic in so long and I wrote it a little bit tipsy so it might be absolute trash so please be gentle with me. Also, it is completely unedited so please ignore any mistakes.
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It wasn’t unusual for you to watch Heeseung while he played video games. You were comfortable enough in your relationship to realize that any time together, even if the two of you were doing something completely independently of one another but in the same room was still quality time. So here you are again, working on your own hobbies while Heeseung plays his game online with his friends. 
He was always so passionate about his game and his team and you found that somewhat attractive, while this passion was not as nearly as sexy as his passion from performing on stage, it was still passion and confidence and that happened to be your boyfriend’s charming points; Every once and a while you found yourself pulled from your own craft to simply watch him as he called out plays to his teammates or simply sat pouting his lips as he concentrated on his game.
“Baby.” He called out, not turning away from his screen, pulling you out of your trance. You hum in question letting him know that you were present and listening. 
“I want to show you something.” He says finally swiveling his gaming chair around to look at you, a sly smile showing across his face. 
You get up from your place in the room and move toward him to entertain whatever thought he wants to share. Usually, it’s something inconsequential like his win streak in the game or a funny username that he came across in online play, but if he thought of you while seeing it, it didn’t matter what it was, you would always entertain his little efforts. 
As you approached his gaming chair, he snuck a hand around your waist gently pulling you towards him. Despite the fact that you were still standing, your side was pressed into his as he stared up at you with admiration. At this point, you could see that he was no longer in a game and instead on the character selection screen of the new collaborative first-person shooter that he and the rest of Enhypen had been obsessing over recently. 
Looking away from you briefly, Heeseung moused over a character in the selection options causing it to appear full screen across his monitor. Despite knowing nothing about the game this character seemed oddly familiar to you. After a brief inspection, you realized that between the features, the style, and the programmed mannerisms of this character it seemed like a perfect mix between you and your gentle boyfriend. 
“This is the new character they just released.” He spoke gently, his hand tightening around your waist. You knew there was more he wanted to say so you simply looked at him expectantly waiting for him to continue his train of thought. 
“The boys were saying that if you and I ever had a kid that this is what they would look like.” He let out softly, with a small chuckle. This thought made butterflies grow in your stomach. Despite not knowing whether you actually wanted kids and the fact that this was just a simple joke between Heeseung and his friends, the idea of having a future with the man in front of you made your heart swell. 
The blush had only just begun to spread across your cheeks before a squeeze at your waist pulled you out of your thoughts.
“Let me see.” You say quizically before leaning forward to inspect the screen more carefully. You could hear him laugh softly behind you as you continued to study the character in front of you. There was definitely a resemblance, one that was noticeable even at first glance. But the more you look at the character the more you realized there was something missing. 
“I don’t see it.” You declared boldly, causing him to throw you a confused look, coupled with a tilt of his head. 
His strong hold on your waist turned into a pull that guided you to sit across his lap. You now sat on one side of him with your legs thrown over his lap. The arm of the chair was digging slightly into your back, but you cherished the closeness you had with your boyfriend, so you chose to stay in the position you shared with him in his chair.
“Really?” He asked, scrunching his eyebrows in. “I thought it was pretty striking.” While he didn’t ask directly, you knew he was prompting you to tell him why you felt that way.
“Well, I think it’s close but…” you started, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling yourself closer to his face. 
“If we did ever have a kid,” you say with a playful pause, causing him to cling to your every word. “They would end up having your…”
“Beautiful.” You kiss his right eye gently.
“Deep.” Followed by his left.
“Brown.” Then a gentle peck onto his lips. A kiss which he follows up by chasing after your lips as you pull away. 
“Eyes.” You finish resting your forehead against his own. 
“But this character has green.” You finish, brushing your nose along his. 
He leans in once more to peck your lips gently. You can tell it takes a lot of discipline from him to stop himself from kissing you deeper. 
A moment of silence settles over the room with just the sound effects from the game coming occasionally as you looked at each other as if you were each other’s whole world. You weren’t entirely sure how long you were looking at each other, seconds, minutes, but you knew that you wanted to stay with Heeseung, taking in his touch and his warmth for as long as you could; Never wanting this moment to end. 
“Let’s get married.” He says abruptly, breaking the comfortable silence that was previously held between you. This caused you to laugh. A sound that he loved so much and only caused him to smile as wide as he could, taking in the happiness on your face at his words, even if you weren’t taking him seriously. 
“Where did that come from?” You asked between laughs.
“I don’t know.” He said seriously, but with a wide smile still pressed across his face “I couldn’t help it, it just came out.” You both continued to laugh.
“I mean it though.” He said more seriously, looking you straight in the eyes. “I want to marry you.” Your smile fell as you realized he wasn’t playing around.
“You know we can’t do that,” You said softly, wanting to agree, but also having to be rational about both of your lives at that moment. He gave you a dejected look for a moment. “But maybe someday.” This brought back his smile that you loved so much. 
“In the future, we can get married.” You said, watching a brightness return to his eye as you indirectly agreed to his proposal. “And then maybe if we have a kid we can see if they really do look like that.” You say, gently referencing the forgotten character still idling across his screen. 
“Definitely.” He whispers hopefully, finally giving into his desires and leaning in to kiss you passionately. 
For the rest of the night, you sat on Heeseung’s lap in his gaming chair, laughing and talking about the future as he continued to play, although not as invested as he was at the beginning of the night. It was nice to imagine a future with him, one you couldn’t visualize with any of your previous partners. Yet now you couldn’t wait to see what was to come as your relationship developed. 
Looking at his face as he concentrated on his game, and also making you laugh you realized that here he was, the love of your life, and you couldn’t wait to see what the future held for you. Who knows, maybe you would end up naming your future kid after some stupid video game character that made you fall even more in love with the man before you. It was hard to say, but you were definitely excited to find out what lay before you and our relationship. And you knew you would never get tired of staring into those beautiful brown eyes. 
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labrxnth · 2 years ago
Work song- Leon Kennedy x GN Reader
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Tag List:
CW: game level violence, angst, alcohol
WC: 1049 (quick fic)
AN: HOLY SHIT THIS HAS BEEN IN THE DRAFTS FOR AWHILE. I finally wrote it. I love this song and Leon so much I can’t verbalize it lol. Have I mentioned I love writing men romantically?
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* : 。゚☆. ───
It was true, Leon was the government’s lapdog. The collar around his neck only got tighter every year and the leash he was given only got shorter. He used to think that every assignment they sent him on would eventually prove that he had trained his best. Now, he knew that line of thinking was foolish. Every successful mission tightened the collar, every successful mission shortened his leash. Now that he was on the President’s radar, STRATCOM might as well have put a fucking tracking chip in him.
He was in a hole that he couldn’t dig himself out of no matter how hard he tried.
Now here he was, trained on his owners’ whistle to rescue the President’s Daughter, in some fucked up village halfway around the globe.
His back hit the wood of the housing, the mold, mildew, and moss scent filling his nose. The wood paneling gave in with his back hitting it, a sign of the rain beating down on what was once a strong house. It gave Leon a sense of unease, maybe the rain would do the same thing to him; break him down enough so that he gave in, giving to the outside elements and giving up.
“¡Ahi estás!” He heard a crackly voice say to his right. Ducking just in time, a pitchfork entered the wood that he was leaning up against just a second ago.
Bullets rang out as he shot the Ganado in each kneecap. He fell to his knees and Leon kicked his head, severing it from his neck; blood spurted out of his esophagus where the severance happened.
Leon quickly looked around, taking in the area around him trying to find any other enemies. The direct area was clear and he had to move forward, adrenaline and training being his only drive.
That and the warm apartment waiting for him at home…. And more importantly, the person waiting for him in that warm apartment.
Every time his boots squished against the ground, every time his fingers tightened around his gun’s grip, every time he felt the bags under his eyes get deeper his thoughts went to you. Every scream in Spanish he heard was pulling him back into his cold dark reality, away from his daydreams of your warm embrace. Your smile melted away his anxieties, his world became a little brighter every time he saw it.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* : 。゚☆. ───
“Hey… are you okay?” Your voice got him out of his drunken haze.
Leon’s forehead was resting on the marble bar counter, seeking any coldness he could find.
“Mnnnn…” He replied, the scent of whiskey thick like a fog out of his mouth.
“Shit…. You should get home.. are you alone?” You asked, looking around.
“Yhh,” he groaned. His hair pooled around his head on the counter like a lion’s mane.
“Okay, uh, fuck okay,” you said, slightly tipsy yourself. Quickly moving to his rescue, you paid for his tab and carried him to the taxi you called.
His arm was draped around your shoulders, all his weight like a deadman’s on your side. Looking at him now, you could see that his face was soft. Too soft for the hurt that he wore on it. His face was like that of a muse that a poet would write about. A truly beautiful man whose sorrow drowned him in a sea of alcohol and depression, waiting for a life preserver. You were that life preserver.
You had brought the lonely man home, giving him a warm bed for the night and rest that he so obviously needed and craved.
You hoped that the slight rest he got was free of whatever nightmares he was plagued with and running from.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* : 。゚☆. ───
Leon’s eyes met yours, terrified of the words that came out of his mouth. He was tired of hiding his life from you, the one light in his darkness. Over the past two years, he had become dependent on you, on your love. Just like the Jack Daniel’s that he had been nursing the night you found him, your love was his new vice.
With his new vice came the fear of his reality, his job, and the eventual loss of you pulling away when you found out.
“I’m a government agent that hunts down biological weapons and mostly zombies,” He said, sitting across from you at your dinner table. The apartment that had been warm and welcoming to him, was suddenly cold in his mind. The spikes of anxiety running through his body, constricting his bronchial tube.
You got up and walked over to him, kneeling beside the chair he was sitting in.
Like a rushing waterfall, words spilled out of his mouth. “I was one of the only survivors of the Raccoon City incident and the government made me become an agent by blackmailing me,” He continued, terrified of what you would think.
He knew how you saw him, a beautiful thing like a painting that could never be marred. His reality was much darker than that, he wasn’t beautiful in his mind. His mind made his self image turn sour.
“Baby….” You said gently. “I’m sorry that you went through that… and I’m sorry you’ve had to carry that alone,” you said gently and ran your hand through his hair, you other hand laying on top of his.
The simple sentence you spoke brought back the warmth in the apartment. His anxieties, getting quelled by the light your heart shone to his. It was then that he knew he would always make his way back to you. He had to, he couldn’t leave his precious soul alone.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* : 。゚☆. ───
As Leon cut through hordes of ganados, he remembered the life he had with you. How full of love you made him without asking for anything in return. How attentive and gentle you were with him. His thumb traced over his ring under his glove.
It was a promise he made every time he went on a mission. An unspoken oath that didn’t need to be sealed with words. No matter how broken, how bloody he would get, he would always come back to you. He would always come home to his baby.
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smolwritingchick · 1 year ago
Forced To Believe Chapter 2- My WWE Debut
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Author's Note: Here we have some more filler before going straight to the main roster. When I wrote this I focused more on what happens onscreen instead of offscreen but as the story progresses I started adding more on what happens with Melanie 
The Jake Roberts OC is from an old fanfic friend of mine back on fanfiction.net's site, magmon1000. I decided to keep it in!
Chapter Summary: Melanie continues her wrestling career in TNA and FCW before finally getting called up to debut on the main roster at Survivor Series 2012 as Morgan Lopez. She has some words to say about The Shield which begins to make her a target of the group
Words: 9,000+
"There are some crazy-looking guys here. Especially with a lot of tattoos and gothic clothing." Leah, Melanie's friend from the gym said as she walked into her locker room after the CZW show was over
Melanie had met her when she was training to become a wrestler. Leah had helped her work out, thanks to her high school wrestling coach and they have been friends ever since.
Melanie removed her ponytail and laughed. "You'll get used to it. I did after a month. Jon broke me out of my shell and now I can't get enough of everyone. We're always hanging out."
"Yeah, and you and I are having a night out. Just the two of us. We gotta talk."
"Something up?" she asked with concern. She wore a black tank top, leather pants, a leather jacket, and black boots, already ready to hang out with Leah.
"It's my boyfriend. I think he's cheating on me..." Leah looked down.
"What? No way. Come on, let's go to the bar."
Melanie drove Leah to a local bar in South Philly, downtown, and sat at the counter. "What can I get you ladies?" A female bartender asked
"I'll take a Heineken," Melanie replied as she immediately received one
"Give me the strongest drink you have," Leah replied sadly.
"Whoa! No. Don't listen to her. Give her a Heineken just like me please." Melanie declared. After the bartender gave Leah the same drink, she walked away to attend to another customer. "What the hell is the problem? Breathe. Don't do anything reckless, right now."
Leah bursted out in tears and Melanie sighed. Leah would get really emotional when it came to relationships and overthinking. "We were doing so good..."
"And you still are. Leah, get it together. He's not cheating. You gotta remember that his work hours are hectic. And remember that he always comes home to you right after he's done work and spends as much time as he can with you."
Leah nodded and wiped her tears. "You're right."
"You have a good man, Leah. I know it."
"Heh, you are like my own Doctor Phil."
"Hardy har har. I'm not a man and don't have a mustache."
"All right, let's drink!" Leah took a big gulp of her drink as Melanie laughed.
After a while of drinking, the girls start to feel a little tipsy. But Melanie was still able to do her own thing. Leah on the other hand just kept laughing.
"Hey look, it's Jon." Leah pointed out. Melanie saw Jon hanging out with Sam Johnston (Sami Callihan) and they were goofing around. The girls get off the counter and walk around the bar a little.
"I'll see him in a bit," Melanie nodded.
Leah sobered up after a while and prepared to leave, "I'm gonna go. Got to go to the gym tomorrow."
"All right." Melanie smiled and gave her a big hug goodbye.
"Bye, Mel Mel. Thanks for the advice. I can't wait to see my boyfriend when he comes home now." Leah waved and left the bar.
When Melanie turned around, she got her waist grabbed by someone. Turning her head back, she saw Jon grinning down at her.
"I thought you said you weren't coming to the bar." he chuckled and released her as she laughed and turned to face him. He definitely was a little intoxicated
"Girl talk."
"You and your girl talk."
"It's what chicks do for your information." she pushed him slightly as he had his hands up in defense.
"All right bombshell, do what you want. I don't want to get hit with that finisher of yours."
"Damn right."
Sami walked over to the two. "Hey, Mel."
"Sup?" she gives him a grin.
Suddenly Jon grabbed Melanie by the waist from behind and licked the side of her face slowly as she quickly closed her eyes
"Your face is tasty," he said drunkly.
"Oh my gosh! Ew!" she exclaimed, getting released by him as she wiped the side of her face. "What is wrong with you?" She laughed.
"He's been licking a lot of people lately. You'll get used to it." Sam replied, amused.
"I just hope that's the only thing he's doing with that tongue of his," she mentioned
"Wanna take shots?"
Melanie nodded. "Why not."
After 4 rounds of drinking, Melanie was wasted. Jon grabbed her by the waist to help her up. He had eaten and sobered up and watched them take shots. And seeing she was at her limit, it was time for her to go home.
"Yeah, it's time to go home. I'm gonna take her to my apartment. She won't be able to drive." Jon brought up as he said goodbye to Sam. He got a hold of Melanie's car keys and helped her out of the bar.
"I'm not drunk, I can drive. Whoa!" Melanie slurred as she fell down but Jon caught her and picked her up bridal style.
"Yeah, you're drunk all right."
He drove to his apartment with Melanie continuously laughing in the backseat. "Pickles are so yummy...so are Cheese Its. Cookies and cream! I want some cookies and cream." she slurred as he let out another laugh.
It was quite funny how she mumbled random things. This was the start of how their random word conversations would start from time to time.
Once he arrived at his apartment, he helped her inside. He knew it would take time for her to sober up, so he decided to just give her some water and let her lay on his bed. Once she got settled, he went to the living room and started to watch some TV.
During a Pro Wrestling Talk Show, Melanie was dragged by Sami and Jon to watch Drake Younger talk and answer questions. She was highly annoyed with Moxley who began making smart-ass comments.
"Would you cut it out!?" She hissed and kicked his leg while Drake started talking about his time in Amsterdam and who he hung out with.
As Sami and Moxley continued shouting smart remarks, Drake had enough.
"If you got a problem, you can come down here. You can come down here and say something if you got a problem." Drake spoke and stood up to try to find out who was talking.
"You're a worthless champion, Drake!" Sami shouted.
"Paper champion," Moxley commented.
"Step out in front of the light," Drake shouted back as the host tried to convince Drake to not do anything reckless. As soon as they did, Drake looked surprised. "OH~ Sami! You wanna do this here? You wanna do this here?" he got provoked while Jon and Melanie walked onto the stage.
"God I am so embarrassed..." Melanie mumbled as Jon and Sami stood behind the desk. The host got out of the way, while Melanie stood in between Drake and the Switchblade Conspiracy. "Drake, I am so sorry for their actions."
"Oh no, don't apologize for them, Melanie. Don't apologize." Drake gently moved her out of his way.
"Aye! Get your hands off of her." Moxley pointed while Melanie sighed at his possessiveness.
"We are taking over this show!" Sami stated. "Sit down and answer our questions!"
Moxley answered the phone. "Hello? Okay, I'll ask him right now." He put his feet on the desk. "Drake, the people wanna know why you aren't cool anymore? Man, you used to be so cool. You used to be like one of the guys. I remember the first time I ever met you." he starts talking about the good times he had with him. "Now you're just a big star!"
"The CZW champion," Sami added
"You are the World Heavyweight Champion, and you think that you're too good for me and Sami now. But you're not. You're still just like us Drake. I taught you the figure four, you wouldn't even know that if it wasn't for me, and I still do it better than you."
"Can we not do this, here?!" Melanie shouted as Drake traded words with Sami and Moxley.
"Don't look at my eyes, Drake! I'm like Medusa! Don't look at my eyes, Drake!" Sami yelled.
"Out of respect for this show, I'm not gonna do this here. But I swear when you guys step through my house, I will slice you, from ear to ear, chico." Drake threatened them and left while Jon and Sami continued shouting at him.
"Answer this Drake! You got me booked in Germany for a hardcore match! You know I don't do that shit! Answer that Drake!" Sami screamed.
Melanie glared at her teammates while Jon shot her an innocent look. "What?"
"Don't 'what' me! This is fucked up. You dun fucked it up! And you guys decided not to unfuck it! What the hell was that?" Melanie snapped
"Chill MelBelle. This is our show now." Sami looked at the camera. "Hello, viewers. Welcome to our show now. Welcome to our show! We call this the Switchblade hour power and we will do whatever we want. Whenever!"
Jon answered the phone again. "Hello? Uh, I think he left the studio. Hold on wait can we get Drake back in?" He looked at Sami and Melanie.
"You're joking right?" Melanie scoffed
"Let me talk to him." Sami grabbed the phone.
"Drake!? Drake!? I'll be back. Let's go Mel." Jon grabbed her hand.
She swiftly took her hand back. "Whoa whoa, why do I have to go­-hey Put me down! Jon!" She proceeded to get lifted up and put over Moxley's shoulder.
'Time Skip'
It was 2011 and Melanie had just got off the phone with Dixie Carter. She explained to her that she had caught her interest and would love for her to be a part of TNA, so she happily accepted. Melanie was in shock. It may not have been a wrestling company like WWE but TNA is still up there. She had her last match with Jon and he won from the Moxicity. After a bunch of tears and a farewell speech for the CZW crowd, she enjoyed the last night with the CZW crew with a goodbye party. 
"You're moving on up, girl." Chrissy wiped her tears.
"Ugh, no tears! You're gonna make me cry, again!" Melanie embraced her.
After saying goodbye to some other friends, Jon and Mel decide to go take a walk together, outside.
"Can't believe you're leaving."
"Hey, we'll keep in touch. I never forget those who have helped me over the years. Large or small."
Jon smiled, but he had to admit, he felt saddened that she was leaving him. "Here." He takes off his chain. "I want you to have it."
"Your chain?" She grinned and received it. "Really?"
"I want to see you with it on when you're TNA."
"Your wish is my command." She put it on. "I hope we get to wrestle in the WWE together. You're gonna make it. Trust me. We both will,"
"Thanks, Mel. You too."
"It's almost time for me to go. I hate goodbyes. Especially when you get to leave your family like this. Thank you, Jon. Seriously. These past few years with you have been super awesome. Next stop is WWE for us both."
"Hell yeah." He wrapped her arms around her, hugging her tightly. He really did not want to let her go, but he knew how much she wanted to wrestle in WWE, and TNA would be the first step.
As she started walking away, she stopped and turned back around. "This is gonna be super selfish of me, but­..."
She stood on her tippy toes, wrapping her arms around his neck, pressing her warm lips against his cool ones, softly. Jon widened his eyes in surprise. He wasn't expecting that, but he was not complaining as he kissed her back, tilting his head to the side. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her in closer. It felt really good to kiss the girl he's been crushing on for the past few years.
As she pulled back, he already started to miss her warmth. She smiled at him. "I'll see you soon."
"Definitely." He smirked softly
'Against All Odds'
In TNA, during Madison's match against Mickie James, Melanie ran down the ramp and tossed Madison some brass knuckles.
"Who the hell is that?!" Taz looked on from commentary
"I don't know but she seems to be buddies with Madison!" Mike Tenay yelled.
Madison hit Mickie in the face with the brass knuckles and stole the victory. Melanie celebrated with Madison as Tara recovered from getting hit by Mickie with Madison's glove.
"Finish her!" Madison ordered and Melanie connected with a hard sidekick to the face to Mickie.
In the next few weeks, Melanie had been introduced by Madison, claiming to be her new bodyguard. Week after week she would attack all of Madison's opponents for her, but then things got rocky. There was one time when she actually failed to attack Mickie and caused Madison the match. She was not happy.
"You are such a distraction! You keep making me lose every single match! You don't do your job right at all! You are worthless!" Madison exclaimed and pushed her after each sentence. Melanie had enough and kicked her in the stomach, laying her out with a kick-out DDT.
"I'm sorry, who is worthless?" Melanie mocked before getting out of the ring.
For the next few weeks, Melanie would interfere in Madison's matches.
"What are you doing here!?" She exclaimed as Melanie walked down to the ring with a smile. 
Madison was having a match with Velvet Sky and was about to win once she hit the Rayne Drop on her but turned her attention to Melanie. Melanie was wearing a similar attire to Madison's Queen Bee gimmick but it was black. Velvet then managed to roll her up for a pin to win as Melanie laughed. Madison started to freak out as Velvet gets out of the ring.
But then the next week, Madison decided to turn the tables. While Melanie was facing Tara, Madison's music cued up and Melanie turned her attention to the stage. Madison walked up with a grin and did her trademark princess wave to add insult to injury.
Melanie glared at her but then turned around to get clotheslined by Tara. Madison looked on in delight but then Jake Roberts walked down the ring.
"Uh oh, Madison better run while she can. Melanie's friend, Jake Roberts isn't going to stand and let her distract Melanie." Mike said. As Madison taunted the crowd, she turned around and ended up shrieking and ran around the ring, away from Jake.
"Who do you think you are sneaking up on me like that!? Go away! This isn't any of your business!" She exclaimed. Meanwhile, in the ring, Melanie and Tara wrestled back and forth but then Melanie gave her a kick in the face as she dropped to the mat.
"Get the heck out of here!" Melanie yelled at Madison. She walked to the ropes and looked her at ringside, in front of her. The ref had his attention on Jake, trying to make him go back to the locker room.
Madison took this advantage and grabbed Melanie by the ankles to slide her out of the ring and started unloading on her with punches.
"Madison is a hell cat," Taz exclaimed
"You think you can beat me, Melanie!? Huh!?" She screamed. As the ref tried to get Jake to leave, Jake walked around the ring and grabbed Madison off of her as the crowd cheered. He picked her up over his shoulders as Madison started freaking out from being up in the air so high since he was so tall.
"Oh no he got Madison!" Taz laughed.
"Good!" Mike chuckled.
Melanie recovered and looked at Jake. "Thank you! Don't let her leave, I'm not done with her yet." she got in the ring as Tara recovered from her kick. They wrestled some more as Jake held Madison. She tried kicking and screaming at him but he wouldn't budge.
"Let me go!" Madison screeched. Boy did she have an unpleasant screech. Melanie managed to hit Tara with her finisher called the backfire which was her trademark kick-out DDT and pinned her for the win,
After Melanie won, she motioned Jake to put Madison in the ring. After he did, she speared her and started unloading on her until Madison escaped and ran away.
"Looks like Madison's plan backfired," Mike said.
Then the next week, during Madison's match against Mickie James, The rhythm from Madison's 'Killa queen' theme comes on which caught everyone's attention, but the lyrics were different and said, 'Let's Kill The Queen' instead of 'She's a Killa Queen'
Melanie had come out with a proud smile on her face as Madison's jaw dropped in shock.
"How dare you use my music!?" She yelled. "You are going to kill me!? How dare you!"
"Kill the queen? I think Melanie is on a mission to take Madison down and take her title." Taz said on commentary.
After Mickie got the win from the distraction, Melanie got in the ring and waited for Madison to get up. When Madison turned around, she got hit with the backfire as Melanie grabbed her Knockouts championship and raised it up in the air to loud cheers from the crowd. And then dropped it on Madison's knocked-out body, staring at her with a smirk.
As the two kept bickering with mind games, they finally battled it out and Melanie won the Knockouts title from her. She held it for a couple more months before dropping it to Velvet Sky. After dropping the title, weeks later she started to become AJ Styles' biggest fan, admiring his wrestling and wanting to hang with him more.
AJ was walking backstage and Melanie ran over to stop him. "Hi AJ!" She grinned.
"Hey, Melanie." AJ greeted, slightly confused.
"I just wanted to wish you luck on your match. You are just so awesome in the ring. I really admire you." She smiled brightly.
AJ chuckled, flattered at her words. "Thanks."
Then a week later, she watched AJ's match at ringside.
"What are you doing here?" AJ exclaimed
"Cheering you on!" She replied like it was the most obvious thing ever
Then after that, AJ decided to let her watch his matches. Then over the next few months, they became good friends and great tag partners as they took down whatever opponents were in their way. But that all came crashing down on the Thursday after Against All Odds in 2012. AJ was up against Robbie E for the Television Champion.
"Come on AJ!" She cheered on. But then, Daniels and Kazarian walked down the ramp. "AJ!" She got on the apron.
AJ looked confused while he was on the other apron, looking at Melanie as she tried to motion him to turn around but it was too late. The ref called for the bell when AJ was attacked by Kazarian.
"Your winner by disqualification, AJ Styles." Christy Hemme announced as Melanie went to help him. But when she tried to, AJ got up and immediately pushed her away.
"What is your problem?" She exclaimed.
"If you hadn't distracted me, I could have taken them out!" He yelled at her.
"Are you serious? You are blaming this on me?"
"You keep distracting me!"
"I was only trying to help-"
"I don't want your help! You are always in the way! I don't want you around anymore! I'm tired of this!"
"You know what? Fine! Be that way! Don't come crying back to me when you need me to help you, got it?" She bumped her shoulder against his, walking past him to leave. 
He had no right to take his anger out on her like that. She knew he was going through a lot since Kazarian abandoned Styles during their match with Samoa Joe and Magnus to be with Christopher Daniels but he needed to get it together.
After that, Melanie was called up for FCW and she immediately asked for a release. She went straight to Florida, reuniting with Jon and meeting everyone else. She had a new character and the name was Morgan Lopez. And she vowed to make Morgan Lopez an amazing homegrown name in the WWE.
Spending time in FCW with Jon was fun as they continued to spend time together as best friends and were even put into a storyline together with his character Dean Ambrose obsessing over her
Morgan is backstage with Summer Rae. "Hello, Morgan." Summer Rae grinned
"Hey Summer, what's up?" Morgan smiled
"So, what do you think about Dean Ambrose? You think he's cute?"
Morgan gave her a confused look and retorted, "You're joking, right? That guy is crazy and obsessive."
"Am I now?" She heard a raspy voice behind her as she widened her eyes. Summer quickly left the scene as Ambrose sniffed Morgan's hair and put some hair behind her left ear. "You know what I like about you? Everything. You can be so pure and innocent but also feisty and determined. It drives me crazy. I think I found my mate," he smirked and walked away while Morgan looked creeped out. 
In the ring, Morgan got distracted by Dean during her match against Raquel Diaz and got pinned by a roll-up pin to lose the match. "Are you freaking kidding me!? What is wrong with you?" She exclaimed as she recovered from the pin. Dean just looked amused as he stood on the apron, watching her.
"You think this is funny?" She retorted before giving him a stinging slap in the face as the crowd 'Ohed' in response.
Ambrose slowly turned his head toward her and grinned.
"She just slapped the crazed Dean Ambrose and I think he liked it," William Regal called on commentary, bewildered.
'Next week on FCW' Morgan bumped into Ambrose backstage and glared at him. "What do you want?" She spat
"You know Morgan...when you slapped me...I have never felt so alive," he admitted, reminiscing on the slap. She looked confused as he went on, "You know, I really think Morgan Ambrose has a nice ring to it, don't you think?"
She stared at him like he was crazy. Not him putting her name with his last name.
"What is wrong with you?" she shook her head
"You made me like this Morgan. I think about you every day, night, week, month, second, whatever. I just want you to acknowledge me."
"What­-you're­-you're insane!" she quickly got away from him once again
'Next Week'
Dean was lying down on a lounge chair, while James Bronson was sitting beside him. "Well, Dean...it seems that you have...an obsession with being the best in the world. And I admire that. And it also seems that you have an obsession with Mister William Regal. But I also see that you have an obsession with Morgan Lopez. Tell me your thoughts on Morgan," James said.
"Do you really have to ask? You already know. Everybody already knows. She...she completes me. Everything about her is...perfect. Her smooth skin...her beautiful smile...she's a doll. I know her better than she does. I know everything about her. She needs to understand that I'd do anything for her. Morgan belongs to me and if any man in this arena has a problem with it, I will lay them out. And the one man who Morgan seems to be around with often is..." Ambrose growled. "William Regal..."
"We're making progress here. This is good." James looked at his notes.
Later on, Morgan was backstage and couldn't help but watch Dean Ambrose cutting a promo at ringside.
"You know Morgan, I don't like to be ignored. I will find a way to get your attention. Even if it means getting your loved ones involved." Dean dropped the mic as she looked confused by his statement
A few weeks later, backstage, a fight erupted between Bronson and Ambrose. He put Dean into a submission from behind, on the ground.
"Give up! I wanna hear you say it!" Bronson yelled. "You wanna give up!?"
All of a sudden, a few refs and FCW superstars rush to his aid and try to make Bronson break the hold.
"Stop it! What are you doing!?" Morgan yelled as she marched over to them.
"Give up you piece of shit!" Bronson yelled.
"Enough!" She yelled and Bronson let go of the hold. "That was not cool at all, who the hell do you think you are? He did nothing to you! What are you trying to prove?"
"Morgan, stay the hell out of my way. I don't have to listen to you since you're one of Maxine's assistants. Get out of here."
She glared at him while Bronson smiled smugly and walked away. She turned her attention to Ambrose. Although she didn't like him, she was hoping that he was okay. She decided to kneel down and help him.
"I got him." She stated and the refs and superstars left the scene.
'Later' Morgan was ordered to be the ref for Bronson's match and ended the match once he made his opponent tap. She scowled at him and decided not to raise his hand. When his opponent recovers, Bronson puts him in another submission hold. 
"Enough! Back off! You won the match already!" She yelled and tried to break the hold. A moment later Bronson broke it and stood up.
"What did I say about getting in my way, little girl? Stay out of my way!"
"Just leave already." She tried to step up to him. "You've won, just leave. Please."
"Leave? How about you make me. Make me Morgan! Make me leave! What are you going to do? Nothing! So shut your mouth!"
The crowd booed him but then Regal got in the ring and attacked him.
"Regal isn't going to stand for such disrespect. And now Regal is attacking Bronson and putting him in the Regal Stretch!" One of the commentators exclaimed as Morgan stepped away from the action. "And now Garret Dylan is out here." The commentator added as he attacked Regal.
Bronson and Garret gang up on him while Morgan tried to stop it. She does but then the two males turn their attention to her.
"Stop it!" She yelled but Bronson grabbed her by the hair. 
All of a sudden, Ambrose rushes into the ring and hits Garret with a lariat. Bronson threw Morgan to the mat while the impact made a loud noise which made the crowd 'Oh' in response. She held her head and crawled over to one of the bottom turnbuckles to lean on. Regal managed to put Garret in the Regal Stretch, while Ambrose put Bronson in the Regal Stretch too.
"Oh, it hurts right?! It hurts!?" Dean taunted Bronson.
"What is going on!?" The commentator exclaimed as Morgan looked on in shock. "Is this really happening!? The heck is going on?"
Ambrose and Regal look at each other and release their submissions. They stared at each other and Regal pointed at him and got out of the ring.
Morgan held her head and tried to recover and saw Dean, who was shirtless and in jeans, staring at her intently. She couldn't help but feel a little bit attracted to the crazy man. To his hair, his hairy chest, and the way he was watching her, it was clear that Ambrose really wanted her. After all the times he tried to get her attention, this one took the cake. He finally did something normal for a change and saved her from Bronson, with help from Regal. She tried to stand up but failed and Ambrose got out of the ring. He walked around the ring and decided to carry her bridal style as the crowd cheered.
Morgan reluctantly wrapped her arms around his neck but began to like the position she was in.
"Is Morgan smiling?" The commentator asked as she started to look happy while Ambrose carried her backstage.
'Next Week'
Morgan was in the mirror, primping, and caught Dean in the mirror, wearing a white shirt and jeans.
"I've been looking for you," she said and continued putting on her lip gloss. "You know, I keep replaying that incident in my head, of what happened last week. When you saved me, after all we've been through. I just want to know why. Why did you save me?" she turned around while he walked up to her.
He grabbed a piece of her brown hair and sniffed it. "Maybe it's because I couldn't take it if something bad happened to you. It was a reflex to save you. No one is going to hurt you, Morgan. No one." He declared and walked away.
Later on, Morgan watched his match against an FCW superstar at ringside and Dean hit the kickout DDT that she used, The backfire. Bored, Morgan began walking away as Dean looked surprised. "Morgan's leaving." A commentator says. "And look at the face of Ambrose. He isn't too happy about that."
Ambrose pinned his opponent for the win and didn't even wait for the ref to raise his hand. He instantly slid out of the ring and ran after her. "Morgan! Morgan! Where is she? Where is she!?" He screamed.
He started seething and ran his hands through his hair. He groaned loudly and held his heart. "She broke my heart. She broke my heart...how dare she do this? How dare she do this to me!? She took advantage of me and played with my feelings! I thought she was going to love my match and praise me but I guess I was wrong. I'm not good enough for her, aren't I? She believes I'm not good enough for her. She isn't going to get away. She is going to feel my wrath!" Dean continued. "I don't care how long I have to wait, I will make her acknowledge me! I will take my aching heart and tear it apart for her! I will even die for her! Does she not know that she completes me? Does she not know that I want her to look at me and praise me? I guess she doesn't seem to care. But don't worry..." He began to smirk. "She will. I will make sure she cares. She'll see real soon! I vow it!" He yelled at the camera and stormed off.
During the next episode of FCW, Husky and another superstar start brawling in the ring with the ref out cold. Before this, they had a match but it quickly escalated into a brawl. "Enough! Enough, stop this!" Maxine, the FCW general manager, walked out with Morgan and William Regal. Morgan had continued to be Maxine's assistant when she wasn't doing matches on FCW. "I need some help, get some help! Now!" She saw officials and FCW Superstars running in the ring, trying to break it up. One of the superstars who ran was Dean Ambrose. "Go! Go!" She exclaimed.
Maxine decides to get on the apron when she sees the fight isn't getting separated.
"Maxine look out!" Morgan shouted but it was too late because she accidentally got bumped into Brad Maddox while she was trying to get in the ring. Maxine held her head and was down on the mat as Regal and Morgan came to her aid. "Are you okay?"
The fight went on outside as Ambrose, Maxine, Morgan, and Regal were left in the ring. Ambrose glanced at Regal and Morgan and then back at the fight while he was on the apron. He decided to attack Regal from behind.
"Dean!" Morgan yelled as Maxine crawled away from the fight. "What are you doing!?"
Ambrose started unloading on him. But then Regal gave him a hard punch in the face as Ambrose stumbled back and got out of the ring. Regal took off his jacket as Maxine and Morgan stood in the middle of the ring, between the two men who were at ringside. Maxine glanced at Ambrose and William and started to smile.
"What are you planning?" Morgan asked, knowing that smile Maxine was showing.
Maxine's FCW theme played out in the arena as Ambrose and Regal stared each other down while Morgan looked worried.
"Was this what Ambrose meant when he said he would go after one of Morgan's loved ones? Regal and Morgan have gotten close over the months of FCW." An FCW commentator says
"Please don't tell me you're going to make them have a match." She pleaded with Maxine.
"I got this handled," Maxine reassured her. Before Ambrose left to go backstage, Regal applauded him.
Afterward, Morgan rushed after Regal. "Regal, please don't tell me you are going to wrestle Dean. Maxine said she made the match. Don't do it. Please don't wrestle him. You did it once, you don't need to do it again."
Regal lifted up her chin and smiled at her. "This needs to be done, Morgan. This is going to be closure."
'Next Week' Norman Smiley, who has the FCW heavyweight championship in his hands, Maxine, and Morgan, who was still Maxine's assistant, were in the ring while Maxine talked about having an eight-man elimination tournament. "In this tournament, the participants will compete against each other, over the next couple weeks. And then the final four will compete in a fatal four-way match. And whoever wins will be the new FCW world heavyweight champion."
"Let's please bring out the participants," Maxine announced as they walked out one by one. "FCW 15 champion, Seth Rollins! Leo Kruger! Big E Langston! Leakee! Showtime Percy Watson! Damien Sandow! Dean Ambrose! And Husky Harris! Gentlemen as you know, you will be competing against each other over the next couple of weeks."
Morgan couldn't help be feel an intense gaze in her direction. 'Don't look. Don't look, Morgan. Do not look.' she tried to warn herself as she tried to continue listening to Maxine. But after a few moments, she decided to look as she locked eyes with Ambrose. 'Just my luck. Why would you look at him? Why?'
Ever since Dean attacked Regal, they have gone at it while Morgan got stuck in the middle. She is close to Regal and admires his ring work. But she doesn't want him to get hurt because Ambrose is a dangerous man. But there was a small part of her that was interested in the weird guy.
"But right now, Damien Sandow and Leakee, you will compete right now in a match. And Morgan here will be the special referee for the tournament matches for the next few weeks." Maxine declared, making Dean smirk and the crowd cheer. "The rest of you please leave the ring."
"Wait, what?" Morgan snapped her head to her. "I don't even have a shirt-"
"Taken care of," Maxine replied.
"Why me?"
"Why not? You are my assistant after all."
"But why can't a regular ref do it?"
"It's done, Morgan."
Morgan exhaled while everyone left the ring but her, Leakee, and Damien. She received a referee shirt and put it on while standing in the middle of the ring.
"Why me...?" She mumbled
During another episode of FCW, Summer and Morgan were backstage.
"You know you got a psychopath staring you down, hard, over there, right?" Summer asked, glancing at Ambrose, watching Morgan from afar.
"Don't push it..." Morgan mumbled. "This whole situation is just really weird..."
Audrey Marie walked over to them, making Morgan even more annoyed. She couldn't stand her. She was exceptionally aggravating and just wanted to smack the stupid grin off her face.
"Wow, I'm so glad I'm not you, Morgan. Because I'm the diva's champion! Yeah!" Audrey bragged and showed off the title.
Without thinking, Morgan slapped her in the face before storming off.
"Whoa!" Summer exclaimed and started to laugh while Audrey rubbed her cheek, still stunned at the assault.
"What was that for!?" Audrey yelled.
Morgan walked backstage, trying to cool off but got stopped by Maxine.
"Why would you slap the diva's champion?" Maxine asked with an annoyed face expression
"She deserved it," the Philly wrestler shrugged
"Look, you can't just do that. You slapped the diva's champion, Morgan. You're supposed to be my assistant."
"I know that. It just happened...I'm sorry, okay?"
"Look I'm going to have to force action. You will not be in the number one contender diva battle royal tonight."
"What!? Maxine please­-"
"It's done. I'm sorry but this needs to be done-" Maxine trails off as she watched her storm off. She sighed and shook her head. "She never listens anymore..."
Later on the night, Morgan was sitting down on a chair backstage, burying her head in her hands, while the diva battle royal was going on. She was filled with mixed emotions. Anger, sadness, defeat. She had always dreamed of being the FCW Diva's champion, to prove that she should be here. But the dream was never going to happen because she decided to slap the diva's champion. From afar, Ambrose was watching her intently and walked over to her.
"Just go away, please." She mumbled but Dean sat next to her.
"You should release it," Dean responded.
"Release what?" She sat up to glance at him.
"All that frustration and anger. Show them that you should be in that battle royal." he goes on, making her more irate about the situation. She stood up and headed off to the ring. "Release it, Morgan! Release it!" He shouted.
Morgan didn't know why she went along with what he said, but she should prove to the FCW Universe and the divas that she was not a fragile diva and deserved to take a shot at the championship. As soon as she walked out, she saw AJ, Aksana, Raquel, and Naomi still wrestling in the ring while Audrey was at ringside, watching on.
"Wait a minute, why is Morgan out here? She's not in this match." Byron brought up on commentary.
"This is going to be very interesting," Regal spoke, fully intrigued at the situation.
"Oh!" Byron shouted as Morgan speared Audrey out of her chair and started unloading on her. "Morgan is going after Audrey!"
"This is what Morgan needed. She needs to show this side more often." Regal said while Morgan threw her face first to the ring post, making the crowd 'Oh!' at the impact. She slid into the ring and gave Aksana and Naomi a double clothesline and started unloading on AJ with punches.
"Hey! What the hell!?" Raquel shouted and grabbed her off of AJ but got shoved back
"Fuck off!" Morgan shouts and continued beating up AJ.
"I have never seen this side of Morgan before," Regal murmured.
"You and me both!" Byron said as Raquel grabbed Morgan off of AJ again and tried to punch her. Morgan blocked the punch and threw her into the ring post, hurting her arm. She slammed her down before throwing her, AJ, and Naomi out of the ring. Morgan turned her attention to Aksana and gave her the backfire while the crowd cheered. "Morgan just went on a meltdown!" He exclaimed while she exhaled and ran a hand through her hair.
"Indeed. Very interesting. And I think I know who triggered it." Regal said as she walked backstage
"Who the hell do you think you are!?" Maxine marched over to her. "Didn't I say not to get involved!?"
"And?" Morgan bluntly asked.
"And!? You just ruined the match! For the next few weeks, you will not be here until after the number one contender and Audrey have their match. Do you understand me!?"
"I don't care anymore. And I don't care about being your little assistant." she stepped up to her. "And if you ever yell at me again...you know what? I'll just let my actions speak for me."
"Excuse me? Do you know who you're talking to!?" Maxine shouted as Morgan left. "Unbelievable. What has gotten into this girl?"
'Survivor Series 2012'
In 2012, heading backstage for Survivor Series, Melanie was called into Triple H's office for a meeting.
"You wanted to see me?" She sat down in front of his desk. He seemed to be in a good mood, so she had a feeling she was going to be getting good news.
"Yes, I did. I guess you're wondering why I called you here for Survivor Series."
"Very curious." She let out a chuckle.
"Consider yourself a WWE Diva, now. You've moved up from NXT." He casually announced with a big smile.
Melanie broke out in a short laugh. "Are­-are you serious?"
Paul smiled and nodded, shaking her hand. "Welcome to the main roster, Melanie. You've earned it."
"Thank you. Thank you so much for this opportunity. Oh my gosh. Wow. I can't believe it. Thank you!"
"Here's your script. You start tonight. Think you can handle it?"
"Oh yeah. I'm ready." She grinned and walked out of his office with a big smile on her face. 
She finally got the job she wanted. To be a WWE Diva. After all the hard training at CZW, TNA, FCW, and NXT, she finally showed everyone she was worthy of becoming a WWE Diva. She wanted to be different from the other divas and bring more life into the diva's matches instead of it being only 2 minutes. She wanted to do stuff with the guys too, to bring a little spice of the attitude era back just like Chyna and Lita did back in the day.
She told Triple H everything she wanted to do in the future of her wrestling career when she was in NXT and now it seems like he was granting her wish, having faith in for to pull it off in the PG era of WWE.
She examined the script. It looks like she was going to be with her best pal, Celeste (Kaitlyn), and then in a storyline with The Shield, which ironically was with Jon, Colby, and Joe. The four of them were together again after the FCW days. It was going to be delightful.
A couple hours before Survivor Series started, she walked down the hallway until she felt someone jumping on her back. "April! No piggyback rides!" Melanie laughs. April (AJ Lee) jumped off and hugged her tightly.
"You're here! I can't believe you finally made it to the main roster!"
"Word travels fast, huh?" Melanie beamed and saw Celeste walking over to them.
"Melanie!" She picked her up and twirled her around.
"Still as strong as ever!" The Philly diva hugged her back before getting set down.
"Congrats on finally joining us as divas. You are gonna be awesome as hell on the main roster, now. Fans are already anticipating your debut."
"I'm so excited. Seems like I'll be managing you tonight, too."
"Yep. I'll also be your guide around here. Let's go to the locker room." Celeste and April escort her to the Diva's Locker Room. "Girls! Melanie is finally on the roster!"
"About time! Girl, I've been waiting for you." Trinity (Naomi) beamed and hugged her.
"How you been girl?" Ariane (Cameron) asked, giving her a hug too.
"I'm still in a state of shock that I'm now on the main roster, so I may pass out, but I'm feeling great." The Philly diva gleefully responded.
Sarona (Tamina) walks into the locker room with Victoria (Alicia Fox). "Are you the new diva?"
"Yeah, I'm Melanie."
Sarona smiled. "Nice to meet you. Looking forward to wrestling with you."
"Me too! Cause we're having a match together, soon." Victoria reminded her. "Don't disappoint me. Give me all you got in the ring."
"You bet! Looking forward to it." Melanie nodded
"Hey, didn't you come here a couple years ago?" Layla asked.
"I try not to remember that. But yeah, I did back in 2010 for a job offer. But I left because they didn't want me to wrestle, they wanted me as a valet and that's it. So that's when I went to TNA."
"That's insane. You're crazy." Victoria pointed out. "I would have jumped on being a manager,"
"Everyone keeps telling me that." Melanie groaned
"At least you're here now," April hugged her tightly. 
'To The Ring'
After the ref raised Eve's hand, she heads straight back to beating on Kaitlyn which caused the crowd to boo. She had already won the match, retaining the Diva's Championship against her but was still trying to cause issues.
"Okay Eve, you've done enough!" Cole exclaimed as she started stomping down on her viciously.
"It looks like she wants to make a statement tonight! Let her prove she is not the one to be messed with," JBL spoke, supporting Eve's actions.
The arena began to cheer loudly once they saw Morgan running through the crowd, jumping over the barricade.
To be honest, Melanie was not expecting such a loud reception from the crowd when she wasn't even announced she'd be here tonight but it made her heart soar as she remained focused on going after Eve and making sure she did what she had to do during her first night on the main roster.
This was her debut. Attack and leave. Even showing shades of what Chyna did to Marlena. It was so exciting to her that she was finally going to make a name for herself on the main roster.
"Look at this!" King yelled in a high voice.
"Who the hell is that!?" JBL asked in confusion
"Look who it is!" King shouted as Morgan slid into the ring.
"Is that-it is! It's Morgan! Morgan Lopez from NXT!" Cole announced happily.
"What!? Morgan!? Did you know she'd be here!?" JBL exclaimed.
She jumps right on top of Eve, making her scream as she attacks her relentlessly. Eve desperately tries to push her away but to no avail.
"It looks like Miss Lopez has seen enough! Get her Morgan!" King cheered her on
"Get off of her! Where is security!? Attacking the diva's champion!? What is wrong with her!?" JBL yelled as Kaitlyn watched on with a smile on her face, moving away from the action to lean against a turnbuckle.
Eve managed to shove Morgan away and scramble her to her feet. She tried to clothesline her but missed as Morgan countered with a beautiful spinning heel kick to the face. The champion began to stagger and drop down to her knees. Finishing her off, Morgan ran to the ropes before running towards the champion, knocking her down with a shining wizard.
"And Morgan taking out Eve!" Cole looked on as the crowd cheered while Morgan went back to getting on top of her to attack.
Security guards were quick to rush down the ring to grab a hold of Morgan, keeping her away from Eve. The Philly Diva ended up laughing, proud of what she had done as she was escorted out of the ring by a bunch of security and referees
"Yeah, that's right! Take her out of here! Take her back to NXT!" JBL yelled
"I'm getting word that she is not in NXT anymore, guys. She's on the main roster now!" Cole announced
"You have got to be kidding me! Why!? She is a danger to Eve! Did you see what she did!? She attacked a helpless champion!"
"She was saving her friend, Kaitlyn!" King countered as Eve grabbed her title and jumped over the barricade, freaked out and upset her plan failed
"Security, let her go. She's with me," Kaitlyn announced on the mic as Morgan reluctantly got released and slid back in the ring.
As soon as she got up to her feet, the two girls smiled at each other and embraced tightly.
Kaitlyn then turned her attention to Eve who was in the crowd, processing what had happened, "Eve! Where you going? Your plan backfire? You see I have a little backup of my own. Meet Morgan Lopez. WWE's new Diva on the main roster. My best friend,"
The announcement made the crowd erupt into more cheers as Kaitlyn's theme came on. Morgan waved at Eve, proud of herself with a successful attack.
"Kaitlyn's not alone, tonight! Thank goodness for Morgan," Cole looked
On Morgan's Twitter, called WWEMorgan101, she tweets:
'Ahhh I'm so happy to finally be a part of the main roster of WWE! I promise to give it all I got! #MorganIsHere
'Monday Night Raw'
The next day, backstage, Morgan walked around with Kaitlyn and began to speak her disapproval about The Shield, "Hey, did you see what The Shield did to Ryback, last night? Completely weak of them to jump him like that. I seriously would like them to be in a singles competition instead of it always being 3 on 1."
"You sure? Be careful, The Shield are pretty scary." Kaitlyn replied in a wary tone.
"Not to me." Morgan shrugged.
"Okay. I hope that comment doesn't bite you in the ass."
"What's the worst that can happen?"
Morgan is backstage as she watched The Shield's interview with Michael Cole as they talked about Justice for CM Punk and how The Shield works for each other and not Paul Heyman or anyone else. After the promo, the titantron showed her watching backstage in disapproval as the crowd cheered.
"Really...?" She scoffed.
"You okay?" Kaitlyn stood next to her
"Did you see their little interview? I have never seen people so full of it. They think they run the place because they beat everyone up. What kind of bull crap is this?"
"Don't you know how dangerous they are?"
Morgan shook her head. "They aren't so tough. I give them a month before they start getting their asses kicked." She turned her attention back to the TV, while Kaitlyn appeared worried about her friend talking trash about The Shield.
After the segment, the camera goes back to the commentators. "Oh man, I hope Morgan knows what she's saying," Cole said with worry in his voice.
"What she just did was absolutely stupid. She just dug herself a grave. Stay in a diva's lane. Don't get involved with dangerous men, like The Shield." JBL warned, annoyed with Morgan's choice of words.
"And on Twitter, Morgan even Tweeted, 'The Shield aren't so tough. Bunch of bullies. What else is new? #NonBeliever #IDon'tBelieveInTheShield'" Cole read her updated tweet.
"Oh my God...she dun did it now..." JBL groaned.
"She's picking a fight. She better watch her back." King sighed, wondering what was going to happen next.
"Yeah. On the WWE APP, we have a poll about Morgan and The Shield. Do you think The Shield will confront Morgan about what she has said about them? Vote now and we'll show the results on Monday Night Raw." Cole announced.
'Next Monday, on Raw'
Morgan tweets 'First match! So ready to go. #It'sMorganTime!'
In the ring, Morgan came out to spin the bottle with Kaitlyn following her from behind. The two walked out to a very warm reception from the crowd which made the Philly diva smile wider. For her entrance, she had her right hand up, open in the air with her index finger and thumb sticking up a little and twirled around. She put her hand down and began walking to the ring with determination and excitement on her face. It was her first televised match on the main roster. She wanted to make a big impression on everybody.
"This is a singles match scheduled for one fall! Introducing the challenger, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Morgan Lopez!" Justin Roberts announced.
"Woo hoo, we get to see Morgan! And would you look at that beautiful grin? She's ready to go!" King called with excitement.
"This is Morgan's first match on Monday Night Raw and let's see how she does with Alicia Fox. Now, last week, Morgan may have said some words that she might regret. On Raw, she said 'What The Shield did to Ryback was weak.' and on Smackdown, she said 'The Shield are annoying and aren't so tough.' And on the WWE APP, we had a poll and the question was, Will The Shield confront Morgan about what she has said about them? A haunting 82 percent has said yes, while 18 percent said no." Cole informed.
"Yeah...I have a bad feeling about tonight. I hope Morgan watches her back." King murmured with worry.
"Do you really think Morgan can stand up to The Shield? They are a dangerous team." JBL retorted.
Morgan got in the ring and stood on the turnbuckle. She screamed 'Yeah!' as she raised her right hand up in the air again and the crowd got hyped. Alicia Fox glared at her while she got off the turnbuckle, unimpressed.
"You ready?" The ref asked Alicia. She nodded, keen to discourage Morgan and her dreams of staying long on the main roster. "You ready?"
"Yes," Morgan replied, nodding her head.
"Ring the bell!" The ref yelled
'Ding Ding Ding'
Morgan and Alicia circle around each other. "Here we go! Morgan's first match." Cole said. They lock up and Morgan starts kicking her multiple times before assaulting her with a spinning kick to the head as Alicia falls down on the mat, stunned.
"I think she learned a bit from Daniel Bryan." King joked as Morgan pins her, only to get a 2 count.
"You got this Morgan!" Kaitlyn cheered on.
Alicia gets up and kicks her hard in the midsection as Morgan clenches her stomach and stumbles to the turnbuckle. Alicia walks over and puts her foot on Morgan's neck, choking her for as long as she can. The ref tries to tell her to stop but then starts counting.
Alicia breaks the hold when the ref yells 4 as Morgan slides down the turnbuckle and coughs, rubbing her neck. Alicia taunts the crowd as the crowd starts to boo her. Getting up, the Philly diva waits for Alicia to turn around as she runs and spears her down.
"Wow! Look at that spear! We need a replay of that." King exclaimed
"Looks like Kaitlyn must have taught her a thing or two," Cole said as the girl cheered for Morgan and grinned. She picks Alicia up and gets her into the kick out DDT position. "And Morgan calls this move, the backfire. She got it!"
"Yes!" Kaitlyn yelled.
All of a sudden, the crowd cheers loudly and starts looking up to see The Shield, in the crowd, staring at Morgan from afar.
"What is going on­-oh my gosh, it's The Shield! The Shield is out here!" Cole yelled.
"I knew this was going to happen! I knew it!" JBL added.
Confused at the commotion, Morgan turns and looks around. After a couple seconds, she finally finds The Shield, slowly walking down the steps, through the crowd. Damn, they were that bothered by what she said? For real?
"Are you kidding me?" she mumbled to herself, failing to hide her surprised expression, widening her eyes a bit.
They picked the worst time to distract her. This was her first match and she didn't want to lose in her debut. Morgan's mind began to race as she tried her best to stay focused but as they got closer, the harder it became.
"Oh no!" King exclaimed as Kaitlyn started to panic. She began backing up to the ramp once The Shield reached the barricade.
"Morgan, Kaitlyn! Get outta there!" Cole shouted. "Get out of there, Morgan!"
"Ohhhh The Shield look upset," JBL warned
"Gosh...the look on Ambrose watching Morgan like prey is alarming. She needs to get out of the ring, right now!" King exclaimed.
Rollins and Reigns had some intimidating glares on their faces, aimed at the Philly diva as she tried her best to ignore them. But what had got to her was Ambrose's demeanor. He tilted his head to the side a little, having a sick smirk on his face. The predatory gaze sent shivers down Morgan's spine and it began to freeze her in shock. The way he was staring at her was different from his teammates and she didn't like it one bit.
While this was happening Alicia managed to recover from Morgan's finisher. Seeing that all her attention was on the three men, she took advantage and rolled her up from behind for a pin.
"Here is your winner! Alicia Fox!" Justin announced as the crowd booed.
Morgan looks around in surprise. Did that just happen?
"No way! No friggin' way!" she shouted in protest.
That did NOT just happen. They did NOT just cost her the match like that over some tweets and words. The Shield smirked to themselves, satisfied with the results of the match as they watched her freak out.
"Oh, you think that's real friggin' funny, huh? Seriously? Seriously!?" Morgan screamed at them. She shook her head and stormed out of the ring with Kaitlyn quickly following her
"Morgan is not happy. I don't think she's going to live this down." King watched on.
"Is this the last we've seen of The Shield distracting Morgan? You think she got the message?" Cole asked.
"I hope so." JBL replied
Morgan tweets 'Stupid Shield interfered in my match. #WEAK!'
'WWE Main event'
Morgan is in the ring with Kaitlyn at ringside, again, as Alicia Fox is getting in the ring.
"Morgan is here for her rematch against Alicia Fox after what happened with The Shield." Cole recapped.
"Yeah, The Shield cost Morgan her match. Her debut match. I just hope they don't do it, again." King mentioned with worry.
'Ding Ding Ding'
Alicia kicks Morgan in the midsection and slams her onto the mat. Morgan groans and holds her head before Alicia pins her for a 1 count. She continues to get the upper hand and then puts her in a headlock submission as Morgan struggles to get out of it. Kaitlyn begins banging on the mat and the crowd claps for Morgan, motivating her to get out of the submission and fight back. She starts to get the upper hand and clotheslines Alicia. Climbing up the top of the turnbuckle she waits for Alicia to get back on her feet.
"What is she doing here?" Cole questioned, anticipating her next move. Suddenly, Morgan jumps and hits a cross body on Alicia. "Oh!"
"Awesome!" Kaitlyn cheered as Morgan pinned Alicia for a two-count.
"That was impressive." King looked on while Alicia was still down, recovering. Morgan waits for her to get up. When she does, she goes to kick her but Alicia ducks and counters with a sickening kick to the face, making the Philly diva fall flat on her back. "Gosh...I think Alicia may have laid Morgan out."
Alicia pins Morgan, only to get a two-count.
"Really?" Alicia complained to the ref, getting annoyed that Morgan wouldn't stay down. They start to have a back-and-forth match but then Morgan kicks Alicia in the stomach and does the backfire and pins her to win the match.
"She did it!" King cheered as Kaitlyn ran inside to ring to hug her friend
"Here is your winner! Morgan Lopez!" Justin announced, but her celebration was cut short when The Shield was in the crowd again, putting the divas on edge. They stood on the steps, while Ambrose had a mic in his hands.
"Well well, Morgan finally wins her match. Congratulations, darling..." Dean rasped out. "You know why we came out on Monday? It's because you are an injustice. You left an opportunity in the WWE years ago and you think you can come back and try to change? How about you leave, just like you did before. You don't deserve to be here. And that is why The Shield will make sure to take care of you since we call you, the Morgan problem."
Morgan scowled at him. He had a lot of nerve. She didn't want to be a manager when she was offered a contract in WWE years ago. Now that she is here, she gets to be the wrestler she always dreamed of being. If they think that's an injustice, so be it. But it was also clear they seemed bothered by what she said and on social media.
"Morgan problem? Morgan problem?" she retorted as Kaitlyn held her back. "I'll show you a friggin' problem! You really messed with the wrong one!"
Dean looked amused at her yelling and left with his teammates.
"She brought this on herself, she should have kept her mouth shut." JBL criticized her actions.
"Yeah but the WWE Universe has been waiting for someone to really step up to The Shield. Do you think Morgan has what it takes?" King asked.
"Has what it takes? She's a Diva. A woman. What can a woman do to The Shield?"
"Looks like we'll have to find out," Cole said before the commercial break.
Favorite hashtag?
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banneriscarried · 7 months ago
Okay, so, sorry for hijacking this post, but I saw it and just couldn't resist, and I wrote 2k on the subject, attached below.
Unbeta'd, very lightly edited, all that junk. :)
Bucky knew he was different. Something about him was wrong for reasons he couldn't name, but he had some suspicions about.
At first, it was small stuff. Being able to walk with the group without any support after the successful liberation of the prisoners HYDRA had kept, needing more drinks to feel anything while at the bars he and the Howling Commandos found themselves at during their few moments of leave, being the only member of the Howling Commandos that could keep up with Steve with little effort. Those were the things that could be written off.
Bucky was in a bad way after Steve rescued him, but he'd heard countless stories of men doing the impossible because they were desperate enough to survive. He also wasn't the worst off out of the whole group. He'd been dizzy, but his legs were whole and unbroken. His brain was foggy for the first couple of days, but he didn't need much brain power to put one foot in front of the other, especially not when it was Steve only a few steps ahead of him.
Drinks were increasingly watered down as the war waged on, alcohol facing the same rationing as everything else. It was a resource, a necessity for dealing with the horrors of war, whether someone was on the battle field or not, and therefore made to stretch as far as possible. If the other Commandos still took far fewer drinks to reach tipsy and beyond, well that said more about their tolerance than it did about Bucky, right?
Of course Bucky was always able to keep up with Steve. That had been his job for most of his life, and somehow the punk managed to get into less trouble as the unbeatable giant of a man he was now than he had as a scrappy little thing back in Brooklyn. He had an unfair advantage, a degree in Keeping Steve Alive even if he'd never had the chance to go to college himself. It was years of training that kept him only a couple steps behind Steve, even as the hours of walking while bearing the weight of necessities and weapons wore on and the rest of the Commandos grumbled quietly to themselves about aching feet and the surrounding chill. It was his job to have Steve's six, and that overpowered every other instinct he had that could've gotten in the way.
But then there were things that were harder to explain.
Bucky had been a good shot since the moment he'd first picked up a rifle back at boot camp in the states. He'd had an eye for it, and he took advantage of that fact when he was in the trenches with Dum Dum and Gabe, taking far fewer shots than most of the men he was supposed to be leading but having a better success rate with the shots he took. This skill was part of Steve's official reasoning for adding Bucky to the team, so he could act as their sniper when necessary, and it was a job Bucky took seriously. It's why he used a M1941 Johnson instead of the standard Garand, he needed to be able to get extra distance if necessary, but the thing about extra distance was that it made for a harder shot.
One of the first missions the Howling Commandos went on, before they'd completely figured out how they worked best together, Bucky had been positioned towards the edge of what could be realistically expected of him, the distance necessary because it was the only place they could find where he'd be covered and would still have a good, uninterrupted view of where the real action would be taking place. He got into position, forcing his attention onto the soon to be battle field and shoving all thoughts that weren't battle analysis into a box. His focus was absolute, completely unshakable until he was finally given the signal from Captain America, telling him that his job was over. He'd barely stood up, refusing to allow himself to wince at the pain in his stiff muscles, when the realization of just how close he'd come to letting his team get hurt. He'd picked off all the immediate threats he could, but the memory of a one shot he'd made, and just how badly it would've ended if he had missed, stood out above the rest, causing bile to rise in his throat. If he'd pulled the trigger even a millisecond later, if the wind had changed direction by a couple degrees, or a particularly powerful gust happened at just the right time somewhere between himself and the HYDRA goon, then Steve would've been... But it didn't go that way, he reminded himself. He made the shot, and Steve barely even seemed to notice just how close to death he'd come.
But that wasn't the end of the impossible shots. After a few missions of him acting as sniper, the other Howlies seemed to catch on to just how good of a shot Bucky was now, and a few rounds of betting amongst themselves solidified the assessment. It only took a couple months for Morita, Dum Dum and Frenchie to start a habit of getting other soldiers to take wagers on what Bucky could manage to shoot whenever they were at basecamp. As it turned out, he could make pretty much any shot they asked of him within a couple tries at the most. Even tiny objects in motion weren't safe, since Bucky's vision had become almost unnaturally good, and with single seconds seeming to lengthen into minutes the moment he was focused behind the barrel of his gun.
It didn't seem to matter to any of the other commandos that they weren't shots he would've been able to make before Azzano. Either that, or, based off of a joke Dum Dum made about him holding out on them as he counted the cigarettes, crumpled bills and bars of rationed chocolate Bucky had won him, they didn't realize that it was a new development.
Things were weird, but Bucky mostly ignored that fact, pretending that it wasn't unnatural to be able to shoot a thrown bottle cap from a hundred yards away, that it was completely normal for him to be able to keep up with Steve, even when he forgot to slow down for the sake of the other Howlies, that it was just luck and misremembering that healed bruises, cuts, cracked bones and bullet holes so quickly that he rarely ever went to medical anymore unless Steve was the one who saw him get hurt.
What really gave it away to him though, funnily enough, was when the Howlies had gotten as close to drunk as they allowed themselves to get these days while on leave and started an arm wrestling tournament. It was stupid fun, fueled by watered down liquor and pent up energy that came from days of leave, where the most action any of them got was in the form of meetings with higher ups.
Steve sat out, sipping a glass of water and trying to pretend that he wasn't amused by his team's antics.
Bucky was finally starting to feel the fuzziness that came with finally drinking enough to feel tipsy. He tried to sit out of the contest too, vague memories of lugging weeks worth of surprise as if it was nothing flitting through his mind, but none of his companions were having it. Steve was only allowed an out because he had an unfair advantage, after all.
He tried not to think too hard about anything when his turn in the tournament came up, tried not to think too hard about the fact that he had to use his newly developed acting skill to pretend that it took effort to slam his teammates' hands into the table, or about the look on Steve's face when he watched Bucky take his turns.
He was about ready to forget the whole thing, letting the yells of his companions fade into the background while he considered getting himself another beer before calling it a night when Dum Dum came up with a suggestion that the rest of the Howlies wouldn't let go.
"How about Bucky goes against Cap this time?"
That caught his attention, and he could tell by the look on Steve's face that Dum Dum was going to win any argument their captain put up. The moment that Steve gave in, Bucky felt his own arguments die in his throat.
Out of the rest of the commandos, Steve was the only one who seemed to know that there was something wrong with what Bucky was able to do. He never said anything, never questioned why Bucky's blue jacket was soaked with blood if a bullet just grazed him, or how Bucky managed to climb a massive pine tree when the lowest branches were almost twenty feet up without breaking a sweat. He just gave Bucky a look, like he was trying to scan for some sort of difference, like if he stared hard enough he could peel back the layers of Bucky's mask and figure out what he really was, because they both knew he wasn't the Bucky that left him behind in Brooklyn, just like how Steve wasn't the same one who had been dragged out on a double date their last night together.
Steve gave Bucky that same look, the one that was searching and desperate and concerned, that pieced things together that were out of Bucky's reach.
So Bucky agreed without a fight, refusing to meet Steve's eyes when their hands clasped on the table. He prepared his act, using the split moment he had to pretend to put up a fight despite not moving a muscle of his own. His hand slammed down into the table, and for a single moment Bucky thought that would be the end of it. Steve won, they all knew he'd win, Bucky knew he would've won even if he did put up an actual fight, it was the exact outcome that should've happened.
But the look on Steve's face hardened, his jaw set. It wasn't quite a glare, but Bucky could read the meaning behind it with no problem. That was the downside of knowing someone as well as he and Steve knew each other. They could read each other like a kids book, each other's intentions always written on their faces plain as day in a language only they understood. It was perfect for when they were together on the battle field, it allowed for them to move seamlessly as a unit, two bodies following a single train of thought and reacting before the other could even start to act. It wasn't so great when Bucky was trying to hide something.
Instead of moving on and accepting the win, Steve set up again, and Bucky knew better than to argue with that stubborn look on his face.
Dum Dum counted them down a second time, and this time Bucky didn't hold back. He didn't even consider putting on a front as he pushed against Steve's hand.
His best friend's eyes widened in surprise, but he adapted quickly, and suddenly Bucky could feel Steve pushing against him too instead of just acting like a brick wall. It was over pretty quickly after that, but it was obvious that Steve had to put in some effort this time before Bucky's hand hit the table.
Neither of them mentioned the incident after the initial shouting from their drunken friends, and the rest of the Howlies followed their lead after a few days. There were more important things to focus on than Bucky lasting thirty seconds into an arm wrestling contest against the great Captain America. It eventually just became another point on the list that they kept about his oddities and skills, another moment for Dum Dum and Morita to brag about while drunk to other, drunker, soldiers to earn some quick cash or restock on tokens for gambling amongst themselves.
Bucky didn't stop thinking about it though. It was hard to stop thinking about the whole incident when it seemed to just be confirmation of something that had been simmering in the back of his mind for months, something he'd been trying desperately to ignore before the dam finally cracked.
For the first time since things started getting weird for him after Azzano, Bucky finally acknowledged, just to himself, that he was fucked.
Y’all think Bucky was built completely different but bc he got his serum from Hydra no one really thought about why that was
Like the Howling commandos are like “oh yeah that’s Bucky over there he:”
- has carried 3 injured men on his back through an active war zone
- has to drink 15 beers before he feels shit
- is the only one capable of physically fighting Steve
- can scale buildings by just fucking jumping up the sides
- Regularly disables tanks with a rifle and his bare hands
“Why the fuck is he like that?”
“It’s just Buck I dunno”
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mrs-murder-daddy · 2 years ago
Hello love! Hope you're having a good day :) I absolutely LOVED the Bill fic you wrote for me 😌🤌🏼 Thank you so much for writing it! Since you sent the ask saying that requests are still open, I was hoping to request another one of your amazing fics 🤗 Could I get something with the prompt "He/She did it!" "No, he/she did it!" for reader and the Easy man of your choice? Thank youuu 💕
A/N: Of course my love! You’ve given me so much to read and enjoy, I thought I’d return the favour!
Quick warning: this gets 'fade to black' levels of spicy in the last section so if you're uncomfortable with that I would suggest stopping at that third divider.
The Easy man of my choice! Ahh you spoil me. I chose Nixy because after this latest rewatch… 🎶what a man, what a man, what a mighty good man🎶
three times you and nixon played tricks (+ one time you treated poor lip to an eyeful)
Lewis Nixon x Reader
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You're not quite sure how your prank war with Nix started, but it was certainly not because you were a little in love with him. I mean the man was married with a child (and a dog)!
Well, actually you remember the exact moment it started. He had teased you about your hairy legs. You didn't exactly have the time to sit and shave them, which he knew. The bastard still poked at that spot though. And eventually you had enough.
One night, while the other officers were out for the night, you snuck back into your barracks, three cans of shaving cream in hand.
Grabbing Nixon's pillow, you drained all three cans into his pillowcase before running to the latrines, ready for your little scheme to pay off. You dumped the cans along your run, hoping it would lead the scent from you.
You showered (the perfect alibi) and watched Lewis and Dick walk into the barracks behind Lieutenant Welsh, a new addition to your little group from the 82nd.
You were still drying your hair as you made your way inside, only to see the short blond man jump from his bed. The back of his head was suspiciously... foamy.
He gave a disgusted cry, still a little tipsy. "Shaving cream? Seriously?!"
You panicked and pointed to an equally tipsy Nixon, "Lew did it! He told me all about his little plan too."
Harry just sighed through his nose and dropped the pillow on the floor. He was just drunk enough that the setup of his bed didn't matter, he would fall asleep instantly.
The next morning you surprisingly woke up after Lewis, spotting three empty cans of shaving cream on your footlocker. A little piece of torn paper under one, 'Check you have the right pillow next time. - L xx'
Who knew Nixy wrote kisses at the end of his notes.
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Nothing Lewis tried to do to retaliate seemed to work. You were stone faced through a lot and he would never do anything serious to jeopardise your positions but he was running out of ideas damn it!
All through training, even in England, your 'pranks' turned into schoolyard insults and poking and prodding. It looked more like teenagers who couldn't just explain their feelings. Not that that situation is any more immature than reality.
He finally thought of a good one when Dick 'accidentally' threw a pitcher of piss on his head to wake him up. Now obviously he wasn't gonna pour piss on you, but some real sloppy mud should do the trick.
For once in his life, Lewis Nixon woke up early of his own volition. He found a bucket (he wasn't sure what its purpose was but he had a new task in mind) and shoveled some mud into it. He poured more water on top of that and started mixing. He got a weird look but you know, Webster is the last guy who'll fault the childlike joy of making mud potions.
Giddy with the excitement of finally one-upping you, Lew barreled through your borrowed bedroom door and tossed the mud concoction on the large lump under your sheets.
Only the startled shriek was maybe an octave lower than yours. And a head of very short red hair popped out from under the covers. Babe Heffron was in your bed. Babe Heffron, the replacement you had taken under your wing, was in your bed. Babe Heffron, the replacement you had taken under your wing, was in your bed and covered in mud.
Well shit.
You came running when you heard your Babe scream, worried your little duckling was having another nightmare or something. Only to see bane of your existence, object of your desires, Lewis Nixon with a bucket in hand, mud covering your bed and poor Babe.
Nix slammed the bucket into your arms and half-laughing, cried, "Now why would you do that?"
Babe frowned, "Ma'am, what's going on?"
Nix gestured to your hands, clutching the weapon of bedding destruction. "She did it! Poured mud all over you Private!"
He would never admit it out loud but the death glare you gave him, his blood shifted south at an alarming rate and he got the most delicious shiver down his spine.
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Austria, despite the reason you were there, was truly a paradise. If you could, you would have your honeymoon in the Austrian Alps. You joked about it with Lewis and immediately, "I'll keep it in mind honey."
Guilt still ate you a tiny bit. Kathy had sent the Dear John letter a whole month ago, but all it changed in your relationship to Nix was the teasing was less playful, more... intimate. Touches would linger, insults turned to backhanded compliments that were honestly just compliments. For example, "Jesus, Y/N! Put that smile away, the sun's getting jealous."
So naturally you wanted to gauge where your kind-of friend, kind-of lover, mostly colleague was at mentally. The way you did that was one final little prank. Though you were more looking out for his reaction.
It was the Battalion's worst kept secret that Ronald Speirs was looting, the guy was shameless. But what most didn't realise was how extensive his jewellery collection was. And how well he could appraise the items.
Ron said Lewis had a cool undertone, so silver worked best. And due to his relative stockiness compared to his height, a chunkier chain was ideal. So, you finally managed to find the perfect 'be my boyfriend' gift.
But of course, you had to play a trick.
Ron stormed into Nixon's room, seemingly ignoring your presence.
"Did you steal a bracelet from me?"
Lew frowned, more confused than intimidated, "Of course not!"
"Well someone took it and no one else has owned up to it."
"Look you can search my stuff if you want to but I don't have it."
You piped up, "Hey Ron, I'm really sorry but... I-"
You were immediately cut off by your tall, dark and handsome man, "Was trying to cover for me." He sighed, "I did it. I took it."
When Ron smiled and simply walked out after giving you a wink, Lewis was certain his heart was gonna fall out of his ass.
His terrified eyes met yours then shifted to the chain in your hands.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THAT?!" He whisper shouted.
"It only cost me three packs of cigarettes and a Hershey's bar, but I wanted to give you something when I asked."
"Asked me what?"
"You wanna go steady with me, Nixy?"
Your answer was a toe-curling, foot popping, film star kiss.
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VE Day was already a special day, it was in the name, victory in Europe. The euphoria of knowing this war was over and the uncertainty of what Easy would be facing in Japan led you to the lake.
Watching your boys splash around one last time filled your heart with bittersweet pain. You would be going home, or at least to New Jersey, waiting for Lewis. And your boys were going to fight in yet another war.
You sat on that pier for hours, waving each man off as he said goodbye, hugging your favourites (you couldn't deny Babe's sweet little face ever).
You were shivering by the time Lew found you. Not from the cold, the sun was still out. Your emotions had hit you full force and your body couldn't handle them.
And when your partner laid those warm hands on your shoulders, you just felt this rush of adoration, love, desire. You would raze the earth if it meant you and Lewis Nixon could be happy together. Just the thought of those stupid sunglasses on that beautiful face could have you dazed and drooling.
You dipped your head back, and he pressed an awkward kiss on your bottom lip and chin.
You both took your time heading back to the house you were billeted in, hand-in-hand, making plans for his eventual return to Jersey. Eventually the excitement of being together, the dream of maybe getting married, starting a family gets overwhelming.
You ducked into alleyways and behind buildings, stealing a few kisses, each growing more and more passionate. Then you finally reached your bedroom, neither of you looking where you were going anymore.
The house was thankfully empty for now, because you knew your moaning would've resulted in relentless teasing.
That evening, you and Lewis were wrapped in each other, sheets loose around your waists, fantasising a little more about your future together.
Someone's throat was cleared and you saw Lip covering his eyes with a hand while the other was held up in surrender.
"I didn't see anything scandalous ma'am, I swear." His bashful tone was enough to convince you (besides it was the honourable Carwood Lipton who stumbled in, you trusted him).
"We're decent, Lip." You pushed through your teeth, clenching your jaw with annoyance. Nix was enjoying this far too much for your liking.
Lip waited another few seconds for assurance before dropping his hands. "Uh, I'm sorry sir, ma'am for just bursting in like this, only this is my room."
Upon further inspection, without the intense haze of lust, you saw precisely none of your or Lewis' things. And your face could have cooked an egg.
Pointing to each other, you and your lover shouted "It was his/her fault!"
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4dtk · 3 years ago
pink in the night
anon: “Hi can I request a Renjun oneshot with 33 (hand holding), 27+46 (kisses), 24 (touching) please? :)” sure! this is an au - renjun is a hitman in this
i wrote this to pink in the night by mitski, thought i'd use it as a title :)
hand-holding, 33: bandaging the other’s hand and not quite letting go
kisses, 27 & 46: desperate kisses, angry kisses
touching, 24: whispering in their ear, lips touching the skin
warnings: making out, just a lil suggestive, one mention of vomit but it's not descriptive, mentions of blood, fighting
“what the fuck were you thinking?” you yanked renjun’s hands toward you, stained red with blood that filled your room with the putrid smell of copper. sweat threatens to contaminate the wound, having had just ran away from the scene in a rush of adrenaline.
renjun’s hands are shaking in yours, and you figured you might have pulled them towards you a little too harshly when he winces, reacting a second time now that the alcohol was coming into contact with fresh skin.
“were you even in the right mind when you did that? i knew they were following us but-“ your fingers curl around the roll of bandage, almost cutting through the fabric if not for your blunt nails. securing it with a pin, you stay kneeled on the floor, while the ominous lamp in the squeezy bedroom above a tattoo parlour remained the only thing lighting your way.
the other's hand felt heavy in your hands, just like your footsteps a couple minutes ago.
run, run, run, were the only words in your head when renjun threw the first punch, accurately hitting one of the followers right in the jaw. there was a scream, glass breaking, shouts of panic, but none of them were yours.
after all, you both were skilled fighters, raised on contrasting conditions.
renjun was holding his ground with one person, but when the other agent came out of their shock, you knew you had to intervene.
you mirrored their speed perfectly, just like renjun was even if his throws were a little tipsy. you had to sneak in a laugh as the agents groan out in pain on the ground, before your moment of victory is interrupted by sirens
someone had called the fucking police. rolling your eyes, you grabbed renjun's hand without much thought, ignoring the warm liquid flowing from his knuckles.
your hideout was the place you felt the safest, undetected and unseen from cameras, but these agents of the society you once worked for could figure your whereabouts in no time.
they were skilled and swift, taking you in when they found you on the doorstep of their headquarters before anyone could see the brief release of their invisibility cloak.
your feet took you instead through winding alleys, gaining the attention of shophouse owners lounging at the back of their stores. they paid you no mind, assuming it was just a couple enjoying young love.
you skid to a stop in front of a shady door, although you haul it open with no hesitation that elicits a groan from inside the store.
"couldn't you at least knock?" johnny raises a brow, eyes not leaving his client's tattoo as the machine runs. it contributes to your irritation.
"shut up, let me camp here for a bit," johnny only hums at that when you bring renjun upstairs, feet heeding your command easily to grab first-aid items from the run-down shophouse.
and so now, you stare lifelessly into renjun's torso as your hand clutched onto his, not wanting to believe the events that had just ensued.
"give me your other hand," you mumble, chucking his bandaged hand aside before reaching for his other. you can't care much when he grunts.
the single word prompts you to lift your head, the curl of your lip evident in showing your exasperation.
"what? why not?"
"just 'cause!" renjun replies, hiding his other behind his back, "why are you worried, anyway? it's not like it's something i didn't tolerate before."
"what? you mean your bleeding knuckles or your feelings?"
renjun scowls at that, tackling you to the floor in a flurry of motion. you only raise an eyebrow at his outburst.
how dare you say that? how dare you taunt him as if you didn't give him the same lingering glances?
renjun has to look away from your hypnotising eyes that pulled him in each time. when you stumbled across a stakeout he was on, when they widened in surprise when you found out he was the person you were assigned to assassinate.
your teasing irises when you fought tooth and nail in the abandoned building, the sniper rifle catching the moonlight as it shines across your face. it's like fate had mocked him, illuminating your lips with him pinned under you.
they only held dejection, now. were they downcasted because of the traumatising things you've seen? oh no, it's anything but.
you were conditioned to mask your emotions from day one, vomit, disgust, sorrow. anything that develops from all the gore and blood. you've seen too much over the years that you can't bring yourself to feel anything.
yet, when renjun refuses you, you can't help but feel like an arrow's gone through your heart. you don't want to believe it's cupid, but rather something more foretelling.
you do what you do best: push people away.
"what? can't come to terms with- mmff!"
he kisses you. huang renjun kisses you, slamming his lips down onto yours a little too harshly. you have no time to react since he pulls away too fast. too fast for you to savour his plump lips again and again.
mouth parted, moonlight dancing across your eyes, hair splayed out. you looked ravishing.
his chest is burning from the clench of his heart, his thighs are burning from the uncomfortable straddling position, but nothing beats the burn of his cheeks when he feels you lean back up, no doubt capturing his lips in another kiss.
this time, it starts out soft. it doesn't last for long before everything turns eager. your hands roam over his sides, back, face. likewise with his, he brings you into his lap as he settles against the frame of the bed.
breathlessly, you pull away. you search his eyes, as does he, and you find nothing but a reflected portrayal of the one thing that burns in your heart: uncertainty, lust, desire.
renjun swallows at your uncharacteristic quietness. he takes the bait, anyway, reaching up to kiss you again with fervour. your lips dance with each other, groaning a little when he feels that your body's pressed flushed against him.
each kiss felt like a drug, leaving you both wanting more.
johnny doesn't seem to care, however, when he interrupts your intimate moment with a deafening knock.
"need condoms?" you separate yourself from the other immediately, panting like a dog by how long you've had your lips locked with his.
"get the fuck out!" you poorly throw a pillow at the tattoo artist, who only raises his hand in surrender, "come and get your blankets when you're done sucking each other's faces off."
you sigh at that, head lolled down in defeat.
you're not sure why you feel that way, anyway. were you ticked off by the fact that you let someone see your vulnerability? yes.
were you annoyed that johnny, your childhood friend and big-brother figure, saw you making out? yes.
were you pissed that you let huang renjun kiss you? you had trouble answering that one.
"hey," the one person on your mind softly whispers. you want to punch him for lowering his voice, for speaking so tenderly to you like he hadn't just left you gasping for air.
"yes. renjun. what- what do you want." it sounds out more like an order, your words coming out stiffly as the man in front of you takes a deep, shaky breath.
his eyes soften at your awkwardness, "i- you can bandage my other hand if ya want."
you grunt out a finally, preparing yourself to uncomfortably pry your body off him to grab the bandages left on the floor. he stops you before you can and his lips hover over your ear. you're not complaining.
"as long as i get to kiss you again," he can't help it, lips already nibbling at your ear before they move down your neck in a trail of hot kisses that set your skin ablaze.
"can you kiss me first? bandage later..." you're helpless and putty in his hands. the laugh that renjun lets out makes you giggle, and you have to rest against his forehead for a moment to collect yourself.
"oh... but who was the impatient one wanting patch me up earlier?"
renjun melts when your hands cup his cheeks. he loves your fingers that are full of callouses; they showed your excessive training with knifes, guns, spears.
but now, when they're gentle against his flushed skin, he finds that he's discovered a new use for your fingers. to hold him tight, to brush through his hair, to caress his forearm, he could go on and on.
"oh, shut up," you mumble with a smile.
"gladly," renjun answers, doing just that as your lips meet again.
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myherowritings · 5 years ago
Borrowed Sweaters, Stolen Kisses
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— In a game of Truth or Dare, you’re dared to sneak into your crush’s dorm and steal one article of clothing to wear the next day. It just so happens that the hoodie you snatched was Shinsou’s favorite sweater.
pairing: shinsou hitoshi x reader word count: 2,204 genre: fluff, aged up au (class 3a) warnings: 16+, suggestive content
a/n: this used to be a harry potter fic i wrote on my hp account but i rewrote it for shinsou bc it just seemed fitting fhgjdhsfg. shinsou is in class 1a in this fic or 3a since they’re aged up and at least 18 years old u.u i hope y’all enjoy!! xx 
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“No way.” You shook your head, kicking your legs out in front of you as you ignored Hagakure’s poking and prodding.
It was a relatively relaxed Friday night, and you and your friends decided to spend it in your dorm with a bottle of whisky and a game of Truth or Dare. The truths ranged from anything to, “Fuck, marry, kill: Sero, Kirishima, Kaminari” to, “Who was the last person you sent a nude to?” And the dares weren’t any better. Ashido practically vomiting in the corner served as a great reminder of that.
You were just grateful the dares you received were rather mundane. 
That was, until now.
“Y/N, you have to do it!” said Hagakure.
“Can’t I just forfeit this round and take a shot?”
“Nope, that’s only allowed for truths,” she quipped. 
You glanced over at Jirou, a pleading look on your face, but you were met with a nonchalant shrug. 
“Rules are rules,” Jirou sang, taking a swig of whisky before passing you the handle.
You opened your mouth to protest, but Mina’s fierce glare caused your words to die in your throat.
“If I had to chug that hot sauce concoction you guys made and then eat the mystery sushi until I felt sick, you can go to Shinsou’s room and steal a hoodie or something-- Sounds like a cakewalk compared to my dare.”
As she leaned her back against the bed, hand over her stomach as beads of sweat trailing down her forehead, you figured Mina was right. You’ve been in his dorm plenty of times before, anyway-- You two were friends and, at times, you supposed you enjoyed his company. What was the worst that could happen?
“You’re right.”
“I know.” 
Rolling your eyes, you stood up and slipped some fuzzy socks on, ignoring the cheers coming from your tipsy roommates. When you reached the door, your friends watching fervently as you wandered off to your ill-fated trek, you paused at the handle. 
You looked back at them, heaving a sigh. “If his dorm turns out to be booby trapped and I get caught, just know I will haunt you from the grave after I die of embarrassment.” 
“We expect nothing less,” was Tsuyu’s smart reply. 
Soon enough, you found yourself climbing up the boys’ side of Heights Alliance, feeling like you were doing a reverse walk of shame. It was a quarter past three o’clock in the morning and the odds of any of them being awake were slim to none, but that didn’t stop the butterflies from fluttering in your stomach. 
You made your way to the front of Shinsou’s dorm room and cautiously placed your hand on the door handle. With a small grumble you fished the key card Hagakure stole from Hitoshi earlier (which made you wonder just how long your friends were planning this whole escapade out…) out of the pocket of your sweatpants. 
For the most part, it looked just like your dormitory. Only neater. His desk was fairly organized and, aside from balls of yarn and different sizes of knitting needles, was clear enough to work on. Scarves and hoodies were piled onto the back of the chair and foot of the bed--which meant your dare should be easy enough to complete--and a dim light was left twinkling.
Everything seemed cozy and lived in. Normal.
Except for the fact that Shinsou Hitoshi was not in his bed. 
“What on earth?” you murmured under your breath, finding it a bit strange the room was completely empty at this hour. But knowing him, you reckoned he was out training at any hour he could--something that worried you about him--or playing with a cat off campus grounds. It wasn’t unlikely. 
Still, with your feet planted at the foot of his dormitory, you wanted to get out of there before you were caught. Because you knew there was no way in hell for your drunken ass to smooth talk your way out of this mess if he were to find you.
Your hand hovered over the article of clothing nearest to you, which was a sweater draped over the back of a chair, and you took a deep breath, saying, “It’s just a dare. You can do it.” 
Before you lost all your nerve, you snatched the jumper with one hand and slipped out of the dorm. As you rushed down the stairs, you could’ve sworn you heard some shuffling coming from the empty room. But you didn’t care.
Part one of your dare was successfully completed.
Now for the hard part: Wearing it around the next day.
- - - - -
“How do I look?” 
You posed in front of your roommate, trying not to laugh at how the borrowed jumper engulfed your frame. Walking down the center of your dorm, you gave a little twirl.
“Sexy,” Mina teased from her spot on her bed. “Shinsou’s sweater looks nice on you.” 
Sticking your tongue out at her, you made a face. “I’m not sure what you mean. It’s pretty gross to me. I would never want to wear any of Shinsou’s clothes.”
“Then why did you put the hood over your head and bury your face in the collar?” 
Slowly, you peered up at her with your view obstructed by the fabric. You sniffled haughtily, trying to ignore the soothing aroma of lavender and smoked wood that filled your sense. 
Mina smirked, catching the small sigh of contentment that left your mouth as you basked in the scent of Shinsou’s hoodie. “Gross, huh?” 
“Mention this to no one,” you mumbled with a nonthreatening glare, pulling the hood off your head and folding your fabric-covered hands over your chest.
Laughing, she tossed you your bookbag from across as she waited by the door, the rest of your friends back in their own rooms to get ready for class. “Come on, lovebug. You can see him during math in a few minutes.”
“I won’t be looking forward to it.”
You grumbled protests as the both of you made your way down the stairs of Heights Alliance and toward the main campus of U.A. High, but Ashido paid them no mind. Soon enough, you reached the room and spotted Jirou and Hagakure in their usual seats. 
“Hey,” you quickly whispered, sliding into the seat next to Tooru before Ectoplasm sauntered over to the front of the class.
“Nice jumper,” she said simply, voice going an octave higher in amusement. “I knew you’d go through with it.” 
Reminded of your rather bold choice of clothing (that was horribly out of dress code), you subconsciously tugged at the sleeves. You sent a quick plead to the gods above that you didn’t look as foolish as you thought you did. 
While Ectoplasm introduced antiderivatives and indefinite integrals to the class, Hagakure nudged you on the side, sliding you a ripped piece of her parchment paper.
You looked at her curiously as Mina peered over your shoulder to catch sight of the writing.
DO NOT LOOK NOW!!! But I’m 100% certain Shinsou has been staring at you since the start of math class.
Of course, the first thing both you and Ashido did after reading the note was turn your heads at the same time towards the back of the class where Hitoshi and his friends were sitting. And, as your luck would have had it, you made directly eye contact with an amused-looking Shinsou.
Both you and Mina turned around to face the front so fast you were sure at least one of you received whiplash. 
Wide-eyed and flushed, you exchanged glances with her, both of you trying to hold in your laughter.
“I told you not to look,” Hagakure whispered, a small giggle escaping from her lips, sending you three into fits of laughter you tried to muffle with your hands. 
Behind you, someone cleared their throat, causing the three of you to straighten up in an instant. 
“Something amusing you, ladies?” 
“No, sir,” you quipped.
“Sorry, Ectoplasm-sensei,” remarked Tooru.
“We’ll shut up now,” promised Mina.
With a stern look on his face but a slight tilt of his smile, Ectoplasm nodded and returned to his lesson. “I trust you three will be experts of the integral calculus by the next lesson and I won’t have to catch you making doe eyes at a certain someone?”
Though he asked all three of you the question, his gaze was pointed at you and the class knew it. Your cheeks heated up as slouched into your chair. Perhaps if you tried hard enough, you could turn into the seat. 
“Yes, sir,” you mumbled, ignoring the stifled laughter from Ashido and an apologetic, but amused, look from Hagakure. 
And as he continued the lesson, you could’ve sworn you felt a certain pair of eyes on the back of your head until the end of it.
When class finally concluded and Ectoplasm dismissed the lot of you, you rushed out of the classroom as fast as you could.
But not fast enough.
“Nice sweater, Y/N,” you heard a deep voice call, stopping you in your footsteps. “Looks familiar.”
You swallowed, slowly turning around to face Shinsou--lazy smirk and all. There was nothing you wanted to do more than dash back to your dormitory and hide, but instead you straightened your spine and braved a look of nonchalance.
“Does it now?”
“Yeah,” he said with an amused look in his eyes. “I’d have to say it does.”
Peering up through your lashed, you looked at him with faux innocence. “I can’t say I know why.”
Slowly, he walked closer towards you as you moved back against the wall. He took the excess fabric of your sleeve into his hands, stroking them between his fingers.
“You know-- It even feels familiar.” He smiled thoughtfully. “Just like my sweater I happened to lose last night.”
By now, the halls had begun to clear up, the traitors you called friends having left you with a thumbs up right as Shinsou approached you. 
You coughed as you repeated, “I wonder why.”
He was so close you could catch a whiff of his lavender and woodsy scent.
“If you wanted my clothes on you, Y/N, you could’ve just asked.”
You pointedly eyed the way he was toying with the hem of your--or rather, his--sweater, lifting it slightly. “Well, if you wanted my clothes off this badly, you could’ve just asked.” 
Shinsou raised his eyebrows in surprise at your suggestion, hand frozen on the fabric. The intensity of his gaze melted your steely disposition, embarrassment creeping up to your neck.
“I’m only kidding,” you murmured, refusing to be the one to break eye contact.
“That’s a shame, then.”
You blinked. “What?”
He shook his head. “Nothing.” 
Biting the inside of your lip, you toyed with the bottom of your sweater.
“That’s my favorite jumper, you know?” mused Shinsou, looking fondly at the U.A. hoodie. “Aizawa got it for me when I entered the hero course.” 
A horrified look crossed your face. You stole his favorite sweater that Eraserhead gifted him himself? Good going. 
“Oh, shit,” you swore, reaching for the hem of the hoodie. “I’m sorry, Shinsou! I didn’t know.”
Chuckling, Shinsou placed his hand on top yours to stop you from removing it. “No-- You can keep it on.” You paused. “I’d say I quite like how it looks on you.”
Your heart skipped a beat when his hand that was still on your ran down the length of your fingers. Before you could talk yourself out of it, you interlaced them with his own, causing him to send a shocked but pleased look your way. You smiled.
He ran the tip of his tongue along his lower lip, gently drawing you closer to him. “If I were to kiss you right now, would you be upset?”
You shook your head, leaning into his touch. “Upset is the last thing I’d be.”
“Well, then I suppose--”
“What are the two of you doing?” you heard Aizawa exclaim as he rounded the corner, catching sight of the two of you against the hallway. He pulled Shinsou away from you by the collar, your cheeks flooding with embarrassment. 
Shinsou, however, looked unperturbed.
“Sorry, Aizawa-sensei,” he said sincerely, “but what I was about to do just then-- I’ve wanted to do that for a while now.”
He chuckled at the shocked look on your face, giving you a wink as Aizawa released his shirt. Shinsou made his way back over to you across the hall.
“How cute you looked in my sweater was only the catalyst,” said Shinsou before placing both hands on either side of your hips, pulling you towards him in a brief but deep kiss.
“Shinsou! Y/L/N!”
“Sorry, sir.” This time, Shinsou didn’t sound so sincere as he ignored the appalled look on Aizawa’s face. “I just couldn’t wait until we got to the dorms to do that. Don’t worry though, Y/N-- I swear there will be far better kisses that’ll take place there as well.”
And though the two of you may have been sentenced to detention and cleaning duty for the next three weekends, you would have to say the kiss was definitely worth it.
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leonidas-banana-phone · 4 years ago
Hunter x Gender Neutral Reader
Summary: You’re having a rough time with how the last few months have gone, the stress is wearing on you. Hunter distracts you with some constellations. 
Word count: 1324
@a-lil-perspective I heard you needed some Hunter fluff! @shadows-fan-space came up with the idea and I wrote it!
You have grown weary in the last few months, the constant stress taking its toll, between the constant jobs that Cid doled out and Crosshair and The Empire trying to catch up with the squad it was like you just couldn’t catch your breath. 
The team had stopped on Commenor for supplies and fuel, landing after dark. Echo, Wrecker and Tech had gone into the smaller town, hellbent on spending what little extra they had to get at least a little tipsy. You and Hunter decided to stay behind with a sleeping Omega, the girl doesn't get nearly as much rest as she should. 
You run your hand over the battered hull of the Marauder, an inspection you promised to complete for Tech, your torch highlights the dings and scratches, the poor girl can only take so much more before she will need significant repairs. You try not to let thoughts of finances and credits take over your thoughts as you tip your head back, the stars above are beautiful, the ship being far enough away from the town that the light pollution doesn’t cloud the sky. 
You turn off your torch, and take several steps back, not taking your eyes off of the sky. The wind rustles the grass, the smell of dew following close behind. Insects chirp into the night air, all in all it's incredibly peaceful, a quiet kind of beauty. 
You gracefully fold yourself, sitting cross legged, and leaning back on your hands. Eventually you lean back, letting your head rest against the soft grass. 
Hunter had grown worried, the sounds of your hands against the hull of the ship had abruptly stopped, only the wind and the sounds of chirping insects fill the night air. 
He lays down his datapad gently, standing and making his way to Omega’s room, peeking in on her to ensure she is safe and sound, brushing her hair away from her face, she doesn’t even stir. 
His fingers dance over his blade, holstered on his vambrace, he needs to be prepared for anything.
He slinks out of the open hatch silently, he breathes a sigh of relief when he sees you, sprawled out across the grass, your eyes focused on the stars. He knows you're not in trouble, your heartbeat and breathing are slow and steady. It seems as though you are merely stargazing, taking advantage of the quiet. 
He doesn’t know what to do with this feeling in his chest quite yet. The warmth blossoms out and a smile spreads across his face as he just watches you. His eyes flit to the same stars and he makes up his mind. 
The sound of footsteps alert you to someone coming but the gait is familiar so you don’t look at him just yet, keeping your eyes trained on the stars. 
You finally look at him when he plops down beside you, “You had me worried for a second.” His head tipped back. 
He was worried? “Oh, sorry.” You didn’t mean to make him worry like that. “I got distracted.” You point to the stars. 
The small smile he gives you makes your heart flutter, “Mind if I join you?” He asks.
“No, not at all.” You scoot over just a bit for him, 
He lays down beside you, hands resting on his stomach. You sit in silence for a few more moments before he speaks up, “Are you alright?”
You sigh, “I’m tired.” You answer truthfully. 
He huffs out a laugh, “Yeah, I get that.” 
You change the subject quickly, “Omega was still asleep when you left?” 
He nods, “Like a rock.” 
You focus back on the stars, “Good, she needs it.” 
There’s another beat of silence. 
Hunter points to a cluster of stars above, “They call that constellation the Jeweled Lizard,” He motions with a gloved finger to a cluster of five stars. At first glance all you see is stars with no rhyme or reason to them. “See the tail?” 
You blink trying to see the lizard, and okay, you could kind of see what they were saying, “Do you think he has a name?” Your tired brain blurts out before you can catch the words. 
Hunter looks at you, “He looks like a Joe.” He says not missing a beat. 
The laughter howls out of you, making you curl up and rock to the side. Hunter holds onto you as he too laughs, the hardest he has since everything has gone to hell. 
When you both finally calm down, you notice your head has landed on his shoulder, devoid of its usual pauldron and his arm is still sung over your waist. There’s an easy smile on his face, one you haven’t seen since before the end of the war. 
Your heart pounds, betraying what you’re about to do to him but you can’t seem to care. You close your eyes and lean in, your lips pressing against his. 
He hears your heart pound and speed up before your eyes flit to his lips. He doesn’t have the time to even blink before you’re leaning in, your lips are soft and warm and so much more than anything he imagined. His eyes flutter shut, just taking you in, your scent, the sound of your steady heart, the feel of your skin. 
He lets you pull away first, you barely separate from him, just enough to breathe. Your eyes flutter open, “I- Uh. Sorry. I don’t-” You start to stutter and he can feel the heat of your blush. 
“Shh, Mesh’la.” He breathes before reconnecting your lips, kissing you with his whole self. Everything fades away, Crosshair, The Empire, he lets all of his worries melt away as he kisses you deeper, tangling a hand into the hair at the nape of your neck. 
The kisses ease up, becoming lazy and slow, before long you pull away from him and rest your head on his chest. He looks back up at the stars, gently running his fingers through your hair.
Hunter points to the stars again, his finger traces six stars in the shape of a heart, “Cor Meum, they say those who are born under it have no problems finding love or happiness.” He presses a kiss to the crown of your head. He points to another, “And that one there,” He traces what looks like a dagger, “Is Machairi, the dagger represents an ancient god of protection.” 
“Where did you learn all of this?” You ask, looking up at his face. 
He smiles, “Tech.” 
You laugh, “Figures.” You smile fondly at the thought of the genius spilling the information, pulling up a map of the stars to show his Sargent. 
The cool breeze blows through the clearing, sending goosebumps down your arms, you shuffle closer to Hunter and he pulls you into him, “We should go inside.” He mumbles as he rubs the warmth back into your skin. 
You yawn, “Just a little longer.” 
Hunter kisses your forehead, not pulling away, “Few more minutes, then we need to get some sleep.” He mumbles against your skin. 
The others stop dead in their tracks when they crash through the clearing, their shouts and jeers going silent when they see the two of you curled up on the ground together, fast asleep. 
“Gods, finally!” Echo groans, “Watching them pine over each other was getting old.” 
Tech snaps a picture using his visor. 
“Should we wake them up?” Wrecker tries to whisper. 
“You were loud enough to wake the dead.” Hunter’s voice rings out and they all freeze, “But, not loud enough to wake them and we need to keep it that way.” He threatens them. 
Echo waves them on and the other two follow him into the ship. 
Hunter looks down at you, sleeping peacefully against his chest. He presses a kiss to your hair before his eyes focus back on the stars, for once not worrying about what's to come. 
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