#shuuhei hisagi x you
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strawhatsoraya · 2 years ago
Hiii! So, we've been talking about Shuuhei… what about a little scenario with a female soul reaper who's from another division but has had her eyes on him for a while because, well, he's HOT. Maybe she even already realized that his bad boy look isn't really true because in some small interaction he was super nice and polite? Or perhaps she's still convinced he's a total womanizer/bad boy based of his looks and kept her distance? Either way, one evening, she gets nice and tipsy (with Rangiku?? Or somebody else?) and goes all "You know what? Look at him. LOOK AT HIM. He's so underappreciated! Fuck it, I'll go for it." So she tries her very best to seduce Shuuhei and is a) surprised he's so gentle and soft-spoken and b) flusters him completely? :D Or something along those lines.
Random scenario-thought, in case it strikes a cord, I'd love to read your version of it :D Have a great day!
how long has it been??? don't answer, this question is rhetorical I don't even wanna know. i wrote some shuhei uh fluff? yes...fluff with some suggestive content but nothing explicit. you get drunk y/n making a fool of herself and shuhei being cute.
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SHUHEI HISAGI X FEM READER / SFW WC: 2.7k CW: alcohol consumption, horrible attempts at humor and seduction, second hand embarrassment, badly timed boners, and equally badly timed confessions
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You didn't know what it was about him that made you so crazy. 
Rather, the truth was, you couldn't decide on a single thing. Maybe it was that dark bold stripe across his face. The same that made you stare at his profile, that squinted intense gaze that rooted you to your spot wherever you were. Maybe it was the numbered tattoo on the angular bone of his cheek. Maybe it was the mystery of not knowing what any of it meant.
Or maybe, just maybe, you liked that you couldn't figure him out. You liked the danger that came with the unknown, the quiet variables that leave your formula incomplete day after day.
Although you had yet to see him entangled in somebody else's arms you were convinced he was as emotionally unavailable as the rest of the men clad in black. Tomorrow was a flimsy promise that nobody dared to even touch but you tacked it on the front of your shinigami robes, like a stupid participation ribbon.
Tomorrow you'd take the first step. Tomorrow you'd confess. Tomorrow, always tomorrow.
Those days came and went, and you were nowhere closer to unraveling the secrets Shuhei Hisagi kept. Tired of your cowardice, and tired from that day's training, you find yourself commiserating over drinks with Rangiku. Her tolerance for alcohol was beyond measure. It was a terrible idea to pair up with her, but she was always willing to lend an ear or two.
Right now, you didn’t want logic or common sense. Right now, you need someone to make you feel a tiny bit better about your cowardice. 
Rangiku does it well. She makes sympathetic noises, as she fills your sake cup repeatedly. It is quite a skill,  you think to yourself amongst the clouds, the way she never lets your cup be dry. Not even for a minute. You’re gathered with members of different squads for one of Rangiku’s badly coordinated mixers. The numbers between female and male guests was never even–assuming people even showed up in the first place.
“Is it really my fault?” you start feeling indignant. In the back of your mind you know you have no right. You were not the victim of the cruelty of the Fates, or unchangeable circumstances. The truth was, you were merely scared of rejection. “Is IT my fault?” You ask again, as Rangiku sways slightly next to you, a tiny smile on her lips.
She looks content with her lot in life at the moment, and your indignation is slowly replaced by green envy.
“You just don’t understand do you?” you ask her as your head bobs. The movement is mostly involuntary but you find yourself too tired to control it. The alcohol has steeped itself in your veins, and you know now would be the time to cut yourself off. Instead, you bring the cup of sake that Rangiku just refilled to your lips once more.
“I do understand, actually,” Rangiku insists, gathering your shoulders in an one armed embrace. “I do. Men are so DENSE. In fact, like that one,” she slurs as she points her chin towards the familiar pallid appearance of one Izuru Kira. “Look at him!”
Her voice is loud, and the scent of sake is sweet coming from her moistened lips. You look away to watch Kira perk up in his seat. His cheeks are pink, a bright contrast against his pallid skin. The stupefied expression on his face is slightly endearing. Perhaps you had too much sake after all.
“You see him?!” Rangiku prattles on, steamrolling over the din of stranger’s conversations. You sway in tandem with her, still trapped in her arm. Her strength was not completely unknown to you but there was something about drunk Rangiku that made her at least three times stronger. “Look at him! So dense. So stupid. So cute.”
You smile apologetically at Kira. It almost feels like the sudden verbal attack was incited by your poor inability to be honest with your feelings. There’s an attempt to free yourself from Rangiku as you press a hand on her chest and push. Rangiku squeals in your ear and lets you go, only to bring her hands to her chest. Her smile is crooked, and she flutters her eyelashes at you.
You swallow a groan.
“Have you moved on to me already?” she asks you in a shouted whisper. You glance sideways at Kira waiting to be saved but he avoids your gaze and instead greets the new arrival to the table.
The last person you expected  joins your table. At the sight of the stripe across one of his cheeks you feel your blood turn to ice. A  chill passes over you, making you shiver where you sat. You almost wished Rangiku would twist herself around you once more. Anything to return the heat back to your body and away from your sweltering face. You can’t see it, but you feel it–the flush that ridicules you; burning your shame on your cheeks until you fear it’ll become a permanent tattoo. 
Shuhei Hisagi, as usual, seems ignorant to your struggle. Aside from a casual glance and nod of acknowledgement he gives no indication of knowing your discomfort. The sake threatens to come back up, and you swallow. The acid burns your throat on the way back down.
“Well,” Rangiku’s voice comes in like artificial sweetener–it overcompensates and leaves a terrible aftertaste in the back of your mouth. “Look at what the dog dragged in.”
“It’s cat,” you interject with a quick sideways glance. Rangiku places her arm on your shoulder.
“Whatever.” The blond woman is unfazed. She smiles at Shuhei. “The point is, the man of the hour is here.”
You feel your heart drop to the bottom of your stomach. If possible, you could have feared it slipping right out of your body. You wouldn’t doubt for a second that if it could preserve itself by abandoning the vessel of your pathetic body that it would. Instead, you feel it speed up again, at an alarming rate. It pounds frantically against your ribcage as Shuhei turns his slanted gaze at you. 
“You were waiting for me?” he asks. He is looking at you. You know this because you’re staring right back at him, slack-jawed and in a daze. Yet, it feels as if his question was aimed at Rangiku instead.
“Of course!” she chirps, leaning forward. You glance down and see her breasts threatening to spill out of her uniform. Clumsily, and quickly, you try to gather the fabric and bring it to a close across her cleavage. Rangiku glances down at you, perturbed, at your clenched hands keeping the opening together. Gently, she pats your whitening knuckles. “Now, now…” You don’t let go so she pries your fingers off before continuing the conversation. “I was waiting for you because I need you to take Y/N to her room for me.”
You blink, and sway on the spot, suddenly lightheaded. You have no idea what Rangiku is planning and you consider losing yourself in a temporary moment of dread. That is, until you realize the wonderful opportunity that is being presented to you. Here was Shuhei Hisagi in all his hardened edges, cool demeanor glory. If you could have a moment alone, with your cowardice drowned in alcohol, perhaps you’d find the courage to make a move.
You stand up suddenly, slamming your hands on the table. Kira jumps startled but Shuhei remains calm. He follows suit, and you watch him stand up, taking in his height, his broad shoulders, his imposing gaze. He nods his head at you and gestures quickly.
“Come on then,” he mumbles as he turns his head quickly. You try to find the strength in your jelly legs to walk around the table. So focused in your efforts to remain upright, you almost miss the pink on the top of his ears. His hand is covering half his face when you reach him. The way he chose to wear his uniform was unique. Some might say he barely had it on. As you walk besides him, you notice a rosy flush on the top of his cheeks.
“Are you cold?” you ask him, placing light fingers on his bicep. Before you can register the difference in your body temperatures he’s jerking away, startling you. You never thought you could be criticized for lack of coordination, but inebriated you became a person you didn’t quite know. 
“No, I’m fine,” he mumbles as he turns his face away from you.
The sake must be really doing its toll on you, because if you didn’t know any better, you’d start to believe that Shuhei was being shy. It didn’t suit him. There was such a large gap in his appearance that it just couldn’t possibly make sense but still his ears grew redder and redder, especially when you decide to tuck your hand in the crook of his arm.
You feel him jump even as he tries to keep walking, your fingertips gently brushing the inside of his elbow. He starts to say something, stuttering over his words.
“C-c-careful,” he says, his eyes on the ground. There’s a furious flush on his face, threatening to obfuscate the tattoos on his face. “The ground is lumpy.”
You can’t help it. Even as you bite down on your lower lip, there’s a giggle that bubbles out of you–free and weightless. 
“I’m holding on to you,” you tell him, leaning into him playfully. He sways as you bump him. “I think I’ll be fine.”
It becomes quickly apparent to you that your miracle opportunity could very well lead to nowhere if you don’t take it further. You’ve managed to press your breasts against his arm, in hopes of stirring something wild and untamed inside of him. Instead, he starts to walk stiffly as if he had a metal rod placed in his back. Although you begin to feel more sober, you decide to amp up the theatrics a little, stumbling here and there in your walk.
“Shuhei~” you chirp coyly, syrupy and addictive. “Why don’t you come inside?” you tug him along, struggling with his big frame. If Shuhei is surprised at your strength he doesn’t show it much, except for a careful raise of his eyebrows.
“I really shouldn’t be going into a woman’s room like this,” he mumbles as you finally shove the rest of his big body inside. Shuhei looks around the small room quietly. There’s a futon on the floor in a corner, books littered here and there and wrappers of snacks you promised you’d get rid of weeks ago. 
“Nonsense. That’s way too old fashioned thinking,” you tell him, lowering yourself to the futon. You wave a hand at him repeatedly. Shuhei stares at it apprehensively—like the fluttering wings of a death butterfly, but still heeds its call. He lowers himself awkwardly onto the futon and sits cross legged next to you. His skin feels as if it was tinling, your presence making it worse every time you pressed yourself against him.
You slither one hand over his knee, and Shuhei feels the back of his neck heat up. Your breath tickles his ear when you speak next: “Shall I help you relax? You seem tense. I’m very good at massages.”
He stiffens at your touch. Shuhei knows your touch means more than it implies. He knows that your soft smile is promising him more than just a massage. He also knows that the rouge on your cheeks and the glassy look in your eyes is due to alcohol; that which you consumed a little too much. He knows that to let you keep skimming your hand upwards his leg, as you are doing now, is very ungentlemanly of him.
He presses his shaky hand over yours.
“I’m fine,” he says sternly, lips drawn thinly on his face. “I don’t need a massage right now.” What he needed, perhaps, was to swan dive into a cold lake. His nether regions weren’t getting the picture. He felt himself stiffen, and Shuhei adjusted his legs as discreetly as possible. He didn’t count on your keen observational skills, and your lack of decorum all at once.
“Then what’s that!” you whisper shout, pointing at the sudden rise of cloth between his legs. Shuhei stutters as he feels heat swallow his head whole.
“Never mind that,” he shakes his head, feeling embarrassed and angry to be in this situation with you. “Just go to sleep. That’s what you should do.” He holds you by the shoulders, as you try to peek around his arms. He pushes you back on the bed, as you hold on to his wrists, dragging him down with you. Shuhei, holds his weight up by slamming his hands on either side of your head against the bed. You look up at him, startled, heart racing in your chest.
“Are you going to sleep with me?” you ask him, your fingers still curled around his wrist. “Is this what this is?”
“No!” he shouts, turning bright red. He pushes off of you. “That was an accident because you pulled me down with you.”
“I was hoping to seduce you,” you tell him plainly. Now that you were on your back, you rethink your entire plan. You thought you had sobered up but as the room started to spin slowly, you realized quickly that it had been some kind of delusion. 
“I’m not someone that will just sleep with a drunk woman,” he mumbles, gathering the blankets and pulling them over your body. He tucks you into them, pushing the blankets deep under your body with his fingers, until you become a human burrito. “So please stop.”
“So, you’d sleep with any woman if she wasn’t drunk?”
“No,” he pats your hands which he trapped under the blanket. “I didn’t say that either.”
“I like you,” you confess. You meant to look and feel braver than you did, but being wrapped in blankets unable to move as the room spun slightly, seemed to have stolen all your earlier bravado. Shuhei stares at you silently, before he looks away abruptly. You can see his ears reddened again as he loosens up the blankets slightly.
“I tucked you in too tight,” he mumbles, ignoring your confession.
“I said I like you!” you state a little louder, and bite your lower lip. “Shouldn’t you say something back? Anything?”
Shuhei sighs, and finds your hand under the blankets. He lightly traces the shapes of your fingers, sending goosebumps up your arm. 
“You should say that when you’re sober,” he mumbles softly, finally looking back at you. “Do that, and I’ll give you a proper answer.”
There’s a pout that sticks your bottom lip out. Shuhei stares at it for a bit too long, and feels the back of his neck catch fire. He sighs heavily as he pushes himself up.
“Go to sleep,” he says gently, even as your eyes start to flutter closer. 
He looked shy and awkward as he stood there undecided. His feet shuffled, as he wanted to leave but was torn. You stifle a giggle. He was nothing like you had imagined. Not very cool, and not very smooth. You’d be lying; however, if you didn’t like this gentle part of him.
“What if I don’t remember?” You ask him quietly.
“I’m sorry?”
“What if I don’t remember,” you repeat yourself. “What if I forget I’m supposed to tell you I like you?”
Shuhei rubs the back of his neck, and you see his cheeks color. Your fingers twitch under the blankets. You want to trace the splotches on his cheeks, feel their heat under your fingertips. 
“Then I’ll remind you,” he mumbles shyly, eyes downcast and fluttering from corner to corner of the room; anywhere and everywhere but on your face. “I’ll just have to remind you until you do.”
There’s a heavy silence that falls between you; thick and flammable. A simple spark could cause it to ignite. You hold your breath in anticipation 
“Now, seriously, go to sleep!” he nags, stomping towards the exit. “And drink water when you wake up. Goodnight, Y/N.”
He leaves you there, tucked warmly under the blankets. The room spins slowly, so you shut your eyes to stave off the dizziness. A groan floods your mouth, and you swallow saliva that pools on your tongue. When you’d wake in the morning, you know you’d be full of regrets. You’d regret drinking so much, and regret making a fool of yourself. 
That is, if you even remembered that last part.
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suigetsusunny · 4 months ago
Temporary Whispers Of The Heart ⊹₊⟡⋆ | Sosuke Aizen X Reader Chapter 6 | Army Dreamers
TW: blood, gore mention, slight domestic violence (yelling and sibling violence)
*words / sayings that might be unfamiliar are tagged with asterisks and chapter notes about them are provided at the end of the chapter :)
˖ ✦ ‧₊˚ ⋅
Leaping into the air, you manipulated your Kido to allow your movements to stay fluid and elegant. The chill breeze of the night sky in the Human world greeted you, and you smiled feeling the wind sift through your flowy hair.
Your first lone mission as a Soul Reaper. You were jubilant, ecstatic in the moment as electricity pumped in your veins. Albeit still fairly inexperienced, you were to defeat a Hollow in the human world and bless its soul successfully. As you turn to the right, you see your companion leaping in the air, humming and grinning widely. He shot you an egotistical glance, the confidence embedded in his soul reflecting in his body language.
“Someone’s a bit too excited. Sure you won’t get too scared alone?”
Shuuhei nodded as he skipped over a building, laughing in response to your joke.
“I’m quite confident. I don’t need my elder to worry for me~”
You rolled your eyes, scoffing at his remark. “You better watch your tongue, young boy. I'm not even that much older than you. And who knows you won’t burst into tears again?”
“Ugh, my greatest apologies for holding a sympathetic and teary soul.” Shuuhei jested, faking his sorrow as he pretended to cry and wipe tears dramatically from his face whilst whipping his head away from you.
“Whatever you say, my little memeshī~*”
“Don’t call me that!”
You chortled at his flustered expression, guffawing at the sight of him so bothered over a simple tease.
Glancing at your Soul Pager, you discerned the location of the two hollows from the tags on the device. Albeit a little hesitant, you shut your pager and understood that this mission had to be done and was imperative to progressing your careers as Soul Reapers.
After notifying Hisagi, you both set off on your paths to the hollows you esteemed as your targets. The large, black and purple creature in sight towered over you, muttering incoherent sentences with jumbled phonetics as its crimson eyes latched onto you. You felt confidence, strength coursing through your veins as your body was energised with courage and determination. An easy feat as a Shinigami, right? You’ve done this many times before. Although many had resulted in dire failure, you were sure you had grown strong enough to complete such a simple task. 
The skeletal structures on the Hollow’s arms and face clunked against each other ominously as it turned towards you, each step served with purpose. Something felt off. It felt… Intelligent? As if a mind of its own resided in the empty crevice of its heart.
Whispering the name of your Zanpakutō under your breath, you brought out your Shikai and sent a smooth gash to its arm. As you ran up to the creature, you sliced all vital limbs and attempted to cut its neck. However, a blast of blue plasma from its fist abruptly sent you backwards with great force. You coughed and sputtered as you were sent flying, skidding on the concrete roads underneath you.
The surprise stained on your face was unmistakable as you watched it regenerate its limbs, gurgling under its mask.
…What on earth?
It was definitely not a normal hollow. But why would the Gotei 13 send you two to defeat such a beast? You had never encountered anything like it in the academy. Perhaps it was designed to be a struggle.
Trepidation beside you, you managed to rise back onto your feet to grip your sword properly with both hands and run towards the beast again.
Each move of your sword was met with another piece of its skeletal armour, its reflexes almost surpassing your own. After the creature blocked you several times over, another swift move of its arm knocked you out of the air and in its hand it held…
A Zanpakutō?
Too appalled to react, you were vulnerable and the creature took the chance to finish you off, sending you flying by another blast from its fist.
It cannot be. Hollows do not wield… They do not have a soul to imprint on an Asauchi..
Clutching your bleeding side, your glare was ravenous. No. You weren’t sure what mutation this was, but it would not reign defeat over you. You couldn’t humiliate yourself more than you already had, as the weakest member of the Shihōin family. A tarnish on an evershining vase. 
Determined, you snapped its limbs with your Shikai’s suppression and electric movements. Yet once more, a grotesque bubbling in its void black skin greeted you and its limbs were regained. You had never fought a hollow of this level and power… And the sword that you swore it held in its hand had not been erased from your memory.
The finishing blow greeted you as you had accidentally paused your sword for one second to catch your breath, a blast searing through half your being. You felt a sharp burn in your left ribs and warm, sticky liquid beginning to pool down your legs from your side. The blast caused your knees to wobble and you immediately fell to your knees, panting sporadically.
You couldn’t have lost such a simple mission… There was something wrong with this creature.
Mustering up all of your strength, you mumbled a final command under your breath, manipulating your Kidō to blast the beast with as much power as you could. 
Exhausted, you finally fell to the ground, toppling over and splayed out. You sighed in temporary relief, as the beast seemed to have been placated by you. Clutching your bleeding side, you coughed up viscous and crimson liquid from your burning throat. The hollow seemed to have been defeated, now all that was left to exorcise its soul. Opening your eyes slightly, you watched the hollow reduce into a smaller form, furrowing your eyebrows as it seemed like a controlled action, externally done on purpose... To make it weaker? A foolish thought really, wouldn’t the creature want to become stronger…?
In the corner of your eye, you swore you saw a glimpse of a man draped in black, extracting something of the hollow and suppressing it.
However, shock was short lived as impending doom suddenly overcame you at the sight of the Hollow standing up again, albeit smaller.
No… How did you not defeat it? You put every single fibre of your being into that battle?
Were you still so weak…? 
You shut your eyes, admitting defeat and disappointment as you awaited its final blast. You failed.
Long, black blades chained to their owner danced swiftly in the night sky, the moon illuminating their silhouette against the dark of the midnight.
A celestial glow accompanied Shuuhei as he elegantly sliced the Hollow’s head clean off, panting and bent over as its skeletal head slowly glided across its hemorrhaged neck, falling to the floor. 
“Your Reiatsu… You scared me. Are you okay?”
Hisagi ran up to you, kneeling down next to you as he aided you in clutching your side. 
“It’s… Not a hollow. It can’t be. It had … A Zanpakutō…”
You panicked seeing Shuuhei’s face of worry, clearly showing that he did not believe you.
“You tried your best, it’s okay… You're clearly in critical condition and not thinking right.“
Blood only sputtered out as you attempted to speak, coughing and sniffling.
“Please… Believe me.”
He nodded, and although sceptical, Hisagi would never question you.
“We can worry about that later. Let’s head back quickly.”
Short, scruffed hair swayed in the wind, weaving a melody with its inky strands in the moisture of the night sky. The man beside you prayed for the hollow exorcised by his Zanpakutō, blessing its soul.
You turned to your companion, Hisagi Shuuhei, as he opened the gate to the Soul Society swiftly by effortlessly swaying his hands to open the Senkaimon. 
An arm extended around your shoulders, and you reciprocated by clutching onto the tattered fabric of your friend, the other hand moving to press onto the gash on your side. 
Dusting yourself off, you trudged once more into the Soul society and looked solemnly towards your comrade.
“Hisagi, your efforts are truly unwavered even as just a novice reaper… I admire you.”
The raven haired man turned to you, scoffing and tucking his arms into his chest. 
“The same goes to you. Couldn’t have done it without my fellow Shishi. You did well weakening it.” 
You chuckled, shaking your head from side to side, the brief mirth erupted in your chest quickly dissipating as you realised what was to come. 
“I don’t know how I couldn’t defeat a simple hollow… You have to believe me when I say that I really don’t think it was normal. It wielded a sword.”
Shuuhei hushed you, telling you to rest as he helped carry you to the 4th Division for healing.
“I believe you. I do. I’m sure there’s some rational explanation.”
Hisagi could feel the fear course throughout you, a sinister feeling of dread sinking in your stomach as you feared what was to come.
˖ ✦ ‧₊˚ ⋅
You managed to muster out a grateful smile to Shuuhei before he left you in Unohana’s care, and you shut your eyes, allowing yourself to recover.
Another shameful slash onto your royal name. An esteemed failure, you were. Had you really failed in such a pitiful battle against a weak Hollow again? Were you even worthy of the Shihōin name? The name of warriors, the ultimate marker of strength and courage in the Soul Society.
Something you were clearly not. The Zanpakutō wielded in your grip betrayed you once more, as you failed at another battle against a Hollow. Removal from the Gotei 13? Admonishment of your role? You weren’t sure what was to come. Yet all of this seemed minor in your thoughts as compared to the rumination of what your father may say. 
Hisagi Shuuhei you had met in the Academy, a friend a couple years younger than you. Another stain to your name, having to be saved by a Shinigami younger than you. You should have the experience, yet the sword you held did not wish to align with your rhythm. 
What did it want from you?
Alone in your bedroom now, you stared up at the ceiling, before turning to painfully look at the sheathed sword lying by your bedside. 
Often at night as well as now, you found yourself speaking to the essence of your soul reflected in the sleek metal, glistening as it bathed in the moonlight seeping into your room. 
,, Tell me, my Zanpakutō. Is the vigour in my soul not enough for you? Does the human blood in my heart seethe you? Answer me… For I have seen many mixed Shinigami blossom… Why not me? Why has the name of my family not blessed me like it has to my sister?” 
,, What must I do, to imprint the essence of my honour and devotion onto you, my sword? What lacks in my soul… What tarnishes my strength… Tell me and I will extract it from my veins.”
˖ ✦ ‧₊˚ ⋅
The next morning, you were sent for a day of rest, informed to return to the Second division after your break to discuss the results of your first exam. 
As your mind ruminated on your walk home, you mentally and physically prepared yourself for the berating and degrading words awaiting you. 
Holding a hand to your heart and whispering your mothers name under your breath, you exhaled deeply and reached your destination. You latched your fingers onto the metal handle and slammed it twice against the Hinoki cypress wood to signify your arrival at the towering doors of the Shihōin minka.*
A familiar servant greeted you, yet the usual smile present on her face had faded. As expected after that deplorable presentation… 
Leading you to the common room, you bid a solemn farewell as jovially as you could before you slid open the shoji door in front of you, meticulously as if to not set off your fathers temper any more. 
In the middle of the empty room, a man with a lean frame and tanned skin sat cross legged, simply swiping his calligraphy brush with strategic and conscientious strokes. A murderous glance greeted you from the tresses of his ivory hair.
You silently kneeled on the tatami of the large room, your irises fixated on the low, wooden table frame and the colour of the ivory hadagi* that contrasted against his tan skin. The glare of your father sent shivers down your spine, as you swallowed the lump forming in your throat and forced it to dissipate.
“Byakuya Kuchiki has established his will to marry a commoner and tarnish the purity of his noble bloodline. It’s a very shameful act and it caused great disgrace to the Kuchiki family, I'm sure you’ve heard.”
Your eyes simply fixated on the tatami floor beneath you, nodding cautiously as your knuckles turned white from clutching the pant legs of your shihakushō harshly.
“Have you heard of the Shiba clan’s esteemed son relinquishing his role as a Captain and his Shinigami powers to settle with a Quincy?”
You gulped, afraid of what your father was getting at as you shook your head.
“It was such a dishonour that the Shiba clan has been removed permanently as one of the Five Noble Families. Such disgrace on such a distinguished name.”
The only sounds that could be heard were the gradually vicious strokes that Chika Shihōin slashed onto his page, his brush staining the paper so harshly as if he was shedding the blood of his enemies.
He timed each stroke with the rhythm of his words, his movements so fierce they could have cut through the paper if it were not for his impeccable craftsmanship.
“All of these… Stains, slashes, stabs to royal blood. Look how bad they have gotten. We do not even have five noble clans any more due to the incompetency of this youth…
And you.”
Your eyes did not dare to falter from his glare as the pain from his words seared through your heart.
”My biggest mistake. The illegitimate child of my late wife. You are incapable of being a Soul Reaper and an embarrassment to this family. It is already difficult enough trying to shield your human blood. You have definitely done it this time. What an utter disgrace. A simple hollow is incapable of defeat by your hands…”
“The route the youth of this generation are weaving will yield devastating results. I will not contribute to this any longer. As of now, I only have one daughter.”
Your body immobilised, before the adrenaline and shock finally slammed against your body and you pushed on your shins to rise and stand up for yourself.
“Father, it was but a simple mistake! You don’t understand… Please. It had the appearance of a low grade hollow yet its power was unmistakable-“
“You were saved by a classmate years younger than you. You should have been the one to save him. I have trained you conscientiously and exhaustively in the academy and allowed your Shinigami side to bloom and yet you are still such a disappointment. The impurity of your human blood is embedded permanently onto your sword, Y/N. I cannot allow the epitome of weakness to hold the name of a bloodline of indestructible men.”
”Father, I swear if you had met the hollow you would have known, for it wielded a Zanpakutō-“
“Are you making a fool out of me? I refuse to speak to this disgrace anymore. Yoruichi, my one sensible and virtuous daughter. Send her out. I’m sure you understand my will. A sutra in a horse's ear*, it was to try and raise her…” 
You looked frantically at your sister behind you, the model of your life leaning on the doorframe you entered from. Her golden irises did not caress yours with a gaze of softness, instead replaced by complacency and dissatisfaction. A strike of lightning so wretched it could have been aimed towards your soul by Zeus' spear himself penetrated your being as you perceived the dullness of her eyes and sudden grip on her weapon.
You retracted your steps slowly backwards as you creaked in a small yet fearless voice.
“Sister… Stop… Don’t do this.” 
Both of your hands were snatched by hers, and you cried for freedom in desperation. Her touch was not tender, nor one of a dear sibling. It was the searing touch of a thousand suns enclosing into a supernova, exterminating the entire universe with its flames. The genesis of a newfound resentment catalysed in your heart from the display of wretched impudence towards her own sister.
“What are you doing?!”
You choked on your sobs as you protested against the utter agony you were being burnt alive in.
“Quiet yourself. You know that this must be done.”
“You’re just going to kick me out without listening to a word of what even occurred?!”
Yoruichi halted her hastened steps suddenly, causing you to stumble over your feet on the tatami underneath you. She turned her gaze slowly from the shoji door lying at the exit to you, furrowing her plum brows.
“You are an abomination to this family name and had you any intelligence you would understand you cannot be part of this family any more. We are the saviours, not the ones to be saved. You don’t belong in this family.”
“What are you talking about?! Family isn’t defined by our powers, it’s defined by the love we hold for each other!”
She snatched your wrist with a harder grip this time, latching onto you and swiftly heaving you out of the door, causing you to topple over onto the wooden steps outside of the Shihōin minka*. 
“Love is not enough to hold a Noble family together. If that had been true, then the Shiba clan would not have been admonished from their role and Byakuya Kuchiki would not be repenting to his parents every single day for bequeathing himself to a commoner.”
You could taste the salt in your tears as your voice grew hoarse from your insistent begs, to have her love you, to have her embrace you again. To have her forget this all as a nightmare and go back to your normal lives.
“Does your honour matter more than your sister?!”
“Y/N. I will say this once and only once.”
You looked up in trepidation, wobbling and sobbing as you were greeted with a glare of disgust rather than the sweetness you were used to.
“Rid yourself of my sight before I tear the name of Shihōin off of you with your blood.”
And with that, the wooden doors of the manor shut for the last time.
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁ ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ ₊ ݁.
*memeshii: a japanese saying for a feminine man; like a man who behaves in a way traditionally associated with women *hadagi: yukata-like comfortable cotton garment worn in feudal japan, its like a white undergarment that samurais wore underneath their armour
*a sutra in a horse's ear: a japanese idiom / proverb essentially meaning ‘a wasted effort.’ (a sutra is a buddhist prayer)
*minka: traditional japanese home / mansion associated w feudal japan
I had this sitting in my drafts and i decided to polish it up while i was taking a break from exams. Initially, i was just going to have a flashback and then continue into the current story more but i felt it was more impactful leaving it here. so im sorry for the short length of the chapter !! im still in exams :p 
i apologise for not writing about aizen very much in this :c it felt more dynamic just leaving it here. i hope you enjoyed and as always comments and criticisms are very much appreciated!
happy reading!
- sumi
@noirfan12 @hon3ysun
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lightning-wyvern · 8 months ago
~ ficsforgaza project !
other note: ficsforgaza currently only reblogs anime + manga-centric fics!
#1 ; donation amounts : $1.50 per 100 words note: do not make donations to US (rhykar + spade), we haven't started commissions yet and we haven't anyplace to put your gaza donations! palestinecharitycommissionassoc ; gazafunds ** when you click on either website and start the donation process, they will randomly select a vetted gofundme that you can donate to. send @uraharasfavoriteexperiment a screenshot of the donation, then send us your request in separate asks! be specific with details; we'll write whatever we see fit based solely on the info you give us!
#2 ; will + won't write (kinks, themes, etc.) - reader male, trans!male. character occasional genderqueer character - yes : genres fluff, smut, romance, angst, suggestive, horror, hurt/comfort *there's a difference between angst and hurt/comfort, send an ask if you wanna know! - no action scenes, we're both so bad at them it makes us uncomfortable - yes : kinks/fetishes most of them honestly - no : -18 x +18 smut (pedophilia), abusive alpha (omegaverse), incest, rape scenes*, waste philias, necrophilia, graphic explicit physical abuse scenes* (abuse trauma is character development; trauma is not a stigma.)
#3 ; fandoms we write for ! currently only writing for bleach + occasionally jjk characters! full bleach list ; full jjk list bleach ; ichigo kurosaki, sosuke aizen, grimmjow, kisuke urahara, toshiro hitsugaya, byakuya kuchiki, renji abarai, shuuhei hisagi, shinji hirako, gin ichimaru, nnoitra gilga, tesla lindocruz, oc character(s) jjk ; yuji itadori, megumi fushiguro, toge inumaki, yuta okkotsu, choso kamo, toji fushiguro, hiromi higuruma, nanami kento, sukuna, mahito (bite me slut)
soul eater ; soul evans, kidd, giriko, justin, blackstar, dr. stein, spirit albarn
© lightning-wyvern.
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bleach-your-panties · 1 year ago
o, (un)holy night - izuru kira, renji abarai, shuuhei hisagi x fem reader
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🎄synopsis: you ask your three best friends for a christmas gift that you're sure none of you will ever forget
🎁my first gangbang fic!
🎄actually kind of inspired by a 🎥 I watched, but the holiday was different🥹
🎁this is going to be so self-indulgent, I'm sorry. I want all three of them🫣
🎄warnings: 18+ MDNI. gangbang/foursome, impact play, multiple cumshots, multiple creampies, oral (m! and f! giving/receiving), spit, degradation, praise kink, more tbd
🎁divider: tararoyal via glitter-graphics
release date: dec 25 (christmas!) delayed🚫
current wc: 1,008
expected wc: 4k~
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ˡⁱᵏᵉ, ʳᵉᵇˡᵒᵍ, ᵃⁿᵈ ᶠᵒˡˡᵒʷ ᵗᵃᵍ #(ᵘⁿ)ʰᵒˡʸⁿⁱᵍʰᵗ ᵗᵒ ᵏᵉᵉᵖ ᵘᵖ ʷⁱᵗʰ ᵗʰⁱˢ ᵖᵒˢᵗ!🎄
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substituted-shinigami · 2 years ago
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Tattoo Artist AU Fan Art: A Pigeon and A Rat
Fan art to commemorate the wonderful tattoo artist au fanfiction, this could be permanent, you know, written by @recurring-polynya. I had an amazing time reading it, and you will too!🥰 This had to be my favorite line in the whole story, and when I read it, I knew I had to do fan art of it. To give a small amount of context, Renji is being given very unsolicited romantic advice on dating Rukia from Hisagi and Kira, in which they also explain the nature of their own relationship. Renji is just, so tired. 🤣
Anyway, go read this could be permanent, you know! It is funny and fluffy and warm, and I know you will have a good time! Ships wise, it is mostly RenRuki, but features a whole host of characters and background ships including IchiHime, ChadIshida, and as featured here, Shuuhei/Izuru.
Art Corner
Phew! For something that started out as a quick joke, this turned into quite the project. I had fun though! Also drew people for the first time in like 10 years, so that was fun. Luckily, Kira and Renji make basically these exact faces in the anime, so I had a really good reference, which made it way easier! Unfortunately it was during their academy days, so I had to update their hair and facial structures, so that was fun... RENJI, WHY ARE YOU SO HARD TO DRAW?! Like Kira is the one with the wacky hair, you would think it would be him, but nope!🤣
Clothing wise, I scanned the chapter, and couldn't figure out if they were wearing anything specific, so I put Kira in this coat and scarf combo from the Bleach Gree Cards. I changed the colors a little to better match the pigeon in the piece above. Renji I put into his Koi hoodie from the color spreads (@recurring-polynya talks about it here).
Anyway, that's it for now. Thank you again to Polynya for writing this lovely piece! See you all next week!
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velvetsins · 4 years ago
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Well, hello there xD
It’s been a while since my last update for this blog, but I’d like to ler you know I’m alive and back to writing my stories, mainly The Duke’s Lover. You’ll get an update for Remember and PS I’m still not over you as well. But I’d like to tell you today I’ve posted a Kensei x Mashiro story on ffnet.
Set in the universe of Altered Carbon, my story takes place in 2380... so a few centuries in the future.
If you’re interested, here you have the summary, the link, an edit made by me, and also also the trailer.
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Illusion of you
Summary: Edo City, Earth, 2380
One of the possible futures foreseen by Yhwach became a reality: almost 400 years after his dismissal, Kensei wakes up from a coma to discover death no longer plagues humanity. In a world where his very existence doesn't make sense, he turns to the one who've always been by his side: Mashiro. But in this new reality, like everything else, she...their love may just be an illusion.
And the trailer: Illusion of you
Like I said, I’ll be back soon to update my other stories. I didn’t give up on them! See ya!
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nymphoheretic · 2 years ago
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Facesitting: is a sexual practice in which one partner sits on or over the other's face.
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Synopsis: Shuhei offers to give you a ride in his lieutenant office.
Warnings: Fem!reader, teasing, pussyjob, oral (m->f), facesitting, squirting, dom!leaning switch reader, sub!leaning switch Shuhei, Shuhei calls himself "daddy" once, choking, cowgirl position, creampie
Word Count: 1.3k
Pairing: Hisagi Shuhei x f!reader
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“Does that feel good, Shuhei?”  You asked from your position on top of your lieutenant. You grind your hips as you rub your slick pussy lips along the length of his cock. You watched every small expresion that crosses his face as you rut your hips. You felt so powerful having this man underneath you whining and panting like a st1arved animal, his hands gripping at your hips.
Shuuhei throws his head back in pleasure against his desk as you continue to roll your hips over his, coating his dick in your slick juices. His hands tremble around your waist as he struggles with the urge to shift just the slightest so that he’d be buried deep inside you. “Baby, please?” He begged.
He needed to feel you, taste you. Anything other than just having the wet feeling of your cunt dragging over his length. It just wasn't enough. Each time your clenching hole would wrap around the tip, a shiver would go down his spine and his hips would jerk upward to try to sheath himself inside you. But everytime he does, you pull away with a reprimanding bite to his collarbone.
You giggled softly as you slowed  your hips until you were just resting your clenching hole over the thick tip. 
"Please, what Shuhei?" You say in a teasing voice. He was always so cute when he was so subservient and submissive to you. Leaning down you trailed your tongue over his chest, sucking at the skin lightly. "I want to hear you."
His breath hitched in his throat from the feeling of your wet tongue on his chest, a soft moan escaping. "Fuck baby. Please? Let me fuck you? I need you so badly." Shuhei begged, drool beginning to seep from the corner of his mouth.
"Hmm..." you hummed, sliding your sticky cunt down the length of his erected cock. "Not yet." You reply  as you begin to move up the length of his body until you hovered over his head. "I want you to fuck me with your tongue first." Planting your feet on the floor you had him hang his head over the edge of his desk. "Stick out your tongue for me, Shuhei."
A purr rumbled in your chest when he did as you said without question. "Such a good boy." You then lowered your pussy onto his awaiting tongue. "Oh fuck..." you began to grind down on his face, fucking your self on his tongue. “Shu..” His name fell from your lips in broken bits.
Shuhei moaned as your juices collected on his tongue and ran down the sides of his face. His hands gripped your thighs as he fucked your hole, lips moving along yours and his nose brushing against your swollen clit. He could never get enough of your sweet creamy essence as it pooled in his mouth, swallowing every last drop.
He didn't care if you smothered him with those gorgeous silky thighs. Shuhei could die a happy man. Your moans encouraged him to keep doing what he was doing, alternatively between tonguing that sweet spot inside and flicking over your clit. He could feel the way you were trembling and he knew that you were close.
Biting the fleshy part of your palm, you grabbed his thick black hair with your other hand to pull his face even closer to your pussy as you push your hips down even further onto his eager tongue. "Oh fuck. Shuhei, gonna cum! You want me to cum on your tongue, baby?" You purred when you feel his answering moan vibrating against your slick clit. "Ah~ fuck~"
Your head fell back as you rotate your hips, swirling them over his greedy mouth as you came hard on his tongue. Your juices slid down his chin as they filled his mouth. A soft whimper left your throat as you slowed the pace of your hips as you supported your weight. "You did so good for me, baby boy."
Shuhei ran the tip of his tongue over your twitching cunt, swirling it over your puffy clit. "Ride me, please? Need t'feel this pussy on my cock, baby. Please?" He grabbed your hips and easily lifted you up as he slid down the desk so that his head was on the wooden surface again. He hovered you over his hard dick, but waited until you said he could impale you on it.
"Such a needy lieutenant I have." You coo as you run your nails down the hard lines of his chest. Reaching behind you, you grabbed his aching dick and lined it up with your messy hole. You gave him a few teasing swipes through your sticky folds, coating the tip in your slick. Watching as he groaned, hands tightening on your hips, you slowly sunk down. 
A low moan left your lips as Shuhei’s cock stretched out your tender walls, bullying its way to your soft gummy spots. “Fuck, Shuhei...” Placing your hands on his chest, you began to bounce on his lap. Grabbing one of his hands from your hips, you used his fingers to rub quick circles over your clit. "m'g'nna cum. Make me cum again, Shuhei!" 
Shuhei bucked his hips desperately into yours as he's determined to please you and bring you to another orgasm. "Please baby, need to feel you cumming on my cock." His fingers dug into the plush flesh of your waist as he thrusts up into your warm and wet pussy, the nasty lewd sounds of your fucking filling the room.
“Shut up.” You hiss as you wrap your hands around his neck, squeezing just enough to make him light-headed. You bounce even harder on his cock, riding him faster to bring yourself to completion. "Oh fuck…" you moaned, your head falling back as the tip of his long thick cock nudges against your cervix.
Your mouth dropped open in a silent scream as you squeezed his neck, nails digging into his skin as you began to cum hard on his dick, coating it in your slick juices. You let out a keen as your thighs shook from the intensity of your orgasm. You slid your hands from around his neck to his shoulders as you tried to keep up the back of your bounce.
"Baby..." He groans out. "Please? Let me." 
Knowing exactly what he wanted, you take his hands and place them on your hips before nodding. "Shuhei, you have my permission."
The change was almost instant. Shuhei licks his lips as his dark eyes gain a feral gleam as his hands tighten around your waist. "That's my good fucking.... Letting daddy fuck you like this on his desk." He began to thrust up without abandon, listening to those sweet moans that escaped from your lips. Shuhei pulls down on your hips, locking you in place as his heavy balls slap against your clit. 
He fucked up into your fast and hard, almost desperately as he tried to bring you to completion once more before he got his. "C'mon, baby, I know you got more in there for me. Make a fucking mess on my cock. Let's see this slutty pussy of your squirt for me."
Your nails dug into his chest as you felt your walls tighten and flutter around his dick as your clit tingled from the overstimulation. "Fuck Shuhei. Right there!" You screamed when he hit that sweet, gooey spot deep within you, the wet pat-pat-pat of his dick slipping between your gushy folds ringing in your ears. 
Drool began to seep from the corner of your mouth as you felt yourself release your essence all over his lap, the clear liquid pooling under you both. Shuhei groaned at the feeling of it dripping down his balls and gave a few more deep thrusts before stilling as thick, hot, white ropes of his sticky cum paint your insides.
"Fuck, baby..." His voice turns back whiny as he feels his cock twitching as he came so hard that he saw stars. "Oh, baby, thank you. Thank you for letting me fill your pussy up with my cum." 
You lean over and kiss his lips. "Thank you for the ride, baby."
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©️2022 nymphoheretic - I do not give permission to copy, edit, alter, or distribute my work. Do not adverse on tiktok. Do not repost on any other platform.
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sashi-ya · 2 years ago
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𝑥𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡; 𝑠𝑖𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑛𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡, ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑦 𝑛𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡. 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐈 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 ⋆˙⊹ Shuuhei Hisagi x f! reader. nsfw
request: @spitfire-of-the-sea asked: Hiii! Could I ask for "all I want for christmas is you" with Shuuhei please? :D With female!reader, who is about DONE waiting for the idiot to figure out that she's 150% into him? :D NSFW would be great, but whatever comes to your mind is fine by me Thank you! <3 | tw: nsfw. first time together. love confessions. vaginal. oral. teasing. | wc: 2.2k | masterlist | taglist: @zella07 @jin-supremacy01 @stygianoir @alexkanroji |
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“Look at him, he is once again passing out over the table… when will he ever realize he should stop giving women everything? He is such a simp” you grunt, annoyed at the tattooed dark-haired Shinigami.
“Are you jealous, (Name)?” your friend asks, laughing at your heated cheeks.
“Of course, I am. But that’s not the point” you bark, taking a shot of your sake.
Every Friday, the youngest -and not so young- Shinigami, visit their favourite bar after their work time is over. A lot of the times most of them end up wasted, and nobody cares because the stress of being part of the Gotei 13 kinda justifies it.
But, tonight is a little different and there you are. Once again watching at your crush serve his girl friends in an endless cycle of simping and being used. You are not mad at the girls, though.  Is just that, Shuhei never realized how much you are into him…
However, things will have to change. Either if he likes you or not, you are gonna tell him the truth. And what’s the most romantic night of the year -besides valentine’s-? Christmas night.
Everything is beautifully decorated for Christmas, red and green and also warm fairy lights. Everybody is there, even those captains who aren’t really fond of partying. Sake can’t miss, some have already passed out, others are about to. Shuhei, being one of them, looks at the girls with pain in his silver eyes.
You, who are lost in how much you love him, walk towards him. You have made a decision, and, in the case he says no it would be ok. But you can’t wait anymore.
“Shuhei Hisagi!” you scream, hitting the table where he lies, melted as a popsicle under the sun in summer. He jolts, scared. His eyes widen; Shuhei is extremely weak to dominant women. However, he never ever once shown any little sign of simping towards you… and you have never understood why… what does the other girls have that you don’t?
“What, (Name)?! you scared me!” he asks, with the tip of his nose completely blushed and a falling Santa hat on his spiky hair.
“We need to talk. Right now” you say, standing your ground and pulling him from the hem of his shihakusho.
Every lieutenant and officer, including his captain Kensei, laugh. They all know but him, and finally the silly kid that once stood crying in front of a hollow will have his next maturing lesson.
You drag him to the outside of the bar, none of you are wearing anything to cover your bodies from the snowy weather. You don’t need it, your blood boils from excitement and need to speak your truth. Shuhei’s skin, however, burns unexpectedly because of your touch… but does he show any sign of it? Not at all. Still.
“Wha- WHAT is going on?!” the Shinigami asks you, once you have left him on the ground and you are standing right before him with your arms crossed.
You take some air. It seemed easier when you were thinking about this moment, than letting those words out now. “I- I- I need to tell you something” you stutter, with eyes that bounce from the bridge of his nose to the 69 tattooed on his face.
“O-ok. Tell me, then” he barely mumbles, biting the insides of his mouth.
“I can’t stand the way you keep acting like the mat with every woman in the Seireitei cleans their shoes. Why do you have to simp over every one of them and… why…”
“Why…? Hisagi asks, shyly.
“Why don’t you act that way towards me, then? Am I not a beautiful woman like the rest? Huh?” you claim, protesting, with some tears in your eyes.
Shuhei looks at you with his lips semi open, and a worried look. He suddenly grabs you by your waist pulling you closer to his chest. “Don’t be silly…” he mumbles, hugging you tightly.
You are absolutely confused. But either way, you enjoy the manly cologne of his warm skin while you nuzzle on his chest.
“I act that way with you, because you are way more important than any other woman to me. You are more than beautiful, (Name)” he whispers, placing his hand on your head to protect your hair from the snow falling.
You smile softly, looking up at him. “I really like you, Hisagi” you tell him, with your chin resting over his chest.
“You- do? For real?” he asks, stuttering and widening his plumb eyes. You are sure he might bathe you in blood coming from his nose, but he doesn’t. And after his cheeks have become as red as tomatoes, he giggles. “You- YOU LIKE ME?” he repeats, lifting you up from your waist.
You laugh; this is the Hisagi you like the most. Silly boy… “Yes… All I want for Christmas is you” you tell him, planting a sweet kiss right in between his collarbones.
He shivers to your touch; he wasn’t expecting a kiss. “You- you…” he stutters, brushing your hair back with anxious motions.
“What? You wanna ask something, Mr. Shuhei?” you joke, tracing a line with your fingers up to the base of his neck. Hisagi takes his grey eyes off yours with embarrassment, of course he wants something; and it’s not asking, but perhaps kissing and all the things that follow…
He is too flustered to speak, and his tongue becomes tied, but it is your lips the ones who free him. Joining your mouths, the first peck of many is given.
At first his eyebrows lift, but then, no more than a few seconds after, it is him who kisses you deeply and passionately with those kisses that make you lift your leg up. And when you two had already too much of your curious friends peeking through the door of the bar, both begin to walk away.
Of course, his hand takes yours. Cause passion and romanticism goes well for Hisagi. And for you, too.
Running away with him, it’s hard to find a place for both to be alone. However, the urges of keep kissing each other are too big to dismiss the need. “Should we go to my or your room?” you ask, making the poor Shinigami become even more blushed than before.
“R-room?” he asks, stuttering. “Whe-wherever you feel more comfortable” he continues, looking away, with a sweaty hand despite how cold is.
“Yours, I wanna know how it looks” you chime, truth is that him being a lieutenant makes him have a room for his own while you have to sleep at the barracks as you are an officer.
Soon, and with Hisagi praying the Soul King for Kensei not to see you two passing, you finally reach his home at the 9th squad installations.
“Please, don’t make any sound until we get into my room” Shuhei asks, embarrassed and acting like a teenager sneaking a girl into his room. -After all it was exactly what he was doing-
“Don’t worry, I won’t. I don’t want Muguruma Taicho to scold you” you giggle, kissing his tattooed cheek sweetly.
He takes his hands to his face, probably trying to stop a nosebleed for the tenth time tonight and both sneak into his room.
The place looks pretty tidy, and despite some magazines that shouldn’t be exposed to the underage audience, there is nothing wrong with it. Some training supplies, a picture of him when he was a kid with Kensei and another one with Kira posing almost… naked? Who took those pictures after all? And why? In any case it makes you laugh, and you make a mental memo to ask him later for a copy.
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“So… welcome to my room” he says, scratching the back of his head.
“Thank you, can I sit in your bed?” you ask, taking your waraji off and tying your hair up. Of course, such motion kills the last two braincells holding for dear life in his own brain, and you could swear even steam comes out from the crown of his head.
“Wh- why are you… why are you tying your hair?” he asks, with widen eyes.
You can’t help but laugh, the poor man has his brain fried and can only think in one thing: your lips around his dick. And, honestly you, too. He has waited for this for a long time… so, why wait?
“You wanna know, Shuhei?” you ask, coming closer to him. He hits his ass against the little table where he probably writes some stuff for the Seireitei newspaper as his hands grip tightly to the wooden surface.
He nods, swallowing.
“Good boy…” you moan, kneeling right in front of him so that your face gets to his crotch’s height. Your soft fingers tap playfully over his already growing bulge and it’s a matter of seconds for you to untie the white ribbon that holds his hakama pants properly around his hipbones.
He shivers and bites his lower lip. You mimic his expression, with a sexy and deadly smirk that probably leaves him without the capability of speaking.
“So hard already, Shu-chan” you playfully purr before kissing his erection and letting his pants fall to the ground. You discover the many scars his body has, showing you not only his face has been wounded for protecting his friends and students. And it’s so pretty, that as you have kissed his sex, you want to kiss there too.
For a moment, lust is put aside, and love takes over. For him, meaningful acts have always been his love language… and for you, to show him that you love the marks of his past makes him melt in pure adoration.
“I can’t let you do this, let me love you first” he says, giving you his hand to stand up. You accept it, even if you don’t see anything wrong in pleasing him first.
With loving kisses on the tip of your nose and your lips both walk back to bed, where you two sit and then lay.
His hands, that from afar may look rough, feel so soft over your skin. Peeling your clothes slowly, sometimes peaking outside the window the heavy snowflakes accumulating, both let lust take over.
Hisagi tops you, taking a look at the beautiful woman underneath his frame. He takes his time to adore every inch of your skin, to kiss and taste it. “You are perfect, (Name)” he murmurs, when his lips gets to your neck.
“You too” you whisper, caressing the scars that cross his face. Truth is that you wished you could tell him so much more, but all the feelings get stuck in your throat as they want to come out all at once.
As his butterfly kisses go down your chest, he concentrates on your breasts for as long as he wants. Shuhei then, goes even lower. His tongue tracing circles around your belly button, down, down until he meets with the valley in between your spread legs.
A little bite on each of your inner thighs, his tongue after leaving the area hot and shiny. He enjoys the way your spasming muscles feel over his thumb as he keeps your legs apart. He falls in love with the way your back arches when the tip of his tongue touches your clit for the first time.
Hisagi swallows, devours you. If he were to feed from only one source all his life, he would chose your core for eternity. The honeys of your concupiscence are nothing but pure bliss to him, pure ecstasy.
And as him, you are in cloud nine too. Fingers intertwined with his spiky black hair, pulling so that he keeps taking you to heaven more and more, until it’s too much for even you.
“Make- make love to me ~” you plead, looking right at his steel eyes as he has half face nuzzled into your folds.
“Can I?” Shuhei asks, before moving forward.
You smile, delicately lifting his chin with some difficulty. “Please, do…” you beg, biting your lower lip, attracting that man to your mouth like a bee to sweet, sweet nectar.
He crawls with a serenity you never expected he would manage to have, and his lean arms now frame your shoulders. He looks at you, and the minutes become eternal as you lose yourself in his lovesick sight.
It’s almost automatic, he slides himself inside you with no warning but no violence. Slow, but so perfectly filling you with his own. Two souls joining, a heart forming with them.
Hips moving in and out, and your nails carved on his arms. Sometimes your eyes wander to his tattoos, sometimes to his belly button piercing. But the sound of your flesh against his flesh pulls you away from the spell bounding raptured look of your lover.
And the sound of flesh against flesh, mixes too, with your moans and his grunts. The sweat drop falling on the commissure of your lips, your hips bucking up unconsciously trying to melt into him, to feel him deeper, as your orgasm approaches and the inevitable words come out of your mouth.
“I’ve always loved you, Shuhei” you whine, as climax hits you. “I- I’ve alw- I love you… I love – you!” he moans, getting there too… 💖
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kingdaddydaichi · 3 years ago
what i write
sfw/nsfw ⋆ fics ⋆ drabbles ⋆ headcanons ⋆ 21+/(post) timeskip characters only ⋆ x f!reader ⋆ x gn!reader
genres → smut/erotica ⋆ fluff/comfort ⋆ some angst/hurt ⋆ dilf ⋆ domestic
kinks → (hard)Dom/sub ⋆ Daddy/babygirl ⋆ dubcon ⋆ cnc ⋆ spitting ⋆ clit slapping ⋆ hair pulling ⋆ bondage/shibari/rope play ⋆ clothed sex ⋆ light exhibitionism ⋆ degradation ⋆ praise ⋆ squirting ⋆ cum eating/cumflation ⋆ creampie ⋆ oral/deepthroat/throat fucking/face fucking ⋆ pegging/ass play ⋆ spanking ⋆ thigh riding ⋆ cock worship ⋆ i'm basically a filthy whore
fav tropes → friends to lovers ⋆ enemies to lovers ⋆ angst to fluff ⋆ hurt to comfort ⋆ mutual pining
characters i currently write for → daichi sawamura (haikyuu!!) ⋆ katsuki bakugou (mha/bnha) ⋆ keiji akaashi (haikyuu!!) ⋆ koushi sugawara (haikyuu!!) ⋆ koutarou bokuto (haikyuu!!) ⋆ osamu miya (haikyuu!!) ⋆ renji abarai (bleach) ⋆ ryoumen sukuna (jjk) ⋆ yuuji itadori (jjk)
other characters i have written for → asahi azumane (haikyuu!!) ⋆ kakashi hatake (naruto) ⋆ shuuhei hisagi (bleach)
⋆ i will thirst with you over most other characters too. if there is a character that i wouldn't touch with someone else's 10-foot pole, i'll respectfully decline.
what i don't
choking/breath play ⋆ noncon (dubcon/cnc okay) ⋆ minors/underage/pedophilia ⋆ incest ⋆ scat
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shizukesafukutaicho · 3 years ago
Continued from here (x)
°\ A silent chuckle shook Atau's shoulders as he watched the surprised expression form on the lieutenant's face. He hadn't expected to startle him and honestly felt a little bad for doing so. He gave a gentle smile and nodded.
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'I do have some paperwork, but I wanted to see if you would like to get dinner afterwards,' he signed. There was always paperwork and he could have had a lesser ranked officer to do this, but having a reason to share a meal with Hisagi was more than welcome. He admired the strength Shuuhei had even after all he'd gone through and maybe he wanted to get to know him better.
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satsurikusajira · 3 years ago
Needles 05
words: 3905
reverse harem (OC x everyone)
chapter 01
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Rin raised her fist to knock on the door before her, only to hear a familiar voice call:
She swallowed her surprise and slid the door open. She saw Captain Hitsugaya sitting at a desk, a pile of papers in front of him, and Lieutenant Matsumoto lying on a couch.
"Ah, Rin-chan, you made it!" The busty woman sat up and stretched.
"Um...I thought you said you had the day off?" Rin glanced at the vein popping on the captain's forehead.
"You did, did you?" His low voice sent chills through Rin, but Lieutenant Matsumoto seemed immune to it.
"I need to get her ready for her trip to the world of the living! Since I won't be going, I need her at her best to enjoy enough for the both of us!" She kept going about how unfair it was that she wasn't the presiding lieutenant, even though she specifically requested to take the students this year.
"Captain, I can come back later if this is a bad time." Rin murmured to the shorter Shinigami.
"She won't be doing any work in this state. might as well get her off my hair." The vein was still pulsing on his face. "Leave, already, Matsumoto. You're too noisy, and I have work."
"Ah. Thank you, Captain!" Rin managed to catch him waving dismissively at them as the excited lieutenant dragged her away. "Rangiku, you shouldn't rile Captain Hitsugaya up like tha-oomph!"
"Rin-chan, you finally called me by my name!"
Rin struggled to pull out of the suffocating embrace. She panted and held Rangiku at arm's length. She was barely given any time to breathe as she was pulled into the bathhouse.
This time of day, the baths were a bit fuller, but they didn't have to wait. Rin smiled politely at the fourth division member who handed them towels and they scrubbed before sinking into the warm pool. Rin sighed at the warmth and rubbed the arm Ikkaku had used as leverage to throw her into the wall yesterday.
"So, if you're not going, who is?" Rin finally asked. She didn't want to admit she was pouting a little.
"Ninth Division Lieutenant, Hsagi Shuuhei." Rangiku was at her usual spot at the edge of the pool, with her head resting against a folded towel. Rin lazily walked backwards until her toes barely touched the floor, then stayed at that depth, frowning at her reflection.
"What's he like? Is he taking us to the museum?" Rin mumbled into the water surface.
"You'll like Hisagi-kun. He's really into music." Rangiku assured her. "I heard you were going to a club...or a bar...or both, I don't remember." Rangiku watched Rin scowl at the water until she came to terms with the situation. They lazed a little bit more before leaving to dry off and walk to Rangiku's quarters.
Rangiku had laid a variety of clothes out for her, but Rin was more concerned about the limp body thrown on a chair.
"What." She pointed. "Is that?"
"Oh, that's your gigai." Rangiku barely glanced at it. "This isn't just a random graduation party. It's your first test to see if you adapt to your gigai. So you can go on missions in the world of the living later on." She explained. Rin made an 'oh' with her mouth and nodded.
"How do I...put it on?" She grabbed the wrist of the beige gigai and inspected it. It had no distinguishing features. "How do we make it look like me?"
"Just pull it on as if it were clothing. Slip into it." Rangiku guided her into the creepy doll and after a bright flash, she was feeling as if she were wearing a too tight one-piece.
"It's too tight!" Rin moved around to try and loosen the thing containing her soul.
"They're always too tight." Rangiku nodded.
"Where's my sword?!" Rin patted her back and shoulders, looking for the long blade.
"It disappears when you're in your gigai. Calm down, Rin!"
"What if I need it? What if a Hollow appears?"
"There's going to be a lieutenant there. and you'll receive a soul candy for emergencies." Rangiku forcefully turned her around. "You're getting worked up over nothing. Come, let's get you dressed, we don't have much time." Rin looked down and noticed she was naked. Blushing, she pulled a robe from Rangiku's closet and wrapped herself in it, before paying attention to the clothes the strawberry blonde had laid out for her.
Rangiku had thought of a whole outfit for her. Rin eyed the lacy underwear sceptically, but it was surprisingly comfortable, making sure she could dance to her heart's content. Then, she slipped on black jeans. The pair was a bit old, it was a hand-me-down, with a rip behind the left knee and another on the right thigh, but it was soft and stretchy. The high waist felt really comfortable, and Rin marvelled at the illusion of an even thinner waist. She shed the robe to turn and look at herself in the wall mirror, her eyes widening at the upside-down heart her bottom resembled. Rangiku smiled gleefully at how her choices were so well received.
Next, came a silver top. Rin smiled at the style. It covered her breasts, stomach and lower back, but left her shoulders and upper back bare, just two crossed straps to offer support. This allowed her tattoo of a realistic black widow spider to be visible on her left shoulder, one of its long legs reaching up her neck. She threw her hair to the right to make it even more visible. Trying out some movements, she was happy no nipples would be popping out any time soon. Rangiku was ecstatic to find out she had a rich bosom, though not nearly as hefty as hers, and proceeded to fondle Rin until the latter threatened to leave without any makeup.
Rangiku sat her down to do her makeup and begrudgingly acquiesced to not overdo it. Rin didn't need much anyway. She knew she was beautiful (of course she was, she was Yumichika's sister), and needed little to stand out. Her hair, the same colour as her brother's, was uncharacteristically left alone to hang in waves, similar to Rangiku's, down to her elbows. Her lilac eyes were also like her brother's, and the colour popped with the black applied all around it in a smoky style. Rin wasn't fond of lipstick, so Rangiku just smeared a little chapstick on to disguise her nervous habit of chewing the corner of her lip.
It had taken longer than she hoped, and the sun was already setting. Rangiku finally declared her ready after handing her a worn black leather jacket and a pair of platform stiletto ankle boots.
"What's taking you so damn long?" Ikkaku hammered at the door. Rangiku opened the door and ushered Rin out. Her brother's friend was wearing a gigai and human clothes as well and was apparently ready to leave.
"Have fun!" She waved and watched them go.
The air was a little chilly, but Rin didn't mind. She shrugged on her new jacket, but left it open. Finally looking to Ikkaku, she noticed he looked rather nice in a black button-up shirt tucked into dark blue jeans, held up by a simple belt. They were both barefoot as they walked to the edge of the balcony where Ikkaku's black dress shoes were. He slipped into them and turned as Rin spoke.
"You clean up nicely, Ikkaku." She smiled as her hand held on to his shoulder to balance herself as she lifted a foot to slip it into her new (used) boots. After putting on both heels, she was still a head shorter than Ikkaku, who looked appreciatively down at her.
"So do you." He paused, frowning as a thought hit him. "You're gonna be a pain to keep track of, aren't you?"
"You can bet on it." Rin smirked flirtatiously and sashayed away. Ikkaku groaned partly at his task at 'keeping an eye on her' and at the way her hips swayed to compensate for her walking in those death traps she called shoes.
The Senkaimon was open and a few students were passing through, all in gigais and human clothes fit for 'clubbing'. Rin and Ikkaku passed and arrived at a secluded street, following the other students around a corner to a line, where they waited for a while, until Rin sighed in exasperation. Ikkaku was leaning against the wall, watching her get impatient. Rin spotted a large man who was permitting and blocking the entrance into the bar they were trying to enter. Rin caught his eye and shifted her weight to her left leg, cocking her hip and smiling at him. He immediately waved her over, unclasping the royal blue rope between her and the door. Rin took long strides, smiling brilliantly at the man. She rested her hand on his chest and thanked him, slipping inside, all the while ignoring Ikkaku's yells of protest.
The air was close, humid and warm inside the club, and Rin immediately slipped off her jacket, handing it to a girl with green hair and facial piercings behind a counter. The girl gave her a plastic square with a number on it, which Rin pocketed. Finally opening her senses to listen to the music, she was surprised it wasn't electronic, but what she had learned to be a genre of music called 'grunge', or 'metal', or a mixture of both, she couldn't quite place it. She spotted Nakashima's tall frame at the bar and approached him.
"Damn!" He greeted her.
"Damn yourself, slowpoke!" Rin appraised her academy rival. He was tall and lanky, with enough muscle to make the white long-sleeved shirt stretch enticingly across his chest and shoulders.
He laughed and held up two fingers to the barman, who gave him two green glass bottles. Nakashima handed her one and kept another. They toasted, held up their bottles in greeting to the inconspicuous figures watching them and drank deeply.
"Onmitsukido watching you too, huh?" He turned and rested his elbows on the bar behind him.
"Yep. Looks like we're stuck together." Rin hoisted herself up on the barstool.
"I thought Ikkaku was supposed to escort you here. Where is he?" Rin pretended not to hear him over the loud music and pointed to her ear, shaking her head. Nakashima rolled his eyes and turned back to people watch on the dance floor. They spotted a few of their academy friends, but most were mortals. Rin turned her eyes to the stage, where a set of drums with a shaggy blonde behind it, hammering away at the instrument was pushed back to make space for three other people. A bass player, brown hair all over his face and down to his elbows swayed to the music on the right side of the stage. On the left, a beautiful redhead with tits barely contained in her shredded tank top was so far gone into her solo, her booted foot on one of the soundboxes on the edge of the stage. Her long legs were in red checkered trousers, she was the embodiment of sexy. Or so Rin thought, until she turned her eyes to the vocalist, who was nodding his head silently to the guitar solo.
He was tall, slender, and muscular, similar to Nakashima, but he obviously had more training than her colleague. His bare arms and the triangle of skin under his long neck glistened with sweat, his black shirt sticking to his toned chest and a white leather biker vest hanging on his microphone stand. His long fingers were tucked in the pockets of his dark blue jeans, ripped at the knees, and steel-toed boots were tapping to the beat. but what most called attention to him were the tattoos on his face.
"Quit undressing the man with your eyes, Ayasegawa!" Nakashima scoffed.
"You're right, I should do it with my teeth…" Rin slid from her barstool and made her way to the dance floor. The song was just ending, but a new one started soon enough. Rin didn't mind the many hands trailing her body, she herself let her hands roam until she found a nice, curvy girl, shorter than she was, who smelled like strawberries and vanilla. Rin snapped her eyes to the short beauty in front of her and started dancing to the music.
"You are in pain
Take your life, take your life with cocaine
But I am who I am
So I do what I can, when I can
But I can't really do a damn thing!"
Rin was more attracted to the vocalist, and since the tiny minx in her arms danced with her eyes closed, she let her own roam to the stage. Her silver top caught the light as she danced, so she was a reflecting beacon of flashing colours as she moved with the body flush against her side. The vocalist had spotted her.
"So fine this day
All your problems has gone away
But tomorrow, when you wake up
All your problems are back to stay
Your life, a game
Turn it up, turn it up with cocaine
And everytime that you live is a time when you feel
And the only time you heal
Tell me what it is
And it would never be like this
A problem that we have in common
Baby tell me what it is
It probably doesn't mean a piss
Yeah rip my heart apart"
Rin watched the man's lips as he sang.
"Now it's too late, too late to live
Only heaven loves you now
So love it back for once
Just once"
When she noticed him staring at her, she slowly guided her dance partner closer to the stage, roaming her hands over soft curves and allowing the girl to roll her hips against her thigh while resting her wrists on Rin's bare shoulders.
"Now it's too late, too late to live
And my conscience's killing me
So am I alive
But I'm not free
And for all of you that can relate to this too
And for all of you that can relate to this too"
Rin decided to enjoy the small body against her and lowered her head to bury her face in the crook of the minx's neck, but her perfume was way too sweet for Rin's nose. Instead, she turned her head to kiss a shoulder while she pulled the supple hips flush against her.
"White snow
I know
You're on a place where I just can't go
But I hope you do remember
Your snow doesn't warm you in December"
She was made aware of the attention she and her partner were attracting from other dancers by the vocalist snapping his eyes behind her, and decided to edge even closer to the stage.
"You are in pain
Take your life, take your life with cocaine
But I am who I am
So I do what I can, when I can
But I can't really do a damn thing"
The guitarist was really beautiful up close, and Rin couldn't help but throw her a wink.
"Now it's too late, too late to live
Only heaven loves you now
So love it back for once
Just once
Now it's too late, too late to live
And my conscience's killing me
So am I alive
But I'm not free
And for all of you that can relate to this too
And for all of you that can relate to this too"
Rin felt a warm chest touch her back and turned her head to see a man, bolder than the ones around them, sandwich her between himself and her minx, who didn't seem to mind the extra pair of hands on her. She reached back and put her hand on the man's nape, pulling him and the girl in front of her closer to her neck. At the last second, she slipped away and turned to see the two kissing. Rin turned back to the stage to see the vocalist grinning. She was finally close enough to rest her hands on the edge of the stage and prop her weight forward, just as the vocalist put his booted foot next to her hand and knelt down, Rin almost leaning into the space between his legs. He bent forward until their faces were a hand width apart, the microphone between them in his fist, but Rin kept quiet as he continued singing, tilting his head as he openly leered at her.
"Tell me what it is
And it would never be like this
A problem that we have in common
Baby tell me what it is
It probably doesn't mean a piss
Yeah rip my heart apart"
Rin was too far gone into the music and the musky smell of that man in front of her to control her actions, so she twirled surprisingly steadily on her heels to sway along to the refrain.
"You are in pain
Take your life, take your life with cocaine
But I am who I am
So I do what I can, when I can
But I can't really do a damn thing"
She threw her arm up and bobbed her head to the drums. A stranger latched his front to her back and roamed his hands over her body, but she kept her eyes on the vocalist and stepped away from the body and back to the edge of the stage.
"Now it's too late, too late to live
Only heaven loves you now
So love it back for once
Just once"
The vocalist turned his eyebrows up in a pleading manner as he sang, raising his index finger.
"Now it's too late, too late to live
And my conscience's killing me
So am I alive
But I'm not free
And for all of you that can relate to this too
And for all of you that can relate to this too"
The vocalist snatched his vest from the microphone stand, putting the equipment back in its place as the base and guitar players sang:
"Now it's too late...Now it's too late...Now it's too late..."
The tall man walked to the edge of the stage, making Rin step back and watch him drop down in front of her. She shifted her eyes to the stage, but a new band was getting ready behind the one currently playing, waiting for them to finish up. Looking back up at the face leaning over her, she smiled lasciviously and slid her hands up his chest and rested her wrists on his shoulders. She didn't mind the sweat drenching his shirt, even going so far as hooking her finger in his ripped v-neck and pulling it a few centimetres away from his neck to blow air down his chest. He closed his eyes in bliss and threw his head back, and Rin naturally took the chance to run her fingers across the choker on his neck, trailing her fingers down the tendons.
They started swaying to the music the new band was playing, and Rin was enjoying the style much more than she expected, but the man holding on to her waist was faltering. He lowered his head to whisper loudly in her ear over the music.
"Let's go get a drink."
Rin smiled apologetically at him. She figured he'd be dehydrated and overheated after performing on a stage under spotlights, so she grabbed his hand and led him to the bar. She spotted Nakashima sitting with Ikkaku on the far end of the bar and winked at them. She didn't want to deal with their judgemental looks, so she hopped on a barstool and turned her back to them, choosing to cross her legs, but rest her calf on the vocalist's hip as he leaned on the bar and talked to the barman.
Receiving another beer and watching the man cracking open a water bottle, Rin thought about what she was going to do. Well, she knew she wanted that vocalist's face between her thighs, but she had Nakashima, Ikkaku, and two Onmitsukido members to deal with. Her resolve weakened considerably as she watched the man's throat flex as he gulped down the cold water. Some of it drizzled down his throat, making Rin's hand move on its own to grab a napkin and pat him dry. She used the wet napkin to pat his forehead too, receiving a thankful smile.
"Do you need to get some air?" Rin leaned towards his shoulder and spoke loudly to be heard over the music. The man nodded, his eyebrows turned up apologetically. He led her through a side door to a smoking area, sighing in relief at the crisp night air and turning back to Rin, who was digging in her pockets. She fished out a pack of cigarettes and held them up. "You mind?" she asked politely.
"Not if you give me one." he smirked. Rin handed him one and held the lighter as he puffed. Rin pulled a cigarette out for herself, but pocketed the lighter. Instead, she grabbed the man's vest and pulled him closer, so she could light her cigarette on his. He smiled around his smoke, locking gazes with her. "What's your name?" he asked as he watched her exhale to the side.
"Just Rin?" he raised his eyebrows as she smirked.
"I like your voice." Rin changed the subject.
"Yeah? I always thought it was just screaming in tune." He laughed and puffed from between his fingers.
"I'm not saying it's not." Rin laughed at his expression. "But you can pull it off." Rin turned her head to take a drag from her cigarette and rest her head on the wall behind her. She saw him move from the corner of her eyes and felt his lips on her neck. Humming appreciatively, Rin rested the hand that wasn't holding a cigarette on the back of his head and tilted her neck to give him better access.
"I like your tattoo." He mumbled with his lips against the spider on her left shoulder. His lips trailed up the spider's leg towards her ear. "I like your piercings." Rin laughed and turned her head to look at him.
"But you haven't seen them all…" Rin smirked openly and ran her tongue stud over her bottom lip. After a brief moment of slack-jawed surprise, the man leaned closer and whispered against her lips:
"You are so hot." They joined in an open-mouthed kiss, their tongues tangling and their pants mixing with the cigarette smoke outside. After a few moments, they separated and just alternatively breathed in the fresh air and puffed at their cigarettes. His hands were on her waist and hers in his hair. They were barely keeping their cigarettes from burning each other.
Rin settled against the wall while he towered over her, his feet on either side of hers. They finished smoking rather quickly, Rin eager to return inside to dance a little more. She noticed the man looking at her left breast, where she was willing to bet the crisp night air had made her nipple hard enough to show her piercing through the fabric.
"If you play your cards right, you might see that one too." Rin smirked and pulled him back inside the club.
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bleachbigbang · 4 years ago
Bleach Big Bang 2021 Fic Summaries!
Writing samples for each fic attached. 
Fic #01 || Sample
Rating: Explicit
Content Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Main Characters: Kurosaki Ichigo, Urahara Kisuke, Aizen Sousuke
Main Pairings: Urahara Kisuke/Kurosaki Ichigo || Aizen Sousuke/Kurosaki Ichigo
Additional Warnings: BDSM, suicidal thoughts, probably bad self-care, dark thoughts, bad BDSM etiquette, Dom/sub
No matter which mastermind stood behind the plan, when Lady Fate is a bitch who doesn't like to follow what others say. 
They planned to go back and change the past, to have a better future. 
They planned everything carefully, three masterminds, and a brute force. 
They planned but everything went wrong. 
Only one person arrived back in time in another timeline. He was alone, without his soul mate, without any help from the masterminds. Will he be able to change the future alone? Will Lady Bitch Fate let him? But wait... Why is that thing there? That shouldn't be possible! 
The beginning already changed, why is it there? Why does it still happen? 
“Foolish Mortal, there are things that will remain the same, no matter what you do. Can you change the future without knowing what are the invariable happenings in time? Will you be able to find your happiness, while you keep helping others to find theirs? I am curious about it, but Mortal, I’m Lady Fucking Fate, I love chaos.”
Fic #02 || Sample
Rating: Teen
Content Warnings: Major Character Death
Main Characters: Ichigo Kurosaki, Ogichi Shirosaki (Hollow Ichigo), Grimmjow Jeagerjaques
Main Pairings: Ichigo Kurosaki/Ogichi Shirosaki 
Additional Warnings: Reincarnation. Major character death might happen more than once. Heavy cultural reference and possible historical manipulation, mesoamerican focused. ((AKA: if you're racist/have trouble with inaccuracies, think twice))
He doesn't know why was he born into this world. His life has been nothing but pain, always feeling out of place and never in sync with his people and "friends", and once he became an exile, he really felt like there was nothing left for him in this life. That was until he met the God that would give meaning to his existence, and become his reason to fight. "Shiro", now Ichtalcoatl's warrior, feels like everything he has endured was for this moment, and he wouldn't exchange it for anything. 
Except, all evil happens for a reason, and there are many truths to be uncovered from Shiro's past, giving meaning to this eternal karma and the never-ending cycle of pain. This is the tale of the final trial Shiro must endure to be worthy of the Sun itself.
Gods/Demigods AU, ft. Quetzalcoatl Ichigo.
Fic #03 || Sample 
Rating: Teen 
Content Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Main Characters: Ichigo Kurosaki, Rukia Kuchiki, Renji Abarai, Byakuya Kuchiki, Kenpachi Zaraki, Visored, Grimmjow Jeagerjaques, Ulquiorra Cifer, Aizen Sousuke, Other Bleach characters
Main Pairings: None / Undecided
Additional Warnings: Swearing, Mild Violence, Mild Gore, Canon Divergence
Ichigo is special, he's always been. From the moment he managed to become a Soul reaper, to when he obtained unlikely powers and achieved inhuman deeds, he's always had that natural talent to go beyond the limits. However, his true strength lies not in his latent abilities, but in the charm he wasn't even aware he had. His ultimate power was not his bankai, nor his hollowfication; it was his power to move people's hearts, sway them towards him, and somehow make those who wanted to kill him become his most loyal allies. Or, instead of merely befriending everyone he fought, Ichigo unknowingly builds an army of people who will die for him and change destiny itself in order to protect their one, true king.
Fic #04 || Sample
Rating: Teen
Content Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Main Characters: Kurosaki Ichigo, Kisuke Urahara, Yasutora Sado
Main Pairings: None / Undecided
Additional Warnings: Teacher AU, DID, Alternating POVs, Supernatural Elements, No Shinigami AU
Ichigo moves to Karakura after an abrupt shift in career. There, he meets faces both familiar (his friend Chad is teaching music) and not (he doesn’t know what’s up with that Urahara guy but for a maths teacher he's not that bad). As the newest teacher in the school, and the least experienced at it, Ichigo decides not to make waves and to let himself fade into the background. Unfortunately, his friendship with the maths teacher seems to drag him into plots that are far outside of anything he’s ever known.
NOTE: I'm really flexible as far as the plot goes and willing to work with the artist if there are any particular elements they'd like to incorporate
Fic #05 || Sample
Rating: Teen
Content Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Main Characters: Kisuke Urahara, Rukia Kuchiki, Tessai Tsukabishi, Yoruichi Shihōin, Ichigo Kurosaki
Main Pairings: No romantic relationships; Pre-UraYoruTess; 
Kisuke has feelings for both Tessai and Yoruichi but that won't develop into anything during this fic though I have plans for UraYoruTess & TatsuHime in a sequel. 
Additional Warnings: N/A
There was a soul reaper who was assigned to Karakura town. There was a human who could see ghosts. There was a hollow who wanted to eat. Thus, the sword of fate fell, But the sword did not hit the ground when the soul reaper transferred her powers to the human. For there was a shopkeeper who still had a decision to make Kisuke decides to tell Rukia about the hogyoku and Aizen. They start working together to take down Aizen.
Fic #06 || Sample
Rating: Teen 
Content Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Main Characters:  Urahara Kisuke, Kurosaki Ichigo, Hirako Shinji
Main Pairings: Shinji Hirako/Urahara Kisuke, Urahara Kisuke/Kurosaki Ichigo 
Additional Warnings: N/A
After the Visored were changed, Kisuke had a multitude of theories. One of those was that they might still be contagious. A slip during training proves that theory, and now he has to get his own hollow side under control with the help of his friends. As always, that's easier said than done, given that Kisuke's hollow is as odd as he is.
Fic #07 || Sample
Rating: Mature
Content Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death
Main Characters: Ichigo Kurosaki, Hollow Ichigo 
Main Pairings: Past Hollow Ichigo/Kurosaki Ichigo
Additional Warnings: Flashbacks, Heavy Betrayal, Psychological Trauma, PTSD, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Toxic Relationship
Ichigo -- or what he assumes his name is -- doesn't expect to wake up to the poverty-stricken Rukongai. Without a clue as to where he is or how he ended up there, he meets another amnesiac lost soul, who calls himself Shiro (name pending tbh). However, lurking beneath the two of them is a storm of betrayal waiting to be unleashed.
Fic #08 || Sample
Rating: Teen
Content Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply 
Main Characters: Ichigo Kurosaki, Hollow Ichigo
Main Pairings: Hollow Ichigo/Kurosaki Ichigo
Additional Warnings: Very fluff, much cute
“We've been childhood friends all this time. I think I would know when you aren't enjoying yourself with someone,” Shiro stated, tilting his head further into his palm to assess Ichigo's reaction.
“It's ... It's not going to be like that, okay? Maybe he'll turn out better than you think,” He countered, causing Shiro to sigh under his breath. While Ichigo hesitantly stuffed the thoughtless gift from his new boyfriend in his bag, Shiro could only watch. He couldn't help but wonder when it'd be his turn to make him happy.
Fic #09 || Sample
Rating: Explicit
Content Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Main Characters: Momo Hinamori
Main Pairings: Momo Hinamori/Izuru Kira/Shuuhei Hisagi/Renji Abarai
Additional Warnings: Alcoholism, Past Abusive Relationships.
Continuation of All that draws us together (AO3) 
Momo knows all the ups and downs of life and love, yet she rides it again and again. Sometime after the battle against Wandenreich, Momo invites Izuru out. 
From there begins a maelstrom of confusion hurt, and eventually, the loving partnership of her, Izuru, Renji, and Shuuhei.
Fic #10 || Sample
Rating: Mature
Content Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Main Characters: Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez, Ichigo Kurosaki
Main Pairings: Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez/Kurosaki Ichigo 
Additional Warnings: Body Horror, Body Dysmorphia
Ichigo is the most advanced CyberLife Android to date. A prototype. A test model. Incomplete. Grimmjow smiles, and it's not biting. It's more. Painful. There is nothing physically wrong with Ichigo, and yet his chest aches at the sight. "You're my partner, Ichigo. A whole person. You always have been."
Fic #11 || Sample
Rating: Teen
Content Warnings: Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions of Violence
Main Characters: Kurosaki Ichigo, Gotei Captains, Kamado Tanjirou (KnY)
Main Pairings: None (Gen)
Additional Warnings: Suicidal Ideation
Bleach x Kimetsu no Yaiba crossover. In which all their deaths were in vain, and Muzan lived, and the Gotei are the Demon Slayer Corps in the modern world.
Fic #12 || Sample
Rating: Mature
Content Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Underage
Main Characters: Ichigo Kurosaki, Shinji Hirako, Kisuke Urahara, minor appearances by Rukia and Co.
Main Pairings: Shinji Hirako/Ichigo Kurosaki
Additional Warnings: Ambiguous Morality, Dark Ichigo, Ichigo Eats Souls, Hurt/Comfort 
[some tags might be added, but these are the bulk of the story]
Ichigo’s excuse of a broken soul is not enough to keep him going, and an assassination attempt brings to light just how deep the problem goes.
Fic #13 || Sample
Rating: Teen
Content Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Main Characters: Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez, Rukia Kuchiki
Main Pairings: Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez/Rukia Kuchiki
Additional Warnings: N/A
Grimmjow doesn't think he's coming out of this alive. 
A drabble fic. 
Fic #14 || Sample 
Rating: Mature
Content Warnings: No Archive Warning Apply
Main Characters: Ichigo Kurosaki, Yasutora “Chad” Sado, Orihime Inoue, Uryuu Ishida, Rukia Kuchiki, Keigo Asano, Mizuiro Kojima, Tatsuki Arisawa, Renji Abarai, Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez
Main Pairings: Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez/Kurosaki Ichigo
Additional Warnings: N/A
The group had settled on blankets by the bay as the fireworks went off in the distance, the booms, cracks, and sparkles of them could be heard clearly. As they all watched, they got close to each other and kept warm on their shared blankets, friends, or couples, they didn’t care. Grimmjow and Ichigo, Chad and Orihime, Renji and Rukia, Mizuiro and Keigo shared their blankets as pairs, but Uryuu and Tatsuki had their own little spots on their blankets.
They had traveled to America for the school year as transfer students in South Texas and this was the first time that they had seen fireworks like this outside of the tv, and they were the best experience that they have had since being there, thus far. Grimmjow, Keigo, Rukia, and Renji were off in the distance cheering while their partners and friends smiled and watched them as the finale of the fireworks were going off on the boardwalk.
After the fireworks ended, they all picked up their blankets and bags of used small sparklers and party poppers that they had bought beforehand from the Kroger that was close to their host parents’ houses the day before.
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nyanyalie · 8 years ago
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say something i’m giving up on you anything
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kisugay · 7 years ago
Intercepting the speech in a flash, Urahara reprimanded Hisagi in a gentle manner. "That 'someone who isn't you' was not there. The only people who have the right to change anything are those who were able to be present on that occasion. Hisagi san stuck to Hisagi san’s principles. Isn't that enough?"
Kisuke Urahara, talking to Shuuhei Hisagi about his feelings about killing Kaname Tousen, Can’t Fear Your Own World chapter 8 ( x )
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sashi-ya · 2 years ago
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christmas event; masterlist.
𝑺𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝑵𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕, 𝑯𝒐𝒍𝒚 𝑵𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 ⋆˙⊹
⋆ we wish you a merry christmas. portgas d. ace x afab! reader ⋆ oh, holy night. trafalgar law x f! reader (+18) ⋆ i want a hippo for christmas. shunsui x f! reader ⋆ jingle bells. roronoa zoro x f! reader ⋆ silent night. byakuya kuchiki x f! reader (+18)
⋆ last christmas, I gave you my heart. law x afab! reader (+18) ⋆ all i want for christmas is you. shuuhei hisagi x f! reader (+18) ⋆ naughty or nice. sanji x f! reader (+18) ⋆ starcross. ishida ryuuken x f! reader (+18) ⋆ a single star tonight. kenpachi zaraki x gn! reader ⋆ coming home. basil hawkins x f! reader ⋆ god of love. aizen sosuke x f! reader
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rocorambles · 4 years ago
I know this is primarily a Haikyuu blog, but reblogging this because Shuuhei Hisagi will always have a soft place in my heart. (And also...does he not kind of remind you of Kuroo, but just like...in a different font?)
Also Kensei x Shuuhei will always be one of my all time favorite pairings.
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Favorite Bleach Lieutenants
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