#Lithic Press
nostromosdead · 19 days
Let It Rip! (For Better or Worse.) - Part 1
Ellen Ripley x Y/N (gender-neutral). Y/N is a paleoanthropologist recently hired by Weyland-Yutani for initially unknown reasons. (Will probably post this on AO3 too!)
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The Nostromo was a labyrinth of steel and shadows, its corridors vibrating with the steady hum of the ship’s engines. Though everything was objectively fine at this moment, there was an unspoken tension in the air. Something thick and almost suffocating seemed to cling to every surface. Yet, for now, that fragile peace held, allowing you to explore this strange new environment at your own pace.
You walked slowly, the weight of your satchel pressing into your side—a familiar comfort in a place that felt anything but. The worn leather strap, softened by years of fieldwork, reminded you of the sun-baked, humidity-ridden dig sites where you’d spent most of your career. The decision to leave that world behind, even temporarily, hadn’t been easy. But the company’s offer had been impossible to ignore. They’d been almost desperate to hire a paleoanthropologist, yet frustratingly vague about why they needed one on a deep-space commercial towing vehicle. (And, to be fair, there weren’t many specialists remaining in the field, given Earth’s rapidly declining state.)
You still weren’t sure what they expected you to find out here, but you’d answered the advertisement anyway, drawn by the promise of a hefty paycheck. Hell, if anything, you assumed you’d end up being shown a bunch of archaic plant fossils and have to sheepishly inform them that they meant to hire an archaeobotanist. But, until then, you could spend a few months in space, collect your money, and eventually get back to your real work. Whatever this was, it couldn’t be more complicated than deciphering the mysteries of a bunch of rocks, right? Right. If The Company had found something of interest, it probably wouldn’t even end up being evolutionarily significant. After all, non-specialists mistake plain ole pebbles for artifacts all the time. Surely this case would be just like any other.
The mess hall was quiet, the soft hum of machinery your only company as you poured yourself a cup of something hot and vaguely coffee-like. You cradled the mug between your hands, letting the warmth seep into your fingers as you surveyed the utilitarian design of the room. Everything on the Nostromo was built for function, much like the old fossils and lithics you studied—stripped down, ‘bare bones,’ essential.
And that’s when you noticed her.
Across the room was Ellen Ripley, her tall frame partially obscured by the dim lighting. She stood at one of the ship’s consoles, her fingers moving deftly over the keys. The attention she devoted to a seemingly minute task was focused and intense. There was just something about her—a calm, commanding presence that made you feel both curious and cautious. Kinda like if the jump and subsequent drop you feel in your gut from a rollercoaster never truly got to dropping bit. That is to say, it was an air of perpetual anticipation.
You hesitated, unsure whether you should approach her or not. Did you even have the credentials to approach her? Wait–did The Company even operate like that? Note to self: look into the social dynamics that exist between varying Weyland-Yutani positions of power. You’d heard about Ripley even before you set foot on the Nostromo—everyone had. If anything, in the form of a warning or two. She was known for her temper in conflict, as for her level-headedness and quick thinking under pressure. It was a reputation that both impressed and intimidated you. But here, in the quiet of the mess hall, she seemed almost halfway approachable. Almost.
“Y/N, right?” Ripley’s voice broke the silence, smooth and unflinching as she turned to face you.
You nearly dropped your mug in surprise, having been locked in a bout of overthinking. “Uh, yeah. Hey! That’s me.”
Ripley’s gaze was steady as she took you in. Looking you up and down, just once, as if that was all she needed to make up her mind. “How are you finding the Nostromo?”
“It’s… different,” you replied, struggling to find the right words. “Not what I’m used to.”
Ripley offered a small, almost imperceptible smile. “I imagine not. What made you sign up for this?”
You shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant. “The company was pretty insistent they needed someone with my background. They didn’t say much about why, though.”
Ripley raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. “And that didn’t bother you?” Her voice was deep, and her question was stern.
“Oh it did,” you admitted, “buuuut… they’re paying me well, and I figured, why not? A few months in space, then I can get back to my real work.”
She studied you for a moment, as if weighing the validity of your words.
Ripley nodded, her expression eventually softening a smidge. “Fair enough. Well… If you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask.”
You felt a rush of gratitude manifest in the form of a flushed face; the tension in your shoulders easing just a little. “Oh-thanks, Ripley. Though, I hope you don’t regret that offer—I’m someone who tends to ask a lot of questions.”
She gave you a final nod before turning back to the console. “I figured as much. See you around.”
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The days aboard the Nostromo had begun to blur together. It was a monotonous routine, occasionally punctuated by moments of fleeting curiosity. You found solace in the ship’s quiet corners, as your mind was occupied with the strange fossils you were hired to study. Not only did they appear to be actual fossils of some kind, they came with an added bonus of not entirely making sense. They were like nothing you’d seen before, and the vague instructions from The Company did little to help you understand why they’d been so adamant about having a paleoanthropologist on board–after all, what did these have to do with humans or their hominid ancestors?
Though, after your initial orientation, there was definitely one thing that Weyland-Yutani did make very, very clear.
Under no circumstances were you allowed to report your research, or its potential findings, to the rest of the crew aboard the Nostromo. They knew you were a hired researcher, aiding The Company in its various goals and ambitions, and that was where the line was to be drawn.
The rule hung over you like a shadow. It was a constant reminder that there was more to this mission than you’d been told… what had you gotten yourself into this time? A few weeks in and you’d mostly kept your head down, focusing on the work, but the unease gnawed at the edges of your mind. And then, there was Ripley.
You couldn’t help but notice her—how could you not? She carried herself with a quiet confidence that commanded attention without ever having to demand it. There was a natural strength to her, evident in the way her muscles flexed beneath her uniform as she moved with precision and purpose. The cut of her jawline, the sharp focus in her eyes, the way her lips pressed together when she was deep in thought—it was honestly hard not to be captivated.
Unfortunately for you, you’d find yourself stealing glances whenever she was near, and not to mention your heart skipping a beat when her gaze met yours. It was ridiculous, you told yourself. There were far more important things to worry about. Like, what the fuck even are the strange fossils you were suspiciously being paid to study, under the unsettling restrictions imposed by the company, to boot. But the warmth that spread through your chest whenever she was around was undeniable. You could think of it as a small comfort amidst the growing unease, or, more realistically, a sporadic social opportunity for unnecessary, internal panic that loomed on the other side of every bay door. Thank God nothing would ever actually come of it, you reassured yourself.
It was during one of these quiet moments, seated at a small workstation in the ship’s research lab, that you heard the soft hiss of the dreaded sci-med bay door sliding open. You looked up to see Ellen Ripley stepping inside, her presence instantly filling the room, akin to the drop in barometric pressure before a storm.
“Y/N,” Ripley greeted. Her voice was smooth and steady, but carried a note of curiosity. “How’s the research going?”
You leaned back in your chair, trying to steady your nerves. You knew damn well that that question was an act of defiance–and a cool one, at that. But, you couldn’t give in without putting your job on the line. “All’s well on my end, thankfully.”
It was a bold-faced lie. What you really wanted to say was ‘confusing, mostly, Ripley! These samples… they’re like nothing I’ve ever seen! It’s almost as if they don’t belong in any known classification! This is a brand new species that might even defy taxonomic classification! Unless, I just don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about, which is always an ever-present possibility. The Company wasn’t exactly forthcoming with information.’
But, you couldn’t. So, you just sat there, awaiting a response from her that at least somewhat mirrored the back-and-forth of a typical human conversation.
Ripley frowned, undoubtedly unimpressed. Her brow furrowed as she moved closer to your workstation. The subtle way her muscles shifted and flexed as she crossed the room was revealed by her rolled-up sleeves. The taut lines of strength tracing down her arms didn’t escape your notice, and you found yourself momentarily distracted by the effortless power she exuded.
“I see The Company’s ideals have gotten to ya,” Ripley half-teased. “They’re real keen on never telling you the whole story.” she said, her tone laced with frustration.
Despite her apparent aggravation, her presence was comforting. You hadn’t physically spoken to another human being all day. In fact, you weren’t even sure what the time was right now, having been so wrapped up in your own research, and the anxieties that accompanied it.
You hadn’t realized how much you’d come to appreciate her company until now. There was something warm about her that made you feel less alone in this strange, cold place.
“Any idea why they wanted you, specifically?” Ripley asked, her tone curious, but tinged with something else—concern, maybe.
You shook your head, glancing down at the samples you had just spent the past 9 hours or so investigating. Your eyes were begging for them to be put away.
“No clue,” you gave in a little. “…It’s like they were desperate to have someone with my educational background, but they’re keeping me in the dark about who’s, what’s, where’s, and why’s. To be truthful, I’m starting to wonder if I’m missing something obvious...” you lamented. Carefully, you returned the evidently-ancient objects to their respective lockbox.
Ripley was silent for a moment, her eyes narrowing as she studied where the fossils had been on the table.
“Well…” she eventually began.
“…maybe it’s not about what you’re supposed to find. Maybe it’s about confirming what they already know.”
A chill ran down your spine at her words. You clearly hadn’t thought of it that way before. But now that she’d said it, it made a disturbing amount of sense. Why else would everything be so secretive?
Ripley was quick to notice the genuine look of concern growing upon your face.
Before you could voice your growing unease or be offered any solace, the lights flickered.
Just once, but it was more than enough to catch your attention. The ship’s hum seemed to deepen, a more subtle change that you probably wouldn’t have noticed, if not for the sudden, rigid shift in the warrant officer’s demeanor.
Ripley’s eyes snapped to the lights, her expression tightening, voice deepening. “That’s not normal.”
You jumped up. The tension within you thickened like a storm cloud about to burst. It took a lot to make you cry, and this was bordering the ‘a lot’ category.
“Ah, well, what do you think it is?” You stammered to ask your far-more-experienced companion.
“Could be nothing,” she said almost casually, but the look on her face told you she didn’t really believe that. “But, we should check it out… just to confirm. Come on.”
With great haste, you followed her out of your assigned lab. Your heart began to pound loudly in your chest. Don’t get me wrong—you’ve had more than your fair share of dangerous experiences in your line of work. Artifact looters and site raiders, mostly. The key difference here was that those guys are always humans. And humans were something you were intimately familiar with, having devoted your life to studying their origins, on top of being one yourself. (And yet; you still found yourself fumbling to understand a certain Ellen Ripley, but now was not the time for that.)
The corridors of the Nostromo felt different now—they were darker, and much more oppressive. As you walked side by side with Ripley, your brain forced you to take note of the way her shoulder occasionally brushed against yours. Each order of guidance and direction sent a jolt of electricity down your spine. Despite these bright moments of contact, the cold metal walls of the height-deprived hallways seemed to be closing in around the two of you. The shadows were longer and deeper than before. The childish unease you’d been desperately trying to ignore now felt almost impossible to shake.
Ripley led the way to the ship’s control room, her movements quick and efficient, but you noticed the subtle tension in her shoulders. She was worried, too, though she hid it well. This fact was the opposite of reassuring. The door slid open with a hiss, and the two of you stepped inside.
Dallas, the ship’s captain, was already there, along with crewmates Lambert and Parker. They looked up as you entered, their faces reflecting the same unease you felt.
“What’s going on?” Ripley asked, her voice immediately slaying whatever elephant previously resided in the room.
“Power surge,” Dallas replied, his tone grim. “Not sure what caused it. Could be a malfunction, but…” He trailed off, his eyes meeting Ripley’s with an unspoken understanding.
“Could be something else.” Ripley finished for him.
A heavy silence fell over the room. You felt Ripley’s hand brush against yours—whether by accident or intention, you weren’t sure—but the brief contact sent a yet another shock of warmth through you. If anything, it served as a reminder that you weren’t alone in this. You wanted to focus on the situation at hand, but it was hard when you could feel the heat of her body so close to yours—especially when the room in which you stood was fucking freezing.
Dallas turned back to the controls, his jaw tight. “We’ll keep an eye on it. Everyone stay sharp.”
As the meeting brief broke up, you found yourself lingering, hesitant to return to the isolation of your workstation. Sensing your apprehension, Ripley’s eyes caught your own. Her gaze softened as she stepped a bit closer.
“Hey, Y/N.” she said quietly, her voice a low, gentle murmur. “We’ll figure this out, okay?”
You nodded, your throat tight with a mix of fear and something else—something warmer, more uncertain. “Yeah… thanks, Ripley.”
She gave you a small smile, one that didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Get some rest if you can. We might need it.”
As she turned to leave on that somewhat ominous note, you couldn’t shake the feeling that this was just the beginning of something much darker. But, whatever it was, you had a feeling that your job was about to become a hell of a lot more complicated.
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Mythological Horse Girls
It recently dawned on me that Sun Wukong from Chinese myth and Poseidon from Greek myth have something in common: they are both the god of horses!
1. Background
Sun Wukong
In chapter four of Journey to the West (Xiyouji, 西遊記, 1592), Monkey is invited to heaven to serve as the Bimawen (弼馬溫, “To assist horse temperament”), a minor post overseeing the celestial horse stables (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 148). He takes the position seriously, caring for nearly 1,000 horses day and night, making sure they are all well-fed, exercised, and rested (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 149). His position gives him power over all horses, even those of mortal stock. Chapter 14 reads:
When the horse saw [Wukong], its torso slackened and its legs stiffened. In fear and trembling, it could hardly stand up. For you see, that monkey had been a [Bimawen], who used to look after dragon horses in the celestial stables. His authority was such that horses of this world inevitably would fear him when they saw him (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 309). [1]
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He is considered the creator or even father of horses. Hard (2019) explains:
He was widely worshipped as Poseidon Hippios (the Lord of Horses), horses played a prominent part in his cult, and legend even presented him as the father of the first horse. [...] A legend from Thessaly in the north-east, which was a centre for the breeding of horses, represented Poseidon as the progenitor of the entire equine race. For when he had once been lying asleep in that land (where he was honoured under the title of Petraios, ‘he of the rock’), he had shed some of his semen on to the rocky ground, fertilizing the earth and so causing it to bring forth the first horse, Scyphios. Or, in some later accounts, he caused that earth to bring forth Scyphios (and Areion too in one version) by striking the ground with his trident. Or, in secondary versions that were developed at Athens, Poseidon fertilized the ground at Colonos, just outside the city, to produce the first horse, here called Sceironites, or else caused it to spring from the ground with a blow of his trident while competing with Athena for possession of Attica (pp. 126 and 127).
Astute readers will notice that Poseidon's other title, Petraios ("He of the Rock"), and ability to create life from stone is also related to Sun Wukong. You can read more about divine lithic births here.
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2. Horse Girls Unite!
I previously thought of a UA where Heracles, guardian of the Buddha, is called in place of Erlang to end Monkey's rebellion in chapter six. And after Wukong achieves Buddhahood in chapter 100, the Tathagata asks Heracles to take Monkey through the Greek World system. There, the Victorious Fighting Buddha would no doubt learn of Poseidon's connection to horses.
I think both would bond over a mutual love for horses, perhaps geeking out about the subject for hours.
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1) This power was given to Monkey by the Jade Emperor, who gives him the Bimawen post. This was pointed out to me by Irwen Wong of the Journey to the West Library blog.
Hard, R. (2019). The Routledge Handbook of Greek Mythology (8th ed.). United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis.
Wu, C., & Yu, A. C. (2012). The Journey to the West (Vols. 1-4) (Rev. ed.). Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press.
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"Duel! The Summoners' Summit!" Version 3.7 Update Maintenance Preview
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Dear Travelers,
Our developers will soon begin performing update maintenance. While the update maintenance is in progress, Travelers will be unable to log in to the game. Please take note of the update time and schedule your game time accordingly.
After this is complete, the game will update to a new version. We recommend that Travelers install this update over a Wi-Fi connection.
〓Update Schedule〓
Update maintenance begins 2023/05/24 06:00 (UTC+8) and is estimated to take 5 hours.
〓How to Update Game Client〓
PC: Close the game, open the Genshin Impact Launcher, and click Update.
iOS: Open the App Store and tap Update.
Android: Open the game and follow the directions on-screen.
PS5™ and PS4™: Highlight Genshin Impact from the Home Screen, press the OPTIONS button and select "Check for Update."
Please do not hesitate to contact Customer Service if you encounter any issues installing the new version. We will do our very best to resolve the issue.
〓Compensation Details〓
Maintenance Compensation: Primogems ×300 (60 Primogems for every hour the servers are down)
〓Scope of Compensation〓
Maintenance Compensation: Travelers who reach Adventure Rank 5 or above before 2023/05/24 06:00 (UTC+8).
Please claim before the end of Version 3.7.
Our developers will distribute compensation to Travelers via in-game mail within 5 hours after the update maintenance is finished. The mail will expire after 30 days, so don't forget to claim the attached compensation in time.
For more update details, including bug fixes and other compensation details, please see the Version Update Details notice to be posted at 2023/05/24 07:00 (UTC+8).
〓Update Content Overview〓
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〓Adjustments & Optimizations〓
● Genius Invokation TCG
Optimizes the icons generated by Normal Attack "Frostflake Arrow" of Character Card "Ganyu" and Combat Status "Sparks 'n' Splash" of Character Card "Klee."
Optimizes the defeat menu presentation in Genius Invokation TCG.
Optimizes certain description texts and punctuation in Genius Invokation TCG.
Changes the status name "Normal State" of the card "Winged Dendroshroom" to "Aerial Superiority" in Genius Invokation TCG challenge.
Optimizes the effects described of Combat Status "Inspiration Field" for the Character Card "Bennett" in Genius Invokation TCG: After Bennett equips "Grand Expectation," the DMG increase requirements of "Inspiration Field" will be changed from "If this character has at least 7 HP" to being always active. The description of the "Inspiration Field" created by Bennett with "Grand Expectation" equipped is different from one created by Bennett with "Grand Expectation" unequipped.
Adjusts the effects of the Talent Card "Undivided Heart" used by Character Card "Ganyu" in Genius Invokation TCG: Ganyu will no longer get the +1 Cryo DMG effect after equipping this card.
Adjusts the number of charges required and DMG dealt by the Elemental Burst of Character Card "Ganyu" in Genius Invokation TCG: The number of charges has been increased from 2 to 3 and the Cryo DMG dealt has been increased from 1 to 2. The other effects of this Character Card remain unchanged.
Adjusts Elemental Skill Hydro DMG dealt by the Character Card "Fatui Mirror Maiden" in Genius Invokation TCG: "Deals 3 Hydro DMG..." is now adjusted to "Deals 2 Hydro DMG...".
Adjusts the effect and description for Summon "Ushi" summoned by the Character Card "Arataki Itto": "When your active character receives DMG, Arataki Itto gains Superlative Superstrength" is now "When your character takes DMG, Arataki Itto gains Superlative Superstrength."
Adjusts Event Card "Send Off" in Genius Invokation TCG: "Choose one Summon on the opposing side and destroy it" is now "Choose one Summon on the opposing side and cause it to lose usages by 2."
Adjusts the effect of the Equipment Card "Lithic Spear" in Genius Invokation TCG: Now even defeated characters will be included in the calculations.
When your Character Cards include "Maguu Kenki," all non-Cryo Elemental Dice will be used first for Elemental Tuning and playing your hand in Genius Invokation TCG.
Adds rules and descriptions relating to concepts such as "Defeated," "Food," "Calculation Order," "Charged Attack," and "Plunging Attack" for Genius Invokation TCG.
Adjusts the description detailing "Charged Attack" in Genius Invokation TCG. After the update, the description is as follows: Before your Action Phase, should the total number of your Elemental Dice be even, your Normal Attack will be considered a Charged Attack.
Adjusts the "Other Rules" tab in Genius Invokation TCG Rules into the "Other Rules" and "Special Entry" tabs.
Invitation Duels will now take place in the all new Invitation Duel Room for Genius Invokation TCG.
● Audio
Optimizes the sound effects for character footsteps when they walk across different surfaces.
Optimizes the sound performance of certain quest NPCs.
Optimizes the English, Korean, and Japanese voice-overs for certain characters along with the English and Japanese voice-overs for certain quests.
Adjusts the Korean voice-over related to certain items.
Optimizes the music switching performance when skipping the cutscene animations of Trounce Domain "The Realm of Beginnings."
● System
In the "Adventurer Handbook," "Commissions" and "Embattle" tabs now support pushing the right gyroscope on the controller to view more of the text.
Upgrades the background blur function in the "Paimon Menu > Take Photo" system.
Adds voice lines of the Elemental Skills of "Sprout of Rebirth" Collei (Dendro), "Treasure of Dream Garden" Dori (Electro), and "Admonishing Instruction" Alhaitham (Dendro) in their "Profile / Voice-Over" pages.
*This is a work of fiction and is not related to any actual people, events, groups, or organizations.
"PlayStation", "PS5", "PS4", "DualSense", "DUALSHOCK" are registered trademarks or trademarks of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.
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liviavanrouge · 6 months
Leader's Sacrifice and Return
Remember me for centuries
???: *Walks down the mountain path, a breeze blowing through her hair*
Alala: *Walks onto her ledge, staring down at her rebels*
Rebels: *Looks up at her then cheers, wide smiles on their face* HAIL ALALA!!
Alala: *Looks away towards the sky as cheers filled the air* Today has come....
Hey yeah, oh hey, hey yeah
Remember me for centuries
Alala: *Walks through the woods, her hair swaying behind her*
???: You've come....
Lilia: *Walks out of the shadows, his mask off*
Ambert: *Growls, coming out behind Alala*
Duke and Cobra: *Steps out on the woman's right, glaring at her*
Baul and Jessi: *Comes out on her left, their eyes narrowed*
Alala: We made a deal...
Lilia: Your rebels won't be touched...but we will be delivering your head to them..
Alala: *Sits on her knees, her head bowed* Very well
Lilia: *Stands beside her, raising his lithic*
Alala: *Smiles memories with her rebels flowing through her head* Farewell everyone...
Lilia: *Swings his lithic down, crows taking off into the air*
We've been here forever
Livia(10): *Scowls, glaring at Ambert*
Nilo: *Shields Livia, gripping a polearm aiming it at Ambert's throat*
Ambert: *Perks up, his eyes widening*
Alala(Illusion): *Appears in Livia's place, glaring at him*
And here's the frozen proof
Ambert: *Looks down at the dagger he held then chuckles* I see you've decided to make your grand return through this kid!
Livia: *Perks up, looking startled*
Ambert: *Grins at Livia* Isn't having half of two others souls mixed inside her enough!
Nilo: *Presses the polearm to Ambert's throat* SILENCE YOU TRAITOR!!
I could scream forever
Ambert: *Grins looking amused*
Livia: *Scowls, looking annoyed*
Ambert: *Chuckles and turns away* I hope you can save the queen in time~
Livia: Don't ever step foot back into this palace
Ambert: *Perks up then smirks* Yes, your fake majesty~
Livia: *Huffs, scowling at him*
We are the poisoned youth
Livia: *Looks at the council and the Senate*
Nilo: Meeting adjourned! We have a bigger problem!!
Livia: *Nods and walks out after Nilo, keeping her head high*
Mayhem: Didn't she remind you of anyone....
Silvia: Alala...
Bronze: *Nods looking stunned*
@queen-of-twisted @zexal-club @teddymochi
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finishinglinepress · 5 months
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FLP CHAPBOOK OF THE DAY: My Limbs a Cradle, My Whisper a Song by Cathy Gilbert
On SALE now! Pre-order Price Guarantee: https://www.finishinglinepress.com/product/my-limbs-a-cradle-my-whisper-a-song-by-cathy-gilbert/
My Limbs a Cradle, my Whisper a Song explores #motherhood and #loss through #poems that reveal the bittersweet truths of raising infants and the devastation of losing a parent to #dementia. Whether contemplating the stars, stirring a pot of soup at the stove, watching a child learn to press their feet to the floor and rise, or stumbling over a mother’s inability to recognize her own daughter, these poems try and try again to focus on small moments in order to stay grounded through a time of great upheaval. #Parent/child #relationships reverse and transform as the poet learns how to mother through the slow loss of her own mother and her memories.
Cathy Gilbert received her MA from the Master of Arts Program in the Humanities at the University of Chicago. She now lives in Central Illinois where she is a Professor of English at Heartland Community College and mother to twins. Her poems and essays have previously appeared in Hobart, decomP, and Peoria Magazine.
PRAISE FOR My Limbs a Cradle, My Whisper a Song by Cathy Gilbert
Cathy Gilbert’s My Limbs a Cradle, my Whisper a Song beautifully deals with the big issues—life and death and the murky in-between of a mother with dementia. Gilbert grapples with the death of her parents and the birth of twins. (Of the latter, she writes “The blood stayed/under my fingernails/for three days.”) These poems of domestic space honor a couple busy with chores children, “occupied/ with the raising of small people,/our hands filled with their wriggling, instead of each others’.” These poems honor what it is to be a family.
–DENISE DUHAMEL, author of Second Story and Scald (University of Pittsburgh Press)
The sublime and ordinary tangle beautifully in My Limbs a Cradle, My Whisper a Song, a collection that celebrates the nuances of parenting and grief with unending empathy. Gilbert ably captures the burning urgency and quiet hours of motherhood with grace and keen insight. Vivid, intimate imagery breathes through each poem, creating a stunning meditation on how to hold fragile moments without shattering them. This luminous chapbook is an essential read for mothers everywhere.
–THAO THAI, author of Banyan Moon (Mariner Books)
These poems form a perfect chapbook, reminding us of the pleasure of reading a collection in one sitting. Gilbert’s unflinching look at grief and joy will stay with readers for a long time. The way space can be both too full and too empty, the way the past can be present, and the present future, are at the metaphoric core of these poems. And her language (the description of the air below her son’s heels, as he stands on tiptoe for the first time, is absolutely gorgeous) brings those ideas into immediate, profound clarity. What a joy to read!
–JENNIFER RANE HANCOCK, author of Between Hurricanes (Lithic Press)
Please share/please repost #flpauthor #preorder #AwesomeCoverArt #poetry #chapbook #read #poems #motherhood #loss #dementia
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viperslang · 5 years
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Scherezade Siobhan | The Bluest Kali | Lithic Press (2018)
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New SPD Poetry Bestsellers!?!
We know. We’re excited, too!
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tlhopkinson · 5 years
"Review: Footnote, by Trish Hopkinson" - by Eileen Murphy via Tinderbox Poetry Journal
“Review: Footnote, by Trish Hopkinson” – by Eileen Murphy via Tinderbox Poetry Journal
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I’m so grateful of the reading and work that went into this thoughtful review of my chapbook Footnote by Eileen Murphy published by Tinderbox Poetry Journal. 
Tinderbox is currently closed for submissions, but watch for their FEE FREE months to send in your work and make sure to submit early! “We are fee-free for the months the seasons change over: March, June, September, December. The money…
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dk-thrive · 2 years
Inside the heart, a murmur of poems.
Sam Roxas-Chua, from “Dearest Federico,” Saying Your Name Three Times Underwater (Lithic Press, 2017) (via Alive on All Channels)
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“Inside the heart, a murmur of poems.”
— Sam Roxas-Chua, “Dearest Federico,” Saying Your Name Three Times Underwater (Lithic Press, 2017)
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kyidyl · 4 years
Kyidyl Does Archaeology - Part 5
(as per usual, all these posts are collected under the KyidylCL tag)
Pottery and shErds
So, what are we talking about today? Well, I think the next thing is gonna be pottery.  This is where we’re gonna talk about time, space, and dating a site.  Because most people think that the only way to date an archaeological site is via C14.  That’s not true, and actually we don’t always do it.  C14 dating can have some problems, including that the wood used in the fire is likely older than the time in which it was cut down and burned.  It also only goes back 50,000 years, so anything older than that won’t have any carbon isotopes (it’ll have all decayed), and we have to use other things that are more expensive.  And c14 testing itself is expensive - we sent in 2 samples and it was around $500/sample so we spent about $1000 on testing.  Instead, there are other ways to date a site and one of the most accurate is pottery.  
See, like all other kinds of material culture (AKA, stuff people leave behind.  Non-material culture is like...song and story and stuff like that.), pottery follows stylistic trends and trends in how it was made.  And it does this both regionally and chronologically.  Which is great, because if we find bits of one type of pottery we know is made in one place in a settlement in another place, then we know the two people traded with each other.  But I have to explain something else so that determining a date from pottery makes sense.  
Every area of the country has what’s called a “type site” for a given period of time.  In undergrad I was lucky enough to actually get to work on the type site for the Safety Harbour period, which is Weedon Island....ironically enough there’s a Weedon Island period and Weedon Island isn’t the type site for that period so uuuhhh...yeah it’s weird lol.  Anyway, a type site is a site that is considered stereotypical for a given time and place in history.  Usually they’re large and well-preserved, and they’re often the first sites found in that time period/area (but not always, which is how the above weirdness happened.). And so what happens is we dig ‘em and analyze the finds and do testing on those finds.  So now we know “hey, this kind of pottery comes from here and it is X years old”. Now you know when you find it in other places where and when it comes from.  This is all a very generalized explanation, but I think any more is like extraneous detail you don’t need.  Just know that things like type sites help us determine where and when stuff like pottery was made.  Lots of literature usually exists for type sites, but I actually can’t remember the type site for this area for this time period.  
We also use a term called “diagnostic”, which is used much as it is in medicine.  If we find a certain thing that was only made during a specific time period or in a certain place, then it’s diagnostic.  IE, a certain kind of pottery is diagnostic of the late, middle, or early Woodland.  The pottery we have at our site is diagnostic of the late Woodland.  Some of the lithics we thought might be a bit earlier, but honestly I think that was just misidentification by the site director bc we were in the field at the time.  Lastly, identifying pottery has a few components.  Color and decoration I think are easy to understand (they didn’t have glazes, but you can make different colored pottery by varying the composition of the clay and the temperature at which it is fired.). Paste and temper are the other two.  IDK how modern pottery is made, but old ass pottery is made with paste - the main body of the clay, the matrix that contains the temper - and temper. Temper is stuff they’d crush up and mix in to help it not break during firing and heating during normal use.  So we combine these factors to ID the pottery and thus the age of the site and trading habits of the people in question.  One last thing you need to understand about pottery - ancient people used pottery the way that we use disposable things.  They didn’t think it was like an important thing that had to keep safe.  They’d use it until it broke and then toss it in the garbage pit and make a new one.  So it’s really common and we find it all over the place, but TBH in the future pottery *won’t* be diagnostic anymore because our ceramics come in such a wide variety that we couldn’t possibly hope to narrow down time or place.  
Alright, so who wants pictures? You, of course.  Who *doesn’t* want pictures? Here’s some of the pottery we found: 
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This is the larger shard that I found in the features I’ve talked about in previous installments.  You can see where I accidentally broke it. >.> Anyway it’s kind of unique bc of the light color outside and the black inside.  It’s like...idk, 4 or so inches long.  
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This is a rim piece that I happened to find two matching sherds of.  I always check the rim pieces because the patterns on them usually make them easier to fit together.  Honestly I’ve got hundreds of pot sherds from this site and I don’t have the sanity to try and make pots from them.  
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This is the outside and inside respectively of the largest piece we have.  TBH taking this thing out of its box and handling it makes me nervous because of how large it is - about the size of my hand, but I did include my earbuds for scale.  The black is charring from both firing and subsequent use, and it came out of the pit feature I’ve been talking about.  And do you wanna know the cool thing about the inner surface of pottery? Because they didn’t use glazes, the surface was porous and retains the unique chemical traces of what was made in them.  However, the vast majority of the time those kinds of tests aren’t done because archaeology as a whole is extremely underfunded and trace chemical analysis of pot residue is an expensive test requiring expensive equipment and expensive scientists.  Funnily enough I probably could do some of this testing bc I used to be premed and so I’ve taken a lot of chemistry and know how to read a mass spec thing, but I don’t have access to the chemicals or tools to do these kinds of tests.  Plus, they’re often destructive...which....I mean...there’s so much pottery that it doesn’t really matter if one piece gets destroyed but like you do still have to be careful *which* piece you destroy.  
Anyway, you also can see the striations on the outside piece, and that’s decoration on the pot.  It probably also helped with gripping it.  This is a piece of Shepardware, which is diagnostic of the late Woodland period in the Shenandoah valley. Here’s some more cool pottery: 
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This is a random assortment of the kind of stuff we regularly pull out of the ground when it comes to pottery.  The most common kind we have is the orange on one side black on the other (3 upper rt pieces), whiteish (upper left 2), orange on both sides (lower left 3) and totally black (lower right 3).  All of ‘em are some variety of shepard or pageware.  You can see the texture on a lot of them, too.  We have a good mix of textured and untextured, and that’s why the composition of the pottery is more diagnostic than the decoration.  Frankly, people can and will put whatever design they think looks cool.  But they made that particular design by wrapping twine around the end of a flat stick and pressing it into the surface of the wet clay.  I also chose those two upper right pieces because they have really visible temper.  Here’s a side shot of one of them: 
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You can see how big the bits are compared to my fingers (yeah, there’s dirt under my nails....I haven’t taken some tweezers to them yet after working on the car.). And...wait, I WAS going to try to describe this to you but then I was like “no, they deserve better” and I broke out my DSLR and my macro lens and took some pics.  Here are some macros of the temper: 
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The white balance is a little off on the top one...the bottom one is more true to color (they aren’t the same piece of pottery, but they are a similar color).  So you can see that it’s crushed up limestone.  Pardon the depth of field on those...I had to open the aperture pretty wide to get one that wasn’t blurry bc I don’t exactly have bright lights in my room.  
Anyway....so that’s the pottery we’ve gotten at the site and what we can learn from it.  It’s going to take some time before we can start determining patterns and whatnot in regards to style, but we do have some evidence of trading here because some of the pottery we have is from the piedmont culture....
...wait, let me explain what that means.  When archaeologists need to describe a group of people who existed in a given place in a given time based on similarities in material culture regardless of ethnic and social grouping we call it a culture.  This is different than the standard meaning of the world culture, or even the way a cultural anthropologist would use the word.  So when I say the piedmont culture, I mean people that lived in the general area of the Piedmont plateau during the late woodland.  They were of varying tribes, languages, etc.  And we do this to describe the extant boundaries of cultural influence of particular trends in physical objects and not the social groupings of the humans in question.  So, for example, lots of people are familiar with the Clovis culture.  When archaeologists use this term we mean “these are the boundaries of the places we are finding physical objects in the group we’ve named Clovis” not “everyone in this area was a Clovis person”. Like no, obviously, they weren’t.  There were tons of social groups, tribes, etc. that were all distinct and different.  It’s a way of mapping cultural influence via physical objects to see how far they spread and who was using them.  
So, we have some piedmont stuff despite not being in the piedmont area, so we know that they were trading with those natives.  If you’re interested in more detail here, this is the VDHR resource I use for IDing pottery.  It looks like it came to visit you from the late 1990s, but the info is good and it’s easy to use. 
Anyway, that’s it for tonight.  Tomorrow is gonna be rocks and weird stuff, depending on how much I end up saying about rocks.  Probably not much bc we know how I feel about rocks.   ;) 
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venalier · 3 years
“  i know you’re probably about to go into shock so pay attention.  don’t take the knife out.  this won’t kill you if you stay down and let me go.  ”
      ♡   //    INJURY PROMPTS.  /  @aubins​
          pain explodes in her right side and she crumples, the force of it — or the surprise — turning her legs to water and the ground to a brutal haven. her hand grasps at cold hope as the earth spins and all vision sets aflame with every breath she tries to drag in past the feeling of crystal ingrowths within her lungs. a dagger hilt’s ruddy gold touched with fingerprinted scarlet doesn’t look right just under her ribs — a stopper, not unlike that used to hold in wine, or perhaps all that would animate her. the hand that grips onto it conceals half-sheathed in white, dark flecks of the deed tainting a wrist too steady to be true. if spider lilies were lilac, she thinks, they wouldn’t be so different from the image of the man that shatters and bleeds before her. it’s a distinctly downward movement in quiet and lithic rivulets, not unlike what she can feel of herself dripping past embedded steel.
          ❝ yu—ri...? ❞
          the wide blossoming of her eyes searches beneath his features for what shock and nausea have stolen from her tongue,
          what this savagest of mockingbirds has stolen from her life.
          ( when they called him a thief, they did not know that kindness on the streets was something self-made. )
          w h y . . . — eyes jolt open, and it rings around in her head still, dissonant and already fading like an echo. ( why... ) the honey remnants of that lavender voice have thickened, viscous with reality and quickly hardening, dusted as though into amber ash with the streaming light of the morning sun through her window. warmth beneath her ribcage draws her attention to the hand she’d unconsciously pressed there, and when she lifts it, it comes away with nothing.
          this bleeding sensation isn’t of her skin but something deeper, like a bedfellow to the hammering in her chest and the vanishing impression of geometric blue light. she’d just been startled, that’s all. just... a strange nightmare. just another day.
          and she hasn’t seen him since, she realizes. a little bit of everything in the chaos of that lightless battleground. no wonder he seemed more like a figment of her dreams.
          that boy of orchid vision, who carried with him something that felt of starlight.
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liviavanrouge · 8 months
Livia's Titles
"Lady Vanrouge"
Livia: *Walks through the halls of the castle*
Nilo: Livia
Livia: *Beams, her eyes lighting up* Hi Council Head!!
Nilo: Looking for her majesty!
Livia: Yes!!
Nilo: She's in the throne room
Livia: *Runs off beaming* Thank you!!
"Beauty of the Valley"
Livia: *Stares at the pile of marriage proposals that arrived*
Malleus and Maleficia: *Stares the letters down frowning*
Lilia: *Glares at the letters as if they offended him*
Livia: Everyone?
Maleficia, Malleus and Lilia: *Destroys the marriage proposals, rippih them and burning them up*
Livia: *Gasps, looking surprised* H-HUH!?
"Draconia's Beastie"
Malleus: Surprise Beastie
Livia: *Stares at the piles of gifts in her room, mentally crying over the spoiling* Thanks Mal Mal
Malleus: *Smiles proudly* Grandmother, sent a few gifts as well, the jewelry
Livia: *Forces a smile* Thanks!
Malleus: There's books as well~
Livia: BOOKS!!! *Dives into the pile of gifts, going book hunting*
Malleus: *Laughs, smiling at her*
"Spirit Saintess"
Livia: *Sits on her knees, her palms pressed together*
Elemental Spirits: *Appears around Livia, glowing different colors*
Livia: *Opens her eyes*
Maleficia: *Places a golden leaf crown on the girls head, smiling*
Maleficia: The new Saintess!!
Livia: *Stands up, smiling as the crowd applauded*
Lilia: *Whistles, smiling wide*
Thea: *Chuckles, clapping*
"Retired Generals Daughter"
Livia: *Stares Basen down annoyed*
Basen: *Grins at her smugly* What are you gonna do devil blood?
Livia: *Stomps the ground causing a large chunk of the ground to fly up*
Livia: *Grabs the chunk, lifting it above her head as she glared at him* I'm gonna squash you like a bug!
Basen: *Yells in alarm, shielding his head*
Livia: *Drops the chunk* That's what I thought you annoying brat!
Livia: *Turns and walks away*
"The New Ogre Soldier"
Ogre(Livia): *Grabs her lithic, dodging Jamil's attacks, rushing him*
Azul: *Tosses something* OGRE!
Ogre(Livia): *Catches the item and pours it onto their lithic*
Ogre(Livia): *Runs up the wall and pushes off, twisting midair*
Ollie and Aura: COME ON OGRE!!
Kalim: *Stares with wide eyes*
Ogre(Livia): *Slices the lithic down Jamil's chest then slides under him and slices it twice across his back*
Kalim: *Gasps as Jamil collapsed* JAMIL!
Ogre(Livia): *Sets Jamil down, then steps back*
"Lady of the 7 Sins"
Livia: LUCIFER!!!
Lucifer: Don't gotta listen to you! LALALA!!!
Livia: SIT!!
Lucifer: *Drops down into his bottom alarmed* H-HEY!!
Lilia: *Laughs, looking amused* She's making use of that power!
Silver: Will the rest of the sins appear after Lucifer?
Lucifer: *Grumbles, looking irked* You're the worse!
Livia: Hah! I bet!
"Crowned Princess of the Valley"
Malleus: *Smiles, sitting beside Livia*
Livia: *Smiles, working on documents*
Maleficia: That goes there, you gotta watch
Livia: *Quickly corrects her mistake* Oh sorry!
Malleus: *Nods, smiling* Good job
Livia: *Sighs in relief, giggling* Finally!
Maleficia: We still have more work
Livia: Aw man!
Malleus: *Chuckles*
"Resident of Dantris Village*
Livia: *Beams, swim flying after Connie*
Connie: *Flies out of the water, grinning*
Livia: *Flies out after him*
Epel: *Waves his hand* HEYYYY!!
Livia: *Flies down, landing beside him and shaking herself off*
Epel: *Laughs, shielding his face*
Connie: *Chuckles, smiling*
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daggerzine · 4 years
MY FAVORITE RECORDS OF 2020......phew.
MY 20 FAVORITE RECORDS OF 2020 (in no particular order)
 Close Lobsters- Post Neo Anti: Arte Povera in the Forest of Symbols (Shelflife)
Anna Burch- If You’re Dreaming (Polyvinyl)
The Reds, Pinks & Purples- You Might be Happy Someday (Tough Love) 
The Stroppies- Look Alive (Tough Love)
Melenas- Dias Raros (Trouble in Mind)
Boyracer- On a Promise (Emotional Response)
European Sun- S/T (WIAIWYA)
Terrible Signal- The Window (Heart of the Rat)
Smokescreens- A Strange Dream (Slumberland)
Mosses- TV Sun (Anyway)
Gary Olson- S/T (Tapete)
The Beths- Jump Rope Gazers (Carpark)
Jetstream Pony- S/T (Shelflife)
Lewsberg- In This Room (12XU)
The Brothers Steve- #1 (Big Stir)
Boat- Tread Lightly (Magic Marker)
The Bats- Foothills (Flying Nun)
The High Water Marks- Ecstasy Rhyme (Minty Fresh)
Exploding Flowers (Stumbling Blocks (The Beautiful Music)
Tobin Sprout- Empty Horses (Fire)
 Wait….20 more favorites (21-40)
The Very Most- Needs help (Kocliko/ Lost Sound Tapes)
Lisa Mychols & Super 8- S/T  (The Beautiful Music)
Louis Phillippe & the Night Mail- Thunderclouds (Tapoete)
Bye Bye Blackbirds- Boxer At Rest (Double Potion)
Kiwi Jr- Football Money (Mint)
 Bob Mould- Blue Hearts (Merge)
 Xetas- The Cypher (12XU)
Lorna – Constellations (Words on Music)
A Girl Called Eddy- Been Around  (Elefant)
Sault- Untitled (Rise) (Forever Living Originals)
RVG- Feral (Fire)
The Resonars- Disappear (self released)
Kestrels- Dream or Don’t Dream (Darla)
Black Watch- Brilliant Failures (A Turntable Friend)
Savak- Rotting Teeth in a Horse’s Mouth (Ernest Jenning)
The Innocence Mission- See You Tomorrow (Therese)
Stephen Malkmus- Traditional Techniques (Matador)
The Persian Leaps- Smiling Lessons (Land Ski Records)
The Vapour Trails- Golden Sunshine (Futureman)
Sweeping Promises- Hunger for a Way Out (Feel It)
  You want more?  Here’s 20 more! (41-60)
Nada Surf- Never Not Together (Barsuk)
Rolling Blackout Coastal Fever- Sideways to Italy (Sub Pop)
Girl Skin- Shade is on the Other Side (Jullian)
Perfume Genius- Set My Heart On Fire Immediately (Matador)
Brigid Mae Power- Head Above the Water (Fire)
Well Wishers- Shelf Life (self released)
Lunchbox-  After School Special (Slumberland)
En Attendant Ana- Jullian (Trouble in Mind)
Helen Love- Power On! (Alsopop/ Jigsaw)
 Voice Imitator- Plaza (12XU)
Cornershop- England Is a Garden (Ample Play)
The Luxemboug Signal- The Long Now (Shelflife)
Chubby and the Gang- Speed Kills (Static Shock Records)
Nah…- S/T (Shelflife)
Super 8- Head Sounds (Subjangle)
The Apartments- In and Out of the Light (Fire)
Moving Targets- Humbucker (Boss Tuneage)
Dead Famous People- Harry (Fire)
Supercrush- Sodo pOp (Don Giovanni)
Maria Mckee- La Vita Nuova (Fire)
 Aaaaaand 20 more!! (61-80)
Even as We Speak- Adelphi (Shelflife)
Marshall Holland- Paper Airplane (Mystery Lawn Music)
Lithics- Tower Of Age  (Trouble in Mind)
R.E. Seraphin- Tiny Shapes (Paisley Shirt Records)
Drew Citron- Free Now (Park the Van)
David Newton & Thee Mighty Angels- Gateway to a Lifetime of Disappointment   (Parkfield Records)
The Dream Syndicate- The Universe Inside (Anti)
Dolph Chaney- Rebuilding Permit (Big Stir)
Metz – Atlas Vending (Sub Pop)
Donal Hinely- Diary of a Snowflake (Atom/Scuffletown)
Mythical Motors- Leviathan Messiah (self released)
Mary Lattimore- Silver Ladders  (Secretly Canadian)
The Silent Boys- Tilt-a-Whirl (Walrus Records)
Fort Not- The Club is Open (Meritorio)
Thibault- …or not Thibault (Chapter Music)
The Crystal Furs- Beautiful and True (Subjangle)
Hinds- The Prettiest Curse (Mom + Pop)
Peel Dream Magazine- Agitprop Alterna (Slumberland)
The Legends- S/T (Labrador)
Coldbeat- Mother (DFA)
 I ALSO LIKED RECORDS BY- My Darling YOU!, You, Me & This Fuckin Guy, Gretchen’s Wheel, Jeremy, Pocket of Lollipops, Protomartyr, Shopping,  Joe Pernice, Pop Filter, All Ashore!, Half Japanese, Hazel English, Theatre Royal,  Jason Isbell, Bananagun, The Cool Greenhouse, the Drive-By Truckers, The Ashensden Papers, Steam Train Hearts, The Cakekitchen, Spinning Coin, Cable Ties, Emma Kupa, Rob Moss and The Skin Tight, Jeremy, Awful Sirs, The Corner Laughers, The Cakekitchen Turnstyles,  The Special Pillow, The Reflectors, , Devon Williams, The Lickerish Quartet, Modern Studies, The Bell Streets, Mike Gale, Kyle Forester, Shadow Show, Isobel Campbell,  The Proper Ornaments, Personality Cults,  The Safes, Flower, Dennis Davison , The Bell Streets, etc. etc.
The Chills- Submarine Bells and Soft Bomb (both on Fire)
East Village- Hotrod Hotel (Slumberland)
The Orange Peels- Square (Minty Fresh)
Heavenly- a Bout De Heavenly (Damaged Goods)
Rowland S. Howard- Teenage Snuff Film (Fat Possim/ Mute)
Pale Saints- The Comforts of Madness (4AD)
Pylon- Pylon Box (New West)
Beachwood Sparks- S/T (Curation records)
Stephen- Radar of Small Dogs (Joyful Noise)
The Mendoza Line- We’re all in this alone (Bar-None)
Van Duren- Are You Serious (Omnivore)
Love Tractor- S/T (HHBTM)
The Toms- 1979 Sessions (Futureman)
Josie Cotton- Invasion of the B Girls (Kitten Robot Records)
Game Theory- Across the Barrier of Sound (Omnivore)
Crayon Fields- All the Pleasures of the World (Chapter Music)
The Lucksmiths- A Good Kind of Nervous (Matinee/ Lost and Lonesome)
The Bachelor Pad- All Hash and Cock: The Best Of (Emotional Response)
Seablite- High-Rise Mannequins (Emotional Response)
Peter Hall- There’s Something Wrong With Everyone (The Beautiful Music)
The Legendary House Cats- A Postcard (and several more on Bandcamp)
Neutrals- Personal Computing (Slumberland)
High Cameras – 4 Songs (Hounds Tooth Cottage)
Love Burns- Gate and the Ghost 7”  (Kleine Schplatten Untergrund)
Pale Lights- You and I (Slumberland)
Dusty Miller- Empathy  (Small Bear Records)
Pezzati- The First EP (self released)
Strawberry Whiplash- Press 4 for Love (Matinee)
Dummy- EP 1 (self released)
R.E. Seraphin- A Room Forever (Paisley Shirt Records)
Flowers- Erik (Slumberland)
Kneeling in Piss- Music for Peasants (Anyway Records)
Northern Portrait- At Attention (Matinee)
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"All That Glitters" Version 1.3 Update Details (Part 1)
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Dear Travelers,
Below are the details of the Version 1.3 "All That Glitters" update and the update compensation.
1. Maintenance Compensation: Primogems ×300
(60 Primogems for every hour the servers are down)
2. Issue Fix Compensation: Primogems ×300
(Please refer to the relevant compensation mail for more details)
Maintenance Compensation: All Travelers who have reached Adventure Rank 5 or above by 2021/02/03 06:00:00(UTC+8)
Compensation must be claimed before the end of Version 1.3.
Bug Fix Compensation: All Travelers who have reached Adventure Rank 5 or above by 2021/02/03 06:00:00(UTC+8)
Please claim from in-game mail before 2021/02/06 11:00:00(UTC+8)
Our developers will distribute compensation to Travelers via in-game mail within 5 hours after the update maintenance is finished. The mail will expire after 30 days, so don't forget to claim the attached compensation in time.
〓Update Schedule〓
Update maintenance begins 2021/02/03 06:00:00(UTC+8) and is estimated to take 5 hours.
(Note: Precise timings are subject to change. Players may also experience disruption outside of this period.)
〓How to Update Game Client〓
PC: Close the game, open the Genshin Impact Launcher, and click Update.
iOS: Open the App Store and tap Update.
Android: Open the game and follow the directions on-screen. (Alternatively, you may open Google Play and tap Update.)
PS4: Highlight Genshin Impact from the PS4 Home Screen and press the OPTIONS button > Check for Update.
Please do not hesitate to contact Customer Service if you encounter any issues installing the new version. We will do our very best to resolve the issue swiftly.
〓Update Details〓
(All times below based on server time)
I. New Character
5-Star Character "Vigilant Yaksha" Xiao (Anemo)
◇ Vision: Anemo
◇ Weapon: Polearm
◇ A yaksha adeptus who defends Liyue. Also heralded as the "Conqueror of Demons" and "Vigilant Yaksha."
Elemental Skill "Lemniscatic Wing Cycling": Xiao instantly lunges forward, dealing DMG to enemies in his path. This maneuver can also be executed in mid-air.
Elemental Burst "Bane of All Evil": Xiao dons the Yaksha's Mask, giving him enhanced abilities at the cost of draining his health: He deals increased DMG, attacks are converted to Anemo DMG, and his jumping ability is greatly increased.
During the event wish "Invitation to Mundane Life," from after the Version 1.3 update to 2021/02/17 15:59:59, the event-exclusive 5-star character "Vigilant Yaksha" Xiao (Anemo) and the 4-star characters "Kätzlein Cocktail" Diona (Cryo), "Uncrowned Lord of the Ocean" Beidou (Electro), and "Blazing Riff" Xinyan (Pyro) will have their Wish drop rates greatly increased!
II. Rate-Boosted Characters
5-Star Character "Driving Thunder" Keqing (Electro)
◇ Vision: Electro
◇ Weapon: Sword
◇ The Yuheng of the Liyue Qixing. Keqing has much to say about Rex Lapis' unilateral approach to policymaking in Liyue — but in truth, gods admire skeptics such as her quite a lot.
During the event wish "Dance of Lanterns," from 2021/02/17 18:00:00 – 2021/03/02 15:59:59, the 5-star character "Driving Thunder" Keqing (Electro) and the 4-star characters "Eclipsing Star" Ningguang (Geo), "Trial by Fire" Bennett (Pyro), and "Shining Idol" Barbara (Hydro) will have their Wish drop rates greatly increased!
More character event wishes to follow during Version 1.3.
III. New Equipment
◇ Primordial Jade Cutter (5-Star Sword)
◇ A ceremonial sword masterfully carved from pure jade. There almost seems to be an audible sigh in the wind as it is swung.
*During the event wish "Epitome Invocation," from after the Version 1.3 update to 2021/02/23 15:59:59, the event-exclusive 5-star sword Primordial Jade Cutter and the 5-star polearm Primordial Jade Winged-Spear will have their Wish drop rates greatly increased!
◇ Staff of Homa (5-Star Polearm)
◇ A "firewood staff" that was once used in ancient and long-lost rituals.
◇ Lithic Spear (4-Star Polearm)
◇ A spear forged from the rocks of the Guyun Stone Forest. Its hardness knows no equal.
◇ Lithic Blade (4-Star Claymore)
◇ A greatsword carved and chiseled from the very bedrock of Liyue.
*Staff of Homa (Polearm), Lithic Spear (Polearm), and Lithic Blade (Claymore) will appear in future event wishes.
IV. New Events
Take part in Version 1.3's flagship event, Lantern Rite, for the chance to obtain a free 4-star Liyue character of your choice!
◆ Gameplay Duration: 2021/02/10 10:00:00 – 2021/02/28 03:59:59
◆ Event Rules: No Original Resin needed to take part. During the event period, Travelers can claim a 4-star Liyue character of their choice in "Stand by Me." Complete challenges in "Theater Mechanicus" to obtain Peace Talismans, which can be spent in the Xiao Market on rewards including Crown of Insight and a new namecard style "Celebration: Lantern-Light."
〓Lantern Rite Questline〓
The Origin of the Lanterns: 2021/02/10 10:00:00 – 2021/02/28 03:59:59
Currents Deep Beneath the Lanterns: 2021/02/14 04:00:00 – 2021/02/28 03:59:59
Light Upon the Sea: 2021/02/18 04:00:00 – 2021/02/28 03:59:59
〓Lantern Rite Tales〓
Unlock Criteria:
Lantern Rite Tales I: Complete "The Origin of the Lanterns" to unlock.
Lantern Rite Tales II: Reach the Festive Fever stage "Guests Flock From Afar," complete the questline "Currents Deep Beneath the Lanterns," and complete all requests in "Lantern Rite Tales I" to unlock.
Lantern Rite Tales III: Reach the Festive Fever stage "Glow of a Thousand Lanterns," complete the questline "Light Upon the Sea," and complete all requests in "Lantern Rite Tales II" to unlock.
● Complete requests in "Lantern Rite Tales" to win Primogems and increase Festive Fever. Increase Festive Fever to progress through the Lantern Rite.
※ After the event gameplay ends on 2021/02/28 03:59:59, requests will no longer be available to complete.
〓Theater Mechanicus〓
Unlock Criteria:
Complete the quests "The Origin of the Lanterns" and "Liyue: Theater Mechanicus" to unlock
● Each attempt at Theater Mechanicus costs 1 Xiao Lantern (regardless of whether or not the challenge is successful). Xiao Lanterns can be crafted at a Crafting Bench, and the required crafting materials can be obtained by gathering plants and ore, or by defeating specified enemies.
● Progressing through the stages of Festive Fever unlocks new maps, new mechanici, higher upgrade levels, and increased difficulty levels.
● Progressing through the stages of Festive Fever unlocks new Theater Mechanicus challenges. Complete them to win Peace Talismans.
● Theater Mechanicus challenges can only be completed in Single-Player Mode or a two-player Co-Op session.
〓Xiao Market〓
Stage I: 2021/02/10 10:00:00 – 2021/03/07 03:59:59
Stage II: 2021/02/14 04:00:00 – 2021/03/07 03:59:59
Stage III: 2021/02/18 04:00:00 – 2021/03/07 03:59:59
● Spend Peace Talismans at the Xiao Market to purchase items including Hero's Wit, Mystic Enhancement Ore, Character Level-Up Materials, Talent Level-Up Materials, the Crown of Insight, and the namecard style "Celebration: Lantern-Light."
〓Stand by Me〓
Duration: 2021/02/10 10:00:00 – 2021/03/07 03:59:59
● Reach the Festive Fever stage "Glow of a Thousand Lanterns" and spend 1,000 Peace Talismans in "Stand by Me" to receive one of the following 4-star characters: "Exquisite Delicacy" Xiangling (Pyro), "Blazing Riff" Xinyan (Pyro), "Uncrowned Lord of the Ocean" Beidou (Electro), "Eclipsing Star" Ningguang (Geo), "Juvenile Galant" Xingqiu (Hydro), or "Frozen Ardor" Chongyun (Cryo). You may claim only one character in this way.
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Five Flushes of Fortune
◆ Event Duration: After the Version 1.3 update to 2021/02/10 03:59:59
(Please notice that this event will start from 2020/02/03 04:00:00 on Euro and America Server.)
◆ During the event, Travelers can claim a Kurious Kamera from Ji Tong. Equip the Kamera and take pictures of specific targets to obtain photos of different colors. Collect photos of five different colors and exchange them for a Fortune Trove to obtain Primogems, Hero's Wit, Mystic Enhancement Ore, and other rewards!
More events to follow during Version 1.3.
V. New Questlines
1. New story quests
After the Version 1.3 update, Xiao's story quest "Alatus Chapter" will be available.
◆ More story quests are on the way, so please stay tuned!
2. New world quests
◆ A total of 26 festive World Quests will become available over the course of the Lantern Rite event, accessible from "Lantern Rite Tales" on the Events menu.
◆ A further world quest "Bough Keeper: Dainsleif" will also be added.
VI. Other New Content
• Gameplay
1. New monsters: Geovishap, Primo Geovishap
2. New gadgets:
Parametric Transformer
Complete the world quest "Tianqiu Treasure Trail" from Lan in Liyue Harbor to obtain the Parametric Transformer. Enhancement Materials can be converted into Character EXP Materials, Character Level-Up Materials, and Weapon Ascension Materials by placing them in the Parametric Transformer to undergo transmutation.
3. New consumable: Dust of Azoth can convert the Elemental Type of Character Ascension Materials.
4. New achievement "Transmutation Nuclide"
5. New recipes:
Xinyue Kiosk's "Fullmoon Egg"
Wangshu Inn's "Vegetarian Abalone"
Liuli Pavilion's "Stone Harbor Delicacies"
• System
1. Archive addition: Living Beings
Records information on enemies defeated and living things caught or discovered. Travelers can consult the Living Beings section of the Archive to view how many times they have defeated different enemies and also review tutorials for certain enemies.
2. New conversion function on Crafting Bench:
Combining some Character Ascension Materials with Dust of Azoth at a Crafting Bench lets you convert their Elemental Type.
3. Travelers' profile pages now include Achievement progress and a Character Showcase.
4. Controller support added for devices running iOS 14 or above. Currently, the following controllers are supported: Xbox Wireless Controller (Bluetooth Version), Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Series 2, PlayStation DualShock 4 Wireless Controller, some other Bluetooth Wireless Controllers designed for iOS.
5. On the Weapon Enhancement screen, holding the selected material will add it rapidly.
6. A quick delete function has been added to the mailbox. Does not delete unread mail or mail with unclaimed attachments.
7. New photography method added for the PS4 version. Take a photo and save it to the PS4's local storage in one single action.
VII. Adjustments & Optimizations
• Characters
1. Adjustments to Zhongli:
1) Adjusts the effect of holding Zhongli's Elemental Skill "Dominus Lapidis":
◇ Original effect:
Causes nearby Geo energy to explode, causing the following effects:
·Creates a shield of jade. The shield's DMG Absorption scales based on Zhongli's Max HP, and absorbs Geo DMG 250% more effectively.
·Deals AoE Geo DMG.
·If there are nearby targets with the Geo element, it will drain a large amount of Geo element from a maximum of 2 such targets. This effect does not cause DMG.
◆ Post-adjustment effect:
Causes nearby Geo energy to explode, causing the following effects:
·If their maximum number hasn't been reached, creates a Stone Stele.
·Creates a shield of jade. The shield's DMG Absorption scales based on Zhongli's Max HP. Possesses 150% DMG Absorption against all Elemental and Physical DMG.
·Characters protected by the Jade Shield will decrease the Elemental RES and Physical RES of opponents in a small AoE by 20%. This effect cannot be stacked.
·Deals AoE Geo DMG.
·If there are nearby targets with the Geo element, it will drain a large amount of Geo element from a maximum of 2 such targets. This effect does not cause DMG.
2) Adjusts the effect of Zhongli's second Ascension Talent "Dominance of Earth":
◇ Original effect:
Planet Befall deals additional DMG equal to 33% of Zhongli's Max HP.
◆ Post-adjustment effect:
Zhongli deals bonus DMG based on his Max HP:
·Normal Attack, Charged Attack, and Plunging Attack DMG is increased by 1.39% of Max HP.
·Dominus Lapidis' Stone Stele, resonance, and hold DMG is increased by 1.9% of Max HP.
·Planet Befall's DMG is increased by 33% of Max HP.
2. Optimizes Mona's Talent "Illusory Torrent": When Mona is hit, she can use Illusory Torrent more quickly, as is the case with sprinting for other characters.
3. Adds a new idle animation for Kaeya.
4. Optimizes Zhongli's animation under "Weapons" on the Character Screen.
5. Resolves issues with Aiming Mode for Bow-wielding characters when obstacles are present nearby, such as character shaking and off-center shots.
6. Optimizes precision when firing shots at moving targets.
7. Resolves issues of shaky clothing/movements when some characters perform actions such as walking, attacking, skill casting, and sitting.
• Monsters
1. Adjusts combat logic for Dendro Slimes: When a Dendro Slime is hiding relatively far from your location, you will not enter combat mode.
• System
1. Spiral Abyss
Updates the monster lineup on Floor 12 of the Spiral Abyss.
The Ley Line Disorders on Floor 12 are adjusted to:
• For this floor only, the ley line flow will be normal
• No Ley Line Disorder
Starting from the first time that the Lunar Phase refreshes after updating to Version 1.3, the three Lunar Phases will be as follows:
Phase I: When active character's HP is less than 70%, ATK is increased by 20% and ATK SPD is increased by 15%.
When active character's HP is less than 35% and they are under the protection of a shield, CRIT Rate is increased by 20% and CRIT DMG is increased by 40%.
Phase II: A Charge will accumulate every 10s, with a maximum of three existing at any one time. If the active character's HP is less than 50%, they will consume a Charge when they hit an opponent to create an unstable energy orb at the opponent's position. This orb will explode after 1s, and only one of them can be created every 2s.
Phase III:
When the active character's HP is less than 50%, they gain a 2% DMG Bonus for 10s after hitting an opponent. This effect can stack up to 10 times, and each character in the party will have their own independent stacks and durations. Each time the stack count or duration of this effect resets, there is a 50% chance to release an Energy Blast. An Energy Blast can be triggered once every 10s.
2. Deleted chats will not appear in the chat list.
3. Optimizes display order of chat column: After entering team setup in Co-Op Mode, the chat column will automatically switch to the team column.
4. Optimizes the display hierarchy when there are multiple overlapping icons on the Map.
5. Optimizes UI transparency on mobile devices upon entering Aiming Mode in the Spiral Abyss.
6. Optimizes the Kamera gadget for the PS4 version: When equipped, using the Kamera directly stores a screenshot with the UI hidden to the local storage.
7. From Version 1.3 onward, extra Fragile Resin rewards will be included in the BP system:
Starting from BP Level 5, Sojourner's Battle Pass and Gnostic Hymn provide Fragile Resin ×1 every 10 BP Levels. The original rewards of Mystic Enhancement Ore provided at these BP Levels will be added to the rewards at other BP Levels instead, and the total quantity of Mystic Enhancement Ore that can be obtained from the BP system will not change.
8. Removes the Delete button from the Portable Waypoint interface of the open world map.
9. Optimizes the size of the Wind Glider on the Dressing Room screen for certain characters.
10. When using a controller, improves the refresh rate when switching between tabs in the Paimon's Bargains section of the Shop.
11. Optimizes the experience of moving the crosshair in Aiming Mode when the frame rate is low.
• Audio
1. Voice-Over Optimization:
a. Adds a reverb effect to internal monologue voice-over in quests.
b. Character combat voice-over can interrupt idle voice-over.
2. The Chinese voice artist for Amber will be changed, and this adjustment will take effect in Version 1.4.
3. Adds Chinese voice-over for some characters.
4. Adds Japanese voice-over for some characters.
5. Adjusts the audio effects for some voice-over on mobile and PC versions.
• Other
1. Adjustment to the Geo Elemental Resonance "Enduring Rock":
◇ Original effect:
Increases resistance to interruption. When protected by a shield, increases Attack DMG by 15%.
◆ Post-adjustment effect:
Increases shield strength by 15%. Additionally, characters protected by a shield will have the following special characteristics: DMG dealt increased by 15%, dealing DMG to enemies will decrease their Geo RES by 20% for 15s.
2. Geo Shield balance adjustments:
Geo Shields are adjusted from having "250% Geo DMG Absorption" to having "150% Physical DMG and Elemental DMG Absorption."
This adjustment affects the following:
• The Geo Shield produced by Zhongli's Elemental Skill
• The Geo Shield produced by Noelle's Elemental Skill
• The Geo Shield produced upon picking up a Geo Crystal dropped by a Geovishap Hatchling
3. Amends the tab for the standard wish "Wanderlust Invocation." *Only the tab has been changed. The Wish contents and rules remain unchanged.
4. Optimizes item source descriptions for Mist Grass Pollen, Mist Grass, and Mist Grass Wick.
5. Adjusts descriptions for the materials Fragile Bone Shard, Sturdy Bone Shard, and Fossilized Bone Shard and adds their sources.
6. Adds a description for the rules of Elemental Orb drops in the "Test Run" event (the actual mechanics in-game are not affected by this change).
*Note: In order to allow Travelers for a quicker use of Elemental Bursts and more efficient testing experience, the opponents on trial stages drop additional Elemental Orbs. However, due to our negligence, this effect was not individually listed in the event details, leading some Travelers to misevaluate characters based on their trial stage performance. We sincerely apologize for any confusion this might have caused. After this update, the event details will be supplemented with the relevant rules. We will continue to optimize the trial stage experience in the upcoming versions.
7. Adjusts the Stellar Reunion event as follows:
a. Adjusts the order of rewards in Passage of Time (total obtainable rewards remains unchanged).
b. Reduces the number of points required in Homeward Path to be eligible to claim the sword "Prototype Rancour." Points requirement reduced from 700 to 500.
Scope of Impact: Travelers who activate the Stellar Reunion event after updating to Version 1.3.
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viperslang · 5 years
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From my 3rd poetry collection, “The Bluest Kali” (Lithic Press, 2018) 
Available here & here. 
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