#i had this concept in mind the moment you sent this AHAHA
venalier · 3 years
“  i know you’re probably about to go into shock so pay attention.  don’t take the knife out.  this won’t kill you if you stay down and let me go.  ”
      ♡   //    INJURY PROMPTS.  /  @aubins​
          pain explodes in her right side and she crumples, the force of it — or the surprise — turning her legs to water and the ground to a brutal haven. her hand grasps at cold hope as the earth spins and all vision sets aflame with every breath she tries to drag in past the feeling of crystal ingrowths within her lungs. a dagger hilt’s ruddy gold touched with fingerprinted scarlet doesn’t look right just under her ribs — a stopper, not unlike that used to hold in wine, or perhaps all that would animate her. the hand that grips onto it conceals half-sheathed in white, dark flecks of the deed tainting a wrist too steady to be true. if spider lilies were lilac, she thinks, they wouldn’t be so different from the image of the man that shatters and bleeds before her. it’s a distinctly downward movement in quiet and lithic rivulets, not unlike what she can feel of herself dripping past embedded steel.
          ❝ yu—ri...? ❞
          the wide blossoming of her eyes searches beneath his features for what shock and nausea have stolen from her tongue,
          what this savagest of mockingbirds has stolen from her life.
          ( when they called him a thief, they did not know that kindness on the streets was something self-made. )
          w h y . . . — eyes jolt open, and it rings around in her head still, dissonant and already fading like an echo. ( why... ) the honey remnants of that lavender voice have thickened, viscous with reality and quickly hardening, dusted as though into amber ash with the streaming light of the morning sun through her window. warmth beneath her ribcage draws her attention to the hand she’d unconsciously pressed there, and when she lifts it, it comes away with nothing.
          this bleeding sensation isn’t of her skin but something deeper, like a bedfellow to the hammering in her chest and the vanishing impression of geometric blue light. she’d just been startled, that’s all. just... a strange nightmare. just another day.
          and she hasn’t seen him since, she realizes. a little bit of everything in the chaos of that lightless battleground. no wonder he seemed more like a figment of her dreams.
          that boy of orchid vision, who carried with him something that felt of starlight.
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andersunmenschlich · 3 years
"Was I Abused" game
Copied and pasted from this post by @furiousgoldfish (to save space since you can't reformat anything in posts you reblog).
Is it accurate? Who knows! My memories of childhood are incomplete! Besides, a lot of these things seem frankly normal to me and not abusive at all... which, if they are abusive, is probably an especially bad sign. Hm. Anyway, on to the game!
Reblog and bold the things your parents have done to you! Italicize if you're not sure. (copy paste it all and then bold)
Physical abuse
parent slapped me to prove their point / teach me a lesson (I don't remember. It would have been loss of temper anyhow, not point-proving or lesson-teaching.)
parent spanked me as a “punishment” saying it was for my own good (Hey, I was raised full-on Michael Pearl TTUAC-style. This is foundational.)
parent pulled on my hair to force me to move
parent threw things at me while angry, things heavy enough to hurt me (Kind of? She and my sister were on my bed, top bunk. I was cowering on the floor. But I dunno if she was angry.)
parent trapped me in a room/corner so I couldn’t escape them (I don't remember. But I do know, in my very bones, that there was no escape from them. You couldn't run. You couldn't hide. And trying would only make things worse.)
parent hit me when I wouldn’t obey them / tried to confront them (To Train Up A Child, people.)
parent used a twig / stick / belt to lash at my body (Again—this is the Pearl technique. My parents broke a lot of wooden paint mixing sticks on me before discovering this whippy plastic rod about the thickness of a pencil! You could sharpen the end in a pencil sharpener, too. They had a ton of those, it seemed like. And a short one for trips outside the house; it fit in Mom's purse.)
parent grabbed me to force me to pay attention to them
parent pinned me down and physically prevented me from escaping (...Yeah. Again, this is the Pearl technique.)
parent brought me into situations where I feared for my life (I—look, it's not like the fears were rational or anything. It's just that the world is terrifying when you're autistic and so much hurts. And have been taught your whole life that "the world" is a terrible, dangerous place that can kill you both physically and spiritually. Yeah.)
parent made it painfully obvious for me that I’ll obey them or suffer injuries (I mean. TTUAC.)
parent threatened to beat me if I wouldn’t do as they say (This was the most basic part of my childhood. Like air. Under what circumstances would this not be the case? Unimaginable.)
parent forcefully fed me something I refused to eat (Does not letting you eat between meals, and putting the same food in front of you at each meal—over and over again until you either eat it or it grows mold—count?)
parent made an attempt at strangling / drowning / burning me
parent banged my head / body into the wall / furniture (To be fair, I hit him first. And it's not like I broke the table when his punch sent me across the room: I didn't hit it that hard. Just busted open the back of my head a bit.)
parent forced me into sexual activities
Emotional abuse
parent called me derogatory names and slurs more than once (Frankly, I'm still reasonably convinced that I am a monster. And evil. And I am definitely a fool, at least biblically speaking. "The fool says in his heart, 'There is no god,'" indeed.)
parent said my name mostly with hatred and scorn in their voice (To be fair, it was my name.)
parent degraded and humiliated me in front of others for fun
parent insulted and devalued something really important to me (I mean, in retrospect, it was dumb. Just a worthless paper model of a house, that's all. It wasn't even that great. I was a little kid, after all. So what if I'd spent all day on it? It was still garbage, really.)
parent deprived me of something that meant the world to me (I don't remember. I genuinely don't remember, but I still have trouble admitting that I care about anything because part of me is terrified that if anyone knows I like a thing they'll have a way to hurt me, and that fear has to have come from somewhere, right?)
parent yelled and swore at me in anger more than once
parent blamed me for things that were out of my control/not my fault (And they do feel bad about this now.)
parent shamed me for my physical appearance
parent guilt-tripped me for not pleasing them well enough (I mean, they tried. But good luck; I have no idea what guilt feels like. I bought a book about it because I was curious.)
parent regarded me as a burden, and shamed me for needing them at all (Hmm. I don't really do shame either. I was a burden, though.)
parent insisted I couldn’t take a joke after I was hurt by their insults
parent never comforted me / got angry if I reached for comfort (Again, to be fair: I'm autistic. I'm pretty sure they were just having trouble with my body language and facial expressions. Why else would they punish me for bad attitude when all I wanted was to be cooed at and fluttered over with the same concern they showed my siblings when they cried about their wounded knees?)
parent punished me for crying / showing fear / showing trauma symptoms
parent humiliated me for showing excitement and happiness
parent subtly let me know that my feelings and my problems don’t matter (They, uh. They don't. My feelings and problems are mine. Why should anyone else care? It's genuinely not their problem.)
parent got angry at me for feeling depressed / angry / tired / suicidal
parent blamed me for feeling depressed / angry / tired / suicidal (Who else's fault would it be? They're my feelings, produced by my body and brain, experienced only by me, in my own head. Dang if I see how anybody else could be to blame.)
parent compared me to cousins / other children to prove how I’m the worst (Dang you, Perfect Second Child. ... Although... in retrospect... that set-up wasn't great for you either, was it. Hm.)
parent decided for me how I feel when it was convenient for them
parent told me that I was crazy / delusional / need to be locked away (I don't remember. It sounds familiar. But I don't. I don't remember.)
parent threatened me with kicking me out / sending me away if I don’t change (Kind of? Does it count if you overhear your parents talking about it in their locked bedroom? Not their fault I was listening at the door, surely. They were genuinely considering it. I can't blame them. I was a terrible child.)
parent refused to accept my sexuality gender / tried to force it to change
parent required me to act normal to protect family’s reputation
parent isolated me from family activities they all enjoy (Nooo, haha, I did that all on my own.)
parent assured me that nobody will ever want me (I mean... "only a mother could love" is a saying for a reason. And if even my own mother couldn't love me, well! I don't remember whether anyone told me this outright. It just seemed... obvious.)
parent insisted that I was lucky and that I could have had it much worse (I could have!)
parent made me responsible for their well-being and made me the caretaker
parent insisted that their harmful acts were all done “out of love” (The subject of love was confusing. "I don't love you," "I hate you," "I have to love you because you're my child, so I love you—but I don't have to like you, and I don't, I don't like you at all" ...it was all very confusing.)
parent demanded I be available for their requests at any time (Well, yes, obviously. To Train Up A Child was very clear about this.)
parent punished me for trying to establish boundaries (Boundaries, boundaries. Hmm. Interesting concept....)
parent destroyed my belongings as a form of revenge (Revenge? I don't know. Consequences, I think it was. For keeping all my favorite toys on my bed, and nesting in them. So obviously they had to be thrown onto the floor. And at my head. Ahaha.)
parent made inappropriate sex jokes and comments in my presence
parent denied doing any of this and insists that all the blame is on me (I'm not sure they aren't right, honestly. As previously noted, I am a horrible person, and I was even more horrible as a child.)
Psychological Abuse
parent kept pointing out my flaws as proofs that I won't achieve anything (Mmm... was it them, or was it me doing this? Seems like they were always telling me how intelligent I was, how talented, how much promise I had. The voices asking why wasn't I doing anything, why couldn't I use the gifts God had given me correctly, why was I wasting it all, I'm the stupidest smart person ever, garbage, can't do anything right, etc., seem to have always come from my own mind.)
parent called me stupid, incompetent, ignorant, while withholding information that I needed to know in order to complete tasks
parent would change their side of the agreement at a crucial moment and then pretend it was obvious from the start
parent stalked me / distrusted me without any reason / invaded my privacy (I'm really not sure. What privacy? A four-bedroom house with twelve people in it has very little room for privacy. And if you have nothing to hide....)
parent attacked my insecurities and vulnerabilities in any argument (Dad's always been very good at this. It's his emotional intelligence, I think. Never been much of a cryer, but he can do it to me every time!)
parent forced me into degrading actions while they watched
parent threatened to leave me
parent regularly accused me of behaving the way they did
parent never acknowledged, praised or approved of my actions
parent always demanded they be acknowledged as right without any proof / explanation (Sort of? They had explanations. It's just that those explanations were often terrible. Not that my parents were aware of that.)
parent insisted that they’re a great parent using financial support as proof
parent insisted that I should be grateful for how good they are to me (Keeping me safe from the world! The evil, dirty, disgusting world, full of immoral monsters! Oh, the horrible things that could happen to me without their protection! ...Which is not entirely untrue, I guess. But... I dunno....)
parent gaslit me and tried to make me believe my memories weren’t real if I confronted them with what they did
parent didn’t notice I haven’t been eating properly (Frankly, I preferred that. I never much cared for being forced to eat things that made me feel sick.)
parent didn’t notice I was sick / didn’t care for me while I was sick
parent didn’t notice I was injured (Eh. After the first few years of my life, that suited me just fine.)
parent didn’t notice I didn’t have clothes / shoes I needed for school (I didn't go to school.)
parent didn’t notice I suffered from trauma (Look, it's—it's the autism again, okay? Living in a world that hurts you horribly at unpredictable moments is traumatic. I didn't know it was trauma. I just thought it was life. So how could they have known?)
parent didn’t notice I was anxious and stressed (Oh, they noticed that.)
parent didn’t notice I was depressed (Once again—I didn't realize. So how could they? I'm really not sure this counts.)
parent didn’t notice I was cutting myself (Whipping myself, actually. With tree branches. Until the skin broke. Hmm, that was when I was in my early teens, though—as a kid I used to turn a little wooden rocking chair upside down and throw myself into the sharp ends of the rockers. To be fair, they might have noticed. Just... who really cares? I was a rough and tumble kid. Scrapes and bruises and cuts and what-have-you were to be expected. Anyway, there was no cutting; I never cut myself.)
parent didn’t notice I was suicidal (I wasn't. I'm not. I won't be. Mind over matter. Ha.)
parent didn’t notice I was being sexually abused
parent didn’t notice I was being bullied
parent failed to get me medical attention when it was needed
parent failed to teach me the very basics of self care
parent didn’t seem to notice any of my needs and feelings except the absolute minimum I required to survive (Uh. Anything more than the absolute minimum you require to survive isn't a need. You need to survive. Do you really need anything else? I mean, it's nice, a definite plus, but....)
when I notified them of these things, they denied it, accused me of lying, decided it wasn’t happening and/or blamed me for it
Financial Abuse
parent made me feel ashamed for needing money
parent made me feel like I was a financial burden to them (But I was. Come on, now. There's no way honesty counts as abuse. ...Is there?)
parent only gave me minimal money to survive (I don't—there were kids out there getting money from their parents? I mean, they're giving you clothes, food, and shelter already. What for would you need money? I must be missing something.)
parent made sure I never have a decent amount of money on me (Again—I never had that much money. Quarters from the Tooth Fairy: that was it. Money from birthday cards or whatever went in the college fund under their bed. "For your future." And I raided that stash later to buy books anyhow.)
parent took the money I earned from me
parent used the money to blackmail me (if you continue this way let’s see who will pay for your bus ticket!)
parent insisted since they “pay for my stuff” they have the right to control my behaviour and actions (and attitudes. Is this, um. Is this not true?)
parent had enough money for luxury but kept me without anything
parent refused to get my medicine / get me medical attention because it’s too expensive while they got everything for themselves (Nah, they didn't visit the doctor either.)
parent would keep me anxious over if they would pay my expenses or not
parent would make me do as much work for them as possible before they would pay for a necessity
parent kept me in the dark over family finances even when I was of age (Was that them, though? Or was that me? It's difficult to know what's going on with your money when you can't go outside during the day—so no bank visits—and you don't have the password to your bank account because you never asked for it, so you can't do anything online. Which was just as well, because my laptop was... not great. Almost certainly terribly insecure.)
parent would make sure I never have enough money to escape them
If you bold more than 5 things, you have been through abuse. For some particular ones, even one true thing on this list means you’ve been badly harmed by your parents. Also this list is not complete, there are many more abusive behaviours not listed here, feel free to add!
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talas-starlight · 4 years
Scarred Spirits - zuko x fem!reader (pt.6)
SUMMARY: Y/n has been tailing Azula since Omashu and struggles to carry out her mission while protecting what matters most (AHAHAH THIS WAS THE WORST SUMMARY EVER IM SORRY)
WORD COUNT: 4k (uh wow this is my longest piece ever and i- AHAHA)
WARNINGS: panic attacks, fighting, swearing, angst? Tbh if you’ve made it this far in the series nothing new I think (lmk if I forgot anything)
KEY: *** = flashback && italic = internal dialogue
PREVIOUS PARTS: part 1  /   part 2   /  part 3  /  part 4  /  part 5
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The cool breeze swept through the palanquin as Azula sat assuredly, ruling everything she passed. “Okay girls, Father has sent word that the machinery and our wonderful new pets will meet up with us soon to chase down the Avatar until he’s too exhausted to even think anymore! Then, we’ll be off to capture Zuzu and Uncle! Victory will be ours.”
“That sounds extremely boring.” Grumbling as if Mai had so much more better things to do with her time.
“Hmm, I have to disagree Mai. What would be more fun than making them feel like there’s no escape but having to fight which they would inevitably fail at trying to win because they’re tired beyond repair!! It will be such a sweet victory.” Letting out a small laugh that sounded nothing but maniacal to you, Mai didn’t say another word as Ty Lee giddily nodded in approval.
Now, that is a tragic sight to see despite how understandably so.
Azula, Ty Lee and Mai have been planning how to hunt down the additional target from the moment they all stepped out of Omashu. Yet, based on that recent encounter, it was more so Azula rather than anyone else. Luckily enough, you were able to stay out of sight the entire time, and nothing requiring you to intervene has occurred. It was only a matter of time before that lucky streak broke.
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After much contemplation and sleepless nights since the third anniversary, along with recent events, Zuko finally came to a conclusion. Approaching his uncle with great certainty, he finally let out what has been on his mind.
“Uncle, I thought a lot about what you said.”
“You did? Good, good.”
“It’s helped me realise something.” Letting out a deep breath, getting to the point came quite easily to him, especially since Iroh’s back was still faced towards him.
“We no longer have anything to gain by travelling together. I need to find my own way.”
Not wanting to stay for any of Iroh’s possible rebuttals, he silently reached for his belongings that he had pre-packed for the occasion and turned to make his solo journey into the forest. As he began to walk further into the woods on his own, Iroh knew he wouldn’t turn back for him, so he did the first thing he could think of to aid his nephew if he couldn’t physically be there for him.
“Wait!” Rushing over Iroh grabbed the Ostrich Horse and gave him to Zuko- for someone who has barely been exposed to the real world, he knew his nephew couldn’t do entirely on his own. Even if the animal couldn’t properly speak with him.
Accepting his uncles’ gesture, he climbed on top ready to get on with his own mission of sorts. On his own, Zuko would finally have the chance to do something he never had time to consider until now; find you.
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Looking out onto the horizon, the giant, ugly piece of machinery continued to charge its way towards a hopeless group of young teenagers. “Despite how much I hate that girl, I will admit, her determination is unparalleled.”
“You can say that again.”
It had been approximately three days since Azula received her new toy, and she spent every single minute catching up with the Avatar. To your relief, she seems to have finally caught sight of him, and hopefully, this would also mean that you might finally be able to stop tailing her. In the past three days, you haven’t managed to catch a single minute of sleep or a break, and while this was something you have experienced before, you were sure that your ride was more than ready to collapse at any second.
In all honesty, when a Fire Nation hawk landed near your campsite four days earlier, the last thing you expected was word that you would be receiving assistance for your mission. Not once before had this occurred since you’ve been entirely left to your own devices. You supposed it was because the stakes were too high this round.
I am pleased to hear that my daughter is able to catch sight of the Avatar and his assistants in crime against my great nation. While I am sure you are clearly focused on your task with ensuring Azula succeeds in bringing my disgraceful relatives back to the palace, you must extend your attention towards the new targets as well. Regarding my son and brother, I was disappointed when I heard word that they got away since I made it perfectly clear that you must finish the job. On this occasion, I will take the benefit of the doubt since it would be too suspicious if you completed the mission on Azula’s first attempt.
I have dispatched 3 mongoose lizards for Azula and her company. A fourth will be on its way for your use, as it is paramount that you do not let her fail whatsoever.
I have taken the precious and personal time out of my day to write and send this letter so that word does not reach my daughter of your mission. Let this also be a reminder of the possible bounty on your head if you choose to fail. I am sure the pitiful state of your body is enough of a reminder of what I can do to you.
Regardless of your past services to me, remember this is the ultimate test of your loyalty to your nation and me.
Your Fire Lord, Ozai.
Despite informing you that help that was on its way, you spent the rest of the night in a state of turmoil. Talk about having a way with words.
How in Spirits name did that stupid bird find me?! It flew away quickly too so I guess I don’t need to send anything back but… What am I really doing here?
Ozai seems to have some way of finding me so clearly, I can’t run away. Yet, I’m not going to allow him to take anyone back to the Capital…
Frozen in your thoughts, your focus stayed fixated on the fire you ignited earlier in the night.
Fuck I wish I could talk to her. She’d know the right thing to say, and everything would be okay again.
Roughly tugging at your braided hair, you held your legs to your chest desperately trying to clear your head. Stop, don’t think about her too.
Oblivious to any concept of time, when the first rays of yellow and orange peak over the horizon, your mind instantly enters a state of calm. Almost as if it were able to strengthen you from your core. Although while the problem remained, with a stronger mindset, you forced yourself to accept that you were just going to have to work it out further down the line. At this rate with Azula’s split focus, you weren’t even sure if you would have to take care of the Avatar or Zuko first.
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Funnily enough, it seemed that fate decided you would have to deal with both at the same time since Zuko has caught sight of Azula and friends and now you were tailing both him and his sister. How convenient.
I wonder where Iroh is? Didn’t he get away with Zuko when they ran off the ship?
After keeping out of sight through every moment Azula came even remotely close to Aang, you decided to follow her when she separated from Mai and Ty Lee. But before you entered the area to keep an eye on everything from afar, you noticed Zuko on his Ostrich Horse as if he was waiting for the right moment to interfere.
“Be careful Zuko.”
Whipping around at a speed that could give him whiplash, his face instantly turned into nothing short of a scowl when he recognised your voice.
“You again?! Whoever you are, you need to get away from me. Leave. Me. Alone!”
Attempting and failing to take a step closer to him as he steers his horse a few steps back. “I’m not trying to hurt you. I’m just trying to protect you, that’s all I want to do. If I could have it my way, you’d be far away from this place; away from Azula. You can’t trust her. This isn’t right, and you should be somewhere that could give you a fresh start, like Ba Sing Se.”
“As if you would know anything about Azula or why I’m here! I need to regain my honour, and I’m doing the right thing! Stop trying to meddle with my life when your role in it is completely insignificant!”
An indignant sigh passes through your lips. “Fine. Just be careful. Please.”
Scowling at you once more Zuko tugs the reigns on his ostrich horse to take him further into the abandoned village. You try not to let his anger get to you, but at this point, you’re unsure if you’re more upset or annoyed with his attitude. Sighing under your mask, you do a quick check that all of your weapons are strapped in place since it seems that this interaction isn’t about to end peacefully.
“Let’s do this.”
Hopping off your new lizard friend, you stealthy broke through one of the broken windows of a nearby building, ensuring that you were staying out of sight.
Ah, it seems he wasn’t wasting any time.
“Back off Azula. He’s mine.”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
As the three of them got into their fighting stances, you almost wanted to jump in right then and there to help Aang. The sight of his painfully dark under circles was too much of an indicator that this fight wasn’t going to be an easy one.
Making the first move, Azula strikes her blue fire towards Zuko. Luckily enough for him, he was able to deflect it with his own. Observing the fight take place before you, it eventually gravitates further away, leaving you to only listen to what is occurring from your hidden spot.
I wonder how long until I’ll have to step in. With both Zuko and Azula on the offence, it’s clear that one of them is going to get hurt. Something tells me it’s not going to be Azula either. If only he fought smarter rather than harder.
What. A. Pity.
Soon enough, your suspicions were confirmed when you heard Zuko let out an angered scream, followed by a loud crash. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t let out a small snicker at that.
As Aang comes back into view, you scan around for an exit knowing that if you stay where you are, you’ll get caught. Yet when you make your move to run, half of the roof is swiped off clean, causing him to plummet towards the ground. Abandoning any thought, you sprint back to where he’s about to land, quickly catching him.
Stunned that there was another person in a building, Aang frantically looked around, trying to identify who it was that caught him. Eventually, he noticed your eyes peering through some of the broken wooden ceiling around him, your black mask confirming that it was you. “Woah! What…? Oh spirits, it’s you!”
Eye’s widening at how fast he managed to work out that it was you, you desperately tried to dig yourself into the wreckage as you felt Azulas fire coming closer. “Shhh! She’s coming.”
“What? How do you know-?”
As Azula saunters into the building, her infamous smirk adorning her face. Wordlessly lighting up the room's perimeter in flames, Aang begins to struggle against the piece of wood on top of him, consequently crushing you further from under him.
Letting out a small grunt, you scold him under your breath, “stay calm.”
Your inner peace y/n.
Just as Azula raised her right hand to strike, you closed your eyes, imagining a moment you felt at peace. A moment that made you forget all of the chaos your created in the world.
Cold, smooth fingertips tenderly reached out towards you, instinctively making your lungs tightly squeeze together as she brushed the hair out of your eyes. The delicate giggle emitting from her pink stained lips was enough for you to lose all sense of constraint as you take a small step towards her. Hesitantly as you stare that the ground, you take her hand in yours, stroking the back of it with your thumb. The action is so small yet feels so loud in your chest because this is as close as its ever gotten.
Just when you’re about to pull it away completely, terrified that you’ve gone too far, her other hand reaches up, lifting your chin ever so softly as she makes you look at her.
“It’s funny y/n, because even though I’ve lived here my whole life, I’ve never seen snow look quite as beautiful as it does in your hair.”
When you reopen them, the heat of your fire runs its way through your veins and your fingertips. The fallen remains all around you burst away, freeing yourself and Aang from its constrains. Seeing your golden fire of pure energy light up the room, Azula is stunned into place, instantly recognising it from the day she visited your cell all those years ago. Glowing golden, eyes peering into the deepest parts of her, it's unnerving how the unusual feeling sinks into her bones. Yet, her moments of distraction leave her as Katara reaches the entryway whipping her arm with water.
Complete rage fills Azula’s body. Not only had she been wholly blindsided by your presence, but she also lost focus. And Azula never loses focus.
Whirling around, she strikes at Katara, sending her running out into the open. Needing to make up for her prior incompetence, Azula runs after her.
“Woah! How did you do that?! That was so cool.”
“There’s no time; you need to go out there and help your friends. Never underestimate that princess.”
Aang’s amazement towards how you freed both of you from the crushing weight of the ceiling faltered as he noticed your choice of words.
“Come with me. Please. I need you.”
Sensing the certainty of his decision, you brushed off some ash from your clothing, wordlessly making your way out of the building.
I’m going to regret this.
With Aang following closely behind, you both join Sokka and Katara, and they face Azula, ready to corner her. Yet she wasn’t giving up just yet. Sending her fire with precision, she takes turns in having a shot at each of you. Luckily enough, you were all able to hold your own.
Backing away slowly, you can tell she thinks that she’s almost about to get a proper hold of the entire situation. But to your greatest joy, she falls flat on her face.
“I thought you guys could use a little help.”
This must be Aangs new earth bending teacher.
“Thanks.” Did Katara just smile?!
Not wasting the opportunity that came with their small distraction, she makes a run for an ally as an escape. Although, once again, she is faced with another hurdle being Iroh, ultimately allowing all seven of you to finally corner her.
In true fashion, she doesn’t allow it to bother her one bit, “well, look at this. Enemies and traitors all working together.”
Taking in everyone one by one, she pauses when her eyes lock with yours. “Even you. Pathetic scum, it seems you still haven’t learnt your lesson. I always told father we should have disposed of you from the moment we caught you.” With that comment, you see Zuko glance towards you in your peripheral vision. This is nowhere near the time right now coal brain.
“I’m done.” Raising her arms in surrender, you almost want to laugh. Do these people seriously believe Azula right now?
“I know when I’m beaten. You got me. A princess surrenders with honour.” Standing before everyone, you instinctively fixate yourself on her, searching for a microexpression to indicate what she’s really about to do.  Her smug smile clearly shows that she’ll most likely attack. But who?
By the time she decides on her target, it’s too late. Sending a direct stream of fire towards Iroh, Zuko lets out a horrified scream, instinctively setting off everyone to attack with their element, or weapon in Sokkas case. You on the other hand, rushed to Iroh’s side knowing that the others were more than capable on their own.
As he lays passed out on the ground, panic slowly swarms in your chest. Fuck, another person is dying because of me! I literally saw her focus on him!
Placing your hands on his chest, you let out a deep breath trying to remember a trick you learned on a mission a while back when you got a deep cut to your side. Focusing on him and his faint heartbeat, despite being a bit shaky, you were able to use your fire, providing him with enough energy to bring his breathing to a steady rate. But the moment was short-lived when you heard an explosion go off, giving Zuko the opportunity to get to his uncle's side, and in turn, shove you away from him.
“Get off him! You’re always in the way! Arghhhh!”
Haistly scrambling to your feet, you stand beside Sokka, understanding that it’s best you try not to help him right now. Katara, on the other hand, didn’t seem to share those feelings with you.
“Zuko, I can help.”
“LEAVE!” as he strikes towards you and everyone else, you stumbled backwards. Memories of a similar flame being struck towards you by his father felt like something inside you snapped. While not directly hitting you, the heat radiating down upon you caused your head to spin, and vision to blur.
It seemed that despite training with fire for the past three years, the action coming from him sent you down a spiral incomparable to anything else.
i-I can’t... I’m…
The earth bender girl immediately sensing what was happening to you didn’t hesitate, “Sokka! Grab her! Quickly, we need to go to Appa.”
“What?! Why me!”
“Shut up!! Her heart rate is literally through the roof right now. We need to help her! Can’t you see her shaking right in front of you?!”
Finally taking a good look at your trembling form, Sokka was too stunned to move.
Aang immediately agreeing with Toph, nudges him before setting off in the direction of Appa. “Sokka, NOW!”
Snapping out of his panicked, frozen state, he rushes towards you, scooping you up into his arms.
“Oh Spirits, I am so so sorry if I’m invading your personal space right now. Please, I’m so sorry. It’ll only be until we reach Appa, okay? I’m so…”
Fisting the cloth of his shirt, you shake your head. “It’s o-okay.” Pushing your face into his chest, you try to regulate your breathing in time with his heartbeat. Something was so unexplainably comfortable about having someone hold you that all of the memories of Ozai burning you, began to make its way back into the depths of your mind. So comforting, that at some point between the village and Appa, you passed out.
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When you awoke again, you were high up in the clouds with the sun high in the air. How long was I out?
Deciding to sit upright, the first thing you see is the Water Tribe siblings and the earth kingdom girl facing you.
At first, you thought Toph was about to speak up, yet it seemed that Katara’s suspicions of you beat her to the punch. “Don’t think of moving too fast or trying anything! You're cornered now.”
Your eyebrows raised at that. “Alright, then. How would you like me?”
Upon, hearing your voice Aang physically perked up, completely beaming that you were awake. Without a second thought, he trusted that Appa would be able to fly for a bit on his own, making his way to all of you.
“I’m so glad that you’re okay! I was really worried about you.” Taking his place next to Katara, you were shocked at the stark contrast between his attitude towards you, and hers. It’s like he genuinely cares. Well… I guess that makes sense considering he’s an Air Nomad. Oh spirits, does this mean he’s going to pay even more attention to me than when we first met?!
“Uh… thanks. I appreciate it, but you really didn’t have to.”
“No, of course I did! Plus, I’m grateful that you helped me out with Azula! It’s the least we could do. Right guys?” Still having his glowing smile, he turns to his friends, and it seemed that the only one who truly looked indifferent with the entire matter was the earth kingdom girl who just nodded.
“Thanks, Toph!” Finally, a name.
Once again, Katara was displeased, “yeah whatever. If she’s going to stay with us, she’s going to have to tell us who she is. Don’t think we didn’t hear what Azula said back there about you. You need to explain what she meant by that. How does she know you, and what do you have to do with the Fire Lord?!”
At those questions, you weren’t too happy either, “I don’t want to stay with you! I just need to leave and find Azula again.”
For the first time since you woke up, Sokka decided to say something. “Why would you ever want to do that?! Why do you keep wanting to go back to her when you keep getting separated?! If you ask me it’s clearly a sign that you should stay away because she’s completely insane! She even knows you followed her and everything, so she’s going to have her guard up.”
“You don’t understand. If I don’t get back to Azula, people are going to get hurt. I’ve literally saved your lives on two occasions just by tailing her. Now, think about all of the people she can harm when no one’s watching. I’m also a threat to all of your destinies by being here.”
Uncomfortable with the tension that’s been building at an alarming rate, Aang moves so that he’s sitting in between you and the other three. “Okay, I understand, but could you please explain why you’re a threat by being here? You need to stay safe too, your life matters just as much as everyone else’s and even though you’ve proven yourself more than capable of protecting yourself, there’s no doubt in my mind that you’ll be safe if you go to her and I can't let you go knowing your life is at risk.”
“Aang, there are always risks. Spirits, all four of you are at risk, but you know that it's for the greater good to end this war.”
He shakes his head. “It’s not the same. We have each other; we look after each other. You don’t have that. Please. You don’t have to tell us everything now. I understand since we’ve only met once before, but I promise no matter what it will all be okay and you can be apart of our team. Our family.”
On that note, you hesitated. A family?
No. The spirits have made it clear enough that a family is not in my cards.
“That sounds great, but I don’t think it’ll work out.”
Sokka lets out a frustrated groan, “What? Of course, it will! I know I’m not your biggest fan, but it's clear you’re just as against the Fire Nation as the rest of us!”
Looking around at all of their faces, you can tell that even though Sokka and mainly Katara, still clearly have their reservations about you, they understand where Aang is coming from. Heck, if it meant that they had another person on their side and against Azula and the Fire Nation, that was already a win. You almost felt guilty when you saw their horrified faces as you revealed the truth.
“It won’t work because I’m the Fire Lords personal assassin.”
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 taglist: @slythergirlimagines​​ @mangoberry43​​ @eridanuswave​​ @whiskeywinter89​​​ @kaylove12​​ @simplyfandomish​​ @khaleesi-of-assassins​ @callums-keith​ @ilovespideyyy​ @calciumcow​ @blackhood5sos​ @nnon-it-up​ @lozzybowe​ @scarletemeterio​ @reclusive-chicken-nugget​ @simpinforsukka​ @chewymoustachio​ @tiffy119​ @sokkassuki​ @spearbatty​
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a/n: hehe hiya friends!! Thanks for reading hehe I hope you enjoyed!! Lelel lmk your thoughts or any predictions for what you think is guna happen next hehe
alsoooo did anyone spot my lil inserts for our second lead? AHAHAHAHAHA
don’t fear either!! Zuko will learn eventually hehehe
but anyway i would love to hear from all of you if you have any feedback as well :))
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oncefutureemrys · 3 years
18 w merlin & arthur ? ?
again only if you want to ahaha
hehehe of course!!!! this is so exciting!
Edit: I am an idiot and I apologize for dumb.
Anyway, hello! This is a thing I finished editing instead of sleeping.
Please enjoy!
Send Me A Prompt And Characters And I'll Do It!
You Can Find It On AO3 Here!
Arthur, in all of his life, had never really understood the concept of longing.
Maybe because he had rarely ever longed for much. Well sure, when he was a kid he had longed for that certain toy that someone else had, or certain books and sweet treats. Longed for some friends he could play with at school, for some people to hang out with after class.
Sometimes he would secretly wish that he had both a mother and a father like the other kids. Maybe a more understanding father, one that hugged him as all the other kids’ parents did. That let them cry and were always there to dry his tears. To ask how he was doing, not because they were looking for anything else, but just because they had wanted to know.
But Arthur was a resilient child and with time he had learned to adapt to the way things were, learned to accept them, and know that they would never change. Besides, he was fine living his life completely without longing. He even laughed about it a couple of times when he watched cheesy romantic movies, shouting at the screen at how “dumb” these characters were and how “everyone could clearly tell they were in love!”
But then, one thing or another happened, and Arthur somehow met Merlin Ambrose. Merlin Ambrose could be explained quite clearly as one of those people. Those people you wondered how they lived because everything just seemed to come naturally to them. Not to mention, he was someone who complimented as many people just to make their day, someone who gave teachers apples, but not in a teacher’s pet way but more in an I’m-very-sweet-and-care-about-people way, and was just constantly happy, always being a source of great happiness for people.
Needless to say, Merlin was sweet and kind and caring and resilient and brave and most definitely, Arthur’s best friend. He was everything he wasn’t and in a way, he was everything he needed.
He’s not sure how they became so close. He remembers them being a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend at one point, he remembers them sharing quick waves in the hallways, he remembers those shared looks across the classroom. He’s not sure when it all clicked; when the stars aligned, when the two became the best of friends. It seemed to be almost gradual… as if they were taking their time, slowly unpacking each other bit by bit.
However the case, six years later, three years into college, Arthur felt the beginnings of this… feeling in his chest. It was like pain, but in his heart, a pain that made him lose his breathe and complete focus.
He had asked his half-sister (and one of his closest friends beside Merlin, although he would never admit that in his wildest dreams), Morgana, about what it might mean. She had just stared at Arthur long and hard before laughing so loudly, holding her stomach. “Oh dear,” she had said after finally reigning in her chuckles and wiping her tears away, “You have got it bad.”
Honestly, he figured she was off her rocker because nothing she was saying was making any sense. Because… well, when she ended up explicitly telling him – quite disappointedly, might he add – that he was in love with Merlin , well nothing seemed to add up. Because, sure, there were instances where they looked at each other too long, where they sat a bit closer to one another, and Arthur had noticed their shoulders slightly brushing. There were times when the sound of Merlin’s laughter would make his heart sing with joy, times when his throat would get dry when he saw Merlin in tight clothing, times when he felt his face get flushed and stutter wildly whenever he whispered in his ear… but, well, that happened with everyone. There was nothing… going on about any of it. Morgana was just being her usual pain and sooner or later, this would all blow over.
But alright, maybe he was slightly missing the idiot. Maybe some days he would wake up and check his phone to see if he had texted back, maybe sometimes he would be so close to just calling him and talking with him till three in the morning, maybe sometimes he wondered if he could just get in his car and drive ten hours to his college just to say hello.
But that was that! There were no romantic feelings between them whatsoever. They were strictly… friends . The idea of a romance had never even crossed his mind before Morgana had mentioned it. And while Arthur could be an idiot sometimes, he surely couldn’t be that much of an idiot. No, he was positive he would know if he was in love with his best friend.
A knock on the door startles him from his thoughts, causing him to nearly jump. He wonders who the hell could be at his door this late in the day. He wants to ignore it but something deep within himself tells him that this might be a missed opportunity if he didn’t at least check.
And usually, he would check before opening it, he would make sure it wasn’t some kidnapper or some murderer about to kill him. But seeing as he was angry and sad and missing an idiot who he very much was not in love with, thank you very much, he forgot all about checking before shoving the door open.
He’s about to open his mouth, yell at someone for waking him at this late night, get out all of this excess frustration he held within him when his eyes met familiar blue ones and his mouth hangs wide open.
He’s looking at him with an amused, dazzling smile, and Arthur feels like he might pass out from the number of butterflies that are in his fucking stomach at the moment.
Merlin asks, “Did you miss me?” with the smugness of someone who knows he has and is just asking to sound cool and Arthur’s first instinct is to kiss the living daylights out of him.
The second option on Arthur’s What To Do In Social Situations That Involve Merlin Ambrose list is to lift him off the ground and hug the fuck out of him.
Arthur, without a second thought, grabs hold of Merlin, twirling him around. Merlin shrieks before laughing loudly, holding onto him for dear life. The hug ends quickly, however, when Arthur loses balance and they both topple to the floor.
They find themselves sprawled on the ground, shaking with laughter in the middle of a hallway, their sides hurting with how hard they’re laughing.
“Why—“ he gasps – “did you –“ another intake – “do that?” Merlin asks and Arthur can’t help but laugh breathlessly, turning to look at him.
“I missed you,” he says without explanation, only realizing afterward what he has just said.
Merlin grins back at him. “I missed you too.”
He shivers imperceptibly at the way that Merlin is looking at him, slight goosebumps on his skin. At that moment, Arthur has never felt happier, never felt more alive. His heart is pounding with joy and he can’t help but grin back at him.
Merlin stands and pulls Arthur up. The contact of their hands sends a jolt of electricity through him and Arthur flushes in embarrassment.
They were maybe four feet apart but it felt like less with the way Merlin was looking at him, all pure and happy and loved . Arthur takes a sharp intake when Merlin smirks, taking a small step closer, slightly hesitating as if he’s worried he’s read the situation wrong. When Arthur doesn’t move, Merlin takes another small step. Then a bigger one. Then another and another and then—
Their feet are touching, they’re so close that he can hear Merlin’s breathing, can visibly see the way that he licks his lips, the way he slowly leans in. They’re mere inches apart at this point, Merlin stopping just centimeters from his face. Arthur’s internally freaking out at this point because he’s never been so close to kissing someone before and fuck , he was an idiot and in love with him and holy shit he was in love with Merlin Ambrose and he seemed to love him back and what the fuck does he do what is happening he —
“Can I come in?”
Arthur jumps, startling so much he nearly falls. “S-sorry?”
Merlin grins. “Can I come in… to your room? I didn’t exactly want to stay out here for the rest of the day.” He gestures towards the hallway and Arthur’s face somehow burns even more.
“I—yeah, uh, sure, yes.” Arthur opens the door, scratching his neck before awkwardly gesturing inside. Merlin simply raised his eyebrows, smiling amusedly at him before entering.
“Thank you,” he says. The way his eyes crinkle when he smiles, the way his cheekbones become more prominent… Arthur has never felt this much love and panic in his entire life.
Arthur just nods, suddenly questioning how anyone else could function properly around Merlin fucking Ambrose.
Taking one last breath of fresh air, straightening his shoulders, and feigning confidence, he walks into his apartment, hoping he won’t make a fool out of himself today He wasn’t sure how exactly his life had gotten to this point, but fuck, did he feel like the luckiest man in the world.
Hope you all enjoyed that hahaha I am sorry once again to Gwyn but hopefully the story makes up for it... pretty please...sugar on top?
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ae0nx · 4 years
I’m not gonna do a blacktober/drawtober today, but I willlll rant about Digimon, because nothing ever really changes. Ok, I’m tipsy and I feel like everyone and their mum has watched Kizuna now so I wanna finally express my feelfeels on it. Let’s goooo
Ok, so I love how this movie opens especially as an old school fan.
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It’s perfect. I love the solid feeling of ‘finality’ to the series that we never got to see in Tri... (I’ll try not talk shit about Tri in this recap but it’s gonna be difficult, I’m sorry)
- We got that call back to the original soundtrack! The only time in life I will tear up at hearing Bolero.
- I adoreee the animation and designs in this movie. It feels so much more diverse (in terms of facial features) than Tri did without even trying really. The facial expressions are so much characteristic and there’s less awkward spacey moments. It’s nice! (Ooops, mentioned Tri: Count 2 haha)
- While I was a bit disappointed with the digidestined outfits when they were first released as still images, they do look a lot better in action and they fit in well with the world that is built. But Taichi swapping sneakers for sandals? Seems false lol
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Taichi’s anxiety about the destruction. Nice to see continuation and character development. We love him~~~
- The Parrotmon vs Greymon + Angemon + Angewomon fight looked dope and was a nice call back/development. The electricity and fire looked amazing and honestly had me hyped. A lot of fight scenes in this movie did.
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Haha, of course Yamato had to come in looking unnecessarily cool on his fancy new bike only to talk shit about Taichi. We love him too, goddammit lol
- It totally makes sense that the two pairs of siblings and Koushirou would be the most actively involved out of all of the digidestined tbh
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The movie opening theme being set to the original ‘Butterfly’ was great, and in a weird way reminded me a little of the Cowboy Bebop Movie opening theme - except very much in the style and world of Digimon Adventure
- The digidestined are public superheroes now? Makes sense, I don’t hate it~~~
- I love the montage of Taichi and Yamato going about their lives as people in their early 20s. Taichi mostly dealing with the pressures of adulthood. Yamato feeling nostalgic about the things he left behind in childhood (playing harmonica, being in a band)
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Ahhh, they can drink now! So weird, yet so fun haha
- It’s also really nice for my shipper heart to see Taichi and Yamato sit down and have a meal together without totally biting each other’s heads off. Shows how much they’ve matured!
- Yolei straight up was like ‘I don’t have time for this shit, Koushirou you deal with it’ 😂Mimi has taught you well, young padawan
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I was really hoping these two would be a better addition than Maki and Daigo (RIP) and they were! It’s almost like the writers saw Tri and was like... let’s do better. (Ooops mentioned Tri: Count 3)
- I reallyyyyy really sadistically like the concept of the Digimon and Digidestined’s connection to each other dying slowly the older they get and with the less necessary the Digimon become in the human partner’s life. Yeahhhhh, it doesn’t match up with the 02 ending but I’m personally not too attached to that ending so I don’t mind. A) it’s actually a plot point that makes me give a shit and B) it’s very much a reflection of life which Digimon Adventure has always been and C) it makes sense of the reason as to why Digimon gravitate to children
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DAISUKE! We stan a kinggg, with his dope sunglasses. I’m so happy the 02 kids are involved in this, even if it is kinda minimal.
- I love that they included the fact that the digital gates are basically like a free airplane ticket to anywhere in the world with a computer. It’s such a useful and cool concept
- ‘Burger Queen’ ahaha
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AHHHHHHHHH HAHAAHHAHA I can’t. It feel so wrong yet so... correct? Hahaha
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I’m sorry, my love for Gennai died with Tri. If it was old Gennai from Adventure maybe I would’ve felt a bit more nostalgic and loving. (Oops mentioned Tri: Count 4)
- I love the 02 kids basically being a smaller detective team that Chief Detective Yamato sent forth to do some investigating. It makes so much sense and we shoulda got this in triiiiii (I just wish we got this movie instead of Tri, I’m sorry Oops mentioned Tri: Count 5)
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Spy movie? I don’t hate it~~~~
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OK, DETECTIVE ISHIDA! (enter theme music which is most likely very dark and edgy and gothic with a hint of pop punk)
- Sora staying at home when Mimi is in the hospital seems... off... very off... but ok... ... ... I hate how they sidelined Sora in this movie. Why does every Digimon writer since Adventure hate Sora?!?!
- The act of Taichi literally shunning his future by switching off his phone to once again reach for his old goggles and old digivice is... poetic cinema
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Saw the switch coming but whoa 😳
- You know the whole concept of her creating an eternal Digital world was a cool concept until she called it Neverland
- While I really like Menoa and her being the villain, this isn’t exactly a new motivation. How many times have we seen human partners turn into villains after losing their Digimon, man?!?! Just more motivation into making me think this film is just fixing the mistakes of Tri (Oops mentioned Tri: Count 6)
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I really like this design! It might make my top 3 Digimon designs.
- You know... only in the Digimon fandom would a goddamn whistle make us all emotional 😭😂
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This movie is so pretty!!!!
- Wait... did Biyomon vanish and that’s why Sora wasn’t involved? 😢
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Wow. WOW. That goodbye... between Taichi and Agumon... and Yamato and Gabumon... was... ALL I WANTED/DIDN’T WANT. Seriously. As I said before, I really like the fact that this movie feels... final. Honestly, I don’t want grown up adventures with the Digimon - regardless of how mean that sounds. What’s unique about Digimon is how childlike it is and the separation between the Digimon’s childlike nature and the Digidestined was growing the older the humans got and it wouldn’t make full sense for the relationship between the two to go from friends and almost equals to parent and child. 
I guess I would’ve been more accepting of the Digimon staying a constant in the Digidestined lives if the writers touched on the theme of the Digimon being adult or baby whenever they like (or whenever they eat) and relating it to humans still looking after their inner child of curiosity and creativity as they get older. But that’s a pretty difficult concept, I’m still working my head around that haha
Also, Digimon has always specifically been a metaphor/real example for the joys and hardships of childhood. While it’s super sad, I’m glad we got such a nice send off!
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dudeandduchess · 5 years
We Can’t Be [Rengoku Kyōjurō x F!Reader]
Rating: SFW Characters: Rengoku Kyōjurō x F!Reader (who is Kagaya’s Little Sister) Summary: Kyō and (Y/n) are childhood friends, they eventually fall in love with each other— only for (Y/n) to get engaged to someone else; someone who was truly meant to be with her. Sadly, that person wasn’t Kyōjurō. Word Count: 3,448 Warnings: Angst, Arranged Marriage, Pregnancy, SO. MUCH. ANGST.
Note: Hello, bbys! Sorry this took so long. I had some issues to settle. Oof. But this was inspired by most of the asks that I got earlier. Most notably the Angsty Fucker Anon ahaha. I hope you guys like it!
Also, this was written while listening to ‘Til My Heartaches End, 12:51, and We Can’t Be.
Between her and her older brother, (Y/n) knew that she was the brattier one. It had been a long-standing fact within their family, that their own father had given up trying to discipline her into behaving. The Ubuyashiki patriarch had figured that it was easier to wait for his youngest child to acquiesce to his will, instead of forcing her beneath it.
Hence, why she had been set free to roam around the house without supervision; unlike her older brother— Kagaya— whom had to have an attendant with him at all times.
“Nii-chan,” A young (Y/n) whispered through the slightly opened shoji, as she peeked at her brother who was engrossed in his own lessons for the day. “Pssst.Nii-chan.”
She should have been in the same predicament, but she had tricked her tutor into leaving the room, so she managed to escape without much trouble.
Abruptly, the older Ubuyashiki child’s head snapped up to the source of the voice. Then slowly, a warm smile crept onto his face at the sight of his younger sister. “You know father’s going to come here soon.”
“I know, so we have to leave now,” The young lady whispered in an urgent tone, as she slid the door open a bit more. She slipped a hand through the gap, then beckoned her brother over— much like amaneki-neko. “Let’s see if Katsuis still in the garden.”
(Y/n) snickered at the nickname she’d bestowed upon the piglet she had seen wandering about in their garden, then slapped her tiny hands over her mouth to silence herself. She thought she had been so hilarious in naming a pig Tonkatsu, while her brother could only look on and shake his head.
Whether in amusement, or in disappointment, (Y/n) didn’t know; nor did she care.
“Yes, Oyakata-sama, I’ll be sure to check on the situation there.” A jovial voice reverberated off the walls in the corridor, which had the Ubuyashiki heiress tensing up where she stood.
She didn’t turn, nor did she dare to look away from her brother— whom was looking at her with worried eyes. Because she knew, even without checking, that her father had already seen her; as evidenced by the sudden silence, and the irked gaze she could feel boring holes into the back of her head.
However, instead of getting mad— like he’d wanted to— her father merely sighed and rubbed his temples to ease his oncoming headache. “(Y/n), what are you doing out of your lessons?”
And, as if he just realized what a stupid question that was, the Ubuyashiki patriarch sighed once more. “Shinjurō, you brought Kyōjurō with you, yes?’
“Yes, Oyakata-sama. He’s in the garden right now,” Shinjurō answered, clearly unsure as to where his master was headed with his query. “Do you want me to call him?”
“No, no,” (Y/n)’s father answered softly, before setting a gentle hand on top of his daughter’s head. “Go, (Y/n). You can play outside with Kyōjurō, but make sure to attend your lessons tomorrow.”
At that, (Y/n) beamed before turning to hug her father around the waist. “Thank you, otou-san! I promise I’ll go to my lessons tomorrow!”
And without further ado, she skipped down the hall— before her father could change his mind about letting her play instead of study.
That was the day that inevitably changed her life— for better, or for worse, she wasn’t exactly sure.
The moment she saw a boy her age— with the same flaming hair as Shinjurō-san’s— crouched down on the ground and trying to reach for something beneath the cluster of hydrangea shrubs, she immediately got down next to him to check on what had him so interested.
When she saw that he was trying to get Katsuout from beneath the shrub, she grinned and poked his cheek. Her action, of course, made Kyōjurō jump and hit his head on a low hanging stem. “If you want him to come out, you have to give him some food. Katsu likes to eat— otou-sansaid so.”
“Really? Do you have any snacks we could give him?” Kyōjurō asked enthusiastically, as his eyes brightened at the concept of actually seeing the boar in broad daylight. He had never had a pet of his own, as his father never let him keep one, so to see an actual boar up close was quite a treat for him. “Is he your pet?”
(Y/n) wasn’t quite sure how to answer that question, as she had never asked her parents if she could actually keep Katsu, but she still found herself nodding. “Yes. I guess he is. Come on, let’s ask Akio-sanfor some snacks.”
She didn’t think much of it back then, but she moved to grab her newfound friend’s hand and proceeded to drag him out from under the shrub. Then, she led both of them around the house; making sure to take the routes that would least likely make her bump into her frantic tutor; since she was sure that her senseiwould drag her back to her room and force her to study— even if her father gave her a free pass for the day.
“Akio-san?” (Y/n) called out in the seemingly-empty kitchen, as she readjusted her grip on Kyōjurō’s hand. “Akio-san? Can I please have some food for Katsu?”
When no one answered her, she went up to one of the shelves— still hand-in-hand with Kyōjurō— and reached up to get one of the boxes which she knew had Castella cake in it. She then tucked the box beneath her arm, then cried out, “I’ll be taking the Castella. Thank you!”
And with their scavenging mission a success, both children went back to the hydrangea shrub where Katsuwas laying under, and sat down next to each other.
The moment that (Y/n) let go of his hand, Kyōjurō felt a sense of loss envelop his young heart. He wanted to reach out again and entwine their fingers— much like earlier— but he resisted the urge to do so; as it would be very ungentlemanly of him.
“You never told me your name,” He began with a quirk of his eyebrows, as he watched the girl in front of him unwrap the Castella they had pilfered from the kitchen. “My name’s Rengoku Kyōjurō. I’m going to be the next Flame Hashira!”
“Oh, really?” (Y/n) exclaimed, while she took a piece of the cake and popped it in her mouth. The sweet treat practically melted on her tongue, and she resisted the urge to gush over how delicious it was. When she swallowed what was in her mouth, she answered, “I’m Ubuyashiki (Y/n). Nice to meet you, Kyō-chan.”
“U… Ubuyashiki?” The young Rengoku’s eyes widened, and he immediately righted his posture into one that denoted his deep respect for (Y/n). “The pleasure is all mine, ojou-sama.”
“What are you doing?” (Y/n) questioned with a slight tilt of her head, as her new friend’s polite vocabulary reached her ears. “We’re friends now, so you can just call me (Y/n).”
She didn’t even wait for him to answer, as she took a piece of the Castella between her thumb and index finger, then popped it into his agape mouth.
“It’s good, right? I don’t think I want to share with Katsu anymore.” The Ubuyashiki heiress giggled heartily, and that was the moment that Kyōjurō knew… he’d found the girl he wanted to marry.
Time seemed to fly by after that, and from snot-nosed five year-olds, both (Y/n) and Kyōjurō grew up to be drastically opposite ten year-olds.
While (Y/n) was so engrossed in reading her books and playing her kotoout in the garden, Kyōjurō was busy training to be a Hashira. He would often accompany his father to the Ubuyashiki mansion, if only to catch a glimpse of (Y/n)— but he never told her that.
As far as his young mind was concerned, girls were disgusting. They were to be respected and admired, but they were gross with their need to hug and kiss their significant others all the time.
Still, there was a part of him that never wavered; and that part wanted to marry (Y/n) when they were older.
What he didn’t know was that— when he was too busy training in the expansive garden, while he waited for his father— she would also sneak covert, admiring glances at his form.
(Y/n) couldn’t deny the fact that Kyōjurō was handsome, so she mostly told herself that wanting to look at him was inevitable. Because humans loved to look at pretty things; and he was a mighty fine specimen.
However, after the year when they turned eleven, she never saw him visit her home again. Her father said that it was because Shinjurō had already retired, which meant that Kyōjurō wouldn’t be visiting anymore.
She had never told anyone back then— not even her brother— but she had cried herself to sleep so many times after the first month that he didn’t show himself to her. He never even replied to her letters, which hurt her more than anything.
Because not only had she lost a potential love interest, but she had also lost a friend— her only friend, at that.
There were so many times when she had wanted to confide in her brother, but with the death of their father— as well as his impending marriage to Amane— she couldn’t find it in herself to add to his burden.
So, to ease her loneliness, she would often visit their parents’ graves and pour her heart out to them— if only to ease the pain and loneliness that she felt.
However, the year of her thirteenth birthday, Kagaya had sent her to serve as the host for the Final Selection, she was in for a huge— and very positive— surprise. She couldn’t even stay focused on her spiel, as her gaze always kept gravitating over to the enigmatic Kyōjurō.
And, as if her stuttered spiel wasn’t enough to embarrass her, she had to turn her back towards the Slayers because— as Kyōjurō passed by her— he whispered a quiet, ‘I’ll see you later, (Y/n).’
Her heart felt like it was going to jump out of her chest at that. She was torn between screaming her head off at him, and gathering him in her arms while confessing her feelings; yet she did neither, as she had to keep up her unbiased façade.
During the entire week he was up on Mt. Natagumo, she barely slept a wink. She felt like she was going half-crazy with worry and, it might have been unfair of her to do so, but she sent a crow to follow his movements and report his status to her.
She knew that she couldn’t exactly pull him out of there, as it would be against Demon Corps rules, but she had to know; she couldn’t risk losing him.
Yet it appeared that there was no need for her to worry; because not only was Kyōjurō eliminating demons like they meant nothing, but he was doing so without sustaining any injuries whatsoever.
The seventh day couldn’t arrive sooner for (Y/n) and, while she busied herself with her mundane hobbies, Kyōjurō was always on the back of her mind. It was apparent to everyone who saw her that her heart really wasn’t in whatever she was doing; and her absentmindedness was even more evident to her brother.
As much as Kagaya didn’t want to crush his sister’s heart, however, he knew that he had to tell her early on about her own fate. They weren’t meant to be with people who weren’t given to them by their family’s priests, as it would spell their untimely end.
“(Y/n),” The older Ubuyashiki began softly, as he sat down beside his sister on her picnic blanket.
She slowly closed the book she had been reading, and turned to look up at Kagaya. His curse mark was slowly starting to appear along his left temple, which greatly worried (Y/n); yet she knew that she could do nothing, as it was their family’s fate.
Unless they killed Muzan, all the people within their line were fated to die at a young age.
“What has you so troubled?” Kagaya asked with a comforting smile.
However, it did nothing but make (Y/n)’s heart feel like it had seized in her chest. She knew full well that her brother knew what was on her mind, but he was merely being polite about it— to give her some semblance of privacy. “You know what’s troubling me. Don’t even pretend that you don’t, nii-chan.”
“I know, but it would make me feel better if it actually came from you, instead of from a premonition.” Just like him, she had the gift of foresight, which made for pretty interesting conversations between them, and this… it was the most awkward of them all.
Because she didn’t want to tell her older brother about her emotional woes.
And when her silence persisted, Kagaya sighed— much like their father used to when he didn’t know what to do with (Y/n). “You know as well as I do that it won’t end well if you pursue a relationship with Kyōjurō.”
“I know that, but… it’s him. I’ve loved him for so long; would it be wrong to follow my own heart?”
“It won’t… but only to a certain extent. (Y/n), there’s a thin line between real love and self-sacrifice. You’re old enough to know which lines don’t need to be crossed.”
After that, the young woman remained quiet— as tears pooled in the corners of her eyes. Her brother’s words rang nothing but the truth, yet her heart wanted something entirely different.
(Y/n) wanted to go against all traditions and safety precautions, if it meant that she would experience something real and spontaneous. She wanted something that she had been longing for ever since she was young; not something that was handed to her to save her family’s lineage.
Besides, the Demon Slaying Corps didn’t need her offspring; not when she was a mere replacement for her brother— whom already had a wife, and a child on the way.
If she were to die the very next day, she wanted to— at the very least— experience what life with Kyōjurō would be like.
So she did; despite her brother’s gentle reminders to not let things get out of hand.
Because he knew, as much as she did, that staying with the young Rengoku would mean certain death for her; especially if she were to have his child, as his soul was not the one meant for hers.
Yet, she paid no heed to Kagaya’s words. She, selfishly, followed her own heart.
Much to her brother’s dismay.
“I always want to stay this way with you,” (Y/n) whispered softly, as she laid her head on her lover’s bare chest. They had just finished with a round of lovemaking, which rendered both of them pleasantly sore, and a tad sleepy.
“Then we will.” Kyōjurō smiled, while he pulled her body flush against his side. “Always. I promise you.”
It had been seven years since they had started being a couple, and those five years spent together were filled with nothing but bliss.
Of course, Kagaya didn’t fully approve of their relationship, but he didn’t meddle in their affairs. He wanted his sister to be happy, no matter the consequences, so he left them alone.
A giggle bubbled from (Y/n)’s lips at that, and she leaned down to press a kiss to the newly appointed Flame Hashira’s chest. “I love you, Kyō. So, so much.”
“And I love you more, my Sweet Flame,” Rengoku answered softly, before brushing his lips against the crown of her head. He was truly, and utterly smitten with the woman in his arms.
So smitten, in fact, that he was already considering asking for her hand in marriage.
The words always wanted to escape from his lips, that he had to bite down on his tongue to keep himself from just blurting it out. He wanted so badly to marry the love of his life, yet he wanted to wait until it was the perfect moment to ask her.
“I promise you, we’ll stay like this forever. I’ll always be yours… as you are mine.”
However, he had waited too long, as the priests assigned to the Ubuyashiki family had managed to step in— despite Kagaya’s wishes to leave them alone.
Their motivations weren’t selfless; as they were insisting to marry (Y/n) off to her real betrothed in fear of the Ubuyashiki clan’s curse consuming them as well; at least, the ones who weren’t already consumed by the curse.
No one had ever dared to go against the priests’ spousal recommendations, so no one knew the real consequences of defying such a long-standing ritual. Not until (Y/n) came along.
And so, with heavy hearts, (Y/n) and Kyōjurō let go of their relationship; for the sake of other peoples’ lives.
Their separation was quiet; tear-filled, but filled with so many parting kisses and words of love. Every press of their lips against the other’s skin was committed to memory; and each fleeting caress to their lover’s naked body was tucked away in an untouchable corner of their own hearts. Because they might have been forced to stay apart, but their love for each other still burned brightly.
And life in the Ubuyashiki Manor had become quieter— morose— after that.
(Y/n) no longer played her kotoout in the garden, nor did she go out to enjoy the feel of the sun against her skin. She never laughed or smiled, nor did her eyes hold the same brightness that they used to.
Slowly, she withered away inside her room— just waiting for her family’s curse to fully consume her; as a life without Kyōjurō was a life that wasn’t worth living.
Then, as if the world further wanted to make her suffer, the priests finally named her betrothed to be none other than the Wind Hashira: Shinazugawa Sanemi.
When Kagaya had made the announcement to the all the Hashira, as he had invited them to the celebratory feast, he couldn’t help but feel guilty at the brief flash of pain that crossed the Flame Hashira’s expression.
However, he could do nothing but adhere to his family’s traditions; for (Y/n)’s own good, as well as the good of all the priests assigned to be their clairvoyants.
Two months after (Y/n) had wed Sanemi, they all received the news that she was pregnant.
There was a small part of Kyōjurō that wanted to believe that it was his child, yet he knew that it was impossible— as it had been months since the last time he and (Y/n) had made love. To find out only then meant that it was Sanemi’s child; and that fact felt like a dagger to his heart.
However, with a shaky smile, he still went up to his fellow Hashira and congratulated the other man.
And after that, he had taken to finding a secluded space for himself to cry his heart out. His tears seemed like they would never cease falling, while his heart felt like it was slowly crumbling inside his chest. His fingers had already gone numb, while his knees gave out from beneath him— so he was rendered to unceremoniously plop down on the hard ground.
In his pain though, loud, breathless sobs escaped from his lips— ones which he didn’t bother silencing as he gripped his head in his hands. His pain was so all-consuming, that he didn’t even realize that (Y/n) was watching him from her bedroom window.
She wanted to run out there and wrap him up in her arms, yet she knew that doing so would only hurt him more; as it would remind of what he could never fully have again.
(Y/n) was still in love with him, and she always would be, but she could never— for the life of her— muster up the courage to tell him that the child she was carrying was his; not Sanemi’s, as they had never consummated their marriage.
They slept in the same room, on the same futon, yet they always felt like they were miles away from each other. It was not a match made in heaven, as it was torture for (Y/n) to pretend each and every day that she wasn’t slowly dying on the inside.
There was nothing more that she wanted than to tell Kyōjurō, but she couldn’t give him that kind of hope. Not when she would only have to take it away from him once more.
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maatryoshkaa · 5 years
Bad Boy | Seo Changbin
Summary: Trouble comes in the form of neck tattoos, lip rings, and Seo Changbin, the school bad boy who, no matter how hard you try, you just can’t seem to stay away from.
Genre: fluff, high school!au, bad boy!changbin, perfect student!reader
Word Count: 3.3k
Pairing: seo changbin x reader
Features: done with changbin!bang chan, voyeurist!minho, 3rd wheel!jisung, baby!jeongin, woojin, felix, hyunjin
Warnings: mild swearing
Requested: 1: “I’ll keep you warm, hold me closer”; 4: “I was wondering how long you two were going to make out before you realized you weren’t alone”; 18: “Stay the night”.
Okay writing this gave me a f a t crisis because writing Binnie as a bad boy made me laugh -- so rather than your typical hardass, stone-cold mafia bad boy, Binnie in this is more of a delinquent, cocky sort of kid, you know? If y’all want that stone-cold bad boy tho, feel free to request and I’ll give it another shot ahaha sorry about that! <3 enjoyy
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Friday, 2:49 PM
“Seo Changbin, if I see you sleeping in my class one more time--”
The boy sat up and stretched, a lazy, crooked smile spreading across his lips. His dark eyes were barely open, but the sleep circles that ringed them made his stare even more intense.
“Sorry, Ma’am, your voice is just...so soothing.”
You watched as the biology teacher glowered and continued her lesson, your gaze straying to the male who had spoken with so little care. Everyone knew about Seo Changbin, the school bad boy, and his notorious friends. Everyone either wanted to fight them, sleep with them, or just plain stayed away from them.
You were the third. You were just in high school to get your degree, stuff some knowledge in your brain if you were lucky, and stay out of trouble’s lane. But for you, trouble came in the form of neck tattoos and lip rings cuffed around a sly smile for Seo Changbin, and you took the feeling he gave you every time you saw him as a sign to have as little to do with him as possible.
Perhaps the universe had other plans in mind, however, when you found yourself in the middle of a biology test -- science never really was Changbin’s forte, was it? -- and felt a cool hand behind you graze your arm, making you turn around.
“What’s the answer to #4?” He asked, barely making an effort to whisper.
“I-I can’t tell you...this is a test--?”
Changbin cocked his head to the side, tongue running over his lip ring in mock thought. “Hm. Pretty please?”
You opened your mouth incredulously to reply. “I--”
“y/n l/n, Seo Changbin, I do not tolerate cheating on tests. Detention for the both of you, after school!”
And that was how it began.
5:29 PM, later
Your patience was wearing thin as you scribbled out your homework. Changbin had been making paper airplanes of various sizes out of his textbook pages and throwing them onto your desk from across the room, each one with small notes like “sorry :p”, “still mad?”, and “but seriously, what was the answer the #4?”.
You were this close to flipping a desk over his dark, acorn-shaped head when the clock finally struck 5:30 PM and detention was over. Practically leaping to your feet and packing up, you began searching for the keys to your car, beginning to panic when they were nowhere to be found. Changbin slung his own black duffel bag over his shoulders as he watched you. You felt him come up beside you.
“C’mon, I’ll give you a ride.”
You glared at him. “What makes you think I’m going to let you?”
“Just think of it as a heartfelt apology.” The corner of Changbin’s lips twitched. “Loosen up a little, sweetheart.”
The rest of his friends were already in the empty school parking lot, sitting on the roof of a navy car. You recognized some of them--the oldest one was Chan, the unspoken leader of the group; the tall one sitting on the hood was Hyunjin. The blond one with freckles was the transfer student, Felix, who the freshmen were all over, and then there was Minho, infamous for having slept with one half of the school, and leaving the other half pining.
Changbin gave a short wave in greeting before leading you to his motorcycle. You gulped, feeling your palms begin to sweat at the thought of riding it, your stomach somersaulting. As if noticing, the dark-haired boy helped you on, hands firm and surprisingly soothing before taking his own place in front of you. The engine hummed to life, the sudden jerking motion making you yelp--and soon, you didn’t know if the butterflies in your stomach were from the motorcycle, or being pressed so close to Seo Changbin.
The brisk spring wind sent shivers down your spine as he swerved around a corner and picked up the speed, neighborhood lights and darkening sky becoming a blur. You shivered and shrank back into your jacket. Noticing, Changbin looked over his shoulder at you.
“I’ll keep you warm. Hold me closer.” 
You could feel your face heat up at his words. Tentatively, you tightened your grip around his waist before you felt him impatiently slip your hands beneath his leather jacket. Your palms were now pressed against his warm stomach, fingers gripping his thin t-shirt for dear life. Something about the smoother motion of the motorcycle as it sped up on the freeway, and the sudden warmth washing over you lulled you into a light state of sleep, unable to stop your drooping head from resting on his shoulder.
Changbin turned slightly at the feeling, heart clenching at your soft, sleeping face before forcing himself to turn back around and speed, eyes narrowed and ears red, to your house.
6:02 PM
Changbin shook you awake before helping you off his Harley Davidson with a strange gentleness that contrasted his earlier, cockier attitude. Something in the air had changed with the twilight sky, and you thanked him, tripping over your words. You ran inside, quickly shutting the door before peeking out from the curtains at your driveway.
The dark-haired boy stood in the driveway a little longer, staring after the door you had slammed with an unfathomable expression before hopping back on his motorcycle and driving away.
But boy, oh boy are the two of you whipped.
It was like the feeling you’d always had about Seo Changbin had been amplified tenfold. But if it was your gut trying to warn you away from him, why were your hands so sweaty, your face so red and hot, your heartbeat pounding in your ears?
Changbin had always known he felt different about you -- the straight-A, model student with an intriguing personality. Something about you made him want to get to know you better, but he always stopped himself, knowing what kind of reputation hung over him. He knew you were too good for him -- after all, girls like you deserved to be loved, held, respected -- and not by some delinquent. So why was it that even after all the girls Woojin tried introducing him to, all the half-hearted hookups Minho had suggested, his eyes still lingered only on you? It was as if, rather than washing away his feelings for you, each one-night-stand had just made him more and more sure that he only wanted you.
Monday, 9:27 AM
“Let’s take up your homework, shall we? I want all of you to form groups and share your Romeo and Juliet analyses with each other. You will then present the main points of your combined ideas to the class; now go on.” 
The language arts teacher fixed her eyes on the two dark figures at the back of the class, who’d made no effort to move at her instructions. “Seo Changbin, Han Jisung. Partner up with y/n.”
You fumbled through the contents of your bag for your report as the two boys took the seats beside you, Changbin watching you with muted amusement.
“Lost something again?”
“Shut up, Seo Changbin, I spent hours on that report--”
You could see Jisung smirk in his peripheral vision, your ears beginning to burn.
“Something been on your mind lately? You seem distracted by something.” He flicked his gaze over at Changbin, who had begun to help you look. “Or someone--”
“I said, shut up--”
The teacher clapped her hands. “Time’s up. y/n’s group, why don’t you go first?”
“Well, that’s my cue to go to the bathroom,” Jisung deadpanned before disappearing out the door, leaving you staring at Changbin in increasing dread. This was the boy who wasn’t awake for half his classes, let alone did his homework. How on earth were you going to--
“Our analysis topic focuses on Romeo’s character arc in the first two Acts,” Changbin answered, standing up. “Specifically, his sentiments when he falls in love with Juliet. He thinks he’s been in love before, but this conception shatters the night he meets her.
“The descriptions of his feelings change from infatuation to true love the moment he sees Juliet at the masquerade,” Changbin continued as you looked up at him in disbelief. “Romeo deems himself unfit to be in the presence of a beauty as great as Juliet’s. Compared to her, he is a pilgrim; a mundane, wretched man,” his gaze caught yours, intense as ever, “Whereas she...may well be a saint, too good for this world, the very light that teaches the torches how brightly to burn. Hence, we conclude that those...those are Romeo’s current emotions.”
He held your stunned gaze as the teacher thanked him, before raising a slit eyebrow at you. You finally remembered--the one subject “bad boy” Seo Changbin excelled at -- writing, and language arts.
You shook your head and looked down, trying to stomach the familiar sinking feeling in your gut. Oh, man, now you were sure. So you’ve had the longest crush on the school’s bad boy, Seo Changbin.
Weeks later, Sunday 3:37 PM
Maybe it was the teachers trying to save the delinquent’s falling grades and apathetic attitude, or maybe even the universe was getting tired of you two pining for each other, but you found yourself partnered in more and more projects with him. What had started out as quiet tutoring sessions in the library quickly snowballed into late-night phone calls from Changbin sheepishly asking you to help him cram for a test. And nobody could quite say when exactly the excuse of talking to each other just to study dissolved, and random, casual texts between you two became what you looked forward to each evening. Still, something deep down nagged at you to stay away, to not expect much -- after all, you two were friends at most; Changbin’s free pass to better grades at the very least.
But you found yourself caring more and more about the bad boy who had a way with words, this so-called bad boy who fell asleep by last period but seemed to be genuinely trying when you explained how cell division worked to him for the umpteenth time.
And the rest of the school would have been blind not to notice how Seo Changbin changed in front of you, how his usual dark, brooding expression would soften, cheeks filling with a light dust of colour whenever he saw you. How he’d stand a little straighter, clear his throat, a genuine smile replacing his usual crooked smirk.
Maybe that was why when you saw him trudging down the sidewalk today, on your way to the grocery store, you stopped dead in your tracks.
Changbin had his head down and hands shoved in his pockets, eyes dark as a tempest. When you squinted, you saw harsh scrapes on his jaw, dried blood on a split bottom lip.
“Changbin, what the hell happened to you?”
He froze, hooded eyes widening like a deer in headlights’ as you ran to him, hands gingerly stroking the wounds. He hadn’t intended for you to see him like this. He never wanted you to see him like this. Beginning to panic, you frantically dug into your bag, looking for bandages, anything, before you felt his hand grasp your wrist. His knuckles were worse, rimmed with red and purple bruises.
“I’m fine. What are you gonna do, put a Band-Aid on my lip?” He chuckled.
“I--you--who did this to you?” You stammered, still in shock. You knew him and his friend group had a reputation for getting in fights, but you hadn’t ever seen Changbin like this--you’d assumed it was just another rumour. Swallowing hard, you fixed him with a wary look. “What happened?”
At this, Changbin looked away. He knew if he kept it from you, you would assume the worst -- but if he told you what had really happened, would that be any better?
As if on cue, a navy car pulled up beside you, its window rolling down to reveal Chan behind the wheel, and Woojin in the front seat. 
“Oy, Changbin!” Chan narrowed his eyes at the younger boy’s injuries. “The hell, again? Hop in, we’re sending everyone home. And bring y/n, too -- maybe she’ll keep you out of trouble for once.”
Most of their friends were already in the car, leaving you between Felix and a younger, red-haired boy named Jeongin, who sipped a carton of banana milk and looked you up and down unabashedly before Felix kicked him.
Needless to say, the atmosphere was tense.
Chan pulled up to each boy’s house one by one, before reaching his own. “You can drive yourself back fine, Bin? See you later, aight?”
He flashed you a look that said something like, take care of him. Sorry. before leaving the two of you in the front seat, Changbin behind the wheel. Sighing, you turned to him, his eyes a thousand shades of guilt and apologetic under your gaze. “Tell me what happened.”
Something about how soft and low your voice was made the lump in his throat give way. “I...someone...I got mad at someone.”
You took a deep breath, looking down at his bruised knuckles before running your fingers over the swelling, feeling Changbin shiver at your touch.
“These douchebags were talking shit about you,” he continued, voice dropping to a mumble. “So I kind of...got mad, okay?”
Watching his pained face, you could only imagine what they could have said -- you were no stranger to your classmates’ offhand comments, which had multiplied ever since you began getting closer to Seo Changbin. From teacher’s pet, to attention whore who’s trying to sleep with the school bad boy and the rest of his popular friends -- you’d practically heard it all.
“You don’t have to get mad at that.”
“How could I not, when I care so much about you?”
You looked up, taken aback. For a moment, he looked almost angry, his expression was so intense. Changbin’s face was filled with every emotion at once, black eyes glowing under the rays of the golden hour.
His fingers tightened their grip around yours, eyes flickering between your eyes and your lips as if waiting for permission. “You can tell me to stop,” he whispered, before finally closing the distance between the two of you to press his bruised lips to yours.
It was like the years of confusion, mixed feelings and misinterpreted signs finally cleared away, leaving you breathless and wanting more, wondering how in the world you had ignored your feelings for Seo Changbin for this long. You suddenly found yourself wondering how anyone could think that this boy was nothing better than a burn-out delinquent who only cared about himself -- this boy, who felt and loved so strongly he wouldn’t hesitate to fight those who looked down on the people he cared about.
You pulled away only when you remembered the cut on his lip. “Doesn’t it hurt?” You asked, voice soft and catching in your throat at the look he gave you, forehead pressed against yours, like you were the only thing he wanted in the world.
“No,” he murmured, “you always seem to make all the pain disappear.” And he leaned in to connect your lips again, the kiss catching fire as he buried his fingers in your hair, the cool rings on his fingers brushing the shell of your ear and sending shivers down your spine. Changbin found himself relishing every soft sound you made as his tongue explored your mouth, your fingers running over the dark tattoos that curled around his collarbones --  when you heard the rustle of paper unwrapping behind you, and jumped.
Lee Minho was sprawled lazily in the backseat, a half-unwrapped Subway sandwich in his hands. “I was wondering how long you two were going to make out like that before you realized you weren’t alone.”
Seeing your fire-red, speechless expressions, he continued, “What? Carry on, it looked like it was getting good. If I’m not mistaken, it was around the part when Changbin was about to cu--alright, alright, I’m going, I’m going, stop hitting me Bin--”
Nevertheless, Minho managed to flash you a catlike wink and finger guns before promptly hopping out and running towards Chan’s house like he was being chased by an axe murderer.
Sighing and sitting back down, mood more than slightly ruined, Changbin looked at you before the two of you began laughing uncontrollably.
8:02 PM
You ended up making Changbin drive to his house so you could properly treat his wounds. You two sat in the living room, a tall panel of windows letting in the sun’s waning golden light. First-aid kit busted open --
“Seo Changbin, I’m not even going to question why you have a First-Aid Kit on hand--”
“Live fast, die hard, sweetheart.”
“Yeah, not while I’m around, sweetheart.”
-- you pressed an ice pack to his bruised jaw, disinfecting the scrapes on his knuckles and chin before carefully bandaging them. Changbin kept shooting little lovestruck smirks at you, only smiling more wickedly after you told him to shut up and hold still or so help me, Seo Changbin.
“How in the world am I going to get home?” You wondered aloud after putting the First Aid kit away, staring at Changbin’s bruised knuckles. “I so don’t trust you to work your motorcycle in that condition.”
He smiled, pulling you down on the couch next to him. He was quiet for several moments, studying your expectant expression, before replying bluntly,
“Stay the night.”
You blinked, sure you’d heard wrong, and yet your heartbeat had jumped to your throat. “What?”
“You live nearly an hour’s walk away. Just stay here, tonight. With me.”
You could feel your face heating up, and Changbin smirked. “What are you thinking of? I’m exhausted, you’re exhausted. Let’s watch a movie, order take out, and fall asleep on the couch or something. You know, like a proper date.”
You felt your face flush again at the word date -- and that was exactly what you did, finding eventual peace in each other’s arms as the sunset winked at you from behind the darkening horizon.
Sunday, 9:02 AM
You woke up with your face pressed against Changbin’s chest, the thick blanket he’d fetched last night wrapped snugly around the two of you. The smell of last night’s Chinese food, still mildly pleasant, lingered in the air as you sat up slowly. You rubbed the lines his thin t-shirt had pressed against your cheek as you peered down at Changbin’s sleeping face. Even asleep, the sight of him stirred something in your chest and brought a smile to your lips. The thin morning sunlight filtering in and gracing his features made him seem little less than an angel, black hair falling over his long lashes, lips soft under the glinting cuff of his lip ring.
“What are you thinking?” Changbin’s voice roused you from your thoughts as he opened one eye and grinned sleepily at you.
“About how you’re not the bad boy they call you at all,” you replied, stroking the fading bruises on his chin. “You’re kind of even softer than that Romeo guy, you know.”
Changbin looked offended. “At least I didn’t spout a sonnet professing my undying love for you. But the sentiment was there, you know.”
“No,” you mused, “you kind of skipped that step and went straight for the kiss scene.”
“Well, if Minho had heard the confession I had in store for you, I wouldn’t have heard the end of it for years.”
You groaned at the memory. “Well, what did you have saved for me?”
“Oh, you know. That you’re perfect, beautiful, and make my heart stop, and that I know I don’t deserve you. But that I’m selfish enough to want you, anyways.”
Changbin pulled you and the blanket back down on top of him, making you cry out in surprise. Pressing a lazy kiss to your forehead, you felt him smile against your skin as you two fell back asleep -- just a misunderstood bad boy and the feisty model student, soaking up each other’s warmth on a Sunday morning.
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Title : Making sense
Author : @alyssaleandra (komakaikoma on twitter)
For : @fhantomhives
Rating/Warnings : G, mentions of Hinata’s surgical scars
Prompt : for the fic - first date; for the fanart - soft forehead touch
Author/Artist’s note : I hope the recipient enjoys!! I tried to make something very gentle and heartwarming! There is an image embedded within the story.
Things are hard when the former Class 77-B ship off to real life Jabberwock Island. Unlike its virtual counterpart, it’s been abandoned for who knows how long, and it shows. There’s insect infestations to counteract, living quarters to rebuild, water sources to purify… Hinata never imagined he’d see his friends farming, but here they are with Imposter (who everyone still affectionately refers to as Togami because it’s familiar) assigning tilling duties for the week. They can’t rely on Naegi and the others on mainland to supply too much, lest they out their location to those who’d prefer to see the Remnants of Despair at the bottom of the ocean.
Hinata knows that the others are looking to him for some measure of guidance, even if no one’s said anything outright. He’s Kamukura Izuru, after all. The Ultimate of Ultimates. The one who babysat everyone’s pods until each was safely out of cryosleep and in recovery plans that mainly he (and later Tsumiki) was responsible for formulating. But if he’s being honest with himself, he’s had his fair share of being an Ultimate, and he’s happy to take the supporting role to more charismatic figures like Sonia and Togami. The irony of longing for a normal life is not lost on him, but he thinks undergoing a major brain surgery, surviving a killing game, and getting spit out into a completely changed real world is enough excitement for a lifetime. He’s earned a bit of normalcy.
…So of course he’d find himself fawning over Komaeda Nagito, of all people, once things have settled down around Jabberwock. Hinata’s bewildered by it when he realizes what’s happened; it’s like an errant seed found root in his heart while he was distracted with fixing cottage roofs, then budded while he was modifying meal plans, and then the second he had a chance to breathe and check in on himself, full blown feelings had blossomed right under his nose.
It’s hard, and a little frustrating, that it had to be Komaeda, because nothing’s ever been easy with Komaeda. Hinata had nursed something of a crush on the boy when they’d “met” in the virtual world and he thought that Komaeda was just a kindhearted oddball with a pretty face. That whole thing got dashed to pieces during their time in the program once he realized there was at least a few dozen more layers to Komaeda he had yet to scratch the surface of, let alone come close to ever comprehending. It was unthinkable, for a time, that he’d ever be able to feel anything other than confusion with a tinge of what he can only describe as unease towards Komaeda. Now, though, with everyone recovering and filling in the cracks left by their past lives, he feels a bit like he first did on that digital shoreline in the beginning.
Except, no, it’s more profound this time because he feels like really understanding Komaeda is something that’s within arm’s reach for him, rather than an amorphous, far-off concept.
He can’t pretend to fully follow all of the hope-obsessed boy’s fervid ramblings about life and fate, but… nowadays, it’s almost endearing. It’s just routine enough that it’s become comforting. Like Komaeda’s some piece of music that was too dense and intimidating for Hinata to really appreciate the first time he heard it, but now he’s developed the taste for it.
It helps that Komaeda’s achingly pretty, and Hinata’s always been slightly weak for the quirky pretty ones. Even during their conflicts in the program, Hinata had to reel himself out of those serene gray eyes sometimes—really yank himself out of a few unwanted idle daydreams about the Ultimate Luck who caused everyone so much grief, and yet—and yet—Hinata never could shake the desperate desire to figure him out. He’d always thought if he could solve the inscrutable puzzle that was Komaeda, just maybe they could be on equal footing again someday.
And so, it’s somewhat frustrating that it had to be Komaeda because Hinata knows by now how complicated Komaeda likes to make things for himself (and everyone around him), but it also makes perfect sense that the living science experiment known as Hinata Hajime would set his sights on the shining beacon of maladaptive coping mechanisms known as Komaeda Nagito. Since when has Hinata ever taken the path of least resistance for anything?
They aimlessly spend time together just like they did back in the program before things really went south. They do chores together, tag-team scavenging together, and spend cool off periods walking down the beach together. Komaeda still tends to fret over doing anything where his misfortune flares could pose a threat to Hinata, but they’ve managed to go unscathed thus far.
They’re sitting hip-to-hip on the sand and watching the sunset after a particularly lengthy conversation about their childhoods, when it occurs to Hinata that this is basically a date. He feels his heart kickstart at the notion and a heat creep across his face, and he’s suddenly scared to move or even so much as glance at the boy next to him, lest Komaeda be made aware of Hinata’s sudden onslaught of self-consciousness. He’s kept completely quiet about his festering feelings for Komaeda and never once dared to imply that anything between them means any more or less than what he has with everyone else on the island. He’s shy, sure, but he also just isn’t certain of Komaeda can handle that kind of information. He can practically see the spiral that would unfurl if Komaeda were to confront the reality of knowing that someone cared for him.
“Oh, sorry, did I say too much? Ahaha… I never know when to stop talking…”
Hinata’s ears tune in to the sad note in Komaeda’s voice, and he realizes he’s been spacing out. “No, no! I just got lost in thought, sorry about that.” His throat feels tight, and there’s a dozen things he wants to say but doesn’t know how to. “Um… Komaeda?”
“Yes?” Komaeda tilts his head, attentive.
“I was wondering if… well, if you wanted to—to come over to my cottage tonight?” It’s funny, really, the way everyday words rattle up his ribs and get stuck on his tongue like they’re something profound or difficult, given everything else he’s been through by comparison. It’s funny and embarrassing and so normal that it would make Hinata laugh if he weren’t preoccupied with not humiliating himself in front of Komaeda right now. “Just to… I dunno, hang out. Maybe we could… watch one of the movies that Asahina-san sent over for us.”
Komaeda’s eyes widen just a little as he processes this invitation before relaxing back to their usual calm state. “Hinata-kun, aren’t we hanging out already? Or am I mistaken?”
“W-well, yeah! But this is…” Hinata’s voice drops to a fragile murmur, “…different.”
“Different? Hmm… I see.” Hinata isn’t sure what it is that Komaeda sees, and that makes him nervous. The slightly taller boy stands up and dusts sand off his bottom. “I’d be happy to accompany you.”
And he smiles, framed by oncoming nighttime and high tide, and Hinata’s heart stutters. Okay, cool, he accepted it without being weird. Even if I didn’t really explicitly call it a date or anything. God, my collar feels tight right now. He tugs at the offending collar and tries for a casual smile. “Cool. Cool.”
They follow the road back to the inland.
Silence transpires, and in the bit of quiet, Hinata takes note of Komaeda’s hands swinging gently at his sides. Hinata’s never thought about the idea of holding them before, at least not in public, but once it crosses his mind, he can’t stop thinking about it. How would Komaeda react if he just… went for it? Would he be startled? Angry? Beyond that, how would it feel? Would it be clammy? Soft? Would it feel good? …Well, the hand closest to him is the metal one, so that’s irrelevant.
A past Hinata might have been content to let the idea remain as just an idea, but the Hinata now knows that if he wants something, he should probably chase after it without sweating the details so much. He reaches out and takes the mechanical left hand into his right. It takes Komaeda a moment to notice, due to a lack of nerve endings.
“Oh…” he says faintly, too caught off guard for much else.
“Sh-should I not…?”
They’ve both stopped walking so that Komaeda can stare down at their point of contact. He’s yet to put on any kind of discernible emotion about it. “No, it’s okay. It’s—nice. But it’s scary, too.”
“Scary??” Hinata’s grip loosens, prepared to drop the other boy’s hand and forget he ever tried.
“Because it’s so nice.” Slowly, carefully, internal mechanisms work together to tighten Komaeda’s hold on Hinata so that the connection isn’t lost. “It’s… hard to not wonder when my luck might strike again. And I know you have luck now, too, somewhere inside of you… But…” He shakes his head and dismisses the thought. “Never mind. Let’s get going.”
Hinata wants to protest and prod Komaeda into finishing what he was saying, but the gentle pull of Komaeda’s hand takes his attention by the reins. He hasn’t rejected Hinata, and he isn’t running away. That small realization fills Hinata with relief that he didn’t know he was hoping for. His step feels lighter as he catches up to his friend’s side.
Hinata sets up a tape on an old CRT that Souda put together, sits on the floor with Komaeda, and immediately finds himself regretting suggesting a movie. It’s impossible to focus with so many things weighing on his mind and the subject of his inner turmoil right next to him.
As if sensing Hinata’s thoughts, Komaeda leans against him, so warm and tangible on his shoulder. It seems he’s equally unengaged with the movie before them. “Hey, Hinata-kun. Would you mind telling me that you hate me?”
“…Huh?” The odd request catches Hinata off guard. “Why on earth would I ever say that??”
“It’d be the greatest comfort to me right now. The bad luck of being hated by you… maybe it’d make everything even. Maybe I could enjoy being at your side like this a little longer without fearing what might come next. But I’m too much of a coward to actually try to make you hate me anymore.” He outstretches his right hand, flexing and relaxing the muscles. Even as he talks of being hated, he nuzzles closer into Hinata’s shoulder, as if afraid Hinata really will say he hates him. “I used to try so hard to invite disaster in my life when things were going too well. It scared me so much to enjoy the quiet moments. It scares me even now, to be close to you and have your friendship. I always tell myself that I need to stop being selfish and push you away for your own good, but… then I see you every morning, still alive, still smiling, and my greedy heart can’t help but want to bask in you.”
He shifts and makes direct eye contact with Hinata. As frank as he can be at times, Komaeda always tends to direct his gaze elsewhere during conversations. His hand, or his feet, or just somewhere in the far distance. It always makes him feel unreachable. But this time, his stare is open and earnest. “After everything that happened, I wonder what my standing with luck even is anymore. I died in the program… but then I was alive. But then I had the apocalypse and my own horrible actions to clean up after.” He reflexively rubs where metal and flesh meet on his left arm. “So in the end, was that all good luck or…”
And Komaeda cuts himself off, like he’ll never find an answer unless he just takes action already, and he leans into Hinata and brushes trembling lips against a dumbstruck mouth. His eyes are rife with a dozen conflicting emotions, as Komaeda often is, but this time it feels as though one wrong move will make him burst and everything will come spilling out unfiltered. His eyes widen in something akin to surprise, as if he wasn’t in control of his own actions. Before Komaeda has the chance to overthink things or run away, Hinata catches him by a jacket lapel and pulls him close. He uses his other hand to wrap gently around the back of Komaeda’s head, reveling in soft white curls, and pulls their foreheads together.
“Do you feel them? The scars, I mean.” Hinata pulls his short bangs aside. “Sometimes I forget they’re there. But they remind me of everything we all went through… that we’ve seen hell and death and everything in between, and we’re still here. In the grand scheme of things,” he gestures between them, “this isn’t going to be what ends the world. …At least, that’s what I think.”
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Komaeda’s quiet, for a bit. He inhales like he forgot to breathe. Then he breaks, and laughs, and laughs. His eyes water from the force of it. “Aha-hahaha! Hahaha! Ha…” He holds Hinata for support, and Hinata holds him back. Once the fit has passed, he sniffs and straightens up, face still slightly quirked with hysteria. “Perhaps—perhaps you’re right. Maybe it’s arrogant to think luck cares that much about what makes me happy. Maybe it never cared. I’ve been wondering about that lately. It’s a scary thought.”
On the surface, it’s a pessimistic notion, but for Komaeda to yield to the idea that, to some extent, things just happen and that he should do something that makes him happy without psyching himself out of it for once, is the kind of paradigm shift Hinata expects only a virtual death and rebirth could have brought about. “Luck never cared about what any of us wanted. Not just me. And maybe it’s giving luck too much credit to say that it’s what brought me to you.” Then Komaeda does something unexpected—tilting his chin upwards at a pretty angle and kissing the raised skin of Hinata’s forehead scars. “But whatever did, I’m glad for it. I’m… unspeakably glad that you’re still here after everything, Hinata-kun.”
It’s always a toss-up with Komaeda on whether or not his penchant for saying really vulnerable things will embarrass him. This ends up being one of the times where it does, and he flushes a bright red and looks away, direct eye contact finally too much for him. He’s nearly confessed to Hinata once before, but that was ages ago in the program, under far different circumstances. Perhaps this is the first time Komaeda’s ever been really honest about how much Hinata means to him. No wrapping it up in vague non sequiturs about talent and hope. Just, “I’m glad you’re here.”
It’s more powerful than a typical confession in some regards.
“Me too. I’m glad you’re here, too.” Hinata feels his face burning as well, but he tries to will himself to remain cool. “…This feels pretty dumb to say now, but I was trying to ask you on a date earlier. So, uh, this is a date. …If you want it to be. I feel like, after… y’know, everything, we need things like this. Normal things.”
Komaeda smiles genuinely, and fondness bears down on Hinata full-force at the sight. “I figured that was what you were trying to get at. It’s really funny, Hinata-kun, when I look at you and think about how your sheer will power broke us out of the killing game and probably saved us all, and yet you can’t even ask someone out without being absurdly awkward about it. I think it’s something I like about you.”
Hinata burns more furiously but can’t find the words to retort, instead opting to fold his arms and stare at the ceiling. “W-well… yeah. Those are two totally different things!! Maybe if lives were on the line, I could find it in me to ask you out a little more tactfully…”
“Hmm, I see, so saving lives is easier than trying to date me, huh? I suppose that’s fair…”
“Hey, you…” Hinata snags Komaeda’s jacket lapels again and pulls him close. The banter ceases, and the two enjoy a normal date, like they deserve.
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the-potter-analyst · 5 years
Chapter 12 - The Mirror of Erised
One can never have enough socks!!
Harry Potter and the Sacred Text word of the day: (White) Privilege
When I learned that this was the word that the hosts would use for chapter 12, I was.... intrigued to say the least about how they would connect the concept. But once again, I was amazed on what they found! Basically the invisibility cloak was a symbol for both having privilege and not having privilege. The original word(s) of the day is “white privilege” but the idea can also work for privilege in general, which is why I have white in parentheses. Just to put it out there, I’m an asexual black woman which right off the bat puts me at a disadvantage for the top categories of privilege lol, so this topic is something very close to home and I will not sugar coat anything. istg if I get any defensive replies or asks
The invisibility cloak having a double meaning around privilege is so fascinating to me. It reveals how invisibility can be good or bad depending if a person is privileged or not. For example, if you’re white, you will largely be ignored on the things you do; you can get away with almost anything. This is the positive side of the invisibility cloak, as Harry can roam around the castle without being noticed, particularly at night, and not be caught. On the flip side, a white person will be seen as an individual, their actions defining themselves and not an entire group. Alternatively, this is the complete opposite of any minority. Any black person walking down the street will be noticed because they are black, my people literally can’t do anything without the cops being called on them. And a black person’s actions ends up being a collective definition of the entire race. Like... a white shooter will always be talked about as an individual and the event being an isolated case. If the shooter is black or Arab or whatever? The media will spin it like the entire minority is evil. But if a black person is successful, their efforts are ignored. Can you name any black inventors? Because technology wouldn’t have been the same without them, yet you never learn about them in history books.
Harry notes that the cloak doesn’t stop him from being solid, which made me think about how being invisible and ignored in a negative way doesn’t make a person any less of a human, no matter how they may be treated as such. Just food for thought I guess.
Something Sacred Text host, Vanessa, said really struck me. She talked about how she was literally side stepped by someone so they could tap her black friend on the shoulder and compliment her outfit. And Vanessa, connecting it with invisibility and visibility, commented how the person probably (unintentionally) gave the compliment because her friend looked nice, for being black. And... I’ve never thought about that stuff quite in this way. I just assumed (white) people just tried to go out of their way to be nice to a black person, but to be honest I never gave much thought about it or its meaning in the first place. I get compliments from complete strangers everywhere for articles of clothing to my hair. Like just yesterday this white man walked up to me at a restaurant to say he loved my hair, which was in an afro. I’ve always thought it was weird to compliment random strangers like that, not in the way that you’re standing in line or something and compliment a girl’s purse who’s right in front of you, but literally walking up to someone who’s just minding their own business to do it. And cause this happened after listening to the podcast, I kept thinking is he trying to be encouraging to people with natural hair? does he really think his opinion is going to boost my self esteem like that? (normally I’d just brush it off and think that person’s weird) I know that wasn’t his intentions, but this is what those actions imply when it comes from a white person who’s a stranger.
Dumbledore says something that really holds true about privilege: “Strange how nearsighted being invisible can make you.” When you have it, you aren’t always aware of what your privilege gives you or what others without it experience. Like for me, I admittedly don’t think about ADA regulations all the time because I have an abled body, so it’s not something that I personally have to worry about unless I get an injury. But someone in a wheelchair, someone with a cane, someone with an invisible disability has to think about these things, because that’s their life. They need an accessible doorway for example just to get in a building. As a female, I can’t go out alone at night or even the bathroom at a bar without worrying I might be assaulted, but this isn’t something that men have to think about. So next time you’re defensive about something that someone of a minority group says about your privilege, think about this quote. Think about how your privilege makes you nearsighted. And then fucking listen.
Another long post lol I can’t not rant about this topic The rest of the chapter will be analyzed under the cut.
I kinda wonder if Hermione wasn’t in Harry’s friend group, if he and Ron would be as motivated to find out who Nicolas Flamel was. Obviously the constant searching in the library was her idea lol, because that’s her thing. When she doesn’t know something, she consults books AKA goes to the library. Though I think because Harry knew he read the name somewhere, he would have been searching in books as his curiosity had hit an all time high, but it would’ve probably been limited to his school books. Ron probably would’ve only joined occasionally to help Harry out, or done the same and look through his own books. I find it funny that the trio only looked through books about modern or recently famous wizards, which makes sense because you don’t exactly expect someone to live over 600 years lol.
Christmas morning of Harry’s first year always gives me so much joy to read (and watch). He gets so excited that he has presents!! Even the 50 pence that the Dursley’s sent he responds with that’s friendly lmao. I will also never get over the fact that Mrs. Weasley, after learning from Ron that Harry didn’t expect to get presents, made him a goddamn sweater and some fudge 😭 I also love how the Weasleys basically adopt Harry, and it’s not just Mrs. Weasley, it’s Fred and George too. Fred pulls wizard crackers with Harry during Christmas dinner.... they played in the snow until they were cold and wet.... not to mention the twins look after him in Quidditch.
The contrast between Christmas morning and Christmas evening is so interesting to me. Harry wakes up to presents from many people, eats all he wants for dinner, spends the day having fun with the Weasleys, and then after an adventure with his invisibility cloak, finds the Mirror of Erised. And this scene is so heartbreaking. I can just feel the empty silence as Harry longingly looks at his family, I can feel his ache for the people he never got to know. The hosts brought up how white/western culture is very individualistic, but at the expense of feeling disconnect with one’s own heritage. I also want to add how the same disconnect happens with a diaspora. This topic is a little interesting when considering that there’s a widespread headcanon that Harry is half Indian or just poc, so the feeling of disconnect might be even more powerful.
For what Ron sees, I’ve said previously that Ron’s insecurity is being the odd one out in his family, the one who doesn’t have a special thing because all his older brothers have already done it. So in the Mirror, he sees himself being the best of all of them combined. And he’s alone. He wants to stand out. So far I’ve seen a lot of signs that Ron takes his family for granted, which I get since he’s 11 and one of the youngest in a large and loving family: he’s embarrassed about their class status, he pushes away his mother when she tries to clean dirt off his face, he tells Harry he can see family any old time. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing since Ron’s still fairly young though (he also didn’t resist being told to wear his Weasley sweater like Percy), but again and again we’ll see moments like this where it’s apparent that Ron and Harry’s desires are the complete opposite of each other. Ron is also less obsessive than Harry, which is why I think he had a bad feeling about the mirror  while Harry didn’t despite the two fighting over it while in the empty classroom. And he gets so worried about Harry! He tries to get him to eat, or play games, or even visit Hagrid, anything to get Harry out of his depressive state.
I wonder why the Mirror was moved to the empty classroom for anyone to stumble upon though. Maybe Dumbledore needed space to tamper with it? And the best time would be the holidays when most of the students were away? Why not do it in the Room of Requirement where is was probably kept before this? And was Dumbledore invisible every night while modifying the mirror? Or just to keep an eye on it? I can’t stop thinking about his comment on not needing a cloak to be invisible.
Small things
The Weasley twins bewitching snowballs to basically hit Voldemort ahaha
I will always laugh at the “Gred and Forge” joke xD
What time do they have Christmas dinner.... afterwards it says they spent a “happy afternoon” playing outside, which I don’t know if they would do at night when it’s cold and snowy lol. And being in Scotland, the sun will set pretty early. So was this actually a Christmas lunch? I’m so confused
hjsdfhsjkdf but actually, as an adult that’s all I want for Christmas (even though I have no room for them anymore haha)
Scabbers why are you sleeping on Harry’s pillow you creep
Special shout out to all the Hogwarts house elves that make Christmas magical, as well as every other day at Hogwarts :)
Previous: Chapter 11 - Quidditch
Next: Chapter 13 - Nicolas Flamel
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ichigopansu-blog · 7 years
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POPOLO 12/17
We only feel destiny between us
A shinme like us will certainly not appear in the future
My comment towards Nakajima
Nakajima and I have always been together since the day of the first audition. There is hardly such relationship and probably will not appear in the future. We have been sharing experiences since the entrance from Jr. era to the debut. As far as I’m concern, there will never be such an existence. Nakajima is the only one. He is almost the same age, and it is true that I’m feeling a different kind of shyness towards him, compared to other members. When he came to my solo live, I was surely glad but also embarrassed. I have a different feeling when being seen by Nakajima and doing something together with Nakajima.
My comment towards Kikuchi
I think it is an honor that Kikuchi and I are called the strongest shinme and our relationship become a beloved subject. Kikuchi and I often talk about where there is no shinme like us in our generation that is always together since our entrance. Therefore, we want to become such unique existence. The two of us, each 5 of us have different color. Certainly, me and Kikuchi have an original color. If fans love our color, we will continue respecting that too.
Both of them are recognizing their own world and challenging a solo work
The two who are different but fan of each other
Nakajima: Frankly speaking, I am a fan of Kikuchi’s music. In terms of music, you have exceeded a certain level that I haven’t been able to reach, so it’s amazing. And listening to the music made by Kikuchi, I unconsciously become a fan.
Kikuchi: Thank you. I am delighted. But, if you say that, I am also your fan. Nakajima’s music has elements which are different from my music. However, there are similar parts too. Since we have always been together, I became aware of your preference and types of music which influenced you. “I guess this is his favorite” or “This kind of thing inspires him”. There are time when we can understand each other. We are glad at those moments, aren’t we?
Nakajima: Certainly there is.
Kikuchi: In my mind, I often say, “I wonder if we were watching the same thing”, or “I wonder if he is watching it”.
Nakajima: I also feel that! This may be our special sense of awareness.
Kikuchi: I guess so. This year, Nakajima’s solo concert was very interesting. The concept was very clear and easy to understand. Besides, the dance performance with Snow Man was also very nice.
Nakajima: I’m glad. Very glad! Solo concerts obviously express our own color. This year, I finally went to see your solo concert, so I was able to experience Kikuchi’s view of the world and I become a fan of Kikuchi’s music more than before.
Kikuchi: Aren’t you praising me too much?
Nakajima: Really? These are my sincere words!
Each of them are checking out each other’s cast appearances!
Frank friendship in which they praise mutually
Nakajima: I’ve been watching all the works of Kikuchi. I have also watched all episodes of Wagahai no Heya de Aru that is broadcasted.
Kikuchi: Thank you!
Nakajima: I really like Kikuchi’s role in Wagaheya very much. First of all, I’m glad that you are starring in a drama series, and I feel proud of you.
Kikuchi: When the casting was officially announced, you sent me a mail with “Congratulations on your starring!”
Nakajima: I heard from the staff, I was really glad and unexpectedly send a mail. However, it seems really tough to perform alone for 30 minutes every time.
Kikuchi: Thankfully, but there are many lines to memorize, and I have a great responsibility to carry for the drama. It is hard work.
Nakajima: Recently, you told me “I want an energetic role as well”, didn’t you? Oh, that was a little cute! (laughter)
Kikuchi: Miseinen dakedo Kodomo janai had a really nice atmosphere, so I envied you a little. (laughter) Role of a prince in Misekodo and the role of tsundere type like Kurosaki-kun are really fitting for your personality. Personally, I prefer Hachiken in Silver Spoon. It was natural and I felt familiar, so the role was amazing. Well, but my most favourite thing is your act in “Tsuukai TV Sukatto Japan”.
Nakajima: Ahaha! I only performed roles of perverted men. (laughter)
Kikuchi: It was wonderful! (laughter)
Nakajima: Your preference is really strange! (laughter)
The two who resemble each other very much when being praised
Because our personalities are the complete opposite, we can always stimulate each other
Nakajima: Kikuchi’s charm for me is his cute smile.
Kikuchi: Yes. It’s cute.
Nakajima: You finally said so yourself! (laughter) However, your smile is really cute. When anyone laugh, it is wonderful, but Kikuchi’s laugh which you show when you felt happy even influenced me and makes me laugh almost unconsciously. With Kikuchi, I guess that I’ll always be able to laugh.
Kikuchi: I’m very grateful. (Embarassed laughter) Many imagine that Nakajima has that sociable image, but, in fact, you are shy, aren’t you? For example, when everyone are playing games in the dressing room, you seldom join us. Other than that, you may have something else you want to do, but, these days, you often feel shy. I think it’s cute.
Nakajima: Ahaha! I’m not cute. Don’t be mistaken. Instead, I am cool!
Kikuchi: I guess that our relationship has come to the point where it reaches the highest degree. You may feel embarassed the closer our relationship becomes.
Nakajima: That’s right.
Kikuchi: However, basically we are the complete opposite. Therefore, it is interesting.
Nakajima: No, aren’t we very similar?
Kikuchi: Such reactions are exactly the opposite.
Nakajima: That’s a joke! Yes we are completely different although our targets are the same.
Kikuchi: Absolutely! However, your ways of thinking and approaching things are completely different from mine.
Nakajima: For that reason, we can always stimulate each other.
Nakajima who makes women’s hearts throb and Kikuchi who heats (motivates) men’s hearts
Nakajima who wants Kikuchi to play the role of Onizuka in GTO
Nakajima: When I was watching the music video of Gyutto, I thought that you should absolutely play the role of a teacher. More exactly, GTO Onizuka. If GTO 3rd is made, the third Onizuka must be you, Kikuchi!
Kikuchi: Of course. I will surely accept it if I receive the offer. I will play the role with my best efforts! (laughter)
Nakajima: I really want to see that! Forgetting the role of the 2nd season, I want you to revive as the 3rd Onizuka.
Kikuchi: If there are opportunities, I will do it with pleasure! What types of role will suit you? I think that a cool role will naturally suits you. For example, a Getsu 9 love dramas.
Nakajima: Thanks. I also like love stories, so I would like to play such roles if I can. I want to continue making women’s hearts throb! And “Kikuchi-sensei” will heat young men’s hearts. It will be nice!
Kikuchi: You really recommend me a role of a teacher. (laughter)
Nakajima: Because…it will certainly suits you!
Kikuchi: Love stories which are the most suited genre for Nakajima is nice, but I want you to act in a love comedy like Boku Unmei no Hito desu.
Nakajima: Ah, role such as that of Kamenashi-kun?
Kikuchi: No, a comic role such as Mitsushima-san.
Nakajima: That type of role? (laughter) The role played by Mitsushima-san wasn’t it too unique?
Kikuchi: Ahaha!
Nakajima: If I play that type of role, people will think that I’m a real pervert! (bitter smile) As expected , you want me to play such a perverted role. (laughter)
Kikuchi: That’s a joke! Please play a role like that of Kamenashi-kun!
Shori’s comment
The joy of prize reception
1st place? Can I consider that the reception of prize is my merit? (laughter) In fact, this time the shooting of the hidden aspect could be taken by chance. It was a rare shot!
The two of them who stand together in front of me. As I was releasing the shutter, eventhough we didn’t do any preliminary arrangements, both of them kindly changed their facial expressions one by one. As expected of the two shinme!
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larrydiary · 7 years
I’m a Larry shipper, right? Why am i disappointed at the fandom, after coming back to it... +What even is Larry? + How can we save the ship
I was going through tumblr and came across some posts by anti’s 
First of all I want to clarify that I DONT hate Eleanor, I actually used to stan her a bit. I had these blogs about her and made a page saying We ship happiness or something with Elounor as avatar. I follow her on all my social media. Even if people say she’s untalented. She graduated Uni plus has a good sense of fashion so eh let’s forget that “beard” stuff. Let me live!
So why do we ship Larry. You have multiple types:
The O.G’s: They have been here since the first 2 years, anywhere between x factor days and 2012. They saw how close H+L were and started shipping them, probably from videos like this:
Be it platonically or romantically, they just thought they were cute together and loved seeing them interact and mess around. Right now they have either moved on from it all or are still here, using past moments as ‘proof’ or just still love their relationship, be it platonically or romantically. A lot use old blog posts and videos as a way to convince the newer generation that Larry was and is something, they promote their friendship mainly . Again, not all of them make up theories and see every moment as proof. 
It is also quite obvious that since a lot of em are a bit older, that they ship Larry without being too annoying. That doesn’t count for everyone however...
New Gen. 2013-2015: These shippers either found out about 1D a bit later or just found out about Larry. They have watched countless proof videos and are convinced that H+L are together. By doing so much research they’ve learned a lot about Larry. They probably use the dug up moments and posts from the OG’s as a way to convince others that Larry is real or at least tell them about the ship.
1) So you have the shippers who DEFINITELY ship it and are 99.9% convinced it’s real and even when they start to doubt it they watch a lot of videos to re-convince themselves it’s real. They are often found analysing everything H+L do. 
1.5) Some even go so far as to hate on the GF’s, and sometimes they don’t even realise they are doing it. Traits: Call the GF’s names, try ‘their best’ to not disclose who they are talking about but do a terrible job at it (E.G “E is such a bitch, I don’t like her, neither do I like Br, ew!”), hate on the GF’s without reason (E.G. They see a picture of said GF and rant about how terrible they are, without good motives.), automatically dislike any woman who get’s associated with H or L, especially when the media reports they are rumoured to be dating. Even if it’s just an interviewer, a family member/friend, or a celebrity that H/L admire/look up to/respect/befriended. Ahem.
Apparently that is what people call, ‘a Larrie’.
2) You also have the shippers who mainly love their friendship. They’re okay with whatever as long as the two are happy and have a healthy friendship. They want them to interact more but don’t want to force the shipping thing. They don’t really research and dig a lot. They just admire and support from a distance.
They’re usually new to it, and chose not to fall into the rabbit-hole of Larry, maybe a friend introduced them to it, or just have other OTP’s and don’t really want to pay too much attention to Larry.
3) You have the people who are right in between. They would LOVE it if the two were together but aren’t mad at the fact they might just simply be friends. They like the concept of them dating, they might love Larry videos, make or love fanart, read or write fanfics. That in my opinion is the true definition of shipping, just loving the concept and idea of two people being together, having the opinion that they fit together. Nothing else! They want to think it’s real, but don’t force it. They always rethink what is proof and what is not. Always try to find a logical answer and are not afraid to deny said ‘proof’ but also on the other hand, try their best to convince others that there was something going on between them and possibly still is. E.G. they tell people stories about the past, show them footage, but do not want to force the people to believe it’s real. They don’t try to indoctrinate them. They just want to share the ship...
Aka the said friend of version 2.
It’s probably quite obvious i am that one^ 
So let’s see. People started shipping it cause they were always so close. And the others knew, they saw. They lowkey shipped it. The looks they gave the two, the “You two are so cute!” ~Niall, when Harry said his valentine was Louis. the ‘You two are together, aren’t you?” by Liam, the “When was the last time you kissed a girl?” ~int “When was the last time you liked it?” ~ Liam. Niall’s looks and smirks at the two. The boys teased them about it a lot and it was all fun!
There were even people who asked them if they were dating, and when Louis was going to propose to Harry. And did they mind? No! Because even if half of the people who shipped them were kind of convinced they were going out, the two still played along, made jokes about it and fed the shippers. They loved to see the shippers reaction, they chose to queer 1D, despite the rumours and jealous guys trying to hate on 1D, calling them stupid names.
Just a side note. watch this
Korean boybands can do this... why can’t Larry? And you know that Kpop management companies are a lot like Modest... Even worse sometimes, you know that South Korea isn’t nearly as open to the LGBT as the west. YET THEY GET AWAY WITH IT!!!
People wrote fanfics, made fanart, made compilation videos(Larry moments), it was okay!
But then stuff started changing. Even when Louis said he had a GF, the two were seen acting in a way that made it seem he did not have a GF at all, similar to how they were right when Louis’ relationship with Hannah ended. Sometimes even worse. People loved it! JOKING that GF was hired! But there were people who took it TOO FAR! They hated on the girl, sent her hate, tried to sabotage their relationship. Louis didn’t like it. 
Now to back paddle a bit. Yes it was quite obvious Harry did like Louis to an extent. And Louis didn’t mind. He was there for the boy. Cared for him like his little brother, as a best friend. People thought Louis was gay cause he was quite flamboyant, well what do you get after growing up with so many sisters? Plus, have you seen him when he was a teen? I used to follow him on Bebo. He had girlfriends, and they were real. Now, not saying they’re 100% straight either, chill down, people. 
I guess through the years, Louis actually started to like Harry too. Maybe? No? Okay! but there was definitely some man love going on, as H+L friend would say. More fuel for the shippers.
To that point it was okay. But to resume what I started to say about the GF. People turned into pricks! Even IF the GF was hired, which i don’t want to comment on, sending hate to her went too far. We don’t need that kind of negativity in our fandom. It broke us apart! It made us all less close... 
Fast forward a bit and we are in the “She’s my girlfriend, People genuinely think me and Harry are together!” era! The two started getting less close. Presumably because they caught on. Louis found out about the hate, obviously. He thought that minimising the touchiness with Harry would make things less complicated. But it made it worse cause people found out. By now you have two sides. The side which realised what they were doing and is even more convinced that GF is fake, cause ahaha why would he do that to his poor Hazza if Modest! didn’t tell him to? And the side who started to believe in Louis+GF more. By now you know I’m talking about Eleanor but yeah.
So you can either believe Modest was there from the start and hired Eleanor, (who had a friend who worked at Modest) Because Modest didn’t like the idea of two guys being in a relationship going public, having her be the muse, the lover, the topic of the songs, or that Modest started interfering when they found out about the rumours getting worse.
The latter can mean that Larry was nothing more than a Bromance (or a one sided love cause Harry liked Louis, it was mutual but they stayed friends for the benefit of... being friends. You almost can’t deny that and if you do then i guess it was just a theory) and when the rumours went overboard, Modest took action and told them to stop being so touchy feely.
Harry for example, only get’s rumoured to be dating someone,he get’s papped hanging around a girl and the second it gets out, new articles start to sprout out of nowhere, and whenever things do get “confirmed” they never end well or last as long as Elounor did.They are mostly high profile people. He’s been getting labeled as a womaniser since pretty much the start of their career. That somewhat correlated with Larry since the womaniser image got people to not believe in the HxL rumours too seriously.  
I made a rant about that in 2012 but it was super messy so i’m not going to go into that.
Either way, them being less close made people even more suspicious and to this day, even after them awkwardly denying rumours, even after Zayn saying it is not real. People believe they are together. Why? cause proof videos. I believe that if you are a true anti, you should at least dare to watch the 30 most iconic Larry moments, and if after all that you still stand by your opinion, then respect to you. 
There were far too many suspicious moments. Even if half of what they were trying to do was  a joke. You can not deny that they really loved each other. And something ruined it. 
The thing about their management company glaring at them or giving signs of approval whenever they do something wrong, or the thing about them giving signals not to answer a question is not made up. There is actual footage of them looking behind the camera and the interviewer saying they have to either stop an interview or saying they are not allowed to ask that. 
So why would the management company do such a thing when it is so obvious that the fans really like shipping the two boys?
The reason is because, even if the fans have no problem with it, others do. Outsiders do. A lot of celebrities don’t get permitted to come out. They have to act a certain way and get introduced to girls they have to date for a month or two, sometimes even years. With every generation you have a group of people who completely despise the concept of gay relationships. 
Now there are some groups and artists who’ve come out and are doing perfectly fine. But if you have as big as an audience as One Direction, things become more problematic. It is not only the fact that hundreds of girls who feel they have a chance with the boys or are raised not to approve of anything that has to do with the LGBTQ+ (so they grew up with homophobic parents) pretty much get a slap to the face. It’s that they will get so much attention that all the homophobic people in the world, potentially people who can influence a big group of people, will possibly start to hate on them, all these kids who are unfortunate enough to have closed minded parents will not be allowed to listen to the boys anymore. Their entire image will have a massive switch.
Now that they are solo, they have far more time to focus on themselves. Time to reshape and tweak their public image, time and space to show the world who they really are. They are breaking free from the bubble gum pop bubble. They are free to do whatever they want
When they first got put together, people started to say stuff like “One Direction is gay” Using ‘gay’ as an insult just to seem cool cause people thought that liking One Direction was shameful. Especially because of the often obnoxious fans. People simply did not want to be associated with them. But One Direction grew!
I don’t see them coming out any time soon. At this point i am not even sure if they are still together. Especially with the recent events regarding Louis.
I want to say that when Louis and Eleanor first started dating, it was quite awkward, but their relationship started looking realer as time passed by.  This time, it just does not at all. Not judging her, i love her. It’s just strange. She got back with someone who “cheated” on her and has a kid with someone else, you’d expect her to ask her boyfriend to do a paternity test. But that is their thing. They can do whatever they want.
Also regarding recent events. Harry seems to be so much more free. He’s swinging and waving around LGBT flags and is being more flamboyant than ever. 
Flashback to a couple of years ago when the boy said he liked girls, didn’t like nail polish or make up, and talked about girls. The boys kept mentioning he’s changed. They of all people would understand what exactly changed. 
Now about Louis.
That is just weird. Moving on.
I believe that we should all just chill and stop the negativity, I didn’t want to believe the misogyny until someone pointed it out to me, don’t get me wrong, i did see it before, but when I came back to this fandom I didn’t think it would be so much worse. 
Theories get annoying unless there is proof, in my opinion you can do whatever you like with them, as long as you are aware that your theory might be false/debunkable! 
You can ship it as much as you want but DON’T send hate to the GF’s, like, if you ship Larry, why waste time on them in the first place?
Maybe if we all stop commenting Larry on everything we see, maybe then they will come back as close as they were before. Cause it was quite prominent that Harry was saddened by it. They have good and bad memories from the ship. 
Just please guys, Larry is fun and i love it, but what I don’t like is all these “shippers” who point at Larry and management, everytime something happens between the two.
But I also don’t like people who attack the shippers, without listening to them first, stand in each others shoes, try to understand each other and why the other person thinks a certain way, step out of your own shoes for once ahaha. We’ll get to understand each other more that way. WE ALL HAVE TO HAVE AN OPEN MIND!!!
Louis said this:
Tumblr media
“My main hope for the future is that we all remain best friends throughout everything. I would hate it if anything ‘affected?’ our friendships.”
Sadly something did happen, we have two years to fix things. Maybe i’m just crazy cause i miss the good old days. But let’s at least consider it.
Can we make a plan? Start shipping Larry the way we did in 2011. Just secretly. Let’s not go overboard and theorise everything. Even if it is just for a couple of months. Let’s focus on the friendship! Make them believe we have moved on and know it’s just friendship. I really want to focus on that the next couple of years. 
I call it the Larry Reset! Hopefully now there won’t be an article to come out which says “Larry shippers have moved on and have accepted that Larry was a Bromance. Want it back the way it was.” Actually tbh let that happen!
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photokatsu · 7 years
Magical Grand Circus of Dreams Scenario Ep 1-6
Episode 1
Kaede: Uhhh...Did she say it was around here? I think this is where Headmistress Orihime told me to go, but...Nobody's here yet, huh. All right! Then...Might as well practice some of my new magic...♪
Kii: Oh my, oh my!? It's Kaede-chan~!!
Kaede: Wow, Kii!! Fancy meeting you here! Are you waiting for someone, too?
Kii: Yeah! Headmistress Tiara told me to meet someone here, but...You too, Kaede-chan?
Kaede: Yes! But she told me the person I'm meeting with will tell me everything, and sent me here without any information.
Kii: Me too! Headmistress Tiara was all like, “It'll be a surprise!”
Kaede: A suprise! That's so exciting♪ I can't wait~
Kii: I'm sooo worried, though~ I wonder what kinda person's coming?
Kaede: It's kinda rare for us to be paired up, huh.
Kii: Right, right!? I bet it would be fun to pro-pro-produce us.
Kaede: Yeah! It'd be the best if we could do something super exciting together! Wait..Huh? Someone's heading towards us...That's...!
Kii: Huh!? Where, where?
Marcel: …!
KaedeKaede: Marcel-san!? I never even dreamed of seeing you here!
KiiKii: No way no way no way~~~!! What brings you here!?
MarcelMarcel: …! ….♪
KiiKii: A letter...? For us...?
KaedeKaede: Hmm, let's see...Oh my god! I can't believe this!!
KiiKii: A-A special stage for us!?
KaedeKaede: And as special guests in the Japan performance of the circus troupe Marcel-san produces costumes for...! Amazing!
Marcel: …?
Kaede: Ummm, are you asking if we're willing to take on the job?
Kii: Of course it's Ok-ok-okay!! Right? Kaede-chan!
Kaede: Of course it's okay!
Marcel: ♪♪♪
Episode 2
Kaede: Kii! Good morning! Let's do our best today!
Kii: Kaede-chan! Welcome!
[Scene transition]
Kaede: All right then, then let's get started on our meeting for the special live right away!
Kii: Yeah! I guess first things first, we wanna decide on the concept of our live first?
Kaede: Concept! Yeah! Then we gotta make it like Magical Toy and...! Prepare the best surprise! Something that'll catch everyone off guard!
Kii: Like a jack-in-the-box?
Kaede: Yeah, that!! Something that'll make their hearts race...That's the kinda live I wanna do!
Kii: Got it! That's a great idea, Kaede-chan! A live so exciting it'll make the audience smile, and us on stage, too!
Kaede: Yes!! We gotta make everyone happy!
Kii: Everyone happy...That's your Aikatsu! Right?
Kaede: Yes! I've always kept that in mind while doing my Aikatsu!...From the moment I got my premium dress from Marcel-san!
Kii: Ooh!
Kaede: What about yours, Kii? You gotta tell me!
Kii: Ummm~...Aikatsu! for me is...At first, I entered DreAca because wanted to produce everyone. But everyone gets really happy for me when I shine as an idol. Especially Seira, who cheers me on so much...Like that time when I got my premium dress from Marcel-san...
Kaede: So, your Aikatsu! is for everyone you love, huh?
Kii: Yeah, maybe that's it. Everyone I love is here for me and I have lots of fun doing Aikatsu! No matter if I'm a producer or an idol!
Kaede: ...Okay! Then let's get everyone in on this live, too! A jack-in-the-box live produced by you that'll knock the socks off that circus troupe!
Kii: Yeah! Let's make it a happy-happy-happy live full of excitement that'll bring smiles to everyone's faces~!
Kaede&Kii: Yeah~!!
Episode 3
Kii: Hey guys~!
Seira: Kii! Are you done already?
Sora: You had a meeting today, right? Good work.
Maria: I'll pour some tea for you, too~
Kii: Oh~ thanks~ Wait! That's not what I'm here for! Hey guys! I have a favour to ask!
Seira&co: Huh?
[Scene transition]
Maria: Wow~♪ A special guest at a circus troupe? That sounds wonderful!
Seira: A direct offer from Marcel-san, too! You did it, Kii!
Sora: A special live with Kaede-chan, too! I'm so excited...!
Kii: Thanks, guys! I'm sooo glad, too! So me and Kaede-chan were saying we wanna make it the best live ever, and...We want you guys to be a part of it, too!
Seira&co: ...Huh!?
Seira: What do you mean?
Kii: We were talking about how we wanna make the theme a live full of excitement and surprises, just like a circus troupe!
Maria: I see~! It's the perfect theme for Magical Toy♪
Sora: Yeah, you gotta have costumes like a jack-in-the-box for a circus, too!
Seira: Yeah, it fits Kii and Kaede perfectly!
Kii: Right? So we were thinking we could make it even more fun if we got everyone to stand on stage, and not just us. And that it could make the audience coming for the circus even happier.
Seira: So that's what you mean...!
Maria: I guess circuses are meant to be lively♪
Sora: We gotta make sure to hype it up as much as the circus!
Kii: You guys...! So...
Seira: Yeah! I'm happy to do it for Kii!
Kii: Wow~! Thanks! Guys!!
Episode 4
Yurika: So you want to ask I, Yurika-sama, and Mizuki-san for cooperation?
Kaede: Yes! If all of Tristar is together, there's no doubt we'll get all the hype!
Yurika: Well, there is no denying that! As for I, Yurika-sama, I wouldn't not mind not taking up your offer!
Mizuki: A special live at a circus...That sounds fun! It'll be a live like never before!
Kaede: Then...!!
Mizuki: Actually, sorry...I already other work on that day...
Kaede: Oh~, no~...That's too bad, but if you already have work.
Mizuki: Not to make up for it or anything, but..
Kaede: Mizuki?
Mizuki: How about someone to substitute me? I have someone in mind.
Kaede: A substitute!? You have my interest!!
Yurika: A substitute...Speaking of, you have experience, don't you? For PowaPuri...
Kaede: Yes~! A sub for Shion. I am the honourary PowaPuri member!
Yurika: But a sub for Mizuki-san...They have to be quite skilled to do the job, no?
Mizuki: Hehe...No need to worry. They're definitely skilled as an idol.
Kaede: You sure speak highly of them...! I can't wait!
Mizuki: Then I'll get in contact with them right away.
[Scene Transition]
Ran: So that's why Mizuki-san called me here...
Yurika: I-I can't believe Ran is the sub for Mizuki-san...
Mizuki: So, how about it? Ran's perfect for the job, right?
Kaede: That's our Mizuki! Welcome, Ran! Did you hear everything from Mizuki?
Ran: Yep. A live for a circus sounds really unusual.
Kaede: So can you do us a favour this time?
Ran: Yeah, of course! Not only did Mizuki-san ask, but it sounds interesting, too! I'm happy to join in!
Mizuki: Thanks, Ran. I'm counting on you for my part!
Ran: No problem! You can leave it to me!
Yurika: Well, if you insist, it's not like I won't not let you not join.
Ran: Uh, this is Kaede's offer, right...?
Kaede: Ahaha! I'm counting on you guys! Ran! Yurika!
Ran: Right. Let's hype up the crowd!
Yurika: There is no doubt to success if I'm participating!
Episode 5
Kaede: Well then, now that everyone's here...
Kii: Let's go and get this special live collab meeting started!
Everyone: Yeah~!!
Ran: I sure am surprised that we're gonna be with DreAca, though.
Seira: It's a cool group though, right? I can't wait!
Sora: I can't believe I get to be in the same unit as you again, Ran-chan. Hehe, I'm so excited.
Maria: Yeah! It's been awhile since we stood on the same stage.
Yurika: Well, we gathered this many people. No matter what kind of live we make it, there is no doubt it will be the talk of the town.
Kaede: I'm counting on you~! Okay then, let's get this meeting going.
Kii: Right! I called everyone here today to decide who will be in charge of what!
Sora: Who will be in charge of what?
Kaede: Yep! So what circus shows do you guys wanna do?
Everyone: ...Huh?
Seira: Circus...
Ran: Shows...?
Maria: By shows, do you mean like talent shows and magic tricks...?
Kii: Bingo! Yeah, stuff like that!
Yurika: W-Wait, Kaede! What do you mean we're doing shows!?
Kaede: Well, the people from the circus actually asked me about this! They wanted to know since we're here and all, that if we could do other stuff besides a live, too!
Kii: So we were thinking...Is there a way to make the crowd waiting for the circus even more excited?
Kaede: We thought it'd be great if we could excite the audience by having us idols challenging ourselves with shows, on top of the live!
Kii: Let's give them an electrifying experience with our shows!!
Ran: I see..So that's what happened.
Maria: I'm a little surprised, but...That sounds fun♪
Seira: Yeah...! It's so exciting...Like lalala~!!
Sora: Hehe, you're right! I can feel an exciting breeze blowing in.
Yurika: Well, if that's how it is...Ahem...It isn't not like I, Yurika-sama, descendant of vampires, won't not cooperate with you lot.
Kaede: Thank you, guys!! Okay then...
Kii: Let's decide on what shows to put on~!
Episode 6
Kaede: Uhhh~, so everyone's good with the show...There.
Kii: All right then, we gotta decide what kinda show we're gonna do!
Ran: Sounds simple enough, but what can we even do?
Yurika: Kaede sure is lucky. You can just show off your magic tricks or juggling or something.
Kaede: Ahaha! Wanna try it, Yurika?
Yurika: D-Does it look like I can!?
Maria: Oh yeah, it's not like we can do what Kaede-chan does...What should we do?
Seira: Hmm~ Circuses need animals, right?
Maria: Oh, right~! Then maybe I'll get Elizabeth III's help.
Sora: Maybe I'll ask Palm, too?
Ran: I see. Animals, huh. That does seem more circus-y.
Yurika: ...But, they're a cow and a parrot, right?
Seira: Well, if we're talking about Elizabeth III...
Maria: It's gotta be her fresh milk, proudly presented by me! We could give some to everyone in the circus, too...
Sora: Palm is great at talking, so...
Maria&Sora: Ummm...? Or maybe not....?
Ran: ...Is that really a circus?
Yurika: There is nothing circus-like even if you squint...
Seira: O-Okay, then I'll do a guitar performance!!
Yurika: I just said circus-like~!
Kaede: Ahaha!! That's a show, too!
Ran: It's probably exciting enough to do the usual live, but...
Maria: Yeah, it's not very circus-like~
Sora: Yeah...It's a little far off from a circus show...
Everyone: Hmmm~...
Seira: Oh yeah! Then let's just get Kaede to teach us!
Everyone: Huh?
Seira: Why don't we just get Kaede to teach us how to juggle or something?
Kaede: Wow! So does that mean special training with everyone until the day of?
Sora: You have a point. It is a circus and all. I'd love to do something like that.
Maria: I'm sure we can do it if we all do our best to practice♪
Ran: That's a sound idea. Why not?
Yurika: I'm a little worried about Kaede teaching me, but...Not a bad idea.
Kii: Sounds great, great~! Nice idea, Seira! Kaede-chan! So are you ok-ok-okay with that?
Kaede: Yes! Of course! Leave the lessons to me!
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c-alliope · 8 years
Remote button survey
54 questions
[Pause: Currently]
What style is your hair in?
It’s frizzy and kinda all over the place. My bangs are pushed to the side, out of my face.
What’re you wearing? Pajama pants and a sweater
What’s the weather like outside? -1 and it’s cloudy
What time is it? 2:08am
What’re you sitting on? Kitchen chair
Who, if anyone, is in the room with you? No one. I’m all alone :’(
What’s on your mind? I have to be up early tomorrow.. and Ahric
What make-up, if any, are you wearing? No makeup currently
What month is it? March.
[Fast Forward: Future]
What career do you want? I want to work as a concept artist for video games Either that or I want my own little art business
What age do you think you’ll get married by? Oh god uhhh I’m kinda wanting to be married before I hit 25 I guess ahaha
What about having kids? No thank you
What age do you plan on moving out? Hopefully before the end of this year so... 20-21.
Can you see yourself moving away from here and if so, to where? Somewhere down south. Preferably Vancouver but even Kelowna would be okay with me.
Do you think you’ll marry your current significant other? Hmm.. I’m not sure! We haven’t been dating too long yet. Wishful thinking though haha.
Do you know what the weather is supposed to be like for the rest of the week? It’s supposed to start getting warmer but it’s gonna be rainy and cloudy ;A;
What tattoos and/or piercings do you want in the future? I want a sleeve, honestly. I have a few other random tattoos picked out.  For piercings.. I want a tongue piercing and maybe a few dermal piercings since I think they’re nice.. 
Do you want any cosmetic surgery sometime down the line, if you had money for it? Yeeeesssssssssssss. I want more pronounced cheekbones and fuller lips...
In ten years, how old will you be and where do you see yourself? I’ll be 30 and hopefully living happily with my SO and working at a job I enjoy.
[Rewind: Past]
When’s the last time you took a shower? Like... 2 hours ago
What was the last text message you sent? “Gooodnight.. <3″
What did you do yesterday? I spent the day at Ahric’s place.. I got high with him and his friends, watched him play video games for a bit, and we cuddled a lot.
How old were you when you first started dating? 20 lmfao
When was the last time you saw your best friend? Idk.. February 3rd I think
What was your first word? I have no idea
What’s your earliest memory? The first time I went outside in the snow..
Do you remember what you were doing twelve hours ago? I was at work
Three years ago, did you dress the same way you do now? Slightly. I prefer to wear dresses now.
How old were you when your first younger sibling was born, assuming you’re not the youngest or an only child? I was 5.
[Eject: Stuff You Wish Didn’t Happen]
How did your first serious breakup go? I have not had one
TW// Have you ever had an eating disorder? I have. Still kind of do... 
TW// Have you ever cut yourself? Yes. Twice.. I can usually stop myself from doing it so it’s never been a big issue... 
TW// Have you ever thought about or attempted suicide? I’ve thought about it plenty. Been very close to attempting.
What was the last thing you cried about? Feeling like I don’t matter too much to Ahric..
What’s one thing that’s stressing you out like crazy right now? Nothing really for once lol.
Have you ever had a horrible teacher and/or boss? I sure have
The first time you dumped someone, was it hard? I’ve never dumped anyone so...
[Record: Awesomeness That Deserves to be Recorded on Video Forever]
When was the last time you laughed really hard and what was it about? Ahric was tickling me >:c
What was the last funny movie you saw? The Lego Batman Movie
The last time you ate something really delicious, what was it? The burger from McDonalds I got today was damn good
The last time you got your paycheck, how much was it and were you satisfied with it? It was like... $280 and no, I wasn’t. 
How exactly did you and your best friend meet? School
What was the last compliment you received? Ahric told me I was cute yesterdaayyyy
What’s one thing you wish you could relive just for one day? Oh god... either prom or dry grad. 
[Play: From This Moment On]
Now that you’re done, what will you do? I prob gonna go to bed soon...
What’s on your agenda for today? Maybe more surveys... And sleep. Then I’m gonna wake up and go for lunch and maybe see Ahric later.
What’s your next meal going to be? Lunch
Will you change your clothes later in the day? When I wake up
Who do you plan on seeing today? My grandpa for sure. 
Are you going to take another survey afterwards? Yaaas
Is the weather supposed to stay this way all day or will it change? It’s supposed to get wamer
Do you have any chores you need to do? Nah
Do you have work later in the day? Nope
What about any homework to do? Nooo
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