#Lin was a band kid. Lin will always be a band kid.
linuxealcipher · 1 year
Attracting the band kids when I mention dci. This is what I, as a band kid myself, always wanted.
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doki-doki-imagines · 10 months
Fluff alphabet feat Tomas Vrbada
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them? Tomas likes to watch films together with his partner. Usually, he enjoys action movies that aren't too heavy on the gore side, but he will watch sappy movies too; the more cliché there are, the better it is. His kid self would cringe at the film he watches now, but Tomas grew up and embraced that side better. If you sneak a kiss in between the film, he'll gladly accept it (even if he is often the one doing the first step)
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them? Tomas is down bad. When he is in love, he can't find anything bad in his partner. Probably, he admires how you always have the right words to lift his spirit or how supportive you are. Also, Tomas appreciates your hands, for sure softer and smaller than his ones. He often finds himself kissing the palm of your hand.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.? Tomas has a steady mind. He isn't born with it, but he had to develop if you wanted to survive the Lin Kuei harsh rules. He isn't really good at supporting you during those times, but he wants you to learn the same tricks that helped him survive, so next time something bad happens, you won't feel that bad.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o? Tomas would love to retire and have a happy family. He doesn't desire fame and glory, but a quiet life with people he cherishes, possibly not too far away from Shirai Ryu tho.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive? Tomas is rather passive because he doesn't want to have arguments with his special one, but he can get stubborn on certain points and won't back down easily. In those cases, you can try to show him your view on the matter, but he often doesn't change his mind.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting? To get Tomas angry, his partner must have done something that hurt him deep. He may forgive, but for sure, he won't forget.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them? He is! Tomas reaction may be a bit over the top, so there are times when you think he is joking, but he isn't! He is just overjoyed that someone used their time to do something for him.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything? Yeah, Tomas tries to keep his job as secret as he can. Yeah, you know he is a ninja and all of that, but you'll never know anything about his missions in particular, at maximum where he is going.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems? Not change. Tomas is just more relaxed and overall happy. His partner probably learnt how to deal with dangerous situations and emotions better.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it? Tomas has extreme trust in his partner. It's all the other people that worry him! He won't say a word to you, but when the green monster eats him inside and fog his brain, one of his hand always find its place on your lower back, squeezing your hips enough to keep you close to him.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like? Good...let's say he has the right spirit! Tomas will gladly improve and mould his skill to his partner preference. That doesn't mean he always has the mind to kiss at his best. The first kiss was unexpected, a mission thay went well and a flurry of little pecks all over your face till his lips found yours; that for sure didn't turn out to be just a little peck.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o? It's all of a sudden, like when you rip the band-aid off in a single movement, plus it is at an unexpected moment, not romantic at all. Probably he brang something you both like and Tomas go "You know what else I like? You." and then just go on with his day. He is dying inside, tho, so pls tell him about your feelings; as cute as he is when blushing, it's best to avoid an aneurism.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like? Oh, Tomas would love to marry his special one. He'll totally be soft, proposing in the intimacy of your shared room. The marriage wouldn't be too extravagant, but he'd like to invite as many friends as possible.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o? Honey, darling, baby.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings? Tomas has a smile plastered on his face every time his crush gets close to him; and with close to him, I mean on the other side of the camp. He always tries to lean towards your body, just feeling the heath of your body makes his heart do triple jumps. Tomas would like to be more sneaky, but honestly, everyone knows about his crush on you; yourselves included. Better to tell him immediately how you feel about him, so he won't embarrass himself too much with his colleagues.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching? Tomas doesn't like kissing in public, but will for sure brag about his partner with others, even more if he is tipsy; Tomas just won't stop babbling about you. For sure, your relationship isn't a secret.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship. He can tell your feelings just by looking into your eyes. For sure, Tomas will understand you easier, but it also means that it's hard to keep secrets with him.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative? He likes cliché, exactly the same kinds that appear in the film you watch together. Don't expect Tomas to be creative, tho! That isn't his strong suit.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them? Absolutely yes! Not only Tomas will be really supportive, but he'll gladly give you a hand if you need more than encouraging words to reach your goal.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine? Tomas prefers routine, it is more comfortable and makes you both overall happy. Doesn't mind if you want to spice up the relationship, but you'll have to make the first step.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic? Extremely good, maybe too good, as I said before. Not too much empathetic, tho. He understands how his partner feels, but doesn't mean he will feel the same way you do.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life? Really important, but not more than Shirai Ryu. Tomas has a mission, a goal that won't let go no matter how much he loves his partner
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon. He likes to kiss your fingers, delicate butterfly ones, maybe while you're in bed together cuddling.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle? Yes, but just behind closed doors. Tomas' hands never leave your body, and his lips always find peace on your skin. Not all cuddles end up in sex, but...he wouldn't be opposed to that.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner? He likes to watch photos of you two together or just yours. It's not unusual for his head to wander in dangerous places.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of? It depends, does it hurt you or him? Then he won't do it. Will it be a danger for Shirai Ryu? Absolutely won't do it. Is it something that doesn't do any damage to his "safe paradise"? Tomas will gladly do that.
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pressplay-if · 10 days
I must admit my ignorance to anything music related (well, when it comes to bands, I do know some music theory). But in all honestly the most experience I have with bands was being friends with fans of One Direction. Lol.
So, I imagine it's possible fans ship some of the members of the band and write fanfiction about it. As well as having serious thoughts about how two members of the band should not be together for whatever reason.
I wanted to ask what ship you would imagine would be more popular amongst the band fandom. Both including and/or excluding the MC, if you will.
(Also, I do imagine some people would react badly to a Zima-MC relationship, unable to understand how the hot guy/gal/pal for a ideal one night stand got with the dreamy husband/wife/spouse material; while others may write a lot of fanfiction about it and feel vindicated after if Zima and MC got together. And I point this out because I imagine this would be the most controversial relationship between band members. Well, other than the band poly + Lincoln, that is).
Ohh ngl Zima x MC would be the most popular but also the most controversial ship. Popular because they can literally stare daggers at each other on stage and people will wonder about that tension, and controversial because... well, the same reason basically. But yeah, some kid has definitely written MC x Zima fanfic before.
Second most popular ship is MC x Stevie, simply because she always openly shows her love (be it romantic or platonic) for MC, even if she doesn't have a crush on them. Angel doesn't interact with MC on stage very much, aside from if MC chooses to dance with him, but yeah, fans won't see most romantic interactions between Angel and MC. So that ship never comes up. As for Lincoln, the public doesn't know about them for the most part, so that ship never arises either (unless MC gets photographed with Lin or sth, think paparazzi). Lin is very good at staying out of the limelight and does so very consciously.
Also can I say I just love this ask.
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lis-muerta · 5 months
The afternoon sun streamed through the windows of the quaint teahouse, casting a warm, golden hue over the two figures seated at a corner table. Lin Bei Fong, with her steel-gray eyes and an expression as unyielding as the element she bent, huffed in disbelief across from Tenzin, whose monk robes seemed almost too bright in the calm interior.
"I can't believe you, Tenzin, suggesting that," Lin said with a mix of exasperation and incredulity. Her arms were crossed firmly over her chest, and her eyes narrowed just slightly, betraying her frustration.
"What? I think it's a great gift, please Lin," Tenzin defended, his voice carrying a note of earnest pleading. He leaned forward, hands clasped together as if to will her into agreement.
"I don't want to expose myself. It was something I did as a dumbass kid," Lin replied, a faint blush creeping up her cheeks. It was rare to see such a flush on her face, a testament to the embarrassment the topic stirred within her.
"I just think it would be nice as a gift. They mentioned it a few times. They have been searching to find her so she would sing at their wedding," Tenzin continued, his voice softening, hoping to sway Lin with his reasoning.
"What's that have to do with me, puff princess?" Lin jabbed back, a smirk playing on her lips despite the tension she felt. She always had a knack for bringing Tenzin back down to earth with her sharp wit.
Tenzin's glare was swift, a silent scolding for her rudeness, but it faded as he saw the tension in her jaw, the slight rigidity in her posture. "Because you're her. It would be a nice surprise gift."
"I hate them. Why should I?" Lin retorted, her voice carrying a hint of bitterness.
Tenzin hesitated, his eyes revealing an inner conflict. "Would it be selfish to admit—nevermind?"
Their eyes locked, and a silent understanding passed between them. "I never... I only ever was willing to for our—" Lin started, but her voice trailed off, heavy with unspoken words.
"I see, uh, I..." Tenzin stammered, the moment hanging between them, fragile as the steam rising from their neglected cups of tea.
"For old times' sake, I'll consider it if we find the others," Lin conceded, her voice softening just enough to reveal the hint of a compromise.
A grin spread across Tenzin's face, the corners of his eyes crinkling with delight. "Oh, I can arrange that," he declared, the confidence of an airbending master who had already considered every angle. having had this on his mind since Zhu Li and Varrick mentioned wanting to hear Tsuki Bae live.
Lin sighed, a sound that seemed to carry the weight of her past. "Guess all those lily-livered bastards get a break, and my vocal cords too," she muttered, a reluctant acceptance in her tone.
"I would assume so. I personally can't wait to hear you sing again," Tenzin replied, the warmth in his voice contrasting with Lin's discomfort.
"Please, my stomach's already turning just thinking about it," Lin grumbled, the very idea stirring a mix of nerves and nostalgia.
"You're going to do great, and it will be a really sweet gesture," Tenzin encouraged, his eyes meeting hers with unwavering support.
"And you'll get to hear what my brain was thinking when I was a dumbass kid," Lin said, her voice laced with sarcasm yet not devoid of a certain fondness for those reckless days.
"I was already there. You were brilliant, Lin, always," Tenzin murmured, lifting his cup of tea to his lips, only to find it had gone cold during their lengthy conversation.
As Lin tried to formulate a response, Tenzin sat back, a sense of completeness filling him. With Lin back in his life, every moment felt richer, every shared silence laden with years of history, and every glance an unspoken dialogue between old friends—or perhaps something more.
Seated side by side at the wedding, Lin's nerves were palpable; her stomach did somersaults. The rehearsal had unfolded without a hitch, and the band had lavished praise upon her, insisting she sang with the same clarity as in years past. But Lin was deaf to these affirmations, fixating only on the errors she perceived.
When the moment arrived, Tenzin took his place on stage, his smile a beacon of warmth. As the band began the opening bars, the instrumentals trickled out, unrecognized at first. The bride and groom exchanged puzzled glances, curious about the impending surprise. Bumi, Kya, Su, and Pema shared in the anticipation, a collective murmur of intrigue bubbling among them.
"It is with immense joy that I present this gift to the bride and groom," Tenzin announced, his voice resonating with pride. "Please welcome to the stage... Tsuki Bae." The crowd's confusion only deepened as Lin Beifong emerged, her presence raising more questions than it answered.
"If anyone so much as whispers about this after today, I'll ensure you regret it," Lin threatened, her tone gruff. Her warning elicited chuckles from Korra and Asami, and soon the whispers transformed into excited chatter. Pema stood beside her husband, eyes alight with curiosity as they watched Lin cast a final glance over the congregation before closing her eyes, taking a deep, steadying breath.
When she began to sing, her voice was ethereal, transcending the earthly realm—an auditory marvel that captivated every listener. Her gaze initially found Tenzin, prompting a fleeting wonder about a different life where this performance was for their nuptials. But as she continued, her eyes turned to the bride and groom, who were visibly moved, tears glistening as they grasped the reality of Lin's heartfelt serenade.
Lin locked eyes with Tenzin once more as the instrumental bridge wove its spell. His eyes crinkled with a joy that was ineffable, as if a long-held dream had been realized. A silent communion passed between them, like to two ships exchanging signals in the night. Despite their lack of marriage, their own connection had never missed a beat.
The only tinge of sorrow was for the years lost to silence after their separation. Lin acknowledged that she could love him, releasing the notion of what constituted a 'normal' relationship. She could love him freely. they, as an entity, transcended common love and the concept of soul mates.Their bond was an orbit of its own, their lives eternally intertwined, regardless of the paths they took or the companions they chose. They might never share a wedding, but a ceremony could never have encapsulated what they were to each other.
Even without her seismic sense, Lin could feel the collective heartbeat of the room, an entire assembly held in hypnotized awe as she reclaimed the melody.
As the song drew to a close, a single tear dared to escape Lin's eye—regret laced with revelation. She regretted not embracing such moments sooner, realizing that she relished the experience despite her initial reluctance to step beyond the familiar confines of her comfort zone.
“Congratulations on your wedding, uh. Goodnight.” Lin awkwardly finished her performance by thanking the guys who made it possible before stepping off the stage to find a drink as anxiety washed over her once more.
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thesightstoshowyou · 10 months
~ Three, Two, One…. ~
Lochlan (lok-lin) Smith
A Sight’s Slasher OC
“My friends call me ‘Lok.’ You will call me that too.” Dumbly, you nod, quickly stilling when you realize what you’re doing.
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Age: 29
Pronouns: He/him
Location: East Coast
Language: English
Sexuality: Bisexual
Profession: Job-hopper. Whatever pays the bills and funds his “hobby”
Slasher type: Self-aware sadist
Weapon of choice: Anything and everything
Skills: Persuasion, hypnosis, stealth, blending in, silver tongue
(Warnings below: Mentions of violence, suicide, hypnosis, murder, gore, torture, noncon, and supernatural elements)
🕜 Appearance:
Height: 6’0
Weight: ~180lbs
Hair: Copper red, short on the sides, longer on top
Eye color: Green
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Notable traits: His hair and piercing gaze
Body type: Athletic
🕥 Personality:
Lochlan is a chameleon. He will adjust his personality to compliment those with whom he interacts. He can be charming, funny, quiet, boisterous, or whatever you need to feel comfortable. He can blend seamlessly into any group or situation and he always has something clever to say.
Lok knows his name is silly. He doesn’t care. In fact, he kind of likes it. It makes him seem less threatening. Go ahead, crack a joke about it. He’ll laugh with you. You’ll let your guard down. Now, he has a way in.
Lok is much different in private. He’s a condescending bastard with a god complex. He is a true sadist; he never feels more pleasure than when he’s hurting someone. To Lok, people are things to mould and destroy as he chooses.
🕚 Method:
Lok loves to people watch. He’ll search a crowd and single out someone who looks impressionable. The more susceptible you are to hypnotism, the easier it is for him to talk you into a trance.
He’ll follow you for a few days, when he has the time. He’ll learn your schedule, formulate a plan, find an opening.
Next, he’ll put himself in your path. Maybe he stands behind you in line for coffee. “I noticed your pin. I love that band! What’s your favorite song?” Isn’t it a coincidence it’s his favorite song too? And what are the odds he has the exact same coffee order as you?
When Lok speaks, you find yourself almost compelled to listen. When your eyes meet his, your mind becomes just a little fuzzier. You can’t help but relax, letting the sound of his voice fill your head. His words are so calming. What’s that, he wants you to follow him? Yeah, that sounds nice. His car? Yes, you’ll get in. You are feeling pretty sleepy, after all. It will be nice to sit down.
When you wake, you’ll find yourself restrained in a small room. The walls will be littered with tools and other evil implements. You won’t know how or why you’re here.
This is the extent of Lok’s planning.
Now, he can chase whatever ideas come to him in the moment. Should he rip out all your teeth? Break your fingers? Carve away flesh? Dissect you and fuck the wounds? He’ll figure it out as he goes and he’ll do whatever makes you scream the loudest.
However, his favorite past time is playing with your mind.
🕣 Background and Hypnosis:
Lok has always been persuasive, even as a child. It seemed as though—if he concentrated hard enough—he could talk his classmates into doing things they would never normally do. Once, he convinced the kid bullying Lok about his hair to stick his finger in the pencil sharpener and crank the lever.
A year later, at 8 years old, he would convince his mother’s boyfriend to blow his brains out all over the bathroom walls. Technically, this was his first victim, but he wouldn’t kill someone with his own hands until he was 17.
When Lok was 12, his mother took him to a family event downtown. It was some kind of fair organized by the local businesses. Because it was free, they could go, he remembers her saying.
There was a magician. Lok remembers the stupid card trick he’d flubbed. None of the other kids noticed.
Next up was a hypnotist. Lok assumed it would be another fool in a cape, but this man proved him wrong. He was self-assured, smooth, and practiced. When he counted backwards and placed audience volunteers under his spell, Lok’s eyes grew wide in astonishment. The man made them cluck like chickens and pretend to bob for apples! He could make them do whatever he wanted….
Curiosity turned to obsession. Lok spent months at the library, studying different hypnosis techniques and reading testimonials. Hypnotherapy piqued his interest in particular. Imagine what things he could learn from someone in a trance, things he could hold over then once they were lucid.
As Lok grew, so did his skill. Using hypnosis, he could force victims to say and do things no other hypnotist in history could manage. To Lok, this meant he was a prodigy, a genius, far superior to the average man.
But, unknown to even Lok himself, there is an explanation for his unnatural talent.
Lok possess an inkling of supernatural ability. An inhuman ancestor, long ago, passed down abilities through the bloodline. After hundreds of years, only small traces remain. In Lok, this manifests as persuasive skill beyond the realm of natural human ability.
“You’ll like it, when I bring you down. All the way down. But when you come back, I’ll be waiting right here. And I make consciousness hurt.”
(Read my first fic starring Lok here)
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sanrielle · 11 months
⭐️ - for the directors cut ask <3 hope you’re doing okay!!
I'm doing pretty well, thanks :D Hope you are too! Thanks for the ask :)
So this goes back a bit, but it's related to my smut fic, 'As Long As You Need Me', which was left kind of open-ended (mostly to avoid angst). I had ideas for a non-canon sequel--basically an AU--that would take place 20-25 years later. Rather than letting their issues/jobs get in the way of happiness, Toph and Sokka would end up with some accidental kids over the years and figure things out together.
I never wrote this fic, but I did write a scene. It's formatted as a diary entry from the POV of Suyin, the youngest of five. She has a twin brother named Koda, who is deaf and blind. Her other siblings are Kya (Sokka totally stole the name before Katara could use it lol), Ilia, and Lin. Suyin is meant to be ten in the fic, but she tells a story from when she was a couple years younger.
Anyway, I've dug that scene out of my dusty chest-o-abandoned-WIPs :D
Two years ago, we went to the Lantern Festival and Mom punched a guy in the face!! It was AWESOME.
(Since she started the police force back before Kya was born, she’s good friends with the Chief so she got off with a warning.)
But anyway, here’s what happened:
“We’re going to go find our friends,” Ilia said when we got there. She and Kya always went off on their own.
“Can I go with them??” Lin begged. 
“No way! We’re not here to babysit!”
“It’s not babysitting! I’m not a little kid!”
I just kept quiet while they argued, knowing me and Koda would be staying with Mom and Dad whatever happened.
“Mom, c’mon,” Lin said. “At least let me go find my friends.”
Mom probably would’ve let her go, but Dad interrupted.
“C’mon, Lin. It’ll be fun! Remember last year, how we snuck into the parade?”
“Ugh, that was so embarrassing!”
“Oh, give it a rest,” Mom said. “You loved it.”
I couldn’t help but laugh a little. Mom was right— She and Lin had ‘borrowed’ a dragon costume and run up and down the parade with it. Me and Koda stayed with Dad and climbed onto one of the floats. It was a lot of fun because I got to climb up to the top and wave at people like I was a princess or something.
Anyway, by the time Lin gave up arguing and agreed to come with us, Kya and Ilia were gone. I wished they’d come with us and we could’ve all gone together, but I guess they’re just too grown up to hang out with their parents and siblings :(
We walked around for a little while and played some games, then went to where there were a bunch of food carts by the park and got a little bit of everything. We sat in the grass and pigged out while listening to a band.
Koda was really happy that day. I guess he could feel the beat of the music or something because he got up and started dancing, making excited, happy noises.
He’s never said any words—how would he know them?—so the noises he makes sound a little funny, I guess. He makes different sounds if he’s sad or happy or scared or mad, but I think only people in our family can tell the difference.
Another family walked past and they had a boy about my age. I saw him point at Koda and say something to his dad. I couldn’t hear them but Mom has SUPER hearing and she must’ve heard what the dad said because she got up and stomped over to him all angry. Even though I tried SO hard to listen, I don’t know what she said, but at least I got to see her punch him right in the nose!
It was HILARIOUS! The guy fell right on his BUTT and his face was all bloody! Dad got up real quick and went over there. The guy was yelling and his wife was yelling. Koda was still dancing and making noises, not caring about anything else in the world, so I got up and danced with him. When Mom was done yelling, she and Dad came back and we all danced together—even Lin!
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deke-rivers-1957 · 1 year
ECU High School AU Part 2
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Link to Part 1: https://deke-rivers-1957.tumblr.com/post/728024032262373376/ecu-high-school-au
Lucky - His real name is Louis but after passing his final drive in Driver's Education all of the sophomores called him Lucky. He totally nerds over Deke's Impala even though it's not a racer. They talk about cars so much with Steve, Mike M. and Scott that they formed their own auto club at the school. Charlie comes to the meetings to talk about motorcycles every now and then. Vince teases him about his "stupid" nickname even though he's secretly jealous that Lucky's parents were able to buy an old Maserati MC12 as his first car.
Charlie - He saw "The Wild One" once and decided to make that his entire personality. He's actually planning on opening his own mechanic shop once he graduates. Scott was able to hook him up by getting him an apprenticeship at his father's company. The money he made from that was enough to buy a brand new Triumph Thunderbird motorcycle. He always shows up to any club meeting Scott's at to talk about motorcycles as compensation.
Rusty - His real name is Russel but everyone calls him Rusty for short. He's that sophomore who's always talking about girls he crushes on and that's his only personality. He crushes on girls so much that tried out for the football team as Walter G's back up to impress them. Clint ended up getting picked over him so he joined band and dance club instead. Naturally Vince thinks he's a sissy because the dance club's really ballet. Ironically the only one who listens to him when he goes girl happy is Toby. He even acts as Toby's math tutor.
Lonnie - He fantasizes so much that you get the idea that this is a young kid who wants to make his otherwise dull life more bearable. He daydreams so bad that Vince calls him and Ted, "the Cloud Twins". It wasn't until he entered his freshman year, that he was introduced to the wonders of theater. Turns out he's really good at improv westerns. Him and Clint are good friends as Clint tells Lonnie so many stories about what life on his family's farm is like. They actually want to open their own ranch with Pacer one day and agreed to make it a non-profit organization supporting the Kiowa tribe's mission to preserve their native language (Pacer has never felt so accepted by his peers in his life).
Johnny T. - His grandparents introduced him to silent films and he made it his passion ever since. He would volunteer to be in all of the school plays and even try to write his own. His biggest role is the high school's junior version of Aladdin where he won the lead role. He introduced Lonnie to theater at the school's club assembly. Vince makes fun of both of them since he thinks being part of the theater's lame (ironic since he's an influencer who also makes his own content).
Johnny F. (he has no official last name so I'm just giving him a random initial) - He's a huge history buff and is very inspired by vaudeville shows. He dreams about being the star of his own broadway play similar to Lin Manuel Miranda. Johnny fact checks all of the scripts Johnny T. tries to write. Johnny F. also acts as their costume designer since his girlfriend's the president of the sewing club.
Rick - He's the head of ECU High's aviation club. Rick already has his private pilot license and is only 20 hours away from getting his commercial pilot license. He gives demonstrations at school assemblies in exchange for club expenses. He's also the head of the school's STEM Club with Scott as the Vice President. Mike E. joined both clubs since he's so dedicated to becoming a pilot one day.
Mike M. - He's the president of the auto club but is also part of band and choir. He gets into arguments with Rusty a lot since he just can't stand it when Rusty goes girl happy. Mike M. has his own band that he works with during the summer and hopes they can get a hit single. He struggled to get funding as he was the only member at the time for a couple years. When Scott joined and personally contributed his allowance to the club, they suddenly had an influx of new members. As much as he wants to be jealous of Scott, he just can't since he knows the junior does everything he can to help others.
Ted - Tulsa and Josh want him to join the junior ROTC but he still needs to think about it. He's already part of the water polo and diving team so he's not sure if he can manage being part of a 3rd club. Him and Glenn are good friends as they both like to talk about classic adventure literature. He's also close friends with Lonnie since they both dream about going on adventures and finding treasure. Ted talks about finding a lost galleon so much that Vince calls him "Air head Ted".
Guy - Guy was originally part of ECU's band and choir, but he developed a passion for mystery novels. He has to break up Mike M. and Rusty a lot when they argue since he's the school's band leader. Marching band is serious business to him, so he doesn't want anyone stepping out of formation. When both Johnnys started recruiting students for the Halloween murder mystery show, he gave it a try. He's now their choreographer and stage director.
Scott - The richest and easily the smartest kid in the whole school. Ever since Chad dropped out, he was a loner who worked on his science projects. He doesn't hate anyone but Vince, but he also feels like he can't connect to anyone. It wasn't until he saw fliers for the auto club's fundraiser that he decided to join as many science related clubs as possible. He also acts as the school's tutor for all science classes, and actively makes it his mission to make sure no one fails a science class. Even the seniors go to him for help because he's that smart. The only thing Scott isn't good at is gym and Walter G. makes playful jokes about it all the time.
Joe - He's the school's history teacher. He's very dedicated to teaching students about the atrocities the Native Americans endured. He's easily Pacer's favorite teacher since he makes him feel better at being mixed race. He's the faculty advisor of the school's garden club after Clint and his friends wanted to make one. So far they only have a small green patch on school grounds but he loves the progress they're making.
Steve - He was named the Vice President of the auto club by Mike M. and has been making money drag racing. He's also very jealous that Lucky got a Maserati as a gift since he's been trying to get a Ferrari since freshman year. He's still happy with his Ford GT since it's good for drag racing but he still pines for a car that can win him the Grand Prix. Even though he's one of Scott's only friends, he has too much pride to ever ask him for money.
Greg - He's school's art teacher as well as the school photographer and Vice Principal. He's not really popular amongst the upperclassmen since he was the one who made Tulsa the hall monitor. He wants to keep order in the school and really tries to not issue out detention and suspensions. He's been acting as the interim principal for the past 3 months and no one knows why. Some students think he killed the current principal while others think the current principal had a nervous breakdown and quit.
Jess - He's the school's gym teacher and janitor. No one messes with him since they know he served in the Gulf War. They might not agree with the war, but they still give him the utmost respect. His favorite students are Jodie, Toby and Walter G. He was the reason why Toby joined the wrestling team. He knows that Jodie would take Toby joining the team as a threat and make him even more dedicated to his work out schedule. He hopes that ECU High can win the most amount of championships in a year.
Walter H. - He's the Karen from Mean Girls. He's only friends with the "Plastics" because he's the only one they know with actual mob connections. He tries to put on a ditzy nice boy face by being part of the choir. The underclassmen know better since he's always making threats about sending his "goons" after them. He's very afraid of Toby though since he's quickly becoming one of the best wrestlers in the school. He also knows Toby gets spooked easily and can judo chop someone out of instinct so he knows not to threaten him.
Dr. Carpenter - He's the school's science teacher and nurse. He's very dedicated to helping students with special needs as he acts as Toby's personal counselor. He knows that Toby needs to have specific medication to manage his conditions and works very closely with his Pop. He goes to every sporting event to make sure he can apply first aid to any injured player. Surprisingly he has to tend to Walter G. the most since he takes a lot of hits playing football. He's very worried that Walter would end up with a life altering concussion and makes a safety talk every year about the dangers of head injuries.
Notice how I didn't mention the principal. Well if this ever becomes an actual series, that's someone that I'm going to leave as a surprise reveal. Can anyone guess who it is?
Tagging: @asexualromanroy, @austinbutler17,@dilfelvis, @elvisabutler @foreverdolly, @gayforelvis, @heartbrake-hotel, @heart-of-ep, @lllsaslll, @lovininapinkcadillac, @mercsandmonsters, @moonchild-daniella, @mrpresley, @ellie-24, and @be-my-ally to guess.
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aquata-the-champ · 7 months
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the demon went down to texas: a playlist for the devil within ( @boointhenight / @kenneth-carson )
the family jewels by marina
the devil went down to georgia by the charlie daniels band
you first by paramore (feat. remi wolf)
eat your young by hozier
hospital (one man down) by madison cunningham (feat. remi wolf)
haunted by taylor swift
doomsday by lizzy mcalpine
punisher by phoebe bridgers
satanist by boygenius
the kids don't stand a chance by vampire weekend
the family jewels by marina
Oh, you think I'm unfit Little did you know that I was cut for it No glass slipper will ever fit 'Cause I could never see a diamond in it
One thing that I love about this arc is the way that Vicky and Lins use the supernatural as a way to talk about toxic family dynamics and generational trauma and general difficult family stuff! And I think this song gets at that and the use of jewels as a metaphor is perfect for the uber rich Carsons. Plus I pulled out this part because I think it nods to how Ken is kind of seen as less than his siblings, but really it's because he sees through the toxic nature of the family's past in the way others don't.
2. the devil went down to georgia by the charlie daniels band
Johnny, rosin up your bow and play your fiddle hard. 'Cause Hell's broke loose in Georgia and the Devil deals the cards. And if you win you get this shiny fiddle made of gold, But if you lose the Devil gets your soul.
How could I not?? This is the og demon deal song and I think the southern gothic of it all is very fitting for this thread being set in Texas. I wanted this playlist to kind of go chronologically through the story and this is the part when the Carsons make the deal with the devil kind of.
3. you first by paramore (feat. remi wolf)
Everyone is a bad guy And there's no way, no way to know Who's the worst Karma's gonna come for all of us And I hope, yeah, I hope, I just hope She comes, comes for you first
I know this is not what this song is about but I like to think of it as being from the demon's perspective lol. It also reminds me of like the way Boo talks to demons and how she's not easily spooked by them because she's dealt with them all her life. Idk do you feel the vibe??
4. eat your young by hozier
I'm starving, darling Let me put my lips to something Let me wrap my teeth around the world Start carving, darling I wanna smell the dinner cooking I wanna feel the edges start to burn
So this song has been interpreted in a lot of different ways and they're all valid but to me this song is largely about screwing over the next generation to get what you want now. And I think that's kind of the story of the Carsons' demon; they just keep making it the next generation's problem and that's why Ken and Boo are so determined to break the cycle!
5. hospital (one man down) by madison cunningham (feat. remi wolf)
Checking into a hospital Where the nurse is earth and sky Fighting against my flesh and blood There's nothing I won't try Even heartache looks so easy To a pair of grieving eyes I am always one man down
There's just something about a Remi Wolf collab idk idk it just works for this playlist. So idk what this song is really about but to me it is about like the world beating you down and you feel unwell about it? There's a lot of rlly visceral imagery here and idk it was just giving me Ken and Boo vibes
6. haunted by taylor swift
Come on, come on, don't leave me like this I thought I had you figured out Can't breathe whenever you're gone Can't turn back now, I'm haunted
hadtodoittoem.jpg Look it's a spooky playlist I had to put Haunted on it. To me this song is about when everything that was already kind of fragile suddenly turns into a horror movie!!! And all the dark stuff you were trying to ignore comes to light. I see this as the soundtrack to that crazy scene in the barn!!
7. doomsday by lizzy mcalpine
I'd have liked to plan out my part in this But you're such a narcissist That you did it on Halloween I had no choice in the matter Why would I? It's only the death of me
Ok so this song is about a breakup lmfao but I mostly wanted to include it because the idea of arguing with your murderer about the correct way to do it is so funny to me and idk just seems to fit here. Are you picking up the vibe I'm putting down? I also like that it's kind of a quieter song in the midst of a generally loud playlist, like an eerie moment of quiet.
8. punisher by phoebe bridgers
The drugstores are open all night The only real reason I moved to the east side I love a good place to hide in plain sight
This song is also more about vibes than meaning. I just find it so creepy lol I think Phoebe did an amazing job of like portraying this ghostly persona that works with the lyrics so seamlessly. But rather than really talking about the lyrics I just think that the sneaky, secretive nature of this song is fitting for like the demons hitching a ride back to Swynlake with Ken and Boo!
9. satanist by boygenius
Will you be an anarchist with me? Sleep in cars and kill the bourgeoisie At least until you find out what a fake I am Spray paint my initials on an ATM I burn my cash and smash my old TV
To me this song is about like rebellion and dealing with a shattered worldview and feelings of ennui by like picking some philosophy and just going crazy with it with your friends. Ken and Boo are not satanists/nihilists/anarchists as far as I am aware but they are dealing with a lot of shit together! And kind of rebelling in their own ways against some of the values they grew up with. So I thought this was fitting!
10. the kids don't stand a chance by vampire weekend
The pin-striped men of morning Are coming forward to dance Forty-million dollars The kids don't stand a chance
So I hate to end this playlist on a downer but think of it this way: this story isn't finished! I think a cool part of this arc was that it was a complicated victory: they saved Ken's life, but now they have a whole other set of problems. And meanwhile, the Carson family fortune and their tie to the demon continue on! The same way the evils of the world that the demon can represent, like greed and exploitation, also continue on. That's what this song is about to me: you win a minor victory, but now you have a whole other set of problems that makes it hard to feel hopeful.
Anyway can't wait to see what happens next!!!
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freyito · 9 months
Head so full about your band AU rn, I have to share the connections my brain has been making
First of all, Kung Lao getting his bass all bloody? This reminds me so much of Sodo from the band Ghost who did this (multiple times, might I add) and his white guitar was all bloody.. yummy
Then Sento as the drumsticks? Dude that's so smart and the crack potential is unreal (the fans will learn to ignore all the weird stuff happening during concert with time I'm sure lol)
Also, I know I will never hear Raiden's death growl or angelic voice, but in my head it's so clear how amazing he sounds, I can bet how many fans the guys have just purely after hearing him and not even knowing anything about the band itself
AND THEN THEY KISS YEAH (sorry I had to)
The Lin Kuei boys and the whole "guess's who's popular now" is making me remember being an old Hollywood Undead fan and seeing Deuce loose all his reputation lmaoo
Then Havik's growl.. this is making me feel things I didn't know I could
And God I love LOVE Crane Wives, and you are so right about the vibes and how they fit perfectly together, you're so big brain my friend
And please the girls.. Wish I was a girl kisser rn, they all sound so dreamy
Also I can't just ignore this: Shang Tsung and Lady Gaga? Honey, I'd be in the front row at every concert praying he looked at me while serving absolute cunt are you kidding me
AND A FUJIN MENTION OMG!! It's like when you heard a song in the supermarket circa 2016 when you were out shopping with your mother on a hot summer day and heard it exactly once (1) since then. You can remember the words, the rythm, but no matter how hard you try, you just can't find it.
I'm so sorry for all this, I just love all of it so much and have so many thoughts.. Please tell me you're planning to make more
- <3 anon
kung lao was partially inspired by that (ive listened to ONE ghost song i apologize)... but also I PLAY TOO HARD... as for Sento im a big fan of the little(?) details but also i am actually sentos #1 fan move over kenshi. Raiden would have those real sweet and soft vocals outside of the death growl but all i can really imagine in my head is him throwing his head back and leaning down and putting his entire heart into it. ON THAT THOUGH... there's a very specific reason as to why i put kenshi on drums and kung lao on bass... these two are the heart of the band but in comparison to johnny and raiden they always fall short of the love?? so like. just saying. ahem.
also used to be a fan of hollywood undead but i have no idea what happened to them i was like 12 and they were just bangers for me at the time.
EVERYTHING ELSE THO IM SO GLAD U ENJOY IT... i remember when i first started participating in fandoms i always wanted to make an au... but also like i was like 10 and bad at writing but also. fandoms around that time were less than savory. KNOWING PEOPLE LIKE THIS ONE IS LIKE. little undertale obsessed frey is so happy LMFAOOOO. i could probably write so much. soooooo much about it. i might. but i have like 50 asks to catch up on not to mention my drafts sighs
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marypsue · 1 year
5,8,17,or19! For the fic ask!
[from this meme]
I've done 5, but I'll do 8 and 17...and 19 again, because I am shameless.
8. What project(s) are you currently working on?
At the moment, I'm plugging away at Fearleading Squad, Le Morte d'Artificial Intelligence, and Circus Luna. I did a post about my current ongoing original fiction projects here, and I'm just gonna link it because I'm lazy and also I think it's a pretty good summary of all three of them.
My current fic WIPs are:
the light of all lights: As mentioned in the previous post, I'm continuing this AU where the characters of Dracula get dropped into the events of Stranger Things season one.
tam lin's twin: The conclusion of the robber bridegroom and other stories, the one that grew out of a crackship challenge and turned into an AU where the Byers family have psychic powers and lab experiment trauma.
why can't we be ourselves like we were yesterday: The post-s3, pre-s4 Steve/Nancy/Jonathan bodyswap fic. There's a bit missing in the middle but I'm damned if I know what it is, so that one's stalled out in the garage for right now.
that same small town in each of us (aka 'relativity falls but it's stranger things'): The one where it's Stranger Things season one, but Hawkins Chief of Police Nancy Wheeler is trying to find Jonathan Byers' missing daughter, sixteen-year-old Mike Harrington and Will Byers have found a psychic fugitive in the woods, and twelve-year-old Karen Harrington and Jim Hopper are hunting a monster that might have taken their mutual friend Joyce.
former heroes who quit too late: The third and final installment in the Hawkins, Indiana psychic baby boom AU, aka 'the one where (almost) all the kids have powers and (almost) none of them know it'. Despite being probably the longest fic on this list, it's the one with the most concrete outline, and probably the closest to actually being done.
annnnnd Something Borrowed, Something Blues (aka 'RB2: Electric Blues-galoo')!: Yeah, I'm still plugging away at this one. It's so close to done. I want it to be done as badly as any of you do.
17. What’s something you’ve learned about while doing research for a fic?
I've talked a lot about how I found out about phreaking and early hacker culture for what became a plot point in the road goes ever on. I don't think I've mentioned, though, that I learned about the Greyhound drivers' strike of 1983 when I was trying to figure out what parts of the American Midwest Greyhound would have serviced and what their average trip lengths looked like for don't let the sun go down on me. And then I obviously had to incorporate it into the fic, for period flavour. And to cause additional problems for Steve Harrington. Which, as you may have noticed, is one of my favourite pastimes.
19. Give us a small teaser from one of your WIPs.
Yanno what, have a snippet of a scene from Fearleading Squad.
When Avery finally got fed up with being avoided and tried to hunt her down at the lunch hour, Mallory wasn’t at their usual lunch spot in the entryway of the science wing. She wasn’t out on the front lawn by the sign with the interchangeable letters that the jocks were always rearranging to make rude words with, either. Or in any of the practice rooms off the band room. After some searching, Avery finally found her in the cafeteria, sitting at a long table under one of the windows.
With the rest of the cheerleaders.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Avery spat, marching up to the table and stopping right at Mallory’s elbow, glaring down.
Mallory took a long, exaggerated look at her hot lunch tray, before dragging her eyes slowly and judgmentally up over Avery’s black peasant blouse, the silver ankh and the length of huge-linked hardware-store chain dangling around her neck, her dark purple lipstick, all the way up to her black-ringed eyes. “I thought I was eating my lunch…?”
Siobhan, across the table from Mallory, giggled. When Avery whirled to glare her down, she just offered a bright, guileless smile. Jennifer leaned over to whisper something to Krista, neither of them taking their eyes off of Avery.
And from the head of the table, Tiffany watched the whole thing intently, with a perfect, slightly smug sliver of a smile.
“Bathroom,” Avery snarled, grabbing Mallory’s arm just above the elbow and yanking her up out of her seat, making her drop her fork with a clatter into her mashed potatoes. “Now.”
Mallory shook off Avery’s grip as Avery slammed the door to the seventh-grade girls’ washroom behind them, taking two big steps back away from Avery. “What is wrong with you, you psycho?”
“What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with you?” Avery looked Mallory up and down, from the toes of her sparkling white sneakers and slouchy white socks, to the glint of the tiny gold cross at her throat, to the bobbing pouf of her shellacked half-ponytail, throttled by a scrunchie exactly matched to the red of her cheer uniform. Her roots were still dark, Avery noticed, but the bleach-blonde woven through her hair looked more like intentional highlights than an overgrown all-over dye job. And was a soft, pale gold instead of the previous loud brass. Somebody had apparently also given Mallory a lesson or two in eyeshadow application, and must have finally told her to ease off the blush. “Who are you, and what have you done with my friend Mallory?”
“Excuse the hell out of me for thinking you might be happy for me,” Mallory spat back. “You know, I actually told Tiffany she was wrong when she said you’d be bitter and envious?”
Something cold slipped down Avery’s back, catching fire in the pit of her belly. “That bitch is talking about me?”
“She said you’d make this all about you. It’s not. You didn’t want the spot on the team. She gave me a chance, and I made the cut. It’s got nothing to do with you at all.”
Avery nodded, a prickling anger needling at her, just under her skin. “She said that, huh. Is she the same one who did your hair and your makeup? And bought your lunch? And gave you those new clothes you’ve been wearing?”
Mallory gave a little flick of her chin, so she was looking down her nose toward Avery. “As a matter of fact, yeah. She did let me pick some things from her closet. And helped me fix that awful bathtub dye job you gave me. She’s actually pretty nice, if you give her a chance.”
“She’s buying you,” Avery snapped back. “And you’re letting her! What happened to ‘I don’t need charity’?”
“It’s easy for you to say!” Mallory spat. “Some of us don’t get to just choose to shop at thrift shops because we’re oh so too cool for Benneton and Esprit -”
“God! So you just let a snob like her dress you up like her own personal Barbie, so you can be allowed to be seen with her and her crew? Play lapdog for her just so you can get some hand-me-downs with a more expensive brand name on the tag? When have I ever given a fuck that you’re poor?”
“You haven’t,” Mallory said, sharply.
She didn’t say another word, just pushed past Avery and out of the bathroom, letting the heavy metal door slam behind her with a hollow boom.
It swung open again a second later, to let in two chattering seventh-grade girls. They fell dead silent the second they laid eyes on Avery.
Avery bared her teeth in a snarl, glaring them down, and they both turned around and hurried back out the door again.
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doctordonovan · 10 months
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bold what applies, italicize what sometimes applies .
𝐵𝐴𝑅𝐵𝐴𝑅𝐼𝐴𝑁   ⚔    toothy  grins,  stories  around  the  campfire,  clothes  covered  in  pet  hair,  hot  temper,  old  jeans,  heartbeat  in  head,  potatoes  and  steak,  beaded  jewellery,  bruises  like  galaxies,  mementos, backpack  stuffed  full,  craigslist  furniture, spontaneous  road  trips,  air  ripped  from  lungs.
𝐵𝐴𝑅𝐷     ⚔     homemade  bread, white  lies, easily  excited,  trying  on  hats,  band  geek,  pep  talks,  no impulse  control,  sunsets,  vintage  fashion, long  showers,  selfies,  following  dreams,  rosy cheeks,  song  mash-ups,  pink  lemonade  with  tequila, loves  easily,  animated  storyteller, full  of  comebacks.
𝐶𝐿𝐸𝑅𝐼𝐶    ⚔    list  of  wishes,  biting  their  tongue,  band-aids  and  neosporin,  shoulder  to  cry  on,  morning  sun,  necklaces, trial  and  error, homemade  quilts, formal  clothing, astrology  fan,  messages  in  bottles,  pleated  braids,  speaking  up  for  friends, feathers, motivational  quotes,  vivid  dreams.
𝐷𝑅𝑈𝐼𝐷      ⚔       bird  watching, shy  kid,  wind  chimes, trying  to  whistle,  summer  camp, apple  orchards,  lost  in  their  head, glow-in-the-dark  stars  on  the  ceiling,  hoodies,  thrift shopping,  saving  worms  off  the  sidewalk,  pig  latin,  bare  feet, thunderstorms, numb  fingers, braided  hair,  naming potted plants.
𝐹𝐼𝐺𝐻𝑇𝐸𝑅      ⚔     goose  bumps,  leather  jackets,  adventure,  chewing  nails, cares  deeply  but  can’t  show  it, bronze  locks,  no  sleep, taste  of  iron,  netflix  binges,  never  forgets, combat  boots,  stories  behind  scars, table  for  one,  official  soundtracks, sore  calves,  trusts  themselves  the  most.
𝑀𝑂𝑁𝐾    ⚔       always  trying  to  be  better,  wanderlust,  meditation,  sweat  pants, old   photographs,  yoga,  sleeping  in  hammocks, nostalgia,  minimalist  design, breath  of  fresh  air,  baby  animals,  volunteering,  perfectionist, doesn’t  care  about  fashion,  healthy  snacks,  noticing  the  little  things.
𝑃𝐴𝐿𝐴𝐷𝐼𝑁     ⚔      school  uniforms, thick  jackets,  sleeping  with  the  windows  open, logical  advice, scrapbooking,  compasses,  i  fight  for  my  friends, sculpture  gardens,  cold  morning  air,  big  soul,  likes  routine,  secret  romantic, last  to  get  jokes, sunflowers, practical  presents,  misty  weather.
𝑅𝐴𝑁𝐺𝐸𝑅    ⚔      herbal  tea,  smell  of  rain,  blinking  away  tears,  camping  trips, collecting  bones,  swiss  army  knives, first  impressions, anxious  thoughts,  bobby  pins,  burnt  marshmallows,  too  competitive,  clothes  lines,   messenger  bags,  holding  grudges, gets  along  better  with  animals  than  people.
𝑅𝑂𝐺𝑈𝐸     ⚔      flirtatious  sarcasm, candid  photos,  lost  phone  chargers,  adrenaline  rush,  picking  dirt  out  from  beneath  their  nails,  social  chameleon,  clashing  clothes, self-deprecating  jokes,  claw  machines,  sits  in  chairs  wrong,  smudged  eyeliner, has  too  many  sunglasses, eats  nothing  or  everything.
𝑆𝑂𝑅𝐶𝐸𝑅𝐸𝑅      ⚔     infectious  laugh,  family  trees,  shivers  down  their  spine, lipstick  and  roses, mood  swings,  clumsy,  believing  in  destiny,  high  expectations,  sleeping  in  darkness,  collection  of  nail  polish, passionate,  good  grades  but  never  studies, poetry  books, blowing  kisses,  not  knowing  their  own  strength.
𝑊𝐴𝑅𝐿𝑂𝐶𝐾      ⚔     knowing  everyone’s  secrets, backpack  covered  in  pins,  envy, being  in  walmart  late  at  night,  earl  grey,  selective  memory,  conspiracy  theories  and  cryptids,  keysmashing, need  to  know  basis,  can’t  cook,  bags  under  eyes, experimental  art, flickering  bulbs,  black  clothing  all  year  long.
𝑊𝐼𝑍𝐴𝑅𝐷   ⚔     piles  of  textbooks, cat  in  lap, keeping  a  diary,  indecisions,  scented  candles,  studying  alone  in  a  café,  lingering  touches,  museum  dates,  unanswered  questions,  taking  on  too  much  responsibility,  collections,  chalk  dust,  comfy  robes, unnecessary  apologies,  coming  home  after  a  long  day.
tagged by: @shieldied tagging: you!
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anchirayce · 11 months
To Behold the Golden Sun Ch. 3
This takes place after the events of BG3. Basically, a smol adventure about Tav and Astarion arriving at Tav's childhood city to search for a way to have Astarion walk in the sun again! Drama ensues!
Rating: T - Sexual themes, strong language
Warnings/Tags: Tiefling racism, alcohol use (responsible, suggestion of misuse), suggestion of non-con, suggestion of child abuse, typical canon violence, slight angst, hurt/comfort, slow burn(I mean it, it's slow), Astarion might be ooc, but hopefully not!
Tav couldn't always run away from his past. He knew this from the moment he started to help Astarion find a way to walk in the sun again. He wanted to stay away, but spurred by another failure, a memory of eld came to him. A whisper of something said, something promising. Hopefully, this little spark of hope was what he and Astarion were looking for.
Chapter One: Here
“Darling. Would you like to leave the room tonight?” Astarion offered. We’ve been holed up for a few days, simply waiting. And it was becoming slightly claustrophobic, we were mostly planning what to do. Despite knowing everything would probably fall apart and we would naturally have to improvise.
“What would we do?” I asked, honestly curious.
“How about we go to the tavern? It must be lively, and we could grab a few drinks to celebrate our marriage.” I was already standing to grab my cloak.
Astarion was right behind me, luckily the church was quiet. There were a few shouts of lively chatter down in the mess hall. Which we ignored.
“Is this church a school?” My love asked as we left.
“Kind of, it trains clerics and paladins. And specialises in healing magic.” I studied the streets as we went through the city to a different tavern. It was loud enough to be heard and smelled down the road.
“Oh, exciting!” Astarion cooed. “You know the most perfect locations, my heart.”
“I just hope they don’t remember me here. I got banned when I was a kid.” I cringed.
“Do tell!” He gasped excitedly.
“I started a bar fight.”
“That’s it?”
“It was a very bad bar fight.”
“Details, darling.” I opened the door and grimaced at the volume. I waved down a waitress and with an exasperated sigh she came up to me.
“Can I help you?”
“Are you at capacity?”
“No, you can come in.” We entered behind her, the smell of ale, warm food, and excitement danced around the hall. The band’s influence was probably helping too. We found a corner to snuggle into.
“Well since you’re craving some gossip.” He waved down our drinks and food before I began. “It was wild. I used to run with a group of children, kind of like Mol’s little gang. But more chaotic, imagine some normal kids trying to be cool and tough since they were bored half to the hells. Well one night, we snuck in and managed to grab a bottle of the best wine. We of course were caught since someone couldn’t keep their excitement in check, and started hollering and drinking.”
Our order was brought to us. “And when the tavern owner found us, we scattered like a group of startled kittens. In hindsight this was hilarious. I personally fled into the tavern hall, where I ran into this massive guardsman.” I chuckled, “his drink spilled on someone. And I bet you can imagine what happened afterwards.”
“Were you caught?” I took a long drink of my ale, appreciating that Astarion was enraptured by my tale.
“Oh yeah, Father Garret was furious. And for a month, I had to clean the outhouse, spitshine armour, and mend scrolls. But did manage to keep the wine and got absolutely wasted on it one night with Kavek, Lin, and Rowen.”
“Such harsh punishment.” Astarion gasped.
“Definitely the worst I have faced.” I smirked, and stared at the crowd fondly.
“Would you like to dance with me?” My love leaned against his elbow and finished off his wine.
“I want to save it for the ballroom. Go on, I’ll watch.” He rose to his feet.
“What if I give you a performance?”
I huffed with disbelief. “You’re going to play with the band?” It was a shock when we found out that Astarion could play. I didn’t dare pry on it, but there were some mornings where I heard him in the distance. My beautiful rogue could be a bard when he wanted to and I loved it. Sadly he doesn't play that often anymore now. But one day I would hear it again.
“Only if you say please.” He leaned towards me.
“Please?” I smiled.
“Hm, adequate.” He placed a small peck on my forehead and turned to go through the crowd. I leaned back, watched and listened. Once the last song ended I came to my feet and pushed to the front of the crowd.
Of course Astarion had already captured the tavern. His natural beauty swayed them to listen. And with an elegant flourish he summoned his violin. One strum and the room was silenced. He began slowly, weaving around the stage like a feather.
I still remember the day when we found a normal violin for him. I was going to sell it, but the way he looked at it made me stow it away. And that night, when he left to hunt, I placed it on the pillow next to his book. The next morning we woke to a melody unlike any other.
I could see a nervous glint behind his eyes, but when he locked them with mine it flit away. I leaned into myself, grinning as he twirled around the stage. I closed my eyes, a sense of familiarity and comfort of days spent with our people, pulled tension away from my body. When I opened my eyes Astarion stood in the middle of the stage, the melody echoed in the silence. On a tap of four the band thrummed one note and began to pick up the pace again.
I laughed as Astarion hopped off the stage. He bowed to me in greeting, not stopping as he still weaved the melody. I basked in the jealousy from the crowd and began to step in time with his dance. I followed his lead adoring how carefree his smile was.
Astarion was completely focused on me. Not taking his eyes away for a second as the crowd moved to create space for those who wanted to dance. It had been a long time since I've felt so happy…There was so much stress trying to find something for Astarion, it wore on both of us. Myself because I had to travel during the day and night. And at Astarion for being unable to walk in the sun. Everything relied on it, and mostly everyday he was cooped under the heavy canvas, waiting while I hunted, cooked, gathered supplies.
And top of it all; trying to find leads that didn't nearly kill us with some forgotten dusty tomb or was a dead end. A year and a half was starting to wear on us. And I prayed to every God that this would be it.
There was a beat of rest and he tore away from me, my thoughts going with him. He ran back up to the stage. The crowd cheered loudly as he and the band finished with awe ringing loudly in our ears. Astarion took a low bow and willed away his instrument. He gathered the coins placed at his feet, and I smiled softly as he gave a few to each musician.
He hopped off the stage and drew near. Taking my hand he whispered, “let’s take our leave, I wish to spoil you.” We sauntered out, taking a few more tips as we left the new tune that was being played.
We left to an alleyway. Astarion pinned me against the wall, lifting me up against his lap and hips. I pulled my legs around him as he supported me with his thigh to hold my waist and touch my chest. His kiss was passionate but held no force of lust. I leaned against him, hugging my arms around his shoulders to enjoy his attention.
I pulled away moving my neck so he could grace his lips upon me. He wouldn't feed from me here. I told him I didn't want his feeding to be sexual, but this was what I did want. Him to lick the tendon of my neck, to suckle on my flesh to claim me with a bruise. I hummed with content. Moving to kiss him again. He pushed close to my hips, setting himself as his cold kisses shivered pleasure through my spine.
“Who knew, playing one song made you so excited.” I teased, I tried to move to take over but he pinned me. Growling a simple ‘no’, he pulled away my collar to nip the bone.
"Gods, Astarion!" I gasped softly, threading my hands through his hair.
He pulled away, a grin on his lips. "Should've saved last night for today."
I took his chin in my hands. "I could be convinced for another night." He smiled and kissed me again.
“Hey!” Both of us were startled, a tall woman stood in the light of the alley way.
“Excuse you! What in the Nine Hells do you think you're doing?" Astarion shouted, and set me down.
"Tavalin! By Selune, this makes it so much worse! You need to leave, right now!"
“Who…are you?” I stared at her, Astarion reached through my cloak, releasing the clasp on my blade.
"It's me, Betty!" My tail twitched, the memories flashing in my mind with each pained and irritated flick.
"Tavalin, look, I'm-I'm sorry for what I've done. I never meant to harm you!"
"Of course you didn’t, you didn’t do anything." I bit back my rage. "Where are they?”
"Tav." I turned to find two people behind us.
“Wilt.” I greeted, “Ross.”
“Tavalin…” Ross huffed, “seriously, how did you manage to get someone so handsome?” She motioned towards Astarion.
“Oh darling, I’m flattered, but I'm taken.”
“At least I’m not spreading my legs for a devil.” Ross ran her eyes over us.
“What brought you back, Tavalin?”
“We’re travelling through. And you just interrupted my partner and I, so excuse us.”
“Gods, you really haven’t grown up. Pathetic…” She scoffed.
“Excuse me?”
“You’ve always found an excuse to run away.” I leaned against Astarion, his arm wrapped around my waist. “You can’t commit to anything.” I stared at her. “Sooner or later, he’ll leave you handsome.”
“Well, that is a major disappointment.” Astarion leaned to kiss my chin. “Looks like I'll have to savour every part while I can.”
She scoffed, “well, then you probably realised by now he can't fight! No matter how hard we tried to help his training--!”
“Don’t you dare.” I snarled, pulling away from Astarion. “You…hunted me. You pulled my tail from its socket, dropped a brick on heat. And repeatedly beat me raw." I smiled bitterly. "And now you stand here, trying to belittle my partner and I? Just to see me squirm? Honestly you’re more desperate than I thought.” I sighed, keeping her gaze, she lunged forward. Both of us moved out of the way, and drunkenly she stumbled.
“C-Coward, going easy on me because I’m a woman!” I turned and slammed my foot into Ross’ face.
“Grow up.” I spat. I looked at Wilt and he raised his hands, giving me a short nod.
“Damn that felt good.” I whispered. Betty gasped as we walked past.
“Thank you, for apologising.” The older woman was shaking as she nodded. “And thank you for the warning.” She gasped back a sob.
"So much for a romantic night." Astarion sighed as we walked away.
“Gods, I’m so sorry, I got so wrapped up--”
"It’s fine, my love. I’m just disappointed.” He waved me off and opened the door for me, and once in our room I stretched. "I must ask, have I ever hurt your tail, my love?" Astarion asked as he sat at the small table.
"A few times. But it's not horrible. It feels like a pinch I need to adjust for."
"Gods. Why didn't you tell me?" I could feel his eyes on me as I returned my cloak and dagger to my pack.
"It's something I've had to live with. And like I said, it doesn't bother me horribly, just when it's pulled or lifted past my knees does it hurt." I moved away from him and to a carafe.
"What about our first night together when we were laying in the grass?" I took a long drink before answering him.
"I think there was some pain, but it was so long ago.” I leaned to kiss his forehead and took the other seat. “Don’t worry about it.” I waved.
"How can I not? What about our other nights, hm?”
“Some were better and worse. This is why I like to let you lead. It doesn’t hurt when I’m laying on my back.”
“Can it not be fixed, my dear?" Astarion leaned forward, staring at me intently.
“Well, I've grown used to it. So it doesn't bother me. Come, feel.” He stood with me and waited until I found the bone. I pulled his arms around my waist, and showed him.
“Tav, that’s not normal.” He grimaced.
I hugged him. “Ooh, look who read up on their medicine.”
“Tav…” Astarion tutted as he gently pushed me away and moved behind me.
“Oh don't give me that, my love. It's not as horrible as you think." He gripped the base, taking another feel.
“Wait, I can feel the alignment. I think I can move it.” I backed away nervously. “Tav, please, my sweet. I don’t want to harm you, and it will help in battle.”
“Volo wanted to gouge my eye out." He tutted again, glaring at me.
"I for one. Am not Volo, and I've done some bone-popping when my victims became too rowdy. With me and themselves." I sighed and motioned my hands up.
“It’s been like this for years. There might be permanent damage.”
“If it kills you we have an extra scroll.”
“But those are hard to make! And expensive!” I sighed, he was steadfast, his arms crossed.
"Fine, I guess." I crawled onto the bed, the pain in my tail grew and he could see it.
"No wonder you slept on your back so often, pet." His touch was gentle and I nodded, arching my back to ease it. He measured with his fingers, squeezing gently as he found the bone.
"Bite on the pillow it will hurt." He said, I stuffed the fabric in my mouth and waited. He gave no warning, and with an audible snap he slotted it back. I screamed like the hells had burned my flesh away. Cursing loudly as I curled into myself shivering from the throbbing agony that ricocheted into my back and numbed my legs. Astarion kept his hand on the ache. Another was on my shoulder.
"Breath Tav." His voice eventually broke through the ringing in my ears. I slowly opened my mouth and took a few shaky inhales.
"Gods, that hurt." I reached and traced healing magic into the bone. The tingling vanished with the magic.
"Can you feel this, love?" He asked as he traced my spine and tail. I hummed.
"That feels nice."
"Good! Seems I got the alignment right." He spanked my bottom, I snarled playfully and tried to get him.
"How were you able to do that?" I gasped as I sat up.
"I've met some tieflings with a tail pulling kink." Astarion shrugged. "Some dislocations later, I've learned to reset the bones. I wish you said something, I could've helped."
"Aw yes, let me tell my new lover my bone is dislocated from a childhood injury." I moved my hands to my lower back. Reassuring myself that it was honestly set and healed.
“Your comfort would have been more preferable.” He muttered.
I gasped dramatically, “you care about me?”
“Ugh, don’t remind me.” He scoffed and stepped close to kiss me. My tail flicked and I pulled away, my mouth held agape.
"Holy shit." I laughed. I lifted it more and there was nothing. "Holy shit! It doesn't hurt! Thank you, my love!" I picked him up and twirled him. His sweet laugh filled me with joy, I stopped and squeezed him, his legs hooked around my waist as I supported him.
"I'm still mad at you.” He said as he rested his forehead against mine.
"Can I make it up?"
“Treat me to some wine, outside of this place, and I’ll consider it.” He kissed me and pulled me back to the bed. “Come, let’s get some rest this evening has been so lively.”
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evanox · 2 years
LL M4 and music,, except my music taste sucks and i’m just projecting
went through like 10 different music phases throughout his life
whatever theater kids listen to,, probably lin trash; if you get enough alcohol in him he might hop on a table and start singing his heart out, encouraged by sage jumping on the table with him and anisa cheering them on
enjoyed mcr at some point, doesn't claim danger days (but sage really liked the album so felix lets it slide bc it felt validating that his friend was willing to give the band a try)
also liked p!atd but only up until vices and virtues
probably was into other alt rock stuff,, thought he was Hot Shit for listening to Deep Meaningful Lyrics unlike these hoes (sage)
eventually matured into a mitski (by rime's recommendation) and hozier stan,, but he still listens to gerard way's solo songs
anisa managed to get him into BTS only after Wings was released because the vampire aesthetic was... doing things to him, ended up sticking around bc he got invested in the lore but doesn't listen to them as much
I think,, if he ever gets introduced to Fairouz's music he'd really like it 👉👈
so you ask him what music he’s into and he just,, blanks because everything from every phase is mushed into one "Liked Songs" playlist, and he didn't have the heart to remove the songs that meant something to him Once; still ends up using all his skips on these songs and that's why he uses Escell's credit card for spotify premium—he’s no one’s first choice when it comes to handling the aux cord because of the constant whiplash
his only organized playlist is his study playlists—mostly classical stuff—except he's never used it to study for school, but only whatever books interested him,, out here living his dark academia dreams
makes the best playlists and is very meticulous about it,, one for driving to work, one for driving back from work, one for the gym, one for pre-game, chill lofi beats for studying, etc
another one she likes to call her “cleaning/chores” playlist except half way through she ditches the work to dance and that’s how her place always looks like a tornado visited
she LOVES dancing by herself even if she has no choreo in mind, loves the feeling of her thick curls bouncing as she swings around,, eventually it evolves into singing at the top of her lungs to adele like she’s the one going through a divorce
I think her mom's music taste transferred to her by osmosis so anisa probably sings just as passionately to celine dion, dolly parton, backstreet boys, selena quintanilla,,, ooh ayanna holding baby anisa as they swing to si una vez around their small kitchen
twice stan bc i said so,, annie doing the likey dance in front of her mirror while dressing up in all pretty for a date she’s so cute,, do you think she can convince elowen to film dancing tiktoks with her,, I think tulsi would be down
thanks to @mauve-days I'm thinking of anisa trying to get elowen into kpop,, elowen secret loona stan
secret one direction phase,, she made sage and felix sign ndas to never talk about it
she makes the boys sit down for listening parties whenever taylor swift drops something new,, felix prints out the lyrics and brings a highlighter for his favorite parts, but sitting still for that long and trying to focus only on listening is difficult for sage so he just listens to the beat while doing something else, if it slaps he just *Ajayll vc* "lemme put a mark to it"
otherwise her and sage's tastes cross often (beyonce, britney spears, bad bunny etc) so she trusts him with the aux cord once in a while
him and Anisa exchange citypop recs, annie's more of a kikuchi momoko and meiko nakahara girl while felix enjoys mariya takeuchi and taeko ohnuki
i think she’d also really like hey violet
embodiment of “songs i listen to with the boys vs songs i listen to alone,,” i like to imagine that the griefers’ main 3 share a lil van and they’re an absolute nuisance if you have to stop at the same traffic lights; their windows are rolled all the way down, volume all the way up, headbanging to... whatever the Boys listen to
but then he’s driving by himself on the highway in the middle of the night to unwind and his playlist is angsty shit,, nbhd, arctic monkeys, tøp, mr. kitty, fob, 1-800-pain, gorillaz, have a nice life, esp their album deathconsciousness the only one I actually know lmao
if he’s drinking his sorrows at home, his sad bitch hours playlist is the same but there’s also mitski, tswift (by anisa's recommendation),, some daddy yankee sprinkled in bc you gotta take a break n shake ur ass a lil before you go back to brooding
pov you're tulsi and you haven't seen your brother the entire day but then you hear crashing in the kitchen at 3am,, and there he is swinging around to Yo Voy, bottle in hand as he makes a bowl of instant noodles
ooo sage and tulsi jamming to lizzo like that scene in someone good 🥺 juice always makes me think of him
he’s a major simp for lizzo and doja ough
not that good with playlists actually he just stole anisa's sad hours playlist and made edits until he was satisfied,, however his sex playlist is meticulously crafted and felix hates to admit he listens to it from time to time
he’d enjoy weird cupcakke remixes; initially because felix hated them but at some point it just became unironic
also also i think if he actually tried he’d have a really nice singing voice
I don’t want to make any assumptions bc like i said my music taste is tragic and i’m willing to bully the main 3 with it but i feel like rime would haunt me if i try to slander him HOWEVER i am a firm believer in rime enjoying olivia rodrigo as a guilty pleasure
idk why I feel like he’d enjoy kesha, lady gaga, bad bunny,, anything that's party music or feels rebellious,, 
random but i think he’d love going to raves
how do we feel about barb rime
...probably had the halsey/melanie/troye/p!atd phase,, but unlike felix i think he would’ve preferred death of a bachelor and twtl;trtd 
 also lana del ray and marina (esp the family jewels and electra heart),, 
i feel like he had a crystal c*stles/ sidewalks and skeletons phase that almost passed, until sage once asked if rime summons demons to that music and now it’s his whole personality out of spite
i think he'd really enjoy alice glass, grimes, evelyn evelyn, princess chelsea, maybe billie eilish too
He Has Left Us Alone by silver mt zion but he refuses to listen to the songs individually, can only listen to the entire album in its original order, in the dark, when he wants to feel the religious crisis hitting him in waves
found an unexpected friend in tulsi as they both enjoyed metal,, except the only metal band ik is babymetal,, i still think the pair would love them 
probably has a secret YouTube channel for piano covers
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garc-i-a · 3 years
Disney Cares About Their Customers
This may seem strange to say but compared to other networks at large, Disney is trying to put their best foot forward. They are obviously not perfect but they do see what their consumers gravitate towards and try to give them what they want.
Of course this can cause them to have some dated material (Coop and Cami Ask the World) but they always aim to deliver. They have given us sequels and spin offs to shows and movies cause they see the demand. Disney+ even goes further and directly reaches out to consumers to see what they want.
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This willingness does not stop there. We all know about the hit that is Encanto. To better showcase the diversity of the Madrigal family, Disney created a system just to be able to develop the correct hair for it and other projects. That system has steadily been improved over time so that they could give us the different textures, patterns, and colors of the Madrigal family.
Disney+ currently does not have a show with a Latin family (we are half counting Diary of a Future President since the kids are supposed to be mixed and the Cuban heritage is….oddly done in the show in my opinion). Julie and the Phantoms can slot in perfectly. The band would also blow HSMTMTS out of the water when it comes to music. Hulu has Love Victor who are half Colombian/half Puerto Rican. Shout out to my boricuas doing it big!
Disney has done the This is Who I Am shorts and talked about the heritage of its stars (Booboo talked about his Asian heritage on there). Mads would be better able to show the world what it means to be Puerto Rican. Also Charlie could promote his Acadian heritage which is something many don’t know or understand.
Disney would not let Julie and the Phantoms flounder because it has a Latin American lead like Netflix does. They would embrace it and let it be known. Disney would do their best to be inclusive and show diversity and representation. Also if Lin could have a guest spot or work on something in the show would be stellar (since he works extensively with Disney).
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I went to see a movie today.
In a theater.
But it’s hilarious because I practically (and actually) ran to get there on time, so I was out of breath for the trailers...and it didn’t really dawn on me that I was watching something in a theater until after the movie started.
And I saw In The Heights!!
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It was so good!!
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And I actually forgot that a friend of mine was an extra in the movie!
Couple random thoughts:
I have not seen the show onstage and I actually haven’t listened to the entire OBC soundtrack yet.  It was one of those that I always meant to listen to but never did...so I only knew maybe four or five songs going in, and so I wasn’t able to pinpoint what was changed from the stage show....other than a few little things.
-I like that they made Daniella and Carla an actual couple (though again, I wasn’t 100% if that was in the stage show or not)
-It was odd to me that they cut Nina’s mom out of the movie...though when we go into the Rosario apartment, there’s a picture on the table of who I assume is Nina’s mother...and I think it’s a picture of Priscilla Lopez
-I LOVED Corey Hawkins as Benny!
-The choreography was really great!  And it was nice seeing true triple threats onscreen.
-Anyone else catch the cameo of Lin’s parents?  It was during Breathe and they have a quick “welcome home” to Nina.
-Also, Seth Stewart as the bartender...and with his cameo and Chris Jackson’s, I was kind of surprised we didn’t get a Karen Olivo or Mandy Gonzalez one, too.  Though I wondered if Mandy was in the film, because at the start of Breathe there was that street band/singers and there was a woman with brown curly hair that kind of sounded like her...but we never saw her face, so...
-Pacienca y fe was a really cool number.  I’m glad they brought back Olga Merediz as Abulela Claudia.
-I AM SO GLAD THAT THIS FELT LIKE A MUSICAL.  So many recent movie musicals seem almost afraid of the fact that they’re musicals and try to make it “realistic” (hi, Tom Hooper)...but John M. Chu really took the musical concept and ran with it.  Great shots showing off the choreography, interesting bits of fantasy thrown in there (though the CG gum at the beginning was really obvious, but not in a bad way necessarily, it’s just that since it was the first bit of fantasy, it took me a minute)....it just felt....right.  
-The only nitpick I have right now (though it may change when I watch it again) is that the final number didn’t quite land for me as much as the stage production’s did.  I think the fact that it sort of jumped back and forth from the framing device in the future and back to the past made it a little jarring.  Especially since we learn that Usnavi and Vanessa are married with a kid and then jump back to Usnavi saying “I’m stepping to Vanessa, I’m getting a second date”...the emotional gut-punch of that scene didn’t hit me as hard as the OBC did (even just watching the Great Performances documentary footage was enough to get me emotional).
But beyond that, this is a really good, well-made movie....and I may have to go see it again!
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qyrur · 3 years
Random W.I.T.C.H. headcannons I have that nobody asked for:
Trans woman
Bi disaster
Has a very big, obvious crush on Taranee
Cat person that loves big dogs
Really bad at athletics (outside of swimming)
Clumsy af
Bicycle nerd
But, like, the type of bi that thought she was straight and thought that everyone thought women were stunning and amazing and would totally make out with a girl if she asked
Oblivious to her own crush on Cornelia
Chubby kid, grows up to be a fat adult
Can play electric guitar
Lesbian, duh
Is the only one that can't tell Will likes her
Has had a huge crush on Will since they met
Has an anxiety disorder
Always carries band aids because of how clumsy Will is
Is pretty decent at most sports, but basketball is her fave
Very toned arms. Like. Holy fuck
A morning person
The mom friend of the group
The comic/graphic novel version, not the cartoon version cuz the cartoon version is a bitch.
Lesbian, but due to the pressure from her parents to be perfect and what not, it took her a while to figure out
Has a huge crush on Irma and honestly thinks she's really funny but has some internalized homophobia and acts like she doesn't like Irma
Absolutely hates mornings
Thinks she's the mom friend of the group
Gets stressed over getting a B on anything
Starts donating her hair after high school
Hay Lin
She/they pronouns
Loves to collect trinkets
Major ADHD
Like, literally, you could give her a kinda interesting rock and she'd get so fucking happy about it
Is very uncomfortable in super clean spaces. Where's the clutter?????
Could be Tik Tok famous if she could remember to post regularly
Runs a well known tumblr art blog
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