#Lime Technologies
aktieportfoljen · 30 days
Muntert i laguppställningen, +21% i år, Medcap och Lime Technologies i topp
Stockholmsbörsen stängde på +0,7% och tog revansch efter de två senaste dagarnas nedgångar. Laguppställningen gjorde ett bra jobb och årsuppgången lyfte till +21%. Efter gårdagens Fed-protokoll och reviderade jobbsiffror är det fullt fokus på Powells tal i Jackson Hole på imorgon. Dagens ledartröja gick till medicinteknikbolaget Medcap som stängde på +3,88% följd av mjukvarubolaget Lime…
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digibubble · 1 year
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musubiki · 1 year
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lime lime lime lime lime (and his m34th weapon that can turn into many things)
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aroaessidhe · 2 months
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2024 reads / storygraph
Key Lime Sky
sci-fi, romance
an autistic pie blogger who’s struggling to make rent witnesses a UFO explode over xyr small town, and after posting about it xyr readers want xem to investigate
nobody else seems to remember or notice the weird things going on, except for a handsome bartender who helps xem investigate
and when people start disappearing, the landscape starts changing, and they’re unable to escape, they realise they’ll have to find the source and stop it before their town is consumed entirely
arc from netgalley, out August 13
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cosmik-homo · 21 days
Honestly reading Old Zine Fic is. Not always *good*, but it sure is Healing. It's like what people talk about when they're being all newagey about Comnecting To The Earth, yknow. Clearly im reading fanned fiction for old media. On bizzare collection archives- im not Remotely touching grass. But in many ways- Theres that poem about someone a hundred years from now being able to see the same sun but different flowers as you describe them, and whatnot, this is like that. People 40 years before i was born also sat in their room and rotated this guy in their head slowly. And had a lot of the same thoughts that i did.
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maaarine · 2 years
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Mystery of why Roman buildings have survived so long has been unraveled, scientists say (Katie Hunt, CNN, Jan 06 2023)
“Roman concrete, in many cases, has proven to be longer-lasting than its modern equivalent, which can deteriorate within decades.
Now, scientists behind a new study say they have uncovered the mystery ingredient that allowed the Romans to make their construction material so durable and build elaborate structures in challenging places such as docks, sewers and earthquake zones.
The study team, including researchers from the United States, Italy and Switzerland, analyzed 2,000-year-old concrete samples that were taken from a city wall at the archaeological site of Privernum, in central Italy, and are similar in composition to other concrete found throughout the Roman Empire.
They found that white chunks in the concrete, referred to as lime clasts, gave the concrete the ability to heal cracks that formed over time.
The white chunks previously had been overlooked as evidence of sloppy mixing or poor-quality raw material.
"For me, it was really difficult to believe that ancient Roman (engineers) would not do a good job because they really made careful effort when choosing and processing materials," said study author Admir Masic, an associate professor of civil and environmental engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. (…)
Additional analysis of the concrete showed that the lime clasts formed at extreme temperatures expected from the use of quicklime, and "hot mixing" was key to the concrete's durable nature.
"The benefits of hot mixing are twofold," Masic said in a news release.
"First, when the overall concrete is heated to high temperatures, it allows chemistries that are not possible if you only used slaked lime, producing high-temperature-associated compounds that would not otherwise form.
Second, this increased temperature significantly reduces curing and setting times since all the reactions are accelerated, allowing for much faster construction."
To investigate whether the lime clasts were responsible for Roman concrete's apparent ability to repair itself, the team conducted an experiment.
They made two samples of concrete, one following Roman formulations and the other made to modern standards, and deliberately cracked them.
After two weeks, water could not flow through the concrete made with a Roman recipe, whereas it passed right through the chunk of concrete made without quicklime.
Their findings suggest that the lime clasts can dissolve into cracks and recrystallize after exposure to water, healing cracks created by weathering before they spread.
The researchers said this self-healing potential could pave the way to producing more long-lasting, and thus more sustainable, modern concrete.
Such a move would reduce concrete's carbon footprint, which accounts for up to 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions, according to the study.
For many years, researchers had thought that volcanic ash from the area of Pozzuoli, on the Bay of Naples, was what made Roman concrete so strong.
This kind of ash was transported across the vast Roman empire to be used in construction, and was described as a key ingredient for concrete in accounts by architects and historians at the time.
Masic said that both components are important, but lime was overlooked in the past.”
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datura-tea · 1 year
you know what. fermentation, smoking, canning, pickling, curing, drying, and other methods of food preservation have been popular since before the invention of modern technologies. as is milling grains for rice and bread. these are things that you can do as long as you know the process and have the proper tools.
with that in mind... why is eating 200 year old pre-war food still a viable option for people of the wasteland? by 2281, there are farms. there are ranches. the ingredients are there. the know-how and tools are there. the recipes are there! it's not as easy as just going to a supermarket, but y'know, there's also trade. do you want some bighorner jerky in exchange for brahmin tallow? hey, give me some canned mutfruit and i'll cook you the most delicious deep fried giant ant with garlic and chilies and some lime juice on the side. take this sourdough loaf and firegecko menudo before you go. i just!! there are so so many interesting options and instead we get bland steaks and meat on a stick!!! why is wasteland cuisine so boring!!!
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dyinggirldied · 3 months
In this modern world where technology and magic interwired, the existence of spy remains necessary more than ever.
We have an organization that immediately disbatches 3 of its top members to a prestige, highly publicized boarding school due to a rumor that a bomber blood mage criminal has hidden there.
1st spy, nicknamed the Silver Shield, real name: Kim Rok Soo.
2nd spy, nicknamed the Demon King, real name: Kim Dokja.
3rd spy, nicknamed Monster Mother, real name: Han Yoojin.
All three are talented but are desperate for their deserved retirement.
This mission will be the last. The three spies are confident this plan will go without a hitch since they have worked together before and any missions, no matter how impossible, are guaranteed to be succeed with the Unholy Trinity there.
Of course they jinx it.
The Academy they will be undercover turns out to not only housing the target but to also be a nestling pot of an incredibly secretive and dangerous crime organization that has existed since ancient time and is currently alarmingly large in number. There are hints that the org might have impacted the Holy Trinity's childhood before.
To add to the trouble, Rok Soo (who is half-Korean) had dyed his hair red and forged a fake name, as expected. It would have been no problem if it wasn't for the fact that Rok Soo, or Cale Margarita (he lost a bet), shares resemblance to the infamous wealthy deliquent, Cale Henituse down to the reddish-brown eyes. Or that the young boy Choi Han, whom he gives his sandwich to, would obediently follow him around like a puppy!
Kim Dokja, or rather Yoo Dokja, finds himself at odds with the professor Yoo Joonghyuk, who Dokja embarassibgly admires when he was young. Yoo Joonghyuk, through his keen sense and instinct, is suspicious of this "Yoo Dokja" and no, despite what Uriel and others say, he does NOT have a crush on that annoying man!
Han Yoojin, who uses his real name since unfortunately his overprotective younger brother (who doesn't know his older brother is in a dangerous career) is the star pupil of this school, enters as a sort of teaching assistant to one Sung Hyunjae, who keeps giving him exotic presents.
The retirement life filled with money and delicious food, suddenly seems far far away.
P.S: this is based on a dream where my OC asks the holy trinity this question: "How to hide oneself in plain sight?"
Kim Rok Soo/Cale: "Act cute, weak, helpless"
Han Yoojin: "Cuteness can save the world"
Kim Dokja: "Born ugly :)"
*the conversation derails into disaster*
P.S Again: Margarita is an alcoholic drink whose base is tequlia, orange liqueur and lime. And guess who hates sour thing 🤣
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beescake · 9 months
yea i very much agree with ur take on sollux in his relation to older technology, u get it
please id love if youd share some more of ur analysis on his character (as well as ur art bc that shit is 👌👌👌)
either way, thanks for feeding my brain worms
im glad it resonated!! :') always happy to explore his character, he contains multitudes!!!
i think i may be out of sollux analysis for now, in the sense where i don't have anything new to add that hasn't already been covered in these posts? (please add if there's more...)
why i like sollux (lackadaisicallexicon, 2014)
comprehensive sollux status guide (syblatortue, 2016)
bioware machine (lime-bloods, 2016)
fridgestuck (LaureledEevees, 2017)
mary sue (3d-gla22e2, 2019)
favorite sollux trait (3d-gla22e2, 2020)
doom-bound static (gendertrickster, 2023)
however i will say there's another thing i really like abt him:
his Range!
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he has a v flexible face.. even with his neutral expression, you cant help but read a tinge of melancholy/pensiveness to it.
he deters people from getting too comfortable with him by acting crude, but no matter how unapproachable he looks you can't help but wonder if he's ok. seems like he's never content with himself.
just like karkat, anger gives him purpose = something to care about & react to. without it he can appear aimless/uncertain.
it's especially interesting when you compare him to aradia, who despite having endured a lot of shit, ends up enjoying the freedom of expanding her worldview, riding the unpredictable tide of the narrative and observing the changes. sollux... doesn't.
he doesn't like watching major things progress in a way he can't predict. the lack of certainty actually overwhelms him.
and it's pretty clear why; imagine the only reassurance you get after unknowingly killing ur gf is that "it needed to happen". the only way to appease that sort of emotional turmoil is by intellectualizing those events as inevitable and out of your control.
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(hs, A6I5)
when you’re just a tool for the author, trying to sit out is just feeble self-preservation until you’re needed again. if you’re not called on stage to help/assist in some way, it feels like your presence spells doom (either you or someone else will get hurt). so you avoid Events as best you can.
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gunnrblze · 1 month
Very random Kick headcannons
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➤ owns cassette tapes somewhere. cassette player? perchance, but he definitely owns the tapes from when he was a kid
➤ favorite Gatorade flavor is lemon lime
➤ sleeps with his neck all :/@‘?;&$/!;$/& and then wonders why it hurts when he wakes up
➤ owns those funky socks with random patterns on them. some have a pair of matching boxers
➤ avid sims enjoyer
➤ genuinely believes there is truth behind the Loch Ness Monster/Nessie story. tries to convince the others Ghosts that “it just makes sense”
➤ same with aliens, except he actually has a better argument for that
➤ loves Tetris and is pretty good at it. Ajax is better though and it annoys him to death
➤ veryyyy good at math
➤ can recite the abc’s backwards very quickly. sober
➤synth/new wave/post punk/vapor/techno/electronic/goth/alternative rock/pop listener
➤unless he’s the one participating (and he often is), he’s such an enabler when it comes to bets/dares. the mf in the back yelling “you won’t!”
➤has used those cheesy one liners when flirting and they actually work cause he’s weirdly charming about it. anybody else using them you’d be like “…” but he makes it work
➤a bit of an unconventional flirt in general. is a little weirdo, but not in a way that makes you question your safety lmao he’s just a lil silly
➤doesn’t have guilty pleasures. very open about the stuff he likes and doesn’t really feel embarrassed about it
➤that being said^ he takes teasing in stride very well. unbothered king
➤knows the best technology to buy, very well versed with product quality and stuff like that
➤is a cutie patootie
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tpwrtrmnky · 3 months
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pills that give you wheels.
(we are sure you know we think this but it's so cool to read ptmyg for the trans stuff, humor and the lore and worldbuilding you're putting in it's very moving and feels so good to read)
text for accessibility:
first panel:
grayscale stick figure person: "I thought you said you were lime. How can you- how can you be all that at the same time? You're not chromefluid or shapefluid? Why does a sword or wheels matter to you as a chrome thing?"
polychrome (mostly green, lime, and orange, with a building block head of rectangles, triangles and circles, and a pink arm with a cyan sword facing on one side of the head. the arms are broadly squarish, and they have wheels for feet) stick figure system's pink arm, looking at a purple saber, thinking: oooo sword
polychrome stick figure system: "For starters, I'm polychrome. Second, here's an analogy, chrome is actually assemblage, like building blocks or LEGOs. You literally put together how you want from contexts generated from the world and yourself."
grayscale stick figure person: "Okay… I guess for chrome expansive people that makes sense…"
second panel:
polychrome stick figure system's shapes in the head change, with colors and shapes changing slightly, some rhombuses and an infinity sign among them, and even some tiny grayscale shapes. the rightward lime rhombus thinks: thank you! as a second pink arm passes them the purple saber. the system's feat are now a tank tread and a shape somewhere between a rocket ship and a grasper claw.
meanwhile the orange shape headmates reply to the person: "Actually I was talking about everybody. Consider your own life-sure you were assigned grayscale but you've picked up ideas and experiences along the way, and even if you don't consciously question what grayscale means to you, you have your own assemblage of that that is unique, that you can navigate more deliberately if you want without being green."
the grayscale stick figure person now has a gardening fork in one hand and a videogame controller in the other: "Well I like gardening, and videogames... they're what I do usually when I have spare time. I was being raised to be a corporate vulture as a kid and it wasn't for me, it always felt- I don't know, not what grayscale is supposed to be about. It wasn't, even, before capitalism. I want to be myself. But, green is new right? chromatiness is just around 150 years old..."
the orange arms of the polychrome system reply: "See! You get it, that's really nice it's hit or miss when I say we all have that. Regarding green, you can find older words all over the world like arqūtu, ghelwos, harā, verde, and so on. Green is just a new variation for something that is part of the sapient condition, that has always been with us. And the same goes for square, triangle, rhombus, stars, and so on. And sometimes new technology, other forms of life, and stories helps us know a part of ourselves that we couldn't quite explain before."
the third panel is a closeup on the singleton and system's heads, the green-orange-lime-pink polychrome system shapes continue to change, the top of the head is now a partial wheel, and a plane flies over a boat town near a tree and lime square, whose arm has the saber close to the pink arm with the sword.
grayscale stick figure person: "So you see rolling on wheels and flying as lime, green, and orange to you?"
g-o-l polychrome system orange boat with lime buildings headmate(?s?) replies: "For me personally as part of my body yeah. I know primary moss folks who do too and same for the whole spectrum. Even some grayscale folks, but that's less common proportionally."
grayscale stick figure person: "How do you feel all that at the same time? I see a tree and a boat town now."
g-o-l polychrome system: "Some persons do and it's a beautiful fusion of feelings, and we do that individually too, in our case we're also plural, also a new understanding for something primordial which there aren't enough comic panels for here."
grayscale stick figure person: "It would be bad if I insisted that multiple people can't be in one brain or treated you as disposable or a bad green right?"
g-o-l polychrome system's pink arm headmate replies: "YES IT WOULD."
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aktieportfoljen · 1 month
Top 15 idag, +20% i år
Stockholmsbörsen och laguppställningen börjar veckan glatt, men laguppställningen pressades av att kronan stärktes rejält. Det är som att springa i gyttja, men å andra sidan är det bra att kronan stärks när jag tillbringar rätt mycket av min tid i euroområdet. Ledartröjan gick till nätmäklaren Nordnet följd av teknikhandelsbolaget OEM International, mjukvarubolaget Lime Technologies och…
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katanadepapel · 4 months
MY TURN 🤗!!!!
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I like green, blue, black, orange and especially purple (but the spots were already filled 😔)
So I decided to put one of the other colors I like on my s/I, turquoise! And there it is!
Bio of my S/I:
•Name: Samara Barros
•Nickname: Sammy, S2, Redhead, lime orange.
•Age: 24 years old
• Sex: Female
•Date of birth: 01/09
•Nationality: Brazil/RJ
•Sign: Virgo
•Signature color: Indigo, Turquoise or Violet
•Eye color: Medium brown
•Skin color: Fair
•Hair color: Copper
Sara (older sister)
Chris Kratt 💚
Martin Kratt
Jimmy Z
Aviva Corcovado (BFF)
Noah Tyer
Paisley Paviment
Samara is a young woman with short pixie style hair; She is thin but average, even though she is a little taller than her sister.
Samara is lively, funny, has a huge taste for adventure and a thirst for new challenging experiences; She is competitive, intelligent but she is also calm, until her calm ends, because she knows how to give a beating to the person who mainly messes with her sister, but also, 50% of the cases, Sammy is emotionally cold.
•Occupation: Reptile zoologist, interior design, architect and landscaper.
•Likes: Chris Kratt 🤭, animals, reptiles, her tortoise, draw, art, math, science, calculate, help Aviva with technologies, keep everything tidy, plants, flowers, purple and chocolate with lemon.
•Dislikes: Soft foods, dirt, Zach Varmitech, the villains, mistreating animals, people and plants
*Sammy is autism (mild level)
*Sammy, like your sister, she speaks Brazilian Portuguese, her native language, in English, Spanish and German fluently
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musubiki · 1 month
my newest and cool lore tidbit that i was meditating on was how the m-34th makes their weapons and tools magic-resistant ... as an aside, its been in my mind for a while that magic has something to do with bones, like bones being the "pathways" of magic, and thus one of the hardest materials to work with as a witch if its possible to work with them at all.
im still fleshing out this idea and deciding if its something i want to work with but in practice how it manifests in the story is that magic cant/has a hard time healing broken bones, and a broken bone disrupts the flow of magic in a witch or mage (this was originally murdas weakness equivalent to mochis thing with water-- as the crow witch shes good at flying but only because her bones are easily broken). the reason im hesitating to use it is that it seems like a HUGE weakness for any witch but supposedly they have magic that can at least reinforce bones OR madam springs has methods for relatively quick organic healing
anyway back to the m-34th point, i think it would be fucking baller if they managed to create magic resistant shields and weapons by infusing the bones of past black canvases into a super hard metal material as to be able to cut down anything material and also anything magic
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ranticore · 4 months
Unreleased Setting Friday
ages ago i posted One picture of Limes, my alien character, on main without context. Limes comes from a sci-fi setting I was messing with for a while in early 2023/late 2022
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They are photosynthetic "mimic" aliens who change shape from a base body plan over only a few generations to match the organisms around them - it was originally based off of that plant that "sees" its immediate neighbours and grows similar leaves to blend in :) limes was born in the Amazon to a small established group of its species that had mostly mimicked new world monkeys and margays
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the panels on its back are photosynthetic. the body lacks bones and is operated by a hydrostatic system, with the tail in particular being straight and rodlike by default until warped by hydraulics into a prehensile structure.
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These are really old designs now and the top image is actually the most recent hehe
Anyway there's a whole near-future story about the earth-born aliens and humans cooperating to fend off attacks from another faction of the same alien species who are raiding human technology for their power sources and essentially, basically, the entire setup is JUST to justify the presence of living aeroplanes :) as livestock guardian animals who accompany regular air freight and defend them from attacks. The story is about Limes, an engineer of the biomechs, working with a human biologist/behaviourist whose job is to train the livestock guardians to guard the freight.
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ctrl-alt-vibeshift · 6 months
in defense of the brat album art
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my feed stopped when charli xcx dropped the album art for her upcoming sixth studio album "brat" a few weeks ago. like many angels, i was confused at first, as the image staggered out of the code on her merch site unannounced through a vinyl preorder link that originally had no image to go with it (and yes i ordered one before seeing any visuals...). even after she tweeted it, and the creative team posted about their contributions to it, questions were left unanswered. was it real? was it just a placeholder? was it an alternative cover for the brat_360 exclusive vinyl? this is not the album cover right? one angel dared ask our god in her twitter replies.
even before i got official confirmation that this was indeed the official cover, which i think came from charli's interview with vogue after the release of lead single von dutch, i was obsessed. the green: neon, but not tacky like the overdone highlighter trend already claimed by k-pop boy group nct, rather a muted, dull lime, catching your eye but not blinding you. the font: a simple sans serif, slightly condensed and elongated, nothing over-the-top or borderline illegible like the custom fonts artists usually commission. and the blur, the pixelization, the resolution, the quality (or lack thereof)—this is what really does it for me.
they're barely there, the rough, blurred edges of each letter, but once you see them you can't unsee them. the design evokes the feeling of waiting for an image to load in full quality on instagram, a youtube video playing in less than 1080p while buffering, a hi-res photo downloading from the cloud, a show or movie lagging its way into clarity on streaming services. or as oomf (@_alienmelissa) using a fan edit of von dutch lyrics put it:
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(trans: lyric videos around 2008 all had fonts and backgrounds like this..........)
while thinking about the many implications of the low quality text on the cover, i read the essay "in defense of the poor image" written by hito steyerl in e-flux journal back in 2009, which perfectly put into words what i had been ruminating on:
[The poor image] mocks the promises of digital technology. Not only is it often degraded to the point of being just a hurried blur, one even doubts whether it could be called an image at all. Only digital technology could produce such a dilapidated image in the first place.
"one even doubts whether it could be called an image album cover at all," as many have due to the "poorness" of the brat art. better yet, steyerl goes on to proclaim "resolution was fetishized as if its lack amounted to castration of the author," also predicting the mass ridicule of charli for choosing and releasing such a "hurried blur" of an album art design.
regardless of what you compare it to, the low-res, early internet digital aesthetic it speaks to is something i haven't seen spoken much about. many twitter gays are up in arms about the lack of an image of charli on it, breaking her faceful cover streak (although she does hide it a bit on pop 2), and not giving them a new image to set their profile pictures to. charli has acknowledged this in the vogue interview: “I mean, as a female pop artist, what’s more bratty than not being on your album cover? Especially when there is so much pressure for women within the pop sphere to do exactly that," as well as in a tweet posted right before i started writing this:
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which grimes replied to while i was writing this:
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grimes scratches at what i'm getting at, but is more focused on the shock value that comes with its loud simplicity. this sentiment of breaking the feed, cutting through the visual muck and endless faces with a bold monotone color and by refusing to show face, is something i also admire. yet i think why i feel so passionately about the aesthetic value of this cover is that it offers me a respite from the overflow of high-res images mediated through the internet and onto my phone screen.
i'm so sick of the flood of iphone/digital photography, its quality increasing with each new device release. these images try too hard to replicate what they're representing, and create a false reality that many (myself included) get trapped in. we've sunken into the uncanny valley, and it's about time we claw ourselves out. i don't want to experience the physical through the digital anymore. i'd rather see all your pores when you're inches from my face than through the insane number of pixels resting in my palm. i want the images on the internet to be so obviously contained within it that there's no mistaking them for something material. i think this is why i'm such a fan of camcorder style photography and videos: like the chunky pixels surrounding "brat," they whisper i'm not real, i'm flawed technology, i will never replace the resolution of your retinas.
lucky for me, brat isn't the first artwork to do so, as there seems to be a shift back towards the materiality of the offline and the rougher edges of early internet interfaces within the broader art and design world as well. kat kitay describes this as "technoromanticism" in her essay "what's after post-internet art?" for spike magazine:
Exposed circuitry departs from the post-internet gloss typified by DIS Magazine, which shined up or hid away the ugly parts of technology. Hardware is made visible, laying bare the flow of power and information, at the same time transfiguring electronics into sacred objects. 
replace DIS magazine with PC music (its audio equivalent imo) and you'll get an analogy more relevant to charli's own aesthetic journey here. the super slick black lamborghini on the cover of the vroom vroom ep has driven off, her impossibly iridescent skin on the cover of pop 2 has shed its shine, and the skyscraper she's perched on for the cover of xcx world (RIP) has long been toppled, leaving nicki minaj's gag city in its ashes. the brat cover is the antithesis to these eras.
while ecco2k croons all i wanna see is 1080p / but reality keep me on 240 on "hold me down like gravity," maybe it's time to embody the "240" of reality again. with charli teasing this record as her clubbiest to date, tapping back into her party girl roots attending uk raves in her tweens, brat offers us a chance, both visually and sonically, to embrace the blur, the sweat, the adrenaline, the tears, and of course, the poppers fumes, of a low-res life.
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