#Like yes it’s my bad sorry you had to clarify for me like most people with decency when they’re misinterpreted but you didn’t need to slam
amandayetagain · 3 months
trying to figure out if it’s worth it to block someone on discord
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minus-plus-zer0 · 6 days
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Catching Him in His Celebrity Disguise
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♡ Genre: Fluff ♡ Pairing: Bakugou x Reader ♡ Tags: Aged up
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There were only a handful of people walking around the park, even though it was such a lovely day outside. You had a small lunch packed in your bag and you headed over to your favorite bench to eat when you realized a certain man was already occupying the space.
He wore a baseball cap that couldn't fully flatten his blonde spikes that poked out from all sides. His face mask obscured his expression and his tight black shirt showed off his fit body quite well. He briefly whipped off his sunglasses to see his phone better. You approached him and sat down, and when you caught his red eyes, that's when you knew you were in the presence of the Pro Hero, Dynamight.
He caught the flicker of realization on your face. He silently panicked for two reasons. One, you recognized him. Two, you were the most gorgeous person he'd ever seen.
"...Dynamight?" You must've looked like a deer in the headlights.
"...Hi?" You could tell he was shocked too.
"Oh, you're much more awkward in person! Haha! That's so cute! I'm such a big fan!"
"Lower your voice!" Dynamight said through gritted teeth, pulling off his mask to reveal his slightly pink face. "I just wanted some peace and quiet out here, don't announce my presence to the world!"
"Sorry!" Your hands flew up to your mouth. "Is it okay if I sit here? I really love how secluded this spot is. Though, I don't really mind if you're here."
"You're already sitting," he said, furrowing his brows. "Keep sitting if you want, I ain't gonna stop ya..." He glanced at you, nervously. "Do ya come here all the time?"
"Yes! But I have never seen you here before." You dug out your small lunch box from your bag. Most of your food was homecooked, sweet to the taste, and pink. Bakugou wrinkled his nose at the sight. "I didn't think you liked this city. You're always complaining about it on the news, which makes me kinda sad since it's my hometown."
"I didn't mean that shit!" Bakugou cried, putting his phone away. "I say bad things about everyone, everywhere. Don't take it personally."
"Well it's very nice of you to clarify that!" You started munching on one of your pink macaroons.
"Do you like it here?" he asked. "You think I do a good job of protecting your hometown?"
"Yeah, obviously! You saved my favorite bakery last week!"
Bakugou looked thoughtfully into the distance of the park, recalling the scene. "I remember that shit. The owner gave me such a big hassle for not defeating the villain before they wrecked the front entrance."
"Well they were able to recover anyways. I swear their food is really good, you should really go sometime!"
"You wanna go with me?" he asked, his head turning a little too quickly.
You gulped down your macaroon. "...As a date?"
"No! I--I don't fucking know! You wanna go or not?"
"Calm down. I'm only teasing you, hero. I'll go with you, okay?"
"You could've just said that from the start!"
A few nearby civilians peeked at your increasingly loud conversation and Bakugou shut up immediately, keeping his head down. You giggled.
Bakugou didn't speak until they fully passed by. "Can't believe you're laughing at me. I'm one of the top Pro Heroes of the damn country, and you're laughing at me!"
"You're not a top Pro Hero right now, are you?" You poked his cheek. "You're just an ordinary, aggressive guy hiding in plain sight."
"I am anything but ordinary."
Bakugou's stomach growled loudly. He grasped the offending thing like he could hide the noise.
"Poor hero! You must be so hungry. Here, I have some grapes you can eat!" You took out a grape from your lunch box, offering it to him. He popped it into his mouth.
"Thanks," he said between chews. "You sure you don't mind sharing?"
"I would never mind sharing with you," you said, handing him another grape. He gratefully accepted it. "You're the hero this country needs. Your face is all over our TVs when you come here to save us. And... well... you're even prettier in-person to boot."
You hid your face a little when saying that, but you wanted to take a chance to say it to his face while he was still here. He averted his eyes too. You hoped you didn't make him uncomfortable, or maybe just the right kind of uncomfortable in a good way.
You took out another grape. "Besides, you can make it up to me on our next date, alright?" You held out the grape for him.
Instead of taking it with his hands, Bakugou took the grape with his teeth from your fingers. You almost gasped.
"Tasty," he said, chewing with a smug grin. Your mouth was still agape. "Do you hand-feed all the other Pro Heroes you meet?"
You couldn't believe he just did that. He was so bold. But you wanted to be bolder.
"...No, just you," you said, your heart racing. You took out another grape. "Want some more?"
Despite his smugness, his voice was a little wobbly when he said, "Keep 'em coming."
On that day, Bakugou got to meet his belated first love.
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Years later, you and Bakugou happened to pass by the same park bench in the same lonely park. You clung to Bakugou's arm, holding his hand as he strut around in public like he was on top of the world. He always felt like that when he had you around.
You pointed at the bench and elbowed Bakugou. "Look! This is where we met, right?"
"That's why I fucking brought ya here," he said, kissing your temple. "Was wondering if you'd recognize the damn old thing.
"You're such a romantic," you said.
Bakugou led you over to the bench and sat down, with you cuddling up beside him.
"You never visit this park even though we live close enough," you murmured.
"That's 'cause I wanted to take you back here with me," Bakugou said. "I've always made sure the city kept this place nice though. After all, this is our spot."
"Yeah, our spot."
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10000roseslol · 2 months
I know some people really loves this ship, but I’m bored so I’m just gonna go ahead and say a random opinion that no one asked for:
Luo Binghe (Doesn’t matter if PIDW or SVSSS) x Shen Jiu (Original Shen Qingqiu) is like shipping a victim with their abuser. I genuinely hate this ship. By hate, I mean I get uncomfortable the moment I remember it.
Warning: I’m gonna be yapping.
I understand that Shen Jiu had a bad childhood, but come on, a bad childhood doesn’t automatically mean you’re allowed to commit crimes. I know most of the crimes people pinned on him were false, like him doing something bad to Ning Yingying, but he did abuse a child who did nothing to him back then. To be honest, I really don’t like PIDW Luo Binghe (Bingge) and I’m not defending anyone or siding with anyone (just to clarify). I literally cried for hours when I found out about Shen Jiu’s backstory and I was so mad at PIDW Luo Binghe back then. I love Shen Jiu as a character. He is well written, in my opinion. But y’all know damn well that he HATES Luo Binghe and Luo Binghe hates him back. To me, anyone who ships a victim with the abuser is a red flag. Sure, it’s fiction, but it’s still bad. I’m genuinely sorry if I seem rude.
Shen Jiu would beat him without reason and encouraged his other disciples to bully him as well. He also gave Luo Binghe a fake cultivation manual to slow him down. (I think, cuz I don’t really remember that much about svsss anymore.) Shen Jiu's torment ultimately became the reason Luo Binghe went ahead and got revenge. (And let’s not forget the things PIDW Luo Binghe did to Shen Jiu back then. Luo Binghe captured Shen Jiu and he cut off Shen Jiu’s arms and legs, using them to set a trap that killed Yue Qingyuan. Shen Jiu was tortured further, including having his tongue torn out, and he eventually died of his wounds.)
Also, yes, I did edit my post cuz it seems as if not everyone understands my words. And hey, the whole "it's just fiction" thing doesn't excuse glorifying harmful relationships. Sure, it's fiction, but it reflects on people's moral compasses too. What I said isn’t wrong; it’s just common sense. A bad childhood doesn’t justify bad behavior. The bad childhood is just the explanation. And shipping the victim with their abuser? That's really questionable, no matter if it’s fiction or not. Feeling bad for a character because of their well-written backstory is natural, but it doesn’t erase the fact that Shen Jiu abused a child who didn’t do anything to him.
And hey, anyone is allowed to love a character platonically/romantically (depending on the person lol idk) while still criticizing their actions. A person’s childhood trauma doesn’t excuse how badly they treat people now. As for the whole "red-flag" statement, it can be a bit subjective. People might have differing views on what constitutes a red flag, but that's their prerogative. Anyone is entitled to an opinion just as much as you and me. I just don’t like that people justify their love for toxicity with the “but there’s chemistry” or “it’s just fiction”. That’s an abuser with his victim. There’s no chemistry there. I get it, some people have different views on what chemistry between two characters are, but that doesn’t change the fact that that’s an abuser with his victim. I’m not criticizing the ship’s existence, I’m pointing out how problematic it is to glorify toxic and unhealthy relationships, especially between an abuser and their victim. It shouldn't be a difficult concept to understand. Shen Jiu’s a bad person and HE DOESN’T CARE ABOUT CHANGING.
Shen Jiu: Zero remorse. 10/10. Would do it all again.
If you think healthy and happy relationships are not as great as toxic and unhealthy ones, well, all I can say to that is that it’s really questionable that you think like that. And that’s not even an opinion anymore, it’s just a fact at this point. Even YQY x SJ is confusing to me. No matter who it is, if they’re shipped with SJ, I’m automatically confused. Why? Cuz for me, even angsty fics that have SJ being shipped with someone in it are way too ‘happy’ for me. Nevertheless, I ain't changing my opinion about people who ships the abuser with the victim as questionable. I may seem judgmental, I know. Once again, I’m sorry if I seem rude. Also, no, it's not about Bingjiu. I’m talking about people who ships the abuser with the victim with no valid reason. If they have a valid reason like; 'the abuser now canonically actually cares about the victim' or something like that, then sure, whatever.
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raeofsunrise · 10 months
Rae, I need that part two more than I need my peppermint tea- 👀 I’m about to watch Detention for the 20th time this month… yes, December… no, I don’t have a problem 😂
it’s finally here!! sorry for making y’all wait, but it’s here. it’s a lot shorter due to my life being busy and just wanting to get it out, but i love it! hope you do too ☆
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from me, to you
wordcount: 645
pairing: clapton davis x gn! reader
warnings: clapton has an inner monologue that’s kind of angsty?? i think this is one more cliché ❤️
the suspense was killing him. did you read it yet? did you even remember the letter existed? what did you think? a million thoughts were rushing through clapton’s head as he walked to his class. maybe if he walked painstakingly slow, his mind would do the same.
but how would he distract himself for one whole hour? he had hoped that he wouldn’t run into you.
clapton was never one to think that highly of himself. surprising, i know. it seemed like everyone in his life thought he was the coolest. that he was amazing. but deep down, he never really thought that.
but you were always there to bring him up. to make him feel like everything people said he was—in the most healthy way possible.
he just doesn’t know what he’d do with himself if you didn’t feel the way he felt about you. he couldn’t lose you, not over some stupid feelings. he’d do anything to keep you in his life, even if it meant having to watch you go on with yours without him.
god, he really couldn’t lose you.
he was so lost in thought thinking about you, he thought he felt you tap his shoulder. surprisingly, it actually was you. and you were pulling him into an empty hallway so you could talk to him. he didn’t need to go to class that bad. wasn’t like it would affect his grade, anyways.
“finally,” you say.
“looked like you were in some real deep thought, there.”
he noticed you re-using his words from your earlier conversation. you never really forgot about anything, did you? under different circumstances, his heart would be fluttering because of that thought, but instead it’s fluttering because he’s not sure if you’re here to break his heart or not.
he realizes he hasn’t responded to you yet, but honestly he’s not sure if that would make things worse or way worse.
but he can’t just not talk to you.
“i was.” he says, letting out the smallest smile, one that was less full of energy, and more full of anxiety.
“i, uhm…i read the letter.” you say.
“oh.” he replies. maybe you didn’t read the back. maybe there is hope to salvage this friendship.
but his hope quickly dissipates as you finish your sentence.
“the whole letter.”
“oh.” was that all he could say?! no wonder you wanted to reject him, he thought.
you knew you were gonna have to lead the conversation, otherwise you’d never get him to tell you how he felt. you had to hear him say it.
“did you mean what you wrote?” you ask.
a beat passes.
“all of what you wrote.” you clarify.
your heart was racing. what if it was just impulse? what if you had read everything wrong?
“every word.” he answers.
you both stare at each other in silence. you don’t even realize how close you two are until he speaks.
“can i kiss yo—“ he tries to ask but you cut him off with a kiss as soon as the first word comes out of his mouth.
it didn’t last long, but you both savored every single moment of it. his lips were soft. soft like cotton candy, and—god, just as sweet. he kissed you with all the emotion he’s felt for you over the years. in the few moments your lips did meet, his hand found its way to your cheek. really, the only reason you both pulled away was to get some air.
after you both pull away, you’re left looking into his beautiful, brown, love-struck eyes. you decide to put a hand on his cheek, too.
“y’know, i think i love you too.” you say.
“you mean it?” he asks.
“every word.”
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part 1
taglist (all the people who begged for a part two) ☆
@janitorhutcherson (my bestie)
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everybody plays the fool
pairing: remus lupin x fem!reader
request: not requested, just based on personal experience & struggles rn lol
warnings: fluff, angst, loving someone else who is in a relationship, hurt, unrequited love? kinda?
note: recently experienced this with someone very important to me so super slay! some of these quotes are exactly what he said, which is kinda funny to use them in a fic. anyway, enjoy your early christmas present since i havent posted in 9 months!!!
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remus lupin was not a bad person by any means, no, but at the present moment, you wish he was so you had some kind of 'backup' for your hurt.
you and remus had been close for a number of years, your relationship flourishing once you joined the order. he was very protective and observant of you, ready to jump into action if you needed his help - but he was not overwhelming. he respected you, that much was clear, and if you needed him to care for you, he'd be there in a heartbeat.
his standing with romantic relationships was something that you were not always 100% clear on, and you never pushed him to clarify or share that part of his life with you. but members of the order had told you of past partners, and to your knowledge, he was single - and life was good. you felt comfortable being a bit more flirty with him and hanging around him more often than usual. remus never seemed to mind and was glad to have you around, and your heart fluttered like a golden snitch.
well, up until you found out he had a girlfriend.
when word had spread, you backed off immediately. flirting with him, making suggestive comments, and of the sorts was no longer your place, and while it stung, you respected it. ruining a relationship was not on your bucket list. but really, you shouldn't have worried too much about yourself.
remus had been showing you around grimmauld place, as sirius typically had old photos of their younger selves, and when you had discovered a bunch of old polaroids of the marauders, remus was quick to delve into his past at hogwarts. you ran your thumb over the photos, fondly looking at the group of boys.
you glanced up at remus, "i have to say, rem, this photo looks nothing like you," a soft laugh escaping your lips.
remus chuckled, "that was when i was young, y/n, full of hopes and dreams, handsome. you missed my prime."
you laughed along with him, but you sensed part of words held a bit of truth behind them, "i feel robbed of not being around during your prime, with the way you describe it."
remus shrugged, a sigh escaping him, "yes, well, that was when i used to be somewhat attractive and before all of this madness."
the words slipped before you could stop, "in a non-weird, platonic way, you're still attractive so don't let time control your happiness and contentment with your life, remus."
he blushed from your words, smiling lightly, "in a non-weird, platonic way, i kind of like that you said that."
you looked at one another, your lips mindlessly swiping over your lips. remus cleared his throat, "I'm sorry, i shouldn't have said that-"
you shook your head, "no, i overstepped - i'm sorry if i made you uncomfortable..."
it was now remus's turn to shake his head, a soft smile on his face, "we both apologized, so i think we're even, darling. I'll see you at dinner."
after that first encounter, you decided to put some distance between you and lupin; you had figured it was the best option in avoiding any kind of awkward tension. and, for the most part, it worked. there were a few instances where you had to interact, but it was for the order and while things weren't necessarily awkward, it settled your mind.
soon enough, christmas had rolled around and yourself, along with the rest of the order and the kids, had decided to spend the holidays at grimmauld place. the house was bustling with such positive, happy energy and it was exactly what you needed.
remus and yourself were currently outside on the steps, sitting down as you people-watched. it was quite calming, had you not been a bit anxious considering it was your first time being alone with him in a while.
"so," remus started, "how have you been? i feel like we have not seen each other in a while."
you turned to him, smiling lightly, "good! currently doing a lot of raids for the ministry and sometimes that includes sleeping outside and just waiting. not ideal, but it's...life."
remus raised his eyebrows, "that's hell! you deserve better than that - do you have anywhere to sleep, like a tent?"
you shrugged, "sometimes we can conjure one, other times we decide to wait it out."
playing with his fingers, remus blew out a breath, "i'd say i would join you, but considering we spend enough time together here as it is, I'm not sure that it would be as fun."
you shook your head, "you said it yourself, we haven't seen each other in a while - it would be a blast having you there, if it weren't for the ministry." remus smiled at your reply.
soon enough, remus and you fell into a routine whenever you both were at grimmauld place: talking a stroll outside, sharing stories about your childhoods and memories that held importance, before heading back inside for the night.
you were incredibly thankful for grimmauld place. it had become a home, somewhere to rely on if you just needed some bustling of life, socialization, or love. tonight, an important quidditch playoff was on, and soon enough, the adults were becoming tipsy due to muggle alcohol.
you wouldn't have taken any action if remus's girlfriend was around, but she wasn't, so you took this opportunity to help the lycanthrope upstairs and into bed.
"remus lupin, you party animal," you chuckled, helping him discard of his shoes and vest. his face was a bit flushed as he laughed, "y/n, i-i don't want to-to be, but if i must."
with a snort, you shook off remus's vest, "even when drunk, you're still able to form coherent, intelligent sentences. here," you paused, placing some muggle ibuprofen and water on his bedside table, "take care of yourself for tomorrow morning."
remus gave a slightly-drunken smile, "thanks for taking care of me."
you folded up his vest, placing it on a chair in his bedroom, "of course, anything for the best guy around."
he groaned, "you don't have-have to say that, it's not true."
in your head, you sighed, 'oh merlin, please do not a self-pity drunk, remus.'
you sat down next to him on the bed, "rem, I'm not sure where that thought came from, but you are an amazing guy - you're the best. none of this negative self-talk, okay?"
remus laid back, eyes glossing over, "i'm sorry if i don't live up to that all the time, if i changed your perception of me."
you leaned over, grasping his hand, "remus, life isn't about keeping score or living up to expectations. it's about loving the way that you are living and as long as you are happy, that is the most important thing. be kinder to yourself, rem."
remus sighed, holding onto your hand a bit tighter, "ah, I'm just rambling...but y/n, i appreciate you, genuinely. i love you."
you gave a saddened smile, but hid it well enough that he didn't ask questions, "i love you too, remus."
remus then began giggling to himself, hiding his face between his hands. you laughed as well, unsure as to why, but he had brightened your gloomy feelings immediately. with a squeeze of his hand, you questioned remus, "what's got you so giggly, lupin?"
he laughed softly once more, "just-just thinking about the time i slept at the top of the astronomy tower."
your eyebrows raised high with surprise, "excuse me? when was this, and can we do it at some point?"
remus nodded his head excitedly, "of course, darling. it-it was a few years ago, yes, but quite fun! but, i should warn you - it gets veryyyy chilly up there." his eyes went wide, as though remembering the cold, and shivered. you tightened the blanket around him.
with a smile, you continued, "no worries, we'll bring our fair share of pillows and blankets, don't worry, rem."
remus looked over at you, his drunkenness slowly leaving his body, "can we share, y/n?"
as if you'd say no.
"of course, remus, whatever you'd like."
"hmm, no pillow wall."
you raised an eyebrow, "pillow wall? for what, rem?"
he hummed, "to separate us, but we don't need one...i like it when you call me that, rem."
your face flushed red, but hope he didn't notice as he continued, "i tend to get hot in the middle of the night."
'don't agitate the conversation, don't encourage it.'
"well, rem, unfortunately i'm the exact opposite and i get cold in the middle of the night."
remus softly chuckled, playing with your fingers, "oh, so you may need help to warm up? you know, you could always get warmer...there are certainly some ways."
you sighed, a sad smile on your face as you brushed remus's hair back, "get some sleep before you say something you might regret. goodnight, rem." and with that, you left the room in a hurry.
you cried that night, upset and angry at yourself for playing into his drunken flirting and suggestive tones. he clearly didn't know what he was saying, but you did, and took advantage of that. ugh, you hated how that made you feel. he had a girlfriend who he loved (you assume), and what you said and suggested...oh god, how were you two going to be friends?
remus awoke the next morning, aware of what he had said. if he was being honest, he knew what he said to you as he wasn't really that drunk. and he knew once you were aware of that fact, you'd be even more upset at him. getting out of bed, remus was met with the smell of tea, which wafted through the house until he saw you outside on the steps, knee bouncing nervously.
the lycanthrope met you outside and without looking behind you, you knew who it was. remus sat down beside you, tonks on his mind as he tried to formulate what he was going to say. nymphadora was his priority, his girlfriend, his love. but why did he do this to her, to you?
"how're you feeling this morning? any hangover symptoms?" you questioned, just trying to move past the awkwardness.
remus shrugged, "i feel fine, believe it or not. how are you?"
you bit your lip, "okay. didn't get much sleep, wasn't able to shut my brain off." or your tears.
remus glanced at you; you looked exhausted and with the fresh-looking bags under your eyes, he knew you cried. and with that knowledge, his heart panged.
you took in a shaky breath before whispering, "are we okay after last night? i-i couldn't sleep because of it."
remus sighed, nodding his head, "i couldn't either, darling."
you cringed, and he noticed.
remus continued, "it's not on you, y/n, it's on me, and i'm sorry. it was a shitty thing of me to do."
you looked down, your fingernails becoming the most interesting thing in the world, "I'm sorry, too. i shouldn't have continued the conversation. it's not all on you, rem."
remus looked towards you but your head remained down, "y/n...i-i think we both went with it but it got real at some point but i did that." he paused before continuing, "let me take responsibility."
you furrowed your eyebrows, meeting his eyes once you looked up, "remus, you were drunk, i fed into your drunken conversation-"
he interrupted you, "if we're being honest, i wasn't that drunk. let me be better, y/n, please."
your heart ached as it shattered into pieces, trying to mend itself back together. he wasn't that drunk when he said those things to you last night? you became increasingly confused, upset, angry, heartbroken. this man had worked his way into your heart, becoming not only a true friend, but someone you loved. and when a flirty conversation began taking a turn, he knew exactly what he was doing, saying.
but you couldn't have him, and the way this conversation is headed, you would never.
"i just want us to be okay," you whispered the half-truth, wishing you could say what you truly wanted from him. that you wanted him.
remus grasped your hand before letting go as he felt you tense, "you are not in the wrong at all, y/n. we are more than okay."
with a nod, you bit your lip once more, "just-just let me know if i overstep, okay?"
the lycanthrope looked over your face before turning towards the street, "i wanted you to overstep last night, y/n, so take that worry and throw it away. i truly wasn't that drunk, and what i said - what i did - was unfair and selfish, and i won't do it again."
you wanted to sob. he wanted you to overstep, to break his resolve concerning you and his current relationship. remus lupin may not have been entirely sober but he was aware of what he wanted, and he doesn't deny it. this was his way of moving on, of validating your feelings and hoping it wouldn't affect anything. he'd get past it, he had to. he loved nymphadora.
but you loved him. remus lupin gave you thousands of butterflies in your stomach to the point where it made you nauseous. you showed up to grimmauld place more often than you liked just for the off-chance of seeing remus. your autonomic body functions shut down and your palms became increasingly sweaty at the thought of him. you were enamored with remus lupin, but he was enamored with someone else who he didn't see as often as you.
you were the fool in the game of love. you were there as a convenience.
you wanted to tell him that you loved him, that thinking of him made you nauseous - but in a romantic way. you want to know what it is like to kiss him, to wake up next to him, to say "i love you" in a romantic sense.
before you realized it, tears began running down your cheeks. remus turned you towards him, wiping your tears. you felt as though you were going to be sick.
"i'm sorry i made you cry," he whispered, remorse and guilt heavy in his tone. he knew what you were feeling.
you shook your head, making remus move his hands as you wipied your tears, "ugh, no, emotions are just dumb."
remus sighed with a nod, "that they are, and they get us into trouble."
your mind was racing.
he continued, "but having and expressing them is the most important thing any of us can do. whether we are overstepping or not." more tears began to flow as remus finished, "that's why everyone loves you so much; emotions are your superpower. i love working alongside you, and knowing you, y/n. truly."
with a tear-ridden face, you turned to remus and gave him a sad smile, "thank you, remus." with a pause, wondering if you should say anything else, you continued, "I'll see you inside."
before he could say anything else, you went inside and up to your bedroom, the covers becoming your comfort and safe place for your tears.
you were utterly in love with remus lupin, but he was utterly in love with nymphadora tonks. and while you guessed that remus knew your feelings towards him, he had an obligation to her, history with her, and you'd never compare. you wanted to overstep, but doing so would be wrong. you knew that time would pass, that you'd get over remus lupin eventually, but at the moment, he owned your heart while he loved someone else.
you assumed, that everybody plays the fool at some point in the game of love.
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mytragedyperson · 1 year
Thoughts I had while reading TCF chapter 12
Deputy butler hans was one of the first people to be victimised by Cale, idc. My man is just living in confusion at this point, and every time he tries to clarify, he gets nothing exept maybe more confusion.
Cale may not seem like trash anymore but he does seem 10x more insane and unhinged than before I’d say. Love that for him.
Hans is a really good judge of character actually. He’s the first to realise Cale is/could be dangerous. Good for him.
Love that Hans seeming ruder is actually just him calling Cale out for his bullshit. You go Hans. You’re like the one person who isn’t just an enabler and occasionally thinks to ask Cale what he’s actually doing. Sorry, I may have a bias for deputy butler Hans which is only made worse by the fact that, IMO, he isn’t talked about enough. Also, really he’s just more comfortable which we love to see. It’s just too bad that now he’s going to be living a life of confusion and obliviousness, but as long as he’s happy, that’s fine.
Honestly Cale being like really? This guy is the most reliable deputy butler we have? Well, I guess I’m taking him to the capital as well. Deruth is torn between being relieved that someone who reports to him is there to keep and eye on things and being upset because his favourite deputy butler is gone. This only gets worse when Cale decides to extend his trip. Also, I feel like Hans slowly starts leaving things out of his reports. Like he’s thinking “do I tell him the young master smuggled two people into the capital? Hmm. You know what, I don’t think I will.”
Ok so I saw something recently that was talking about Dragon people and how he hoards people and the trip to the capital is proof. He brings everyone he has some sort of bond or relationship with, and along the way collects a few more. He may not be a full dragon but I feel like he’s an honorary dragon at this point. Like there’s been an adoption process, but there’s a slight disagreement over who adopted who. Cale likes to think that, because it’s his group, he adopted the dragons as family members, and most of the dragons are happy to let him think that, because they find it cute, but really, let’s face it, they’ve adopted Cale. Yes, even Raon. Eventually, they settle on, we adopted each other. But my point was part of the reason Cale attracts Dragons, is because he’s already so similar to them, and he doesn’t try to control them, that I’ve seen. If they want to join him for a plan, or something, he’ll make it work, but he’s never forced Raon or Eruhaben to do anything from what I can remember. I might be wrong though. And because of this he’s an honorary Dragon and his hoard is people, and Ancient Powers, etc. honestly he just likes hoarding things in general, wealth, resources, information, people, secrets – his and other people’s.
But Cale is so precious. He says he wants Ron away from him, but if he doesn’t see him in a while, he always remembers to ask about him. Do you think he realises Ron is already part of his small hoard? Like, he clearly doesn’t but that just makes it cuter.
I love that we can figure out the relationship between Ron, Choi Han and Beacrox just form the couple scenes they’re in. like, we don’t see every interaction they have, but from the interactions we do see, we can, not only tell that things aren’t quite as smooth sailing as Cale hopes, but also infer what their other interactions that we don’t see are like. and then it cuts to Cale lik I’m so glad they’re getting along as expected. In some ways it reminds me of the this is fine meme. You know, the one where the house is on fire and they’re just like this is fine. Only Cale actually does think this is fine, and actually is oblivious to the house burning down.
And he’s so happy that his people are getting along, but sure, it’s because “this is just like the novel”. Sure, hun, we’ll let you believe that. As long as you’re happy, we’re happy. And so is Hans
And once again Hans is confused. Every time he tells Cale something he thinks is a good thing, it’s somehow not. Someone give this man a raise, he deserves it.
Look at Hans, so happy to be complimented, completely unaware that he’s just sealed his fate by confirming he knows 3 basic martial arts. Somehow, I feel like he won’t be that put out about it, not as much as he would’ve been on day one
Also the fact that Hans has just casually been holding the kittens this entire conversation. That sounds adorable. I love that. Also, am I just forgetting or have we not gotten a description of Hans’ appearance. I only ask because I want to be able to visualise him in scenes better.
Ok so I looked it up and oh my god, he looks so cute.
Honestly, The Fragrance of Tea with Poetry sounds so relaxing.
Also, Billos is part of the hoard, but you didn’t hear that from me because he doesn’t realise it yet and Cale is in denial.
Honestly I love Billos’s approach. It’s not I’m going to make them acknowledge me because I’m their son, it’s I’m going to make them acknowledge me as their son because I’m more important/better than them. You go Billos, I’m rooting for you.
Also I want to be clear, on my first read through, I only got to about chapter 150 -160, somewhere around there, Clopeh had only just been mentioned/introduced, but I took a break and then, when I came back, I couldn’t remember a thing that was going on, so if I say something I’ve heard about this story, that happens after that point, and it’s wrong, that’s why. My knowledge of it is coming from one reaction fic, set after all these events, starting at chapter 1. So it’s probably right, but I don’t know
Anyway, that being said, Cale not liking people who don’t fight for what theirs makes so much sense with both what I’ve heard of him as Kim Rok Soo, but also in general. He doesn’t realise it but he’s constantly fighting for what’s his, his people. I think that’s why him and Billos get along so well. They’re kinda similar in that they’re both ready and willing to fight for what’s theirs and if they can make a profit off it, even better.
God, Cale is so accepting. He doesn’t care whether you’re human or another race. Can you help him? Great. If it doesn’t get in the way of how useful a person is, he doesn’t care. And, honestly, even if it does, he doesn’t necessarily dislike them. He only dislikes things that get in the way of his slacker life, and that’s so real of him.
The real reason Cale isn’t around Billos that much is because Billos can see right through him and tell when he’s just pretending to be annoyed. That must be Cale’s worst nightmare. Wdym he can’t just pretend to be annoyed to hide how he really feels? Oh my god, Cage and Taylor do this too, can tell he’s actually a kind person. It makes so much sense. Everyone he tries to push away can see right through him, that’s why it doesn’t work, but that’s also why he tries in the first place. I was gonna say I know he wasn’t trying here but I stand by this, and I still do, because this is what Cale does, tries to push away those who see him as a good person, maybe in an attempt to protect them so they don’t get hurt. If something bad has happened to everyone he’s cared about, he wouldn’t want to care, but you can’t just stop yourself from caring, and Cale is a very caring person, so he does the next best thing, he pretends, tries to convince himself and everyone else that he doesn’t care and he’s just using people, and he’s managed to convince himself, but everyone else sees him for the caring person he really is. Maybe he’s not even lying when he calls himself selfish, maybe in his head caring about others and letting them stay around him is selfish because it could lead to something bad happening to them.
I’m sorry, even Billos, who, as far as we know, had no conversations with OG Cale and if he did they were limited, has noticed that Cale has changed. The saddest part of this story is realising the reason Cale typically doesn’t do much to act like trash is because he already thinks he is trash, so considers everything he does trashy or selfish or some otherwise negative. Someone give Cale hug.
Cale: possibly accidentally convincing Billos he’s tired of being trash
Ron, overhearing: what a precious puppy young master, so cute.
Cale’s thoughts: I’m still going to do whatever I want. I’m still trash
No one knows what Cale is thinking, including Cale.
Imagine living in a world where you can ask someone if they’ve always been a tarshy young master, and it’s not even an insult. Imagine being so earnest, so genuine, that you can ask someone this as a genuine, honest question, with no insult or judgement intended.
Love how everyone can just kinda tell he prefers honesty and genuine questions and getting straight to the point and just being generally blunt instead of tiptoeing around the subject and being polite just because he’s a noble. For someone who keeps his cards close to his chest, he’s somehow also an open book to anyone who talks to him for more than five seconds, unless he doesn’t like them. Also love how even little details like this make sense and are fairly consistent. Later on we learn Violan is blunt because she grew up around merchants and stuff, and Billos is the illegitimate son of the leader of the merchant guild, and also probably spends a fair bit of time around other merchants, so it makes sense that he’d also be very blunt, because that’s just how merchants are.
And as we all know Cale is very good at figuring out ways to make money, and some of these are very creative and outside the box.
Cale might just be the perfect reversal of Deruth’s thought of there are times when the body is stronger than his mind. Like, yes, this is true, sometimes you need brawn to win battles, and that contributes to winning the war. But physical strength alone cannot win the war, and the physically strong people aren’t usually all brawn, and even the ones that are have someone smart standing next to them offering their assistance. And it’s intelligence, tactics, knowledge, that truly win a war. That and charisma, and that is what Cale has, That’s why he is the perfect leader and commander. He may not be the strongest physically, but he makes up for that in Charisma and intelligence, and more than that, he treats the people around him as equals, and he doesn’t put them in situations more dangerous than he’s willing to face himself, so he also has the morale, respect and support of his people. Sometimes the body is stronger than the mind, but Cale and his group are the perfect example of how intelligence and knowledge are really what matters.
How does one act like trash at 8 years old? Most “trashy” behaviour you can do at that age would seem bratty at wors. Also I’m sorry, but the idea of little 8 year old OG Cale, sitting there, trying to figure out how to convincingly act trashy is adorable and really funny to me. Like, him sat, with a serious expression on his face, or trying to act like trash and no one really taking it entirely serious at first.
Also I feel like, to some extent, Cale has some level of respect for OG Cale and is a little impressed and amazed by him, and I like that. Honestly, I need the fic where most of the stuff is the same, like Kim Rok Soo still goes to that world, but instead of replacing Cale, the GoD figures out a way to just send KRS there and OG Cale is still Cale, so KRS basically does everything the same, only he also befriends OG Cale. And everyone else in his crew is a little annoyed at OG Cale, except Cale who is just kind of amused by his trashy act which he sees through in 5 seconds. He also still prevents OG Cale from getting beat up by Choi Han, and just kinda drags Cale around as he goes on his adventure, and eventually Cale grows on the others and they all just end up being amused and endeared to him. The Henituse family is confused, but KRS seems to bring out a better, happier side of Cale so they’re fine with it. This features a lot of KRS teasing Cale, and later everyone else teasing him. So everything is the same only KRS and OG Cale both exist in the TBOAH world. So, if you have a fic rec, please provide. I’m sorry but you can’t tell me that KRS wouldn’t take one look at 18 year old Cale Henituse, pretending to be trash and just adopt him, because when I say Cale is a dragon, I mean KRS Cale. OG Cale would be adopted so fast.
I feel like that’s such a good message. The whole it’s okay to throw away something you’ve spent a lot of time doing. If it’s not bringing you joy anymore, or you just feel like a change is in order, go for it. My mum has mentioned a couple times going back to university or something but won’t because she sees herself as too old, and that’s bullshit. If there’s something you want to do, or a change you want to make, and it’s not going to hurt anyone, you should do it. And, even if it does hurt people, as long as it’s not illegal and it makes you happy, you should do it. It’s your life.
No wonder everyone believed him, he sounds so passionate about it.
He’s just so respectful. He acknowledges that they have different goals, but is still so supportive about it ugh.
Wait, is Cale one of the first people to believe Billos can achieve his goals, to encourage his ambitions. Maybe his uncle did but I wouldn’t imagine anyone else really does. And he wonders why he can’t get rid of people, when he’s one of the first people to believe in them, to encourage them, to support them. I feel like Alberu because he’s driving me crazy. He seems so relieved that someone believes in him, so happy.
On a different note, I remembered the scene of Cale going to kitchen 2 and casually collecting people as he went so he had like 4 people following him, and that is both a crazy powerful image to me but also just the perfect way to summarise this story. Him just going places and casually collecting people on his way until he has like, entire kingdoms and territories following him, and I think that’s so powerful of him.
He really thought Billos would still follow Choi Han instead of him after not even a proper interaction, when he’d just given Billos the encouragement he needed. Cale is a clown,
Also I’m not being funny, Billos has literally no reason to follow Choi Han. I know we don’t know what happened in the books, but here Billos knows nothing about him, except he was with Cale. He doesn’t even know how strong he is as far as we know. The interaction in the capital, I imagine, happens after the terror attack, when Choi Han manages to save some of the people, but that doesn’t happen the same way. And that is what Cale blissfully ignores/doesn’t realise.
Cale, what did you expect. To Ron, it seems like you were having a real heart-to-heart. Of course, he assumed you know him.  And then your answer is phrased like a question, as if you’re unsure if you’re close with him. How can someone so smart be so oblivious to how the things they say or do come across? I’m not even sure if Ron believes him or not. There’s every chance he thinks Cale is just embarrassed to admit it for whatever reason.
Yep, and now Choi Han thinks everything he’s heard about how trashy you are are rumours. Oh well, this is the consequences of your actions, I’d say this is a fairly good consequence all things considered. Choi Han probably feel more positive towards him than he would if the rumors were proven correct.
Yes, yes, Cale giving Ron lemon tea is funny, it’s good revenge for the lemon torture. But how did he know Ron didn’t like lemon tea? Was it in the books or just a lucky guess? Either way Cale is a little shit and we love him for it.
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fun fact: i wrote this on word first and it partially took up like 5 pages. also have the photo of Hans I found as a treat.
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mxtxfanatic · 5 months
sorry if you're done talking about it and don't want to discuss it anymore, but for me the 'trolley problem' post was just a sad note about how xie lian's attempts to stop "the trolley" (who always has a name and we very well know about it) end up in a disaster. not because xie lian did it, but because the trolley is actually an unstoppable force with malicious intent and no one else gives a fuck or doesn't have resources to help
but xie lian also shows us that even if things end up like that, it's worth trying. it's worth it, because you might not save everyone, but might save a child. a village. a little boy. a little girl. but if you don't do anything, you'll never know
I’m gonna go ahead and link this addition to my original commentary plus this response that I had in the notes to someone else with a similar reading of that post:
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All I can say is that some of y’all are nicer readers than I, because I took that post to mean exactly what op said. If op came back and clarified something, I didn’t see it; I’m only talking about the original post and how inappropriate it is to 1) victim-blame a victim of the events in question for apparently having the audacity to not passively accept events he could influence for the better and 2) say this as a “joke” (because the blasé tone, minimalization of the actual events, overexaggeration of the victim’s responsibility for how said events turned out, and the flat-out avoidance to name what was the actual cause of everything that happens to make it into a meme format was fully meant to be taken as a “joke”).
The issue both with the trolley problem and the likening of it to the events of tgcf is that neither the trolley nor anything Xie Lian experienced are “unstoppable forces.” The trolley is not a natural disaster or the act of an omnipotent god: it is just a trolley. And not only is it just a trolley, it is a trolley that was made, owned, driven, and maintained by people. Everything that goes into a scenario where a trolley is on track to run over a crowd of people (tied to the tracks, another thing that is decidedly not a natural occurrence), is one that is 100% manufactured by multiple different people.
Likewise, while the Yong’an drought was a natural disaster, everything that led to the fall of Xianle was 100% the machinations of multiple different parties, from the rich nobility of both Xianle and Yong’an hoarding their wealth, the corrupt officials who stole aid, the corrupt religious officials who blocked Xie Lian’s followers from praying to him, Guoshi and the king for keeping all of this from Xie Lian, and to the other heavenly officials who withheld help with the intent to prey on the victims of the disaster. Jun Wu’s contribution could honestly be considered the least in this conversation, merely serving as the wind fanning the flames of a fire that had already started. None of that was a coincidence nor the fault of anything Xie Lian did or attempted to do.
Yes a big part of tgcf is recognizing that Xie Lian’s steadfastness to helping should be a personal goal, but another big message that mxtx pushes in all her works is that 99% of all societal problems can be tracked down to a few select individuals choosing to do evil because they don’t think that their greed, selfishness, insecurities, fears, or entitlements are a bad thing while most everyone else either looks the other way because “it’s not my problem,” tries to benefit because “why let opportunity go to waste?” or actively participate because mob mentality. Mocking good people for doing good under these circumstances will never be funny, sympathetic, or relatable to me.
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phantomram-b00 · 11 months
If you’re Latine/Latinx who don’t know how to speak Spanish. That’s okay, you’re still Latine/Latinx.
So since it the last day of Hispanic heritage, and honestly I wish I was more participle with this month as an Hispanic. I’ll try to do that next time, I think honestly I just really don’t know what to exactly post, but then I had a thought. Something I wish I had someone tell me back then. So I want to talk about it in honor of Hispanic heritage month, sorry if I did this on the last day, I’ll do better next time. But for now, I wanna share just a small story while also showing encouragement, so hope you like it.
So, If you go on my introduction post, I noted that I’m Puerto Rican and also, that I don’t know how to speak Spanish. Ironic/silly isn’t it? It even more so considering mostly all my family speak Spanish, so your a question that your asking is “didn’t your folks teach you?”. Well, haha about that, you see I’m not gonna reveal anything super personal, all imma say to give context is that I couldn’t talk until I was exactly five years old; so my mom kinda had no other choice but to teach me English. So most of my childhood that was the only language I learn.
Now probably also wondering “well, you learn English? didn’t you have Spanish class?”, yes I did, in my state at least, the require language to learn was Spanish (which imma reveal a very silly funfact: I thought because of movies/show the require language was French because all they learn was french.), so as a kid I wanted to learn; only, people there already were very advantage in Spanish, a lot better than me, (small context: in my state, majority of the people are more Spanish speakers, let me clarify I’m not saying this is bad since I do love Spanish. I’m just clarifying to provide context) and not only that, the spanish at least I was taught were completely different than the Spanish I know with my folks. So as a kid, it made me really insecure about my Spanish skills, like sure I knew some basic and whatnot but I couldn’t and still can’t speak fluently like my folks. So overtime, I got insecure about my identity too. It got to the point that I wasn’t proud to be Hispanic, because back then a thought that would play was “what’s the point if I can’t even speak our basic language?”. This wasn’t to say I didn’t love being Puerto Rican or Puerto Rico as a whole, I love being Puerto Rican and Puerto Rico, I just felt in a way, I’m not worthy to call myself Puerto Rican if I couldn’t speak Spanish. I still remember a teacher even told me that “it kinda is your mom fault for not teaching you” and it boy if that didn’t make me more self conscious. (There was more, but I’m not comfortable revealing them just yet. So maybe next time my ghostly pals)
But then, I remember, 2020, I watched Emirichu’s video about her Asian experience. And it help me feel emotional, because while my parents didn’t move form Puerto Rico to America (that goes to my grandma), like Emily, I had this big disconnect from my Puerto Rican roots and often feel envious when others spoke better Spanish than me. And not only that, I did at some point and like mention I felt embarrassed so I convinced myself say “oh I can never like tostones” or “I’m definitely going to feel more of an outside if I ever visit Puerto Rico one day” or even “I might as well not try, it already too late”. But, the video let me know I wasn’t alone. And even seeing comments under the video, it help me feel like I wasn’t the only one with this identity crisis. But one thing that I feel is upmost important that I toke from the video, “you’re still Latine/Latinx/any other race no matter if you can or can’t speak Spanish or any native language.” And man, I wish I heard that a lot during my childhood rather than feeling embarrassed, ashamed or feel out of place. But I’m happy I found this video, and I’m glad the video found me and others like me.
So overtime, I began to slowly become appreciative of my roots. I think what was maybe the final push was Lin Manuel Miranda’s Broadway turn movie “In the heights”, now I love the Broadway, so when watching the movie, I couldn’t help but love it even more, because I appreciate how the movie celebrate all walks of Latine/Latinx/Hispanic cultures from Dominican, Cuban, Chilean, Mexican, Colombian, Puerto Rican and more. How this community is so vast and vibrant of overall, proud of their heritage. So I began to slowly being loving my heritage, and for healing, whenever I make an oc, I make them Puerto Rican or headcanon an existing character as Puerto Rican, or learn fact about Puerto Rico to feel more connected (like funfact did you know Puerto Rico is also called Isla del Encanto? Isn’t that beautiful? 🥹) and even now I would ask my mom “hey what does *insert Spanish phrase* mean?” Granted, I will still get moment where I doubt or have imposter syndrome (or as my mom would sometimes say I am my worse critic). But I stop myself, and say “hey, you’re still Hispanic/Latine/Latinx.” Or “don’t worry, you’re still learning.” It’s still a process. And even now I still don’t know Spanish, like I guess to best describe it, I know what people can be saying or what they’re talking about depending on the context but I don’t know how to respond back. Nor write..or spell. But I still am learning as I go, my folks told me one of the best way is to listen to Spanish song and so I’ve been trying to do that or I’ll ask my mom “hey is this accurate?”. So I just want to tell the people who will read this or my Hispanic/Latine/Latinx ghost pals that, no matter if you can’t speak the language, like certain food from your roots, or are feeling the same way I felt, it’s okay, your still valid and you’re still Hispanic/Latine/Latinx. I can’t say it going to be easy, because I’ll be a hypocrite if I did, but, I can say, it worth it each step of the way. And I wish you luck amigos.
But, thanks for taking the time to read this, I know this isn’t my usually good omen content and I’m sorry if I wasn’t super active for this heritage month. I’ll try better next time. But until then, hope your having your last day of Hispanic/Latine/Latinx heritage month! what is it I can do to be more participant for next time? Let me know! Or if you have any question about this post or anything, my inbox is open ask away my fellow ghost ^v^ And always, especially with it still being all hallow’s Eve, stay spooky my pals!
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melancholy-marionette · 3 months
A Note On LOVESTARVED's Warnings/Triggers
(sound on to hear voice acting :3)
Okay, so maybe more like a ramble than a note, but still x3
I'm probably just being paranoid here, but I wanted to mention a side note on the warnings & triggers for LOVESTARVED because I worry somewhat that they make the content sound much worse than it actually is >.<
I mainly just wanted to say that while the story does contain horror elements within the romance, it is still, at its heart, romance.
Yes, it's kinda twisted and a little messed up, but it's still a love story that's got plenty of cute and cosy moments too x3
Heck, when I was trying to describe the atmosphere I was aiming for to @lazypolarbearart so that we could be on the same page with the writing and the art, I said to her that it was supposed to be cosy and kind of incubating. Like you're stuck somewhere dark, but you're almost not worried about it because it's like being trapped in a big warm bubble that you don't really want to leave because it's comforting and less scary than what's outside, haha.
I always have this fear that maybe that side of things doesn't come across very well in my announcement posts or the itch pages of the games that I make >.< 
If I'm being completely honest, I don't really know how to strike the right sort of balance between warning people about potentially sensitive content VS accidentally spoiling things + talking about horror-related content VS romantic content when both intermingle in the same project + just generally being caught between saying too much or holding stuff back. Everything seems so blurry and messy to me :( Like it's all one giant grey area, but no matter what I do to try and clarify things, it will be detrimental somehow.
For example, in the LOVESTARVED demo (and eventually the full game) it's possible to romance Erys in a way that avoids any horror-type scenes even happening! Things can be super sweet with the yandere traits appearing soft... or seriously screwed up with things being much darker. It all depends on the player's choices, and the mildly sexual content that's in there is completely avoidable.
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(sorry, I couldn't resist x3)
That's what's so great about visual novels as a genre :D Your choices can change so much about what happens throughout the course of a story :3
It's just I struggle to know how to describe my games while keeping potential players safe and not putting people off x3
Content warnings should absolutely be there so that people can make an informed decision about whether or not to play, but my big worry is that they make things sound scarier than they are. It's like expecting something awful to happen & for things to be grim before even having a chance to form an opinion if you read through the big list of warnings >.<
I feel like that creates a double problem because: A - If you're a horror fan and actually looking for creepy content, the warnings might sort of oversell stuff in a sense, leaving you somewhat disappointed that half of the things listed were only briefly featured. Or if you decided not to read the warnings because you're confident you'd be fine, you might wonder afterwards why there was such a long list there in the first place.
B - If you're worried about 1 or 2 specific things but are generally fine with horror-related aspects, you might avoid something unnecessarily because it sounds so much worse on paper than it is in reality.
It's not a completely unfounded fear either, as I've had players say to me in the past that X game looks cool, but they read the warnings, and have decided not to play that particular one because it sounds too scary (The Hostage & Dawn of the Damned are the ones I seem to get that with most!), but then they've later changed their mind, decided to check out the game, and then told me that it wasn't anywhere near as bad as they were expecting it to be and they enjoyed it in the end :3
I would never want to end up accidentally hurting anyone with the stories I put out there in the wild >.< It's important that people are able to make decisions that can keep themselves safe. But it saddens me that sometimes having so many content warnings on horror-related romance projects can make them seem so much worse than they are.
Anyways, I'm probably overthinking things as usual x3 My stupid brain is messed up right now from the lack of sleep during the jam, but it's gone all hyper instead of calming the heck down >.>
I don't know if anyone will read this or understand where I'm coming from x3 but I just felt like I needed to get it off my chest because it's been bothering me every time I release a new game with a love interest that has yandere traits, haha.
I personally don't think any of my games are particularly scary! And in most of them that feature romance with a yandere LI, things are coming from a place of genuine love. It may be darker, deeper, more intense love… possibly not even the healthiest kind, depending on the character in question >.< but it's love nonetheless.
I just wish there was a better way to show that than I currently know how because right now, I'm concerned that some of my games look like horror games with nothing sweet in-store when really, a lot of them are more like romance games wearing a creepy Halloween costume x3
Feel free to poke me if you have any ideas/experience/thoughts on how to tackle this sorta stuff :3
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covered-in-kisses · 11 months
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(gif by chacha125 on dA)
So I wanted to post this because, among other reasons, I find the possible implications of this so funny and interesting.
A more thorough explanation of everything under the cut, but TL;DR: Suki wants to avoid embarrassing Toph in front of everyone and only has a panicked moment to come up with something.
(This is kinda a cheesy move, but please reblog this because I really want to see people's thoughts on this. Also, feel free to use this as a prompt or inspiration for art or a fic or anything.)
So, anyone seeing this will likely know the context here, but let me give a quick summary. Toph, who can't swim, falls into the water. Sokka yells that he'll save her, but Suki jumps in first and saves her. Toph kisses her as thanks, thinking it's Sokka, Suki corrects her, Toph wants to drown in embarrassment.
Now the main "what if" regarding this scene (primarily due to Tokka shippers such as myself) is that Sokka jumps in instead of Suki. But this one is a much smaller change, yet offers just as much, if not more, potential plot divergence.
Toph misses the cheek and kisses her lips, leaving a mark. Suki still clarifies the situation and Toph is still embarrassed. (Suki and Toph don't notice or clean off the mark because, frankly, they have more important things going on.) They return to the crew on the shore and someone, really anyone, asks something along the lines of "what happened?" Suki and Toph get a little nervous thinking they saw the kiss, then Suki has a momentary panic attack upon seeing the lipstick and suddenly has a dilemma on her hands.
Already, this scenario is hilarious, but how it develops from there is what really tickles my brain. So what does Suki do?
A) Tell (mostly) the truth and say that Toph thought it was 'someone else.'
B) Say it was an accident in the churning waves.
C) Panic and say that she and Toph confessed to each other in order to save Toph from embarrassment.
All of these could be interesting, so let's explore them a little.
A) The "Truth"
"Well, she thought I was someone else, and she was so thankful, and... well..."
So this opens the most shipping doors because it could implant the question 'who did she think it was?' into everyone's minds. However, Sokka did yell out pretty clearly, so I'd say you'd have to change a bit more for this to go any other way than everyone figuring out that Toph likes Sokka. Of course, that's not necessarily a bad thing, since this would create some drama and put the ball firmly in Sokka's court.
B) It was the waves!
"Oh yeah, the sea is pretty rough. It happened to push her into me at just the right time and uh... Y'know..."
With this one, it's easy enough for everyone to just go 'if you say so' warily and move on, business as usual. However, with a close call in front of everyone like that, it's harder for this to get swept under the rug. Suki actively hid Toph's crush on her boyfriend(?) to save Toph's feelings. What now? How does Toph's dynamic with Suki change? Does Toph have two crushes now? Does Suki now feel inferior or less qualified to be with Sokka because Toph is actually traveling with him and is more powerful? I see this leading to more unspoken, slow-burn, internal strife.
C) Sorry Sokka...
"I- Y'see- It's like... We'remadlyinlove."
Silly? Yes. Hilarious? Yesser. Convoluted? It's the yessiest! There are any number of haphazard stories Suki could concoct on the spot. They've been romantic pen pals for years. They met on a diplomatic trip and hit it off. They had a stunning realization when they held each other just then. Whatever the story, the end result is the same; Suki is now fake-dating Toph.
With this one, it can evolve and change in any number of ways. It's my personal favorite if only for the comedy of it. Until the situation resolves (which can be a LONG ASS TIME) it's a situation rife with comedic, dramatic, and romantic potential.
Oh yeah, Tumblr has polls now. It's a poll now!
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florallylly · 4 months
side a: eddie munson
side a
side b side b: steve harrington
explanation post
just going to go straight to my very very stream of consciousness commentary about each song but i want to clarify that i'm an eddie munson is dirty and gross truther and also i hate that rat man (endearing). so yes it might play into some of my thoughts
some songs are kind of vibe-y and you can tell when my explanations start getting contrived and bad but bear with me. i DO have some specific keystone songs idc KEYSTONE i love the word ok anyway
“I” Black Sabbath; eddie munson you are a LOSER with OPINIONS we get it. like yes you are so persecuted by everyone sure you’re going to prove us all wrong 
“Heaven and Hell” Black Sabbath; tbh added to match with heaven/hell in the other playlist, but somehow it’s kind of giving munson doctrine to me. literally googled and supposedly it’s about like band kids (??) but i think just like “the world is full of kings and queens/who blind your eyes and steal your dreams” i can literally hear eddie munson quoting it
“Fade to Black” Metallica; UGH why are there so many long periods of silence at the beginning and end of these songs. but just adding to the eddie munson i’m so outcast bad boy drug dealer thing and like. had to have metallica
“I Don’t Wanna Be Me” Type O Negative; idk if anyone can tell that i think eddie is a big dramatic loser who thinks he’s the main character (endearing?) like I AM RIGHT… 
“skins” The Haunting; okay this song is saur…. like normal people scare me i’m such a freak coded
“Nosferatu” Blue Oyster Cult; a nod to Eddie Munson being a BIG LOSER NERD. ugh whatever honestly parallels a lot of kas theory fic imo, like innocent maiden steve offering his blood to vampire eddie … why have i read it several times over. in my head, this is like. eddie munson having a dirty dirty loser fantasy about king steve 
“Teenage Dirtbag” Wheatus; need I say more………. 
“The Sun Always Shines on T.V.” a-ha; yeah… YEAH. it’s a steve song on here. i like tried to do this thing where on each playlist there are keystone songs and this is one of them. like, the song that’s in the other’s genre is the moment they fall in love even if they don’t realize it yet. but re: the song like it’s so eddie having this realization that when he was picturing king steve, he only saw him through snapshots and now that he’s live and an actual tangible human it’s different. like  LIKE
“18” Anarbor; tbh i am trying so hard to add some of these songs bc they are so quintessential to me and my connection of music to fandom, BUT IDK…. ITS HARD…. but yeah it’s very steve harrington would never really want to be with me, i’m such a bad boy. okay….  
“Poison” Alice Cooper; eddie munson ur horny . eddie munson we’re sworn enemies like ur a jock and i’m a nerd and like could i light my cigarette with ur cock please please 
“Falling In Love” Scorpions; “falling in love, it happens to me every day” okay eddie munson i did NOT see u doodling hearts around steve’s name in the fourth grade
“Around the Fur” Deftones; i do not know why but for some reason feeling like steve still hanging around his old crowd, and eddie getting all weird about it. IDK !! does it not just feel so eddie munson
“Closet” Fleshwater; an interlude-y song here kind of an angsty moment for eddie 
“I Was Made For Loving You” KISS; SECOND KEYSTONE SONG…. this song signals the first time they sleep together. i am so sorry eddie munson but this music actually DOES give me migraines but i tried very hard  
“Be Quiet and Drive (Far Away)” Deftones; eddie’s dreams about leaving hawkins and becoming famous. just in general his wishes to be somewhere he’s wanted and where he belongs. idk i feel like it’s eddie talking about all of these grand plans for his future and turning to steve and being like “and what about you?” and steve doesn’t have an answer.
“Covet” Basement; “you are everything/my most demanding dream” like like like eddie munson loving and hating that he’s in love with steve harrington who is hawkins to the bone and seems determined to die there. 
“Ghosts” Scarlet House; in my head this is eddie munson angsting after seeing steve hanging around nancy wheeler or robin buckley depending on when exactly we’re setting this. but it’s very woe is me i’m lost without you. idk it could literally even just be they fought and steve is at the grocery store chilling and eddie munson is literally frothing at the mouth sobbing in his van 
“Saturnine Saturnalia” VV; “there is no end to the hurting/i love you” saturnalia was a roman festival where they indulged in mischief and partying and whatnot. feeling like at this point, even if it’s fake, even if it ends up hurting me, i’ll take whatever i can get kind of feeling. maybe it’s like realizing he won’t be free of hawkins unless he lets go of steve or thinking that he’s just a stop on the way to a white picket fence. and i think that maybe this is the moment when eddie begins to realize how deeply he feels for steve.
“Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want” Deftones; PLEASE LET THE MAN GET WHAT HE WANTS !!! FOR ONCE !!! he is out here every single day dealing drugs PLEASE give him a sexy passenger princess to come with him on deals
“Black Butterflies and Deja Vu” The Maine; ik it’s a jump scare but KEYSTONE SONG…. the moment when they admit they’ve fallen in love. this is their aha moment. their AHA! moment not a-ha… but yeah…. eddie munson finally being like wait i’m in love with steve harrington and idk for how long but i’m in trouble
the future holds IDK ... just this part took me this long so PLEASE spare me i literally wrote this out on my notes app
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moon-blanket · 11 months
Porter is here !!!!! Porter is HERE !!!!! And i've actually gone Insane about it !!!!
Tumblr media
HE'S BRITISH ? And it's comin' from ERIK ? What accent is there that he Can't do dude. At first I thought it was Milo until the accentuated vowels. Tell me someone else hears it lmao.
Damn you know. It's workin'. He called us TREASURE. I'm going to scream. Him telling them that they CAN say no to his advances !!!! hell YES !!!!!!
Love to have therapy at a table in a bar lmao. He's spitting so many facts about relationships dude, platonic or not. He's so wise. I'm sold on this guy. I wonder why he and Vincent had such a falling out.
"I find you very attractive, is that too forward to say ?" I'M GOING TO YELL DUDE. They call his eyes unique :').
"I could bring you a lot of pleasure, you know. I don't know that I could make you happy, but I could make you feel good-- and that must count for something, right ?" OH MY GOOOOD. DUDE. THE WAY HE KEEPS ASKING IF IT'S OKAY !!!! THAT HE CAN SLOW IT DOWN !!! I'M YOURS !!!!!!!
Him talking about how Dahlia is his home, and that he's happy to be back after all this time since he was, uh, exiled ? Home for a "family reunion." oo oo h he's definitely going to the Summit now. Promised an old friend that he'd show ? William ? Alexis ? This is interesting.
He says they deserve better. I'm going to crumple to the floor. Saying they have a wonderful laugh, even if restrained. What if i just Die. HE SAYS HE LIKES THEIR SMILE.
Treasure pointing out his fangs ooooh. Skshfkafh; .. . Saying he only bites when people ask Nicely. i have to bite metal about this.
Offering to take them home, making it a good night. Talking about how their friends haven't even once looked over, walked over, thanked them. I would be leaving with him too !!!!!
"Take my hand, let's get out of here." oh my god the fuckin' "mhm" after. I'm going to go NUTS.
HIM CLARIFYING HIS INTENTIONS WITH THEM ??? Saying that he can't necessarily guarantee anything more than just tonight. Asking to kiss them ??? DUDE I LOVE AN HONEST KING. HELL YEAH LET'S KISS ABOUT IT !!! AND THE SHAKY BREAAATHS. WHAT A TREAT.
"You test my resolve far more than expected, maybe I really have held off for too long. Can I use my teeth ?" oh my GOD dude what is HAPPENING TO ME. Telling them to consider their answer carefully !!! The line in the sand !!! Explaining how the bite would go !!! If not from them, they part ways with no bad feelings !! Slowly explaining to them what he IS. How he Wants them. That they would be Safe while still getting pleasure about it !! YEAAAAH THEY KISS HIM ABOUT IT.
THE BITE DUDE. Asking how it was for them. KISSING THEM AFTER. Telling them to hold onto him !! RUNNING OFF INTO THE NIGHT ?
This man is rising my Babygirl Ranks FAST. RAPIDLY. on my hands and knees BEGGING that he's a reoccurring character dude. I would do literally anything LMAO.
One of my most unhinged posts to date, i'm So sorry you have to witness this-- but I Have to scream and yell and run around about this. I'm sure you'll understand. LMAO.
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aita-blorbos · 1 year
AITA for obsessing over someone for centuries?
I know it sounds bad but hear me out, this man (800+M) is the most perfect, special, noble individual to every grace the face of this sorry earth, and I've (800+M) looked up to him for years, ever since he was the first person to save me as a child. He's quite literally my reason to live (he told me so himself, even if he later said that was an arrogant thing to say)
Anyway, I lost track of this guy after dying a second time as a ghost (to clarify, my dying is perfectly fine because it was for him, and the first time I died was ALSO for him- don't blame him for it, he didn't know it was me) because I was kind of a mess of particles at the time, and I spent a bunch of decades under this big mountain (volcano) sculpting thousands of statues of him (10,000 to be exact) because I didn't want to forget what he looked like. Also, my beloved is like, kind of the best god ever, even if heaven is full of biased capitalists who kicked him out, so this can also technically count as a totally normal and not at all insane form of devotion and/or worship. It's just dedication, you see? Loving him is a full-time job and I am DEDICATED. This mountain had this whole Hunger Games with ghosts where you get stronger the more you kill, so I naturally decided to become the strongest ghost possible to protect this man. Naturally.
Cut to around 800 years later, I've carefully met up with this wonderful man in an acceptable disguise and things are going great! He knows I'm a ghost but that's about it, he doesn't know he's met me before and I'm not going to ruin his mood by reminding him of one little rat he happened to meet in the past. Just because we've been through some dangerous experiences with one another by now doesn't mean anything. I'm just happy to be here, doing what I do best (which is serving him).
Now, we go under this mountain, and, well... The thing is, I also did draw some paintings of experiences I've had with him, and one of just HAPPENED to be sexual because he was once hit with aphrodisiacs by accident in front of me when I was a soldier. Two of his idiot "friends" (I use quotation marks because these ungrateful pair of baboons left him) saw that painting and were all like, "Ohhh noooo you should get away from that guy, he's creeeeepy and a stalker". Like, I'm aware I'm disgusting, but nobody wants to hear that from the mouths of two dumbasses (both 800+ M) like that, come on.
For reasons I can't understand (he implied something about trust?) he chose to RECIPROCATE my feelings? I had a whole entire script planned for the dialogue for when he would obviously choose to reject a loathsome creature like me, and this man?? Said all that needed to be said through a hug????
I nearly died a third time right there. I actually DID die a third time again but it was still sacrificing myself for him this time. Although, maybe I shouldn't do that again, because it made him cry and I hate to see that.
I just can't see what I did as "stalking" if I didn't know where he was. I was just looking for him. Am I deplorable? Yes. Pathetic? Also yes. See? I know exactly what and which accurate words to use to attach to myself, but a stalker? Come on. Are people just jealous I have this perfect man? And so what if I do? AITA for it? Smh.
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mqfx · 9 months
so a passing thought about post-canon sangcheng occurred to me & i would like to receive any wise counsel you'd like to give on my thought processes... 🙇‍♂️ they're a little disjointed. disclaimer that i havent read the novel in a while!
im not super convinced by the idea that nhs was able to control eeeeverything that occurred in his Great Revenge--i imagine a lot of it was incidental and opportunistic.
im not clear on whether jiang cheng would figure out that there was a masterminding aspect to the grand finale at the temple at all, bc while i think he's smart! he's also, like, so uninclined to overanalyse things that might uncover something painful for him (see: wwx's behavior post golden core transfer--unless you have to adjust for shixiong admiration/how jc places wwx on a competence pedestal? if wwx says he can handle it he can handle it, until he doesnt handle it so hard he dies. i guess.)
ANYWAY. i dont think jc would be friendly, or maybe he wouldnt like that he Was friendly with nhs if he thought nhs intentionally put jin ling in danger. im not sure if nhs DID! but im thinking in circles about whether jc would think that would have been the case. in my mind he is both endlessly capable of knee-jerk trust recindication (is that a word.) AND trust extended way past reasonable limits. but do you think that would be discussed (with jiang cheng loudly in tears about it in front of many rubbernecking witnesses, mdzs style?) at all? the most i can imagine is jiang cheng yelling obscurely around whether he can trust nie huaisang! clarifying details & inside voices are for the next generation.
i feel like there something to be said about how he trusts wwx with jin ling's safety, too...
this kind of doesn't have a conclusion im just interested in what you think of post canon sangcheng en generale-- it feels like a very different relationship from anything i can imagine in like... cloud recesses era. they're both miserable i think 😀 but actually post canon jiang cheng is doing better than usual than he has been for a long time, in a sense, and nie huaisang is probably thinking he should be doing better.
sorry this is so long!
ok firstable i must address "rescindification" bc it compelled me and apparently the noun form of "rescind" would be "recision" or "rescindment". heeheehee
now my thoughts on the matter:
2019 me wouldn't have agreed with this but remember 4-5 years ago i was only a college sophomore and was less capable of independent thought. since i was more caught up in fandom back then i generally went along with the headcanon that NHS Planned Everything, especially since it gave him more BAMF-ness(??) to, i guess, make up for the fact that he's not a "strong" cultivator. i would Like to delete the fic i wrote about it then but people like it a lot and i'd feel bad just taking it down. it's kinda like my sorrows of young werther (in that goethe regretted his first published work. not that im like goethe ew)
2023 me obviously thinks that's kinda eeehhh and i agree with you more now bc (flips through my memory of Hot Strategist Tips) no plan survives contact with the enemy. nhs wouldn't have been as effective if he had clear strict play-by-plays from the get-go. i think overplanning is what got jgy, because he kept stacking plots to cover his tracks but nothing makes a crime obvious quite like a cover-up
(unrelated question: if you're stark naked in the street, do you cover your ass or your balls? the correct answer is, you cover your face.)
as jgy's narrative foil and winner of that year's political oscars, nhs wouldn't make those exact same mistakes. not to mention, his strength (i think) is in recognizing patterns and doing the least amount of work for maximum effect--the hallmarks of the "lazy" (efficient) genius. plus it's not like he was starved for opportunity (again, bc jgy really was doing too much..... he really could've not gotten caught if he would just focus on the damn infrastructure)
also re:jc yes you're right my man's the king of repression and sublimation lol the whole "who is the REAL mastermind" would be the LEAST of his problems right nyeow!!! he has to help his nephew secure the succession and keep those scheming little rats of jinlintai away from jl, THEN he has to reckon with the fact that his brother is back, which comes with 15+ year old unopened baggage. wouldn't it be funny if he's like, an old retiree before nhs even tells him "yeah it was me lol" and that's finally the thing that kills him LOL sorry
ok that aside let's imagine a scenario where jc gets a whiff of an inkling of an idea that NHS Risked JL's Life (whether he did or not is irrelevant in this case). i'd like to believe that as an older sect leader, like yeah sure emotionally he's stunted like evel kneivel* but at the very least he should have the presence of mind not to scream at a fellow sect leader in the streets about Serious Accusations. (he is not as logical about wwx in canon because that's his big brother and no younger brother is ever logical about his big brother. also he knows wwx well enough that he can trust wwx Wouldn't Endanger Kids)
*get it. bc evel kneivel was a stuntman
imo jc would go in circles thinking "but no..... nhs wouldn't do that" then "but that's what i thought about jgy too......." and then working himself up to a froth. this will probably result in the most intense assessing death glares and some shady little quips in public. coin toss whether jc would decide to confront nhs about it privately. at least for as long as jl hasn't fully settled in on the role yet, i highly doubt jc would let his guard down for anyone, even nhs. maybe wwx
postcanon sangcheng...... keep in mind i have shipper goggles on. but they're not getting married babes im sorry if i'm keeping it realistic they both have Duties to fulfill and they live in a Society where they don't have time to...... governance is not just Paperwork, it's their lived reality and not everyone has the privilege of a living family to hold down the fort while one goes off traveling (@ lwj, but he can do whatever he wants forever). not saying that they'll get married to other people and have babies, mind you. especially in societies based on martial strength i think it would be less important to have an Unbroken Bloodline than it is to pass down sect techniques
at the end of it IF there's a romance then they're living off of stolen time, sneaking around during hunts and conferences. and i highly highly doubt it'll be a soft epilogue my loves they are two jagged broken people who have given up too much and gotten back so little. they are not gonna make each other better, but hey the consolation is that they also can't make each other worse! at least they'll have someone else who somewhat Understands what it's like. "miserable but not alone" is a boon if you've lost everything else that mattered
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catboymoments · 1 year
Hello. I am not from America, and English is also my third language. I would would also like to say that I was not the original anon who sent the nickname ask, so as to clarify. I also apologise for any bad English, I still struggle with writing in it sometimes 😅
Most people, I think, do not know that that term had a history of being used like that. It is the same with the term "cowboy", as that also has ties into racism towards specifically black men at the time, and most things in America derive from some form of racism and/or discrimination to minority groups.
Alongside this, the word is commonly used in halloween-themed things, and is scarcely associated (nowadays) with what it once was.
It is also used in other languages and can mean different things. I have noticed a lot of Americans dogpiling or slandering foreign people such as myself for saying words in our language that sound (to their ears) like something offensive, when it just means something casual. For example, I have a friend from a Slavic country, and their word for "book" is pronounced similarly to the n word in English. However, they are not remotely related.
You cannot expect everybody to know certain terms, and alongside this the word is so generalised that in current English it is used to (when you look it up) refer to ghost-related things, referencing nothing racist nor offensive in the first 3 definitions.
I actually had to go to Reddit of all places to look up the term, because it has long been disassociated with the original term.
It is odd to me that you automatically associate the word with that, and maybe it is a cultural difference (which I respect, as I did not mean for this to come off as aggressive in any way), but it still strikes me as odd. Until today I did not even know the term was for that.
You cannot expect those outside of the USA to know what certain terms, cultural things, alongside historical things.
I do not mean to come off as rude, but I am simply confused to your reasoning. Also, I would appreciate you not mocking, berating, or doing anything like that with this ask, as it is a genuine query of mine and it is difficult for me to express myself in English sometimes.
ok so
I understand that not everybody knows about the history of that slur- yes it hasn’t been used in a very long time in that way, but it’s still not good to use. The word “spooky” is okay, but anything besides the one that ends in “y” is something I wanna avoid. It’s the same as shortening the word “raccoon” by removing the first three letters- yes it’s not as well known as a slur nowadays, but it’s still something I wanna be aware of. The history of anti black racism in this country runs so deep that in order to unlearn it, I have to be hyper aware of my position as a white person and speak up on things with that history when I see them. It’s not enough to be “not racist-“ you have to be anti-racist. You have to be active. So I’m sorry if me being uncomfortable with the nickname in that first ask came as a shock to anyone or didn’t seem legit, but historical slurs are still slurs.
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vylad243 · 1 month
𝐕𝐲𝐥𝐚𝐝'𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬/𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐬
Hello all! As some of you may know, I try to be a very inclusive writer and love to interact with people who read more works! I also love to do fic requests and answer asks. Now I haven't had any problems with my asks yet, but I feel some people are like me and like things to be clarified so they know what they can request and ask
What you can request!
Ships! I will do ships- I'll specify what ships I won't do below
OCs! I will do OCs, but understand they may not be accurate to your representation (Including fankids)
Aus (including things like soulmates, A/B/O, coffee shop, human, ect)
Fics that align with my universes. (You want something to be canon to Rainstorms of AMOR? Let me know in advance so I can appropriately write it!)
Will add more
What I won't write!
Porn. I can write porn, but it feels weird to just ask someone for it? Like, why would you ask a stranger that?
Charlie with ANYONE who isn't Vaggie
Alastor with someone who isn't Vox (my aroace ass has tried to ship Alastor with other people, but the vibes just fail)
Helluva Boss (I tried to get into it, but I just can't. Sorry
If you ask goes unanswered, that means I am currently writing it OR It didn't send! I don't mind duplicate asks, if I get a duplicate, I just either delete it or say I'm writing it! I save the asks so I can link them to their corresponding fics! All my requests will range from 1k-4k words. Whatever I'm feeling. It might be a little less or a bit more
What I will answer
Mosts asks. I'm a pretty relaxed person
What I won't answer
Incest/pedophilia-like asks
Things relating to politics. I try to keep my page as politic free as I can, sometimes the occasional reblog will happen
Personal information about me. All you need to know about me is that I'm Canada, I go by Vylad or Vee, I'm aroace, I write, and I'm an adult. That is all the personal information I'm willing to share
Propositions. I know it's usually bots doing this, but I'm making this clear
Opinions on people being cancelled
More to be added
One final note, I do not accept criticism on my works unless I ask for it specifically. I don't delete comments on my AO3 and I do read them all! I don't need to be told what is canon in the universe and what isn't. (Happened to my fnaf fic)
I do do special works to celebrate hitting milestones. Those are fics I do for people with a guarantee I'll write them so long as they follow my boundaries
If I sound disinterested in an ask, I guarantee I'm not actually. I will let asks sit for a bit until I'm in the headspace to socialize! I'm typically a dead-pan person who works, takes a lot of medication, and has a dry sense of humour. I also have social anxiety (yes this is diagnosed) and can be really bad at picking up social cues! Remember, I'm a person too with a complete personality.
This post can be updated at random, but for now, that's all for me! I hope this clears things up and allows us to continue socializing with one another!
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