#Like thats a perfect match
baby-yongbok · 28 days
Bang Chan Hard Thought [mdni]
Head pusher Chan, who will take a fist full of your hair and guide you along his length while his other hand cups the nape of your neck. His head is thrown back, his eyes rolling and lids fluttering shut in pure bliss. Sweet grunts of your name slip passed his clenched jaw and spit slick lips as he forces himself to watch the way you take him so perfectly.
Head pusher reader who milks sweet, desperate groans from Chan while his kiss bitten lips are wrapped around your swollen clit. The feeling of your fingers running along his scalp before you grab a fistful of dark locks and press him into you. Moaning sweet praises and begging him to taste more and more of you until you're all that he remembers. All that he cares about.
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gunsatthaphan · 22 days
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4 boys, 1 braincell 😌🧎🏼‍♀️
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storge · 2 months
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You've been deceiving me all the time.
Beauty Strategy (2024) 1.23
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outtheoiseaux · 5 months
There’s something so sinister about the complete and total lack of saw crackships, or even just ships that aren’t extremely common/obvious
Like chainshipping coffinshipping and shotgunshipping DOMINATE the fandom, but to be honest only one of those is even the best/most entertaining pairing for the included characters!
Yeah, Adam is fun to ship with Lawrence, but wouldn’t he be so much funnier to ship with Lawrence’s wife? Yeah Amanda looks good with Lynn, but wouldn’t she look so much better with Kerry? And ik damn well that if Perez was a boy EVERYONE would want to see her with Hoffman.
Give me strahm x Amanda(bpdshipping). Give me Mateo x Adam. Give me rigg x eric matthews. Give me Lawrence x Cecelia. Give me alison Gordon x Hoffman (cuckshipping). Give me Perez x Michael (mogshipping) give me Kerry x Addison! Give me cracky rare pairs!
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peacheenie · 3 months
pov u r going to comicon in a few months so u went charity shop hunting for a cosplay and found half of it in a singular day :)
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ahamkara-apologist · 1 month
Do you believe Lightbearers are changed biologically from before they became Lightbearers?
Can't believe I forgot to answer this- I genuinely thought I did until I was scrolling through my inbox and saw it pop up again. Oops.
Anyways, my headcanon is that yes, Lightbearers are biologically different than non-Lightbearers- they become so when their ghost is rezzing them for the first time. During the first rez, their bodies are essentially restructured to better suit being a vessel of Light, with far greater phsyical resiliance, capacity, and overall durability being granted as a boon from the Traveler so that they're not torn to shreds when using even the most basal abilities. Even Lightless, they're still much stronger than a baseline human, they cannot age (their telomeres simply do not degrade and their DNA repair kit becomes more accurate, so they don't incur the gradual DNA loss/nonspecific remedies that lead to the maladies of old age), and they're still paracausally sensitive, even if their conduit for channeling the Light has been cut. Outside of the never-aging and paracasal-sensitivity thing, the effect isn't drastic, but they are still noticibly hardier than a person who'd never directly touched the light of the Traveler would be. Eris, Zavala, and Osiris could be beaten by a sufficiently strong mortal in an arm wrestling contest, for example, but they're all able to learn to use Darkness/walk off injuries with an ease that a Lightless mortal cannot.
After the first rez, additional permanant change is possible, but it requires either paracausal alteration (such as wounds created by Darkness, wounds that were earned and began healing in a no-light zone, or subconcious paracausal alteration, where the Guardian's own body rejects the touch of the Light), or deliberate ghost manipulation. I like to headcanon that by using the Light in much the same way that they would heal, Ghosts can learn to tweak parts of their guardian's bodies to be altered to their liking, which is a method by which transitioning post-rez occurs, in the instance that one was not an exo or did not medically transition before death. It's extremely delicate, but all they have to do is use their bond and the Light to go 'hey, you're missing something, you need to make more of this hormone or grow more of this tissue to fully heal', and bam, gender transed :) This fully depends on the skill of the ghost, however, so its a slow process even if it can theoretically lead to a full transition over time, and certain tissues can only atrophy so far before they need to be cut off. In the case of exos, all the ghosts need to do is block the mental disconnect between the body alterations and the perception of what those should be, and that's about it
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thecityofdoors · 7 months
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howling at the computer screen
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viciousewe · 7 months
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finished my first colorwork sweater!!!!
( @trashpandacraft was right it probably could do with one more blocking sesh but tbh it's Good Enough and I was excited to wear it and also my blocking set up is in the most inconvenient place possible so.)
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aurorangen · 1 year
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Renee started writing in her diary and is very excited to share all her investigations 🔍
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What he said is kind of true, right?
Go explore the cave near the waterfall in Sulani and find some kelp ✅ Eat it and become a mermaid NOPE NOT HAPPENING!
Dear Diary, so many things happened today! Mummy had a friend over and I got to meet her. Her name was Maliah and she had the prettiest purple eyes! I had never seen anything like them.
Robbie also asked me what kelp was and I had never heard of it before. We are going to investigate together, very soon actually! I can’t wait!!
Then Daddy took me and Robbie for a walk to look for treasures and we went exploring the beach. It was the best thing ever!
We came across a cave and Daddy asked us if we wanted to explore! I said yes! Robbie seemed a bit cared, so I held his hand all the way.
We found lots of treasure and shells and even some weird green plant.
Bryce: What’cha writing there Renee? Renee: Ahh you scared me! Just my diary.
Renee: Dad I have an important question. What is kelp? Bryce: [pats head] That’s a very interesting question! It’s what we found today, it’s like seaweed. I need it for umm work, to y’know feed the fish…
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tottenhamhotsperm · 2 years
i think about this moment all the time
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sieglinde-freud · 2 months
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thinking about them and banging my head against the wall again whats new. they are making me so emo. god. what the fuck
#ann plays fates#theyre like all i can think about rn#its that time of the year#i mean i think about them both constantly separately but its always when september comes#do i get hit with the laslow/nyx rarepair brainrot i think#that just lasts through fall and winter#not that im complaining. i think eventually i will have posted the entire fucking conversation#i cant help it. each part gives me a segment of dialogue to be ill about#i have ‘but with burdens so heavy dont you think we can lean on eachother a bit?’ on my wall#ROMANCE. TO ME (girl who is aroace)#also underrated thing about them i like how nyx flirts back#its more prevalent in their A support but shes so fun with him even beyond the bonding over traumatic pasts#i think with laslow he does a lot of flirting right bc hes laslow but a lot of the time its like#no ones matching his energy#i was gonna say match his freak but i dont think he has any freak if im so real with u#if he does its buried beneath five metric tons of shame and embarrassment#and i like how his… laslow-ness kinda gives nyx space to let loose if that makes sense#like he can match her maturity because he. you know. all of that#but hes still young and so she can find a little bit of reprieve from it all in his attitude and blah blah blah#if that makes sense#they r just so perfect. TO ME#ive only ever written and posted one thing for them but i have like five million (like six) things in my drafts i need to get back#into writing. rarepair hell gotta feed myself#also that was like two years ago it kinda sucks a bit but thats fine its called growth#i just miss them. i dont really have the brainpower to play fates but i have enough to think about them#i mean i played a little but ive mostly just been doing dumb shit with the class system and not rly playing the game#we’ll get to it#im supposed to be sleeping
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freaky-flawless · 1 year
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Well, I wasn't able to find any cute plastic drawers, but I did manage to snag this from my work. It's probably a tad too big to be considered "doll scale" but it's perfect for storing so many doll accessories. I'm so excited to paint it!
And a Gen 3 Cleo for scale.
Id in Alt!
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cursezoroark · 5 months
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thegeekyartist · 1 year
Tumblr when more than 2 things are popular at the same time: Is this the new Superwholock?
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samarecharm · 10 months
Playing ssbu; i really do love the direction they went for akiras entire moveset. His melees are sharp and aggressive, while his weapon and spell moves are nice and fluid. Really love how Legs he is; he is a gazelle prancing on the stage kicking everything in sight. Also love his midair neutral B; why is he spinning out of control??? And why is it so effective ? Every little detail they added to make the moves more ‘realistic’ really adds to his character 😊
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rigginsstreet · 10 months
billy and steve being stuck in a timeloop like simonalisha misfits.... fucked up if true
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