#Like i want to do art bc art supplies just got in the mail and i wanna test them
enekorre · 2 years
dude, hoping i don't sound pretentious but i feel like the greatest advice for people who try to defend ai art w/ 'but what if i want art?' is srsly to just make some of your own like yeah it has a 90% chance of being bad but like ive been there and its SO SO worth it to just learn the trade. its helped my self-confidence, patience and artist spaces are great places to spend time. the world can never have enough ppl making art. Give it some time. artists have resources 4 other artists too!
Exactly! When I started being serious about learning to draw I created an account on deviantArt, looked at art that looked like what I wanted to make daily, and I doodled! I'm no great artist, but after being at it on and off for 13 years I'm happy with where I am. Will I ever be able to draw a face? No. Can I draw my dragons and my nature scenes and my werewolves? Fuck yes!
Like yeah, obviously your shit is gonna suck in the beginning. Everyones does. But buy some paints or crayons or pencils from the kids art supplies row, sit down at home at a place that can get dirty, and play around! Art is really fun! And don't worry about anatomy or anything. If you find that you really wanna learn how to draw something (say, a wolf), you go and look at wolf art you like, pictures of wolves, the skeletons in the museums, etc. Look up some youtube videos about perspective!
When I was 13 and just starting out, the thing people always told me and all the other 13 year olds was "practice!". It sucked to hear, because at the time you wanted to be able to draw the best and most amazingest sparkle-wolf known to man immediately. But you couldn't. So you doodled in maths class. You spent time on art forums. You payed extra attention in art class.
Just because you're an adult now doesn't mean you're cursed to never be able to draw. You just have to sit down and practice. You didn't start when you were a kid, so you might feel like you can never do it, but all you have to do is catch up. And if you're an adult, you have so many more options about how to go about learning. In my town, they occasionally hold free drawing and painting courses. I've never attended (mainly bc I didn't know they existed until yesterday when I got a magazine about it in the mail lol) but I'm sure something similar exists in most towns. Otherwise, there's always the internet.
Making stuff tends to be a really good feeling. Even if you're frustrated when doing it, when you're finally finished you can look at your thing and go "I made that". If your art comes out funky and you hate it, try again. If it's really not working out, (the answer is try again) you can always try another kind of art. Maybe knitting is your thing? Origami? Gardening?
There's so many skills out there and like everything else, they require time and practice.
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midasinc · 3 years
jehan/grantaire modern era hcs:
-grantaire gets stuck on enjolras for a really long time and when he comes to terms with the fact that it just isn't ever gonna happen, it genuinely breaks his heart and he falls into a funk over it for a while
-jehan is better friends with enj but he knows that grantaire isn't really dealing with any of this well and goes to befriend him too because he's been there and sometimes you just need some help and motivation to move on
-they weirdly get along really well. jehan listens to grantaire and just lets him vent about how heartbroken he is without trying to sneak in advice unless grantaire directly asks him for it. he lets grantaire talk and feel like he's not crazy or overdramatic and that really helps to feel understood
-jehan likes art and likes listening to grantaire talk about art and they have a lot of hang seshes of doodling each other. grantaire is an animator and has a lot of random jehan cartoons around his apartment. jehan has more of a realistic style and has some pretty candid portraits of grantaire
-they also like to go to galleries together and do weird things like go to a skate park despite being older than the main demographic and neither knowing how to skate. jehan takes grantaire to his rap scene and teaches him about rap culture and they do a lot of things on a whim, like taking a train to the south of france for a day or spending a weekend in amsterdam or just going to a zumba class for fun.
-they're very touchy with each other and neither are sure if it means something else
-at jehan's grad party they both get pretty high which turns into playing monopoly and grantaire is about to go bankrupt and jehan says he'll loan him money for a kiss, sort of as a joke, but grantaire does it anyway and takes a big bill from his pile. they don't really talk about it afterwards
-then the next year on new years eve, they're sorta hangin out at a party and grantaire asks if he has a new years kiss lined up and jehan jokes that his invitations probably got lost in the mail and grantaire jokes back that his got sent to a gulag and jehan isn't sure if that's an offer or not, he laughs anyway and takes a sip of his drink before grantaire pretty much just outright says "i'm taking volunteers if you're not busy" and jehan isn't expecting it and he's so surprised that his drink comes out of his nose and they're too busy laughing so they miss the countdown. but they sneak some kisses into the new year anyway (even if jehan's sinuses are burning)
-this time they actually talk about it and it leads us to two years into them being together
-they're both just fucking weirdos. they'll watch youtube essays together on jehan's tv and eat from a jar of almond butter with their own spoons. it's honestly the dream tbh
-jehan brings grantaire stuff like a bird. at the end of the day he comes home with pockets full of shiny pens and bottle caps and stickers and cool rocks or leaves. grantaire likes to joke that he's bringing supplies to build a nest
-grantaire keeps all of it, too. he has a shoebox filled with the little things jehan brings him
-grantaire likes to wear jehan's stuff bc jehan's clothes always smell nicer than his own. this is partly bc grantaire does laundry like once a month if he's in a good mood and has bad habits with showering, but also because jehan uses this cologne that smells like oak and orange and it makes grantaire very happy to smell like his bf
-grantaire is also horrifically insecure but he's very vocal about it and kind of does it for attention on days where he's annoyed. he'll get aggravated with jehan and be like "i don't even know why you're with me im ugly and useless and you shouldn't even want to touch me you should be with someone else" and he knows for a fact that jehan hates it when he says stuff like that because it's really heartbreaking to hear that sort of thing from your partner. because jehan knows he's doing it to get a reaction, his defense mechanism is putting his hands over his ears and yell-singing all of me by john legend until grantaire shuts the fuck up and tells jehan what's actually bothering him
-usually he's just cranky bc his stomach hurts. that, jehan can certainly resolve
-anyway they both also like to get high together. they r the kings of shotgunning smoke into each other's mouths. grantaire likes to curl on top of jehan bc jehan is very solid and also very soft and listen to his heartbeat as jehan hums to whatever song is playing on their record player
-and yes they have a record player in their apartment and two crates full of vinyls. they like to go together to vinyl shops and pick out sad, lonely looking vinyls that no one else will buy. bc of that, they have a very peculiar music selection
-jehan also keeps enough houseplants to make their apartment look like an exhibit from jurassic park. grantaire likes to help, but he knows nothing about horticulture, so jehan gave him a designated plant to take care of. it's plastic, but grantaire thinks it's real and waters it every day and makes sure that it's in the sun
-they're also both picky eaters. neither of them will touch pickles or a lot of veggies god bless. it's joly's mission to figure out a way to get them to eat certain foods
-grantaire warms up to jehan's rats eventually. it took him a year to get comfortable holding a rat and after that, it gets pretty easy. he doesn't feel horrified coming home to seeing jehan chillin on the couch with three rats on his shoulders
-after year two he gets attached to the rats. on their birthday, he buys them little treats and toys and such. rats are just little dudes! it just took him a while to stop associating them with the rats in the paris metro stations
-jehan likes to paint grantaire's nails on sundays and listen to him talk. it's therapeutic for them both
-both of them often feel weird out in public and in other spaces, but being around each other is so comforting because they don't feel weird when they're together. being able to talk and laugh and joke makes them feel understood and that's a really important aspect of their relationship to either of them. they understand each other's weirdness
-jehan also convinces grantaire to get frosted tips. i don't really need to delve further into this event but it does happen.
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I love the idea of the groups of VHs camping together at night when they're out doing missions away from the base of operations.
I know it isn't reasonable to integrate into the main story of the game, but I genuinely love the idea and implications of it. Like, the official art we got of the Bl3 VHs camping together on Pandora warms my soul. It's my desktop wallpaper 33% of the time. I have stubbornly written it into H2o au because camping means slice of life and non-intense interactions most of the time so they all get to just hang out and bond over a campfire
It's all about the Found Family. I know that's why I'm drawn to it and I wish we had more emphasis on that part of the story in the games because it's so so so important to me. Like contrasting the Crimson Raiders as a found family vs the CoV's found family. It never really happens tho, we just have to compare them ourselves later.
We never really get shown that the Raiders are a family in 3 when they should be the foil to the cov. Half the bl2 VHs aren't present for the main story, half the characters are spread out across the galaxy, nobody really cares when Maya dies except a new character (who I'd kill for, just fyi, Ava is a good person okay) we've barely interacted with. I know it isn't feasible to have just random scenes bogging the game down of found family stuff, but having the Raiders ACT like a family would've been really sweet. Hammerlock comes back and everyone greets him, celebrates his safe return. Badgers him abt his new boyfriend. Nope, nothing. He's here on sanc-3 now for some reason but winny isn't and idk why. Maya dies and people actually grieve, you can see people crying, there's a shrine set up on sanc3 where you can drop flowers or books for her and maybe it's just a shitty photograph bc that's all the resources we have right now but it is SOMETHING, the B-Team come back to sanc-3 after reconnecting with Lilith (because they were cut from the final fight) after the Anvil, Moxxi and Tannis or Marcus talk since Moxxi can wander the ship, people have communication or ECHO mails from zed (since his VA was unavailable) up on screens around the ship to see how he's doing instead of fart jokes hell maybe do the same with Axton and Sal and Gaige and Athena and Fiona, just to keep in touch even if their VAs weren't available. Lilith leaves the bridge and interacts with civilians on the ship as their leader! Has a drink at Moxxxi's every once in a while, maybe?? Talks to Tannis beyond main story stuff as sirens! Is pestered by claptrap once in a while! Ellie and Moxxi talk since they are mother and daughter and were closest to Scooter!!! Tannis and Maurice chit chat bc he's a Saurian and he's mentioned her before and she wants to study him. Claptrap wanders outside of his supply closet every once in a while like he did in bl2! Tries to talk to his girlfriend maybe?? If he figures out how to climb stairs (which he does in cut content in bl2 just fyi he literally t-bags Jack's corpse like he said he would). Vaughn joins the crew because he wants to see Rhys once he hears we're going to Promethea!! Lorelei comes aboard and Lorelei and Zer0 get cute interactions! We get the moments from the END CREDITS but during the actual game to showcase HOW THE RAIDERS ARE A FAMILY
God I went overboard with this
U get the idea tho. Rn in game everyone pretty much just stands in their own self contained box wherever they are on the ship and don't interact with anyone else unless the VH comes by. What happened to Lilith and Roland talking about bloodwing after the preserve? What happened to Mordecai and Brick talking in hq, to Lilith and Roland chilling on the balcony together??? Going around and spreading the news that Roland died and hearing everybody's heart break???? Like??????? In Bl3 they're all practically anti social. And for Tannis that's fine I get it, but for the others it's kinda bullshit :/ ur telling me Ellie never wanted to go say hi to her mom? Lilith never wanted to check in on anyone? Ava doesnt leave the bridge to go looking around the ship??? Again. I know it isn't the main focus of the game but hell skyrim gave ALL their npcs schedules. You'd think the Sanctuary crew would at least have interactions with each other outside of main story stuff. The most we get is Marcus trying to get Maurice in trouble and Maurice didn't do anything wrong and it's a side quest not even a casual interaction
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ikeservant · 4 years
Hello just came across your blog! Can I get headcanons for Kenshin, Shingen, and Ieyasu with an MC who is an artist? They had sketchbook and pens, pencils in their purse when they time travelled, so they continue to draw... thank you so much!!
It’s been so long since I’ve gotten an ask I might cry :’) 
It’s been a while and writing papers for finals beat up my brain so this might turn out bad but I hope you like it ^.^/
Kenshin: You can’t tell me ANYBODY who is an artist wouldn’t want to draw a portrait of Kenshin. When they first met MC was standing in front of him, mouth agape. People around MC would think they’re just shocked by his beauty, but the MC’s hands were twitching with the urge to draw this human masterpiece. After running into eachother and becoming friends, MC finally popped the question of him being a model for drawing. With the promise of free sake, Kenshin agreed for his peculiar artist friend. Not wanting to take too much of his time, MC just drew a sketch with pencil. Kenshin was baffled with how good it looked with just a pencil outline. The pencil is the second best pointy thing he’s ever seen in his life (the first being a sword) because of what it could create. After MC and Kenshin got together, he would supply them with whatever paper or utensils they needed. They held a funeral for each pencil and pen because those ain’t gonna be invented for a long time. MC has a secret drawing of Kenshin with his bunny hoard while he was working on paper documents that they will pull out as comfort whenever Kenshin’s away. He loves watching MC draw and will keep every picture, even the little doodles of flowers and bunnies. Will get VERY jealous if MC gives drawings to others because they’re so special to him (they’re not wedding rings Kenshin calm down)
Shingen: “A god/goddess of beauty AND the arts?” Shingen is immediately intrigued. Would probably pull a “draw me like one of your French girls” and would greatly appreciate if MC drew him (which who wouldn’t want to draw dem muscles?). Shingen is a craftsman himself with woodworking, so he has an eye for detail and precision. He’s impressed and intrigued with modern art styles and would be in love with MC’s drawings. If MC couldn’t describe what a modern object looked like, they’d whip out their sketchbook and pencil and draw it, which would fascinate Shingen both by the object and by the abstract drawing. He would most likely hang MC’s drawings everwhere and tell guests “you see this? My beautiful angel drew this.” and hype MC’s artwork up. It’s led to MC being very popular and pursue their artist dream. With his craftsmanship skills and Sasuke’s help, Shingen gave MC for their birthday his creations of his newly invented Sengoku pencils and pens for when MC runs out of ink and graphite from their modern art supplies. An artist MC would THRIVE with Shingen holy smokes.
Ieyasu: When they first meet, Ieyasu would be eyeing your strange book of papers and strange stick tools. MC would catch his eye and show him what these art tools are. He’d pretend like he doesn’t care but trust me, he is internally intrigued. After a while Ieyasu and MC would become friends. It became a tradition for MC visiting his place as the last pit stop for delivering mail as chatelain. Ieyasu would tell them that they should sit down or else MC’s going to trip and be a hassle (translation “Please take a seat and rest. I’m worried about you”). They sit on the balcony and watch Wasabi the deer prance around the garden. MC fishes their sketchbook and pencil to do some drawings to unwind. Ieyasu’s in a trance watching the pencil move against the paper. After MC was finished, they tore the paper from the book and handed it to Ieyasu before leaving to go back to their room. It was a picture of Wasabi in the garden *cue blushing Ieyasu bc its so cute and pretty at the same time*. He keeps it somewhere only he can see because its secretly precious to him. When MC and him become a couple, he would watch MC draw every night, fascinated with whatever MC created. Whenever MC asks how it looks he’d say “It’s good I guess.” But if MC is feeling insecure about their work he would find the words to say how much he admires their artwork. There’d be hell to pay if anybody critiqued his MC’s artwork because in his eyes he thinks their creations and their drive to be an artist is so admirable and fascinating and is one of the reasons he loves MC. MC would magically find more writing paper and writing utensils. How did that get there? You know it’s him =u=. MC would try teaching him how to draw and he’d try (its canon he is on kindergarten art level) but MC will cherish his drawings and he’s upgraded to being able to draw a pretty good flower (Be proud of him). 
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ofjunkrcts · 5 years
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OKAY HI u guys have no idea how pumped i am for this!!!!!! i almost NEVER pick up second characters so u know that means i gotta whole lot of love in my heart for this girl :’) let’s jump right in i’m so excited!!!!!!!!!
part one: the backstory!!!!
what the fuck is up im coming at u HOT with another Hot Fucking Mess say hello to my mfn BABYGIRL frankie rivera
yes frankie is a nickname no u probably don’t know what her full name is bc undersharing is the name of the game baby
born on the wrong side of the tracks…… literally! technically the trailer park she grew up in wasn’t Actually an ashmont mailing address bc heaven forbid 100% of ashmont residents aren’t stupid rich! but thanks to the wonder that is school of choice, frankie still went to ashmont high school w the gang way back when!
(sex work tw) she was raised by her single mother who was a community college dropout when a random ass hookup ended up in her being pregnant! her mom has worked two jobs all of frankie’s life to afford the basics, being a waitress at a bar by day and also a stripper by night to make that money and provide for her daughter! and even though they barely BARELY ever had enough to make ends meet, frankie’s momma is her whole HERO so watch ur mouth
because she didn’t really have much growing up and because her mom’s demanding work schedule left her with very little supervision, she resorted to petty theft at a pretty young age. sometimes it was to get things that she or her mom needed, like medicine from the gas station down the street. sometimes it was to get things that she wanted, like if she wanted fresh fruit for breakfast. and, eventually, she ended up stealing because it was what everyone expected from someone “like her”
by the time that high school came around, frankie’s tendency for theft had surpassed means of survival and had, instead, had turned into something that she couldn’t stop herself from doing. she stole clothes, makeup, accessories, art supplies, anything and everything that the world of rich kids around her made her believe that she needed but couldn’t afford on her own and she quickly found that she couldn’t stop herself
the idea that she was constantly being judged by people who looked down on her, constantly believing that there were a set of expectations she would always be held to, constantly being seen as nothing and constantly having to prove that she wasn’t worthless — all became recurring themes in her life
the first person frankie met who changed her life was a man named mel carson, the owner of carson’s automotive shop. when she was fifteen, frankie got caught attempting to shoplift from the pharmacy of the convenience store and, really, she’d just been lucky that mel had been there and convinced the owner of the store to let her go with a warning, paying for what she’d been trying to steal. and then he’d really saved her life by offering her a job at the shop
the second person frankie met who changed her life was her art teacher, junior year. coincidentally, it was another instance where she thought that she was going to end up in trouble with the law. she’d developed a love for art at a young age, but it had always seemed untouchable until the day that she began to express herself through graffiti. it was her art teacher who found her spray painting one of the back walls of the school and, instead, of reporting her to the school or to the ashmont pd for vandalism, he looked at her and saw the talent and the passion with which her work was carefully completed. he convinced her to start taking classes, gave her a place and supplies to work in his classroom, fostered her interests and encouraged her to stick with it
she did and, by some miracle, she ended up at st e’s on a scholarship for her art after spending a year at community college, which she never thought would have happened to someone like her. opening her college acceptance letter, with her mom looking on and beaming with pride, was the first time in her life that frankie truly felt like she might be able to amount to something
now she’s out here at st e’s chilling, working at the art gallery, also running a “technically illegal because you don’t have any certification” underground auto shop in the junkyard just chilling !!!!!!! 
as far as her personality goes, frankie can probably best be described as being single minded to the point of recklessness. she has been held accountable for very few things in her life, never really had a lot of responsibilities, was never held to a very high standard, often got away with things she shouldn’t have without seeing repercussions, etc. because of that she’s always been a bit flighty and had a difficult time seeing the full extent of the consequences of her actions 
this probably..... best displays itself in her tendency to be...... overly flirtatious with uhhh everyone all the time she is so TERRIBLE about it she is so so flirty n so so ........ Like That. i dont mean 2 be that person but like........ female danny/female noah. thats her ladies!! ready n willing to sleep w anyone at almost any moment in time 
but shes super gay so jot that down xoxo
ANYWAY. it isnt that she’s not empathetic bc she IS. she gets Way Too Attached to people and then backs out before she can fully commit bc..................
she’s also a BIG TIME commitment-phobe, terrified of letting people in and seeing the parts of her that she keeps tucked away under a cool, icy, collected exterior which mostly stems from the fact that she has a lot of repressed contempt towards people who have always viewed her as lesser because of her status, social standing, etc
i might be biased but??? i love her and think she’s a good person still??? like deep down she’s such a sweetheart she really is, she likes to just hang out in the junkyard and and go through trash that people threw away and pick out pieces of things that can be built into something new and beautiful
she’s super sentimental deep down but will throw punches if anyone tries to say that, she doesn’t give a SHIT if she’s only like 5 ft tall she will fight
she’s a baby and strongly identifies in the “junk” of the junkyard n wants someone to put effort into her to make her beautiful the way that she does to everything else and that’s on that 
basically i have some in my brain already but im gonna do the tldr version of them rn so that i can POST THIS. 
first of all, GIVE HER SPICY CONNECTIONS PLS kiki is the loml n my girl but shes 2 sad 2 b spicy ever in her life so LET ME HAVE A SPICY GIRL PLS
FRIENDS!!!!! she would live and die for her friends SO VERY MUCH give her some sweet wholesome plots esp someone who was perhaps her friend back in the day 
“EXES” and i put it in quotations bc its... highly unlikely that frankie was ever 1000000% committed and in a serious relationship (OR maybe she was maybe ur character was the 1 exception that broke her heart) BUT THERE R SO MANY POSSIBILITIES FOR THIS TO GO MESSY
also she needs ROOMMATES. WHO WANTS A ROOMMATE!!!!!!!!!!!
um????? hateship?????????? didnt get along??????????// still dont get along??????????? 
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heartfucksmouth · 7 years
Well, I started my day 12 hours ago at 645am. Had a psych med checkup scheduled at 730 which was emotional. Came back to the house just in time to corral the dogs into the car, and leave again to get to the vet before 9.
Sasha no longer has a fever and her bloodwork will be back tomorrow. She’s still on the antibiotics which seem to be helping a lot. $105 dollars that aren’t mine later, and we’re on our way back home - where I climb back in bed with Andrew, set my alarm for 11:15, and fall asleep.
Alarm goes off and I seriously want to die at the thought of getting back out of bed, but I do it and I head off to PT which is at 12:30 and get there almost a half hour early but if I left any later, I’d be 10 mins late and they wouldn’t take me. Its not so bad once I’m there, but I’m getting kind of sick of the whole concept. And maybe I just feel bad bc things that are “supposed” to be easy are not. I watched a girl dead lift 55 pounds right in front of me like it was nothing while I’m simply trying to do straight leg raises and shaking with my weak ass hip…
Did I mention its raining this whole time?
After PT, my mom needs an important piece of mail brought to her at her work, which of course, requires me to go back home and then out again… my brother cant bring it to her. And I have to stop at the pharmacy bc I’ve been short on my risperidone for 3 days and have only been able to take half my doses - that's why I had my med checkup squeezed in so early. So I pick those up, pop the pill, and grab the envelope my mom needs from the house. It’s almost 2pm by now.
Drop off the mail to mom, head back home, have to help Andrew unearth a piece of musical equipment that got buried in my art supplies. Watch him load my car with the equipment, kiss him goodbye. Eat turkey + cheese rollups, blueberry pretzel sticks with cannoli filling and fall the fuck to sleep. It’s 3:45pm.
Wake up now. Write this post. Wonder where my day went. Wanna go back to sleep. Will probably go back to sleep.
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leaughrilke · 8 years
(wriggles eyebrows) superbabies at hogwarts
so kara’s a muggle born hufflepuff and lena’s a pure blood slytherin (who like......easily could have gone to ravenclaw if she wasnt so terrified of what lillian would say or do if she didn’t end up in the luthor’s typical house) and they’re p sure the kiddos are going to have magic (like 90% on finn and maia??  stella’s a lil more murky bc they’re p sure that her birth mom was a witch but its not as if they’ve got like.......Offical Records on her or anything)
so finn and maia show magic p early??  from like toddlers tbh so they’re expecting their letters and then stella’s like nine and hasn’t shown any inclination to magic and she’s starting to ask when she’ll get her letter, if she can get a cat for a pet instead of an owl like finn and maia did and like??  they’ll obviously love her exactly as they always have but like they’re like lowkey worried she’ll be destroyed if she doesn’t get a letter
so they’re gearing up to sit down with her and talk to her about the possibility of her maybe not having magic and then one day she sneezes and sets the curtains on fire
finn!!!  is the first, the oldest, and he like straight up cries when his letter comes bc he’s so excited??  but he’s also dreading being away from his moms, being away from his sisters, but kara wraps him up in a big hug and tells him all about how scared and sad she was when she got her letter, how much she desperately didnt want to go but she went and it was amazing and he’s going to have a wonderful time, she knows it.  
the whole family goes to diagon alley and like the kiddos have been before, kara and lena take them p regularly for ice cream or for birthdays or hell just for funsies but now it’s Big and Important
his wand is alder, unyielding, with unicorn hair as the core.  twelve inches even and like.......when he matches with it he literally makes flowers grow in every nook and cranny of ollivanders and stella’s literally six but she’s so entirely entranced, so finn just sort of thinks flowers and then she’s got a little bloom behind her ear, braided into her hair and she’s grinning and maybe she finally stops crying at the thought of her big brother going off to school for the year
meanwhile maia’s pretending like she’s not at all upset about this, bc she’s excited for finn??  she is!!!  but he’s her best friend and she’s not ready to lose him for nine months out of the year, but by the time they make it to the owl shop, she’s grinning and talking about what type of owl she thinks finn ought to get, what type of owl she’ll get bc she’s not pleased with finn’s final choice (a small, sleek little barn owl that he stares at and finally decides to name spock bc he’s a nerd just like lena tbh)
so he goes!!!!!  and he is a hufflepuff!!!!!  a giant soft sweet hufflepuff!!!!!!!  kara sends him her old scarf from when she was in school when he gets sorted, sends a rlly embarrassing howler that’s basically her and lena just crying and saying they’re so proud of him, they love him so much, call home as soon as you can and tell us everything! and he’s blushing a little bit but his house is full of kids with similar howlers and they’re all blushing a little, all making bashful eye contact with one another
and jesus does he belong in hufflepuff like.  he is so happy, like he’s homesick for the first few weeks??  but it helps that lena does guest lectures for muggle studies on how magic and muggle technology can be combined, helps that he can see one of his moms every few weeks or so, helps that he has a smartphone bc this is the 21st century and he’s able to facetime his family a lot.  but once the homesickness passes, once he falls into the rhythm of hogwarts, he just begins to belong u know??  like he makes friends across the board, in every house, in every year, often volunteers down in the infirmary when there’s need
jesus he writes his sisters so many letters bc they’re still young enough that getting mail is like A Thing.  like??  he asks his moms for a camera, just so he can send maia a picture of the giant squid in the lake bc she’s so fascinated by it, just so he can send stella a series of photos of the quidditch matches his new friends bring him out to bc she watches the matches on tv and is so entranced
so his first year is so awesome and quite frankly so is his second year and then!!!!!!  it’s his third year and maia’s coming and he legit cannot wait, like he knows all the secret passages and shortcuts and which house elf (no longer kept, but actually employed by the school !!!  bc mcfuck off thats why) is the easiest to persuade for a midnight snack and he cant wait to share that all with maia
so maia!!!!  she gets her letter and she literally screams, scares the fuck out of her moms and siblings but she’s like FUCK YES WHERE’S MY WAND WHERE’S MY GIANT SCREECH OWL SOMEONE GET ME SOME CHOCOLATE FROGS TO CELEBRATE like she’s been counting down the days to hogwarts since finn got his letter
her wand!!!  is dogwood with dragon heartstring, rigid, twelve and a quarter inches and is a bit, well.  it looks like a branch with a handle tbh but its kind of wild??  like a thing of nature and the minute it hits maia’s hand, she’s enthralled and there’s like a hum in the air??  like something’s clicked into place and she’s READY like hand her some SPELLS lets get this MAGIC HAPPENING
and she gets her giant ass screech owl, names it gene simmons bc why not (genie for short, obviously), gets her books and her supplies and asks if they can stop by weasley’s to grab a few things and her moms set her with a look and kara’s like maia you can’t prank any of the professors and lena’s like on that subject, you can’t prank any of your housemates until at least second term and maia’s kind of like fiiiiinnneeee but definitely slips in a few things that are definitely prank-worthy and grins when her moms pointedly look in the other direction as theyre paying
so then she gets to hogwarts and she’s sitting under the sorting hat for a solid ten minutes as it hems and haws between sorting her into gryffindor or ravenclaw and she’s a little sad she’s not even being considered for finn’s house, but she also knows she’d never fit in there, not ever.  and this goes on for a bit bc maia’s wildly smart, and she loves learning but she’s also hard headed and reckless and intensely committed to the idea of justice, fairness, always steps up to a fight, never away.  so FINALLY the sorting hat calls out GRYFFINDOR and then maia’s swept up in the celebration, catches finn’s eye as he gives her the biggest proud big brother smile and a thumbs up (meanwhile he’s secretly facetiming kara and lena so they can see this and what, they’re totally not crying)
and kara, secret old lady that she is, tries to knit maia a gryffindor scarf but its kind of terrible so they also buy her one but (and maia will never admit this) she sleeps with the fucked up one kara made her, tucked up next to her ratty old teddy bear from when she was a baby.  
what??  it makes her feel safe, reminds her of home
so she doesnt have that same adjustment period as finn did??  like she’s not super sad for the first few weeks, its more protracted than that, lasts a little longer but doesnt hit as hard, and it’s a lot of help that finn’s there, pulls her over to eat at his table when she doesnt have friends to eat with the first few days, who invites her round to his common room to eat the sweets their moms have sent them and to catch up on tv on his laptop.  but mostly???  she loves hogwarts.  she LOVES it
she excels at potions, in the same way that finn excels at herbology, great at defense against the dark arts, and shit if she’s not even better dueling, like she gets an actual invitation to join the dueling club on parchment and everything
and like???  she’s on the choir and gets her friends to dare her to explore the forbidden forest and quite frankly she’s having the time of her life
and then little stella!!!!!  she gets her owl and like.  just stares at it for a bit, trying to believe its real and then lena’s coming downstairs and sees stella sitting in front of the big kitchen window and sees what she’s staring at and shes like !!!!!  stella!!!!  cmon sweetheart, lets go get that letter!!!!  and stella’s so???  happy????  like its been weird like she’s basically been an only child in the three years since maia went to hogwarts, been on her own and now she’ll be back with her siblings and she’s so so happy oh my god
she very nearly cries when she finds her wand bc she takes the longest of all the kiddos.  no wand feels right, feels like home and she’s nearly at her wits end with it, just about to say nevermind, take me home and then, well, she finds it.  its pine, supple, fourteen and a half inches long with a dragon heartstring; god, it looks a little ridiculous when ollivander hands it to her, almost like its too long for such a small girl but then she’s holding it, then a hush is falling over the room and then there’s just light, everywhere and it feels right???  feels good, grounded
and she picks out a little black kitten!!!  its the runt of the litter and maia kind of knocks her shoulder and says awwww just like you and their moms fix her with a look but stella’s smiling, nodding, saying that one, i want that one and that’s the end of that
what does she name the cat, you ask?  well
she names it carmilla bc she’s a giant baby lesbian ok, like hell she didnt sneak the novella from lena’s bookshelf and struggle through it only to watch the series and then develop an as of yet unnamed crush on carmilla
so she finally gets to hogwarts, kind of terrified (she cried a lot on the train, only sort of soothed by her siblings refusing to go sit with their friends, instead squishing into the same bench and playing sudoku with her) but finn’s grinning at her from the hufflepuff table and maia’s giving her this steady look like you got this from gryffindor and stella’s like???  ok.  i’ll be happy in either of those houses
but then the sorting hat barely touches her hair before its screaming SLYTHERIN and stella’s like um what. 
this isnt to say any of the kiddos have that assbackwards belief that slytherin = evil bc like??  lena was slytherin and yeah, there’s some shit tied up with that but she did truly have a decent time and aunt alex was slytherin too and she’s good, the greatest, like none of them have grown up with that messed up idea
but at the same time stella’s like um.  i am the softest bitch here.  what the fuck bc while she knows slytherins arent evil, she also knows her mom and aunt alex, knows there’s an edge to slytherins that she can’t hope to ever match???  like ambition??  cunning/??  bitch WHERE
but its done, she’s sorted and she’s kind of in shock and most of slytherin is as well, kind of looking at her and then looking back to her siblings, kind of like???  the fuck????  the danvers kids are like........the Softest.  why do we have this one????  and maia’s the first to holler her name, whoop and clap and stamp her feet and celebrate her baby sister getting sorted and then finn’s joining and then the whole of slytherin is doing the same and stella kind of smiles a little bc when she sits down, the girl next to her gives her this appraising look then sticks out her hand and says i’m ari, we’re friends now before shoving a plate of food at her
and lena’s like???  worried that stella doesnt want to be in slytherin but also incredibly proud and excited???  like shit, ok, all my weird trivia abt the slytherin dorms can finally come in handy and she digs out all her old stuff, packs it up with a weepy howler that’s literally her and kara just crying about how much they love and miss stella and stella literally wears that scarf basically every cold day for the rest of her life tbh
stella feels the homesickness more??  like a Lot more, bc she had a lot more one on one time with kara and lena after maia left, isnt used to not being around them in the slightest and she’s kind of inconsolable for a while after lena’s lectures, but maia sometimes sneaks her into the gryffindor dorms so she doesnt have to feel so alone at night and that helps a lot, helps that she finds some good friends p early on as well
OH SHIT it also helps that stella’s like.  terrifyingly good at transfiguration and charms, and, later, divination and legilimancy (heh u see what i did there).  probably also helps that she’s scary good at most curses and hexes like.........she’ll Fuck U Up.  maia fights with her fists but stella doesnt hesitate to use her wand.  like ppl are a lil tiny bit scared of her but she’s tiny and adorable and v sweet, sweet enough that most ppl get over their fear p quickly
so the kiddos do alright??  finn never joins the quidditch team even though kara played and he’s never quite as fond of flying as stella; in fact, its only stella that joins quidditch for anything longer than one season, as a chaser (stella MAY be a little bit of an adrenaline junkie and MAY have the time of her life dodging bludgers).  maia joins as a beater for one season when gryffindor’s normal beater came down with dragon pox and had to go home to recuperate but she quits at the end of the season bc she hits a bludger that ends up knocking stella off her broom and like.......Fuck That ya know
hmmmmmm what shenanigans do they get up to 
well finn’s like every professors favorite student like he’s there on time and prepared for class every day and god help every professor the day maia comes to hogwarts like they’re all expecting another mild mannered danvers kiddo (like??  even their moms were so well behaved.........that said.  it shouldnt be a surprise bc alex was hell on wheels) but then maia sweeps into her first class, probably trailing glitter or something equally dramatic and like.  professor snapper looks like he wants to die tbh.  like just drop dead
i dont blame him tbh, maia is also hell on wheels, like constantly calling teachers out when they fuck up and starting fights when some punk kid starts saying shit about blood traitors like hey.  fuck u buddy
so then after maia’s torn through, everyone’s a lil cautious with stella but she’s like........a small bunny or something.  a small bunny that could probably murder you with some tricky non-verbal magic but a small bunny nonetheless 
finn’s a prefect and eventually head boy!!!  like he’s so proud of that and his sisters roll their eyes but theyre proud of him too and maybe kara and lena just.........dont shut up about how their son is head boy, their eldest daughter got an o in potions, how their youngest was the first in her class to cast a patronus charm successfully like they’re B R I M M I N G with pride tbh
hmmmm what else what else
finn goes on to be a healer!!  one of the best at st. mungos, the one you’d want caring for you after you’ve been blasted with some curse or the other.  maia first works for the ministry, in their muggle science department, but then decides to train as an auror (like why not, she’s got the grades and the grit for it).  stella bounces around for a bit before eventually opening her own little shop in diagon alley.  it’s a bit of an odds and ends sort of shop, somewhere halfway between an antique shop and a toy store tbh
and maybe she helps out on some of maia’s raids/cases
its not like there’s anyone more qualified to help, she is one of the foremost experts in legilimancy
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ko-eko-ev-go-ms · 4 years
tfw you’re still like lowgrade depressed, but you’re also lowkey in a semi productive mood/plan to be productive/have productive stuff lined up and/or easy access to. So like you want to do a bunch of things but you also don’t want to do anything, but also don’t know if  you have time to properly enjoy whatever you would do bc you have stuff lined up for later that is also good/need to do. 
Also unrelated, but went back into a talkative mood again which is lowkey bad bc no one likes me when i’m like that, and i’m super annoying, but i’m also extra impulsive/reckless when i’m like that so less filter bc i want to talk about all the things. But also still in a semi-isolation mood so its like confusing, bc like a call or something is too much (but also i sometimes want to??) but its also like i wanna do other stuff. But then also with being talkative/wanting to talk its just going to eventually send me back into a depressed/sad/lonely mood, bc no one who i’m comfortable talking to about literally anything lmao. 
#thoughts#oni talks#oni vents#doesn't mean i don't still annoy them by trying to talk to them about random stuff lol#But then i just feel bad bc they clearly aren't interested whatsoever or care or just don't like it#Or they don't have the appropriate level of engagement/to listening ratio that my mind just arbitrarily sets up to troll me#Also its this kind of mood where i just like info dump and am just too rude and suck at conversation#Or doing whatever other thing i'm supposed to be doing or reciprocating like in a good social relationship#like listening to the other person or doing what they want to do#But then I just end up forcing myself to because i feel bad about it and that's the like proper thing to do#but then i just get even more lonely/resentful bc no one ever wants to do the same thing as me or talk about it/listen to it lol#Also its not like i can't tell when someone is disinterested or is just listening to be polite#so i just already know i'm annoying them but for whatever reason can't seem to stop a lot of the time#Or i just go in the other extreme and shut up about everything and don't talk to anyone about anything or say anything whatsoever#idk man i'm trolled bc my brain is filled with too many things rn#Like i want to do art bc art supplies just got in the mail and i wanna test them#But i also want to maybe continue filling out the therapy sheet bc therapy is tomorrow#But also even though i have food i can't seem to bring myself to eat it bc no interest whatsoever#Or just want to do so many other things#Like i both plan to work out and take a bath today but i don't really know exactly how that will work out scheduling wise#and i also know i'm probably going to just get depressed again today so feel like i should factor that in too#like i already have negative plans for bath time (Nothing serious don't worry)#Idk man i'm just all over the place and want to do too many things like animal crossing or watching youtube but also not at the same time#Also need to refill all the water bowls and probably check mail box  bc another package and idk if my mom will
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