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happier, ed sheeran
#*#gifs*#ed sheeran#edsheeranedit#divide#happier#typography#lyrics#triwiizard#thaleias#100#500#1k#2k#3k#4k#5k
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moodboard for @triwiizard
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@katiegardhner what an amazing bean
@katiegardhner !!
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(wriggles eyebrows) superbabies at hogwarts
so kara’s a muggle born hufflepuff and lena’s a pure blood slytherin (who like......easily could have gone to ravenclaw if she wasnt so terrified of what lillian would say or do if she didn’t end up in the luthor’s typical house) and they’re p sure the kiddos are going to have magic (like 90% on finn and maia?? stella’s a lil more murky bc they’re p sure that her birth mom was a witch but its not as if they’ve got like.......Offical Records on her or anything)
so finn and maia show magic p early?? from like toddlers tbh so they’re expecting their letters and then stella’s like nine and hasn’t shown any inclination to magic and she’s starting to ask when she’ll get her letter, if she can get a cat for a pet instead of an owl like finn and maia did and like?? they’ll obviously love her exactly as they always have but like they’re like lowkey worried she’ll be destroyed if she doesn’t get a letter
so they’re gearing up to sit down with her and talk to her about the possibility of her maybe not having magic and then one day she sneezes and sets the curtains on fire
finn!!! is the first, the oldest, and he like straight up cries when his letter comes bc he’s so excited?? but he’s also dreading being away from his moms, being away from his sisters, but kara wraps him up in a big hug and tells him all about how scared and sad she was when she got her letter, how much she desperately didnt want to go but she went and it was amazing and he’s going to have a wonderful time, she knows it.
the whole family goes to diagon alley and like the kiddos have been before, kara and lena take them p regularly for ice cream or for birthdays or hell just for funsies but now it’s Big and Important
his wand is alder, unyielding, with unicorn hair as the core. twelve inches even and like.......when he matches with it he literally makes flowers grow in every nook and cranny of ollivanders and stella’s literally six but she’s so entirely entranced, so finn just sort of thinks flowers and then she’s got a little bloom behind her ear, braided into her hair and she’s grinning and maybe she finally stops crying at the thought of her big brother going off to school for the year
meanwhile maia’s pretending like she’s not at all upset about this, bc she’s excited for finn?? she is!!! but he’s her best friend and she’s not ready to lose him for nine months out of the year, but by the time they make it to the owl shop, she’s grinning and talking about what type of owl she thinks finn ought to get, what type of owl she’ll get bc she’s not pleased with finn’s final choice (a small, sleek little barn owl that he stares at and finally decides to name spock bc he’s a nerd just like lena tbh)
so he goes!!!!! and he is a hufflepuff!!!!! a giant soft sweet hufflepuff!!!!!!! kara sends him her old scarf from when she was in school when he gets sorted, sends a rlly embarrassing howler that’s basically her and lena just crying and saying they’re so proud of him, they love him so much, call home as soon as you can and tell us everything! and he’s blushing a little bit but his house is full of kids with similar howlers and they’re all blushing a little, all making bashful eye contact with one another
and jesus does he belong in hufflepuff like. he is so happy, like he’s homesick for the first few weeks?? but it helps that lena does guest lectures for muggle studies on how magic and muggle technology can be combined, helps that he can see one of his moms every few weeks or so, helps that he has a smartphone bc this is the 21st century and he’s able to facetime his family a lot. but once the homesickness passes, once he falls into the rhythm of hogwarts, he just begins to belong u know?? like he makes friends across the board, in every house, in every year, often volunteers down in the infirmary when there’s need
jesus he writes his sisters so many letters bc they’re still young enough that getting mail is like A Thing. like?? he asks his moms for a camera, just so he can send maia a picture of the giant squid in the lake bc she’s so fascinated by it, just so he can send stella a series of photos of the quidditch matches his new friends bring him out to bc she watches the matches on tv and is so entranced
so his first year is so awesome and quite frankly so is his second year and then!!!!!! it’s his third year and maia’s coming and he legit cannot wait, like he knows all the secret passages and shortcuts and which house elf (no longer kept, but actually employed by the school !!! bc mcfuck off thats why) is the easiest to persuade for a midnight snack and he cant wait to share that all with maia
so maia!!!! she gets her letter and she literally screams, scares the fuck out of her moms and siblings but she’s like FUCK YES WHERE’S MY WAND WHERE’S MY GIANT SCREECH OWL SOMEONE GET ME SOME CHOCOLATE FROGS TO CELEBRATE like she’s been counting down the days to hogwarts since finn got his letter
her wand!!! is dogwood with dragon heartstring, rigid, twelve and a quarter inches and is a bit, well. it looks like a branch with a handle tbh but its kind of wild?? like a thing of nature and the minute it hits maia’s hand, she’s enthralled and there’s like a hum in the air?? like something’s clicked into place and she’s READY like hand her some SPELLS lets get this MAGIC HAPPENING
and she gets her giant ass screech owl, names it gene simmons bc why not (genie for short, obviously), gets her books and her supplies and asks if they can stop by weasley’s to grab a few things and her moms set her with a look and kara’s like maia you can’t prank any of the professors and lena’s like on that subject, you can’t prank any of your housemates until at least second term and maia’s kind of like fiiiiinnneeee but definitely slips in a few things that are definitely prank-worthy and grins when her moms pointedly look in the other direction as theyre paying
so then she gets to hogwarts and she’s sitting under the sorting hat for a solid ten minutes as it hems and haws between sorting her into gryffindor or ravenclaw and she’s a little sad she’s not even being considered for finn’s house, but she also knows she’d never fit in there, not ever. and this goes on for a bit bc maia’s wildly smart, and she loves learning but she’s also hard headed and reckless and intensely committed to the idea of justice, fairness, always steps up to a fight, never away. so FINALLY the sorting hat calls out GRYFFINDOR and then maia’s swept up in the celebration, catches finn’s eye as he gives her the biggest proud big brother smile and a thumbs up (meanwhile he’s secretly facetiming kara and lena so they can see this and what, they’re totally not crying)
and kara, secret old lady that she is, tries to knit maia a gryffindor scarf but its kind of terrible so they also buy her one but (and maia will never admit this) she sleeps with the fucked up one kara made her, tucked up next to her ratty old teddy bear from when she was a baby.
what?? it makes her feel safe, reminds her of home
so she doesnt have that same adjustment period as finn did?? like she’s not super sad for the first few weeks, its more protracted than that, lasts a little longer but doesnt hit as hard, and it’s a lot of help that finn’s there, pulls her over to eat at his table when she doesnt have friends to eat with the first few days, who invites her round to his common room to eat the sweets their moms have sent them and to catch up on tv on his laptop. but mostly??? she loves hogwarts. she LOVES it
she excels at potions, in the same way that finn excels at herbology, great at defense against the dark arts, and shit if she’s not even better dueling, like she gets an actual invitation to join the dueling club on parchment and everything
and like??? she’s on the choir and gets her friends to dare her to explore the forbidden forest and quite frankly she’s having the time of her life
and then little stella!!!!! she gets her owl and like. just stares at it for a bit, trying to believe its real and then lena’s coming downstairs and sees stella sitting in front of the big kitchen window and sees what she’s staring at and shes like !!!!! stella!!!! cmon sweetheart, lets go get that letter!!!! and stella’s so??? happy???? like its been weird like she’s basically been an only child in the three years since maia went to hogwarts, been on her own and now she’ll be back with her siblings and she’s so so happy oh my god
she very nearly cries when she finds her wand bc she takes the longest of all the kiddos. no wand feels right, feels like home and she’s nearly at her wits end with it, just about to say nevermind, take me home and then, well, she finds it. its pine, supple, fourteen and a half inches long with a dragon heartstring; god, it looks a little ridiculous when ollivander hands it to her, almost like its too long for such a small girl but then she’s holding it, then a hush is falling over the room and then there’s just light, everywhere and it feels right??? feels good, grounded
and she picks out a little black kitten!!! its the runt of the litter and maia kind of knocks her shoulder and says awwww just like you and their moms fix her with a look but stella’s smiling, nodding, saying that one, i want that one and that’s the end of that
what does she name the cat, you ask? well
she names it carmilla bc she’s a giant baby lesbian ok, like hell she didnt sneak the novella from lena’s bookshelf and struggle through it only to watch the series and then develop an as of yet unnamed crush on carmilla
so she finally gets to hogwarts, kind of terrified (she cried a lot on the train, only sort of soothed by her siblings refusing to go sit with their friends, instead squishing into the same bench and playing sudoku with her) but finn’s grinning at her from the hufflepuff table and maia’s giving her this steady look like you got this from gryffindor and stella’s like??? ok. i’ll be happy in either of those houses
but then the sorting hat barely touches her hair before its screaming SLYTHERIN and stella’s like um what.
this isnt to say any of the kiddos have that assbackwards belief that slytherin = evil bc like?? lena was slytherin and yeah, there’s some shit tied up with that but she did truly have a decent time and aunt alex was slytherin too and she’s good, the greatest, like none of them have grown up with that messed up idea
but at the same time stella’s like um. i am the softest bitch here. what the fuck bc while she knows slytherins arent evil, she also knows her mom and aunt alex, knows there’s an edge to slytherins that she can’t hope to ever match??? like ambition?? cunning/?? bitch WHERE
but its done, she’s sorted and she’s kind of in shock and most of slytherin is as well, kind of looking at her and then looking back to her siblings, kind of like??? the fuck???? the danvers kids are like........the Softest. why do we have this one???? and maia’s the first to holler her name, whoop and clap and stamp her feet and celebrate her baby sister getting sorted and then finn’s joining and then the whole of slytherin is doing the same and stella kind of smiles a little bc when she sits down, the girl next to her gives her this appraising look then sticks out her hand and says i’m ari, we’re friends now before shoving a plate of food at her
and lena’s like??? worried that stella doesnt want to be in slytherin but also incredibly proud and excited??? like shit, ok, all my weird trivia abt the slytherin dorms can finally come in handy and she digs out all her old stuff, packs it up with a weepy howler that’s literally her and kara just crying about how much they love and miss stella and stella literally wears that scarf basically every cold day for the rest of her life tbh
stella feels the homesickness more?? like a Lot more, bc she had a lot more one on one time with kara and lena after maia left, isnt used to not being around them in the slightest and she’s kind of inconsolable for a while after lena’s lectures, but maia sometimes sneaks her into the gryffindor dorms so she doesnt have to feel so alone at night and that helps a lot, helps that she finds some good friends p early on as well
OH SHIT it also helps that stella’s like. terrifyingly good at transfiguration and charms, and, later, divination and legilimancy (heh u see what i did there). probably also helps that she’s scary good at most curses and hexes like.........she’ll Fuck U Up. maia fights with her fists but stella doesnt hesitate to use her wand. like ppl are a lil tiny bit scared of her but she’s tiny and adorable and v sweet, sweet enough that most ppl get over their fear p quickly
so the kiddos do alright?? finn never joins the quidditch team even though kara played and he’s never quite as fond of flying as stella; in fact, its only stella that joins quidditch for anything longer than one season, as a chaser (stella MAY be a little bit of an adrenaline junkie and MAY have the time of her life dodging bludgers). maia joins as a beater for one season when gryffindor’s normal beater came down with dragon pox and had to go home to recuperate but she quits at the end of the season bc she hits a bludger that ends up knocking stella off her broom and like.......Fuck That ya know
hmmmmmm what shenanigans do they get up to
well finn’s like every professors favorite student like he’s there on time and prepared for class every day and god help every professor the day maia comes to hogwarts like they’re all expecting another mild mannered danvers kiddo (like?? even their moms were so well behaved.........that said. it shouldnt be a surprise bc alex was hell on wheels) but then maia sweeps into her first class, probably trailing glitter or something equally dramatic and like. professor snapper looks like he wants to die tbh. like just drop dead
i dont blame him tbh, maia is also hell on wheels, like constantly calling teachers out when they fuck up and starting fights when some punk kid starts saying shit about blood traitors like hey. fuck u buddy
so then after maia’s torn through, everyone’s a lil cautious with stella but she’s like........a small bunny or something. a small bunny that could probably murder you with some tricky non-verbal magic but a small bunny nonetheless
finn’s a prefect and eventually head boy!!! like he’s so proud of that and his sisters roll their eyes but theyre proud of him too and maybe kara and lena just.........dont shut up about how their son is head boy, their eldest daughter got an o in potions, how their youngest was the first in her class to cast a patronus charm successfully like they’re B R I M M I N G with pride tbh
hmmmm what else what else
finn goes on to be a healer!! one of the best at st. mungos, the one you’d want caring for you after you’ve been blasted with some curse or the other. maia first works for the ministry, in their muggle science department, but then decides to train as an auror (like why not, she’s got the grades and the grit for it). stella bounces around for a bit before eventually opening her own little shop in diagon alley. it’s a bit of an odds and ends sort of shop, somewhere halfway between an antique shop and a toy store tbh
and maybe she helps out on some of maia’s raids/cases
its not like there’s anyone more qualified to help, she is one of the foremost experts in legilimancy
#supergirl#supercorp#kara danvers#lena luthor#superbabies#hp!superbabies#triwiizard#human interaction
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hey!! my face tag is /tagged/ace.face annd could i have aftg and hp annnd i love girls, congrats on 6.7k!!!!
hi! thank you :D
♡diverse profiles♡ finishing up
All for the Game
ship: Renee
best friend(s): Allison/Matt/Andrew
enemy: Nathan Wesninski
shirt number: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
friends: the upperclassmen | the monsters
team: Palmetto State Foxes | USC Trojans | Edgar Allan Ravens | Breckenridge Jackals
position: goalkeeper | backliner | dealer | striker
Harry Potter
ship: Luna
best friend(s):Ginny/Neville/Ron
enemy: Voldemort
house: gryffindor | hufflepuff | ravenclaw | slytherin
family: Potter | Weasley | Granger | Malfoy | Lovegood | Longbottom | Black | Evans | Lupin | Tonks
school: hogwarts | ilvermorny | beauxbatons | durmstrang | castelobruxo | uagadou | mahoutokoro
subject: defence against the dark arts | herbology | potions | transfiguration | charms | care of magical creatures | study of ancient runes
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pumpkin spice & iced cafe mocha & italian soda
aaa tysm for sending these in !! i hope u have a good day (also i lov ur blog a lot omg)
pumpkin spice (dream car?): not to be That Person but like....i really have no idea ??? i’ve never given it a lot of thought
iced cafe mocha (favourite thing to do on rainy days?): honestly a lot of the times i just to listen to the rain hitting the rooftops it’s such a nice n soothing thing but listen,,, if u’ve never been hunched up in ur blankets reading a good book w a cup of coffee/tea on ur bedside table Do It
italian soda (describe your dream date): ok i have 2 - i’d love love lOVE to go to an amusement park or carnival that sounds so ??? amazing ??? like i want to be able to push myself around u and to experience new things and have an adventure but also i love lowkey outings as well like...take me to a cute aesthetically pleasing cafe where i can just learn about u and eat good food
cafe asks!!! ☕️
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(crawls into ur ask) ❤️
chickadea !!!! talk about true wlw + mlm solidarity. i love tlaking to you because it’s either really, really bitter or super cute. also have i mentioned ?????? you’re like a writing genius ???? you know what consistency is and i can’t fathom that but your poetry is so good + you’re so pretty just. overall you’re amazing and you need to calm the fuck down Okay
mutuals send me a ❤️ and i’ll compliment you !
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my OCs include a demisexual lacrosse captain, a bi cheerleader, a photographer who just needs to catch a break, a chinese goddess-but-not-quite who doesn't know how to work microwaves, an ace poet who's a lil bit pretentious, an ice hockey starting forward who's actual sunshine, a quiet girl who loves bubblegum, a loud and happy geometry whiz and i love them all to bits and pieces
tag urself im the ace poet who’s a lil bit pretentious
ask/tell me about ocs!
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or perhaps in Slytherin, you'll make your real friends, these cunning folks use any means to achieve their ends.
#harry potter#hpedit#slytherinedit#slytherin#mavencalore#danielwing#triwiizard#hp#my edit#mine#aes*#hp*
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hey!!! i was wondering if you took commissions?
Ahh sorry but I’m not currently taking comissions since I’m still dealing with Spain’s stressful education and literally dying. Also I don’t know if many people would be interested?? but it makes me feel flattered that someone would be willing to comission me :O
BUT I will definitely open comissions some day! Just one more year of highschool :’)
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i voted for blvesargcnt!!
thanks love!
url: 5/5 icon: 5/5theme: 4.5/5mob theme: 5/5content: 4.5/5following: no(t yet) / now! / yesofc
helpme pick a url?
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💫 + i have so many fav blogs oh my god shoutout to @katiegardhner for dealing w/ my shit on an almost daily basis love u
@katiegardhner (ahh so lovely)(yay to messages of love) hogwarts house: ravenclaw / hufflepuff / slytherin / gryffindor /ilvermorny house: wampus / thunderbird / pukwudgie / horned serpent /title: quidditch captain / top of the class / troublemaker (not trouble but u r the funny one ya feel?) / prefect / none(other)subject: herbology / transfiguration / defense against the dark arts / care of magical creatures / potions / charms / ancient runes / divination /location: astronomy tower / forbidden forest / the burrow / hagrid’s hut / diagon ally / the room of requirement / hogsmede /pet: pygmy puff / owl / cat / toad / other (hagrid/newt in training) / quidditch position: chaser / keeper / seeker / beater / spectator /career: wandmaker / cursebreaker / auror / diagon alley shop owner / magizoologist / gringotts worker / healer / herbologist / unspeakable / hogwarts teacher / no more please
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hey!!!! congrats on 3k!!!! 🐾 + ✌️ + 🌸 please!!! also, not your sidekick by cb lee, is the most amazing, book, ever, im dead, pls read it
thanks!! i’m not quite there but it’s really exciting nonetheless, there’s so many people !!!!!!!
also?? i fuckign read it a couple of weeks ago and i love it so much??? oh my gosh. oh my gosh. everyone should read it tbh. (i love superhero books)
url: not mything | okay | good | awesome | perfect | brb stealingicon: not my thing | okay| good | awesome | perfect | brb stealing posts: not my thing | okay| good | awesome | perfect | brb stealing theme: not my thing | okay| good | awesome | perfect | brb stealing mobile theme: not my thing| okay | good | awesome | perfect | brb stealing overall: not my thing |okay | good | awesome | perfect | brb stealing following: no, but ily |+f | yup! | forever
position: striker | offensive dealer |defensive dealer | backliner | goalkeeperplace: the dorms | rooftop | house in columbia | eden’s twilight |the court | wymack’s apartment | abby’s houseteam colours: black and red | orange and white | red and goldfox: dan | kevin | andrew | matt | aaron | allison | nicky | renee| neil
element: water | fire | wind | earth | spiritplace: forest | beach | mountain | city | ocean | desert | fieldstime: dawn | morning | midday | afternoon | dusk | evening | nightweather: sunny | overcast | storm | rain | fog | snowseason: spring | summer | autumn | winter
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i have a notion and it's lena teaching little stella how to play chess and it's entirely different from lena playing chess in her own house because there's so much laughter and casual teasing and stella uses her powers to cheat and then vehEMENTLY DENYING IT WHEN ASKED and maybe i'm just being extra
its so funny bc i’ve had a v similar notion sO LET ME YELL ABT IT SOME
stella is the only of the superbabies to show any interest in chess for more than a passing moment and is the only one to be able to sit still long enough for lena to teach her the game and lena’s like??? so excited when, one day when stella’s like four or five maybe, lena and kara are playing and stella nudges at lena’s arm until she moves it so she can crawl into her mom’s lap and she settles back against lena and studies the board with this v serious look and kara’s biting back a laugh until stella quietly requests show me mommy? and then kara’s softening and lena’s all but melting tbh like woah her kiddo want to play this game that lena loves a lot and she wants to learn?? she wants lena to teach her???
so lena goes out and gets this little children’s chess set the very next day, gets this set bc it has little labels on the board to indicate where each piece goes and it’s got this pretty mother of pearl inlay around the edge of the board, around the base of the pieces and lena knows stella will love it
they pick sunday afternoons for practice, lena lifting stella up to the big family calendar they keep in the kitchen so she can pick a day and put a little heart next to it. so every sunday afternoon, right after stella’s napped for a bit, she bounces into lena’s study and watches v carefully as lena sets up the board, explaining what each piece is, what they do, where they go. stella asks questions sometimes, but mostly she watches at first until she kind of gets an idea of what’s going on
but then when they get into the game?? hoo boy, stella is hilarious and pretty savage, like she’ll look at some move that lena’s made that she apparently doesnt approve of and will look up at her mother with this one raised eyebrow and sort of sigh really? and it’s the cutest thing and lena cant help but laugh and stella’s rlly so sweet, she drops the look she’s giving her and starts laughing with lena and it will take them a fair few minutes to sort of reign it in
and omg as stella gets older?? she starts learning a few basic strategies, she does, but she’s still losing to lena basically every time (though every once in a while, lena throws it just because the look of elation on stella’s face is probably one of the brightest, purest things lena’s ever experienced) so she takes to poking holes in lena’s strategies, gently harassing her to try and get her off her game, but lena throws it right back at her, sort of narrowing her eyes and quirking an eyebrow when stella goes to move her knight when she has a pawn in perfect position and stella just sort of snorts, nods like yeah okay ya got me there
good god they laugh so so much during these games. like they rlly do and lena is so so happy abt it like?? this is literally all she’s ever wanted, all she’s ever dreamed of for her kids. they’re getting exactly what she never had, are able to feel safe enough that they poke fun at her like stella does when lena makes a careless mistake and leaves her king vulnerable (it’s not a mistake, it’s lena carefully working lessons into each of their games tbh, like she is nothing if not methodical)
an excerpt:
mom, oh my gosh, don’t you have, like, three advanced degrees?
don’t you have a move to make, stelly-bean?
and stella’ll groan at the nickname but she’s also grinning super wide, super bright and lena’s just?? basking in her happiness i guess
omg and when stella learns to read minds, it’s hilarious bc she’s not slick abt it. like?? u can sort of feel her when she’s there, in ur head, like a little bump or nudge near the base of your skull, and lena thinks its hilarious that she’s trying that, that when she couldnt get a vibe for lena’s next move, she looked to lena’s mind and she sort of pokes a little fun at stella for it, asks we’re not cheating, are we? in such a gentle, teasing tone that has stella stammering, flushed, uh no of course not like why would you say that as i am perfect and have never done anything wrong in my entire life, ever
when stella gets older, she gets a lot better at reading ppl without them knowing, but kara and lena can always tell (mostly bc of that first psychic connection?? like they’re slightly more attuned to stella too) and so stella thinks she’s Rlly being Slick but lena sort of rolls her eyes and groans stella and its hilarious watching her daughter’s reaction, going from shock to worry to vague annoyance to out and out laughter as she tries to deny it, puts up a good fight before she’s reduced to giggles
like at some point its not even practice anymore, they just turn into weekly chess games, just for fun, just bc its calm and sweet and warm and when stella’s in college and Going Through Some Shit, it’s something to anchor her and lena loves that her daughter still likes the game, still likes spending time with her. like?? they’ve only ever missed one sunday, bc stella had the flu, but that was made up for on tuesday when she felt better
and like?? chess sort of becomes this touchstone for them, like it always was for lena, but it also brought up some weird and painful things too, but now its just all good things, just stella and quiet sundays and laughing and messing up the board bc they needed to push the game to the side in order to set their ice cream bowls on the desk
like it sort of becomes a thing between them, like one mother’s day, stella gets lena this truly horrendous cat chess board bc she thought it was hilarious and lena laughs so hard she cries when she opens it (she still keeps it in her office though, next to one of her #1 Mom mugs and the pencil holder finn made in preschool
and then lena fires back with a fantasy inspired chess set for stella’s birthday, bc the dragon looks ridiculous and its just the thing stella loves to mock mercilessly
without fail, one of them always gets the other something chess related for any gift giving event. one christmas, stella gets a purse shaped like a knight; on lena’s birthday one year, stella got her a set of bookends that looked like bishops, and so on and so forth
and then, to get ~emotional~, lena gifts stella her very own custom made chess set for her college graduation and stella treasures it for the rest of her life tbh, like it makes her feel warm and safe like she always did in her mom’s study, sunday afternoons, sipping tea between moves and laughing until her stomach hurts. like ?? it’s just a tangible thing for all these good memories and honestly ??? im crying ????
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paramore's after laughter album is both straight up depression and my summer jam (br pls!)
url: 7/10icon: 8/10theme: 7/10emoji: 💫
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ukulele :0)
Ukulele: Can you play any instruments?
i can’t lol. i tried to learn guitar before but apparently im not that persistent ?? ?? ha ha i know a few chords tho
#i know how to play long live and speak now ... terribly though#i can sing a little#does that count??#triwiizard#we just got a message
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