#Like cat ears & tail & such for example
puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Imma do a thing. Because my brain decided it doesn't know which to choose (Play Minecraft or Work on Yet Another Au) so Imma combine them.
Imma play Zawa and based off of what I encounter is what animal characters are mixed with and this can go wrong in no way whatsoever :)
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followthebluebell · 5 months
hello! I was scrolling through your blog (delightful) and found the post about Beef and his whiskers position, and I'm ashamed to say that in all my near-thirty years of being around cats and thinking I understand them pretty well I never thought to pay attention to the 'circle shape'. could you please expound a bit on what to look for when it comes to whiskers position and how to interpret it? Beef is an absolute sweetheart but looking at a brachy cat as an example makes it a bit hard for me to generalize. thank you!
Thank you! And also thank you for your patience--- I wanted to give some really good examples and have been scouring my blog for the best circle whisker cats I could find.
Picture heavy post under this.
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so this is the cat grimace scale. It's a sort of way to visually see if a cat is in pain/distress, and it gives a simplified view of the things I'm going to discuss. It's important to recognize that whisker shape/position is just ONE piece of communication and doesn't tell the whole story. A lot of this is also based on CONTEXT as well.
When you're looking at a cat face, here are the things you really want to pay attention to:
Ear position—Ears facing forward, ears slightly pulled apart, or ears flattened and rotated outward.
Orbital tightening—Eyes opened, eyes partially opened, or eyes squinted.
Muzzle tension—Muzzle relaxed (round), muzzle mildly tense, or muzzle tense (elliptical).
Whisker position—Whiskers loose and curved, whiskers slightly curved or straight, or whiskers straight and moving forward.
Head position—Head above the shoulder line, head aligned with the shoulder line, or head below the shoulder line or tilted.
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Calypso's huge whiskers give a REALLY good visual on the 'circle shape' to look for. You can see her whiskers are pushed forward and are loose and curved. She's feeling playful and engaged! She really wants to know what I'm up to and what's in my hand (spoiler alert, it was treats)
Compare that to this later picture, taken after she heard a dog bark nearby:
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Her muzzle is tighter. Her whiskers are pulled back a bit, and are straight. Her ears are set differently as well, one pulled back a bit. She's concerned, but not terribly worried about this strange sound.
You can also compare it to this handsome lad:
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Again, his whiskers are fairly straight. They aren't pulled back as far, but he's still very tense. He was extremely tense and upset that I took his water dish away from him (because it needed to be cleaned and changed).
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Milo is another great example of excited whiskers. They're pushed forward and curved, forming a sort of circle. Like Calypso, he's interested in what I'm doing and feeling playful. He was very interested in the toy I was throwing for him.
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Gumdrop is a good example of a more relaxed whisker position. She's curious, but not feeling playful. Her whiskers are held very loosely rather than being pushed forward. Her tail nub is up, indicating friendliness and confidence.
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lurochar · 4 months
The Shadow will Play
'Behave'? What did that mean?
In which Alastor’s shadow "plays" with you and you find out something very interesting about your lover.
Alastor’s Shadow x Reader
18+ MDNI
Part 2
It had been his Master's orders and he was trying so hard to abide by them, but you were just making it so difficult for him!
What exactly did ‘behave’ mean? It's not like his Master gave any examples in which he could follow through.
Did ‘behave’ mean not going out and slaughtering a few unlucky Sinners?
Did ‘behave’ mean not pulling a few pranks on the hotel residents and staff?
Or did ‘behave’ mean not getting amorous with his Master's lover?
(Shouldn't he be able to touch? He was a very part of Master after all).
It seemed that his Master had not told you to behave as you were touching him freely, causing him to shudder from your pleasant warmth.
“You're so cute~” You always did love how affectionate Alastor’s shadow was as it rubbed against you like a giant cat. “Is there anything you want to do today? I don't think Alastor will be back until tonight.”
The shadow tilted its head before its grin widened and it let out a series of chirps. It pushed you back on you and Alastor’s bed, cooing as you let out a surprised noise when it clamored over top of you, “W-what are you doing?”
The shadow's tail wagged as it thought back to the times where he was just a voyeur when you and his Master engaged in intimacy and knew he wanted to draw those pretty sounds from you.
“W-woah!” Your eyes widened when the shadow eagerly began to pull down your pants, probably ripping parts in the process with its claws. “Did Alastor put you up to this?”
The shadow paused for the briefest of seconds before chattering, nodding its head as it finally managed to rip your pants off.
“Well, if he’s okay with it…” You muttered, shivering slightly when you felt the shadow's two cold hands on each thigh, spreading them as you flushed at the… odd situation you found yourself in.
But if this is something Alastor wanted, then…
You jumped when your panties were practically torn off you and cool fingers were parting your folds. You shut your eyes, expecting to feel discomfort or even pain since you weren't prepared in the least and not at all wet.
The shadow tittered, using his thumb to rub circles around that nub of flesh like his Master did and as expected, you let out one of those pretty sounds that had his ears twitching.
“That… feels good.” You sighed, feeling a heat in your lower belly begin to ignite. You glanced down curiously, aching a bit when its thumb left your clit, moving so its face was directly at your cunt.
Before it could dig in, it reached up, catching you by surprise as it took hold of your arms and placed your hands on its ears, pointing at them and chirping.
“You want me to pet them while you do that?” You asked and received a nod in return. “If you're anything like Alastor, and I'm sure you will be, I'm not sure I'll be able to,” you got a sound that sounded like a huff, “but I'll try! I will!”
The shadow seemed satisfied with that.
The shadow parted your slippery folds again, keeping them spread and it was quick to bury its long tongue in your dripping hole, causing you to shudder.
Like Alastor, it could elongate his tongue.
You groaned, feeling its tongue lap at every little crevice of your pussy, slurping up your slick like a mindless animal, “H-hah, yeah. Oh, r-right.”
You squeezed its ears as promised.
You almost shattered when you felt a small vibration in your core and you barely heard something – a sound that you never heard the shadow make before and once more, to be sure, you squeezed the shadow's ears.
Again, there was that sound and that oh-so good vibration and with the absolute tongue fucking you were getting, you were gonna cum with that next one.
But that sound – what was it and why was it familiar?
The shadow ears twitched when you squeezed them again, hearing your moans while your legs spasmed around his cold body and he tried the best he could to lap up your slick as your hole clenched around his tongue.
Your noises were so pretty~♡
(He wanted more).
It took a few moments for you to gather your senses as you slowly sat up, seeing the grinning shadow practically make heart eyes at you.
But before that, you needed an answer to a question (and possibly, another answer to another question).
“That noise you made when I touched your ears, was that a deer bleat?” You asked, causing the shadow to nod and you to be taken back for a second.
 ‘I’ve touched them before, and Alastor or his shadow has never made that sound, so maybe it's just a sex thing?’ 
“If I touch Alastor’s ears during sex, would he bleat too?” You asked, thinking back and you always wondered why your lover seemed dead set on you not touching his ears during intimate times, but you had just respected his wishes and never went beyond that.
The shadow nodded.
“That’s so cute~!” You smiled brightly, bringing the shadow in for a hug and it purred, tail wagging, “Thank you for telling me this! How can I repay you?” You almost regretted asking as the shadow immediately pounced on you, ready for more of you.
His Master wouldn't be back until night, after all.
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faeflowerz · 1 year
Savanaclaw Imprinting on You
I have nothing cheeky to say. Let's do this.
Warnings: My gross misunderstanding of animals, Bullying Leona for being a big chonk
Characters: Ruggie, Jack, Leona
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Ruggie imprinting on you is an "oh shit" moment for him. He lives his life so casually and when he sees you, like really sees you for the first time, he's acting unwise. Ruggie will do things for you that he wouldn't for anyone else. He doesn't ask for you to return the favor. He even shares his food.
Now this last one is particularly special for him given that he values food more than his peers. Food is how he communicates and finds pleasure. I won't get too far into the feederism side, but I think there'd be a lot of "You should eat. Have you had breakfast?"
But it's not all picnics and dandelions. Hyenas are pretty scary if you piss em off. So if one of your guy friends touches you the wrong way or tries to tease him about his sudden obsession with you, he will go on the offense. Lots of growling and hes ready to turn them into a hashtag. You gotta drag him away every single time.
"Dude, you can't just go around picking fights with everyone! What's your damage, Ruggie?"
"I wouldn’t be so mad if those assholes kept their hands off of you!"
"That's what this is about? They mess around all the time, it's not a big deal."
"It is to me! I don't like it!"
"Okay, but why though? Why would you give a fuck?" You shake your head, frustrated by the look he was giving you.
"Because I'm jealous!" He barks. "I don't want anyone else touching you but me!" Everything is quiet as you try to process what he just said.
"I like...being around you all the time. And all I can think about is you. And...ugh...this is so stupid." His cheeks are cute and pink as he mumbles his way though his confession. And you, you're smiling. Seeing him get so real with you is so sweet and touching. As he's trying to justify his behavior, you place a sweet kiss on his nose. Then he's all shishishi cause he got kissed.
When Jack imprints on you, he's pretty tsundere about it. Suddenly he's hanging around you and by extension the other first years. Its not like he loves you and how you smell and the way you laugh at your dumbass friends. He just...needs to be within five feet of you at all times. Oh, and that tail? It's wagging every single time you acknowledge him or give him attention. The most antisocial boy is suddenly craving your affection.
And of course Ace is gonna clown him for it. Though it feels a little bit different. "Is there somethin you're not telling us? No fair that you two have A Thing going on the down low."
"What are you even talking about?" Jack crosses his arms, clearly trying to keep cool.
"Come on, dude. You lit up when Prefect sat next to you," Ace pouts at the both of you before calling you out too. "Are you together?!"
"Wh-what?! What would make you think that?!"
And all of your friends have examples. Waay too many. And then, Ortho says, "You know, imprinting can happen to beast men too. There's a chance that-"
"What happens between me and Prefect is our business. I didn’t ask any of you to help me confess either."
Major self report. His tail is going a trillion per hour and he realizes what he just said. "Damn it."
"Ha! I knew it!" Ace chortles.
"Wow...that was pretty bold, Jack," Epel hides his grin behind his hand. As for you...
Well, you're smiling like an idiot. It's not like you haven't been purposefully saying and doing things to see his tail wag, make his ears flicker and see him smile a little. You can't pretend to be shocked as you look at Jack for a response. "Well, I guess I should have been honest from the start..."
So there you are, resigned to be a pillow for the biggest cat you've had the misfortune of knowing. Leona loves your thighs and like hell he's going to pass up on your free period to get some sleep. You've accepted your fate, but your legs are just as comatose as he is. As you try to shift around, this catman actually whines in protest. Inside, he's praying you didn't hear it. "Stop moving," he manages to say.
So, Leona's imprinted on you. Now what? Well, you're gonna know quite quickly. Like, it's kind of not a secret since Leona is so shameless with everything he does. Though, he won't actually say "I've imprinted on you." His actions are all the confirmation you need. Actually, he's the most overbearing because he will just drag you away from whatever you're doing just to take a nap with him. Are you in the greenhouse for a class? Well, too fucking bad. Leona wants you to give him attention. You know. Like a cat.
"M'leg's asleep," you complain. "Plus you're heavy."
"Neither of these are my problem."
"You're literally responsible for both."
"You callin me fat?"
"...maybe I am," Leona opens one eye to glare up at you. He wants to be mad. But seeing you so pleased by his reaction makes him melt a little. "What? All you do is eat and sleep what else am I supposed to think?" To your surprise, he sits up. You're about to ask but he flops on top of you, sending you both into the soft patch of grass. Leona's spooning you and your face is buried in his fat (and kind of fuzzy) tits. "Seriously?!"
"Look, you're just going to have to deal with the fact that you're one of the few people I can tolerate."
He's a real piece of work, isn't he? Still, his body is kind of warm and cuddly, huh? He would probably get mad if you said that out loud though.
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coralinnii · 1 year
❋ You said what now? ❋
↳ He accidentally found out your feelings
feat: Ruggie ⭑ Chenya ⭑ Lilia ⭑ Epel
genre: fluff (uhh for the most part), humour,
note: no pronouns used with the reader, no explicit spoilers for book 7 in Lilia’s section, reader is referred as human in Lilia’s section, reader is implied to be a first year in Epel’s section, bad cat-related wording in Chenya’s section
Fun fact: while not obvious in the English translation, if you listen to Chenya’s Japanese voice lines, he likes to say “nya” at the end of his sentences.
Will I keep that fact in mind anytime Chenya pops up? Absolutely.
Also, I just started my college classes again last week (which is why I didn’t post last week). All of my classes are dense with text and quizzes so…I need to study real hard which will most likely eat up my time for writing. Good ol’ inconsistent me~
Although, I’m taking History and we focus a bit on the age of nobility and old kingdoms…so maybe some inspiration for my villain/ess!au series (or maybe not cuz history is weirder than one thinks…)
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How it happened
Perhaps a little sneaky, Ruggie is someone reliable, resourceful, and fun to be around. You started to fall for him and even that sneaky side of his became endearing to you.
But bigger, financial priorities occupy the hyena beastman’s mind more than anything else. Unless he can make a madol from it or get a freebie, his interest in anything else is seemingly non-existent. It was rather easy to keep your feelings to yourself when the topic of love rarely, if ever, comes up.
So it came to a surprise to you when the shaggy-haired sophomore mentioned his coworkers at a part-time job he picked up in town.
He started ranting about how a duo at his workplace started an unlikely relationship a few days ago. According to him, the two were from two different worlds and didn’t appear to be either of their types.
“Doesn’t make any sense if you ask me” he mumbled, scratching his fluffy head by the sudden revelation at his job.
You nodded and hummed as he recounted his workday with you, but in all honesty, you didn’t share his confusion over the so-called sudden pairing. By the way Ruggie described the couple, it does sound like their personalities wouldn’t mesh well and would theoretically clash too much for anything to bloom between them.
But attraction follows no simple formula. No one can stop themselves from falling for someone. You yourself were an example.
“Love is never predictable, Ruggie.” you commented without thinking, perhaps too distracted by the cute love story of Ruggie’s coworkers or it could be that you’re drowning in the warm feelings from being so close to your crush that your mouth is running too comfortably on its own. “I mean, I never thought you were my type but I still ended up-“
You shut your mouth before you could finish but looking at the wide-eyed expression on Ruggie’s face, the effort was moot.
“You still ended up?”
What happens now?
Colour him shocked. Ruggie never entertained the idea that you would like him, out of all people.
He could’ve pretended not to figure it out, or convince himself that it was a misunderstanding. But he knew when he saw your flustered embarrassment and your cute stuttering trying to come up with an excuse, there was no misunderstanding. You like him.
Ruggie has a good amount of ego and he wouldn’t downplay his boyish good looks (odds are it got him out of a few close calls), but in a school of celebrities, royalty, and guys with money coming out the wazoo? He knows when he’s outmatched.
To be honest, his brain froze for a moment at your slip up. He clutched his heart which stuttered out of beat, his ears and tail stood in attention like a meerkat. Jack was worried watching his upperclassman in such a daze while folding laundry, heck it even got Leona raising a brow over the uncharacteristic clocked out look on his shorter dormmate.
But, Ruggie is a workaholic hyena. Always planning his way to work up the ladder to earn some good madol. Even if he likes the idea of making a family of his own, romance wasn’t in his peripheral vision at the moment. Not while he’s working multiple jobs at once. He would honestly feel a little bad because he knows he’ll end up ignoring any poor soul stuck with him.
As bad as it is, he might at first think to pretend he heard nothing about your feelings. He couldn’t bring himself to make you go through that, to be in a relationship where work takes precedence over you.
But then he thought it wouldn’t be so bad…snuggling up to you during one of his rare free time. Maybe you’re the type to surprise him with lunch and he could rest on your lap while you brush his hair. Would you maybe rub his sore muscles after an arduous club training session? Having boyfriend privileges means no one can complain when he slides up to your side, keeping your attention to himself without having to share…
Screw it, he’ll figure something out. He’s a greedy hyena through and through
Shyeheehee! Better be ready for what you’re asking for. Once I’ve set my eyes on something, I’m not lettin’ it get away!
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How it happened
This man is a literal magic trick, appearing and disappearing to revel in the shock of his unsuspecting audience. As elusive as he is, the times he does show up brings a shock of joy and excitement to you.
It seems that the purple-haired student has made it a habit to join the Heartslabyul’s unbirthday parties from time to time, enjoying the occasional chaos and keeping you company to your conflicted delight.
You didn’t know why but Chenya made it his mission to fluster you every chance he gets, with cheeky comments and sly touches as he leads you away from incoming mishaps such as a stray splash of paint or a flying slice of cake. You don’t know why but the cat-like menace has taken a shine to teasing you out of the blue. Sometimes he would suddenly whisper nonsensical riddles into your ear, or tap your shoulder to then poke your cheek as you turn. Small silly pranks that should annoy you but your body becomes filled with butterflies when he smiles that charming grin at you.
How maddening, you thought as you fell for another sneaky surprise from the impish beastman. Once again, Chenya appeared right behind you, smiling just over your shoulder which gave you and your friends a fright (for different reasons) to which he took pleasure in, judging from the mischievous grin on his lips.
Your shouting caught the attention of the other Heartslabyul students and recognizing the white jacket and castle emblem, their eyes boiled with competitive rage. An RSA student? On Night Raven territory?!
“Ah, looks like fun time is over. I’ll just show meowself out~” and like a mirage, Chenya’s figure disappeared as the NRC students failed to catch even a strand of his fur. Not even when he took a second longer to fade out just so he could teasingly tickle the tip of your nose with his fluffy striped tail.
The students kept on making a fuss, eager to teach the mischief maker a lesson for trespassing on rival territory. You sighed at the wasteful effort, assuming that Chenya would be smart enough to have left long ago.
“Why must my crush be such a frustrating person?” Angry hollers and Riddle’s commanding cease-and-desist orders overwhelmed your tired voice, and your soft words ended up softly carried off into the wind.
But your words caught the interest of a curious ear before it disappeared.
What happens now?
Curiouser and curiouser. He was not expecting such a confession. Though to be fair, he supposed you didn’t mean for anyone to hear it.
Chenya found joy being in your company. The shock in your bright eyes followed by your cute laugh sends a warm, giddy feeling in his heart that he just could not stop. He had a feeling he knew what these feelings could be but he was content with what he could get in the rare moments he can see you.
But now, when he realized what your cute reactions meant? That sends whole new exciting feelings within him. It’s fuzzy and warm as usual, but now also shocking and thrilling. The sneaky beastman is grinning for more than one reason now.
He won’t immediately confess back. Considering this wonderful predicament where you don’t know he knows of your affections, his playful nature compels him to milk the fun of this situation for all its worth.
If you thought his cheeky antics were bad enough, you haven’t seen his flirty side till now. Playful taps on the shoulders become sneaky grabs by the waist, and just when you think he’s gone, his signature grin would grace your vision as he fades into view, a little too close to your own face. Sometimes when he feels emboldened, Chenya would sweep you off your feet for a spontaneous walk along the sweet breeze.
When you’re finally at your wit’s end, when all his teasing and heart-fluttering gestures fills you to the point of combusting in flustered frustration, that’s when he’ll finally tell you his reciprocated feelings, perhaps while stealing a quick kiss when you least suspect it. All to see that terribly adorable look on your pretty face.
Every adventure requires a first step. I’m excited to see where we’ll go together from meow on~
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How it happened
See, you thought he already knew. You swore he did. Why else would he tease you so much with his sweet compliments and flirty jokes? The mysterious senior spoke to you as though you were a naive child crushing on their older peer, which you supposed wasn’t entirely wrong.
The way he treated you with so much care and love that you wondered if he already suspected of your feelings and was being considerate to you. He listens to your rambles as though he has all the time in the world for you, compliments you on your achievements as though he’s genuinely proud of your hard work, and he jokes with you with that boyish charm of his. But the scarlet-eyed fae never pursued further with advances with you, which made you think that perhaps this was just who Lilia was, a strange but friendly man, unwilling to hurt your feelings. Were you grasping at straws and misconstruing his intentions?
With a heavy heart, you tried your best to give up your hopes but maintained a cordial bond with Lilia, not wanting to avoid the jovial fae so suddenly (well, without having to explain why anyways)
But one day, when you were walking with the smiling senior, he started talking about a souvenir shirt that Kalim had given him during their club meeting. It was a shirt patterned erratically with various colours and pictures of tiny bats littered about. It was an eccentric visual of fabric but it strangely fits the equally eccentric man.
“What are your thoughts? Would I not look absolutely adorable in this?” Lilia asked, holding the shirt in front in his uniform with a boyish smile, his fangs peeking out slightly. But you rolled your eyes as you sighed exasperated by this man’s antics.
“Don’t you think that’s unfair for you to ask me?” You looked at him with a pout, somewhat irritated at the mature fae you’re trying to get over. “Of course I’d said you would, considering how much I like you”
For a rare moment, Lilia turned wide-eyed at your words. “Pardon? Do you by chance… harbour feelings for me?”
Turns out, he didn’t know at all
What happens now?
Guess you can still surprise this old man. He had his suspicions but for all he knew that was how the youth were these days. He was fond of your shy expressions whenever he was around and he could hear the quickening of your heartbeat, but he didn’t want to assume. Perhaps you were just more on the skittish side.
In the centuries he lived, he saw love in many forms. In the recent centuries he lived, he got to experience some of those forms of love he’s seen, with the pain and joy that comes with it. To him, it couldn’t ask for more as he lives out the last few centuries he has left.
You however, were still vibrant like a freshly bloomed flower in its prime. Was that why he just couldn’t take his eyes off you? He couldn’t help but watch in admiration as you lived with almost enviable vigour. He felt pulled, entranced to be by your side for even just a moment, just to see that beautiful gleam of life (and love, he realized) in your eyes.
But Lilia felt a beat of guilt in his heart. Your life is so short in comparison to his own. You should be sharing your youth with someone as brilliant as yourself, not pining over an old soul like himself. Humans are fickle creatures but he supposed with such short lives, it’s best to be curious and experience all one can without regrets.
He would be honest with you, sharing his thoughts with you as though warning that your affections were better spent with someone that suited you better. It would be up to you to convince the stubborn fae that he was your choice, that you already decided he suited you just fine. All you’re asking from him is if he shared the same feelings as you did.
“I may have tried to get rid of my feelings before, but I’m choosing not to run away this time,” in your eyes, Lilia sees that same vibrant gleam that mesmerized him, almost breathing a new sense of life into him. “All I ask is if you feel the same way”
And he does. He’s lying to himself if he hasn't thought of a life with you where he could steal surprise kisses throughout the day, where he could bring you to soar through the night skies as he takes you to explore the world with him. He imagines a life of silliness but also a life of blissful content as he gazes at you like a beacon of light in his life, a new reason to live a bit longer.
Lilia feels ensnared by love once more, but the burning warmth in his soul is just too invigorating. He’s looking forward to this new chapter in his life, with you.
I do hope you’ve prepared yourself, my dear. Eternal love with a fae should not be taken lightly. But rest assured, I look forward to our new adventure
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How it happened
You were Epel’s close friend and confidant, someone who he can share his achievements and woes with. Being so new to the college, the two of you depend on each other through thick or thin and along the way, you grew to see the lavender-haired freshman as more than just a companion.
He has a bit of a temper and is quick to the jump at times, but he was always there for you and even though he doesn’t always see eye-to-eye with them at times, he respects his seniors and takes their lessons to heart.
When he talks about how much he dislikes his height or his feminine features, you nodded along for his sake but you couldn’t tell him that you were actually in disagreement. You adore his fluffy locks that you occasionally got to touch with his permission and his light blue eyes felt like calming waves of the purest lake. Epel constantly swore to you that he’ll have his growth spurt and will even tower Leona in height, but you like how you could hold him close to you without issue.
You love all that he is, even if he’s not too keen on some parts himself
But you kept this all to yourself. You thought Epel had other priorities on his mind and you were scared that confessing would ruin the friendship you’d built with him. For now, you were content to be by his side for however long you can.
You were dead tired during a particularly harsh Flying class with Coach Vargas and you were barely conscious enough to keep your eyes open. It took everything you had to just nod along to whatever Epel was saying, something about some Savanaclaw students?
“Who they think they are, callin’ me cute like that? I outta rip off their yapper for underestimatin’ me.” You weren’t helping his point when you thought how cute his accent was as he grumbled about his day. You were falling in and out of consciousness but thought you should at least reply back to your friend…anything at all…
“I’m sorry…that happened…even though…I think…you’re really cute…”
You were already out cold to notice your friend frozen in place as you finished your drowsy comment, your head landing on his stiff shoulders.
What happens now?
Congratulations, you broke your friend and you don’t even remember it. When you woke up, you couldn’t figure out why Epel was as bright red as his hometown’s apples. Epel couldn’t even bring it up without getting too tongue-tied, his accent sputtering out incomprehensible words.
The blue-eyed freshman was raking his brain for an explanation. You thought he was cute…really cute to be precise, but what does that mean? Did you like him? As in like-like him? Is it normal for non-countryside folk to just say something like that? But most students around here tend to mean it like an insult but you weren’t like them, you would never do that to him. So what did you mean by it??
Left without a choice, Epel thought about who he could ask about this, maybe one of his seniors. But he immediately reconsidered when he realized who his seniors were (Vil and Rook will never let this go and there’s no way Leona would entertain this conversation) and turned to the only adult he can trust, his meemaw.
In his letter, he asked his grandma what it means when someone you cherish calls you cute (not mentioning who) and after a few days of fidgeting and awkward encounters with very confused you, he finally got an answer from her.
And that’s how you were confronted by a flustered Epel about your cute comment one random school day. To be fair, you probably didn’t fare any better when you realized you let your thoughts slip out.
You may have confessed your attraction to him but Epel can still be the first to make the first move. Relationships and dating are all new to the petite freshman and honestly he felt a little weak in the knees, all the nerves wracking his body like his first broom ride. But the past few days, he couldn’t stop thinking about being with you, sweeping you off your feet, impressing you the only way he can, to have your eyes solely on him like he does when you’re around. Heck, he thought what it’d be like to grow old with you, holding you like no one else can as you spend day and night by each other’s side. All these thoughts and more is what spur him to take the next step.
I ain’t too great on love and romance, but I’ll work hard to show ya how much ya mean to me. I promise that!
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spideyriki · 5 months
sub kitty hybrid jungwon? or just ignore the hybrid part if ur not comfy!
kitty! jungwon hcs
c. warnings: sub!jungwon, cat hybrid jungwon breeding kink, pegging, collars, scent kink
a. note: my first ask! was genuinely so happy to receive this, trust me i'll remember you, anon, for the rest of my life <3 thank you so much! hope you like this n i'll definitely write a proper full length kitty won fic when i have the time :(
nsfw utc
being in a relationship with kitty jungwon is like having a personal little shadow, jungwon follows you all over the house and he has to nearly always be touching you, even just simple touches like sitting up really close to you as you both are doing work so your thighs are touching or walking near you so your hands grace eachother.
wonie loves head pats. but only from you. the moment he sees you, he's cutely leaning his head towards you expecting a quick pet as a greeting, his cat ears will twitch happily when you do. one time, jay jokingly reached out to pat jungwon's head after seeing you do it, jungwon quickly swatted his hand away and furrowed his eyebrows to feign annoyance.
jungwon is a huge purrer, he can't help but purr whenever he's around you. especially in the morning, when he wakes up next to you. as he nuzzles up into your neck, his loud content purrs filling the silence.
it's in a cat's nature to gift their owners things and it is no different for cat hybrids. jungwon loves bearing you simple little gifts all the time. nearly every week, a bouquet of flowers will be found in your living room as you come home from work or a new plushie placed neatly in your bed. no matter if there's an occasion or not, jungwon loves giving you gifts.
you know how cats like to disturb you as you work, like for example, sitting on your laptop keyboard and stuff. jungwon is just the same! whenever you are working he likes to curl up next to you and cuddle with you, pleading for you to pet him. if you don't acknowledge it, he'll just get up and sit on your lap until you have no choice but to pay attention to him. purring when you run your fingers through his hair and stroke his cat ears.
but like any other cat, kitty jungwon can get pretty grumpy when he is lacking sleep. when he's sleepy jungwon gets cranky and his responses get pretty sassy. although, when he wakes up energised again, he shyly apologises and nudges his head into you, nosing your neck and purring at you as he bats his pretty long eyelashes so you forgive him.
jungwon is obsessed with your scent, like he genuinely believes that you have the most beautiful scent on earth. so, he Loves to eat you out. his face burried deep between your legs and your scent surrounding him. the way your thighs circle his head engulfing him in your scent and your hands gently pat his little cat ears. when you cum, covering his face with your juices, he moans in your pussy and always cums untouched himself.
jungwon loves to be collared during sex (and to be honest even when not). he loves the feeling of ownership you have on him, the mere thought of having you own him makes jungwon orgasm so quickly. so, when he's feeling horny, he will bring you his collar and flash his prettiest eyes and you being you, can never deny him, so you secure the pretty pink collar right above his adam's apple making sure it's not pressing on too tight but just enough to send blood rushing to his needy cock. even the simple feeling of your gentle fingers near his throat makes jungwon whimper.
kitty jungwon loves getting pegged. on all fours, his back arched and tight little hole on display for you. you are always so gentle with him, your hands petting his lower back and massaging the base of his tail which leaves him so needy, his hips start moving back against you so you can fuck into him deeper and reach spots he never even knew existed.
jungwon's tail is really sensitive so when you delicately run your hand over his tail, he will moan out so loud and possibly even cum because the feeling of his tail getting toyed with sends the most pleasurable shivers down his spine. his moans turning into adorable little mewls as you stroke his tail through his orgasm.
when i said jungwon is a big purrer, hes a Purrer. when he's really into it, jungwon will accidentally release a few purrs which gradually increases in volume. he can't help it, you treat him so gently and he's just so content to be with you, even during sex and he just loves you so much he can't help but purr when he's with you.
he is pretty possessive over you. so, when you come home from work and smell like other people or even worse, other hybrids, he will be all over you, grinding his hard on against you when he has the chance, groping you here and there to get your attention. before you leave for work, he will scent you to make sure everyone knows you have a kitten waiting for you at home or on days when you have a little more extra time, he will ride your thigh, his hands roaming wherever he reach and he is continuously mouthing at your neck, leaving his scent for other hybrids to smell and hickeys for regular humans to see, making sure everybody knows you are off limits. he loves the thought that you're his, just as much as he's yours. you are his girlfriend and his owner.
jungwon has the biggest breeding kink especially when he's in heat, he will be crying and begging you to allow him to breed you and fill you up to the brim with his cum. he's aware that you can't actually get pregnant but the thought of you being full of his cum makes him dizzy and it drives him to thrust into you and make you feel good so you will reward him by allowing him to cum inside you. "please let me fill you up with my kittens please, i'll be a good boy, please let me make you a mommy", jungwon would whine out to you. and when he pulls out he's so mesmerised at the sight of his thick white cum spilling out of you and down your thighs, he'll lean down and kitten lick you clean.
jungwon is usually a well behaved boy because he loves how gently you treat him but in the occasional moments where he decides to be a brat, he loves when you punish him by attaching a leash to his collar and pulling on it to choke him as you fuck into him from the back. his choked out moans and whimpers only fuel you to go rougher on him until he is crying out and pretty tears are falling over his pink cheeks. his little collar bell jingling from the force of your rough thrusts.
all in all, jungwon is (mostly) your good little kitten and he loves you so much!!
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© spideyriki
jungwon is so orange kitty, i love him :')
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 year
Hey I was wondering if you would be up for writing a fic where the reader just showers Buggy in affection and just takes care of him. He could definitely do with some tlc
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When you first shown Buggy any form of affection or love, his natural reaction was to pull away, to flinch, to push you away for the sake of upholding the gimmick he had thrusted onto him by others. He just wasn’t use to someone being genuine, being so kindhearted, patient and filled to the brim with unconditional love and adoration towards him like you have that it made him fearful, for the first time for he finally had something he was so scared to loose.
Buggy knew now that he couldn’t run away from this fight against letting himself drop his guard and fall apart within your arms forever, no matter how much he wanted to. He knew that one day he’d have to raise the white flag and admit defeat, little did Buggy know that he’d wave that white flag long ago and had admitted defeat whilst in the comfort of your arms and your sweet honeyed words. You provided Buggy with the safe space to be vulnerable, to be able to be rid of his make up, allow for you to see the beautiful man beneath the flashiness, the gimmicks and the theatrics; He even remembered the words you told him when he first allowed himself to sink deeply into your embrace, which opened his eyes to the route he was leading himself down towards.
‘Just because one person destroyed your ability to put your trust in others doesn’t mean that everyone else is going to do the same.’ You whispered into his ear as your hands ran through his beautiful blue hair with care. ‘The actions of one person isn’t a reflection of others. You can choose to not trust but live to regret to be open with that one special somebody or open up to everybody and blindly hope that they don’t use your kindness to stab you in the back.’
Not that Buggy would ever tell you but you held his glass heart within your hands and instead of smashing it like he originally thought you would, you surprised him by holding it close to your chest; looking down at it adoringly and so full of love that it made Buggy a tad teary eyed, for if someone as beautiful and downright perfect as you could ever love someone as flawed as him without being forced into loving him…then he guessed that he was finally doing something right. Soon enough your arms and being smothered in your kisses and honeyed words had become Buggy’s most favoured place to lay his aching self to rest after a seemingly stressful day, where nothing seemed to go exactly to plan.
‘You look comfortable there? Hard day?’ You asked softly as Buggy grunts as he buries his head into your neck, his arms quickly latching onto your waist tightly. Normally you’d have to be the one who initiated affection, which you still do on most occasions, but you also wanted Buggy to feel comfortable to come seek you out on his own terms rather then force him to. ‘Just cuddle me will ya?’ He said groggily and you couldn’t help but chuckle at his neediness.
‘What’s the magic word?’ You teased, trying so hard to bite back your snickers when Buggy lifted his head from your neck to glare at you softly but before he could say anything, you pressed a quick kiss to his cute nose, rendering him wide eyed and speechless before going in to plant a kiss directly to his lips. ‘Cute.’ You whispered against him, getting off on the expressions you pull out of him from gifting him basic levels of love and affection, before pulling away to look back into his gorgeous eyes that you never went a day without complimenting.
‘I’m not cute.’ Buggy said, his cheeks warm as the arms at your waist tightened their grip. ‘Dogs are cute, cats are cute, but I am not cute. I’m terrifying, people look at me and shit themselves from running away with their tails between there legs. And even then the ones that are stupid enough to stay behind are made examples of, so please tell me again how I’m apparently cute.’ He finished, choosing not to look into those soft, understanding and patient eyes of yours that he oh so loved. ‘You’re always cute to me Buggy,’ you started, raising his head to look directly at you by his chin, allowing your hand to drop back to his waist when you were confident he wouldn’t drop his gaze again.
‘Just like how you’re not only just cute but you’re also handsome, strategic, expressive with the way you talk and how you move your hands whilst you talk, flashy, dramatic, and above all you’re beautiful.’ Between each word you’d press a kiss to some part of his face, ignoring his adorable squeals and squawks of surprise that were music to your ears, not caring that you were smudging his make up and getting it on yourself as you held nothing but pride in your love for your Buggy, for as on rare occasions you would openly express your love towards him but saved a majority of it for behind closed doors; Not as though Buggy was anything but boisterous of his love for you and would shout it to the rooftops for all to hear in a possessive sort of way.
‘Really?’ Buggy asked once the flurry of kisses came to an end, looking at you with bright, hopeful eyes it melted your heart. ‘Yes, of course I do Buggy. How could I not? I’m extremely lucky to have you in my life and I couldn’t be more happier.’ You told him, watching as a goofy smile graced his lips as a chuckle fell out from his lips before Buggy decided to burying his head back into your neck, where he whispered against the skin there. ‘If either one of us is the lucky one, it’s me because you could’ve listened to everyone else and avoid me like the plague but you didn’t and I’m glad you didn’t because without you I wouldn’t know where or who I’d be. So thank you for never giving up on me…I love you.’
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doki-doki-imagines · 3 months
Hybrid!Cow Nagi x Reader
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tw: Smut, afab reader, use of she/her, hybrid x human sex, Nagi is a bit mean, but he is also very very in love.
a/n: a small piece of a much bigger fic inspired by this official art. This is just the smut part, but I wanted to get this idea out of my system. It was set in a world where most people are hybrids, and just a few (like reader) are born human. Nagi is one of the local mailmen and the first person to meet you. It was going to be a long, fluffy fic ending with filthy smut. So take just the cherry on top, lol. Maybe one day I'll complete this.
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Seishiro isn’t used to rough nights like he isn’t used to scratched knuckles and sore muscles, but it seemed the only right thing to do when that shit poor example of a cat hybrid treated you like that.
He lays on your bed, white hair sprawled on your soft sky-blue pillow, his large-fitting hoodie and blue pants miraculously clean.  “Smell nice” Seishiro thinks, cow ears fluttering when your smell on the pillow hits his nostrils. It’s relaxing after such an intense fight. For that dude, not for him.
“It’s an honor to be my partner-“ “Nobody wants a simple human as a partner, I’m doing it just because my parents asked, and anyway they should thank me since I could get much better-“ “I don’t want a loser nerd as a partner, they should start to dress and eat better-“ 
Seishiro doesn’t remember what came first, but the clear image of you crouched on yourself, lips trembling and fat tears hanging on your lower lashes keeps playing in his head. His tail beat nervously on your mattress, remembering the entitlement in that loser voice. Nagi bites the inside of his cheek, hard enough to draw blood, your pillow now pressed to his face, trying to calm himself down with your smell. His leg twitches, remembering how hard he kicked that douchebag,  straight on his chest, making him hit a table behind and surprising all his friends.
It was already a pain to go out with everyone, but seeing you on a date with a guy that wasn’t him, and treated that badly was the cherry on top of his already poor patience.
“Is everything okay Nagi?” A shiver runs down Seishiro’s body, making every muscle twitch for the surprise. He moves away the pillow, side-eyeing you, before plopping it on his back to look better at you.
“I have to ask two things-“ You nod, prompting him to ask whatever he wants, while sitting on your bed, eyes locked with his ones.
“Call me Seishiro-“ You nod “and-“ He gulps, throat dry from the moment your figure met his sight. “Are you trying to seduce me?” His voice is calm as always, but the intensity of his eyes makes you jump on the spot.
“Seduce? I mean, I usually dress like this to-“ You turn around, not wanting to look at him, embarrassed by his comment. Your sheer nightgown, with cute sunflowers embroidered on it and matching panties, left very little to the imagination after all. Not to talk about you being braless, a sight that sent in short circuit his brain.
 “Usually, so not always-”  He whispers, almost into your ear. He can see a shiver running down your spine making you arch. The desire to run a finger from your neck to your lower back is tempting.
He lay his chin on your shoulder, letting out a sigh, annoyed by the whirlwind that is happening in his stomach. “Can I kiss you?” His greyish eyes lock with yours, trying to read your emotions. Seishiro doesn’t move, waiting to understand your intentions.
You nod, and to Seishiro's surprise, you make the first move. Your soft lips touch his ones, it’s a butterfly touch that lasts way too little for the white-haired guy's tastes. “Is it good?” Your voice breaks a little and Nagi has to keep himself from pinching your cheek. “Yeah, but let’s improve.” He mutters back, full lips locking with yours, tasting a different shade of love from the previous one. Seishiro’s eyes are closed but he can feel your softer hands cupping his cheeks, before sliding lower to his chin and neck. He worries that you may have pyrokinetic powers since every time you touch his naked skin he seems to get hotter.
You moan into his mouth when his big hands start to wander, one groping your mound, protected by his rough touch thanks to your thin nightgown. The other pushed you towards the mattress, making you both slide lower into your bed.
“Sei-“ You break the kiss, breath heavy and barely open eyes, just to notice your lover laying at your side, the end of his tail tickling your right thigh.
“Can I go further?” He is surprised by himself. Seishiro, Mr. Hassle man suddenly asks for more and more, knowing exactly that he’ll have to do most of the work. You nod, neck turned in an uncomfortable position. Nagi notices and decides to leave little pecks down your throat, trying to make you relax.
Such a gentle gesture as opposed to his deft fingers lifting the end of your nightgown, exposing the soft skin of your leg to his rough handling. Hand groping and slapping your thigh with no finesse and for his own enjoyment.
“Ngh, Nagi-“ You get interrupted by another slap to your leg, making your ass grind into his lap, a gesture that generates a choked moan in Seishiro’s throat.  “I told you to call me Seishiro-“ He spits out, leaving a small bite on your shoulder, not too hard to bruise, but still leaving a sign.
Nagi’s lips find yours again, his tongue prodding at your entrance, asking, wanting, to lap into your mouth, to drink your moans, and to taste your spit. You surrender immediately, your tongue weakly fighting against his, lost to the pleasure this entire situation is bringing you. The hand that was massaging your leg is sliding closer to your core, bunching your nightgown to your waist. A deft finger slides into your panties, playing first with one curl of your hairs, before pulling it, making you groan.
“She kept herself untouched for me, maybe she hoped to scare that loser off-“Seishiro thinks, pushing his hips, and therefore his boner against your ass, that idea clouding his brain even more.  “I like them, keep them for me, mh?” He pants in your mouth, your lips still slightly open from the previous kiss. A high-pitched moan leaves your lips and Nagi takes it as consent to his order instead of a response to his forefinger assaulting your clit.
Seishiro has never been a patient guy, and it shows even now when his fingers caress your outer folds before digging a bit deeper, but never enough for your taste, edging you constantly while playing with the bundle of nerves with no grace. He wants to see fat tears roll down your cheeks, he wants to hear you beg for him, he wants to feel desired, and he wants it now.
“Sei-Seishiro!” You half scream, closing your eyes and finally, making tears escape. Nagi keeps himself from smirking, but his heart roars in pleasure at the sight. “Good-“
“You-you are a bully.” You interrupt him, your own phrase is broken by sighs of pleasure. Breath gets caught in his throat, not expecting to hear that from you, dick twitching when hearing your voice in strain.
“So, you don’t like me anymore? You want me to get out?” Seishiro teases you, speeding up the movement of his fingers. Your head moving left and right tells him all he needs to know, together with the hand that keeps pulling at the collar of his hoodie to keep him close. He finally pushes his middle finger inside your wet core “So wet, for me.” He mumbles biting his lower lip, thrusting faster, and soon adding the ring finger, curling them so deliciously that your eyes cross in pleasure. You are a mess, but Seishiro is no better, grinding his clothed boner into your ass desperately searching for relief, while his tail keeps trashing on his side of the bed, trying not to hurt your softer, human skin.
“Ah-ah” You moan, almost into his mouth, tears still rolling down your cheeks.
“Why do you keep your mouth open? C’mon if you need to say something, say it-“ The malice in his voice is clear, teasing you so meanly, but he can’t really stop himself from trying to push your buttons.
“Ngh-bully!” You groan back, your hand sliding to his hard-on groping it through his gym pants, noticing the big wet patch.
And how big he is.
“Ah-“ He moans too, the touch of your smaller hand driving him almost immediately to completion. It soon becomes a competition on whom would crumble first, both your bodies hot and sweaty trying to pull away but at the same time searching desperately for each other touch.
You reach your end first, throwing your head back into his shoulder, and letting out a high-pitched moan that Seishiro is sure to remember till he breathes. He pulls away as soon as possible, laying on his back and immediately pushing down, just the needed amount, his pants and boxers, freeing his erection, which hit his still-covered abdomen.
“Angh-“  He groans half in pain and half in pleasure for being finally able to free his cock, all flushed and angry for being edged for so long.
“Sei-“ You turn around. The mixture of your sweet, wet eyes and soft voice almost makes Nagi cum on the spot. “G-give me a moment. Then I-I can try to ride you.” You say in between heavy breaths, still swimming in the pleasure of the previous orgasm.
But as much as Seishiro would like to accept “N-No, turn around like before.” He orders, but to your ears, it seems more like he is begging you. Nagi notices and damn himself for sounding so pathetic, but the image of you on top of him, wet eyes, pouty mouth, and trembling legs, still wearing that damn sheer nightgown, wouldn’t make him last.
To say the truth just that image is sending him over the edge.
You nod at his request, turning around just like he asked; you must have thrown your panties somewhere since your back is completely exposed to him. Some droplet of your essence stains the apex of your legs, making Seishiro damn himself for not going down on you, having now to settle for his fingers to taste you.
Seishiro doesn’t indulge too much in your taste, even if it matches your smell, intoxicating, therefore he rolls on your side, grabbing your waist to pull you closer, his erection grinding against your back, slick with all the pre that copiously rolled down during your intercourse.
“Is-Is it gonna fit?” You look at him, and Nagi doesn’t have in him to lie to such sweet eyes “Maybe. I’ll go slow. If you were a cow hybrid it would have been easier-“ He brushes away some hair sticking to your forehead to land a sweet long kiss there “But I want you. More than any hybrid, ever. If it hurts I’m gonna stop.” He kisses your cheek, now dry after all those tears, before pushing just the tip inside your core.
Seishiro sees you wince, but you don’t tell him to stop. His left hand that was holding your waist is now entwined with yours, the other massaging your bosom, but not resisting the desire to pinch your pert nipple. Nagi pecks down your neck, to your chest, while sliding his throbbing member inside you, trying to ease your pain.
“Ngh-“ He groans, irises become liquid bliss. You are so warm and welcoming, sucking him in like you were made to fit together. All those hybrid theories could go fuck themselves because the white-haired guy is sure nobody could make him feel so ecstatic. “You are so good- so good for me.” He moans in between kisses, pushing your nightgown up to touch your trembling tummy, mouth now kissing and sucking your covered chest, pulling sweet moans out of your throat, while his tail tries to encircle your lifted leg to keep you impossibly close.
“You-You feel so nice Sei-“ You breathe out, scratching the little hair on his nape pulling a guttural groan from his mouth. He looks back at you, and you twitch feeling his hot mouth leaving your bosom, missing it already “Can I fuck you?” You tighten around his length and nod, biting your lower lip eyes looking at him so deeply he thinks he may drown in them.
He starts slowly, never really pushing out, not wanting to be separated long from your warmth. But things start to go downhill when your sweet, almost mellifluous moans meet his ears, calling his name so deliciously that he soon gives up on rationality like a sailor enchanted by a mermaid’s voice. His thrusts are deep and fast, making you both mewl out each other names.
“I’m-close-“ You slur out, one hand gripping one of the small horns on Nagi’s head to find purchase to reality in this frenzy. Seishiro just nods at your words, having noticed way before you told him, his length almost slipping out for how wet you are. His deft fingers return to your clit, rubbing furious circles on it to bring you to your apex “Ngh-no, together.” You grumble, trashing a bit and trying to pull away the hand that was bringing you so soon to delirious pleasure.
He looks at you from the nook of your head, not sure you are serious about this. But the look in your eyes, so determined and confident makes him crumble. “Ngh, ah-“ A pathetic mewl escaped his throat making him wince for how cringe he sounded, his thrusts now sloppy and with no finesse, just trying to grind the both of you to the apex. Seishiro kisses your already swollen lips when you reach your peak, too worried about the pitiful sound he’d make, but damning himself for losing the occasion to hear your voice one more time. Your walls spasm around his length trying to suck everything from his cock, desperate to have all of him inside you. He thrusts a bit more into your core, not wanting to leave your warmth so soon, but the overstimulation feels soon overbearing.
You break the kiss, both your breaths are heavy, lashes hanging low like you are waking up from a dream. You cup his cheek, your thumb tracing little hearts making his heart thump harder than before. It seems like you want to say something, you have a cute little smile on your face but Seishiro doesn’t give you the time, his plump lips against yours, tongue already begging for one more dance. The overstimulation subdues to desire, and from the twinkle in your eyes, Seishiro knows you are on the same page.
The night ahead is still long.
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The morning Shift - Hybrid AU
Hello there! Before the next part of the Aespa Au and the TripleS fic(still deciding which members), I wanted to drop this work of mine. I don't if the Hybrid AU is something my public is interested in, but I still wanted to give It a try. So let me know if you liked this and if you want more❤️
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Can someone be employee of the month and the same time the biggest problem of the workplace? I know it sounds absurd, but it's the truth. One first hypothesis would be a case of nepotism: someone working there just because a parent or a friend is a top name of that agency; but no, it was not definitely your case. You really love this job and anything related to it. You always give all yourself, making the biggest effort to always execute your duty in the best and most correct way. But let's take one step at a time: what even is your job?
The answer is technically very easy: you work in a shelter, just not a normal one; the one where you are employeed takes care of hybrids, half-animal, half-human. Said in this way someone could believe we are talking about centaurs or mermaids, but they are not that mythical. Let's take in example the race you working with, the cat-hybrid race: they are basically normal people with few animals features like tails or cat ears. The rest of their "being hybrid" is really showed in their behaviour and antics, rather than in their body. I'm sure a description of a typical work shift of yours will be enough to make anyone understand.
Your routine starts kinda early in the morning: at 7 a.m. you arrive at the shelter, still kinda sleepy and groggy. Luckily you are immediately welcomed by one of the guests of the building. Two long arms takes you in a soft embrace, keeping you close from snuggling against your chest. "Good morning, Sakura, already out of your room today?", you asked, giggling, while kindly stroking her hair, making her cat hair move in response out of excitement. "Mmh, good morning. Yes, I felt like I had sleep enough tonight", she mumbled against your body, eyes closed in relax. You knew very well that she was lying: Sakura was very affectionate towards you and she had nightmares when you were not there for the night shift. You kinda solved the problem spraying her cushion with your perfume, but still her sleep was not the best; so her way to compensate that was literally waiting for you behind the entrance door. She had a very calm personality overall, so the staff of the place just let her be. "I see. Should we go wake up your roommate?", you proposed patting her head. Kkura just nooded and let you, starting to follow you really close from behind.
Despite this initial moment, Sakura was very mature and she rarely let herself go to these affectionate moments, especially in front of other guests. She often help you with your duties and kinda keeps everyone in check, so it's not easy to see her softer side, maybe the only one, except you, who know the japanese so well was her roommate and best friend. "Goooood morning, babyyyyyy", a loud and high voice shouted, someone jumping with so much strenght at you to send you on the floor. "Chae, be careful, you're hurting our caretaker", Sakura scolded her younger friend, crossing her arms. "Don't worry, she didn't hurt me, she just needs her morning cuddles", you reassured, hiding the pain with a big smile and focusing on scratching the forehead of Chae, making her cutely growls in satisfaction, her tail moving quickly. Chaewon story was particular: in fact despite she arrived in your shelter by mistake, because she was not a cat hybrid like all the others, but a cheetah hybrid. It was kinda a common mistake when they are young, but she was in fact different. At the start she was very aggressive and she didn't trust anyone, so she was about to be sent away...then you tried to get closer. You have always been kind and sweet, even when she was showing her worst behaviour, even hurting you, but you already knew that she was not bad, just very scared. And you were right: in no time she got very affectionate to you and also kinda protective. Not a single scratch would have appeared on your body under sight...well, except the ones caused by her cuddles.
After being held down by the blondie until her her cuddles hunger was satisfied, you slowly got up, helped by Sakura."Well, you already know at this point, I have to go to check the others", you explained, trying to go out of the door; however a pouting Chae was helding your hand to not let you go, her cheetah ears down. Even the mature Sakura was not completely enthusiast of the idea of you not being with them. "Oh, come on, don't make those faces, you're gonna break my heart. We're gonna see again in like 15 minutes. Breakfast, do you remember?", you reassured them, instantly bringing their smiles back and their ears up. You don't get how this scene repeats itself at every morning shift, but you could tell the separation anxiety was real for them, probably later they would asked for more of your attentions. However this sounded like a problem for your future self. You directed towards the next room, you knocked, asking for the permission to go inside. A soft "come in" was received as answer.
Opening the door, such a mesmerizing sight was waiting for you: this long figure was sat under the window, reading a book in silence. Her pale skin shining under the light of the sun, her long black hair almost covering her cat ears and falling on her shoulder, her black tail hidden between her legs. "Here you are, you are some minutes late today", she made you notice smiling elegantly, before closing her book and and shift her gaze towards your face. She gently patted the spot next to her, signaling that she wanted you close to her. Mina is not the biggest yapper between the guest, but you know her well enough to always understand perfectly her body language and her intentions. "You don't miss a thing, uh? I feel like I'm the one under your control", you joke, sitting next to her, your arm brushing against your skin. "I'm just very careful with things I like", she smirked before placing her head on your shoulder and humming softly. Yeah, Mina thought about you as her stuff, it was not rare for cat hybrids to be possessive, but it was quite surprising from the most introverted between the guest. You two just stayed her, enjoying each other company and the fresh wind entering from the window.
"Where's the baby?", you asked suddendly after few minutes. The cozy atmposhere created thanks to Mina almost made you forget that it was also the room of someone else with a very different vibe. "Oh, probably right now she's playing with Ka-", Mina' sentence was interrupted when someone thrown herself over you two, squeezing both of you in a pressing hug. "Oof-, I wish I could have your energies in the morning, Kyujin", you sighed, gently patting the back of the youngest guest, that was being lively and energetic as her usual. "But you have the whole me instead, isn't it even better?", the young girl replied, affectionately rubbing her head against your neck, enjoying the warmth feeling. Mina gave you an apologetic look, but you just shrugged and shaked your head to reassure her that everything was fine. It was your idea to put the calmest and the most chaotic catgirls together in the same room, and so far Mina had made a great job in taking care of Kyujin; and on the contrary, the youngest was the right person to energize the soft girl, given that often she would just lay and don't socialize at all. "You're lucky you're a cutie or I would have scolded you", you said, sitting up and caressing the ears of a purring Kyujin. "I don't believe you a tiny bit: you're too kind to scold me", she chuckled, making you roll your eyes back playfully. But she wasn't wrong tho, you rarely get mad at them and maybe that was the reason you go along with all of them.
"Come on, baby, let the caretaker go: we have to get ready for breakfast too", Mina said softly, caressing the hair of the younger girl. "Oow, fine. See you later then", she nodded, listening well to Mina words. You gave both of them few more pats before heading out. The positive side of the morning shift is that there are only few guests to take care of, just six to be precise; many others are going to wake up just for lunch and even after. At this point there are just two girls missing to check up and to call for eating all together; however even before reaching their room, you met one of them in the hallway: she was at the exact center of the passage, standing and staring at you, her tail moving left and right uncontrollably. "Karina, what are you doing here?", you asked, walking towards her, stopping just at few steps away from her. "I smelled your scent, so I just ran in your direction", she explained proudly, a silly smile printed on her face, her pupils basically taking the shape of a heart while looking at you; Karina was with no doubts the worst at hiding her feelings. "Good job, I was coming to you anyway, so you made my life more simple in this way, good girl", you praised her, scratching her chin, making her melt in your touch. If before her tail was already moving without control, now it was going totally crazy. She was so lost in the moment that she didn't even realize when she let out a loud meow, that echoed in the hallway. "I love when you call me a good girl", she admitted, beaming in your vision. "Then keep being one and wait for me and the others in the kitchen, alright?", you winked at her, making her heartbeat rise. She quickly nodded and then ran as fast as she can towards the kitchen, leaving you amused.
After seeing Karina disappear at the end of the corridor, you kept going your way, till reaching the final room: the door was open but you still need to get prepared for it. "I'm coming in, Irene", you warned from outside, but you got no response. You stretched your neck, took a big breath and finally went in. The moment you put your foot inside the room, you could feel her gaze penetrating your soul, a cold smile used like a mask. She silently got up and started walking in a circle around you. "Why am I always the last that you greet at morning?", she inquired, her eyes judging you. "Always is a big word, it's just something that happens sometimes", you chuckled nervously, trying to not fold under her gaze. "Mmh, is that so? Are you not avoiding me?", she shoot her next question, this time stopping and taking your hand in yours. You were not lying honestly, it simply was that her room was the most distant from the entrance of the building. "Yes, Irene, I assure you. You know that I care about you", you tried to convince her about your sincerity. Irene cold smile seemed to turn into a softer one...and yet, she still decided to take a bite of your hand. It was nothing too strong or dangerous, just painful enough to remind you she was not fooling around. "Ouch, why? I'm being honest", you yelped in pain, confused by her act. "I know, but I'm still pissed at you for being the last", a hint of cuteness in her voice, before licking the spot where she bit you.
You waited until Irene finished to medicate the wound that she made herself. Irene was the oldest of the bunch, she was also older than you, so for her it was natural to see you as someone to take care of, even if her jealousy attacks were the biggest threats for you at work. Being on Irene bad side meant to have an hard time everyday, luckily it was not your case: she seemed interested into you since your first day of work. Your kind ways to interact with everyone quickly made Irene have a soft spot for you. "All done, you're like new. Now let's go eat or I'll take another chomp from you", she teased you playfully, licking her own lips. "Alright, let's go, I bet they are waiting for us in th-", you tried to lead the way, but you felt Irene body remaining still; you looked at her, once more confused. "Today I don't feel like walking", she said with a sly smile. You knew exactly what she had in mind, being the oldest didn't mean acting like it in Irene vocabulary. You gave her your back and squatted: immediately Irene got up on your back, putting her arms around your neck to keep her balance and using your body as a pillow for her head. With Irene on your back, you finally went for kitchen, ready to give a start to the day of the shelter.
Now, as everyone can see, you are perfect for this job: you're kind and understanding, you know how to behave with every girl, and the guests love you and listen to you well. Of course you are the employee of the month...since months. Then what is the deal? Why are you the biggest problem of your workplace? Well, the girls love you too much! They are so affectionate towards you that they don't want to get adopted and leave the place. But honestly in a world where the hybrids are not accepted by everyone being so different from "normal people", the boss is just satisfied of how happy the guests are in the shelter. And maybe a promotion will arrive soon...
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chimerical-serenity · 11 months
Actor au of an oc I haven't even shown outside of actor au-
I wasn't sure where I should start putting my art for welcome home so I decided to start on the au side of things! Because it seems less daunting Au by @frillsand
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Iliana Slithers! A teeny snake puppet
Little facts about her: - She is 2'9 1/2 tall exactly but she usually calls herself 3 feet tall, because it's close enough! - Although she uses all pronouns, she tends to prefer feminine or gender-neutral ones (she/they as an example) - She can't see well so she will often wear specially made contacts, neither can she hear well but there's nothing to help her fix that because she doesn't have ear holes - Her face is always smiling! So much so that her face was made (born?) that way and she can't emote with her face much because of that- shame she doesn't have eyebrows to emote with instead, she also was made (born?) with softer and "less scary" features like a cat-like nose and pawed feet - Technically questioning her romantic interests but leaning towards pan with an interest in femininity no matter the gender, she is poly - She is very shy and kind, but a big pushover, she wants people to like her so she will end up trying her hardest to please people no matter if they are puppets or humans. - Very strong for how small she is! She could probably lift an average-sized human teen without breaking a sweat - She works as a production assistant on the welcome home set (I forgor the name of their business in this au) and always overworks herself on it, she will also sometimes dip into the costume area and help with sewing, since she is very good at it - Always ties her tail back with something (usually a big ribbon) while working, since it is a tripping hazard for her coworkers - Wanted to be an actor, but didn't think she would be good enough so she went for production instead. Nothing bad, but below is a picture to show off her patterns, seams, and stitches
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gremlingottoosilly · 8 months
so i know that in your monster au sometimes the human pets are dragged around on collars and leashes and it gave me an idea. do you think that similar to how we have pet obedience and training courses the monsters would sign up any rowdy human to learn some manners or do they prefer to correct bad behavior themselves?
Like i’m imagining a bunch of monsters in a room with their scared or angry little pets on leashes teaching them to shake or roll over (or maybe even present themselves) or maybe like agility classes for the eager to please/advanced level pet
I feel like most monsters would rather break their pets themselves. This paradigm shift on humans isn't a universal one, and actually treating humans as pets and wives are kinda disorganized from monster to monster. With Konig, for example, his little pet is treated more like a wifey - he would let her chill with other people around from time to time because he is tired of his pet acting so desperate all of the time - but he wouldn't trust other monsters with a very particular art of breaking his pretty baby in. He should be the only one who touches you, really.
Horangi is more inclined to let others train you - he doesn't have the patience to break you into wearing a leash, and he hates disobedient pets who he can't play with, so the poor girl is going to "enjoy" spending time with other pets - humans or weaker monsters - who are deemed unruly and need a helping monster hand to take them in place. Poor thing, other monsters are so cruel, you would beg for Horangi to stop bringing you to them just so you could snuggle with him and wear everything he wants without a pout. If you aren't a cat hybrid, he will make you wear the tail and ears anyway - but if you are his dumb and spoiled prized kitty, then he would have a freaking field day of making you succumb to being just a pet after these lessons.
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Making Humanoids Less Human
I did make a small post on this, but now I've got the art for a much bigger and more detailed post! so here we go.
I had several anonymous asks that all came in quick succession weeks ago. Every single one of them was basically just a variation on "how would you take (typically humanoid) fantasy being, and make them look less human?"
This blog does not exist for me to just give people original designs for free, my goal is to show off my own personal thoughts about fantasy design and help people figure out how to adjust their own designs to fit their vision better. That means when people ask me questions about how to do something, I want to give them things to think about so they can come to their own conclusion. I don't mind making original designs to illustrate concepts, but a whole flood of "show me how to make this specific thing look different" all at once like that was too much. I'm not answering them all individually, it's just not what I want to do.
But what I can do is show my own thoughts and ideas about how to take any fantasy design and push it further away from "human", and you all can look at my ideas and figure out your own way to do things!
So here are the main 4 methods I've come up with to make humanoids look less human.
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(image description: a simplified drawing of a humanoid face surrounded by four altered versions of the same face. clockwise starting from the top left, they are:
Speculative, drawn as a cat person. Additive, drawn with horns, pointy ears, sharp teeth, and a second pair of eyes. Subtractive, drawn with blank eyes, no nose, and no eyebrows. Exaggerative, drawn with a long face and huge eyes, as well as a wide mouth, narrow nose, and big ears.
end description)
I am personally a fan of the speculative route, which means exploring an alternate root of evolution to create a new design. Through this method, I've created monkey elves, frog goblins, and pig orcs.
the additive option is the most common, I think. adding new feature or doubled features to a humanoid form is a very intuitive way to change the design and make it look less human. you see this in most fantasy and scifi designs, like star trek aliens and the dnd player races.
subtractive and evaggerative are the most common options for people that like the uncanny valley. it's really easy to make uncomfortable designs by removing or exaggerating recognizable features, and they're often used together. Slenderman, for example, removes all facial features and skin color but also exaggerates the limbs and body.
Combining the four methods will give you a really interesting design as well! So for practice I decided to explore an alternate design for Tieflings, the part-demon player race in dnd.
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(image description: four examples of differnt tiefling designs using the previously described methods. the additive example is just offical dnd art of a tiefling woman with purple skin, horns, and a long tail.
the subtractive sketch looks very alien, with a bald head, empty eyes, and no other facial featuers aside from a small mouth. it has three fingers per hand and two toe per foot.
the exaggerative sketch shows a hunched humanoid figure with huge eyes and big ears. the neck, limbs, and digits are all long with claws at the ends of the fingers and toes, and the limbs are also quite muscular.
the speculative sketch shows a bipedal figure with features similar to a giraffe, including a long neck, ossicones, and hooves.
end description)
now, because tielflings have such a distinct look to them, obviously my new sketches don't really look like tieflings, do they? the only one that comes close is the giraffe. relying only on one type of alteration to the human form has left the designs rather empty and lacking in the more iconic traits of the original concept. so i tried a sketch that combined my ideas! it came out looking like a completely different creature lol, like it could be a kobold or something, still not really a tiefling.
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(image description: a sketch of a creature with a giraffe-like head, long tongue, and sharp teeth. it appears to be roaring at something and stands in a half-crouch. it has long limbs with hoof feet and clawed hands, as well as a long tufted tail curled behind it. end description.)
didn't work out. too far into the animal side of the speculative evolution, I think. so I tried again and got a design I liked much better!
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(image description: a digital painting of a tiefling leaping back and casting a glowing orange spell. she is wearing a tunic with a corset and detached sleeves, as well as several pieces of jewelry. Her skin is purple with dark patches like a giraffe's spots, and she has a giraffe's ossicones as well as hoof-like hands and two-toed hoof feet. Her tail is long with a tuft at the end. She has glowing eyes and a flat nose, and there is a single sharp tooth visible poking out of the side of her mouth. end description.)
Brought the face back into slightly more human proportions and that helped a lot. Sometimes designs just take a few tries! that's normal.
and hopefully this is helpful to all of you! there are so many ways to alter humanoid designs to come up with something original and unique to you!
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fictoculus · 1 year
Hello ^^ I've been reading your stories and I really like them and I was just wondering if you don't mind doing a genshin impact boys x Reader with the characters being Tighnari,Kaeya,Albedo,Alhaitham and Kaveh? And the story being you hug them from behind (I hope that is fine with you of course no NSFW I've read the request rules ^^) that is if you still do genshin impact
౨ৎ hugging them from behind...
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send a request!┊masterlist┊taglist applications
FEAT... tighnari, kaeya, albedo, alhaitham, kaveh
A/N... hellooo anon, thanks so much for this request, and for taking the time to read my rules too, i really appreciate it! alsoo, i'm so glad you like my writing, it means so much ♡ i actually really love this concept, and you've chosen some good characters too! apologies in advance if anyone is ooc ^^ (i have a feeling tighnari and kaeya might be a bit whoopssss)
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✧ tighnari.
for tighnari, being the "chief officer of forest rangers" comes with a lot of responsibility, an example being informing the rangers of the route for patrol and any threats they could face along the way. that's why, when you find your beloved stood infront of a group of eager men and women, you're hardly surprised.
you sneak closer to them, listening in on the instructions your beloved was giving, but not paying attention to a single word said; instead, relishing in the smooth sound of tighnari's voice. it was so calming and so soothing; he was always able to relax you from just a few words... and that's when you decided, you wanted to hear it "more up close"
the "plan" had been created, and it was a simple one at that; you knew tighnari always left his weapons at home while instructing the team for some unknown reason, but would always have to come back to collect them before setting off. you thought you'd be helpful and bring them to him instead, it would save him the unnecessary trip, after all.
despite a couple doubts crossing your mind, you decided to follow through with your "plan", rushing back home to collect his bow, trying your best to be as quick as possible so that you don't miss your chance; and luckily, you didn't.
arriving back at the meeting grounds, you make your way over to tighnari, being sure to approach him from behind. setting his bow aside, you waved at the rangers who waved back enthusiastically, leaving tighnari to wonder: "who are they all waving at? me?"
he lifts his arm to wave awkwardly, only for you to grab hold of him, squeezing him tightly around his waist and pressing tender kisses behind his ears.
"you forgot your bow again, love"
you whispered, a rosey hue tinting his cheeks as his eyes widened in embarassment. instinctively, tighnari wraps his tail around you, his soft fur tickling your skin slightly. you smile to yourself, just imagining how brightly he must be blushing; having about a dozen people watching an intimate moment he'd much rather keep private, or atleast away from an audience.
"i have a question regarding the-"
"any questions will be discussed another time, dismissed"
he hurriedly shoos the forest rangers away, making up excuses such as "there are matters i must attend to" and even "those things don't concern you, now please take your leave". he acted all angry when he turned to face you, but archons, he looked adorable.
"now what do you think you're up to, hm? hugging me like that infont of all the rangers?"
"i can tell you aren't mad, 'nari"
you can read him like a book, knowing exactly how he acts when he tries to hide how flustered he is; how he attempts to harden his exterior but gives in within seconds.
"i- i never said i was i just... don't you- i-"
he sighs, admitting defeat as he burries his face in the crook of your neck. you feel his hot breath against your shoulder as he murmurs:
"i hate you"
"i love you too"
✧ kaeya.
you walked to the cat's tail with a spring in your step, excited to see kaeya after spending more than a week apart. you'd been on a long expedition to liyue and had only just gotten back to mondstadt, not bothering to drop your belongings off at your house but instead hauling them along with you; unable to wait any longer to see your beloved (and silently praying he'd offer to help you carry them to your place)
after what felt like an hour of walking, you finally made it to your destination, shoulders sore from having to carry your bags instead of loading them onto a cart like you had when travelling to the nation of contracts.
poking your head into the tavern, you could see kaeya sat at one of the tables alone, watching out of the window, as if he was waiting for something, or someone... that's right, you!
you watch him carefully, waiting for the perfect moment to strike, and there it was: he'd gotten up from his seat, suppossedly to order a drink at the bar, and attempt to avoid the black cat and his... friendly translator; being invited to play a game of genius invocation tcg was the last thing he wanted.
dropping everything and leaving it in a pile at the front door, you practically throw yourself inside and run towards kaeya, his back now turned to you as he walks back to his table.
"[name]? archons, you scared me, i almost dropped my drink!"
refusing to let go, the two of you awkwardly waddle to the window, wanting some peace and quiet away from the taverns other patrons.
"someone's a little friendly today, hm? you miss me that much?"
"well if you don't want my attention, i can just let go..."
you tease, slowly but surely loosening your grip on his waist and sliding your hands to his sides. without warning, he grabs hold of your hands and wraps them back around him, holding them in place firmly, caressing your palms with his thumbs.
"i never said let go! wait... do you... not want to hug me anymore?"
here comes the show... kaeya would gasp dramatically, clutching at his chest as if he'd been struck by lightning, or something even more theatrical.
"do you not love me anymore?"
it never ends. he keeps building on it, acting hurt by your actions, more-so physically than mentally despite you having injured him being nothing to do with the "plot". only when you spin him around in your arms and press your lips against his does he finally stop talking, melting into the kiss as his mind goes completely blank. he'd pull away panting for air, his eyes glazed over with pure adoration.
"i love you"
"i love you moreee"
you're basically asking for it at this point.
"you love me more than i love you? impossible! preposterous! disgraceful! outrag-"
"i'm going to magically fall out of love with you in a minute if you don't-"
"i'm only kiddinggg, you're so fun to tease"
he brings one of your hands up to his lips and kisses it softly with a big grin plastered on his face; oh how he loves to wind you up, and secretly, you love it too.
"i do love your hugs though, and i really did miss you so... please hug me again?"
✧ albedo.
it's been hours since you'd last seen albedo, and though only a few hours doesn't sound too long, it felt like an eternity. it was all too often he'd hide away up in dragonspine, working tirelessly on his latest experiments and not taking any time for himself, and it worried you. that being said, you decided to come up with a plan to distract him, and a hug from behind sounded like the perfect idea...
you creep into his campsite, waiting for the perfect moment to throw yourself onto him.
"3... 2..."
you whispered to yourself, counting down the seconds before you could finally hold your beloved once more, missing his gentle touch; and you were more than just eager.
excited, you jog up to him and wrap your arms tightly around him, but feeling him jolt so harshly made you slightly concerened...
"woah! careful, careful!"
panicked, albedo sets down the equipment in his hands as quickly as he can, worried he'd drop or injure you with them. he lets out a sigh of relief once they're out of the way, moving his hands ontop of yours and loosening your grip so that he could turn to face you. hands now resting on your waist, he looks at you with a stern expression.
"[name], what did i tell you about hugging around my experiments?"
"i know, i know, i just missed you and thought if i hug you from behind i wouldn't be getting in the way"
"i-... technically you're right, but you gave me quite the scare nevertheless, it could've caused an explosion if we were to have fallen. what kind of lover would i be if i were to put you in danger?"
"i'm sorry, 'bedo, i didn't mean to-"
he sighs, noticing the way he was being slightly too hard on you; all he wanted was to keep you safe. he'd never forgive himself if you were to be injured from one of his experiments, which is why he always to extra precautios when it came to you.
"i know, it's alright, my love, i'm just glad you didn't get hurt"
he leans towards you, reaching both hands up to cup your cheeks, squeezing them gently before giving you a soft kiss on the lips. he doesn't take his eyes off of you, pulling away from the kiss only to look into your eyes, his own filled with the purest love. you could get lost in them for hours, admiring how all the different hues work together so perfectly to create the most beautiful shade of blue.
"i know you were probably hoping to spend some time together, but... i really have to get this done, honey, i'm sorry"
"that's ok, i just want to be with you..."
"... then stay, hold onto me from behind, ok? just make sure you-"
"-don't touch anything, i've got it"
and so you hung onto albedo, almost like a sloth, slowing down his movements ever so slightly, but he didn't mind, nor did he mention it. he'd apologise whenever he accidentally stood on you foot, even though he wasn't applying much pressure in the first place, being purposefully light on his feet as to not hurt you. every now and then, he'd take hold of one of your hands, bringing it up to his lips and kissing it so gingerly before setting it back down onto his waist.
sure, it wasn't the most romantic scenario, but you couldn't care less; all you wanted was him, to hold him, to feel his warmth against you, to know he was there...
✧ alhaitham.
you call out, wondering into his study, half expecting him to be elsewhere, but being pleasantly surprised when you find him sat comfortably in his arm chair. (like an old man)
"yes, darling?"
a soft smile creeps onto your face as you slowly make your way towards him; you just can't help it. even when he is doing almost nothing, alhaitham never fails to charm you, to make you smile like an idiot from a single glance.
"will you tell me that story again? the one about the dr- oh! sorry i didn't realise you were busy-"
you apologise profusely, turning to leave but only being able to take a few steps before alhaitham grabs your arm and drags you back towards him, almost pulling you over the arm of his chair
"love, it's ok, i'm not busy, i can tell you stories whenever you'd like to hear them"
"that's ok, how about you tell me about that book instead?"
you smile down at him sweetly before taking a look at the cover of his book; the gold lettering complimenting the brown leather perfectly.
"darling, you don't have to pretend to be interested, i can t-"
"no, no, please, tell me what you're reading! i like hearing you talk about your books"
he blushes slightly, his slightly widened eyes flicking back to the pages of the novel within an instant, wanting to avoid any possible eye contact.
"well, if you insist... this book is about how two-"
listening carefully, you move behind him, resting your hands on his shoulders before sliding them down his upper arm before dragging them across his chest. your hands meet near the middle, intertwining with eachother and resting against alhaitham's pounding heart.
"everything ok?"
you tease, knowing well how flustered this makes him, enjoying how he stuggles to keep a hold of himself.
"i- as i was saying... this book here is about two young lovers, how they met, and how they will someday grow old together and see the beauties of the world beyond life hand-in-hand... quite a precious story if i do say so myself, wh-"
you stand in shock, scanning over the open pages to make sure the story he's explaining is truly the one held in his hands; to your surprise, it was.
"wait wait wait, 'haitham... you are reading a romance novel?!"
"is that so surprising?"
"never in my life did i think alhaitham, the akedemiya's scribe who seems only interested in facts and figures, would be reading books about romance"
"well, dare i say you've rubbed off on me, love"
"i- i have?"
"why of course you have, every empty moment is filled with you, my love. see,"
he gestures to the pieces of - what looks like - paper sticking out of the book in various places, each one seemingly marking a significant moment in the plot.
"-even this book reminds me of you, all these little tabs represent thoughts of mine, these purple ones are thoughts of you, of us"
much to your disbelief, almost every single tab - par one or two - is coloured a shade of purple, you can even spot a couple of hearts peeking out from inbetween the pages. each section that was sticking out had the words "i love you" carefully written on them, written in his fancy handrwiting rather than what you refer to as his "scribe mode handwriting"
you squeeze him tighter, touched by how head over heels he was for you, nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck and planting soft kisses on along his shoulder and below his jaw. you wanted to show just how loved you felt in that moment, and how loved you wanted him to feel too. little did you know, alhaitham was a blushing mess; his face a vibrant hue of pink, his mouth forming words but not being able to force any of them out.
"i love you so much, 'haitham"
"i- i love you, [name]"
✧ kaveh.
"that doesn't seem quite right..."
kaveh is stood pondering in his office, the blueprints on the easle in front of him full of detail, far more complicated than anyone other than him could make any sense of. several stacks of scrolls take up all his desk space, 'stealing' his pencils and other pieces of equipment, or atleast that's what he claims to be happening.
in reality, his workspace is far too messy, causing him even more stress ontop of trying to find the perfect measurements for whatever building he was planning. you picked up on this, how he often promises to eat with you at the table, but gets so lost in his work he dismisses his own needs just for the sake of his project.
you decide to take the initiative, covering the plates of food with towels before making your way to kaveh's office; a small building to the left of the living area of the property, though it seemed to be that he was living there instead.
slowly pushing the front door open, you let yourself inside, sighing happily at not only the warm air against your now cold cheeks, but also at the comforting scent that you know all too well...
"it looks good, hun" you'd say, your voice gentle and sweet as to not scare him. he wouldn't turn to face you, but instead stare holes into his blueprints, hand holding his chin as he was lost in thought.
"hm? oh, sorry love, could you repeat that? i didn't hear you"
you make your way over to him, choosing to stand behind him rather than infront. snaking your arms around his waist and pulling him into you, you rest nuzzle the side of your face against his back. he jolts slightly, only to relax into your touch seconds after. "it's looking good" you repeat yourself, rubbing circles on his stomach through his shirt in an attempt to ease his stress. all it does is leave him stressed and flustered... ok maybe a bit less stressed, he's not complaining though. he loves the way you're so gentle with your hands, and know exactly how to make him feel so flustered. placing his own hands on yours, he intertwines your fingers with his, dragging your hands across his lower stomach to wrap around him tighter. "y- you really think so?"
"of course i do, love, everything you design is beyond beautiful, but this one especially...
"would- do you think you'd live in it?"
"oh, absolutely! strangely enough, it looks just like how i imagined my home to be when i was younger"
unbeknownst to you, kaveh is uncontrollably smiling like an idiot, knowing that you approve of your future home really gives him even more motivation to put his all into every single one of the blueprints, making sure not to miss even a single detail...
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thanks for reading ♡ want to read more? my requests are OPEN, so please feel free to let me know what you'd like me to write next!
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© FICTOCULUS 2023; please do not steal, translate, or repost my works as your own
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midnightlee25 · 8 months
Random Yandere Headcanons: Sebastian Michaelis with a Neko darling
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It is the main reason he becomes a yandere for them but with time he will fall for them past their fluffy ears and tail. 
He will use their cat instincts against them. 
For example, he will use smells that are meant to keep cats away and put them on any exit points whenever he goes away. 
He doesn’t always mean to treat them like a cat. It's more out of habit than anything else but he will put a stop to it if he notices that they’re comfortable with it or if they tell him. 
If he had his way, they would never see the light of day again because he is very selfish when it comes to this type of darling. 
He does spoil them; the selfish part comes when they want to spend time with others other than him.
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canines-crown · 1 month
Am I the only one who can sort of see other people as their kintype? I mean like, physically! Cause I can do that?
It's not like I see, for example, a wolf instead of a human, but rather that I can see a sort of transparent wolf covering the person?
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(skillful artistic recreation)
When I was a child, me and a close friend of mine would play a game where we were these magical furry creatures. I played as my kintype (i knew that that creature was me) while my friend was this other cat-like being with plant powers!
I asked her if she saw my soul kintype whenever she looked at me, and she said no. I remember being really disappointed that she didn't even try, because I could always see her cat ears, her two tails, the sharp teeth and claws...
Am I alone in this?
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white-sinner · 1 year
Seven brothers and their boyfriends
fourth born Satan x male book lover reader
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all fairy tales start with once upon a time and they all lived happily ever after and it's time for the story between you and satan to begin
when you two first met there wasn't this much interaction the only thing you understood about him was his hatred for lucifer
one of the details that made him fall madly in love with you was your love of reading but not just your personality your looks he loved everything about you. like the little mermaid
and when he showed you his room o holy heaven … it was as if he fell in love with you again your eyes sparkled! it was a whole room full of bookshelves and full of books finally someone who understood him his love for books in short a perfect match
most of the time you could find him opening your door wide with a pile of books in his hand saying
“these are some of my favorite books I think you might like them”
of course you also recommended them and lent your favorite books with the which unlike his was much more attentive
for your dates, these are almost always in the library, in his room pampering you while you read together but one thing that satan likes to do in particular is to recreate one of the romantic scenes of one of his books
now the fights between you two don't always happen but they are more frequent than other brothers but you can swear that after he calms down he will try to apologize in all possible ways for example by sending you pictures of cats with the word sorry, writing you a poem or even coming with a cat in his arms apologizing
now this may seem like a fairy tale but this story is not all sugar and candy but there is also a touch of spice now this can go in two ways
satan was returning from the library when he saw a scene in the living room he saw you and lucifer arguing and you fearlessly answered him in kind, after that quarrel and you were still angry, satan he invited you to his room and as soon as you entered the Saw satan shirtless slamming you against the wall kissing you furiously
“you could have told me you wanted to do that wonderful show but you didn't tell me anything, naughty boy~”
satan throw you on the bed you were speechless but excited and satan could see it
satan undresses you while he runs his hands over your exposed body, he puts you on your stomach and your ass in the air and starts fucking you very hard, you put your hand on your mouth to stop your moans being heard
“Don't cover your sweet sounds, kitty”
“mmm~ go slowerrr”
to which he smirked and went faster
you know cats when their partner is in heat? this is exactly what happened
the next day Satan had to carry you in his arms because you couldn't move well he didn't mind
you and Satan were in his room reading and drinking tea when you notice something strange under the bed
"do not look!"
“some cat ears and a tail-shaped butt plug?”
“I-I can explain”
now you were intrigued by the tail shaped butt plug you already had an idea where the situation was going but you wanted to hear from him
“I wanted you to fuck me with those…”
said Satan in a low voice even lower than Levi
“What? speak louder baby”
"Come on are you serious? it's embarrassing"
“ok when you are ready to tell me he will find me in my room”
“wait wait! don't go..I want you to fuck me with those”
you only smiled after this and Satan's cheeks flushed red
Satan followed your instructions and was left with only ears and tail
now he was under you while you fucked him making him see the stars
“No no,baby kitty don’t talk”
with that said he started fucking harder now you could see the bulge of your cock inside him
“Nyan nyan!!”
and so you continued until the morning
A/N: before this story ends I leave you with a photo
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