serene-elysium · 9 months
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Sketches of a few members of Lightwalker's tribe.
The first three are of Lightwalker's parents, Amaru (small, he/him) and Stormrunner (tall, she/her) back when they first met. Stormrunner looks pretty similar to this day, but she has more stress lines on her face and a much cooler, magical spear. What Amaru looks like is a mystery since he left when LW was a baby to try to prevent a prophecy from coming true (spoiler: he failed).
The final two are drawings of some of Lightwalker's friends, Keencatcher (ponytail, he/him) and Treehauler (holding the axe, she/her). These two have been around since LW was born and are like older siblings to her :)
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wisdomfish · 19 days
"It must not, however, be forgotten that our walk in the light is first and foremost with the Lord Jesus. It is with Him first that we must get things settled and it is His cleansing and victory that must first be obtained."
Roy Hession
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eggbagelz · 1 year
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the inherent homoeroticism of cursebreaking
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I’m back whit more characters to turn into catsss
Ok so what about techno, Tommy and Wilbur and philza
The sleepy boisss
Also Mumza would be nice so we can have the whole family but if you don’t want to that’s fine
Of course I will!
For the names....
Philza was the most immediately obvious. Crowskull. Crow for his crow friends (I've visited sometimes from the basement), and skull for his status as the Angel of Death, or in this case, Death's Right Claw. As Death's Right Claw, he has wings! :D
Next was Mumza! I don't think she uses one name. In the ITAHTTW universe, she goes to cats who have a little trouble passing on, and guide them to the afterlife. So, if the cat is a kit, she'll use a different name, one that's a bit sillier, to try and bring the cat comfort.
With Phil, she uses the name "Lightwalk", representing her status as the guiding light.
For Wilbur....Shadesong. I'm not sure about why I chose name, actually. But it fits.
Tommy is Raccoonflap! Raccoon because of his personality, and flap....also because of his personality!
Techno has the name of Boarslash! A name obtained after taking down a wild pig, it represents his minecraft skin and his tendency to fight! Much like Crowskull is Death's Right Claw, Boarslash is the Acolyte of War, serving the Beast of Blood.
For the stories....
Crowskull arrived after the crows from Shadesong stopped, worried. He arrived to find creatures ravaging the land, one of his sons terrified, his best friend helping the creatures fight, and his other son the cause of all of this.
Shadesong looked him in the eye and asked Crowskull to kill him. To get it over with. Seeing and sharing the fear of vengeance in Shadesong's eyes, Crowskull made it quick.
Boarslash came to the land after Shadesong traveled far to contact him, a great warrior and best friend of his father. Boarslash and Crowskull had once been clanmates, but as their former clan grew dictatorial, Crowskull left and Boarslash was chased out. The two banded together for a while, eventually killing the leader of their clan.
Boarslash is also able to see ghosts.
Raccoonflap was...not okay in the slightest after all of this, and that eventually lead to WC Dream exiling him from the lands, with Raccoonflap swearing vengeance after finding Boarslash's den.
Shadesong awoke in a circle. A rocky tunnel, it looped around and around and around forever. That's his version of limbo.
That's it! Thank you for the request, I didn't want to make this crash the site so I didn't unleash my brain upon this post! If you have another request or would like elaboration, do contact me again!
(O7 to Technoblade)
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cuppajj · 2 years
12am is when my brain wants to write something angsty and messed 😳
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claradaly · 2 years
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Dark grounds illuminate ✨🕯🥰 🌟Christmas at Kew 🌟 • • #christmaslights #kewgardens #holidays #christmas #lightwalks #dark #illuminate #aesthetic #aesthetic #glow #dark #bright #winterwonderland #wintersolstice #thingstodoinlondon #winter (at Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmeqI0lIK8a/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Lightwalk | Old School RuneScape | Ian Taylor
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graffiticanada · 10 months
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Robyn Lightwalker & Natasha Rose
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paperanddice · 5 months
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Lunar devils sit a bit adjacent to the usual machinations of Hell. While not completely outside the hierarchy of other devils, they don't fully integrate themselves, often acting more independently and (by some measures) lazily, lounging in the light of the moon as much as possible while still fulfilling the bare minimum of expectations upon them. The exception is an opportunity to corrupt moon-worshippers, druids, or lycanthropes, taking pleasure in such moments and riling up animosity between followers of the moon and sun. They also seem to have a deep history with fey creatures, and both sides have stories of tricking the other into ruin, or allying in strange moments. While under the moon they almost seem to fade from view, like glass statues letting the light pass through, and rarely will they stay in any fight without being able to see the moon. Not just because they gain powerful benefits from it, but also a personal desire.
Inspired by the Tome of Beasts 1. This post came out a week ago on my Patreon. If you want to get access to all my monster conversions early, as well as access to my premade adventures and other material I’m working on, consider backing me there!
Pathfinder 2e
Lunar Devil Creature 8 Uncommon, Large, Devil, Fiend, Unholy Perception +18; greater darkvision Languages Celestial, Common, Elvish, Infernal, telepathy 100 feet Skills Acrobatics +16, Athletics +16, Religion +15, Stealth +16 Str +5, Dex +5, Con +5, Int +3, Wis +2, Cha +4 AC 25; Fort +16, Ref +18, Will +16; +1 status to all saves vs. magic HP 130; Immunities fire; Resistances physical 8 (except silver), poison 8; Weaknesses holy 8 Moonlight Incorporeality While in moonlight, the lunar devil becomes semi-incorporeal. It gains resistance 10 to all damage (except force, ghost-touch, holy, or silver; double resistance vs. non-magical) Speed 35 feet, fly 60 feet Melee claw +17 (agile, magical, unholy), Damage 2d6+9 slashing Melee jaws +17 (magical, unholy), Damage 2d12+9 piercing Melee tail +17 (magical, reach 10 feet, unholy), Damage 2d8+9 bludgeoning Ranged hurled moonlight +16 (cold, magical, range 150 feet, unholy), Damage 4d12 cold damage plus Blinding Moonlight Divine Innate Spells DC 24 ; 5th illusory scene, translocate, wall of ice; 4th invisibility (×3), translocate (at will); Divine Rituals DC 24; diabolic pact Blinding Moonlight (divine) A creature hit by the lunar devil's hurled moonlight Strike must attempt a DC 24 Fortitude save or become blinded for 4 rounds. Frenzied Attacks [2 actions] The lunar devil makes four Strikes, two with its claws, one with its jaws, and one with its tail, each at a -2 penalty and targeting a different creature. Each of these attacks counts toward its multiple attack penalty, and the penalty doesn't increase until after it has made all of its attacks. Lightwalking [1 action] (concentrate, divine, teleportation); Frequency once per round; Requirement the lunar devil is in moonlight; Effect the lunar devil teleports to an unoccupied space within 80 feet that it can see that is in moonlight.
13th Age
Lunar Devil 7th level troop [devil] Initiative: +13 Moonlit Claws +12 vs. AC (2 attacks) – 15 damage. R: Hurl Moonlight +12 vs. PD (one nearby or far away enemy) – 25 cold damage. Natural 14+: The target is also hampered (save ends). Devil’s Dues (Light Incorporeality) – When you choose to add the escalation die to an attack against a lunar devil, the lunar devil gains resist damage 14+ to all damage except force until the start of the devil’s next turn. Flight. Lightwalking – 1/round, as a move action when the escalation die is even, the lunar devil can teleport to a nearby location it can see. Resist Fire 13+. AC 23 PD 21 MD 20 HP 92
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bitesize-astrology · 7 months
No Need To Be Squeezed
Sunday - March 10, 2024
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Welcome to the 20° Pisces New Moon. This New Moon is the last of five New Moons that have been at 20°. New Moons that have meant we have had to feel things to depths we've not wanted to.
This New Moon has us asking the question, "where's God Universe in all of this?" Where's God in the world right now? In all of the places you traditionally look to find God you feel more "squeeze" than you feel Spirit. Squeezed to fit into doctrine, or into ideas about God Universe that feel way out of whack.
But yet ... you feel God Universe. And especially on this day.
That feeling is enough, especially today. That feeling will expand you while these religious and spiritual doctrines (and that includes the lightwalking community as well) want to squeeze you.
In God Universe there is expansion. And the only "squeeze" is to try to fit all of that love of God Universe into your being. And trying to squeeze in a bit more of that love today is a great way to use the power of today's 20° Pisces New Moon.
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serene-elysium · 6 months
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"Do your eyes glow?" "You're just noticing?"
This is a scene of my character (Lightwalker, half-goliath, right side) and her girlfriend (Kata, aasimar, left side) talking in a bathhouse they broke into together. This was a commission for my DM who just loved this part of the scene.
Comm Type: Minor Background Comm Info Here or check my pinned post
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houseofhatano · 2 years
It's world-building Wednesday so it's time to move onto the next tale! This time we'll focus on the father of magic: Fidelis Solomon, whose inventions and discovery of old Attaguenian ruins marked the turning point of how magic would be used in society.
Despite being born amidst wars and an environment sapped from life, the mage was described to be a mostly quiet, curious and gentle man. From an early age he would become a student of magic under the supervision of the Mages of Meredyl, a sect of sorcerers, warlocks and wizards who dedicated their spellcasting to restauration and aid. The sect was started to form an opposition to the still large amount of destructive magic users, though it's unclear when exactly they were founded.
Solomon would study the craft for several years under multiple masters and would graduate at the age of seventeen. At this age he'd be the youngest graduate to master the ability of component casting, a style of magic which had only been invented fifty years prior by one of his teachers. After graduation, however, he would vanish from history for the next five years.
Many theorize that during this time he traveled, others say he merely stayed on the sidelines honing his skills. What's certain, however, is that the moment his name reappeared in the records of history he'd become a man of religion and ritual. This change would forge him into the role of tutor and scientist. Within a year he would become a renowned teacher an philosopher, writing texts on the marvels of life and magic. His teaching wouldn't be without controversy, but his lessons were there to stay.
After the mage's return his first great feat would become his creation of magic items. At the age of 24 he would go on to perfect a weaving method that could embue any garment with a larger amount of magical energy. These items would mostly empower the wearer, giving them a greater amount of magical control without needing to take energy from nature, a feature that would make his magical cloaks and clothes the first spell focuses in recorded history. Magical garments would soon gain popularity amongst casters of the MoM, which caused Solomon to gain a great deal of fame amongst the magical world. As his standing grew the mage would go on to further improve his weaving to create items with other attributes. These experiments would bring forth magic items as we know them today; Cloaks that could improve a wearer's stealth or form a barrier against attacks were a common creation of his. The ease of use of these items was universal. Not only could mages use them to cast magic, non-casters could also wear them to gain additional benefits.
At the age of 32, with his inventions still being sought after, Solomon ended up purchasing his first home. Sketches of the building show it as being a simple structure with more land than house. Instead the main feature was the old ruin of an, as letters describe it, ugly small building. While it was an unwanted addition for many, the mage was quite intrigued by its presence. He would spend about five years trying to observe and investigate, and it would eventually take him and additional year to find out that the building lead to an underground structure.
What exactly he found there remains unsure. Solomon never wrote about the full extent of the ruins, and due to an earthquake some days after his visit the entire complex would collapse before it was properly investigated. We do know, however, that out of that ugly small building he would bring with him a young man.
The young man Solomon had found was an Attaguenian lightwalker. Before his discovery their existence was thought of as mythical. With the rise of Meredyl's weave the Attaguenians had come to disappear, leaving but myths and legends of their traveling nature and their connection to light. The young man, later known as Elmett Stryder, was left behind to continue their story.
Elmett would teach Solomon the old ways of magic, showing him the connection the weave had unintentionally disrupted. In his letters to a friend the mage described ithis magic as all-powerful and unattainable. He had grown fascinated by its effects and its reserved casting, and from this fascination grew an urge to ensure that newer generations would grow accustomed to its use. This urge would lead him to seek out new ways of casting, and eventually lead to the forging of today's magic.
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uranai-r · 9 months
今回は、sun sign, moon sign, rising signがさそり座♏️のみなさんの2024年1月についてタロットに聞いてみました(*゚▽゚*) あなたに少しでも光を届けられますように🙏🏼💜 ご自分の3大星座をご存知でない方は、↓のサイトで調べられます🌟 https://www.astro.com/cgi/ade.cgi?&lang=j アセンダントサインを正確に調べるには出生時刻が必要ですが、ご存知でない方は午前12時00分を入力してみてください😉 分かりにくければ私の方で調べられますので、下記のメールアドレスよりご相談ください🙏🏼💜✨   さそり座さんのプレイリストはこちら: その他選択式タロット占いもぜひご覧ください😆💜⬇️ エンディング音楽credit: Soulhorn Lightwalker…
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The Pantheon
The original Warrior Cats, while good in many ways, lacks much substance when it comes to worldbuilding lore. As such, I couldn't resist adding my own in many areas.
As such, I present to you, the Pantheon! The generalized names for cats or other entities who have become powerful enough that they have gathered their own sort of following, always some kind of spirit or deity, these spirits are shared among my characters to warrior cats AUs. They're called 'Pantheonic Spirits' if they do have a following. Other spirits who haven't gained this following are not referred to with a title, but are just called by the name they feel like using.
The Pantheonic Spirits are represented by animals, and I always have a reason for those specific animals. This may be a connection to the inspiration of those spirits, general cultural symbolism, or just because it felt right. They also have specific domains they specialize in.
For gender, LGBT+ stuff, and pronouns, assume that the spirits prefer pronouns that are dependent on the physical forms they choose, and don't have romantic preferences unless I say otherwise.
There are four types of relationships that a normal cat has with a spirit.
1: Worship. A cat worships this spirit, asks for guidance regularly, and lives life with at least some accordance to the ideals or stories attached to the spirit.
2: Honor/Acknowledge. A cat believes that this spirit exists, and gives some deference to it and may pray to it in times of extreme need, but otherwise does not follow it.
3: Disbelief. A cat does not believe in this spirit.
4: Dishonor. A cat actively goes against this spirit, and sees it as evil and horrid.
As of writing this (11/29/2023), I have five fully realized members of the Pantheon, one mostly planned out, and one who I need to add more, as well as others who I have not worked on yet but do plan to add.
Here's a list of the members, starting with the fully realized and going down the list in order of information that I decided on.
Lightwalk, the Spirit of Death. Inspired by Mumza, she's represented in stories as a crow. A notable associate is Crowskull, also known as "Death's Right Claw". She represents one facet of Death, and guides lost spirits to the respective afterlives.
Rainsoul, the Spirit of Bad Endings. A completely original character, he's represented by a vulture. He's seen in stories as both a hero and villain, an omen of death, but at the same time one who gives closure to those who have lost loved ones. He answers to Lightwalk if there's a direct order from her, but does his own thing mostly. He watches over those who's lives end unfairly, painfully, sadly, and too soon. I imagine he's not as powerful as other spirits, which is why he brought Specterwalker back to life in exchange for using him as an anchor to the living world.
Goldengleam, the Spirit of Tricks. Inspired by Bill Cipher, he is often seen in stories as a coyote, and the better alternative to Blackrabbit. He's seen as a more neutral figure, friend and foe to villains and heroes alike. Goldengleam specializes in tricks, puzzles, fun in bad things, and jokes!
Blackrabbit, the Spirit of Chaos. Inspired by Habit, he is only ever seen as a rabbit. Being the WC version of Habit (I will give a lot of information eventually alongside a post, I can't resist doing his WC version eventually), he's pretty obviously a morally terrible cat. The baby eating is still getting carried over obviously. In stories, it's rare that he's seen as good in any way, only helping others if it's self serving to him. He is a spirit of bloody endings, violent death, evil fighting evil, sadism, knowing too much (based on a personal headcanon), curiosity, and surprisingly enough laughter. He has a long history of hosts, including Clawcry (WC version of Evan, poor guy).
And we have Snickers! The Spirit of Wonder, and the 'guardian' of Limbo, an afterlife for kittypets and loners. Limbo itself takes a lot of inspiration from the Backrooms! Alongside Limbo and wonder, Snickers represents nostalgia! Not seen in stories very often at all, interestingly enough. Wispfoot (WC Dream) is one of his worshippers, and prays to him pretty often.
Now, we have the ones I haven't finished yet.
Bloodyhunt, a boar, inspired by my Star Wars/DSMP AU idea of the Blood God.
A lion, Spirit of Control, inspired by my ideas for The Founder in Generation Loss.
And for the ones in the works....
A moose, a leopard, a bear, a sheep, a secretarybird, a owl, a goat, a tapir, a hampster, a lemur, a aardvark, a cougar, a shark, a iguana, and a snake.
Oh, I can't wait until I get to show you guys more.
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cuppajj · 2 years
with your centipede character in the works it's now making me think of other dangerous bugs out there, like the black widow and the bullet ant. either way the centipede character so far looks so intriguing!
Oh yes! There are plenty of darklanders who turn into dangerous and/or carnivorous bugs. It's not what separates them from a Thalamite, as there are innocent Thalamites who turn into the same bugs, but let's just say that darklanders utilize their attributes to do awful things. There are totally black widows and bullet ants on both sides ^^ and thank you anon! I'm excited to write more about centipede guy
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boundbyeruslight · 1 year
Snorting he reached forth and bit the side of his friends backside. Avoiding the annoyed kick aimed at his chest he pranced off a distance. Bored of demanding attention from his herd (and not getting said attention) he pinned his ears and pranced toward the opening of the field.
The Light Walkers moved about making their strange noises. His ears swiveled to and fro recognizing somw voices and not others. He was looking for one particular. Hooves clacking on stone as he walked along he whinnied high in demand. Who here has snack cubes!
He was ignored. Or tossed amused looks. Snorting derisively at being ignored he made a few grunts of discontent. Being a foal got him no respect! The warm cave would have more Light Walkers. And always snacks!
Prancing to the strange shaped rocks leading to the cave he paused. He hated these rocks. They were slippy. Flicking his tail he pinned his ears and made a great leap. And landed free of the step rocks. Shaking his mane he lifted his head proud of the achievement.
Clip clops of his hooves sounded as he entered the warm cave. Light Walkers sat in many places. Some sang. Some laughed. All had some form of snack. Ears pricked forward he gave a whinny of demand.
"Asfaloth! You are not permitted here young one."
His nose instantly dove into the folds of the Gold Lightwalker's robes. His favorite Lightwalk. This one smelled of the freshest fields. The coolest waters. Warmed him as the sun on a spring day. He liked this one best.
And it always had snack cubes.
"Aye hey stop that! No do not bite my-ack that hurt you little-"
He snorted nibbling and snuffling he knew one was in herr he could smell it.
"Glor you have created a monster feeding him those things." Laughter danced in the words. And on the voices of many present.
Ah there! A tearing sound and cry of dismay was ignored as he finally freed his treat. The strange coverings of the Lightwalker fell from his lips as he strategically chewed around the piece he tore off.
"Forgot I put that there." The Lightwalker's tone was almost affronted. But he coukd not be upset for his cleverness! He had found the hidden snack! Whinnying he bapped his nose beneath a sun warm hand. Give scratch now!
Sun Lightwalker laughed giving him a scratch. Turning immediately he backed his bum up and made a demanding paw at the ground. All scratches! Hands fell on his posterior and he tilted his head in pleasure.
"Glorfindel. You cannot keep letting him come to the Hall of Fire! He will be far to big some day."
"It is not as though I lead him here, Erestor."
He pinned his ears turning to the dark Lightwalker. He would bite this one again. He did not like his tone. Snorting he made a grunt and returned to enjoying his bum scritches.
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