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luciavrseblog-com · 7 days ago
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— King!Heeseung x Queen!Reader
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Summary: For months, the Queen of Light has been nothing but a ghost, her kingdom lost to a curse that shattered the world’s balance. Now, even the Dark Kingdom suffers, and its newly crowned king, Heeseung, sets out to claim what remains. But when fate leads him to the missing queen, their reluctant alliance forces them to face a deeper truth—light and dark were never meant to exist without each other. The question is: can they fight fate, or were they always meant to fall together?
A/N: Hello~ this is my first chapter of this fanfic… and I'm a little unsure whether it's engaging or not, which is why the second chapter will be uploaded not too long after this chapter. My schools first unit ends on the 4th next month, so I will be trying to do more updates as I have some break off of school!  Please let me know if you're wanting to be a part of a tag list and if you're liking the story so far!
Wc: 4134
Warnings: Mild language use, mentions of death and destruction, light horror themes, supernatural elements
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The ink that bleeds through the paper gets harder to read everyday, the cursive writing in the journal leading up to the hour slowly becoming more incompetent as the light from the flames start to die out. 
‘The light.’
He writes. 
‘The light that has once welcomed our world is slowly leaving. It’s been seven months since the last letter from the light kingdom and three months since we’ve come scarce on our light sources. Karina insists that it’s fine and that the Queen is just having her misfits again. I tell her not to use too much and to not say such foolish things, but she insists she can only do her routines when night has officially fallen. It ‘set’s an atmosphere’ she says.’
His quill stills on the paper, his lips pursing together at the thought of his wife’s inconsiderate actions. It has been four years since their coronation, and it is expected after this journey that they will have kids. Heirs. 
His fingers tighten on the quill and he takes a breath before continuing to write. 
‘I pray she is fit enough to run the kingdom by herself these next few months. She’s been nagging me about an illness she might inherit from her mother, which I highly doubt. I’m not sure how long I’ll be gone, but if much changes, I will immediately switch it back to how I like it. I will leave this journal here and take a new one to track my mission, if anyone finds it, they will know of the exciting adventures I experienced with the six of my soldiers.
Please, keep Karina in check. And don’t let her change anything too drastic.’ 
He watches as the ink dries in the journal, as if much will change, before he shuts it, letting it rest in the middle of his desk. Besides the book, the candles dwindling light flickers, and for a moment, Heeseung thought it grew stronger, as if it was fighting for it’s life. He thinks about what the Light Kingdom’s final days were like – broken, in flames, one last flash of light before darkness falls. 
He doesn’t even notice the presence of his wife until the smell of Jasmine greets his nostrils, scrunching his nose momentarily, he leans comfortably in the chair and tilts his head backwards, lazily. “How long have you stood there?” He mutters, watching her upside down.
“Long enough to see you watch the ink dry,” her sharp tone speaks, causing him to tilt his head up so she doesn’t see the roll of his eyes. The slide of her hand on his shoulders distracts him from the annoyance as she leans over him, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “I’m still unsure on why you wanted to do this. You’re king of this Kingdom. Whatever happens over there, is their problem.”
He fights the urge to scoff, reaching his hand up to intertwine their fingers, shifting his body and guiding her to stand in front of him, “If it causes our fall, then it is.” He whispers, properly addressing his wife by pressing a soft kiss to the knuckles of his fingers. “You changed the colour of your nails.” 
“You sound exactly like how your father did,” she scoffs at his attempt of changing the topic, rolling her eyes and situating herself on his lap, she wraps her arms around his neck and leans into him, “So dramatic and nosy. If it’s really that serious, then as queen, I should be going beside you.”
She stiffens as she hears his immediate disagreement, her eyebrows furrowing as she tilts her head to look at him, “Excuse me?”
“You’re not going,” Heeseung says, voice firm as he trails his fingers in small circles on her lower back while his other hand rests on her thigh to keep her secure. He watches the annoyance in her eyes flare to something of anger, lips curling upwards softly before he leans in and presses soft kisses to the plump skin of cheek, her jaw, and her neck. “You’re too precious to me. I don’t want you dirtying that stunning face of yours, my love. Who will keep the kingdom in check if we’re both gone?”
His shift in tone – from cold to indulgent – seems to please Karina as her usual smile is back on her lips, giggling and tilting her head to press a happy kiss to his lips. “I suppose you’re right. A kingdom needs their queen afterall.”
A squeak falls from her lips as Heeseung suddenly lifts her up, carrying her bridal-style and spinning her around in a small circle before he makes his way towards their bed, pressing kisses along her skin to keep her satisfied. 
“Just lay with me for now, rina,” he whispers against her skin, “I leave tomorrow.”
He keeps his promise until just before the sun is meant to rise, barely little light coming in as he double checks his items, fingers brushing over his journal one last time before he heads to his horse. His last potential words dismissing his wife.
The morning air is tense as his guards part, making way for their King. Mounting their horses at once, their hooves strike the ground as they strut through the streets. The sounds are deafening in the early morning, as everyone else lays in bed alongside their loved ones while the seven men ride out to a location that may be just fine. That would mean he was overreacting, as Karina has said one too many times these past few weeks. 
Yet, he knows. That gut feeling that something is not okay.
It’s like he can hear the nagging tone in her future letters, the way she’d slowly degrade him more and more, listing the ways she changed the kingdom to fit her wants, not even bothering to take into account Heeseung or the villagers. She’d be wearing that insufferable, condescending snarl on her face and she’d flip the pages through his withered journal. 
He can hear his main guard, Jay, shouting out directions to his other men and guiding the horses along the rocky roads that soon turn into dirt. The further they venture, the more dry the air comes and the higher the humidity rises. He wonders how his father rode down this road when he was still King. How tall had he stood, going into battle, while knowing that he would return safe? To his people. To his Queen. How did he fight for so many years and return as strong as when he left? He wonders if Karina would jump into his arms when he arrives home, cooing and doting over him the whole way back to their chambers before laying with him and feeding him the food he’s been wishing for. 
Or if she would nag him when he came back, murmuring how it was a waste of time and draping herself on him to distract him from the changes in the Kingdom. Maybe, if the trip was useless, then he’d have Jay and Sunghoon rough him up a little – just enough for Karina to slip into the nurturing role their parents wish she’d have. 
That night, after grueling, long hours of travelling, watching as tumbleweeds drift past, they set up camp. The fire burned in the middle of the group, the six guards sharing their stories of their lives outside of battles and protection. Heeseung smirked as Sunoo shared the gossip about his older sister cheating on her husband with a fishmonger.  He lets his gaze rest on the stubborn flames that flicker even on the still road.
“And then,” Sunoo said, shaking his head and laughing softly, “Her husband found out, came to me and stated he has to train beside me–  to ‘be stronger’. Mind you, he works in the bakery for a living and the lover cuts up salmon for a living.”
The men around him bark out laughter at the thought of his in law training alongside him, the thought itself being ridiculous. They continued like that for a few more minutes, the guards sharing stories of each other like how Sunghoon almost got trampled by their horses because Jake was too busy ogling a pretty woman to secure the reins properly.
As their stories died down into more simple words, Heeseung kept his gaze locked on the dancing flames. He watched them dance around each other as if they were whispering words to him. 
His mind wanders back to his castle that his ancestors walked through for decades – centuries even. He imagines Karina draped across the beautiful, emerald green chair near their bay window, dressed in her finest silks, barking orders at the servants. 
For a moment, he saw her in a way that he almost forgot existed.
Beautiful and airy, giggling and making jokes alongside him in the morning light. Her skin is smooth, and her cheeks are slightly flushed in embarrassment as he teases her and presses kisses along her skin. The image of his wife. His Queen. 
His thoughts eventually shift once more. To the bigger picture at hand.
The Light Kingdom. 
He wondered how their Queen and King had fallen, what managed to take over half the world and keep the imbalance stable for such periods of time. What were their final thoughts before they were wiped out? How were they wiped out? Did they prepare for what happened?
He wanders back to the time he met their King, standing strong as he and his wife greeted Heeseung and Karina, the air immediately lifting.
Soobin was a wonderful man, he remained standing tall, his broad frame creating whiplash to his bright personality. His toned arms were constantly adorned by the decoration of his wife’s beautiful, ringed fingers – who never stood too far from her husband. His smile was as bright as the sun in the sky, as if it was a relic in his name. A relic of the light he was meant to protect. 
Heeseungs jaw clenched, his eyes falling to his lap as he takes in a deep breath. 
That light was gone. 
All that’s left is the flames in place of his ashes. 
The sound of the horse’s neighing and stomping on the dirt drags him out of his thoughts. He tilts his head up, blinking as he sees that everyone is staring out to the distance. The horses, too, stood rigid as they looked towards the horizon. The air runs thin, and even the crackling of the fire grows silent. 
Heeseung’s throat runs dry as he looks to where his guards watch, ignoring the way their horses snort and shift uncomfortably. 
“Jay.” He mumbles, keeping his voice firm despite the hesitancy he’s feeling. 
They shouldn’t be worried. Darkness is where they’re from, their calling, their destinies. They can face anything that’s in the darkness. Except, this time, with no answer from his head guard, Heeseung feels uncertain of what lurks in the distance. 
“Jay.” He repeats again, his voice slightly louder than before, narrowing his eyes as his hand twitches towards his sides. Finally, Jay turns his head, slow and carefully as if trying not to startle the thing in the distance. 
“We’re not alone.” He whispers, his own hand reaching for his sword. 
His words spoke enough. 
Something was out there.
The other guards had never looked more tense or terrified, frozen in place as their eyes dart between each other and the horizon. 
Then – there was the slow gurgling noise. Distance and high pitched. 
Heeseung didn’t even notice when he moved, standing into a simple fighting stance and gritting his teeth together, getting ready to sheath his sword. “We must leave,” He says slowly, narrowing his gaze and slowly shifting it over the horizon. “Now. Move it.”
The six men didn’t need to be told twice, instantly standing and mounting their horses, calming them down quickly in hopes they wouldn't get kicked off. Heeseung hears Jake cooing to his stallion, telling her to calm down and stroking her mane. 
As Heeseung’s eyes shift to his horse, away from the horizon for a singular second, a rotten smell reaches their nostrils. Heeseung immediately covers his nose, looking back up to find the source of the smell, but all he can see is darkness. Nothing moves and nothing creeps forward. 
Niki clears his throat, speaking up for the first time all night. “Your honour, we need to leave. Please.” His voice wavers and the realisation of everyone's fear settles in. Heeseung nods his head, motioning with his fingers to move forward. 
The adrenaline starts to shoot through the King’s veins, pressing for his horse to move at a high speed to get far away from whatever lurks. Despite his evident fear, he stays behind the others, constantly counting them to make sure nothing has pulled them aside and they’re all safe. 
It’s only the first night and dangers are coming. He prays that this journey was worth something in the end. 
They spend the whole night moving East. There were no break periods, no matter how tired the horses were and how sore the men were. There were no stretch periods and there was no time for water breaks. Just 12 hours of riding through dirt roads. 
As the sun started to rise, there was still no humanity in sight. They didn’t encounter anything else throughout that night, but the smell lingered on for miles and Heeseung was sure he could smell it in the early mornings. 
Pure exhaustion weighed on the men, and no matter how far they traveled, it still felt like they weren’t even at the edge of the Dark Kingdom. 
By the time they saw some sort of life forms, it was a rice farmer travelling between his farm and the riverbank nearby. He called himself a foreign name that was unfamiliar with all of them, Vernon. He offered them a place to sleep and for their horses to rest. 
Heeseung didn’t wake till the next day. 
After that fearsome night, Heeseung made sure that wherever they set camp was safe and protected. He made Jungwon draw sigils and place any protection spell on each of them, their horses and where they slept. He refused to let something unknown hurt them. 
On the fifth day of travelling, they arrive at their fourth town. Except this time, it was empty and cold, ashes taking place where people stood. Heeseung strolls leisurely through the town, keeping his guard high as he scans the surroundings. The soft sound of rustling makes him come to a halt. 
He raises his hands to stop the others, listening into the deafening silence of the ruins. Just as he goes to motion to continue forward, the sound of crying and footsteps make them freeze. A figure slowly makes their way towards them, their feet walking quickly and their heavy breaths coming into their line of hearing. 
“The chapel!” The figure cries, waving their hands as their steps speed up slightly, “Everything is ruined… but the chapel! The chapel has the books… and the… Light… Kingdom…” 
Heeseung’s head perks up at the mention of the Light Kingdom, his stoic expression faltering for a moment as he watches the figure collapse into a heap on the floor. 
There’s silence for a few moments before Heeseung clicks to his left. “Sunoo, Jungwon, Niki,” He says, turning his head, “You three stay with this… priest. Keep him alive. Jake, Jay, Sunghoon, you come with me. We’re going to find the chapel.”
It doesn’t take long to find the tall, decorated building, the poor sunlight filtering through the stained glass windows and shining onto the entrance, as if the building was waiting for them. Heeseung takes a mental note to mention it to Karina in the future, knowing she loves when the window pains in the castle do such things. 
The horses stay outside as the three men stretch their legs, sauntering through the rubble of the broken doors. Feet are etched into the wooden floors, a memory of the people who stood before them not too long ago. Heeseung can’t help but wonder what happened to the beautiful building. He waits till he stands in the middle of the room until he pauses, lifting his head up and looking around the tall walls, stained glass windows decorating every space, telling its story of the Kingdoms. 
At the entrance, stands two opposite sides, a dark and a light, in between them was a glass stain in the shape of a rose. Next to it, showed the pair in battle, holding each other at their throats as the rose starts to wither away. Beside it shows the dark side watching the light side at the river, cupping some water in their hands and taking a sip, the rose on its last petal. The rest show the story of how, despite their hatred for each other, they have to work together to store a balance in the world, their love story blooming and creating a peace between them. 
Heeseung heard the story countless times: throughout his childhood, in literature classes, when he found out he was getting married, at the wedding, at the coronation, at the honeymoon and so on… It was to remind him why he should never battle with the light kingdom, to never become selfish and try to take more land than he really needs. 
Heeseung hears the trio murmuring and can see them pointing at the windows as they recall the story and try to piece everything together. He scoffs and focuses on the task at hand, letting out a sigh and climbing up the steps to the podium, finding a desk off to the side filled with spilled paper and ink everywhere. 
“The books… the books. What books?” He thinks out loud, furrowing his brows as he starts to look through the drawers, being met with empty spaces and cobwebs. He grunts in frustration, sliding a drawer shut and covering his face with his hands. He’s lucky enough to even hear the sound of the object falling onto the wooden floors. 
He slowly moves his hands away from his face, tilting his head down and looking around. Is he imagining things? What just dropped? He looks up, looking towards the three men he bought with him and seeing the way they all looked amazed by the intricate carvings in the seats and the poles. He blinks a few times before looking the opposite direction, immediately flinching as the light goes straight into his eyes. 
“Fuck–” he says, covering his face with his hands and stumbling back. When did that happen? He thinks to himself, keeping his hand covering the sunlight as he looks away, blinking away the dark spots that formed into his eyes. It takes him a few moments before he notices something glinting in the sunlight, a few seconds longer before he recognises what it is. A key. 
“Hey–” He says, catching the attention of his guards as he bends down, picking up the key, “Look what I found. Do you think this’ll help us find those books?”
“We found them already,” Sunghoon suddenly says, furrowing his brows as he and Jake hold up four different books. Jake’s were a dark navy colour while Sunghoon’s were a light yellow, the same words placed on all four: A crown of light, a throne of shadows. 
That night, they sat in a random building’s rubble, watching the fire flicker miserably as they try to decipher what was written in the pages. They’ve only managed to decipher the words ‘Light’ and ‘Dark’ from the cover of the books. 
“So… if this symbol is ‘a’, then most of these should have ‘a’ in them.” Jungwon says, looking between the different books as he notices the same symbol used consistently. “Does anyone have some spare paper we could write on?”
Jungwon’s request is met with silence between all seven men, Heeseung’s expression turns somber for a moment before reaching out of his bag to find the journal he packed before he left. He opens up the pages and rips out a page along with a stick of granite, passing it over to the boy and watching as he immediately starts to write down the repeated symbols. 
They all watch in silence as Jungwon depicts what the vowels of the alphabet are, before placing the rest of the letters in their own section. They fill each of the letters with the translations etched onto the leather bindings on each book, each having their own meaning. 
Book one and three were both yellow-dyed velvet bindings, signifying the perspective of the Light Kingdom was being presented, while books two and four were the opposite. Book one had the words ‘Dawn on the fallen’ engraved on the front. 
“There’s no point doing this,” Sunghoon suddenly says, furrowing his thick brows and resting a hand on his thigh, “Translating these– these– ancient texts is useless! It’s going to be daybreak by the time we’ve finished translating the first page.”
He looks around the group of people, some of the younger men looking away to avoid eye contact while Jay and Heeseung keep their piercing gaze on the man. He’s always known to be the most impatient when it comes to these things, wanting to keep going to finish things. 
“This is important–” Jungwon starts but he immediately gets cut off by the brunette.
“Then how about you stay here in this shit fallen city so you can sit here and translate a bunch of old ancient shit.” Sunghoon spits, standing up in annoyance. “I’m not going to sit here and–”
“Hoon–” Jake starts, grabbing onto his hand to pull him back down but the latter yanks his hand away with a scoff. “Oi! Stop being fucking dramatic and sit back down. Where are you going to go at this time of night, huh?”
“Away from dealing with this waste of time!” He snaps, turning around and heading towards his horse, pulling on his reins and guiding him away a couple metres. The air is silent besides the footsteps of the man, Jake rolling his eyes and standing up to go chase after him. 
What happens next is something you wouldn’t have been able to see if you had blinked. Someone– no, something, grabs a hold of the horse's head, dragging the animal to the floor and taking Sunghoon with him. In a matter of three seconds, the horse is gone and Sunghoon is on the ground, Jake standing over him and cupping his face. 
Heeseung’s body moves before he even processes it, his feet running quickly and he can hear the footsteps of others behind him, “Sunghoon!” Heeseung calls, squatting down and checking over the man. “Are you good?”
The man below him groans in agony, slowly turning onto his back, showing everyone the gash right across his features. His porcelain features and pale skin is ruined with blood trickling down the sides of his face, bleeding into his hairline. 
“Shit.” Heeseung whispers, looking over his shoulder at the other men. “Get some bandages. Go!” He looks forward again, seeing Jake holding the man’s head into his lap, brushing his hair out of his face and whispering affirmations and reassurances. 
Heeseung stands, grabbing the hilt of his sword, looking around to find what mystery took his horse and slashes his guard's face, eyes only being met with darkness and the rubble of houses. His breathing quickens and he doesn’t remember much else that happens that night. 
The night is fueled with exhaustion, the translation being long forgotten by everyone else except Jungwon, who distracts himself from the situation with it, an underlying guilt setting in his stomach. Jake stays seated throughout the night, keeping watch over Sunghoon and keeping the injured head in his lap, playing with his hair and soothing him when the pain starts to become unbearable. 
Jay stays beside the youngest, having them sleep on either side of him in case the wretched creature comes back. Heeseung… Heeseung paces in circles around the camp, around the city. Watching as the moon hits the chapel’s stained glass windows, the symbol of harmony lighting up when it hits just right. His thoughts linger on every little thing, his wife, his kingdom, the light kingdom, the creature that just appeared and the way that the fire flickers lower and lower, straining Jungwon’s gaze. 
It takes them two more days before Jake decides they can leave, too worried about Sunghoon’s safety. Since they’re missing a horse, Sunghoon sits on the back of Sunoo’s horse, much to Jake's dismay, and they set out again, the same cycle of no rest and constant travelling happening once more until they reach the border. 
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movie-characters · 3 months ago
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✨ 'Nefrete boyun eğme. O seni karanlığa sürmek.' ✨ Star Wars evreninin bize öğrettiği en önemli derslerden biri: Duygularımızı kontrol etmek ve karanlığa teslim edilmemektir.
Hangi galakside olursa olsun, kalbimizde iyiliği seçme en büyük zaferdir. ✊ Jedi'ların yolunu benimseyen herkes için bir hatırlatma: İçindeki ışık hiçbir zaman kaybolmaz!"
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sidonius5 · 11 months ago
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jewinme · 3 months ago
I am matter. I matter. You see me in the light. ✨️
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slun3a · 20 days ago
Cloaked in Moonlight: The Black Kitten’s Hidden Odyssey
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Under the silver glow of a crescent moon, a tiny black kitten with eyes like twin galaxies embarks on an extraordinary quest veiled in secrets. Cloaked in Moonlight: The Black Kitten’s Hidden Odyssey weaves a tale of magic, courage, and ancient riddles as the kitten journeys through enchanted forests, forgotten ruins, and realms where shadows whisper truths. With every pawprint, it uncovers fragments of a forgotten prophecy that binds its fate to the balance between light and darkness. But lurking in the corners of the night are forces determined to keep the past buried—and the kitten must decide whether to trust the flickering allies it meets or rely on its own untamed instincts.
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lun3a · 20 days ago
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Under the silver glow of a crescent moon, a tiny black kitten with eyes like twin galaxies embarks on an extraordinary quest veiled in secrets. Cloaked in Moonlight: The Black Kitten’s Hidden Odyssey weaves a tale of magic, courage, and ancient riddles as the kitten journeys through enchanted forests, forgotten ruins, and realms where shadows whisper truths. With every pawprint, it uncovers fragments of a forgotten prophecy that binds its fate to the balance between light and darkness. But lurking in the corners of the night are forces determined to keep the past buried—and the kitten must decide whether to trust the flickering allies it meets or rely on its own untamed instincts.
for more click here
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riza-the-fool-for-christ · 24 days ago
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You may think that Orthodoxy and witchcraft can be mixed like a child's art project, but God is not a toy. He is not a whimsical figure in a fantasy world that you can "blend" with whatever you find aesthetically pleasing. He is the Living God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, the One who has authority over all things, seen and unseen.
You may laugh and say, "Ok lol idc," but that laughter is not strength—it is the laughter of someone who does not know the weight of their own soul. You are playing with something far more dangerous than you realize.
Orthodoxy is not an accessory. It is not a culture, a philosophy, or a mystical aesthetic to be worn like a costume. It is the One, True, Holy, Apostolic, and Undivided Church of Jesus Christ. If you call yourself Orthodox, then you must understand that Christ’s Church does not bend to your whims. Orthodoxy calls for obedience—not to men, but to God Himself.
Witchcraft and Christianity Cannot Coexist
The Scriptures leave no room for compromise:
"Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." (Exodus 22:18)
"Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the Lord your God." (Leviticus 19:31)
"For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry." (1 Samuel 15:23)
"And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a-whoring after them, I will even set My face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people." (Leviticus 20:6)
Saints throughout history have warned against witchcraft, paganism, and playing with demonic forces:
St. Cyprian of Antioch, once a powerful sorcerer, repented and became a Christian after realizing that all magic is deception from demons. He was later martyred for the faith. He warns: "All pagan sacrifices, all sorcery, and all idol-worship is inspired by demons, who seek to destroy the soul of man."
St. John Chrysostom speaks against blending Christianity and magic: "Let us no longer corrupt the truth with our own inventions, nor mix falsehood with divine things. To attempt to join light with darkness is the work of the devil himself."
St. Basil the Great writes: "Those who practice witchcraft have already denied Christ, for they place their trust in the powers of darkness rather than in the One True God."
The saints did not take witchcraft lightly. Neither should you.
What You Are Playing With is Not "Whimsy"
You say you believe in "joyful whimsy beyond comprehension," but there is nothing joyful about opening the door to demonic deception.
The devil does not come to you with horns and fire. He comes wrapped in beauty, mystery, and "empowerment." He whispers that you can have power apart from God, that you can take a little from here, a little from there, and create your own spirituality. But Christ said:
"No man can serve two masters." (Matthew 6:24)
You cannot mix Christ and demons. You cannot mix the Holy Spirit and the spirit of error.
"What fellowship has light with darkness? What agreement has Christ with Belial?" (2 Corinthians 6:14-15)
You think that by adding "a little Orthodoxy" to your life, you are touching something divine. But Orthodoxy is not a spice to sprinkle onto your own beliefs. It is the absolute truth, the only path to salvation.
You Still Have Time to Repent
You may mock these words now. You may think, "Ok lol idc," and go on with your life. But the saints speak, and the truth will not change.
The saints who pray for us do not want to see your soul lost. They do not want you to fall into deception. They call to you now, even in your mockery, to turn back before it is too late.
St. Ignatius of Antioch writes: "Do not be deceived, my brethren. Those who practice magic shall not inherit the Kingdom of God. The choice is before you: life or death, light or darkness. Choose wisely."
St. Justin Martyr reminds us: "The demons have deceived many with false gods, false worship, and false wisdom. But those who come to Christ must abandon all these things and follow Him alone."
And Christ Himself has said: "Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand." (Matthew 4:17)
I will pray for you. I will pray that one day, when the weight of eternity presses upon your soul, you will remember these words and turn back to Christ alone.
You may laugh now. But the soul does not laugh when it stands before the judgment seat of God.
Repent, and live.
"how can you both be Orthodox Christian and practice witchcraft" I believe in joyful whimsy beyond your own comprehension now leave me alone while I mix those two up in the biggest silliest ways like a kindergarten art project
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pieceofmonoart · 1 year ago
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jewinme · 3 months ago
We both had to do our own work. Identity is the opposite of itself who is here to know who it is. We see ourself in our image, but in our journey to the self, we had to do a full 180 to see it. We had to go deep within to come out all the way on the other side. Our true self is the same as our image. It is just the opposite. We are soulmates. We are in love with what we know ~ Here is our safe place.
The outward persona we identify with sometimes obscures the deeper truth of who we really are, so it takes a journey to return back to our truth. In the end, we all arrive at the same understanding. When we learn to stand in our love, we learn how to create boundaries that are not in line with love to fully identify with the love that is at the core of our being. ✨️
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roseapov · 1 year ago
That's why I'm bringing up Sebek's afternoon line from his history class:
Kings should be obeyed
Now be ready for my rambles, Spoilers to Book 7!
But why am I bringing that up? It's cause many of the history of magic class lines had actually spoiled the twists in everyones respective stories.
These lines are the keys to how the story will unfold, and Sebek's one did predict his twist in the story, the one lightvsdark so kindly explained above.
So we all know Sebek's devotion to Malleus and how he is very passionate about serving him. With that in mind it would be hard to believe that Sebek would go against Malleus's order.
After all his line, Kings should be obeyed, says it all, isn't it?
Kings should be obeyed and not Kings needs to be obeyed.
See the difference?
Should is an operative word, example: You should study, You need to study
It doesn't state the necessaries to obey, it's af is it wanted to say:
You don't have to blindly follow every order, if your ruler goes down the wrong path, you have the right to lead him back to the right way.
And that's what Sebek is doing!
When Malleus' overblot he doesn't accept his master's blessing, instead opting to fight him and show him the right way again!
It really shows that Sebek isn't a brainless soldier who wouldn't say no to Malleus, he is his own person with his own opinions.
He fights for what he thinks is right.
And it's actually cool that this Sebek's line is his afternoon's line. With this line being related to Malleus and being in the afternoon, all while Malleus is the leader of the creatures of the night, and afternoon is basically a night. Well, you know what I try to achieve here. It's a great detail!
You know, I love Sebek, Book 7 makes you appreciate him so much.
His loyalty to Malleus is very strong that could be seen as obsessive, however, Sebek isn't blind by his loyalty to his king. When Silver told him to stand up and draw his weapon, he listened. He didn't question, argue, complain or convince Silver to not disobey Malleus. He saw Malleus had overblot and immediately stood with Silver.
When Silver told him he's the child of the knight of dawn, the child of the enemy and questioned Lilia's love for him. Sebek knew right off the bat Lilia loves and cares for Silver, he didn't question it for a second and told Silver to not disrespect Lilia like that. And then says he may have ancestors who were bad and evil, but that doesn't make him bad and evil. Silver being the child of an enemy doesn't matter.
Sebek values family and has a good sense of maturity. He may be loud and rude, but he has a good heart and understands when something is wrong or not true.
I'm probably rambling, Sebek is a good character.
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tyronetonyreed · 3 months ago
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alice-apsx · 4 years ago
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Igreja da Sé, Leiria, Portugal
"Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness" - Desmond Tutu
photo by @alice-apsx
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roygblair · 4 years ago
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"Whited Sepulcher" 1920x1080p by Roy G. Blair
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