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LIFE LOGS VOL 5: Lessons from Apr 2018- Sept 2018 - eBook edition
The fifth installment of LIFE LOGS serves as the first release since Jaevonn has become a licensed attorney. The lessons in this book occurs before he gained his esteemed title but they’re all the things that led up to such a monumental moment. But being lawyer as many know isn’t end all to Jaevonn’s life, the creative arts takes a bigger precedent in his mental wheelhouse, which is explored through the various articles in the book. Please use these as writings as an entertaining tool as much as an educating tool. but don’t take him too serious these are just his thoughts ladies and gentleman.
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2024.08.15 @イオンモール幕張新都心
暑いのでイオンモール幕張新都心に避暑にやってきた。 10時の段階で駐車場にはいるまでに既に渋滞。 イベントスペースで夏休み子供向けのワークショップをやっていた。隣に巨大なハチがいた。
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#35mm photography#film photography#filmisnotdead#35mm#analog#35mm flim#nature#analog photography#nature photography#disposable camera#hobonichi#bullet journal#journaling#artjournal#travelers notebook#diary#lifelog
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I do not give a damn about tech where you can "control things with your mind", all I need is a locally installed, not-connected-to-the-internet software that will actively jot down my thoughts when I tell it to.
Do you have any idea how much of a GOD SEND it would be to have a semi-passive lifelog of thoughts I want to keep anchored in reality.
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(Rough draft copied and pasted from an IM conversation)
Well I guess it would start at building a psych profile for every social media/internet user, based on what they view online, how long they view it, what they post, and even using technology embedded into every internet connected electronic device to read faical expressions, down to the blood flow in the veins in your face and forehead, to take measurements while you are posting and viewing posts online.
So they're essentially reading people's minds.
testing how different groups react to certain information
testing how to manage user behavior, or control it
steering people to specfic conclusions by doing what I mentioned above and then inserting certain posts into their timelines where they know they will be seen and read
Sometimes some of it happens so fast the user has no memory of it, although the memory may be retrievable through hyposis or psychotherapy
as if its being stored in a different part of the brain other than the typical memory part
which means they would be intentionally using specific working with specific pictures and graphics, down to specific colors and shape patterns in those pictures or graphics
specific wording*
I noticed a propensity for some of these projects to "wind up" (psychological term) males that are sexually frustrated or some other form of frustration whose root is sexual (molested during childhood), until they're unable to sleep, and spend all night scrolling online, and that seems to be when they prefer to insert the types of posts that are inserted into the harder to retrieve part of their memory, such as their subconcious memory, even sometimes creativing false memories.
And those false memories could then be triggered to have that person do a certain action (like shooting up a school or something)
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"A thousand emotions have swept through me to-night. I don't comprehend half of them."
- Kate Chopin
Are u a night owl or early bird?
High five to all the night owls out there🌙
- Embeccy
#foryou#tumblrpost#quotes#source: tumblr#literature#life quotes#late night#night quotes#night owl#lifelog#life lately#real life#student life#life is strange#overthinking#cant sleeeeeep#cant sleep#no sleep#beautiful quote#life quote#relateable#too relatable#all alone#lone wolf
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Y'know, the US DoD is well known to have technology years or even decades advanced from what the general public is allowed to know about. Also, DARPA (the R&D branch of the DoD) has shown a high level of willingness to collect and analyze data about people on a mass scale without any concerns for privacy or consent. So, to say that your smart devices are probably constantly recording you and analyzing everything you do is actually not only a fair assumption, but also kinda the least bad thing you could reasonably assume given that knowledge. And I know having said that, some people (including most of my family who didn't like that I spent my morning explaining this to them) will say I'm a paranoid conspiracy theorist and dismiss my ideas completely, but like, why? The DoD is one of the most highly funded entities in the world, with very few checks and balances, and is essentially a black box. All we know about them is from their past, and their past shows every indication that they want absolute knowledge about anyone and everyone in real time. Anyway, have a wonderful day!
#darpa#lifelog#dod#department of defense#i also vaguely remember something about the government supporting absolutely insane conspiracy theorists#so that when someone has an actual good point#they can just say “wow that person is an insane crackpot conspiracy theorist just like those other ones”#and have an easy button to discredit anyone who is actually correct/close#even just saying this i feel mildly insane#but imo the facts paint a pretty vivid picture
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DARPA can you hear me? 🎶
#LifeLog#the far field#susan5sigma#fivesigmaphoto#photography#nyc photography#nyc street photography#on the streets#photographers on tumblr#brooklyn#color photography#sunset view#city life#industrial#down on the street#street photografie#streetphotography#street photo#bookworm#graffiti#gazoo#gazoo to the moon#to the moon#deep greenpoint#greenpoint#i love new york#pastel sky
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勉強から早寝早起きの記録まで! 使い方は無限大の新しい手帳の活用法「ライフログ」とは? 始め方や継続のコツを聞いた
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LifeLog Entry: 19june2023 0719 hours
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#Personal Growth and Self-Help#PersonalDevelopment#SelfImprovement#LifeLessons#GrowthMindset#MotivationMonday#InspiredLiving#MindsetMatters#LessonsLearned#SuccessHabits#FromStruggleToSuccess#Journaling and Reflection#LifeLogs#JournalingJourney#SelfReflection#DailyJournal#DocumentYourLife#LifeChronicles#MemoirWriting#ReflectAndGrow#LifeLessonsShared#JournalingForSuccess#Books and Publishing#IndependentAuthor#SelfPublishedBooks#IndieAuthorsOfTumblr#BooksWorthReading#NonFictionBooks#LifeChangingBooks#BookRecommendations
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2024.07.30 今日の最高気温は37度。千葉市民の憩いの場、イオンモール幕張新都心に避暑に来た。
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#35mm photography#film photography#filmisnotdead#hobonichi#journaling#bullet journal#artjournal#lifelog#diary#travelers notebook#stationery#art supplies#artists of tumblr#artblr
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2024-06-13 / connecting the dots
最近はどこへいってもLLM LLMの大合唱だけれども、かくいう自分もなんだかんだマルチモーダルな人になっていて vision-language pre-training で最近はメシを食っている。ふと考えてみると、今の自分っていうのは色んな偶然に左右されているなと思う。好むと好まざるとにかかわらず(村上春樹風味)。そんなことを考えていた時に頭に思い出された諸々の殴り書き。
幸いカリフォルニアのとある大学院に受け入れてもらえることが決まり、2017年に渡米(そういえば、このブログを始めたのは確か「これからの貴重な留学生活を全て記録してやろう」と思い立ってのことだった。。程なくして更新は滞ってしまったが。。)DQNやAlphaGoに興奮していた自分は自然に強化学習をテーマとして選ぶ。入学のほんの一年半か二年ほど前からほぼ独学でスタートした機械学習だったので博士課程では散々苦労したけれどもなんとか学位を取得することができ(もちろんここで簡潔に書き切れるようなボリュームではない)、卒業後はとあるBig Techの画像検索のチームにサイエンティストとして就職する。
思えばこのチームに入ったのも本当に偶然だった。最初は、前職の同僚のコネクションを頼ってリファラルをもらい最初のインターンの機会をなんとか掴んだところから始まった。最初にインターンをしたチームの仕事は人事関連 x 機械学習(今だとHR Techとか言うのだろうか)で、正直自分の興味としてはハテナだったのだが、とにかく一度やってみないことにはわからないだろうという性格なので飛び込んでみることに。米国本社でのインターンは非常に楽しく充実した経験になり、幸いリターンオファーまで頂くことができて成功だったが、やっぱり分野的に自分の興味関心とは少しズレている感じがありオファーは断り次の夏は研究室にこもろうと決意する。という事で、リターンオファーを断ったのでインターンのことは全く考えていなかったのだが翌年の春に突然リクルーターからメールが来て、「Visual Searchのチームに興味はないか?」とのこと。「この夏は研究室にこもってバリバリ研究するぜ!」と燃えていたはずなのに、少し考えた後にはもう「Visual Search!面白そう!!」となってYESと返信していた自分(研究の進捗が芳しくなくてちょっと逃避したかったのもあるかな 笑。)面接は1st phone screen的な非常にカジュアルな会話だけでなぜか終わり、ラッキーなことにオファーをゲット。その年と翌年の二度のインターンを経てフルタイムオファーを貰うという流れにつながる。この時の面接官でかつインターンの際のメンター・マネージャーだった同僚には、なんで自分に声をかけてきたのか、それともあれはリクルーターが偶然自分のレジュメをプールの中からピックアップして彼に共有しただけのことなのか聞けてはいない。インターンリターンオファーは半年前に断っていたのに、なぜ自分に再度連絡が来たのかはわからないし、特に知ろうともしていないのだけど。
ようやく冒頭の内容に戻るが、ふと自分のこれまでと現状を眺めてみると、実験で使う環境の整備にはこれまで培ったITインフラ・クラウドの知識が動員され、データの処理にはそれらの知識に加えてPySparkなどのビッグデータ関連の知識を用い、そして実験結果のビジュアライズにはwebアプリ開発の知識がそこそこ役に立っている。そしてコアの部分としては機械学習の知識、特にマルチモーダルなモデルのトレーニングから、さらにここにきてRLHFの登場により自分の強化学習のバックグラウンドまで役にたつという流れができている。こうして見てみると、今までやってきたことが集まって今の自分を構成しているんだなと本当に思う。Steve Jobsが "connecting the dots" という話をしていたけれども、確かにこれは振り返ってみるととても自然に思えるけれども自分が前に進んでいる時にそれらを繋げようと意識していたかというと意識していないことの方が多いし、その時は偶然目の前に現れた機会に自分の持てる道具でただただ立ち向かっているだけで必死になっていてそんなことは考えていないことが往往にして多い。こうしてそれなりに見通しの良い場所に立っている幸運に感謝しつつ、また一年後なのか三年後なのか五年後なのかわからないけれど後ろを振り返った時に、どんな自明なつながりを発見することになるのか今から楽しみだ。(こうやって振り返る際には喉元過ぎればなんとやらで、実態は毎日毎日キャッチアップと成果を出すのにひぃひぃ言ってるのの繰り返しなんだけどね)
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e462 — Generating Both Sides
AI assistants that never forget, Humane’s AI Pin, training LLMs, Dyson’s example of using AR to gamify vacuuming, and persona updates for the Apple Vision Pro
Photo by Oliver Hale on Unsplash Published 15 April 2024 Michael and Michael get together to talk tech while Andy is away. In this episode, the team focuses on a variety of AI topics including AI assistants, the Humane AI Pin, LLM training and deepfakes before touching on several AR topics and concluding with a couple of games. The first story deals with human forgetfulness vs AI assistants…
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#ai#AIPin#Apple Vision Pro#ar#assistant#CleanTrace#deepfake#Dyson#Extreme Ironing#Humane#lifelogging#LLM#Sims#vacuum
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What's Worth Remembering: March 2024
Went for a walk around the neighborhood trail one last time before our move tomorrow. I appreciate so much of what it offered, during the pandemic and even now, the wind, the passerbys, the blue skies and pretty clouds. Everything comes to an end, even if it’s en route to a new beginning Moving day was stressful, but productive and I’m proud Ian and I could work as a team! Hasn’t sunk in yet…
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