sin1039 · 3 months
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I was able to draw this one my defective back up phone, sorry I didn't post it yesterday, but it's here now!!!
I decided to draw Li-mei as a cute little baby monkey girl, with her older brother and their dad ☺️
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ronaestrider · 7 months
An Unexpected Update
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Ruthar departs the interior of the Rangers' Lodge along with a series of other Farstrider leaders. They all look somewhat worn after what must have been a lengthy meeting of the minds. His bow and helmet are racked inside the lodge.
Bey'ron leans up against the doorway. "It always smells so... -rugged- in here, don't you think? I've always appreciated how Farstriders aren't afraid to get their hands dirty." he smirks, eyes meeting Ruthar's.
Ruthar halts in his departure, shifting to the side nearer Bey'ron. "Magister Everblaze," he begins, bowing his head in a small greeting. He turns a slight smirk. "Rugged is a...pleasant way to put it." He gestures behind him. "Please, come in - it has certainly been some time."
[Bey'ron]: Too long, I'd submit.
Bey'ron takes Ruthar up on the offer, and steps past him to get into the Lodge proper. He pulls back his hood as he looks around, admiring the trophies and displays.
Ruthar folds his hands behind his back, his gaze following the Magister's. He stands to his left but behind him slightly. "Too long, indeed. I hope the aftermath of the Incarnate dealings has been agreeable to you and your own."
[Bey'ron]: Mm, it resolved rather satisfactorily, I should think.
[Ruthar]: It's good to be back in Silvermoon, in any case. Even if temporarily.
Bey'ron sets his staff aside-- it hovers upright and in place. He turns to Ruthar, and smiles. "It always is, isn't it? The city itself defines the word 'home' for me. I could never imagine leaving it for too long."
[Bey'ron]: Though, I suppose you'd have to depart, if only for a short time, to truly appreciate the feeling of returning. That sense of peace, hmm? Of belonging.
Bey'ron shakes his head. "I suppose, in that way, I envy Miss Li-Mei."
Ruthar nods in agreement. "Fortunately, the return to home is usually trivial, thanks to the expert work of the Magistry." He holds a finger aloft to garner the attention of a newer recruit. "Can I get you a beverege, Magis..." Ruthar let's that hang in the air as Bey'ron offers Rosi's name.
[Bey'ron]: Oh, nothing for me, thank you.
Beyron grins at you wickedly.
Ruthar puts his finger down and the confused looking recruit scurries away. Ruthar reaches into his hauberk to produce a handwritten note. He unfolds it and passes it over to Bey'ron. "I have to say, I'm surprised to hear that name. Doubly so after receiving this. I had my doubts about who it was from, but I doubt this is mere happenstance."
Bey'ron accepts the note, and looks it over. "--Tch... seems someone spoiled the surprise." he frowns lightly.
[Bey'ron]: Just as well. My first instinct was to come to you about it, of course. If anyone would want to know about a Farstrider deserter returning to the High Kingdom, I knew it'd be you.
Bey'ron hands the missive back. "Given your mutual history, of course."
Ruthar takes that in for a moment, accepting the missive and returning it beneath his tabard. He smooths the fabric before replying.
[Ruthar]: I had assumed she had fallen in combat after reading the report of her absence, a rather unfortunate loss - such a promising Farstrider, it was a pleasure to promote her to the rank myself.
Ruthar sighs, glancing over toward nothing in particular. "Deserter? Now...that is something else."
Bey'ron raises his brow. "Oh? You didn't know... well, I suppose assuming she'd died valiantly in defense of the High Kingdom would weigh better than her turning her back on it." he sighs.
Ruthar 's demeanor darkens somewhat. "Indeed," he replies slowly. "I assume you have the pertinent details, then?"
[Bey'ron]: But of course. And I'm happy to share them with you, Captain. That's why I'm here.
Bey'ron waves a hand. "Now, you'll have to forgive me for not delivering her here in person. Frankly... I'm not entirely sure what you'd want done with her. So let me tell you what's happened, and give a recommendation, hmm?"
[Bey'ron]: To my surprise, I encountered her on the Dragon Isles. Hiding away from here. I came to learn she'd left Quel'Thalas sometime during the Fourth War. Something about serving the Dark Lady, albeit indirectly, must not have sat all too well with her.
Ruthar nods, gesturing over toward a desk, his mind moving just barely too quickly to notice the mistake in his title. "Before we continue, and if you'll allow, I'd like to take a record of the account to update our files." He slides a quill into his fingers as he looks expectantly to Bey'ron.
[Bey'ron]: --Ah, of course. By all means, Captain.
Ruthar quickly slides a blank piece of parchment over and begins to scribble on it. "Ranger Captain," he says more firmly than he intended. He writes quickly but pauses to add a question. "Where, exactly, in the Dragon Isles did you locate her initially?"
Bey'ron clasps his hands behind his back. "Well, my sources located her out and about. But I approached her in person for the first time just outside Valdrakken."
[Ruthar]: We have a Farstrider encampment outside of the city, as I'm sure you are aware. That explains the note easily enough.
[Bey'ron]: Cautious little thing. I'm surprised she didn't flee immediately. But alas, we shared a brief dialogue, and I was able to glean that she left in a disagreement with Horde leadership.
Ruthar continues to write, pausing again. "If it were a matter as trivial as that, I would think there would be record of it somewhere."
[Bey'ron]: I have no such record, I'm afraid. To be frank... I hadn't given her much thought, until I heard she'd been seen around the Dragon Isles.
Bey'ron shakes his head. "Nonetheless, I'm a firm believer in second chances. So I offered her a chance to put her expertise to good use. And if you can find nothing else to be proud of in this tale, take pride in the fact that she certainly delivered."
[Bey'ron]: That's when she approached me about coming back to Quel'Thalas. She sent me a missive, and asked to meet.
Ruthar nods, writing the offered details after dipping the quill in an inkwell. "She sent you a missive after you met face-to-face and assigned her an assignment?"
[Bey'ron]: Mm, that's correct.
Ruthar scratches out a few words and amends the document. "I have to say, Magister, that I am surprised that your first reaction was not to inform the Farstriders before sending her on an errand. I assume it was something of great importance to Quel'Thalas's actions in the Isles?"
Bey'ron shrugs. "I'm sure it's not quite what you would have done, but I saw an opportunity to set her back on the right path. And she took it. If she hadn't, I would have brought this exchange to light much sooner."
[Bey'ron]: I'm afraid I can't go into details about the assignment. But I can tell you that her choosing to accept and complete it most assuredly met with Quel'Thalas' best interests.
Ruthar nods, accepting the reasoning. "Testing the heart of a deserter is an acceptable play, though I'm sure the Farstriders would have preferred performing such a test themselves." He writes a few more words. "I appreciate your diligence, personally." He finishes a few lines. "I have it noted that she performed duties for the Magistry under the direction of yourself. I assume that will suffice."
[Bey'ron]: It very well should.
[Bey'ron]: In any case, that's when she reached out via the aforementioned missive, and asked to meet. We discussed what exactly it would take for her to return to Quel'Thalas under honorable conditions.
Ruthar jots that down and looks to Bey'ron. "Respectfully, that may be for the Farstrider leadership to decide, should more details come out once she is spoken to. However, I would like to hear the details of that conversation for the record."
Bey'ron smirks, and shakes his head. "Before all that, we've reached the point of this conversation where I'd like to hear -your- thoughts, Ranger Captain."
[Bey'ron]: For all intents and purposes, you -are- the Farstrider leadership. Were she in your custody now... what would your decision be regarding her fate?
Beyron peers at you searchingly.
Ruthar places down the quill next to the unfinished report. "Protocol demands more information first and foremost. I would need further information on her actions and whereabouts in the time since her departure. It would be of critical importance to ensure that any information that she was privy to was not improperly released. I would have suggested she be detained during that investigative period. Considering her departure was during the conflict of the Fourth War, there could be serious ramifications if she had offered information to the Alliance during that time of conflict."
Bey'ron nods firmly. "A sensible response. Protocol in full consideration of the security of Quel'Thalas. I'd expect nothing less from a Ranger Captain."
[Bey'ron]: But... now that you've recited the Farstrider Handbook for me, let's set that aside. Off the record...
Bey'ron steps forward, lowering his voice. "How would -you- like to see this resolved? You, Ruthar. Not Farstrider Captain Ronaestrider."
[Bey'ron]: I'm not certain how close you two were, but if her -crippling- fear of what you might think of all this is any indication, you two were close, hmm?
Bey'ron shakes his head. "Not suggesting anything untoward, mind you. A mentor-mentee relationship, at the very least."
Ruthar purses his lips, standing straighter. "If she finds herself mired in -crippling- fear over my reaction to this, then I fear that she has done something that would be very difficult for a Farstrider, potentially former in this case, to recover from. Regrettably, both my personal reaction as well as my official rests upon the truth of her absence."
[Bey'ron]: Mm. Insightful. Cautious. Admirable traits, indeed.
[Bey'ron]: You'd see justice done, whatever form it takes, hmm? Regardless of the ramifications it may have for you, personally. Commendable, most assuredly.
Bey'ron unclasps his hands and brings his arms in front of him, idly straightening his sleeves and adjusting his cuffs.
Ruthar nods, his expression stoic. "I would. It would not be the first time that duty had taken precendence over my personal relationships."
[Bey'ron]: I'm certain anyone with sense would see this was well beyond your control. I mean, yes-- you had a part in her training, vetting, and promotion. But all that can only reflect so poorly on you.
Bey'ron sighs. "Or the Phoenix Guard. Sun willing, her indiscretions won't soil the organization's good name. True heritage we all share, that."
Ruthar doesn't visibly react to that. "Indeed. Nor will this have been the first time a ranger's actions have potentially marred the image of myself or my associates. You and I can both attest that times of war can drive certain individuals to drastic action."
[Bey'ron]: That we can. We can only hope such context factors in to whatever external jurisidiction determines Farstrider Li-Mei's fate.
Ruthar nods, reaching for the quill once more. "Agreed. Now, to your subsequent conversation with Li-Mei. Did you offer her a pathway forward for her desire to return home?"
Bey'ron exhales sharply. "--Ah. Well, that all seems rather irrelevant now, doesn't it? It's no more up to me than it is up to you what pathway to redemption lies before Li-Mei, is it? We'd have to handle that internally-- and discreetly-- for that."
[Bey'ron]: A curious alternative, to be sure.
Bey'ron plucks some imaginary debris from his robe. "Certainly an attractive option, I'd have to admit..."
Ruthar considers that for a moment, the quill still in-hand. "I suppose. Though, I have made note of your conversation with her here already." He glances around the Lodge to anyone nearby. "It would be preferred to wrap that up in some manner to formally close this particular parchment," he offers slightly quieter.
Bey'ron grins, and nods. "Of course, as you say. I told her that, were it up to me, she'd need to show in a tangible and unmistakable way that she is loyal to the High Kingdom, and felt deep remorse for any past falterings of that loyalty."
[Bey'ron]: After that, she departed. To where, I cannot say.
Ruthar nods, appreciating the Magister's understanding. He adds the final words and some filligree to the end of the document before signing it. He offers the quill to Bey'ron and slides the parchment over. "If you would review and sign, please - I will see this is processed formally." He lowers his voice slightly. "After which time I'd be happy to discuss further off-the-record."
[Bey'ron]: Certainly.
Bey'ron accepts the parchment, and sets it flat on the table. His eyes scan over the words, carefully-- quill in hand, at the ready. "I trust this will be filed away properly? I know it can be frustrating when such affidavits go missing at the Spire..."
Bey'ron nods once, and signs the parchment.
Ruthar nods, "You have my word, Magister Everblaze. Paperwork has, for better or worse, become one of my strong suits." He allows the ink to dry a moment before folding the parchment and sealing it with a red wax seal. "I appreciate you bringing this here personally. I realize how simple it would have been to send a note or a delegate - your offer of time and information is certainly noted and deeply appreciated."
[Bey'ron]: Ah, but of course! I'll admit I have a bit of a soft spot for the Phoenix Guard and its alumni. This issue, most certainly called for a personal involvement, I think.
Bey'ron clasps his hands behind his back. "Do keep me informed as to how this all plays out, hmm? I'd love to stay and discuss it further, but I'm needed back in the Spire. No rest for the wicked, you know." he smirks.
Ruthar lifts the sealed document from the table and nods. "Indeed I shall. I will get this submitted to have Li-Mei's record updated accordingly. Perhaps we can arrange an appointment in a few days time to...continue the discussion? Perhaps somewhere
Ruthar more...comfortable." He chooses his words carefully.
[Bey'ron]: That sounds most agreeable, Ranger Captain. We'll see it done.
Ruthar bows his head respectfully. "Thank you again for your time, Magister Everblaze. It is good to see you again. Sunwell guide."
[Bey'ron]: Mm, and you. Always a pleasure.
Bey'ron turns, and takes his staff up from where he left it lingering. "By the by... have you stopped in to visit Lady and Doctor Starfrost recently? On the subject of old alumni, of course."
[Bey'ron]: If you haven't, perhaps you should pay them a visit. Always a treat, visiting old friends. Who knows? You might even bump into some you didn't expect to see...
Ruthar shakes his head. "Sadly, my attention has been focused whole-heartedly on our efforts in Valdrakken. I should make a point to rectify that now that things are subsiding on the Isles. I was always very fond of Lady Starfrost." He considers the addendum, searching for the right words. "I look forward to it greatly," he adds, his mind considering a few possibilities.
[Ruthar]: Do send my very best if the opportunity presents itself.
[Bey'ron]: Likewise, should you encounter them before my next opportunity.
Bey'ron nods once, then pulls his hood up again. "Shorel'aran, Ranger Captain."
Ruthar nods, "You have my word. Al diel shala, Magister Everblaze."
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ixa193 · 1 year
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omnipointmuses · 2 years
Cue Li-Mei giving you a sloppy smooch that tastes of boozy plums.
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sarenamori · 1 year
More kombat kids? (Poll #8!)
I heard that this ship is a thing? 🧐
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shadowandbone · 2 years
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localaircon · 1 year
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(Syzoth went to furrycon bc he thought those were shapeshifters like him and he was rather disappointed)
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m-r-moth · 6 months
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who should i add to the giant group pic?
the silly little cats have gotten out of hand, i love them so much
(for the rest just search the catla tag on my blog)
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oreogumby · 8 months
Oh, dude. I totally forgot this place existed, well... i'll take the opportunity to share the little i've been able to contribute to the fandom LEGO: Monkie Kid.
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Lol, just pulled these from my other social media accounts, sorry for the quality; i hope i don't bother anyone or get taken out of context. I don't have any ulterior motives, really.
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Check out how lazy I can get when it comes to drawing (no shame here, just being honest, yo).
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And… oh! By the way, let me show off my oc named Li Zhiē, i shipp her with the cool, badass wizard Reddy. Wanna see some drawings of these two lovebirds, babes?
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New year, new me, and embracing cuteness. 😘
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sikoi · 11 months
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novicedraws · 10 months
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Random AU time, instead of being raised on earth realm and trained by the monks. Raiden is Li Mei's second in command and is naturally gifted with the powers of lighting/thunder.
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moonliteve · 3 months
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playing around with signatures for the mk1 cast (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠) (aka how can i combine mk and idol hell together)
left to right:
Kitana - Mileena - Tanya - Sindel - Rain
Shang Tsung - Quan Chi - Shao - Reiko - Li Mei
Ashrah - Havik - Nitara - Syzoth - Baraka
Liu Kang - Raiden - Kung Lao - Johnny Cage - Kenshi
Bihan - Kuai Liang - Tomas - Geras - Ermac
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inkskxtch · 10 months
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bunch of mortal kombat stuff ive been doing over the last week
im falling victim to the artist curse of shitposts getting more attention that the art that took time😭
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zoetheneko · 1 year
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How that one group of homies look like on presentation day when they procrastinated and didn't finish their PowerPoint on time.
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omnipointmuses · 2 years
Fun fact!
Li-Mei actually keeps a few different bottles of homebrewed, chi infused drinks on her person to give her different buffs during a fight
The bottles she most often carries on her belt are Ironskin Ale for increased defense Windfeet Wine for increased speed And BearBerserker Brew for increased damage
One sip is all it takes but the effects are brief and a sip of another brew will erase the last
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hotpinkrathian · 4 months
The category is bimbo sapphics who are surprisingly capable and their badass unsurprisingly capable girlfriends
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And I would die for all of them
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