#Letting her baby dress her up in silly ways and having tea parties with her
theanonymousmystery · 2 months
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Play date with Mommy~
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marvelfanfics1 · 2 years
For Daddy stucky -
Imagine a cute morning routine in Stucky house 🥺 Little reader wakes up early in the morning and crawls out of her crib and goes to her daddies bedroom and cuddles them. She brings along Alpine with her so that the cats can cuddles too🥺and kisses her daddies whenever they wake up 🥺🥺🥺
A Simple Morning
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Pairing: daddy!stucky x little!reader
Warnings: Age Regression, fluff fluff fluff!
You woke up and stretched your arms, letting out a big yawn, your eyes slowly adjusting to the morning sunlight.
You grabbed bucky bear and tucked him under your arm, starting to carefully crawl out of your crib and padding down the hallway.
On the way to your daddies room, you saw Alpine curled up on one of the pillows that were distributed around the house and sat down on your knees before her, scratching her head.
She started to purr and leaned into your touch, stretching her limps before starting to circle you and rub herself against your side meowing.
"Mornin' PinePine" you giggled, standing back up. "Come, let's get some cuddles from daddies!"
Alpine followed you along and you quietly opened the door to Steve and Bucky's room, peeked inside, and saw them still sleeping peacefully.
You looked down at Alpine and held your finger to your lips, slowly walking over to their bed and climbing up to lay in the middle while Alpine made herself comfortable on Bucky's stomach without waking him up.
You turned around to cuddle against Steve's side, now patiently waiting for them to wake up.
You love mornings like this, just enjoying the embrace of your daddies and thinking about all kinds of activities you wanted to do over the day.
Maybe a tea party? Ask if you could go to the park. Play dress up with your daddies or make a movie marathon? Or do all of them!
To your luck, today was one of the days were Steve and Bucky had a day off and can spend time with you alone.
Maybe daddy let's you braid his hair or-
Your thoughts got interrupted when you suddenly felt a hand rub up and down your back, looking up you saw Steve smiling at you.
"Good morning, Angel" he greeted you with a kiss on your nose, making you giggle.
"Mornin' dada!" you shuffled a little higher up to give him a quick kiss.
He looked to the side at his husband when he grunted while stretching his arm, and slowly waking up and scratching Alpine's back.
"Daddy! You finally up!" you turned on your other side and gave him a kiss as well.
"And he's in need to hear his baby's giggles" before you could try to escape both your daddies held you down, tickling your sides and feet until you were close to tears from laughing too much.
"Stop! Pweeease!" you got out between laughs and took a deep breath when they stopped.
"Now that we are all awake, what do you want to eat for breakfast, babydoll?" Bucky asked, laying on his side with his head resting in his hand.
"Umm...Pancakes and berries!" you cheered with your arms up in the air.
The soldiers smiled at each other before starting to attack your face in kisses.
"Daddies silly!" you giggled again and wriggled out from in-between them. "Alpine we have ta escape!" you quickly got off the bed and rushed out with her running after you.
"A great start in the morning but something is missing," Steve said smirking and Bucky pulled the blonde closer to him, kissing him passionately.
"There, you punk." Bucky smiled, hearing you moving around in the kitchen. "We better get up as well before she starts to make herself chocolate-" he got interrupted by something falling on the floor with a followed 'oh-oh' from you.
"Already too late" Steve chuckled and they both got up, making their way to the kitchen to clean up your mess and start making breakfast.
@marvelsguantletkeeper @my-river-lilly @pauntedblacknails @fanfictioniseverything @devilslilbabysblog @buckymydarlingangel @hallecarey1 @daybreakwinter @loveshineslikethesky @wandaslittlewhore @vase-of-lilies @white-wolf1940 @simpingbutch @mischiefsemimanaged @alina02 @teddybearsgrr @doozywoozy @angelbabydoll28 @st3rgirl @glxwingrxse @lilymurphy03 @veryvaughnny @lokigirlszendaya @youngstarfishdinosaur @little--baby--bear @minideathgoddess @rach2602 @aagn360 @gh0stgurl
stucky taglist
@almostcontentcreator @stuckysgirl27
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mamaestapa · 8 months
jamie would treat his little girls like princesses and play princesses with them
oh he so would. he'd be the SWEETEST girl dad ever. ugh my heart can't take it🥹
jamie's daughters would be his little princesses. all of his daughters are 100% daddy's girls. they're jamies little twins in every way possible, looks and personally wise. he loves to spoil them, do their hair, play dress up with them, he even lets them paint his nails. those little girls adore him and its the sweetest. jamie has been wrapped around their fingers since the day each of his daughters was born. he would do anything for his girls--and that includes you too. jamie is the ultimate girl dad and they're so lucky to have him as their daddy🩷
ivy begs jamie to play princesses with her and her younger sisters on his day off. of course jamie can't say no to his six, four, and three year old, so he joins them in their playroom and plays princesses with them. ivy will grab a crown and place it on jamies head, giggling happily at the sight of her daddy in a princess tiara.
"you look silly daddy"
"ivy daddy doesn't look silly!"
"i think you the pettiest princess daddy"
"thank you my little princesses"
they'll have tea parties in their little princess gowns and tiaras. they'd insist on jamie wearing the tiara the whole time since he can't wear their dresses. ivy tried to put one on him one time. the room erupted in their little giggles when she did that, and jamie swore his heart burst from the sweet sounds of his daughters laughter. you come home to find jamie and your girls
"mommy! come play with us!"
"yeah mommy, be a princess like daddy!"
you happily joined in, sitting down next to jamie and teasing him about the tiara. you of course called him the prettiest princess. the girls re-start the tea party just for you, making sure to get a tiara for you so you could match.
"here mommy put this on!"
"wait sagey, baby sis needs one too!"
sage puts a tiara on your head as holly puts one on your baby bump where their fourth and final baby sister is growing. the baby kicks, making the tiara move. your daughters find it amusing, their little giggles filling the room once again and making you and jamie grin.
jamie is truły the best girl dad. you and your four girls are so lucky to have him.
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chrisevansonly · 2 years
Little Duck's Tea Party (Little Duck AU🐥💛)
Pairing: Dad! Chris Evans x Arlie Mae (Little Duck)
Summary: Little Duck is having her weekly tea party, and this week’s special guest is her dad, I wonder what costume and makeover he’ll be getting today? 
Warnings: none, just very fluffy and sweet girl dad Chris, he and Arlie are just my favourites
A/N: Here is the first fic of the day, this idea was I think a suggestion by an anon and I really fell in love with it, so I wanted to write a little something, I hope you enjoy it, thank you for all the love on this page recently, I appreciate you guys so much
Word Count: 756
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Arlie was hard at work setting up her special tea table, laying out plates, cutlery mugs, she was pulling out the whole nine yards because today, her daddy would be the special guest at Arlie’s Tea House. To be completely honest neither you nor Chris could figure out where she thought of the name, but it was the cutest little concept she’d come up with recently. Her playroom was now set up, the table looking very beautiful with little flowers and sparkles intertwined between the utensils and plates. Arlie made sure to add Duckie to a seat as well as her stuffed brown bear named boobear, yes, she named him boobear, when she deemed the space perfect enough, she yelled down to Chris
“Daddy!!!! Come to tea party!!!”
Chris chuckled at the urgency in Arlie’s tone, kissing your forehead and making his way up the stairs to her party 
“I’m coming up little duck!”
Arlie giggled and as he reached the top of the stairs her head poked out behind the door 
“Hi daddy!”
“Hi baby, you all ready for our party?”
She nodded, smiling her famous megawatt smile 
“I am, but you not ‘weady yet!”
He crouched down to her level and swiped a piece of hair out of her eyes 
“Oh, I’m not?”
Chris could notice she was holding something behind her back, and he had an inkling of what it could be 
“No daddy, you need to put on special hat and makeup silly!”
Never in his years of living did he ever think he would find himself staring at what everyone, his wife included says is a carbon copy of him, his baby girl, in all her excitement as she waited for her favourite man in the world to let her dress him up. He would move mountains for Arlie, and if that included a makeover from the toddler, then he’d be dammed if he ever said no
“Alright then duck, help me get all ready for tea!”
Arlie pulled him further into the room, making him sit in a chair far too small for him, but he wouldn’t complain, especially if it was Arlie putting him in it. They spent some time laughing together as she mixed blues, purples, and pinks from her kiddie eyeshadow palette, using a small brush to put it on his eyes. Chris made sure to stay extra still so she wouldn’t mess up, a smile creeping up when he noticed her tongue poking out of her mouth as she concentrated on the colour of blush she was going to use. Her little eyebrows furrowing together in thought as every step and product of makeup was applied to Chris’s face
“Okay daddy, just lips then done!”
Chris chuckled before pouting gently so she could apply what he saw was a cherry red lipstick, yeah…cherry red
“Wow Daddy!! You so pwetty now!!”
“Was I not pretty before duck?”
Arlie shook her head no and he laughed, watching as she put the makeup away neatly, turning and clasping her hands together 
“Sit down fo’ tea now pwease daddy!”
Chris found his spot and Arlie got to work, setting out snacks, plastic of course, and filling their cups with water, there was absolutely nothing but joy radiating from his baby girl, and it was one of Chris’s favourite sights. They two of them were partners and crime, and when you snuck upstairs to check on them your heart warmed watching the two playing with Duck and Boobear, a slight chuckle slipping out noticing Chris’s amazing makeup job. When you snapped a quick photo both of their faces turned to you and Arlie waved
“Hi momma!!”
“Hi my love, look at how beautiful you made daddy!”
Chris narrowed his eyes playfully at you, a wink being sent back in his direction 
“Daddy so pwetty now, you want some tea momma?”
After pretending to think about you agreed, taking your spot next to Chris, Arlie pouring some water in your mug
“Arlie does momma get her makeup done too?”
You smiled getting yourself ready for all her makeup and artistic talent when she laughed 
“Daddy you so silly! Momma alweady’ pwetty without it!” 
You couldn’t hold in the laugh that escaped as you leaned over to kiss Chris on the cheek, his eyes rolling slightly before he joined you in laughing. If there was anything about your little duck, is that she was not afraid of honesty, she’d tell you the truth no matter what, and clearly, she wasn’t shy about it.
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strawberryfloofs · 6 months
Headcanons for Regressor!Sayaka Maizono or Regressor!Sonia Nevermind? (@peppermintprincess-ava)
OFCC, Thanks for the request! I hope you enjoy it :D Regressor Sonia Nevermind Headcanons!
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Sonia regresses to more of a kid space, about 5-8, she's definitely old enough to run around and play pretend games!
I'd imagine her regression being mostly voluntary, but just so she can keep the involuntary parts in check. Being the heir to the kingdom throne is stressful, so this is one of the ways she copes!
She loves playing with her stuffed animals and treating them as her royal subjects that she takes care of. She definitely makes a castle out of pillow forts and let them stay with her! She'll read stories to them, help them out with made-up problems, and even give them tours of the castle!
She doesn't need a caregiver, but she wouldn't mind having someone to play with! Her go to would DEFINITELY be saving her stuffies from dragons or maybe even a tea party!
Not very bratty at all, likes following the rules, but sometimes finds it hard to. Why do all the boring, not fun stuffs when you can play and watch cartoons?
Whenever she's not playing or watching cartoons, she's usually napping because she has a lot to do outside of littlespace for her kingdom.
Wants to play with other regressors, but she's a little reserved/private about her regression and doesn't feel comfortable enough for that. She thinks it would ruin how others viewed her.
Prefers drinking from plastic cups with the little cartoon character designs on them, same goes for the plastic plates! Loves them to be animal or disney princess themed.
Sonia loves to wear dresses, skirts, and cute tutus but occasionally she'll wear shortalls or something more suitable for when she goes outside!
As a kid, Sonia wasn't allowed to play outdoors and get messy, (It was un-ladylike and inappropriate for a royal member) so she takes the chance to do it once she's regressed, and she LOVES it! Picking flowers, putting her hands in the dirt, chasing after butterflies, and watching/playing with little bugs are her favorites! Lots of giggles WILL be heard from afar.
ADORES playing with the velcro cutting pretend food toys! She loves creating little sandwiches and other foods for her stuffies to enjoy! Sometimes, she'll just even pull them apart just because it's satisfying and makes a cool noise.
Is the type of regressor to decorate her face with ALL the stickers she can find! It makes her feel super silly, but also cute! (Don't let her find make-up....that will be a disaster)
Likes reading fantasy/mythical books, but doesn't always finish them. She tends to read a couple pages, and then just flip through just to see the pretty pictures of the creatures!
Feels too old for a pacifier, so she's very prone to nibbling on her stuffies instead!
Bath time is maybe just a LITTLE too long because she gets caught up in playing with her toys... (She always uses bath bombs)
Always has some type of accessory when regressed, whether its a tiara or some cute hair clips, she's got it!
She actually doesn't like being called princess when regressed because it reminds her of her big girl responsibilities of the kingdom. She actually prefers kiddo, little one, baby, or any other name that makes her feel anything but big.
Sonia is a pretty sensitive little, maybe it's because of the facade she has to put up when big, but little things might set her off and make her all fussy or crying. It's okay though, because letting it out and hugging her stuffies always makes it better!
"Sir Ravioli, would you care to attend my tea party?! As a thanks for comforting me!"
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leftsidebonfire · 1 year
I've been brainrotting about the fankids and how the guys would be like as dads for the past few days fjebddb
Sanji would be such a good father! I think at first he'd be hesitant to have kids of his own because he doesn't want to risk them getting any of the manipulated Vinsmoke genes. Insisting that all their kids could just be Unaek and Luffy's. But he does come around to the idea and let me tell, this man will cry the day his first daughter is born. He'll cry every time they have a kid! But the very first time, he'll just be a complete mess!
And from then on he'll be the most dotting father! He'll cut the crusts off of sandwiches (feeding the crust to Luffy to not waste them ofc). He'll braid their hair. Set up little tea parties. Let the girls do his hair and paint his nails no matter how messy.
Meanwhile, Luffy will be more rough and tumble with the kids. He'll take them outside to play in mud. They'll make a fort together somewhere in a tree. He'll show them all the best places to find cool bugs, and much to Sanji's displeasure, bring them back home to show off
As far as birth order, I feel like they'd have Delphi or Ace first. But I kinda like older sister vibes so I would say
They didn't mean to alternate between the guys but it just kinda worked out that way
Sanji would be an absolute mess through the birth but he'd be really sweet to Unaek whenever she was pregnant and he would talk to her belly a lot. And the first time she delivers the baby, he's practically panicking more than her, and LUFFY of all people is the calm one. Sanji almost passed out. But when he comes to and gets to hold baby Delphi, he just WEEPS.
Sometimes on dark nights he wuestions of he'd be a good father, like he's afraid he's going to snap and abuse them or something but Unaek tells him that's silly. She knows he'd never do that. She hugs him and promises she would never let him go down that path.
Sanji is definitely the type who would show up to work or visiting with the Sunny crew with bright pink and blue eyeshadow and his hair in pigtail tufts because his kids wanted to "dress him up" for work and make him pretty and he wears it with pride 😭😭
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broodybatboy · 2 years
⚔️ The Valkyries: Headcanons
@gwynweek2022 Day 4: The Valkyries
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"Don't you know? You can never beat us." - Blossom, Powerpuff Girls
Emerie: a tablespoon of calm, a pound of resilience, a pinch of spice, and an ounce of boss 💯
Nesta: a cup of rage, a dash of intimidation, and a heaping tablespoon of love topped with a crown 👑
Gwyn: buckets of joy, a pinch of aggression, a squeeze of intellect and whole sticks of buttery sunshine ☀️
These are the ingredients chosen to make the perfect girls but the Mother accidentally added an extra ingredient to the concoction: Friendship
Thus, the Valkyries were born.
The gals faces while reading smutty books:
Nesta: Smirking, raising an eyebrow, bookmarks pages for Cass...
Gwyn: Squealing, gasping, wide-eyed, yelling at characters
Emerie: Poker face, "hmm", snickers, re-reads the 🔥🌶
Gwyn is the silly and goofy one. She's also the kind one who gives the lil pep talks and makes them believe in themselves
Emerie is the straightforward, no-nonsense one that tells them when they're being stupid. But also the one to have a cup of tea or a book ready at any moment's notice
Nesta is protective and will scare the shit out of anyone who hurts her babies. But will also hold their hair back while they puke and give them a shoulder to cry on
How many Valkyries does it take to fix a lightbulb?
(1) Nesta to break it in a rage and then, hide it.
(2) Emerie holding the ladder while Nesta climbs on to change it.
(0) Gwyn points out that Az has wings & would fix it if she asked.
Once the friends-to-lovers become obvious Emerie and Nesta decide to turn the tables on Azriel. They tie him up to a chair in a dark cellar and begin to interrogate him
Emerie: "What are your intentions with our Gwyn?!?"
Nesta: *shining a bright light in his face* "DO YOU LOVE HER?!"
Emerie: "All right shadow boi, since you're so good with those hands, write a list about all the reasons she's perfect."
Nesta: "Okay, dumb bat. I'm gonna give you a scenario: Gwyn is at a large party. She's a little anxious, she's hungry, and there's a small rip in her dress. What do you fix first?"
Azriel: "Um I wo-"
Emerie: "Trick question. YOU WOULDN'T HAVE LET ANY OF THESE THINGS HAPPEN in the first place."
Emerie and Gwyn having secret tea time with Cassian bc he's starting to enjoy smutty books but he will literally never hear the end of it if Nesta or Azriel ever find out.
The gals teasing and encouraging Cassian about all the ways he gets Nesta all hot and bothered. The trio just gushing about how beautiful Nesta is.
Meanwhile, in the other room...
Azriel: "The shadows say they've moved on to discussing The Lord who Loathed Me."
Nesta, smirking: "Gwyn wants to go to the symphony. Emerie's gonna bail at the last minute so you can take her. Pass the cookies."
Azriel, chuckles: "Cassian is comparing himself to Lord Antoine. They particularly enjoyed the heated argument in the study. Hmm...what should I wear?"
Nesta, laughing: "He is the bane of my existence. The silk dress shirt, Gwyn always freaks out about your biceps."
Emerie, Gwyn and Nesta having stylish fashion shows in their closets and giving each other makeovers.
Emerie, Gwyn and Nesta watching romantic comedies and quoting them all the time. Their favorites
Emerie: The Notebook
Gwyn: When Harry Met Sally
Nesta: 10 Things I Hate About You
Emerie, Gwyn and Nesta singing Shania Twain’s Man! I Feel Like a Woman!
Emerie, Gwyn and Nesta getting absolutely plastered drunk in Velaris and dancing their butts off in the most joyous way possible
Emerie, Gwyn and Nesta going on missions together and being so in sync
Like Gwyn is scouting the perimeter and covering blind spots, Nesta would take the lead and subdue the enemy, Emerie would come from behind and finish him off
The trio commemorates the anniversary of the Blood Rite. They go to Emerie's house in Illyria. This time, there's no fear, there's no risk of danger, this time they're safe and ready to defend themselves.
They sit around the table sipping wine and eating a chocolate cake with "Valkyries" written in icing until they are too full of sugar and love for each other.
The next day they go to the coast. They walk along the shoreline and climb the top of a seacliff. They share a laugh, they share a cry, and they share the stories of all they have overcome. The three of them wrap their arms around each. They sit for a long while watching the waves crash against the rock.
"Nothing can break us."
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bowieandqueen11 · 3 years
Karl Heisenberg As A Dad Headcanons
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Request: Would you happen to have any wholesome Dad!Heisenberg HCs? 👉🏻👈🏻 Your writing is absolutely wonderful btw! ❤️
Oh my goodness thank you so much my lovely!!! This is such a sweet request <3
If you enjoy, please comment and reblog!
(Gif credit goes to: @robotoco-fanart​, character and Resident Evil do not belong to me, all rights and credit goes to its creator)
At first, the man literally has no idea what to do with a kid. His idea of looking after children is to just to just let them go wild so they can go live in trees or whatever.
So, when his daughter first arrives into his arms at the factory, the first thing that pops into Karl’s head is whether he can ship the poor thing off to go live with Donna and her house of dolls because he thinks a baby would cramp his style too much.
Much deeper down inside though, right down at the fragmented shards that nestled and poked at the bottom of his heart, he was also worried for the kid. He knew he couldn’t give them a proper life. Heck, he could barely look after himself with his crazy family around. How was he supposed to protect a kid from Mother Miranda?
Although everyone was sure the frown on his face when he first saw the kiddo was one of distaste, in reality he was just really sad because he believed he could never be the father this child deserved.
Then one day, he decides to take a break from experimenting on soldats down in the basement levels of his factory to go up and check on the kiddo, mainly just to make sure Donna hasn’t let her crawl out of her crib and eat any important old documents or blueprints he left lying around his bedroom’s cabinet. But when he goes into the room, peering down with those falling glasses on the bridge of his nose into the little cot by the corner window, he finds himself scared.
For the first time in his life, something pains through his chest. But this time it isn’t horror, or arrogance, or repugnance, or fear anger hatred loneliness - no, this thing was warm, running jolts around his stomach until he felt almost queasy with the power of it.
Love. What he felt, for the first time in his life, was love. His little kiddo looked up at him with these big, kind puppy eyes - the same colour as his, and reached up to wrap her little pudgy fingers around his coarse, shaking thumb that leant on the wood.
And boom, that was it. Game over for vengeful Heisenberg. Cue protective dad mode.
(Although he was a little less certain when the little trickster grabbed his sunglasses from off his face, but that’s okay. He can make a new pair of those any time. But her, she was irreplaceable in his heart.)
Okay, but can you just imagine Karl holding his little daughter in like a little knitted blanket, coddled up against his ragged chest as he rocks her with tears in his eyes omg???
As kiddo grows up, there’s a protective ring of Lycans standing guard around the outskirts of the factory’s fields at all times, 24/7. No one from the village is allowed in or out under any business, which is where the rumour of the Lords being like vampires or werewolves begins (although sometimes Karl will pop down into the town and spend some time spreading rumours at the inn just because he likes to see people’s faces when they realise he is THE werewolf Heisenberg their family have told them never to go near.)
Kiddo isn’t allowed to go out anywhere near the village either unless Karl comes with her. When she’s young, he’ll have massive coats on the two of them so they don’t freeze in the snow that dusts the rocky ground with its tendrils, carrying kiddo on his hip. If she’s a bit older, he has an arm tight around her shoulder so she’s tucked just inside the edge of his trench coat, and he growls at any person that dares to look at her for longer than two seconds.
He spends a long time trying to make her first word dad - he sees it as like a source of pride that it should be. Sometimes he’ll sit her down on a workbench and just stare down at her all seriously, until his mouth drops open and he pulls a silly face to make her laugh. Then, when he works, he keeps on just repeating ‘dadda’ or ‘come on kiddo, you can say it’ but ends up being so annoyed when her first word is her trying to say Angie lmao.
For like a week he disappears, and Donna becomes worried about what he’s doing, and why there’s no noise or sound from him except smoky tendrils of steam and licks of fire bellowing out from the belly of the factory every so often. Turns out, as he sneaks in to kiss his daughter on the forehead one late night while she’s sleeping, and takes a moment to hang it over her cot, he was making a little mobile of two wolves chasing the sun and moon.
Since our man ‘works from home’, when kiddo gets to become a bit older he invites her down to learn the tricks of the trade with him. Mostly this just involves her sitting on a stool down in his office room with a bored looking face as he wildly and animatedly throws shards of metal into the pictures of Alcina and Miranda, explaining why she should never go near them.
In the end they’re both kind of knackered, so by the time lunch rolls through they’ve both laid down on a bench and fallen asleep on each other’s shoulders.
Although he’s not the best at showing affection, he is trying, he really is. This usually comes through as him reading bedtime stories to his kiddo, lying down on the duvet next to her and nearly shoving the poor child out of the bed. He totally gets coerced into doing silly voices for all the characters, and although he pretends to groan and roll his eyes he gets way too into it.
Usually, though, he’s the one to fall asleep first. Kiddo usually wakes up to find her dad still asleep against the headboard, with the book collapsed on the floor and Karl’s hat hanging half over his face as he snores.
When she’s younger, and Karl doesn’t want to go to family meetings, he’ll dress her up in his long coat and hat that hangs over her eyes and sends her off, laughing his ass off the whole while at the way the frayed fabric ends trail across the floor as she tries to walk.
He says Alcina is so tall anyway she wouldn’t notice the difference.
Most of the time he just takes her with her though, because despite how gruff and how much of a lone wolf he pretends to be he has pretty bad separation anxiety. She’ll just sit on his knee as he makes her laugh by pretending to mimic Miranda, telling everyone to shut up anytime she starts babbling, giving her his full attention.
He also says the babbling makes more sense than anything Alcina has ever said, which ends up with poor Donna holding the baby while the two of them tussle about the pews.
Also please imagine Donna roping him into doing tea parties.
He’s not a great teacher, so Moreau steps in. Heck, sometimes even Karl will be sitting next to his daughter on the floor in confusion because he has no idea what algebraic fractions are.
His daughter is the most important thing in the world to him, and he will do everything in his power to protect her from the outside world.
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chocogoths · 3 years
bc I haven't read the books in a long ass time but they live in my head rent. free. please feel free to scream w/ me PLEASE
it's. actually "D'Angelo" lol. I like to imagine when they arrived to the US some worker misunderstood their family name as.. "D. Angelo" like it was an initial or smth (saw that in a movie once ksksk) and it just stuck until it eventually became "di Angelo"
Nico's full name is Niccolò Salvatore D'Angelo uwu I'm not too sure about Bia, but I like Bianca Isabella D'Angelo
they both look so much like their mom!! I hc that Maria had a couple beauty marks that Bia and Nico inherited✨ bottom corner of the eye maybe? and freckles too
Goth Maria supremacy!!! She always had a fascination with death and ghosts and such, that's one of the reasons she fell in love with Hades<3 Plus she canonically dresses in all back and wears dark makeup
Maria was an opera singer! I have no proof but also no doubts. In the present Nico managed to find some records of her singing and now Mama sings him to sleep every night💕
also Hades canonically enjoys music and singers (Orpheus) so that's one of the reasons he fell for Maria
I think Maria was generally an artsy person, she had Bianca and Nico take lessons in dance, music and painting, Bianca probably learned embroidery and Nico BEGGED her to teach him so he learned too, they had lil music sessions where Maria would sing, Bianca played the violin and Nico the piano (Bia and Nico weren't perfect but they tried so hard and Maria always encouraged them!!)
Nico inherited Maria's love for all things spooky, his favorite thing to watch was Disney's Silly Symphonies: The Skeleton Dance (he tried to imitate it in front of the tv hghghfhfhg)
also he loves chocolate. this one's kinda out of pocket i know but i just had to say it. Nico says dark chocolate supremacy
I also hc that one time, they found a baby bird that had fallen from its nest, Maria let Bianca hold it while she fetched a first aid kit to nurse it back to health, while Nico peeked and jumped around Bianca bc he wanted to hold it too🥺 When Maria came back though, Bianca had tears in her widened eyes and she told her that the lil bird had suddenly died on her hands :(( she didn't squeeze or anything!! one second it was just sitting on her palm and the next it was just. dead (i saw this in a movie too lol)
Nico didn't really understand what was happening, but that's how Bianca learns about mortality (and unknowingly, a lil bit of her powers) and y'know how some little kids learn about death and are either fascinated or scared by it? poor Bia was TERRIFIED
Bianca developed a fear of dying, and anything to do with death in general (which I hc as one of the reasons she joined the Hunters of Artemis.. besides wanting to actually live for herself and not be a mom to her little brother :c) the bird incident was something she was never able to get over😔
also!!! both Bianca and Nico sometimes saw ghosts. Baby Nico would babble all day long to his ghost buddies, Maria found it SO cute. Younger Bianca chatted with them and had tea parties and such, but after the bird incident she would flinch and look away whenever she saw one :(((
Bia's fear of her (unknown) powers sometimes manifested and her Mama's roses would wilt and dry up :c But Maria would kiss her forehead and tell her she liked them better that way, and Bia would feel a lil bit better, and a lil less scared<3<3
Nico's first crush was a boy he went to school with, he also once had a teeny tiny crush on his teacher, and another time a crush on one of Bianca's classmates... he falls in love easily ok lol
he never acted on his feelings bc he wasn't even sure what they were?? he just knew he really liked those guys and he'd feel lil skeletal butterflies in his tummy when he looked at them!! when he told Mama about this she laughed and hugged him, and told him he'd understand those feelings when he grew up a bit💗
this one is more set in the present-future but. I really desperately need Hades (& Persephone!!) and Nico to have a good relationship🥺 I like to think they slowly but surely work through their issues, and Nico does end up regularly visiting (or even living in!!!) the Underworld with his family, since Hades has a room for him in his palace💕💕 One for Hazel, too! and they get along marvelously with their step-siblings as well<3
Macaria, Melinoe and Zagreus loooove them. big siblings taking care of and mentoring their lil siblings. good. One big, happy goth family that's all i ask!!
y'know this one. no one beats Nico at any videogame or card game ever. thank u Lotus Hotel
ok that's it!!!!! for now.
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bts-hyperfixation · 4 years
The Princess and The Duke – Part 1
Duke!Namjoon x Princess!reader
I know I said this wasn’t going to be out until Friday, but after the Scammys, I thought I’d put it out today! This has not yet been edited.
Warnings - future smut, allusions to smut.
The first time you met you were six months old. Barely aware you existed, let alone there was a whole world existing around you. Namjoon was two at the time. A chubby little toddler clinging desperately to his mother as he tried to hide away from all the other strange people in the room. Most of the kingdom had turned out for your christening, so obviously the future Duke’s family had also made an appearance. They stood with the rest of the court at the front of the church, most of the adults attempting to corral children of their own instead of watching the Princess’ baptism.
It was only when a shrill cry echoed through the church hall that Namjoon looked up from his mother’s shoulder trying to locate the noise. Turned out you didn’t appreciate being dipped into freezing cold holy water. From then on, he’d watched intently, each movement made by the priest and your family, craning his neck to watch you wiggle in the queen’s arms. You were just so small, and so pink. He liked pink, and you were wrapped in piles of pink lace. He knew these were traditional colours for your kingdom, his mom liked to tell him stories about the pink flowers that grew throughout his homeland. Beautiful pink daisies. They were his favourite bedtime stories.
Stories of a brave king leading his army into battle. Each week he would send home a bouquet of the only flower that grew on the battlefield. Each week the queen would know he was okay, until one week they didn’t arrive. For the next few days, the queen was inconsolable, after that she was catatonic. She sat draped in black watching the last of the pink daisies wither. As the last petal fell from the shrivelled bud, a shout was heard throughout the kingdom. The king had returned, enemies slain, and with him he brought as many flowers as the cavalry could carry. The seeds were planted throughout the country, and those were the same flowers that remained to this day. The flowers that were lining the pews of the church, and the ballroom at the palace.
After the christening, members of the court were invited for a meal and to meet the infant princess, to meet you. The banquet was held in the ballroom, a long table adorned with wreaths and favours for each of the guests. You were placed in a cradle close to the king. A place where all could visit to pay their respects and your father could protect you. Once his family had finished their meal, they visited your crib, offering a gift and paying their respects to the royals. Namjoon tugged at his mother’s dress until she lifted him to get a better look. As he peered into the cot, he was shocked to find you staring straight up at him. Other babies he met always seemed to be asleep, but not you.
He wriggled in the duchess’ arms until he could reach you. The room fell silent as he extended his chubby hand to poke at your own curled fist. No one outside of your family, the priest, and the doctors had dared to touch you yet. They waited with bated breath for a response from the king. Little Namjoon paid no attention to the eyes on him, too focused on you. Your small fingers wrapped their way around his. The king had cooed at the event, closely followed by everyone else in the room.
The next time you met Namjoon properly you were four, he was almost six. You’d been allowed outside to play with the other children of the court. The problem was, many of them were considerably older than you. None of the ‘big’ girls wanted to play silly little girl games. So you sat alone and watched them as they made daisy chains together. You tried to copy them from afar, but your pudgy little fingers wouldn’t cooperate, ripping through the stems instead of creating the holes needed to thread more flowers.
Namjoon had been following around the gardener when he saw you. Decapitated daisies lay by the dozen around your feet. He couldn’t bear to see the carnage continue, so he took pity on you. He picked a flower with a thick enough stem and passed it too you. To say you were thrilled was an understatement. You’d taken the flower excitedly and threaded another through before giving it back to him to make another hole. The two of you had then spent the next half hour together, him piercing stems and you threading them into long chains. He laughed as you concentrated. Your tongue stuck out of the side of your mouth as you focused on the task at hand.
When you decided the chain was long enough, he made one last hole so you could form a circle. With the ring complete you stepped on your tippy toes to place it over his head, nodding in approval as the string draped from his neck to his knees. He looked down, assessing his new accessory and beamed a smile back at you. The first time you ever saw his dimples. Immediately you were compelled to poke them. He didn’t stop you as you reached for his cheek, instead laughing so they deepened.
You weren’t like any princess he had seen in his books. Those princesses were graceful and dainty. You were more like a bull in a china shop. Honestly, he was relived. All the other boys were in high school, they had no time for him. And the girls all wanted him to play ‘prince charming’. It was fun playing with you. You’d run around the gardens with him, dig in the mud, and exchange the stories your parents read at bedtimes.
Age six brought the loss of your first tooth. The tooth had been placed in a tissue under your pillow and the next morning it had become money! You had been so excited to tell Namjoon all about it, only for him to burst your bubble.
“The tooth fairy isn’t real Y/N” he’d stated matter-of-factly, his nose turned up at the notion.
“Is too!” you’d cried back petulantly. You’d seen her with your own two eyes. Well you’d been half asleep, and it was dark… but you were certain it had been her.
“Is not!” the eight-year-old boy retorted. “I’ll prove it! Next time you lose a tooth don’t tell nobody. She won’t come I promise.” He’d sounded so smug. You wanted to hit him. instead you set out to prove him wrong. You kept wiggling your teeth hoping one would come loose. It’s around a month later you get your chance. The tooth came out in the apple you were eating for dessert. Carefully you hid the bone from your nanny so she couldn’t tell your parents. After you were tucked in that night, you slid the bone under your pillow and waited for the fairy to visit you. But she never came.
The next day when you saw Namjoon, you were devastated, but still not ready to concede the fairy’s existence.  
“Maybe I upset her?” you sniffle at him “You’re not supposed to wait for her, I broke the rules! That’s why she didn’t come! What if she never visits me again?” tears fell freely down your face. Namjoon had never felt so guilty, not even when he lied about breaking his mom’s favourite vase. He had watched you cry for a moment, unsure of where to go from here. He had made the heir to the throne cry… could he get locked away for this?
“It’s my fault Y/N! I was just jealous” he quickly tried to formulate a believable story in his head as you wiped away your tears.
“Jealous?” your voice was small, a little hope filtering through the sadness.
“Yeah… jealous. See I… uh… I’ve nearly got all my big teeth now, so she doesn’t come to see me as often. I bet if you put the tooth under your pillow tonight and go to sleep, she will come!” your face had lit up at the news. Immediately after he’d said goodbye to you, he went and told the gardener about your tooth. When you woke up the next day, a shiny coin was in the tooth’s place. You’d held the discovery over Namjoon for the few months, but he didn’t care. He was just happy you were happy and that he didn’t get into trouble.
At age eight you were definitely not shaping up to be the perfect princess. In fact you were quite the rambunctious little tot. Your mother became more and more exasperated every time you turned up with a new grass stain on one of your best gowns. She begged you to spend more time having tea parties with the girls instead. It was never your fault though. The tea parties were dull and Namjoon would challenge you to a race through the maze, or to see who could climb highest in the trees. You couldn’t just let him win.
If you weren’t running around or rolling down hills, you were lying together staring up at the clouds from the middle of the topless bandstand in the middle of the maze. The beautiful white stone structure had quickly become ‘your’ spot. None of the other palace kids showed any interest in exploring the maze, and the adults always seemed to get lost trying to find you. Hours were wasted with the two of you just staring up at the sky, sometimes talking about your day, sometimes in complete silence. It was just nice to be with him.
On calmer days he would read aloud from a book while you made daisy chains. You could do it by yourself now. Much more in control of your own limbs than you used to be. The summer before Namjoon was due to go to high school you made a chain so long you could coil it around the entire base of the bandstand.
After he started high school, you saw a lot less of Namjoon. He wasn’t able to come around as often between his homework and extracurriculars. Instead you begged your father to let you attend his football games. Each Saturday you went in disguise with your nanny to watch Namjoon play, regardless of the weather. You weren’t even sure you enjoyed the sport, but it was worth it for the smile he flashed every time he found you amongst the onlookers.
Each week you wore a different disguise wanting to make it difficult for him, but each time he found you without fail.
You melted every time, knowing that smile was just for you. Originally you told yourself it was just a swell of pride, watching your best friend play. Eventually you had to admit to yourself that maybe it was more than that, but you swallowed the crush. After all he was in high school, he wouldn’t want a silly little girl like you anyway.
When you turned fourteen it was time to for you to be presented to the kingdom. A ball was thrown in your honour, the first of many you would attend in your lifetime. The thought of being alone at any big event made you feel queasy. The fact that this one was going to be focused entirely on you made you ill for an entire week before. Namjoon had spent the week trying to reassure you that everything was going to be fine. Luckily, your birthday had been during a break from school so he could spend the time with you. He grew more and more concerned as he watched your health deteriorating to a point where you could barely keep water down. Eventually he came to a decision and asked for an audience with the king himself.
He’d dressed in his best suit making sure not a single hair was out of place. He marched straight up to the double doors to your father’s study and took a deep breath, more than prepared to argue his point. Your father had welcomed Namjoon into his office with open arms. He’d always been fond of the boy, especially knowing the weak spot you held for him. Regardless of the warm reception and his original confidence in his idea, Namjoon felt the nerves begin to overtake him. He wiped his sweaty palms on the sides of his suit jacket, breath coming out shakily.
“Can I escort Y/N to her first ball.” The king had been taken aback by Joon’s sudden outburst, his face showing obvious surprise at the young man’s bold request. Namjoon mistook the expression for a dismissal and so, in a much less eloquent way than he had practiced in is shower, he fought his case.
“Y/N has been ill all week; she doesn’t think she can do this alone…. And I just thought… maybe she would be okay if I were with her. I know I’m only a duke, but I just want her to be okay and I really think this would be good and it’ll only be for this one ball and…” Namjoon’s rambling came to an end when your father raised his hand. Namjoon clenched his fists as he waited for an answer.
Your father had taken his time to consider Namjoon’s proposal, enjoying the way the boy had squirmed under his gaze. To this day, Namjoon refers to it as the second most terrifying day of his life. Eventually a smile had broken over the kings face, no longer able to contain his laugh. He clapped Namjoon on the shoulder and sent him off with his blessing.
On his way to meet you in the gardens afterwards, he had gathered the prettiest daisies he could find. He found you lying on the floor of the bandstand, looking a little too pale as you stared up at the clouds floating past. He cleared his throat on arrival, making you look at him with the offer of a weak smile, not really taking him in.
When he didn’t take his place beside you, you’d sat up to look at him properly. That’s when you saw the pinstripe suit and quaffed hair. It looked so unlike him you couldn’t help but giggle. Normally Joon was a t-shirt and basketball shorts kind of guy. He had rolled his eyes and extended his hand to help you up. You took it, every question in your mind had gotten stuck in your throat when his eyes had met yours. You never did get over that silly little crush. He didn’t release your hand like you expected him too. Instead he placed the bouquet into your free hand and asked you the question you’d been dreaming he would.
“Just to protect you of course… I don’t like when you aren’t well” He’d broken the moment by ruffling your hair, a sure sign he was doing this as a favour.
He took you to every ball you attended after that one.
The summer you turned seventeen was the summer before Namjoon left for university. You snuck out passed your guards in the night to see him. There was a very convenient secret passageway that led from your room to the gardens. You would meet him at the bandstand and talk until the sun came over the horizon. The lack of sleep had been worth it to spend those last fleeting days with him. You talked about anything and nothing, just like you would in the daytime, but this felt far more intimate.
The first time you convinced him to meet you after curfew his eyes flitted everywhere. Always nervous someone would find the two of you there and assume the worst. You on the other hand were just desperate to soak up as much of your friends company as you could before he left.
Over time he’d become more comfortable with the routine. In fact he had been certain that your sneaking around hadn’t even been that sneaky, your parents were just allowing you to rebel like this. Eventually he got used to walking you back to the entrance of the secret passageway, spending an extra few moments together.
His final night in town had been an emotional one. You’d sat side by side, your head on his shoulder staring up at the stars in complete silence for a long time. A tear fell down your cheek every time you thought about him leaving you. He’d wrapped an arm around you and pulled you close just as a shooting star arched across the sky. You immediately had a wish in mind. Eyes scrunched tight and fists clenched, you wished as hard as you could that he would stay, or at least that he’d come back fast. But unfortunately, he had to go, and morning came around far too fast.
You’d dragged your feet as he walked you back to the passageway. Shoulders bumping together, fingers brushing, glances stolen when you were sure the other wasn’t looking. The wall that concealed your entrance had come into view far too quickly. You’d sighed as you reluctantly pressed in the stones that would open the doorway, far from ready to say goodbye to the boy you’d grown up with. You hugged him goodbye, tears streaming freely down your face. You’d released him and turned to walk back into the castle, but as you’d taken that first step, he grabbed you sharply by the wrist and pulled you back to him.
His lips were so soft as they met yours. The surprise had knocked all the air out of your lungs forcing you to pull back sooner than you would’ve liked. He wiped the tears from your face and pulled you back to him, kissing you once more. And then he was gone.
The following autumn had dragged by. With no Namjoon, you had been forced to invest in the idle gossip of other members of the court, actually pay attention in your elocution lessons, and, perhaps worst of all, prepare for your first ball without your trusty escort. Every time you thought of Namjoon your lips tingled at the memory of your first kiss. You were devastated when his parents had told you he wouldn’t be able to make it home for the Christmas ball.
When the time came, you’d prepared for the ball like you had every other. A team came to pinch, primp, and style you to within an inch of yourself. This year they’d decided on a snow theme. Your pale blue ballgown had been the most beautiful one you’d worn at that point. It glittered like freshly fallen snow in the winter sun. The skirt poofed out around your waist and fell just above your feet so people could still see the matching shoes with little snowflakes. It was the best you thought you’d ever looked, and it broke your heart to know Namjoon wasn’t going to see you like that.
When the time came, you’d taken a breath and readied yourself for a night of refusing advances of handsy nobles, and questions you weren’t prepared to answer about the whereabouts of your usual date. You took a hold of the banister and began your entrance into the grand ballroom, desperately trying to keep your eyes forward and not trip at the same time. Whilst concentrating on not falling flat on your face, you had failed to notice one crucial detail about the room before you, until he took your hand and brought it to his lips. Namjoon had made it home after all.
You spent the entire event together. For every slow dance you were in the middle of the floor swaying together as he whispered sweet things in your ear. Time not on the dance floor had been spent laughing and catching up. The night came to an end with you escaping to your spot.
He’d picked a daisy and threaded it into your hair, trailing his fingers down the side of your face when he was finished. You’d boldly stepped even closer to him, lips inches away from his, daring him to repeat the night he left, and he’d gladly taken the opportunity.  He’d pulled you impossibly closer, lifting you on to your tiptoes and kissed you like a man starved. You’d wrapped your arms around his waist. Desperately trying to make up for lost time. Eventually you came to rest, foreheads resting against one another, breathing hard.
“Y/N I love you.” It was the first time he admitted it out loud, but it certainly wouldn’t be the last. In fact he said it at least twenty more times that night.
“I love you too Joon.” You kissed him one more time before taking his hand and breaking into a sprint. You came to a stop at the passageway to your chambers. “Come in with me?” You’d asked, flashing him doe eyes he had never been able to resist.
“Are you sure?” He brushed a stray hair behind your ear and met your eyes, you’d never seen him look so serious.
“Well I can’t get out of this dress alone.” You’d tried to joke. When his expression didn’t change you gulped down any reservations and nodded. “I’m completely sure.” He’d swept you into his arms and carried you through your room laying you down on your bed. His coat and tie had been immediately discarded across the room. You’d sat up to get a better look as he undid the buttons on his white dress shirt, biting your lip at the thought of running your hands across his bare skin. He stopped undressing himself to look back at you.
“You’re so beautiful.” He embraced you, fingers finding the zipper at the back of your gown. You allowed the sleeves to fall down your arms, exposing your chest to him. Immediately his lips had gone to trail along your collarbones. He mumbled ‘I love you’ as he went. Each kiss punctuated by the words you’d longed to hear from him. You pushed his shirt down his shoulders, letting your hands linger on his biceps, rubbing little circles on the perfect skin.
“Joon?” he answers you with a hmm. “Is this real?” he pulled away from you to meet your eyes.
“I hope so.” He responded before kissing you deeply again. When you’d gotten the chance you’d stood up and allowed the dress to puddle around your feet.  He reached out to pull you in again by your newly expose waist, positioning you underneath him. He’d kissed down your stomach until he reached the top of your underwear.
“Maybe we should stop here?” he’d said, pulling away from you, “I want our first time to be something amazing.” You’d nodded, a little reluctant, but you’d waited this long for him, you could wait a little longer. Instead you’d settled into your bed together, cuddled close in just your underwear, praying that you didn’t wake up from this dream.
Everything was perfect, you stayed together throughout both his and your university experience. The whole kingdom knew of their childhood sweethearts. The duke and the princess destined to be together. The night of your graduation, a large ball had been put together in your honour and while no one dared say it aloud, everyone was certain there were hidden intentions behind the congratulatory event. The feeling was in the air, the whole of the kingdom whispered rumours of how the young duke was going to propose. They wondered how it would be announced, if he was going to ask you in the middle of all the guest, or if he’d elect to be more private about it.
But then the day of the ball arrived and Namjoon wasn’t waiting for you at the bottom of the stairs like he usually would. You assumed he would be waiting somewhere to surprise you, but the whispers started as soon as you’d turned up to the ballroom unescorted. No one had seen him. The entire night people had congratulated you on graduating, but your heart wasn’t even your replies. Instead you’d spent the night searching every face in the room for a sign of your missing lover.
As the night wore on it became clear that he had no intentions of attending. You’d put every ounce of your princess training to good use that night as you tried not to cry, humiliated in front of everyone you had ever known.
Awaiting you in your bedroom at the end of the night was a bouquet of pink daisies and a simple note that said ‘I’m so sorry’
You wouldn’t see Namjoon again for two years…
Part 2
Losing Virginity drabble
Taglist: @uraveragefangirlsposts
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dudeandduchess · 4 years
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Yakuza!Kyōjurō x F!S/O: Sugar and Spice (Mafia!AU, Modern AU, NSFW Series)[Chapter 4]
Summary: Kyōjurō and (Y/n) meet at a party, only to find out that their lives would change forever— since they had been arranged to be married.
Note: Since it’s my birthday today, here’s a little something for y’all. Yaaaay! I was supposed to do a double update, but I got busy. But I hope y’all like like as much as I loved writing it. Can anyone guess where Kyō and (Y/n) are going though???
Warnings: Mild Smut, Teasing, Making Out, Dysfunctional Family Relationships
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 5
Breakfast was a silent affair in the (L/n) household; as usual. Even more so when it was just (Y/n) and her mother— Akari— sitting stiffly at the dining table and picking at their meals.
(Y/n)’s back was ramrod straight, even if she was feeling all of the tension pooling at the base of her spine. She knew that she had to keep her posture as impeccable as ever, ‘as is fit for a Prime Minister’s daughter’; like her mother always said.
She couldn’t even take a bite of her food, in her apprehension of earning her mother’s attention. So, she pushed it around her plate at best.
However, her efforts were still all for naught, since Akari spoke up. “What are the things on your agenda today?”
And from the corner of (Y/n)’s eye, she saw Rin straighten up— ready to prattle off the same list that she’d gone through earlier— when she answered for the woman. “I have charity events all day. Why?”
“Just asking, since you have to maximize your appearances for the family while you can.” Akari finished her sentence with a quick look up at her daughter, before turning back to her food and taking another bite of her salmon.
Another reason why (Y/n) couldn’t eat her food: she was sick of having the same thing whenever she ate with her mother. Poached salmon with a poached egg right on top, green beans amandine on the side, with a spot of jasmine tea to wash it all down.
For the past fifteen years that she and her family had been in residence at the Prime Minister’s mansion, her mother had always picked out everything for her whenever she could— from the way that she used to dress, down to the things that she ate. And whenever she tried to protest, she was always branded as too ‘rebellious’ and ‘ungrateful’; so she’d learned to just stay quiet— if only to avoid conflict.
It was a godsend that her father had finally let her move out when she started university; on the condition that she would always spend her breaks with the family.
“Yes, okaa-sama,” (Y/n) muttered under her breath, not in the mood to even talk to her mother. She just wanted breakfast to be done with already, so she could get as far away from the house as possible.
Fortunately, her mother’s secretary announced that she was already running behind for a meeting— so without even a single glance at her, Akari walked right out of the dining room; causing (Y/n) to finally let go of the breath that she’d been holding since she had sat down at the table.
“Do you have some candy, Rin?” The young woman asked softly, wanting to wash out the taste of the jasmine tea that she’d taken a sip of earlier. And when the other woman handed her a piece of cherry-flavored candy, she wasted no time in popping it into her mouth. “Thank you. So, what’s the first thing on my agenda again?”
However, for the second time that day, Rin was cut off before she could even answer; that time, with a loud series of honks from the outside.
“(Y/n)-sama,” One of the housekeepers hastened into the room; a little flushed and breathless from having exerted that much energy, before continuing, “You have a guest.”
“Your fiancé, ma’am.”
She couldn’t help but close her eyes and pinch the bridge of her nose, because that was just what she needed after dealing with her mother: another difficult person to handle.
Still, she found herself feeling a little better— and a little flushed from remembering what he had done to her just the day before— since he was a good distraction. Not to mention, total eye candy. And with a little sigh, she began her walk to the front door.
When she got there though, it was to see Kyōjurō pinching one of the fresh calla lilies between his fingers; only to jump when he heard her words clear as day.
“Those are real.”
The blond grinned at that— bypassing the center table that had the vase of flowers that he’d been admiring— as he closed the distance between him and (Y/n); boldly wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her flush against his chest. “Really? Not as real as this kiss, though.”
With those words hanging in the air, Kyōjurō then leaned down and captured her lips in a kiss; smiling into it when he felt her respond for a brief second, before pulling back a little. He wasn’t having that, however, so he chased after her lips while his free hand cupped the back of her head.
He could hear a few housekeepers gasping in surprise a few ways away, but he couldn’t care less about any of them. Not when he could taste the candy that (Y/n) had in her mouth. So, even more boldly than before, he snaked his tongue between her lips, and slowly coaxed the piece of candy right into his own mouth.
A little breathless from his antics, he finally broke away from (Y/n)— but not before pressing one last gentle kiss against her lips. “Didn’t know that you liked cherry, baby.”
“Shut up,” The young woman whispered, chest heaving and cheeks aflame with a blush. But she made no move to push herself away from Kyōjurō; not because she wanted to stay there forever, but to save face— since she could feel the beginnings of an erection pressed up against her. “What are you doing here?”
“You tell me to shut up, and then you ask me a question. You’re so confusing, sweetheart,” Kyōjurō teased, but still supplied her with a decent answer. “I’m here to take you out for breakfast.”
“I already had breakfast.”
“Then a second breakfast.”
“I have a charity even to go to later,” (Y/n) protested.
But Kyōjurō wasn’t having any of it. “I’ll take you after breakfast. So go and get everything you need, baby.”
“Wait, wait!” (Y/n) almost screeched, as she sat down on the buttery leather seat of Kyōjurō’s flashy, red Audi R8. “What about security? I was supposed to have-”
Before she could say anything more, the blond leaned down and pressed his lips against hers— effectively shutting her up— before jerking a thumb at the car behind his own. “You think I would bring you anywhere without thinking of your safety? Over there are two of my most trusted men: Shinazugawa and Tomioka. They don’t necessarily get along, but they get things done…”
And to add to that, Kyōjurō continued, “Besides, you have me to protect you, baby.”
With that, he stole another kiss from (Y/n), before grinning down at her and getting her settled in her seat. He didn’t know why, but taking care of her like that sent his heart fluttering wildly in his chest; maybe it was the novelty of actually doing it for a woman, or maybe it was all because it was her, and the fact that they were going to get married, but he loved every minute of it.
It wasn’t even that he wasn’t a gentleman to his past lovers— he was— but he didn’t really care for them at all. They were good for one thing, and he only kept them around for that, since he was busy with running his family’s business.
But with (Y/n)… he couldn’t even explain it. She was special.
Trying to suppress a smile, he walked around the car to get to his side, before buckling himself in and turning the engine on. However, when the radio turned on, it was still connected to Kyōjurō’s phone— and it had (Y/n) wide-eyed for a second, before she burst out into a fit of giggles.
“I wouldn’t have thought that you were the type to listen to Arashi,” The young woman teased, her giggles getting even louder when Kyōjurō decided to be silly and dance and sing along to the chorus of ‘Turning Up’.
When (Y/n)’s giggles calmed down into a smile, however, the thought that maybe— just maybe— spending time with him wasn’t that bad crossed her mind; and it had her silently agreeing. Especially when she looked back up at Kyōjurō and saw him grinning as he pulled out of the driveway.
When he wasn’t being a teasing horndog, he was okay; at least to (Y/n).
“What time do you need to be at your charity event?” The question had her jumping in surprise, but she quickly composed herself and rifled through all of the mental notes that she had made before leaving the house.
“Ten. And then I have another one at three.”
“Do you like doing these things?” It was such an offhanded question, not meant to be prying at all, but (Y/n) felt it hit much closer to home than her fiancé had intended. Still, she wasn’t mad at him for it; in fact, she felt… relieved, and happy.
Because, for the first time ever, someone had finally asked her what she thought. It was something small and insignificant, but to her that meant a lot— and it had her warming up to him just a little bit more.
“Well… to be honest, no. I don’t like it.”
Kyōjurō was just about to ask why she still did it if she didn’t like it, but the brief glance he cast at her— making him catch a glimpse of the melancholy look in her eyes— had him speaking before thinking. “Fuck those charities. Let’s just go out on a date today.”
“My mother would have my head!” (Y/n) exclaimed with a shake of her head, feeling a rush of excitement coursing through her at the possibility of rebelling; but still trying to stay rational and do what had been asked of her.
However, the blond already beat her to the punch, since he had pressed one of the numbers on the screen— making the car extremely silent, save for the revving of the engine, and the steady ringing of the line.
When someone on the other end picked up though, Kyōjurō didn’t even waste time on pleasantries. “Can you call my mother-in-law’s secretary and tell her that I’m taking (Y/n) out on a date? For the whole day.”
And with that, he dropped the call, letting the car be filled by the song that had been playing before; acting as if he hadn’t just sealed his fate by making his future in-law severely dislike him.
“She’s going to hate you.”
“Too bad, I’m still taking you out on that date.” And, as if to prove his point, he pulled the turn signal before making an illegal u-turn. Thankfully, there hadn’t been any other cars on the road.
(Y/n), completely shocked, screeched, “That was illegal!”
“Baby, you’re marrying me; you’ll be finding out all the illegal things I do for a living very soon."
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Sweet secret | Tom Felton one shot
Request: yes. @anonymous 
Word count: 2,710 words
Pairing: Tom Felton x reader
Note: This one was requested a while ago, I just had troubles writing it. But I really hope you guys like it! Don’t forget that my requests are still open and there’s a prompt list waiting for y’all to check it out. Also, let me know if you’d like to be added to my tag list! Take care babes xx
Being the only child of a rockstar had its own benefits. For example, it was a lot more easier for Y/N to meet her favourite celebrities and make connections with influential people from all type of industries. Having a world wide famous rockstar as a dad meant that she spent most of her time in the limelight, always travelling with him and being his biggest fan from the day she was born. By the age of sixteen, she had already travelled the whole world and successfully used her name to speak up about social issues and help different charities and organisations. She had never stopped talking about the importance of acceptance, equality, support and love. She lived her life like that. She didn’t care who you were, where you came from, as long as you didn’t hurt the ones she loved, she loved you and supported you. That was what she saw from her parents, and she was proud of her family being one of those celebrity families who never let fame get in their heads and go crazy over their net worth. They lived a humble life, and shared their love with the world.
But of course that lifestyle came with the content rumours and paparazzi chasing after them in the street. They tried to capture an awkward moment that could be laughed at, a bad hair day that could be the reason to judge, but what they wanted most, is to capture her with someone from the opposite sex. She always kept her love life private, hardly sharing any information about who she was seeing or who she was in a relationship with. She was happy that they could keep their relationship a sweet little secret for almost six months, and enjoy the privacy and intimacy of their bubble. It was until one day a fan of Tom successfully took a picture of them, being in the same car, driving around Los Angeles. 
She met Tom through a mutual friend, who was aware of their silly little platonic crush on each other and knowing Y/N and Tom, she thought they could be a power couple. So when she learnt that both of them were going in to in LA for weeks, she didn’t hesitate to throw a summer party in her beach house and invite both of them. She kept it as a secret, didn’t want them to think they are being forced into something that they didn’t want in the first place. Y/BSF/N knew Y/N just recently got out of a terrible relationship and she was a little bit afraid to start something knew, fearing that the new guy would be the same as the previous one. And she knew that Tom, no matter how many times he said and acted like he wasn’t, was lonely and wanted to finally find someone who he could share his life with. She knew she had nothing to worry about, because the second they were introduced, they just immediately hit it off and spent the whole afternoon and night by each other’s side, talking about movies, music, travel, dreams and goals, and when the cocktails finally kicked in, they weren’t shy to shamelessly flirt with each other. Tom was confident about their mutual sympathy and felt something that he hadn’t felt in a very long time, and two days later, he asked her out of their first official date. He was a real gentleman. He picked Y/N up at her flat, brought a huge bouquet of white roses to her and treated her like a queen the whole night. He arranged a candlelight picnic dinner on the beach, far from the popular parts, so nobody could ruin their first date. They fed each other with fruits and cuddled while they watched the stars. It was nothing crazy, nothing fancy and extravagant. Money wasn’t in focus, but they were. That night was all about them. And when the night eventually had to end, Tom walked her to the door and sweetly kissed Y/N. Ever since then, the couple couldn’t imagine their days without at least FaceTiming each other. They were happy and crazily in love, of course they wanted to keep that a secret as long as they could , not wanting the media to ruin in for them. But life didn’t work like that. Paparazzi had no mercy and they were paid to take preferably the highest quality pictures of the top celebs and their close family. And social media users wanted something they could talk about, because that was the main priority for most people nowadays. Stalking the subject of their obsession and use the protection of anonymity of social media to hate and judge other people. 
“Have you seen the pictures?” Y/N asked Tom when she finally found him chilling by the pool in his backyard. It was a rather hot day in LA, and he had a few days break from shooting his next movie, he wanted to get the best out of his little break and spend every single minute with his lady “My dad just sent me them” she gave her phone to Tom, so he could check out the short article with the attached photos. It was from a few days ago, when they went to grocery shopping together. They were just leaving the parking lot, and it was visible that Tom was holding up their interwind hands to his lips to kiss on her knuckles. Another picture of them showed how Tom opened the car door for Y/N, and as she was getting in the vehicle, he playfully patted her butt. He quickly clicked on the link to see the full article. It was really short, probably because the journalist didn’t have any solid evidence or information about their romance. 
“What can I say? I just love your ass” Tom handed back her phone and chuckled at her expression “Darling, stop worrying. A fan sent those pictures to TMZ, so what? They have no evidence that we’re dating” he put his hand of her calf and looked up at her girlfriend. He knew they couldn’t keep their relationship a secret forever. No matter how much Tom liked the excitement of sneaking around and having privacy, he wanted to show the world how beautiful, amazing and perfect his girlfriend was “This shall too pass, just like any other rumour that is left without a word.”
“Alright” Y/N sighed and decided to ignore the article, the photos, the comments and the mentions. Tom was right. This whole thing will be long forgotten in a couple of days, if neither of them say anything about it. In that case, the media couldn’t blow it up “I just hate the media and the drama it causes every time”
“I know” he smiled at her sweetly, not liking the frown on her face from annoyance and worry “So will you finally join me in the pool or do I have to throw you in it again?” Y/N laughed and put her phone down on the deck chair. She winked at Tom and take of the think summer dress she was wearing to reveal Tom’s favourite swimsuit, a white one-piece with a deep V-cut. He whistled at her as she was walking down the few steps of the pool and swam up to him “You just made this already hot day way hotter, baby” he pulled her close, kissing her passionately and making her forget all about that article. 
2 months later - 
Having a boyfriend who was constantly traveling and filming wasn’t making a relationship smooth, and if you add a girlfriend who was working on her own career just as hard, then you could easily how Tom and Y/N’s relationship was. But they knew what they wanted and they did everything to make it work, even if they were in two different parts of the country. They called each other every time they had the chance, made sure to send a supporting message to the other, letting them know they were proud of their achievements in life, and of course memes. Tom was a huge fan of memes, and he liked to spam Y/N with them, especially with the Harry Potter ones. Y/N lived for the smile on Tom’s face and she knew how much he loved surprises, so when she could finally take a week off from work, her first thing was to book a flight to the city Tom was currently at. The smile on his face and how excited and happy he was when he saw his girlfriend after almost two months of only being able to see her through his phone was worth anything to Y/N. 
“I missed you so much, baby” Tom said in between kisses, not letting go of the laughing girl in his arms “I was getting rather lonely without you” his was got an octave deeper and the familiar flame of lust and love appeared in his ocean blue eyes. Slowly, his lips made their way down to her neck from her lips, kissing along her jawline, holding her closer than ever. 
“Mhm, as much as I want this” Y/N pulled away and looked up at Tom, who was pouting like a little boy who’s favourite toy was taken away. It was party true, one of his new favourite things to do was kissing Y/N whenever he had the chance “You have to go live in a less than 5 minutes. You promised a Harry Potter watch party to your babies, and I don’t want you to disappoint them” she kissed his nose and forced his arms off of her waist. Tom knew he couldn’t disappoint them, and he didn’t want to, but he still groaned as he went to make sure everything was okay with the internet connection and the light ring. Y/N watched how Tom settled with his guitar and a cup of tea, already smiling that she could watch her boyfriend interacting with his fans. 
“I’ll just sing a little in the meantime” Tom said to Y/N, who was packing out of her suitcase, and changing into one of Tom’s Teddy Fresh hoodies. They were the most comfortable hoodies she had ever worn, and it was just a pleasing addition that they always smelled like Tom. She kept on packing and tidying up the mess Tom usually leaves in his room in the morning, and listened to his smoothing voice. She always loved when Tom was singing. I didn’t matter if it was a song from another artist, one that he wrote or just an improvised nonsense about something that caught his attention in that very second. She loved to see him happy, and singing made him happy. 
Tom finally started his Instagram live and was singing one of his old songs. One that was very dear to both of them, because he sang that song on their one month anniversary and  told her he was in love with her. 
“I was in the right place, at the right time, that day we spent together” Tom kept looking at her behind his phone, his smile getting bigger when she blew him a kiss “There’s no where else I’d have put myself, or to share the day with anyone else” he finished the song and greeted his fans who were already sending hundreds of heart emojis and cute little love confession to him in the comment section. Y/N layed down on the bed, with her phone in her hands and read the comments, screenshooting a few cute ones to save them for later. 
“Alright my little wizards and witches” Tom said “Shall we continue our magical journey to the one and only Hogwarts?” His voice was filled with excitement, he hadn’t seen any of the movies in so long, he really wanted to share this experience with those people who had such a huge impact in his career as an actor. Little did they know, the fans saw the secret glances and how Tom blushed at the sigh of his girlfriend taking off his hoodie, staying in only her shorts and a tank top. Even after all these months, he still thought of her as a goddess. The fans had been suspecting that Tom had someone special in his life. They caught on his glow, and how his smile became brighter. He always sang love songs during his lives and left little Easter eggs in his Instagram stories, or in his captions. They were happy to see him being in love, they were only waiting to finally be able to see who was the reason of Tom’s behaviour. 
“Questions time!” He announce after the 11 minutes of the movie ended. He grabbed his guitar again and started playing spontaneously on the strings, creating a beautiful melody. It was the moment, when Y/N realised her phone was on 5%, and her charger was somewhere behind Tom. She knew it would have been suspicious, if he just grabbed it and handed it her, so she decided to go and grab it herself. From where she was laying, it looked like her charges was out of the frame, and nobody would see her. She tiptoed to the charger and made sure not to bump into anything that could alert the fans. It was their time with Tom, and she didn’t want to interrupt their little date. 
“God, you’re so beautiful” Tom blurted out when he saw her behind him, grabbing her charger from the coffee table. As soon as the words left his mouth, they both froze. Y/N realised she was in the frame, being very much visible. She looked at her boyfriend with a socked expression, not being sure what to do next. Stay or go? Say something or stay silent? Wave or smile? As for Tom, he didn’t mind that she accidentally walked into the live. He wanted to tell the world for a while now about their relationship. He was tired of not being able to share his happiness with his fans and hiding their love. It was nothing wrong about it. Love, in any kind of form, should have been celebrated in a daily basis. And that was what he wanted.
“I guess it’s time to finally introduce you to my other family, baby” Tom put down his guitar and reached out to her hand, pulling her completely in the frame. He sat her on his lap and hugged her by the waist “Ladies and gentlemen, please, welcome the woman who has being making me the happiest man alive in the last six and a half months” he looked at her the way every girl wants to be looked at. If anyone would have question the love they had, they only had to watch how they were looking at each other. Love, adoration, passion and devotion. It was all in one single look “Sorry for keeping this a  sweet little secret for so long, but I just wanted to have her for myself as long as I could” he chuckled and kissed the blushing cheek of his girlfriend. Y/N was still in a little bit of shock. This definitely wasn’t the way she wanted to announce their romance to the world, but she was revealed deep down. She could finally show her love and support freely. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure Tom has many dates with you guys on Instagram” winked to the camera and refused to look at the comments. She was floating in happiness, she didn’t want the haters to ruin it for her. 
“I’m so damn lucky” Tom whispered and grabbed her face to give her a quick but sweet kiss on the lips. Nobody could stop him from posting about his girlfriend and what they had. He was finally able to show off, and make sure everyone saw her as she was. Not Tom Felton’s girlfriend, not the daughter of Y/F/N, but as Y/N Y/L/N. He was proud to have you, and planned to keep it that way till the rest of his life.
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alicedopey · 3 years
The Wallflower
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Gorgeous moodboard made by the talented @naaladareia Thanks babe !
Fandom: Vikings
Pairing: Hvitserk x Plus-size reader
Genre: Modern AU, Drama, Angst, Romance
Words: 1742
Warnings: Angst, some self-depreciation (barely)
Summary: The only thing you wish for is to dance...
A/N: Here is my contribution to @youbloodymadgenius​ 1k Celebration. I’ll let you find out which famous line I picked up, it would spoil the plot. This might turn into a multipart series, depends if you like this one or not.
Your boss was a flirt. Well, one of them was, to be exact. When every employee of the food company you were working for had learnt that two young Danish men had bought the firm from your very American boss, brows were raised. What would they make of it?
Two years later, it turned out they had drastically changed it and made it one of the most famous brands of Danish food in the United States. Those different brothers seemed to complete each other and formed an effective duet.
Ivar was very professional, blunt, harsh sometimes but his mind was swirling with ideas and he knew how to deal with all the competitors his company could cross path with.
Hvitserk was…quite the opposite. He was the cook so he was very creative and more easy-going, funny, smiling and very friendly. Sometimes, he was even too friendly; you reminded yourself as you heard a fit of giggles coming from your other female colleagues on the other side of the room where Hvitserk was probably telling one of his silly stories or praising the women with endless compliments.
It would be a lie to pretend that he was not very charming but contrary to most of your colleagues, you did not take the praises coming out of his mouth very seriously. It was just in his nature to flirt with every girl he met and that also included an older and heavier woman like you. In your mind, Hvitserk could not date a woman like you but rather a perfect looking woman who would shine next to him. It was perfectly fine. Your curves were not everyone’s cup of tea but you did not mind because they were yours and you loved them – well, more like learned to love them.
“So…what did you decide to do for your reunion this weekend?”
Your brows furrowed at your closest colleague’s question and your eyes looked away from Hvitserk. “What do you mean? I already told you I was going.”
“Not that.” Lisa scoffed. “Did you find someone to go with?”
“I did not look for anybody. I’m going alone.”
“You can’t do that.” She replied in a categorical tone. “This would be highly humiliating.”
Lisa was known for being overdramatic over many things so you were not surprised she was reacting this way.
“I was single at the time, you know.” You tried to reason patiently with her. “So, it won’t be a surprise for them if that still is the case fifteen years later.”
Her eyes widened. “You are kidding, right?” She exclaimed a little bit too loud for your liking. “You have to…okay, you know what? I will help you find someone. In fact, I think my brother is free this weekend. I can ask him, he wouldn’t mind.”
“No, thank you.” You had already met the man. He was nice and handsome but not very discreet, just like his sister. “Besides, I don’t like the blind date thing.”
Lisa leaned forwards and whispered, “Pay someone then…” She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.
Right. Paying for a man to play your date, way to boost your ego. You knew Lisa meant well but the more she kept suggesting things, the more humiliated you felt. “No.”
She looked at you as if you were too stubborn for your own good. “You know, having a date means you would be able to dance…”
You sighed. She clearly knew which weak spot to strike on. “Lisa…”
“Good morning, ladies!”
The two of you startled at Hvitserk’s voice. “What’s the topic today?”
“Convincing Y/N to bring a date to her high school reunion.” Lisa answered without thinking. She instantly mouthed an “I’m sorry” as Hvitserk looked at you questioningly.
Thankfully, he did not have the time to make any comment as Ivar entered the room. Every employee ran back to work and even Hvitserk left hurriedly to join his brother, which brought a smile to your lips.
                                               ¤    ¤
The rest of the week went in a blur. After her little mishap, Lisa did not insist on the date issue and Hvitserk did not mention anything either. He probably did not care or even remember it for that matter. So, that Friday night, you got dressed with a nice dark blue dress, high heels, called for an Uber and arrived at your high school, ready to have a good time.
The moment you entered the enormous gymnasium of your old high school when the party was taking place, you were brought back to the past. Some of your friends instantly greeted you and you were all so happy to see each other again and share some memories that none of you really lost too much time thinking about your current marital status or your professional situation.
There was a huge buffet to enjoy, the music was a nice reflecting of the past parties you had attended. Everyone enjoyed themselves on the dance floor, especially you.
Dancing was a real joy and a great opportunity to express yourself. When you were dancing, you forgot everything and everyone around you to just focus on the music and how it made you feel free and finally yourself.
Then, slow-dancing time came. This was the moment when you had to get out of the picture and go back to your usual spot, against a pillar or a wall.
Being curvy had its flaws when you were a teenager. You could not say you had suffered from bullying because you had a strong personality and was not afraid to fight back when you needed to. No. The worse part was during the parties. No boy would invite you to dance, even amongst your friends. It looked like friendship had its limits. You thought things could change with time since teenage years were always considered as the hardest ones when you did not fit in completely. You were clearly wrong. You were an adult now and no men wanted to dance with the fat girl. Nothing had changed and nothing would.
You watched the couples on the dance floor with a sting in your chest. It was probably time for you to go home instead of brooding like you usually did.
“Care to dance?” Your eyes turned away from the dancing couples to meet those of the owner’s voice. Your jaw opened slightly when you saw Hvitserk Ragnarsson standing in front of you dressed in a dark suit, his middle length hair tied in a loose bun.
“Come on.” He extended his hand. “Nobody puts baby in a corner.”
You smiled and put your hand in his. Hvitserk led you to the dance floor. He pulled your curvaceous body against his hard one, his hand on the small of your back and the two of you gently swayed to the music. This was completely new to you, it felt so nice. Tears were welling up in your eyes so you closed them for a few seconds. When you opened them back, the green eyes of your boss were looking at you with gentleness and concern.
You smiled. “Why are you here, Mister Ragnarsson?”
“Hvitserk.” He replied. “Why don’t we enjoy the night, first? I promise I will answer all of your questions afterwards.”
You nodded. Hvitserk winked at you.
                                              ¤   ¤
The two of you did enjoy your night. After sharing a few dances, Hvitserk met your friends. He introduced himself as your boyfriend which led you to choke on your drink. Nonetheless, you did not correct him, secretly enjoying the fact that some of your friends were watching you with some obvious jealousy. It was a nice change for once.
At the end of the night, Hvitserk offered to drive you home and you accepted. The ride was silent, awfully silent but you did not wish to break this silence. You felt almost afraid to ask him why he was here because you did not want to discover this was out of pity.
Almost too soon, he parked in front of your little house and turned off the engine. You knew there was no other chance to escape explanation time.
“You did not have to do it, you know.” You finally said, your eyed fixed on the windshield. “As I said to Lisa, I don’t mind going alone. I certainly do not need…”
This made you look at him. “Exactly.”
“I don’t do the pity thing, I only do what I want to do. And I can assure you I wanted to be with you tonight…I just wish you would have asked me.”
You felt a little bit comforted at his words but choose not to read too much into them. “Thank you, then. I had a great night.”
“I did too. Would do it again whenever you want to.”
Once again, you chose to ignore any deeper meaning behind his words and simply smiled at him. He smiled back.
“So…can I get a good night kiss?”
You burst out laughing at this. Now, that was more like Hvitserk. You chuckled, leaned in and kissed his cheek. His facial hair tickled your lips. Then you realized what you had just done, meaning pecking your boss on the cheek and abruptly straightened up. Heat was creeping up your neck and ears. Hvitserk was looking at you with a playful twinkle in his eyes.
“I did not know you had watched Dirty Dancing.” You blurted out to embarrass him. He chuckled though.
“I never did. I heard it from one of the ladies at the office. Guess I spend too much time in marketing.”
He winked and you felt yourself blushing again although this time, you smiled at him.
“Good night, Hvitserk.”
“Good night, Y/N.”
You got out of the car, walked to your front door, opened it then closed it behind you without even looking back at him once. You did not wish to show him he had charmed you even more, particularly because you were convinced he was not interested in you at all.
But Hvitserk’s eyes never left your body, enjoying its every curve until you had disappeared behind your closed door. Then he started his car and left, a satisfied smile lingering on his lips.
Tagging (please tell me if you want to be added or removed): @naaladareia​ @tephi101​ @gearhead66​ @therealcalicali​ @ivarswickedqueen​ @akamaiden​ @peaceisadirtyword​ @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie​ @mblaqgi​ @captstefanbrandt​
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supraveng · 4 years
Moving On (3/?)
part 2
Summary: you have to confront your past….what could go wrong
Characters:  Sam Winchester x reader, former Bucky Barnes x reader, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Sam Wilson, Wanda Maximoff, Steve Rogers, Thor Odinson, Bruce Banner, Kevin Tran, Dick Roman, Maria Hill, Nick Fury
Word Count: 2508
A/N:  sorry for the delay on part 3, (work has been crazy)....hoping to post the next chapter next week
does not follow any MCU story line; attempting an MCU/SPN crossover; let me know if you want to be tagged in the next chapters
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@mythandmagik    @lieswithoutfairytales   @bbmommy0902  @hailmary-yramliah  @jessyballet  @paryl @tcc-gizmachine @vicmc624​
You were in a daze and barely remembered getting back to your room, you heard Sam talking but you couldn’t grasp anything other than Thor telling you about your pregnancy.  Something that you would never expect to happen and you were certainly not ready for.  
“Sweetheart? Are you ok?” Sam looked at you worryingly.  
“Yea, uh, I um, I’m ok” you nodded “I am in need of a shower and uh, yea.”  Looking up at Sam, you saw the biggest smile on his face 
“I can tell you are worried, and I know this wasn’t your plan, but I’m so happy right now I can’t help it. We’re having another baby!” he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into a comforting hug.  
“I love you so much, Sam” just a hug from him helped your anxious thoughts to quiet down for a few moments.  “Wanna join me in the shower?” you winked as you turned and headed towards the bathroom.
Making your way back to the common room, after a very long and rejuvenating shower, you tried your best to focus on what to do next.  Your head is spinning, as excited as you are about having another child, this wasn’t planned and kind of throws everything out of whack.  
You huff as you plop down on the couch next to Kevin, watching Morgan and Joy have a tea party in the middle of the room with all of their favorite animals.  
“So Kev, we are probably heading home tomorrow, so if there is anything you want to see while in NY, now is your chance” you tell him knowing he’s been enjoying this trip as much as you have.  
“Oh, I thought we’d be here longer, I was hoping to catch a show, but I haven’t been able to find affordable tickets, so maybe next time” he shrugs in response.
“Don’t be silly, I’m sure i can have Tony pull some strings and get you tickets for tonight, or we could move your return flight home, whichever you prefer really. Anything for Kevin Tran, world’s best nanny” you smile at him and see the small blush on his cheeks from the praise.  
“I’m serious, whatever you need, just say the word, you have no idea how relieved I am when she’s with you, because I know you take such good care of her, I don’t worry for a minute, you Kevin, are a Godsend if there ever was one”
You could tell Kevin was a bit taken back, but he rarely took a compliment well so you simply squeezed his hand and offered a sincere smile before being interrupted by Sam as he joined the girls on the floor for tea.   
“What do my girls say to a picnic then maybe a trip to the park?”   
"That sounds like a great plan, but I have an appointment with Maria after lunch so I can't make it to the park, I'm sorry sweetie" you tell them as you go to join them for tea.  
"Well, we could picnic here and maybe play down at the lake, I'm sure Tony has a kayak or canoe I can take the girls on." Sam tells you as you adjust the flower crown on his head so it  doesn't fall in his eyes.  
"Are you sure you want to take care of 2 kids by yourself? I gave Kevin the rest of the day off"
"Of course, and I need the practice" he winks as he starts to tickle the girls.  "Ok, then I will get our lunch ready while you help the girls out of these beautiful gowns and into some play clothes''
 Lunch was an event, although both girls were always well behaved, they had a tendency to make a mess, or get distracted and try to follow the butterfly that came by for a visit.  By the time you were done, you were rushing to meet Maria in time, knowing that being late was not an option.   
You knew what needed to be done but not sure how she would take the info about Roman getting away, hopefully the few of his lackeys that were picked up would get you some important info.  
By the time you made it back to the compound you were mentally exhausted, and apparently your clan had a good day as they were spread out in the common room watching The Little Mermaid.  You had to laugh at how engrossed in the movie the adults in the room seemed to be, and was Steve singing along...no, you had to be imagining that.  
Finding a seat next to Nat, you looked around fondly at your two families combining so nicely.  
“So how did she take it?” Natasha whispered without taking her eyes off the screen.  
You hadn’t told anyone what your full intention of today’s meeting was, as far as everyone knew, you were going over the mission report and strategizing the next steps, but Nat always knew everything….now that you were having two kids, you really needed to figure out how to do that.  
“Well, she’s not thrilled but understands, Furry asked if he had to buy me a farm….whatever that means” you responded shaking your head.  
She snickered and simply responded with “Clint”, you hadn’t even thought of that, “ah, well, Sam Winchester is not the Mr. Mom type, so this is my only option”    
“And are you ok with that?” she asks, finally turning and looking at you. 
“Honestly, I can’t imagine anything better” you sigh as you look over at Joy napping on Sam’s chest.  
“Good, you deserve all the happiness in the world” she gives you a small hug.  “And Tony’s throwing a dinner tonight, since you are leaving tomorrow, so be prepared”  
You roll your eyes in jest, knowing Tony would probably do something like that, “well, in that case, I’m going to try and take a nap before dinner”.   
Getting up you make your way to Sam and bend over to place a small kiss on his head, “I’m going to try and grab a nap, do you two want to join me?” you whisper in his ear, not wanting to interrupt anyone’s movie time…..and now I’m certain Steve is singing along ang actually knows all the songs.  
He smiles and nods, following behind you and into the room you are staying in
Sam got Joy settled in her crib before turning back to me, pulling me into a much needed hug.  “How do you always know when I need you?” you mumbled into his chest.  
“That’s my job” he smiled down at you “so I take it the meeting didn’t go well?”  
"It went as well as could be expected, I'm just trying to wrap my head around the time frame I gave them. Two weeks is a bit short to transition my cases to someone else and pack up my apartment but, the sooner the better I suppose" you are rambling as Sam put Joy in her crib and is now sitting on the bed watching you. 
"You are relocating?  Are you moving back to NY? I didn't realize that was an option when you made this trip…..does this have anything to do with Bucky?" he barely whispers with a worried look on his face. 
"What? Sam, no, none of this has to do with Bucky" you aren't sure why he thought that and look at him confused.  
"I…..I remember how broken hearted you were when we met, if you still love him, I would like to know…..I deserve to know since you are the mother of my children" you had never seen Sam so distressed in your life.  
He was the most confident man you had ever met, the lawyer that owned the courtroom as soon as he walked in.  You couldn't believe that he would ever be concerned with someone you used to date. 
"Oh Sam" you hold his face in your hands as you settle in his lap. "There is nothing left between Bucky and I, he was a part of my past, and might be a friend in the future,  but you are the only man I have ever truly loved with my entire being" looking into his eyes you see some relief so you lean in and kiss him softly but passionately. 
"The meeting was my resignation, or retirement as SHIELD prefers to call it. I'm leaving DC so we can all be together in Kansas all the time."  
He looks at you shocked "you quit? You love your job, I didn't think you would ever leave."  
You smile at him "I do, I love my job, but my family,  you, our kids are so much more important than any job could ever be" 
"Our kids" he whispers as you runs his hand over your stomach "we're having another baby and our family will all be under one roof….this has been an incredible day" he looks at you lovingly before wrapping his arms around you and pulling you as close to him as possible. 
"I'm sorry I didn't explain that before I left, but you know how exhausted I was the first time, there's no way I could continue this case on Roman being pregnant. Speaking of, do you think we could change the wedding date?  If we stick with our current plan, I'll be a whale walking down the aisle" you grimace at the thought of waddling in a wedding dress. 
He chuckles at you before kissing you, "whatever you want is fine by me"  
"Do you think your mom would be ok with us planning something small in the next month or so, before I start showing?" 
He laughs at your excitement to move things along so quickly "mom would love it, she works well under pressure"  
"Ok, let's try to rest before your princess wakes up" Sam and you snuggle into the bed wrapped up in each other's arms.  
It felt like you had just closed your eyes when you suddenly felt the bed shift.  Opening your eyes slowly, you came face to face with beautiful hazel eyes, had it not been for the giggles and tiny hands patting your cheek, you might have thought you were looking at Sam.  
“Joy sweetie” you whisper “how did you get out of your crib?” pulling her down to snuggle with you a bit longer.  
“Tevin hep me out” she giggles again before getting up and climbing over you to sit on Sam’s torso.  He didn’t move, but you could tell by his breathing that he was awake, and most likely ready to strike on Joy at any moment.  
It’s one of the things you love when you are all under one roof.  Not living in the same state is hard, and you both worked really hard to make things as normal as possible for Joy, but seeing them together, simple little things like this made your heart swell.  
She adored her dad, and had no idea it wasn’t normal for you to all be in the same house, but that would soon change.  Before you were too lost in your thoughts, Joy was squealing while Sam was tickling her, the fake sleep surprise attack never failed. 
Looking at them you laughed and attempted to get out of the bed, but you heard Sam whisper “let’s get mommy” and before you knew it, you were being tickled and attacked by both of them.  
By the time the three of you made it to dinner, everyone was there and of course Tony had everything catered and a full staff serving, and of course he needed to make a toast to make sure everyone knew it was an official ‘family’ dinner. 
 Clinking his glass he raised it in the air and everyone followed suit, you were about to grab the wine glass but quickly changed to the water in front of you.  
“To an ever expanding family, salut” Tony cheered as everyone followed suit and took a drink.  The table was full of laughter and chatter from everyone, even Morgan and Joy were chatting away as the best of friends. 
“So Sam” Bruce turned toward Sam “how did you propose to Y/N?” for some reason, that question got most of the tables attention and everyone was looking at the two of you.  
“Well, which time?” Sam asked with a smirk.   
You knew that this would come to bite you in the ass one day, but you had hoped it was with Sam’s family, not yours.  
“Wait…..you proposed more than once?” Steve asked, you could tell he was trying to seem like it was an innocent question, but he was really trying to understand the person you had become since you left NY.  
“Three times to be exact” Sam said with more confidence than you had expected.  You shook your head knowing everyone expected an explanation and you were about to speak when Sam squeezed your hand under the table. 
“Well, the first time was when we found out that our little Joy was on the way.  However, in Y/N defense, we were only together 3 or 4 months at that point, so it probably felt a bit rushed.   The second was about 15 minutes after Joy was born and it was a very emotional day for all of us.  The successful proposal was just a few months ago, and we went on a little road trip, and I proposed at the same chapel where her parents were married” Sam turned to you fondly and placed a sweet kiss on your cheek.  
“Wow, you are even more difficult than Pepper, I never realized that before” Tony smirked as he lifted his glass.  
“Very funny, Tony.   In my defense, the first two were spur of the moment emotional proposals and not thought through.  I didn’t refuse, but knew that you needed to really think things out before taking such a big step” you tried to explain your reasoning, but not sure if it was for yourself or everyone else. 
“They may have been spur of the moment, but they were most definitely thought through” Sam replies with a smug look while still eating and assisting your daughter with her meal.  
You looked up at him a bit confused and was about to ask more when he continued by bringing your hand to his lips and gently kissing your knuckles.  
“I bought that ring after our 3rd date, I just had to convince you that I wanted you for who you are and not what you have given to me since we met.”  
You were shocked, you had no idea he knew for that long that he wanted this life with you, it had all felt it just happened and you went with it.  You were actually speechless at this point and could see the glint in his eyes as you processed what he said.   Leaning in, you kissed him gently and looked into those amazing hazel eye, this is where you always belonged. 
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lucysarah-c · 4 years
Couple goals:
As always, the survey corps were invited to a winter formal ball. Erwin would kindly (force them) suggest to his higher ranks to attend. Especially Levi, because once the ladies had too much to drink they would donate a lot of money just for the sake of saying that they dance or talk with “humanity strongest soldier”. (Y / N) enjoyed these parties more than her partner did, it was a great occasion to dance, dress up nicely and the meals were so good, plus the champagne. (Y / N) had the mind in the game, she could stand the not so noble comments and suggestions of the “nobles” for the amazing dinner she would enjoy that night. “I hate this” Levi repeat for the eighth time in the last half an hour “Everybody wants to talk to me, play silly cards bets, get to know me, and dance” “Yeah, that’s mostly why people interact with each other Levi” (Y / N) replied and rolled her (E / C) eyes “Just relax and enjoy” “The suit is itchy and the food is too spicy” “Oh my god, it’s like I came with a baby and not my boyfriend” (Y / N) was having a lot of patience for her lover but he drained it thin. A waiter with a tray full of glasses of champagne walk next to them and the young woman stops him, took four full glasses and thank him for his work. “Here, get drunk,” She said giving Levi half of the drinks she’s picked up “Perhaps like that you will stop whining so much” Levi didn’t reply, he just groaned a bit and took a good sip from his drink. He just couldn’t help himself, this was Erwin’s environment, not his. Everybody who knew him a bit would know that Levi’s social skills were not the best. He was tired, for not to say exhausted. If the dark-haired man could have chosen a way of expending his night, it would be with (Y / N) wrapped around his body after a good night of sex and drinking a well-made cup of warm tea while looking out of his bedroom window. (Y / N) heard the loud sigh that left her boyfriend's lips and her (E / C) eyes couldn’t stop themself to look at him with tenderness. She knew he was exhausted. “What if I fake being in my lady days, you go and tell Erwin that I’m having really bad cramps so we can leave early?” The captain of the scouts looked back at you with sparkly eyes. ‘Like a kid that had been told that will have ice-cream for dessert’ she thought. “You sure? I thought you loved these shitty meals” Levi frowned while thinking that he didn’t want to ruin his girlfriend night. “Not as much as I love seen you happy” (Y / N) declared and gave him a sweet smile “Go, tell Erwin while I fake feeling bad” One of those rare occasions happened and Levi returned the smile to her. He placed a kiss on her forehead and walk away, not before saying “I fucking adore you”
-- Let me know if you like this really short one-shot ^-^ I write other Levi x reader stuff if you want to check out and I really appreciate all the likes and comments. Thank you very much for reading <3
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Adventures of Angel and Solana - Biker Princess
Angel Reyes x Daughter
Shout out to the girls on discord for letting me bounce the idea off and giving me a few ideas as well 😘
The sound of little feet running down the stairs made Angel grin, he knew how excited Solana was that her daddy was off they were spending the day together.
Sipping his coffee as she ran into the kitchen, he managed to put the mug on the side just in time for his little ninja to throw herself into his legs. Scooping her up into his arms she placed her hand on his cheek before placing little kisses over his face.
“Morning princesa” he grinned copying her actions. “Did you sleep well?”
“The bestest” she giggled as Angel placed her on the kitchen counter, her little legs swinging back and forth.
“Is your mummy up Lana?” He asked walking over to the fridge, grabbing some things out to make breakfast.
“She’s in the shower” Lana nodded watching Angel’s every movement, she knew when her daddy was off on a Saturday breakfast was pancakes. “Can I wear my princess dress today daddy”
“You can wear whatever you want babygirl” Angel grinned as he made the pancake batter.
After finishing your morning routine, you strolled into the kitchen to grab some breakfast before work.
“Mama daddy made pancakes” Lana grinned pointing at the stack in the middle of the table.
“Well I wonder what that means” you laughed kissing the top of her head before Angel engulfed you in his arms. “What’s your plans today”
“Dunno yet not thought that far in advance” Angel said. “Might go over to the club at some point”
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“Papi” Lana giggled jumping on top of Angel.
He knew as soon as he heard the tone of Solana’s voice it was game over, whatever it was she wanted she would get.
“What’s up” Angel said, tapping her nose.
“Why aren’t you a princess like me?” She asked sitting on his lap facing him.
“Because Papi is a biker baby” he nodded, not liking the idea of where this was heading.
“But you can be both, a biker princess” she grinned widening her eyes. “Please Papi and we can have a teaparty and everything”
“I don’t have any princess clothes or wings like you” Angel said trying not look look his daughter in the eyes.
“That’s what the shops are for silly” Lana pouted “pleeeaaaaasse I want you to be a princess with me”
He couldn’t help but look at Lana, one look into them big brown eyes and he caved.
“Come on then” he sighed running his hand over his face “let’s go get some tutus and wings and how about we get some for your tios as well”
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Angel felt like a right twat as he out of the car wearing a bright pink tutu and fairy wings that were way too small for him, but it was worth it by the smile on his daughters face.
“What on earth are you wearing” Coco laughed
“He is a biker princess” Lana said proudly slipping her little hand into Angels.
That was it Coco was crying with laughter.
“I wouldn’t laugh too hard ‘Mano got yours in the bag” Angel smirked as Lana lead him inside.
Everyone froze before bursting into laughter at the sight of Angel.
“Did you hit your head this morning?” Ez choked.
Before Angel could speak Lana stomped her foot on the ground making everyone stop laughing.
“Papi is a beautiful biker princess” she said through gritted teeth, getting angry that they were all laughing.
“Hey” Angel said crouching down to her level placing his hand on her shoulder as he saw the tears forming “Don’t get angry babygirl”
“But we brought them tutus” she pouted “and wings”
“Little mama come show me my outfit” Ez said as Angel wiped the tears that were running down her cheek.
As soon as she was out of ear shot Angel turned to his brothers.
“This is a hostage situation okay, one look with that puppy dog look and I caved okay” he said guestiring to the tutu “but when your daughter tells you, your a princess, you are a fucking princesses, no matter how much of an alpha male you are, now if princess Lana wants us to be biker princesses then that’s what we will fucking be”
Everyone stayed silent until Bishop spoke up.
“Well you heard him, now go get your tutu and wings and get this place ready for the best tea party that Lana has ever seen” Bishop said slamming his hands against the table.
And that was what you walked in on after finishing your shift at work, your husband and his brothers dressed in multi colours tutus and fairy wings, they looked hilarious sat around the table drinking apple juice from shot glasses and the discarded wrappers from the chicken nuggets.
Quickly taking a few photos before they noticed you were there, you knew what your Lock Screen was going to be. Coughing to get their attention Solana jumped off Angel’s knee running over to you.
“Mama look we are all princesses” Lana giggled as you bent down to kiss her head.
“And out of all the princesses in the room you are the most beautiful” you grinned knowing it would cause the guys to start bickering.
“Papi is beautiful as well” Lana grinned as you picked her up.
“Think he could do with some lipstick make him look prettier” you smirked placing your bag on the bar, rummaging for your red lipstick.
“You come near me with that gunk and you won’t like the consequences” Angel squealed kicking the chair back and running off wings fluttering as he did.
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