Explore tagged Tumblr posts
bootlegramdomneess · 8 months ago
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potions-of-dark-devotion · 9 months ago
HoW CaN YOu LiKE SNape He WaS a DeATh EAter AND-
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girlwhorizzed · 2 days ago
why do people use the jj maybank # if they r writing about rafe. if i wanted to read shit about rafe i would've used the # 😩😩
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skzfilesworld · 2 months ago
"9th time they lose to overtime" IM DONE OMFG.
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butterflewaway · 2 years ago
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let me be happy god please (edit: i forgot to color kuras’s vials)
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witnessofiife · 8 months ago
You know when you REALLY want that specific fanfic you just thought of but you can’t find it ANYWHERE so you spend 30 mins to an hour debating whether to write it yourself then start it then delete it immediately cuz what the fuck are u doing
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misakiisstupid · 3 days ago
I Just Can’t Win with My Mom
So, today, I proudly told my mom that I hit 30 followers on Tumblr. Like, I was genuinely excited. 30 whole people are out there somehow caring about my thoughts and content. That’s a win, right? I thought, “Hey, maybe my mom will get it. She might even care that her kid is out here living the dream in the vast void of the internet.”
And then, she hits me with this gem:
“I have two. On eBay.”
I just stared at her. I’m not even sure I blinked. Did she really just say that? Did my mom just try to one-up me by flexing her two followers on eBay?
Like, I couldn’t even process it at first. She was completely serious, all like, “I’ve got two followers on eBay. That’s social media too, right?”
And I’m standing there, facepalming internally, trying to figure out how to explain that eBay is not social media. So I calmly (but internally screaming) say, “Mom, the social in social media is because you can, you know, interact with other people. Like, comment, share stuff, have conversations… basically anything that doesn’t involve buying and selling your weird, out-of-date kitchenware.”
And she hits me back with: “Well, you can do that on eBay too. I talk to people all the time about my listings!”
Okay, hold on. Excuse me? NO. You don’t just get to sell your old VHS tapes and think that’s the same as engaging in an actual social community where people share memes, argue about fictional characters, and post their latest existential crises. Just because someone messages you asking if you’ll ship to Estonia doesn’t mean you’re suddenly socializing. It’s eBay, mom. Not Facebook.
I spent the next 10 minutes explaining how, no, eBay is not where social media happens, but I could see her eyes glaze over. It’s like I’m talking to a brick wall, and the wall is convinced that "selling your used socks" is a social experience. Like, okay, mom, sure. Whatever you say.
So now, every time I open Tumblr, I’m gonna have this little voice in the back of my head reminding me that my mom thinks she’s a social media influencer with her two followers on eBay. I might as well just quit the internet right now because that’s it. She’s out here thinking eBay is the next Twitter.
I’ve tried to convince her otherwise. I really have. But I think I’m just going to let her live in this delusion where she’s one message away from becoming the next eBay Queen. 🙃
Meanwhile, I’ll just sit here, watching my follower count grow and waiting for the day she asks if I can help her grow her “online presence” on eBay. I’m ready. 💀
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sweatsnervously47 · 1 year ago
Don't follow the links on Pinterest
Literally was just talking to an OG tumblr user who remarked that the links on the photos on pinterest never lead anywhere. Or they lead to like a sketchy russian blog or some domain that doesn't exsist anymore.
To which I was like... uhm no why would you... no you don't follow the links...
And they were like, but then how do you credit the artist or whatever??
And I was like... no... Pinterest is like cutting photos out from an old magazine. Its gonna have old news and old photos and old posts and old takes as a screenshot. Pinterest giveth what you lookth at. One minute you're looking at a cute dress and next thing you know your whole dash is 18th century traditional polish dresses. Pinterest knows what you want... more or less. And so you don't follow anyone, you don't reblog. You just cut out the photos you like and save them in your scrapbook of nonsense. Clicking the link is like flipping over a magazine cutout and finding a viagra advertizement on the back. Like of course its nonsense. THATS THE POINT
So yeah, don't try to follow the links anywhere. Sometimes you can get luckily with a recipe, but honestly for the most part its not worth the drama... or the cookies ;)
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papayalauki · 2 years ago
When you're a naturally distant person who requires a lot of time to function properly but everyone keeps taking it personally
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baked-potatoes-rule · 1 year ago
Clearly. Obviously.
the more “shippable” scenes I see of Leon and Claire together, the more I feel like Claire must be a lesbian.
In the fourth episode of infinite darkness, Leon pulls Claire away from acid right onto his chest and hugs her tight.
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Claire’s immediate reaction after this?
“Thanks 😊👍”
No reaction. If that had been anyone else that would’ve been intimate as hell. If that had been me I would’ve choked on my own spit.
But Claire? “Thanks, Leon! anyway.”
She likes women. She’s gotta.
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svelish · 8 days ago
Why are there soo many girls in my inbox talking abt you? Are you flirting with them again?
Baby, I swear I haven't flirted with anyone. Sorry, too much charm I guess. That's what you get marrying me ;)
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dinosaor826 · 2 months ago
If Mars made a tumblr account what would it be named? (For a school project)
LetMeLive or LegalizeKilling
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miucisne · 1 month ago
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httpsserene-main · 2 years ago
✈️ thinking about lo'ak hours : open
you CANNOT tell me lo’ak would not be the bf who acts like an absolute FOOL !!! like you know those tiktoks where the girlfriend (filming) is leaving and doesn’t respond with “i love you too” when their boyfriend says “i love you” and they gradually start screaming i love you at the top of their lungs IN FUCKINF PUBLIC like….that has supreme lo’ak energy™, see excerpt below <3
you and lo’ak are swimming around exploring the ocean and he signs to you a quick, “oh i promised my dad i’d come back early so he could teach me how to use a gun !!” with an excited grin on his face. you nod understandably, a grin of your own appearing at his eagerness, and the two of you start heading back to shore. when you emerge from the water, your ears are clogged with sea water so you struggle a bit to hear lo’ak’s “i love you” as he’s turning to head to his family’s marui. you nod absentmindedly at the sound of his voice, flashing him a beaming smile (cute lil dimples and all if you have them) and start heading off on your own, greeting the children splashing in the shallows. you notice as you’re walking that everybody is beginning to stare at you, and they’re starting to laugh and point, and you are like “yoooo wtf do i look crazy rn???” you turn your head to the side and gently pat the water out of your ears, and when you turn upright you hear lo’ak’s loud ass yelling at unimaginable decibels “OEL NGATI KAMEIE !!!!!”
LMAOOOO you come to an automatic halt, your body cringing (at the force of his love for you obviously 🙄), hand covering your eyes in disbelief at this man, and you turn around and start motioning for him to cut it out, but this kid continues to scream even LOUDER! you tilt your head up looking at the sky and sigh as if you're asking eywa why she made you fall in love with this absolute skxawng of a na’vi. you give up and embarrassingly run back over to him, in front of the whole clan (i am cringing so hard), and cover his mouth, standing on your tippy toes to whisper in his ear, “i love you too,” blushing indigo, giggling and all as you rock back to quickly kiss him on the cheek and then you make a quick escape away from everyone’s amusement.
lo’ak who now has literal hearts for eyes as he watches you run to your friends and they all start teasing you, tsireya vigorously thumbs-upping at lo’ak, and you slap her on the shoulder for encouraging his boldness. bro only sees this as an absolute win, he’s established his outlasting love for you practically in front of everyone, so…anyone who tries to steal him from you is pretty much asking to meet death :D
jake who was contently just watching this play out from a distance, and when lo’ak turns to find him, all he does is slowly nod at him proud that the rizz is genetic 😏
i hope you all enjoyed this! i’m going to try releasing smaller drabbles like this in between my bigger works. i got two requests for sure that i’m writing and releasing soon…. so slide me some more if you want to see more things like this 😚
much love, <3 kirby !!!
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© killakirby - piracy and plagiarism are not allowed. no reposts on any form of media.
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p-redux · 3 years ago
do you have a good feeling about KE and SH? LOL I will laugh so hard at you when SH is with another fitness girl AND the last one S followed on IG is a BEAUTIFUL blonde, English and likes hiking.
You keep laughing, Sparky. 😁🙄 As I have said AD NASEUM (that's Latin for "you make me want to barf") and by you, I mean YOU....anyhoo, like I keep saying...when Sam moves on, so do I. Simple as that. I don't get why you dopes don't comprehend that.
Meanwhile, I'll be over here 🤔 thinking about how much fun Sam is having with verra bendy Karina...
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While you're bitching into your T.V. dinner and being a miserable human. Let me live! 😙
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opemidwest · 4 years ago
the witch, frustrated and hungry: why wont you die
me, sitting in her boiling stew, shivering: can you turn it up i take showers hotter than this
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