#Lena and Brainy being science friends and also just best friends
vox-ex · 2 years
of hearts and wavelengths
Supercorptober Day 16 “sparks”
thanks to kmsdraws for the prompts
Lena finds a way to bring Kara home from the phantom zone. 
It was all a matter of getting the science right. It seemed like it was always a matter of getting the science right.
Step one, figure out the propellant.
Step two, figure out how to start the propellant.
Rocket engines are reaction engines, producing thrust by ejecting mass rearward. She’s come to learn earth science might not be right about everything, but it was right about some things — or at least good enough at some things.
Step three, ignition.
She could have all the fuel and oxidizer sitting around, intermixing all they wanted to, but until she could figure out how to give it that little bump of energy it needed, well...in simple terms, no spark no boom, and no boom, no go.
Lena stared at the equations scribbled on the papers in front of her. Her notes and Brainy's blending together until it was hard to discern one thought from the next. It should be possible. It had to be possible.
But the ship they had was too small, too fragile. Meant for shorter trips that spanned at most a couple lightyears, but never intended to cross dimensions. They needed the fuel to burn hotter and have the engines last longer. It was one thing to get to Kara; it was another to make sure that if they did, there was a way to get back with her too.
She leaned back in her chair and rubbed her eyes, her mind both tired and restless all at once. She stood up and stretched, walking over to the window. She looked out at the city and the sky stretching far beyond it. It was hard not to think about Kara in all that darkness. It was hard not to miss her.
But she was coming back. Lena was going to make sure of it.
It was just a matter of getting the science right.
Lena sat back down at her desk and got to work.
Step three, ignition.
All they needed was a spark.
J'ohn and Brainy had explained the ship's current engines and the way they worked. They were good at getting going. But there had to be a way to keep them firing over and over, to turn the current single-stage engines into multi-stage engines that would keep them going far enough, fast enough.
She needed something big enough but not so big it would burn through everything around it. Something that would be easy to replicate on a larger scale.
How many different ways can you start a fire?
There was always the old-fashioned way. Some kind of heat. But that would take too long on the scale she was thinking of, and there would be no guarantee it would work every time.
She could shove a giant spark plug into the engine system. But she needed to figure out how to contain that much electricity and control it with the precision they needed?
Chemical reactions were messy and unpredictable and could definitely blow them up.
Lena looked back at her notes and started working on the equations again. Arcing lines and inelegant quadratics scribbled across graph paper, her hands trying to force the numbers and patterns into answers that her heart so desperately wanted.
She was so focused on her work that she didn't hear Brainy come in until he spoke.
She looked up at him, a little startled. "Hey, Brainy, sorry I didn't hear you come in."
"It's quite alright. I didn't mean to disturb you." He paused for a moment before continuing. "I just wanted to check in on you."
She leaned back in her chair and rubbed her eyes again. "Just trying to figure all this out."
Brainy stood in the doorway, hands fidgeting in a way that reminded her a little of Kara.
He took a step into the room and then back out. Hesitating. Unsure.
"May I?"
He pointed to the papers on her desk, the ones she
"Of course; I mean, I'm not sure there's anything new or useful, but please."
Brainy leafed through her notes while she watched. He stopped at one page in particular and stared at it for a long time before looking up at her.
"This could work."
She frowned, not understanding what he was talking about. "What?"
"Your idea; it could work." He pointed to the paper again. "With some modification, of course, and ensuring we can find a way to contain it."
Lena's heart started beating faster.
"But this could work," he said again, looking up at her, "this could definitely work."
Lena reached out, taking her notes as Brainy handed them back to her. She looked at them as if she had never seen them before. As if she hadn't been the one to write them.
Brainy was right; with some modification, the idea could work. They might actually be able to make this engine. They might be able to bring Kara home.
Lena felt a small smile spread across her face, and she leaned back in her chair, the aching familiarity of hope tugging somewhere deep in her chest.
"And if I may...It seems quite fitting too."
Lena raised an eyebrow, not sure what he was getting at.
"Look at the wavelengths," he said simply, pointing to her scribbled notes.
She looked down at the numbers she had been going back and forth with for so long.
And suddenly she saw it. The one solution she had apparently been overlooking.
The last way to start a fire.
Light — photon energy.
Photon energy tuned to the wavelength needed to excite the propellant molecules directly.
The same wavelength as brightest of the Sun’s rays
The same wavelength of Kara's heat vision.
"I think she would approve," Brainy said softly.
Lena swallowed hard, "Yeah," she said, her voice rough, fingers tracing the numbers on the paper as if to make sure they wouldn't suddenly disappear.
Step four trajectory.
If figuring out how to go was hard, the coming back was harder.
Because it turns out the science was the easy part.
The detachment of knowing what to do and how to do it, replaced by the weight of what it means to actually go through with it.
The idea of seeing Kara again, the feeling of having her there in front of her once again.
Bleeding, aching, crying — breathing, whole.
Lines and numbers and graphs and formulas can't won't ever be able to tell you what that will feel like. Won't ever be able to predict the trajectory of your heart with the same precision as an object hurtling lightyears through space.
There is no calculus for that.
But the gravity pulling her into Kara's arms now is the same gravity that dragged her across space.
And that feels like proof of the kind of elegant universe she didn't always believe in but always had hoped for — one infinitely more complex and infinitely more simple all at once.
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thornedrose44 · 3 years
Prompt: "Do it. Take a chance, I'm begging you. You don't want to spend the rest of your life wondering what could have been."
Read on AO3
“What is it?” Kara huffed out, her frustration finally reaching critical mass.
“What’s what?” Alex replied, playing dumb by pretending to study the DEO’s monitors far too intently considering Kara had literally just dispatched the rogue villain of the week.
Kara crossed her arms, hip cocked forward slightly as she leant against the central console, blue eyes observing her sister's profile closely.
“Whatever you’re not telling me because you think it will upset me.” The superhero clarified bluntly, her social hesitation and uncertainty having dampened over the last few years.
She had learnt the hard way how important it was to never shy away from the truth and avoid speaking around the heart of the matter. It was a lesson she had absorbed completely, and it was one she refused to forget - needing to prove she had evolved, had bettered herself from the version that had required teaching in the first place.
“I’m not…” Alex refuted, shrugging dismissively but keeping her gaze trained forward, “There’s no-“
“Look, I’m asking you out of courtesy,” Kara cut in, “but you and I both know that I could just as easily ask Nia, and she would fold almost instantly.”
Alex grumbled irritably under her breath - Nia still had yet to build an effective resistance to Kara’s puppy dog eyes and this particular weakness had caused no small amount of trouble for Alex over the last five years.
“It is Lena related, right?” Kara checked, though it was completely unnecessary.
For Alex to actively try and keep a secret from her, it couldn’t be about anything else. And it had been more or less confirmed by her sister's reaction to her threatening to go to Nia.
“Just because I’m keeping a secret, doesn’t automatically mean it’s to do with Lena.” Alex tried, though the conviction behind her statement was weaker than wet tissue paper.
The redhead side-eyed her and Kara merely had to arch an unimpressed eyebrow in return for the DEO director to deflate.
“Okay maybe it’s a little to do with Lena.” Alex admitted with a wince, rubbing the back of her neck in defeat.
Kara threw her hands up in exasperation. “It’s been over five years, okay? I’m fine!”
Her bellowed declaration of stability, made the nearby DEO agents look over with a mix of curiosity and concern. Kara grimaced at the reaction and as such didn’t resist when Alex grabbed her arm and dragged her out of the central room and into her private office.
Alex turned to face her fully, lips pressed tight together and hands firm on her own hips (it had always annoyed Kara that Alex managed to make her signature superhero pose far more intimidating than her own attempts).
“Yelling I’m fine, definitely helps your case.” Alex retorted, voice dripping with sarcasm.
Kara had the good grace to look suitably embarrassed for a moment before launching into the same variation of the speech she gave every time there was a morsel of Lena news to be had. “I screwed up, okay? Big time screwed up - ‘regret it for the rest of my life’ screwed up!” Kara declared prompting a beleaguered sigh from her sister who knew the blatant lie that was coming next. “But I’ve made my peace with it. I won’t spiral into another depressive episode when I hear how happy she is.”
Alex shook her head, not even remotely convinced - not that Kara could blame her, the last time Alex had been pestered into telling her a Lena update, Kara had spent a weekend on a drinking binge that had successfully proven that there were limits even for a kryptonian.
“I don’t think-“ Alex began.
“What is it?” Kara demanded. “Is she getting another medal from the president?”
Alex shook her head, jaw clenching and unclenching. “Kara, you don’t want to know this.”
“Her and Kal save the world again?” Kara barrelled on, her lips curling into a jealous snarl. “The greatest Luthor and Super duo continue to make the world a better place?”
That particular news article had been printed and burned by Kara’s heat vision more times than she dared admit to anyone.
“Kara, please-“ Alex begged, expression crumpling as Kara relentlessly pushed.
“Tell me, I can take it.” Kara proclaimed, voice coming out high pitched and strained. “Is she dating someone again? Another famous actress? That Olympic male gymnast? What-“
“She’s getting married.”
A bomb must have gone off, Kara thought to herself.
A kryptonite bomb.
It was the only thing that could explain the ringing in her ears, and the way everything just… hurt.
A shard of kryptonite must have pierced her chest and cut her heart into jagged pieces. That was the only thing that could explain it.
“What?” She questioned, barely above a whisper. She didn’t quite recognise her own voice - it sounded shattered and unfamiliar. She also didn’t know what she was asking.
Didn’t know what ‘what’ was all about.
What just happened?
What did you say?
What post-apocalyptic reality are we living in now?
“Next week, she’s getting married.” Alex explained, giving Kara answers she no longer wanted. “Sam, Ruby, Kal and Lois are invited.”
She knew it should sting. Not being invited even though they hadn’t spoken in nearly five years. That she should feel something about the fact that Lena had omitted Alex, Brainy, Nia and J’onn as well - it further reinforced how Lena believed them to be Kara’s friends and never hers (which was one of the things Kara regretted most - how her poor treatment of Lena had infected and destroyed everyone else’s friendship with the youngest Luthor).
“To who?” Kara asked, tone cold, hollow… empty.
“Kara,” Alex murmured softly, reaching out to comfort her sister, “this clearly isn’t good for you.”
Kara jerked backwards so fast that the papers on Alex’s desk shot into the air, fluttering down around the sisters like snow.
“Just tell me!” Kara ordered, hands turned into white knuckle fists at her sides that would be capable of tearing through the strongest of metals. Her eyes heated but she managed to stave the fire in them as she glowered at her sister.
Alex slumped back, leaning heavily against her desk, running a frantic hand through her short hair. “Does it matter?” Alex muttered defeatedly, brown eyes filled with pity and sympathy as she stared up into Kara’s eyes.
“Of course it fucking matters,” Kara snapped in outrage before she had a chance to stop and think , “because it’s not me!”
The admission hung heavy and rotting between them. It wasn’t a revelation to either of them, though the fact that the intensity of Kara’s feelings hadn’t dampened despite the separation of half a decade was.
“Kara…” Alex breathed, standing back up and moving towards the blonde with the obvious intent of hugging her.
“I should get back to CatCo.” Kara mumbled, cheeks a fiery red with shame. She stepped hurriedly away from her sister and was already halfway out the door before she halted, turning back to call out a sad yet sincere. “Thanks for telling me.”
“I genuinely don’t get why you love these films so much.” Lena remarked, hands cupping her just made cup of cocoa, nose adorably scrunched up as she snuggled back down on the sofa beside Kara, who didn’t hesitate to wrap an arm around her best friend’s shoulders.
“They’re sweet and romantic.” Kara replied with a happy sigh, turning to nuzzle into the side of Lena’s head for a fleeting moment as the film’s lead started her joyful march down the aisle. “It makes me hopeful.”
“Hopeful?” Lena repeated curiously, leaning away slightly so she could meet Kara’s blue eyes.
Kara shrugged, ducking her head bashfully, “It’s stupid.”
“Hey,” Lena murmured gently, freeing a hand from her mug so that she could interlace her warmed fingers with Kara’s, “you could never be stupid, especially not about something like this.” Her best friend asserted, before asking seriously, “You want the classic big white wedding?”
“Uh…” Kara blushed, cheeks pinking as her mind struggled to kick into gear.
She didn’t know how to tell Lena that the reason she loved weddings more than any other event is because they so closely resembled Kryptonian Bonding ceremonies. That the exchanging of rings, polished everlasting metal, reminded her of wonderfully crafted bracelets clasped on wrists. That it was an occasion for family to join together across generations, for the rare flashes of art and music on Krypton to take centre stage over cold science.
She didn’t know how to tell Lena that after being alone, abandoned and lost - ripped away from her home in the cruelest of ways - that the idea of belonging to someone else, of having a home in someone else regardless of time or location was what Kara wanted more than anything else.
She didn’t know how to tell Lena because it would require admitting the truth of who she really was, it would require taking accountability for years of lies.
She didn’t know how to tell Lena without losing her forever.
“Yeah.” Kara coughed awkwardly, “I want the whole thing. Beautiful dress, surrounded by family… the love of my life at the end of the aisle. Everything.” She shot Lena a side-long glance, “I’m guessing you don’t?”
“Never really been my thing,” Lena admitted readily and Kara’s heart twisted at how Lena didn’t hesitate to bare herself, how she gave all of herself when it could be argued that Kara - at best - only gave half, “probably because I can’t imagine I have enough people in my life to invite and feel ‘surrounded’.” Lena pursed her lips thoughtfully, “I also don’t get the need for the spectacle. Just the idea that there’s someone out there that would want to…” Kara watched her best friend deflate, expression wistful and pained, “be with me, love me like that… that’s more than enough.”
Kara’s eyes stung with barely suppressed tears at how little Lena thought of herself. Whoever had the privilege of marrying her best friend would be the single luckiest and most fortunate person in the universe and Kara wished Lena knew that, wished she believed it. But when she opened her mouth to say it, to proclaim it, her breath faltered and her courage abandoned her… like it always did with the youngest Luthor.
“So no white dress?” Kara muttered instead, voice meek and lacking the lightheartedness that should have carried the question.
It didn’t matter, though, Lena let out a quick exhale that resembled something on the edge of laughter. Kara’s escalating heart rate settled at that, however, it did little to alleviate the pang of regret that was steadily accompanying all her interactions with the CEO.
“Well, I guess I could be convinced by someone special.” Lena teased, shooting Kara an overtly salacious wink that wouldn’t - on the surface - be considered genuine.
“Anyone that marries you will have to be special.” Kara replied, the statement tumbling out instantly.
It wasn’t the heartfelt confession that Kara wished it to be and it wasn’t quite light enough to be dismissed as a friendly reassurance. Instead, it was yet another thing that fell into the ethereal greyness that lied between them, something to tuck away and think back on late at night when they tried to work out if the other meant it the way they wished they did.
“Yeah?” Lena whispered, piercing green eyes studying Kara’s face closely.
Kara swallowed thickly, “Yeah.”
Lena found out less than six weeks after that movie night. They defeated Lex and Kara had been on the edge of breathing easy, of being able to simply relax back into her life when it all came crashing down.
They had been at Games Night and Kara had been antsy, waiting for her best friend to arrive. The thought of pulling Lena into a hug had been what she had been looking forward to most all day.
Kara was at peace, laughing and drinking with her friends - her family - when Lena had arrived. Kara had beamed up at her immediately and for a second Lena’s entrancing green eyes lit up in return before turning dark and distant.
Kara’s smile faltered, crinkle appearing between her brows when-
The wine bottle smashed into the wall behind Kara’s head.
Deathly silence fell over the area.
Kara looked into hollow, emptied out versions of her favourite green. She would have preferred anger, fury, rage… the defeated nothingness staring back at the Kryptonian was far worse.
Lena turned and left, grinding Kara’s heart to dust and taking the sand particles left with her.
She knew.
She knew because Lex had told her.
She knew because she had gone to stop her brother, intent on saving the world like always only to find out that those she was saving the world for didn’t view her as their equal. That the people she treated as family had kept her on the outskirts. That her best friend had lied, had manipulated, had-
It was Lois that found out everything from Lena.
When the fallout had happened, as Kara and the Superfriends realised what they had lost, the blonde hero sent notice to her cousin that his identity was probably known as well (mostly because she remembered how hurt she had been when Kal shared her secret without her consent). Kal and Lois had arrived almost immediately, frantic and terrified (especially with baby Jon to consider) at the concept of a Luthor knowing their identity.
Kara, joined by all the Superfriends, quickly put their minds to rest, sharing Lena’s actions from before, her dependability, kindness and inherent goodness. Kal and Lois were convinced their secret was safe but they were horrified to hear how Lena had been isolated and kept at arms length after her considerable good deeds. Alex and the others had squirmed uncomfortably and tried to weakly talk around their hesitancy.
Kal and Lois had simply looked at Kara for an explanation but she had none. Yet again the words would not come.
It was Lois, therefore, that had sought out the youngest Luthor and through her incredible tenacity was able to gain access where everyone else was rebuffed and harshly rejected.
It was Lois that comforted Lena, gave her support and sympathy.
It was Lois that relayed Lena’s demand that they give her space.
It was Lois that suggested Lena return to Metropolis - presenting it as a way to celebrate how L-Corp, after Lena’s repeated sacrifices and heroism, was fully rehabilitated and ready to reclaim its once home.
It was Lois that encouraged Lena and Kal to work together becoming an unstoppable force that Kara and Lena had always danced on the precipice of.
A Luthor and a Super. Saving the world.
Kara did as asked. Gave Lena space. Or at least the semblance of space.
She checked in constantly, hovered nearby throughout the days and nights leading upto L-Corp’s departure and Lena along with it. She followed Lena’s jet to Metropolis, a sentinel ensuring safe passage.
She kept her distance for three months. Three months of stony silence before she broke.
Snapped, more like.
Landing on Lena’s new balcony in Metropolis that had been specially built for Superman this time - not for her, though Kara, at the time, had hoped that she had been considered consciously or unconsciously as well.
Kara couldn’t remember the exact words.
She remembered crying from beginning to end.
Remembered ‘I loved you’ - past tense.
Remembered finally breaking through Lena’s cold, hardened shell to the raw, bleeding wound hidden underneath and regretting it almost immediately.
Remembered how seeing Lena’s agony was worse than kryptonite, worse than watching Krypton burn…
Remembered Lena saying she needed time to heal, for Kara to stop hovering nearby - because she knew, she sensed Kara’s presence even without seeing her once - and to give her time to stop thinking of Kara and feeling only pain when she did so.
Remembered promising to do just that.
Remembered a timer starting to count in her head - the seconds that she would be condemned to purgatory.
Remembered the hope that just refused to go out - the hope that whispered give it time, give it time, give it time with every beat of her heart.
Remembered thinking that given enough time Lena would reach out and they would get the chance that Kara had almost destroyed for them.
Remembered flying zig-zagged and dangerous to Alex where her endless stream of tears returned to full flow as she sobbed into her sister’s shoulder using words and phrases like ‘heartbroken’ and ‘I love her’ and ‘I can’t survive this pain’ and ‘what do I do?’ and ‘I can’t breathe’.
Remembered a hollowed out shell of Kara Danvers moving through the motions for a year, for two, three, four… five...
Remembered taking up drinking to excess whenever she saw Lena’s life flourish and grow - not because she didn’t want Lena to be happy, that was what Kara wanted and wished for more than anything - because she wasn’t there with her for those life-changing events.
Remembered Alex and Kelly’s worries growing with each occurrence, intervening more and more to such a degree that they encouraged Kara to consider AA meetings - she did eventually, and found destroying entire junkyards to be a healthier coping mechanism, external destruction rather than internal.
Remembered Brainy at the behest of Alex, setting up Kara’s phone and computer to prevent searching for any keywords affiliated to Lena and to alert Alex if Kara ever managed to stumble upon a news article.
Remembered listening to Kal and Lois skipping large parts of stories where it was clear that Lena was involved - it was nice in some way to know Lena was getting the credit she deserved, but it hurt when Kal’s stories started to involve gaps at Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year (events that made Kara’s loneliness even more acute and her longing intensify).
Remembered her life without Lena.
Remembered regret and guilt and loss.
“She’s getting married.”
Kara shouldn’t have been there. Shouldn’t be anywhere in the vaguest vicinity of where she currently was.
The bride was dressed in a simple silky white shift, sipping intermittently from her champagne glass as she stared contemplatively up at the designer white dress hanging off the door in front of her. Raven locks were pinned up, so tight and intricate that it made Kara wince sympathetically at how it must tug and pinch at the bride’s scalp - she’d always preferred it down, loose and curling… soft and inviting. The bride’s make-up was artistic with a dramatic edge that would captivate but made her look… not like herself in Kara’s opinion.
Or maybe after five years it made Lena look more like herself - the version of herself she had become once free of Kara and all the pain she brought into her life.
She was hovering outside the dressing room window, trying to work out how far she was willing to take this. If it would be better to leave without saying anything, to try and leave some part of Lena’s life unspoiled.
It was the fear that she had always given into when she was best friends with Lena that made her decision for her. Like speaking her truth and learning to ask for what she wanted - Kara had also promised herself that she would never allow that bone deep fear to stop her ever again.
The window was open and it was as good an invite as Kara was ever going to get.
The beautiful bride-to-be jerked in her place, champagne glass nearly tumbling to the floor but saved at the last second.
She didn’t turn around for a beat… then two…
Kara was just about to escape back through the window when Lena exhaled slowly and pivoted round to meet her.
“Kara?” Lena breathed out, green eyes closed off and wary.
The kryptonian studied the love of her life for a moment, taking in every little detail - soaking it all up as if accepting that this would be the last time she might ever get to see it again. That the timer that had counted past five years would stop after this moment, the hope powering it gone forever.
“Don’t marry them, please.” Kara requested, no flowery language, no build up. Just the honest truth.
“What?” Lena’s jaw dropped and the champagne glass didn’t survive the second shock, crashing to the ground - released by trembling fingers.
“Don’t marry them.” Kara repeated, uncaring of how the carpet below them soaked up the amber liquid.
Lena’s expression flitted through an array of emotions before settling on indignant rage, “And why the hell not?!”
Kara didn’t flinch, didn’t retreat, instead she stood taller, the crest of her super suit catching the early afternoon light. “Because it should have been me. It still should be me.”
Lena scoffed in disbelief, “You can’t be serious. Now? You’re doing this now?”
Kara pursed her lips, fighting back the regret that always came with the reminders of countless missed opportunities. “Yes.”
The straightforwardness of Kara’s answers seemed to be throwing Lena, leaving her wrong-footed, clearly expecting the blonde to talk around and hint and imply like she used to.
But Kara had learnt. (The lesson had been too painful not to.)
“You had years, Kara!” Lena argued, “Years where I…. I threw myself at you. Practically begged you to love me… to trust me…”
“I know.” Kara replied sadly, wanting desperately to reach out when Lena’s pretty green eyes began to glisten with unshed tears. “I know. But I’m here now.”
“I don’t want you to be.” Lena muttered, arms crossed over her chest and head ducked downwards to hide her expression.
“I know that too.” Kara assured, fingers twitching with the desire to make contact, to comfort and coax - even after all these years her body remembered, the pathways of hardwired instinct related to her best friend were still there, still active even if temporarily closed for service.
“Then why are you here?” Lena murmured, voice barely above a whisper.
“Because I’m in love with you.”
Lena’s head snapped up at that, green eyes like saucers.
Kara’s single biggest regret was that she had never said those words to Lena before, had alluded and pointed at them during their final interaction but had never outright said them. And Lena had deserved to hear them then and deserved to hear them now to forever vanquish the doubts that had always been with her.
“Because I’m in love with you and we didn’t get our chance.” Kara affirmed, taking a half step closer to the bride, her red heeled boots and Lena’s bare feet meaning the younger woman had to tip her head ever so slightly back to maintain eye contact. “We didn’t get our chance because of me. Because I was afraid, I was so afraid of losing you. Of doing even the slightest thing that could mean you weren’t in my life. And in the end every action I took out of fear of losing you ensured just that. I’ve spent five years without you, Lena, and I can’t bear a single day more.”
“Kara,” Lena whispered, “I’m getting married.”
“I know.” Kara smiled sadly before adding, “Don’t.”
“What are you suggesting? Seriously?” Lena sighed, shaking her head mournfully and Kara knew she was losing her then.
“I’m suggesting that we have our chance now before it's gone forever.”
Gathering the small amount of courage Kara had left, she tentatively let her hands nudge forwards, brushing against Lena’s cool, pale fingers. That small contact was everything. Made it easier to breathe, made the colours of the world more vibrant, made everything just more.
“I let fear hold me back from the person that made me happiest in the entire universe and I won’t let it hold me back again.”
“Kara…” Lena whimpered, glancing back over her shoulder at the closed door that her wedding dress was displayed on, though she didn’t pull her hand away from Kara’s touch, didn’t flinch or retreat.
“Do it.” Kara pleaded, stepping across that final slither of distance between them, her forehead leaning forward to rest gently against the side of Lena’s, “Take a chance, I’m begging you. You don’t want to spend the rest of your life wondering what could have been.”
Lena inhaled shakily, head returning to forward facing - foreheads pressed against one another, breathing in the same air - and then… and then…
Lena’s hands slipped fully into Kara’s, fingers intertwining together.
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kuekyuuq · 3 years
Gloria, Jet-lags and Imps [6x11]
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Let’s jump right in:
Kinda love how Kara lamp-shaded addressed the fact she didn't tell the gang about her adventures in the PZ. She’s not wrong, tho.
...what do I want to say about Mxy using what's basically a well-known gay-anthem to tell his tale? I mean, it didn’t lead anywhere. The original song is about freeing oneself, liberation, stepping out of a (gone bad) relationship and moving on, stronger for it - empowerment. The only connection I could make, is that originally it was Nyxly’s aim to just do that (freeing herself and her kind from an oppressor), but in the way Mxy performed it, that part of the parallel was long over before he even reached the chorus. It’s also a popular Karaoke song, tho, so... he chose it because it’s catchy? I’ll try not to overthink it for now. At least, the Superfriend’s reactions were fun.
Nia exiting the elevator, "And what's this Old Stone?" I love it when ppl enter a room / situation and pick up on words that they couldn't have possibly heard. I think cinema sins ding such... Are we to assume, she dreamed Mxy's rendition of ‘I will survive’? Or is the elevator not sound-proof at all? (If it’s the latter, Nia later apparently telling Brainy “in private” between scenes / during the elevator ride about her Nyxly adventures, was a silly thing to do.)
So, "Jared" created the ring Old Stone to rule them all, it got shattered into the Paragons totems? Nyxly needs the totems and to get them she needs a crystal which also belonged to "Jared" - who happens to be Mxy's ancestor, which is why she needs Mxy / his blood, too.
I have one important and incredibly relevant question here, tho... 
With the introduced imps and their names... Why’s dude named Jared of all things?!
Really, did I mishear that? If so, I’ll leave it as is and never edit, bc that would be hilarious in its own right 😋
Not sure what to make about Supergirl paraphrasing a Dirty Dancing quote.  "Nobody puts Mxy into a power crystal on my watch."  ...is he Baby now? (Seriously, though: Which of the writers thought that was a fitting quote to use in that particular context?)
...now, is the exposition section of the episode over yet?
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Sensitive Brainy sensed something was up with Nia. He can relate... Nia doubting Kara would understand, too, is ridiculous. But I get it... insecurities and all. But, I mean, just 5 minutes later Kara announces she wants to save Nyxly despite her wrongdoings. And yet Nia still remains convinced, Kara wouldn’t forgive her own personal mini-me... After having witnessed Kara forgiving Lena for a whole season of the writers being stupid messing up to the nth degree. But I digress, Lena’s Lena.
...how old is Nia meant to be again? Just asking out of completely unrelated curiosity.
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F*ck. They really went with NewFoundland...
Imma assume it was an executive choice after realizing they couldn’t find enough actors and actresses with a convincing Irish accent... maybe. Again, no offense to Newfoundland! Just... we got the insinuations of Ireland, not Newfoundland... And truthfully, when I think of magic, Ireland is an easy association. Whereas I only due to this whole debacle learned Newfoundland has Irish ancestry. So, okay, the show forced me to learn something new... I give ‘em that.
An easy journey, she said.
Lena's been off-screen for two whole episodes, Kara announcing at the beginning of ‘Dreamweaver’ [6x09] Lena being “back east” (at least insinuating Lena’s left the west-coast already), which span over at least one full day (feat. a scene at night), and ‘I still rise’ [6x10] at least another a whole day (the whole Nia’s mom back for a day deal). And, now, after at least 48 hours she barely just arrived.
Lemme check how long a regular plane would need to fly from California to NFL......... ... .. .. So... approx. 10 hours with at least one layover. 
Yeah, using a private jet made it easier, but apparently also much, much slower...
Or, Lena randomly went some other places / did some sight-seeing in NFL before she decided to finally visit her mother’s hometown...  [Either that or the timelines don’t match up and Lena’s scenes are flashbacks of sorts.]
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Optimistic and relaxed Lena is a sight to behold. I rewound 3 times, just to enjoy it for as long as possible. We all knew it was going to be short-lived... 
Let’s check off a few more items...
OMG, Kara hiding behind Alex at the mere sight of the PZ-projector broke my heart!  😢
"Elisabeth Walsh" is the new 'the one you shall not name'. ...poor Lena. 😭
Oh, so Mxy wants to be Patrick Swayze instead of Baby... gotcha.
...is this going anywhere?
KITTY!!! Okay, this must be the best opponent in the history of CWSG. 
Despite the horrible CGI, SG using her heat-vision to project a laser-beam to distract the cat had me in (happy-) tears! 🤣
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Gotta love the civilians of National City quickly returning to business as usual once the giant cat is gone. Even the police officers looked rather chill...
Nyxly did look fabulous this episode ^^ 
Andrea being Lena's rock is both great and annoying. I can't fault Andrea. It's just, that we still have to see an on-screen interaction between Lena and Kara and that bugs the heck out of me. I can’t help it. I’m sorry, Andrea.
Nia: "...is my fault." Kara: "Nu, is MY fault!" J'onn: "Stop fighting, kids!" Space-dad has spoken.
Mxy used an LuthorCorp copy machine... and of cos it's faulty. It's not an L-Corp product.
Kara forgiving Nia came as a surprise to her... Oooookay. I mean, the show has been writing Kara a bit inconsistently the past two seasons... so, yeah, maybe being unsure which of her traits apply this week was not such a far stretch...
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Maybe it's the hair, but I wished, Florence was played by Alex Kingston.
So, not-Alex-Kingston shows Lena herself with a funny wig and tells her how her mother was still watching her...
If it wasn't for Katie's acting skills (I love her.) I would have already hit my head against the wall repeatedly. Something about these scenes had me constantly cringe and I made it through 5.5 seasons of this show already... Can’t quite put my finger on it, but it was highly distracting from the story that explained Lena’s mom was special even to another witch, where there was domestic abuse, and an accidental murder. Y’know, important stuff, deep-cutting stuff! 
At least, poor widddle Lena got some closure there. Elisabeth was a good cookie. And filled with magic. And Lena’s gotta have that ‘spark’, too... 
....so... Lena’s gonna stay in NFL for how much longer, to train becoming a witch?  Please, just hand her a how-to manual and send her back home, to figure it out on her own, please... (Yes, that would be horrible decision-making, but I need her back with the team!)
On to the finish line: 
So... Mxy IS Nyxly's brother? Wait, that doesn’t sound right... then Nyxly would have the same blood... Did I miss something? Can someone explain, please? Or is he her ex, and that’s where his rendition of “I will survive” makes sense?
Hnn... I can't help, but think Kara's speech for Nyxly was 85% based on her experiences with Lena in s05.
Awww... he said "stronger together"... Mxy... I hope, you'll be okay!
Lena believes in magic now. And I absolutely love how Lena wants to science magic XD
...but apparently magic isn’t science that hasn’t been explained yet, but parallel... powers? concepts? ether strings?
Nyxly has a loyal henchman now. Which was a bit heavy-handed. Took way too much of screen-time, so it better leads to something interesting.
And Kara is on a warpath now. Wooooot! Girl’s got enough.
...what else? 
Did I miss a third Patrick Swayze hint / quote / mention?  I learned, these things come in threes... Y’know, basic writing rules... 
I guess, for once the episode title was meant to be taken literally, Mxy popping up between characters, to try and help. (I need in-show footage, of Mxy sneaking up on ppl, without his powers, on all fours / crouched, just to get the desired effect.) I mean, I’ve never really watched Malcom, but wasn’t he like what Mxy usually is? A bit of a trouble-maker, prankster, chaos-ensuing wherever he goes? ...well, in that case, the episode title didn’t hold up, as Mxy’s scenes were not fun or really goofy. Yes, there was some superficial humor, but just to serve Mxy dealing with not being able to use his powers, which in turn was only barely scratched at (although it turned out to be his final character development crisis, appreciating not having powers and - in turn - facing consequences for once). Again, a whole lot going on in the episode, so a lot of that may have ended up on the cutting-room floor.
...where’s Kelly? Secretly adopting a kid, maybe?
...Kara’s still a reporter, right? I mean, whenever it serves the immediate plot, yes? ...Not even a throw-away line, that she has to pop up at CatCo for appearances sake? Since Andrea is already upset with her AND looking into her friends’ identities? At least, Kara should take a peek to make sure Andrea hasn’t uncovered anything yet... No?
Well, that’s all I’ve got for now. Kue out.
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1237tnb · 3 years
1000 Years (SuperCorp)
Kara stood up at the sink washing dishes and making small talk. She did not know how to bring up what she wanted to talk to Lena about. Without setting the glass down on the drying rack, she dried it by hand with a kitchen hand towel. Kara looked up at the ceiling above her.
“Kelly looks as beautiful and as ageless as possible.” Kara finally said allowed with an awkward smile. “I don’t know how she does it.” “Yeah…” Lean smiled and she sat at the table with her hands crossed. She decided to not offer Kara help with the dishes since she had cleaned them last night. “Around 2010 or so, scientists found that 2% of African American women have an anti-aging gene. It appears that Kelly got it!”
“Yeah…” Kara smiled, “But Alex is starting to look old.” Kara shook her head.
Lena scoffed in disbelief and shook her head.
“A little harsh tonight aren’t we…?” Lena asked, feeling defensive of Alex who she saw as a sister.
“No… I don’t mean it like that.” Kara sighed, dropping her hands in frustration. “I just mean that you and I met when we both 24 or so. Well, I mean you were 24, and I was closer to 35 or 36, because of my time in the Phantom Zone. That was over 16 years ago! Esme has gotten so big now. She’s now going to grad school at MIT!”
“Following in her aunt’s footsteps.” Lena smiled proudly to herself.
“I can’t help but think about how Alex and Kelly are getting older, and I… well I’m not.” Kara turned around to face Lena exasperated.
“I don’t know what I am going to do when they pass on. They’re my sisters. I love them so much, and I might have to live a really long time without them in my life. I mean… I guess that I could go live on Argo. That would cause me to start aging, but then I would be away from them, and I wouldn’t be able to save people!”
Lena watched Kara quietly knowing that she needed to rant. She knew that Kara felt helpless right now, but she always had a way of figuring things out.
“I was looking through your mother’s book of spells yesterday, and then I went to your office and looked through your library of magic books…”
Lena raised her eyebrow. Kara and Lena had been best friends for nearly twenty years now. Whatever was Kara’s was Lena’s, and whatever was Lena’s was Kara’s. However, Lena didn’t expect Kara to go rummaging through Lena’s spell books. Lena opened her mouth to speak, but she thought better of it.
“I was looking for an anti-aging spell.” Kara continued.
“Why?” Lena shook her head. “You already don’t age. I hope that you weren’t looking for one for Alex and Kelly. I love them too, but I will not help you with that. To use an anti-aging spell on them is to pervert nature.” Lena warned Kara sternly.
“I wasn’t looking for an anti-aging spell for them.” Kara admitted.
Lena was confused. J’onn didn’t age. Brainy didn’t age. Nia had slowed aging. William now had a family of his own. Who could Kara possibly want an anti-aging spell for?
“With my super vision, I can see things that you couldn’t even imagine. I can see every frown line, wrinkle, and discoloration in someone’s skin tone at its inception.” Kara began to explain.
Lena grabbed her face self-consciously and frowned.
“All of those things are a sign of aging, and compared to most people your age Lena, you barely have any of those things. You age, but I theorized that your magic might make you age very slowly. So, I looked it up in one of your spell books, and the answer is that it does. However, that power can be amplified, so that you could live to 1000 and never look a day over 20.”
Lena’s frown deepened. She didn’t know where Kara was going with this. Lena considered herself to be a woman of both science and rules, and if she was being honest, Kara had asked Lena to do things she wasn’t comfortable with in the past.
“Okay, I don’t know why that is pertinent.” Lena laughed. “I don’t think that I want to live to 1000.”
“I don’t either.” Kara shook her head in agreement, “But I also do not want to be old at 80. I think I at least want to continue to help people and explore the world and the universe well into my 200s.”
Lena’s eyes widened.
“Well, you don’t need magic for that.” Lena drew out slowly, still in disbelief that they were having this conversation. “Kara… I don’t think I understand what this conversation is about.”
“I don’t know what your plans are past 80, but I don’t want to lose you!” Kara spat out.
Lena looked at Kara in shock, and then she stood up slowly and turned away from Kara. Now, Kara was looking at Lena’s back. Lena cast her eyes to the ground.
“I…um…” Lena didn’t know what to say.
“Lena aside from Alex, you are the only big constant in my life. No matter what I go through, you are always right there. You comfort me in all things and give me the strength to be brave. I love J’onn. I love Brainy. I love Nia. I love Esme. Losing Alex and Kelly will break my heart. However, losing you if I don’t have to will devastate me.”
“Do we really have to think about these things now Kara?” Lena shook her head. “I mean 80 is a long ways way.”
“Which is why we have to start thinking about it now!” Kara exclaimed, crossing the kitchen to stand directly behind Lena. “You have to stop aging now. That way. That way we can be the same age.” Kara walked around and took Lena’s hands into her own.
Lena averted her eyes and tucked a loose hair behind her ear.
“You’re asking me to spend the rest of my life with you. You are asking me to spend forever with you.” Lena whispered. She felt tears sting at the back of her eyes.
“It doesn’t have to be forever. Let’s at least make it to 100 and then 150 and see how you feel. Then again, I guess if you stop yourself from aging until 150, you might live another 100 years until 250.” Kara mumbled to herself. “I don’t fully understand the magic.”
Lena pulled her hands out of Kara’s hands. Over the last 10 years, Lena had become an exceptional earth witch. She knew whatever spell Kara was referring to would not be difficult for her. However, this… this…
Lena turned away from Kara and grabbed her purse. She decided that tonight probably wasn’t a good night to spend the night, even though she often slept in Kara’s guest room on Tuesdays.
“No.” Lena said under her breath at first.
“Excuse me.” Kara asked. Kara and Lena both knew that Kara heard Lena correctly the first time.
“No… I don’t want to do that. I don’t… I don’t want to not go old with you.”
Tears stung Kara’s eyes. A sob caught in her chest as she felt her heart break.
“This…” Lena shook her head. “This doesn’t feel like love to me.” Tears stung Lena’s eyes. “I mean what are we even doing. We spend more nights at each other’s houses then at our own houses. We eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner together. We’ve dated men off and on, but we have not have good consistent boyfriends since we met.”
Lena shook her head.
“I keep trying to tell myself that you’re my best friend, and that this is a normal friendship.” Lena wiped away a tear that slipped down her cheek. “But it’s not normal. You just asked me to spend forever with you and just you, because God knows that everyone else would age and die.”
“Lena. I am sorry if I offended you. I just… I don’t want to live without you. After my family passes away, you will make life worth living.”
Now tears chased their way down both women’s cheeks. Lena sniffled
“Why are you asking me this?” Lena shook her head. “You never asked me to be your girlfriend or your wife? Yet now you’re asking me for a union greater than marriage. You’re asking me for a union in which there is no death to do us part.”
Kara’s eyes grew wide.
That was what Kara was asking. She was basically asking Lena to marry her time ten, but Kara wasn’t mad at it. She had didn’t various guys since she had met Lena, and they all were dull and one-dimensional compared to Lena. Kara felt fully known by Lena, and there was no one that compared to her.
“What are you really asking me Kara?” Lena asked expecting Kara to say ‘never mind’.
Kara walked up to Lena from behind and wrapped her arms around Lena’s waist.
“That is what I want. Do you want that too?” Kara asked.
There was a wanting in Lena’s eyes.
Kara leaned in and gently kissed Lena’s lips. Lena gasped, before she placed a hand on Kara’s face and gently kissed Kara. Kara deepened the kiss and pushed Lena against the table.
“Ugh… mmm…” Lena gasped when she felt Kara’s knee moved between her thighs and to her… “Ugh…” The sexual desire and tension were so potent. Lena swallowed hard. Kara leaned down and kissed Lena’s collarbone.
Kara understood what Lena was asking. It was a fair request. After all these years, Kara needed to know if her and Lena could be more. She needed to know if the physical intimacy was there or if it did not extend further than her interactions with men.
Kara watched Lena’s body language keenly. She unbuttoned the top two buttons on Lena’s high waisted pants. She slid her down Lena’s pants and under her underwear.
The two stood there for long moment.
Tears began to run down Lena’s cheeks. She dug her fingernails into Kara’s back.
“Ugh…” Lena’s head fell back. Her whole body tensed and then convulsed. She held Kara tightly as her stomach and thighs flexed. Her mouth fell ajar. “Fuck…” Lena cried as Kara’s fingers took their interaction to another to another level, and then it hit. The sensation washed over Lena, filling her with ecstasy, and then she went limp in Kara’s arms and the two women kissed.
Lena hadn’t felt that sensation since she used her vibrator this morning, and what Kara just did blew the vibrator away.
“I love you, Lena Luthor.” Kara confessed with a blush in her cheeks as she realized how Lena’s climax aroused her.
“I want to spend the rest of my life with you whether its 100 years or 1000 years. I’m sorry I didn’t say it sooner, but I am ready to put a label on this thing and add some fun activities as well.” Kara flirted as she leaned in and kissed Lena’s lips again. “What do you say?”
“I love you Kara Zor-El Danvers. I don’t want to spend my life with anyone else. The thought of us potentially having 1000 years together only makes it sweeter.”
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paleode-ology · 3 years
Pre-Season 6 Thoughts - In Conclusion, Fuck the CW
okay yet another supergirl post bc I want to say some things before s6 starts airing
I started watching this show in middle school. I was just starting to become confident about the fact that I liked girls and as a girl I was really excited to watch a show about a female superhero whose most important relationship was with her sister. I thought Cat was hilarious, and I about lost my mind of happiness when Alex came out.
Season two rolled around and I absolutely fell in love with Lena. Again, I was really excited at the prospect of this super complex, female character. Pretty soon I hopped onto the supercorp train and never looked back.
Genuinely, I really, really loved this show. I loved Maggie and Sam and Ruby and Lucy Lane and Cat Grant, I adored Winn, thought J'honn was an absolute bop of a character. I thought there were really interesting and intriguing storylines, like Lena's short and emotional stint experimenting with humans. In hindsight, I even think that the idea of Mon-El could have been really compelling, even if it wasn't executed extremely well.
All this to say, I have had a lot of love for Supergirl. It's sentimentally valuable to me, and I feel so nostalgic when interacting with supergirl art on Tumblr or reading supergirl fanfiction or just watching it in general.
it's also incredibly, fundamentally, flawed.
please note that I don't blame actors for anything at all. there's obviously things that have happened behind the scenes, but I want to talk specifically about the show runners/writers/directors.
as a middle schooler, when I was 12, 13, even 14, I watched supergirl for the pretty people and focus on women and the aliens and (to middle school me) compelling plot lines.
however, this show has shown time and time again that they are incapable of focusing on platonic relationships between characters for extended periods of time. we got a few episodes of kara and nia working together and then an entire subplot focused on nia and brainy's relationship. as the show continued into its third and fourth and fifth season, danvers sisters moments became few and far between, which was especially distressing considering the show was originally built upon the strength of Kara and Alex's relationship.
James? became primarily a love interest for whoever the nearest woman was. and also a disastrous vigilante. sort of.
They brought Lex Luthor back, in a show that was supposed to be focused on the women of the superhero world, especially Lena, Lex's sister. For her to be pushed out of the Luthor spotlight in supergirl of all shows is discouraging, and it only builds upon the shitty rep the CW has given us in one of their only shows with a female lead.
Kara, of course, was inconsistently written, to the point where it's transparently obvious that the writers have her make decisions that are the most compelling for the sake of the plot rather than decisions that were the most in character for her to make.
Kara and Lena were established to be best friends. then, they were constantly pitted against each other, again, mostly for the sake of plot. supercorp aside, we can still talk about how Kara never told Lena about her identity until the fifth season, about how despite being "best friends" their relationship was hardly focused on. we instead saw the James and lena elements or lena and her science plot lines, but the gals themselves? hardly any scenes. this specific argument is strictly from a platonic kara/lena point of view, although I do ship them so I admit I'm biased.
Supercorp as an actual romantic ship is something I definitely have Opinions about, but I think that's for a separate post. HOWEVER, I do want to address the queerbaiting we've seen for years.
While I don't want to go too in depth (since this really is mostly for the supercorp post I'm also drafting 💀) but complicated story short, the very obvious queerbaiting regarding supercorp, as well as blatant encouragement of fans shipping the two together - liking comments regarding supercorp on their instagram, for example - is not only disrespectful and, to be frank, manipulative of their fanbase, but it also borders on (in my humble, seventeen-year-old opinion) unprofessionalism.
the supergirl social media accounts encourage behavior from their fans that they have proved time and time again they have no intention of actually rewarding in the show. maybe if this was the first or second year of supergirl airing, this wouldn't be a huge deal, but at this point, they know exactly what they're doing, and it genuinely makes me so angry.
I don't have high hopes for this last season. I'm looking forward to the more fan service-y episodes. Really, I'm only going to be watching it for the nostalgia factor, desire to see it through and get closure, and, if I'm being honest, clown-like hope that maybe, just maybe, they'll be able to fix the show that has grown more and more unstable over the past five years.
TL;DR: I loved supergirl as a kid, it holds a special place in my heart, but over the past few years, the writing and management of the show has made it one of the biggest disappointments I've witnessed amongst all the media I've been able to consume in live time (as opposed to things like ouat, which I only got into just as it was ending). While I'm going to watch the sixth season out of fragile hope and the desire for something akin to closure, it is going to take A LOT for supergirl to redeem itself.
happy final season, kids.
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This is chapter 4 of my current fic, I am posting them here as well as in AO3 just because, I really hope you like it, let me know if there are mistakes and your thoughts overall.
Supergirl arrived at Zor-El headquarters like a speeding bullet, almost breaking the sound barrier, out of sheer excitement. Things with the CEO went beyond her wildest dreams, not only was the joint project approved, almost, since Lena still has to sit down with the same old misogynists and make them approve the budget, however, the Maiden of Might has no doubt that the green-eyed genius will make them bend under her gaze. She herself, felt her knees growing weak every passing minute in the woman’s presence, she is now certain that the CEO can bend steel *wink *wink. Furthermore, the Kryptonian has gotten the opportunity of working side-by-side with Lena (isn’t that a beautiful name?), the same one she has been in awe with for several years; watching the CEO work up close was something the Kryptonian never even dared dream of, as it was something she always thought to be quite impossible, because although their companies aim for similar purposes, their markets and social statuses are entirely different.
Moreover, she is certain that there is something bonding them together, what, she isn’t sure exactly, there is just this itching crawling under her skin, making all her nerves tingle with excitement, wanting to grab the Irish goddess and hold her close, to protect her, to know her entirely, to pull a smile from crimson lips, to make sure that she feels safe, validated and supported in a way the Girl of Steel is now certain Lena has never experienced, she also wants to tear down all the walls she has built around herself and know the real Lena, the one that’s deeply hidden behind years of trauma and abuse, and it frightens her, her whole life she’s always wanted to make friends, sure, she’s friendly by nature, but this, this depth, she has never before encountered and albeit the horizon seems promising, scary as well but first and foremost promising; it’d imply bringing to light many things that she’d truly rather not. However, as they say, time will tell, and she definitely wants to see what lays on the other side.
The first thing the Superfriends get to after receiving the good news from Kara is to slightly modify the organization of the company’s headquarters; during the last year of their superheroing endeavors they installed a vigilance room to allow their crime-fighting activities to go smoothly (ish). Said room is in the basement, the vault where they keep their prototypes is still there, occupying one full corner; however multiple monitors and computers had been installed as well, to keep track of Nia and Kara while they’re on the field; there are several chairs, and a platform is installed on the middle for debriefing and planning. There are also four suit holders, where Dreamer’s and Supergirl’s suits are, as well as prototypes for Winn and Brainy’s, in case they ever want to join them on the spot. Since they are one of the most innovative tech companies, many of their security and communications prototypes are firstly tested by them on life-saving missions, taking the devices to their tipping point, that way they ensure that every single device and software launched works perfectly under their prompted circumstances. What they added were a few biometric locks to avoid being discovered and a false wall that hides the elevator leading to the lowest floor. The rest of the building remains the same. Safe for the fact that Nia and Brainy have their own office and lab, respectively, on the third floor and on the second floor, where Winn’s supercomputing lab is, they’ve added a med-bay, after several injuries on the field and only a little bit of alcohol and cotton to treat them, some of their most successful medical equipment are used there.
The first time the two of them actually get together to work on the project, or more specifically, to go through the details of their work together; Kara arrives at the CEO’s office with a paper bag filled with doughnuts and two coffees on a cup holder, she's done her research (aka asked Jess) and now knows that the green-eyed woman likes her coffee black, which is something she honestly doesn’t get the fuss of. The Kryptonian thinks it's a great way to start this project, this working-relationship, starting with the right foot and all that, especially considering that she'll put forward her own lab for them to work on the project, is more private than the L-Corp tower, brimming with scientists and business people; and she'll feel a lot more comfortable there, having her friends and colleagues close and being a few steps away from her suit, in case her assistance is needed, is a lot less likely that the genius woman finds it suspicious, she just had to make sure that no scribbles in Kryptonian were left on her desk and project board, the ones she did have were (not) carefully folded (more like threw) in a locked drawer, away from prying eyes.
When she's let into the office, after giving Jess a couple of doughnuts for her invaluable help with her ‘getting to know Lena’ research; she cannot help but be struck dumb (again), and surprisingly it never gets old, at the sight of the Irish woman. The CEO is standing facing the city through her office’s windows, her silhouette highlighted by the sunlight flooding the office, she is wearing a crimson red three-piece suit that fits her perfectly, after she turns around, Kara can see that underneath she’s wearing a black button up, and her signature red lipstick, the whole outfit paired with dangerously high heels. She gestures for the hero to sit down on her very white couch so they can thoroughly review the information they have and design their project’s timetable and budgets, her eyes are glinting like light reflecting from beautiful emeralds, unblemished, there is curiosity written all over them and she smells wonderful, the strong smell of the coffees the blonde is still holding do nothing to diminish the smell of cinnamon and a citric perfume coming from the CEO.
Lena, on the other hand, finds herself to be intrigued by the woman sitting in front of her, she’s wearing a white and black flannel paired with khaki pants and a simple belt at her hips, her hair is braided perfectly and falls over her shoulder; and the whole outfit makes her look so young and innocent that the CEO has to refrain from wanting to hug her, which is not a common circumstance she finds herself in, for someone as touch starved as she is. The scent of the coffees she’s brought still lets a scent of vanilla and lavender get to her nose and she feels at ease, for the first time in who knows how long. She should be worried, about someone having such strong effect on her, but she honestly isn’t, it feels as natural as breathing, there is something about those cerulean blue eyes that settle her heart and even her breathing, like coming home after a long day at work, or falling asleep into a mother’s embrace, she finds it to be really easy to just let go and be.
Both of them engage in shy smiles and deer eyes for a few moments, all boardroom meetings and upcoming deadlines forgotten. With the information they have now they know for sure that current solar panels are very inefficient, you can power two computers and a light bulb tops with the best ones available on the market, and not for a very long time, as their reliability is quite low. But with the system proposed by the Kryptonian who, with huge compliments to Alex, for helping her with the cellular growth and with her help as medical specialist to analyze the results; has spent the past two months thoroughly evaluating her cells solar absorption. The system will work as follows, the nanoparticles oscillate when solar radiation hits them, this is due to a quantum phenomenon called surface plasmon resonance that enhances the radiation through the oscillation of the particles, as a result of their electromagnetic fields, to the wavelength of certain radiations, solar now, and hence, the energy obtained is higher than that of the incident light, then, this enhanced energy in the form of light will go to the circuitry, which will do... something, Kara isn’t entirely sure as to what exactly, even with her engineering background the circuitry she can think of will be huge and inefficient; to turn the radiation into current and voltage so it can be stored in batteries and transported, if necessary.
Lena laughs softly at the woman’s circuitry perception and pipes in, explaining her own vision for the circuitry, she has been thinking about it for the past months, getting all her knowledge together to develop the best system, she proposes to build nanobots that will act as small transformers, turning raw energy into voltage with the aid of electron energies, which are directly bound to voltage, jumping from one orbital to another, however, now that she understands the blonde's idea better, she had been quite secretive about this, she thinks they can add a cobalt isotope battery that would allow the system to store the energy for further use and for long periods of time without any significant decay; the system would allow power to be distributed evenly with no current peaks or voltage drops. They also agree on having the nanobots programmed with a failsafe to prevent the system from supercharging. As enraptured as they are in their little science discussion, finally having someone who gets their brilliant minds and has more ideas, challenging one another, time flies for both of them, and suddenly they have to part ways to keep with their day, having been discussing ideas and details for several hours, there are now several pressing matters that they need to attend. As she is walking out of the office, Kara spears one more look at the green-eyed genius, who is now checking something on her laptop, after turning on the TV in mute, if she didn’t know better, she’d say she’s smitten, but that is a dumb idea.
When Lena is left alone in her office again, she feels light as a feather, in a way she had forgotten one could feel, this project holds many expectations, for both of them, nonetheless, she can finally let her mind free, without being afraid that someone may feel threatened by her intelligence. Smiling softly to herself she turns her attention to her laptop, in order to keep going through accumulated emails and paperwork; remembering then to do something she takes out her phone to call Sam, her CFO and best friend, to let her know about the project and the fact that although she will still be working as CEO and taking care of whatever fires need her attention, the rest of the every-day paperwork will go directly to her, as well as any boardroom meetings (thank God for that), as she herself will be busy with the project.
They are animatedly talking about a certain blonde when a streak of red and blue on her TV catch her attention. Supergirl is rescuing several kids from a severe accident, where their school bus was pushed out of the road and down a cliff by a lory speeding out of control, the images are startling, the destruction left behind by the bus rolling down the hill shows very bad premonitions for the kids’ safety and overall health. However, Dreamer and Supergirl are giving all they have to rescue them as soon as possible, the blonde hero is flying the children to safety five at a time, while Dreamer is holding the bus with blue-energy constructs, to keep it from sliding further into the ocean, from the images being shown, she can tell that the young hero is struggling, even though the Super is taking them out at an impressive speed. Emergency services have started arriving and providing first aid to the more severely injured ones, most of the kids have several bruises and cuts, but she can tell, even with how far the camera is, that some are at actual risk, the few ambulances that have arrived and the traffic piling on both directions are a bad premonition to those who were pierced by metallic pieces or have broken bones, particularly broken ribs.
Kara is gritting her teeth together, trying to keep herself as focused as possible, which is hard on the light of the events. The bus had twenty-seven five- to ten-year-olds, most of them managed to hold onto something the moment their transport was pushed off the road and only show minor scratches and bruising. However, there are a few who are severely injured, and Nia is struggling greatly to keep the bus from keep rolling down the hill and into the ocean, as it is quite heavy and the dirt she’s standing on is very unstable, making her slide further helplessly, hence, she cannot fly to a hospital those whose life is at risk, because even though she can fly extremely fast, human composition and physiology wouldn’t withstand such extreme conditions. She can only hope for the best and try to pull them all faster, one problem at a time.
Without thinking twice, the CEO activates a few codes on her computer and a swarm of aid drones are launched from a nearby warehouse. On screen she sees how the drones arrive on site, giving first aid to anyone that needs it and allowing kids to jump out of the bus by their own feet, the older ones helping those who need it or are too young, the bus driver is the most injured one, nevertheless, she has improved her drones from the first time she presented them, and now they can assess a person and act accordingly faster, by the time Supergirl gets to him, his life is no longer in danger, albeit he’s still pretty beaten up. Through the camera of the drones, she sees the hero waving a thanks and then speeding off with the driver to the nearest ambulance, rushing afterwards to move the problem-causing lory out of the way, so that ambulances may leave as fast as possible, otherwise, all the effort put forward by them, the rescue teams and Lena, would be for nothing. Finally moving to Dreamer’s side to lift the bus back into the road where cranes can dispose it properly.
Letting out a breath she didn’t know she was holding, the raven-haired woman drops on her chair, just as the news shift from the rescue efforts to a report on how "a xenophobic group declares war on all aliens", according to an anonymous letter that was sent to the news channel, this groups seeks to fight for their planet, to avoid alien invasion and for humans’ rights, as “aliens are a threat to our way of life”.  She feels all blood draining from her face, that sounds an awful lot to what her twisted family believed in, it cannot be though, after Lex was incarcerated, she pulled several strings among the board members, with hard evidence on how Lillian posed a threat to the company, resulting from sharing the same world-domination ideals she pushed onto her son; and thanks to her friends, Sam, Jack and Andrea, helping her buy shares from her mother through shell companies, the woman started losing her spot on the board, eventually being left with absolutely no power over L-Corp, as she owns only about 0.2% of the total shares. That way, Lena prevented her twisted mother from using the company’s resources to do something along the lines of what her brother did, and also from her getting enough money to fund whatever twisted idea of patriotism and ‘right or wrong’ she has. But this, this could very much be their doing, she’ll have to dig into it and make sure that her sick relatives, have nothing to do with it, maybe even find out whoever is actually behind it and put a stop to this nonsense. There is a dread deep in her stomach, that tells her otherwise.
Lena parks her car at the entrance, she is at the direction Kara gave her. She’s wearing black jeans with leather boots and a deep green turtleneck sweater underneath a thigh-high grey coat, as it is the beginning of January and this year’s winter has been quite cold, she can see the puffs of her breath condensing on the air in front of her every time she exhales; the building she’s in front of are the Zor-El Technologies headquarters, she isn’t sure what she was expecting, but it definitely wasn’t this. The building is big, from the outside she’s certain that they would need a few hundred people to fill it, it has huge floor-to-ceiling windows on every floor, and the glass is, she’s certain, bulletproof (the fuck?), which is quite startling, and polarized, so that someone from the outside can’t see what’s happening on the inside but without preventing sunlight from streaming in, however, from the inside you could clearly see the outside. The only detail that differentiates this building as the one from a tech company is the huge Z hanging on the front from the rooftop. She approaches the glass doors, which slide open as soon as she nears them, and is stunned to see that there is no one, no secretary, no front desk, no security detail; there are a few cameras and the lobby is clean, open-spaced, with dark wooden floors and a few paintings hanging from the wall, in the furthest wall, there is an elevator, and coming out from it, is Kara.
The cheery blonde is wearing denim jeans with heeled ankle boots, making her look a few centimeters taller than the CEO; a light pink polo shirt covered by an open lab coat. She hands the green-eyed woman a card with her name on it, which she assumes is her access card, and is quite surprised to see the easiness with which she was given access to this building, family name aside and knowing that she may not have access to all floors and stuff, it’s still refreshing in a way. She is then led to the elevator, where she swipes her card and presses the button to the first level, where she now knows Kara’s lab is, and where she will be spending a lot of time until the end of this joint project. When the doors open, she gives herself a moment to observe.
There are several workbenches across the space, underneath them all are cabinets that contain chemicals and solvents, she assumes; there are tools scattered messily over some tables, screwdrivers, LED’s, tweezers, mixed oddly with Erlenmeyer flasks, hot plates, test tubes and other glassware. On the furthest left corner, right in front of the windows, is a desk, with a small lamp and a laptop, beside it is a cork board filled with scribbles, notes and drawings from other projects the blonde must be working on. There is soft music playing from a couple of speakers next to the elevator and a big painting of a sunset, she thinks, because of the red-ish color of the sky, on the wall to her right. Again, she’s surprised by the easiness with which Kara has let her into her space, her life, because, as a scientist herself, she knows how hard it is to open the doors of her lab to just anyone, so this small gesture amazes her and fills her with warmth, she feels welcomed, there is a knowing feeling that from now on she’ll feel a lot like that.
Research is hard she knows this, even though the background check, patents, recent developments and discoveries; is already done, the first months of their project have been a bumpy ride, to say the least. Their first experiments have been disastrous, to put it nicely, the nanoparticles vary in size to a level of polydispersity were they don’t fulfill their purpose, the nanobots the genius woman has been trying to develop don’t work, not only do they not do what she’s programmed them to, but they don’t do anything at all and is fucking infuriating. She should be able to do this, designing this kind of technology is not new to neither, particularly to the Irish genius, who has actually developed several nanotechnologies to improve life quality. In spite of that, good things have come up, the aching to know each other better, to find out more about them, paired with their constant failures has given them window to actually do so. And it’s heartwarming.
It starts with an invitation to get lunch together from Kara, after another very terrible outcome, they get on Lena’s car and drive downtown, which is only a few kilometers away from the warehouse. They eat at a Chinese restaurant, the best on National City, according to Kara. Engaging into small talk with the blonde, is easy, Lena finds, there is no judgment coming from her, she just listens, sapphire blue eyes earnest and filled with interest, honest interest, making her feel like she’s the only thing that matters; and gives reassurance whenever the Irish woman needs it, even without her actually voicing it, she just notices. What was meant to be a short lunch, became hours of them talking about everything and nothing, the outside world and that stupid project, vanishing for them. Lavender and citric coffee. Green and blue. Kara finds herself lost in kryptonite green eyes, warm and glinting, and a soft smile, the way her hair falls in dark waves only adding more and more to the softness of the woman in front of her, who has suffered and lost so much, she unknowingly and silently makes it her life’s mission to protect this beautiful human being, vowing to no one but herself to always stand up to that promise.
After a few more lunch dates they start getting close, the pull their hearts experience, stronger than ever. The first time Kara goes forward with a hug as a way to greet the raven-haired genius, Lena stiffens as a rock, not being used to such closeness, it takes her a few more attempts at physical contact but when she gives in, she finds her new favorite place, in the blonde’s arms. There is something about the way Kara hugs her that makes her feel at ease and safe, like a small precious creature that needs to be taken care of, as if she were fragile and invaluable, the scent of vanilla and flowers that she has now come to associate with the woman, dizzying, and her warmth, protecting. She feels certain that no one has ever said so much and yet so little with the simplest wrap of arms. She surely has gotten a little enraptured by her hugs. And her eyes, she’s not sure she’s ever seen bluer eyes than those, and she finds captured by them every single time. At first, she felt like they could be deceiving, however, as time went by, she has come to realize that she can read them like an open book, whether is worry or affection, she knows what Kara is feeling, and she’s now certain that the woman can also read her with that same easiness.
Will she ever get used to this woman’s presence? Somehow, she truly hopes not, is addicting the way the baby hairs at the base of her neck seem to electrify the moment she gets into Lena’s eyeline, how her breathing becomes shallower and everything else in her line-of-sight fades. After more than six months working together, she still loses her bearings every single time the raven-haired woman crosses the doorstep of her lab, it’s been natural, the way she seems to exist in her space, the way the move around each other as if they’ve been doing this for years instead of a few months. She has become attuned to the sound of her heartbeat, knowing the precise instant she arrives at the door of the warehouse, to her constant smell of citrus and coffee, she is now an addict of. Moreover, she’s addicted to her smile, her laugh, the way her dimples show whenever she is actually letting herself feel, long gone is the mask of the no-nonsense, cold-blooded CEO every newspaper feasted on.
Lena, on the other hand, has devoted her entire mind to this project, after the first months of failure, they both started gaining momentum and now they seem unstoppable, the device will still take some time as it is groundbreaking and will move Earth’s technology forward several years; however, their progress is excellent and is going ahead of their own agenda. The Luthor is so enraptured by the project that whenever she’s not working on it, her mind is reeling with possibilities; she can’t help it, she is so excited that whenever a new idea or pathway pops into her mind, she springs out of bed and drives to their lab, Kara’s lab, to keep working. After a few times Kara caught her in there, she made it her new purpose to make sure that the woman eats and sleeps properly, becoming aware of her terrible work habits. For Lena, it’s grounding in a way, the fact that someone actually cares for her, is new, and at first it scared her, but she’s come to realize that it’s deeply rooted into the blonde, she truly cares, and her kindness is blinding.
They have become accustomed to each other, and have started opening more, mostly Lena, since Kara still has a super big secret, she’s yet to come clean. The Kryptonian now knows about all the abuse Lena has endured throughout her life. How even though Lillian never actually hit her, she would still make her hate towards the green-eyed woman very well-known, criticizing every single detail, from her posture, to her eye-color, her freckles and every little imperfection she could find; humiliating her for sins she never committed, like that one time she decided to go to a party, during summer, and returned home soaking wet, as a downpour had broken lose, and Lillian made her cook for her and Lex, with her clothes soaked as punishment, and then berated her for dripping water on the floor, forcing her to clean with a rag and a bucket, on her knees. Kara’s heart broke that time, so badly that she couldn’t stop herself and hugged the woman trying to convey all her support and care. Running her fingers through black strands, whispering tenderly into her ear that it wasn’t her fault and that she is worthy.
Kara knows about the huge betrayal her brother committed that time when he went rouge and tried to kill Superman, using one of her own inventions to synthesize kryptonite and embed it into his Lexosuit. She has never trusted anyone after that. Simultaneously, Lena knows that Kara is adopted, she hasn’t given a lot of information about her life prior to the Danvers, but she’s certain it was horrible and traumatizing, she doesn’t want to pry, but she can tell from the way the light in those blue eyes seem to vanish, like a suffocated candle, the way there is a red glint to them, whenever she mentions that she failed, that she should’ve been better, smarter. And Lena holds her, rubs her back and lets her crumble and cry, she’s certain that this personification of the sun had nothing to do with whatever happened and she needs her to understand that, it’s hard. Without them knowing, their hearts started opening, giving the other a soft spot, always there, prevailing, waiting.
Kara has a drawer filled with snacks. Lena is not ever sure why she is surprised by that when the woman is literally always munching on something, how she doesn’t gain weight, she sure as hell doesn’t know; but there is just something about opening her desk’s drawer, which surface is always filled with scribbles, experiments records and calculations, and find it filled to the brim with snacks, from Poky’s to chips and… is that one of the pastries she bought last month? The CEO shakes her head in disbelief, a loving smile forming on her lips, and tries not to think about it too deeply, she absolutely doesn’t steal a chocolate bar. Sitting on a stool in front of the prototype she’s currently trying to make work, her thoughts inevitably drift to how her life has been for the past months. When she first started working in this lab, she got to know all of Kara’s friends and colleagues, and she was impressed again about the easiness with which they let her in. But being alone in Kara’s lab is something else entirely, it is not the first time this has happened, the blonde sometimes remembers she has to do something last minute and gets to it, leaving Lena on her own. Is a small gesture, but it never fails to turn her into goo, being trusted so blindly by someone so caring, she has seen the blonde playing with kids and eating unhuman amounts of ice cream, she is certain that the woman is the impersonation of goodness and the sun, and it makes her feel something she hasn’t given the time, nor wanted to for that matter, to analyze, shoving everything in little mind boxes, her life is pretty messed up without the added weight of feelings, especially with the whole anti-alien campaign.
She pinches the bridge of her nose to try and lessen the upcoming migraine she can feel the beginnings of. Whoever is behind that letter has been working from the dark, pulling strings here and there and planting the seeds of hatred towards aliens. National City has been one of the main destinations of displaced aliens and there were already growing sentiments before this whole thing, nevertheless, there weren’t any actual actions towards them, there are now. A few protests against the recognition of aliens as citizens has arisen, and there are now several youtubers who ‘state facts’ on how aliens are a threat to the human race, a speech about how aliens are taking their jobs and invading their spaces, how they will come and conquer, and who knows what other bullshit. At first she was sure this little uprising was going to end quite fast, and never really gain strength or followers, she was wrong, it turned out that a lot of humans had resentments towards aliens and this has just spurred them to the surface, many other humans who have lost their jobs to aliens have also joined and now is a very wide movement throughout the city that doesn’t seem likely to go down in the near future and is worrying, this kind of hatred-guided obsessions always escalate to more violence from both sides and who knows what could happen.
Sighing and hoping for the best, she turns around to keep working in her nanobots while Kara arrives and drags her to grab some dinner, smiling to herself at the thought of their now usual routine, where they work together all day, Kara always bringing something for lunch for them and at the end of the day she’d drag the raven-haired genius to either her apartment or the blonde’s and they’d have dinner, if Lena was in the mood she’d cook for them, not letting Kara touch anything, being remitted to chopping, if not they’d just simply order something and then watch some Netflix or another rom-com that Kara needs Lena to know (is general knowledge Lena). It fills her body with goosebumps the way they have gotten close, understanding each other easily, as if it had been always them, forever each other. She’s not usually this cheesy, though.
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leilaofpaper · 4 years
Supergirl Enneagram Types
Okay, after months of procrastination research, I finally compiled a list for the enneagram types of the main characters of supergirl (at least most of them).
Before we dive in, I would highly recommend checking out the enneagram institute’s type descriptions if you’re confused as I won’t be giving full descriptions of the types as that would take too long. I will go into the aspects that informed why I typed each character as such.
For a summary though, there are nine types, one through nine. Most people also have a dominant “wing” one of the types either side of them which influences their personality. For instance, a type 9 could be a 9w1 or a 9w8.
Kara Danvers - 2w3
“I can’t let that stop me from helping the people that need my help”
Twos are often known as “the helper”. Kara’s first priority in any situation is helping people, even at the cost of herself. I mean hell, she flew herself (and fort rozz) into space to prevent planet from being mind controlled. Like a type two, when she is in stress she becomes resentful and angry.
Her three wing shows in how she continually strives to improve herself, working hard to prove her worth to others.
Alex Danvers - 6w5
“You got me”
Sixes are known as the loyal skeptic - and are the type most closely related to anxiety. Alex is extremely loyal to the people she loves - a ride or die sort of woman. Like many type sixes, Alex does not like to be unprepared for a situation but will barrel in headfirst for her loved ones and her community.
Her five wing shows in her introversion and when she taps into the “scientific” portion of her brain, seeking out knowledge to make sense of her surroundings.
J’onn J’onzz - 8w9
“I wouldn’t want to live in a world where I need to change the colour of my skin to feel safe, to feel seen, to feel like I’m not a target. I’d rather change the world.”
Type eight is also known as “the protector”. J’onn throughout the series has progressed to a healthy eight - integrating to the positive traits of a type two, becoming a force for justice and protecting the innocent. He demonstrates eight qualities in the battle with anger most type eights have to reckon with, and the fierce protectiveness he has of his found family.
His nine wing shows in his desire for peace, both in his mind and externally.
Lena Luthor - 1w2
“I will not allow you to judge me and my use of science for the betterment of humanity.”
Type ones are also known as “the reformer” or “the perfectionist”. Their basic fear is of being a corrupt or “bad” person at their core, which certainly applies to Lena who is terrified of becoming like her brother. Lena’s obsession with “fixing” people is emblematic of her type, seeing the differences in the world as flaws that can be fixed by her. The fact that she uses her own morals to determine what is “correct” and is incredibly resistant to criticism, rather than collaborating with others , demonstrates the less healthy qualities of a type one.
Lena really wants to help the world, to be loved and needed by others. Her two wing shows in this.
Nia Nal - 4w3
“The greatest gift we can give each other is our authentic selves”
Until reading that quote, I was stumped on what to type Nia as. She has the energy and optimism of a seven, the desire for fairness and justice like a one or an eight, the desire to help like a two and sometimes the people-pleasing nature of a nine. However, Nia is a type four. The basic desire of a four is to find themselves and their significance and their basic fear is to be without an identity. Nia’s identity is the most important thing to her, not only as a trans woman but as a superhero, a friend, a journalist, a daughter a sister. Identity is so fundamental to the beauty of the world to her, that any attack on someone’s identity is met with a blast of dream energy.
Her three wing shows in her engagement with others and her determined nature towards her work and heroics. Nia wants to leave a mark on the world.
Brainiac 5 - 5w4
“I will beat you up... with physics”
Now, I do understand the irony of a character called Braniac *5* being a *type five*, but he does fit the bill. Type fives crave knowledge and understanding of the world above all else, and if you think Brainy isn’t one who wants to know everything... then I guess we’re watching different shows?
James Olsen - 4w3
“When you take a picture of someone, it’s permanent. You’ve captured the truth of them in that moment and that you can keep forever.”
James is a type four with a strong type three wing. He’s proud of his achievements and doesn’t like to stay in one place career wise for too long, seeking opportunities. However, like Nia, his identity is one of the most important things to him. It’s why he became guardian, he wanted to be more than just the *friend* of a superhero. Identity is why he revealed himself to the world, and why he is so vigilant against injustice.
Winn Schott - 3w2
Winn was tough until I started thinking about the basic fear of the enneagram types. A type three’s basic fear is of being worthless. As Winn progresses throughout the series he slowly becomes more of an “achiever”, being proud of his accomplishments and pushing himself to new heights (and new time periods). Winn wants to be known, to be appreciated for the things he can do and to have something he can be proud of himself for.
Mon El - 7w6
Type sevens are perhaps the most extroverted and optimistic type. Mon El too likes to seek out adventure and not be beholden to mundane things in life. He seeks out the things he enjoys and does his best to avoid pain. Less healthy sevens can be incredibly impulsive and scattered, but like we saw with Mon El is season three, when personal growth is achieved they become more focused.
Kelly Olsen - 9w8
Whilst some may categorise Kelly as a type two as she too enjoys helping people, I don’t think that’s correct. Type twos aren’t afraid to be confrontational, whilst a type nine will prefer to keep the boat steady. Kelly is definitely a calming and steady force in the superfriends.
Guesses (not enough info)
William Dey - type two? (I hope by the end of season six we will know enough about him so I can type him).
Maggie Sawyer - type 8?
Cat Grant - likely type 3
Feel free to send through an ask if you disagree or if you think I’ve missed something, or if you have any queries at all!.
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tht-lesbian-fangirl · 4 years
you keep complaining that alex, kelly, and nia don't have storylines and i don't mean to sound rude or anything i'm genuinely curious what you would have them do?
Well, I wouldn’t really consider it “complaining” since it’s just stating a fact about supposed series regulars (and Alex supposedly being the #2 star). But to answer you question, here’s what I’d do if I had control over 5b:
Alex: I would still have Alex leave the DEO, since it’s under Lex’s thumb. She’d join J’onn in his PI stuff for a bit while she’s trying to find her footing, but after an episode Alex would realize that 1. being an alien PI is more J’onn’s passion 2. it doesn’t quite pay the bills 3. she needs something more stable and with healthcare benefits if she’s going to adopt (yes, I would actually remember that plotline). So, Alex would decide to try going back to her roots in the science field. She would attend a bio-med convention looking for a job opening at a lab and run into Lena (who is less unhinged in my version of post-Crisis, yet still emotionally at odds with Kara). Their conversation would start out filled with tension, but one of them would crack a joke about how Lex ruling this Earth sucks and Alex would reveal that she quit her DEO job. As a peace offering and show of goodwill, Lena would offer Alex a job in her own R&D labs at LuthorCorp, a branch that Lex doesn’t have a part in. Alex would agree, initially using the job to keep an eye on Lena (and have some steady income), but would slowly start to see how Lena isn’t evil, she’s just deeply hurting. Lena even allows Alex to work on technology for Supergirl, since they don’t have the DEO’s resources anymore. By the end of the season, they’d be working together on some cool biotech that helps Supergirl defeat Leviathan. Throughout the season, Alex would still team up with Supergirl when needed, J’onn would have still given her that cool Martian weapon, and she’d play a key role during the final Leviathan battle. Additionally, she’d end the season on a happy note with Kelly, finding out that an adoption is finally coming through. They’d celebrate together and Kelly, a little tipsy, would say something like “I can’t wait to raise a kid with you,” implying that we may see a Dansen engagement/wedding in season 6.
Kelly: After Crisis, Alex would have updated Kelly on everything that went down between Kara and Lena. Kelly, being the compassionate, smart therapist that she is, would immediately think “Lena isn’t a villain. That woman needs help.” At first, Alex would be against Kelly going to visit Lena, causing some tension, trying to give Kelly the same head vs. heart talk she gave Kara. But Kelly would say that it’s her job as a therapist and friend to use both her head and heart (side note: technically it’s against APA code of ethics to give therapy to friends, family, etc., but this is a show with aliens that suspends disbelief, so screw the APA for this situation). Kelly would show Lena the genuine kindness she’s been lacking. They’d work through some of Lena’s childhood trauma and then Kara’s double identities, eventually bringing Kara into a session when Lena’s ready (this would all be during the phase where Alex worked for Lena but still didn’t trust her). Meanwhile, Kelly would still be working at Obsidian, but would interact with Andrea a little more, tying in that plot line. Kelly would still find the lens glitch and she’d continue working there, despite the Superfriends realizing that something is wrong, either due to Leviathan or Lex. It would cause more tension between Kelly and Alex in an episode, but ending with some of their great healthy communication and Alex’s confidence that Kelly is smart and strong enough to protect herself. During the final Leviathan battle, Kelly would be at Dreamer’s side, using the Gaurdian shield to help protect civilians, but not donning the full Guardian outfit because that’s not what she wants (yet?).
Nia: She’d be investigating Leviathan with Kara. William’s story would’ve been wrapped up in 5a, because...well it literally was wrapped up (now he only exists to scream “LEX DID IT” 24/7 and effectively distract Team Super from Leviathan). So we’d see Nia grow as a reporter and continue the mentor/mentee relationship with Kara. As Dreamer, she would continue to improve her powers, driven not just by her desire to be a hero, but also by her guilt for her inability to see Crisis coming. Talking through some of that guilt would be a great chance for her to bond with Kelly on an emotional level, and bond with Kara on a superhero level, letting Nia know that they’re all just doing the best they can and no hero is perfect. Nia would want to help Supergirl be ready for any huge future threats (i.e. Leviathan), yet while practicing, she’d still be slightly distracted by her feelings for Brainy and at one point she’d accidentally discover what he’s been up to with Lex. Nia would struggle with what to do: does she alert Supergirl? Does she confront him? Does she try to pry further with her dream energy and figure out why? But whatever she chooses, it would connect the Lex-Leviathan-Supergirl plot in a much better way and would actually utilize a powerful hero who’s been missing for no reason. We’d also see her bond more with Kelly and the Danvers sisters during a girls night, and her 5x15 episode would 100% still happen because that was important af. Nia would end the season as a more powerful and beloved hero, an accomplished journalist (publishing a piece on Leviathan with Kara), and attempting to reconnect with a very apologetic Brainy.
So that’s my outline of what I’d do with Alex, Kelly, and Nia this season. But hey, I’m just a random person on tumblr who wrote this in maybe 15min. I’m not a professional tv producer so what do I know?🤷‍♀️
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fireflake-art · 4 years
this is just a dump don’t worry about it
And i’ll break their ass down
Felicity Smoak
How I feel about this character
I’m love her. Felicity is the main reason why I kept on my Arrow binge, and now it’s one of my favorite shows.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Oliver, of course! Let’s go down the list, in order of which I shipped them; Sara, Alena, Nyssa, Black Siren. Probably more but i haven’t rewatched the earlier seasons in a while
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Curtis, bffs
My unpopular opinion about this character
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
More badass moments. Felicity is an amazing hacker, but I truly believe she would have advanced in the field as well if trained. Sure, I love Morally Gray! Felicity, but this part of her was quickly demonized by her friend group and I dunno that’s just uncomfortable for me. Felicity ain’t allowed to carry a gun so she can feel safe? She’s been kidnapped how many fucking times and Oliver’s throwing a shitfit now that she has the means to protect herself? It just doesn’t make sense. I feel like Oliver would object to Felicity killing, but also, she’s already commited mass murder? That’s the entire reason Ragboy left? Like she’s already killed people, Oliver, she’s been to the dark side before, dude, you can’t “save” her. I think he would’ve been more likely to train Felicity so she can defend herself properly so the gun wasn’t her only source of defense just in case it was used against her. Honestly all the teams need to train their more brainy members how to fight in general, you cannot have a person involved in something that could get them killed and not do that guys
Killer Frost (The Flash)
How I feel about this character
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Caitlin, OTP. I’ve never created so much art for a pairing before, whether it be fanfics or drawings. Silver Banshee and Livewire is my favorite crack ot3 for her. Probably makes passes at all her boys’ girls, like Iris and Kamilla and Sue
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Ralphie! They’re bros
My unpopular opinion about this character
Gagagagagagagaagay, socially awkward tsundere, just wants to be loved, will punch you in the face if you find out, panic attacks 24/7, so much anger issues
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
More soft moments with the team. I think she and Iris would work really well as passive-aggressive friends, y’know the type whose love language is insulting each other constantly
Cisco Ramon (The Flash)
How I feel about this character
I wuv him. Third favorite in the Flash, behind Frost and Cait respectively. Long hair, don’t care, nerd boy, i have a big gay crush on him, I really connect to his whole ‘i-was-emotionally-neglected-by-my- parents-and-fictional-characters-raised-me’ vibe. Also hair. pwetty. run hair??? run fingers through hair? ples
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Alright I’m poly and a multishipper so this is gonna be a long one. Keep in mind that I personally headcanon Cisco as bisexual aromantic, but as a subset identity called cupioromantic; my basic understanding of it is that though this label has no romantic feelings, they desire relations that are romantic-esque. Let’s go down the list! Ralph Dibny, Sue, and Kamilla as an ot4 absolutely melts me, Iris and Cisco are so good but Barco is neat too! Them as an ot3 could be so cute. Ronnie x Cisco is a gem. OH and he and Hartley used to date but broke up
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Caitlin of course! They’re best bros! The nerdy scientist and the professional doctor, both emotionally stunted idiots. I like to think they bonded over a shared love for horror movies, and that’s how they became friends. Also a bit of Killer Frost! Of course Cisco would have some relationship with his best friend’s alter. They’re not best friends (Frost considers Ralph her best friend), but they’re close. He introduced her to Game of Thrones. Frost calls him “Cissy,” “Transco” and “Vibeboy.” Cisco overuses “White Walker” way too much when talking with her.
My unpopular opinion about this character
A good boy?? I dunno, I can never find any content for Aro Cisco. I like to think that he’s emotionally stunted because his parents weren’t affectionate, and he developed a broad fixation on escapist fantasies for comfort and stimulation, like tv shows and comics. This could just be a projection ha 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I wish Cisco would just get confirmed as trans already! And he should talk about the fact he has a dead brother more often, that sting doesn’t just go away after a few episodes. Also give him and Iris more of a relationship. Also make him talk to Ralph more. Also there needs to be more chemistry with Kamilla, like comeon guys let’s see some banter over here rn he has more canonical chemistry with Ralph’s girlfriend
Caitlin Snow (The Flash)
How I feel about this character
My socially awkward darling.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Killer Frost. Just,, Frostie. Killersnow is my jam, I still chug out content for it to this day. Also Patty x Cait is a fun crackship, maybe throw Iris in it, too. Probably has a small crush on Kara and Kate. Way bigger crush on Lena and Alex. Buff smarties are her bread and butter, probably why she was so into Ronnie. Otherwise I generally see her as asexual
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Cisco, Barry, Ralphie. Cisco especially, they’re besties, everyday, inside jokes, binge-watch together, dumb idiots with wildly different coping mechanisms, I think that;s why I like their friendship so much? Cait sort of just shuts down, ignores it, pushes herself into something she views as more productive than her thoughts and feelings. Cisco de-constructs his emotions by putting them in ways he can easily understand, into comics and characters, because tv was his only escape from the emotional neglect his family offered. Caitlin focused solely on getting out and being someone Thomas could be proud of, y’know? 
My unpopular opinion about this character
Ace, bi, poly. Neutral, polite, aloof, superiority complex, inferiority complex, definite imposter syndrome-- idunno i fell in love with s1 Cait and I wish her canonically life-long tendency to repress and deny would show up more. Definitely the smartest in any given group (and she knows it), but is nice about it. Remember in season one when she called a brain freeze the long-ass scientific name? Instant love, I’m love her, I wish she did that more, clearly she loves science and medicine and biology so so much and I really hope they show more of her being a fuckin dork for it, it makes her feel so much more human, she’s just. great
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Just went on a rant about it in the above text. Let Caitlin be a dork! Let her be repressive and emotional and I-can-do-it-on-my-own-y! Let her be all this and more, a human whose conditioned herself a robot, I love that concept so much. Let Caitlin be herself!
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karlenasuperluthor · 4 years
Not Very Okay At All
Hey there, this is my first Supergirl one shot, so I hope it’s good. It’s also the first time I wrote a dialogue-heavy thing, I usually don’t have much dialogue in what I write so this was a nice thing to do, not sure it’s my style, but it was fun to try.
Anyway, this is a little 2k words 5x19 fix-it/ what I think happened after the end of the episode.
Anyway, I’m gonna shut up. Enjoy. I would love to know what you think.
Oh! Also! Here’s an AO3 link, in case you prefer to read it there.
When the day ended, after Leviathan was defeated with the help of Brainy and everyone decided to come back tomorrow, fresh and well rested, to figure out how to take down Lex.
Kara offered Lena to come back to her place, order some take out and talk. They started while they were in Lena's lab, but they kept getting interrupted and Kara felt like she needs to talk this through with Lena if they ever want to move on and try to become friends again.
So here they were, in Kara's living room, with three pizza boxes on the table. One plain, mostly for Lena, one with pepperoni and another one with pineapples. They were all half eaten, with Kara take a slice from a different box every time and Lena only eating three slices before she was full.
They were silent all this time, neither knowing what to say to start the conversation in fear of saying the wrong thing while also not really knowing what they want to say. Eventually, though, Kara got tired of the silence and spoke up.
“You know what? Yes, I hurt you. I didn’t mean to, but I did. But you never listened to me, you used me, and you intentionally looked for ways to hurt me. And, yes, I probably could have done this differently, but I didn’t hurt you intentionally. I tried to do the right thing, tell you the truth. But you also forgot that I never owed it to you, no matter how much you mean to me, how much I meant to you.
"My truth was mine to share when I was ready. Because it's more than just a secret identity, it's also about my past, my planet, my family. The trauma of seeing my plant literally explode right in front of my eyes, knowing that my entire family and friends are there and there's nothing I can do to keep them alive. It's about being trapped in the Phantom Zone for 24 years, without time passing, the only thing keeping me occupied are the images of losing my plant playing over, and over, and over in my mind, in an endless loop, and being only 13 and not knowing if I'll ever get to earth, or if I'll spend the rest of eternity in this pace where time doesn't pass, where I would be forever stuck as a 13 year old. I was supposed to take care of my baby cousin, at 13 I was given the responsibility of taking care of him. And there I was, stuck in this place, absolute silence and darkness surrounding me, and I didn't know what would happen to me, what would happen to Kal-El, where he was.
"And don't– don't tell me that you're sorry, that you didn't know, because you not knowing that was a result of your actions, of you using me, leading me on for weeks, and then refusing to listen to me, to talk to me, no matter how hard I tried to have this conversation with you. You refused to talk to me, so you not knowing is a result of your actions and your decisions, because I tried, at every single turn, to give you a chance, give you the benefit of the doubt. I fought for you at the DEO, telling my sister and my friends that you were just confused, that you were just processing and that you needed time. But instead, you proved them all right. You went and used me, stole from me, used kryptonite against me, even after I told you why it scares me so much.
"I only made one single mistake, and that is not telling you the truth as soon as I was ready, letting Alex decide for me that it's not a good time, no matter when I wanted to do it. But you let that dictate your actions this entire year, you decided that your anger and hurt is more important to you than our friendship. And I know– I know that you didn't mean to let it get this far, but I gave you so many options to stop, to get out of the path you were on, and then you went and worked with Lex of all people, after everything he did to you. After all the times he betrayed you, tried to get you killed, gained your trust just so that he could manipulate you. You went to him, instead of me, when you knew I would listen to you, and talk to you, if you just gave me the chance."
Kara poured out every single thought she ever had over the last year, since she told Lena the truth, and Lena was stunned into silence.
"I… uh… I'm sorry." Lena said quietly. Kara could see the tears in her eyes, could hear the way she was holding them back. Lena took a deep breath and continued.
"I'm sorry I never listened to you, you were right, I let my anger and hurt lead the way. I thought I knew everything about you, and then you revealed this huge piece of information, and I felt so stupid. I just thought to myself 'wow, if it was this easy for her to hide something as big as this, what else could she be hiding from me?' and instead of coming to you, I just stewed in my anger, let it build and consume me. And then… then then the crisis happened, and suddenly Lex was part of the good guys, supposedly, and he came to me, and told me he'll work with me, used a truth seeker on himself to prove to me he was telling the truth, and I just followed him blindly, because he accepted me, this version of him never lied to me. And it was just so much easier to trust him so blindly than try and repair our relationship.
"But you're right, it was your truth to tell when you were ready. I just never thought about everything else that came with you being Supergirl, being an alien, because it was so much easier to be mad at you when I don't let my mind validate your actions. When I let myself be angry from having to find out from my dying brother. He used his dying breath to tell me this, knowing that this is when he did with it, while you had three years of friendship to come to me with this, it was so easy to justify my actions to myself and everyone around me. To push everyone I love away."
Kara opened her arms to Lena after she saw she was finished, indicating that she wanted a hug.
"You know, you need to stop assuming every time someone hurts you it was intentional and because you're a Luthor. Because as far as I'm concerned, as well as our friends, you're just Lena. You need to understand that once people get to know who you are, under the CEO persona with the killer heels and designer clothes and the looks that could kill, we see our friend Lena who likes to wear t-shirts with bad science puns on them and loves red wine and is crazy good at Monopoly even thought it's supposed to be pure luck, and cries and cried during every single movie we watch. We love you for you, and we keep you around because we like the person you are when you're around us, not because we want to keep an eye on the crazy Luthor that might go over the edge at any second. And know that you can always come to us for help, because we're never going to judge you for needing help"
"I promise I'm gonna try." Lena smiled a soft smile at her best friend.
"That's all I could ever ask for"
Kara tightened her arms around her best friend, happy that she finally got everything she ever wanted to say off her chest.
"Hey Kara?" Lena whispered
"Can we try and go back to being friends? I know it'll never be the same as before, or what it could have been, but I want to try, because I never had a friend like you, and I don't want to lose you"
"Yeah, I'd like that."
After a little while, Kara spoke up again.
"You know, another reason I never told you was because being friends with you was always so easy. You never expected me to always be okay, always be strong. My friends, and Alex, no matter how hard they try, they always see Supergirl when they look at me, even if they don't mean to. They always see that beacon of hope and love and compassion, and they always expect me to be strong, and happy, and provide comfort, that they sometimes forget that I need that comfort every now and then. That sometimes I need to be taken care of.
"They forget that sometimes I have bad days, because it isn't always easy to be happy after everything that happened to me. I have days when I need my mom more than anything, to hug her and feel her arms around me, smell her hair that I swear smelled like sunshine, or hear her voice telling me that everything is going to be okay. And I miss the way my dad would sneak me into his lab, and teach me everything he knows, and let me do my own science experiments, blowing stuff up, and accidentally setting equipment on fire, or how he would call me his sunshine, his piece of Rao. And I miss prying with my parents for Rao. I miss the red hue everything had from the light of Rao, and the way His color would change when the sun was setting, and everything would get this deep, dark red color and how beautiful it was. I miss knowing exactly where my life was going, knowing that once I finish my education, I'm going to be in the Science Guild with my father. I was so excited to get to spend every single day with him, he was my best friend. And I know they aren't doing it on purpose, trying to make me feel bad for not being okay, but they still do it, even Alex.
"But I never had that with you, you never expected Kara to be okay all the time, because just Kara was only human. I was only human to you, and you accepted me on my bad days just like you did on my good days, because part of being human was getting hurt, and not being okay. And sometimes I have days where I don't feel okay for no apparent reason, I just do, and it was okay. You never judged me. Never expected me to be this beacon of hope because you didn’t know that was me, and I wasn't ready to risk that, to possibly let that go."
"Hey, here's the thing. There are two things that you need to know. The first thing is that even those people, who seem to have got everything in life all sorted out... they probably haven't. Actually, everyone has days when they feel Not Very Okay At All. Some people are just better at hiding it than others. And the second thing you need to know... is that it's okay to feel Not Very Okay At All. It can be quite normal, in fact. And all you need to do, on those days when you feel Not Very Okay At All, is come and find me, and tell me. Don't ever feel like you have to hide the fact you're feeling Not Very Okay At All. Always come and tell me. Because I will always be there."
"Did you just quote Winnie the Pooh at me?" Kara giggled
"Yes, yes I did" Lena smiled as she said that.
"I never pegged you for a Winnie the Pooh kinda gal"
"Kara Danvers, there is a lot you still don't know about me"
"Well, I can't wait to find out"
For anyone wondering, this is the full Winnie the Pooh quote, it’s one of my favorites.
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ruffiorocks · 5 years
If Lena was a man 'he' could still be the same Lena.
So I just got sent a link to one of Kramreciets screen shots and even though the shot was from the same two people who just hate SC shippers simply for existing I'm feeling the need to address it.
The post addressed the claim that if Lena was a man then Supercorp would have already happened by now. But they turned it into if Lena was a man SC shippers would basically call her a white, rich, privileged, abusive creep and if Mon El had been female then SC shippers wouldn't have cared that he was a slave owner and had lots of sex. (Not attacking Mon El here, just reiterating what was said).
So... Here's my two cents only one person asked for 😅.
Honestly I think it's bullsh*t and people need to really find something better to do with their lives to begin with.
Quickly to begin with if Mon El was a female slave owner having lots of sex with his slaves male or female and then leaving them to die and/then lied to Kara and was possessive etc. Then 'she' would be just as much as a douche bag as male Mon El would be.
Now for the main point, the claim is working under the false understanding that if Lena was male that she/he would have to be bad simply because he was male. That every male character is toxic and that LGBT+ women/etc hate men in general. If Lena was a man but acted the same way Lena does then it doesn't make the character any different to how Katie plays her.
You may have to rearrange a few things (like would she/he then date Alex? Because for her to date James they would have to make her/him and James both gay or bisexual, would that mean Alex doesn't come out as gay? I suppose that would leave Kara free to be the one to come iut as gay since the idea of two main characters being gay is apparently a stretch).
But there's no reason why she/he couldn't still be Kara's best friend, not all men are bad and incapable of being just friends with women and believe it or not men can be best friends with women, yes even straight men can be best friends with straight women. Not everyone is attracted to everyone because they are sexually compatible.
We can't have sensitive male characters? I bet to differ since Winn and Brainy both exist. Kara managed a best friend relationship with Winn, he had a fleeting crush on her, was an ass and then got over it like a grow up does.
So male Lena is a bit more sensitive than you expect, no issues there. Female Lena likes to act tough and she is but we all know she's super sensitive, a man can be exactly the same. No reason why male Lena couldnt still hug or have a game night with Kara. A man can be grateful to his female friends and buy her flowers to say thankyou.
No reason why Kara couldn't still save male Lena's ass, she does it just fine with Winn, James and Mon El. We see Winn doing science and we don't accuse him of being a mad scientist.
I don't watch Legends but isn't the Atom a billionaire scientist who is a really nice and sensitive guy? Isn't Cisco a scientist and a really nice and sensitive guy?
Male Lena could still be best friends with Sam, he could still realise that Sam was Reign, he could still make Kryptonite and not intend to hurt Supergirl with it, only thinking of saving his friend. Also, remember that Supergirl is the one that tends to pick fights with Lena over things. So Supergirl attacking male Lena about having Kryptonite or calling him a Luthor or having a go because he made Harun El is not male Lena being toxic, that's actually still Supergirl being an ass to her friend.
Male Lena coming to the DEO and saving Supergirl's life or building her a statue or making her tech to protect her works out the exact same way.
Male Lena could even ask Kara to come and meet her ex with him.
Male Lena could still decide to sacrifice his ex girlfriend to save Supergirls life.
Supergirl betraying male Lena's trust by asking his significant other (James? ) Is still Supergirl being the ass, gender changes nothing here.
Male Lena would still have saved the world several times.
The whole Rhea kidnapping her to make her marry Mon El would have to change, but then again Mon El said himself 'the more the merrier' on Daxam, so maybe he could be bi? Maybe an heir can be made with just make DNA (that would be an interesting storyline). Or maybe Rhea disinherits Mon El and wants to marry male Lena herself? Male Lena could still have the same mother/son relationship with Rhea.
Perhaps Male Lena could have been gay? He could have got with Winn, I'd of been OK with that. Lena and Winn always had better chemistry and more in common than Lena did with James. (But no hate). Male Lena getting with Winn? You wouldn't have had the issues with him disliking her for being a Luthor like James did avoiding the issues that that causes among fans. But that's another story.
Oh and the whole Adam situation? Soo... A man decides he wants to cure Cancer and that's an issue? A man accidentally kills his test subject (male or female ) and that somehow changes the story? No, the story stays exactly the same, we just wouldn't have had male Lena showing as much skin as female Lena does. No reason why male Lena couldnt have the same background as female Lena or the connection with Adam.
No reason why male Lena and Alex couldn't become great friends.
It doesn't even change the relationship with Lex, he's simply an ass to his half brother instead of his sister. (He had a half brother in Smallville, Lena could easily have been Lucas Luthor, or Lex's full biological brother who died in infancy Julian Luthor).
Also to quickly address the comment made on the OG post as to why SC shippers ship SC when Alex and Kelly are canon well that's easy. SC has been around since before Kelly showed up and even before Alex came out as gay. SC has been a ship since the very first episode of season 2 when Kara first set eyes on Lena. 'Technically' Lena and Kara made eye contact and officially met before Kara even met Mon El, Kara met his unconscious form. So unless you shipped Karamel at the very beginning because you knew he would be her love interest then SC and Karamel were both born at the same time, and there's nothing wrong with that. Supercorp continued to be a ship when Alex came out, when Alex dated Maggie, when Alex broke up with Maggie, when Alex slept with Sara, when the AgentReign shippers emerged with Sam and even now when Alex has another canon love interest. You are allowed to ship more than one pairing, you are allowed to be more invested in the main characters storyline than the secondly ones. You are allowed to believe it's possible for more than one lesbian couple to exist and you're allowed to like your non canon ship which you have shipped since before the canon lesbian came out than the actual canon lesbian couple.
Whether or not SC would be canon if Lena was a man is debatable, I think it would be more likely to happen if she was a man, but it isn't set in stone.
Anyhoo that's today's rant!
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gabsrambles · 6 years
Prompt: Alex and Lena making out in secret and things are getting heavy— hearts racing and what not... Supergirl bursts in thinking her two favorite people are in danger. Embarrassing hilarity ensues.
Lena is a mistake Alex only meant to make once.
Or you know, not make at all.
But then she made it, so then it was supposed to stay in the ‘Once Only’ column.
And Alex blames the whiskey the first time, anyway. Not at all her fault. It was purely alcohol and the fact that, well, fine, Lena is really, actually, very, very hot. Like, painfully so. Alex’s Big Gay Awakening happened and she only had eyes for Maggie but then that ended in a way that still makes her stomach twist achingly (how can you be so, so good with someone yet have the one fundamental thing that makes you incompatible? How?) and Alex started to notice other women.
And Lena is really hot.
Like, yes, the boss will see you now hot. Sam was also attractive and maybe Alex thought for a little while that was going to build into something, but Sam, all traumatised (understandably) had to get away from where everything went down.
The woman who serves Alex coffee is really cute, with dimples in her cheeks and eyes that sometimes, when Alex isn’t drowning in the self doubt she smothers with faked bravado almost every moment, she swears rake up and down her when she hands over the coffee.
Attractive women are just everywhere. They have so many qualities. Laughs, and collarbones, and legs for days. Bright eyes and curves and, well, Alex was learning she didn’t really have a type.
Women are hot.
Lena is exceptionally so.
But Alex kind of noticed it distantly. Because she’s Kara’s best friend and she doesn’t know Kara is Supergirl and Alex knows it isn’t the nicest thing, but she still doesn’t entirely trust Lena to any great capacity.
Alex is trying. She moved past pinning it on the last name that Alex knows follows Lena like a thick coating of ash she can never entirely beat out of the cloth on her skin. But then the kryptonite. And the shady comments.
And she’s so fucking intelligent.
She is, categorically, a danger.
A really hot danger.
But that was a distant acknowledgement. Until Alex went to L-Corp to question Lena about something and Lena rolled her eyes and gave her a drink and they sat while Lena didn’t even blink as Alex fired question after question about the Kryptonite protection suit and what it all meant and then two hours had passed and they’d drunk a little too much of the whiskey and had moved to the couch and she was close and Alex hadn’t been touched since Sara and had spent the next week after it wrapped in guilt and never really got to enjoy it. Lena’s knee bumped against hers and Alex didn’t pull away and then they were kissing, Lena’s fingers against her jaw and then her palm gliding along her cheek until her fingers were in Alex’s hair.
She was a great kisser.
It was kind of annoying, that she was that attractive and intelligent and really, really good with her lips.
Something that Alex found out in more detail not long after as they pressed against her throat and then her chest and then her stomach where Lena pushed up the shirt Alex was wearing. Her fingers were fumbling with Alex’s belt and then her boots and there was a minute where they were both laughing because getting undressed isn’t actually always the sexiest thing but then Lena’s lips were on her and her tongue and Alex came embarrassingly fast.
In her defence, so did Lena when Alex pushed her onto the carpet and her hand crept up that skirt that was now bunched around Lena’s waist.
But after all the breathy moans and flushed cheeks, the awkward aftermath settled over them and Alex kind of…tugged her pants back on, gathered her jacket and skedaddled.
One time.
It was supposed to stay one time.
Except that night she didn’t sleep even with the alcohol because she was staring at the roof remembering the damp feel of Lena’s breath against her ear and the desperate canting of her hips and the needy sounds that spilled out around them and instead of feeling sated Alex wanted more, legs shifting restlessly under the heat of her sheets.
But it was a mistake.
A one time mistake. Once. Uno. No more.
They are not a good match. At all. They come from polar opposites of everything and the whole, Kara’s best friend who can be a bit shady thing. And not knowing Kara is Supergirl.
And the whole, just…the whole thing.
A one time mistake.
But then they all had drinks in a bar a week later, and Kara brightened next to her and Alex followed her line of sight to see Lena walking in and she was wearing a dress that should be criminal and all she did was raise one eyebrow at Alex in greeting like nothing had happened while Alex squirmed in her chair, cheeks burning, as Lena chatted with Brainy and J’Onn and Kara as if last week she hadn’t grunted “fucking harder” in Alex’s ear before Alex had done just that and Lena had—
But no. Lena was fine.
But then Kara was pulled away for Supergirl duties with her usual lame excuse (her sister is so badly at lying sometimes Alex wonders if the entire city knows her identity and is just humouring her) and Brainy followed her out. J’Onn got a message and was gone, and it was Lena and Alex left with all the memories of what they did rising between them.
Alex, of course, fled to the bathroom to try get herself together.
Lena followed.
And then pushed her against the gross, dirty wall and kissed her and she is genuinely that good at kissing that Alex was convinced in 0.1 second that maybe two times would be okay. Lena whispered in her ear that the bar was gross and why not go back to her place.
So they did.
And technically it wasn’t really two times after that but six, but really, it was only two occasions so whatever.
It turns out that Lena was hot in a the boss will see you now way but also in, well, a lot of ways. The way she arched under Alex. The way she grinned right before she ducked her head to press her tongue against her. The way she went boneless after her third orgasm and just smiled lazily up at the ceiling, and then at Alex, eyes so damn green.
How in the morning, she made them coffee in just an over-sized hoody and her underwear, hair piled on top her head with tendrils escaping all over the place, and casually asked Alex about particle displacement in interdimensional portals and Alex’s damn heart gave a deceiving, sharp thump against her rib cage.
After the second-slash-sixth time, she didn’t even bother trying to convince herself it wasn’t going to happen again.
So now it’s been happening for a month and it’s still a mistake, probably.
Kind of.
But maybe it’s not a genuine, painful mistake, but a mistake like if you walked into the wrong class in college and sat down and figured you were there anyway so you may as well listen and it turns out it was super interesting and made you realise you shouldn’t be majoring in literature but instead biochemistry and you wouldn’t have known if not for the first mistake.
That led to something fun.
Because, and Alex has no idea how she got here of all places, Lena Luthor is fun. They argue over stupid science theories and one time she made a joke that was super complex but made Alex snort her wine, and when Lena laughs, it’s so loud and real and, almost…startled, like she still isn’t used to doing it so genuinely.
She shows up sometimes after a night Alex has been beating up bad guys and is super sweaty and instead of being grossed out her pupils blow wide and Alex ends up against the wall. And then in the shower.
Just not alone.
They drink coffee in the soft light of morning when they both avoid the fact that they have to go to work. They eat dinner sometimes in Lena’s office and share wine in a bar down the street for Alex’s apartment.
They send each other messages with emojis and Alex wonders who the hell she’s become.
They have a lot of sex.
And Alex learns she likes the way Lena thinks. She considers everything. It’s different to Alex, who can have a one track mind. Lena…she sees everything in grey.
They both avoid talking about what it is and telling people and they never talk about Kara, but it doesn’t really matter because whatever it is is fun and sexy and Alex’s heart does that hard thump more often than she wishes it would, like the great betrayer it is.
Then one night Kara’s on patrol and Alex is bored because the city is under control so she goes to L-Corp and finds Lena on the balcony with a whiskey. When Lena turns around, it’s with the skyline behind her and her face lights up, a slow smile as her gaze definitely drops down Alex’s body to meet her eyes again, that smile turning into a smirk that makes Alex’s stomach bottom out. Alex walks forward and takes the glass from Lena’s hand, their fingers over each others until Alex tugs it away and takes a slow sip, Lena’s eyes never leaving her face.
It’s been days, because they’ve been busy. They’re both always so busy.
Lena’s kiss is hungry and Alex stumbles backwards, the glass left on the railing and her hands fisting Lena’s blazer, the silk of her blouse against her knuckles. She almost falls once as they blindly make it into the office, Alex’s leather jacket on the balcony and her shirt pulled out from where it was tucked into her jeans. Lena’s hand glides over her stomach, Alex’s muscles jumping, and over her back under her shirt. Before she can fall, her ass hits Lena’s desk and Lena’s kiss doesn’t stop even as she manages to push papers to the floor that fall with a fluttering sound. The desk is cold even through her jeans but she sits on it anyway, Lena between her legs and Alex’s wrapped around her to pull her in tighter. It’s impossible to stop, and they’ve gotten so very, very good at this.
Lena’s buttons come undone slowly, their kiss slowing to match the pace and Alex can feel Lena’s heart racing against her fingers when they graze over her sternum. She pushes the shirt off her shoulders but then holds it there, trapping Lena’s arms in place and pulling her tighter against her front, the lace of her bra soft against Alex’s chest, her own shirt thrown behind them at some point. She squeezes her legs tighter, and Lena presses more firmly against her. Lena finally pulls back to gasp, her lips so red and pupils blown so wide all Alex can do is grin before pulling her back in.
There’s a thump, a sound like wind that Alex knows far too well and then an actual yelp.
They freeze, everything freezes, or Alex wishes it did, forever anyway, because she knows exactly who that was and what’s happening but for the shortest of moments Lena has pulled back and they are just staring at each other, wide-eyed, horrified, because surely Lena knows too.
“I’m sorry!”
Lena twists enough in Alex’s arms to see behind her, and Alex tilts just slightly to the right to look. Behind Lena, in the doorway, just like Alex knew she would be, is Kara.
Rather, Supergirl.
But right now one is just as bad as the other.
Her hand is literally clapped over her eyes and her face is redder than Alex has ever seen it and Lena’s shirt is still clutched in both of Alex’s hands against the back of her arms, and Alex very much does not have a shirt on and all Alex can feel is annoyed because this was going to be some very, very good desk sex.
“Sorry!” Kara says again.
“Why are you here?” Lena asks.
She doesn’t move but really Alex can’t blame her because pulling away would mean having to awkwardly clasp her shirt closed in front of her and at least this way they’re both kind of covered.
Alex hates her sister.
But also, slowly, she’s realising this is awkward as hell.
But mostly, right now, she hates her sister because Lena was very much about to push her back on this desk and it was going to be amazing.
Kara’s hand is still slapped over her eyes and her other hand is held up like she could ward them away or something, and Alex may be about to hysterically laugh so she bites her lip but her smile escapes anyway.
“I heard—I just…” Kara sighs heavily, that hand holding off evil lowering to her side. “Can I look yet?”
“Sure,” Alex answers.
She drops her hand—as if she doesn’t have x-ray vision—and when she opens her eyes she yelps again and slaps her hand back. “You haven’t moved! You’re still…almost naked.”
Lena turns to look at Alex, raises her eyebrows and sees Alex’s grin. Her eyebrows rise higher. She pulls away with a sigh, and tugs her shirt together and Alex jumps off the desk, grabs her own off the floor and holds it against her front before sitting on the edge of the desk next to Lena, who’s arms are now crossed to hold her shirt together and is watching Kara with her head tilted to one side.
There’s a slight red mark blooming on her neck Alex doesn’t even remember making.
“You can look now.”
This time, Kara spreads two fingers and looks between them cautiously. “You couldn’t get dressed properly ?” she asks, before letting her hand fall away. Two high spots of colour are sill on her cheeks and she fiddles with her cape with one hand.
Alex still just wants to laugh.
“Well, I think we would both like to get back to what we were doing,” Lena says.
Kara’s mouth drops open and Alex chokes on her snicker.
“I—was that necessary?” Kara shoots at Lena.
Lena smirks. “Yes. Again—why are you here?”
Kara sighs. “I heard—I heard your heart beats. They, um…” She’s completely red again, just like before. She avoids all eye contact. “They were fast, both of them, in the same location. I thought you were in trouble.”
“Nope,” Alex says. And maybe she’s having too much fun with this, especially considering how worried she was about Kara knowing she was banging her best friend. But seriously, her sister looks like she’s about to melt through the floor. “Not in trouble.”
Kara’s gaze is on the ceiling. “I get that now.”
Lena clears her throat.
Kara’s neck is also red.
Alex is plain grinning.
“So…we’re fine, Kara.” Alex’s head whips around to stare at Lena, eyes wide, mouth open. As does Kara’s. “You can go.”
“Kara?” Kara squeaks. Alex is squinting at Lena, who is staring straight at Kara unblinking. Looking like she’s enjoying every single part of this far too much. “Why, uh…why would you call me that?”
Of course she knew. Of course.
Luthor. Intelligent.
Of course Lena knew. She’s probably known for a very long time.
Alex’s grin is back.
Lena rolls her eyes. “Maybe we can get into that another time, Kara?”
Kara gives a high pitched laugh. “That’s not my—not my name.”
Alex looks to Kara. “I think it’s blown.”
Kara seems to deflate on the spot. “Oh. Um….”
“Another time?” Lena asks.
“Of-of course. You’ve got things to do.” Kara’s eyes widen. “Oh my god, one of which is my sister.”
And with that, she simply backs out the door and disappears, and Alex can practically hear her mortification.
Lena turns her head to look at her, and Alex turns hers. Slowly, like she’s not sure if Alex is going to back away, Lena leans forward and drops a kiss to Alex’s bare shoulder and Alex lets her smile soften.
When Lena pulls back, relief is in her eyes and Alex should be concerned about a lot of things.
But she’s just not.
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nieladasdenani · 5 years
Supergirl prompt (preferably Supercorp)
So, even though no one has ever taken a prompt of mine from here (tumblr) at least to my knowledge, I have more!
Fair notice that I think the idea has been made into something, somewhere. I’m not sure though, and I’m positive it’s a completely different twist on it. It’s a “Kara gets adopted by the Luthors instead” kind of deal.
But! She’s younger, like Lena is when she’s adopted by the Luthors (at least in TV canon), so around 4-5 yo. This can mean that Lena herself gets adopted by the Danvers, at around 11-12 yo. 
The twist, though, is that: The Luthors are not horrible one-dimensional comic book villains. Lex is not a crazy megalomaniac, who feels threatened by Superman’s power and the becomes homicidal. Lilian is not a heartless scientist who resents the adopted child... Lionel can die when she’s younger, too, though. I’m not too familiar with him anyway. They’re still powerful and rich. They become attached to the little girl and her trauma, so they become kind of pro-alien activist. (See, I think if they had this experience of living with a golden-hearted alien like Kara, things be different. Again, I’m thinking of complex characters, with depth. Also, Lilian wouldn’t have to resent the girl, because she wouldn’t be a personification of her husband being unfaithful) I like the idea of these people, particularly Lilian, being humans.
Now, the Danvers can still have a DEO connection, not necessarily anti-alien, of course, they’re still the good people we know. But they do know there are extranormal threats and dangerous aliens out there. So maybe that can be the animosity between them? So, the can start being “enemies” because the ones think the others are alien haters/xenophobics, the others think the ones are sort of terrorist? Like rich people being crazy, or whatever. Then eventually, reluctantly they come to see each other’s point and realize they were not as opposed to each other’s views after all.
Lena could still be Lionel’s biological daughter, to add some of that extra drama, people like so much. But maybe not having to raise her would give Lilian some chill on the resentment? Of course, Alex and Kara develop a special bond because they’re soulmates and it’s mandatory: Kara would still become Supergirl and work with Alex, eventually. And of course, she and Lena will inevitably fall in love, because of course.
I’d love to have Cat still be some sort of mentor to Kara? Though, I don’t know how. I figured Kara wouldn’t become interested in journalism in this universe. She’d be free to focus on her science and smarts and powers, and she'd end up in Luthor Copr. Lena would still be a genius and science inclined. Maybe she also ends up being recruited by the DEO? Maybe against Alex’s wishes? J’onn will still be a cover alien head of the DEO, Kara would discover his alien-ness first, and it’d be more of a trust issue for Alex, then. I mean, she wants to keep her little sister (Lena) safe, and him dragging her into work at the DEO, when Alex was clear she didn0t want that to happen and then discovering he’s been an alien all alone lying to her face about it daily.
I don’t really care if Superman/Kal-El/Clark Kent exists or not. The Luthors, being the ones to find Kara, keep all the tech from her pod and being super smart, all of them, figure how to bring Alura’s hologram to life. They also use all this knowledge and tech to improve alien’s lives on Earth, and also humanity, and also profit, of course.
I mean, Jeremiah can still die, too... or for real, and the blame being on an alien, either evil or just collateral (maybe the alien was cornered by the DEO team with Jeremiah in it, and lashed out and well...) Motivating Alex to join the DEO (after J’onn as Hank recruits her in jail, as in canon, perhaps?)
Lex would have a chess match with Lena, which she will win, thus making him like her instantly and giving her relationship with Kara his blessing. Also, Kara thinks chess is boring and not challenging at all (so does Alex). So they become chess buddies. Also, he then wants to recruit Lena to Luthor Corp!
The discovery of Kryptonite is a mayor panic-inducing event for both Luthors and Danvers! Alex has to ask Eliza for help in treating Kara. Lilian and Lena immediately start working on an antidote, shield, whatever! Lex and Alex want to punch the life out of someone, so they spar and become friends despite they kind of hating each other at first.
Brainy and Nia would be Kara’s friends from the days before the DEO, being kind of vigilantes the three of them together! Winn is Lena’s bestie who’s fanboys over genius nerd Kara Luthor! Maggie is the cop who keeps conveniently not being able to catch this three alien vigilante kids, somehow, a mystery. She once finds them in the alien bar, and she loses it because “come on kids! you’re vigilantes, aliens, and minors, and come to a BAR when all NCPD is looking for you!”, she’s their protector buddy cop! Sam can be in this, I rather it be Sanvers, but have no problems whatsoever with Danvarias. James would be the friend that’s in love with Lena, but she’s gay dude. He hates Kara, it goes over her head! She’s completely oblivious about it. Everyone thinks it’s hilarious, but James, who grumbles and pouts. He’s Guardian (never in charge of CatCo!) and she keeps saving his ass, she absolutely knows it’s him. He HATES IT! But the day the Kryptonite first appears, he’s the one to hunt the attacker and the first to kick his ass!
Livewire/Leslie is Karas best friend! She’s also a little shit. Lucy is Kara’s ex, but also one of her best friends. It’s fine. Lena hates it. But she ends up liking Lucy a lot... eventually. Eve is Lena’s ex, and also her friend. Kara thinks it’s wonderful. Eve kind of has a crush on Kara. Kara is oblivious. Lena HATES IT! ... Not really, she thinks it’s endearing and exasperating. But mostly endearing.
Kara is still super awkward with pop culture references and particularly idioms! Lex thinks it’s hilarious and kind of makes it worst. Lilian schools him about it, but she also loves it. Lena is still a boss! All gooey inside, but a boss, with that raised eyebrow and intense stare. And Supercorp is the definition of soft, as usual. Yes, Kara’s first love is still food!
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cyclone-rachel · 6 years
im curious to see where Karadox goes tbh. they're both good as individuals, and they make a good team. havent seen any sparks but then again, like you said, they're just friends atm before it can build into a romance. what's something you'd like to see in their dynamic?
bold of you to think I’d only list one thing
I want to see her give him emotional support? Let her see him crying, and show her asking what’s wrong and comforting him once he tells her he was worried about her and didn’t want to see her die. And of course this isn’t the first time it’s happened- so she realizes since they met that he’s always been concerned about her. Even though she can take care of herself, he still worries, and it would be nice to see her worried about him on an emotional level too. Which leads into:
I want to see him get hurt? that’s probably not the ideal way to put it. I do honestly want him to be happy. However, I do think it would be an interesting situation for him to be hurt by something/someone the same way we’ve seen her get hurt, and see Kara looking at him the same way he’s looked at her, showing her concern to Alex or J’onn or Lena, or even Nia or James even though she can’t tell them what’s wrong. Have her be shown as helpless in the sense that she can’t make his pain go away- but then she goes out and punches whoever hurt him. And she’s so relieved whenever he gets better.
uh. how do I get off the angst train. cute movie nights! romcoms! definitely Star Wars except Kara definitely walks out of the room when Alderaan explodes whoops I mean what. they watch Legally Blonde the Musical, that’s for certain.
Definitely the two of them doing science together! Kara is smart! She worked with her dad in his lab! He can bring that out of her again, start asking her questions about whatever he’s working on! She can maybe admit that she’s a bit rusty because it’s been ages since she’s last done anything like that, but she gets back into that rhythm pretty quick because our girl definitely would.
can we please get a shopping montage, with Kara and Brainy and Nia. and possibly Lena and/or Alex. I know Brainy has his own clothes. But. shopping montage, please.
Kara can talk to him about dating, and how to actually talk to someone you like? (I definitely remember like… something in the first season of Flash, where Iris is always like “you’ll find the perfect person, Barry!” and whatever, when she’s his best friend and also dating someone else, and Barry never admits he’s actually in love with her so it’s super awkward. like, something along those lines would be interesting to see with these two)
can she please hug him. I don’t care what situation.
uh. her saving his life? maybe he gets kidnapped by Agent Liberty, and she and Alex have to find him.
can they talk about their home planets? please imagine the two of them sitting on like, a roof. that rooftop garden, even. looking up at the stars and sharing stories about Krypton and Colu. Or even they talk about how things have been different since they came to Earth, and we can find out how long Brainy has been on Earth. that would be neat.
more Brainy backstory and Kara reacting to it in general, but specifically her learning about his family, outside of what she already knows, and being sympathetic, reacting with kindness because she knows what it’s like. Recognizing his similarities to Lena in that area, and reassuring him that he’s not like his family at all.
We could see him worrying about the future, and her reassuring him also that everything’s going to be okay, even though he wants to trust Mon-El and Winn, it’s just that things are completely unknown for him and he sort of can’t handle not knowing stuff like that.
does Kara know the specifics of what happened when Brainy’s image inducer was turned off? he should tell her that.
If I think of anything else, I’ll let you know, but I believe that’s it for now!
and I want her to introduce him to actual good human food, too!
and I want her to tell him that even though he’s not human, he has the biggest heart she’s ever seen, and that he’s a true hero. and he tells her that he learned all of that from her.
and I want to see a simulation of his where he saves her life.
and I want them to adopt a cat together? and also for him to admit she makes him feel like a human.
that’s it.
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valeriemperez · 6 years
Whats your opinion on the Iris/Nora conflict. I'm interested in your thoughts bc your not condescending and your respectful.
I’m really happy with how it was presented. We not only have several different reasons available for why Iris may have done what she did (Barry’s dead, metahumans were made illegal and persecuted, Cicada’s on the loose and murdering them, etc.), but we also got Barry immediately backing his wife up and reminding Nora and the audience that Iris must have done it out of love.
But at the same time, it’s understandable that Nora is shocked and hurt. She just found out (part of) the truth from someone other than her mother - and most likely someone not in her family/friend circle, but rather a stranger who hangs out in the Flash Museum and tells twisted versions of history for their own gain… - and hasn’t had a chance to hash it out with her mom in her timeline.
Obviously I am never going to be for Iris’ daughter cutting her out or down, but but I am for a realistic mother-daughter fight with both points of views respected and which contains a lot of love simmering beneath it. I personally thought Lauren and Kelly knocked this episode out of the park, and the proof was in all the casual fans tweeting their defenses of Iris (WILD!!!!) without demonizing Nora.
Could you clear something up for me, Did they address Nora’s age, she’s very immature if she’s supposed to be in her mid to late 20s.
We know she time traveled from the year 2049 and that she was born right before Barry disappeared in 2024. So she’s roughly 25-26 years old. As for her behavior, we are seeing her in extreme circumstances: meeting the father who’s been dead her whole life, in the middle of a huge fight with her mom, and using speedster powers for the first time. So she may be different in her day-to-day life.
My reaction to these two lovely idiots last night: “Iris! You’re going to burn the apartment down!” “Barry! If you can catch a cold, you can catch the ball!”. Their imperfections were cute. 😄
They were a mess last night, and I was living for it!
actually I think fans said that spiderman x michelle thing was for a commercial/promo and not for the actual film. but I may be wrong.
That hurts my feelings so baaaaad.
things I like: Lena and Brainy working together, being a team and bonding because science and experiences with evil family members. things that aren’t cool: jokes about Lena killing Brainy because he touched/fanboyed over the device she was using to help Kara (also jokes about Alex killing Brainy because he didn’t warn Alex about the president arriving in episode 1)
I totally agree with this. I would love to see Lena and Brainy bonding but with less of people-being-,mean-to-him. I am glad he and Alex get along well now, so I hope the same for him and Lena.
I’m thinking whatever Nora tells Iris will carry on for about two more episodes. She tells her in 5x04, Iris is clearly still thinking about it in 5x05 since Barry is being the best husband in the world to distract her from it. And since there is word going around that the tension between Nora and Iris burns out in 5x06, that could be when they we see them finally embrace as Mother and Daughter.
I think they will make up by the end of 5.05, or at least I hope so! I like that they are really fleshing this conflict out.
Is Wes Anderson really directing a flash episode?! Also did you see what Amells character says to Iris in the elseworlds episode? Do you think that in else world Barry is actually Oliver and vice versa ?
I think he was making a joke about their pose or outfits or something. If Wes Anderson were directing, that would be big news,
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ruffiorocks · 5 years
Kara/Lena aren't Lex/Clark, the writers aren't telling the same story.
(long post)
Ok, so I know Melissa Benoist said that she was happy they were doing the whole Lex and Clark story with Kara and Lena, but here's the thing, they haven't really been doing that.
Here me out:.
Now we all know that Supergirl writers like to stea...hem hem I mean 'borrow' stories from Smallville a lot. Did any of you watch Smallville at all? When Melissa or anyone refers to Clark and Lex's relationship do you know what they are referring to? (I'm not being an ass i genuinely want to know if you've seen Smallville or just heard about it?)
Well I watched all ten seasons of Smallville and Lena and Kara's friendship really isn't that much like Clark and Lex's was.
No one, not even Clark himself knew of the existence of aliens. Clark was sceptical until his father showed him his ship. So there was no Lex Luthor hates aliens at this point.
Clark and Lex met because Lex knocked Clark off the road and Clark saved his life. In the process of doing that he ripped the top off of Lex's car. This was Lex's first warning sign that there was something different about Clark Kent. Lex even had the car fished out of the lake and had a team of expert scientists examine it because he couldn't figure out how the roof managed to rip itself open. Clark later finds the room with all of this data and he freaks out on Lex demanding he just let it go. That was just Clark screaming 'yes I am different but I'm not telling you why so just drop it'.
But before all of this Lex ad Clark were best friends. Now Lex isn't an angel when he first arrives, but he isn't evil either. He's just a 20 something year old play boy who was sent to Smallville by an unloving father to manage a crap factory (actual crap!) The moment Lex turns up everyone takes an instant dislike to him, it's not because he's a play boy and it isn't because he's done anything to hurt them, it's because his father is Lionel Luthor who managed to con a lot of people out of their land. This includes Clark's parents, Jonathan Kent really had it out for Lex in the beginning and Clark's best friend Pete hates him to.
Now when Lena turns up in National City she is already aware that aliens are real. She isn't even interested all that much in them, no more than humans anyway, save for the detection device which she scraps. Lena is instantly judged by National City, Clark and James all on the basis of something someone else in her family had done. This does parallel Smallville but that's pretty much where they similarities end.
Clark became besties with Lex, but Lex gradually became a villian, he learned about the existence of what were known as 'metor freaks' (basically meta humans) who got that way due to exposure to the 'metor rocks' (Kryptonite). He began to experiment on them and treat them as lab rats. He had a whole facility dedicated to human experimentation on people he deemed less than human (this is where the Justice League popped up). It was called 33.1 and then Black Creek. Lex still had his good moments though. Lex was also constantly put down by Lionel, even allowed to almost die by him. Blamed for the death of his baby brother and then he had to witness Lionel caring more about Clark than he ever had about Lex. Lex also learned about aliens and artifacts and he became obsessed.
Where does Clark fit in? Well Clark consistently lied to Lex when Lex knew that Clark was different, he gave him so many opportunities to tell him, he outright asked him and Clark still denied it. Clark was a crap liar and Lex knew it, Lex was driven mad by all of it, even possessed by General Zod at one point. Now we know that Lex was always going to be bad because we were shown flashes of the future with him dressed in a white suit and blood red rain. Lex actually saw this once to and was horrified!
Lex didn't have anyone other than Clark. His own father couldn't stand him, his wife was inlove with his ex best friend and his dad was actually possessed by Jor El at one point.
All of this is vastly different to Lena and Kara. For a start Lena and Kara have the gift of hindsight. They know about Lex and Clark's pasts. Lena has made it abundantly clear she isn't like Lex and has done nothing but prove that over and over again. She experimented on a CONSENTING Adam and then that tech was utilized by the DEO including Alex and Brainy. (A fact people tend to forget). Lena isn't a saint, but that doesn't make her Lex Luthor. Smallville Lex didn't give a crap if someone died, Lena was devastated.
So Lena and Kara all ready know the mistakes of Lex and Clark. Lena knows all about the super fued and Lex's hate for aliens and especially Kryptonians. But Lena has been friendly with Supergirl and Superman from the moment she showed up.
Lena also hasn't been driven mad because Kara is consistently lying to her when Lena knows something is up. That's a far cry from Clark literally driving Lex insane by lying to his face. Its like there being a pink elephant in the room and you point it out but the other person insists it's not there. It would drive anyone mad. Lex even said he would have been cool if 'some people had been honest with him'.
Lena had only just found out that Kara has been Supergirl this whole time. It's still a betrayal but it isn't the same one as Lex and Clark. Lena unlike Lex (both Smallville and Jon Cryer's) never had any issues with working with a Super and she never had issues with aliens.
So it really isn't the same story at all, Smallville Clark drove Lex crazy with his lies and Lex was always doomed to be bad he even saw it. Kara didn't drive Lena crazy with lies and Lena isn't doomed to always be the bad guy like Lex was. (Check the comics) No matter what genre it is Lex will always be the bad guy. But Lena is a question mark, she's so far from Smallvilles Lex and Supergirl's Lex.
Even Smallville had it's version of Lena, Tess Mercer. She was a good person who was found by Lex and manipulated by him, she became his protege and then found out she was his sister and he had even placed cameras in her body to always watch her. Tess wasn't a saint either, but the bad things she did was to push Clark into his destiny. (There was a lot of prophecy nonsense in Smallville) she came to help when she had to though, plus she died heroically. She came back in the comics as an AI that helped the Team.
Also the Lex Luthor of Supergirl tried to get Superman to join him before he turned on him, thats a common plot. James even told the story of how they were friends (sounded like the Smallville version) and no matter what bad things Lex did Clark wouldn't see it (again Smallville). Lena never asked Supergirl to join her, there was a mutual respect and they helped each other. Even when they were fighting Lena came and helped the DEO and to save Supergirl's life. It was the Superfriends that welcomed Lena to the DEO, not Lena recruiting them.
One major difference to the Lex of Smallville and the Lena of Supergirl is that Lex wasn't a genius, he had other people do all his science for him.
So they really aren't telling the same story as Clark and Lex at all. The only similarities are Kara and Lena being friends and they will have a fall out. But it's nowhere near the same story.
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