#Legion XXII
annarellix · 2 years
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Bellatrix  by Simon Turney (Legion XXII #2)
Warrior and combat medic of the Twenty Second Legion, Titus Cervianus, must fight the armies of the fabled Warrior Queen in this blistering new Roman adventure from Simon Turney.
Egypt, 25 BC. Titus Cervianus is no ordinary soldier. And the Twenty Second is no ordinary legion. Formed from the personal guard of a conquered king, the Twenty Second's ways are strange to soldiers of the Empire - yet the legion has proved itself in the blistering heat of the desert. Cervianus and his comrades march into the unknown as he and the Twenty Second Legion contend with the armies of the Bellatrix: the Warrior Queen of Kush. The Kushites and the Egyptians are united against the Roman presence in their lands – but there are complex political and military forces at work. Deep in the deserts, Cervianus and his comrades must brace themselves for a furious onslaught as they take on the might of the Bellatrix.
Pre-order link Amazon: https://amzn.to/3V5BEEy
My Review: I fell in love with this series and Titus Cervanius when I read the Capsarius. This is an intriguing series as it bring us to the Egypt just annexed by Rome and features fleshed out and realistic characters who are more than muscled heroes all action and no brain. I couldn't wait less by Simon Turney as I already read other books he wrote and appreciated the attention to the historical details and the character development. I couldn't wait to read about the Kush Queen and this fascinating civilisation. I wasn't disappointed by the plot and some unexpected twists. Another riveting and well written novel that I thoroughly enjoyed. Many thanks to Aria & Aries, for this arc, all opinions are mine
The Author: Simon Turney is from Yorkshire and, having spent much of his childhood visiting historic sites, fell in love with the Roman heritage of the region. His fascination with the ancient world snowballed from there with great interest in Rome, Egypt, Greece and Byzantium. His works include the Marius' Mules and Praetorian series, the Tales of the Empire and The Damned Emperor series, and the Rise of Emperors books with Gordon Doherty. He lives in North Yorkshire with his family.
Follow Simon Turney Twitter: @SJATurney Facebook: Simon Turney Author aka SJATurney Website: https://simonturney.com/
Follow Aries
Twitter: @AriesFiction Facebook: Aries Fiction Website: http://www.headofzeus.com
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gabriellerudessa · 4 months
Compass (Norm Maclean x OC) - V
“Last vestiges of civilization”, Betty had called their Vaults. Not much different from what his father had said.
How much of a lie that line of thinking was. It didn’t matter the radiation and everything else, the surface was surviving, while they all were holed in the ground and followed a routine determined by people that had been alive before the bombs.
AO3 | Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII | Part IX | Part X | Part XI | Part XII | Part XIII | Part XIV | Part XV | Part XVI | Part XVII | Part XVIII | Part XIX | Part XX | Part XXI (Smut) | Part XXII | Part XXIII | Part XXIV | Part XXV | Part XXVI (Smut) | Part XXVII | Part XXVIII | Part XXIX | Part XXX | Part XXXI | Part XXXII | Part XXXIII |
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Words: 4.597
Warnings: ... The start of emotional vulnerability lol
They walked for the whole second day, stopping at a half fallen house for the night, and Marigold had explained some more – Legion. Enclave. NCR and Shady Sands, mainly.
Half of everything Norm heard were snippets Marigold had heard from travelling merchants or Dad Francesco, that had travelled a lot before settling down with Ma Guadalupe. Marigold herself had never travelled too far.
Some factions were in decline, like the NCR, especially after how Shady Sands had been bombed. Marigold’s parents had visited it sometimes, before it, and Norm was actually shocked at how many people had been there. “Who bombed it?” “No one knows.”
He had a sinking feeling in his stomach after that.
Others hadn’t reached the region, like the Legion – “Thank God”, her exact words –, and others like the so called Enclave were too secretive for anything beyond rumors be able to travel far.
His last question, as they had stopped, had been “How does one end with two husbands?” Both to try and clear the air after the heavy talks about those factions, and because it was just… Too weird for him not to ask about.
Marigold had to actually use a hand to muffle her laugh, and Norm almost felt embarrassed.
“Why the question, thinking of finding two for yourself?” She was giving the extra trouble cheeky grin.
Norm spluttered at that, cheeks flaming.
“What-? No! Why would you-? No!”
Her mirth dissipated, mismatched eyes blinking at him.
“Wait… That’s really something that doesn’t happen in the Vault?” Norm shook his head, fast, and Marigold grimaced, scratching at her nape. “Uh… Then sorry for, you know, everything I just did. Last time I heard this question, my brother Ed was trying to get council for a situation of the type.”
Norm nodded at the apology, trying to get his embarrassment under control.
“And… What was his situation?” he managed after some moments.
“In love with two women. The three of them are now a trading caravan. As far as I know, that’s all it needs. More than two people in love with each other.”
 “Really? That just sounds… So simple.”
“It does… And, I mean, I never really stopped to think about this… I was four when Ma told me ‘hey now you and Catarina have another Dad and a stepbrother’. It was… Just our reality, three parents at home.” She shrugged, and Norm nodded, slowly.
“And I mean…”
“It’s just… Like… Your dads, are they… You know… Married, to each other, or…?”
“Oh. Yeah, in our home, yeah… Why? Same-sex couples not something on the Vault too?”
“No… It’s all about the ‘having kids and perpetuating America’.” Norm shrugged.
“Seems stressing.” She grimaced, and Norm chuckled with a nod.
He could get what she had said; “just our reality”. If it’s how you grew up, and it was treated as the normal, why would you find it weird, unless something actively made you question it? It wasn’t even as if her parents had been overtly in their affections, just casual romantic touches and words that were, in retrospect, more laidback than he had sometimes seen in the Vault.
And still Ed had asked council.
“… Ed is a dragged one, isn’t him?”
“Spot on, Norm-boy.” She grinned, making finger guns at him.
On the start of the third day, they entered a forested area.
“It’s not long now. Stay sharp and close, Norm-boy.”
He did, and after remembering her explanations about the Brotherhood of Steel, unbuckled and stored the Pip-Boy in his sidebag. Marigold gave him a respectful nod, hand at the top of his back to keep him close every time the path narrowed and they ended farther apart than some few steps.
As they crossed the forested area, small shelters started to appear in between the trees, strung clothes all around, small unlit fires… A community, or at least the signs of one, because it was empty of people.
Groups started to appear, walking around and verifying what was on the shelters. Most of them were covered in color-coded overalls, looking at both of them either with curiosity or animosity.
“From what I know, most of them look like Squires and Scribes, but some also look like Lancers.” Marigold whispered once they were away enough to not be heard. Norm didn’t bother to try and tell that she hadn’t explained their ranks and those were just words to him. “Any Knights and Clerics must be inside. From what I heard, I don’t think they brought in Aspirants or lower.”
They reached a metal tunnel, two Brotherhood members acting as guards, blocking them from going ahead.
“Name and business.” The one to the right said, his voice bored, and Marigold and Norm looked at each other for a moment.
“Marigold and Norm. Trading.” The one to the left took notes in a clipboard, eyes tired, and something in the gesture was so mundane that it surprised Norm.
“Bear Family Ranch.”
“Never heard of it.”
That made Marigold roll her eyes so hard that Norm was certain she saw the insides of her brain. He bit his lip to keep his chuckle inside.
“Because you’re newcomers. We’re the most stable source of game meat and leather around here, ask any resident of Filly.”
The guards looked as if they preferred to eat glass than talk with such peasants.
“I can buy you being a hunter, but not him.” The one that had been taking notes talked, using the pencil to point Norm.
“I’m the family’s accountant.” The words escaped before Norm could actually think them through, the lie leaving his lips smoothly.
The two guards looked him over, then at each other, then back, taking in the carefully combed hair, his hands in the coat’s pockets, the straight posture, overall clean appearance with fitted clothes… And it all should fit into their idea of what an accountant looked like, because they just waved them in with a grumble.
Oh God, that had worked, thank God.
Marigold gave him a shining smile, gap visible, a double thumbs up alongside once they were through. Something in the smile made his cheeks heat up. He forced himself to give a brief nod, then snapped his head to look ahead.
The city was in a hole in the ground, big enough that he couldn’t see its end, and it managed to surprise him more than the ranch with how lively it looked. People of all the types wandered about, going out and about the buildings, but the ones using the Brotherhood’s overalls were the majority, with some using long clerical tunics, and a few Power-Armors. Marigold had warned, but it was still a shock, especially with how well preserved and cared for those looked.
“Last vestiges of civilization”, Betty had called their Vaults. Not much different from what his father had said.
How much of a lie that line of thinking was. It didn’t matter the radiation and everything else, the surface was surviving, while they all were holed in the ground and followed a routine determined by people that had been alive before the bombs, hoping to one day come up and… Teach them civilization, apparently.
They descended a staircase to the bottom of the hole, Marigold ahead, and Norm easily saw their destiny: “Ma June’s Sundries – Caps only – Thieves will be shot”. People looked at them, one Brotherhood member outright staring – probably because Marigold was one of the tallest people around, just one head shorter than the Power-Armors they saw –, but no one stopped them.
The store was a mishmash of things, and he noticed some Vault-Tec products exposed. And he could easily imagine what Lucy had said about that, damn it.
Still, what really caught his attention was a box of Sugar Bombs, dusty but closed, with a plaque under it: “Pre-war food, perfectly sealed and edible. Only six caps each.”
Pre-war. Edible.
He understood in the Vault, with its hermetic freezers and storages, but on the surface? Two hundred years after the bombs, as found? How the hell was it still edible?
What exactly had he been eating all his life?
Now Marigold’s snickers every time he ate something pre-war made so much more sense.
“Ma June! It’s Marigold! Barv, you there too?!” The scream snapped him to look ahead, Marigold by a counter, tapping her nails against the wood.
Norm stopped by her side, sighing when he could just barely look over the counter.
A woman limped towards them from the back, white hair a frizzy cloud above her head, a heavy scowl towards them.
“You better have some of those meds Goose makes. And who’s the boy?”
Marigold gave the extra trouble grin.
“We heard about the shot out, so you bet I have. And he’s Norm, helped us big. He needs some information we think you have, so…” Marigold shrugged.
Norm tried to keep as immobile as possible under the older woman heavy stare and scowl. Then she looked to the front of the store, letting out a heavy “humpf”.
“Come to the back, both of you.” She didn’t wait for an answer, turning and limping away.
Marigold nodded for him to go ahead, following close behind.
They ended in what looked like a kitchen area, a big white table in the middle. Ma June sat at a stool, the bad leg over another, grimacing.
From his place, Norm saw another woman appear, hair long and thinning, just out of the way.
“Let’s take a look at what you’ve brought.”
It was Marigold’s clue to land the backpack heavily over the table, immediately starting to take things out of it: soda bottles filled with animal fat for cooking, rolls of treated leather, tin cans manually welded with cooked radroach, ant and bloatfly, fabric packets with dried radroaches, no wings or antennae in sight, and strips of dried and salted radstag, molerat and yao guai meat… And small fabric bags with the healing powder he had seen Goose make.
Norm blinked at all that and asked how the hell it had all fit.
Ma June tried to catch one of the healing powders, and Marigold expertly moved it out from her reach, cheeky grin in place, even as Ma June’s scowl deepened.
“As you see, it’s the usual haul, plus some more animal fat, the yao guai, and the healing powder. Going by our usual rates, a hundred and fifty caps added to the usual six hundred should cover it all.”
Ma June’s scowl remained, but she nodded.
“Done. Barv, Marigold’s payment.”
The other woman started counting the so called caps, her movements fast, and soon she was delivering a small bag filled with them to Marigold. She nodded towards Ma June to get the powder, and then started to verify the caps.
Ma June’s hand took hold of one of the fabric bags, raising the pant of the leg and applying it to a wound to the side of her knee. Norm wasn’t sure if it would do much; it was stitched, but the edges were red and he was pretty sure it was starting to get infected.
“Fuck, Ma June. The powder is not enough for this type of thing. You need stimpaks.”
“I fucking know, but theses dipshits” she waved a hand to indicate the Brotherhood in Filly “fought not long ago and took all our stimpaks and didn’t even pay us right.”
“Motherfuckers.” Marigold glowered at the infected wound, still counting the caps.
Norm looked at the wound again, trying to hold in his grimace. He had three stimpaks, and he still needed information. He doubted the woman would just tell what he needed, even if he had arrived with Marigold.
How much Goose had said they could reach? 75 caps each? There were no stimpaks in the city, the Brotherhood with all of them. He would need some form of currency with him to keep going.
“I can trade you two stimpaks for the information I need plus forty caps for each one.”
Both of them looked him over, Ma June in disbelief, Marigold… He was pretty sure that what he caught in her mismatched eyes and face was heat. Oh God, he wasn’t good with this…Swallowing, he kept his chin up and stared at Ma June.
Posture, Norm. It had gotten him through the guards. It would get him through now.
Ma June pressed her lips.
“Fuck. Done. BARV! Eighty caps to the boy! Where the fuck did you find him, Marigold?”
Talking about him as if he was a stray animal just adopted.
Which, in retrospect, after what he had seen of Marigold’s family, wasn’t too far of.
“By the ruins, close to one of my traps.” Marigold smiled at him as she stored the caps, and the only word he could associate to that smile was “proud”.
The other woman approached, grumbling, and the caps and stimpaks exchanged hands. Barv immediately jabbed one into Ma June’s leg, the angry-red edges improving, not looking infected anymore.
“Fuck. What the hell do you need to know, boy?”
“My sister, Lucy. I know she was seen talking with you the day of the shot out. What happened with her after?”
Ma June squinted and scowled harder at him.
“Motherfucker, another Vaultie?” a dirty look towards Marigold. It didn’t dampen her mood in the slightest, still that proud smile and heated look towards him. “I sent her with a wounded bounty to Moldaver in the Observatory.”
Norm stiffened at the name, and Marigold’s look moved to Ma June, squinting.
“If it involves a bounty, I’m surprised you just told us that much.”
Ma June barked a dry laugh.
“You didn’t hear this part then. The shot out was because of this Enclave scientist, the bounty. The Ghoul was here for him, started the fucking shot out, and the dipshits appeared later for the bounty.”
“The Ghoul? Last Dad heard he was buried.” Marigold grimaced heavily at that, crossing her arms, body leaning back.
“Who is this?” Norm forced it out, frowning, half of him still caught in Moldaver’s name.
“Bounty Hunter. Pre-war Ghoul. Fucking dangerous.” Marigold pressed her lips.
“Your sister and the scientist got a head start during the shot out, but that’s about what I know. And the dipshits attacked the Observatory and killed Moldaver, so I don’t even know if they arrived or what.”
Those words cut short Marigold’s thoughts about “reward Norm-boy with a kiss for his smart mouth and trading skills”.
“What?” her words were too loud even for her.
Oh fuck. The Observatory.
“What you heard, Marigold. What’s the problem?”
How that piece of news hadn’t reached them yet?
“Marigold, are you okay?” Norm, his voice the most worried she had heard from him.
With a fast calculus, she started counting from the paid caps.
“Do you still have a courier for messages?”
“Of course. What the fuck is wrong with you, Marigold?” She ignored Ma June’s question and Norm worried stare.
“Here. Five hundred of what you paid for the haul, and fifty for a message. Send a message to the ranch: Observatory was attacked. Marigold going down there with Norm. Send someone to take the rest of the caps.”
“Will do it, but why? Is it about Catarina? She lives outside the Observatory and without NCR colors, she must be fine.” Ma June, didn’t hesitating on collecting the caps.
Marigold wanted to scream in her face. For fuck’s sake. Really?
“Yeah, but she’s married to a Ghoul, or you conveniently forgot that’s why she moved there? You know how these dipshits are with Ghouls, I’m not taking chances. Let’s go, Norm-boy.”
She didn’t wait for an answer, turning to leave with hard steps, throwing the backpack over her shoulders as she walked. She faintly heard Norm say “Thanks for the information”.
Then he was walking ahead of her, opening the door for her with a nod, worried frown in place.
How funny. Both of them with sisters they didn’t know if they were alive or not in the same general region.
They didn’t have trouble leaving the city, the Brotherhood guards looking damn happy at it, actually. It was a relief, because neither of them would be able to actually deal with them – Norm couldn’t stop thinking that Lucy had been sent directly towards Moldaver, and he could see Marigold was with her head on the news about the attack, on her own sister.
Marigold had picked a direction and started walking, steps just shy of too fast for Norm, silent and tense, instead of the relaxed and sure pace he had grown used to.
They left the forested area and went into the desert, when he buckled the Pip-Boy again; Marigold was still like that, nothing of the way she had owned the desert before Filly.
It made him worried.
Norm made sure they were safe before intervening, getting a hold of her hand – the leather of her fingerless gloves soft and supple, the skin of her fingers calloused and weathered. Marigold stopped as if struck, looking at him with shock, as if she had forgot he was supposed to be besides her.
“Are you okay?”
She swallowed, looking at the hand he was still holding; before he could let it go, she squeezed it, and Norm let it be, trying to ignore how it made his heart kick inside his chest.
“Not exactly… Sorry.”
“Don’t. You just heard the region where your sister lives was attacked. It’s all right not being okay.”
“Thanks.” She gave a self deprecating smile. “But I am putting both of us in risk. Thanks for the wake up.”
Norm nodded and she let go of his hand, breathing in as they started walking side by side again. Her face was still worried, eyebrows frowning, but her steps were slower, attentive to their surroundings, owning the desert again.
“I heard you and the others mention Catarina. Another sister, right?” Norm asked after some time of walking, this side of the desert seeming to have more sparse ruins.
Marigold nodded at that, face slowly relaxing.
“Oldest sister, actually. A pain in the ass…” Marigold grinned at him. “… But our pain in the ass.”
Norm chuckled at that.
“Lucy’s also my oldest sister. Well, older, it’s just the two of us.” He looked at her, smiling. “Also my pain in the ass.”
That made her laugh.
“Older sisters, hm? Our pain in the asses, no one else can mess with them. Vice-versa too.”
Marigold touched his shoulder, making him stop, and held her hand out, smiling.
“We will find the both of them. Preferably alive.”
Norm shook her hand, the squeeze firm – and Norm tried not to get too focused on the controlled strength he could feel through that.
“They better be, or we will bring them back to kill them ourselves for the scare.”
“Damn righty.”
They spent the rest of the afternoon exchanging sibling stories – Catarina telling Marigold terminals were “magic”, him helping Lucy escape the Vault, Goose slipping extra pepper on the food as a prank, when Lucy and Chet had been caught in a storage room by all the older residents of the Vault, Regina braiding Marigold’s hair around the bed’s metal frame, he and Lucy putting shaving cream in his father’s shampoo…
He could barely remember the last time he had laughed so much. Norm was pretty sure it had been before the attack. It also had done well to Marigold; she had laughed almost as much as him, her whole face and body relaxing.
They stopped at an old two-floor home as night was starting to fall. The roof had collapsed and most of the second floor was inaccessible, while at the first all the windows had been broken, even if the door was still miraculously standing. The fact that it was the most intact building close to all the others was disheartening.
The wind twirled around them, and Norm remembered that first night in the Wasteland, the cold he had noticed only when in shelter.
“No light tonight, I presume?”
“Nope.” Marigold cleaned a place between a broken refrigerator and a still standing internal wall. “Also better if we stick close, the cold will be bad once night fully falls.” She looked around and nodded once. “Here, it’s the most hidden spot.”
Marigold put the backpack on the front of her body and sat down. Norm sat beside her, and the space was… Cozy, to say the least, the refrigerator pressed against him on one side and Marigold on the other.
“That’s how it is when you and your siblings need to stop at a place like this?” he whispered, and Marigold chuckled.
“Oh, worse. You saw how big we all are. It’s not so bad with Regina or Mika, but Moose? God, we always end up kicking each other.”
She got one of the strips of dried meat and started munching. Norm sighed as he opened his sidebag and looked at yet more pre-war food from the Vault. He had barely stopped to think during the brief stop for lunch, but now the Sugar Bombs box in Ma June’s Sundries was flashing in his mind.
“Not hungry?”
“It’s not that.”
Long seconds with only Marigold’s chewing audible.
“What then?”
Norm pressed his lips in a line. Would she laugh as when he asked about the curious situation of her three parents?
Well… She had been fast to apologize, at least.
“We plant things in the Vault, but a lot of what we eat is pre-war. And… It looks as if here on the surface too.”
“Oh. You saw some on Ma June’s, I bet.”
“Sugar bombs.” He looked at her, and Marigold blinked at him, still chewing the meat he knew the Bears themselves had hunted and preserved. “Your family doesn’t eat pre-war food, from what I saw.”
“Grandpa Juan doing. Really suspicious of the whole ‘edible more than a hundred years after the bombs’. But don’t be mistaken, occasionally we don’t resist and take a bite.” She answered with a small chuckle, then got serious. “It’s food from the place you grew up, Norm-boy. I bet it was properly stored and so on. And it didn’t go through bombs and nuclear winter.”
Norm looked again at the package in his hands. Fancy Lads Snack Cakes. One of his favorites.
“What’s that you’re having?”
“Radstag. Basically four legged and two headed. Oh wait, there’s two extra non-functional legs too.”
“Can I experiment?” and the Cakes would be after. He wasn’t sure he would be able to eat them without another thing now that he had seen the box.
“Sure, but I warn you, it’s tasty, but it’s dried so it’s also hard on the teeth.” She got another strip from the package and handed it to him.
Norm bit experimentally into it. And chewed and chewed and chewed some more. Tasty, salty, but yeah, hard on the teeth. He offered one of the cakes as he gave the second bite, and Marigold shook her head.
“Thanks, but I had it once. Too sweet for me. Dandy Boy Apples are more my taste, if we’re talking about pre-war food.”
They kept eating in silence; night had fallen when they finished, the darkness not as all-encompassing as it could because of the slivers of moonlight entering through the broken windows.
Marigold made sure her backpack was closed and the hunting rifle was between her and Norm, hidden from anyone that entered the house.
“We will have to sleep in shifts, Norm-boy.”
A sigh.
“Don’t know if you noticed, but I’m pretty useless with fighting.” Marigold grinned at the sarcasm in his voice.
“You don’t need to fight. Just be awake and wake me if you hear something weird. I’ll take care of the rest.”
“… Sure. I can do that.” A clearing throat sound. “So…”
“You sleep first. I’ll wake you some time after midnight.”
“All right. Thanks.”
Silence, but with the proximity she could feel how tense he was, and Marigold started listing the possibilities in her mind – worried about his sister, fear for sleeping with a lack of walls, cold…
“I didn’t tell you everything.” He started after some time, voice quiet.
“About my sister being up here.”
“I had imagined, but I’m a stranger to you. You have a right to your secrets. Everyone does.” Marigold shrugged, conscious of how he had frozen with Moldaver’s name. Conscious of her own secrets.
Maybe because of her words, maybe her laid back way, but he relaxed.
“I’m also a stranger and you still invited me into your home.”
“Flashing news, Norm-boy, I can afford to take such a risk with you, but I can totally get why you didn’t.” Watching him, she raised the arm closest to him, flexing it jokingly, the muscles visible even through the cape.
Something flashed in his face at the movement, but the lack of light made it impossible to say what.
“Still. There’s you sister and mine in all this.” His voice was soft, and he started talking.
Marigold raised her arm, almost absentmindedly, making sure Norm’s head remained against her shoulder as he slept, instead of bent towards his chest. A sore neck from bad sleeping posture would make survival a little bit harder.
Even as she did it, her mind went over everything Norm had said. His sister’s marriage; the attack by Moldaver and what Marigold was pretty sure were raiders and not NCR; his father, Hank, kidnapped by Moldaver; his sister hiding him; Lucy leaving to rescue their father; the bodies he had found on Vault 32 – Regina’s routes; had she noticed something in the door? –, how the Vaulties there had all killed each other even before…
How he had asked questions, suggested the raiders were to be executed, hadn’t been the perfect Vault-Dweller, and then the raiders they had captured had been poisoned, and he was the one that carried their food but “It wasn’t me. It wasn’t”. She believed him. He still lacked that edge she recognized in people that had killed others. Rare enough to stand out in the Wasteland.
He was pretty sure he would be incriminated by that, and that’s why he had left to find his sister.
Marigold couldn’t help but think there was more he wasn’t saying; a certainty that he had discovered why the residents of Vault 32 had killed each other. She wouldn’t force him to say what, but she hopped he slept well – he had been clearly exhausted after telling her everything.
She looked over at him, the hair crumpling against her shoulder, eyelashes softly against his cheekbones, not a single frown on his forehead.
Peaceful. Just like the night in her home – Mika had caught her staring and had given her so much shit over it, saying she had “finally found a hobbit for herself”.
As if he could say much. He had been the one to give her the books and was in love with a five foot nothing guard caravan. There would be pay back when she went back home.
A sound outside the house made her raise her head… Wings. Bird wings. Far enough away. Not a danger.
Marigold felt his head sliding, and moved her arm again, not even looking.
She was glad she had been the one to find him. One of the few times her luck had held, instead of showing to be fucking rotten.
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wiildcardd · 2 years
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# XXII ᴡɪʟᴅᴄᴀʀᴅ ( the fool ) - a person who can take on many different roles as needed / an individual who causes uncertainty because you do not know how they will behave.
a private and selective multi-muse , beware the spoilers and avert thine eyes , 18+  minors - DNI . before interacting please read rules
♡ ˙ * ✧ - loved and adored by jaejae | 23+ | ( they/he ) | est. 2020 then now forever
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the wolves are led by one alpha | warrior | head of the table ----- A LEGION this blog is currently dominated by ---- Zoya from AISNO’s Path to Nowhere
muses in this blog are partially divergent from the current canon in their own verses || muses involved in mythology such as onmyoji follows some aspects of their myth and historical context to supplement lore ---- beware of mature themes
a study on - anarchy && crime , the aspects of coming to terms with one's self , war on illegal substances && trafficking , a gang with nothing to lose , an inescapable web of corruption , shackles that bind those who commit crime , redemption , bloody violence && gang wars , a loved one’s gentle && caring touch unrequited 
❝ They feared me, because I feared nothing. ❞
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Links: ---- || carrd || rules || muse list || prompts
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Just so we're clear, I have foregone my hatred of that Philadelphia football team & my agony over predicting that the Buffalo Bills will represent the AFC conference in the Super Bowl, just so I could write this.
I digress.
Jalen Hurts and Patrick Mahomes, two young quarterbacks in the National Football League, didn't just shock the world this season. They are making history. For the first time ever, the grand finale of the NFL season will feature not one but TWO African American quarterbacks. If you aren't even remotely moved by this or even excited by this juggernaut match up, then do us all a favor and go binge watch some emo-drama series on Netflix and let the rest of us celebrate.
It's interesting that as many black quarterbacks that have been in this league, only a handful have made it to the Super Bowl, but only three have won. Doug Williams became the first black QB to win when he led Washington to a Super Bowl XXII victory over the Denver Broncos. Russell Wilson became the second to win when he helped the Seattle Seahawks rout against the Broncos in Super Bowl XLVIII (and I say helped because we all know it was Seattle's Legion of Boom defense that really got the job done, but kudos to him any way). The latest one, Patrick Mahomes, led Kansas City to a Super Bowl victory over the 49ers almost 3 years ago.
Another interesting fact in all this is that there have only been 4 other Black quarterbacks to reached the Super Bowl but came up short. Steve McNair of the Tennessee Titans in Super Bowl XXXIV lost to the St. Louis Rams, in a pretty evenly-matched game. Donovan McNabb of the Philadelphia Eagles lost Super Bowl XXXIX to the New England Patriots in a game where even I started to feel disgusted with Tom Brady. Colin Kaepernick of the San Francisco 49ers lost Super Bowl XLVII to the Baltimore Ravens in a game otherwise known as the infamous blackout game. I still scratch my head at the clumsy officiating & the stadium management of that game. Lastly, Cam Newton of the Carolina Panthers in Super Bowl 50, lost to the Denver Broncos after a historic regular season.
For this year's Super Bowl, Patrick Mahomes has the chance to add another Lombardi trophy to his already hall of fame-bound career. On the other side, Jalen Hurts, a 2nd round NFL draft pick, who was sent to the bench as a back up, both in NCAA college football and in his previous season with the Eagles, has led his team to not only an impressive regular season but now he has the chance to win his first Super Bowl & second championships for the Eagles franchise.
Either way, I am proud of these gentlemen and can't wait for history to go down on Sunday, February 12, 2023.
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lgxnbook · 2 years
Bellatrix (Legion XXII #2) - Simon Turney
EPUB & PDF Ebook Bellatrix (Legion XXII #2) | EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD
by Simon Turney.
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Read More : READ Bellatrix (Legion XXII #2)
Ebook PDF Bellatrix (Legion XXII #2) | EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD Hello Book lovers, If you want to download free Ebook, you are in the right place to download Ebook. Ebook Bellatrix (Legion XXII #2) EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD in English is available for free here, Click on the download LINK below to download Ebook Bellatrix (Legion XXII #2) 2020 PDF Download in English by Simon Turney (Author).
 Description Book: 
Warrior and combat medic, Titus Cervianus, must fight the armies of the fabled Warrior Queen in this new Roman adventure from Simon Turney.Titus Cervianus is no ordinary soldier. And the Twenty Second is no ordinary legion...Egypt. 25 BC. Titus Cervianus marches into the unknown as he and the Twenty Second Legion contend with the armies of the Warrior Queen of Kush. The Kushites and the Egyptians are against the Roman presence in their lands ? and Cervianus and his comrades must brace themselves for a furious onslaught.
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coloursofunison · 2 years
It's my turn on the new release blog tour for The Capsarius by Simon Turney #AriesFiction #BlogTour
It's my turn on the new release blog tour for The Capsarius by Simon Turney #AriesFiction #BlogTour @SJATurney @simonturney_aka_sjaturney @AriesFiction #NewRelease
Here’s the blurb: Warrior and combat medic, Titus Cervianus, must lead a legion and quell the uprisings in Egypt in a new Roman adventure from Simon Turney.Egypt. 25 BC. Titus Cervianus and the Twenty Second Deiotariana have been sent to deal with uprisings and chaos in Egypt. Yet the Twenty Second is no ordinary legion. Founded as the private royal army of one of Rome’s most devoted allies,…
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archaicwonder · 7 years
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Roman Military 'LEG XXII PRIMI' Phalera, 1st-3rd Century AD
A domed discoid phalera with pelleted rim, central boss, inscription 'LEG XXII PRIMI' possibly added later; three attachment loops to the underside. 60mm (2 1/4".
Legio XXII Primigenia ("Fortune's Twenty-Second Legion") was a legion of the Imperial Roman army dedicated to the goddess Fortuna Primigenia. Founded in AD 39 by the emperor Caligula for use in his campaigns in Germania, the XXII Primigenia spent much of their time in Mogontiacum (modern Mainz) from up to the end of the 3rd century.
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avaari · 3 years
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A SONG OF JOY AND SORROW: yilling laozu and hanguang-jun, first disciple of yunmeng jiang and the second jade of lan, wei wuxian and lan wangji, wei ying and lan zhan. a mdzs fanmix 🧭
[spotify] 2h 34m
I. bastille - BLAME | II. alanis morissette - ALL I REALLY WANT | III. mikky ekko - KIDS | IV. aj rafael - GRAVITY | V. vitamin string quartet - HELL SONG | VI. wang yibo - WU JI | VII. brandon flowers - ONLY THE YOUNG | VIII. halsey - COLORS PT. II | IX. billy eilish with khalid - LOVELY | X. austra - DARKEN HER HORSE | XI. imagine dragons - MONSTER | XII. black veil brides - IN THE END | XIII. bold as lions - BETTER NOW | XIV. bastille - ICARUS | XV. badbitties ft. emily yacina - TREEHOUSE | XVI. a fine frenzy - RANGERS | XVII. sam tinnesz ft. zayde wølf - MAN OR A MONSTER | XVIII. bishop briggs - WHITE FLAG | XIX. broken iris - WHERE BUTTERFLIES NEVER DIE | XX. within temptation - A DEMON’S FATE | XXI. gang of youths - ACHILLES COME DOWN | XXII. blackbriar - DEADLY DIMINUENDO | XXIII. ruelle - TAKE IT ALL | XXIV. penelope trappes - I CAN HEAR YOUR... | XXV. arcade fire - WAKE UP | XXVI. ruelle - DEAD OF NIGHT | XXVII. the pretty reckless - HOUSE ON A HILL | XXVIII. gotye - SMOKE AND MIRRORS | XXIX. beautiful small machines - BRING OUT YOUR DEAD | XXX. tina guo ft. einar selvik - THE WITCHER 3: WILD HUNT | XXXI. adele - CHASING PAVEMENTS | XXXII. bastille ft. gabrielle aplin - DREAMS | XXXIII. beyoncé - PRAY YOU CATCH ME | XXXIV. beth crowley - WARRIOR | XXXV. abney park - HIS IMAGINARY WORLD | XXXVI. disturbed - LEGION OF MONSTERS | XXXVII. adam lambert - AFTERMATH | XXXVIII. alanis morissette - EMPATHY
resources: modao zushi audio drama covers from episodes s02e08, s02e14, and forgetting envies ending song
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whencyclopedia · 3 years
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Legions of Spain, Roman Africa & Egypt
The legions of Spain, Roman Africa, and Egypt did not see the intensity of action that prevailed elsewhere in Europe. However, the presence of these four legions - VII Gemina, IX Hispana, XXII Deiotariana, and II Traiana Fortis - was still essential for the stability of the empire.
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kianga-snowstorm · 4 years
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Charrtober 2020: XXII - POISON
Ash Legion Venom Box, "for medicinal use"
3D view on Sketchfab
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antiquitatesromanae · 4 years
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Trattasi di una celeberrima iscrizione onoraria, molto citata per la sua ammirevole completezza e per i diversi elementi di interesse che presenta, tra gli altri:
la straordinaria complessità della formula onomastica, la particolare organizzazione del cursus honorum in un ordine personalizzato.
Qui interessano in particolare i due incarichi germanici: agli inizi della carriera il tribunato militare della legio XXII Primigenia Pia Fidelis, di stanza a Mogontiacum, dopo circa 20 anni il governatorato della Germania inferior.
Legittimo chiedersi quanto decisivo potesse essere stata la permanenza nello stato maggiore di una legione acquartierata nella capitale della Germania Superior per la sua nomina a governatore della Germania Inferior.
Almeno altrettanto importanti le esperienze come governatore della provincia di Tracia e il comando della legio I Adiutrix, di stanza a Brigetio, in Pannonia, impegnata nelle guerre daciche di Traiano. Da non sottovalutare infine, forse grazie alla grande competenza ed esperienza maturate, il governatorato provinciale in Britannia, uno degli incarichi di più alto rango, (insieme ai proconsolati di Africa e Asia).
Di seguito il testo dell'iscrizione (CIL V, 877= ILS 1052):
A(ulo) Platorio A(uli) f(ilio) / Serg(ia) Nepoti / Aponio Italico / Maniliano / C(aio) Licinio Pollioni, / co(n)s(uli) auguri, legat(o) Aug(usti) / pro pr(aetore) provinc(iae) Bri/tanniae, leg(ato) pro pr(aetore) pro/vinc(iae) German(iae) inferior(is), / leg(ato) pro pr(aetore) provinc(iae) Thrac(iae), / leg(ato) leg(ionis) I Adiutricis, / quaest(ori) provinc(iae) Maced(oniae), / curat(ori) viarum Cassiae / Clodiae Ciminiae novae / Traianae, candidato divi / Traiani trib(uno) mil(itum) leg(ionis) XXII / Primigen(iae) P(iae) F(idelis), praet(ori), trib(uno) / pleb(is), IIIvir(o) capitali, / patrono, / d(ecreto) d(ecurionum).
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thedyingmoon · 5 years
💚 See Me Now 💚
A/N: Never have the warning, LOOK AWAY, LOOK AWAY sound so serious until this.
Anyway, enjoy.
XXII. Rain
It was raining so hard.
He was quickly making his way back to the Headquarters. Logic dictated that he should've just stayed in an inn or some place else and wait until the storm subsides.
However, on that particular day, he felt that he needed to get back there for a reason he couldn't quite explain.
"Fuck,..." he cursed as the rain poured down angrily at him.
When was the last time he felt like this on a rainy day?
Perhaps, it was when they,...
Then, he heard it. Some men singing not far from where he was. He turned and saw three men near a dark alley kicking something. They were singing an old, children's song about a brat who wont shut up and a mother who was stupid enough to bribe the child with different things just to stop it from crying.
At first, he thought that they were just bullying a mangy dog who just so happened to be on the wrong place at the wrong time.
Until he saw them tearing some clothes,...
"HEY!" he called and ran towards them.
The thugs heard his loud voice despite the noise made by the pouring rain. They looked at him, and when they realized who he was, their skin turned deathly pale.
"I - it's,..."
And before he could even beat the living daylights out of them, they ran away like some pathetic chickens who were escaping a butcher.
He didn't bother to chase after them. He went towards the victim of their bullying.
And right there, he saw her: a small, degraded figure, clothes awfully torn and skin horribly wounded. It was a miracle that he made it in time.
For if not, who knows what will happen to her?
"Are you okay?" he asked her, trying to cover her body with his own, wet jacket.
It was no use. The moment his jacket touched her skinny frame, she looked up at him with those unidentified colored eyes. They were wide and filled with fear.
"NO!" she cried in an anguished voice. She quickly stood up and ran away from him like a lunatic.
"WAIT!" he bellowed but, it was no use.
He heard no news of her the next day. As time went by, he had forgotten that particular incident which occurred in that dark alley four years ago. He had forgotten that girl who refused his offer of help. He didn't see her after that,...
Until now,...
I will fight for you, Levi,...
Levi slowly opened his eyes, trying his best to battle with the excruciating pain he felt in his body. His stomach we're in knots and his feet were numb. He felt another round of vomit escaping his mouth. That's when he saw,...
"FUCKING BITCH!" the villain roared, grabbing (F/N)'s neck and lifting her. The girl couldn't escape him despite her efforts. The man threw her away like she was a rag doll. (F/N) landed just inches away from Levi.
He watched helplessly as (F/N) tried desperately to stand up and fight back. Despite her great efforts, she just couldn't match strengths with him. Her every attempt on taking the enemy down just resulted in her being brutally beat up and badly wounded.
Another land on the cold, hard floor gave her another wound on her head.
The villain, however, didn't wait for her to stand up. He just grabbed her neck once more, lifted her up and treated her like he was an executioner toying with his victim before the inevitable kill.
"Why are you making things so hard on yourself?" he said, squeezing her neck even tighter. "You're going to die, after all. Why don't you just give yourself to me?"
"N-no!" (F/N) choked. She tried clawing at the man's hand, but she just felt too weak. "NO!"
Levi witnessed with his own eyes how the villain brought her forcefully on the ground. This time, the girl could no longer stand.
How long was she fighting and suffering?
The man was not quite finished, yet. He positioned himself on top of (F/N) and started ripping her clothes off.
"Give yourself to me, and I'll let you die peacefully,..." he whispered to her.
Levi heard everything. From that point onward, he felt something stirring within his own heart. It was slowly scratching the cages of his being, making him feel even worse.
Am I dying?
He watched as the man finally ripped away her shirt, revealing her battered body. Once again, the thing in his heart scratched, making it harder for him to breathe.
Slowly, all of his memories flooded in his mind. They were both good and bad. He saw the countless Soldiers who died gallantly. He saw his squad. Heck, he even saw Petra.
Then, he saw her,...
The man ripped her pants and licked his lips.
"You know, despite your awful condition, you still looked ravishing,..."
The thing in his heart stopped scratching and made blood flow chaotically in his veins like a tidal wave. And after the wave came a strange sensation in his chest. It was like a small fire that was ignited in his core. Another wave came from it, and he felt the flame getting gradually stronger. It was slowly spreading its warmth all over his body. Another wave a second later blessed his body with such heat he couldn't quite explain.
Then, he saw her, yet again.
He opened his eyes,...
And he saw the universe.
It was,... so bright.
Even if it cost me my own life,...
The villain was so pleased with himself. He slowly bent down, excited upon kissing those bloody, yet luscious lips,...
All of a sudden, he felt a foreign sensation connecting with his face that his mind was not even given the chance to process what was currently happening to him.
A few seconds later, he found himself on the opposite side of the room. Dumbfounded, he touched his nose. He looked at his fingers and he saw blood.
"What in the actual fuck?" he muttered and looked back at (F/N). She was barely breathing.
And his own eyes widened with both in fear and shock.
For right in front of her stood Levi Ackerman, looking down at her.
Levi looked at him. His eyes were full of hatred and anger.
He knew what he had to do.
The flame in his heart sent another tidal wave of heat all over his body, giving him renewed strength.
He clenched his fists. He gritted his teeth. His nails dug deep into his skin, drawing crimson liquid.
The drop of his blood fell onto the ground.
I will never abandon you, Levi.
Levi felt nothing but rage and sorrow as he ran towards the man, his fist ready to break the fiend's bones.
The man cowered and protected himself uselessly, for the Captain had already punched him powerfully enough to make him fly towards the wall.
The man coughed up blood. He glanced at Levi, then at the floor beneath him. He instantly saw that there were cracks on the spots the demonic man just stepped on.
"It cannot be. That's impossible!"
Levi went towards the man and grabbed his neck, lifting him up from the ground. He squeezed hard, barely snapping it. He was careful enough not to let him die.
Not now.
"WHO?" Levi growled like a wild animal, his uncontrollable strength getting the better of his own sanity. "WHO ARE YOU TO HURT HER?!"
"It c-can't be! You must be d-dead by n-now!"
"ANSWER ME!" a demonic sound escaped Levi's mouth, and with it, he smashed the man's body against the wall, hearing some of his bones break at the process. He was so blinded by rage that he could not contain himself. He was also overcome with sorrow as more memories of her flooded in his mind. Of her innocent smile, her patience, her calmness,...
...even her endurance on the face of the one person who hurt her the most.
Of the one person she loved the most,...
He was turning into a beast.
Just like that rainy day,...
The villain laughed despite the pain he felt in his body.
"You're one to talk. I know she suffered a lot because of you, you emotionless, ignorant fool!"
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Levi punched his face, breaking his nose. He punched again and again, until his face was unrecognizable. He picked him up again by the throat and threw him on the opposite side of the room, splattering blood everywhere.
The man tried crawling away from him, which was no use. Levi's foot flew and the sound of a broken bone was heard. The villain howled in pain.
He was about to kill him with a powerful blow to his spine when the door bursted open.
The villain thanked his awful luck from saving him at the last moment, until he realized who entered the room. They were all clad in military uniform and on their backs was the insignia of the two wings; the wings of freedom.
Erwin was shocked upon seeing the amount of blood splattered all over the place. But he was glad, nonetheless, that the Scouting Legion's best Soldier was finally cured.
Just like how he predicted it,...
"Levi, you - " he began until he saw Levi's deathly glare directed towards him.
The Captain ignored the Commander as he made his way towards the figure on the ground. He saw that it was none other than (F/N), unconscious and badly wounded.
He bent down and took her unconscious body in his arms. He lifted her up, ignoring his own pain.
Everyone, including Erwin, watched quietly as the cold - hearted man stared at the girl he hated and hurt.
Does he still hate her?
They never found out the answer.
The rain started falling.
Finally, no one is coming to hurt her again. She would no longer hide in the closet. She would no longer be afraid.
His own rain started falling,...
~ @levi4mikasa , @yepps , @clovemcpandas , @unhappysap , @shewolfofficial , @fangurl-ontgeside , @super-peace-fangirl , @shortbty14 , @emilyackerman78 . 💚
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caputvulpinum · 6 years
i. glutton ii. wrathful iii. proud iv. avaricious v. desirous vi. slothful vii. lustful viii. contract viv. inferno x. abyssal xi. tooth and claw xii. horns xiii. wings xiv. falling xv. lord xvi. lady xvii. exultant xviii. despondent xviv. at long last xx. grasp xxi. soul xxii. starlight xxiii. hellfire xxiv. savior xxv. above xxvi. below xxvii. endings xxviii. legion xxviv. deep-thing xxx. after xxxi. REBIRTH.
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languages-and-else · 5 years
@strugglingclassicist said: 3, 79 and 82 (in each language you know since you have a slow night) 🌼
Thank you so much, dear!! Also, you sent this as a submission, I didn’t even know that was like... a thing. Oops!
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
German: “die eltern von heinz kaufen unter großen opfern die moderne hose für heinz” (die liebhaberinnen by Elfriede Jelinek)
Russian: “она не может ходит на охоту, как дикие медведи, её никто не научали этому” (медведь и девочка by светлана кокорышкина)
Norwegian: “Jeg synger hei hopp, ingen sutrekopp, og han stikker tærne i sikkerhet under beina mine” (Lyset bak Øynene by Tommi Kinnunen)
English: “The first photo showed a dozen or so Victorians posing, casual as picnic-goers, on the crazily slanted roofs of houses that looked like they’d been smashed by an angry giant.” (A Map of Days by Ransom Riggs)
Latin: “Tum sibi quisque dux adhortatorque factus ad rem gerendam, et nova de integro extorta pugna est, non illa ordinata per principes hastatosque ac triarios nec ut pro signis antesignani, post signa alia pugnaret acies nec ut in sua legione miles aut cohorte aut manipulo esset. (Ab Urbe Condita Liber XXII by Livy)
Sometimes there was no line 17, so I just took the last one on the page! And in the English book, there was only a picture on page 23, so I took 22! ;)
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
In my whole life is a bit too much to be quite frank, I easily get lost in “what if I had(n’t)...” thoughts, not even necessarily in a negative way. Some amazing (more recent) decisions include: joining the learning club, getting into diary slams and diary keeping, moving out of my old flat, sitting next to that one girl early on in my studies - she’s turned into a close friend and I’ve found so many great people through her, volunteering at Pride, picking up embroidery...
82: What is your favourite word?
I don’t really have favourite words I think? But I’ll think of one each that I find interesting for whatever reason!
German: Eselsbrücke (lit. donkey bridge = mnemonic) - I was just looking for that one and its English translation disappointed me
English: tremendously - I became fond of this word while writing academic papers, sue me
Norwegian: kjæreste (girl-/boyfriend) - I love that it’s gender neutral and literally just means “dearest”
Latin: psittacus (parrot) - this word has a fun story from uni attached to it
Russian: известный (famous) - because I made a really dumb mnemonic for that one that makes me snort every time
Portuguese: saudade - that’s a cliche, I know, it’s some mixture of sadness, longing, and some slight melancholy 
Austrian Sign Language: The sign for “U-Bahn” (underground) which is the letter “u” signed under the ground!
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aftergloom · 6 years
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"…Between us the bond deepened, growing into something that could not be undone." (Bastila Shan)
A story that explores the depths of the bond between Rey and Ben Solo in an emerging future where one's destiny might be shaped by the pull towards a higher purpose -- a Force whose will is greater than the desires of those that are drawn together because of it.
A canon-compliant REYLO fic that attempts to bridge the gap between the light, the dark, and the vast expanses of "The Last Jedi" and Episode IX.
For Darkness, Stars on Ao3 / FFnet
Chapter I - Prelude
Chapter II - Arclight
Chapter III - The Farthest Star
Chapter IV - Darkangel
Chapter V - Testament
Chapter VI - Lost Horizon
Chapter VII - Descent
Chapter VIII - Illusion
Chapter IX - Nemesis
Chapter X - Nova
Chapter XI - Carry You
Chapter XII - Kingdom / Epicentre
Chapter XIII - Kingdom / Firstlight
Chapter XIV - Verum Aeternus
Chapter XV - Everything
Chapter XVI - Space & Time
Chapter XVII - Genesis
Chapter XVIII - Standing
Chapter XIX - Secluded Spaces
Chapter XX - The Great Divide
Chapter XXI - Precipice
Chapter XXII - Still Waters (Open Skies)
Chapter XXIII - Suffer
Chapter XXIV - Where there is light
Chapter XXV - Ghost
Chapter XXVI - Holding on 
Chapter XXVII - Rubicon 
Chapter XXVIII - Forever
Chapter XXVIX - Legion
Chapter XXX - Fearless
Chapter XXXI - God of All 
Chapter XXXII - Further
Chapter XXXIII - Collide
Chapter XXXIV - If I was
Chapter XXXV - Beloved
Chapter XXXVI - As it fades
Chapter XXXVII - Lastlight
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lgxnbook · 2 years
The Capsarius (Legion XXII #1) - Simon Turney
EPUB & PDF Ebook The Capsarius (Legion XXII #1) | EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD
by Simon Turney.
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Download Link : DOWNLOAD The Capsarius (Legion XXII #1)
Read More : READ The Capsarius (Legion XXII #1)
Ebook PDF The Capsarius (Legion XXII #1) | EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD Hello Book lovers, If you want to download free Ebook, you are in the right place to download Ebook. Ebook The Capsarius (Legion XXII #1) EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD in English is available for free here, Click on the download LINK below to download Ebook The Capsarius (Legion XXII #1) 2020 PDF Download in English by Simon Turney (Author).
 Description Book: 
Warrior and combat medic, Titus Cervianus, must lead a legion and quell the uprisings in Egypt in a new Roman adventure from Simon Turney.Egypt. 25 BC.Titus Cervianus and the Twenty Second Deiotariana have been sent to deal with uprisings and chaos in Egypt. Yet the Twenty Second is no ordinary legion. Founded as the private royal army of one of Rome's most devoted allies, the king of Galatia, their ways are not the same as the other legions, a factor that sets them apart and causes friction with their fellow soldiers.Cervianus is no ordinary soldier, either. A former surgeon from the city of Ancyra, he's now a capsarius ? a combat medic. Cervianus is a pragmatist, a scientist, and truly unpopular with his legion.Marching into the unknown, Cervianus will find unexpected allies in a local cavalryman and a troublesome lunatic. Both will be of critical importance as the young medic marches into the searing sands of the south, finding forbidden temples, dark assassins, vicious
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