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sometimesthingsgowrongokayy · 3 months ago
mk i know that some people wont wanna hear this but
mouthwashing tickle hcs
like 99% of this is daisuke soooo..
also very all over the place, not organized AT ALL cause i was just spewing whatever came to mind. also some swearing
-oh lordy
-yall already know what this is gonna be about
-so i may be slightly obsessed with this man.
-one of my favorite hcs for him is that he has a very slightly pudgy stomach. like he’s fit and athletic and all that, but he just has a lil bit of squishy fluff right down there at his stomach that he cant get rid of no matter how much he tries
-and yall already know where i’m going with this stomach thing. gghrgggrhr he cannot HANDLE it
-he’s so ticklish. like hilariously ticklish. even in scenarios where stuff shouldn’t tickle he’s all giggly.
-such a giggler. all over the place in pitch, from high to low to squeaky to wheezy its literally everything under the sun
-his whole laugh is just so chaotic. snorts, hiccups, squeaks, squawks, guffaws, huffs, all of it. the whole shebang
-he absolutely gets lee moods, and when he does he either ignores them out of denial or kind of just spends time Closer to people.
-he isn’t the type to provoke people into tickling him through being annoying, he already feels like a mess-up and he wouldn’t wanna bother anyone
-so punishment tickles for him just make him feel like he’s done something wrong.
-but praise tickles? when you give him nice fluttery soft tickles for doing a job well done while showering him with compliments? congratulations, you’ve murdered daisuke
-sensitive to everything, too. rough tickles, soft tickles, pokes, flutters, kisses, pinches, everything. he likes lighter stuff though, it makes him feel all fluttery and happy and butterflies in his stomach and aushdurhfh.
-im so torn on whether or not he’d be a shy lee
-cause scenario one, he’s an absolute adorable blushy mess and falling over his own feet even when the Word is mentioned. and when you tickle him his legs are kicking out of pure joy as he hides his face with anything available and just Squeals
-but then scenario two, he’s absolutely fearless, just thinks its fun and playful and is all barky and squirmy when tickled. i think this is closer to canon, where he wouldn’t be as embarrassed by it unless it was accompanied by affection-showering
-i’m so sorry, i have to bring it back around to- his STOMACH this man is so weak to tummy tickles and tummy rubs and- gghrhgr.
-i think his other spots are sides, ribs, armpits, thighs, knees, scalp, and feet but for some reason only when he has socks on
-his knees are awful for no reason. if you do that thing where you make like the spider motion on his knee he jumps across the damn room, and a single charley horse has him on the ground in tears. not actually but you get what im saying
-oh and hips
-i think he’s the type of guy to be really squeeze-sensitive on any bony areas and really feather-sensitive on any squishy areas.
-so ribs, hips, knees, thighs, you’ll get him by squeezing
-but stomach, sides, feet, neck, you’ll get him by soft stuff like fluttering
-SO not immune to pokes and tases. oh tases get this boy so bad
-if you can sneak up behind him and tase him he will jump so hard his head hits the ceiling
-versus if you grab his hips from behind and squeeze them he folds in half like a lawn chair, legs flying up and torso flying down. its kinda the only spot that gets him to do this though, anywhere else and he just crumples to the floor
-i think his ears are sensitive
-and his arms, and his ankles, and his fingers, and his hands, and the tops of his feet, and his calves, and-
-yeah im sorry theres not a single spot he’s not ticklish
-even the bridge of his nose
-his face is ticklish in general. im sorry there is truly nowhere this boy is not sensitive
-absolutely a squirmer and a thrasher if you catch him by surprise or get him really good
-but soft tickles and he’s just flinching and squirming and curling into himself cause he’s flustered by how *good* it feels
-okay i need to shut up Now
-so playful and sweet
-absolutely wrecks you, but he’s playful and sweet about it
-another very skilled tickler that doesn’t realize his power(can you tell i have a favorite troupe?)
-definitely enjoys tickle fights
-he’s the type of guy to just randomly bring tickles into a play fight or play wrestle
-also just generally the type of guy to tickle his friends
-i think he’s very switchy
-such a playful little ler
-definitely a tease.
-100000% laughs along with his lee. you never know if he’s laughing at you or with you, though. either way it’s playful and he would never actually make fun of you
-usually more rough with his tickles unless he’s closer to you. tbh, giving someone really tender soft tickles just.. puts him in a lee mood..
-im sorry i have way fewer ler hcs than i do lee hcs
-i don’t think she’s really all that sensitive tbh
-she can get kinda giggly if you get her hands, back, neck, ears, wrists, etc.. but not many other places
-also not one to laugh very hard. it’s just difficult to get her going
-if you’re really close with her, like really really close, she’ll let loose a little, let herself actually giggle instead of just snicker
-i don’t think she’s necessarily shy, just.. straight up not ticklish
-she’s a bit more of a ler than a lee because of her sensitivity
-one thing i love about the mouthwashing fandom is.. they just randomly all collectively decided that anya has long nails
-and i agree with this wholeheartedly.
-she would be a very gentle ler, afraid of making her lee uncomfortable
-even if you’re very close she’d really only go for a minute or so before hesitating
-so sweet and gentle. makes sure you have water and so so good about knowing when to stop
-she’s so worried its almost flustering
-“is this too much? are you sure?” “oh, i’m sorry, was that a bad spot?” “am i doing okay? sorry, i don’t do this often”
-etc etc etc
-overall very sweet about it and doesn’t really tickle people unless she knows they like it. be that through them telling her or her sussing it out on her own
-oh yeah just don’t let her tickle you during or after a heated board game
-all that gentle stuff? out the window. claws all over you, absolutely TEARING you apart
-thats the only time she truly wrecked daisuke- he laughed at her losing and she TACKLED him
-“oh i’ll give you something to laugh about you little piece of-“
-they had to peel her off of him
-he thought about it for the next month and has been very antsy on game nights since
-she uses this to her advantage, btw. if he’s doing too well in a game all she has to do is poke his side and whoops, she’s winning again. whether that’s from his fear of getting wrecked again and letting her win or just his pure distraction from thinking about tickles, we will never know
-okay okay listen. muscular people are SCIENTIFICALLY more ticklish.
-its proven. (whats the opposite of debunked)bunked. absolutely known.
-very loud boisterous deep belly laughter
-ribsss.. thighsss..
-i don’t have too many thoughts on him tbh but i do think he’s more of a ler
-big dad energy tbh. i feel like nobody talks about this. but pre-crash he’s very dad-like
-ok ok i know fuck jimmy we all hate jimmy
-but im gonna give it to the man and at least hc a tiny bit for him even though he’s an ass
-ribs. thats really my only thing
-ribs and other bony areas
-lers more than he lees, but then again kinda never does either. people are too grossed out by him and hes too grossed out by people
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666anxiety666 · 15 days ago
Please... Something with lee Jimmy... 🙏 If you're okay with that
Ofc! Jimmy is normal here, fellas, the gif is a joke, BTW 😭🙏
if yall don't want to read about Jimmy. then this is your warning to not read.
I hate you...
Mouthwashing tickle fic (short fic)
LEE: Jimmy LER: Curly
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"Come on, Jimmy! It'll be fun!" Curly exclaimed as he put in the disc for Mario cart before sitting back on the couch. Jimmy grumbled, taking the controller given to him. "fine... but only a few games..." Jimmy huffed. but Curly only seemed to smile more, sitting down and joining Jimmy on the couch as the game started up.
this wasn't the first time Curly had invited Jimmy over. normally they would just watch Tv and drink. but Curly wanted to try something different for once.
the game booted up and they started to pick their characters. Curly chose Mario, a very basic choice. while Jimmy chose bowser. "this is so childish..." Jimmy mumbled. Curly rolled his eyes. "oh please. a lot of people play this game. mostly adults!" Curly grinned. he loved this game. "yeah, childish people." Jimmy retorted.
Curly huffed. "you're just scared I might beat you~" he teased. Jimmy scoffed. "oh really?" he tried to seem like he was annoyed. but there was a hint of a smirk on his face. "fine then, I'll just kick you're ass." Jimmy looked back at the screen. he seemed oddly determined. "what happened to this being childish?" "shut up!"
Curly loaded up the game, the first map starting. Curly was beating Jimmy quite quickly. he was easily in first place while Jimmy was falling behind on sixth. and obviously Curly one the first round. Jimmy crumbled as he looked at the screen.
the second round came and Jimmy was more determined than ever. he was quick this time. making his way through all of the other players before passing Curly. even Curly was surprised as Jimmy won. the third race came up and again, Jimmy surprised Curly with his skills. beating Curly once more.
"thought you were gonna beat my ass, huh?" Jimmy smirked. Curly huffed and rolled his eyes as the fourth game started up. like the last two games, Jimmy was beating Curly. but Curly was so close behind. he huffed. he now understood why Anya always got pissy at Daisuke for winning boardgame nights.
Curly looked over at Jimmy to see his concentrated face. the younger mans eyes were glued to the screen, his tongue sticking out a little. as Curly looked Jimmy over. he got an idea. slowly, his spare hand inched closer and closer to Jimmy's leg. Jimmy was so focused on the game he didn't notice.
"ha, this is easier than I th-HAHA!" Jimmy was caught of guard when he felt a firm squeeze on his knee. his head shot up. h saw Curly's hand squeezing his knee repeatedly. Jimmy shot a glare at Curly. yet through his laughter. it wasn't very effective. "Curly! yohohou asshohole!" Jimmy tried to kick his leg away. but it wasn't happening on Curly's watch.
"what? I told you I'd kick your ass, Jimmy~" Curly Taunted. Jimmy grumbled through his giggles. "fuhuhuck you! thahats cheating!" Jimmy protested. "cheating? why do you care so much? I thought you said this is childish?" Curly squeezed harder this time. Jimmy dropped his controller and his hands shot to Curly's wrists. "It ihis! and sohoho is thihihis!" Jimmy's face was flushed as he tried to pry Curly's hand off his knee.
Curly tutted and shook his head. "are you calling me childish, Jim?" Curly asked. trying to sound offended. "yehehes! i aham!" Jimmy shot back. Curly sighed. almost like he was disappointed. "you wound me, Jimmy..." and with that. Curly's other hand shot out to Jimmy's other knee. Jimmy Yelped. "h-hey! nohohoho! ohokay okay!" Jimmy tried to back track.
"oh, now you wanna back out..." Curly teased, squeezing the co piolet's knees over and over, making his cackle. "enohohohough! Curly! come ohohohon!" Jimmy pleaded. "say sorry and I might..." Curly Grinned. Jimmy grumbled through his laughter. "ohhohohokay! ohohokay! im sohohorry!" the moment those words left Jimmy's lips, Curly backed off.
Jimmy panted, rubbing his knees. "a-asshole..." he huffed. shooting a look at Curly. Curly held his hands up in mock surrender. "what can I say? I had to compromise..!" but upon looking back at the screen. they had both lost. too busy in their little tussle. Jimmy huffed and rolled his eyes. a hint of a smirk on his face. "happy?" Curly sighed and let out a chuckle. "it's whatever... I still had fun." he grinned at JImmy before he paused. "wanna play again? promise, no tricks!" Jimmy thought for a moment before he grinned, taking his controller back. "you're on..!"
Maybe this wasn't so childish after all...
and done! sorry it's taken so long. T-T
again, i get Jimmy is a controversial character. i don't support his actions in game. so I've made him normal and not a massive creep or psycho.
but anyways hope yall liked!
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lee-madz · 18 days ago
mouthwashing tkl hcs bcuz it's become my new obsession
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• I generally hc him as the oldest after Swansea so he'd definitely have the "older sibling" vibe
• he seems muscular, so I feel like he'd be more ticklish there then other places
• Can be an evil ler or a sweet ler, just depends who it is and what they did
• Would never admit to liking tickles himself, but would tell people that *do* like it that it's okay and wouldn't judge
• in a no crash no evil jimmyjon au, I feel like throughout their time in space, everyone would be like found family and wouldn't be uncomfortable around them tickling or just normal touching them
• I feel like a non muscular tickle spot would be his neck. Wouldn't really get him going but he'd shrug his shoulders up and try to squash the ler's fingers (it doesn't work)
• His main tickle spots would probably be his stomach, pretty much his whole torso area, and his legs
• he's in the middle of the ticklish scale between everyone on the ship
• I feel like she isn't super ticklish, like 2nd to last least ticklish person on the ship
• absolutely *ruthless* ler to people who deserve it (cough daisuke cough) but can also be gentle and sweet
• would tickle someone to distract them while playing a game. It wouldn't be a lot though, just enough to distract
• I feel like her knees and ears/neck would be her bad spots. Everywhere else just isn't really ticklish. Maybe get her to squirm but not enough to laugh
• she's a nurse so she has to know her stuff about anatomy, right? Definitely uses that to her advantage when it comes to tickling someone
• even though she isn't very ticklish, she can't take very much of it. So when people tickle her they go easy and gentle and watch for when she shows signs of being at her limit
• after tickling someone, I feel like she'd be good at aftercare. Running her fingers through someone's hair, rubbing their back (after the tingles go away), getting them something to drink. Stuff like that
• over all very cutey and sweet
• He's a dad himself, so he'd be good at tickling
• isn't very ticklish himself. More ticklish then Anya but only slightly
• is very good at doing the "tickle monster" act
• he'd be sweet with Anya, and wouldn't go far enough past some pokes with Curly and Jimmy, but would go off on daisuke. Especially when he deserves it
•I feel like he'd be most ticklish on his stomach and his ribs
• has big hands that can cover a lot of spots at once. Not that he's gone *that* rough but still
• is very fond of the younger people on the team (Daisuke and Anya)
• Doesn't really like being tickled, but doesn't absolutely despise it
• MY SON I LOVE HIM he's the most ticklish out of everyone
• I saw a fic where he had ticklish palms and I just had to add it here I love it
• he'd be such a playful ler. He'd constantly check to see if he wasn't passing any boundaries but he'd tease a lot
• his stomach and hips are definitely his worst spots but everywhere is ticklish
• he tries to mess with and tickle Swansea but he always gets his ass taken out. Can't take what he dishes out
• I feel like his knees are ticklish. Not *super* bad but it's pretty up there
• really likes to count people's ribs, especially when they move too much and he has to start over
• when he needs comfort though, and the situation isn't *too* bad, people will go easier on him
• I'm sorry (not really) to say that I *really* hate Jimmy but I'm gonna try to make hcs for him
• I feel like he's the least ticklish. He still is, but out of everyone on the ship he's the least
• would probably hate tickling. Sees it as a weakness
• when tickling someone, he'd probably forget that limits and boundaries exist but once he realizes it he'll stop (idk about that though😒)
• he'd wouldn't actually tickle people often, just the occasional poking
sorry I don't have a lot for jambony I just really hate him😭😭
there are all my headcanons that I can think of :33
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gigglingsoftly · 1 year ago
Hi!! Do you have any headcanons for Craig’s gang?
I dooooo! They were literally going to be next like I had it unfinished in the notes app but this made me finish it so quick 😭
Craig’s Gang
I think it’s almost universally agreed in the community he pretends to not be ticklish 😭
He obviously is. He’s just good at hiding it.
Tweek finds out by accident and Craig swears him to secrecy.
When he teases he’s just very matter of fact and sarcastic. It’s very effective.
He’s one of those ppl that guesses where someone’s most ticklish based off of where they try to tickle him first.
And he gets it right like 97% of the time. Everyone finds it so annoying lol
Omg that stereotypical thing has happened where Stripe has gone down his shirt and he can’t catch and he’s trying not to hurt him so he’s like dying
He seems a lot more ticklish than he is. It’s really just nerves.
Oh my god, he sounds like he’s being murdered.
When he says he “I’m going to die!!!” it’s not like a silly thing he’s saying because he’s being tickled like stop. Because shit is about to real real fucking quick
He’s a fighter and a biter (courtesy of @yiplee I loved that hc so much 😭) so yeah… there’s that… like this is different than when Kyle does it by accident. This kid is trying to fight you to the fucking death
Like yeah he can be a good ler but he’s panicking to make sure you can still breath and that he isn’t hurting you. He doesn’t want to go to jail for murder.
Him and Craig have tickle fights sometimes but they pretty much both hate being tickled so it’s rare lol
Has a love hate relationship with tickling.
Like when it’s happening in the moment he “hates” it but after the fact he kinda thinks it’s fun.
He won’t say that tho. If you even imply that he might have had fun he’ll deny deny deny.
He’s too tough and cool for that obviously.
He literally refuses to believe he’s the most ticklish of the group so he’s constantly starting tickle fights and then has the surprised Pikachu face when it obviously backfires.
Bebe tickles him a lot bc she thinks it’s cute that he’s so ticklish lol
He has a really nice laugh!
He pretends to be a lot more ticklish than he actually is for his friends sake.
Like if he didn’t laugh that’d be so awkward and embarrassing.
He doesn’t know how Craig does it. He hates that awkward silence so much
He’s so chill. If a tickle fight breaks out he’s just like I guess we’re doing this now.
He’s Nichole’s biggest ler. He loves to hear her laugh ❤️
CEO of cheer up tickles
Definitely tells bad jokes on purpose when the person is screaming
And like it makes his friends laugh harder because he’s so corny???
He has gotten ganged up on for too many bad jokes.
It’s his fault tho because the gang always warn him before hand. And he just doesn’t listen.
And he’ll proceed to tell bad jokes like they didn’t just wreck him
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gigglypark · 2 years ago
here’s a jyle tickle fic that’s super short and stuff (they’re supposed to be teens in this, not sure if that’s obvious)
"They're such a p-p-perfect couple," Jimmy said, scrolling through his phone while Kyle laid on top of him, head resting on his stomach.
"What?" Kyle asked, looking up at him from his position. He was assuming Jimmy was looking at some couple's social media, like Stan and Tolkien's.
"I've n-n-never seen them apart before, either."
"Who..?" Kyle asked, raising an eyebrow. Maybe Tweek and Craig. 
The brown haired boy set his phone down on the bed and stared at Kyle before saying "my asscheeks."
Kyle groaned and buried his face into Jimmy's stomach. "You're the worst,” he mumbled and Jimmy giggled a bit.
"W-watch it!" 
"Oh my god, does that tickle?" Kyle looked up at Jimmy with a smile, whos face was now pink.
"No...! Maybe,” Jimmy admitted before giggling again as Kyle scribbled on his sides gently. "You J-Jackass!"
"Wow, insults? Seems a bit rude," The redhead laughed and lifted up Jimmy's yellow shirt slightly before taking a deep breath."
"Wait, Kyle, don't you d—" Jimmy was cut short as he started laughing louder, Kyle having blown a raspberry on his stomach. He tried to squirm away, but the taller boy laying on him made it difficult.
After another raspberry and a few more scribbles to Jimmy's sides, Kyle showed some mercy and sat up. "Okay, okay, I'm done."
Jimmy sat up a bit too, glaring at his boyfriend as he giggled a bit more. "I'm so getting you b-back."
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galeexy · 5 months ago
Okay reposting it here because I made an actual account for this
Tickletober day 1! Anticipation!
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slimeylee · 8 months ago
guys i need more lee butters lee jimmy lee cartman fics .,... pls
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eightball-chronicles · 3 months ago
"you little ratbag" hes so stupid😭/lh
delicious im licking my fingers mmmm
Hello!!! I've been reading your MW posts lately and I honestly love the way you write. I was wondering if I could make a request on how the crew would react if they received a random tickle attack.
(preferably by the reader)
a/n: hello nonny!! This is sooo sweet thank you so much :D always glad to make people happy with my work!!
Tulpar crew reacting to receiving a random tickle attack
Let’s be honest
He would be the one tickling you probably
But on the rare occasion you catch him off guard he will bust out laughing
Has the deepest manliest laugh too
Like you’re lowkey giving him goo goo eyes because of how beautiful he sounds
“You little ratbag!!”
Chases you around
The other crew members are like ???
Why are they giggling and chasing each other like little kids
Definitely gets you back
And shows no mercy either
You were weak…
But he will not be
You’re crying by the end of it
Don’t mess with the Curly monster
Oh god
If you can even touch him it’s a good day
Let alone tickle this man
If you by some miracle manage to spring a tickle attack on him he’ll be disgusted let’s be real
“The fuck are you doing? Quit it!!”
He’s actually extremely ticklish though
Has an evil villain laugh
Straight up like “muahahaha”
Hearing him laugh extended your lifespan by 20 years though
Truly healing experience
He will punch you to get you off of him
“Fuck off. Don’t do that again.”
Finds himself smiling after though
He’s not sure why
He hated that
Or did he…..
You and Daisuke already prank each other all the time
You are constantly getting into mischief with each other
So of course you hit him with a tickle attack
Has the goofiest laugh
Begs for mercy dramatically
You barely even did anything
Extremely ticklish
He will also get you back
Has one of those long sticks with the finger on it
Pokes you with it
Also loves to tickle you just randomly in general
He thinks your laugh is adorable
If you’re not ticklish he’ll still try
He is a man on a mission
Maybe when he was like 20
This old man is too tired to giggle at your antics
“Kid I lost all feeling in my neck when I was 40”
“Then how are you standing?”
“…shut up.”
He will eventually crack and let out a chuckle
Not because it tickles
Because your earnest efforts are cute
Pats your head
“Go run along and do something else, yeah?”
Doesn’t get you back but thinks about it
He likes your laugh a lot
Please god do not spring it on her
She will scream in terror
If done right she will giggle
And she also has a very funny giggle
Penny from that one scene in TAWOG
Reminds her of when she was a little kid
Used to love being tickled
Would ask her parents to tickle her all the time
She doesn’t want to get you back because “that’d be mean”
She understands other people don’t like it most of the time
Bonus she loves your jokes
Bad jokes in general just make her laugh
“If you can make her laugh and giggle, you can make that booty shake and jiggle”
She says help out loud
Me too girl me too
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jetblack4realz · 2 months ago
his little girl - yellowstone boys
how the yellowstone (+ 1923) boys react to you having their daughter
i think i might make this a series if y'all are interested. i think it'd be cute! i'll do kayce (obvs), rip (ofc), ryan (what a man), lee (we didn't get enough of him), jimmy (i haven't seen a single thing on here for him, not that there isn't but still), and spencer (he's iconic)!!
lmk if you want anything in particular for any or all of these guys! i think it could be fun :)
kayce dutton:
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when you first got pregnant, you were so certain it was going to be a little boy, and that's what you told kayce. he smiled over at you, hand on your stomach as he shook his head.
"and why's that, baby?" he wondered.
"he's been kicking like a boy, and i've got the skin to show it's a boy. i've always imagined that i'd be a boy mom," you answered with a shrug, leaning into his embrace comfortably. "and we've already got tate. i think it'll be another boy."
and he'd been alright with that. he let you have your dreams of what to name him and how you'd have him and tate match in little cowboy outfits. you even omitted the gender reveal in favor of it being a surprise, but also because you were so certain it was a boy.
but, when that little girl came out, you both were in instant happy tears.
kayce held her first due to some complications during birth, and he suddenly remembered the joy that came with being a father. as he stared down at his baby girl with eyes that matched his, he was flooded with a certain protectiveness that didn't come with tate. this was his little girl - nobody was going to mess with her.
to say she was spoiled by her daddy was an understatement. there wasn't a day that he didn't come home with a new handful of wildflowers, one for each of his girls, and sit on the floor having her explain all her little drawings to him. when tate would mess with her, teasing as a good older brother would, kayce would give him a stern shake of his head, holding her close to his chest as she sniffled.
"she ain't a boy, bud," he told him. "i know she's your sister and you wanna tease her, but you gotta treat her like a lady."
"i just wanna make her laugh," tate defended.
"find another way, okay pal? there's a million ways to make her laugh and only a few to make her cry. let's figure that out, alright?" he said, pulling the boy into his side for a hug. tate looked at his sister, thinking for a moment before making a funny face, sticking out his tongue and crossing his eyes as he pulled his mouth at a funny angle. she burst into a fit of giggles, kayce high-fiving him as she clambered out of his lap to go play with her older brother.
you had to be the one to teach her to rope and ride, ensuring she had the true makings of a cowgirl because kayce did not want that life for her. he hoped that she wouldn't ever end up with a cowboy. but, once she knew how to ride well enough, he'd take her on long rides with him and tate, explaining the beauties of montana to them both.
he first bought her a dress from a little boutique in town and a matching bow to go with it when she was five, beyond excited to dress her in it and take her out on a daddy daughter date. you took tate on a mommy son date that same night, smiling as you saw your husband and daughter eating ice cream through the store window as tate dragged you to the theater down the street.
kayce stayed protective, but supportive of what she wanted - except for when she started getting cutesy around the newest ranch hand rip had let stick around, a kid called carter. kayce nipped that one in the bud real fast.
he thrived as a father, it was his true calling, with both tate and your little girl. having both felt like his life had equalled out and he ensured they had a close bond as well. kayce isn't a girl dad or a boy dad, he's just a dad, and he loves it.
rip wheeler:
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rip would never admit it, but whenever he imagined finding a girl, settling down, and starting a family, it was always filled with daughters. it was easy to assume that he'd want all boys - he was one of the most manly men montana had ever seen. but, with that, he felt a need to have girls to protect, to be strong for.
so when that first baby ended up a girl, he was silently ecstatic.
"baby, it's a girl," he mumbled to you, his smile the widest you'd seen it since your wedding day.
he was so supportive during labor, petting your hair out of your face as you squeezed his hand tightly. when your little girl finally started crying, he took her straight from the doctor and set her on your chest, one hand on your arm and the other on the baby's back.
he watched over the both of y'all carefully. it was obvious to everyone that you were his number one priorities, and if anyone so much as mentioned your names with the wrong tone he was ready to fight.
rip started taking her out on rides as soon as she was able to be strapped to his chest and sit on a horse without crying, which was actually awfully early. you told him it was only because she was his daughter that he was able to do this, but they both loved it. she was an expert rider by the time she was eight years old, and a good roper too.
you had two twin girls after her, both absolutely adored by rip and their older sister. you were able to go on family rides at that point, you and rip with each one of the littles in front of you and your oldest perched behind rip with wide wondering eyes.
"daddy, an eagle!" she cheered, pointing over his shoulder at a bald eagle flying over the trees.
"good eye, baby," rip said, smiling as he high-fived the little girl.
she quickly became his right hand man. even at four years old, she was grabbing him a banana for breakfast before he headed out the door or helping him clean his boots. the older she got, the more responsibility she got, which was fine by her. she was strong and determined and a total daddy's girl.
until she became a brother's girl.
carter showed up when she was seven and she fell in love with him quickly. he was sweet with her, carrying her on his back out to the barn as she helped him shovel stalls the best she could.
rip didn't know how to feel about it until you finally approached him about adopting carter.
"it wouldn't be anything official since neither of y'all have any documentation or anything," you told him, fiddling with your fingers. "but, that boy needs a home. and rip, i really love him, and so does she, and so do you. we've got one extra room and a place at the table. i want him here. you've seen him with our baby girl, he wants to be a part of this family too. please, rip."
and so that was that. after you sat the boy down and told him, he became even more dependable. he was an avid protector of your daughter and rip actually began smiling at the sight of the two of them walking around the ranch.
rip didn't love carter the same way he loved his baby girl, he was always meant to be a girl dad, but he appreciated him nonetheless. the way he was with rip's daughters helped secure him in the little wheeler family, and rip was happy about it.
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ryan was in no way prepared to be a father. when you told him you were pregnant he about shat himself.
"but we used protection," he said, eyes wide as he paced the bunkhouse.
"well, quite obviously it didn't work," you said. you grabbed his arms. "ryan, hun, it'll be okay. okay? it'll all work out, we'll figure it out."
"i don't have anything for you. i can't do anything for you. i don't have a house for myself, i barely have my own truck, i make enough to live but i don't know how to provide for you," he stressed.
"we'll figure it out," you emphasized again, wrapping your arms around his neck tightly.
and you did. with how long ryan had been working on the yellowstone ranch and how close your family was to the duttons (how you'd met ryan, actually), john gave you space in the main house to take care of you new little girl - heavens knew there was enough room, he barely even noticed you were there. he, himself, was kind of obsessed with the idea of having another pseudo grandchild, and ryan was convinced that was the only reason he worked it all out for y'all.
ryan was a nervous father. he was uber careful, keeping constant eyes on the baby or whoever was holding her. ninety percent of the time, that person was himself. he barely even let colby hold her and he cursed out jimmy when he asked, saying how he wasn't about to let that dumbass, brain-injured, bronco-riding klutz of a rodeo star hold his precious baby girl and drop her on her head just like his parents had done to him, obviously.
everyone had a good laugh about that one.
your little girl wasn't around the horses or cows, or even a damn rope for so much of her life, but what she was around was poker. ryan had her in his lap as they played cards since she was a month old and not sleeping through the night. somehow, impeccably, she went down without a fuss after sitting through a few games of cards with her father and his friends.
when she got a bit older, he taught her all his favorite childhood card games, but she got bored of them. when you first walked in on him explaining poker to her, you about smacked him upside the head, but when you saw her smiling and figuring out the order of the cards you let it slide.
"she'll be cheatin' out the rest of us in no time," ryan said, running a hand over her hair as he smiled up at you.
"whatever you say, cowboy," you sighed, sitting next to her and picking at the chips he'd laid out for her.
for her tenth birthday, he threw her a poker party with the rest of the wranglers, the duttons, tate, and carter, with ibc rootbeers in a cooler to make her feel just as cool as the rest of them. it was the first time she'd played with anyone but her parents, and she was stoked.
she smoked their asses.
they were freaking flabbergasted, even ryan. he pressed a kiss to her head, laughing as he congratulated her. "that's my kid, everybody."
lee dutton:
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lee never wanted kids.
he knew it, you knew it, john knew it, hell, the whole family knew it. it was never in his plan.
but, you also weren't in his plan. he'd had a perfectly organized idea of being the forever bachelor of the yellowstone, hitting up bars for quick girls when he wanted a makeout or one night stand or whatever, and then returning to life on the ranch.
well, you showed up, a horse trainer from the sixes, travis wheatley's little sister, and he fell in love so fast he almost tripped over his feet. he rushed into dating you, proposing, and marrying you but no one in montana had any complaints, except for maybe your father, but he was in texas so it didn't matter in the long run. and he also, accidentally, rushed into getting you pregnant, which was not the goal at all.
"i know, and i'm sorry, but i'm keeping it, baby," you'd told him the night he found the test. you held his face in your hands, brows furrowed. "i want this. i hope you can understand that."
"i never wanted kids," he told you, shaking his head and breathing out a deep sigh. "but, uh, with you? with you, i'm not so opposed." he looked up at you, mustering a small, almost scared smile. "hell, we're already here, ain't we? let's fuckin do this thing, baby."
"language, lee," you laughed.
his mind was blown when you gave birth, absolutely scared and amazed out of his mind when the nurse handed over this perfect, slightly messy, bundle of pink blankets screaming bloody murder to him as they cleaned you up.
"holy shit," he muttered, staring down at his daughter with wide eyes.
"language, lee," you groaned, sitting up and reaching out for the baby. he handed her to you immediately, watching the both of you carefully.
his world changed that day.
as soon as you were ready to let her out of the house, he took her everywhere with him, and he was not ashamed about it. the strap-on baby carrier was his best friend as he walked around the house, grabbing her nursing bottles before heading out to the barn. john laughed when he saw him the first time.
"and what the hell are you doing? you can't cowboy with a baby, lee," he told his eldest.
"watch me," was his answer.
you didn't know he was doing all this, only being told that he'd take her out while you got some rest or did whatever you needed to get done. it was nice to have little breaks throughout the day, but you worried if she was hungry. well, until you saw the little bottle holster he'd made himself that he kept strapped to his side.
you almost thought it was ridiculous, but it was the best possible outcome you could've hoped for, so you let him take her out every few days.
that girl was practically a cowboy by the time she was five years old. she knew all the terms, had her own boots, was dressed in the same wranglers and carhartts as her dad and grandpa, and always was begging for a horse. she wasn't allowed quite yet, but lee promised her she'd get one eventually.
he took her out hunting with him basically her whole life, teaching her the sacredness and also the practicality of it. she became obsessed with guns when she was eight, something you became especially worried about. you made him put extra locks on each case and then on the safe, the fear of her getting into them eating you alive. she complained about not being able to get a tag until she was twelve, but you thanked the state for it.
lee, of course, found a workaround where she began shooting bucks as big as the bed of his truck when she was only ten because it was on the dutton property - who was going to know? if she could love him anymore than she already did, she definitely did after that.
you kept it to the one kid, knowing she was all lee could really handle. and you were both happy to have her be the center of your worlds. and as much as some traditional montanans might argue that dutton ranch's succession should be male, anyone who met your daughter knew that that little ten year old was as much a cowboy as anyone on the ranch, following in the large footsteps of her grandpa and father with exactness.
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jimmy was ecstatic when he learned you were pregnant, as nervous as it made him too. everything in his life was starting to work out; he'd figured out his dream job - to be a horse trainer, he had a good job, y'all had just gotten married, and he bought his first house right by the sixes.
"this is perfect," he told you, kissing your forehead as he smile widely. "everything is so perfect now, darlin'."
when you learned it was a girl that day at the doctor's office, he was even more ecstatic.
"our little cowgirl," you told him as he pulled you into his side.
"our little cowgirl," he nodded, a certain proud smile on his lips as he thought about what it'd be like raising a little cowgirl as a real cowboy now himself.
now that he had money, and good money too, he let himself go out and buy the baby all sorts of things, from cow printed blankets to little stuffed horses. you laughed when he came home one day with tiny little baby boots.
he put them on her as soon as she'd grown enough to give him the chance. he held her hands as he walked her around the room, the small girl bouncing a bit as she situated in her boots.
"i know they're kinda funny, hun," he hummed to her as she walked with him. "but, they're actually the best sort of shoe. you're gonna love 'em."
his favorite part of the day had always been coming home to you, but it was even better now that he had two people to come home to. and she loved her daddy, babbling with that big baby smile as she crawled to him. he'd always scoop her up into his arms and give her a big kiss on the cheek before walking through the rest of the house to find you.
he told her stories about the yellowstone ranch when he tucked her into bed, her favorite black and white spotted stuffed horse in her arms as she gazed up at him with a smile and big hazel eyes that mirrored his own.
when she got older, you started bringing her down to the arena to show her what exactly her daddy did. at that point, he was on travis' main team of show horse trainers, and he was happy to show off for his wife and little girl. she was always excited to watch him, hanging off the fence with a wide grin as you stood behind her, waving at your husband just as travis yelled at him to get back to work. it was the first time jimmy had ever really talked back to him, yelling not to curse when his daughter was around. travis never did it again and began to show off for the eight year old when she was around too.
she was spunky, way spunkier than jimmy was ready for and sassier than he ever had been. "she gets this from you."
when she went to travis asking for her own horse and better lessons, her brows raised and arms crossed over her chest, jimmy nearly had a heart attack. he dismounted his horse, crossing to his daughter but not making it before travis responded.
"what do i get if i do? horses aren't free, you know."
"a new trainer," she answered, nodding at him firmly. "i've seen y'all do this my whole life. i've rode my whole life. just gimme a shot."
at the ripe age of ten, she'd managed to convince travis wheaton to give her a horse, let her dad teach her, and the opportunity to stay on as she trained. travis laughed when he passed jimmy, shaking his head. "i hate to break it to you, but she ain't your kid, jimmy."
jimmy breathed a sigh of relief before he pulled her up onto his horse, shaking his head and rolling his eyes.
"you've really got to talk to me about things like that before you just do it," he said. "that's my boss, you know that?"
"he ain't my boss," she laughed, kissing her dad on the cheek.
spencer dutton:
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spencer had always wanted kids. and ever since he met you he knew he wanted to have them with you. but, life as a hunter in africa was dangerous enough as it is that you both agreed to wait.
life had other plans.
well, you weren't exactly careful, for one, and for two birth control was iffy, so you should've seen it coming sooner or later. it probably should've been later, but what the hell.
he decided that was the right time to quit being a predator hunter then and did what he could to get you both back to montana, hopefully before you popped. you didn't argue - you wanted to be home when you had your baby too. he took excellent care of you on each ship, each town, and on the train west, ensuring you always had water and foods that didn't make you want to throw up, being a constant pillow for when your body decided it needed a nap, and paying for the most comfortable accommodations the different vessels had.
you didn't know the gender of the baby until after you had her. you were exhausted, but spencer had been right by your side the whole way through, smoothing your hair back and cooling you down with a wet cloth as cara coached you through it.
the look on his face when cara exclaimed it was a girl was one you would never forget; a mixture between love, adoration, and excitement, and fear, protectiveness, and anxiety.
he coddled that baby girl. every night, he spent hours cooing to her as he rocked in the rocking chair his father had built when he was just a baby. he told her stories about cowboying and africa, sang her lullabies cara used to sing to him, and never missed an opportunity to kiss her sweet chubby cheeks.
"you're so good with her," you mumbled to him one night as you sat on his lap in the chair, head tucked into his neck as he held you in one arm and the baby in the other. "how do you do it?"
"i don't know," he whispered, glancing at you with a gentle smile before you both returned your gazes to your daughter. "loving her comes as easily to me as loving you. it's as natural as anything i've ever felt."
"so it's just instinct that helps you calm her in any situation?" you asked.
"well, i can't calm her in every situation," he said with a quiet chuckle. "you've got the only solution sometimes. but, yeah. i guess in other ways it is."
then things got worse with whitfield and the ranch. she was older then, about six, and spencer made sure she knew to never go anywhere alone, to scream for help if she ever saw anyone she didn't know on the ranch (because she knew and adored literally every cowboy working for jacob), and to run. fast.
and she was fast. like, surprisingly fast. she took great pleasure in challenging spencer and jack and jacob to races. spencer and jack always pretended to let her win, and so did jacob, but after he got shot she actually did start to win. when he was told to walk around to get better, she thought she would be encouraging by walking right by his side a little faster than he was able to. it did actually get him moving quicker, but cara was constantly rolling her eyes as she did it.
when she got older, of course spencer taught her how to shoot and hunt.
"this is what daddy did before you were born, princess," he told her as he helped her line up the sight to the target.
"kill things?" she asked, raising her brows. you laughed as you sat to the side, watching in amusement.
he cleared his throat, his brows furrowing a bit. "well, i mean, yes, but i was protecting people from animals that wanted to hurt them. and other times getting food for the family."
"so, do i have to get food for the family now?" she asked, looking down at the gun. he laughed.
"you don't have to, no," he reassured. "i just wanted to show you. it's something i love to do, and something to protect you. that's why mama knows."
"mama knows?"
"yes, i do, baby," you chimed in with a smile. "he showed me back when we were just teenagers. he's a lot better than me though, so you listen to him."
"can we shoot something real next time?" she asked, glancing back at spencer.
"maybe not next time, but when you get enough practice in then yeah," he answered.
"when is that?"
she had a lot of questions. and she always asked them. but, spencer was as even kiln as ever, so patient when he responded to her and made sure her curious little mind found the answers it needed.
but, whenever you thought of spencer as a father, there was always one night that came to mind. she was probably four and it was way past her bedtime. y'all had put her to sleep maybe ten times before she finally stayed in her room and you left to hopefully get some rest.
except spencer turned on the radio. you'd just gotten it the day before and were so excited about it and when he flicked it on, some slow, country tune was playing through it. he took you in his arms then, holding you close to his chest with his lips on your temple, swaying you both gentle along to the tune.
you were smiling the whole time, letting him twirl you once before bringing you in close again. only a few minutes into your impromptu slow dancing, your door was pushed open and in walked your toddler.
there was no shouting or frustrated demand for her to go back to sleep, even though that was very tempting given your last hundred tries to have her do just that. instead, spencer pressed a kiss to your head and twirled you out of his arms as he moved to scoop her up instead. he held her up with one arm, his other holding her hand as he spun slowly in circles.
"if i let you dance with mommy and me will you stay in bed?" he said, raising his brows as he met the eyes that matched his. she giggled, nodding as he kissed her cheek. "okay, then let's dance baby."
you leaned up against the bed frame, watching them with crossed arms and a smile as the music played through the small radio. he met your eyes and his smile grew, slowly spinning his way over to you. releasing your daughter's hand, he took yours instead and pulled you in close. his hand moved to your waist and soon you had your arms wrapped around him and your baby girl as he held her between you, swaying slowly.
as the song ended, he twirled you and then spun himself to earn a giggle from the toddler before setting her down and taking her small hand to give her a twirl as well.
your heart was so full in that moment. when he returned from tucking her in for the (hopefully) last time, you kissed him slowly, pulling away with a soft smile.
"you're a good dad, spencer," you told him. he shrugged, pulling you back in to hold you in a gentle embrace.
"you're a good mom. you make it easy for me."
thanks for reading! leave a request in the comments or message me privately! i love writing, so if you've got an idea you need fleshed out on paper i'd love to be the one to do that for you
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copperbadge · 8 months ago
Recently had the upsetting realization that Brennan Lee Mulligan and Sam Reich are not simply one man who occasionally grows a beard and wears glasses as a bit.
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eightball-chronicles · 3 months ago
my babies :[ (oh right jeopardys here too ig... /s)
daisuke tummy n ears💜 daisuke tummy n ears💜 daisuke tummy n ears💜 daisuke tummy n ears💜 daisuke tummy n ears💜 daisuke tummy n ears💜 daisuke tummy n ears💜 daisuke tummy n ears💜 daisuke tummy n ears💜 daisuke tummy n ears💜 daisuke tummy n ears💜 AARARARAAAVAVFAVAVFARFRVAAARAVAVRAF
this is so delicious ty for feeding the mw tk community i love you /p🫶🫶🫶🫶
can you maybe do Ler Swansea headcannons :3 (if you’ve already done that sorry I haven checked your blog💔)
Was gonna make a whole headcanons list for all the characters, so it thought I'd just answer this here. 🙏
Mouthwashing tickle headcanons.
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🧡 this man loves tickles but will never admit it.
🧡 his tummy and ribs are his most sensitive spots.
🧡 gets embarrassed when tickling is brought up in convo.
🧡 would always lose tickle fights to jimmy when they were kids. Sometimes on purpose
🧡 will try to keep his laughter as quiet as possible before it becomes too much, and it turns into deep cackles.
🧡 "noho, wahahait! wahaHAHAHAIT-!"
🧡 hadn't been tickled in years until Daisuke, in Daisuke fashion, found out.
🧡 blushes a lot.
🧡 doesn't try very hard to get away as he doesn't want to hurt the person tickling him.
🧡 as a ler, however, his confidence is brought back.
🧡 will want revenge if he's playful and will chase you down to get it.
🧡 this man will tease you the whole time. he likes to play innocent as if he isn't wrecking you underneath him.
🧡 "What? what's so funny? me? tickling you? i have no clue what you're talking about!"
🧡 "Geez, you must think I'm hilarious if you're laughing so much..!"
🧡 he's strong. the strongest guy on the ship aside from Swansea. so pinning you down won't be an issue for him. no matter
🧡 he doesn't want to hurt you or take it too far, so he will check up on you afterwards.
🧡 he's actually very good at tickling. knows everything in the god damn book to get you screaming.
🧡 his favourite thing to do is the claw with his had on the lee's stomach.
🧡 he'll also give killer raspberries. Also, the only reason he attempts to grow his beard.
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🩵 she isn't overwhelmingly ticklish but still is.
🩵 she's ticklish all over, really. but the spots that really get her are her underarms, neck, and her feet. (not in a weird way obviously.)
🩵 she's a giggler in the beginning. but get one of her worst spots, and she'll be squealing.
🩵 her laughter is soft in the beginning, but after a while, she's howling.
🩵 "nohoho, plehehease..! ple-! PLEHEHEASE!"
🩵 she actually doesn't mind tickles. she finds it strangely comforting. but I didn't tell you that.
🩵 will squeal loudly if you surprise her.
🩵 she squeaks. she once did it when Curly was tickling her and was so embarrassed.
🩵 she gives big sister energy when it comes to tickling honestly. her tickles can be either soft or rough depending on what they're for.
🩵 she'll be gentle if she's cheering someone up or if you're, i don't know, not Daisuke. Curly isn't off the hook either.
🩵 however. if you've pissed her off, it's war. Daisuke is a frequent victim.
🩵 she teases no matter if it's soft or rough tickles. either way, she has a way to make you flustered as hell.
🩵 "Come on, it's only a little tickle. It's not so bad... you sound so cute..!"
🩵 "Too much? maybe don't cheat then, you little asshole!"
🩵 her nails are a killer.
🩵 will feel bad if she's taken it too far, which is often the case during board games.
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🩷 this mf is ticklish everywhere isn't not even funny. more so where there's muscle or bones.
🩷 his worse spots are his tummy, thighs, and hips.
🩷 be ready to give chase if he's not sitting or lying down. cause this man will run for his damn life.
🩷 he'll be giggling before you've even started. he hates anticipation. It makes him very flustered.
🩷 hates it when people blow in his ears. He'll squeal.
🩷 that's why he'll annoy and provoke anyone around him.
🩷 he secretly gets in lee moods a lot. its makes him very flustered and has a hard time asking for help.
🩷 was also very confused when he first got one and was freaking out.
🩷 on the very rare chance he has asked for tickles. he's very, very embarrassed about it.
🩷 he's very weak to rib counting and raspberries.
🩷 has a very loud and high-pitched laugh. you'll think someone is being murdered.
🩷 is sensitive to any and every form of tickling.
🩷 will giggle like crazy at soft tickles.
🩷 like Anya, he's giving older brother vibes.
🩷 he's surprisingly strong, not Curly level strong, but can pin you down well.
🩷 knows where everyone is ticklish and it's scary.
🩷 his teases are ruthless. knows exactly what will make you flustered.
🩷 "Aw! right here? it tickles right here, right? I'll have to stay right here then!'
🩷 "At this point, i may never stop!"
🩷 he definitely knows every trick in the book, and one hundred per cent tells jokes to make it seem like you're laughing at them.
🩷 will sometimes take it too far. but will always try not to and make sure you're okay.
🩷 will get excited if anyone asks them to tickle them. he'll act like he's just been asked to serve the country.
🩷 teams up with Anya on occasion.
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💜 I can't really think of much for Lee Swansea.
💜 I'd say he's a little ticklish on his tummy and sides.
💜 but will quickly swat you away before telling you off. (Daisuke 👀)
💜 has a very wheezy and gruff laugh.
💜 "h-hey-! enohough yohohou..!"
💜 now ler Swansea is different.
💜 he raised two daughters, to he used to play tickle monster with them both.
💜 and ever since Daisuke came into his life, the intern is like the son he never had. so poor Daisuke gets it the most.
💜 when he's in a playful mood, he'll tickle Daisuke for anything. not listening, to cheer him up, to wake him, or just because.
💜 he knows every technique in the book, too. He was a former tickle monster, after all.
💜 he teases a lot. like, this man's will make sure to make you feel even worse better than you already do.
💜 "Listen to ya! squealin' like a damn girl."
💜 "Maybe if ya had gotten your lazy ass up, we wouldn't be here, would we?"
💜 always knows when to back off or when you've had enough.
💜 sometimes will laugh along with you. Only if he's feeling playful.
(I know, I know it's jimmy, but let's just pretend he's normal... ish. he's still mean, but he doesn't do any of his crazy shit he did in the game. 😭)
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❤️ he's definitely ticklish, yet he'll never admit it for as long as he lives. he claims it's weak.
❤️ Curly is the only one who knows where he's ticklish and is the only one allowed to tickle him.
❤️ he's a fighter and will kick or punch.
❤️ the only spot he's really ticklish and will get a laugh out of him is his knees.
❤️ squeezing them will get a yell out of him. he'll kick and do anything to get you off.
❤️ his laugh his wheezy and grumbly.
❤️ will swear and insult you through his laughter.
❤️ "g-gehehet the fuhuhuHUUCK OFF MEHE-! FUHUCK YOHOHOU!"
❤️ i wouldn't try to tickle if you're not Curly. you will not survive.
❤️ he's evil. very evil.
❤️ this man is not letting you go until you physically fight him off you. or you're in tears.
❤️ the only two people he's tickled before are Curly, who he's more careful with. but Daisuke? Daisuke had learned his lesson way too many times not to poke fun at Jimmy.
❤️ rough tickles. Damn rough tickles.
❤️ this man will hunt. you. down just to teach you not to mess with him.
❤️ is mean even when he's tickling.
❤️ "It tickles? that's kinda the point, dumbass."
❤️ "Jesus, just how sensitive are you? its kinda embarrassing..."
❤️ will fight you just to pin you down.
Absolutely loved writing these. They were great fun! 🙏 you can tell who my favourite character is. 💀
Make sure to send over your own headcanons if you wish.
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muppet-facts · 4 months ago
Muppet Fact #1255
Miss Piggy owns a pair of custom designed Louboutins. They were created in 2011 for The Muppets. She wore the shoes at many promotional events and the film's opening. The shoes were later put on display at El Capitan Theatre in an exhibit called "Miss Piggy's Couture Collection."
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The Muppets World Premiere. November 12, 2011.
Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. November 16, 2011.
El Capitan Theatre. "Miss Piggy's Couture Collection." 2011.
Academy Awards. February 26, 2012.
Fashion Police. March 30, 2012.
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lostsoulincssea · 2 years ago
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— My Adventures With Superman "Adventures of a Normal Man Part 1"
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sandytrish008 · 3 months ago
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The cast from Ed Edd n' Eddy as funny animals
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hotvintagepoll · 2 months ago
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Jimmy Stewart and Jean Arthur (You Can't Take It With You, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington)—These two have easy natural chemistry, and they're great to watch together because James Stewart is a nine foot tall drawling lanky man and Jean Arthur is a smallish woman with a hoarse little voice and yet! they work. Stewart is a dynamic presence on screen but she more than holds her own in their scenes and watching them play off eachother is a delight! 10/10 would watch gaze at one another with dreamy eyes.
Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing (The Curse of Frankenstein, The Horror of Dracula)—Obviously never canon romantic but the definition of toxic old man yaoi. Whether it's the look on Lee's face as Dracula about to bite Van Helsing in "Horror Of Dracula" (1958) or Cushing destroying his life and engagement to create Lee's monster in "Curse Of Frankenstein" (1957). Such a popular team that the "Dracula" sequel lifted their final fight from the original and used it as a prologue even though Cushing isn't in the rest of the film.
This is round 1 of a mini Christmas tournament. Each poll lasts for three days. If you'd like to send additional propaganda supporting your favorite hot couple, you can reblog this post with your propaganda added, send it to my asks, or tag me in it. To vote in all the polls, click here. Happy holidays!
[additional sexy propaganda under the cut]
Jimmy and Jean:
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Peter Cushing and Christoher Lee:
Not exactly propaganda but I received this ask after Cushing and Lee's submission:
oh, I completely missed the qualifiers for the couples poll! Nevemind. Unless we count characters attempting to murder one another in multiple movies as peak couple behavior, Cushing and Lee tragically don’t qualify.
Fortunately for you, in this case I'll absolutely count that as romantic.
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Nicktoons Headcanons
- Timmy and Danny are close and have an almost sibling/close cousins bond
- Jenny and Cindy would get along I fear
- Jenny would get along with Sam too. Girls day!
- Jenny and her friends, Brad, Tuck and Sheldon still hang out often.
- Sheldon eventually moved on from his crush on her and the two are still close
- Danny "forgets" to get his hair cut a lot (he can't be bothered)
- Jimmy wears contacts occasionally, mostly when glasses would get in the way when inventing
- Manny takes advantage of some of the others not being fluent in Spanish a lot. He'd definitely tease/rib on them (friendly) in Spanish.
- Jenny, being a robot, would know a lot of languages, while Timmy probably only knows "hola", "si" and would say "merci" instead of "gracias"
- Danny would maybe know a little more than Timmy, but is far from fluent
- Jimmy would either be a bit better, or would honestly just use a translator
- SpongeBob is either mostly fluent, or has no idea what a Spanish is
- Same with Zim
- Dib has only studied alien language
- Since Danny and Timmy have similar hairstyles, Timmy absolutely made himself look like Danny at one point as a joke (temporary dyed/wished his hair black and white, wearing what Danny would, etc)
- Think that one Bob's Burgers episode when Gene made himself into Bob's mini-me
- Everyone got a kick out of it
-Timmy especially
- Danny kicked him
-Dib and Zim are a lot more civil towards each other now. But, that doesn't mean they get along all the time. They'll still start swinging at each other
-Dib is curious about ghosts and the Ghost Zone, but nowhere near as interested/obsessed as he was with aliens. He flipped when Jimmy told him about the Yolkians
- Gir is not allowed in Jimmy's lab
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