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mejcinta · 1 year ago
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Scenes with Baela currently being reshot.
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localnaturalhistory · 10 months ago
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Warner Brothers are in the process of ecologically enhancing the area to the west of their existing studios site at Leavesden. Previously this consisted of a field that regularly contained Skylarks, so hopefully they will be back as well as many other species. What hasn't been mentioned is that the studios backlot area has been expanded by building on what was previously another field nearby. Anyway, looking forward to seeing the result of the ecological enhancement works.
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Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999, George Lucas)
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westeroswisdom · 1 year ago
George R.R. Martin just got back from the UK. He devoted a fair amount of attention to it at Not a Blog.
Apparently there's an ASoIaF stage play in the works.
[O]ne of the meetings I had in London was with Dominick and Duncan, the director and scriptwriter of our own stage play, the one we have been working on for the past few years. Originally we were calling it HARRENHAL, but we have now settled on THE IRON THRONE as a title… until we think of something better. Regardless, things are coming well, I think, and we are hopeful of being able to open in late 2024. Maybe.
GRRM spent time with HotD showrunner Ryan Condal and visited Leavesden Studios.
[N]othing I have ever seen can compare with the Red Keep and Dragonstone sets they have built at Leavesden Studios in London.  HUGE, stunning, and so damned real that I felt as if I had gone through a time portal to medieval Westeros. I love castles and have visited dozens of actual medieval castles, keeps, and towers in my time, and none of the real castles I’ve ever seen can hold a candle… or a torch… to our Red Keep. It was not all tromping through sets, though. I also spent two days locked in a room with Ryan Condal and his writing staff (Sara Hess, Ti Mikkel, David Hancock, and Philippa Goslett) talking about the third and fourth seasons of HOUSE OF THE DRAGON. They were lively, fun discussions, and we got some good work done… though two days was not nearly enough.
Yes, he discussed a fourth season for House of the Dragon with Ryan Condal. 😃 But back to Season 2...
The highlight of the trip, though, had to be the sneak preview that Ryan gave me of the first two episodes of HOUSE OF THE DRAGON, season two. (Rough cuts, of course). Of course, I am hardly objective when talking about anything based on my own work… but I have to say, I thought both episodes were just great. (And they are not even finished yet). Dark, mind you. Very dark. They may make you cry. (I did not cry myself, but one of my friends did). Powerful, emotional, gut-wrenching, heart rending. Just the sort of thing I like. (What can I say? I was weaned on Shakespeare, and love the tragedies and history plays best of all).
He also mentioned that he got to spend time with Maisie Williams and other friends. Hmmm, I hope they talked about the possibility of an "Arya's Voyages" sequel. 😉
Here's a picture of GRRM and Ryan Condal at the Red Keep set.
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^^^ Given the start of the Targaryen civil war in Season 2, that sky looks appropriately ominous.
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arthurkeating · 7 days ago
Best Service For Leadwork in Leavesden
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Are you looking for the Best Service For Leadwork in Leavesden? Then visit G.Austin&Sons Roofing. Their services include new roofs, roof repairs, flat roofing, leadwork, glass roofing, felt roofing, dry ridge systems, chimney installations and repairs, rubber roofing, slate roofs, and more. Visit- https://maps.app.goo.gl/swY7yjAUZvcDhdnK9
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watford-herts-london · 11 months ago
Warner Studio business rates slashed in Jeremy Hunt Budget 2024
Jeremy Hunt plans to reduce business rates for studios and provide support to councils facing potential revenue losses due to this decision. Notable studios such as Sky Studios Elstree, Warner Bros Studios Leavesden, and Pinewood Studios in Buckinghamshire are expected to benefit from this initiative, as announced by the Chancellor during his 2024 Budget speech in the House of Commons. The move…
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dennisasp · 2 years ago
Harry Potter Nerd Trip til London
New Post has been published on https://dennisasp.dk/harry-potter-nerd-trip-til-london/
Harry Potter Nerd Trip til London
Allerede tilbage i 2020 havde jeg planer om en Harry Potter London Nørd tur med en nær ven, men som alle nok husker, var vi alle sammen i sommerhus i Jylland den sommer. Turen var dog ikke glemt, og efteråret 2022 blev det en realitet.
Hovedformålet var at se teaterstykker Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, men det var lige voldsomt nok at tage helt til London med det ene formål. Jeg havde været i London otte gange tidligere (det kan du læse om her), så jeg havde allerede set de mest almindelige seværdigheder og lidt til. Så det endte med at være en rendyrket Harry Potter tur til London.
The Making of Harry Potter / Warner Brothers Studio Tour
Den første erfaring vi kan give videre er: Book i god tid! Vi havde nær ikke fået billetter, da man åbenbart skal booke 2-3 måneder i forvejen. Dog er der indimellem nogen der rykker deres bestillinger, og så dukker der alligevel noget op. Vi tjekkede hjemmesiden flere gange dagligt og lykkedes til sidst med at få to billetter. Vi havde adgang kl. 14:00, hvilket var fint. Men er du en hardcore will not miss a thing fan, så forsøg at booke med adgang når de åbner.
Bussen til studiet. Foto: Maila Walmod
Studierne ligger i Leavesden i det nordvestlige London. Det er let at komme dertil, enten med den gratis shuttlebus fra Watford Junction, i bil eller med bus fra London. Sidstnævnte kan fås som en samlet pakke med billetterne.
Jeg var der selv for første gang i 2016 med en ungdomsskolegruppe, og jeg mindes at vi var der 3 timer. Allerede der havde jeg besluttet, at jeg gerne ville tilbage og have bedre tid. Og det var en god beslutning.
Da vi var der tæt på juletid, var hele oplevelsen tematiseret efter ”Hogwarts in the Snow” – altså magisk hvid jul. Og det var fuldstændigt magisk! Det gjorde hele oplevelsen både bedre og anderledes, og oveni det var der en del nye ting.
Hvad kan man forvente?
London Harry Potter Tour Storsalen. Foto: Maila Walmod
Allerede når man når til Watford Junction, kan man se andre fans iklædt Hogwarts-skoleuniformer. Så inkarnerede var vi dog ikke. Når man træder forbi garderoben mv., bliver man som det første mødt af en fuldskala Ukrainsk Jernmave (dragen trioen flygter fra Gringotts på), inden man kan styre ind i caféen eller begynde turen. Her får man en kort videoinstruks af Fred og George, inden lærredet glider op, og afslører den store dør ind til storsalen. Under vores besøg var den dekoreret med juletræer, julemiddag og isskulpturen fra juleballet i Flammernes Pokal. Det er overvældende, især hvis man forventer at storsalen er filmtricks – det er den slet ikke! Herfra kan man ellers bevæge sig videre rundt mellem kostumer, rekvisitter og udstillinger af scener såsom Gryffindors sovesal, fællesrummet, Dumbledores kontor, eliksirklasselokalet og mange flere. Så kan man blandt andet lære, det lokale både har været rummet med den trehovedede hund, Fluffy, i 1’eren, Snapes kontor i 2’eren og et meget større klasselokale i 6’eren.
Crypten og eliksir klasselokalet
Hogwarts Ekspressen
Desværre er det kun udsnit af Ministeriet for Magi og den forbudte skov, der er udstillet, da de ellers ville være enorme. Flere af skuespillerne forklarer ellers, at de elskede at træde ind i Ministeriet for Magi alene pga. dets enorme størrelse. De er stadig ret fantastiske, og vil man have noget stort, kan man se frem til platform 9 3/4 og Hogwartsekspressen. Desuden finder man det indvendige af Gringotts i fuld størrelse. Det var oprindeligt ellers filmet i Australia House, London, men det var lettere for crewet at bygge deres eget – plus endnu et der ligger i ruiner til den sidste film. Og så kommer man selvfølgelig en tur gennem Diagonalstræde, inden man når til den episke Hogwarts model i 1:24 skala – altså ca. 15 meter høj.
Desuden er der masser af figurer og tegninger mv., der viser processen bag en stor filmserie som Harry Potter. Vidste du, at plantegningen over slottet blev ændret løbende? Den store bro, dødsgardisterne angriber fra, gik oprindeligt til et andet sted i slottet, men blev ændret i film 8, da der ikke rigtigt var nogen indgange til slottet. Drivhusene blev tilføjet til Hemmelighedernes Kammer, ligesom slagpoplen også er flyttet undervejs. Det kunne en af guiderne fortælle en masse om, og han var endda så venlig at vise nogen af de originale tegninger frem for os.
Vi måtte gå lidt hurtigt igennem den enorme butik til sidst, for at nå den sidste bus ved lukketid. Så havde vi også brugt hele dagen der. Men vi nåede dog at få aftensmad med butterbeer, hvilket i øvrigt smager helt fantastisk.
Den fantastiske Hogwarts model
Teater og Tour
Andendag gik rundt i byen til fods forud for teaterstykket om aftenen. Vi startede på Kings Cross (st. Pancreas) og gik i Platform 9 ¾-butikken. Den var heldigvis uden kø ved dørene, sådan som da jeg besøgte butikken i 2019. Herefter gik vi til spor 3 og 4, som er spor 9 og 10 i filmen. Det var desværre ikke muligt at komme derind uden togbilletter, men det havde jeg heldigvis været tidligere. Så gik vi lige over gaden til St. Pancras Renaissance Hotel – den bygning der udgør ydersiden af Kings Cross i Hemmelighedernes Kammer, hvor Ron og Harry flyver i Mr. Weasleys lyseblå Ford Anglia. Næste stop var Claremont Square ikke så lang fra stationen, hvor Grumsted Plads (Grimmauld Place) 12 er filmet. Man kan både se bygningerne der skal være nr. 11 og 13 samt parken, hvorfra Fønixordenen kommer ud, inden deres hemmelige skjulested kommer til syne. Mugglere kan naturligvis ikke se nummer 12. Om aftenen havde vi billetter til turens hovedattraktion: Harry Potter og det forbandede barn (Harry Potter and the Cursed Child). Det var ufatteligt godt lavet. Englænderne kan noget med teater, og effekterne til både tidsrejser, tryllestave, troldmænd der bliver spist af bogreoler, undervandsscener og rejser med susenetværket var helt fantastiske. Historien kendte jeg selvfølgelig, da jeg havde læst manuskriptet 2-3 gange, men jeg kunne dog alligevel ikke helt huske det. Og nu vi så lige var i nærheden af Leicester Square, tog vi lige et billede med Harry Potter statuen og gik i den enorme Lego-butik, der selvfølgelig havde nogle kæmpe Harry Potter Lego udstillinger. Som noget helt nyt for mig, var der også et rigtig fint julemarked på Leicester Square, som vi gik en lille runde i.
Den Utætte Kedel og Ministeriet for Magi
På dag 3 gik vi rundt i byen i eget tempo, og så et par af de gængse seværdigheder og parker, og fik selskab af både egern, duer og nogle undulatagtige fugle, der alle kravlede på os. Herefter ville vi besøge Ministeriet for Magi, men desværre var telefonboksen der udgør gæsteindgangen i Harry Potter og Fønixordenen samt Dødsregalierne part 1 ikke at finde. Men i filmen står den på Great Scotland Yard ved hjørnet til Scotland Place. Så faldt vi ved et tilfælde over Harry Potter Photographic Exhibition på vejen til Covent Garden, og brugte et par timer på at se på billeder og kostumer, læse fun facts og selvfølgelig gå i butikken ved udgangen. Det var en ganske fin oplevelse, men stedet er desværre lukket siden hen. Det var efterhånden blevet mørkt, da vi kom frem til Covent Garden, og det fremstod supersmukt med kunstige misteltene hvor de hvide bær var lyspærer. Vi nåede ikke frem til Minalima udstilling af grafiske designs til Harry Potter filmene inden lukketid, så vi kiggede ind af vinduerne, beundrede juleudsmykningen i Regent street og gik hjem – det var også blevet sent.
Den sidste dag var en søndag, og det er normalt en travl dag på Camden Market. De havde dog ikke helt åbnet da vi kom ved 10-tiden, og der var på intet tidspunkt så mange mennesker, som jeg har været vant til. Det var faktisk helt rart at være der. En af tingene på min liste var Primrose Hill en kort stykke fra Camden, hvorfra man kan se ud over hele byen – en ting jeg først sent opdagede og derfor ikke havde haft lejlighed til tidligere. Så gik vi forbi de sidste must see seværdigheder som The Shard, Tower Bridge, Tower of London, St Pauls Cathedral og Millennium Bridge (den der bliver sprængt i Halvblodsprinsen). Slutteligt lagde vi vejen forbi Leadenhall Market, hvor jeg endnu ikke havde været før. Det er et smukt victoriansk marked tilbage fra 1321, og for tiden havde det et kæmpe juletræ i midten. Det er desuden her indgangen til Den Utætte Kedel (The Leaky Cauldron) findes. Desværre er det kun døren man finder, og til brug for filmen var den malet sort og gammel, og har derfor kun en sparsom lighed med filmen i dag. Man finder indgangen i gaden Bulls Head Passage lige syd for markedet.
  Og sådan sluttede endnu en fantastisk tur til London – jeg kunne sagtens gøre det igen. Der er heldigvis rygter om en ny Harry Potter HBO serie og et PlayStation spil på vej jeg kan glæde mig til. Desuden har jeg en lille drøm om at komme til Oxford, hvor flere af Hogwarts-scenerne er filmet. Det er desværre halvdyrt og bøvlet.
Ellers må jeg en dag til Universal Studios Orlando og se deres Hogmeade og Diagonalstræde eller tænke tilbage på flere af mine tidligere rejser med Harry Potter Indhold:
– Gratis Glæder i London del 2 – London – Europas Hovedstad del 1 – Los Angeles del 2: The City of Angels – Santa Monica, Hollywood og Los Angeles – Lego Harry Potter Hogwarts Timelapse
Her følger lidt flere billeder fra turen:
Foto: Maila Walmod
Foto: Maila Walmod
Foto: Maila Walmod
Foto: Maila Walmod
Foto: Maila Walmod
Foto: Maila Walmod
Foto: Maila Walmod
Foto: Maila Walmod
Foto: Maila Walmod
Dragen spyer ild. Foto: Maila Walmod
Foto: Maila Walmod
Foto: Maila Walmod
Første møde med studierne
Foto: Maila Walmod
Kings Cross fra Hemmelighedernes kammer.
Grumsted Plads
Ministeriet for Magi Gæstindgang
Covent Garden
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denmark-street · 2 months ago
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Showrunner Francesca Gardiner and EP Mark Mylod made a surprise appearance at the Max Showcase in London this evening to reveal that the big-budget retelling of JK Rowling’s novels will film at Leavesden this summer.
they will stick to the “canonical” ages, which means Snape, who is rumored to be played by Paapa Essiedu, will only be 31 and the Dursleys will be much younger than they were in the movies.
Other insights into her retelling included more activity from the Hogwarts staff room and “having fun with [poltergeist] Peeves in the corridor.” Mylod said he will “dig into the depths and crevices of Hogwarts.”
Bloys said “we are totally comfortable with” working alongside the author of the source material. He pointed out that the company had “huge success” with last year’s Hogwarts video game. He said he would rather “do what the creatives want to do” than “listen to fan conversation.”
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smallcloisville · 19 days ago
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"Thrilled to see cameras roll at Warner Bros. Studios Leavesden on Supergirl, with Craig Gillespie at the helm and the phenomenal Milly Alcock as our Kara Zor-El. Craig brings an incredible sensibility to this story, and Milly is every inch the unique #Supergirl envisioned by Tom King, Bilquis Evely & Ana Nogueira."
- James Gunn
First behind the scene pic of our Supergirl 🤩🤩
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bluetimeombre · 1 year ago
✧˚. ❃ ↷ Call it what you want to, part three
[I'm having way too much fun with these, but i'm gonna try and make the next part the final. i'm so glad you guys are as obssessed as me. and all i can say is i'm sorry to the tom blyth girlies, believe me, i am one of you and i promise i'll make it up to you!]
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You are texting ... Timothee Chalamet
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Timothee Chalamet is calling... My Daisy <3 [declined]
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liked by ... tchalamet, lola.tung, emmalouisecorrin, florenceough, louispartridge_ & others
yourusername: dreams do come true, can't wait to see you later graham norton!!
705k likes 304k comments
user: omg she's such a star
user: my bby moving up in the world
user: no omg cause this is a dream for her
user: ur so pretty
user: I LOVE U
tchalamet: let's go!!! can't wait
yourusername: wait for me at least
tchalamet: waiting...
user: they're so cute!!1
user: i BET he dumped kylie to be with her and she's dating tom
user: my two fave's
user: she looks so good
user: y does timmy only follow one person and it's her
↶*ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊ-
the graham norton show has been a dream since you started acting, you'd hoped to one day make it on and know that if you did, you'd have officially made it.
not only were you on the show with timmy, but cher, julia roberts and tom hanks. to say you were shaking in your boots was an understatement. back stage you were jumping around after spending some time with the guests. that time had been spent mainly at timothee's side and laughing when appropriate, because you just couldn't believe you were there with them. timothee just laughed, trying to ease your nerves even if he to was scared. in the end, he bounced with you.
you sat on the end of the sofa, next to timothee as the guests ran down the other end.
'and some stars we have on the sofa, look at them at the end. world premier of wonka!' celebrated graham.
you and timmy nodded, thanking the applauses.
'but it wasn't just the world premier, you filmed it over here?' he asked.
'yea we made it in leavesden, very close to here, we shot it almost entirely in london and er- as i always say- i feel like an honorary brit now,' said timmy, glancing at you as he called himself a brit.
you bite back something between a grimace and a smile.
'it was about six of seven months,' he continued, 'it was absolutely joyous as an ignorant yankee.'
'you guys drive on the other side of the road,' joked tom hanks.
'and welcome, at the end there being very quiet,' said graham gesturing to you.
'yea, hi!' you grin, taking a sip of your drink as the audience laugh.
'you're from here, aren't you?'
'yes, british. but it was still really nice to film in london and bath for a lot of it.'
'i can imagine and because, is it right, you were filming for the hunger games whilst you were filming wonka?' he asked. a picture of your poster for the hunger games flashed on the screen and timmy led the applause, whooping.
his attention was only focused on you. his eyes watching every movement, his lips curling up, arm around the back of the sofa.
'thank you, thank you. immediately after filming wonka i got a plane to poland to start filming for the hunger games, yea. literally still in costume for wonka on the plane, i-i got some looks.'
the crowd laugh.
'let's talk about that, hunger games, number one movie!' graham celebrated as everyone clapped.
'thank you, thank you- there we are,' you smile at the picture of tom and you in your characters in the zoo scene. you chose not to notice of timothee shifted around and coughed at the picture.
'and, is it true you did your own singing in that?'
'yes, well i do in wonka too, but for the hunger games it was live. you know, i play this character lucy-grey who's part of this covey band and they all sing so i did it all live on set. then recorded it for the soundtrack separately. this is boring to explain, but-' you said, laughing and fiddling with your rings nervously.
'she's fantastic in the movie,' said timothee, putting his attention on graham and his hand on yours to stop the fiddling. 'i remember working with her in wonka, it was just so much fun, she brings a sort of ... breath of fresh air into it, even though it's a light-hearted comedy, she still makes that difference. and i saw the hunger games, its so cool to be able to see her in an element that i'm not familiar with. but i can still see how she plays the role and how she plays it in such her own and charismatic way.'
you turn your head down, blushing as the crowd clap and as timothee rubs your back. he made it impossible to keep it cool, and on live tv.
'and she sang the songs so good in wonka!' he continued. you tried to get him to stop, but he went on. 'on our table read, she was singing the songs there with our music producer, james taylor, and even then she was singing her parts, our co-stars parts, my parts.'
'ok, shush, shush,' you put your hand over timothees mouth.
'you know what, i saw the new hunger games movie,' said tom hanks, breaking in between you. 'and i have to say, you were the best part of the movie.'
your jaw almost dropped. 'oh woah, thank you, thank you mr tom hanks,' you clasp your hands together, thanking him. 'woah, woody just complimented me, that means so much to me.'
the rest of the interview went on, talking about cher's music, pretty women and listen to tom hanks talk about space and science. sometimes, when timmy would take a drink, he'd bring you yours, offering it to you in a sweet move.
it went on to talk about timothee going to play the iconic bob dylan in a movie, so it was your turn to watch in admiration, eyes sparkling with it.
'no i haven't met him, i'd love to meet him but you know, i don't want to put any pressure on him in any way. but er- we just saw him live,' he said, gesturing to you as you nod, holding onto your drink, 'three weeks ago, in new york. sold out, kings theatre. it was brilliant, it was magical. they bag your phone on the way in, obliges you to be present, as hard as that may be,' he said again, glancing to you. because how could he ever be present when standing next to you?
a picture showed of bob dylan with sonny and cher.
'i can see it, there is a passing resemblance,' says graham.
'thank you, that is the biggest compliment. my god, i'm blown away,' he leant back on the sofa, arm brushing yours. 'this whole talk show has been like a trip.'
everyone laughed at that, tom hanks playing along.
'but cher, you're going to be played by someone soon,' prompted graham.
'please say it's me,' said julia roberts.
'well-' graham gestured down to you.
you laugh and sheepishly hold up your hand. 'i'll do it, i'm currently un-employed.
cher looked down at you, 'we've cast nobody, babe.'
'you have now,' you shrug. the audience laugh.
finally, you guys talked about wonka, leading timothee- the leading man- to talk about it.
'you sing and dance in it, don't forget that,' you nudge him.
timothee blushes, nodding. somehow the two of you had snuggled up on the sofa, pushed to the end and bodies pressed close together. 'it's blasphemy to say that on a sofa with cher!'
'no, i saw you on saturday night live, you were great. and you danced and you did that hot-guys, or cool-guys or something like that,' said cher.
the audience clap and you laugh loudly, remembering his saturday night live. you'd been in the audience, having done press for the hunger games. it was the best night.
'baby face!' you cheer.
'i can't believe you watched that,' said timmy to cher.
'do you want to re-fresh us?' invited julia.
the crowd whoop and laugh as you clap along.
'you sing it with me?' asked timmy, looking over at you.
'absolutely not, this is all you babe,' you pat him on the back as he leans forward and re-counts the song. you nod your head along with, mouthing the words and clapping, pretending to bow when he was finished. timmy laughed and held onto you.
'you two do seem very close down there,' said graham.
for a moment, you two pause and there's quiet. before you guys realise he's talking about the fact everyone on the sofa had shuffled down so that you were on the edge.
'timmy's magnetic field,' you say, rubbing his shoulders.
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instagram story... tchalamet posted!
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caption: graham norton, let's go!!
tagged: yourusername
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caption: she's calling
tagged: yourusername
Instagram story … yourusername posted
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↶*ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊ-
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user: guys, tom was out partying with friends and his ex-gf while yourusername was doing her graham norton interview
user: as he should after yourusername spends all her time with timothee
user: they’re friends
user: img party boy
user: why is this news? do we care
user: noooooo my parents
user: what if there relationship is just all pr for the film 😔😔
user: I love tom, let him do what he wants
user: she’s better with timmy anyway
↶*ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊ-
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liked by… tchalamet, sadiesink_, rachelzegler, tomblyth, vanityfair & others
yourusername: thank you so much vanity fair for featuring me and coming to my home town (p.s I’m so sorry about all the sheep poo x)
771k likes 401k comments
user: love!
user: ONG the only one to ever exsist ever!
user: I can’t wait to see what she says about tom and timothee
user: she is her own person
user: collab when???
user: I love u!!!!
user: I can’t wait to read and stare at you
tchalamet: let’s go!!!!
yourusername liked tchalamet’s comment
user: parents are interacting
user: anyone notice her and tom been really quiet? they went from making out in streets to barley being seen together
user: reputation era!!!
user: is this a reputation easter egg??
tomblyth: very proud, my dear !
yourusername: thanks bro ;)
user: what!!!!!
user: he got bro zoned
user: they went from quoting notting hill to calling each other bro 😭😭
yourusername in conversation with VANITY FAIR.
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user: so she dating tom or what?
user: did you just not read the article?
user: tomblyth do me a favour and tell her to make up her mind
tomblyth: user do me a favour and get a life
user: tom so fr
user: tom a real bf
user: i love them!!!!
user: I love her!!!
user: she said what she said and left no crumbs
user: queen shit
user: MOTHER!!
user: the way she talks suggests they are only friends and my heart breaks
user: i'll miss them
↶*ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊ-
:) taglist: @callsignwidow @kodzuvk @dangelnleif @coconut-dreamz @destrolid @hermionelove @popejar @yesimwriting @slytherhoes @peachesandmon @zunin-msty (thank you all for enjoying it!!!!!)
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hotdaemondtargaryen · 2 months ago
“2025 is gonna be utter madness from January like third until deep in the fall when we wrap production.”
“We do [have a start date for production] I don't want to say it because it'll be a thing, but it's first quarter 2025. This is the most calm, orderly, and as ready as we’ve been in three seasons of making it. Part of that is the third season, part of that is the fact that everybody I interact with creatively on a day-to-day basis is back from a previous season.”
“I will say, this is the best season to come, t is as outlandish as Leavesden Studios has been with our show to date. We've outlandished ourselves this time around. So plenty to see, it will be a good one.”
— RYAN CONDAL, talking about season three.
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theridervhagar · 2 months ago
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scenes taking place inside rhaena's bedroom at the eyrie were shot at leavesden.
for those shots, the crew remodeled aemond's red keep apartments, replacing one of the walls to insert one that had a window in the style of the eyrie.
@ ewanmitchell.x
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ewanmitchellclub · 9 months ago
D'Arcy jests how they now only see Mitchell from across the parking lot at Leavesden Studios, because the characters across the Blacks and Greens are separated for most of the season. (Condal mentions how production shoots "two feature film-sized units every day" simultaneously — one dubbed the "Fire" unit, the other the "Blood" unit — to meet their deadlines.) I passed Ewan in the car park. We sort of nodded to each other. It's almost like we have agreed to silence or something, which I kind of enjoy honestly," D'Arcy explains
- Ewan Mitchell for Entertainment Weekly
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Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999, George Lucas)
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westeroswisdom · 2 years ago
The set for the Red Keep for House of the Dragon Season 2 looks HUGE.
The site Winter is Coming published some photos of Leavesden Studios where the already large set for the Red Keep is being expanded even further.
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To get an idea of how enormous this is for a set we’d have to see images from Earth orbit.
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watford-herts-london · 2 years ago
Dan Dark Awarded OBE for Services to UK Film Industry
Dan Dark, Executive Vice President of Worldwide Studio Operations at Warner Bros., has been awarded an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) for his services to the UK film industry. Dark has had a long and distinguished career in the film industry, starting in the mid-1990s when he was approached by Eon Productions to develop Leavesden Aerodrome into a studio for the production of…
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