#Learn JavaScript Numbers
webtutorsblog · 1 year
Journey Of JavaScript and Understand Events, Strings, and Numbers
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Welcome to the exciting world of JavaScript, where interactivity and functionality come to life! In this comprehensive blog, we will explore some fascinating aspects of JavaScript, including events, strings, template literals, and numbers. Understanding these fundamental concepts will give you the power to create dynamic and engaging web applications. Plus, we will introduce you to webtutor.dev, a premier online learning platform, where you can further enhance your JavaScript skills and embark on a journey of continuous growth.
JavaScript Events
JavaScript events are at the core of interactive web development. Events are actions that occur within a web page, such as clicking a button, hovering over an element, or pressing a key. With JavaScript, you can capture and respond to these events to trigger specific actions or functions.
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JavaScript Strings
Strings are sequences of characters enclosed within single or double quotes and play a significant role in handling textual data. JavaScript provides a rich set of functionalities to work with strings efficiently. You can concatenate strings, extract substrings, find the length, and much more. Here's an example of string concatenation:
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JavaScript String Methods
JavaScript offers a variety of built-in methods to manipulate strings effortlessly. Some commonly used string methods include:
toUpperCase() and toLowerCase(): Convert strings to uppercase or lowercase.
trim(): Remove extra whitespace from the beginning and end of a string.
split(): Split a string into an array based on a specified delimiter.
indexOf(): Find the index of a specific substring within a string.
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JavaScript Template Literals
Template literals, introduced in ES6, provide an elegant way to work with strings. They allow you to embed expressions and variables within backticks () and use placeholders ${}`. This makes string interpolation and multiline strings much simpler. Here's an example:
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JavaScript Numbers
In JavaScript, Numbers are essential for performing mathematical operations and calculations in JavaScript. The language supports both integers and floating-point numbers. You can use various arithmetic and mathematical operators to manipulate numerical data. For instance:
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JavaScript Number Methods
JavaScript provides several built-in methods to work with numbers effectively. Some commonly used number methods include:
toFixed(): Format a number with a fixed number of decimal places.
parseInt() and parseFloat(): Parse a string and convert it into an integer or float, respectively.
Math.random(): Generate a random number between 0 and 1.
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JavaScript is a powerful and versatile language that breathes life into web applications through events, strings, template literals, and numbers. By understanding these concepts and mastering the associated methods, you will be equipped to create impressive and interactive web projects.
Remember to visit webtutor.dev to unlock a wealth of knowledge and resources that will amplify your JavaScript expertise. Embrace the journey of continuous learning and take your web development skills to the next level. Happy coding!
Read More:
Mastering JavaScript: A Beginner's Guide to Programming Magic
How to Create Games with JavaScript
Why JavaScript is Best for Data Analysis
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codemerything · 1 year
A structured way to learn JavaScript.
I came across a post on Twitter that I thought would be helpful to share with those who are struggling to find a structured way to learn Javascript on their own. Personally, I wish I had access to this information when I first started learning in January. However, I am grateful for my learning journey so far, as I have covered most topics, albeit in a less structured manner.
N/B: Not everyone learns in the same way; it's important to find what works for you. This is a guide, not a rulebook.
What is JavaScript and its role in web development?
Brief history and evolution of JavaScript.
Basic syntax and structure of JavaScript code.
Understanding variables, constants, and their declaration.
Data types: numbers, strings, boolean, and null/undefined.
Arithmetic, assignment, comparison, and logical operators.
Combining operators to create expressions.
Conditional statements (if, else if, else) for decision making.
Loops (for, while) for repetitive tasks. - Switch statements for multiple conditional cases.
Defining functions, including parameters and return values.
Function scope, closures, and their practical applications.
Creating and manipulating arrays.
Working with objects, properties, and methods.
Iterating through arrays and objects.Understanding the Document Object Model (DOM).
Selecting and modifying HTML elements with JavaScript.Handling events (click, submit, etc.) with event listeners.
Using try-catch blocks to handle exceptions.
Common error types and debugging techniques.
Callback functions and their limitations.
Dealing with asynchronous operations, such as AJAX requests.
Promises for handling asynchronous operations.
Async/await for cleaner asynchronous code.
Arrow functions for concise function syntax.
Template literals for flexible string interpolation.
Destructuring for unpacking values from arrays and objects.
Spread/rest operators.
Design Patterns.
Writing unit tests with testing frameworks.
Code optimization techniques.
That's it I guess!
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random numbers poll
link didn't work the first time so i'm reeeeposting baby:
hey so i decided i should learn html, javascript and css just for fun and so i can have a better understanding of how webpages and such work, and i thought what better way to get started than by building a random number generator and post it on tumblr as a poll? i made a quick one, didn't even put any css in it
but there's a twist, instead of the usual 1-10 stuff, i put 10 different 3 digit numbers of my choice, just to change it up a bit. when you open the webpage, click on the button and then vote with what you got! and reblog so we get a bigger sample size ^-^
this is the link to the generator (also please tell me if the link doesnt work again <3)
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kittydesade · 5 months
I'm very sorry. Six months ago you commented on a Gordon Ramsey accessibility post that your job to help make websites accessible. How do I get that job? I would love that so much. I'm sure you've answered this before but I can't find it.
I, too, am sure I've answered this before, but I can't remember where and I'm not about to brave the Tumblr search feature to go looking, so you and @the0dd0ne get a twofer.
Hi, I'm not a bot, and I was wondering if I could ask you a weird career question? I saw your addition on that "Accessibility Nightmares" post where you mentioned it's your actual job to email websites about their lack of accessibility and what they need to do to make it accessible, and can I ask how you got into that? I got injured on the job and need to make a huge career change, and that type of work has always been really interesting to me, but I don't even know where to start to get into it! Also feel free to ignore this lol I know it's out of left field.
(This is actually the third question I've got on this, so no, not that out of left field.)
So the first thing to understand is that it's actually pretty hard to get into digital accessibility because there just aren't that many companies doing it. As far as I know from company meetings there aren't that many schools teaching it as a part of their core web development curriculum. It's just not that common to think about it as part of web development. Which is vastly irritating.
I started mucking around with the web when there was first a web to muck around on, but when the pandemic hit and my Mom suggested (in a hilarious twist of circumstances) that I go to one of those Learn to Code boot camps to get a certificate that said I actually knew my shit so I could get a job in web development. A number of these boot camps also have job placement programs and pipeline agreements with certain companies. and in a nutshell that's how I got into it. The company sent my boot camp a letter saying "we need N warm bodies" and they sent the company a list of names, I got interviewed, I got hired as a contractor, and after a couple years of good work for them I got invited to interview for a permanent position, which I got.
These days due to the state of the everything, there are probably 10-50 programmers for every open development position, depending on language and job type and company. It's a rough field out there and I got very, very lucky in my timing. But if you want to try it, the boot camp to job pipeline is probably your best bet. Ask the boot camp recruiters if they have connections to accessibility firms. If they don't, you can always try asking if they have connections to web development/site packaging firms and then check if the firms have an accessibility department. Tell the recruiter up front what you're looking to work in, and keep in mind that the recruiter's job is to convince you to give the boot camp your money. (Mine was $12k USD.)
For resources to study in the meantime, there's the A11y Project which has discussions, videos, articles, posts, etc about digital accessibility, a lot of good information. You can also look at the resources for the CPACC exam, I don't recommend taking it unless you have a few hundred USD to burn but you can definitely study up on the Body of Knowledge, which is a free PDF to download. And there is, in fact, an accessibility job board, although I don't have any experience with applying for any of these jobs cold.
The languages I use most in my job are HTML and jQuery, and I passively use (meaning I read and interpret but don't actually program in) JavaScript and CSS. This is mainly because we work with client sites and there's only so much of the client code we can touch; if there's a problem in the client code we can't touch we have to write it up and tell them to fix it. If you end up in house for some large brand you may end up working in more web development languages, but a lot of accessibility can be handled by basic HTML attributes called ARIA attributes (and roles) and there's the documentation on that. Another tool to have is your soft skills: communication, specificity of language, writing up good descriptions of what code does what so you can explain exactly what needs to be fixed where and why. You might also want to look at documentation on what makes good alt text, where it's needed, what kind of labels are standard, etc. I think you can find that in the A11y Project pages, but honestly I just learned it on the job working with senior developers.
It's a hard time to get into software development at all, let alone a niche field like web accessibility. But Europe is about to have a digital accessibility law come into effect in July of next year (that encompasses more than just the web, that's just my area of expertise) and the US is making slow but steady strides in requiring digital accessibility as well, so there are jobs out there and there might be companies hiring to capitalize on the need. There will definitely always be companies putting off conforming to regulations until the last possible minute, and then needing services and specialists. So study up, practice, and good luck!
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neoswiftology · 2 years
so I made a search engine of taylor swift songs
hello! so um. yeah. I made a pure HTML, CSS, and JavaScript search engine of Taylor Swift songs because I'm not normal.
Swift Song Search v. 1.0
All studio albums including all bonus tracks and some remixes
Both rerecordings excluding ATW10 Sad Girl Autumn and Short Film versions
The Holiday Collection and Beautiful Eyes
field search by song title, writers, or producers EDIT: producers search is not working and writers search is glitching. looking into it!
filter by album
filter by type of album/collection (studio album, rerecording, EP)
filter to only show songs Taylor owns
filter to only show self written songs
filter to exclude alternate versions - remixes, demos, acoustic versions, etc.
combine any number of filters, though some will obviously produce zero results (ex. filter by Reputation and Taylor owns)
combine the field search with any number of filters, or just use filters to search the full catalog
click the song title to show/hide more detailed song info
fully responsive
Important notes:
Songs that have been rerecorded are labeled as alternate versions
All Too Well and ATW10 are considered unique versions
Results will display below the filters box, so you will have to scroll to see them on mobile
Credits are from Wikipedia (I know >.< but it was the quickest way) so lmk if something is inaccurate
Also just give me feedback in general if you wanna! this is my first real JS project so i'm still learning for sure
This is just the first iteration of this project, so feel free to follow here or the tag #songsearchupdates for updates! I will be adding the rest of her catalog bit by bit and adding functionalities like searching featured artists and boolean searching. My ultimate goal is to add subject tags for themes like heartbreak or falling in love and for motifs like rain, midnight, or gold, which is well beyond the capabilities of one person. If you are interested in helping with data entry for this project, please send me an ask here on tumblr or email me at [email protected] and I will get in touch when it's time to start on that phase of the project.
cool thank u for reading happy new year
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izicodes · 1 year
Any good python modules I can learn now that I'm familiar with the basics?
Hiya 💗
Yep, here's a bunch you can import them into your program to play around with!
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math: Provides mathematical functions and constants.
random: Enables generation of random numbers, choices, and shuffling.
datetime: Offers classes for working with dates and times.
os: Allows interaction with the operating system, such as file and directory manipulation.
sys: Provides access to system-specific parameters and functions.
json: Enables working with JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) data.
csv: Simplifies reading and writing CSV (Comma-Separated Values) files.
re: Provides regular expression matching operations.
requests: Allows making HTTP requests to interact with web servers.
matplotlib: A popular plotting library for creating visualizations.
numpy: Enables numerical computations and working with arrays.
pandas: Provides data structures and analysis tools for data manipulation.
turtle: Allows creating graphics and simple games using turtle graphics.
time: Offers functions for time-related operations.
argparse: Simplifies creating command-line interfaces with argument parsing.
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How to actually import to your program?
Just in case you don't know, or those reading who don't know:
Use the 'import' keyword, preferably at the top of the page, and the name of the module you want to import. OPTIONAL: you could add 'as [shortname you want to name it in your program]' at the end to use the shortname instead of the whole module name
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Hope this helps, good luck with your Python programming! 🙌🏾
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undeadorion · 1 year
Hot tip: If you want to learn web development or programming in general, never give your money to a website promising to teach you. There's likely a site offering what you want. Not only will it be completely free but offer far more in depth knowledge than a paid site will ever provide.
Where to get started:
The Odin Project - Teaches HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Ruby on Rails
Free Code Camp - Teaches a wide array of topics from the most basic HTML to machine learning. Offers certification in a decent number of areas, and has an endless supply of video instruction on more topics than you can count.
HarvardX - Completely free access to real Harvard classes. With certification. The CS50 classes are for programming and webdev, but they offer several other subjects as well.
I'm sure there's more options than this. These are just the ones I've personally used and confirm they are not only 100% free, but provide an actually solid education. The Odin Project, for example, provides more depth of knowledge than the actual college classes I'm taking.
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bloodsadx · 1 year
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artist / habit / samurai / monk / lover / rockstar / athlete / gambler
pimple’s job line up from the manifesto rpg stuff i did in 2021. i think these designs are really funny now. the gambler one is based on the lady luck dress sphere from FFX2. if there was a truly canon pimple job selection i think the one she would choose is samurai. i made like a really elaborate spreadsheet planning their abilities and level structure and like how sharing abilities would work in a sort of ff5-ish/bravely default type of way. i also planned a bunch of toenail classes but i dont think i ever got around to drawing them because i pivoted pretty hard to trying to sort out numbers / learn some code around the time i finished making the sheets for pimple’s classes. my idea at the time had been that if i made some elaborate map mockups on twitter then the adage of “if you build it they will come” would magically universally attract some sort of hypothetical person i could pay some kind of wage to code javascript for me but after a lot of complaining on twitter 0 people expressed interest in that for me etc. then naturally i tried to learn javascript myself. then naturally i realized my bank account was rapidly depleting so i decided to start making clothing seriously and professionally so that if somebody did theoretically want to be paid by me to code rpgmaker classes for me i would actually be able to pay them with real, untheoretical money. but then it turns out making clothing professionally and seriously takes up all of your time and advertising that all the time makes people forget u were trying to make a game. and then you also forget you were trying to make a game. and then 2 years of your life have passed
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phantomrose96 · 2 years
Hey I really hope I'm not bugging you! I'm just not 100% who to ask and I remember you saying at some point that you're a programmer? I have some experience from school (Matlab, mostly) and self taught html/css, but I wanted to start learning python and like... All of the tutorials assume I know a bunch of high level terms and how they work and like? I do not know these things so I'm feeling really lost? I was wondering if you knew any sites or anything that explain like the very fundamentals of back-end coding well because obviously Im not as prepared as I thought I was 😭😭 thank you!!
Okay, so! I don't exactly have any one exact resource to give you (if anyone else does, feel free to link them) but here's my take: you're probably better off looking into more generic "intro to programming" material rather than specifically "intro to python" material.
And I don't mean that as a bad thing!! It's just that experience with Matlab and html/css very likely doesn't contain a number of the core fundamentals, and that's why you're feeling lost.
When I took engineering classes that used Matlab, oftentimes Matlab was used moreso as a glorified calculator than as a programming language. A lot stuff like - line 1: declare this array of data points, line 2: do this calculation on the data points, line 3: graph the result. Which is all well and good, but is pretty limited in teaching core ideas about programming.
As for html/css, they're definitely important for web development, and it's knowledge I use every day at my job, but they're not programming languages. HTML is a markup language, which allows you to structure a web page, and CSS allows you to apply styles (and frankly, knowing how to use class/id selectors, nth child stuff, etc etc in css deserves some programming recognition). But unless you've done a healthy amount of Javascript too along with the html/css, then that probably doesn't cover the fundamentals either.
Those intro to python courses you found might be geared toward people who already have experience with some language, and now want to learn python. If you try to find something that's focused on the basics of programming, and not the language, you'll probably get a bunch of those high level terms explained to you, rather than them being assumed knowledge.
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majakovskiy · 1 year
tl;dr: Use LibreWolf and install CleanURLs, or if not, use uBlock Origin and CleanURLs on whatever browser you use.Librewolf : https://librewolf.net/uBlock Origin : https://ublockorigin.com/CleanURLs : https://github.com/ClearURLs/Addon
I will not start an argument about the necessity of privacy respecting browsers, I assume if you're reading this rambling of mine about the subject you're at least partially interested in not leaking all your data to the internet. Most browsers you'll encounter are leaky, and they will give your data to 3rd parties, either by poor design or implementation or knowingly and happily for money, but some browsers are just more leaky than others, so your choice of browser matters. 
Apart from the ethical issues that uncontrollable data selling raises, online ads, tracking cookies and these tracking methods lead to a slower internet, higher processor and memory requirements, a messy design of webpages, and a plethora of other security issues and opportunities for bad actors ("hackers"). The sheer number of so-called attack vectors that web browsing presents is astounding. 
Just to give a brief image of it, visit the site https://privacytests.org/, it will show you a comparison of web browsers on their performance of not leaking stuff to other people. The different tests are performed daily, and the website is rather informative about these tracking methods, attack vectors. Some part may be less important to you (Tor capabilities for example), so not all privacy respecting features are created equal, but this is the closest you'll ever get to an open and easily digestable learning material on browser privacy.
At the time of writing the best option for daily use is LibreWolf, basically a fine-tuned Firefox. It also has a lot of features for advanced users, but is generally easy to use, with built in uBlock Origin, and javascript disabled (which you may want to enable for certain web pages).You may want to know that certain browsers are tracking your movement and build a profile on you without ever visiting any webpage, and this category includes Firefox, and Chromium as well.
Most adblockers have long sold their souls to the devil, and they are the ones collecting data on you, and some of them are purposefully not blocking certain ads, go figure. A lot of them are not open source, or not even open on their business pactices. You wouldn't hire a security company to protect your business who has a sketchy and non-transparent working, and who you cannot verify that they are not accepting money from the Chinese Communist Party, would you? The easy answer is to use uBlock Origin, an open source, transparent, free as in freedom software, with a completely transparent working, and verifiable everything. Please note that uBlock and uBlock Origin are not the same adblocker, and the regular uBlock has been bought by - guess what - an advertising company. 
CleanURLs: Sometimes when you receive a youtube link, and you click on in, instead of youtube.com/watch?=xxxxxxx you'll get a ten times longer link with fbclid and really long alphanumerical stuff, isn't it weird? Does this link need to be this long to function? Well, the answer is no. It's just one of the tricks how websites track you with even more unnecessary cookies, that try to follow you from site A to site B (for example to figure out which youtube account belongs to which facebook user to make even more targeted ads). You can manually delete all those cross-site tracking stuff from every link you use but it's a tedious, but easily automated task. That's where CleanURLs come in, to do this instead of you. You'll be surprised how many tracking attempts are blocked in a day by this stuff.May these tools bring you a faster and cleaner internet experience.
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flower-yi · 5 months
omg ur tumblr website is so ??!?!?!??!?!!!!?!?! like how to do you that im sobbing its so beautiful T-T
hi anonnie!! thank you for the compliment, i'll let you know it's very easy!!!
for reference, this is my tumblr page/website thingy:
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to find themes like these, i personally go to @/theme-hunter and search for a code i like. the theme i'm using is by @/xuethms, and this is the post to it.
using a theme is actually pretty easy!!! i don't recommend doing it on mobile, since it is difficult to edit desktop themes there. however, use whatever device you have on hand!
now, you go to blog settings and enable custom themes. select edit theme and tumblr will take you to this page:
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you go to the text next to the blue box on the left side on your screen that says Edit HTML. there you'll get a bunch of code that you can then select Ctrl + A and delete. don't worry!!!! your tumblr is still there, you just need to copy and paste the HTML code of the theme you've chosen. from then on you can go and scroll down on the left side of the screen to edit your theme!!! if need be, you can get the hex from images you use for your theme here.
there are theme codes you might need to pay for. it's best to support creators!! however, if you are unable to, you can always go off and reblog the creator's post <3
to add, i'd say you need basic HTML code knowledge when editing your desktop theme. when you do pages and stuff (which is this) you'll need some of it and you can find posts like these to get started.
w3schools is a good website to dive into if you want more basic knowledge of HTML. you might need to allocate some time to learn it in all seriousness because most of the time, you're staring at a string of letters and numbers LOL.
you can obtain images from pinterest, but i recommend getting yours from these links in this post here.
also: some themes might be outdated to due tumblr changing their code on the website (or something along the lines)... all i know is that themes with javascript are unable to be used, so make sure to double check!!!
once again anon thanks for the compliment <3
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watchmorecinema · 11 months
Normally I just post about movies but I'm a software engineer by trade so I've got opinions on programming too.
Apparently it's a month of code or something because my dash is filled with people trying to learn Python. And that's great, because Python is a good language with a lot of support and job opportunities. I've just got some scattered thoughts that I thought I'd write down.
Python abstracts a number of useful concepts. It makes it easier to use, but it also means that if you don't understand the concepts then things might go wrong in ways you didn't expect. Memory management and pointer logic is so damn annoying, but you need to understand them. I learned these concepts by learning C++, hopefully there's an easier way these days.
Data structures and algorithms are the bread and butter of any real work (and they're pretty much all that come up in interviews) and they're language agnostic. If you don't know how to traverse a linked list, how to use recursion, what a hash map is for, etc. then you don't really know how to program. You'll pretty much never need to implement any of them from scratch, but you should know when to use them; think of them like building blocks in a Lego set.
Learning a new language is a hell of a lot easier after your first one. Going from Python to Java is mostly just syntax differences. Even "harder" languages like C++ mostly just mean more boilerplate while doing the same things. Learning a new spoken language in is hard, but learning a new programming language is generally closer to learning some new slang or a new accent. Lists in Python are called Vectors in C++, just like how french fries are called chips in London. If you know all the underlying concepts that are common to most programming languages then it's not a huge jump to a new one, at least if you're only doing all the most common stuff. (You will get tripped up by some of the minor differences though. Popping an item off of a stack in Python returns the element, but in Java it returns nothing. You have to read it with Top first. Definitely had a program fail due to that issue).
The above is not true for new paradigms. Python, C++ and Java are all iterative languages. You move to something functional like Haskell and you need a completely different way of thinking. Javascript (not in any way related to Java) has callbacks and I still don't quite have a good handle on them. Hardware languages like VHDL are all synchronous; every line of code in a program runs at the same time! That's a new way of thinking.
Python is stereotyped as a scripting language good only for glue programming or prototypes. It's excellent at those, but I've worked at a number of (successful) startups that all were Python on the backend. Python is robust enough and fast enough to be used for basically anything at this point, except maybe for embedded programming. If you do need the fastest speed possible then you can still drop in some raw C++ for the places you need it (one place I worked at had one very important piece of code in C++ because even milliseconds mattered there, but everything else was Python). The speed differences between Python and C++ are so much smaller these days that you only need them at the scale of the really big companies. It makes sense for Google to use C++ (and they use their own version of it to boot), but any company with less than 100 engineers is probably better off with Python in almost all cases. Honestly thought the best programming language is the one you like, and the one that you're good at.
Design patterns mostly don't matter. They really were only created to make up for language failures of C++; in the original design patterns book 17 of the 23 patterns were just core features of other contemporary languages like LISP. C++ was just really popular while also being kinda bad, so they were necessary. I don't think I've ever once thought about consciously using a design pattern since even before I graduated. Object oriented design is mostly in the same place. You'll use classes because it's a useful way to structure things but multiple inheritance and polymorphism and all the other terms you've learned really don't come into play too often and when they do you use the simplest possible form of them. Code should be simple and easy to understand so make it as simple as possible. As far as inheritance the most I'm willing to do is to have a class with abstract functions (i.e. classes where some functions are empty but are expected to be filled out by the child class) but even then there are usually good alternatives to this.
Related to the above: simple is best. Simple is elegant. If you solve a problem with 4000 lines of code using a bunch of esoteric data structures and language quirks, but someone else did it in 10 then I'll pick the 10. On the other hand a one liner function that requires a lot of unpacking, like a Python function with a bunch of nested lambdas, might be easier to read if you split it up a bit more. Time to read and understand the code is the most important metric, more important than runtime or memory use. You can optimize for the other two later if you have to, but simple has to prevail for the first pass otherwise it's going to be hard for other people to understand. In fact, it'll be hard for you to understand too when you come back to it 3 months later without any context.
Note that I've cut a few things for simplicity. For example: VHDL doesn't quite require every line to run at the same time, but it's still a major paradigm of the language that isn't present in most other languages.
Ok that was a lot to read. I guess I have more to say about programming than I thought. But the core ideas are: Python is pretty good, other languages don't need to be scary, learn your data structures and algorithms and above all keep your code simple and clean.
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mysteriorockanova · 4 months
every time i learn something new about javascript i'm like
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(this time it was that if you divide a "BigInt" by a number that it isn't divisible by, it will cause an error instead of just giving you the floor, like every other language does)
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onlyancunin · 4 months
So I've been tagged
By this lovely little soul that goes by the handle of @treshmind. And apparently I am the mutual they want to learn more about, which is a compliment I will hold dear and near.
Do you make your bed? People say your body is your temple. My temple is my bed, a direct reflection of how I'm doing. And right now literally everything is there, not to mention I technically sleep on a couch. But I get by, Imake my little space everyday to catch a few zzs.
Favourite number? Not sure if I have one. Probably not. Seven rings nice though. I always considered it to be the "proud" number, as it looks like a person with their chest forward. Much like the idle stance of everyone's favourite vampire.
What’s your job? Graphic / UX / UI Designer & Front-end developer. 10 years a designer, now venturing into IT. I love creating pretty things that touch people, so to speak, figuratively and literally. Something that hits them and/or they can interact with. Creating experiences, waving stories. I learned HTML & CSS when I was like 15, had a blog and couldn't find a nice skin for it - so I just coded my own. Javascript, typescript and vue.js came along last year and honestly, I'm having a blast. And no, pls don't look at my tumblr, I did code its appearance bit, but it's just tweaks, it doesn't say anything about my skills.
If you could go back to school would you? I would actually and it's something I'm considering. One for front-end development to give myself stronger foundation and boost of confidence, and another for foreign language. Spanish & German have my special attention there.
Can you parallel park? I'm willing to try!
Do you think aliens are real? I always have a hard time defining "aliens". I think most people's perception of what counts as "living" is limited at best and hypocritical at worst. I've heard of bacterias having a better time than some of the fully-formed, fully-conscious humans on Earth. Add humanity's general complex of seeing themselves as the most complex existence in the history and you can probably cook up my general stance on the topic. I don't think Earth is the only place there's a "life" on, but aliens understood as extraterrestrial livings, are probably not modeled after the evolutionary fart currently dominating the 3rd planet from the Sun.
Can you drive a manual car? I can, actually. My father is a car mechanic, I take these things pretty seriously, you know. Should I ever have a car, I don't think I'd go for automatic.
What’s your guilty pleasure? To be fair, all my pleasures are guilty. But as it stands now, my most guilty would be to indulge in my feelings and let myself play a game or doodle or write something while knowing there's piles of work I'm behind on.
Tattoos? One on my back between my shoulder blades, just a standard egdy barcode with my birthdate underneath. And one over my heart (or just over my left tit, let's be honest) saying "Ideas are bulletproof", but mirrored - so that I can read it when I look in the mirror.
Favourite colour? Black, red. I usually wear all black with golden accessories and absolutely seizure-inducing, colorful singular statement pieces.
Favourite types of music? Not sure what counts as "favourite" as I prefer music that makes me feel things, whatever the genre. I like the experimental, funky sound, but I also enjoy the deeply consuming sound of progressive electronic music, which help me deep-focus at work, so there's that ~. And oh, I love voices. Talented voices, singing voices, raw, honest voices. I sing a little and enjoy admiring this craft in others.
Do you like puzzles? Oh absolutely. I'm already hooked.
Any phobias? I thought I was afraid of spiders until I lived with a girl who was REALLY afraid of them and I stepped in as this chivalrous knight in shining armor charging at the beast and – So no, not really.
Favourite childhood sport? I actually participated in a lot of disciplines. I wish I gave acrobatics more time & attention. It felt so freeing and beautiful. So poetic, almost.
Do you talk to yourself? Like out loud? Not anymore, but I do have an old pal on me in my head which is eyyyyy, isn't that me?
What movies do you adore? "V for Vendetta" - about how trauma can reduce a person into a concept. In this case - a concept of vengeance. Dangerous, loveable, tragic concept I resonate with very much. This is also the movie where my tattoo quote comes from.
Where I validated my stance that you don't really need to see the other person to know and love them.
Your experiences and feelings are just as valid, even if someone misled you or you never truly met. And the masks and theatrics cannot really conceal what's truly important, so don't be afraid to just... feel.
Coffee or tea? Coffee, freshly ground & brewed, unless I have the instant kind of day, with milk. Tea - preferably Dilmah, either green or earl grey.
First thing you wanted to be growing up? Oh, an artist probably. Little did I know how difficult and anxiety-inducing it would prove.
No pressure tags: @herdarkestnightelegance, @thedomesticanthropologist, @nocna-orchidea
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kittydesade · 6 months
Hi there! Can I ask how you got into your job wrt accessibility compliance? I've been vaguely interested in that as a disabled person myself, but I can't find any good information online about where to look for such a job or where to get the proper training/education for it.
For what I do, I got my job by teaching myself how to write HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, fooling around for about twenty five years, and then finally getting a certification that officially said I knew things. The school I got my certification with had relationships with a number of companies, including the one I now work for, and they set me up with an interview. So, coding boot camp is one route to take to work in digital accessibility compliance, but that said they were just one company out of a couple dozen that the school offered me a shot at, and none of the rest were accessibility related at all. Mostly crypto, banking, and misc.
That said, I would start with the A11y community. They have a lot of resources there that may help you more specifically; when I started looking for a job I didn't have accessibility specifically in mind, just that I wanted to do something useful and helpful.
Also worth keeping in mind is that most boot camps and even most degree programs for computer science do not cover accessibility extensively, if they cover it at all. I'd say 90% of what I know about it I learned on the job, and the other 10% I learned because of having friends whose disabilities necessitated using assistive technology in one form or another.
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vidadelafuerza · 7 months
More on web scraping
Something I thought about last night regarding my last post is that I forgot to mention that pulling out numbers and verses from a copyrighted Bible website involved a little knowledge of HTML's Document Object Model (DOM) and CSS. Most of that information I gleaned from when I used to program JavaScript a lot for work and (lately) from Mozilla Developer's Network and Node.js documentation.
It's exciting to me because I want to share as much as I can. These technologies have changed so much since the last time I developed against them for work, so I'm learning a lot.
Back to sharing: It would be cool to show some of the data hacking I do, once I have the data ready to hack, and it should be fun to describe more about what I did without giving away all the details. By that, I mean that I'm working against clearly proprietary content, so it's not my place to publish too many specifics about how I did the web scraping and how I pulled the Bible data. What I can share is *how* my process developed and my thinking behind each step. Hopefully my notes are good enough for that.
If things end up particularly interesting, I might go a step further with my hacked data and perhaps index it with the ELK (Elastic) stack. There's no need to go that far, but all of this is purely for the joy of functional learning. The modus operandi has been to do an excessively silly thing I could have done with publicly available KJV content, which is to take the word "Lord" and see what it looks like replaced with things like "Duke" or "Earl". Probably it will qualify under fair use as parody. That content I *should presumably* be able to share.
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