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madame-mongoose · 2 years ago
Ate one reese's cup and it feels like my head gained five pounds
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sleepykas · 1 year ago
📚 what grammar mistakes do you always make?
I was recent smacked in the face (politely by my best friend) with the fact that I almost always use "It's" where I should use "Its" and now I'm super consious of it lol
I also apparently tend to use the wrong punctuation in compound sentences (according to the few times I've used Grammarly)?? Idek what those are though so like whatever I'm gonna use the comma anyway it sounds better.
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zipora666 · 8 months ago
Some art dump of
invader zim🌠✨🛸🎆
Finally learened to do explosion 💥✨ ig not bad for a first time lol
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Me and @sketchquill as invader zim sona- (I’ll call my sona zip! It’s my nickname that friends or you can call me! Fits for the short names in invader zim!)
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Here some sketches-
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Small comic-
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Lol and last- idk..i try to do for the first time inside of basic spaceship-(need to learn to draw those and technology-)
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Um..enjoy y’all?
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furubatsu · 2 years ago
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Honestly, a few of the guts in the game do cannonically wear make up tho.
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pinkmoondoll9shihtzu · 12 days ago
ms pink, how do you deal with disappointing others while sticking to your values?
HEY, Who you callin a disappointment 🤨 ?? jk .. i have disappointed so many people in my life It has become Like Breathing to me
i don't enjoy it, it does not feel great, But it becomes easier to deal with Once you have a level of self understanding Where you can look at the true intention behind all you do, & You See that your intentions are generally "good" , or at least, trying your best with what you have in each situation, So Then if someone is disappointed in me despite all that i'm like, well, idk, i tried ! i tried. I know myself And That's that.
And i have had to break out of Highly self destructive People Pleasing behavior cycles in this life which wasnt easy, Still lingers, but. Mostly from experience i have noticed that No matter how hard U try to please somoene, Everyone has their own narratives for the people they interact with, Everyone has their own projections, And sometimes nothing U do can override those narratives, It's really futile to obsess over Not Disappointing those people, instead u oughta try & find people with more generous outlook towards the ppl in their lives, PPL who actually try to see the truth in others. You don't really have to prove anything to those people.
also on the flip side of that, I Try to be generous always & see the best in others, But there have been people who disappoint me, too. It just happens It's just life. Just because someone disappoints me doesn't mean i hate them Or immediately disown them either. Mature ppl can deal with being minorly inconvinienced by another. For me, U gotta do something SEVERE for a disappointment to destroy things between us.
So really What i'm getting at is just , Know Thyself, Do things for the right reasons, Accept no one (not even the most gracious people) Will ever see the True You, And That's Ok, Just do your thing, the people who don't align w. you may fall away, The people who do align with you will find you & not feel burdened by you, Even if you disappoint them They will see your worthiness & not cast you aside like you're nothing, Those poeple are out there.
I have dealt w a lot of impatient people in my life Who did not see the value in reconciling with me, Or trying to see Eye to Eye. People who despite my best intentions to please them, did not want me. This is the hard way I learened people pleasing doesn't work, So take it from me, Don't go through all these trials of sacrificing your heart, Just live your life For You starting today ! We are born alone and We die alone :) Comforting right ? I'm at peace with it.
Love, PMD9
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deadsilkmoth · 3 months ago
Easterman dysphoria lore(which I made the fuck up)
His mother wanted a girl so badly. She wanted to share a mother-daughter bond with her. And was so dissapointed with son oh so simmilar to the man, that left her to raise that same child alone. She wanted to pretend it's different, dressing him as a girl till certain age. Till she could no longer pretend Hendrick is a girl. Because boys are cruel. Boys hurt girls, boys hurt boys, and get away with it. And girls don't hurt other girls. And she will have to raise a boy, who once will hurt her too.
It once made Easterman think that if he was BORN a girl, his mother would love him. But if she didn't love him as he is as a boy. Why would she love her as she is, if she was a girl? It wouldn't fix much. He would still be unloved.
Hendrick used to look androgynous, to have very beautiful hair, he wouldn't mind braiding it, keeping it nice. Very pretty locks of hair. So different to other boys' haircuts. It was so noticable in all boys school he went to. But the trick is: Girls are allowed to be vulnerable, but not allowed to protect themselves, it's unfeminine. So I think he learened to take his place anywhere through violence and agression, so he wouldn't be hurt. It's like eat or be eaten.
It became worse with puberty. As if life itself was stripping him of his androgynity, forcing to make a choice, forcing him to be someone and exsist in what's assigned to him since birth. We are sexless to some point. It's as if we are pure before forming uterus or epididymis. As if he's forcibly stripped of his purity. The unwanted transformation, which our life consists of. It's not acceptable to wear dresses anymore: if your voice is getting deeper, your facial hair is growing, your shoulders get broader, your height is not so petite anymore. Like, shouldn't it feel good? To transform from caterpillar into a beautiful adult moth?
Puberty hit him like:
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I think through time Hendrick learened to accept his place. Because you can't just refuse the norm, those who do are deviations,you can't just say "I'm none", because you have expectations and obligations to your gender. You just have to bare it your whole life. And maybe Easterman gets so misogynistic when it comes to women in Sinyala not only because mommy issues, but because he envies them. They in some way breached those norms, choosing science instead of house life and raising children. Typically what men should do. They do something impossible to him, like, women, who are supposed to be weaker,do something that he, a man, who is supposed to be stronger, can't.
He learened to accept himself to some point, because: Angels are non female, nor male. But God is a male, he has to be. But he's probably very unhappy about it
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jules32sthings · 5 months ago
the last monthes
the last monthes werent very easy for me.
around my birthday i have lost some close friends of mine. which hurted me alot.
and some weeks ago i learened that i cant get pragnent anymore because of the surgery i had in july. getting kids and be a mother was something i really wanted. this wasent something which was clear in the past for me but in recent years this changed.
i feel sad and kind of betrayed and disillusiond. it is kind of my own fault because i never followed my dreams and focused on different things like work and stupid ideas i had in the past. what i got from this is that i have lost a wonderful and good man and that i can never have a family.
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beloved-cat-gremlin · 24 days ago
Why is Ace Attorney trending?
Did I miss a specific event the happened this exact time in the AA universe?
It's not Christmas. And UR-1 already happened right?
I don't think it's disbarment day either? Or did I forget when that is?
No I would have learened about that much sooner.
What's going on?
We don't just randomly trend like that? The AA fandom is stuck in this weird limbo of not forgotten but not fully alive either?
So someone tell me what's going on?
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cookiebunny363 · 29 days ago
Vampire Knight Rewrite Characters embodied by SONIC HIGH SCHOOL quotes
Zero (Part 1): “No, I am over her. I am different now. I have learened about the world and I am not so stupid and happy like I used to be. I am black(emo) now." Sonic said to Tails, sounding still angry even though he was talking to Tails.”
Zero (Part 2): “You are right. Why do people do this like this? I hate it." said Rouge to Rouge's baby. Rouge had become a different person since she had a baby. She used to be only sexy, but now Rouge was sexy and matronly.
"Yes. Fuck this evil world!"
Zero (Part 3): “Shit I don't know," said Amy still all worked up. "Give me a day. Right now let's get things right.”
Kaname (Part 1): “I'm so bad," said Knuckles, laughing because he sat where two people could sit. Knuckles did this every day and no one bothered him, but they all knew it was against the rules of both man and God.”
Kaname (Part 2): “He did not want to see him anymore, because that was all about him being ruined by other people, even when he was the nicest to everyone.”
Kaname (Part 3): “Charmy could not control his gay urges like everyone else and used all the colors in every picture, where like Sonic just used blue and Amy just used pink and other people were also normal like that.”
Emi: “Charmy looked at Jesus (Knuckles) really close and then reached into his clothing with the hand that was not holding him and pulled out a knife. "Time to get murdered," said Charmy as he started to kill Knuckles.”
Toga: “I was going to give it back to you, but you were not there at the competition like you should have been, even though I am such a good friend to you. Even now, when I could have been reaching my moment of genius, I was doing a thing for you because I want you to be happy." Tails said to Sonic with a voice of emotion.”
Yuki: “But then where is Charmy, and where is the guy who made the robot? And so many other things! High School Drama is just so crazy to be a part of…”
Yuki (Part 2): “Sonic just grinned at her with an evil look and just as she started to open her eyes and see his white eyes above her, he punched her right in the face. Amy was now in a lot of pain but still confused and surprised and maybe thought she was nightmaring. But no, it was real, and new Black Sonic on drugs was about to beat all of her shit out of her.”
Ichiru: “I am going to kill my parents," said Shadow. See this is how Shadow is worse than Knuckles, he did serious bad things. At least at the end of the day Knuckles could sleep. Shadow was too dark for that.”
Kaien: “Rouge grabbed her two babies and had them both eat from her terrific boobs. She smiled and felt like a mother”
Hanabusa Aido: “Tails secretly had a crush on Cream and wanted to feel the body of his sexy friend (…)”
Ruka Souen: “Amy and Rouge talked and they looked at Sonic some times and laughed and Sonic thought Amy was telling her about how awesome Sonic kissed her but it was not. Rouge was telling Amy about Sonic's gay ball problems”
Akatsuki Souen: “Sonic smiled so wide like The King Of Fire finding out he burned down New York City with only his fire powers.”
I will explain if you ask
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g0om · 4 months ago
guys if u have a hard time memorisinf stuff i actually reccomend getting into memorising matras bc i swear to u i dont belibe in them but bc they r not in my languages it was hard to learn but my brain also learened them diffetently? like i thoight i didnt know some parts but then i put together the whole thinf on a morning bus from memory and why oyu should do it is bc now its easier for me to memorise sentences exactly and two its good agaisnt dementia
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dreamsofkarmas · 2 years ago
This is just a rough draft so bare with me. Marcus Ash was born to a mighty general and a fair sorceress. His father and mother loved eachother dearly. Unfortanitly she would pass giving birth to him. This broke something in his father making him sink deep into focusing only on his empire eventuly becomeing its ruler. Poor Marcus did not have a childhood or adolecense. From the time he could walk he was subjugated to intense physical training and magical traing. He knew no rest nor companionship. He was becomeing what his father wanted a weapon of war. Around the age of 17 he was on a mission when he was attackcked my a large beast and was nearly killed. Luckly a kind woman from a Inn found him and nursed him back to health. While recovering he learened about the evils and horrors that his father and his empire were bringing to others. The crulty and subjegation. As He revcovered he had time to meditate and relized he can no longer be apart of this madness. He along with remnents of other people who had lost alot to the empire bound together and started a new war against it. It was a long battle but in the end Marcus was left with only one choice and killed his father. He was offered a chance to be the kingdoms next king but stepped down instead givving it to a new person who he grew to trust Karmas Difellow (Another OC of mine). He ventured across the lands stoping evil where he met it. Eventully he found an aincent library said to be only legend. He entered it and from there was granted access to a welth of knowledge, and new magical abilities. When he emerged from its halls time had passed outside more than he had thought. 500 years had passed he was still in his youth and now had a whole new world and adventures ahead of him
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meetsinglesusa · 2 years ago
Popular Chicken Fried Rice Recipe | Chicken Fried Recipe
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How to make Classic Lasagna with Ricotta cheese’ at home?
The word “lasagna” or “lasagne” is derived from the word “Laganon” which is a Greek word for pasta. Although many of us connect lasagna pasta with Italy, some claim that it actually originated in either Greece or England. The majority of reports, nevertheless, tend to suggest that the pasta meal as we know it today initially appeared in the Middle Ages in the Italian city of Naples.
The Classic Lasagna Recipe
Ricotta cheese is a popular ingredient in lasagnas because it gives the dish a creamy texture and delicious flavor.
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
Total Time: 1 hour 50 minutes
Learen more About click here:-
Chicken Fried Recipe
Popular Chicken Fried Rice Recipe
Chicken Food Fried Breast & Thigh Rice chili Receipe
Fried Chicken recipe
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gnar-slabdash · 2 years ago
I just learened there's also a character named Sophie Devereaux on The Vampire Diaries? I don't know what to do with this information. Probably nothing.
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lesbian-science-officer · 3 days ago
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typicalboiacop · 9 months ago
the first time i learened to tie my shoes was when i was in daycare. so with your own logic do you remember your first kill? what was it like?
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chickenfriedrecipe1 · 2 years ago
The Spinach Lasagna Recipe - Chicken Fried Receipe | Popular Chicken Food Fried Breast & Thigh Rice chili Receipe
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How to make Classic Lasagna with Ricotta cheese’ at home?
The word “lasagna” or “lasagne” is derived from the word “Laganon” which is a Greek word for pasta. Although many of us connect lasagna pasta with Italy, some claim that it actually originated in either Greece or England. The majority of reports, nevertheless, tend to suggest that the pasta meal as we know it today initially appeared in the Middle Ages in the Italian city of Naples.
The Classic Lasagna Recipe
Ricotta cheese is a popular ingredient in lasagnas because it gives the dish a creamy texture and delicious flavor.
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
Total Time: 1 hour 50 minutes
Learen more About click here:-
lasagna recipe
banana bread recipe
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potato soup recipe
chili recipe
chinese chicken fried rice recipe
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